#oh we're going to reclaim everything
thethermocline · 2 years
Some of you act like it's never occurred to you that homophobia leaves wounds. No sympathy, no compassion, just a blank stare. What on earth is that about.
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evilminji · 4 months
You know what would be HILARIOUS?
For everyone NOT involved in the situation?
If the Uzumaki, mad lads that they were, seal master's who routinely moon the Shinigami for funsies that they are, got SUUUUUPER drunk? And were like?
"F-! *hic!* FUCK your fancy ass Summons contract Himiko! I got one TOO, you know. A..An' it's TOTALLY better then yours! It's got BLACKJACK! And hookers!" *falls on their face unconscious*
Needless to say? Not their proudest moment. Actually, their kinda deeply embarrassed. But like FUCK ARE THE BACKING DOWN! Their mouths wrote a check their ass can't currently cash... so the only REASONABLE solution? Apologize and tell the truth? Psh! NO.
Break Reality Until It's TRUE.
THEN they weren't technically lying!
They're a GENIUS~☆! :D
And yes, yes this IS normal behavior for them. It's both cultural AND genetic. There was a REASON people were terrified of those insane mother fuckers.
Because? They just? MADE UP a A Summons Contract. With Who? Dunno! We're gonna find out! But it looks right Seals wise! *signs name before anyone with sense can stop them, does the signs, draws blood aaaand?*
Nani THE FUCK!? Says local dead Japanese 16th century fisherman who was flying by to visit the Lair of his buddy the 14th century monk. Behold! A FUCKING ZONE GHOST! He is unsummoned before he can react.
The Uzumaki have A Ghost Contract™.
.........th....they may have fucked up.
Roars basicly the ENTIRE Elders council. Who FUCKING FELT THAT. Because EVERYONE Felt that. They're SENSOR. That was a HOLE in REALITY that somehow GLOWED like a BEACON of both absolute Nothingness and Death! You TRAUMATIZED THE KIDS, YOU ASSHOLE!
Still....they ARE ninja. And Curious mother fuckers to the last.
So basically EVERYONE and their dog signs it. They somehow get WEIRDER. Bigger Chakra reserves. Obsessive tendencies. Meh, you win some, you lose some.
But? Then they fuckin DIE. (And their WHOLE ASS VILLAGE SHOWS UP IN THE ZONE. OH GOD, WHAT-!?)
And some grave robbing fuck tries to use the Contract. SUPRISE MOTHERFUCKER!
Ghost Uzumaki!
Your literal worst nightmare!
They DO NOT try using it again. It gets sealed DEEP. Until the Hokage gets wind of it. And, of course, Danzo. The Hokage sends Hound. And Team Kakashi on a completely unrelated but nearby "help a farmer" mission. Danzo sends assassins. Because he's fucking awful.
Kakashi gets the scroll.
Yep. Creepy rambling and shit handwriting, def Uzumaki. Time to go.
He gets attacked on the way back to camp. GDI Root. Well, its you or me. Sucks for you, I guess. They fight. They get a lucky shot. He bleeds on the scroll, doesn't notice. But SURELY... SURELY it isn't CROWDED enough with names that the Uzumaki just added a "and anyone who bleeds on THIS part at the bottom _______ plus does the handsigns" towards the end.... RIGHT??
RIGHT?! Look him in the EYES Uzumaki Clan, RIGHT??!
They would prefer not to answer that. The Vibez here are getting REALLY aggressive, you know? >.> It made sense at THE TIME...
So... he goes to summon his Dogs.
And he SURE DOES GET UM.... plus One(1!!!).
Who the FUCK is this glowing green dog? A puppy? Kakashi seeing the dimwitted looking little thing about to get STABBED tries to rescue it. It takes one look look at him (worried for it), the other dogs (growling at his enemies, fighting) and... turns around, shifting as it does, to HUNDREDS of times it's previous size.
Like an Akimichi transformation.
A sudden, hulking, green WOLF with red glowing eyes and killing intent that would Rival a demon's. The howl is unearthly. It joins the fray like a meat thresher.
Then pops back to a floating, tongue lolling, dimwitted pup the second everything is done.
G...God boy?
Far be it for KAKASHI to fear a dog, no MATTER how dangerous. So he carries it back to camp. Where it seems to instant fall in LOVE with Naruto. They become the BEST of friends.
There's frolicking.
Looking down at the pocket with the scroll he reclaimed? Yeah. Yeah that tracks. According to Pakkun, the pup has a "weird, echo-y" accent and is incredibly scatter brained. Training to be a gaurd dog? WAS Training. IS currently... what.
Okay. IS currently the gaurd dog/pet of an Emperor. Because THATS not alarming. Did the Royal family all... wait... he examines the pup again. Transparent. Was it KILLING intent he felt... or a Deathy pressure? Didn't the Uzumaki have Forbidden soul and death seals? It would stand to REASON...
Oh god damn it.
Pakkun. Pakkun please tell me that pup is ALIVE.
(He can not.) (Hilariously? Dispite being TERRIFIED of Ghosts? Naruto is TOTALLY COOL with Zone Ghosts? Don't be MEAN, Sensei! They're just PEOPLE! It's not THEIR fault They're dead! Now GHOSTS? Spooky and EVIL! Totally different.)
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @hypewinter @legitimatesatanspawn @mayfay
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5starluvr · 6 months
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Paring:Gangster!Lee Felix x Gangster!reader
Genre:slight angst?,fluff?
Warnings:violence,blood(just a little at the end,guns,stealing
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The dimly lit safehouse buzzed with nervous energy.Y/n, clad in her usual black jeans and combat boots, paced before a worn leather couch where the rest of her crew lounged. Felix, her ever-present partner-in-crime and maybe something more though they'd never admit it outright, fiddled with a silenced pistol, it’s sleek black frame catching the dim light.
"Alright, crew," Chan announced, his voice sharp. "Tonight's the night. Let's run the plan one last time."
They huddled closer, voices murmuring as they went over the details.Y/n, alias Tiffany Kim, daughter of a tech billionaire a carefully crafted lie for tonight, would infiltrate the high-society fundraiser thrown by Mark, the arrogant secret arms dealer who held the key to their mission.
"Tech here," Seungmin piped up, holding a sleek black earpiece. "Comms are crystal clear.Y/n, this bad boy will let you hear everything we're saying and vice versa."
She took the earpiece, the familiar cool plastic a source of comfort. Testing it, she spoke, "Can you hear me?"
A chorus of affirmations rose from the group. "Loud and clear," Felix said, his voice a steady rumble. "Remember, y/n, get close to Mark. Charm him, distract him, whatever it takes. We need that key."
She grinned, a dangerous glint in her eyes. "Charming billionaires? Piece of cake."
They ran through the escape route, Felix pointing out the security cameras they'd disabled and the quickest way to their getaway van. The tension crackled in the air, a mix of fear and excitement. They were about to steal from the thief, reclaiming what was rightfully theirs – the weapons Mark had stolen from their gang.
Later, bathed in the garish glow of the ballroom, she navigated the sea of socialites with practiced ease. Her gown swished around her ankles. Mark, a walking cliché in a polished suit, approached, his eyes sweeping over her with a practiced appraisal.
She forced a smile, laying on the charm as thick as the caviar on a nearby platter. "Well, hello there, beautiful," Mark drawled, his cologne a disgusting presence in her nostrils. The act was loathsome but necessary.
"Why, hello yourself," she purred, her voice dripping with feigned sweetness. They waltzed to the deafening music, his every touch sending a shiver down her spine, a mix of disgust and the need to stay in character.
"You have eyes like gold," Mark declared, leaning in a little too close. "The kind that could pierce a man's soul and steal all his secrets." She fought back an eye roll. Was this supposed to be romantic?
"Oh, really?" she countered, batting her eyelashes for maximum effect. "Perhaps they can steal the key to your heart as well, Mr. ?"
"Mark," he supplied, puffing out his chest in a way that made him look like he was lifting heavyweights "Mark Lee, at your service, beautiful lady."
Y/n choked back a laugh. "Damn, How cringe." He said through the earpiece, Felix's voice cracklings with amusement. “That's gotta be the worst pick-up line I've ever heard.”
She stifled a smile. Tell me about it she thought. She focused back on Mark, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Well, Mr.Lee, perhaps you can show me some of your… treasures later?" She wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.
Mark's eyes widened, and a flush crept up his neck. Bingo. She thought, feeling a surge of satisfaction. This was going to be easier than she thought. As they twirled, y/n focused on the conversation Felix fed through the earpiece, their plan unfolding in real time. Her heart pounded in her chest, mimicking the rhythm of the music. Then, with a practiced flick of her wrist, she snagged the key from his pocket while they spun. Success. A silent thrill surged through her. The booming bass of the music seemed to vibrate the very floor beneath her feet. Through the earpiece, Felix's voice was a constant murmur, keeping her focused on the task at hand. Mark, thankfully oblivious, babbled about his latest yacht acquisition.
Suddenly, the air shimmered with a change in energy. She felt hair prickle on the back of her neck. A hush fell over the crowd, the music stuttering to a halt. Then, the ballroom doors exploded inward with a deafening bang.
