#oh Jeremy Corbyn
theprogressivesadist · 10 months
*fuck* this timeline
I truly hope there is a better one out there that some humans get to live in.
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outrowingss · 4 months
Keir Starmer with a big grin on his face 😭
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thesaintelectric · 1 year
🛌 <- how i sleep knowing columnists hate my football team for being left wing
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infectiouspiss · 2 months
maybe i'm just british and think two party systems are evil but every time i see someone saying kamala harris is gonna lose its like oh. oh okay. you're just alright with the other guy winning? the uhhh much much worse other guy? because i don't think you guys have a jeremy corbyn or a green party kicking around. idk i'm british i had like 7 options on my last ballot
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tobacconist · 3 months
Okay like i actually feel so guilty and this isnt even a joke. i dont know how to say this without sounding insane but yes; wizards are real. i am one of them. no, i havent been to hogwarts. yes, i do have a wand. no, i won't show it to you. etc, etc. genuinely this weighs heavy on my soul. ive talked about this before but i feel like its important for me to write this out once again. j confess it: j was party to them what put that curse on jk rowling. (iykyk) like, bitch, im actually so sorry. it was never meant to go this far. i mean i never meant for... well, i dont think any of us did (originally) but now we are where we are, and theres no turning back. not now.
basically, there was a big uproar in the wizarding community after that play 'the cursed child' came out. idk, i never saw it. you see, jk rowling didnt actually 'write' the harry potter series. she 'wrote' it, but it was not actually 'wrought' by her, like... to put it bluntly, the original was all based off of real events (albeit with significant alterations) and ,madame, was the one chosen to write the 'muggle-redacted' version, because she has (distant) wizard ancestry. she herself is completely unaware of this. well then, anyway, then there was the fantastic beasts saga; and, like, we were ALL pissed off. even the muggles sensed that something wasnt right. it wasnt 'magical'. it was a disgrace. so... yeah... we did it. we... uh... put that powder on her doorstep, so to speak. we crossed some bones. it was actually nothing to do with transness at all to begin with, it was about some political shit to do with the labour party and jeremy corbyn? or something like that? idk, were not supposed to vote and be political, we have our own kings and queens. anyway yeah we were just sore about how we were portrayed in it and especially how she distorted the whole plotline about grindelwald and harrys children. like bitch, if youre listening, tell me: WHY DIDNT YOU WRITE 'THE FOUR MARAUDERS' LIKE YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO!? OR 'THE LIFE AND TIMES OF ALBUS DUMBLEDORE' OR 'HOGWARTS A HISTORY'? or ANYTHING ELSE! it could have all been so different... 'fantastic beasts'??? sorry what??? it was genuinely like smearing dogshite upon our screens. im sorry love, but were still right angry about it. we loved you... how... how could you? 'newt scamander' - who is this fellow? we have never heard of him. oh, what? did you feel some tingle of inspiration? some new character, who loves magical creatures. he was expelled from hogwarts... fond relationship with dumbledore... THATS HAGRID! THATS THE YOUNG HAGRID! FUCK! anyway yeah, i didnt watch any of the other ones cus it was just embarrassing to see johnny depp dressed up like that.
and ofcourse there was all the other stuff before that (dont forget to be awesome!) but basically we cast a spell, several spells, and sent evil fortunes to be upon her. i regret it deeply. but by gum was the woman strong! i beg you all to realise that she literally was not transphobic until we caused this incessant stream of abuse to be directed towards her. like, we literally did this to her. on purpose. it was a targeted campaign of psychic harassment and manipulation that we have put her through for YEARS, and its only a few months ago that she truly started to crack. weve all since disbanded, because covens never stay together very long; thats why hogwarts is only a dream - but the spells have been spoken and the weird it is weft, and it would be a strong hand that would unweave them. that is to say - it is ongoing, and i am so sorry sorry sorry sorry
and for the record :- transexuality/homosexuality/genderqueerness/goatfucking is literally not an issue in wizard society we literally have potions that can change your gender in an instant or turn it back again, most of us have non-human ancestry, and we regularly trade our sperm and eggs with other species such as elves and the chinese. so there.
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buyingaradspaceship · 3 months
the whiplash of ‘yippee Jeremy Corbyn’ to ‘oh shit oh fuck no Nigel Farage’
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materassassino · 6 months
🐅 about JC for the headcanon ask thing?
