#oh dip dude
plush-rabbit · 1 year
Dabi W/ Ice Quirk!Reader
Request: Oh boy here goes nothing >.< bear with me, please. I'm a huge sucker for "opposites attract,"  so what if Dabi met someone with a persistent Ice quirk that's destroying their body (frost bite) the same way Dabi's is, as well as their surroundings? And if Dabi is resistent to ice, rather than fire, what if Dabi was the only person that could resist freezing to death when touching ice person. Bonus points if condensed oxygen helps his quirk burn hotter/faster. I'll take anything, pls and ty!!! Uwu
A/N: this took forever, but like i wanna write again, and i miss it, and lately i’ve been feeling a certain way
Word Count: 1.5K
An ice quirk on the team. Dabi thinks it’s a joke. A cruel one that the universe has just handed to him. He snorts when you tell everyone your quirk and you chose to not comment on it. He’s not the most emotionally stable person in the team, or in general, so he holds a bit of resentment towards you. He’s colder with you- one worded answers, grunts and hums in responses to your questions. You haven’t done anything wrong, but it’s your damn quirk that has him sneering at you. Where his quirk is cremation, yours is frostbite. 
Maybe Shigaraki likes to piss him off, or there was a good reason to pair you and him together, but no matter, he listens because it is the means to his goal. He keeps his head down and goes on a mission with you. It’s supposed to be simple, receive something and drop it off at another location, but heroes have followed and now they’re chasing you and him down the street. It’s the first time that he actually sees your quirk in action. You’re quick on your feet, using the ice to help you “skate” around, ice that juts up from the ground in unforgiving spikes, a snowstorm concealing the both of you enough to make a grand escape. If he weren’t so jaded, he might have actually found it nice. 
However, when you two are finally able to hide away- the drop-off location date changed due to the heroes intervening- he takes a good look at you. You’re huffing and puffing, your breaths coming out in clouds of smoke. Your nose and face are flushed and the psalm of your hands are turning into a harsh blue. Ice is stuck to your skin, and you’re slowly bending and unbending your fingers. You of course can feel him staring, and while he isn’t polite enough to ask, he just won’t ask unless it interests him. Yet, you want to fill the silence so you tell him about your quirk.
Your body wasn’t meant for this quirk. In reality, this quirk hadn’t been seen in your family for a few generations- enough to know that your cousins and aunts and uncles hadn’t had this quirk. It was a surprise when you started to make ice- not snow as some would have liked- but ice. You talked about how you made jagged statues of ice when your emotions were too much, how your skin would harden and it would take ages just for it to return to normal. How because it was a quirk thought to have died out in the family, your body wasn’t made for it. The worst of it was that your quirk was powerful, but your body wasn’t, and he tears his gaze away from you when you say that. It really is a cruel joke from the universe that he met you.
For whatever reason, he starts to treat you just a little better. He sits next to you, and gives you at least more than one word in most conversations. It’s scraps, but you take it eagerly. Due to that, you both get paired on missions together. He thinks it’s another joke from Shigaraki and the others, but you seem happy enough with it, so he doesn’t make as many remarks about it. He won’t admit it, but he prefers to have you fight with him, if only because when you activate your quirk, the cool temperature not only soothes his skin, but makes his fire burn longer and hotter. And while he hasn’t made any comment about it, he sees how you stick close to his fire, watching the ice melt off your skin and keep the blue softer than before. It’s a beneficial teamup. That’s all it is.
Of course, you can’t just have the exact opposite of his quirk- you have to be the exact opposite from him. Polite, and kind. Caring and soft. It comes in all types of forms, from giving him the parts of the meal you don’t like, to sitting next to him and having ice form around you, wilting the plants and expanding into the cracks of the concrete, just for him to cool off. You’ve become observant of him, and you watch as his own usage of his quirk makes him feverish, almost sickly. It comes in a wave at night, as he’s laying in bed, panting and head splitting open, and he thinks he’s going to die, to have his insides turn into mush and leak out of him, until the door creaks open. 
