#oh i am going to DIE when those pictures come out
vse-kar-vem · 8 months
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bee-wg · 28 days
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Year 3:
Now that I think about it, football has been a constant in my life for five years now. I’m not sure if I enjoy football anymore; it used to be about the fun we have passing the ball, now it’s all about the stats or the perfect form. 
I stood up from the bleachers to hand Brad his towel.
“I’m going to leave the team, Brad,” I said.
“What? Where did this come from?” He said frantically.
“Everyone knows I’m still on the team because you’re the team’s captain now,” I said.
“I don’t want to cause tension between you and Coach. There’s nothing I could do wobbling around the field anyway,” I added.
“Dude, you know I started playing football because of you, right?” Brad said.
“Bradley, relax. I’m not dead. You can come over to my house whenever you want.” I said.
“Theo can make you some lemon pudding cakes if you want to come,” hopefully this will calm him.
“Fine. Just so you know, I’m not happy about this,” he said, sounding like a brat.
“Okay, got it. Have fun at the party,” I chuckled.
“I won’t. I’m going to make the DJ play Lana Del Rey,” he said before entering the locker room.
There might be an oversight of me quitting football.
It’s literally the reason why I quit. I don’t know why it never crossed my mind.
How the fuck am I going to lose weight now?
“Maybe I would’ve thought it if the word, “exercise” was anywhere on my to-do list this past year,” the voice from the back of my head said.
Shut up, rational thought. I was just a little too cocky, that’s all.
My mind spins around the paths I could take to shed the fat.
Back to the gym for the bodybuilders to laugh at me jiggling like a puddle of slime on the treadmill.
No. Hard no.
Stop eating whatever Theo puts in front of my face.
Productive, but I’d rather die than miss out on the joy of the world.
Post my weight loss journey edits on social media, reminiscing on my rock-hard abs like a depressed, fat person.
No? No, actually it might just work.
My thumbs got to work. It took me an hour to choose a profile picture that represents me. I could go for a vacation photo by the beach, or the classic black and white moody gym pic. Except, I don’t have a picture of myself on my phone, so I chose the picture of an orange cat eating a banana.
With my camera set up, in my favourite green tank top. I pressed record.
It was an embarrassing experience editing myself, watching my belly sway every time I made a movement. In the end, I closed my eyes and uploaded the video.
“Oh! First comment already.” I said.
“Look at those milkers spilling out the tanks!”
3. Post my weight loss journey edits on social media, reminiscing on my rock-hard abs like a depressed, fat person.
The following weeks consisted of me eating my feelings. At least half of my classes are online this semester. I can be embarrassed in peace.
The pounds kept creeping up with each spoon of ice cream down my throat. In the blink of an eye, I am dangerously close to 300 pounds.
I finally worked up the courage to ask during a normal family dinner.
“Honey, what happened? You’re not eating as fast as usual. Is Theo not cooking enough?” Mom asked.
“No, Mom, I just…I just hope you guys can ease up with your little cooking competitions.”
“Oh honey, you know Theo and I will stop with the food whenever you ask.” Mom tries to reassure me.
“No! Obviously don’t stop the food. It’s just that I’ve been blowing up like a pig and I don’t know what to do about it.” I said.
“I didn’t know you were sad about it. I just want my family to be happy, you look the happiest when you eat,” Mom said
“It wouldn’t have helped when you guys lost for the past two years,” Mom added.
“Well, Dad likes to eat better, and no one eats like him,” I replied. 
“I’m sure my cooking was the reason we won. David is a gym teacher, he walks off the food easily,” Mom said.
“Theo is a professional though, no offence but no one on the planet cooks like him. I’m sure football was the reason we lost,” I said, trying to talk some sense into her.
Theo stares at us with wide eyes.
“Jacob, I’m sure you didn’t mean it,” Mom said with a blank face.
“You know what? Keep doing your competition, this time again next year we’ll see who’s the winner,” I said.
I am clearly a failure at losing weight. The only thing I’m good at is eating. If I’m going to gain weight anyway, I’m going to go all out and win this shit once and for all. Once this is settled, I can get back to normal. Not wanting to disappoint Theo when we lose again was probably the thing holding me back. I can’t wait to eat all the delicious things Theo is- I can’t wait for this to be over.
“Alright, Jay,” she turned to Theo and said.
“Theo, my boy. I’m looking forward to seeing the results next year,” Mom said with a determined smile.
Everyone knows not to mess with Mom when she has that look. Even then, I feel like we could still win. Theo’s food is hypnotic already when I am restrained; imagine what it will do to me when I’m going all out.
“What’s going on again?” Dad asked with cheeks full of pasta.
“Don’t worry baby, you just need to eat a little more next year,” Mom answered.
“Okay, as long as I get my lasagnas,” Dad said.
Later at night, struggling to sleep, I contemplated on the bad decisions I’ve made. This one might take the crown to be the stupidest thing I’ve done. Yet, I don’t regret it.
“You didn’t have to stand up for me,” Theo said.
“It’s the least I can do when you wake up early to prep for my food, or go off on the weekends for groceries when you could’ve been doing anything else,” I explained.
“Thank you so much, Jay. You don’t know how much this means to me. My family wanted me to do anything other than cooking, but you guys have been nothing but supportive,” he said.
I smiled at the ceiling. The gremlin is nicer than I remember.
“Now, I won’t allow you to slack anymore with the amount you’re eating. Not until the competition ends.”
Theo had stuck to his word and increased the amount he was cooking. I am now eating the amount of three people in each spread-out meal, still lacking behind Dad’s impressive five person’s amount per meal. So I have been playing catch up with him this entire month.
I realized quickly that I had underestimated the gap between Dad and my appetite. In the last few years, for the most part, I have been eating whatever I want, leaving the rest to Dad. With the exception of eating for the team once a week, I have been slacking. That was quite a hard pill to swallow. I’m 300 pounds, yet not doing a good job as a fatass. How is that possible?
So far I have gained about 23 pounds in the past two months. Normally, I would freak out and have a breakdown in bed because I’ve gained more than my freshman year in two months. Right now with my messed up head, all I can think about is how far I am behind. If we lose this again, it would be once and for all, and I would never let myself live this down. Theo deserves better with how good he’s been treating me.
With my new bulk, the stairs have been an increasing challenge. So, a few weeks ago I moved downstairs to a tiny guest room that was converted to a storage room.
The moment I moved down, I could hear Theo’s voice yelling, “Yes, Finally! Goodbye insomnia,” In my old bedroom. Before, I would’ve yelled for the brat to shut up. Now, with my stomach full. I just wanted a nap in peace.
It took me no time to adjust to the new arrangement. With more time home from all the online classes, I get to be as lazy as I want. Dad has a similar arrangement at home. He retired from being a high school gym teacher and football coach, now he tutors history at home. He also abandoned his hobby of brewing in order to laze on the sofa all day.
On weekdays, Theo would leave an abundance of food for me to consume with a list of how I should eat them to expand my capacity. The weekends are like heaven. From the moment I woke up, Theo would prepare delicious appetizers and pancakes for me. From then on, I would have a constant stream of food flowing into my mouth every thirty minutes. Sometimes, I would move my hands and my mouth would start to chew unconsciously. Alarming, but helpful. 
My belly started to expand outwards on my lap each day as I sat in front of the computer. The arm rest would feel more snug when I move around.
I have now discovered the perks of being a fatass. I can explore things I never had time to do, like the anime Brad has been begging me to watch, games I always wanted to play. Best of all is to experience all of these without moving an inch. These are the things I would definitely look back on with fondness when the competition ends.
Today is my rare outing of the month; the bus is late again but I don’t blame them this time. The downpour of rain is gathering at the clogged sewer, creating a puddle. People are supposed to grow out of stepping in puddles when they’re kids. These undeveloped assholes apparently didn’t. Several cars saw the puddle and decided to splash it straight to my face.
It’s fine. It’s all fine. I will feel better later.
I walked a small trail after getting off the bus.
Great. The angels decide to stop peeing from the heavens when I’m about to get inside.
Dad is buying a new SUV, maybe I can drive it next time. It’s too big to sneak off though.
I thought as I skipped through the stone pathway. The usual grass is covered by the water, creating a small pond.
“Annyeonghaseyo,” I said to the door cam.
After pressing the doorbell several times, it replied.
"안녕, fuck boy. Back so soon?" Number Seven said.
“Yeah, yeah. Just open the damn door,” I said, trying to hurry the fucker.
Number Seven’s face appears in front of me.
“You’re soaked! Come on in,” he said.
His house appears to be orderly. Clean. He must’ve had another fatass here not long ago.
“Woah, you look—Wait, let me guess. Another fifteen pounds since last time?” He asked.
“Come on, let’s cut to the chase. I really need it right now,” I urged.
“Hahaha, not even a shower. Desperate much?” He said.
I walked inside his bedroom, dimmed the lights and took off my shirt.
He walked towards me. Grabbing me by the belly hang in one hand, he pulls down my underwear, causing my ass to vibrate.
“Fuuuuck, can you take it out first?” I asked, trying not to moan.
“Sure, you think you’re ready for me today?” He asked.
“Yeah, I think so,” I answered. 
He slid his hand behind, right down my ass crack and slowly pulled the vibrator off. I applied it before leaving home, without accounting for the possibility of the bus delay.
“Mmmmph, fuck,” I groaned.
I’ve been training towards today for a while. In the beginning, I would come to his house and he would suck me off. If I’m feeling experimental, I would suck him off. It stayed like that for about a year and he never complained. Then I asked him for more. He would start fucking me between my moobs or between my ass but never enter. One day, I told him I was ready for him to start fucking me.
Big mistake.
He’s a manwhore for a reason. I didn’t think an 8-inch would be so hard to take. How the girls and twinks take them in porn is beyond me. It was painful when he entered, even when he said he had “loosened my hole” with his fingers. I shouldn’t have believed him, the fucking thing was massive.
After the incident, he gave me small dildos and vibrators to get used to it. We eventually worked our way up the scale until the one he’s holding now. Why did I do all this work to have a men’s dick in my ass? Who knows. I have already accepted that I’ve lost it.
He sucked on my nipple suddenly. The sensation took me by surprise.
“Dude, some warnings please,” I asked.
“Yeah, sorry. Those tits are just so plumped. Your nipples have grown larger than my thumbs now,” he said, about to continue.
“OKAY, I get it. Can you get to work now?” I asked.
My boobs are what everyone thinks about when they see me these days. I’m sick of it.
“Hahahaha, can’t wait to be fucked, my pig?” He said before pushing me down the mattress.
I held my belly to stop it from jiggling. 
He raised one of my legs and opened the bottle of lube with his teeth.
“There’s something by the pillow. Put it in your mouth. It will distract you and dull the initial pain,” Number Seven instructed.
I reached out to grab a—frosted pound cake?
I’ve never seen people doing this in porn, but I’m smart enough to know not everything in porn is real. 
With my mouth full of cake, I spread out my legs, trying to relax so I don’t end up like last time.
He pushed two fingers in, slowly massaging me, then three fingers to stretch my hole. When the frosting melted in my mouth and I finished the chunk of the cake, he signalled me that he was done.
Another piece of the pound cake fills my mouth when he aligns his cock to my hole. He was right, I was fully consumed by the sweetness to notice any discomfort. I quickly swallowed the cake so he could proceed. 
It was unbearably slow as he entered. I don’t understand what all the fuss is about with people bottoming.
He kept asking for reassurance. At this point I just want him to st—
“A-ahhhh oh shiiit!” I moaned.
“Fuuuuuck, what the hell was that?” I screamed.
I must have been too loud and spooked him.
“Are you alright? Sh-should I call an ambulance?” He asked.
“No! Don’t stop, please,” I begged
“Okay, just so you know, I’m not all the way in,” He said.
How? This is already longer than any toys I’ve put in there.
“Gnghhhhh~” I moaned as he thrusts all the way to the bottom.
He kept a steady pace all the way in then almost all the way out, leaving me feeling empty.
“Hurry! Faster,” I asked, almost in tears.
He looked at me with a devious smile and thrust right into the spot.
“Mphn- Yes! Keep going,” I urged.
Every small movement rubbing my G-spot feels like masturbating for hours without release.
He thrusts quicker with more force, causing my belly and moobs to shake violently. 
I try to stabilize my belly with my hand before trying to reach my throbbing cock.
“Help, I-aghh fuck, I need to touch my dick,” I asked.
“Let go of your belly, fat boy. Or I’ll stop,” He said.
Immediately, my belly returned to wobble violently.
“I can’t believe you turned into such a pathetic horny mess in such a short time,” He said.
”Come on, Seven. I just need you to hit that spot. Please, I’ll do anything!” I begged.
He keeps deliberately missing it. I need to be fucked there!
“Keep your hands on your nipples,” he ordered.
The over-sensitive nipples drive my weeping cock into a frenzy.
Fuck, I need to touch my cock right now. If only my fucking belly is not on the way.
“You know, when I first saw you, I thought you were the kind of jock to gain a beer belly in college, and not get fat until you turn thirty,” he said, before ramming straight into my prostate.
“Fuuuuck yeahhh,” I said unintelligently. 
“You are much more of a pig than I realized,” he said, thrusting straight into it again.
“Helll yeahhh,” I said, trying to rob my ass to his dick.
“How do you feel seeing your bubble butt balloons four times the original size?” He asked, followed by another thrust. 
“I fucking love it! I love how it wobbles around whenever I walk!” I said, moving my jiggling ass back to his dick again.
“How do you feel seeing your abs growing before your eyes, knowing you could stop it if you just stop eating?”Another thrust.
“I can’t help it! I love eating too much!” Maybe I am meant to be a fat ass.
“Right answer. Now you’ll get your reward,” he said and sped up, hitting the spot perfectly every time.
I imagine his face to be someone else, someone far from my league.
My cock rubbed against my sensitive underbelly, and I shot out jets of cum for what felt like forever.
As white clouded my vision, a euphoric relief spread over my body, melting me into the mattress.
“You passing out again, fuck boy?” Seven asked.
“No, just enjoying the bliss. I can’t believe so many men in the world are missing out on this,” My hole already feels empty. How am I going to go back from this?
