#in case someone has that tag blocked lmao
divorceconnoisseur · 2 years
HELP one of my players is making a goblin pc and i JUST realized the adventure im using has goblin baddies Immediately
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humbuns · 1 year
AHHH when I saw your reblog about Luke's view of the brothers and how it goes against everything he was taught about I was DELIGHTED reading through it. It makes me wonder what if there was a situation where Luke has to confront his internal conflict head on? Like imagine a scenario where the person he looks up to (could be another angel) and they expressed their disdain towards the brothers to the point on acting ignorant on WHY they fell in the first place. Its also worth mentioning that Luke used to admire Lucifer even more so than Michael. Falling from grace is one of, if not the worse things that could happen to an angel. It's practically ingrained in his mind that he should avoid doing what the brothers did. But shouldn't an angels' job is to protect? Especially if its their family? Their own kin? It would be so interesting to see him actually having to question his own morals and values, but also depressing when you consider the fact he's still a child and he's forced to come to the realization that everything he believed upon could be a lie 🥲
Yessss!!!! Not to get theological here but I believe love in religion is bound with sacrifice and I feel like that's something Luke will struggle with the most because he is taught he is a creature seeping with boundless benevolence and the Celestial Realm is a place full of paradise but they are restricted by it. You have to act a certain way or you will disappoint everyone. If you go too far, you will fall. If he begins to doubt, will he lose everything? Is he not worthy of the love proclaimed to be offer to everyone and everything when he was acting out of love?
And I guess that's why Simeon tries to ush him away from the Celestial Realm to remove that pressure that he must sacrifice himself from living just to remain perfect in the eyes of others while also pointing out that either realms are not so terrible bad as it seems (Positive the devs are not thinking this deep but even Luke both in nb and obm! openly talks about how much more fun it is being around the others and in the Devildom, even if he is hesitant about it still)
There's so much potential here but it's shame we probably won't see stuff like this at all lol, it would be a nice introspection especially when it's coming from someone who is so in love being an angel and has been sheltered away
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chigirizzz · 1 year
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warnings/tags: angst, hurt/a little bit of comfort, gn! reader, descriptions of physical symptoms of anxiety, ooc sae??, not proofread
summary: love is confusing. a part of you knows sae loved you; another part of you makes you question that. if both parts can't coexist, was your relationship worth fighting for?
wc: 2.3k
notes: this one was difficult to write man. i literally rewrote almost every paragraph dozens of times until i thought this entire thing was worth of being posted. while writing this i was literally biting my own fist out of frustration lmao.
being a professional football player for sure brings a lot of things in your life: fame, money, awards, fans, haters, sponsors, you name it. but one thing that no one ever seems to talk about is the painful feeling inside someone’s entire body when under the extreme pressure—the shortness of breath, the rapid beating of the heart, the big knot on the throat, the tightening of the stomach, the burning sensation in the eyes due to increased blood circulation, and so on.
sae was used to those feelings. it was part of his life as an athlete—it was part of his life ever since he was a young boy, like when he had to get ready to leave his home country to live in another one, practically alone, without his family. for days, young itoshi sae felt in panic, nauseous and was disturbed by severe headaches.
it’s funny how emotions can make you physically sick, right?
of course, anyone can feel like this—it's completely normal and it’s what makes us humans. for a singer, those symptoms of sickness might happen mostly on the stage; for a baker, those nerves might happen mostly when getting ready the perfect wedding cake; for a writer, that anxiety might happen mostly when publishing a book, afraid of what people will think of it and if it will sell well.
for football players, those sensations are, most of the time, absorbed by their bodies and minds the moment they step on the field.
sae falls into this category.
then, at the end of the day, people can still live through situations that make them feel anxious outside of their professions—perhaps they have to get ready for a date; perhaps they got lost and can't find the right path to go home.
sae does not fall into this category. he is a rational man who avoids people and feelings not related to his career. he always knows what to do and what not to do.
but today, today is different. today sae itoshi is in the second category, and he might be stuck in there for a while, who knows.
sitting on the edge of the bed you both share, he inhales deeply as his hands make their way to grab said edges. the soft material of the bedspread under his fingers helped him cool down a little bit. so soft ♡. he exhaled after holding his breath for a few seconds.
he could hear your sobs.
you were sitting on the comfy sofa placed in the small, elegant balcony connected to your shared bedroom. although the curtains were blocking the outside view, the chilly, cold wind of the night would constantly move the brownish pink curtains to give the man the perfect—and heartbroken—sight of your figure in a curled up position, crying, with no sign of stopping so soon.
(brownish pink curtains… you wanted to buy those because it reminded you of sae's hair. of your boyfriend's hair. he could still hear your laugh when you suggested buying those.)
you too were in a psychological and physical distress; you too were in the second category—the difference, however, was that you have been in that same category for a while; meanwhile sae has only entered it today.
sae didn’t like the feeling of his sunken heart, of the big knot on his throat and of the tightening of his stomach’s walls when looking at you so miserable like that. and the worst part? he was the reason you were in that state.
in case you didn't understand yet, my dear reader, itoshi sae broke your heart once again and now your relationship is at a great risk of ending. by saying that sae has officially entered the "second category", we get the idea that said man is now anxious, scared, and physically sick with the thought of losing you—the anxiety that he only felt on the field and never in his personal life? he's feeling it right now.
and it’s only now that he understands how much he disappointed you ever since you two started dating. he remembers it all now: how he didn’t show any interest in your thoughts and hobbies (which is not true, he was just devoid of emotions but it still hurt you), how cold his responses could get, how he never denied that his career was the number one priority, the dry messages he sent you when you were excited, how mean he could be to other people even if you’d tell him how much you hated that attitude of his, how he would just gave you a gift after a fight instead of properly apologizing, how he stood up on you several times on a restaurant, all ready for him to arrive for your date, only to not appear because he preferred to stay late at practice and ended up forgetting the plans you both made…
the true—although not surprising at all—is, the oldest itoshi wasn’t good with feelings; he knew what to do and what not to do during matches, but when it came to human beings, he didn’t have an idea of what he should do or what to say—and let’s be honest, he didn't care about it either. sae did love you, though. the way he looks at you proves it; the marks he would leave on your body during nights so full of lust and romance that would be capable of shedding emotional tears from aphrodite’s eyes proved it; the way he'd roll his eyes and proceed to place soft kisses on your fingers when you complained of the water being too hot after finishing washing the dishes proved it.
