#oh worm? 🐛
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whorcruxes · 5 months ago
this is my first entry for @ouatprompts whumptober <3
day 6: shocking sunday
‘magic with a cost’
(or it could also fit day 26’s painful transformation/loss of autonomy/control but shhh im impatient while simultaneously also being a procrastinator)
Read on AO3
Would You Still Love Me?
Killian pressed another kiss to Emma’s skin, pouting as he posed his question.
“But would you still love me were I a worm love?” 
Emma laughed, popping another piece of popcorn into her mouth as the movie continued to play in the background, detached from their conversation as it kept chugging along in its cheesy dialogue. 
“Yes, Killian, I’d still love you if you suddenly shrunk and transformed into a wriggly bug.” She ruffled her hands through his dark hair, unable to resist the temptation. “I’d turn myself into one to be with you and we’d be a happy little worm family.”
Killian glared at her, protectively curving his hand around her stomach. “Not with the babe you wouldn’t.” 
“Thank you for listening to your dashing rapscallion of a husband for once Swan.” Killian grinned, waggling his brows up at her from his spot on her lap. It had always been one of his favourite spots but its sentimentality had grown considerably in the last few months. 
“Whoa babe.” Emma warned. “I’d hunt your worm ass down and force you to come back. You’re not getting away that easily.” 
“I’d very much enjoy that love. Hunt me down whenever you wish.” 
Killian propped himself up to give Emma a sound kiss and then lowered back down into her lap. As he pressed his lips to her stomach to where their daughter rested, a roaring wave of light shot through them and out across Storybrooke. 
Her heart plunged down her throat. The weight of her husband had simply just vanished. 
“Killian?!” Emma shrieked in horror and scrambled up in the bed as fast as her stomach would allow. 
He was. 
He was a worm. 
But he wasn’t so shocked as she. 
He didn’t have space to hold that shock. His eyes screamed in terror as they shrunk into nothing. The blinding light scalded his photoreceptor cells and he yelled until his throat was hoarse. But his efforts were futile, no sound ricocheted out of his vocal chords out into the void he was now in. 
Writhing forward, his muscles pitched his head down into the folds of sheets that were now mountains to his tiny form. His gizzard, full and content before, was now demanding more organic matter to shovel into it. 
His mind didn’t retain much at that moment, but it was full of fear for his Swan’s reaction. She must be terrified and absolutely distraught and that was simply unacceptable in his worm brain. He struggled forward again, trying to grasp a good hold on the bed around him as he suffocated in the cloud of fabric that had become vast oceans and peaks. 
He had been down one hand before in his human form, but relying on hydraulics and the segmented quality of his body instead of three very moveable limbs was agony. 
With no sense of where or how it happened, his body was disconnected from the ground and in sudden freefall as air angrily whipped around him. The twists and turns discombobulated him. He had no connection to sight. To his hearing. 
All he felt was the vibrations of a large being moving back and forth above him. He was in its hold, held prisoner to the whims of the sky. 
But then he plopped down onto a smooth surface. It was unlike the skin that surrounded his own body, but it was nice and warm, sending tickles through him as it swayed underneath. He would be content to lie here until the rest of his days. 
But that would not be. 
He was once again transferred elsewhere. The dirt was nice and moist against his drying skin but he missed the lovely warmth of the hand he had been held safely in before. It was more familiar to him. 
But it did not return. He had no sense of time as a worm. He wouldn’t be able to comprehend it. But he dug and he dug, gorging himself on the matter around him and coating his body in dirt. He compacted himself further and further into the soil until his head smacked against something hard and rebounded. His path changed and changed and changed as his head smacked the same thing over and over again. He could not escape the soil and he could not escape the prison he was in. He could not escape his body. 
The sadness overwhelmed his small body with no outlet for it to be released. It built and built inside him as he trudged forwards with no end in sight. No tears came and he feared he would explode with the longing and grief. He convulsed, seizing as he swam through the soil. 
But wait, he felt those warm hands pluck him out once more, pulling him closer and closer to that feeling he had longed for but could not name. 
And his photoreceptor cells exploded into eyes and his segmented body burst into arms and legs and structured organs once more. 
The first sight with his returned human eyes was blurry with tears, from all the accumulated feelings and pain his worm body could not process before. But he knew who it was even with the way the sight was a blurry watercolour before him. With a gasp he fell to his knees, hugging the owner of the warmth that was his saving grace in his most distressing form. 
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darkstarloaf · 10 months ago
Hehe I thought it was funny
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breadhalfburnt · 10 months ago
lying on my bed staring up at the ceiling with the most dead eyed expression clawing at the blankets writhing in agony like a common worm wiggle wiggle
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rhiandoesfandom · 4 months ago
Stolas: so then if you love me too...
Blitz: yeah 🥺
Stolas: Then should we....