“Aww man, I’m all sticky and shit,” I examined my body, cum shots and rain definitely don’t mix well together. Some of them even got between the fat folds. I swipe my finger in between the fat. “Oof, I stink too.”
Seven looked at me and signed. “You’re somehow still a stupid jock inside.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” I asked.
“I got you the fast food you asked for,” he said.
“Yes!” I rushed to the kitchen.
Ignoring his stupid laugh, I microwaved the burger and fries.
The breeze of the air conditioning reminds me of something.
“Shit, I ran out here naked.”
When I ran back, he had already put my clothes in the dryer, and I got into the shower.
When I got out, Seven brought me an old shirt I left here. It fits me like a glove with half my belly exposed. He stopped laughing when I was about to throw myself on him, then brought out a shirt with the Flash’s symbol on. Probably from another fat ass he fucks. The shirt still looks painted on, revealing the shape of my nipple and the dent of my belly button. At least he’s driving me home.
Staying at home has been a life-altering experience. 
The only time I ever move is going out of the bed to the desk, or to the bathroom. All I have to do is sit back, relax, and eat some fried food. 
With more time with myself. I’ve realized how much I dislike all the people in school that only approached me because I was one of the football jocks. I could’ve been anyone. Now, I am me. Not a worry about whether or not I’m muscular enough like other jocks, just a bigger Jay.
Sitting beside me, Dad scratched his belly and released a belch without a care in the world. He has adapted to fat guy mannerisms quickly. I’m catching up too. Today is movie night, usually we have pizzas and beers. We started this when the football season came, he asked to skip it. It was the first time we’ve skipped watching a Super Bowl season. I guess I’m not the only one losing interest in the sport. We decided to watch the Lin-Manuel Miranda Monkey movie instead.
Being on the couch with Dad made me realize I was getting closer to my goal. I can’t wait to see the results.
“Hell yeah, my man, you can do it!” Brad said, slapping my shoulder.
“What are you doing here?” I asked
“You said I can come in whenever I like,” he replied.
He’s been breaking into my house for no reason, just to stay on the second floor the entire time doing god knows what.
“I’ve brought some beef jerky here to celebrate,” Brad said.  
The scale has been set up, we’re only waiting on Mom. They’re doing some last minute catch up; mom is using a funnel to pour some milkshake in him. I am not concerned though, sticking to Theo’s strict diet every day has not been easy. I have to eat until my stomach is fully bloated. Every morning, I watch my belly deflate a little less, every evening, it bloats even further. 
“Don’t worry, Jay. We’ve got this,” Theo assured me.
“By the way, what are we doing again?” Brad asked.
Dad came out, looking absolutely massive. With Mom on his side, he stepped on the scale.
The numbers keep going up and don't seem to be stopping.
Holy shit, Dad gained a hundred and forty pounds this year. 
With more uncertainty, I took my step on the scale.
“Woo-Hoo, Jay man, you got this!” Brad shouted quietly.
I try to look under to see the number, but my belly is too big for me to see the scale.
Theo stepped closer and read. 
“Four Hundred and fifty yes!” Theo cheered.
“I won? Yes, finally!” I said and did a little jump.
The scale made a “Pop” noise.
“Oh! Sorry, Mom. I know this is really expensive.”
“Don’t worry, sweetie. We need to upgrade anyway,” Mom said, then she walked towards Theo.
“Congratulations Theo, you made me pull out every trick in my book. It’s so nice seeing you improve so much in front of my eyes, in terms, you pushed me to improve too,” Mom said, then hugged Theo.
“I can’t believe my boy is bigger than me now. Excellent work, Jay!” Dad said and hugged me, too.
Last time I was bigger than Dad I had sculpted abs, the body I dreamed of. This time, I’m almost three times the size as I was, fully covered with fat. Yet, I feel less empty inside.
“Thank you Dad,” I said, hugging him back. 
After all this time, I finally have a body I like being in. The belly doesn't look so wrong on me anymore.
Chapter 4 ->
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fae-of-fiction · 2 months
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✧ — cutie pie ᡣ𐭩₊˚.⋆⁺₊
✧ — there’s just some things that you do that are too irresistibly cute; oliver aiku, isagi yoichi, karasu tabito, shidou ryusei, kunigami rensuke, bachira meguru ᡣ𐭩₊˚.⋆⁺₊
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✧ — 1k words (some parts are longer than others, oops)
✧ — fem!reader, established relationships, cuteness aggression, language (i have a potty mouth), reader is shorter than the boys but otherwise kept nondescript, fluff, soft!boys, whipped!boys, prolly some ooc (pls let me be delulu), domesticity, some subtle suggestiveness, not proofread (we die like men) (i’ll prolly go back and fix it up later but it’s 2am and my ass needs sleep), my writing :,)
✧ — it’s only my second post and i’m already switching my format slightly? yes. yes i am. i swear this is the only time i will change it up i hope. enough of my blabbing, here’s the things they find cute! <3 (tbh i feel like all of these could apply to all of them but for the sake of convenience i’m doing it this way)
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aiku considers himself a tough man. he doesn’t coo at fluffy kittens or cute babies, and he sure as hell doesn’t do that weird baby voice thing when talking to them.
but you — oh, you’re something entirely different.
especially when you’re struggling to reach something on a high shelf.
maybe it makes him cruel, but when aiku notices you in this particular predicament, his first instinct isn’t to reach above you and grab the object you’re seeking for you — instead it’s to watch.
he watches as your shirt slips up your back, teasing him with that tiniest sliver of skin. watches as your dainty fingers try desperately to grasp the object that’s just out of your reach. revels in the little bounces you pull off as you try to gain some leverage through a small jump. melts on the inside when you finally give up and turn back to him with innocent sort of helplessness on your face and ask him for help.
only then does aiku feel that mistimed instinct to come to your rescue, and no, he absolutely does not flush or feel giddy when you beam at him and thank him with those adoring eyes.
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when isagi had been asked what his “type” was, he genuinely didn’t have an answer. he always figured he’d just be attracted to whatever he was attracted to — and there was no need to put a name to it.
that was, until he met you — and then it became all too clear that isagi did have a type; the mother hen.
others may find it slightly overbearing to be bombarded by such intrusive mother-henning, but isagi finds it absolutely adorable. you’re always checking in on him, ensuring that he gets the proper amount to eat and drink, that he’s maintaining a healthy sleeping schedule; hell, sometimes you even chastise him when you feel he’s practicing too much — and even that is cute, because you get all pouty when you do so, your cheeks slightly flushed and eyes clouded with genuine worry.
it makes isagi feel seen and loved, cared for in a way that he’s never experienced before. in a way that he wants to bask in forever.
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karasu absolutely adores your clinginess.
he’s heard many other guys sigh and groan about how smothered they feel when their girl is clingy, and truthfully, karasu simply can’t relate.
nothing makes him feel bigger than when you want to be near him. you wrap your arms around him and cling to him like a second skin, no matter what it is he’s doing. your love language is clearly physical touch, and you speak it so fluently — a hand in his, side to side, shoulder rubbing shoulder, arms wrapped around his middle, lips fastened to his neck or mouth.
when karasu is allowed to have his phone, he’s greeted with multiple messages, pictures and videos all from you, clogging up his feed — some may find that a little too needy, but karasu revels in it and saves every picture you send. he loves knowing you miss him and that he’s in your head more often than not.
you’re all over him, in person and in distance, and karasu loves it. finds it cuter than a fluffy kitten wearing a ribbon. maybe he squeezes you a little too hard when you throw yourself at him, but when you’re that damn cute and attached to him, how can he resist?
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shidou never really thought about the allure of having a quote on quote “mini-me.”
at least, not until you started replicating everything he did. it started out small, with you merely adapting some of his words and phrases into your dialect.
but it didn’t take long for your attitude to start to morph into something similar to his; quick to temper, cocky, and shamelessly vulgar, shidou couldn’t help but see himself in you. gone was the woman he originally fell for. she had been replaced by someone molded from him, from his influence and love, and rather than irk him or put him off, it only drove him to love you even more.
you were so cute when you copied him. when you used all the insults to slice into someone that he would have used, when you developed his same “i don’t give a fuck” attitude, when you stopped letting other people walk all over you.
you’d effectively been shaped into a piece of him, and shidou would never grow tired of seeing the evidence of it.
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kunigami will never tire of hearing your laugh.
no, not those cute little giggles you used to use around him — your real laugh, the one you only allow to slip out when you’ve become comfortable enough to do so.
you say you hate it, but kunigami swears he’s never heard anything more beautiful in his life — it’s purely angelic, and far too cute for him to handle.
there’s something about it that blazes up his chest and makes him feel lighter than a feather, especially when he’s the one that evokes it. it wraps around him like the warmest, comfiest blanket and makes him feel as if he’s on top of the world. it never fails to make him smile, even if he’s in the worst mood of the century.
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bachira absolutely melts when you become defensive of him.
it’s a fairly common occurrence — you tend to take things said to or about him much harder than he himself does, and you’ll defend his honor until you’re blue in the face. it can be quite an entertaining sight when you catch wind of something a rival team member said; because you have zero hesitance to stomp right up to them and confront them.
bachira doesn’t mean to find it so cute — given how absolutely torn up you seem about it when it happens, bachira feels he shouldn’t view it the way he does; but he genuinely can’t help it.
seeing you become so worked up, with your full lips all pouty and your eyebrows drawn together, just warms him from the inside out. maybe it’s because he’s never had anyone become so emotional over a slight to his person, never had anyone so ready to swing just to “beat some manners” into someone because they were rude to him.
or maybe it’s because you’ve always just been cute, and you look even cuter when you get all worked up over him. whatever the reason is, bachira selfishly hopes you never stop — because he’s never felt more loved and cared for than when you do it.
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as always, comments/likes/reblogs are not required, but are always appreciated! thank you so much for reading, lovelies!
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edenmemes · 1 year
baldur's gate 3 starters (part 1)
part 1 / ? .
❝ a less trusting person might think this all sounds very suspicious. ❞ ❝ you say all the right words, but i’m not sure you mean the right things. ❞ ❝ i know somewhere quiet. somewhere intimate. somewhere we can…indulge in each other. ❞ ❝ eugh, don’t be nice to me. it makes me want to be nice back. ❞ ❝ we needn’t be enemies. there’s plenty of those to go around already. ❞ ❝ there’s a steeliness to you, an unwavering tenacity in the face of, to be frank, quite dire odds. ❞ ❝ even the waves of fate can break upon the shores of will. ❞ ❝ i appreciate anyone that opens a conversation with threats of bodily harm. ❞ ❝ oh, you know me - ever the optimist. i’m trying to focus on the positives. ❞ ❝ i’m not easily impressed by people, but you’re stronger than i gave you credit for. ❞ ❝ there’s an air about you. something alien. ❞ ❝ loosen the grip on your pride for one blasted moment, won’t you? ❞ ❝ it’s been a long time since someone stuck their neck out for me like that. ❞ ❝ there’s something odd about this village. people skulk around like they’ve something to hide. ❞ ❝ you know, if you want to spend time with me, you only have to say so. ❞ ❝ i want to know what the world sees when it looks at me. what you see. ❞ ❝ what’s better than a devil you don’t know? a devil you do. ❞ ❝ you must know that you’re…that you’re very special to me. ❞ ❝ the gods are nothing if not vindictive in their vengeance. ❞ ❝ stay with me a while, will you? day will come all too soon. ❞ ❝ here’s my little treat with their cheeks all flushed. ❞ ❝ i am terrified. i will not claim otherwise. ❞ ❝ my apologies. i’m not quite myself yet. i had the strangest dream last night. ❞ ❝ we didn’t die today. tomorrow, perhaps. but not today. ❞ ❝ leader’s need to make tough decisions. we do what we must. ❞ ❝ i think that unknowable powers come with unknowable consequences. ❞ ❝ i’ve had a lifetime’s fill of watching little men puff themselves up with grand titles. ❞ ❝ in these times, all we can trust are the blades in our hands. ❞ ❝ it’s not easy to turn away from one you once loved. ❞ ❝ much has been promised to you, hasn’t it? but what has been taken from you? ❞ ❝ damn it all. i can do nothing right - not a damn thing. ❞ ❝ every instinct i have tells me that nothing’s changed. that i’m still just a means to an end. ❞ ❝ do not speak of a story you only know the half of. ❞ ❝ i dreamt every night that you’d come back to me. that somehow it was all a nightmare dawn would undo. ❞ ❝ when the time comes to strike, you must take it. for there may be only one chance. ❞ ❝ your eyes. there is pain, endless and deep. but also devotion - blazing like the sun. ❞ ❝ you’re adorable even when you’re teasing me. ❞ ❝ i don’t need your help, and i don’t need your pity. ❞ ❝ i’m more than what i was. and i’m not afraid of anything any more. ❞ ❝ i said exactly what i meant: i love you. you should never, never doubt that. ❞ ❝ this is all like some sort of terrible dream. but it’s real, isn’t it? ❞ ❝ there is no redemption. can’t you see? it is too late. ❞ ❝ i don’t know that it was brave. i just know that it was right. ❞ ❝ you took those bastards down like it was nothing. it…was amazing. ❞ ❝ they underestimated me. so they paid the price. ❞ ❝ we fight, we die, and we just hope that when our time comes, there is someone else to take our place. ❞ ❝ unfortunately for me, you’re my friend. rescuing you from mortal peril is my right. ❞ ❝ what did you think i was going to say? 'oh, come here, i'll kiss you better'? ❞ ❝ flowers are so overrated. they're bright, gaudy, and almost never make good poisons. ❞ ❝ i’ve been lied to, my whole life. and i was gullible enough to just believe it. ❞ ❝ you know, i never pictured myself as a hero. never thought i'd be the one they toast for saving so many lives. and now that i'm here…i hate it. ❞ ❝ you know, i feel a connection between us. like we're two souls walking the same path. ❞ ❝ the forgiving sort, are you? you should be careful. plenty would take advantage of that. ❞
❝ it’s as if god made you just to ruin me. ❞ ❝ perish the thought. every word i said was nothing less than true. ❞ ❝ you have a manner of irresistible desperation about you. i like it. ❞ ❝ i got my eye on you. you got the look of a troublemaker. ❞ ❝ i’m starting to think you’re my guardian angel. ❞ ❝ it seems you know me better than i know myself. ❞ ❝ you…you have no idea what you’ve done. ❞ ❝ they say madness and genius are separated by but a hair’s breadth. perhaps the same is true of madness and stupidity. ❞ ❝ oh, it’s you. don’t you get tired of telling people how to live their lives? ❞ ❝ good morning! thank you for not killing me the other night. ❞ ❝ when the time comes to strike, you must take it. for there may be only one chance. ❞ ❝ it is good to savour the moment of victory - but pace bg3 syourself. our fight is just beginning. ❞ ❝ i was too hasty to judge you. i thought you were witless, gutless, unimpressivably bland… ❞ ❝ yours is the first happy face i’ve seen in a good while. ❞ ❝ when hope has been whittled down to the very marrow of despair – that’s when you’ll come knocking on my door. ❞ ❝ thank you, my friend. maybe we’ll meet again, in another life. ❞ ❝ you’ll regret sticking your nose in my business. ❞
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chaoticace2005 · 7 months
Reasons the Mothman should die, collectively written by the residents of the Hazbin Hotel:
Coding for Characters: Vaggie, Charlie, Pentious, Alastor, Niffty, Husk, pretty much everyone
TW: References to abuse
He’s holding back Angel’s progress. (Vaggie, is killing really necessary?) (I am concerned about going after a Vee)
I’m hungry (ALASTOR!)
