#oh wait... yeah. Marty
I've been watching the BBC version of Ghosts and while Julian Fawcett, MP is The Worst, I am very much enjoying Simon Faraby's bare legs and sock garters. The front of his dress shirt barely concealing his dick is also very nice.
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divorceconnoisseur · 2 years
HELP one of my players is making a goblin pc and i JUST realized the adventure im using has goblin baddies Immediately
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justanotherescapism · 2 months
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After all this time
Homelander x Super!Fem!Reader
Word count: 684
Spoilers for season 4
“C’mon dig in before it melts.” Homelander put the ice cream cake down on the table. He laughed, everyone around him was silent. Their eyes flicked back between the cake and the supe. They were shocked to see him, he hadn’t been back since he first left, they had hidden behind the safety of it. He walked around the lab, pointing and laughing with nostalgia. He may not like to think about it but he remembers every moment from his childhood. It was why he had to return today.
“You know what day it is today?” He looked around, no-one spoke up. “Today is the day when you sent her away.” 
“Homelander.” He sneered. “Call me Homelander.”
“Homelander, you know why we had to send her away,” Marty tried to reason.
“Yeah, you said. You told me over and over again. But let me hear you say it, one more time.” Marty looked to his other colleagues, scared of what he had to say and how he would react. 
“She was a distraction.” Marty looked down, avoiding Homelander’s steel eyes. 
“Yes, a distraction, from what? The pain? The suffering? Yes, I guess she was.”
“Homelander, sh-”
“Oh don’t worry, I get it. I do.”
He looked at the rooms at the back of the lab. They weren’t allowed to be in the same room but they both had super hearing so they talked through the walls. Something had grown from that, something that even now Homelander craved. He thought he could get it from Vought but the company did nothing for him anymore. His son came closest, but he didn’t understand, Homelander suffered in a way Ryan couldn’t understand. When he looked at the rooms, he realized her door was closed. The tiny window was covered. He walked across to the door, his manic mood shifting. 
“Shut up, Marty.” He chuckled but gritted his teeth, staring at Marty, who looked terrified. Homelander grabbed the handle on the door, pulling it slowly. Inside was just how he remembered. The walls were stark white brick, the floor a cold concrete with no room for comfort. It was no bigger than a broom cupboard. 
But on the floor was a figure he recongised instantly. She was still here. 
“You’re here.” He quickly dropped to her side. She looked healthy - super healing and all - but her eyes were hollow, how long has she been down here? 
“After all this time, you came back.” She weakly smiled at him, tears flooding her eyes. 
“I’m sorry.” He dropped to his knees beside her, wrapping his arms around her. She hugged him back. He looked different but the same. She could still see the pain behind his eyes that others so easily missed. Tears fell from her eyes, as he shuddered, both in pain and excited. 
“Why?” He asked this not really knowing what the answer would be. He couldn’t understand why they’d keep her down here all these years, and lie to him about it. 
“Finding a way to destroy you. A safety protocol.” She fell more into his arms, her strength waning. Homelander’s jaw clenched. To find a way to destroy him, they needed to destroy her first. Torture for years and years. 
“I’m going to destroy them.”
“Make it painful.”
All she could hear was screaming and the sound of Homelander’s laser eyes. She smiled, she always knew some day he would come back, even if it took everything in her not to give up. All of them would die and she’d leave with the man she had loved since she was a child. 
“They’re dead. We can leave now.” He looked down at her. He was covered in blood from the people who had tortured them. She smiled, tears falling down her face. When she stood, she fell into his arms, hugged him tightly. He hugged her back, just as tight. The hole he had was filling and he felt her look up at him. 
They got into the elevator, holding hands. She shut her eyes, waiting to feel the sun on her face.
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Backburner 2
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: your boss is easy going until he’s not. 
Characters: Sam Wilson, this reader is known as Dizzie.
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
💼Part of the Bad Bosses AU💼
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“Diz,” Sam strolls up to your desk, startling you so your chair tilts dangerous, “what are you doing tonight?” 
Your lips open and you blink, turning your dumb expression into a weird smile. You sputter, surprised by the question. You take a breath and fix your posture. 
“Drinks,” you blurt out. 
“You asking me out?” He tweaks a brow and smirks. 
“Oh, no, me and the girls. It’s cocktail night!” You can’t help but clap your hands. 
“Cocktails? Get an appletini on me,” he says. 
“I’m more into mimosas,” you say sheepishly, “is there--” your smile twitches, “is there something tonight? For work? Did I forget--” 
“No, I was curious. Was gonna offer you some tickets to this hockey game. I’m not much into it but a vendor sent them.” 
“Mm, no, I’m not very sporty. I did play badminton in high school but I don’t really know about hockey or whatever,” you shrug, “sorry.” 
“That’s fine, I’ll ask Marty. I think he’s a Habs fan. Go figure.” 
You nod and wait until he strides away to go back to your work. Well, you were playing solitaire when he walked up but it’s been a very dull day. You sigh and check your phone. You’re still on for tonight. The girls all seem jazzed for it. Except for Izzie but she’s living her life up in some confidential location. 
You piddle away the day. Sam can’t seem to sit still as he comes in and out of his office several times to chat or just to ask you the same questions over and over. Admittedly, it’s a slow day. When at last you’re free, you’re eager to get home and get into something cuter. 
Your commute goes quickly as you listen to a podcast about animal facts. You get off at your stop and hurry to your building. That feathered sweater is going to look so cute with your mini skirt. You put on the loud red top over the primary blue sheath and pick out your platform loafers. You’re a bit topsy turvy and a few mimosas won’t help that but you’re ready for fun. 
You get to Retro’s at the same time as Rosie and jump her with a surprise hug from behind. You giggle as you enter and give your reservation to the hostess. She remembers you from all the other times and gets you seated. The 80s hits bop from the speakers as you wiggle in your seat. 
“I love Whitney,” you vibe along. 
“You’re silly,” Rosie chides. 
“Come on, get funky,” you clasp your fingers through each other and do the wormy thing with your arms. 
““Hey, guys,” Missie appears in a cluster of polka dots and frills, “how’s it going?”  
“Miss Missie,” you greet her with a giggle, “waiting to get the party started.”  
“Ah, yes,” she sighs and rubs her shoulders, “after today, I need a double! My boss... well, let’s leave work at work.”  
“Izzie’s not coming,” Rosie says.  
“Yeah, too bad. I can’t remember the last time I saw her,” Missie tuts. “Excuse me, I gotta hit the bathroom.”  
Missie walks off and you and Rosie chatter about the new knitting pattern she found on pinterest. She shows you on your phone as the din fades into the back of your mind. You’re a bit too talented at blocking out the world.  
“I feel better,” Missie proclaims as she sits down, “been holding my bladder since work.”  
“The others on their way?” Elfie asks as she appears behind the other girl. You flinch in surprise, ripped back into reality.  
“Georgie’s running behind,” Rosie says, “she just messaged. And Billie’s been quiet today.”  
Elfie sits and you all reach for your phones in unison. You open up Izzie’s video message and show the table her recording of a parachute jump. Wow! You wouldn’t mind trying that one day.  
Billie shows up shortly after as the chatter around the table continues. You sit with Rosie and Georgie joins you soon after, looking defeated as she explains she’s going away tomorrow. It all sounds so exciting. Izzie’s jumping out of planes, Georgie’s going to Barbados, and Billie got a new position. Your job is so boring. As fun as Sam is, he’s predictable. 
You get into the music again, swaying and bouncing, as Billie gives you the side-eye. The waitress approaches with a full tray but you don’t remember ordering. Elfie crinkles her nose, “I don’t think that’s for us.” 
You eye the bright green drinks in stemmed glasses. 
“Some gentlemen sent them,” the server nods over her shoulder. 
You sit forward to see through the crowd and a hand waves over the heads. You stand slightly as a few other girls raise themselves up. The waitress hands out the appletinis and Billie mutters about her tequila. 
“Who is that?” Rosie asks. 
“That’s my boss,” you exclaim and wave back at Sam. 
“What the hell is he...” Billie starts then quickly turns around and hides. “Shit, he’s with my boss!” 
“Your boss?” Elfie wonders. 
“One of them,” Billie growls. 
“And... is that... Mr. Rogers?” Rosie utters. “What are the odds?” 
You purse your lips and look down at the glass. Well, you did tell him you’d be there so you’re not so sure of the coincidence. You’re not going to tell them though, Billie looks ready to fight. 
“It’s so nice of them to send some drinks though,” you say. 
“Yeah,” Rosie agrees. 
“But why?” Elfie wonders. 
“I won’t deny a free drink,” Missie slurps and her cheeks pinch, “oo, sour.” 
Georgie drinks silently and checks her phone. She quickly tucks it away and takes another deep gulp. Elfie doesn’t taste hers, staring at it in disappointment. Well, you’ll enjoy yours. It’s about time you switched it up. 
“Should we buy them some drinks?” Missie suggests, “it only seems nice.” 
“No, it’s girls’ night,” Billie insists, “that’s just an invitation and I think we can all agree, we’re done with bosses tonight.” 
“Here here,” Elfie raises her glass for a cheers, “fuck work.” 
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sinofwriting · 5 days
Else - Pepe Marti
Words: 1,030 Word Prompt: First Kiss
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Masterlist | Support Me! | Sin's Sept. Blurbs
Pepe’s eyes open slowly, a view of white greeting him that makes him blink more, trying to clear his vision until he realizes that it’s the ceiling. It’s then as well that he realizes there’s a soft voice speaking, the words are quiet, soft, and are in tandem with fingers carding through his hair.