the engagement ring he bought for you that is hidden in a safe place where you couldn’t find it proved it.
and now there might not be a day where he could put the ring around your finger and watch you giggle like a teenager in love.
his heart weighs heavier now, almost like it’s getting ready to be swallowed by the black hole formed on his stomach. fuck. he passes his hand through his reddish brown hair, tugging a few strands.
he got out of the bed and made his way to the door of the small balcony. there you were, still in a curled up position. your sobs have stopped already but a sniff or two could be heard.
“talk to me.” the genius didn’t know exactly what his tone was. tiredness? begging? regret? i-don’t-care-at-all-stop-acting-like-this? this man sure was confusing. there was no response, the only thing that could be heard were the sounds of the leaves of the trees moving with the wind, almost mocking, not sae, but you.
the way you rolled your eyes was unknown to him.
“seriously, y/n. head inside so we can talk—”
“fuck you, itoshi, leave me alone.” your intention wasn’t to be mean to him, you didn't think before speaking—it hurt both you and him—, but sometimes harsh words were better in specific times. this is a specific time, you should have shared your thoughts a long time ago. “you wanna talk now? you usually just buy me roses without saying anything.”
“i’m trying to fix things up.”
you turned your head to look at him, a sad smile on your lips. “and i appreciate it, really, but i’m just so fucking tired, sae.” your voice broke on the word “tired”. “and you just want to talk now because i said i was thinking of breaking up with you during our fight earlier? why, sae, why…” more tears were threatening to fall, voice still breaking.
teal colored eyes darkened. you were now looking at the view in front of you. you guys lived in a really peaceful neighborhood with big, expensive houses. the view was nothing special (a few trees, a few parked cars, a park near you), but it wasn't bad either. it's not like the view mattered as long as you lived with the love of your life.
even if said love of your life could sometimes be difficult to put up with.
you remember when you started dating him and met his younger brother, who had the audacity to say with a serious face that you would regret dating your boyfriend. although you now understand the point rin was trying to make, you didn't regret being with sae; you didn't regret anything at all. and if you were to be honest, you wanted to ignore the fight and just spend the night watching a movie or something, but you had to act like a mature adult and find a better solution.
were you, though, being a mature adult by giving that response to sae when he said he wanted to talk? you were genuinely confused.
sighting and while wiping your tears, you patted the uncopied place of the sofa beside you. "ok, let's talk. sit." the man did what you told and you moved away a few centimeters to give him more space. it was… silence. a mix of comfortable and uncomfortable silence.
without looking at you, sae rested his hand on top of yours, causing you to flinch a little by surprise, but paid no mind and let him interlock his fingers with yours, your thumb now caressing his pinky finger.
"what… what do you want to say?"
"were you telling the truth earlier?"
"about me breaking up with you?" a "mhm" was his answer. "yes, i was ." by the corner of your eye you noticed he stared at you after those words. your mind couldn't decipher what his thoughts were. "i don't like being stood up on a date two times in the same month, y'know?"
the man sighted. "i was busy with practice. and i literally warned you at a good time, you just got to the place too early."
you let out a chuckle in an ironic way. "you did warn me, yes, and i wouldn't mind if it was once or twice, but enough is enough, itoshi." it was the second time of the night—scratch that, it was the second time in your entire life that you called him by his surname. even when you were only friends, you would call him by his first name or by cute, silly nicknames. the second time the word itoshi came out of your mouth, it was full of venom; venom that seemed to wrap so tightly around his heart. "i know your career is extremely important to you. i understand that and i want to support you in any way, shape and form, however, things can't keep going like this."
"i see." the reddish brown haired man looked at both your hands still together. you didn't let go of him, you didn't want to and he didn't want it either. “i understand.”
he should say something more. something more profound, more romantic, capable of making you stay, but what can the prodigy do about it? sure, he'd be lying if he said he didn't want you to stay with him, but the decision was yours and he had to take it, whether he liked it or not; whether it’d left him heartbroken or not. besides, he now understands just how much he confused you with his true feelings. you both were tired of the constant kiss and make up.
just how sae could be an egoistic on the field, he could be also one on his private life (just ask literally anybody and they will confirm).
you let go of his fingers to turn your arm so that your palm was facing upwards, in contact with his, and you interlock your fingers again. “it’s not easy for me but… i feel like it’s the best choice.”
you spent a few seconds looking into each other's eyes, until sae leaned his forehead against yours and you did the same, with your eyes closed and enjoying the cold night breeze hitting your bodies, the breeze contrasting with the bittersweet heat formed in your hearts.
“so… is it decided…”
“yes… it is.” you were glad that he respected your decision and that you discussed the matter without further discussion. “i’ll still pack my things today. in the morning i’ll call a friend and ask them to stay at their house for a few days. then i’ll see how it goes.”
he offered to help you pack your bags, but you refused—him helping you would only make you more emotional and rethink your decision. that night, you and your now ex-boyfriend slept on the same bed, back to back.