Ms. Angel gets nervous when on the phone with him.
His coat is tacky.
He’s a bug! And bugs must be DESTROYED!
So Angel stops feeling like he has to be so damn fake. This is getting on my fucking nerves.
HE LICKED CHARLIE!!! (Vaggie, wait it’s okay.)
Color scheme sucks. Purple AND red?!
He makes Angel sad, NOBODY should make Angel sad.
Those obnoxious glasses just make him look stupid.
He’s a manipulative, abusive prick.
ANGEL DIDN'T KNOW BOUNDARIES WERE A THING?!?!?!?!?!? (Honestly that explains a lot.)
NOBODY deserves to be in an abusive relationship.
Too many arms. Nobody needs that many. (...Angel has that many?) (Well maybe he shouldn't.)
Ms. Angel keeps coming home all messy!!
He’s ruining hearts for everyone. Me and Angel already have enough. At least those are on our bodies, what’s his excuse?
Hearts should not even be ASSOCIATED with Valentino, THIS IS NOT LOVE.
I can do without all the sexual depravity. While I am in Hell this is NOT one of the reasons.
If I have to hear that ringtone one more damn time-
The Eggies found some of his films. They should never be exposed to such horrors. Now I have to explain what “a sex” is.
Makes picture shows that are a disgrace to the idea of “entertainment.”
He’s making a bad name for Uncle Ozzie. This is NOT “lust.”
So we don’t have to listen to another one of Angel’s pornos. (Agreed, it’s quite horrifying!!)
So Ms. Angel isn’t tired when she gets home and can save the kinky stuff for then :) (Niff, really?)
So the kid stops coming home with bruises and cuts that I fix up at 3 am. (Husk, what the fuck?)
Because what the FUCK Valentino?
He keeps forcing Angel to do drugs. (HE WHAT?! Like crack??) (That but also I’m pretty sure whatever comes out of him is an aphrodisiac.)
I want to use his antenna as a backscratcher
Has that whole red color thing going on. Only I am allowed to wear red :) (Al, your text isn’t even red.) (My what?)
What is up with his red spit and smoke? Seriously disgusting.
The red stuff from him may be what allows Velvette to create her “Love Potions” which funds Vax’s stupid endeavors (Do you mean Vox?) (Who?)
FOR MY COLLECTION :D (…yeah okay.)
Really is making a bad name for Overlords. And not in the fun way.
Angel’s shown trauma signs of abuse in our meetings. Im pretty sure it’s Valentino.
Make a doll out of his fur so I have a main villain for roach puppet shows!!!
His only purpose is to keep Veks occupied but considering Vixen’s inane attempts to catch my attention it isn’t working.
So Angel can have his soul and he and Husk can run off into the sunset together like in a fanfiction!!! (Ah, yes that would be nice.) (WE WHAT?!) (Oh Husker, denial doesn’t suit you.)
So Angel can get a good boyfriend THAT’S NOT ME to stop these bullshit allegations.
So Angel can admit his feelings to Husker because our cat surely isn’t going to be the first to do it. (ALASTOR I SWEAR TO GOD!)
Who knows how many other people he’s abusing.
Seems to give Vicks confidence. He has enough of that as is. It much more fun to destroy him.
He makes Angel sad which makes Cherri sad!
Called my dear Rosie an "old hag" NOBODY CALLS ROSIE AN OLD HAG.
Angel is a good friend and deserves so much better.
I’ve forgotten what moths taste like.
He keeps trying to get Angel to move out :(
Told the kid he had to lose weight. What the actual FUCK. (Ill kill him.)
He’s annoying and looks quite stupid. How has this not been added yet?!
He’s making a bad name for Spanish speakers everywhere. (Yeah it’s embarrassing.) (Wait… what?)
He’s making a bad name for pansexuals everywhere.
He’s making a bad name for wing-holders everywhere. (HE HAS FUCKING WINGS?!) (Oh, yeah, I didn’t tell you?)
Too tall. This is ridiculous.
Won’t admit he’s blind so he’s become even more of a public safety hazard.
If I get one more transmission of him and Box commiting lascivious acts someone will be eaten. I don’t care who. What the purpose of these are I don’t know. Advertisement? (I think it’s to make you jealous boss.) (Ha! Jealous of what? Mediocre sex with a pathetic excuse for a businessman with a TV as a head?)
Because Angel deserves fucking better.
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taylormarieee · 8 months
Unspoken Feelings...
part 4.
social media au: Charlie Bushnell x Fem!Actress!Reader
| Y/N |
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♡💬 Liked by Iamcharliebushnell, walker.scobell, roseyposey, aryansimhadri and others
y/n- Huge shoutout to @Iamcharliebushnell for being an amazing person and an even better best friend. We've been through so much together this past year and I love you so so much. You will always have a special place in my heart until the day we die. Me and you Charlie, Always and Forever❤️💕💋
Iamcharliebushnell- Always and Forever me and you pretty girl. I love you so much. Your my bestfriend and My future 💕 You will also always have a special place in my heart and I will always be there for you. Through your ups and downs, high's and lows. Through your accomplishments and your failures. I love YOU, so much and I appreciate everything about you.
↪walker.scobell- This is sooo cute!
↪y/n- dw, your next walker!❤️
↪walker.scobell- yayayayayayayaya!!
dior.n.goodjohn- Awwwww, your friendship is actually adorable!
↪y/n- thankssss! I love him so much!
↪dior.n.goodjohn- Oh honey, I know....😉
↪y/n- stop.
roseyposey- ooooo, what's Dior implying????? Hmmm y/n?
↪y/n- girl, you don't start LOL!
↪roseyposey- hehehehehehe
aryansimhadri- This is adorable:)
↪y/n- thanks Aryan!
Iamcharliebushnell- Don't forget we have an interview tmr! I love you more btw
↪y/n- yea! I didn't forget but thanks for the reminder! No I love you more!😡
| Iamcharliebushnell |
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♡💬 Liked by y/n, dior.n.goodjohn, leahsavajeffries, walker.scobell and others
Iamcharliebushnell- 2023 recap with @y/n. I think you guys can tell I spend the most of my time with her.
y/n- Can I just say that I took like half of these pictures if not all???
↪Iamcharliebushnell- Oh yes, creds and praise to you!
↪y/n- stawpp, you know how I get when you praise me...🤭
↪Iamcharliebushnell- Your so cute pretty girl.
↪y/n- gee thanksss🫣🤭
leahsavajeffries- I'm convinced you guys are dating, JUST COME OUT AND SAY IT ALREADY!!!!
roseyposey- Do you know HOW BADLY I NEED THEM TOGETHER!!???
↪loveydoveydove- I AM SERIOUSLY NOT OKKKKKK!!!!!!!
walker.scobell- GUYS! I JUST GOT NEWS! That surprisingly only Dior knew?!!?!?!
↪y/n- @dior.n.goodjohn YOU TOLD WALKER!!!!?????
↪dior.n.goodjohn- IM SORRY BUT THAT'S LITTLE BRO RIGHT THERE! I coulnd't keep it from little bro! (plus he wouldn't stop bugging me)
↪y/n- omggggg!!!!!
↪Iamcharliebushnell- Do I need to be informed on this little secret????
↪y/n- NO CHARLIE! IT'S NOTHING! I'll tell you on my own time...
The Demigods
Tuesday, 4:21pm
My Pookie Charlie💋- Guy's what's going on???
Twinn!!💕- wdym???
My Pookie Charlie💋- This thing happening on Insta!!???
y/n- Ohhh it's nothing! Something about me and then only dior knew, so she told walker!
My Pookie Charlie💋- Yea, I wanna know too
y/n- OMG, This is too much! Ughh Dior whyyyy!
Twinn💕- I'm sorry, I didn't expect Walker to say anything! Especially on social media of all places!
Seaweed Brain🪸- I'M SORRY! I'M SOOOOO SORRY Y/N!
My Pookie Charlie💋- y/n, I'm gonna text you! Cuz what the hell is going on???
y/n- Omg Charlie I promise it's nothing...
Little sis🦉- It's clearly not nothing if Waler made a big deal about it! If it's an embarrassing memory or photo then we won't judge
y/n- that's the thing, it's not any of those things! It's something personal that I trusted dior with. I'm not saying I can't trust any of you guys but I just wanted to keep it a secret with just me and dior. I'm not mad at you dior or walker. I was just scared to tell the rest of you...
My Pookie Charlie💋- Answer me. Now y/n.
Twinn💕- Again, I'm sorry pookie.
Seaweed Brain🪸- I'm sorry too y/n.
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My Pookie Charlie💋
Tuesday, 4:31pm
My Pookie Charlie💋- y/n?
My Pookie Charlie💋- Answer me
y/n- Yes Charlie?
My Pookie Charlie💋- What is going on? You can tell me anything. Always and forever remember?
My Pookie Charlie💋- Why are you keeping things from me?
y/n- I just don't know how to say it...
My Pookie Charlie💋- pretty girl please... just tell me
y/n- I'm sorry I can't... I love you, I do but I just can't tell you. Not yet at least...
My Pookie Charlie💋-Y/n...
My Pookie Charlie💋- cmon answer me!
My Pookie Charlie💋- y/n? ARE YOU OK!
My Pookie Charlie💋-Why aren't you answering me!
My Pookie Charlie💋- Answer my calls now!
My Pookie Charlie💋-cmon I need to know if your ok!
My Pookie Charlie💋- baby you're scaring me...
My Pookie Charlie💋- cmon pretty girl... please text me back
My Pookie Charlie💋- Are you ok????
Messages between Charlie and the groupchat...
The Demigods
My Pookie Charlie💋- Has anyone heard from y/n!!!???
Seaweed Brain🪸- No, why?? WHAT HAPPENED!?
My Pookie Charlie💋- we were talking and then hours go by and i'm texting her and she's not responding!
Little sis🦉- The last time I texted her was around 5:00, she didn't text me back tho. Is she ok?
My Pookie Charlie💋- I texted her 15 minutes later, she didn't respond. I can't drive to her hotel because I'm all the way in Vancouver.
Twinn💕- OMG! Maybe she's taking a break? Turned off her phone?
Seaweed Brain🪸- I just tried to call her... straight to voicemail...
Twinn💕- I mean I'm the closest to her hotel, I'm 15 minutes away. Want me to go over there?
My Pookie Charlie💋- Please. My flight isn't going to arrive until 9:30, I won't get down there until around or after 11:00 today for our interview tomorrow. I'm omw to the airport now.
Twinn💕- i'm on my way now! i'll be there soon!
Back to you...
Your sitting there contemplating on whether or not you should really answer Charlie or not.
You finally turn back on your phone and see a whole bunch of worried and missed calls from Walker, Dior, Leah, and Charlie...
Oh god what have you done...
Just as you were about to call them back you hear a knock on the door... Who could that be?
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Taglist: @lizziesfirstwife @angelicdanvers @prettyinsatiable @glorywielder101 @urmomsbananabread @repostingmyfavs @leo-lvr @csifandom @istillremberthefirstfallofsnow @reader-bookling123 @maryann2013 @angelinajolie0213 @rhydianissuperior @kneehe-nehar7
A/N: CLIFFHANGERRRRRRR! I'm so sorry! Lol, but I will be posting the next fic today, I'm so sorry it's taken so long!
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vivwritesfics · 9 months
No Need To Ask
Chapter Twenty-Five - Why
The Norris' were a notorious crime family in the UK. One of many. With Norris, the head of the family, running operations with his son, Lando, they work to keep Y/N Norris, Norris' daughter protected. Life in a crime family wasn't something they wanted for her.
But with tension with one of the Spanish crime families rise, Norris and his now deceased wife come up with only one plan, offer their daughter to the Sainz's or risk an all out war.
1.8K words
Series Masterlist
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Carlos Sainz's pregnant wife sat in a room small enough to be considered a cell. It was incredibly dark inside of this cell, with the only source of light flickering overhead.
Y/N sat on the floor, her knees pulled to her chest. It had been three days and nobody had spoken to her. A faceless figure brought her food and water, but never spoke a word to her. She sat in that cell feeling grubby and grim.
Tears stained her cheeks, but she had long since stopped crying, with no tears left.
She was going to die in her. She and her baby were going to die.
On her fourth day in this grim cell, somebody approached. They walked over to Y/N, crouching down so that she could see him. The face she was met with was rugged and scarred, and at least fifty years old. He grinned a grim smile, his mouth missing a couple of teeth.
"Hello, Mrs Sainz," he said, his voice gruff, his accent British. He pressed his face to the bars of her cell and let out a laugh, a terrifying laugh.
She spat in his face. Her spit flew through the space between them, landing in his face.
His laughter halted for just a moment. But it started up just as soon as it had stopped and he wiped the spit away from his eyes. "And I thought you were supposed to be all meek and timid."
"A mothers instinct," Y/N said through a hiss.
His laugh got louder and he stood up straighter. Pulling out a camera he snapped a picture of Y/N as she scowled up at him. She was going to die in here, but she wasn't going down without a fight.