He tries to speak but nothing comes out, throat and tongue dry. It makes him pout and he tries to lift his hand, but it’s being held. Lifting the other hand, he stares at his fingers wiggling.
“Pepe?” His head turns towards the voice and he finds himself blinking again. She’s so pretty, he thinks, mouth hanging open a bit. There’s a small smile on her face and as his eyes drift down, they catch on her arms. Warmth fills him, she was the one holding his hand. And as she speaks again, he recognizes her voice as the soft one that had been speaking to him.
“You're the best.” He manages to say, throat still dry but able to now say something. “Best girlfriend.” And he can feel his smile turn dopey as he says the word girlfriend. He didn’t know why he was in the hospital or how he managed to get such a pretty girlfriend, but he was happy she was there. Her eyebrows furrow, smile dimming to a frown and he can feel his heart squeeze inside his chest. “Pepe, are you okay?” “Yeah,” he breathes, trying to reach for her with his other hand, but it lands just a few inches shy of their already joined hands. “You’re here, I’m great.” Her eyes widen, throat clearing, and he just knows she’s embarrassed.
“It’s okay, baby. I’m okay.” His hand finally cooperates and he pats her hand. “I know, I’m here, but I’m okay.” His eyebrows then furrow, “I am okay?” She nods quickly, fingers running through his hair again before they stop and her hand is dropping into her lap, he doesn’t try to stifle his whine at the loss of contact. “You're okay, Pepe. Your appendix had to get taken out, but it went well. I need to call the nurse in to check on you.” “Wait.” He manages to grab her hand before she can press the button. He smiles at her, eyes dancing. “Give me a kiss first?” A small gasp leaves her and she shakes her head. “Pepe, we aren’t,” He interrupts her, “I just want one kiss from my girlfriend before the nurse comes here.” “I’m not your girlfriend though, we’re just best friends.” The words are slurred together. His eyes narrow at her, “Baby,” he tugs at her hand. “That’s not a funny joke. I’m sorry if I scared you with the surgery, but I’m okay. It’s common enough.” “Pepe, I,” She stops, lips thinning as they press together and she sighs.
“You're right that wasn’t funny and I was really scared.” her voice grows a little quiet. “Oh, baby.” He squeezes her hands, “I’m alright really. I’m all okay.” “I’ve just,” her breath hitches, “I’ve never seen you in that much pain before.” He wants to caress her face, but doesn’t want to risk hitting her, so he squeezes her hands again. “I’m okay now though. And hopefully I won’t be in pain like that ever again.” She nods, a tiny smile on her face now.
“Can I have my kiss now?” Her mouth drops open and he tugs at her hands. “Please. Just a small one?” She stares at him for a few seconds before giving a small nod and he instantly beams.
As she leans forward, his eyes flutter shut, his breath catching as he waits to feel her kiss him. And then he just barely feels her lips brush the corner of his mouth and then his hands are empty and cold.
“Let’s get the nurse in here now.”
He’s barely been awake a minute and his face feels like it’s burning hot as he remembers mistaking his best friend, his best friend of nearly fifteen years, for his girlfriend. And something in him aches as well, because he wishes she was his girlfriend, but that was never going to happen after that, not that he thought she’d ever give him a chance but after all of that. He’ll be surprised if she continues to join him during race weekends.
He manipulated her into kissing him. His gut twists at the thought.
“How are you feeling?” “A bit tender.” His voice is quiet, eyes staying on the ceiling. “Do you want me to call the nurse?” He shakes his head. “No, just tugs a bit when I move.” Something he had mistakenly done when he woke up. “Okay.”
The meekness in her voice makes his head turn and apologies rush past his lips. “I’m so sorry for earlier. For thinking you were my girlfriend, scaring you, and making you kiss me. Me being loopy doesn’t excuse it either.” He adds when he notices her begin to open her mouth. “It’s,” she pauses trying to think. “It’s okay. You did scare me, but you never meant to and I’m sorry as well. I should have never kissed you. That was wrong of me on so many levels.” He shakes his head, feeling grim. “We both know that I wouldn’t have let you call the nurse until you kissed me. I out stubborn you every time.” She huffs out a laugh and he can’t help but smile at the sound.
“I,” He looks at her, watching as nerves play out in her body language, but her expression is determination. “One of the reasons I shouldn’t have kissed you is because that’s not how I wanted our first kiss to go.” “What?” Her teeth sink into her bottom lip for a second. “It’s just not how I thought our first kiss would go.” “How did you think it would go?” His words are a bit breathless. “Well, you would have wanted to kiss me, not someone else.” “I did want to kiss you.” Her eyes widen at his words. “I just thought you were something else, not someone else.” “Pepe.” He smiles, “C’mere baby.”
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strawb3rrystar · 5 days
Hey, are you gay?
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Pairing: Dave Lizewski x Popular! Fem! Reader
Summary: One message can set down a path that could determine the rest of your high school life, or get you a really sweet partner.
Warnings: Reader is a rich girl, mentions leaked nudes, slight angst, not proofread
Word count: 2.8k
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'Hey, can I ask you a question?'
The first message read. Quite unassuming, except for the fact it came from you, one of the most popular girls in school. Now, you wouldn't describe yourself as the typical mean girl, or cheerleader. You just knew a lot of people, and most of them really liked you. Well, Dave Lizewski was one of those people, which is why he felt like his brain was exploding when he saw that message pop up on his Myspace. His heart raced, hands feeling clammy as he typed out his response.
'Yeah, sure. What is it?'
Your question came a few minutes after, not expecting him to answer so quickly, if at all.
'Are you actually gay?'
Dave stared at it for a few moments, his heart dropping in his chest. Of course that's what you wanted to talk about.
'What? No! Why would you even ask me that?'
'Well, all the girls are spreading a rumor that you're gay. Thought I'd ask.'
That truth made him feel sick. Sure, Todd and Marty had already delivered that news to him. But hearing it straight from the source felt like being run over again.
'Yeah, well that’s bullshit. I’m not gay.'
'Okay, cool.'
Dave didn’t reply straight away, he just stared at your message for a few moments, still feeling a bit bad.
'Why are they spreading that about me?'
'Fuck if I know. I try to stay out of that shit. Besides, they're all fake petty bitches anyways.'
That actually got a surprised laugh out of him, not expecting that kind of answer or vocabulary from you at all.
'Yeah, I guess they are. You know, I don't think we've ever actually spoken before. Funny, considering we go to the same school.'
'True, but we are on opposite ends of the social ladder.'
Dave leaned back in his chair with a smile. His attention now completely on this chat as he began to type a response.
'Oh, yeah. You are WAY out of my league.'
'You really think that?'
He paused for a moment, thinking of what to say next. A few seconds passed before he settled on a decision.
'Well, yeah. I mean, you're popular. You're attractive, smart, funny. And I'm, well, I'm just a loser nerd.'
'But here I am, talking to you.'
The two of you had fallen victim to softcore flirting. Even if neither one of you would ever admit that.
'Yeah, but... why are you talking to me?'
His response read as he furrowed his brow in confusion, wondering why someone as popular as you would even give him the time of day.
'Well, I thought it would be awkward to ask you out if you were gay.'
Dave was completely taken aback by that message, he had to read it over a couple of times to make sure he read that correctly before he responded.
'Wait, you wanted to ask me out?'
That reply left Dave a bit dumbfounded, why on earth would a girl like you, especially one he had never spoken to, want to ask him out?
'You're screwing with me, right? This is some kind of joke?'
'No, it's not. When are you free?'
Dave didn't have the faintest idea what was going on. A part of him was telling him that this was all just some kind of cruel joke. How else would he have gone from sitting on his computer being miserable and pathetic to being asked out by a pretty girl.
'Uh- well, right now I've got nothing planned.'
'Great. Want to come over?'
Dave's heart jumped in his chest, he was almost sure now that this was some kind of joke or prank or something. No way this was actually happening to him. How on earth had he gone from being the loner on the outside to being asked out and asked to come over by you?
'What... really? Like, now?'
'Yes, really. My parents aren't going to be home for the next few days.'
Dave was seriously tempted to check and make sure this wasn't all some kind of dream. He pinched himself under his desk to see if it was. It wasn't.
'Damn. Uh... yeah, okay. I’ll head over. What's your address?'
When you sent him your address he quickly pieced together that area as being where the rich people live. Big expensive houses and fancy cars, something an average guy like him can never afford. He had almost forgotten that you were rich. The realization that a rich girl was asking him to come over to her house, a loser like him, made this feel even more like a joke or prank. He was still a little skeptical and hesitant about the whole situation but he couldn't say no.
'I'll be there in 20.'
'See you soon ;)'
Were the last messages exchanged between you two. Dave spent the next 20 minutes getting to her house, it was the fastest he had ever cycled in his entire life. He was now standing outside of this gorgeous house, looking up at it in a mixture of awe and disbelief, in fact, he was completely in disbelief that this was even about to happen. Dave took a moment to compose himself before he marched up your front walk and knocked firmly on the front door.
As you open the door all of his doubts went away. You looked even better than you did at school, You were standing in front of him in a pair of short shorts and a crop top. For a few moments Dave forgot how to speak, until he finally remembered how to form words into sentences. "Hey.. I'm here."
"I can see that." You reply, Dave feeling very conscious of how dry his mouth was right now, his heart racing in his chest. "So... I can come in, right?" You nod your head, moving out of the way for him. Dave walked into the house, taking in the interior of it. It was very apparent how rich your family actually was. "Nice place you got here."
