#oh no. i made myself sad
idliketobeatree · 7 months
it's rotten work (fighting for my life in the photoshop image settings just trying to brighten crowley's glasses for an edit)
not to me, not if it's you (the payoff of seeing those gorgeously expressive snake eyes hiding the most pained expression known to man)
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sapphoherselz · 23 days
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which aftg character
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strawlessandbraless · 2 months
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The Original Rebel Angel - not only dying by his sword but for him. Time and time again
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tommystummy · 3 months
Realistically I think the first scene of season 8 is going to be a redo of the Eddie morning routine montage in season 5 with a twist: We see the morning routines of each of the 118 characters contrasted against Eddie’s new Chris-less life.
Athena wakes up and kisses Bobby’s forehead but lets him sleep in because he’s “retired” then cut to Eddie almost missing his alarm and waking up alone.
Buck making a protein shake, pouring it into two cups, and giving one to Tommy contrasted with Eddie eating Chris’s favorite cereal alone.
Hen knocking on Denny’s door to wake him up for school contrasted with Eddie walking past Chris’s empty room.
Maddie buckling Jee into a car seat with Mara next to her and Chimney running by on his way to his own car, giving a quick kiss to each of them (quick peck for Maddie, forehead kiss for Jee and blowing a kiss to Mara) contrasted with Eddie by himself taking a deep breath in his truck.
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nonbinarylocalcryptid · 4 months
This is how I think Astyanax would know react to being told what happened at Troy.
Context: Odysseus and Astyanax are trapped in Calypso's island. Unfortunetely, Zeus is bored, so he sends a message (maybe a letter? Maybe he just sends Hermes and call it a day?) to fuck things up a bit and mess with Odysseus. It works wonders. Nine years old Astyanax reacts poorly.
Here's what happens when Odysseus finds him after receiving the message.
The sun was about to set, filling the silence with the sound of the waves hitting the beach. Only Odysseus had the audacity to talk.
"My son..."
That wasn't welcome, not anymore.
"Am I?" Asked the boy. He was trembling, but not from the breeze. "Your son?"
For once, Calypso didn't try to insert herself in the conversation, even the chatty goddess was speechless.
"I always wondered, why we don't look alike at all? I was adopted, I knew, but I thought I was your nephew, even a cousin".
Odysseus was interrupted
"How can you call me that? My family, my whole country... it's gone, and it's your fault".
The man took a short breath.
"I'm not going to ask for forgiveness..."
"Good", Astyanax was done, "because there's no forgiving you. Tell me everything that happened, tell me about what went down that night".
He stared at the older man while he shook his head.
"Astyanax, save yourself that pain, the endless pain of the war shouldn't be a child's warden".
"But it is!" Bursted out the kid. "You decided to spare me on a whim!"
"That's not what happened."
"Then what?" A desperate question. "Am I a warprize?"
"Don't call yourself that." It was soft spoken, like a prayer.
Astyanax was no god.
"What am I supposed to think?"
Trying to descalate the situation, Calypso spoke.
"Maybe what your father is trying to say..."
Any other day, the goddess' inside was welcome, as she was Astyanax's friend. Today he was having none of it.
"HEY", Odysseus stopped him, "don't yell at her. You want to know what happened? Put your emotions aside, and sit with me by the fire".
They did so, and Odysseus told him. About the Trojan war, about ten years of slow killing, about the ressiliance of Troy. He told him about Achilles and Patroclus, about Paris and Helen.
He told the story of the wooden horse.
About longing to go home.
Diomedes led the charge. Agamemnon flanked the guards. Menelaus let the men through the gates. They took the whole city at large. Teucer will shot every ambush attack. And Little Ajax stayed back. Nestor secured Helen and protected her. Neo, avenged his father, killing the brothers of Hector.
About a mission, to kill someone's son, someone who wouldn't run, someone who could only be dealt with right there and then. About a baby in a cradle. About Zeus' prophecy. About him.
About someone who was just a man.
Troy fell.
The Ithacan fleet sailed, hoping to reach home.
They never did.
When he was done remembering the past, he looked at the boy, who was sitting at the other side of the flame, hands covering his face.
It took a long time for Astyanax to even look at him, let alone spoke up, but he finally did it.
"I don't know what to say." He confessed, bathed in the fire's light. "I hate you, I do, I'm so full of rage right now...but I love you, and I hate you so much. You should have killed me when you had the chance, why didn't you?"
The answer came easyly to Odysseus's lips.
"Mercy". He dared to say, the blasphemy of it haunting them, with only the fire and the waves as witnesses. "You haven't done anything, you were a child who had only known love. What was the point?"
"Zeus told you to do it. One should not defy the gods".
A dark laugh came from Odysseus, startling the kid
"That's all we have ever done since we met." Odysseus spoke the truth, and Astyanax hated him for it. "A god ordered a child's death. Where's my free will? Your right to a peaceful life? They're supposed to protect us...and look where we are now because of them."
Astyanax looked at him, right in the eyes, before saying his part.
"I hate you."
Odysseus sighed, tired, defeated.