Ateez, their most ruthless rivals, flooded the room. Their faces, twisted with murderous intent, scanned the sea of terrified socialites. Guns, a chilling army of black metal, rose in unison, trained on the unsuspecting crowd.
Panic ripped through the air. Screams rose, a cacophony of terror drowning out the remnants of the music.Y/n, momentarily frozen, felt a hand clamp around her wrist. Felix, his face a mask of cold fury, yanked her towards a strategically placed side door behind a towering potted plant.
"Go!" he barked, his voice a harsh rasp over the din. She stumbled the stolen key digging painfully into her palm.
"Felix, we need–" she spluttered, desperation warring with a burgeoning fear.
"No arguments!" he snarled, shoving her through the heavy oak door. It slammed shut behind her with a sickening thud, plunging her into the cool darkness of a deserted hallway. The faint thump of Felix's boots echoed against the floor as he disappeared back into the pandemonium.
Y/n sprinted, adrenaline coursing through her veins. Her dress, ridiculously impractical, caught on a loose wood board, ripping at the hem. She ignored it, driven by the primal need to get away. Behind her, the ballroom erupted in chaos. Shouts, gunfire, and shattering glass formed a terrifying symphony.
Reaching a pre-arranged meeting point, a back door leading to a collection of fire escapes, she collapsed against the wall. Her heart hammered a frantic rhythm against her ribs. Relief, heavy and sweet, washed over her, laced with a sickening dread. Felix. Where was he?
His voice, rough and laced with concern, crackled in her earpiece. "Y/n, are you alright?"
She lunged for the microphone, her voice raw. "Felix, I'm here. But you—"
His reply was a guttural sound, a mixture of pain and determination. "Get back to the safe house. I'll meet you there."
The line went dead. Fear, cold and primal, coiled in her stomach. Felix. He couldn't be hurt. Not him. Not after everything.
Ignoring the tremors in her legs, she pushed herself up and sprinted into the night. The stolen key felt heavy in her hand. Maybe she had gotten the key, but at what cost?
Minutes bled into an eternity as she navigated the back alleys. Finally, she reached the safe house, a small building cloaked in shadows. The heavy steel door creaked open before she even knocked.
There, in the dim light, stood Felix. His Face was soft and a dark stain bloomed on his silk white shirt. Yet, his eyes, the familiar fiery, held an unwavering softness.
He pulled her into a crushing hug, the metallic tang of blood mingling with the familiar scent of his cologne. In that moment, the world around them faded away. There was only him, her anchor in the storm and the unspoken promise that hung heavy in the air.
"Always behind you," he rasped, his voice thick with emotion. "Ride or die, remember?"
Her tears stinging her eyes could only manage a shaky nod. A genuine smile bloomed on her face. "Now let's go get our weapons back, baby," he murmured, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips before he closed the gap between them.
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Hi, this my first request since I found out about tumblr, and I am glad that you will have my first request!
What about hcs jealousy? Or as an alternative, how about writing about poly relationships? If nothing is clear, then I apologize, English is not my native language.
Male!Reader x Jealous Shenhe, Ei and Mona
A/N: Here you go! I've randomized some characters for this with the help of the almighty Wheel. As for poly relationships, I don't really like them. I'm a little traditional, yeah. Anyways, enjoy!
CW: Male!Reader
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It isn't surprising that Shenhe gets possessive at times. You're her first and only love, so she wishes to protect you from everyone and everything. Yet seeing you with other women gives her a feeling far different from the worry the monsters bring. It sends unpleasant current through her body, urging her to move forward and reclaim your attention for herself. She bottled it in, preferring to instead go ask Ganyu about it first. She isn't the best person to go to for relationship advice, but asking Cloud Retainer would turn a simple question into a three hour long lecture. Ganyu answered to the best of her ability, and told Shenhe to 'ask them about it'. So Shenhe acted. 
She sees you and Yelan in Wanmin Restaurant, enjoying some tea and fresh air. It's obvious she dressed to impress this day even for a person such as Shenhe. Her large cleavage is put right in your view, covering just enough to keep it decent. There is also a back window, which your girlfriend doesn't approve of. 
“Oh, hello my love. How are you doing?”
Before you can stop her, Shenhe materializes her spear and presses it against Yelan's throat. The woman moves her hands defensively up to the blade, attempting to gently push it away. To no avail, as Shenhe only pushes it back down. 
“Who is this woman and what does she want with you?”
“Uh… Shenhe? Calm down, please. We're in public space.”
“Why are you spending time with her instead of me?”
“This is Yelan. You see, we're working together. We had a lunch break, so I thought we'd get a drink.”
“That's a greeting I have never seen before. Nice to finally meet you, Shenhe.” Yelan nudges the spear tip away, and this time Shenhe relents. “Y/N has been talking a lot about you.”
“Hm. I see. Very well.” She nods repeatedly before pointing her weapon at Yelan again. “But don't forget yourself, else I may mistake you for a demon in the future.”
And just like that, Shenhe waddles off. You and Yelan watch as she disappears into the crowds. 
“Is she… always like this?”
“Yeah. And that's why I love her.” You say with a smile. 
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Raiden Ei
After millennia of relationship, Ei isn't particularly worried about your loyalty. You have been through thick and thin together, so the bond between your bodies and souls is inseparable. Why, in that case, does she feel jealous, maybe even threatened by Miko? There's just this… vibe about her. She flirts with you whenever she can, working hard to make you laugh or even just smile. Ei knows that she wouldn't contest you, but better safe than sorry. It doesn't help that she tends to be overtly serious or dramatic about it. 
Miko looks on as you descend the Grand Narukami Shrine. Behind her, Ei does so as well. She approaches Miko after a while. 
"You are getting bold, Lady Guuji. Trying to seduce him right before my eyes?" She says, voice low and intimidating.
"Oh. Am I now?" Miko smirks and turns to face her friend. 
Ei lifts up her ring finger, showing an ornament made of Electro-infused gold with intricate carvings.
"Do you know what this means? It means he is mine, and mine alone. So don't try my patience, Miko." 
Miko snickers as Ei's eyes turn pink.
"Of course, almighty Ogosho. I wouldn't want to displease my divine senior after all."
Annoyance doesn't leave the vessels oculars. Miko's getting a little worried when the cold expression on her face doesn't shift. 
"Cool off, Ei. I was merely teasing. No harm done, yes?" 
Ei pouts.
"I hope. For your own safety."
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Mona Megistus
"A proud astrologist never gets jealous" is one of the most obvious lies Mona tells you daily. And why does she do that? To clumsily attempt to mask that fact, of course. Whenever you talk with other girls, she makes it her job to keep even a little bit of your attention to herself, by holding your hand or waist. She never openly admits to being jealous, but she does act before thinking quite often. 
"F/N L/N, we need to talk." 
You look up from your lecture to find Mona standing right before you, hands on her hips. 
'Yes?' You ask, closing the book. 
 "Do have something to say to me?" 
Oh boy. Here we go again. 
"Can't you just tell me what's this about once?"
"Ugh, fine! But you better be grateful." She crosses her arms on her chest. "That woman from the church you talked to yesterday? What was that about?" 
You sigh. 
"Mona, listen. We… Oh screw it. Why don't you check what my intentions were in your magic puddle of wisdom, hm?" 
She draws the symbol in the air, and the constellations appear. She starts studying it. 
"Skin color…? Hmph! What a lame way to pick up a girl." 
You stay silent as your girlfriend goes through the reflection. Soon, her face is red from embarrassment.
"You really only wanted to ask about her complexion…" She drops the scrygrass and it fades away. Her arms cross again, and she looks down. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I just… Sorry. I… I'm scared you're going to… leave me." 
You get up, and put your arms around Mona, whose cheeks are now running with small tears.
"I'm not going to. I wasn't going to leave you then, I'm not going to leave you now and I won't ever leave you. I love you, Mona." 
She's shuddering lightly. Her voice comes muffled from your shirt and her soft crying. 
"I love you t-too… "
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Thanks for reading!
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
Minus the 'Hero of the Great Prophecy' copout,Luke Castellan is such a well-written villain because he's so real.Not sympathic but that he's so awful in the way so many real cishet white men in power are and historically have been always been.Luke is a fascist.He's a misogynist.He's a racist.He's even a serial pedophile
Luke started grooming Silena before the series even started by taking advantege of her crush on him by flirting with her because girls that age don't know any better,oh he's different,we're different.He had the effect on Annabeth too but much stronger due to being her older brother figure and pseudo-dad,raising her since she was 7 and confessed to her at 16,on his deathbed,due to wanting to haunt and have power over her ONE last time.He wanted her to know what he'd thinking the whole time he was pretending to see her platonically.Thalia was 2 years younger than him pre-tree and he still liked her at 15 to his 20s.I'd go as far as to do a Lolita comparison,with Thalia's death giving him that little girl fixation to 'replace' her and let's not forget that while Kelli's age isn't stated,she passed as Percy's classmate when Percy was 14 and wasn't even technically a high schooler and there's no mention of no Mist Kelli showing her as older.It's implied he straight up SLEPT with her and maybe even did it multiple times judging by how long she was in the Titan's Army.She was also the only black girl member and that's absolutely relevant
And he was way closer to the Stolls than he was Chris but targeted him,the mestizo boy,even though Travis and Connor would've been easier to get to join him.The first camper he killed was Beckendorf and he gaslight Silena into thinking he wouldn't only for Beckendorf to be have been only a tool to him.He had zero respect for Ethan,the japanese/wasian boy,and unless you count Alabaster from the side books,the named Titan's Army's male members were all boys of color.The named girls were the lil white girl he hit on to fuck it up for everyone and the ambigiously aged but young looking black girl he made his bedmate because he saw her as a sexual being unlike her.Everybody likes saying he was so obsessed with Percy because he was in love with Percy and use it as ship fuel but the real concrete subtext is that he only saw Percy as an equal because they were both intended as white men.This is really the only logical explanation as really,the guy you knew for not even three months over your years long companions??????Who just so 'happen' to be girls.Luke was NOT slick!!