You shrug, closing the door and locking it "It's my parents. They want me out when I graduate college anyways." Dave's jaw almost dropped a little at the nonchalance in your voice. It was like a rich girl didn't even realize that she was rich. Even if your parents did expect you to leave once you graduate college, you really had nothing to worry about. You'll inherit the family wealth, you were set for life. It was then that Dave realized how different they were, you were the rich popular girl and he was the poor loser nerd. "They really want that?"
"Yeah. But it's whatever." Dave's eyebrows furrow at your nonchalance, that kind of stuff wasn't 'whatever' for people like him. He didn't have anything to inherit, his father was just a single parent, a middle-class factory worker struggling to make ends meet. He's not gonna inherit anything. That's probably another reason you picked him; he was below you. Regardless, he decided to change the subject. "So... what's the plan for today?"
"Well, what do you want to do?" That made Dave pause, he honestly hadn't thought that far ahead. He just thought that you would take the lead. After all, you were the one who invited him over. But, at the same time, he did have an idea in his mind. "I have a proposition."
"Oh? A proposition?" You grin, making Dave's cheeks flush a little. "Uh, yeah... but it's a little... weird." You nearly roll your eyes. As if you'd ever find anything he says weird. "Hit me." The smile you had on your face made him both anxious and excited, but also strangely helped give him a bit of courage. "Could we.. maybe.. cuddle?"
You smile, agreeing to his proposition. "Wait, really? Just like that?" Dave was a little shocked, you agreed a little too easily, he was expecting you to have lots of questions. "Listen, my ex liked taking me through the back door and getting bj's under the bleachers. A little cuddling is like middle schoolers holding hands at this point."
Dave's eyes widened as she said that, he couldn't help the images that started to run through his mind, images of her doing those kinds of things. "You really let him do that stuff to you?" The thought of doing this with her growing more and more real and more possible. "Wish I hadn't, but yeah."
You laugh a little at your own comment, then turned to head over to the stairs. Dave quickly followed after you, the feeling of excitement bubbling in his stomach once more. When you two first walked into your room, it was what he had expected. The room of a rich popular girl. It was filled with expensive things, makeup on the desk, a very expensive vanity and stuff. The room itself was a lot larger than his own back in his crappy apartment. "So... how are we doing this?"
"You've never cuddled before?" You question him. Dave freezes up, but nervously nods his head. You grab his arm and lead him over to your bed, instructing him to get on it. Once he's settled back into the pillow, you climb in beside him, leaning into his side. After a few moments of silence you decided to speak up. "You know, the real reason I invited you over was because I thought you'd understand what it feels like to have rumors spread about you."
That gained Dave's attention, his eyebrows perk up "What do you mean by that?" You sigh, leaning against him more "My ex spread a rumor that I cheat on him, then leaked my nudes as 'revenge.'" Dave feels his heart break a little as you say that. The idea that your ex had done something like that to you... it disgusted him. He gently hugs you closer to him, his hand rubbing your shoulder softly. "I'm so sorry."
You shake your head in response "No, I shouldn't trouble you with my stupid problems." Dave's stomach twists as he hears you say that, continuing to hug you closer to his chest, his hand moving to rub your back. "Hey... they're not stupid problems, I know they are serious to you, and that makes them serious to me as well. I care about you."
You look up into his eyes "Why?" Dave slowly brought both his hands up to your face, his thumbs gently brushing over your warm skin as he spoke to you. "Because you mean so much to me... more than you'll ever know." You lean into his touch, trying to fight off tears. You've never had someone care about you this much.
For a moment, he can't keep the nerdy, awkward part of himself from speaking up. He hesitates, before speaking in a soft, quiet voice. "Can I tell you something?" Dave takes another beat before continuing, his hands suddenly feeling clammy. "I've had a huge, massive, incredible crush on you, for years now."
"Oh, me too." you reply, as if it was nothing. Dave's eyes widen in surprise, he couldn't believe it. "Wait.. really?" You nod your head slowly. Dave's brain just can't compute it. He had spent so long being the nerdy loser that everyone made fun of and no girl wanted to pay attention to, but there was this incredible, beautiful girl confessing to having a crush on him. "For how long?"
"Since middle school." you admit to him. Dave tries to speak but his throat has gone dry at the revelation, the idea that you've had a crush on him since middle school was almost too much to process. "For real?" Your conformation sent Dave's brain into a spiral, it was just so unbelievable. This incredible, popular girl confessing to having a crush on him since middle school, it was like a nerdy guy's dream come true or something. "And you never said anything?"
"I think I was in denial that I actually liked you." You take a moment, then lean closer to him, whispering. "But I don't think I am anymore, though." Dave's breath catches in his chest when you lean closer to him, his brain feeling like mush. A few seconds pass as the two of you lay in each others arms. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." you echo, your lips hovering over his. Dave's heart thumps even faster in his chest, he was so close to what he's always wanted. "Can I... you know, kiss you... or something...?" You smile a little at him "You'd be stupid not to."
The comment has a smile tugging at Dave's lips as he looks down at you. He can't tell if it's confidence in your voice, or the fact that you're finally giving him permission to kiss you. But it doesn't matter... either way the fact you're practically giving him permission to kiss you, is enough to set the butterflies in his stomach in motion once again. Dave moves a little closer to you, so his chest is almost pressed up against yours. "Then I guess I'm stupid."
"Oh, shut the fuck up." You roll your eyes before crashing your lips onto his. Any thought, any idea, any witty, semi-confident comment goes out the window. Dave closes his eyes and kisses you back, wrapping his arm around you to pull you close. His lips eagerly press against yours, kissing you with fervor and passion. One of your hands travels to grab onto his shoulder lightly. Dave groans softly against your lips, he still felt as inexperienced and as socially awkward as ever in this moment, but he didn't care. Not right now.
He pushes his tongue against your lips as he continues to kiss you, gently running his hand up and down your back as he does. You part your lips for him, your fingers playing with the fabric of his shirt. Dave pushes his tongue into your mouth, exploring and licking every inch of you. One of his hands moves to gently grip your waist, while he pushes his body against yours, pinning you to the bed a little. You moan against his lips in response, making Dave nearly lose control over himself. A switch is flicked in his brain that wants to hear that sound from her over and over again.
You pull away from his lips a minute later, gasping for air. "Jesus Christ. I was starting to feel lightheaded for a second." Dave lets out a soft laugh at your comment, the fact that their kissing has left you feeling lightheaded, has him feeling smug and almost proud of himself. "Does that mean I'm a good kisser?" You don't want to feed his ego, but if you had to be honest, it was the best kiss you've ever had. "For a virgin, I suppose you are."
Dave's ears go scarlet at her comment, the idea of her calling him a virgin to his face "I... I'm sorry?" You tilt your head in confusion "For what?" Dave just looks down at her for a moment, the knowledge that you know that he's a virgin is both embarrassing but also kind of turns him on a bit. "For... you know, being inexperienced... I just... I don't want to disappoint you."
"Relax, we have all been virgins once." Dave takes a breath as he looks down at you, trying to calm his already thumping heart. He knows you're trying to reassure him, and it does work a little, but he still can't help the insecurities and the nerves that are running through his head. "I just... want to make you feel good... that's all I care about." You nearly scoff, finding him unbelievable. "Have you met my ex?"
Dave's expression immediately hardens at the mention of her ex, the fact you just brought him up is enough to ruin the moment a little for him. "Well, that asshole didn't ever make me feel good. He only cared about getting himself off. So, you're already like ten steps ahead." He feels bad that you were ever with someone like that in the first place, a pit in his stomach dropping. "Damn... the bar is really set low then, huh?" You place a kiss on his neck "You could say that."
Dave lets out a soft moan when you place a kiss on his neck, his body suddenly tensing up a bit at the feeling in a good way. He bites his bottom lip for a second as he responds, looking down at you, his voice softer now. "Is that all it takes? I just have to be better than your shitty ex?"
"Just.. do whatever feels right." Dave takes that in, staring at you for a few minutes. "Hm, well, I've wanted to kiss you for years. So I think I'd like to continue doing that." He says before his lips are back on yours.
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Star's notes -> Decided to not turn this into smut because I thought this was cute on it's own.
(Requests are open!)
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midnight-black2 · 5 months
prompt 4 for jann?
He and reader both attend gt academy and he has a crush on them. Reader becomes very close with matty which leads to him and jann fighting over them and reader showing jann who they really want^^
pairing : jann mardenborough x reader
synopsis : what the req saysss
disclaimers : sub!jann, dom!reader, palming, jealousy, teasing, etc (NOT FULL SMUT!!)
note : i just now realized that i didn't actually include the prompt quote, but just know that it's obviously still based off of the prompt. also, this is like a lime, so it's not full smut, sorry if you wanted that! if you did, you can request a part two, but i just left it at a makeout sesh that eludes to smut, lol
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jann hated matty.
he hated the way matty spoke, all cocky with an edge to every end of a sentence. he hated the way he walked, head held high with such unnecessary confidence. but most of all...
...he hated the way you liked matty so much. always saying things like "he's really quite nice once you get to know him." and as much as jann despised it, he knew he couldnt really stop you. hell, he probably wouldn't even try to. but god did it get under his skin when you and matty would laugh together, looking like you were having the time of your lives.
"no no, i'm serious!" you exclaimed, before leaning back in and whispering something in mattys ear. something secretive. a secret. why could you tell marty secrets? why couldnt jann be in mattys place right now? why did jann have this undeniable stabbing pain in his chest watching the two of you from afar?