"Why are you doing this?" She asked him, her voice dry. "What have I done to deserve this?"
The man got back onto his knees in front of her. "Well, I suppose I can tell you. I will just be killing you anyway." Y/N's heart sank as he leaned against the wall opposite her. "I am owed a hell of a lot of money and you're going to help me get it."
She just stared at him, her mouth agape. "So, you kidnapped a pregnant woman, the pregnant wife of a mafia boss, because you want money?!" She cried. "My husband will find me. And he will kill you."
"Hang on now, pretty little thing." He had no right to call her that. If Carlos didn't kill this man, she certainly would. "You haven't heard the whole story."
A lump formed in her throat.
The feeling that settled over Carlos when he touched down in the Norris family private hangar was indescribable. Finally he'd be reunited with his wife, finally he'd be able to bring her home.
Carlos made his way to the Norris house, with Oscar in the passenger seat of the car. "I can't wait for her to see what we've done with the nursery," he said with a beaming smile. Oscar had never quite seen him grin like this. It was infectious, too.
It was maybe 6.30 in the morning when Carlos arrived at the Norris house. Lando wasn't awake yet and there had just been a change of shift of those watching over the house.
Carlos looked up at the window that he knew to be in Y/N's room. His wife, his pretty little wife. Soon she'd be by his side.
He knocked on the door and a very tired Norris pulled open the door. "Oh," he said upon seeing his brother in law, who appeared to be a lot more awake and coherent than he was.
Lando let Carlos into the house. "Do you want some coffee or something?" He asked, shutting the door behind Oscar as he walked in.
Those two greeted each other with a handshake. Carlos knew they were friends, but he didn't quite realise they were that close.
Carlos shook his head. "I'd just like to see my wife, please," he said, standing by the stairs.
Nodding his head, Lando began climbing the stairs. "I'll go and get her," he said, as if telling Carlos was an afterthought. God, he was tired. Unbelievably so.
Maybe ten minutes later Lando was making his way back down the stairs, running this time, his face as white as a sheet. "She's gone," he said quickly, definitely more awake this time.
Carlos was red with fury as he gripped Lando's pyjamas and held him up against the wall. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" He roared. "SHE'S GONE AND IT'S BECAUSE OF YOU!"
What the two of them failed to notice was Oscar as he ran around the house, searching for his missing best friend. He searched her favourite spots, but she was nowhere to be seen. He checked through the whole house while Carlos screamed at Lando.
"Hey!" Oscar shouted as he walked back towards the two of them.
Carlos quickly dropped Lando. His hands were still balled up in a fist as he turned towards Oscar. "What?" He barked, his expression furious. There was a time where Oscar would have been terrified of him, but now he understood. He got why Carlos was as seething as he was.
"She's not in the house. What do we do now?"
But it was Lando who told them their grim reality. "We have to wait," he said. I can put my men on it, but there's nothing we can do until we have some sort of clue or something."
As uncomfortable as it was, the boys did just that. They waited.
"It was your mother who employed me originally," the man said, still wearing that grim smile. Y/N couldn't look at him, but she couldn't help but listen.
Her mother? Hire him? What would her mother want with a man like him?
But he was going to tell her just that. "There was somebody your mother wanted to get rid of, and it was my job to do just that."
"So, you're a hitman," Y/N said, but the man held his finger to his lips, effectively silencing her.
"Yes, I am a hitman. And your mother took out a hit on somebody. See, she was a part of the Mansell family as a young girl. The L/N's worked for the Mansells for years, but they never amounted to much. So, she wanted a bit of the high life. And she was going to do anything to get it.
"Norris had just had his first child and his power was raising. He was set to be the most powerful head of family in the United Kingdom. This, of course, was before we knew about Hamilton. Norris had a new baby and a wife he loved very much.
"Your mother knew what she needed to do. She needed to get rid of Norris's wife."
Y/N couldn't stop herself from gasping. Her mother wouldn't have somebody killed, would she? She had always been harsh, but she wasn't deadly. Her mother wasn't a killer.
"So, your mother hired me to take care of her little problem. I got rid of the first Mrs Norris, doing so in a way that made it took like an accident. That was my speciality, making things look like an accident. Norris never suspected a thing.
"He grieved tremendously. He was the head of family, he had an infant son and he had just lost his wife. Norris really struggled.
"So, your mother put herself in the right place at the right time. She caught Norris's eye and, three years later, you were born," he said. The smile he still wore made her shiver.
"I needed payment. It was a hell of a lot of money and I had done my part. Your mother owed me. Of course, all of her money was actually her husbands, and he didn't have a lot of it. She paid me in small instalments, but it wasn't enough. I am still owed close to a million.
"And then your mother died. She died and there was nobody to pay me. I watched you closely, you know. I watched you carefully. Where your father and brother tried their best to keep you a secret, I knew everything about you.
"I watched you the day Sainz and his boy had dinner with you. I followed you to Spain and watched your wedding. I watched through your window as Sainz's boy had his way with you on your first night of being married."
Tears sprang to her eyes. It wasn't something she wanted to be reminded of. That wasn't her Carlos, wasn't the man she was in love with.
"Your husband is a very wealthy man," said the man. "I realised that, through you, I could get the money I was owed. So, I hatched a plan. I got a team together and we raided every head of family, trying to get the information we need and opportunities for any more money.
"When we raided your husbands house, we were planning to take you. But we were stopped by fucking Sainz. He got in the way and gave you two time to escape. But we got what we needed and we got out. We knew we'd get to you another time.
"It was hard to locate your safehouse. But we followed that Australian boy and he led us right to you. But then your husband got you away. We spent two weeks looking for you, were about to give up hope, when Verstappen's son called your brother. Suddenly we knew where you were."
When Y/N let out a sob, the man stood up straighter and pulled out his camera. He pointed it right at his face and began talking. "Hello, Sainz. I believe I have something that belongs to you."
Carlos spent four days at the Norris house. But, to him, it might as well been four months.
On the fourth day, his phone buzzed.
Well, it had been buzzing on and off with the same thing since he'd first discovered Y/N was missing. Every notification he got was somebody saying that they hadn't found her. There had been a couple of times when he'd thrown his phone, he'd always managed to throw it at the sofa opposite.
This time, though, was different. This time the notification was from somebody he didn't know.
Carlos opened it, opened the video that had been sent to him.
It was hard to make out what he was seeing at first, the video too dark, the person not in focus. But then the person holding the camera adjusted it and the view of the person became clearer.
Carlos's eyes went wide.
"Hello, Sainz. I believe I have something that belongs to you."
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This is a fandom related thing. I will say that right off the bat, but I needed a few extra opinions on this since it feels like I am alone on this.
AITA for killing off my OC in a group rp?
For some context, I (using the name Snow for myself) joined a group rp with some other people where we would come up with a plot together. Everyone would be using original characters (OCs) It was agreed that the things that happened would be voted on, but people were not allowed to control what other people did with their OCs. It is the whole "my oc, my rules" thing. For those who don't get it, it basically means that since the oc is yours, only you get to decide what happens to them.
To the story. I had plans I wanted to do with my OC. I wrote her to be someone who was secretly working for the villains and was only tricking the others into thinking she was their friend. The only other people who were aware of this were the moderators, and they had approved of it.
What was the problem then you may be wondering? Well the problem was that another member, I'll just call them Star, had said that they had gotten an emotional attachment to my OC. Which I personally found weird, so I typically tried not to be stuck alone with them.
When it came to reveal the plot twist with my oc, Star had a freak out upon finding out. They started crying and complaining that it wasn't right to do that and they could not picture "their" emotional support character doing that. The other members decided to comfort Star. They always sided with Star and acted like they were oh so special. The others were saying that this was all just a joke and that it wasn't actually going to happen. "It is just a joke right, Snow?" they had said.
And I replied with. "No. It's not a joke. My oc has been working with the villains the whole time."
Star's response was to have a meltdown over it, saying that I was out to hurt them and ruin their day. So I ended up getting a message from the moderators asking me to change my OC's backstory as to not upset Star further. They ended up telling Star that it would be changed to just having my OC be mind controlled the whole time.
This was not something I agreed with, but I pretended to play along begrudgingly. I hated that the group decided to treat my OC like she belonged to Star. But I played along and came up with my own idea. There was a plot point that came up in the rp that would have someone die off, so I took it as my opportunity to kill off my own OC. If I wasn't allowed to do what I had planned for her initially, then she wasn't going to stick around anymore.
After I killed her off, Star logged off and vanished for an entire 3 days. All the other members constantly messaged them to try and get a response from her, but they did not answer until they returned. When they logged on, they said that they had to a panic attack over what had happened and felt hurt that I would do that.
I just responded with "my oc, my rules. I quit this group." Then I quickly went through and deleted every little bit of information I had shared about my OC with that group before leaving their discord. After, I got a lot of messages from all the members, about sending the information so that Star could continue playing with my OC since she was their comfort character and it wasn't fair I was doing this to them especially after their panic attack. I said no and blocked everyone who had asked me that.
Sure I feel bad that they had a panic attack, but I felt betrayed that everyone else was willing to bend the rules for them and allow them to control my OC. Even if I no longer use said OC, I still wouldn't let them have her. This is still my property and I stand by the "my oc, my rules" thing.
So AITA for killing off my OC?
What are these acronyms?
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mcflymemes · 6 months
PROMPTS FROM LIFE IS STRANGE, SEASON 1 *  assorted dialogue, suggested by ismelodrama, adjust as necessary
everything is a picture waiting for be taken.
you're just jealous of me because i actually do the things you can't.
are you hiding something?
i'm sick of your disrespect. tell me the truth!
i don't want to fight with you anymore. i don't want to fight with anyone anymore.
i was eating those beans!
how the hell did you know about that photo?
always take the shot. my number one rule of photography.
you just don't listen, do you?
there's something weird going on with you.
you've only been here for three weeks and you're already causing conflict.
after this week, you are certainly not a little kid anymore.
not now. i'm contemplating shit.
are you fucking kidding me? this is major bullshit!
i didn't have all the evidence at the time.
we all make decisions we regret.
i'm not gonna make any excuses for my behavior.
i'd put stephen hawking against picasso any day.
it sucks to be dragged into the spotlight.
nobody believes me anyway.
you're exactly the kind of soldier i'd want by my side in a war.
why the hell not?
i almost asked you to hang out.
you should have asked me.
maybe we're too much alike.
i don't believe anything you say. you're full of shit.
eat a dick, [name].
i'll be in the tardis getting my delorean ready.
since you're the mysterious superhero... i'll be your faithful chauffeur and companion.
you don't know who the fuck i am or who you're messing around with.
where'd you get that? what are you doing? come on, put that thing down!
don't ever tell me what to do! i'm so sick of people trying to control me!
so you can't help me?
i told you before that i'll always believe you.
i may be a pest but... i'm a good listener.
you're the bravest person i've ever known.
for every action, there's a reaction.
i'm trying. but you have to understand my position.
i know i can be a pain in the ass... and you've always treated me like a person, not a beta nerd.
why do you want all your friends to die?
oh i see. i'm not important to you anymore.
nobody lectures me. everybody tries though.
do not analyze me! i pay people for that.
hey, that's total slander!
you don't know shit about my father, or me.
you're all fucked!
everybody hates me.
[name]... it's me. i just wanted to say i'm sorry.
i truly am sorry for being such a bastard.
you would have been cool to hang out with.
you might as well choose me.
i'm not perfect, okay?
you have talent, [name].
you don't have to push people out of your way.
thanks for admitting again that i have some talent.
do you think it's, like, fate we're not supposed to be friends?
nobody says we have to be friends.
everybody lies. no exceptions.
i came for all of you.
i'm in a nightmare and i can't wake up.
no wonder they call it a "web." nothing can ever get out.
i wish i could go back in time and erase everything.
just tell me you do have the photograph.
now shut up and listen.
i'm not a real scientist.
i was just happy just being your friend.
[name], i'm so sorry you had to go through all that.
i don't think i can concentrate on going out to the movies.
everybody pretends to care until they don't.
even angels need angels, [name].
i might be naive, but i feel their struggle.
why did you stop me from jumping?
this shit pit has taken everyone i've ever loved.
when a door closes, a window opens... or something like that.
i keep going back in time.
how could there be a more important moment in history?
thank you for trusting me.
hey... be careful out there.
what kind of friend are you?
you never understood me, or what happened to me.
i'll always be alone, thanks to you.
just in case we don't get out of this...
i'm going to make the right choices from now on.
i've been feeling like this might be actually the end of the world.
i hate to say that i'm glad to see you, but i'm glad to see you.
i wish i could stay in this moment forever... but then it wouldn't be a moment.
if that tornado came right now, i would just sit here and watch for a while.
i just feel like escaping.
i have total faith that you'll do the right thing when the time comes.
with great power comes great bullshit.
am i pushing myself too hard?
you like to hurt people, huh?
i'm glad you decided to escort me.
i know this is a bad time, but can i get one picture?
of course i believe you. you're the most amazing person i've ever met, and i'm glad you trust me.
i don't have a fucking clue what's going on.
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see-arcane · 5 months
I am almost fine with people saying he has one brain cell, because I have seen dozens of people make the worse claim that he is "an arrogant, smug, proud of his rationality Victorian who laughs at the locals for their superstitions."
It is such a prevalent assesment that it's now considered a core character trait of his. When today's entry indicates nothing of the sort.
(Text Brick Incoming)
Jonathan’s fundamental flaw at this stage does involve looking down on or viewing the locals and their traditions as quaint/idolatrous/ridiculous et al. He uses poor terminology too, owing to the Doylist reason of his author’s knowledge and biases, while the Watsonian reason is easy enough to read as Jonathan 1) Having to rely solely on biased/incomplete knowledge from his homeland’s writings on the place and 2) What I think is him trying to overcompensate as a trained reflex
I’ve always pictured Jonathan and Mina as having not only a lower social and monetary standing, but possibly a hindrance of race. (Case in point, I suspect a certain unique prop Jonathan brandishes later on is something he inherited, not something picked up by happenstance.)
That said—they are poor, they are not the idealized picture of the fair English Citizen…but they are both polite, charming, hardworking, and masters of ~making friends~ as a defense mechanism. And I’d bet money that included relying on what few positive nods their peers allowed.