The Titan's Army is a military by definition.It's an army,the members are soldiers,they were created for the The Second Titan War.A war Luke started over personal trauma for vengeance and openly stated he dosen't care if he hurts anyone(see his Good Kid Reprise)for his own goals and functions on a cryptofash ideal('destroying society to built it from the ground up' and see his Good Reprise again but the last three lyrics specifically).Luke believes himself superior to everyone because he 'sees the truth' but perpetuates the cycle of abuse with it and does nothing to fix society,help the people he's the 'Champion' for or even to depower the high authority.He kisses up to an EVEN HIGHER and also WORSE authority to get power for HIMSELF!He wants to be a gods stand-in,not their opposite and that's why he treated everyone like shit.His speeches?That was propaganda on his part,not radicalization.'Western civilization is a disase'says the cishet physically abled blue eyed blonde white man who's constantly described as traditionally attractive after he groomed a HUGE chunk of troubled kids i.e minority kids who get abused for it no matter how hard they try to be good,because THAT'S what Percy meant when he said he was a troubled kid in The Lightning Thief-it's an insult and he was reclaiming it as a lower class audhd survivor of multiple kinds of abuse.He truly believed he was 'not like other half-bloods' and that everything he did was a means to an end when he meant to end it all for everyone,not be a saviour
As a biracial afrolatina who has multiple neurodivergent disorders including autism and with bpd and ptsd,is transgender and gendernonforming and was raised by the VERY white side of his family,i'm genuinely impressed with how good of commentary Luke works as on white supremacy and accompanying bigotries-Yes,misogyny like i said but also ableism/eugenics with his hurtful words directed at Tyson who's implied to have Down Syndrome and if memory serves i'm pretty he took a dig at Grover's crutches and possibly even Hephaestus' own physical disability and i'm not exactly sure if i'd say that includes queerphobia on his part but he is a VIOLENTLY cisheterosexual character in his actions so the subtext is pretty obviously there.As discussed by tons of other lgbt Pjo bloggers,Silena and Clarisse are an Achilles and Patroclus parallel and Thalia fits the bill for MANY transfem and alt lesbians norms and a more niche reading is Percy as an accidental transfem narrative that actually holds a lot of water with the most blatant one being her proving to Zoe she's not a normal man at all,which is a constant trait of hers but it was made it a plot point in The Titan's Curse and Annabeth as a comphet butch lesbian thanks to how gay her and Clarisse,Piper and Reyna interact with eachother and while i don't ship Percabeth,transfem Percy and lesbian Annabeth are complimentary in evidence for obvious reasons(even if YOU don't ship Percabeth either!)
Luke Castellan is real.Luke CastellanS are real.The word for them is 'colonizers'.I love how he's written and potrays the ugly truth of whiteness as an intentionally perpetuated structure,not 'the natural order',and i hate how Rick in his own cishet physically abled white maleness couldn't stop being a pussy and let Percy be the anarchist revolutionary to his full potential he deserved to be.Not surprised considering this is the same who disrespects greek culture so hard and has from the start in addition to the very long list of everything else but i'm allowed to still be dissapointed and wish Pjo had been thought up by an autistic black person since that's what Percy is realistically supposed to be so write what you know principal would've helped big time.Luke Castellan is sympathic and relatable if he's the only kind of person you think deserves sympathy and chances but not anyone else out of your own sheltered experiences
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notasapleasure · 1 month
Wild hopes for Andor S2:
Oh, apparently blorbo *might* be in the trailer? Riding a speeder on Dantooine you say? Aughhhh don't toy with my emotions like this!!
So for posterity, before anything about s2 does actually become clear, my vague hopes/'if I got to write their story' headcanons for my Ferrix badasses are a jumble of the following:
I don't see them immediately going back to Ferrix, they're recognisable (Bix is known to the Empire, Wilmon will be known by association with Salman, Bee is known as Maarva's droid, they had an eye on Brasso as 'the big guy' even before he fucked shit up with the funerary brick...and I can't remember Jezzi doing anything specific but she'll have been seen round Maarva's home and funeral), and riot or not, I'd say the Empire will be in the mood to make an example of Ferrix rather than to go 'oops our bad we'll leave you in peace'. So it seems a bad idea for the fugitives to return there for their rebellion as soon as they've left.
On that ship we know there's a skilled electrician (Wilmon) and mechanic (Bix), and I've always presumed Brasso must know his way around a ship well enough to be able to take it apart, and that Jezzi has some similarly Ferrixian industrial skill. I thought it would be very sexy if they all got involved in making/repurposing tech for the rebellion. In my heart of hearts they're patching together the first fleet of X-Wings.
Orange. Ferrix orange (Brasso's felt jacket orange) and rebel pilot orange. And there's the shot of Cassian in an orange pilot's suit in the trailer. I just. I just have hopes. And dreams. And colour was so significant in Rogue One (the red of the force/rebellion...there was an awesome post on here pointing out way more examples than I'd noticed, but I always think of the lining of Jyn's vest). Maybe it's reclaiming Narkina orange, even? But the look of the Ferrix clothes reminds me so much of the OT aesthetic, I think that's got to be the more likely connection.
Bee? Kay? Do they meet? ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ trying to suppress the thought 'what if Bee helps to make Kay possible?' but the thought has been thunk. (ETA: NOT into the theory that they're the same person that's not what I mean. I'm talking hardware donation. Wires and chips. Not personality)
Dantooine. Dantooine base. After all this time!!!! What Legends book did I first read about the base on Dantooine in?? idek but if I'd ever written the epic angsty plot follow-up to that one fic (only ever just one night) it would have involved the Ferrix gang making X-Wings work on Dantooine :') I have feelings about Brasso the wrecker learning to make things instead :))
It should go without saying that I want to see Bix channel her healing into getting stuff done and fucking up the Empire.
I guess my feeling is that if we're time-skipping over a five year period in a, what, 12 episode season? There's not time for a huge arc for all the Ferrix characters alongside everything else the show needs to cover. My cautious assumption is that this either means a load of them get killed off/sidelined early, or they're kept together in the same setting so their stories are interlinked, but presumably with focus remaining on Bix (and Bee). Dantooine/wherever the rebel base is beforehand/the move to Yavin struck me as a good place for this, where they can still be brought in and out of episodes through whatever time-skips happen because it's a place the title character is going to be coming and going from regularly, like Ferrix is in S1. Naturally it is a selfish thought to want to recreate the S1 dynamic :)) because I want my blorbo(s) to get to be relevant and a part of Cassian's life still, but if that suggestion about Brasso on a speeder on Dantooine in the trailer is remotely accurate then I will cry happy tears.
Who knows, if they get to survive, maybe all those heart-pulverising fics and fanarts about Cassian's (glass) stone being laid on Ferrix will find a place at the end of the series?
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Funny pinned post time bc it felt more convenient ⬇⬇
Hi I'm Mick aprofessionalwithoutstandards (or Maria, or Mickey), I'm nineteen, bisexual, bigender transmasculine she/him, Latino, weird in the head, all that good. I might talk kinda strangely or not respond at all sometimes, so bear with me, it's all on me n not you. I'm almost always not trying to start shit. I really do love talking to people so always feel free to talk :)
This is my tf2 blog and has always been only a tf2 blog, sometimes I post Portal stuff too
I make posts. I failed to start an original post tag so most original posts are just tagged #tf2
This is not a primarily NSFW blog but I do reblog porn and have genuine, non-jokey conversations about sex and kink from time to time (the latter is much more common than the former). All of that is tagged under "#mick dicks", so block that tag if you don't want to see any of that sort of content
"#open mick night" is a wreck of a tag but technically it's for anything more personal or anecdotal. Sometimes it means "not tf2" but more often it means "gameplay anecdote"
"#mick fics" is my fic tag. I think my art tag is just "#my art" but I don't draw for tf2 a lot </3 "#oc tag" is for my ocs
I tag for slurs (reclaimed or otherwise), excessive gore, body horror, drugs, and mentions of pregnancy more explicit than the baboon uterus. If you want something else to be tagged, feel free to ask me, but full transparency I will not tag for blood, light gore, or guns. They're kind of unavoidable
I like Sniper, I main Sniper, I even, as the kids say, kin Sniper. This isn't like a roleplay blog or anything, referring to me as him and him as me is just done bc it goes to my head
Not like a dedicated ship blog but I do post a lot of ship stuff. Primarily swordvan, bushmed, demomedic, and funny adminsniper, but you'll basically see everything here from time to time. I try to keep it all tagged for your convenience
The only thing I ask is that you don't send me stuff abt sniperscout/speedingbullet, it's not like a "dni" you can interact if you post that idc but it's a big personal preference and I'd like to have that respected, tysm Oh also no scoutpauling asks tysm
I don't really have a dni but I am just going to ask people to be normal. I'm just some guy and people who send me asks and stuff are also just some guys, respect me and respect other people. I know there can feel like a disconnect but I do see everything people say in my notes and I'm generally trying to cultivate a nice positive setting for everyone lmao. When I complain abt stuff don't take it too seriously lol, we're all just here to have fun
Figured I should stick this on here somewhere: I've never watched Emesis Blue, I don't know what Freak Fortress is, I have never played Team Fortress Classic and I do not care, and I have little to no interest in "fem fortress"posting (I do not consider the trans/nonbinary headcanons I have for some characters to be "fem fortress"). Nothing against any of these things, I just don't really care about them and won't be able to answer questions about them
Main is @biracy (so I reply and send asks from here), ao3 is biracy, Steam acc is Grampus Gaming
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themarginalthinker · 1 year
Just Breathe
(Michael might be a vampire now, but that doesn't mean his body has quite caught up yet. David takes him to a place to get a feel for it.