"hey,” it was now the next morning and you had just gotten ready to leave the house. sae called you before you had a chance to get out the door. “do not hesitate to call me if you need anything.”
a smile formed on your lips. now that you were changing your path in life, it seemed that you just lost a heavy weight on your shoulders. sae didn't like that, but again, he was in no position to make you stay. “ thank you sae, really. the same goes for you, though. and don’t overwork yourself.”
those words and the little chuckle that followed hurt sae like a bitch. you always told him to not work himself till exhaustion, yet he always ignored you…
“well… goodbye, itoshi.” before he’d answer, you stepped out of the door, closing it behind you.
as the sound of the engine of your friend’s car starting up reached his ears, he made his way to the bedroom, to reach out for the engagement ring he bought for you. he layed on the bed, hugging the tiny ring’s box, hot tears running silently down his cheeks to the pillow.
you were gone. you were officially gone.
tagging: @izzylovestnbhd
thank you for reading. likes, reblogs and coments are appreciated ♡
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yonpote · 5 months
I feel like people are conflating continuing the joke with invading their privacy… like no one is stalking them or sneaking pictures or bothering their friends and family asking about them we’re just continuing their joke that they set up within our fandom space. Which is exactly as we should be doing imo
yeah exactly. like i think when outsiders dont understand that we are in on the bit that makes some sense, but when it's PHANNIES especially phannies who joined post coming out???? it seems strange.
oh i didnt really explain why this kinda behavior is homophobic as well. (disclaimer: me calling an action homophobic is not the same as me calling an individual homophobic.) a lot of ppl use pj and sophie as a direct comparison straight couple example. pj has only directly called sophie his girlfriend once, and it was in the context reading someone's poorly written article about him lmao. otherwise, its known that they met in uni, have lived together since then, have worked on nearly every kickthepj project together, and generally their on screen energy is really sweet and funny. they also have a cat together and call themselves a family. it's not a stretch to say they're together in the slightest. in fact, it is just natural to assume so.
BUT when dnp who are now publicly out, have been very open about how much they mean to each other, have lived together since dan was in uni, have worked on nearly every project together (even in solo projects the other would help out behind the scenes), have a clear on camera chemistry together, had co-parented a fish, a pigeon, and several houseplants and possibly plan to get a dog or other pet in the future... suddenly it's wrong to assume anything.
i understand the fear that may come from having been in the phandom since when they were closeted and it was much harder to talk about it without seeming like youre aligned with stalkers or ppl who harassed their families or dnp themselves to reveal more information, but thats not the case anymore, and ESPECIALLY if you discovered them post-gay, it's such a flimsy argument to say anyone is breaching privacy in that way.
now there are still some like unspoken basic decency and boundary rules. you probably shouldnt be @'ing them in your smutfics or even your pretty innocent theories about them being super duper in gay love. dnp themselves understand that if they aren't being @ tagged in something, it's probably not meant for them to see, and even acknowledged that in the twitter memes video. but us talking about it in our own spaces, especially on tumblr where they arent on as much but also on twitter BECAUSE THEY KNOW THAT THEYRE NOT MEANT TO SEE IT, is not the same as being like hey @/danielhowell @/amazingphil do you fuck nasty i gotta know if you fuck nasty. (but even if i were to do that, i feel like its very clearly a joke lmao)
so like just dont worry about it, if you still personally dont like seeing ppl talk abt this stuff regardless, you can mute and block people, you can blacklist tags, you can curate your own experience to fit your needs and you dont need to harass other people into suiting your needs.
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peachyfnaf · 2 months
im really not having a lot of fun watching sams/laes anymore and it's just making me rather sad. so. this post is me yapping about that- under the cut in case someone doesnt wanna see it (and i have a tag to block if peeps dont wanna see my saltier/more discourse-ridden takes in general lmao)
tbch, i feel a bit bad about it. or not really Bad, just upset n' angry n' annoyed that im no longer getting as much joy out of watching the shows as i used to. it does a big hit to The Tism which normally clings onto these shows like a leech dhfssdfgd
i think i've made my opinions on the current arc blatantly clear to anyone who's seen me post about it before, but in case someone Hasn't, let it be known i do not like this arc. i hate it. i hate what they did to nexus/new moon, i hate how it's being handled, i hate how some of the other characters are being treated/are acting, i hate how the fandom has become so split over this arc that you almost have to pick a side and can only make friends on that side. i hate it.
anytime its a silly episode i have the gnawing thought of 'nexus is out there. perhaps being manipulated by dark sun or falling further into villainy, or something even worse.' in the back of my mind, so i can barely focus on the silly and just start thinking about nexus instead. and sometimes the silly episodes just bore me or contradict themselves or make me worried for the future. (ie, for the last one, some things that are nothing but silly jokes in the moment- such as frank- can later be considered legit serious and lore important things down the line, so i always have to keep my guard up a lil bit even around silly episodes. its rather exhausting).
and anytime its a lore ep im just not interested in it bc im more curious as to whats going on in other parts of the lore. ofc i mainly mean nexus, but im also curious about eclipse and what he's plotting. about the astrals, specifically lunar v taurus. i simply dont see the content i was hoping to see, and its been happening back-to back-to back-to back now on these two channels. so, it's starting to become unfun/boring for me.
not to mention that i just Miss the vibby games- i miss the video games very, very much and i am constantly angered at the higher ups for making the va's do more lore both because all this lore is grating and im also highkey worried for the va's. idk how stressful it must be to film lore for basically every day, but i'd bet its not the best thing in the world. i fear for even worse burn-out.
overall, this, to me, is just not a fun time in these two shows rn and im really thinking about just Ignoring this arc completely in my own canon and instead focus on past lore/silly videos. like i'll prolly still theorize about what's next and watch the eps just bc i like hearing their voices, but ive gotten past the "im angry at this for fun" phase and am more into the "im not angry anymore, just bored, sad, and disappointed with how things are turning out," phase.
i miss my wife, (sams/laes before this arc) tails. i miss her a lot
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hello! welcome to my blog. click on the readmore to find out more about me (you know you want to)
🍄 my names and pronouns 🍄
my names are dee, beathan, silas and any abbreviations of silas (si, sile). mutuals can call me dorris alexander challenge. i use they/she pronouns, but i prefer masculine or neutral honorifics (sir, dude, mr, mx, gentleman, etc). you may call me 'my liege' if you desire
🌾 more about me 🌾
i'm white and british. at the moment i'm learning more about my scottish and irish heritage. i'm also autistic. my special interest is the nez perce war.