Blitz: Date?Kiss? Get married? 🥹
Stolas: 😯 uh....
Blitz: oh no you don't want to 😭
Stolas: no no I do!!! I just didn't think you...
Blitz: *gets on knees and holds onto his hand and kisses it* I am but a worm 🐛
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notapervertjustabugbear · 5 months ago
inch worm crawling up your arm
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Oh, hi there...!
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ziipzeepzop-eez · 1 year ago
leoichi as adoptive parents hcs! | platonic, found family, two goobers and a 'baby'.
they're just dumb and in love. both with each other, and you.
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
𝒂/𝒏: this is just pure brainrot tbh. shameless self indulgence of these dorks. word vomit that I definitely tried to format in a someday coherent way. ridiculous amount of fluff imho. the embodiment of spongebob's house when it got sucked dry by all them sea worms......whatever tf they were: yeah that's my brain being reduced to mush after FINALLYYYYY getting it all out. /lhj
Say it with me, now. *raises hands like a maestro* Blaaaaaaaame the brainnnnwoorrrrmmmss. 🐛💥🧠
anyway enjoy your ✨fruitbowl parents✨ agenda. ᡣ𐭩
leo 🫐
such. a mother.
always fretting over your health and safety :(( he just wants you to be safe !! happy !! healthy !! always.
big hugger/cuddler: i’m talking big ol’ bear hugs, snuggles, smothering your face in kisses, play-fighting (he makes sure not to hurt you!), head rubs/pats, the whole shabang.
of course, if you’re not comfortable with physical touch– he doesn’t overstep your boundaries!
there are so many different ways he showcases his love and affection to you; he’s a very caring parent.
very protective over you.
not in the prohibiting/constrictive sense, but in the best way that you know he’s always got your back.
both him and yui are fairly protective over you– and both of them always got your back– dgmw, but leo will throw down if your reputation/safety is on the line.
teaches you boundaries (in all aspects including others and yourself) and how to enforce them. gets a bit violent when protecting yours in the moments your boundaries are crossed.
you're his baby and nobody’s allowed to mess w his babies >:((
don’t get me started ✋🏼 on if it’s a.... *speaks cautiously* bullying situation.
as much as he clowns the aspect of them, leo can be a bit of a karen himself when it comes to your reputation/safety!
(& truthfully i think yui would play peacekeeper of sorts, especially if leo starts getting really heated but that's only if it escalates really badly. but tbh he can be just as intense. they're both always ready to throw down for you, anywhere, anytime.)
real talk: it's not so much the child as it will be the parents leo snarks at. he’s knowledgeable in the fact that behaviors are learned. taught.
while intolerant to any behavioral that bring you discomfort, he's glaring holes into the parental figures/guardians, hackles raised, and Lord above is it more. than enough.
leo – for all the jokester that he is – knows how to hunker down and get serious and boy oh boy does that man get serious when his beloveds are involved.
he is very good at reading people. he has a sharp judge of character. and he'll take up any business with whoever is responsible for your offender's-in-question wellbeing; if their behaviors reflect the hostilities you were met with.... well, there's not really much else to say, is there?
he'll throw down with the parents and he'll throw down wITH THE KID(S) TOO HE DOES NOT GIVE A FRESH DAMN.
girl fu them kids and fu you too energy. /hj
everybody’s getting schooled on this day and it ain’t gonna be by the teachers. 💥💥💥
takes you out for food and sweet treats after such a harrowing ordeal 😮‍💨 is probably still ranting long after they've picked you up from school and has to he calmed down by yui lol. and if you don’t like sweets, he’ll get you a cute little gift from the shops! :)
he just wants to see you smile, man. 💔 anything for you.
later on, back home, he sits you down and speaks to you in a warm, lovely tone. he inquires about anything else that might've gone down, any icky thoughts in that little head of yours..?
reassures you that none of it was your fault. comforts you in every way possible because like i said, leo is very good at reading people. how much more would he get to know you— his child? he knows how to make you feel better. no matter what.
but on the chance that you may have started something.... mmmm.
his parental patented scolding techniques come in. probs the "I'm not mad, just Disappointed." type. AND IT HURTTTTTS EVERY SINGLE TIME.