OP... I genuinely don't know who you meant exactly by "JC", so I chose to do all three
Characterisation headcanons
Jiang Cheng
You know this cunt has fucking sky high blood pressure. He's going to end up having a heart attack at 43 and it'll make him worse, because the idea of Jiang Cheng doing anything calmly is pure insanity. No doctor will want to deal with him because the only doctor who probably could have is dead and died years earlier, and even then not even Wen Qing could have stood his unmanageable ass. He'll be told to go to Cloud Recesses for his health and will hate every second of it.
2. Jesus Christ
He would love disco.
3. Jeremy Corbyn
Oh he probably loves a pub quiz, does that man.
headcanon ask game
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not-terezi-pyrope · 11 months
Incredibly sick how seemingly every campaign group that ostensibly focuses on opposing antisemitism is revealing itself to be a front for (or at least happy with endorsing) conservative Zionism. I guess I was naive expecting charities supporting marginalised groups to actually be that and not in actuality be fronts for hate, but boy was I wrong, I guess. I mean what shocks me is how many and how mainstream the groups that are cheering on genocide are. Wow, there is some serious rot there, huh.
I hate that from now on whenever I hear about a group campaigning against antisemitism and called something to that effect I've got to be suspicious, that in itself feels dirty but apparently it's necessary in the current climate!
This reminds me of the Jeremy Corbyn scandal when the organization being quoted in the media all the time was the Board of Deputies of British Jews, which I assumed was a reputable organisation, until I did some research and was like, "hey, has anyone else noticed that this group you're all trusting seems to be a deeply conservative campaign organization?" and a bunch of people blocked me but like. It was? The fact that it was a Jewish org doesn't change that. A lot of groups seem to be using marginalised identities as camouflage which is doubly sick of them imo.
(Oh and in case anybody takes this wildly wrong, fuck antisemites and antisemitism, obviously, these are major problems in society today, but. I'm just flabagasted at how untrustworthy the groups I previously thought were advocating against them were. Jfc.)
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secret-diary-of-an-fa · 3 months
The Tories Are Out of Power At Last! Thank Fuck For That!
Good news has been pretty thin on the ground lately. Climate change, the wanton destruction of the arable land we need to survive, slow-motion population collapse and the continuing not-good-enoughness of Doctor Who have all contrived to make it feel like we’re living at the end of the world. We’re not. We’ll come within a hair’s breadth of total systemic failure and then finally think to ourselves “oh yeah! We have technological solutions for all of this shit just gathering dust! Maybe we should implement them” and pull our arses out of the fire with literal seconds to spare, like we always do. Because we’re fucking idiots and it’s amazing we ever got as far as inventing fire. The point is, though, that we could all use a win right now, and my country just got one, in the form of the General Election. That’s right! Yesterday, Britain went to the polls and finally said “Okay, enough of this bullshit!” and voted out the monsters who have been making life progressively worse for everyone for a decade and a half.
For those of you who don’t live in Britain and weren’t paying attention, what I mean is that the Conservative Party got booted out of power and replaced with New Labour (in the person of new Prime Minister Keir Starmer). Now, it’s very hard to get excited about Keir being in charge, because he’s basically an unflavoured block of budget margarine sculpted into a vague man-shape by an unskilled and uncaring wizard. He’s essentially inoffensive in the grand scheme of things. However, he’s also a marked improvement on any Tory and particularly Rishi Sunak, a psychopathic urinary condition in a suit. The whole Conservative Party is a basically just a cavalcade of murderous, unrepentant torturers and serial killers whose policies are geared entirely towards short-term personal profit at the cost of countless human lives. We’re talking about a group of irredeemable maniacs who have spent nearly fifteen years defunding the NHS (the social healthcare system that keeps us all alive), turning away leaky rafts full of desperate asylum seekers (and thereby condemning the, directly, to death), trying to replace the disability benefits on which the most vulnerable depend with fucking vouchers and drafting legislation to let them spy on the bank accounts of people surviving on social securities (while taking the word of multi-billionaires that they don’t owe any tax, honest). The nature of evil is a hotly debated topic among philosophers and psychologists, but nobody who’s lived in Britain for the past few electoral cycles and possesses both a heart and a brain needs to debate it: we’ve fucking lived under it. So yes, I am overjoyed to see the back of the pricks. My hatred of the Conservatives runs deep and I’d cheer for pretty much anyone scoring a victory over those inbred, fatuous, vacuous, toffee-nosed, vile, slithering, subhuman reptiles and the system of callous profiteering they represent. When I heard, this morning, that Britain was finally free of the monsters and the constant threat they posed to the lives of the poor, I felt as though a literal weight had been lifted. I’m not being hyperbolic: I actually felt a physical change, as though some part of me had been under pressure, struggling against the crushing mass of governmental incompetence and malice that hung, eternally, over my head.