🌻 my interests 🌻
nature, celtic reconstructionist paganism, the wild west, medieval europe, codes and spying during ww2, the ancient egyptians, bison, small fluffy things, nature, hiking, folk music, scottish stuff, bbc and cbs ghosts, lord of the rings, animal crossing, horror novels, found footage stuff, space, plushies and the history of maize. as you can see, i am a very well-rounded individual.
🌿 dni and byf 🌿
dni: terfs, general homophobes and transphobes, racists, conspiracy theorists, anti-vaxxers, pro-lifers and zionists. ik that if anyone in that list really wants to interact with me then they will, but i promise you WILL get blocked.
byf: i do complain a lot lmao. i'm trying to escape from my family's conservative beliefs that i have believed for years. i'm very bitchy about it. also, i swear a lot, in case you haven't noticed
🌊 where else to find me 🌊
my ao3
my pinterest
my cohost
my spotify
i'm not really active on any of them but there ya go
🪻 sideblogs 🪻
@doodlebugs-and-doodleart, @heneversmiledagain, @suairceagsionadh, @the-days-of-49, @aesthetics-hypothetics, @pipistrelle-s, @wyncandel, @mus-rusticus, @be-ace-eat-cake, @moodboard-creator, @rosehips-and-autism
🦜 tags 🦜
i don't tag things regularly at all, so if you're looking for a reasonable tagging system here then you ain't getting it. however:
#dee rambles - all my own posts
#dee's history stuff - all history related posts, both my own and reblogs
⚠️ i don't censor anything, including tags. all tw's are tagged 'tw [x]'. this applies to all my blogs ⚠️
🦬 links and donations 🦬
links for palestine
palestine fundraiser (please donate to help families escape from gaza)
donate to the wampanoag langauge reclaimation project
important links:
more links for palestine
even more links for palestine (mostly not donations but resources to learn more about palestinian culture)
shop palestinian brands
stuff to do for thanksgiving (*definitely* not links to resources about decolonisation (it totally is btw))
what to do if someone has hypothermia
executive dysfunction tips
suicide helplines
debunking the lies your abusive parents told you
how to adult successfully
just nice things:
time is a flat circle
the sound of every forest in the world
if you're having a bad night
internet guide
bison (!!!!)
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plague-of-insomnia · 5 months
Reminder: I won’t be tagging any kuro spoilers aside from the new monthly manga chapters.
If for some reason you are following me but don’t want to see stuff related to the new kuro anime, either bc you don’t want spoilers for it or just aren’t interested, you can blacklist the tag #book of weston as that’s the tag I’ve been using for all of the anime-related posts. That’s not the official tag so it won’t block other posts connected to the anime in case for some reason you just don’t wanna see mine lmao 🤣
Keep in mind that *may* catch some manga-only posts bc once I start using an anime tag for kuro i often stick with it for ease (I used to separate them but not anymore lol).
I also try to tag every post that may be construed as #sebaciel if I feel like it may make someone uncomfortable who doesn’t like the ship so it’ll get filtered. If it’s ambiguous or the artist has asked not to use that tag then I won’t.
On the other hand, if you’re here and don’t want to see any post that IS NOT kuro related, you can blacklist #not kuro. I’ll admit I don’t tag EVERY single non-related post that way (sometimes i’m too tired), but I would say I tag about 90% at least.
If you ever have questions about my tagging system, you’re free to ask any time, even on anon.
I tag for myself mostly bc I get twitchy if I am not organized, but I don’t mind using certain tags if you’re reasonable about your requests and not a dick. ;)
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quotidian-oblivion · 1 year
Writing Positivity Tag!!!
Wasn't tagged, but again saw this game and loved it.
What do you take pride in with your own writing?
Hmmm... probably the plots. Because I really like the ideas and concepts I come up with. I mean, the Bruce Wayne writes fanfic au? I'm still blown away by it.
Did you have any big inspirations from another writeblr?  Who and how?
Ughhhhhh. I have so many. But the biggest ones? @cygnusdoesthings because of her, i'm still writing right now. Cuz the comments she put on My School’s Local Mafia Boss and then the recordings was what made me really, truly, well and fully realize that there were actual people who were saying all those stuff behind the comments. And also she has helped me a whole lot through so much.
@tristicorde cuz i go to her every time i feel low about my writing or about posting something and she always - always - knows the right things to say. Thats because the things she says are just facts. Not reassurances made up for the sole purpose of reassuring, but facts that reassure me. Also, her descriptive style of writing is something i strive to achieve 😭
@wakkoroni It's because of Vibes that I have as many crackfics as i do now (wips and posted). We have such a time and vibe just spouting out shitposts to each other in conversations, as well as incorrect quotes and hypotheses and hcs about the batfam, it is impossible to spend even 5 minutes with her and not get inspired to write or create something.
@sardonic-sprite because the first real fic i wrote (Ya Dun Fucked Up) was inspired by her Harbor. Her fics are the ultimate comfort, the ultimate hurt, the ultimate angst, the ultimate crack, and the ultimate family bonding. If you don't at least appreciate them, you don't appreciate anything.
That was a long answer. Anyways, moving on! (oh, special mention @uncertainwallflower cuz she helped me get past a very incredibly super-awful severe case of writer's block once)
What are you most proud of in your current WIP?
K the main one i'm focusing on rn is the tim gets kidnapped fic co-written with Vibey. And two things i'm most proud of in there are: a) how well mine and vibey's ideas just meld into each other b) the sheer amount of angst sprinkled throughout the fic. It's awesome. I love it.
What is your idea of a perfect day of writing?