(but this is Very Rare seeing as he'd raise you with manners and good behavior he don't play none of that mess.)
you don't have to say anything. you can say something, deny it. affirm it. if it bothered you, genuinely, he'll know. if it didn't — he'll know it too.
either way, he ruffles your head and smiles that smile down at you. "you're everything to me. you know that, right?"
you do.
calls you by the cutest endearments in spanish !! the most common are: mijo/a, mi tesoro, mi vida, burbuja/burbujita, and cielo. mi is always a constant at the front of them :')) he's just so proud that you're his kid.
speakin’ of which– if you speak Spanish/pick it up from him, he gets so smiley and giddy :(( and y’all just have convos of silly jokes and sweet nothings that seem like not much out the ordinary in the moment but it's memories in the making and you look back on them and and, he just looks at you with so much fondness and :((( i am so SAD.
sings to you a lot. especially by means of comfort. sure, he'll burst into an impromptu dance and song number that's so ridiculous, so silly, but so entertaining that it's bound to put a smile on your face (his ulterior motives all along muahahahaaa!).
he also sings you lullabies. especially when you have a nightmare that's shaken you badly enough to tears. he's by your side in an instant, shushing you gently, wiping your face and reassuring you that he's there and that he won't let anything hurt you, ever.
movie night cuddles! if you and yui fall asleep before him, he'll adjust so you're all in one big cuddle pile. in the following morning he'll lightheartedly complain about it, but trust me. it's his favorite thing ever. (being curled up and cozy and safe with the two biggest centers of his universe.)
takes you to see your favorite uncles, aunties, and grampa splinter! sometimes he'll sit back and just watch you interact with them, his Proud Dad™ aura threatening to soften him and everyone in his closest vicinity to mush, and only snaps out of it when met with a teasing quip from one of his siblings.
casey is the cool nomad older brother/uncle figure who visits every so often and he's just, so exceedingly cool to you. he brings you souvenirs from his travels and spends a lot of quality time with you - y'all's relationship is lighthearted and fun loving!
—and leo cries because his kids omg his- their kids are so stinkin cute and wholesome and yui yui,,they really built themselves their castle on the hill didn't they omgomgomgomg guaaaaueueueuueue *cue rabbit paw shoulder pats of support*
because of leo's insomnia, he's your constant nighttime company. on the nights where sleep just doesn't come so easily, you can count to find him lounging about in the house somewhere. he'll fret gently if he sees you awake at an ungodly hour, but ultimately welcomes you with open arms.
▹▹ p. s. his chest is a prime cuddle-hug-back-to-sleep haven. with his deep churrs, one large hand rubbing comfortingly over your back, the warmth that creates coupled with the natural coolness from his body - it'll have you out like a light. worked when you were younger, works now. always will.
always the jokester, sooososo many jokes and lighthearted teasing with this guy. of course we know his jokes are insufferably constant (what? he's a dad now! he can ACTUALLY USE DAD JOKES AND THEY'LL ACTUALLY HIT HOME!!), but get this: the teasing - while good-natured - comes with the afterthought of teaching you subconsciously to hold your ground. it's his way of "raising you tough."
howbeit: if you're naturally sensitive, leo will protect it with all he's got. reassures you that sensitivity does not equal weakness and gets his esteemed example to deepen those teachings!
(( "look at uncle angie!! he cried over the fact that snakes don't have any arms yesterday. (/ref + /lh) and he's one of the strongest in our hamato-usagi battalion!"
"why would you say tone indicators out loud, papa?" ))
it's just— the world can be a dark and unforgiving place, with even darker and more unforgiving people.
as much as it pains him, he knows him and yuichi aren't always going to be there to protect you from every little thing. forever seems like it right now, but you still have so much growing to do.
he wants to make sure you'll be able to hold your own. not only physically, but emotionally/verbally.
the principles and lessons he teaches you are tidbits of gold that shape your mind and future and you carry them with you for a long time to come, whether you know it or not.
to conclude this- trust. you definitely know how to fight. at the very most defend yourself and others if need be !! i mean c'mon: you're the heir to a ninja and a samurai ! you know how to throw a punch just as well as you can parry it.
while they teach you the core value of never starting the fight and walking away to deescalate, they also teach you to kick names and take ass. (/ref) ain't nobody messin' with you, champ. 😎
—and if they do? they have a wholeeee clan to deal with now. because anyone who has a problem with you has a problem with all of your family — both sides.
in living out their motto, anata wo hitori janai, with you — he seems to relearn it in a special way each and every time.
and he wouldn't have it any other way. <3
yuichi 🍇
doesn’t always use pet names, but he says your name so fondly all the time – just beholds you like you’re the absolute treasure of his life (which you basically are tbh) – it feels like an endearment all its own.
your gentle force: he’s the one you turn to when everything gets too loud, too harsh, too overwhelming, too much.
y’all are mad in tune; all it takes is one look (not specifically in the eyes).
he’d pull you close. his fur is warm, soft, smells like tea leaves and incense and home.
given the situation – if you wanted silence, that’s what he’d give you.
if you needed something other than the ringing in your ears, something other than your mind, he hums.
he hums, pets your head, rocks you back and forth – right there in his lap. (you’ll never be too big, too old, for them to hold you.)
if you don't prefer being held, he'll give you your space. rest assured, he's respectful just like leo and doesn't ever want to make you uncomfortable. but he does stay close. if you ever need him, he'll always be close by.
