#of the muse
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mikiquette · 1 month ago
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Love and Deepspace Edit | New 5-Star Memory [Miki: Heartful Reclaim]
🍓 Happy Azure's Echo Day! ♡
Mornings full of love and joy, flower petals sifting in the breeze... Yet, even in a crowd full of people, there's still a certain someone she's longing to see.
For all the words carried into the wind on this special day— this time, will her feelings reach you?
"But, your voice, I— I would always know it by heart..."
☁️; edited by me, based off of the 5-star card layouts for love and deepspace's individual banners!!! <3 this... mostly involved taking shapes from the originals and trying to match colors/texts... probably took like 2?? hours in total?? WHJKG but this was really fun and kept me sane this morning bc i still wanted to do something for my girl this valentine's!!! <333333
(for reference, programs used were ibispaint x and phonto; fonts used were leky calgria, antipasto, and serif. 🥰)
(this was a lot easier than kaia's cat banner...)
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kaianqelic · 2 months ago
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noun ; kai·ah me·i /ˈkaɪ.ə/ /'meɪ/ — kaia; pure; to rejoice; — mei; plum; beautiful; bright; bud, sprout; — of a joyful and beautiful life.
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l&ds-based rp blog. admin/muse 21+. gmt+8. in the process of moving from @kaiarchived. please read through the carrd before interacting. see also: thread tracker / prompts. tags & verses under the cut.
admin: @sunmerberrie / other rps: @mikiquette (mc/self-insert), @thomasicism (canon)
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Please refer to the following for the tags that will be used on the blogs, including current ships/verses. Note that this section of the carrd explains Kaia's lore!
about kaia — of the muse out of character — behind the cloud. ooc suggestive posts — cw. suggestive. explicit posts — cw. explicit. queued posts — queue'lque chose reblogs — encore (reblog) prompts — la rêverie (prompts) answered — lire dans mon coeur… (inbox) roleplay — j’écris ton nom thoughts — s'endormir dans un rêve sans fin (musings) moments posts — mots doux (moments) main verse — la vie en rose secondary verse — le coeur a ses raisons royal au verse — emmenè-moi
la vie en rose. kaia’s main storyline verse follows the tag “la vie en rose”. this is the storyline most in-tune with her character development in relation to canon in-game events, and closely follows her modified lore. in this verse, kaia follows a developing relationship with xavier.
le coeur a ses raisons. this is a secondary verse where kaia falls for neither of the main leads. specifically, this verse revolves around her relationship with jeremiah. usually included under this verse are interactions with other ocs whose main verses/primary ships also involve xavier.
NOTE : For new threads, la vie en rose is the default verse being roleplayed, unless something else was mutually potted beforehand. Any roleplay interaction under either of the tags above will automatically follow their respective specifications. Each roleplay interaction will be tagged with a personal character label (lines taken from French media, usually poetry). If none of the tags above are added to the interaction, the personal character label will serve as its own verse tag.
CALEB — caleb ; sous un ciel d'azur au milieu de l'éte — under an azure sky in the middle of summer, 'Eden Sentimental (I)' by Stéphen Moysan — main verse; platonic
GREYSON — grey ; la courbe de tes yeux fait le tour de mon coeur — the curve of your eyes trace a path on my heart, 'La Courbe de tes Yeux' by Paul Éluard — greyson as her primary care physician; developing relationship
JEREMIAH — miah ; nous allons fleurir les beaux pissenlits d'or — we will make lovely golden dandelions blossom, 'Triste, Triste' by Jules Laforgue — secondary verse; dating.
