#hazel answers questions
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hazelenergy · 2 months ago
◎ top or bottom? I wana play splitscreen Mario Kart with u
Depends. Who's your main? Mines King Boo and dry bones.
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cubbihue · 6 months ago
I’m not sure if u have mentioned already, but why does more happy kids mean less food for the fairies? Do the wishes supply fairies with food or power/energy/mana?
And also if a godparent had taken a kid back to the fairy world, gotten a new godchild, then took that godchild back, would the two godchild’s become siblings?
How do fairies and antis switch courts? Would that cause them to switch colour palettes or purpose?
I rlly love the lore in this au and for some reason changeling Timmy is giving me the heebie-jeebies… can changelings become evil?
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"All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." - Leo Tolstoy.
A happy child does not dream. They do not crave or have wants, for all their needs are met. A child who does not yearn does not make wishes, which may cause magical buildup. This is why it is important to find the right child to grant wishes for.
In short! Fairies feed on a child's desires. They are easy to use, and they wish so often. By contrast, Anti-Fairies doesn't feed on desire, but on hope. This is why they are known to spread bad luck. The most unluckiest person is also the most hopeful.
Did you think Fairies were all positive and good and all things nice?
Bitties Series: [Start] > [Previous] > [Next]
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askthefairlynormalparentsau · 3 months ago
For Dev: Do you know Hazel? (Does he still give her those nicknames?)
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D: Perry could you not drop the “f-word” in front of the camera?
D: the PG rule applies to you too, tiny
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thunderstomm · 2 months ago
(I was so surprised when you followed me like you’re so cool shjsksksk I love your content and art!!)
Thank-You so much for the kind message !! I hope you had a wonderful day too, whether you were celebrating something or not!
I’m so happy to hear you like my artwork- it means so much to me!! 🥺
A bonus Hazel doodle for you !!
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kanerallels · 7 months ago
bestie!! Can you tell me about your book, Land of Tales? I may have just stalked the tag for a solid forty minutes and I’m dying to know more (I LOVE me some good fairytale retellings)
BESTIE I LOVE YOU FOR SENDING ME THIS ASK I'm so so honored?? Thank you so much!! (also same we love fairy tale retellings they're amazing)
OKAY SO! I'm gonna give you a brief overview of the book in case you didn't see what it's about, then I'll do some fun facts because I deserve it as a treat and I'm hyperfixating on my own book series right now (and also Valiant. Minor detail. LET'S MOVE ON)
The main plot: My girl Rebecca Wood lives on Earth, but never knew her parents. She discovers at the beginning of the book that she, and the family she never knew, is from the fairy tale world, and so she goes there with the help of this socially awkward cinnamon roll, Liam. We love Liam, and we feel bad about the amount of Horrors I put him through, including but not limited to social interactions and torture
The rest of the book is basically Rebecca and Liam's travels through Avena (fairy tale world) meeting fairy tale characters and evading the evil Empress Goldilocks (who has magic plants and fairy tale princesses for assassins). And there are more books. Or there will be. Four overall in the main series, two prequels, umm... *pauses to count* okay yeah there are a lot of stories post canon. And I've already written a handful of short stories for fun and profit!
And now it's fun facts about some of the characters time:
Cinderella is, as mentioned, an assassin! She has fabulous fashion taste, glass shoes that can morph into any shoe type she wants, and is incredibly sadistic. Her husband Gavin is what would happen if Jean-Ralphio Saperstein, Schimdt from New Girl, and Oscar from The Rookie were fused into one incredibly vain, lazy person who wore a lot of capes
Jack from Jack and the Beanstalk is a pirate (occasionally of the sky). He's married to a future seer who basically tricked him into taking her hostage the first time they met, and has two kids. They are utter gremlins and we love them
Alec and Risha, who I've been talking about lately, are from Camelot. Risha's dad is Sir Gareth, aka Gawain's cool brother. In my series, the people of Camelot have Australian accents because why not?