even if you guys don't talk, it's just reassuring having his presence close by. to know you're not (and never will be) alone.
he holds you .... in a different way. 🥹
if you need words, he tells you every little thing he loves about you. tells you why you’re his.
he tells you how he admires you– not only as his child, but as an individual.
he reminds you that you will always have a place in his heart, nestled right between leo.
for all his harebrained-ness (see what i did there? *wheeze, knee slap*) – there’s no second-guessing his intense fondness for you. alongside leo, you're his heart and he moves in it every single day.
his friends are all your godparents.
now hear me out: yes, they could all be your aunties/uncles, and in a way they are!!
i mean, that's what you call them sometimes too! but gen, chisa and kitsune are his platonic soulmates. they just... locked in. 🔐🫂
so they're all just that little bit closer than your standard "auntie" and "uncle." ❤️‍🩹
they're your favorite babysitters. on yuichi's side of the family, anyway!
yui is a bit of a klutz, but somehow. he always. manages. to catch you. before you fall. before you even have the chance to trip up!
chalk it up to his samurai honed skills, his training paying off, his newfound parental instincts, a whirlwind of all three! he will gladly fall ass over kettle because he'll be damned if you're at risk to gain a scratch or two on his watch.
onlookers would suspect that leo is the more "involved" parent between them both, but that's a load of crock.
be it because yui's aura isn't as imposing as his beloved turtle counterpart that leads to this train of thought or not, it couldn't be farther from the truth! yui is the one who's constantly hovering (/pos).
he moves seamlessly, as natural as air, through the movements of your life that sometimes... it can almost seem like he isn't there. but like air, you know he's there, and you reap the benefits every single day.
cuddles with him are supreme as well! he's fluffy and warm. his embrace just speaks volumes of safety and familiarity.
every time you're near him you feel a little sleepy because it's so warm and safe :(( especially if you're not feeling too good! when you're feeling under the weather, he's the first you subconsciously seek out :'((((((
makes sure you're getting your food groups every single day. fruit and veggie platters, afternoons spent in the garden outside of your home, sunshine and the smell of fresh soil and sliced cucumbers are what made your childhood summers just that more magical.
scolds leo if he feeds you too much junk loll.
yuichi is like your vitamin, both figuratively and literally. he's learned so much from growing up on the farm with his grandmother, natural remedies are his forte.
in this additional sense, he teaches you farm work. four times out of ten, it ends in disaster, maybe or maybe not including a massacred watermelon grove, but through trial and error, you've managed to keep a good portion of accurate agriculture and gardening knowledge ingrained in the long-term area of your brain. 🙏🏼
gets nervous when you go out :(( he's of course happy that you get your freedom, but he can't help but to feel antsy whenever you're out of he and leo's sights; it's not that he doesn't trust you, he's just a worrywart /aff.
so! without fail, each time: before you go out, he'll kneel down to gently bonk foreheads with you, closes his eyes, and speaks an old Japanese blessing of safety and wellbeing over you. something he learned from his grandmother.
whereas leo is ecstatic to teach you the way of the sword (and is methodical with it too dw), yuichi may as well faint himself into a coma each time.
he gets much better when you're older, of course, even teaches you himself. but when you were younger? heeeheesh.... nobody. will forget the incident at the 6th Birthday Party Swordsmanship Knighthood Round Table Esk Extravaganza.
(fake blood was involved. a lighthearted prank gone wrong amidst the already electric atmosphere of cake and fun. a prank gone hard hearted, if you will. yuichi fainted twice, vomited once, and catapulted leo out of a window. the pigs got out of the pen. the koi fish were fished out of the pond. law enforcement was contacted. donnie's confetti canons backfired at one point. you guys are still finding glitter in random spots in the house to this day. it was madness.)
takes you on hikes and new adventures! you guys are always getting into something, whether it's discovering a new shadow dancing group in town's square or accidentally liberating a herd of cattle from a neighboring farmhouse auction, these make the best memories with him. because he exuded glee and held you close the entire time.
in calm moments, yui would recount tales of his ancestors to you. especially that of his great great grandfather (?? how many greats were there I'm sorry ajshdjd) - while you look up at him in wonder.
and in moments when you're not looking- he looks at you in wonder too. a wonder that only a parent could hold for their beloved child.
your dads sing to you. they both do that a lot, actually.
i imagine you get so used to hearing a little croon here, a gentle hum there … so much so that pure radio silence settles discomfort in your bones. there was always something.
even the little things that nudge you a reminder in the subconscious voices of your parents: you're here, you're alive, we're here for you, we'll always be here for you, i love you.
their songs make your outlook on life a little lighter. something more melodic. like the songs they sing you.
home becomes a song to you, unconsciously.