Of course, none of this is to say I think Britain is about to magically become a better place. The same people who just voted the Tories out also voted them in in the first, and they’re not giving them the bum’s rush now because they’ve suddenly become better people and realised that electing sociopaths is wrong. They’ve just noticed that their groceries are costing more and drawn the inescapable conclusion that voting for morons with no economic management skills was a mistake. Meanwhile, Keir Starmer’s Labour is not the same animal as Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour. If Labour had been voted into power with Corbyn at its head, we might actually have seen some repairs made to the country I… well, I was about to say ‘country I love’, but ‘country I have to live in and slightly prefer to America on the notional level’. But Keir’s not really in the political game to make the world a better place. I don’t actually know what he wants. Functionally, he’s just a placeholder: the Westminster equivalent of a paper plate with a face drawn on it and a developer’s sticky note saying “ACTUAL PRIME MINISTER GOES HERE”. I’m happy he’s in charge instead of any member of the Conservative party, but not because he’ll make things better. I’m just pleased he won’t make things worse. For the next five years, my country will stay exactly as shit as it already is instead of sliding into greater depths of rudderless villainy. I’m also ecstatic because the evil cunts who have been trying to kill me and the people I care about for a 1.5 decades have just been told, roundly, to fuck off, and because they’re such overprivileged wankers, I have to assume that came as a terrible shock to them. So that’s something to celebrate.
Look, if all this seems a little dour for a ‘celebration’ blog post… it is. The people of Britain were offered something better than the current administration and took it, and that’s a cause for joy. However, the thing they were offered, while infinitely preferable to the Cuntservatives, still wasn’t that great, so our joy has to be tempered a little.
Here’s to at least five years of basically acceptable and mercifully ineffectual government.
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ministerforpeas · 2 months
Night 3
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Clegg stays awake thinking about the bullying he endured today.
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Jeremy Corbyn convinces his old enemy Margaret Thatcher to snuggle with him, in preparation for his vengeance.
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More ghost stories: the haunted Big Mac, a possessed Victorian pencil, two incarnations of the Antichrist and a Labour leader lost to time. Oh, and Big Chungus of course.
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Theresa May cries like she did when she resigned.
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Tarzan begins his rampage by killing the backstabber who did nothing but drink water.
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The guy with bananas teams up with a guy who is bananas.
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Wtf is this ship lmaooooo
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And John Major sings "Let's Face the Music".
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mickstart · 1 year
what's corbastonbury (ur tag on the bojo mo fiasco post)
Corbyn going to Glastonbury and the crowd singing "Oh Jeremy Corbyn" possibly the last moment of peace we had in politics in this country.
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boomstick06 · 5 months
Oh wow another random blog on tumblr
I go by Boomstick but feel free to also call me Kacper. My interests range anywhere from gaming , to music, to sociology etc etc… although I expect this to mostly be a space for me to post ramblings about politics and/or policy, another two interests of my.
About me:
• I use He/Him pronouns.
• 🇵🇱 in 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿.
• My birthday is on the 22nd of August.
• I am currently studying sociology, psychology and law although I am really really close to graduating and moving onto uni.
• I aim to study Politics and International Relations and then pursue a career in the British civil service.
I’m gay.
I have a unironic crush on Owen Jones.
That being said I should probably reveal some information about my beliefs:
• I am on the “left” of the political spectrum.
• Rosa Luxemburg and Jeremy Corbyn are my two main political inspirations.
• Former Labour and People’s Momentum Member.
I am currently not a member of any national party.