Headcanons: vampires can technically breath, but it takes a bit for the body to recognize it doesn't have to, and David helps Michael adjust. tw: deep water, lightless water, drowning technically but they're immortal and fine.)
Vampires are not human. This, Michael knows.
But sometimes the extent of how much 'not human' and what that exactly means, still surprises him.
"It used to be an old quarry," David explains. "So the water should be still enough for you."
The both of them, really, but Michael and his stupid little bane especially. (Fitting, he sometimes thinks. David with his extra aversion to sunlight, and Michael with his extra aversion to running water. What a pair.)
The quarry in question lies before them, the lake that's been made from it a mirror disk of silver and black in the night. It stretches on quite far, having been purposefully flooded years and years ago when the company decided to stop carving stone. As they pick their way down the slight slope to it, they pass massive chunks of rock - marble, Michael was told - laying around beside the water. Time has weathered them, plants an green moss and fungal lichens having reclaimed a lot of it, though the rectangular stonework is still visible.
They come to the waterside, a level, sandy, dirt bank that leads down into the unknown. David starts stripping, Michael following him after a moment. He still cannot help but flick eyes about, to the shoreline, listening deeper into the woods. Just to be sure.
"If there's anyone around, they won't get an eyefull of much before we're below," David says, having heard Michael's concern through the bond.
Michael smirks a little. "More than you," he says.
David throws a boot at him and it nails him pretty good in the head.
"Jerkwad," Michael says, smarting, but still smiling.
"Dipshit. Finish up," David replies, waiting.
He does, folding his clothing neatly and setting it beside David's. Michael pads over to David, closer to the water's edge. Naked as the day he was born.
Believe it or not, this wasn't the first time he'd been skinnydipping with anyone - even outside of the boys. But it certainly wasn't with this specific purpose. The humor of the banter drains a little from Michael as the ground under him goes damp and cool.
David's hands are at his arms. He's quiet when he speaks, pressing against Michael's mind knowing he needs it.
"So, I know we talked about it before, but it's worth saying again. You're not gonna like it, but we gotta do it."
Michael, ironically, takes a breath.
"Yeah. I know. You...said this was better than what Max did?"
David scoffs, humorlessly. "Oh yeah. Hand around the throat, crushed trachea and everything. Surprised the motherfucker didn't use a garrot."
God, damn. Michael had only met the man twice in his life, and he still shivers remembering him.
He and his ghoulish 'teaching' methods weren't why they were here tonight though. No, why the two vampires were standing by the lakeside of a flooded quarry in the middle of the night, was a tad more pleasant. Ish.
David was going to teach Michael how to stop breathing.
Apparently, even after becoming a vampire, the body...didn't just stop. Even after having descending into the void, a place with no time or memory or concept of real being, when you pulled back into your body again, life still wormed its way into the cracks. Vampire's hearts beat, though so, so slowly. And they breathed. Especially new ones.
Which could become a problem if they couldn't purposefully stop it when need came time.
Michael had tried doing it before, but failed.
"No, no, you're not not breathing, you're just holding your breath," Paul had said when they'd attempted it a few times before.
"I don't understand what the difference is?" Michael had asked.
"It's not- like, it's not just not breathing, it's like...you don't want to breath."
Made little sense, and had been even less useful in getting him there, so David was taking the approach he did with the rest of them. Gentler, he'd said, than how Max had taught him.
So, to the bottom of a lakebed they went.
David stepped first, wading in, and then, the water glinting in the moonlight at his pale skin, and then, glancing back, dipped under.
Michael took another breath. Fuck. Against the point, here.
He took to the water, baring his teeth against the cold of it, even in summer. The 'floor' of the lake here was gritty, the same sand, but quickly moving to mud, soft and his feet sinking in. Soon the water passed his knees, his hips, his chest. He kept feeling along the bottom, waiting for the dropoff that he knew was there.
He didn't get there on his own.
Michael's yelp is rather pitiful in the quiet night air when two cold, clammy arms wrap around his waist from below, and yank him under.
Michael flails for a moment, knowing, knowing it's just David, but still not expecting it. He kicks out, elbowing the vampire back, who gives him a little space.
Hands move around him, and Michael reaches out for them with his own. They grab each other, and having gotten his bearings, Michael lets David pull him. Down.
Down, down into the inky blackness. Even during the day, light wouldn't filter too deep here. When above, there's always some kind of light for them to see by. The moon, the stars, firelight or streetlights from the town, always a bit of skyglow their sensitive eyes could pick up on.
Here, there is nothing. A wall of blackness swamping the senses. Water dulling sound into odd vibrations Michael swore he could feel against his skin as they went, constant sensation of currents and movement. Lake plants, rocks.
Unknown Things in the blackness.
Michael could feel it in the back of his head as they reached the bottom. The wet, loamy settled material at the lakebed sunk between his feet as he slipped, and 'fell' backwards at David's pushing. Their bond practically hummed between them, the only form of communication open to them now. Calm. Settle. Everything's fine.
Yes...Michael knew that on an intellectual level. But as the moments ticked by, as David's hands on his arms didn't leave, as Michael kicked to keep himself from floating back upwards, he.
He couldn't help but feel it. The need to open his mouth and take in air.
Michael knows it's not necessary. It's an old reflex, that was still useful to have of course to talk and smell and look human and all those things. But it didn't want. To turn off.
He makes a sharp jerk, and David's suddenly wrapped around him. He's heavy against Michael, even in the water. Shoving back when Michael shoves up, spinning them back around to square one when it seems like Michael will wiggle free.
Air, fuck, Michael could feel the panic he didn't want building in the back of his head, quickly starting to build to the front, he needed air, he would figure something else out, he had to get away-!
A knee connected with Michael's sternum, and the impact rocked through him. A cloud of bubbles erupted from his chest, popping as they went.
Cold, cold water flooded in.
Like ice and lead at the same time. Michael feels it fill him up, a shaking convulsion at a time, grit sliding past his teeth, a weight settling into his chest. Heavy. Full. Cold, and sinking, and. Calmer. Too heavy to push against at the moment.
And just like that, Michael knows stillness.
No breathing.
A heartbeat so slow it was more like the swaying of the water around them.
There are hands at his shoulders. A ringing apology in the bond for the roughness, but he understands now. Before, when he'd been human, summer at the pool or riverside meant that getting water up your nose, breathing it in, meant burning, rough hacking. A pain as the body tried to expel the offending contaminant. A person can drown in a couple tablespoons of water, after all.
Michael was not drowned, now. He moves his arms, slowly, his legs. Pushing off the bottom, but he doesn't rise. No buoyancy to carry him up, save for his own power.
Like without air, he's part of the water, surrounded inside and out.
David's hands shift, to his face. Michael does the same. Across the bond, so strong now here, in the black utter silence it's almost visible, almost audible, their thoughts to each other, a question is asked.
Michael agrees.
Might as well explore some while they were here.