if someone were to ask you to define home to you . . .
it’s the bone-crushing hugs of your turtle dad. the deep, all-encompassing warmth. the smell of tea leaves, incense, bamboo wood – the sound of soft laughter, sing-songy words, horrendous dad jokes and endless puns. the constant words of affirmation that pick you up in your lowest moments and raise you even higher at your best. the gentle forehead bonks. both: sci-fi comics series and legends of samurai and ninja alike as wondrous bedtime stories. warm eyes, even warmer hands grasping yours. reassurance. safety. the love of your family.
love incarnate.
home is love. love is home.
with parents like them,
you will never go hungry.
you will never cry nor be alone.
you will never fight with nobody by your side. 
you will never be unwanted.
you will never sing songs of your sorrow without it being sunrisen by joy.
you will never, ever go unloved.
you're the brightest light in their lives and they make sure you know it, every single day! 🌟
© ziipzeepzop-eez all reservations apply.
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monmatch · 1 year ago
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Haha, oh worm? 🧠🐛🐛🐛
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did-someone-say-aliens · 1 year ago
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(new!) pinned post bbgs!!
i am unable to donate to any Gaza/genocide campaigns because i’m a minor, AND I HAVE NO MONEY. but i’m more than willing to reblog and platform campaigns!!
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Dni List: Homophobes, Racists, 18+ content or blogs, Sexists, Fujoshis, MAPs, ableists, proshippers, nsfw agere, Transphobes, TERFS AND RADFEMS >:/
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Accounts: @kinnie-central (i only post on there once in a blue moon) I post kinnie bingos on there. and @costasella is an rp blog for my pressure oc :) @cr-polls is where I do. well. cookie run polls :D
Pronouns: my main pronouns are they/he/it/xe :]
Extended pronoun list: Bug/clown/alien/cat/paw/kit/aer/elau/delau/cupcake/glitter/snail/rain/plant/dino/worm/dragon/draer/draerself/rocks/xe/xyr/scene/:3/gloo/kandi/honk/xir/ze/ne/ nym/nis/nim/ner/phey/phem/ve/vem/ver/vim/ce/cir /moth/mothself/ghostself
emoji pronoun list: 👽/👾/🐝/🪱/🐛/🐌/🦕/🪼/🐟/🐳/🍄/🥀/🍮/🎲/♟️/🎥/📼/🎞️/📺/📻🕰️/🗝️/♠️/🍓
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Roleplay info under the cut! :D
Fandoms I rp: I love roleplaying and my dms are always always always open! Absolutely NO nsfw. NONE. I may not always answer super fast. I get demotivated really easily too just fair warning T-T
ROLEPLAYS: closed for now!
Roleplay Information! Just to skip past the whole HUSTLE BUSTLE OOH what character do you want to be oh but i wanted to be that character, I'll list the ones I usually play as for the fandoms I roleplay :) If there is more than one listed it's not because I rp all of them in the same one, it's if you wanna be that character then I can be a different one and I'll be ok with it :)
Aggretsuko: Shikabane, Fenneko
Ace Attorney: Apollo, Edgeworth, Ema Skye
Amphibia: Marcy, Dr. Jan
Adventure Time: Fern, Magic Betty, Simon
BSD: Dazai, Ranpo, Edgar, Fyodor, Nikolai, Kyōka
Battle Kitty: Orc, Zaza, Kitty, Aeon
Cookie Run: Pure Vanilla, Mystic Flour, Elder Faerie, Espresso, Affogato
Dsaf: Dee
Danganronpa: Sayaka, Mikan, Chiaki, Nagito, Kokichi, Angie, Tsumugi
Undertale/Deltarune/UT AUs: Dream/Shattered, Ink, Fatal Error, Geno, Blueberror, Alphys, Sans, Papyrus, Muffet, Napstablook, Kris, Jevil, Seam
DDLC: Yuri, Sayori
Dogman: Any
Dandy's World: Astro, Razzle & Dazzle, Twisted Glisten
Death Note: L, Near, Misa, Teru (sometimes???)
Dialtown: Phonegingi, Karen
DHMIS: Yellow Guy, Sketchbook, Lesley
ENA: Ena, Merci, Shepherd
FNAF: Charlie/Puppet, Sundrop, Moondrop, Eclipse, Withered Bonnie, Lefty, Lolbit, Ballora
Ghost and Pals: Christopher, Arc, Cakey, Creative Piko, Kennith, Epta, Evelyn J.