You walk in and sit beside him, cooing his name softly, and pressing your hand against his forehead. You tell him that he’s burning- that you think he really is going to melt the bed and the home that you and the League have been living in for the past few weeks. You stay with him through the night, pressing your hand against his forehead, trialing it down over to his neck where you think you see steam slip between your fingertips, and lifting to hover over his chest. Through the night, you repeat the motions, and he’s in and out of consciousness, lulled back to sleep when you shush him gently and make him just a bit colder. You can’t stay awake all through the night and inevitably pass out with your hands on his chest, your quirk still cooling him. He wakes up angry, snarling and pushing you against the wall, and you have to explain between gasps of air that you were trying to help. You’re sorry, and there are tears in your eyes. You’re trying to pry his hands off of you, nails pinching into his skin and when he sees how your hands are covered in a thick blue hue, almost as if you were wearing gloves, does he finally let go. You’re crying as you apologize, and he hates how he’s standing over you, so he squats down and tells you that he didn’t mean to be so rough. It’s not an apology, but it’s something close to one.
Guilt doesn’t eat at him, but it makes looking at you arduous. So, at night, he walks into your room. He wakes you up with a shake and you don’t attack him as he did to you, so maybe that doesn’t mean that you’re all that upset. But when you speak, you’re careful to keep your hands twisted over the covers and pressed under your shirt. He offers a solution. He hates to be indebted to others, so he offers to take your hands and warm them up. You think it’s a trick, and he makes the comment that you’d be useless if you got frostbite. It doesn’t take much for you to give him your hands, and he sits beside you after constant urging. He holds your hands and makes a soft warmth emit from his own, and a part of him aches, but you hum, and watch him through your lashes, and his body is on fire under your gaze. You sleep soundly, and he stays awake watching you and holding your hands. 
There’s no way to quite tell when it was that he started to warm up to you- when he became just a bit softer around you, when he actually wanted you to talk to him, but it happened. He likes being around you. He teases you lightly, nothing too harsh, and he listens to you ramble about why you had to be a villain, or why it seemed like the only choice despite coming from a decent family. When it’s just the two of you, sometimes fluffs of snow start to creep from where you sit, fragile ice covers the sides of the building in a thin layer with an intricate design webbed into them. It might be the first time in a long time when he thinks that ice isn’t so bad. And when the ice creeps and cracks against your face when you smile, there’s a faraway thought that you’re pretty when you smile. 
Whether the others have noticed your nightly excursions to his room, they haven’t said a thing. He, however, has said many things, but he still leaves his door unlocked for you, and a crack open for you to push in. Slowly, your quirk has been consuming your body, and it’s made it difficult to open things without needing aid. And every night without fail, you come into his room. You help cool him down, and he holds your hands in his, claiming that there is no other for you to take his warmth. A part of you has started to suspect that he likes holding hands, but you don’t dare risk that gamble. He keeps you beside him, sleeping next to you with your hands still in his, and he wakes up before you, telling you that you kick around in your sleep. And every morning, before you wake, Dabi bends your fingers for you, making sure with every move, that you haven’t woken up. He’d deny it even if you were to catch him in the act. 
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formosusiniquis · 10 months
any cosmo girl would have known
“Oh she did it for sure.”
“Ten bucks, Bobert, don't give me that look last time we agreed double or nothing.”
“No,” Nancy insists. “This isn't Murder, She Wrote or Scooby-Doo or Columbo-”
“You saw who did it in Columbo at the beginning,” Eddie reminds.
“I know it's an awful show.”
Robin and Steve remain in sync enough to each get a hand on his shoulder to keep him from getting on the coffee table to defend the only good cop show in existence.
“I'm only pointing out,” she rewinds the VHS taking it back the two or three minutes they'd talked over before stopping it completely, “that this is a movie, not a drama with a repeated format that Steve can pattern recognition into predicting.”
“You haven't seen it already, right?” Robin asks. “The one rule of Monthly Middle-Aged Movie Night is you have to pick a movie none of us have seen.”
“No, I haven't seen it already. If you'll all remember when I asked you each to go see it with me I got,” he points to each of them in turn. “‘Wouldn't you rather see Tomb Raider?’ from double VHS, prestige cinephile and ‘That's too much pink for me, baby, you know I have that intolerance, maybe Rob or Nance will go?’ from my emo-isn’t-a-phase husband. And ‘I'm a little busy with this new story, Steve,’ from Nancy, the only one of you with a real excuse.”
“Some feminist you are, Birdie.”