OH MY GOSH I JUST THOUGHT OF A CHARACTER I HAVEN'T TALKED ABOUT ON HERE okay his name is Bob. It's short for uhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm gonna be straight with y'all I don't remember his full name. It's really long. But he's the Magic Mirror from Snow White! He's a cursed prince who likes shipping his best friend with her love interest, and boba tea (if it exists in this universe. I shall ponder this) and he's just a little chaos gremlin and I would die for him
Somehow, every single ship in this series is enemies to lovers (except Alec and Risha, slow burn friends to idiots in love my beloved) and it's really funny to me. They're all different flavors of enemies to lovers, too. We've got "coworkers who annoy the crap out of each other to lovers", "I tried to kill your friends that one time and am involved in the organization that killed your brother but now we're working together and technically I'm engaged but it's a engagement of convenience and we're connecting to lovers", and one of my personal favorites, "you forced me to take you hostage that one time and now I'm stuck with you which is really annoying to lovers". There are, believe it or not, others
One more fun fact for the road: I have a book planned that's set after the series, and it's a combination of no less than three fairy tales at once. Possibly more, for all I know
Oh, and actually last of all! The first book in the series, which I shall not reveal the title of just yet because DRAMA, is finished! All polished up and shiny, and I'm currently looking into publishing options and cover artists! (also my girl a.spice is doing illustrations I can't wait for you guys to see them they're incredible)
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pokemonranch · 1 year ago
I'll be sayin' goodbye to Hazel in a couple hours, so I'll be closin' the Asks for today. She'll be on her way to Hoenn, and fortunately won't be leaving her Zekrom here at the ranch, but I'll be taking care of her team while she's away catching new friends!
It was a blast, thank you everyone who participated in this lil' event! And thank you for the questions!!!
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tobyislame · 1 year ago
Central heterochromia Toby, what do we think
me who has central heterochromia and also heavily projects onto toby. guess
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vroomian · 9 months ago
Random question but, what weird name do you call your cat that has no basis in anything other than vibes? I call Anna-Marie, my black and white cat, My Lumpy Pumpkin.
Not really? I don’t really use names for my cats unless I’m talking to other people. Otherwise they’re both just cat to me. I do call my brown cat stuff like baby, sweetie, honey and my white cat names like darling, sugar, sweetheart when I do use nicknames lol.
This is because brown cat is baby and white cat is a refined lady.
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b-plot-butch · 1 year ago
for the writing asks: 2, 10, 28, 33?
from this ask game (happy to answer more questions if anyone feels like asking 'em)
hi hi swan! thanks so much for sending an ask [pretend a shower of confetti falls over you when you press the "submit ask" button]
2. anything that you’d like to write but feel like you're unable to?
you know, i really would like to do more character studies. those fics are often the ones that stick with me the most. my only real stab at one myself is my lucienne fic (I HAVE NOT YET REPLIED TO YOUR COMMENT. because it makes me too emotional!!! but i will get there and thank you a million times for it!!!) which was SUCH a labor of love. but stories like that take even more effort and the process of writing is already so effortful :( which is why i don’t have 20 character study fics, as much as i’d like to be that kind of author.
10. top three favourite fic tropes
HURT/COMFORT. MISSING SCENE. DOMESTIC FLUFF. there are others!! these are just the first three i could pick out of the metaphorical hat
28. any writing advice that works for you and you feel like sharing?