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mecachrome · 11 months
(sorry for rpf ment) but id like to know your opinion bc from ur tags it's clear you understand oscar pretty well. basically i keep seeing fics and things describe him as "analytical" and "focused" but personally i never get that vibe? could you maybe extrapolate a bit on where that comes from?
oh anon thank you for giving me the opportunity to do my favorite thing in the world (talk about oscar)!!
honestly i do think that "analytical" and "focused" describe him very succinctly — these are words you'll find that he and many others have described him by in real life — it's maybe just a matter of understanding what that means for him and not equating either trait to the sum of his personality. to me this is not a bad thing because i genuinely enjoy athletes who are considered analytical and boring (which i've also reclaimed as a term of endearment now. i'll gladly take a boring dude if it means he doesn't like playing golf!) so i think he fits that archetype well, it's just that he's obviously more than that and thus his personality is endearing to people because he has "unexpected" quirks that betray the occasional assumption of his one-dimensionality.
here are a few direct quotes from people around him:
BROWN: "He's very mature, he's very focused and he’s very technical." STELLA: "There is no external noise in his brain. He doesn’t dissipate or dilute his talent into things that are not useful or functional, and that was apparent to us relatively early on." STALLARD: "Everything is meaningful. I’m not sure I’ve met that many [drivers] who I would describe as calm and intense." WEBBER: "He’s a Prost, mate. He’s such a thinker and so calm. At first I thought I needed to inject a bit of urgency in him, but actually no, he’s got his own frequency. That’s just where he is."
rest below the cut because i talk too much...
i would be curious to hear more about why you don't get that vibe from him so i could elaborate more in that direction, would you say it's because he doesn't come across that way in off-track media that mclaren posts of him and lando? i'd argue that at least on-track his being analytical, focused, unflappable, and most of all ~adaptable~ (if you listen to any commentator talk about him you'll quickly hear that this is people's favorite word for him) is what made oscar thrive at the junior level when he was a rookie in both f3/f2, and what's helped him deliver the rookie campaign he's managed so far with mclaren — of course the extensive testing mileage with the a521 helped immensely with this acclimatization but that was a completely different car with different regs, and more impressive to me is not only that he managed to be decent "as a rookie" in an on-average midfield car and didn't commit egregious mistakes when the mcl60 was a backmarker tractor with constant reliability issues but also that he quickly stepped up alongside lando once the aero upgrades came along and immediately recalibrated his expectations from "maybe points if we're lucky" to "podiums whenever possible." that's a bigger mental feat than it seems and definitely speaks to his analytical nature; another example of his inherent reflectiveness is his somewhat subdued reaction to getting his first podium in suzuka because he was more concentrated on his pace deficit to lando and overall tyre-management issues than the superficial milestone of a podium. similar to tom sarcastically going "i can hear that you're excited..." after quali that weekend and oscar quipping back "that's as excited as i get for second place!"
maybe "focused" is difficult to qualify as a personality trait but i'd say it manifests largely in his calmness, especially when you consider the high-adrenaline nature of racing and the effusiveness other drivers on the grid are prone to displaying. how oscar strikes me as is that he's self-critical while still managing requisite internal belief and optimism, which stella and others have spoken highly of and credited for driving forward his rapid development curve over the course of a weekend, especially at new race tracks. maybe you're asking about "analytical" in the context of relationship dynamics in fic so feel free to correct me there (AND ALSO APOLOGIES FOR THIS UNGODLY SPIEL), but another great quote is andrea in his latest btg appearance where he says this of oscar:
 "[What impressed us is] his awareness of what the opportunities are, even before he looks at an overlay or looks at any telemetry. He kind of has this capacity to self-recognize where there is more to come from either himself or from the car, and this is not so obvious. I know drivers that can be fast, but they kind of definitely need external support as to see what is possible. [...] He has a large capability from a self-awareness point of view, and then he has this capacity to then drive according to the opportunity identified, which for me is the definition of talent."
in terms of his media personality, you'll commonly see people online say that oscar is a talkative kimi or that he's winning the idgaf war etc. and i think maybe people (not fic writers but like Guys On Reddit) tend to extrapolate a bit too much from his "mentality" and are like this is why he's going to be the next wdc and lando will become washed which is literally absurd and insane and i'm not even going to entertain that with a ten-foot pole. but i think how i'd describe oscar is that he's very intentional in disseminating his image in a highly specific "everything is a product of cringe culture" gen-z way — he knows exactly how he comes across to the camera or how people perceive his tweets online and is willing to play into the meme when he thinks it'll benefit him, for ex. how he knew the camera was on him during the jetpack guy moment and consciously made that face to incite some kind of reaction. obviously oscar isn't wholly preoccupied with making people like him and isn't going to be as loud and rambunctious as a character like dr3, but he's capable of being "silly" and making jokes because he does like being perceived as funny and will engage in low-effort banter or make his drs tweets and post a 240p reaction gif of the jetpack meme because he enjoys social media virality to some degree. like i'm sure the crb debacle was a stressful time for him but another part of him was like "oh sweet more followers" LOL... maybe because of that it feels like there's a dichotomy between his "silly" self who makes bottoming jokes in mclaren youtube videos and who giggles at everything lando says and then his more focused, technically-oriented side, but imo there is very much a positive relationship between these facets of him. i'd say that because he is generally so analytical and calm he therefore has the mental capacity to be introspective in an actionable manner and improve on his weaknesses without getting emotionally carried away, and then in social settings this also allows him to live in the moment and take things less seriously and not overreact to people's opinions of him. if that makes sense...
also for bonus maxf/renault acad lore purposes: here is the insane mia quote about them that maybe explains more of his "ruthless" focus... i feel like sometimes it sounds weird when people call him that because being ruthless is essentially associated with being cruel or lacking empathy but to me oscar's ruthlessness is entirely inward and not a marker of his EQ or social awareness, just a reflection of how effectively he self-motivates and pushes himself:
"Consistency on track is based on how stable you are off track. [...] If you look at Oscar Piastri, he has been living on his own, [away] from his family who are in Melbourne for the past five to six years. [...] That's why he thrived in those weekends racing. He loves being on his own without anybody. On the other hand, we had Max Fewtrell, for example, who can't – he couldn't survive the 11 weekends racing, because he always needed his family to be around him. So those are the things that suddenly you see and, I think that that we see now, after a few years, a driver who is quick, a driver who has the talent, and then the driver who is stable."
again SORRY for how long this answer is but hopefully it is at least mildly informative!!! T__T
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bettsfic · 8 months
A few years ago—god, i must have still been in college. 2018? 19? You made a master post of all your fic up until then. Would you be able to make another post, with all your fic from 2019ish-now?
sure! i've been wanting to do this for a while but the question becomes - how to organize? i write in too many different fandoms to do it by canon. so we're just gonna go by the myriad ways my id is on full display.
i skipped a few fics that i didn't like so it's not *everything*. also many of these are locked down so you have to log into ao3 to see them.
masterpost of my fics, 2019 - 2023
personal favorite
you don't really need to know the canon going in
diet cottagecore
there's a house. somebody is sad. chores.
rest in grace - violet evergarden, violet/gilbert, canon divergence - 20k, complete
float - breaking bad, jesse/OMC, post-canon - 19k, complete
good bones - star wars sequels, reylo, modern au - 12k, wip
stray - genshin impact, razor/lumine, canon divergence - 6k, complete
"i don't remember you" to "let's pretend to be in a relationship" to "oh you've been in love with me your entire life?"
fake dating via trauma-induced amnesia and chronic illness
a standing engagement - the hunger games, odesta, canon divergence - 57k, complete
wind of the new world - the hunger games, odesta, sequel to ASE - 10k, complete
digging for orchids - tgcf, hualian, modern au - 43k, complete
a brat and the guardian she desperately wants to fuck
and the guardian who is trying desperately not to give in
huaycan - the gray man, six/claire, post-canon - 16k, complete
in water falling - the clone wars, rexsoka, dystopia au - 14k, complete
a long way - game of thrones, jaime/myrcella, canon divergence - 18k, complete
so obsessively in love that their life is upended and their identity irrevocably changed
romance with repercussions & codependency ever after
free ride - tbosas, snowbaird, modern au - 24k, wip
patronage - painter of the night, nakyum/seungho, modern au - 11k, complete
lemon - star wars prequels, anidala, modern au - 73k, complete
organic chemistry - the clone wars, rexsoka, modern au - 57k, wip
"i will kill for you" (literal)
murder as a love language
acquittal - tgcf, hualian, modern au - 10k, complete
the bluff - barry (hbo), sally/barry, canon divergence - 9k, complete
if i had a nickel for every fic i've written where an unstable marriage is saved by an adrift third burdened by the guilt of their society-ruining decisions
i'd have two nickels, but it's weird it happened twice
before the suns rise - star wars prequels, obianidala, canon divergence - 30k, wip
renovations - frozen, anna/elsa/kristoff, modern au (no incest) - 47k, complete
"whoops, i was trying to kill you but i fell in love with you instead"
villainfucker city rise up
the truth of time - rurouni kenshin, e/k, canon (live action) - 6k, complete
penitence - star wars sequels, reylo, canon divergence - 17k, complete
porn, but also healing from atrocity
honestly every fic i write could fall under this category
reclaimed - star wars sequels, reylo, omegaverse - 14k, complete
light - saezuru, yashiro/doumeki, canon divergence - 30k, complete
sick part of a sick thing - stranger things, hellcheer, no upside down au - 45k, complete
let ruin end here - tgcf, hualian, modern au - 8k, complete
the art of scraping through - the 100, bellarke, modern au - 18k, complete
porn, but also righting the wrongs of decades past
boys with big regrets and even bigger—
dirtbag - stranger things, hellcheer, no upside down au - 60k, complete
moderation - the 100, bellarke, modern au - 40k, complete
always be closing - mdzs, wangxian, modern au - 32k, complete
femdom tsundere (ft. pegging)
grouchy women and the submissive men who adore them
black-eyed - mdzs, chengqing, modern au - 16k, complete
not if, when - original fiction - 12k, complete (the pegging is there in spirit)
ghost in the pearl - westworld, dolores/caleb, canon divergence - 7k, complete
the innate comedy of abject pining
"i'm so in love with you it's killing me lmao"
no certainty of doors between us - mdzs, wangxian, modern au - 6k, complete
the beach episode - tgcf, hualian, modern au - 20k, complete
shut up and kill me - original fiction - 5k, complete (not really a romance)
if you dig my stuff and want to support me, you can
subscribe to my newsletter
buy me a coffee on ko-fi
thanks for the ask, anon! this was fun.