Hello Puppets: Riley
Invader Zim: GIR, Gaz, Zim
Lalaloopsy: Rosy Bumps N Bruises, Bea Spells A Lot, Spot Splatter Splash, Crumbs Sugar Cookie, Pillow Featherbed, Charlotte Charades, Dot Starlight, Furry Grrs A Lot, Haley Galaxy
MLP: Fluttershy, Twilight Sparkle, Sci-Twi, Starlight Glimmer
Max & Ruby: Max
MHA: Tsuyu Asui, Mei Hatsume, Tamaki Amajiki, Kinoko Komori, Anan Kurose (Thirteen), Reiko Yanagi, Mawata Fuwa
Monster High: Frankie, Twyla, Draculaura, Rebecca
MCSM: Olivia, Jesse, Xara
Night in the Woods: Mae
Omori: Sunny, Basil
Over the Garden Wall: Any
Octonauts: Peso, Tweak
Ouran High School Host Club: Haruhi
Project Sekai: Nene Kusanagi, Mafuyu Asahina, Rui Kamishiro, Ena Shinonome, Emu Otori
Pressure: Any
PPG: Bubbles, HIM
Popee the Performer: Eepop, Popee
Pokemon: N, Kieran, Allister, Piers, Klara
Portal: Any
Raggedy Ann: Any
Regretevator: Party Noob, Prototype, Scag, Bive
Splatoon: Any
Sesame Street: Any
Stardew Valley: Maru, Krobus, Shane
Star Vs. The Forces of Evil: Eclipsa, Celena
She-Ra: Entrapta, Double Trouble
Sanrio: Any
Sonic: Silver, Tails, Shadow
Skullgirls: Painwheel, Marie, Squigly
Steven Universe: Spinel, Peridot, Blue Diamond, Blue Pearl, Rainbow Quartz 2.0
Smile For Me: Kamal, Questionette, Dr Habit
Shopkins: Any
Steve Saga: Green Steve, Rainbow Steve
TTS/Vat7k: Cassandra, Varian, Nuru
TWF: Banny, Susan, Billy
TMC: Any
TMA: Michael (Pre-spiral and spiral), Helen (Spiral), Nikola Orsinov, Anabelle Cane
The Lego Movie: Benny, Unikitty
Trolls: Any
The Stanley Parable: Any
TOH: Hunter, Raine, The Collector
TMNT (mostly rottmnt): Donnie
Vocaloid: Fukase, Yowane Haku, YohioLOID, Vflower
Welcome Home: Wally, Sally, Poppy
Wordgirl: Dr Two Brains, Toby, Wordgirl
Yuppie Psycho: Tiki-Taka
Yandere Sim: Oka Ruto, Amai Odayaka, Supana Churu
Yo Gabba Gabba: Plex
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FANDOMS: (oh boy here we go. I have no life can you tell?)
Purple- Fandoms I love to roleplay!
Orange- Fandoms I roleplay sometimes.
White- Fandoms I don't roleplay (but am still in)
Animal Jam, Aggretsuko, Animal Crossing, Ace Attorney, Avatar the Last Airbender, Angel Hare, Alice in Wonderland, Amphibia, Adventure Time, Angel Beats, A Short Hike, Animaniacs, A Mall Near You, Ann, Attack on Titan, Bungo Stray Dogs, Bigtop Burger, Bandori, BURNER, BFDI, Bendy and the Ink Machine, Bluey, Blue’s Clues, Battle Kitty, Bonnie’s Bakery, Baldi’s Basics, Blackout Hospital, Cookie Run, Crowscare, Cemetery Mary, Camp Here and There, Critterspace, Captain Underpants, Corpse Factory, Cuphead, Creepy Tale, Dayshift at Freddy’s, Danganronpa, Deltarune, Doors, Doki Doki Literature Club, Dungeons & Dragons, Dogman, Dandy’s World, Death Note, Dialtown, Demon Slayer, Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared, Death and Taxes, Death Mark, Ensemble Stars, ENA, Ever After High, Five Nights at Freddy’s, Fundamental Paper Education, Fatum Betula, FNF, Ghost and Pals, Gorillaz, Good Omens, Genshin Impact, Ghost Eyes, Gravity Falls, GRIS, Gavril, Hello Charlotte, HFJONE, Happy Tree Friends, Honkai Star Rail, Hooky, Homestuck, Hello Puppets, Hero Hours Contract, House, Hypnospace Outlaw, Harmony and Horror, It’s Not Me It’s My Basement, Inside Job, Inanimate Insanity, Invader Zim, Indigo Park, John Doe, Kirby, K-On!, Littlest Pet Shop, Lego Monkie Kid, Lego Batman, Lord of the Rings, Lalaloopsy, Lucky Star, Lain, League of Enthusiastic Losers, Little Nightmares, Looking Up I See Only A Ceiling, Lost in Random, Leftovers, My Little Pony, Max and Ruby, Minecraft, Marionetta, My Hero Academia, Monster High, Moon Phase, Minecraft Story Mode, Mad Father, Milk Inside a Bag of Milk, Milky Way Prince, Mario, Night in the Woods, Ninjago, Nimona, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Needy Streamer Overload, Nana, Ni no Kuni Wrath of the White Witch, Omori, Over the Garden Wall, OK K.O, Octonauts, Ouran Highschool Host Club, One-Eyed Lee and the Dinner Party, Project Sekai, Pressure, Parappa the Rapper, Powerpuff Girls, Pepper’s Playhouse, Popee the Performer, Pretty Cure, Pokemon, Portal, Regretevator, Raggedy Ann, Rumbling Hearts, Resident Evil, Rythm Heaven, Splatoon, Secret Alliance, Star