“You’re so nice! So industrious! Your physiognomy really counters your origins! And you are wise enough to look down on those silly foreigners, aren’t you? Of course you are! You’re one of the good ones.”
Now, regardless of what headcanon is landed on as far as race/ethnicity/other backgrounds go, those last points are key. Because they go towards Being a Good Englishman/woman. Being wiser than to buy into fretting non-English superstitions. Knowing to ogle the people of other lands like curiosities in a zoo. Judging people by their face or the shape of their skull. This is the Norm. This is Good of the Victorian Englishman Abroad.
And we see Jonathan hold to all these stereotypes…to a degree. But we see within these same early entries that his instincts and general good nature chafe against that social training. He’s too much himself to do entirely as a Proper Englishman should.
He went out of his way to study all the limited info he had access to, incomplete or half-informed as it was. He delighted in learning everything he could of the places and people as he traveled, wanting to embrace and be educated on the land. And even when a lifetime of advising against it, of insistence upon derision, tried to take over when the crucifix was offered? He still accepted it. He still wears it even when the old woman departs, whether or not he believes in its importance.
And, vitally, his instincts are very Very awake to the fact that Something is Off. A Proper Englishman (and many an oblivious or stubborn dad in a ghostly horror movie) would shrug this unease off at once. But Jonathan doesn’t. He remains on Dracula’s route only because he has no other choice. All he does is mention quietly that he hopes Mina gets his diary if he happens to die on this journey.
Imagine that. Bracing for and acknowledging the sense that You Might Die on This Little Business Trip and just…having to go along with it. Because what will you tell your boss otherwise? What will you tell your fiancée?
These aren’t the concerns of a well-off stuffy snob of a man. It’s the resignation of someone who understands they live on the lowest rung of the ladder and that they will risk losing what little progress they’ve made if they dare to turn back.
As for sneering at the locals’ superstitions, period, consider: How likely would anyone really be to suddenly believe in monsters after coming out of the background Jonathan has? What could possibly have convinced him of the reality of the situation OTHER THAN SEEING IT IN PERSON? (Note, a key plot point for certain other characters later!)
The point of his being unable to take the supernatural aspect at face value is that, well, Why Would Anyone Immediately Jump to a Supernatural Conclusion in His Place?
What possible context does he have here!? Maybe he should have read Dracula first, ha ha—
Oh wait. He can’t do that. Why?
Because this man has never read Dracula BECAUSE HE IS LIVING AND WRITING THE BOOK DRACULA!!
tl;dr: I am very tired of both the Stuffy Victorian Snobprick and Oblivious Idiotbaby takes on my good friend Jonathan Harker
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mountainsandmayhem · 7 months
You're a Brat, Little Dove
Joel Miller x Female!Reader
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Summary: You play with Joel at your 25 year high school reunion to get exactly what you want. CW: Dom!Joel, Sub/Dom, blowjob, throat fucking, gagging, nipple play, Brat!Tamer, unprotected p in v (they’re in a long-term relationship), oral (f and m receiving), anal play very briefly, pet names, cream pie kink, praise kink, degradation if you squint, denial and edging, NO AGE GAP (Joel and reader are in their 40’s)  A/N: I am absolutely BLOWN AWAY by the love that You're Mine and Stay Still have gotten. Truly, from the bottom of my cold, dead heart I really appreciate your likes, comments and reblogs. Hopefully you enjoy this one, as well. Dividers and banners by @saradika-graphics Word Count: 5.6k
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Dress. Check. 
Nude heels. Check. 
2 daytime outfits.  Check. 
Drive home clothes. Check. 
Make up bag. Check.
Stop worrying so much. You’re not even leaving the country, you can buy what you forgot.
“You ok?” Joel asks as he wraps his arms around you from behind.
“Just the usual pre-travel anxieties.” You say, leaning into his warmth. Your arms unconsciously cross over his, hands resting on his forearms. 
“We’re not leaving the country, you can buy whatever you forgot,” you smile to yourself at how well he knows you as his lips press lightly to your temple. “Remember when I had to go out of town at the last minute before our Disneyland trip and you packed for all of us?”
“Mmhmmm,” you say. The memories come flooding in of those two little girls; one dressed as a princess from head to toe and the other refusing to take off her Darth Vader helmet. The latter was far braver on the “scary rides”, and held her sister's hand until they were both giggling and screaming with delight.
“You didn’t miss a single thing - for any of us. Including the nightlight that Sarah couldn’t be without and the granola bars that Ellie claimed were the only things she could have for breakfast.” 
You turn your head and gently press your lips to his. This is the kind of love that people write about. Supportive. Caring. Complete and unwavering trust. Each person is 100% in for the other, willingly giving when the other needs to take, and never keeping score. You don’t judge the other for any sort of anxiety they might be having or help they might be needing. Partners. Through and through. 
A noise from the kitchen brings you back and you break the kiss. “What is that incessant beeping?” 
“That’s your phone,” he laughs while pulling out of the hug and squeezing your sides. “It’s been going off all morning. Someone is messaging you on Facebook.” 
You squirm free of his wandering hands and go to brush your teeth. When you come back out to the kitchen he’s scrolling through the messages in your phone. 
“Who is it?” You ask, getting your morning coffee ready. 
Joel throws his head back, laughing loudly as he reads in a mocking voice, “Hi. Long time no talk. I saw your name on the guest list for the reunion this weekend. Can’t wait to catch up. Looks like you’re single. At least based on your profile. Glad to see you got rid of that goon you were dating in your 20s.” 
Your profile is blank, a picture of you holding baby Ellie the day you officially adopted her is the only thing on there, and you have maybe 15 friends. Truthfully, you aren’t even sure why you have it, even in the heyday of Facebook, you weren’t exactly a share-everything-about-yourself-on-the-internet type of girl.
“Oh god,” you laugh. “It’s Zack, isn’t it?” 
Joel wipes away a tear from laughing so hard. “Each sentence is its own message, but I’m a goon?” He slides your phone across the counter to you adding, “Can I punch him again when we see him?” 
Years ago, while visiting your parents, Zack got a little too handsy when you ran into each other at a local pool hall. Joel was and very much still is, a ‘touch her and die’ type of lover. 
You both laugh as you kiss him goodbye and head to work.
On your lunch break, you updated your profile picture to you and Joel with the girls at their high school graduation. Hopefully, Zack will get the message. By 5 pm you’re rushing home to get out the door and drive 5 hours to your old hometown. 
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The minute you walk into the reunion you see women’s heads turning to look at Joel. You can’t say you blame them, Joel Miller is the dictionary definition of a DILF! And tonight, in perfectly tailored black pants, a crisp black dress shirt and black tie, his slightly outgrown curls pushed back, and grey scruff perfectly trimmed, he looks hot as sin. And then, just to add insult to an already smoldering hot injury, he recently came to terms with needing glasses for driving at night. Those black frames should be illegal. 
Over the last few days you’ve been sending him articles about spanking and on the drive up had an open and honest communication about what you both wanted out of it. Deep down you’re hoping tonight is your night, you’re tempted to just go back to the hotel and let him do whatever he wants. Instead, the two of you hit the bar to get a drink before finding a table to sit at.
“Who is that lady in the gold sequin dress with the black hair, almost directly behind you?” Joel asks awkwardly, sipping his whiskey.
You glance around the room, trying to not make it obvious when you catch the one person you don’t want around Joel staring right at him. 
“Lucy Garfield.” You say flatly. “She’s the one that slept with Zack seconds after I left for university. I thought they were married but she is eye fucking you so hard.”
“Gross,” he laughs, his nose crinkling up in disgust. He’s so endearing when he’s joking around with you, “Don’t say eye fucking.”
You laugh, “It’s what she’s doing Joel. I wonder how long before she’s over here talking to you.”
You start pushing your chair out from the table and he grabs your leg, “Leave me alone and you’re dead to me”
“Joel,” you giggle and try to push the chair more, “I kinda have to pee though.” 
“Babe, I'm serious. She scares me,” he says with a shudder. “I can feel her looking at me.” 
“Oh, she’s doing more than looking…” you tease, sliding your chair back in.
“Don’t say it.”
He squirms as you lean in to his ear and whisper, “Eye fucking.”
“I hate you.” 
After a few hours of catching up with old friends, you excuse yourself to go to the bathroom and grab another drink for you and Joel. When you come out of the bathroom Lucy is alone at your table with Joel. You can see the discomfort on his face as she shows him something on his phone. You’re not jealous or worried, but when Zack approaches you at the bar you decide to have a little fun.
“So you didn’t break up with him after all?” He’s leaning back cockily on the bar, arms crossed, eyes locked on Lucy. 
“No,” you laugh while ordering drinks; whiskey neat for Joel and a glass of Cabernet Sauvignon for you. “I never planned to.” 
“I figured. Lucy seems to take a liking to anyone you set your sights on.”
“You would know best, Zack.” You’re still facing the bar, but you see Zack glance quickly in your direction at the dig. “Any advice for poor Joel over there?”
“Don’t leave the best thing that ever happened to you for a gymnast with...” he stops speaking when he looks back to you, seeing you with one eyebrow raised as you sip your wine. “She and I are getting divorced.” 
“I assumed.”
And that’s when you hear it. Your song with Joel. 
‘I know what you look like in the morning
Your kisses are soft and warm’
Joel looks around the room for you, when he spots you at the bar a mischievous grin crosses your face and you lean in close to Zack. 
“Dance with me?” You whisper, giving him the puppy eyes he never used to say no to. 
‘I can draw you with my eyes closed 
Seen you with nothing on but the radio’
He places a hand on your lower back and leads you to the dance floor before pulling you in close. Huh, you think to yourself, 25 years later and still got it.
You look away from Joel and give Zack a tight lipped smile as the first verse of the song melts into the chorus. 
‘I know the kind of thing that makes you laugh 
The way you tilt your head for a photograph
What other guy knows you like that’
You fight the urge not to look past Zack’s shoulder and over at Joel as Zack’s voice drones on in the distance, telling you about his divorce. 
‘And I can name the first guy you ever kissed’
You can’t help but sneak a glance at Joel. Zack is the first guy you kissed and Joel knows it.
‘I can name the perfume on your wrist’
Joel crosses his arms, staring at you darkly from across the room. Fuck, you think maybe you bit off more than you can chew.
‘What other guy knows you like that’
Joel stands and strides over to you. 
Yes. Got him. He doesn’t look mad, if anything he’s looking at you with dangerous desire in his eyes. Your heart flutters as heat travels between your thighs.
“Babe, we gotta go.” 
Zack starts to protest but you release yourself from his arms and say with a big smile, “It was lovely catching up. Thank you for the dance.” 
As Joel leads you off the dance floor he growls quietly in your ear, “You’ve been a very bad girl, Little Dove.” 
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The car ride back to the hotel is silent. Not a word is uttered between either of you, the second the elevator door closes Joel presses you back against the wall.  Towering over you, one of his hands roughly pulls down the right cup of your dress and bra, he pinches your nipple hard between his thumb and pointer finger. 
You gasp out in pain, but he doesn’t say anything, just glares down at you. As the pain morphs into pleasure you squeeze your thighs together, your panties starting to soak through. He releases you when the elevator stops and turns his back to you, you cover your abused nipple back up before you follow him into your room.
“Clothes off and kneel,” he growls, throwing a pillow haphazardly at your feet.
“Joel-I…” you stutter out. He stalks across the room, only the discarded pillow separating you. 
“I said,” he starts harshly. “Clothes off and kneel, Little Dove.”
You swallow the dry lump in your throat while sliding the zipper down the side of your black dress, letting it fall to the ground. A deep, guttural moan escapes Joel as you kick the dress aside and remove your bra and panties. You’re completely bare for him, nothing but your nude heels left. 
“That’s better. Now kneel.” 
You do as he says, getting into his desired position; hands on your lap and eyes aimed at the floor in front of you. He bends, cupping your chin and tilting your face up to meet his gaze. You expect to see his eyes dark and lips tight, instead, you’re met with softness, his chocolate brown eyes boring into you.
“Little Dove,” he starts, his voice just barely above a whisper. “I am going to punish you for being a brat tonight. Everything I plan to do is things we’ve talked about.” 
“Like what?” You ask as your mouth goes impossibly dry.
“No, you don’t get answers tonight. You’re in trouble. Do you remember your safe words?”
You nod, “Yes sir.”
The colour coding system is how Joel prefers to do things. Red if you need to end things, yellow if you need a break or to slow down, and green to keep going.
His thumb caresses your cheek, “That’s my girl.” 
Joel stands abruptly and your gaze follows him. When he looks down at you, his features are no longer soft. His eyes are almost black, eyebrows slightly knit together and jaw clenched. He snaps his fingers and points at the ground and you immediately obey, shifting your gaze back to where he prefers it. He walks across the room, uncuffing the sleeves of his black dress shirt and rolling them up his thick forearms. You hear the unmistakable sound of him removing his tie and his glasses being placed on the table.
“You were a brat tonight, Little Dove,” he says darkly. “Remind me, do I like brats?” 
“No, sir.” It comes out in a nervous squeak.
Joel stares at you for a while and it’s nearly impossible to keep your eyes on the ground. If Joel had to classify himself, he’d say he was a pleasure Dom. He’d rather use pleasure until you’d beg him to stop, but pleasure is earned, and you used that song and your ex-boyfriend to get to him tonight. He saunters back over and pets your head, just as you start to close your eyes and lean into his touch he grips your hair hard and pulls until you’re once again looking up at him. A shocked yelp comes out of you as you make eye contact. 
“I think you did this on purpose because you so badly want me to spank you.”
“N-no, sir.” 
“No? I bet if I reached in between your legs and felt your pretty little pussy she’d be soaked for me right now. Am I right?” 
“Take out my cock, Little Dove.” 
His grip on your hair doesn’t loosen as you reach up with shaky hands to undo his belt and pants. As you slide his dress pants down his thick thighs you can see him already hard under his tight black boxers. As you lower those, his thick cock springs free, brushing against your face.
“Hands on my thighs,” he barks.
You jump slightly at the harsh tone and move your hands to rest along the sides of his thighs. He moves his free hand to one of yours and taps on your hand 3 times. “You do that if you need to stop. Show me.” 