“I don't want to hear it from you. I watched two of the blandest men alive pursue Renee Zellweger while the screen writers tried to convince us she was homely because you ‘forgot’ you had band practice.”
“You said you liked it!”
“It grew on me, but sometimes you just want to see a woman in a tank top. And I won't be shamed by the same man who cried during Beauty and the Beast.”
“I went with my sweet baby Lucy Joan, you miserable hag,” Eddie says, “and they turned that hot werewolf into a boring looking man.”
“You weren't into that? Look at who-”
“Why am I getting made fun of? Can we finish the movie?”
“No, I'm not going to let this be another Sixth Sense situation,” Nancy says, holding the remote hostage, she knows no one will try to take it from her.
“Ugh don't even bring that up,” Eddie groans, “Dustin still mentions it in at least one letter a year.”
Nancy nods, prim and proper, “Exactly, so tell us right now why you think she did it, then we'll play it again.”
“Chutney, the daughter,” Steve corrects, “have you even been paying attention? Her hair's permed.”
“And press play,” Eddie shouts.
“No,” Robin smacks his hands as he makes his ballsy play to reach around her for the remote. “Show your work, Dingus, even I didn't follow that one.”
“I don't always like the movies everyone else picks but I at least watch them. Her hair is permed, she said she was in the shower. She would have had to have been washing her hair if she didn't hear the gunshot and she has a perm.”
“You can wash your hair with a perm,” Nancy points out.
“You would know.” Eddie snarks, fingering the ends of his own hair.
“You can't wash a fresh perm, you'll fuck up the ammonium thioglycolate. Then you're out forty bucks and you've got limp hair. She killed her dad and lied about being in the shower.”
“Press play,” Eddie decrees again, leaning in close to Steve's side to purr, “it's pretty sexy when you go all hair care detective.”
His hand starts to slip below the blanket. “This is how we ended up with Lucy in the first place,” Steve reminds him, just under the sounds of the courtroom drama picking back up. It doesn’t stop Eddie’s hand from wandering until the movie’s climax starts getting closer, and Eddie’s attention is captured just like Robin’s and Nancy’s.
“Unbelievable,” Robin says, when Elle cites the perm salt.
“Never again,” Nancy swears, when Chutney screams her confession.
“Lucy’s been asking for a brother or sister,” Eddie flirts, as Elle reveals that any good Cosmo girl could have solved it.
No more movies with mysteries or twist endings for a while, they all agree, Robin can’t afford to keep betting against Steve.
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Speaking of Shazamo and Billy getting the Wit of Odysseus as the O in the acronym I’m just imagining Cap being even more of a little shit and pulling the same nonsense he did with much better affect (mostly bc he has the physical and godly might to get out of the bulk of the consequences Ody suffered)
Like some alien armada is causing trouble but being diplomatic first before they try the invasion tactic so, just to make them look stupid when the JL (inevitably) defeats them he introduces himself as Nobody so now this galactic conquerer dude can’t be taken seriously bc every time someone translates his rants he’s saying “Nobody” or “A Nothing” defeated him. Billy laughs so hard it actually hurts his sides powered up.
Plus, Ody is just really on his feet strategically smart which would pair well with the more large scale stuff Solomon offers, both being mortal kings who had to do things mostly mortally.
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wickedwitzh · 2 months
Shower thoughts: ok so Sergei was forced to collaborate with KGB… I kinda find it weird that the CIA hasn’t picked up on Margo in those 10 years
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fullmoondelinquent · 3 months
Guys working at an ice cream shop sounds really fun until it's yooper summer and there's six families crammed into your eensy weensy lobby and there's only two of you working behind the counter. Also you have to memorize the orders lest you embarass yourself asking them "I'm sorry sir, what did you want?" (literally the WORST).
Also it's old fashioned as HELL in there. Cash only. There's an ATM but it has some crazy upcharge. I actually love cash but JESUS I am so bad at getting the prices down into the calculator (I just don't have them memorized yet.... it will come). Terrifying sitting there with some Marine Corps vet staring over your shoulder.
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queenofbaws · 1 year
You know what? You're right and like 99.9% of these prompts on any given weekend do tend to be supermassive based, so as always just consider this a free space from little old me to write six-sentences about whatever fandom/series your heart desires 😘
In retrospect, she should've known - there was no such thing as a normal question in the FBC, or if there was, it was a self-contained sort of normal, a private language she'd be lucky to decipher before she turned ninety-five - even so, Jesse couldn't help feeling like Emily was overreacting.