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bobbile-blog · 10 months
Arknights Lore Recap: End of 2023
Here I was, thinking my last post would be sufficient, but they keep on adding more gosh darn lore. Half a year has gone by since my last post, so I thought I'd update things and make another post of "where is everyone at the moment" to help keep all these plotlines straight. So, here's the sequel! More events, more organization since it's no longer a half-assed post I wrote on my phone in an hour, and you'd better believe we've got more lore to get through.
(Of course, spoilers for the current state of basically everything in Global, though they'll be the kind of "current events" spoilers to help you understand where we are at the moment)
Currently Active Plotlines:
Main Story act II: Main story chapters/ What the Firelight Casts, Amiya/ Siege/ Stainless/ Shining/ W/ Kal'tsit/ Doctor/ Closure/ etc.
Act 2 is in full swing, and oh boy do we have some politics to wade through. The general idea, minimizing spoilers, is that the Royal Court of the Sarkaz have taken over Londinum and intend to expand further using the catastrophe-creating superweapon The Shard. They're led by Theresis and the (mostly) united Sarkaz lords, and with a mercenary army they basically rule Victoria as an occupying power. Their power is concentrated in Londinum, the only city they really formally occupy, but as they control the seat of the country's power they effectively have the rest of the country at their mercy.
Opposing them are a number of factions. Firstly, the coalition of Victorian Nobles that have ruled the country (and that technically invited the Sarkaz to Victoria in the first place) want the throne again. There are a few specific nobles we deal with in ch12 but the implication is the politics will be elaborated on in the next chapter so we'll leave it there, the point is that they're the Victorian establishment trying to go back to old Victoria which means they suck. They're also working with Dublinn, who are collaborating with the Duke of Wellington(?) who is sympathetic to their causes. The Nobles have just recently gone to formal war with the Sarkaz, but they also all hate each other and will absolutely stab each other in the back whenever possible.
Besides them, there are also a couple of smaller underground resistance factions. The Londinum Self-salvation Corps, or Eartha, is a guarilla resistance movement who is currently getting their asses handed to them by the Sarkaz. They basically existed solely because the Sarkaz hadn't bothered to wipe them out yet, and have currently evacuated all of their surviving personnel out of the city. Additionally, there's a group of Victorian soldiers led by Commander Skamandros who have been sticking their noses into things. If I recall correctly, they're trying to evacuate Londinum as well.
Finally, we have Rhodes Island. We're here because of the classic D&D reason of "well all our plotlines seem to end up in this general area so I guess that's where we're going". Amiya and Kal'tsit feel somewhat responsible for not stopping Theresis and Amiya specifically is probably the only person with the right to challenge Theresis for the throne of the Sarkaz. Bagpipe and Reed (and Ch'en) are dealing with Dublinn things, so they have to be around here. Shining is a Confessarius and her evil wizard family is supporting Theresis so she's got stuff to do there. Siege is the last surviving member of the Victorian Royal family, so she's bound by blood and obligation to reclaim the throne, as well as just generally wanting to help the people of Victoria. Hoderer is currently in the employ of the Sarkaz and Innes is working in Londinum as a spy for Rhodes Island, so W wants to head there too. There's a lot going on, far too much to describe, so I'll leave things at "we have half a dozen personal plotlines to pursue there" so I can move on to the actual side events.
The Devil's Dragonball Fusion Dance: Ancient Forge(?)/ Who is Real/ Invitation to Wine/ Where Vernal Winds will Never Blow, Nian/ Dusk/ Ling/ Chong Yue/ Lava/ Kroos/ Lee/ Waai Fu/ Lin/ Zuo Le/Liang Xun
This one is updated pretty regularly as the CN new year event. The short lore overview is that Yan used to be populated by godlike beings called Feranmuts. Feranmuts fought a war with people, which concluded when a Feranmut named Sui betrayed his people because they wanted to be the only one with their kind of powers. After the war, the emperor of Yan (China analogue) split him into 12 fragments which eventually developed their own identities and personalities - these are the Sui siblings, i.e. Nian, Dusk, Ling, Chong Yue, etc. Once all twelve of these siblings meet again, they will reform back into Sui and they'll probably take over the world or whatever. We don't know exactly but it won't be good.
There are currently three parties interested in gathering the siblings, and one trying to prevent them. Firstly, the Second Brother (who is currently unnamed) is just a little crazy, and is currently working with the Yanese ministry of rites to revive Sui. We don't know a ton about him, but we know he's somehow split himself into fragments and scattered himself across the land. Secondly, Ya is another Feranmut that survived the old war and wants revenge on Yan and Sui. They want Sui revived so they can have a proper form of revenge on Them, and are currently in control of the Shanhaizhong bandits kinda just causing issues wherever They can. Finally, Nian and her siblings at Rhodes Island also want to gather the siblings, but not to re-form Sui. She has some sort of plan to bring the siblings together without losing themselves, and is working with Rhodes Island to accomplish it. Similarly, we don't know a lot about her plan, but they're generally the protagonists of the events. Finally, Zuo Le is an official in a Yanese organization called the Sui Regulator, whose job is to monitor and secure the remaining Feranmuts and the fragments of Sui. Zuo Le is doing his best, but he's a little out of his weight class, so most of what he does is follow the Sui fragments around and try to figure out what the hell is going on.
The Call of We Many: Grani and the Knight’s Treasure/ Under Tides/ Stultifera Navis/ Mizuki and Caerula Arbor (Integrated Strategies 3), Skadi/ Specter/ Gladiia/ Kal’tsit.
Was updated pretty frequently as an anniversary event, but they seem to have thrown us a big lore dump with Caerula Arbor and left it at that for the time being, which is understandable. The lore here is the Seaborn are a race decended from some early Feranmuts who are basically a constantly-evolving devouring swarm. They exist to consume and assimilate all of the life on the planet, and unless we are very very careful and work very very quickly they are going to do just that.
The state of the plot at the moment is a little odd. Because Mizuki and Caerula Arbor isn't canon, the plot is still at the end of Stultifera Navis. Specter has recovered her self, and the team of Abyssal hunters is delving deeper into the current state of the seaborn. Their former leader, Ulpanius, has shown up to warn them not to return to Aegir, and while the Stultifera Navis sank the lighthouse was recovered and some trinkets from the ship made it back. We aren't really sure where we're going from here, but it's not necessarily to Caerula Arbor. Basically, the canon lore of IS3 is that on a mission to the Iberian Coastline, the Doctor and Mizuki found a weird seaborn monument, and Mizuki used their connection to the Seaborn's minds to look into alternate timelines and show them to the Doctor. That means that while the events of the story are not canon, the Doctor may still know and reference the events in the story. I'm not going to go over all of IS3 because there's so much of it but you can find a rough summary here.
Fangs of the Signiori dei Lupi: Hinted earlier in the main story/ Il Siracusano, Texas/ Emperor/ Lapland/ Projekt Red/ Lunacub.
This is the newest of these plots, set up in Il Siracusano and presumably proceeding from there. The Feraerus are supernatural talking animals that we’ve encountered a couple of times throughout the story, like the High Priest or the Emperor. They are connected with the land and are almost akin to guardians of it. They don’t need Originium for their magic, and are tied to the setting in ways we don’t quite understand yet. More importantly to us, though, they’re involved in their own power struggles and contests among each other. This underscored the drama in Il Siracusano - the whole Bellone family was propped up by the wolf Feraerus Zarro as part of an ancient game in which the wolves pick champions, called Fangs, who fight each other in a Battle Royale to decide the pack’s next alpha a la the fake wolf study. We know a couple of the fangs - Lunacub is one and Bernardo was another before his death, but Projekt Red is also a Fang, as well as Crownslayer’s mentor, so we’ll probably be coming back to this conflict in the future. It's unclear how we'll approach it, though, as Bernardo and Lunacub's files seem to imply that the eventual goal will breaking free of this game.
Law and Otherwise: Guide Ahead, Fiametta/ Mostima/ Andoain/ Cecile/ Lemuen/ Pope Yvangelista XI/ Law/ Executor/ Enforcer
This one hasn't been super developed yet, but it's worth including with both Hortus de Escapismo and Zwillingstürme im Herbst coming up. Laterano, the city of the Sankta, is governed by immutable laws that are engraved onto the very bodies of the Sankta. In Guide Ahead, Andoain seeks to ask the Pope the question of why the Sankta do not help the people of the world. He learns that the laws that bind the Sankta are real, physical commandments enforced by Law, a robotic entity similar to the Preserver from Lonetrail, and the consequences and exceptions relating to the law are entirely at its discretion. The law is what it is because Law says so.
The Sami Icefields
This hasn’t technically gotten an event yet, besides that one story in Operational Intelligence, but I’m including it as an honorable mention because we’re going there for IS4. The Icefields are up north of Ursus, and they are terrifying. You remember the Emperor’s Blade, the one that kicks your ass in WD-8? Yeah we only see three of them in the game because the rest are busy fighting against the Eldritch demons constantly invading from the Sami Icefields. Let’s please never go there ever, thanks.