uhhh. something i find helps sometimes is journaling by hand about my wips—not only doing drafts by hand, but just rambling about what points you’re stuck on, brainstorming stream-of-consciousness style about how you could continue xyz, articulating your goals for whatever scene you’re working on, noting what’s working well and what’s not, etc. for example, this is a transcription from my notebook of what i wrote while i was trying to figure out how to wrap up “our place in the sun” :
Okay, so how do I want to end this fic? “When Lucienne arrived back in the Dreaming, she was still smiling.” That’s not half-bad. [note: this line did not end up in the final cut] Buhbumbah, the lead-in to that…well, I know I want Calliope to ask Lucienne if she wants her to shave her head for her. So that’ll happen. Then, maybe they stand up, and they just hold each other for a moment. Calliope calls Lucienne beautiful. They kiss, and Lucienne thinks something about…how this love is hers. Okay, let’s try that! Hopping over to the laptop…
meander-y shit like that! :)
33. give your writing a compliment
ack, swan, bless you for picking this one for me <3 um. i think i generally have a solid grasp on sensory description? and…word flow? i can put words in order. yes. i also think i can usually pull off endings well! i like saving a bit of an extra oomph for the last few paragraphs; that’s something i love doing. (see: the ends of “the boy in his deathless arms” and “fly you high.”)
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hazelenergy · 1 year ago
who's your favorite Ventrue?
You're trying to get me killed, aintcha?
You see. Fina is my favorite Seneschal. Jackie is my favorite customer. Antonia is my favorite scholar. Prince Len is my favorite Ventrue Prince of the three Ventrue princes I've chatted with. Trying to pit these individuals against one another is kinda stupid and also like- totally against their clan dignitas or whatever. They're all favorites, how you could you make a little thinblood possibly choose?
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jaytoons7 · 2 years ago
4D for hazel!
(Please, of Couse! Take your time!)
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Hazel always wears her heart on her sleeve. So if she doesn't like somebody, She makes it obvious.
(I assumed you meant Hazel Juniper, Since I already drew Hazel Dex)
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thunderstomm · 6 months ago
What about Peri and Dexter? Also, does Peri's new godkid have a name/design and such, or are they just some ambiguous child left undefined? :P
Thanks for the ask!
Peri doesn't see Dex nearly as much as Cosmo and Wanda, since he's got his own godkid to deal with, and being a godparent is often a full-time gig. However, they have met on a few occasions! Dexter thinks that Peri is cool, and looks up to him and how outwardly eccentric he seems. (Dex has NOT seen the more anxious side of Peri that a younger Dev brought out). Peri doesn't have much experience with kids as young as Dexter is, but he is fond of him, and he likes that Dexter shows an interest in magic... even if it's the "fake human" sort of magic, and not the real sort, which he can't know about, unless he is assigned a fairy in the future.
I don't have a design for Peri's new godkid, but I have thought about who they could be! Currently, I'm thinking that his new Godkid is a teenager who's experiencing serious gifted kid burnout, and has a lot of big expectations on their plate, something that Peri gets. They also live in Dimmadelphia. Convenient!
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beautifully-lumpy · 2 years ago
watching caddy's stream and someone sent him 5 dollars and asked what his eye color is. they were like "sorry if this is weird". jim went on for a minute saying "why would i be offended by that? that's such an adorable question" and proceeded to not answer the question. that's the most caddicarus thing ever
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pokemonranch · 1 year ago
please ask Hazel her favorite bug...we must know
H: THAT LIL FELLA uh... sewaddle I think they're called? I saw a bunch of 'em while I was camping at Pinwheel Forest back in Unova, they are the CUTEST thing but they become progresively worse as they evolve. BUT that's my opinion.
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jaynethejackalope · 3 days ago
What if I wore blue eyeliner
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thechaosjunkie · 5 months ago
time to forgive yourself, kid. you got a future. you gotta see that now. (From Hazel!)
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@the-commissions-deadliest (Hazel) // Random Sentence Prompts: Accepting
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"Yeah, actually...yeah, I get it," Five replied, concealing his surprise at seeing Hazel alive, the image of the rogue agent being shot up by the Swedes still burned into his mind. "But you know," he continued, coffee in hand as he leaned against the bar, "in my case, I'm suddenly a kid again. Doesn't quite seem fair, you know? I've practically been handed another 50 years to live. What do you do with that? What would YOU do with that? You've already had a lifetime--and you've had Agnes. Pretty fulfilling, wasn't it? I mean, what would you do if your body was suddenly young again? What's immortality look like to you?"
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