"you can't be," matty said, furrowing his brows with a smirk. you shrugged. jann and matty made eye contact, and mattys smirk only grew, it was like he knew what he was doing, which made jann only angrier.
it's not like jann knew what you and matty were talking about, and it might have done him more good if he would have listened. then he would've realized you guys were talking about him. how you had a crush on him, and how you were preparing to tell him. but it was only until jann was standing in front of you, asking just what it is you were whispering in mattys ear and giggling about that he became aware.
"the conversation wasn't much," you replied, absentmindedly. you wanted to wait until the right moment to truly fess up, but he was making it rather difficult.
"it didn't seem like it," he said, under his breath, swallowing hard. he regretted the words as soon as he spoke them. however, there was no going back.
"fine, if you really want to know, i was telling him about how much i like you, jann," you said, with a sigh. sure, you could sense his jealousy from a mile away. you didn't ever think he'd do something about it, though. now, he was proving you wrong. his eyes widened, as he froze. his mouth opened, then closed. he wanted to say something, but he felt like he didn't have the right to.
"Y/N-i... i didn't know i'm sorry i just-" you cut him off with a snort.
"it's all good, jann. i won't hold it against you or anything. but, why were you so annoyed by me hanging out with matty anyway?" you asked, trying to suppress your growing smirk. he looked down, with a hoarse chuckle. the situation was ironic, surely.
"because i like you too," he uttered, anxiously. even though you had already said how you felt, he couldn't help but be exponentially nervous. it was just-- you. no other thoughts apart from you and driving consumed him. those were the two most important things to him. of course you made him nervous. you grinned complacently.
"i know."
"you...do?" he questioned, looking back up and facing you. his brows were furrowed, and you laughed.
"i've known since the start."
"it could not have been that obvious," he said, with a defeated chuckle. he tried defending himself, but to no avail.
"oh trust me, it most definitely was," you answered. "...so now do you believe that it's you that i want?"
"well yeah, i mean you've said it but..." he trailed off. he didn't know how he intended to finish that sentence. he also couldnt find the courage to finish it, anyway.
"let me prove it to you."
"how?" he asked, voice shaky and uncertain. he maybe had a clue of what you were suggesting. maybe.
"follow me, and you'll find out," you said, gesturing for him to do just that. so, he did. he was too curious not to. you both went to the sleeping quarters, which currently were unoccupied since everyone was out training. you urged him to sit down on your bed, and he complied. you then sat down next to him.
"i think it's really ridiculous that you couldnt see how much i do like you, jann," you said, as you intently looked in his eyes, awaiting a response.
"im sorry. i didn't think i could be so dense," he said, with a breathy laugh. his eyes flickered to your lips. it was a split second, but it was noticeable enough. you leaned in slightly, and he felt this sort of magnetic pull to do the same. there was only a breath between you, as your lips grazed against his. you sealed the gap, finally. lips moving in sync, perfectly harmonious with one another.
your hand cupped his cheek, as he rested his hand on your waist. you both started to kiss each other with fervor. when you eventually pulled away, the two of you were breathless. his grasp on your hip tightened as he desperately attempted to ground himself. there was no way this was happening...--no, it was. it was definitely happening. because when you crashed your lips back on his, and slipped your tongue inside his mouth, and lied him down and hovered over top of him, he felt it all crash at him at once, like a big wave. his head was reeling.
"do you want this?" you mumbled against his lips. he nodded eagerly, and you found it entirely amusing. "i need your words, jann."
"please," he begged. that was all you needed, before your hand trailed down his body. you reached the part of him that ached for you. you started palming him over his clothing. he whimpered softly, shifting and writhing beneath you.
well, let's simply say you guys had a lot of fun that day.
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╰┈➤ uh oh, cliffhanger! might post a pt.2 sometime, idk
𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟒 © 𝐤𝐲𝐚-𝐢𝐬-𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐥
𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐲? 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞
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bearieio · 1 year
modern!abby headcanons
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she’s totally clingy but she tries to be suupper subtle about it.
like she’ll follow you to bathroom just to lean against the doorframe with her arms crossed (mad cuz you left her on the couch by herself) and stare at you like 🙁🧍‍♀️
you finally break the silence and go, “…what?” then she’s all like “oh- i was just waiting for you to get done so i could use the bathroom..” her eyes avoiding yours.
your guys’ apartment has 2 bathrooms…
she’s a wonderful cook 
her specialty is anything with pasta…. it’s true and she told me herself !!!! (real, not fake)
loves wearing crop tops. YEAH I SAID IT. and WHAT?!
usually wears those cropped muscle tanks in order to still get that tank top feel and still show off her muscles ;)
also doesn’t believe in bras. bras r for losers.
she was probably one of those girls in high school who nobody messed with because they thought she was mean. but she’s totally cool ofc.
i don’t think she was a basketball girlie, BUT she was a lacrosse, ice hockey, volleyball, AND probably water polo or- OUUHHHH!!!!!! WRESTLING!!! :D
(ellie was on the basketball and soccer team- but thats a story for another time)
she’s a suffering pre-med/med student. she hates all her professors and classmates, but she gotta do what she gotta dooooo!!!
i feel like she spends a lot of time in her studies,,, DEDICATION!
omg she loves telling you about all about the human body and different illnesses & diseases and how they affect your body.
“the human equivalent to mad cow disease, could actually be creutzfeldt-jakob disease! it completely deteriorates your brain and causes-“
PRAISE!!!!!! she loves it.
will probably never admit it but she loves when you call her a “pretty girl,” “beautiful,” or maybe even “handsome???????”
either a jeep/ford bronco OR a pickup truck lesbian.
either way, the car is definitely one that was passed down from her father and she loves it.
it’s probably like a really muted/faded blue-ish color
if you just so happen to be as tall as her/taller than her (first of all hmu), she’d be kind of competitive with you and you guys would always have silly little quarrels between one another. 
“bet you can’t reach the bag of chips all the way up there”
“bet you can’t beat me in limbo”
“bet you can’t beat me to the couch“ 
if you’re smaller than her, she’ll take the upmost amount of pride taking care of you and making sure you’re getting what you need :)
but she also loves when she gets to feel small around you.
she loves how versatile she can be around you and how your guys’ romance is totally 50/50, meaning both of you put the same-if not more- amount of energy, love, and effort into y’alls relationship :’)
you guys wear each others clothes all the time too. but.
its like she’ll wear your socks n stuff, but like you’ll wear her shirts, pants, hoodies, and literally everything else.
so it’s basically just you guys wearing the same clothes but like you share socks?😭
i feel like she’s most likely one of those people who listens to almost every genre.
but OKAY when it comes to country, she’ll listen to old country stars like marty robbins, johnny cash, dolly, kenny rodgers, etc.
but wouldn’t it be so funny if she was like into some really heavy shit- like imagine her pullin’ up to the gym listening to ‘what color is death’ by acid bath or like ‘mondo medicale’ by impaled… like.
idk just a thought…….😁
she never lets you drive. unless she’s seriously injured or really tired, you’ll always be abby’s passenger princes.
“make sure to put your seatbelt on, baby”
she’s like… A REALLY GOOD DRIVER. and she does that super attractive thing were she turns the wheel with her palm (ykwim?).
her parallel parking is INSANE. in one go, she’ll have the car in the perfect position, in between two other cars. ugh. i love her.
her hand is always resting on your thigh and she occasionally pucker her lips in your direction, wanting a kiss.
she’s not one of those people who road rages, but she definitely gets upset when people are cutting her off and pulling out in front of her just to go slower than the speed limit.
she flips people off too. paying no mind if the people were paying attention to her.
another thing. i feel like she’s actually a pretty good singer. like nobody knows, but she hums you lullabies before napping with you.
same with whistling. she’s a real good whistler :)
HER HANDWRITING is also super good…… it’s not like a font, and it’s not like straight up calligraphy either, but it’s just super pleasing to look at.
especially when she leaves you little notes around the house and doodles little drawings of you and herself (and alice because i love alice. she’s best dog).
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a/n: also hey guys i’m not entirely sober while writing this so HOPEFULLY when i wake up tomorrow its not some complete bullshit that is just spent my evening writing.. \(`0`)/ ummmm!!
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steventhusiast · 1 year
steve’s in the middle of trying to organise a pile of returned tapes by genre when he hears the bell on the door ring. his eyes flicker up to family video’s door, and he intends to only check the customer doesn’t look suspicious, but when he sees who’s entered the store he can’t help the smile that creeps onto his face.
“eds!” he greets his boyfriend, happily abandoning his task to lean onto the counter and watch eddie walk up to him.
“your highness.” eddie greets dramatically, and steve watches as he does a quick scope of the store as he reaches the counter. it’s empty, so of course eddie hops up and over the obstacle to stand next to steve.
“what the hell, eddie!” robin complains as eddie knocks into her half-organised tape pile on his way over, sending a couple tapes onto the ground.
eddie looks at her with a wide-eyed ‘oops’ expression, and then picks up the tapes, attempting to put them back in their place.
“sorry, buck.”
“yeah, yeah.” she huffs, but she’s smiling a little so steve knows she’s not actually mad. she holds up a copy of back to the future, and raises an eyebrow, “you put this in the romance pile.”
“stevie says marty tries to bang his mom in that, so am i really wrong?”
robin blinks at him a couple times, and then shakes her head and resumes her pile-sorting, seemingly done with them for now.
eddie finally smiles at steve from where he is next to him, and gently takes his hand and squeezes it under the counter.