Uhhh. I have chocolate milk or boba. I'm sitting at my desk instead of the beanbag cuz the desk is actually clear for once. I'm hyperfocusing as i write and don't notice the time pass by and don't have any pressuring due dates for school and everyone at home is sleeping and the sun is sending its rays through my window and shining on my hair making it go the cool brown color i love as i'm tip-tapping away at my computer. It happened once. I was writing the angstiest thing i had ever written at the time and was shaking. It was glorious.
What’s your big goal with writing?
That I never treat it like a chore. Ig thats more of a wish than a goal.
Then ig a goal would be to make it mean as much to someone else as it does to me. Or for people to just have a blast and let go of their worries and take a break as they read my stuff. But the goal that will never leave is to improve. I take one thing and work on it one by one until it's to my satisfaction. Currently, i'm working on describing settings.
No pressure tags: @uncertainwallflower @cygnusdoesthings @sardonic-sprite @wakkoroni @tristicorde @foursixtwonineoh-pieces-of-lego @blightwritesfic @pevensiechase
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wet-towel-socrates · 2 years
TWST CH 7 Theory from an ENG ONLY loser
I feel so dumb. I felt like I just discovered the lost city of Atlantis, yet I'm almost certain this went noticed by like, everybody, so here, watch me make a fool of out of myself presenting this theory like I just discovered the Pyramids of Giza in the year 2022.
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This is more just realizing that the events of CH 7 might have all been in front of us and (as far as I know) no one has brought this up since the game has started (this could've change now since I'm sure others have noticed this now that CH 7 is out in JP servers and I have a shit ton of tags blocked lmao).
I'm not gonna really add a bunch of commentary. Imma just let the images do most of the talking.
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The shape of the chandelier as well as how the light tapers unnaturally very deliberately invokes the image of the sword, especially with that strong cross shape. It could just be a reference as most things in TWST are, or foreshadowing someone (perhaps Silver) putting an end to Malleus's OB via plunging his magic pen/sword into Malleus. I doubt they'll kill off Malleus (lmao that would be funny to kill off one of their most popular characters) so I take this all metaphorically, maybe literally, but only with Malleus leaving the battle fine in the end.
If this ends up being the case, imma be so mad I didn't realize this piece of foreshadowing earlier.
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asexual-spongebob · 10 days
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new pinned post! Cuz it’s the one year anniversary of this blog!
Ahoy!!! My names kitty!! But u can also call me kit!
I’m a minor, I’m not going to state my exact age but just know that I’m old enough to use this website lmao. And that I’m a teenager. I may make mistakes.
my pronouns r she/they/it/mew + neos !
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this playlist has my fav songs and artists!! (NOTE: I do not support the actions of every artist on this playlist!
Other Information:
I have a tendency to cuss a lot in my posts, feel free to ask me to tag it! I also block people freely.
I ship ZaDr and TaGr, and other human/irken pairings. However I am NOT pr0sh1p. I view Zim, Tak, Skoodge, Tenn etc as kids and I view them as the same age (or close in age in Gaz’s case) as Dib, Gaz, Keef etc.
If that makes you uncomfortable, please just block me and leave. I do not have the time nor energy to engage in ship discourse for a show that’s over 20 years old. Do not fucking send me anon asks trying to debate with me. Thank you.
Also, like I said, I view the irken invaders as kids. Please do not say weird and suggestive things about them on my posts.
Sometimes I post art or writing with more darker subjects such as mental health issues. I just figured I’d through that out there, however I do try my best to tag those things. oh and I’m also alt and have a love for alt culture and fashion! (which is something I’ve been trying to get into have been learning more about.) :)
Tags I use
# kitty giggles - general talking tag
# kitty answers - ask tag
# kittyz scribblez - art tag
wail of the siren au - tag for my invader zim au
DNI (link is 2 my straw page!)
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and also:
Please Dni if you hate zadr with a burning passion . (Not liking it / disliking ZaDr is fine. Just please be nice about it.)
but if you constantly make posts about how much you hate the it, harass its shippers, talk about how you want to do violent things to zadr shippers, or if you believe that all zadr shippers are nasty people, do not follow me. I will block you on sight if you do so.
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i have adhd and anxiety. I also I have trouble figuring out tone in text so sorry if I misinterpret something! tone tags are very much appreciated! please use them!
I am an artist and fanfic author, I’ve written fanfiction and drawn fanart for a variety of fandoms, mainly kids shows tho.
if someone named @/kittysboba follows u thatz me lol! that’s just my main.
I made the Blinkies in this post using Blinkies.Cafe (expect for the invader zim blinkie, which I found on gif cities!)
I’m also a multishipper (which means I ship the same character with multiple different characters). When it comes to most characters or fandoms. I tend to like most ships as long as they aren’t illegal.
Currently I’m most active in the Invader Zim fandom (specifically the ZaDr and TaGr side of it) and maybe Gravity Falls as well? but I also like Strawberry Shortcake (2003) SpongeBob SquarePants, Jimmy Neutron, Fairly Odd Parents, The amazing world of Gumball, Danny Phantom, Ed, Edd, ‘n Eddy, Over The Garden Wall, Angry Beavers, and Ruby Gloom.
I used to be apart of the Octonauts fandom but I recently left due to lack of interest and personal reasons. This is no longer an Octonauts blog. I might come back to the fandom someday, but for now I think it’s best that I stay away from it for a while.
I used to be in the H2O: JAW fandom a while ago but I’m not in it anymore.
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Im kittysboba or asexual_spongebob on pretty much everything! (I’m K1ttysb0ba on da tho).
Thanks for reading! Enjoy ur stay! :3
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(Zadr kiss gif is by MKLier on Deviant Art)
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I finished reading Migration 17.6 of Worm.
Aw, man, Marissa has a narcissist for a mother. I know she said that she misses her, but missing narcissists is just asking for trouble. And Marissa may be away from home, but one good thing about that is the fact she's away from her narcissist mom. Where's her dad?