Trek, Sesame Street, Stardew Valley, Strawberry Shortcake, Star Vs The Forces of Evil, Sailor Moon,  She-Ra, Spooky Month, Sanrio, Spiderverse, Studio Ghibli, Saiki K, Sonic the Hedgehog, Skullgirls, Steven Universe, Sally Face, Smile for Me, Shopkins, Steve Saga, Tangled the Series, The Sun and Moon Show, The Future Diary, Twelve Forever, The Thief and The Cobbler, The Walten Files, The Mandela Catalog, The Magnus Archives, The Lego Movie, Tattletail, The Muppets, Toilet Bound Hanako Kun, Trolls, The Stanley Parable, The Case Study of Vanitas, The Legend of Zelda, Twisted Wonderland, The Hobbit, The Owl House, TMNT, The Amazing World of Gumball, Transformers, The Prototype, Undertale, Undertale AUs, Underverse, Unikitty, Vocaloid, Varian and the Seven Kingdoms, Welcome to the Night Vale, Watamote, Wander over Yonder, Welcome Home, Wordgirl, Yuppie Psycho, Yandere Simulator, Your Turn to Die, Yo Gabba Gabba, Yu Gi Oh, Yume Nikki
KIND OF fandoms that I'm in kind of/have been in/am no longer in/know of: TADC, Hazbin/Helluva Boss, Musicals, Encanto, Barbie, SCP, Naruto, Scooby Doo, Care Bears, Jujutsu Kaisen, Dragon Ball Z, Dead by Daylight, Red Dead Redemption, Peach Girl, Amanda the Adventurer, Calico, Connection Haunted, Delicious in Dungeon, Our Wonderland, Dead Plate, Therapy With Dr Albert Krueger, Vincent the Secret of Meyers
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angeledeggs · 1 year ago
Could you do the m6 and courteirs with a short [like around 5ft] s/o?
Yes!! Relatable, I'm barely above 5'2 also 😭😭
Way too smug about it
Like, they're only around 5'5-5'6, it's not like it's a big height difference, but they still while just look at you and start snickering at your height.
He'll probably rest his hand on your hand and grin down at you, just to mess with you
Makes a few comments about you being 'pocket sized' and things of the sort, and won't stop making horrible height jokes
(Asra literally makes dad jokes stg)
Will always just tilt their chin up when you go to kiss them, just to play with you a bit until they finally lean down and kiss you
Oh my god he loves it.
He has no end of adorable nicknames for you, as he's nearly six foot, and will call you thinks like, "שורטי" or "tiny" just to mess with you.
Will definitely do that thing where he'll just slowly start leaning until he's using your head as an armrest as he smirks down at you.
Will purposely not lean down to kiss you and be like oh no?? Are you not tall enough?? Before he starts laughing his ass off.
Will like, manspread by grabbing onto the tops of doorways just to flex that he's taller lol.
Thinks it's cute.
He's around six foot but probably will only tease you about your height sometimes.
After all, he does think it's very cute and he doesn't want you to be insecure about it.
He'll always lean down to give you a kiss, or pick you up if you'd prefer that.
Might pay your head though, just for convenience (that's what he tells himself, at least)
Her heels are even more useful, now.
She's slightly above average height too, but will definitely tease you.
She might give you some of her heels if you like them to be a bit taller, but she loves your height
She thinks it's adorable, honestly.
Will probably call you something cute cause of your height like "छोटा" or "tiny".
She dosent do that thing where she uses your as an armrest, but she definitely might pretend to sit her cup on your head for a few seconds to mess with you, because she's silly. (eee she's so silly I love her!!!)
Finally, she's taller than someone!
While she might only be a couple of inches taller than you, she will absolutely flaunt it.
She might even wear heels and insist you're shrinking.
Just like her brother, if she's able to, she'll use your head as an armrest to mess with you.
She probably also loves to give you forehead kisses and stuff cuz of the height difference!!
As if he wasn't cocky enough.
He's doing literally everything in his power to tease you.
Like, literally, he's leaning on your head, setting things on your head, pressing a tape measure up your height, all he can do to mess with you.
It amuses him to no end, especially if you laugh or get grumpy about it.