“Ye are the many - they are the few”
- Percy Bysshe Shelley
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thedreadvampy · 2 years
do I place about 50% of the fault for the state of the UK on the Labour right? yes, at least.
the thing is, Tories gonna Tory. that's the thing they do. the only thing that's changed about their politics in the last decade is that they've got more mask off about their Thatcherism.
Labour, on the other hand. Labour, the supposed left wing opposition to the right wing Tories. Labour is so fucking TERRIFIED of being in any way left wing they would literally rather die than take the side of their own party base against the Tories.
after their centre right lord and saviour Tony Blair won Two Entire Elections (cough then resigned as a deeply unpopular icon of an illegal war and a growing surveillance state close cough) they have been so committed to the Neoliberal Bit that they've tanked every general election since 2010 and undermined every attempt to provide a credible or significant opposition within the party
(and don't buy the whitewashing of Miliband By The Way. He was further left than Blair or Brown but that's not saying much, his politics on immigration were fucking abyssmal, and he stayed on very Neoliberal ground with a lot of 'increase support FOR WORKING PEOPLE' rhetoric and focus on corporate-led economic growth. He would have been better than Cameron, but he wouldn't have Saved The Country If Not For That Sandwich)
They then ended up with one of the most popular Labour leaders of all time, a man who was so popular he almost tripled the size of the Labour party, bringing in 140,000 more members and more committed party activists than Blair's Labour had at its height. Instead of going 'ah there is clear and meaningful appetite and democratic demand for leftwing policy proposals', the Blairite end of the party went ARGH! A LEFTIST! KILL IT! KILL IT!!!! and took every chance to side with the Tories in attacking the (now majority) left of centre wing of the party. They were more focused on bringing the party back to centre right than winning elections, and we KNOW this because come the 2017 election, which was the easiest thing in the world to win, they fucked it by spending 2 years squabbling and trying at every turn to depose Corbyn (which at this point was literally just about his government......holding a party line against Syrian interventionism and for nuclear disarmament?) and the parliamentary party spent 2015 and 2016 trying to no con and oust Corbyn despite the general membership and the major trade unions being like 'yeah no we are pro there being A Leftism. we voted for him. he's democratically elected. you don't get to choose the direction of the party for us.'
shockingly the PLP spending literally all their time and energy trying to undercut their own party did not result in election gains so they tried a leadership bid, upon which the Labour party immediately reelected Jeremy Corbyn by even more than he came in with.
I'm not saying Corbyn was perfect or would have been a perfect PM. but the thing is that twice as many people went FUCK YEAH WE WANT THIS SORT OF POLITICS than the previous Landslide Winner. and instead of going oh ok leftism is vibing with the electorate they went NOPE. NO. NEOLIBERALISM WINS VOTES. IT WON TONY BLAIR VOTES. BETTER DEAD THAN EVEN SLIGHTLY RED. and set the entire party on fire rather than consider oh ok. maybe. if not him people would like a different candidate with leftist views and presentation. and Labour MPs spent their time literally saying 'don't vote for our leader he's a dangerous evil Marxist' and then went 'oh we're doing badly in the polls for some reason. Must be that The People Don't Want Leftist Candidates.'
anyway after losing a bunch of elections by constantly yelling 'OUR EVIL MARXIST LEADER IS DRIVING US INTO PERMANENT CRISIS WITH HIS CRAZY AUTHORITARIAN SOCIALISM' Corbyn left, they immediately put forward the world's wettest empty suit Keith Stormer, whose policy statements as and when they happen have been functionally indistinguishable from the Tories and whose role in opposition has been to say 'sure but can we maybe put a rose on it' and whose stated goal in opposition is to "refrain from scoring party political points," which has in practise meant "never disagreeing too hard with the government." Swinging into the 2021 local elections which should have been actively the biggest piece of piss in the world for the opposition after the utter shitshow of 2020, he instead managed to lose 327 council seats, lose several Labor strongholds, and And Sarwar got the literal worst Labor result ever in Scotland. in May this year he managed to lose seats to third parties across the country despite Johnson clinging on by his fingertips in a mass cost of living crisis - in a choice between Labour and the Tories, about 1 in 6 people said NO I WOULD RATHER NOT THANK YOU.
he's uhhhhh pro heavy policing and the bulk of the content in the PCS bill. anti immigration. in a frankly wild move for the leader of the LITERAL LABOUR PARTY he's consistently condemned industrial action and fired ministers for supporting union strikes. oh yeah and because the regular members of the party continue to insist on 'asking for the lefty party to do a leftism' the Labour party has responded by threatening leftist groups within the party with deselection and sanctions and reducing the role of the wider Labour party membership (aka The Party's Core Electoral Base) in selecting a leader.