You tap 3 times on his thigh like he showed you. “Too bad you were such a bad girl tonight. I wanted to please you and not punish you.”
He moves his hand to fist his cock a few times. It brushes your lips as he continues to speak. “Who do you belong to, Little Dove?”
“You sir,” you answer firmly but quietly. 
“That’s right. Open.”
You lick your lips and obey his orders. He lines himself up and slides the tip of his cock in your mouth, pumping his shaft slowly with his hand, the other still locked in your hair. 
“Mine,” he says it like he’s claiming you as he works more of himself into your mouth. You’re surprised how he takes his time, inching in a little before pulling back, letting you swirl your tongue around to get him nice and wet. When he’s finally all the way in, pushing against your gag reflex he groans out, “So…completely…mine.”
You look up at him through your lashes and remind yourself to relax your throat and breathe through your nose, moaning around his cock before he pulls it all the way out. Saliva falls from your mouth and he smirks at you cockily while he fucks himself with his palm, the tip of his leaking dick resting on your tongue. The salty taste of his pre cum sends a fresh wave of arousal to the apex of your thighs, you can feel it gathering on your calves that are tucked underneath you. 
Without warning, Joel starts to fuck your throat. He pushes himself all the way in and you gag around him before he pulls out halfway. He continues this punishing rhythm for a while, muttering darkly about how you’re a bad girl and you deserve to be punished.  
You’re taken aback by how much you fucking love it. Watching him tower above you all big and strong but you know he’s falling apart. He’s becoming putty because of you and your mouth. It’s filthy and slightly degrading, but you realize that you’re the one in control here. You could do this forever and make a mental note to find times to act out more often.  Tears start to run down your cheeks as his thrusts turn sloppy. You know he’s close so you hum around his cock.
“Oh fuuuuck, baby.” He pulls himself out and steps back, strings of saliva falling from his cock and landing on your chin. Your hands hit the ground in front of you as you gasp in a full breath for this first time since he started using your mouth.  The heat between your thighs is starting to become unbearable.
“What did you think was going to happen - huh?” he says in a deep and condescending tone. “That I’d spank you and then make you come?”
“I’m sorry, sir.” You’re not sorry though, you’d do it again just to feel that gush between your thighs when he hits the back of your throat. 
“Only good girls get spankings. So let me make myself very clear.” You straighten your spine and look up at him as he goes back to petting your hair. 
“You are not allowed to cum.” His voice is deep and scratchy, you’re sure he could make a living by narrating erotica, but that voice is yours.
A small whimper escapes you as he continues. “I’m going to continue to use you how I want. If I think you’ve proven yourself to be my good girl, you’ll get that spanking you want so desperately. Understand?” 
He almost purrs as he says good girl and it turns you feral. “Yes, sir.” 
He reaches a hand to you and helps you stand. He gently wipes the tears from your cheeks before kissing the tip of your nose. “Get on the bed.”
As you walk to the bed you bring one leg up to remove your heels. “Leave them on. Hands and knees, Little Dove.”
Fuck, he knows this is your kryptonite. And fuck, you’re back to thinking that maybe you bit off more than you can handle. Joel is predictable about his Sunday plans during football season and nothing else. 
After stripping off his clothes he comes up behind you, rubs the warm tip of his cock through your slit and he lets out a deep moan. Both of you can hear the wetness as he moves from your clit to your ass. “Mmmm - my bad girl clearly liked having me fuck her throat. You’re soaked for me.”
A firm hand pushes down between your shoulder blades and your upper body hits the mattress. at this new angle, everything is bare to him. 
“Mine,” he says again before placing a few long, slow licks from your clit to your ass, swirling and pressing his tongue in all the right places. “So…completely…mine.” 
His tongue teases your clit as he lightly teases your ass with the pad of his thumb.  The heat begins to spread to your spine, the world falls away and all you’re left with is Joel.  Joel and his wonderful and magic tongue.  Joel and his ability to make you cum.  His voice from earlier rings through your cries of pleasure, ‘you are not allowed to cum.’
“I…n-no…” you stutter, squeezing all your muscles to stop the orgasm that’s fast approaching. “That’s gonna…I’m gonna!” 
“Don’t you dare, Little Dove.” He bites down on your ass cheek and you yelp in pain, but glad for the distraction from how close you were to finishing. 
“Such a bad little girl tonight.” He says into your skin before continuing to tease you with his tongue, swirling your clit, moving to gently flick your ass, then back to your clit. You never know where his tongue might explore next and you find yourself mentally mapping out each aisle of your favorite grocery store with your eyes clamped shut to distract yourself. 
“I wanna be a good girl,” you beg, utterly desperate to follow his rules tonight. “Please stop. I wanna be good, sir.” 
“Poor thing,” he says mockingly, rising and sliding himself inside you so slowly that you feel every inch, vein, and ridge. 
“Fuuuuuuuccccck,” you gasp as he bottoms out. A small, pleading ‘please’ escapes your lips but you don’t even know what you’re asking for. Your body feels like liquid at this point, every muscle relaxed and every bone somehow missing. It’s a complete state of nirvana, if only he’d let you cum.
“Not yet,” he drags out of you and slams back in, a complete juxtaposition to how he first entered you. His grip on your hips is so tight that you’re sure you’ll have bruises tomorrow. “This is my pussy, mine. Say it.”
“Y-yours…” you manage to whine. “oh fuck…yours Joel.”
“That’s right, babygirl.  Mine. So…completely…mine.”
One of your shoes falls to the ground as he continues to slam into you.  You no longer know the difference between right and left, you just know that one shoe is missing. As you reach back to touch him, he pins your hand to your lower back, sliding almost all the way out before slowly pressing his hips flush with your ass. 
“No,” he says sternly. “Only good girls get to touch.” 
You scream out his name, begging him to let you cum. Joel leans forward and pulls you up, still fully inside of you, he holds you still against his warm chest, the combination of your sweat and his sweat feeling sticky along your back.  
“You like when I use you like this, Little Dove?”
“Yessss,” you whine. You force yourself not to roll your hips even though the need to orgasm is almost painful. The word yellow flows through your mind. You could say it. You could say it and get what you want, but you trust Joel. You trust that he has bigger and better plans for you. 
“Say it,” he commands while rolling your earlier pinched nipple between his fingers. 
“Use me, sir….Please. I want to please you.”
“That’s my girl. My perfect little submissive.”
He pushes you back down into the sheets and fucks you harder. The sounds of skin slapping skin and your moans and squeals fill the room. You tense every muscle again to stop the orgasm that’s right on the surface. 
“Where do you want it, Little Dove?”
“Inside me, sir.”
Joel curses through gritted teeth. “Fuck, baby.” 
“Fill me, sir.”
“Such a filthy little girl. D’you know that?” His voice is strained, you know he’s close and you just have to hold off a little longer. 
“Only for you,” you say through moans and gasps.
That’s what does it and you push him over the edge with your words, the heat of his spend filling you as he lets out a loud moan. “Good fucking girl.”
He moves his hips into you a few more times, filling you so much it starts to leak out. “Fuck, takin’ me so well, soundin’ so goddamn sweet as you beg.” 
He doesn’t stay in long after he cums, which you’re thankful for because you’re sure a faint breeze could make you detonate at this point. He steps back to admire the mess he’s made, using his fingers to push his cum back inside you before sitting next to your knees.
“Get over my knee.” 
You rush on shaky limbs to get over this lap, wiggling your ass in nervous excitement. He uses one hand to pin your wrists behind your back. “Mmm - that’s my good girl.” 
Joel uses his other hand to draw slow circles along your cheeks. His warm and calloused fingers send shivers across your body.  “How many do you think you should get?” 
“10,” you respond sheepishly. 
Joel laughs deeply to himself. “You were a brat. Do you really think 10 is enough?” 
You audibly swallow in response to what you know is a rhetorical question. You didn’t think your pussy could throb any harder, but his voice, his hands, and this position has every nerve in your body aflame. 
“20, and if you behave, I’ll stop at 15.” 
“Please, sir.” The anticipation is killing you.
“Ok. I am going to spank you with my hand 20 times. You are going to count and say ‘I’m sorry’ after each one. Understand?” 
“Yes, sir.”  You try not to whine, but you need to be touched,
“Give me a colour baby”
“Green,” you whisper needily. 
2 sharp and quick slaps hit your ass.
“1 and 2,” you squeal, “I’m sorry” 
Light finger strokes tickle along the back of your thighs and up towards the now stinging skin. Joel’s hand disappears from your body and you tense. 
“Shhh,” his thumb holding your wrist strokes the soft skin. “Take a deep breath, Little Dove.” 
You inhale shakily, as you try to relax on your exhale, his hand comes down again. When the two of you did your research on spanking, all the experts said you’d know the sound of a good spank, and Joel being, well Joel, has taken it to a new level of perfection. His third spank stings, but it’s quickly replaced with a fresh wave of warmth in your core. 
“Three. I’m sorry,” you love how quickly he can turn you into a whining mess.
From that point you’re in a trance. You almost feel like you’re floating outside your body as Joel continues your punishment. You hear your voice counting each strike of his hand.  A rush of adrenaline courses through you after each one and you can feel his spend leaking out and dripping in between your thighs.
“Eight. I’m sorry” 
“Messy messy girl.” He says, swiping a finger up your thigh and through the folds of your swollen pussy, he stays away from your clit but you could scream with how good it feels. “I should make you clean this up.” 
You turn your head, glancing over your shoulder to face him, readying yourself for him to slide his fingers down your throat. Instead, he licks his fingers clean and then lays 3 quick smacks across your ass. 
“Eleven. Oh god,” your body jolts with the first one but by the third you’re rolling your lips into him for friction, you need more. More pain. More of his fingers. More of anything and everything he’s willing to give you. “I’m sorry.”
Joel isn’t surprised to see that you like the pain, but he is surprised by how much he likes seeing you in pain. He was hesitant about this whole thing, worried about hurting you, but you’ve never looked more beautiful. A blush lights your face and neck, a thin sheen of sweat across your body. Your squeals and cries slowly become wanton moans. He knows it hurts you, but he can also see how that pain is temporary followed by a rush of adrenaline and pleasure. 
“Good job, Little Dove,” he rubs the red hand prints gently. “Fuck, I don’t deserve you.” 
You relax into his lap as his praises wash over you. You feel completely submissive to him and for the first time, you feel what he said earlier. You are his. So completely his. 
“My,” SMACK 
“Perfect,” SMACK
“Little,” SMACK 
“Submissive,” SMACK 
They happen so quickly that all you can do is moan loudly in ecstasy, heat flooding your core to the point that it’s unbearable.  Pressure behind your eyes builds as your neediness grows.  
“Fif-fifteen. I’m sorry, sir.” You’re squirming uncontrollably, tears threaten to spring from your eyes.
“Please - please. It huuuurts.” Joel knows it’s not the spanking that hurts, it’s the animalistic need to cum that’s causing you so much discomfort. 
“There’s my good girl,” he growls, sliding 2 fingers deep inside you. He curls them forward into your tight and messy heat. The squelching of his cum mixed with your arousal fills the room.
“Does this feel good, Little Dove?” 
“Please Joel,” you sob through stuttered breaths, unable to hold back the tears any longer. “P-please - don’t stop.”
“Fuck I love when you say please. Did you know that?  How it makes my cock twitch hearing you whine sweetly, asking so nicely.” 
He slows his fingers, he knows how sensitive you are, he can feel your pussy gripping tightly to his fingers and he wants to bring you pleasure now, not push you into overstimulation. “You took those so beautifully, Little Dove. I’m so proud of you.” 
You cry out a thank you, your orgasm is right there, the heat in your stomach and spine ready to erupt and spread to the rest of your body. As you squirm on his lap you can feel his erection growing beneath you. Joel continues curling his fingers against your most sensitive spot, his other hand letting go of your wrists and moving to soothe the handprints he left. The gentleness of one hand combined with the demanding desire of the other sends your mind swirling. 
“Get up, baby girl.” He slides his fingers out from you and you want to cry out and complain before he adds, “I want you to cum on my cock.” 
Joel steadies you as you stand up in front of him, “Hold on, spin around.” 
You do as he says, albeit slightly confused until he presses his lips to the bright red handprints he’s tattooed across your skin. 
Yep, you think to yourself. I’m His. So completely his. 
You lay back on the bed, Joel crawling between your legs. He’s looking at you the way he used to when you first met, taking in every inch of your skin almost as if to commit it to memory. It’s the complete opposite of how he looked at you while you danced with Zack. His dangerous desire has turned to an overwhelming softness. 
“Lift your hips, baby,” he slides a spare pillow under you. 
His strong hands massage your hips gently as his eyes rake over your red and swollen pussy. “Oh - that looks painful, baby. Do you need me to take care of it?” 
You whine out in frustration, “Please, sir. I need to cum. Please.” 
He lets out a whispered ‘oh god’ at your pleas, hooking one of your legs in the crook of his elbow, the other wrapping around his waist as he lines himself up and then leans down to softly press his lips to yours. He slides inside of you slowly and you’re instantly shaking underneath him. 
“Shhh, you’re ok,” he whispers into your lips before kissing you harder, rocking his hips with perfect precision. “I’m right here. I got you, baby. I got you.”
The soft part of his belly grazes your clit and you cry out into his mouth. “Oh god - I’m gonna cum.” 
“There you go, baby. Cum for me.” 
You fall apart around him, your head falling back in a silent cry to the ceiling. A buzz of electricity shutters through your whole body, your walls clenching around him harder than you thought was possible. 
“That’s it,” he says into your neck as he licks and kisses. “Let go for me.” 
His words spread more tingles along your skin, you tangle your hands in his curls and pull his face to yours. Kissing him deeply as you start to come down. He stills inside you as he comes again, sending you into a wave of aftershocks. You swallow his moans in your kisses, you never want this to end.
“Stay here honey,” Joel says, getting up to walk with wobbly legs to the bathroom. He comes back with a warm cloth and carefully wipes you clean. Your body jolts and you cry out when he gets near your clit, he whispers apologies while drying you with a towel.
You start to get up. “Are you ok?” he questions. 