The face she was making made it seem like she'd asked her for nuclear launch codes, not something as benign as, "You guys ever try fitting more than six people into one of those?" when passing one of the Bureau's many safety shelters and its ominous occupancy warning.
"I...no, that...it's out of the question, absolutely out of the question," Emily said, shaking herself out of her shock and back into the real world, "I understand where you're coming from, really, but after extensive in situ testing, it was categorically decided that six is the absolute maximum number of occupants a black rock bunker can safely protect from a House shift - more than that, and...well, the results...leave something to be desired, let's say that."
Behind her eyes, Polaris pulsed a shimmer of light that pressed down on her tongue like a question mark, and before she could stop herself from digging any deeper into this particular hole, Jesse asked, "...meaning...?"
Peeking up from the pages pasted to her clipboard like some sort of nervous bird, Emily flashed her an anxious smile, then beckoned she come closer after glancing both ways up and down the hall; "Once," she whispered, her lack of volume doing nothing to hide her academic glee, "just as a shift was happening, a group of seven people ducked into a shelter to wait it out, and when the door opened again...total...organ...transposure - all of their vital organs had swapped, completely irrespective of blood type, and the fallout...oh Jesse, the fallout was...terrible." She lowered her eyes back to her clipboard, shaking her head somberly, and then the mask broke and she let out a deceptively girlish little giggle, waving the idea off as she laughed, "I'm kidding of course, they all self-immolated, seven synchronous cases of spontaneous human combustion, we vacuumed up the ash and studied it for months, though."
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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necrophiliak · 6 months
can I hear more about the mephrit dynasty you're cooking?
emmm ill be honest i kinda put the water on boil and then sat down to finish the rest of the necron books and i never put any food in. ive never rly done this kind of thing before my ocs are usually just designs to play with and dont even have any story or personality necessarily x0
ive thought about stuff like since its a vassal it doesnt have to focus on the same stuff as mephrit so i could have it be more bureaucratic or something. like more of a closely tied supporting dynasty. bt it would depend on the characters id make for it. and i havent done that yet. so mostly i was just thinking about colours lmao. the deathmark i doodled was when i was messing with colours and tried a bunch out bt i just love the sleek look of clean white+black+bright orange and my other fav colour (green) makes it look too human military esque? i dont rly like the aesthetic. shrugs. the white/black/orange scheme looks reallllyyyyy nice but its a bit simple and not very unique which bothers me.
the most ive really gotten is just the idea for the deathmark i actually wanted as an oc which i think ive gotten a personality down and will draw a design eventually when ideas come to me. the problem is just figuring out how to make it look unique without outshining its superiors (ive got ideas)
so tl;dr: theres not much. just colours.
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impostorsshow · 9 months
Happy New year everyone! I'm aware my post is late since I am 1 making this post 10 minutes after the New Year started, and also I live in one of the later timezones. However, I wanted to share that as a part of this new year, I've made a resolution; [obligatory read more since editing me has decided this is kinda long]
My resolution is to defeat [not 100%] every Zelda game that I have a copy of or aqquire this year. I think it's a task I can actually do and isn't too far off into impossible land, and to kick it off I spent the entirety of today completing [the first quest] of the original NES Zelda, in one sitting [like its meant to be] and abusing savestates every frame because I don't have very good control over mobility in games god help me if I play a precision platformer like ever. Anyway, completing this game is a very big deal to me, since I normally have a Very Big Issue with actually seeing the end of the game, and on top of that, it's a very hard game that i have held on a pedastal for years, and will continue to do so. I had to use my damn Zelda encyclodia and a guide to skip 70% of the final dungeon, too, though im nowhere near ashamed of that.
Here's proof for my own sake, as well as a few doodles, zelda related things in the encyclopedia that i may or may not do a redraw of later, and just general things that make me happy in my camera roll to start the new years off with some positivity. Remember kids, you don't gotta celebrate shit if it makes you feel bad, but make sure to take as much positivity as you can, however and whenever its avaliable, feeling happy is the difference behind surviving and living. If you don't have a new years resolution or are scared/dislike having one, that's okay and don't let anyone pressure you into that stuff! Just make sure your safe,stable and as happy as you can manage in your current situation.