Finished Plotlines:
These two are complete plots, which I'm including for posterity and the worldstate. Spoilers for all of these events, but I'll try to keep things to the present so as to not spoil too much.
The Grand Knight Major: Maria Nearl/ Pinus Sylvestris/ Near Light/ Obscure Wanderer, Blemishine/ Zofia/ Nearl/ The Followers/ Flametail/ Ashlock/ Fartooth/ Wildmane/ Justice Knight my beloved/ Gravel/ Platinum/ Roy/ Monique/ Młynar.
Margaret Nearl won the 24th Major and became the Grand Knight, and has since stayed in Kazimierz to improve living conditions for the infected and push back against the General Chamber of Commerce. The Armorless Union has mostly been decapitated - the Platinum defected, the Lazurites have disappeared and taken on new identities, and the Darksteel has promised to stay away from Margaret and Rhodes Island. Pinus Sylvestris and most of the rest of the Nearls are now on the landship, working for Rhodes Island.
A New Age is Upon Us: Mansfield Break/ Dorothy’s Vision/ Lonetrail/ the second Records of Originium comic (which has an official translation that you should absolutely read it’s really good)/ the Friston-3 event whenever Yostar decides to get around to releasing it, Silence/ Ptilopsis/ Saria/ Ifrit/ Dorothy/ Mulesyse/ Ferdinand/ Rosemontis/ Ho’olheyak/ Kirsten.
After the events of Project Horizon, Terra has forever been changed. For just a fleeting moment, every living being in Terra looked up and saw the stars for the first time. The consequences of this aren't totally clear just yet, but it will almost have rippling effects across the world and marks a shift in the game's story as a whole. We also received confirmation of just who the Doctor truly is, and a look behind the curtain of Terra's history. I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that nothing is the same after Lonetrail.
In more specific character terms, though, Saria is the new control of Rhine lab, with Silence as her assistant and ethics advisor. Ifrit is a big girl now, and practically a different character entirely from who she was at the start of the game - seriously, her character arc might be my favorite in the game. Rosemontis has also similarly faced her past and come out stronger, and not only Directors Dorothy and Mulesyse but also Maylander agent Ho'olheyak have come over to Rhodes Island in the chaos after Project Horizon. Finally, Rhodes Island has uncovered the real powers lying behind the scenes of Columbian Politics, but have in turn been noticed themselves. We are no longer in the shadows, and it would be wise to keep that in mind.
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argetcross · 11 months
if zagreus from wasting beats was born as a mortal man into BG3's Faerun instead of ancient Greece what would his story be??? What would be different/the same??
HNRGHHHHH Robin, this question is like catnip for me.
Oh man, if we're following wasting beats logic (he was once a god but is now just a mortal human man who doesn't have memories of being a god), then I think he'd be a prime target for tadpoling.
The cult of the Absolute would probably want to capture him alive and see if they could "release" his latent divine potential, as an asset to their cause. Zagreus starts investigating them because he wants answers about his life, damnit, and quickly finds out that, actually, he wants to stop this cult more than anything.
Given Zagreus in general can accept all sorts of punishment, a small thing let getting his brain chewed open wouldn't necessarily stop him, but I think he'd have a super rough time of it! He'd have to grow very quickly into the DND adventurer hardiness, perhaps specializing in necromantic magic and every melee weapon known to man. Thanatos could even be his patron and he could go hard down the warlock route, wielding blood magic and blade alike.
Zagreus' quest would probably still center around the unspoken questions of his parentage and also the missing divine goddess of nature. It's almost an easy fit, because so much of BG3's Faerun is based off wild hunches and adventurers galloping about the world. He'd make friends with the druid Callisto and the light cleric Iapyx and help mediate the local orcs and their failing marriage.
Thanatos would show up in the camp and leave without warning, but no one other than Zagreus could see him. The god seems to want to leave some sort of warning, but Zagreus keeps trying to get him to play drinking games with him instead. :'D
But as he journeys through Faerun and explores old temples and starts to get hints of what, exactly, his origins might be, there's this growing fear that he might be reclaimed by whatever plane his father resides in. He might not be able to stay at all. The god of death, his FATHER, wants him back, mortality be damned, and he might have to make the ultimate choice:
Embrace the tadpole and allow himself to be forever changed, casting aside who he once might have been-
Finally understand who he was born to be, take the power of his bloodline, but forever leave behind everything he cares about to fulfill that destiny.
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reinathevocaloid · 1 year
A Giramie Playlist!
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Centuries - Fall Out Boy
Some legends are told Some turn to dust or to gold But you will remember me Remember me for centuries
King - Lauren Aquilina
You've got it all You lost your mind in the sound There's so much more, you can reclaim your crown You're in control Rid of the monsters inside your head Put all your faults to bed You can be king again
War of Change - Thousand Foot Krutch
Wait, it's just about to break, it's more than I can take Everything's about to change I feel it in my veins, it's not going away Everything's about to change
Road Not Taken - Stray Kids
I go on a path that has never been stepped on Not the main path, but my own Even if I can't see the future anymore I'll step out, throw myself out fearlessly Run and run without a regret Even if it's suffocating, I will never stop
See Who I Am - Within Temptation
See who I am Break through the surface Reach for my hand Let's show them that we can Free our minds and find a way The world is in our hands This is not the end
Flares - The Script
But did you see the flares in the sky? Were you blinded by the light? Did you feel the smoke in your eyes? Did you, did you? Did you see the sparks filled with hope? You are not alone 'Cause someone's out there, sending out flares
Spider - HOSHI
Can't breathe When you look at mе, when you look at me I shiver all over When you touch me, when you touch me You tie me up like a spider We're tangled up, we can't escape Like a spider, I enjoy this puzzle Pretend to hate it baby, I still like it baby
Spit It Out - IAMX
When you're in pieces Just follow the echo of my voice It's okay Tune into that frequency
Heavy In Your Arms - Florence + The Machine
I was a heavy heart to carry But he never let me down When he held me in his arms My feet never touched the ground
Can't Pretend - Tom Odell
Love, I have wounds Only you can mend You can mend, oh, oh, oh I guess that's love I can't pretend
Dusk Till Dawn - ZAYN & Sia
I'll hold you when things go wrong I'll be with you from dusk till dawn
Umbrella (Cover) - All Time Low
When the sun shines, we'll shine together Told you I'll be here forever Said I'll always be your friend Took an oath, I'ma stick it out to the end Now that it's raining more than ever Know that we'll still have each other You can stand under my umbrella
Stay - The People's Thieves
I'm only Just strong enough I'm Just strong enough I'm Slowly sinking through the ground below So hold me Just long enough to Just long enough to Show me How to find my way back home
The Author - Roosberg
If you feel like a stranger in your tale, not much to offer Yeah, know that you're the one to change your story Change your story Yeah, you're the author for it Change your story, write your story
Ready Now - Dodie
You saw through me All this time I'd forgotten People are kind I was hurting And you knew So you showed me What to do You said, "I will listen Tell it all When you're finished We'll talk more" But I didn't know how So we took it in turns And to my surprise We found my words
True Colors - Kesha and Zedd
All my life, one page at a time I'll show you my, my true colors No-no, no-no, I won't apologize For the fire in my eyes Let me show you my, my true colors It ain't your rainbow
The Quiet - Imogen Heap
In the time that it takes, for a smile to cross the room In the time that it takes, to be finally understood In the time that it takes from being one of us to two It's the time it takes the moon to rise, we can start anew, let's win at life again Oh silent world, rest assured that love lies beyond words
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absolutebitchgetter · 9 months
Yea, the title is about me. So? it might sound like a fucking Kanye West song title but he is a peak artist. (i do not support anything anti semetic)
So, lets just put the nail in the coffin (Notice how im not saying final?)
I wont stop until i get an actual recognision from the entirety of Comic Studio.
I am prepared to namedrop, so you better change your ways if you know who you are.
So, lets get right into it.
There is proven to be guilt tripping and manipulation as shown by this post.
Do you really think im going to give up trying to stop pure rage filling into peoples minds?
Do you think i want them to end up like me?
I ended up horrible. Anger management out the fucking window. Ive proven many times i try to change that and i still am.
People laugh, ridicule, annoy and aggravate me.
I still havent gave up, even if the admins (clearly biased) try to silence me.
Doxxing scares, harassment, impersonation, ridiculed.
Thats what i have to go through.
Monthly, weekly, daily.
I dont know when it comes, it just does.
Everyone hates me, but do i want to change that? Yes AND no.
If everyone hates me, i get no drama while everyone blocks me. If everyone loves me, i get popular and every post i do gets a few votes or comments. However i am pulled into much drama.