“I have to pee,” you laugh. As you wash your hands you take in your reflection. Your poor nipple is purple from the elevator, you have mascara down your face, and as you predicted, you are already bruising from his grip on your hips. You spin to see angry, dark red splotches along the globes of your ass and you smile at yourself. Fuck, is there something wrong with me? 
Even though you’re exhausted, you practically skip back out to the bed where Joel is holding a big glass of water and some soothing lotion that he purchased weeks ago for this exact moment. He laughs and shakes his head, he knows he’s in for it now seeing how happy you are with yourself. 
“Drink this and then lay on your stomach please,” adding a quick, “you little brat.” 
“So bossy.” You joke and roll your eyes, but you both love this part and as elated as you are right now, you know you need the aftercare so that your anxieties don’t get you later. So, you do as he says. You drink the water and then lay on your stomach. Joel rubs the cooling lotion on your marks and then places long, light kisses along your spine.
“How are you feeling?” He coos between kisses.
“I’m great. That was amazing. How are you feeling? I know you weren’t too sold on spanking me.”
Joel lies beside you and pulls you in, his front presses against yours, both of you using your own arm as a pillow. “Honestly, I’m surprised by how much I liked it. You looked so beautiful the entire time. I didn’t think I would like it, but….” He trails off looking slightly embarrassed, using his free hand to play with your hair. 
“But?” you push.
“But…well a man my age doesn’t get multiple orgasms very often, makin’ me feel like we’re in our 20’s again.”
“Well, I guess I’ll just have to act out more often. Any cute guys on the job site I can eye fuck?” 
Joel growls as he pulls you over to rest on his chest. “Mine. Now go to sleep, Little Dove. And stop saying that.” 
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Tag List: @corazondebeskar @hiddenbabynyc @mermaidgirl30 @rainstorms-library @smutsmutslut @sullyrocky44 @keylimebeag @pimosworld @casa-boiardi @pedritoferg @paleidiot
Also a special tag for @javierpena-inatacvest because I'm not on a mission to make her a Joel girlie.
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fidothefinch · 27 days
the sun will come out (tomorrow)
Jason was quiet as he climbed into the back seat of the Lexus.
Alfred gave him a thorough but subtle check over before he shut the door for his young charge. Nothing in his school uniform was amiss. His backpack looked lighter than usual, but then, he wouldn’t have as much homework today, due to the field trip. His pallor was acceptable, though his expression was that of a child who had seen too much of the world, much too early.
As he returned to his own seat, Jason’s forehead knocked gently against the glass of the window.
“How was your school trip, Master Jason?”
Jason inhaled shakily. “It was okay.” At Alfred’s silence, he continued, voice fractured, “I’m just ready to go home.”
Alfred hummed. “Of course.” He mentally scrapped his conversation starters as he pulled the car back into traffic. Jason had been buzzing with excitement all week, all month, leading up to the day. One of the theaters on Grand Avenue had arranged a special showing for the school children of Gotham. Alfred had expected no less than several hours’ worth of excited conversation, analyzing the musical motifs, dialogue, and themes of the show.
Despondence radiated from the back seat.
They had reached the outskirts of the city center when Jason’s small voice asked, “Am I a bad person?”
“Of course not!” Alfred was quick to reply. “Whatever would give you that idea?”
“But I’m not. . . plucky.”
“I overhear your conversations with Master Bruce, and I beg to differ.”
“No, really.” Jason scooted forward until his elbows could rest across the shoulders of either seat in the front, no doubt disregarding the parameters for effectively wearing a seat belt. “I don’t think I am. I don’t—I didn’t . . . .” he trailed off, clearly struggling to voice his thoughts.
“Does this have something to do with your field trip?”
Jason’s frame sagged, and he slipped back into his own seat again. “Annie never gave up hope,” he muttered.
Alfred’s heart stuttered at the name. If he and Bruce had realized which musical was showing this year—
“Camille and Ashton kept staring at me, and then on the bus ride back to school they kept whispering, and I was going to let it roll off my back, just like you always said. But then we were discussing it in class after, and Mrs. Mayhew was talking about ‘optimism’ and how it’s a good character trait. A-and,” Jason stuttered, breath hitching. “Ashton asked me if I could relate to Annie because I’m an orphan.”
Alfred sucked in a sharp breath, anger sparking in his chest. Before he could say anything, Jason barreled on.
“And then him and Camille started asking me a bunch of stuff about—about living on the street, and my mom? And I don’t know who, but someone else said—” and Jason’s breath hitched into a sob. “Said I wasn’t even a good orphan unless I was plucky like Annie.”
“Oh, Master Jason,” Alfred breathed. “Your classmates had no right to make demands like that. And they certainly have no right to tell you how you should feel or behave.”
Jason needed several seconds to collect himself, and still his voice was watery. “I know, but aren’t they right? I stole, and-and I did what I had to to survive. But I—there were times—I thought I was going to die. I lost hope, and-and what good can I be if I don’t have hope?”
Alfred waited a moment to reply, collecting his thoughts and wrestling his emotional reaction down. Jason’s quiet hitched breaths and sniffs filled the silence.
“Hope can be found again,” Alfred finally said, choosing his words carefully. “And I have much more respect for those that find hope than those who never faced losing it. Master Jason, you were a child in an impossible situation, and your resilience and capacity for kindness is a testament of your hope.”
A long sniff from the back seat.
“You give me hope,” Alfred admitted. He pictured the change he had witnessed in Bruce, the lightness Jason had brought to the Manor in Dick’s absence. That one of Gotham’s children could be exposed to the worst she had to offer, and yet still yearn to work toward her betterment, changed his outlook for the city.
“Thanks, Alfred.”
Later, there would be phone calls to make, poetry to slip under Jason’s door, hot chocolate to make. Right now, Alfred let his composure slip just a moment, and found Jason’s red-rimmed eyes in the rear-view mirror.
“Of course, Jason.”
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pyramid-of-starrs · 1 year
It won't hurt will it?
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Kinktober request: 11 Boyfriend Yunho, Impact play
Pairing: Soft boyfriend hard dom Yunho x fem reader
Summary: Yunho was your sweet golden retriver boyfriend that always catered to you and your needs, that was great and all but sometimes you wanted a little extra push, or slap?
Word Count: 1.6K
Kink: Impact play
Warning: Impact play, spanking, degrading
A/N: This shit is just straight up porn it don't even have a halloween or fall theme this was just freaky as hell lol
Minors dni
"Sooooo? What do you think?" You happily turned to your handsome boyfriend with the cutest smile while you sat in his lap on the couch.
Yunho used his other arm to reach up and scratch his head while the other was still wrapped around your waist, you could see his puffy cheeks start to grow red.
"I don't know Y/N... What if I hurt you?" His eyes met yours and you rolled yours.
"That's the point baby, Impact play isn't meant to feel soft, it's a chance to let out your tough side!" you said still trying to convince him. Yunho has all ways been a picture-perfect gentleman, he treats you with the utmost respect outside the bedroom and in the bed, he is a gentle giant that takes his time with you and while that is beautiful you couldn't help but wanted more. You would find yourself randomly watching BDSM porn and wanting Yunho to take his big veiny hands and strike your ass or face, but you knew he wouldn't just do it, he would rather die than hurt you.
"Is this about something I did? Do I not satisfy you anymore? I did the name calling and choking and being more aggressive like you wanted am I not doing it good?" you could see the worry on his face, and you quickly hugged it out of him.
"Noooooo baby it's not you I promise! It's me I just wanted to try some new things forget I asked, okay?" you of course still wanted to try it but if it made Yunho insecure then fuck that.
Later that night you cooked dinner for the two of you then after you were done you both took a shower, kissing and hugging each other throughout while the water ran over your bodies. Yunho's large hands perfectly palmed your round ass, and it made you crazy, you started to get lost in the imagination of feeling the stinging pain of him slapping your wet ass in the shower while his words degraded you. Feeling his hands grip your neck while the other slapped you for harboring such dirty thoughts about your lover. You snapped out of your thought when the cold water started to hit your back.
"Come on, let’s get out beautiful." Yunho said while leading you out the shower, you both put your robes on and dried off to get dressed, Yunho put on a t-shirt and his boxers while you just slid on a silk nightgown. You both cuddled into bed and eventually drifted off to sleep, later in the night around 2am you were woken up to a pressure against your ass and Yunho kissing down your neck, his hands were already in your gown as he gently massaged your chest, you started to whimper as his finger started to play with your sensitive nipples.
"Can't sleep Yun?" you asked.
"I can't stop thinking about what we talked about earlier..." He said in between kissing your neck.
"Baby I said you don't have to worry about it, if it makes you uncom-"
"I want to do it." he interrupted you to say, you pussy throbbed a bit.
"O-oh! Oh, you do? are you sure?"
"Yes, but if you don't want to anymore then we don't have too."
"No! No, I do please let’s do it Yun please."
"Okay, if I go overboard or make you uncomfortable, let me know. I might not be able to control myself..." when those words left his mouth you knew you were in for a treat, even though Yunho was new to being Dom he still entered Dom space pretty easy, fucking you till you drooled, degrading you just right and choking you till you covered his dick in your cum, it was all just a treat. He snaked his arm under you to wrap his hand under your and neck, he squeezed and turned your head back so your lips could connect. The kiss was very hot and eager, you followed his motion as he slid his tongue into your mouth, you could feel his other hand cascade down your body and stop at your ass. He started to rub and grip your ass, feeling the fleshy mound in his palms, his hand lifted and then came back down, an audible smack was heard in the room, he immediately continued to grip and rub you to subside the sting. Your mind was going crazy as you yelped into his mouth upon being struck, his lips moved off of yours and he checked your face for any discomfort.
"W-was that too rough?" he said nervously.
"No please keep going, you can be rough with me Yun." he nodded and continued to kiss you, his hands rubbed your ass and then he detached his lips again, before you could ask what’s wrong another smack landed on your ass, you yelled out a swear while you face contorted to show your pleasure, your pussy was pulsing, you could feel the wet sensation between your thighs thanks to going to bed with no panties. Yunho once again rubbed your ass to soothe the pain then smacked it again, this time your body jolted at the power of the smack, your eyes rolled back feeling the pleasurable stinging.
"You're such a fucking slut, already about to cum from getting her little ass spanked, I haven't even fucked your needy little pussy yet." He said into your ear, more moans feel from your lips as he taunted you with his hands around your throat, he removed his hand from your ass to your core, he rubbed his 2 long digits between your hot pussy and wasted no time slipping them into your hole. He pumped them into a feel times while your walls clenched and unclenched around them, your started to moan more since Yunhos finger could reach so deep into you, but he pulled them out causing you to let out a disappointed whimper. He brought his two finger up to your face, even in the dark moonlit room you could see your slick glistening on his digits.
"Look how wet you are for me, did you really want me to spank your slutty ass that badly?"
"Yes, yes I wanted it so bad." when you replied you could feel his dick hard press into your ass, he gripped the sides of your cheeks with his thumb and index finger causing your mouth to pucker. Without warning he slid his wet fingers into your mouth, his fingers started to fuck your mouth while you sucked your juices off of his fingers, he occasionally touched the back of your throat and it made you gag, drool and saliva fell from your mouth uncontrollably. "Eager little cock slut already drooling to get fucked, get up and take off your gown so you can sit on my dick." you immediately did what you were told and got undressed, Yunho did the same. He laid on his back while you climb onto him to straddle him, you lined his long dick up with your entrance and slid down slowly, Yunhos hands flew to your ass, you placed your hands on his stomach and sat there once he was completely inside you, due to Yunhos length you had to adjust for a moment. After about 30 seconds you dropped your head back, even without moving Yunhos dick was sending you into orbit as it hit your cervix, Yunho waited for you to move and when you didn't you could feel a strike to your ass, you yelled out from the pain.
"Ride this fucking dick." you listened well as you started to rock your hips back and forth on his long dick. After getting comfortable you started to bounce on him, he moved his hand to your throat to grip it, your mouth was stuck open, your face was messy with drool still, he guided your body up and down his length, he watched you fall apart on his dick with your pussy throbbing on him, his, just like yours, climax was on the rise.
"You love fucking this dick, don't you?" he hissed.
You nodded your head then it happened, his hand gripped your throat tighter than a strong slap hit your cheek, a stinging sensation was on your face, you once again yelled out a string of curse words.
"Use your fucking words." he demanded.
"Yeesss." you wined out, your hips started to bounce faster, your pussy was squeezing his dick to milk his cum from his shaft, a wet slapping noise was filling the room. Another slap came across your cheek then you were soothed by Yunho sticking his thumb into your mouth, so you had something to suck on to bring you back down, your tears started to roll down your cheeks as you felt yourself fall into sub space.
"Yes what baby?" you continued to bounce as he drilled his hips upward to drive his dick even deeper into you.
"Yes I love this dick so fucking much!" you yelled out releasing his thumb, you could see stars as your climax hit you full on like a train, you stopped but Yunho kept driving his dick into you then he halted while he came deep into your pussy. You cried out his name while you sat on his dick, he removed himself from you then placed your limp sweaty body next to him you were still whimpering, and tears were still falling while your teeth chattered. He put his boxers back on to grab a warm towel to clean you up, after he was done, he wiped your tears and peppered your face with gentle kisses as he wrapped you both with the blanket.
"You did so well for me Y/N, I hope I wasn't too rough with you." he said as he cuddled you into his chest.
"It was so good Yun, thank you for being open to trying it." you placed your hand on his chest.
"Of course, I'm glad you liked it because this won't be the last time for sure." he smiled then you two drifted off to sleep.
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blues824 · 1 year
🌹Can I please request the heartslabyul boys reacting to their female s/o acedently getting white bunny ears during a chemistry accident and just goes with it.
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(I had to Google his name it's. Nivens McTwisp)
❤️Her going to there dorm dressed like the white rabbit from Alice in wonderland who was the red queen's herald who specifically told her the time with a golden watch that was ironically always late.
🌹Imagen her coming intentonly late to a unbirtday party and then they see her running up to them holding something and before riddle could nag to her he sees her outfit (houd he let her go for being late in this situation. )
❤️And her just playing her role perfectly as the rabbit.
🌹What would the heartslabyul students find of their s/o doing it for their dorm instead of saying she is not coming.