Did Noelle get her intestines removed yet? What did her short surgery involve? And there was talk of her needing a colostomy bag. I hate hearing about those things. Needing one of them sounds horrific. I wouldn't be able to handle it. Also, Wildbow uses "No'" instead of "No" when the characters are referring to Noelle by her nickname. I dislike that. When I first read No' I thought it was a typo. Wildbow shouldn't have included that apostrophe. It confuses things. Nicknames don't need apostrophes after them if they're not being used to show possession. You wouldn't write the nickname for a guy named Jackson as Jack'. The apostrophe is unneeded.
Also, I am 17 arcs in, and Wildbow still uses that confusing dialogue format, where it's not always clear which character is speaking and a dialogue tag would clear up the confusion. Like, he would have a line of non-dialogue, and then a line of dialogue without a dialogue tag, making it hard to know which character is speaking. And another issue I have with his dialogue formatting is when he breaks up a long speech in various blocks of dialogue, as if two characters are speaking, when it's actually one.
I still miss Taylor.
I don't like the reveal that Worm is set in an alternate world than ours. Yeah, I know it's superhero fiction, but it bothers me that things like 9/11 and one-dollar bills don't exist in Taylor's world. It makes Worm feel less real. Makes the Travelers' home dimension feels like the "real" world that I live in, where 9/11 did happen and one-dollar bills exist. And I actually hate fiction involving alternate worlds, but funnily enough, I haven't been reminded of that while reading Worm.
People in the comments sections keep being surprised that the Travelers are surprised that they were brought into a different world, saying how they should have known because of the fact that the Simurgh doesn't exist in their world. Honestly, that can be chalked up to the Travelers assuming the Simurgh came into their world and not the other way around. I think if this situation happened to a group of friends in real life, they would assume the angel monster lady teleported into their world. No one wants to believe that they got transported to another dimension, away from their home, family, and friends. The denial would hit hard. And I really hate how some readers seem irritated at the Travelers for being shocked that they got forced into a different universe. Plus, I would assume dimension-hopping was one of the Simurgh's abilities, or that she might have stolen a device that allows her to do that. I would assume she got transported into my world and not the other way around.
While reading this chapter, I thought the Travelers were going to stay at the hotel that Krouse and Marissa found. Also, she implied that she's seventeen. How old is she in the present day?
I feel bad for that Case 53 woman that got burned alive in the other chapter. I still don't know if she or those other 53s she was with are murderers, but I felt some sympathy after learning that they were 53s and not a bunch of random monsters who had been that way since birth. They were technically human, and they weren't always "monsters". Also, I'm not even sure if those Case 53s at the restaurant were even killing people.
That DDID measures sound extremely stressful. I would lose my mind from having to do all of that for ten months.
Cody needs to chill out. Everything he says to Krouse is full of hostility. I wouldn't be surprised if Cody tries to murder him. LMAO at Cody telling Krouse he is incapable of love. Krouse is a jerk, but he doesn't seem like someone who is incapable of love. Cody needs to meet characters like Jack Slash and Lung if he thinks that Krouse is incapable of love.
Krouse says this, "But it feels silly to complain when we have bigger problems and other people are hurting more."
I hate the fallacy of private privation. Just because others have it "worse", that doesn't mean you can't complain about your problems. The people in my family support this fallacy, though, and they make me so mad whenever they use that fallacy with me. Yet I hear them complaining about things all the time. If the person with the worst life possible is the only one who can complain, why are YOU complaining? Such hypocrisy.
And another thing about this fallacy is the fact that people deal with their problems in their own ways. Someone in the same situation as you might feel less sad about it than you do. A person you believe has a bad life might see themselves as having a great life, or a life that isn't too bad, despite you thinking that they have a terrible life. There are depressed rich people and happy poor people. Remember that.
I hate it when people feel guilty for complaining about their problems when "others have it worse". I knew about someone who was living a pretty crappy life, and they were feeling that guilt. It's ridiculous. Some suffering people don't even think they're allowed to complain, because of that terrible fallacy. And many times when I was depressed or in a really awful mood and needed some comforting, my family would use that fallacy against me, making everything worse. It was awful. Simply put, screw the fallacy of relative privation. And I really wish I wasn't the only person I know who hates that fallacy and doesn't use it against people. Ultimately, it makes everything worse.
Gotta get back on-topic.
Krouse using his power for the first time was pretty cool. And he really screwed everything up by giving Noelle half of that vial. I do like how his love for Noelle gives him some character depth. Before this arc, the guy seemed like a complete 100% jerk with no redeeming qualities. I still hate how he treated Taylor though before all of this. The other Travelers were pretty awful to her too, and awful to everyone else outside of their stupid group. I hate that.
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katyspersonal · 1 year
How to identify that someone's account is shadowbanned
Okay so, basically? Tumblr is being a real mess with this, but you can help the artists that got nightmare'd like that! Shadowbanning on Tumblr is a very annoying thing that makes your posts not appear in search and recommendations, makes you unable to use DMs (and people can't send you asks the last time I checked, either?), doesn't show your notes to other people etc.
The easiest giveaway is if the person does not have you blocked, but when you hover over their icon, the blog doesn't display any posts:
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(Using a person that got shadowbanned as a volunteer because Tumblr hates good art lmao)
Usually when you check their blog, you can see there is no ask or DMs option available, and for further evidence you could check the posts that you know they liked/reblogged. If it doesn't show their notification, it usually further proves they've been shadowbanned (rarer it means they were blocked by OP since they liked/reblogged this post, so this is a bit more vague). Another good evidence is if their post is not showing in Tumblr's search tags - especially if you clearly remember you did see it in the tags previously!
If you reblog the post from a person that got shadowbanned - it will still show up on the dashboard and in blogs, but shadowbanning still seriously robs artists from exposure (and from potential new customers if they sell stuff). My incentive to check whether artist got shadowbanned is usually when there are too little notes considering the quality.. Works almost always + proves my point.