You can tell this recording is mine because I never upgraded my bombs /j
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bluteamplural · 1 month
been blurry & dissociated practically all day, feeling doesn't abate after 2nd round of auditions, get home. new guy shows up. what the fuck
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dna-d2 · 1 year
TOTK Spoilers
So I beat Tears of the Kingdom and that final fight did not go how I expected for reasons I barely comprehend.
Again, Spoilers, obviously
So I’m down in the chasm, just got past that one cutscene where the Sages show up and I’m about to fight Ganon. I’ve got like seven sunny dishes and a whole lot of full restoring meals and I think I’m ready, I’ve got like 17 hearts, 2 stamina wheels, fully upgraded armor, and a bunch of decently strong weapons, AND the Hylian Shield. I got this, or at least I can gauge what I need to do for the next attempt.
I went into the second phase with no more sunny dishes, and all but 7 of those hearts have been lost to gloom
So second phase begins and the sages come in, and by the end of it I’ve died like twice, and thank HYLIA for fairies and the fact that I brought 5 of them with me. It went fine, I guess, I actually forgot there was a second phase it was so normal, BUT THEN
And Ganondorf pulls out what I think is one of those health bars that signifies you’re supposed to lose this fight because EXCUSE THE ABSOLUTE MOTHER FUCK OUT OF ME IT KEPT GOING??????
And I’m fighting, thinking “Okay okay I know I’m probably not supposed to win this” but I’m trying anyway because goddammit my dad might have raised an asthmatic, but my momma did NOT raise a quitter!!!
AND THEN MY LOST GLOOM HEARTS ALSO STARTED DISAPPEARING and I’m just like “HEY HOLD ON AM I GETTING THOSE BACK WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS I WORKED HARD FOR THOSE” and all the other sages seem to have been knocked the hell out and I’m just desperately blocking for the first time in the entire game and taking pot-shots when I can when he gets down below half and I’M STILL ALIVE????
I have like 5 hearts left overall and that’s just because of the last two fairies giving four back when I get revived and NOW I’M OUT OF FAIRIES AND HAVE LIKE A QUARTER HEART LEFT, MAYBE HALF and I’M FUCKING STRUGGLE-BUSSING
He’s down to like a tick and I decide FUCK IT and just jump in and start slashing like I got 3 max hearts left and NOTHING TO LOSE
AND I WON?????
I didn’t even feel happy or excited or anything because I was just sitting there confused, like how the hell did I do that??? How the fuck am I still alive??? And what the fuck-HOLY FUCK HE’S TURNING INTO A DRAGON SHIT-SHIT-SHIT-
And after that it was actually pretty easy. Got all my hearts back, jumped off a dragon a few times, used my fall-damage-proof wingsuit, shit went great.
Overall, great game, loved it, but I’m still in a state of shock that I managed to beat that boss fight ON THE FIRST TRY???????????
Edit: Quick sketch of a moment taken 5 seconds after/before disaster(s)
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Not pictured: Ganondorf in the background sticking his entire goddamn fist down his throat
(Like bro you did NOT need to do that what the actual Shit)
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arolesbianism · 1 year
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What a cool cat
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arsenicflame · 1 year
hes a bit of a prick (affectionate)
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arcxnumvitae · 1 year
🎥 for Eilidh
@soulsxng || A scene from my muse's life
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She waited until his breathing beside her evened out with the deep peacefulness of slumber. Waited some more. After several long moments had passed, Eilidh pushed herself up in the bed, ready to push her sheets away. She needed to move, before some small sound or movement woke her husband, but the woman found herself unable to keep from glancing down at him.
The flame-like flickering of his hair shone gently in the darkened room and its usual brilliance was quieted with his slumber. Her Aodh. Her heart hurt for what she was about to do, what it would mean to him, but as time passed she had begun to realize that she would not be able to give him the one thing he ever hoped to gain from her-- her love.
He would never demand it of her, no, but just the knowledge, the startling realization she had of her husband's feelings for her had been enough to feel an iron grip of panic over the woman's heart. The scariest part of it all was that Aodh himself seemed to notice at least to some extent as well. His actions had grown more grand, more overbearing as the days passed.