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Riddle Rosehearts
Ace and Deuce reported to him that you had received bunny ears due to a chemistry accident, and he was about to behead them when he saw you running in exclaiming how you were late, you were late, you were late.
Just one look at the soft white ears that sat upon the top of your head had the Housewarden’s heart fluttering. Your outfit didn’t make his already-red face clear up at all. Any thought of scolding you for being late for your date in the labyrinth was gone as he just admired you.
“Your Majesty, I’m sorry I’m late! I can only beg for your forgiveness!” You pleaded as you knelt to the ground and bowed before Riddle.
The poor boy didn’t know what to do; he was truly at a loss for words. He heard Ace make some comment about how he was ‘down bad for you’, and he resumed the beheading before asking you to rise. He extended his arm out to you, and you took it and you both made your way through the rose garden to the spot he set up for your afternoon tea outing.
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Trey Clover
He let out an exasperated sigh when the ADeuce duo told him that because of a chemistry incident, you had gained bunny ears. Every single time you were involved with those two, you always ended up with an entirely new problem. But, right then you walked into the kitchen while looking at a golden pocket watch.
Trey greeted you, which broke you out of your panicked trance. He thought you looked absolutely adorable with the ears, but he didn’t dwell on it too much. After all, he was glad that his beloved was finally there to help him with baking.
“Sorry I’m late, Trey! My watch is a few minutes behind, now that I think about it,” you scratched the back of your head, and he just chuckled as he placed a kiss on your forehead.
It didn’t matter to the baker, because as long as you were there at all everything was alright. You got started on mixing the dry ingredients of the tart together when you felt your boyfriend wrap his arms around your torso from behind. Your ears twitched in embarrassment, but it made him a bit smug.
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Cater Diamond
This man was intrigued when Ace texted him and said that you got rabbit ears because of an accident in chemistry. From what he could tell, you already seemed adorable. So, imagine his reaction when you walked into the garden with white bunny ears, a cute outfit, and a golden pocket watch to go with.
You were walking quickly, mumbling to yourself that you were late. If you thought that Cater would quickly pull out his phone and take a picture of you, you would be correct. However, he is not planning on posting it. This photo is for him and him alone.
“Here I am, Cater! Sorry for being late!” Once you spotted him, you ran up to him and gave him a hug, to which he gladly reciprocated. 
Oh, you were going to kill him if you continued to be this cute. But if this is how he went out, then he would die a happy man. He pulled away from the embrace to grab your hand and lead you to the unbirthday party, to which you were now both late to. 
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Ace Trappola
He was probably the one who messed up the potion in the first place, but he was definitely not upset at the result. His oh-so-lovely girlfriend got rabbit ears as a consequence, and he is eating it up. Don’t even get me started on when you went to change and came to Heartlabyul dressed in an outfit based on the White Rabbit. 
This man just about died from how cute you were with the ears, and the way you were looking for him in a frenzied way. Did you do all of this for him? Is the room growing hotter? Is it just him? Wait, he’s outside…
“Sorry I’m late, Ace! Do you need help with the table decorations?” You asked innocently after pressing a short kiss to his lips.
Immediate nosebleed. He was way too flustered to even begin comprehending what just happened, and a few of his dorm members started laughing at how much of a simp he was being. But, he honestly didn’t care. None of the other guys had a super cute/hot girlfriend who dresses up for them.
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Deuce Spade
He was in the classroom when Ace accidentally dropped an unfinished potion on you, so that means he saw the bunny ears grow out of the top of your head. You were dismissed from class early, but you texted him and said that you would be able to make it for the unbirthday party. 
What he did not expect was for you to 1) be late and 2) show up in a cute outfit. You were checking a pocket watch that you had while also looking for someone, presumably him. When you did find him, you ran and threw your arms about his neck as you pulled him into a kiss.
“I’m finally here! Do you like my outfit?” You asked in a very excited manner.
The poor man’s heart was racing, and his face was glowing red at this point. It took everything in him to not have his nose bleed. Then, the teasing from Ace began, and he would have thrown hands had you not laced your arm with his. You really did have him wrapped around your finger, didn’t you?
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
Oh I was absolutely going with them Jason Finds Out During TT route. I think it would be especially funny if he's heard horror stories from Rouges and his own Henchmen that Robin The Third is some kind of demon that Batman summoned on accident. There are some rumors about how the demon feeds off of grief or anger or vengeance because it's illusions of being g a human are stronger when the Bat is there so *clearly* it is taking its power *from* the Bat. Others say that Nightwing summoned it so that it would keep Bruce on a leash without the first Robin having to come back. Some say it was some person in Gothem who did it or that it was the combined form of the many curses on the city.
All Jason knows is that when his replacement turned around, it's head luled to the side just an inch or two, like a puppet on strings that had to much slack on that one string. Jason manages to shoot one of its arms but instead of a spray of blood, it is broken shards of porcelain and sand. His hits feel like he's punching a solid wall but some do leave visible cracks in Tim. This Thing in a Robin Costume could not ever be human. He knows because when he left, he took a handful of sand in a vile to see if he could figure out what it is. Jason still has that vile to this day, the only proof he has that Tim isn't a human. Sometimes he will set it on a flat surface and watch the sand in it make it slowly roll towards whatever direction Tim is in.
As for how he heals, that's to the magic that animates him, all Tim needs to do is hold his pieces together like a jigsaw puzzle and after a few moments the piece he's holding will weld itself back into place. Also his sand will slowly come back to him, attracted like a magnet and he can tell where all his sand in instinctually. He let's Jason keep the vial of it as it's basically an unhacklable Jason Tracker. The sand isn't fast at moving towards him, roughly about the pace of a snail or sloth. It's certainly moving but just getting from downtown to the Batcave could take his sand a week. Also the pull isn't super strong, gaining about as much force as a particularly stubborn ant.
Ras took half a pound of Tim's sand instead of his spleen and Tim would very much like his sand back.
As for Cass knowing, she 100% does. Tim has shown her his true gorm and when she asked why he didn't show the others, Tim replied, "they wouldn't understand. They would worry over things that aren't problems and try to fix things I already fixed and end up breaking those things."
Eventually the Bats must find out though, and when Dick asks if that means they need to do special things to keep Tim from dying to Magic Users, Tim laughs and laughs like Dick has told the funniest joke in the world. When he calms down, he asks a question of his own, "Dick. How could I possibly die if I have never been alive in the first place? I am simply an object enchanted to move and speak. I am no more alive that the AI Babs uses to scan the internet for pictures of us. I am no more alive than a character in a video game. At most, at *most* I can be compared to some of Ivy's plants that she uses to attack us. I can not be killed for I have never been alive. Broken, yes, but that I can fix. I simply have to be put back together like a jigsaw puzzle."
Oof. Poor Dick is going to have to figure out how to feel about that statement. Tim not being alive at all and comparing himself to a video game or AI might fuck with Dick's sense of self, sentience, etc. I would love to see how they all logic, cope, and understand identity after this.
I do love the idea that the sand tries to make its way back to Tim, but he knows where it is at all times. Jason has an estimated location of Tim (N, S, E, W), but Tim has like coordinates.
I wonder if Cass would try dancing with Tim. Since his movements are different, perhaps she would enjoy learning to dance in a way that's similar to how he moves? It could be eerie and fun for her.
I'm curious how Ra's would feel about Tim and his sand in this. Why did he keep the sand? Does it look distinct from other sand? Was it just cause it was part of Tim and Ra's thought he might be able to use it? Also, does he attempt that shit he did with his Nyssa since Tim probably can't reproduce?
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starsandhughes · 1 year
Penalty Box— Preseason Edition: Quinn Hughes Edition (two)
23-24 Season Masterlist
previous: one
SEPTEMBER 30, 2023
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liked by _quinnhughes, bboeser, and 13,422 others
i was a crying mess this game, because my best friend in the entire world, my other half, my big brother, scored two goals tonight! (notice how i used all nice pictures because i’m so unbelievably proud of him!) (sorry meme fans) and not only that! he also had the primary assist on kuzy’s goal— giving him a three point night!
quinn has always been a star in my heart (not a dallas one but… well you get it) and tonight, he was first star for the first time as captain! needless to say, i immediately bursted into tears when the canucks posted those videos. this was 100% a scrapbook worthy game! (p.s. trevy, we need to go to michaels)
ALSO shoutout to my fav blonde princess for having a four point night! two of those points came from assists on both of quintin’s goals! thanks b.b!
quinny, i love you, and i’m so proud of you. i couldn’t have asked for a greater big brother💙
p.s. congrats to mine and quinn’s son on his penalty hatty! you might need to become a regular on my show!
p.s.s the three fights at once was the best thing i’ve ever witnessed, and the stadium playing country roads made is 10000x better like that was top notch comedy! ty for the entertainment tito, suter, and especially studz!
tagged _quinnhughes
view all 116 comments
_quinnhughes there’s the sweet sissy i know and love💙 thank you! i love you, too!
yourusername i was feeling soft, sue me
_quinnhughes you weren’t as soft for my last game where i scored!
yourusername you’ve scored goals before! you haven’t scored two since march 28th against the blues! and the first time you scored two was in 2020 your rookie year!
_quinnhughes did you know that off the top of your head? because that’s scary
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes if she pulls out her scrapbooks and starts sobbing i’m facetiming you to suffer with me
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras hide the scrapbooks
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes do you WANT me to die?
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes don’t answer that
user81 oh great! i’m sobbing again
bboeser did you call me a princess?
yourusername no, i called you my favorite blonde princess
bboeser why not prince? or king?
yourusername because petey is my blonde king?
bboeser what about prince?
yourusername that’s roope hintz
bboeser @_quinnhughes she knows roope hintz?
_quinnhughes @/bboeser please don’t get her started on the stars. she already somehow managed to bring them up in this post
jamie.drysdale @/yourusername WHY WAS I BROUGHT INTO THIS?!
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale BECAUSE YOU KNOW WYATT AND DELLY AND HARLS
jamie.drysdale @/yourusername I KNEW THEM YEARS AGO
yourusername @/jamie.drysdale AND YOU ALL STILL FOLLOW EACH OTHER!
_quinnhughes @/yourusername @.jamie.drysdale THIS IS MY POST
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes @/jamie.drysdale @/bboeser somebody fix this before it somehow becomes my fault
user64 quinn dick trick🔜
jackhughes become captain really changed you @_quinnhughes
_quinnhughes @/jackhughes we worked all summer together on my shot?
jackhughes @_quinnhughes and now you’re applying it as captain!
yourusername @_quinnhughes his logic seems pretty sound to me
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras they’re agreeing with each other
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes nothing good ever comes from this
_quinnhughes @/trevorzegras what do we do?
yourusername @/trevorzegras @_quinnhughes you know we can see this, right?
trevorzegras @/yourusername jack said he hates you
jackhughes @/yourusername i did not! you’re my soulmate and my twin and i love you sooo much!
yourusername @/jackhughes i love you MORE
trevorzegras @/yourusername 2 minute penalty!
yourusername @/trevorzegras for being nice to my brother?
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes i quit. maybe they’ll be good this time
jackhughes @/yourusername 🤫
yourusername @/jackhughes 🤐
user18 country rooooaaaaads! take me hooommeee! to the place i BELOOONNGGGGG!
colemcward this is your thing for quinn and trevor! i’m good! thank you, though!
yourusername but i was so entertained! you deserve an award
_quinnhughes @/colemcward i got it, you’ll be fine
colemcward @_quinnhughes thanks, dad!
yourusername you two are lucky i love you
colemcward @/yourusername i love you, too!
_quinnhughes @/yourusername i wouldn’t call this luck
lhughes_06 @_quinnhughes pop off, king!
yourusername please never say that again
_quinnhughes thanks! never say that again!
lhughes_06 @_quinnhughes there’s video evidence of you saying you’re about to pop off
yourusername @/lhughes_06 and it’s just as cringe coming from you
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liked by titobeauvi91, colemcward, and 10,973 others
yourusername as it turns out, i couldn’t help myself!
please enjoy mine and quinn’s son in the sin bin three separate times during the game, quinn memes, and beautiful screenshots of the chaos that happened with 38.8 seconds left in the game that resulted in seven penalties, two of them being misconducts! #JusticeForTito
tagged _quinnhughes, colemcward, and titobeauvi91
view all 214 comments
jackhughes tag yourself, i’m none of them
yourusername the last pic is literally you during playoffs
lhughes_06 she’s got you there, bro
jackhughes @/lhughes_06 nobody asked you
_quinnhughes @/jackhughes just accept that you were in a fight
jackhughes @_quinnhughes it wasn’t a fight!
yourusername @/jackhughes just because you got a roughing minor and not a fighting major doesn’t mean it wasn’t a fight
jackhughes @/yourusername that’s exactly what it means
lhughes_06 @/jackhughes sure
yourusername @/jackhughes whatever helps you sleep at night
user14 okay but tito mad? 🥵🧎‍♀️
colemcward @_quinnhughes i trusted you
trevorzegras welcome to y/n! she does what she wants. quinn and i try our best, jimmy puts in a solid effort, jack is useless and sometimes okay, but we often fail
jackhughes @/trevorzegras hey!
_quinnhughes you learn to love her despite her faults
yourusername mwah!
titobeauvi91 why?
yourusername because i haven’t gotten the chance to include you in a post yet! i took my moment! #JusticeForTito
_quinnhughes you got off easy. she has worse screenshots
titobeauvi91 @_quinnhughes and the hashtag?
_quinnhughes @/titobeauvi91 you got cross checked in the face and she’s expressing that she cares
trevorzegras @/titobeauvi91 she’s my precious little weirdo #JusticeForTito
titobeauvi91 @_quinnhughes and him?
_quinnhughes @/titobeauvi91 it’s the blind leading the blind
titobeauvi91 @/yourusername so sorry, i love you, too
_quinnhughes @/titobeauvi91 nailed it
user2 i want the end of this game projected on my gravestone
trevorzegras @_quinnhughes you’re such a good captain for teaching your team how to love y/n
_quinnhughes they love her, they just don’t know how to accept her unhinged love
yourusername @/trevorzegras i give them goodie bags after games just like i do for your team!! they’re all my best friends!!
trevorzegras @/yourusername you’re too cute, i can’t wait to marry you
yourusername @/trevorzegras counting down the days til december 26th <3
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