How to help?
If they have left other means to contact them (email, patreon/boosty, twitter, insta, etc) - message them there, explaining the issue! I usually link a good post about Shadowbanning from @that-damn-girl that explains in details what it does and what to do ( x ), TLDR; they need to message Tumblr staff about the issue via in-site function. Explain that their posts do not show up anywhere, they can't use asks and DMs have disappeared, all that. Usually within one week staff explains it was a glitch and apologise, and they can see the difference when DMs are back, posts show up in tags, their notes are visible etc. Sometimes staff might forget to get back upon too many requests, so sending other ticket is also an option.
Some blogs won't have any means to contact them available, so in these cases I have to "get creative" usually. For example, explain them that Tumblr fucked them up in the comments under some post (track this post regularly because, again, their response will not show up in your notes). Or maybe bother their mutual that I have a reason to think has their Discord or other contacts and could pass the message to them. Usually there are SOME ways to inform the person!
Basically - train to identify and undo this shit! It is somewhat easy to spot when you know what signs you're looking for. I have seen SO many artists, especially ones not speaking English native or who migrated from Twitter to have no idea what is going on, and their followers don't know what shadowbanning is either!
P.S. There is also a rare possible issue (that I have had a misfortune to encounter when I was trying to unban my blog) where they consistently ignore messages from affiliated email. If you feel like that's the case and you have been banned for too long, despite repeatedly sending tickets, try to use another email and explain why you did so. The possibility is very unlikely but as someone who had to deal with this, I just thought it is worth mentioning. Hopefully I was the only "lucky" one like that haha.
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twinsoftheday · 1 year
submissions: closed
hello and welcome to twinsoftheday!! this is a blog that documents sets of twins from various media for no reason other than that i thought it would be fun. inspired by blogs such as @canonlgbtcharacteroftheday, @canonlgbtcharacters, genderoftheday (rip), and @fashiondolloftheday. (also note that i am no longer posting daily, just whenever i have the urge to lmao)
navigation: fraternal twins | identical twins | same-gender twins | mixed-gender twins | clone/double twins | honorary twins | played by twins | dual role | animation | live action | movies | tv shows | books | comics/graphic novels | podcasts | dolls | games | web series | ocs | shitposts | mod posts
complete rules and submission guidelines are under the cut, but just know if you joke about incest it’s an instant block <3
submission guidelines:
submit your characters using the ask box.
name both characters and the media they’re from (example: hallie parker and annie james from the parent trap).
state which categories apply to the characters (example: sharpay and ryan evans from high school musical, fraternal and mixed-gender twins) [note: clone/double twins do not count as identical twins unless there is a specific in-universe reason for them to (e.g. they were raised to believe they were identical twins), so please clarify that if you are submitting identical twins where one or more is also a clone/double]
only include a picture if there’s a specific one you want me to use (do not use fanart unless 1. there is no canon art of the characters and 2. the artist has given permission).
try to specify which version of the characters you're talking about if there are multiple adaptations (example: ruth and connie batten from the malory towers book series)
the honorary twins category is for characters who are not twins (they don’t even have to be related!!) but have a close, twin-like bond. when you submit characters for honorary twin consideration i’d appreciate a bit of propaganda (example: will byers and eleven/jane hopper from stranger things. they consider each other family, are both the same age, and also share many thematic parallels, so i consider them honorary twins).
ineligible for submission: triplets (or quadruplets and so on and so forth), real people/historical figures/celebrities (unless it’s funny, i’m obviously gonna post shit like the da vinki twins), characters in romantic relationships with each other (mostly applies for the honorary twins category but again no twincest shit).
eligible for submission: non-human/animal characters (just clarifying because some people asked), mythological figures (e.g. historical people who weren’t real), and your own ocs!! as long as you provide art you have drawn/comissioned/have permission to use (picrews are not eligible because i don’t want the blog to become clogged up with them).
do not submit incestuous characters. i made this blog to catalogue twins in fiction because i myself am a twin, and funnily enough i'm not interested in posting about incest. (this is not an indication of whether i believe incest can exist in fiction; obviously people can write whatever they want.)
banned characters (some of whom were submitted despite my rules being VERY CLEAR): junko and mukuro from danganronpa (incest), mcu maximoff twins (racism), and anyone from harry potter (FUCK JKR 🍅🍅🍅)
other rules:
as i said above, i have the right to not accept any submission for any reason. at the end of the day this is my blog so please respect that <3
i’ve already said this but no joking about incest for the love of god- (and don’t try to be funny and send me an anon ask about it, i'll just delete it).
i will do my best to tag spoilers but i'm not familiar with every piece of media i post so i may miss some. please let me know if this is the case.
absolutely no bigotry of any kind (yes, that includes terfs. fuck off).
if you ship two characters that someone submitted as honorary twins, you can do yourself a favour and scroll past. i don’t have the time of day for unecessary discourse.
and in case you didn't catch it before: yes i am a twin lmao (and if you have any recs for media featuring twins where the whole plot isn't 'omg they're twins so quirky 😳' then send em my way)
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iii-of-ender · 7 months
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hiya!!! you can call me en, lee, or enlee!! or whatever else you can come with, go wild
🏳️‍🌈 any pronouns (including it/its and neos!!)