“missed you last night.” he says. steve shuffles his feet a little in response, and squeezes his hand back.
“missed you too. you know how my parents are when they’re in town.”
“yeah, i know.” eddie’s soft smile switches to something more playful as he pauses, “too bad though, had biiig plans for us involving.. one of our most recent purchases in indy.”
robin makes a gagging sound from where she’s stood, and as steve blushes and opens his mouth to say something in reply she reaches over to push at his shoulder and then starts talking before he gets the chance to.
“i say this with love because you are my favourite dingus and dongus, if you make me stand here and listen to you make vague sexual references while i get paid minimum wage to organise these stupid tapes, i might do something drastic.”
eddie snorts at her words.
“you have such a way with words, robs.”
for some reason she looks offended at that, and steve chuckles to himself as he waits for the verbal tennis match to start between them.
they’re interrupted by the bell at the door telling them another customer has walked in, so steve glances over again and-
oh. it’s tommy’s mom.
somehow, for some reason, tommy never told his parents that they’re not on speaking terms anymore. steve had been absolutely dumbfounded the first time mrs hagan came over to say hello after their fight. he’d been expecting her to start chewing him out for upsetting her baby, but instead she’d asked how his mother was doing and had given him a motherly hug like always.
so, he steels himself for an interaction that will later make him feel a strange mix of nostalgic, sad and angry.
“steve! i forgot you work here.” mrs hagan grins at him as she walks over, a copy of pretty in pink in her hand.
“hi mrs hagan.” he offers her a half-hearted smile, and she puts the tape on the counter.
“just came to return this. such a lovely surprise to see you, though. it’s been too long honey! i’m sure tommy misses having you around, i know i do.” she says, and steve winces slightly as he feels robin’s eyes on him.
“oh, yeah. it’s, it’s real nice to see you too mrs h.” there’s an awkward pause where mrs hagan frowns a little at his lack of response to her tommy-related words, so he continues, “time really does fly when you’re not at high school anymore. barely have time to see any of my friends, really.”
he pointedly doesn’t look over to where eddie is now helping robin through the pile of tapes. mrs hagan nods uncertainly, and after steve’s finished with her return and a couple seconds of awkward silence have passed, she nods to herself.
“right, well.. i’ll be off then. we’re actually having a small gathering this weekend, honey. i bet tommy would love to see you there!” she tries at a smile again, but steve can’t really hide the panic in his eyes at the offer.
“oh! i’d- i’d love to mrs h, but i am just-“ he makes a vague gesture with his hands, “so swamped. really busy weekend.”
mrs hagan looks sad at his words, but nods again slowly.
“another time then.”
“sure.” steve lies, and watches as she leaves.
once she’s gone, he thinks about what the party would be like if he does go. he won’t, obviously, but.. what if?
realistically, he knows tommy would be the same jerk he’d been when they last talked a few years ago. but the more childish part of him that remembers his friendship with tommy through rose-coloured glasses wants to believe it could be fun.
maybe it’d be like old times, and he and tommy would take turns pushing each other into the pool. then they’d get each other a plate of food, purposely putting something they know the other doesn’t like on it because they think it’s funny. and finally, after a few hours they’d sneak off to tommy’s room and hang out, talking about anything and everything that comes to mind.
a big part of steve knows tommy was a toxic friend, that they weren’t good for each other and their relationship was strained and unhealthy. but a small part of him misses him more deeply than he wants to admit.
sometimes, when robin asks him a question about his childhood and he realises she hasn’t been his friend since birth, he thinks about how tommy would know that because he’d been there since the start. or she’ll falter when looking for a plate and steve knows tommy could navigate his kitchen with his eyes closed.
but in the same vain, robin will know that he’s got a migraine coming just from the smallest of winces, and steve thinks about how tommy doesn’t even know he gets migraines now. and she knows which floorboard in his room covers a pile of polaroids of him and eddie, and he thinks about how tommy wouldn’t even be safe enough to tell about their relationship.
“you in there, stevie?” eddie says from beside him, jokingly knocking on the top of his head.
steve smiles at him, and bumps him with his shoulder affectionately.
“yeah, just thinking.” he says, and looks at the glass door again. mrs hagan’s car is pulling out of the lot now.
“careful, that sounds dangerous.” robin jokes, and then makes trumpet noises with her mouth as she sorts the final tape into the correct pile.
eddie joins in with her dramatics, going as far as to mime playing his trumpet. robin critiques the way he’s miming holding one, and eddie scoffs at her and tells her to mime playing guitar so he can make fun of her back.
steve smiles to himself, and looks away from the car as it drives away.
he may miss his friendship with tommy sometimes, but this? he wouldn’t trade this for the world.
idk what this is but i hope u enjoyed it
inspired by one of my old best friends’ parents who used to come into the store i worked at and say hi to me because they didn’t know our friendship group had a MASSIVE falling out. i miss that friendship a lot sometimes even though it was toxic, and those thoughts inspired this because every thought i have can be projected onto steve if i try hard enough
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starsfic · 7 months
The "Sugar Honey Iced Tea" reunion between Alex and Marty in Madagascar, but with DogDay and CatNap.
So, the names for the Smiling Critters' kid forms were inspired by @novalizinpeace, who has an amazing Smiling Critters ARG!
The human was trapped. Poppy's "Angel" was trapped, finally.
CatNap loomed, unable to vocalize the delighted meow that scrambled at his throat, instead replacing it with the feeling of Red Smoke crawling up, ready to put them to sleep. He had thought that they would die of fright in Home Sweet Home, he had hoped Miss Delight would bash in their brains, he had thought...DogDay would finish them off. They had all failed.
But he would bring them down, clip their wings, and add their corpse to his shrine-
Wait, why was their green hand sparking like that?
CatNap's answer came in a bright flash, a "HOLY SHIT!" and pain. Pain all over, like he was strapped down with wires connected to all of his skin. The Red Smoke came out and there was "CatNap, don't-" from the human. But it was too late.
The spark had been lit.
The next few minutes scrambled past in a blur of pain, of movement, of seeing the human frantically looking around as if an answer would descend on high. And then it did, his god offering a hand, wreathed in holy light. CatNap reared back at first, fear eating at him. But he was in so much pain-
"CatNap? CatNap, no, no, no, we can fix this-!"
The world went dark.
Ugh, he felt awful.
He opened his eyes.
Nothing but darkness met his eyes. He sat up, looking around. Yeah, nothing but darkness. He looked down. He saw hands...his? They had to be. They were attached to him, even as they glitched between small human hands and purple cat paws. He could feel his entire body glitch alongside his hands.
Was he dead?
He had to be.
He got up, looking around. The darkness stretched beyond his vision. Was he in Heaven? He didn't expect it to be so dark and lonely. He looked around. What now?
With no other idea, he stared to walk. It was hard, at first, with how his body twitched and slipped between human and cat, but soon he was moving easily. With the new ease, his ears picked up on something.
"...now that we're in him, we need to help them..."
"Yeah, but how...?"
"Oh, I have a few ideas!"
He...recognized those voices. Both the human and cat perked up. Yes, yes, they definitely recognized those voices! Elliot had kept his promise after all! This had to be Heaven!
Theo-CatNap turned a corner that was unseen and came to a stop.
There was six of them, gathered around the seventh, all of them glitching between human and animal. The one in the center spoke animatedly, even as he switched between messy dirty blonde curls and fluffy orange ears. "Nell-DogDay-?" he said, voice glitching.
All of them turned.
"Theo-CatNap?" Nell-DogDay's voice glitched between child and toy, but he didn't care. He was seeing them, all of them, especially him again. "Theo-CatNap?"
"Nell-DogDay!" Theo-CatNap sobbed, running towards the other boy. Nell-DogDay stepped in between the Critters and took off at a run. "Nell-DogDay!"
Huh, it seemed like he was frowning? "Nell-DogDay?"
Nope, he wasn't mistaken. And now there was an angry dog running straight at him. "OH SUGAR HONEY ICED TEA!" CatNap let out a yowl and turned, sprinting away.
Charlie-Bubba blinked, watching as the dog chased the cat. "I think he forgot we were going to help the angel," he sighed. They were a part of the Prototype now. They could take him down from the inside.
"Nah, he didn't forget," Alba-CraftyCorn said, helping up Callem-Kickin. "Give him a second. Theo will want to be part of this."
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theaawalker · 2 months
The Time Travelers ⌚ [Marty Mcfly x Y/N]
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Pairing: Marty McFly x Fem!Y/N Song Inspo: Marty McFly by Luke Christopher Word Count: 1,728 Summary: You, Marty, and Doc Brown formed a formidable team. You were always by Marty's side, assisting with Doc's eccentric experiments. Unbeknownst to you, Marty shared your feelings but hadn't yet found the right moment to express them. He had planned to ask you out after Doc's latest experiment, but things took a dangerous turn when adversaries of Doc attacked, forcing you both to flee for your lives. Warnings: sexual harassment, some violence (non-graphic) Masterlist: see fandoms (pc-friendly)
"Marty! They're catching up!"
"I know, (Y/N)! Damn it, I know!"
Marty pressed harder on the gas pedal, accelerating rapidly. "Marty, wait! 88 miles per hour—" Too late. The next moment, you crashed into a barn.
You groaned and checked yourself for injuries, noticing Marty struggling with a hazmat helmet.
"I'll be quick," he mumbled through the mask. You waited anxiously until Marty returned to the car, gunfire echoing in the distance.
"What's happening?!" you shouted. "Hold on!" he replied, speeding away again with shots trailing behind you.