What I'm saying is. OBVIOUSLY it's the Tory's fault. But if they were not, fundamentally, like this, they would not be Tories. [insert the world if.... meme here]. Labour's LITERAL ENTIRE JOB FOR A DECADE has been to offer an alternative and challenge the monopoly on power and they have gleefully and actively refused to do that. and that might not be worse but it's something you could reasonably expect them to NOT FUCKING DO.
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berlinini · 11 months
"after having used kids in Gaza to pretend you’re a politically engaged artist" The song, from nearly 5 years ago, and specifically that line, was about how politically DISENGAGED he was.
I am so blissfully unaware of everything Kids in Gaza are bombed and I'm just out of it The tensions of the world are rising higher We're probably due another war with all this ire I'm not smart enough to change a thing I have no answers, only questions, don't you ask a thing All the silver tongued suits and cartoons that rule my world Are saying it's a high time for hypersonic missiles When the bombs drop darlin' can you say that you've lived your life Oh, this is a high time for hypersonic missiles
It's about how numb he became to everything (to the point of saying he's a nihilist) and how him and ordinary people can't understand or change a thing when it's the ruling class that's waging wars as they please.
Saying you're disenchented by the state of the world and politics IS political.
If he was aware of the conflicts in Gaza in 2019, he was already more policitized than many people who are waking up to the reality of the Palestinian struggle in 2023.
Finally, he has been writing political and social songs and it's been part of his PR talking points - he is presented as someone who talks about difficult stuff like the male suicide epidemic and not some bubble pop love song writer.
His Rolling Stone UK interview was full of references to his working class background, the tories, etc. He's been pretty vocal about his politics. From the interview:
The latest single to be taken from Seventeen Going Under is called Aye. Over pounding drums and a narky guitar drone, it’s a withering broadside against the one per cent who “hate the poor” and “double down on misery” to keep the rest of the population fighting among themselves. Surprisingly for someone with fairly dyed-in-the-wool left-wing views, the song ends with Fender refusing to take sides any more. Though he was a supporter of Jeremy Corbyn, the singer feels disillusioned with party politics, has opted out of the “cesspit” of online debate and says his only allegiance now is to “people”.
It's hypocritical to paint yourself as an engaged artist siding with the people and remaining silent when there's a genocide going on. The scale of the atrocities should get you out of your numbness and hopelessness. He's deciding not to use his voice, even if he did it previously to call out the British government, and I'm disappointed.
Next time he writes a song about the ruling class and the way of the world and how the little people are being fucked over, I'll remember he didn't even bother to repost a story on IG when a population was being decimated.
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defensefilms · 2 years
Al Jazeera’s Labour Files Prove Democracy Is Undermined By Lack Of Transparency
Al Jazeera Drop Another Classic
There’s nothing like an investigative piece by Al Jazeera, and while this one required a lot more time to digest the details, it is by far some of the most damning findings regarding one of the world’s supposed economic powers.
The UK’s political scene is a fascinating place in 2022. 
From the ousting of Boris Johnson as prime minister, to Liz Trus’ appointment being met with groans, if not outright dissent, and combined with the death of Queen Elizabeth, have made for a very vibrant political atmosphere, helped in no part whatsoever I’m sure, by events in Eastern Europe.
Adding to the mess/intrigue is a recent report by Al Jazeera, in which  journalists uncovered 500 gigabytes of data regarding the infighting, and then the smear campaign that saw Jeremy Corbyn removed as leader of the Labour Party.
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Al Jazeera went ham on this, and the documentary is 4 parts long with each part being close to, or over an hour long, with detailed descriptions and readings of the information containted in the aforementioned 500 gigs of data.
Basically what happened, was that when Jeremy Corbyn won the election to become the leader of Britain’s Labour Party, he took over a party that was very fractured, and not at all in lock-step with him or his policies.
Corbyn’s policies are classic left-leaning, pro-people socialism, and with an emphasis on policies that help Britiains poorest, but the most controversial of all his policies, was the one that aimed to recognise Palestine as a Republic. 