He's a little shit though, and probably does it just cause he thinks it's funny.
Thinks it's also very cute though.
He never says anything about it.
But that doesn't mean he can't totally mess with you for it.
He'll definitely hide some of your heeled shoes if you have any for fun, but he will give them back if you ask.
He'll like, very subtlety lean against you so that the height difference is more obvious.
If you slouch, he just grins a bit, cause that makes me you look even shorter, and he also definitely stands to his full height.
He likes being taller, it makes him feel more confident. Dosent mean he dislikes your height though, he really adores it.
This motherfucker is tall as SHIT
Like taller than Julian lever kind of tall not as tall as Valdemar (SHH IGNORE CANON SHHH SHHH) but this bitch is just like TALL.
He's usually taller than everyone else, but having such a height difference on you makes him chuckle to himself.
He'll tease you by comparing you to one of his worms, and will probably pat your head and playfully push it down.
Might even measure you once or twice and be like oh, yes, you're very small, haha
Insists that you must have been "destined" to be short, to be their side table.
You think it's bad that Valerius might tap his wine glass against your head? WELL VAL IS LITERALLY 10 TIMES WORSE
They'll set their tools or papers on your head for minutes at a time and literally won't take them off till you start begging.
Might tug you up to kiss them just cause they can, or deny you kisses until you figure out a way to reach them.
All in all, they're very happy about it.
Very happy.
Like I'd say she's around 5'2 MAYBE 5'3 so she's just happy to have a partner that's her height.
She dosent really tease you, more like she just jokes sometimes about how she's happy to have someone the same height as her for good kissing.
She also like might wear heels and be like oh my god what did you know turns out I'm taller.
She also jokes about you two having it good because you both 'get hit by rain last'.
She honestly loves it she thinks you two being the same height is so awesome .
They are so smug.
They're only around 5'5 or PERHAPS 5'6 there's only a couple of inches in height difference, but they'll never miss the opportunity to tease you about it.
They might even wear heels just to show that THEY are taller, NOT you.
They kind of make it a competition, just like everything else.
But they also won't miss the opportunity to compliment your height, mention that they think it's adorable.
Will lean on your head and give you a few forehead kisses because you're the perfect height for it
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cyanideoreo · 1 year ago
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Oh he’s gonna give people brain worms 🐛 🧠
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definitelynotshouting · 7 months ago
hey its been a HOT MINUTE since i've even glanced at your blog (category 1 hurricane and several weeks of being sick) BUT i would like to inform you that I looked into isat and immediately was like "oh yeah. i see. i know what you are."
Omfgs bug anon i hope u are doing okay now 😭😭😭😭 sending you the absolute best of wishes!!!! being sick is one thing and going through a hurricane is an entirely different can of worms but going through both at the same time??? thats fucking CRAZY dude i hope things have settled more now for you 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Tbh there hasnt been much going on over here aside from me entering crunch month for the hotguy comics zine(thology) 😭😭😭 its exciting work but MAN THIS TO-DO LIST IS CRAZY LOOK AT THIS SHIT
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every day i suffer <- enjoying himself immensely
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evengirlierballs · 2 years ago
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Oh worm! 🐛
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pinklemonade0w0 · 2 months ago
Wanna be worms with me?🐛🐛
Oh totally 🐛
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hazelenergy · 2 months ago
◎ oh worm?
Oh worm 🐛🪱
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kalopsiavn · 2 years ago
Will the LIs still love me if I turn into a little worm? ✨🐛
Cain: "My dear...why would you turn into a worm? Are you perhaps cursed? Oh no! Lord, please forgive them! Let me bless you!"
Aiden: "WHAT?! WHY AND HOW?! I mean..you would be a cute worm...NOTHING! I SAID NOTHING!"
Isaiah: "Hmm..I wouldn’t mind having a worm tattoo on me I guess~ If it's you, carino~"
Haruto: "I will feed you to a bird BAHHAHA!"
Axel: "I will put you in a jar, darling~ I will put water and food on a little dish for you so I can watch you aaaalll day~ Hehe~ I mean it's one of my hobbies~ O-oh! No, no! I said nothing!"
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shorthairedbrownqueer · 2 years ago
Any song recs from the 1975?? Ive only listened to "love it if we made it" and " its not living if its not with you"
Oh god so many, you have opened a can of worms BRACE YOURSELF 🐛
Happy vibe
Me and you together, Guys, Chocolate, Sex, Girls, Sincerity is Scary, this must be my dream, Paris
Sad Vibe
Please be naked, Nana, 102, I always wanna die sometimes, woman, the birthday party, Jesus Christ god bless America,
So absolutely beautiful you don’t know what to do with it Vibe
By your side, You
All their songs are crazy good. And apparently the lead singer of 1975, Matty Healy is rumoured to be dating Taylor swift 👀
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