Marty drove to your neighborhood, but something was off. The area hadn't been developed yet.
"What should we do?" You asked nervously.
"I don't kn—Wait. Doc! We need to find Doc! It's his machine, he must know what's going on!"
"Marty," you interrupted.
"Come on, (Y/N)! We have to locate his place and—"
You sighed deeply. "How about you take a moment to calm down. Clearly, we're not at home. Let's think this through. My 'uncle' Lou is at the café. Well, he's not really my uncle. Whatever. Let's check if we can use the phone there. We'll call Doc and see what he suggests. Sound good?"
Marty's expression softened, and he nodded in agreement. "Yeah. Okay. Let's head to the cafe." He held out his hand to you, and you took it with a shy smile. Since you couldn't drive, you began walking together.
"What the heck?" Marty muttered under his breath. You shared his disbelief. This was surreal. It looked like... the 1950s.
He nervously ran his hand through his hair and scanned the town until his eyes fell on a trash can. He rushed over, picking up a newspaper. His eyes widened as he read, mumbling something you couldn't quite catch.
"What? What is it?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper, nerves and excitement mingling in your tone.
"1955, (Y/N)! We're—We're in 1955... Doc's machine worked."
Your mind raced as you tried to comprehend the enormity of the situation. "Oh my God. I—I haven't even been born yet! Well... that might not be such a bad thing."
"Ouch." Marty furrowed his brows at your self-deprecation.
"No, no, no. I meant for the space-time continuum. Two of us existing in the same time period. That's be catastrophic." Marty blinked at you, clearly speechless and impressed. "What? I listen to Doc."
The two of you chuckled a bit, cut short as the memory of Doc being murdered returning. Doc was dead, or he would be... in 1985. Meanwhile, the two of you were stuck in 1955.
Marty's expression shifted to a mix of determination and concern. "Come on. We've still gotta use that phone."
With that, Marty grabbed your hand and hurried across the quiet street towards Lou's Cafe, the familiar setting from countless retellings of his adventures. As you stepped inside, the nostalgic atmosphere enveloped you—the checkerboard floor, the red vinyl booths, and the jukebox playing tunes of an era long gone.
"Did you kids jump ship or something?" the man behind the counter asked, his voice a blend of curiosity and amusement.
"Sorry?" you replied, momentarily thrown off by the unexpected question.
"Well, what's with the life preserver?" he continued, gesturing towards Marty with a quizzical expression.
You glanced at Marty, realization dawning upon you. "Oh," you chuckled softly, "I just... he likes his vests."
"I just—uh... I need to use your phone," Marty stammered, eager to distract from any further questions about his unconventional attire.
"Sure. Right over there," the man said, pointing to a booth in the back of the cafe.
Before Marty left, he turned to you with a hint of urgency in his eyes. "Stay here for me. Okay?"
"Okay," you nodded, offering him a reassuring smile despite the whirlwind of thoughts racing through your mind. "I swear, Marty, if it's the last thing I do, I'll get us home. I'll get you home," you added, trying to muster the courage you knew he needed.
Marty returned your smile gratefully before rushing towards the booth, leaving you to take a seat at the counter. You settled onto the stool, trying to blend in with the patrons who seemed oblivious to the temporal chaos unfolding around them.
A familiar figure caught your eye—a young man sitting just a seat away, devouring a sundae with gusto. "Hey, ice cream sounds pretty good," you mused to yourself, trying to find some semblance of normalcy in this surreal situation.
"Um, could I have a sundae?" you asked Lou, the man behind the counter, your voice wavering slightly with nerves.
"Sure thing, sweetheart," Lou replied warmly, reaching under the counter to retrieve a bowl and prepare your order.
Meanwhile, Marty trudged back from the phone booth, a sheet of phone book paper clutched tightly in his hand. "Hey, do you know where—" he began, only to be interrupted by the sudden swing of the cafe's front doors.
Your breath caught in your throat as you glanced towards Marty for confirmation. "Marty. I—Is that...?"
"Biff," he muttered under his breath, his jaw clenched with apprehension.
The cafe seemed to freeze in time as a familiar, imposing figure entered—the swaggering bully, Biff Tannen. Minions behind him, his presence filled the room with a palpable tension, drawing the gaze of everyone present, including yours and Marty's.
"Hey, McFly! McFly, I'm talkin' to you!" Biff bellowed, his voice cutting through the air like a knife.
The young man at the counter turned around, and it hit you like a lightning bolt. It was George McFly, Marty's father, a timid and awkward figure caught in Biff's shadow.
"Oh. Hi, Biff," George stammered, his voice barely audible over the din of the café.
Marty's expression mirrored your own shock as you watched the scene unfold before you, the pieces of the past falling into place with eerie precision.
"That's George McFly," Marty whispered to you, his voice tinged with disbelief. "My dad." You nodded silently, your eyes locked on George's vulnerable form as Biff continued his relentless taunting. "M-My dad was a total wimp," Marty muttered, his shoulders slumped with defeat.
"Poor guy," you whispered sympathetically, unable to tear your gaze away from the heartbreaking sight.
"Hello! McFly! Anybody home?" Biff mocked, knocking on George's head with a cruel smirk.
"I see Biff's always been an asshole," you murmured to Marty, your voice tinged with anger and empathy as you witnessed the brutal bullying unfold before your eyes. Marty remained transfixed, his expression a mix of sorrow and frustration as he watched his father endure Biff's torment.
"What're you lookin' at, butthead?!" Biff sneered, closing in on Marty with malicious intent.
Enough was enough. You couldn't stand idly by while Biff continued his reign of terror, especially not aimed at Marty.
"Hey! Why don't you back the hell off, asshole!" You snapped, your voice ringing out in defiance.
Biff's gaze snapped towards you, his expression shifting from rage to something altogether more unsettling—a predatory glint in his eyes. He licked his lips slowly, a sinister smile spreading across his face as he moved towards you, his towering frame blocking your escape.
Fear gripped your heart, but you stood your ground, refusing to let Biff intimidate you any further. Marty got up to fight but Biff's gang held him back.
"Don't you touch her, you sick son of a bitch!" Marty yelled.
"Oh shut up, dip-stick. A pretty girl like this ain't gonna like a squirt like you. She needs a real man." Biff turned his attention back to you. "Ain't that right, doll face?" He smirked.
"That's actually insulting." You spat. "I'd rather lick the mud off my shoe then be anywhere NEAR you!" The fucking nerve this guy had. You tried to push him away, escape from his grasp, anything. But his grip on you was iron.
"You better watch your mouth! Just you wait, honey. You're gonna be beggin' for a taste of me." He said, sending sickly chills down your spine. "Stop it! Leave me alone!" You protested as you squirmed with all your might. That must've set something off inside of Marty because he lost it and let loose on Biff's gang. Fists were flying and bodies were falling. Biff's head whipped to witness, loosening his grip, and you took the opportunity. The next fist you saw was yours meeting Biff's jaw and knocking him on his ass.
Before you could breath again, Marty grabbed your hand and RAN. He ran until the two of you were safe in a little shop Biff would never look. As soon as he was sure you were safe, he began checking you for any harm.
"Are you okay? Of course you aren't. I'm so sorry, (Y/N). Damn it. That just made me so mad to see him touch you like that. No one should be so damn disrespectful and- and touch you like that! I swear, (Y/N)."
"When I see him again I'll- I'll... I'll beat the shit out of him!"
"(Y/N)! He's a total ass! He deserves to-"
You cut him off by grabbing his face and crashing your lips to his. He was a bit surprised at first but quickly returned the kiss. He rested his hands on your hips and carefully pulled you closer.
By the time you pulled apart, you were both flushed in the face. You leaned closer and nuzzled your foreheads sweetly, running your fingers through his soft hair.
"W-What was that for?" Marty stuttered.
You pursed your lips as you gently ran your fingers through his soft hair again. You wanted to confess, tell him you liked him, Like, really liked him. You started it a stutter, a huge smile spreading across his face. You could sense he knew what you were going to say...
Until you heard someone clear their throat.
It was the store owner. She stood there with her hands on her hips and a small smirk on her face. Both yours and Marty's faces were red with embarrassment.
"S-Sorry, ma'am." You stuttered.
"Yeah. Sorry." Marty seconded.
With that, you two quickly shuffled out of the shop, holding hands, and running down the block. Meanwhile, the store owner watched from the shop window, a growing smile on her face.
"What weird kids. Sweet, but weird."
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small-sinclair · 1 year
Could you write Bo x insecure S/O (but like super duper extra fluffy). Idk why but Soft Bo is legit the best and not enough ppl write him like that.
Headcanons or dabbles - anything would be great, I trust that you know best. Anyways, thank you xoxo
Hewos! Hope you like vampires🩵
Bo x plus size fem!y/n
Contains: blood, biting, killing, she/her pronouns used, body shaming (not from Bo), not sure if I like the ending
Welcomed readers: @fluffy-little-demon, @sketchy-rosewitch, @lovely-cryptid
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Bo watched carefully as the new group in town moved through the streets. They were calling out for someone, but wax doesn’t talk back… it never has talked back unless you listen carefully. Still, Bo watched from the shadows in his black suit and tie, his fingers fidgeting with his father’s sun ring. He was busy thinking who was dead, who was art, and who was food.
Then Bo saw her in knee-high jean shorts, bright yellow t-shirt with cute butterflies on it, and a ball cap over her hair. The breeze carried her scent, and it sent shivers down his spine; he found her.
He found his wife.