This policy here opened the doors of Corbyn’s Labour Party supporters to global sentiments both good and bad, but it was a sector of global politics that was way outside of the will of solely the Labour Party’s base, and Corbyn’s enemies used it against him and his supporters.
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More and more, there were reports in the newspapers, as well as complaints lodged through the disciplinary channels of the Labour Party itself, regarding antisemitism/ anti-jewish discrimination, and most, if not all, the complaints were lodged at Corbyn’s supporters within Labour.
Investigators uncover all manner of whatsapp messages, phone calls, videos, audio messages, screenshots and e-mails by Labour Party members, who used Corbyn’s pro-Palestinian stance against him to lend credibility to a smear campaign that eventually worked.
They did not work alone, and the documentary details the extraordinary levels of collusion that also implicates some of corporate media’s biggest players in the UK. BBC Panorama produced a documentary that painted Jeremy Corbyn’s supporters as anti-semites.
The misinformation campaign would result in Jeremy Corbyn losing in the 2019 general election and he would eventually abdicate leadership after which Keir Starmer would assume leadership. Starmer is definitely mentioned quite a bit, particularly in part 3 of Al Jezeera’s investigation, where Keir Starmer’s administration is described as a very hostile workplace for minorities within the Labour Party.
What this means in the big picture though, is slightly more concerning.
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The UK being the world’s oldest democracy and being a place where so much of the political power is concentrated in the hands of a powerful few, is telling of the state of global democracy, and also indicitive of what appears to be a feature of Capitalist Democracy or Capitalism alongside Democracy.
Across the pond in America, similar questions appear to be afoot regarding the DNC (Democratic National Convention), where the party leaders like Nancy Pelosi have accrued massive amounts of wealth, while rarely delivering on any kinds of policies that benefit the majority of her party’s base.
And in my own country, South Africa, where it appears that solving a national electricity crisis, brought on by the greed of the previous administration, is the last thing on the mind of our current sitting president, oh and trust, he will ensure himself a seat on the board of any private company that has the capacity to alleviate said crisis, while making himself even more wealthy.
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In each of these instances, the pattern that emerges is one of the powerful, the wealthy, the corporations and the most senior politicians, moving further and further away from the will of the people, and favoring policy that helps maintain the staus quo or at least keeps power or wealth in the hands of familiar faces.
George Monbiot’s most recent video contribution to Double Down News makes the same observation regarding the appointment of Liz Trus as Prime Minister of the UK. 
Monbiot’s sentiments mostly highlights all the ways a Prime Minister like Liz Trus can only serve to exist to take orders and cues regarding economic policy that essentailly keeps the poor where they are and while also removing more and more of the kinds of protections and social services that acted as social safety nets to help the poorest.
It’s no coincidence, that each time a pro-people advocate comes close to being the most powerful man or prime minister of a country, they are unceremoniously stopped from doing so. See the Democrats stopping Bernie Sanders from representing the DNC in America’s 2020 Election.
In each case, both Jeremy Corbyn and Bernie Sanders are replaced by candidates who are far more malleable, and far more in line with policies and thinking that helps the wealthy remain wealthy.
And in South Africa, where president Cyril Ramaphosa who was among the first owners of a McDonalds franchise in the country, is now looking to diversify his porfolio while still in office. Strangely the strongest opposition party in South Africa, isn’t uttering a word on any of these discretions.
The pattern is clear.
The wealthy are concentrating more of their wealthy into their hands, and a key part of that is the limiting of choices by confusing of the political landscape and by confusing the voter into thinking that what they should be in favor of, is completely against their interest even though it really isn’t.
The killing and gutting of labour unions and the idea that unions do not improve business, which is true, but only because unions should not serve the interests of business at all, they should serve the worker.
In both America and the United Kingdom you have this weird dichotomy where right-leaning politicians are using more and more populist language and phrasing, and where left-leaning politicians are more and more in favor of policies that help big business.
Strange times we’re living in, but if you think the issues of your government and country are unique to you, you need to think again. Many of the things you do not like about Democracy and about the way people have to live on a day-to-day basis, are not bugs, they’re features.
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northern-punk-lad · 1 year
Nothing say “we corbynites ain’t antisemitic” like using a line coined by Adolf Hitler to attack Jewish people
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