Anyways, actually getting into it, everything i say is silenced or put down. Even when i mention the doxxing scares, "oh yeah sorry about that". Just some half assed apology! Are you fucking serious! (You know who you are.) Who gives a fucking shit if i am one of the most problematic users there, i got harassed and incorrectly banned. I am continued to be harassed, antagonised and made fun of. Its just irony at this point. The moderation team needs a rebuild and i will not stop until my justice is served. That includes an unbanning. The cs discord isnt any better either. I was once made fun of, but it seems to have understood me about my quest to solve my anger issues. I still cant forgive it though. However a certain moderator in there deserves a name drop. Their nickname is "homosexual" with a Binding of Isaac pfp. They proceeded to time me out and no one else for an argument involving me and 4 others. I was the only one timed out, it was not fair in the slightest. My rejoin involved me asking someone to spoiler Binding of Isaac (it is a very scary game for me) and i proceeded to get targetted for it. They also had screamed at someone and pinged someone who was very uncomfortable with pinging. The mod proceeded to scold them while the victim was asking them to stop very politely. How they were mod i have no fucking clue. Its honestly scummy how the admins do nothing either when deathzy says i "harassed them" (i dm'd them about bashing my post and the fact that i apologised for the nazi joke). They then proceeded to say they were "right" in the situation when getting Onion_rabbit involved by them faking harassment. Its scummy how both of them didnt get any reprimanding and i get a perma ban.
Honestly, if i dont get this post noticed, there are going to be much namedrops in the next post. In the Oka situation that got them banned, i do concede, the sex jokes and the f slur were kinda dodgy. Even if you can reclaim i dont think you should be saying a slur. But i think a week ban should have been more appropiate. And if we're banning for sex jokes, Deathzy should be banned aswell. Just look at their fucking posts. They also drew ACTUAL FUCKING MPREG. how the fuck is that not being called out? simple answer.
They are popular.
Popular people dont get any reprimanding or a lot of the site quit.
its actually a joke how i get banned but none of the people listed arent.
Also, if you search up "toxicomic studio" on Comic Studio, read it.
So, in conclusion.
Nobody has listened to me, and this will be the final time.
If i get banned in the cs discord, so be it. The world shall listen to ABG's tune of fucking facts.
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abyssalpriest · 1 year
Honestly at a bit of a crossroads IRT what Im doing with Lev, because like. I think what I needed from my urge to revisit my "demonkin" days and identity - god just got back from the Astral talking to Hermes about shit and I look around in my body and its just. all rain outside. it feels like everything including the air itself is drenched lmfao god ok
Credit where it's due - my twinflame @rikagora has really helped me on the digestion of impulses leading me this direction to figure out what I feel about the label "demon", we discussed it a while back but
ANYWAY. i think what I needed was to reconcile the apparently disjointed "I dont relate to anyone anymore like i did when I was open about my Soul Race" and "I just dont want to go back to saying im 'demonkin' because (many reasons but at the forefront was Cringe bc it was my teenage years)" into... "Man there really isnt any options for connecting with Lev and his people in their deeper and darker aspects other than having to do it through the lens of 'demon', which in itself I dont personally agree with as a term"
Like. I'll put it this way, I want to keep exploring and working with those energies but I am tired of christianity always having to be in the background whether its catholic aesthetics or rejection of God for Satan - or its just plain using the word demon. Demon isnt ONLY used by christians I get that, but the idea of using a word for his race that is anything other than a neutrality just isn't for me* - a neutrality as in I want a term that doesnt always have anything to do with god, rebellion, teaching/knowledge, "falling", or the race that i primarily refer to when I say "angel", or even hell or hierarchies or war or antagonism or anything like. I want to work with him in ways that dont have this expectation on him, because even when we say we're divorcing the word demon from christianity, in using the word we are still conjuring a stereotype of them.
The biblical and christian and even demon idea of a demon is... Not one race, its an identity, its a political label, in terms of spirit racism its a racist label lmfao and im not saying people cant reclaim it, Im not saying people arent allowed to use it, i AM saying though that.... Look. Me and Lev (depending on what side of him you get) both enjoy the roleplay aspect of "oh yes I'm a corrupting demon im so scary and dark and haunting" but beyond roleplaying with humans, theres just so little ways of getting in contact w the energy that the label "demon" tends to be attached to
Like I would argue when Lev comes to me as Poseidon he's closer to that than when he's Shiva, Poseidon energy is the deep dark sea and the roughness of it and the stern father and the Ruler and whatnot, it grows close to encompassing black of "Emperor Leviathan" but like. This is what I missed about demonolatry: the mask-off, encompassing and swallowing teacher, the black energies, the bottom of the ocean, the darkness not painted in the light of social rules, the tendency towards elevation and respect of the animal nature, the antagonising of light-and-purity-is-the-only-good mindsets, etc... Insert other personal things from my own "demonkin" memories....
I'm tired, to summarise, of thinking I have to go to demonolatry to get what I want because "demon" isn't a neutral term for a singular race, its an identity label used (rightly or wrongly) by many different people of many different races who agree and vibe and therefore identify with the concept of demonhood; in my opinion in a couple centuries we COULD get the word to a point where it has nothing to do with christianity and its working and on-paper definitions synchronise as simply "spirits of the race of the slowest moving plane" with nothing added about anything religious, but like... right now....
Again. I dont care if others use it. I just have needed to acknowledge that "demon" for me is a really.... For me and my relationship with Lev it's roleplay. We both have an instinct to spook people who are too uptight about shit and get in our face about it, and living this life mostly in a Catholic country and growing up in a catholic school has left a huge impact, I have always felt like Im an antagonistic force by sheer existence to the foundations of catholicism, but honestly... im really neutral towards it nowadays. Now that its not pushed on to me I dont need to push back
Ive sort of been at this point for a while now because... Like how when I came up against the rebirth (more so afterbirth) of the "demonkin" label I knew I had to just jump in to my expectations and familiar places for it to then take me where it needs to go, I need to jump into this new fast-approaching gateway of... I really, really enjoyed the idea of demonolatry religions. I dont know how I feel now, but thats a part of stepping into the gate
As some of you may know, I started making my own religion for personal use with Lev. Its heavily based around the things that I'd been trying to cram and squish into the label "demonic" for years, except now it doesnt have that label. Its raw, its gorey, its animalistic, but refined in the black and adorned in ritual clothing and acts and solemn words decorated with grandeur. Its what I need. I know this much, but I stumble here because I know this is just the start of the gateway.... I thought I had several more paragraphs to go in this text because i FELT them but no, here's where I stop
I guess then I leave it at yeah, I dont like the term demon honestly, I use it for a reason but the reason doesnt fit my work. Trying to fit Lev into it beyond him dancing around in it as a barely-realistic mask to send out certain energies... Just. not feasible, nor is it something I want to do because beyond the fact that he obviously has complex feelings towards it (in positive and self-identifying ways in this case) because its such a loaded term for someone like him. He likes loaded terms, he identifies with antagonistic demiurge-esque ideas of relationships between God/Brahman and him, but like. I just.
Im trying to find, dig up, wear, coax out an energy. People slap the label "demon" (or "eldritch" as a variation, they're similar though distinct) on that energy, im tired of using terms based in/related to christians saying These People Are Evil and uhhh Lovecraft existing
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jayflrt · 5 months
alice oh my i just saw the craziest debate on my tumblr tl like im very strongly pro-palestinian but for wtv reason my blr showed me some post like 4 rbs deep of continued debate between a fucking "proud zionist" and some hindu supremacist abt whose people had it worse ... the hindu supremacist was saying they were an ally bc of the "mughal conquering" of india but the zionist wouldn't accept them or wtv i honestly didn't understand but i was just staring both in anger and bafflement bc im not sure that they can be compared ... the nakba is such a recent thing but the mughals conquered india in the 1500s and how is that any reason to support fuckass modi's entire anti-muslim propaganda ughh i want so badly to be more educated on the history of both what's going on in palestine and also everything else that's happening in the world but it keeps making me so upset to see how blinded people are by their own hate and wtf are politicians corrupt almost everywhere ?? do they genuinely have no compassion ?? im so sorry for dumping in ur inbox :( i feel like the blr community has kind of adopted u as part of our wise counsel of elders lol bc i always feel like everyone including me goes straight to ur inbox to talk ... maybe its the psych degree but ur so comforting to talk to <3
omg WHAT that's so :(( i'm so sorry you had to see that,, what a weird thing to argue over. i don't think people realize that fighting over who had it worse only benefits the oppressors..... we're ignoring the true problem at hand while we go back and forth. that's just a general statement btw i am not supporting either of who you mentioned and they should not be using such awful historic events to defend the atrocious acts israel is committing against palestine 😭 supporting modi of all people too..... FUCK THAT MAN!
i do wish things were different and i wouldn't have to say this but i'm afraid most if not all big politicians with influence have lost sight of what's important and are mostly driven by greed and power. most people see the career path of a politician and have high hopes that they'll create change and make a difference, but when you enter that world you quickly realize the best way to keep your seat in the government is to align your political views with whoever pays you more to push your campaign forward :( sure there are probably exceptions, but it would take a lot more than exceptions to flip the current political climate. that's why it's so so important for us regular citizens to create change ourselves!! all these protests and boycotts may not seem like they're doing much from our perspective, but we're all exercising our free speech in a way our governments can't suppress. educating ourself, spreading awareness, donating, sharing information—they're all ways for us to reclaim the power of the people
i'm answering this somewhat half asleep so i hope this made sense!! omg pls i always think of that tweet that says psych majors are either chill or the worst people you've met 😭 but you're too sweet, i'm so glad you feel comfortable enough to send an ask in my inbox! feel free to drop a message whenever 💘
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