Reader POV:
As soon as you and your friends entered the House of Wax, a smile crossed formed. Not was the air conditioner running at high to beat the heat, but there was a stair case made out of wax. The art was beautiful and bright, and it was paused in the 70s style.
“Y/n, wait!” You turned your head at Liza. “Look! It’s you!” She and her boyfriend started snickering as she pointed at a pig’s head on the table. “They knew you were coming!”
You hugged yourself as you shifted uncomfortably. “Yeah, funny, Liza.” You move farther into the museum and looked at the waxed bookcase. “All of this is made with wax,” you whispered to yourself.
“Bet you wished it was made outta chocolate!” Marty, Liza’s boyfriend, laughed, his friends joining you.
You bit back your tongue and kept looking at the art and pieces. Under you, the floor creaked and cracked.
“Hear that?” One of his friends whispered, making you pause. “Oh, it’s not an earthquake— it’s just y/n walking around!”
Guess we know what broke the camel’s back.
You spun on your heels and hurried towards the door to find that mechanic—
When you opened the door, you bumped into a strong chest and stumbled back. You looked up to see a man dressed all in black with smoothed back from grease, and you could smell smoke and oil over his clothing, but it had a old country boy feeling to it.
He was startled that you were running out as soon as he was about to lay out his words for you in sugar, that was until Liza shouted, “Look out for Rhino!” Then they laughed you out, pushing past him and took off to the car shop.
He looks between your run and at the group. As much as he wanted to rip out all of their throats with his teeth, he decided against it. Instead, he put his fingers in his mouth. His whistle echoed throughout the building, and it silenced the laughter. Their eyes looked at him as he loosened his tie and pulled down his cuffs. His ocean blue eyes shimmered as they faded to a burning fire red, eyes twitching in anger. How dare they say that about you…
His boots echoed as he walked into the room. He turns, closes the door, and locks it. “Vincent!” Bo snapped, jolting the group’s shoulders. He takes off his jacket and throws his tie. His red eyes burned brighter, a snarl leaving him as he watched the group coward away.
As soon as he saw Vincent, he felt his fangs showing. “Now, we don’ take kindly t’folks like yourself.” As he talked, his boots echoed as he walked towards the group. They looked like cowardly sheep by the way the moved closer together. Bo could’ve laughed at the way the bigger one was trying to protect Liza. “Be a shame, though. To waste good food lik’ yer-selfs.”
“You’re-you’re a—“
“Aw, sweetheart,” Bo hummed, his drawl heavy as he and his brother corner the group. “Vampires lik’ us are rare. So… consider you lucky to see us.”
Vincent placed a hand over the mouth of one three men and lifted his mask. Long, pearly fangs showed before his bit down hard on his neck. Bo smiled as their screams echoed.
Let the games begin.
You were crying in the church next to the waxed statues in the pews. You found out that they were bodies real fast, but you didn’t seem to care much as your cries echoed around the church. You didn’t know how long were you crying in a ball behind the casket. You heard the whispers and murmurs on the tape reply twice already.
Then you hear the door open and boots clicking towards the casket. “Darlin’?” The man called. “Darlin’? Ya in here?” He didn’t wait for you to answer as he rounds the coffin and finds you curled into your lap crying. He frowns and sits next to you. “Now, why is a beautiful creature like you cryin’?”
“I’m-I’m not beautiful,” you cried. “I’m fat and ugly and-and—“
“An’ t’right size to show some lovin’,” he interrupted, saying those words like it’s a fact.
“You’re just saying that to-to be nice,” you sniffled. “You don’t mean it.”
He chuckles and leans back on his mother’s coffin. “Nah, honey. Can’t lie in front of my mama.” You glanced at him, and your eyes grow wide as you saw his hands and neck covered in dried blood. “Mama didn’t raise a liar,” he drawls. “I swear to ya, honeybee,” he glanced at you and flashed you a smile. His white canine s longer than normal… but you weren’t afraid. “I think ya t’prettiest thin’ I’ve ever seen. Shit, ya put ol’ Ms. Ambrose to shame.”
You laughed at his comment and shook your head. “Bet you charm all the ladies.”
“Yeah, I do,” he answers, “but I reckon I found myself an angel righ’ here.”
You look at him up and down. “Are you… flirting?”
“Am I doin’ good?” He leans forward and looks up at the altar. “I hope ‘m doin’ good.” He looks around and sighs softly. “I bet you saw the people…”
“The waxed graves?” You wiped your eyes. “Yeah. But it doesn’t scare me. I just… just needed to cry. Besides,” you lowered your eyes, “I’m a rhino.” Then you rolled your eyes. “And a southern vampire is going to kill me.”
Bo shook his head and moved to be kneeling in front of you. He took both your hands and said, “Darlin’, what do you want?”
“What do I need to give ya?” Bo asked again. “The stars? Moon? Shit, ‘ll give ya my dead-beating heart! Anythin’ just to see ya smile.”
“How about your name?” You asked, feeling how sticky his hands were from blood.
“Bo,” he said, bringing up your hand and kissed it. “Bo Sinclair.”
“Y/n,” you said, smiling. “I’m y/n.” Then your smile fell. “You going to kill me now?”
He shakes his head. “Be a shame if I did.” He stands and offered you help. “Wanna take you home, sugar. Wanna show you off to every person an’ my brothers. You’re just so damn cute an’ beautiful.”
You looked at him and the blood on his chin. “Promise?”
“Cross my heart,” he whispered. You didn’t hesitate as you took his hand. “I’ll treat you so right everyday.”
Your hopeful eyes, your voice… Bo is falling apart for you so fast. “I swear to ya, y/n. Now, come on— Vince’s wanna t’meet ya.”
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beah388love · 5 months
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Nieces and Nephews
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist Legend Masterlist
Pairing: Reggie Kray x Fem!Reader
Summary: You introduce Reggie to your nieces and nephews
Warnings: swearing,shouting,smoking,cigarettes!!!(Please tell me if missed any!!!)
"Oi! Reg? You comin?" Albie asked gesturing to the car,
"Nah I'm gonna walk it's a lovely day for it" reg said as  he walked up the road, a bouquet of flowers in hand, he walked up to your door and sighed as he knocked on the red door.
"Put that down! God who is it now!" Dolly groaned as she told off tony,
She opened the door and sighed when she saw Reggie.
"What is it reg?" She somewhat spat
"I'm here to see Y/n?" He responded and she scoffed.
"Y/N! Krays here for ya!" She shouted up the stairs.
"Alright! Alright I'm comin" you spoke as you came down the stairs with, a baby girl in one arm and another in the other.
Reggie gave her a smile, your face lightening up when you saw him.
You walked over with your nieces on your hips.
“These are for you…” he smiled handing you flowers and you gasped “thank you Reggie they’re beautiful!” You smiled as you put them in a glass.
“Ooooh” harlie giggled as she peeked out from the door.
"Who are these?" Reggie smiled at the little girls and they giggled.
"This is Janie,lou Lou and Flo!" You giggled at her.
"What are ya doin here reg?" You asked smiling up at him.
"I was uh- wondering if you wanted to go down to the field with me?" He asked and you thought about it for a minute.
"Well, uh- I'm actually looking after all of my nieces and nephews today..and there are a lot.." you sighed but you nodded.
"Y'know what sure..D’ya mind helping me get em ready?" You asked hesitantly and he nodded.
“How many?” Reggie asked as he walked into your house for the first time.
“Uh- nine boys and seven girls so uh…sixteen in total” you said as you walked into the livingroom, Reggie following you.
“Sixteen kids.” Reggie grabbed your wrist looking you in the eyes waiting for you to admit you was joking.
“Yup” you smiled popping the p.
“And you look after them every day?” He asked you shocked.
“Uh yeah- I basically babysit all day every day unless I’m out with you or working at the club” you smiled and he nodded still shocked.
“Who looks after them while you’re gone?”
“Oh um, well the older boys will look after them for a couple hours or Dolly will” you said and Tommy butted in “yeah and she is a bitc-“
You cut him off with a pointed finger “don’t finish that sentence” Tommy grinned
“Tom,Joey grab the buggy please” you asked and they nodded as they lazily got up and got them ready.
“Where are we going today auntieeeee y/n/n” Harlie exclaimed excitedly as she played with her cards.
“Down to the field” you smiled as you picked up lou Lou and put her in the pram along with Flo.
“Right….everyone line up!” You shouted and they all lined up in the livingroom, one little girl bumping into reg.
“Sorry Mister” she said and reg smiled “don’t worry about it little miss” he replied making her smile as she walked off.
You began counting and once everyone was there you left the house.
“Right it’s gonna be a little busy today so stay by me and Reggie Kay?” You asked and they all nodded.
“Oi! Put that out!” You huffed to Tommy waving the smoke from his cigarette out.
“You let me smoke before” he groaned and you nodded, “yes I don’t mind you smokin! Just not around the little ones” you said and he nodded as he put the fag out.
“Are you a gangster?” Charlie asked and tony ran away and held your hand looking at reg sheepishly.
“No im a club owner” Reggie said with a little grin.
“Are you our new uncle?” Marty asked making you gasp.
“Marty! Don’t ask that” you said and she shrugged
“Well…” Reggie was cut off by another kid “are you rich?” He asked and he shook his head stifling a laugh.
You were walking up the quiet road and you couldn’t help but giggle, especial when you saw maggie holding his hand as you crossed the road.
Once you got to the field all of you played games together,
Reggie played football with the older boys whilst you played eye spy with the younger kids.
Reggie was even giving them all piggyback rides, leaving him an out of breath mess afterwards making you laugh.