🩷💜💙 🖤🩶💜🤍
i mainly like jrwi, but i rb a ton of stuff that's completely unrelated
feel free to interact, tag me, chat, dm, ask for discord, etc!! i promise i’m more scared of you than you are of me
if you support cc!dream, any of the dteam, cc!wilbur, terfs, misogynists, exclusionists, etc you can see yourself out. i'm not going to waste time arguing with you, but i will block you
links, tags, blinks, and stuff under
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i'm a (very young) adult. i don't care about minors following me but just know that i do rb/post nsfw jokes n stuff sometimes
ao3! I don’t write much fic but for the few I do have, tada lmao
pronoun page! i really don't mind most words, names, descriptions, etc etc, but just in case someone wants a base or smth idk
check out our server for making jrwi riptide oc pirate crews!!
writer/story consultant for @/msabs, you should go check it out its very cool trust me
i usually use fandom tags but here are some more specific ones!!!
i rambles -> my original posts
i talk -> talking with friends!
i saves -> my saves
i faves -> faves
i poll -> my polls
i personal -> more personal posts (I will use #vent for some)
i liveblog -> my live-blogging
lee writes -> writing tag
whole lotta love in a little world -> bad days tag
mutual beloved -> general tag for my mutuals <3
streamer guys -> tag for streamers and stuff
not to oc post but: -> main oc tag!!
more specific oc tags are: #my bastard daughter, #my beloved daughter, #my sonboy, #crackle and bang, #bi siblings (more to be added soon :3)
some have called me a "tomato ass bitch" and a "lame ass tomato boy" but these are LIES!!!!!! im not trust
blinkies and other pictures!!
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mmmairon · 2 years
UWAAA miss juliet looks so beautiful!! I'm sure she's doing well and cheering you on from her meadow, ms. kaela :"))))
if you don't mind, would you consider introducing your other cows to the public? they sound like lovely creatures ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ and ok fine I'll admit I became more interested in them bc of that one diluc fanart u made where he tends to the cows
*discreetly crushes that other entitled anon ask under my foot* also pssst I think you can block people's IP addresses from asking on anon so you don't have to worry abt them anymore,,, chronically online people are built different man I hope they leave u alone soon :((
— milkmaid diluc anon
Hi Milkmaid diluc anon! Sure!! I’ll put pictures under the cut since it will be a little long. I have to admit, there are too many to introduce, so I’ll show my “pets.”
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Blindos!!! Just as her name indicates, she’s blind in one eye. Bad case of pinkeye when she was a calf. She’s my baby. I’ve had her since I was a kid. My dad named her, not the most creative lmao. She stays at home and mows the grass down in the yard during the summer. Loves chop and good scratches. An absolute dear and glutton.
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This is her baby she had this spring, Molly. She’s so sweet :)
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Here are some of our heifers:
J2 is Jojo
J3 is, of course, Juliet <3 (I cut her tag to keep with me, so now I can frame it)
J4 is Jackie
J1 is Jenny
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These are my 3 hooligans. The guy that looks like an Oreo Mcflurry is Zorro. He used to escape all the time lmao. He’s a specklepark, one of our up and coming bulls.
The guy in the back is Benny. Also a bull for next year.
To the right is Mark (hence the mark on his forehead), one of our old bottle babies. Every morning I would bring him his bottle and go *Tommy Wiseau voice* “Oh, hi Mark.”
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This is Martin, our bottle calf from this year. Big enjoyer of scratches under the chin, his eyeballs will roll back lol. He’s a rejected twin :( His sister’s name is Martina, who is with his mom. We went with the “Martin” theme because female twins are what we call “freemartins” (infertile).
the red on his forehead is old chalk. We mark calves in the field we think have something weird going on with them. Figured out pretty quickly little Martin didn’t have a mama to drink from
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Skrunkly. That’s his name. I never got around to naming his buddy. But Skrunkly is one of our yearlings we keep around the yard to mow grass. We had a couple days of -55C last winter that got the best of his one ear tip :( He can still hear fine and he’s a silly goofy guy and a little gremlin
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This is my little buddy Clyde. About 2 years old. He’s an anomaly. If you look above his ears, you’ll see two little nubs peeking out. He has horns!! I’m so baffled… my dad bred horns out over 10 years ago. Been scratching my head over this for the past few weeks. And it’s weird they only just appeared after so long…
But… poor Clyde passed away this week. He seemed to have a bout of pneumonia, which I gave him Resflor for. And he recovered. But there was always something odd about him ever since he was born. Always weaker than the rest, never too energetic, but liked a good scratch on his back. He passed away asleep in his bedding. He looked comfy and warm. I’m, at least for that, glad for it.
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This is Miss Raccoon and Miss Halfie. Very fine, distinguished ladies.
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Alas, there are too many cows to name :’) But know I love them all and do my best to make them happy!! I’d add a few more, but I think mu phone is about to explode.
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This photo is from today. This is the poor lassie who was shot by someone. She’s healing excellently. You can only barely see a pitted mark on her forehead. She’s so strong, I’m so proud of her!!! She looks a lot better.
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y0d00p · 8 months
3 (for funsies), 4 (for even more funsies), 6, 14, 19
i have literally never been so excited to ask someone about this one specific ask game
under the cut
screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
like THE singular worst?? this one is really hard because i can't remember a lot of like specific terrible takes. probably something stupid about dmk by some rando that has me blocked now. i tried looking through my dms with teeny because i send them stuff i hate all the time and i found this (this is from quite a while back and i have no idea who posted this anymore)
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i'm sure there's been worse but this one is pretty bad lmao
what was the last straw that made you finally block that annoying person?
i've said this before but i don't really block people for petty things. i guess i did block the best kirby character tournament account cuz i got tired of the polls in the dmk tag, but that's different to me cuz it's like a gimmick account and not indicative at all of how i feel about whoever is running it??
which ship fans are the most annoying?
i don't care. i don't care! metadede or metegala or darkroach's popularity is not a personal failing of the people who ship them. we're all fucking annoying. peace and love
that one thing you see in fics all the time
when i used to read fics? when i still had innocence and hope in my heart? everyone was writing dmk like a quiet edgy bastard with no sense of humour. i can only pessimistically assume that this is still the case
you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
nah i don't really feel like this about anything i don't think. i have come around on things i used to dislike but that's always a positive thing for me. oh actually. gijinkas. like just a tiny bit of shame that i've made my own and love them so much and use them so much when i can't stand gijinkas 99% of the time lol
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