"I know." Resigned.
"I have one more question."
Just one question? Odysseus would have give him anything he asked for. A question he could do.
"Go ahead."
Like a dreadful night, so many years ago, he thought he was ready. He wasn't ready.
"Do you even love me?"
Tears came to his eyes when the boy asked that question. How many times can a heart break until there's nothing left?
"How couldn't I? To love my children it's the easiest thing I've ever done."
Whatever was the veredict, he would take it, he owed Astyanax that much.
And then Astyanax got up. There was no emotions in his voice when he talked
"You are without doubt, a cruel man, Odysseus of Ithaca."
He walked away, letting a crying man behind.
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wearecrowley · 1 year
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*casually sharing a bottle of wine with your bestie*
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here-comes-the-moose · 4 months
How I Think Each Member of the Bad Batch Would Act if Sick/Injured
Hunter- If he’s sick, he’s basically an “if I ignore it maybe it’ll go away” kind of guy. However, I do think if he was injured he would tell someone since he wants to be responsible and lead by example. I feel like it would be hard for him as the oldest since he wants to be strong for his siblings, but ultimately wanting to set a good example wins out.
Wrecker- If he’s sick he will seek out care. Maybe he’ll be a little bit dramatic, but his brothers don’t mind since they get to care for him. I do think he would try and brush off injuries and minimize them, since he’s used to being the strongest and feels like he should be able to deal with it and take the pain. He had to be forced to get examined and take pain meds.
Tech- Would let the others know if he was sick or injured, but after dealing with it first himself. He’d be like “oh I have a fever but I took some medicine so it’s fine no need to fret” or would just appear in the cockpit wearing a wrist brace and his siblings would be like ??? but he’s all like “I fractured my radius so I am wearing this brace; I thought it was obvious from how I fell”.
Crosshair- Would try and deal with things on his own, both illnesses and injuries, and snap at his siblings when they try and help him. Similar to Hunter in thinking if he ignores it maybe it’ll go away. Omega is the only one who can convince him to get checked out, and occasionally so can Echo or Hunter. The only exception to this is if his stomach hurts; he will be complaining the whole time and everyone on the ship is going to know. His tummy hurts and he is not being brave about it.
Echo- Mostly tries to ignore his issues or just tough it out, since he figured he’s dealt with worse so he can deal with whatever this is, but will get help if it’s something that feels more serious. He will, however, accept help and comfort from Omega, no matter how minor his illness or injury is, since he knows it helps her feel useful. Plus he hates to see her worried.
Omega- Similar to Echo in trying to tough it out at first, but she does this out of not wanting to be a bother. However, when one of her brothers inevitably pick up on her not feeling good or being hurt, she will tell them what’s going on and allow them to fret over and care for her, even if she does get a little annoyed at their mother-henning.
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chaoticstabby · 5 months
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I've been staring at these two gifs a lot and a thought just popped into my head: Edwin doesn't look immediately exasperated when Crystal hugs him. He looks pained. Do you think he was thinking about Niko?
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venomous-qwille · 1 year
Hi, I was that one anon who asked if we would find Sanii later in the fic. I set up camp in your inbox now 🏕️ and patiently wait for his design. I have become too attached to Misuta and Sanii, and your au fic at this point :') - 🏕️ anon
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Had a couple of asks about Sanii's design, so here you go! A little old photo from days gone by...
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kmesons · 1 day
while the concept of samuel existing in maia's room as some sort of afterlife has been wonderfully and sincerely portrayed in some recent fanworks, it's also very funny to me because I imagine the first few moments of samuel being in the room going something like
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impsandstars · 2 months
Here is a friendly (devastatingly tragic) reminder that Stolas was possibly sitting here for 10+ hours, ruminating on his worth, wondering if he will be able to explain what he needs to, wondering if everything he so desperately wants has already been ruined, forcibly trying not to think about his divorce and the consequences it has already had on Octavia, wondering if this will be the last time he will ever see Blitz…
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jackharkness · 1 year
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Crowley & Aziraphale + ‘I Gave You All’ by Mumford & Sons
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feralgodmothers · 25 days
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panic-flavored · 1 year
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inspired by @alchemocha's sad kidbotnik headcanons, blame him don't blame me aksjdsdd
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dont-let-me-eat-pears · 4 months
gwaine calling merlin "old friend" when they've known each other for less than a full series and it's like their third time meeting
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nonbinarylocalcryptid · 4 months
Because I love musical comebacks let's say that after facing Charybdis and Astyanax is reunited with Odysseus, our hero is tired AF (maybe because in that moment is where he is at the brink of death?? Who knows). He's not doubting he will reach Ithaca BUT he's tired AF, and Astyanax knows that if they stop now, only one of them would reach Ithaca and that's not him, so he starts singing Full Speed Ahead with Odysseus doing the chorus
But there's a change in the lyrics
Come on Ithaca is waiting (Ithaca's waiting)
Our home is waiting (our home is waiting)
Penelope's is waiting (Telemachus is waiting)
Don't die on me yet
Don't die on me yet...
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