To cut it short it was an amazing day and Reggie was the kids “new uncle…”
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tailsbeth-writes · 4 months
Espresso martini, Henry and Liam. Hehehehe
I may write more about this in a Oneshot, it's actually given me some fun ideas! 😇
Henry will admit he's a little nervous as they walk to the bar. He might be clinging to Alex's hand like it's a life raft when they see Liam wave them over. Alex is grinning like the Cheshire cat though and it makes Henry's heart fuzzy.
‘ACD, bain of my life, how are ya?’ Liam drawls as he and Alex hug, slapping each other's backs. Henry can't help but think about them doing this as teenagers, after a lacrosse game. Match? Oh, mere details Henry can't bring himself to be bothered by.
They slide into the booth and Alex goes to order Henry's usual gin and tonic at the bar when he stops him.
‘Actually, make it an espresso martini. It's a special occasion, no?’ Henry cocks his brow because he knows it will drive Alex crazy, and by the way Alex bites his lip, it's working.
‘Make it two, I'm on vacation!’ Liam chirps in. Henry smiles at him and back at Alex who rolls his eyes and heads to the bar. Liam settles into the usual small talk with Henry, who is thankful when Liam gets into a long story about his flight to New York. They don't know each other super well, but Henry has managed much worse situations. If he can deal with a high tea with the Austrian ambassador who obsessed over clownfish, then this is nothing. When Alex comes back, he's got the two cocktails but is lacking a third drink.
‘I am so sorry but I need to run out. Work emergency, I would tell them to shove it but that would be six months do-’
‘Go, I'm here for a week dude. We'll catch up another night.’ Liam interrupts with a nonchalant shrug. Alex looks to Henry, who is playing with the anxiety ring June bought him to replace the signet ring.
‘Can you entertain Liam for this evening, baby?’
Henry takes a sip of his martini, he knows this is Alex’s polite way of saying ‘You can go home, it's okay.’
‘We’ll be fine, love. Go save the world or whatever it is you do all day.’ He teases before sliding out and giving him a parting kiss. Alex calls out a quick ‘be good’ with some finger guns and high tails it out the bar.
‘I forget how embarrassing he can be… how do you do it Henry?’
Henry barks a laugh and holds up his glass to toast.
‘To Alex Claremont-Diaz, the most idiotic man with the biggest heart.’
Liam clinks his glass with him and they gulp the deep brown cocktails.
‘He hasn't changed. Did he ever tell you about the time he brought the wrong underwear for after training?’
‘Tell. Me. Everything.’
*Several espresso martinis later*
Alex ❤️
almost home
did you get back okay?
Come drink with us!
Still at Martie’s.
Baby, its almost midnight
Dont you have a call at 8am?
Pez says
it's ok
Oh Henry how many have you had
only a few
The bartender gave us some free shots
Lovely chap
Coming to pick you up sweetheart 😂
Hows Liam?
But you've got me Alex
We're married darling.
You don't need to pick me up
So silly ❤️❤️❤️
Oh youre so gone
Liam is calling Spencer
He's going to propose when he arrives on Wednesday
How romantic!!
Wait he told you that?
He told me lots
I know all about your 'straight' boy days
I am never letting you two drink alone again
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seas-storyarchive · 7 months
Demon Mother, Angel Son - Swap Au
Alastor Altruist is in heaven, the Radio Angel. He died during a shoot out that broke out at a marti gras hosted in French Quarter. Just wanting to have some fun, get drunk for a night.. but he died instead.
His mother is in Hell, Mama Lenora, Hell's most powerful Voodoo Queen and former mass murderer. She didn't let her son know about her activities - letting him believe she worked at a butcher's in addition to her cleaning job. As ironic as those two jobs were being paired together, her baby never questioned her and believed her. She had been killed, a few years after her son, as she was murdering some abusive man that she tracked into the bayou - his dog had come to his defense and gave him time to get his gun and kill her.
Lenora finds Charlie's attempts adorable, sticking around the hotel with Husk too - she owns his soul from a game of cards that she beat him in Niffty is her housekeeper and the younger woman seemed happy to move to a bigger place where there were more bugs.
When Charlie goes to Heaven, she meets a red deer angel who was talking to St. Peter and Emily after their song - Sera brushes him off and flies away.
"Oh, hi! My name's princess Charlie Morningstar!"
"Pleasure to meet you, your majesty! Truly a pleasure! My name is Alastor Altruist, the Radio Angel! Welcome to Heaven." Alastor shakes her hand, and then looks to Vaggie. "Ah, you have a companion! The more the merrier! Hello to you as well, Miss..?"
"Um, Vaggie.." Vaggie hesitantly shook his hand.
"So, Alastor, what is heaven like? We're trying to get sinners redeemed, and we'd love to know about it." Charlie said.
Alastor smiles, wistfully. He took a breath, and his accent suddenly changes, "it's fine, miss. Splend'd, even. But, in truth, Ah miss mah Maman." He pulls out a locket and then shows them the picture.
"Hey, it's Lenora!" Charlie was excited. "You're Lenora's son! Oh my gosh!" She grabbed Alastor and shook him. "Your mother is at our rehabilitation hotel! Look!" She let got of Alastor to show him a group picture of the hotel inhabitants, including his mother.
"Maman's really there? Gettin' rehabilitated, misses?" Alastor asked, looking up from the photo to the women with hope in his eyes.
"Uh, yeah. It's .. progress." Vaggie said, making avague hand gesture.
"Alastor, this could be the proof we need!" Emily said, excitedly.
"Proof, for what?" Charlie asked, her and Vaggie now curious.
"To open a line to Heaven." Alastor answered excitedly.
Emily was equally as excited. "Alastor and I have been trying to get Sera to agree to let him broadcast from Heaven to Hell and let those in both places at the very least share something. Maybe some of the sinners remember Alastor, his voice might bring them some bit of comfort."
Charlie nodded, "okay. Well, I'm not entirely sure how that would work, but let's give it a try."
At the trial, Alastor is taking notes in Sera and Emily's box. And then he joins in, letting them see his view - only to get Adam in his face.
"Wait! My mother has agreed to make a change! They say she's making progress, this whole thing can't be deranged!"
"Oh look! The mama's boy spoke! Look here, you spineless like dope, Mama's not coming here! She's better off staying down there!"
"See here, first man. From what I hear, you didn't always have a plan! Sloppy, amatuerish. You say we came from your loins? Pfft! Then, my your angels pray I don't toss you a few pity coins!" He then tosses a few cent pieces from his time alive at Adam (which hit the floor).
"You old timey, little bitch! Southern fuckin' hick! Go back to your box, radio dying cock!" Adam tried to grab Alastor, but he jumped out out of the box and fluttered down.
"I concur, that Adam and his angels do whatever and remain in the sky! Why should they," he points to the orb, "not get a second chance, why must they die? Why can't they stay? My suspicion is that some pray! Some may even pray to powers on high! Why must it be this way? Seraphim, what have you to say?" He lands in front of Vaggie, Emily and Charlie, between Lute and Adam - who was lowering himself down - his wings spread out as far as they can to protect them.
Skip ahead, to after the meeting.
"Princess Morningstar! Princess, wait! Please!" Alastor was rushing to Charlie, with an old timey radio in his hands.
"Oh, Alastor!" Charlie looked at the radio. "Um, what's that?"
"A radio, well my personal one. I want you to give it to my mother. Hopefully it will pick up my broadcasts from up here."
Charlie took it, smiling. "Of course, Alastor. Thanks. And.. I'm sorry about-"
"Non, princess." Alastor said, waving his hand to quiet her. "The outcome of everything? Is not your fault. Those on the ninth cloud are a bit slow to come down, yeah?"
Charlie nodded. "Yeah. Oh! Um, can I take a picture if you for your mother?"
"Of course!" Alastor smiled at her, before looking to St. Peter. "Oi! St. Petey! Wanna take a picture?"
Peter laughed at his question. "No thanks, I spent enough time away from my post. Thanks though."
Alastor rolled his eyes, before he fixed his hair and then said, "alright, ready when you are."
When Lenora recieved the radio, and saw the picture, she cried. Her baby, in heaven! A successful man!
Hearing her son over the radio, for the first time in almost a hundred years, it made Lenora cry.
"This song, a very old timey one if I may say, goes out to my dear mother. I hope you are safe, Maman, and that you can hear me. Sleep well."
Their favorite song, that she would dance to during sadder and happier times. He remembered. Her boy remembered.
"Don' worrah, mon petite cher. Maman's gonna be better." Lenora said to the radio, summoning Husk's contract. "Startin' tonight, I'ma do anything I can to get to you, bebe." She ripped the contract in half. "Trus' me."
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goldstargloww · 10 months
martyn: [goes up to the evoker "fortune teller" in scarland] martyn: tell me my fortune evoker: [evoker fangs] jimmy: OH! scar: [quiet laughing] martyn: [turns around to look at jimmy & co] vexes: [spawns] martyn: [turns back around to look at the evoker and now vexes] vexes: [kills martyn immediately] jimmy: martyn-? maRTY— InTheLittleWood was slain by Vex martyn: [laughs a bit] [respawns] false: —commentary [laughs a bit] martyn: hello! doc: wait, what? martyn: scarland's dangerous, never go there skizz: you just died? skizz & doc: [laughs] martyn: yeah. scarland's the worst doc: there's vexes in scarland, right, right martyn: i went to a fortune teller and it said, "ohh i can see in my crystal balll, death." skizz & doc: [laughs] martyn: so.
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