Was it cruel to stay knowing that she may never be able to return what he felt for her? Or was it crueler to leave as she was? Could she even be so certain that time wouldn't turn Aodh's heart, and that he also wouldn't feel the weight of his unreturned affections clouding his heart. What if...he turned cruel?
Her mind had long since been made up and Eilidh took what may be some of her final breaths of home. She would have to go somewhere he could not, or would not, retrieve her from. Somewhere that would be protected from the reach of a gentry of Seelie.
With her mind made up, Eilidh quietly slipped from their bed and disappeared into the night, leaving her husband behind slumbering peacefully.
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deus-ex-mona · 2 years
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i’m waiting, honeypre (👁‿👁)
#hajimari no sayonara: the ✨song of all time✨#(and also bc hajimari no sayonara is def long enough to be a 3 parts song lol. support the cause for hajimari no sayonara now—)#if they add nakimushi kareshi 2 years after suki kirai… p l s don’t make us wait for 2 more years for hajimari no sayonara (ʘ‿ʘ)#while we’re on this topic,i got the suki kirai novel for *some* inexplicable reason and—#there was a short manga about the formation of honeyworks at the back of the novel (illustrated by yamako) lmaoooo. it’s funny!!#in it yamako was like ‘i wonder what kind of song these two dudes are gonna make’…#then they sent her nakimushi kareshi and she was like ‘iT’S A BALLAD????’#and the song after that (suki kirai) was also met with similar surprise a la ‘THE SONG THIS TIME IS A CUTE ONE????’#oh dip i just realised that suki kirai is more than 10 years old now lol. time flies…#btw has anyone else here played suki kirai on project diva👀👀 i like the wedding bells addition at the end if you clear the chance time thing#i think raspberry monster and terekakushi shishunki have also managed to infiltrate project diva? pd x and pd arcade respectively i think?#but yeah. suki kirai on expert (in project diva f2nd) was a really fun beatmap. they cut out the 2nd verse thoughhhh#and the mv was so cute!!! the way rin went :D when len said ‘suki da’ at the last part of the song..#screw it they should just throw in the project diva mv of suki kirai in as a guerilla live beatmap#rin and len’s dancing skills are much better than whatever minami’s trying to do in bae love lmao#just honeypre things#inedible blubbering#as you can see i’m 10000% normal about hajimari no sayonara—
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airasora · 6 months
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A dramatization of an unfortunate conversation I had on Facebook.
He also called me a Karen, told me not to breed and that I'm a toxic feminist.
Gender was literally never brought up until he decided that my opinion on the situation would change if the genders were reversed... which they would not. I still think they were both idiots xD
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shotgunscn · 10 months
@hiveruled asked “ we all have secrets, don’t we? ”
RELIEF DOESN'T EVEN BEGIN TO EXPLAIN IT. The knot in Sam's stomach unfurls and just like that a breath of air he didn't know he'd been holding releases from lungs in an audible huff. Smile tugs at lip corners and it's all Sam can do not to sweep Kai up into a massive bear hug. He was so prepared for rejection-- to be told he was insane : to be reminded so wrongly that 'things don't go bump in the dark' --but for whatever reason Kai had believed him, and it was enough for the youngest Winchester to know maybe, just maybe-- he finally had a permanent friend. "Yeah-- guess so." He chimes and runs a massive hand through shaggy brush of hair. "I uh-- I just came back to get my stuff. . ." Words trail as hazel shaded hues travel around the room, the one he used to share with Jess : the one he was certain he'd never spend another night in again. "I'm gonna go with Dean-- he needs my help. Our Dad-- he's missing." For as much shit John Winchester had forced his youngest son to eat Sam still found a ball of anxiety rising in his chest at the thought of him missing. Maybe it was more for Dean-- to find him safe and sound : maybe then Sam could get back to some semblance of normalcy-- after they offed Yellow Eyes, after he avenged Jess-- and his mother. Kai would understand the twisted relationship, so far as Sam knew he had one just like it. ". . . I'm sorry, Kai . . ." He's not sure entirely what he's apologizing for, maybe abandoning his friend, maybe because deep down he knows THIS IS THE LAST TIME SAM WINCHESTER AND KAI ANDERSON WILL EVER SPEAK.
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