LUKE & KIERAN — luke ; ton amour mon éveil—, kieran ; ta douceur en soirée—, l&k ; —et toi pour le reste de mes jours. — your love my awakening, your sweetness in the evening, and you for the rest of my days, 'L'autopsie du verbe (II)' by Stéphen Moysan — oblivious in love; developing relationship
RAFAYEL — rafa ; dis que c'est par amour que ton coeur l'a choisie — say that it is out of love that your heart has chosen it, 'Quand le fil de ma vie' by Marceline Desbordes-Valmore — exes to lovers trope
SYLUS — sy ; de ces pleurs je fais—un parfum d’ambre et de miel — from these tears I make—a fragrance of amber and of honey, 'La tombe dit à la rose' by Victor Hugo. —
XAVIER — xavi ; morte la nuit—la mémoire des étoiles brûle — when night has died—the stars’ memory keeps burning, 'Morte la Nuit' by Claire Malroux — main verse; dating
YVONNE — yv ; dans la foule je t’ai vue — in the crowd i saw you, 'Air Vif' by Paul Éluard — friends to lovers; developing relationship
ZAYNE — zayne ; car j'ai vécu de vous attendre — for i have lived for waiting for you — 'Les Pas' by Paul Valéry — friends to lovers; developing relationship
AZALEA — lea ; refroidi sous ce soleil joyeux — cooled under the merry sun, 'Soleils Couchants' by Victor Hugo — best friends to lovers; developing relationship.
CHESHIRE — chesh ; dit le chat—nous sommes tous fous ici —said the cat—we’re all mad here, 'Alice in Wonderland' by Lewis Carroll — main verse; platonic; cheshire as 'jess'
DOLASACH — dola ; où l’amour à longs flots nous verse le bonheur — when love pours forth huge floods of happiness, 'Le Lac' by Alphonse de Lamartine — main verse; platonic
EMAH — emah ; dans la nuit éternelle emportés sans retour — into the eternal night carried away without return, 'Le Lac' by Alphonse de Lamartine — black cat x golden retriever; developing relationship.
LILY — lily ; et le soleil plus brûlant qu’aujourd’hui — and the sun burned brighter than today, 'Les Feuilles Mortes' by Jacques Prévert — secondary verse; platonic; coworkers
MAEVE — mae ; n'emportez que l'espérance — take only hope, 'Bon Voyage' by Henri-Frédéric Amiel — main verse; exes to best friends; platonic
MORGAN — mora ; tout vous sourit — everything smiles at you, 'Les Rêveurs Amoureux d'une Étoile' by Clément Michaëls — developing relationship
STAR — star ; voyez valser les mondes — see the worlds waltz, 'Étoiles' by Théophil Gautier — main verse; platonic
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tsunflowers · 4 months ago
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book from the sky (tianshu) xu bing, 1989-91
I was so excited to see a copy of this in real life bc it's something I studied in art history. this is a book that was typeset and printed by hand using wooden blocks but every one of the characters was invented for the sake of the piece and does not correspond to any word in the Chinese language
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cupcraft · 2 months ago
Also btw trump recognizing only "the two biological sexes" harms intersex people too. I am a researcher of sex and it's affects on disease, and sex is far more complicated than "two sexes" and it always will be. Sex is multifaceted and there are far more than two binary sexes. Keep that in mind too. Don't fall into bioessentialism as you fight for trans people and intersex people.
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shamebats · 6 months ago
If T makes you gain weight and E and antidepressants do it too, and so does enjoying good food and not being hungry all the time, then perhaps maybe sometimes joy & weight gain come hand in hand and that's good
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I was inspired
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septemberkisses · 1 year ago
the fact that i'm no longer the same age as the protagonists of novels and films i once connected to is so heartbreaking. there was a time when I looked forward to turning their age. i did. and i also outgrew them. i continue to age, but they don't; never will. the immortality of fiction is beautiful, but cruel.
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arylleth · 8 months ago
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to love someone is firstly to confess: i'm prepared to be devastated by you. by A History of My Brief Body by Billy-Ray Belcourt
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crabussy · 2 months ago
"dolphins are completely evil" I actually don't think we should assign human morality to animals with no concept of law or civilisation with an intelligence roughly equating to that of a toddler
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salvadorbonaparte · 2 months ago
"tiktok has massive problems that even if you don't agree with a complete ban have to be addressed for all social media platforms" and "the Chinese government is doing pretty awful things" and "there is a lot of sinophobic fearmongering and double standards in the conversation about tiktok" and "people should exercise basic caution signing up to foreign or domestic social media" and "most Chinese citizens like US citizens are just people living their life and cultural exchange between them can be beneficial for both sides" and "some people being on the same social media site isn't going to solve everything " and "I want to study the linguistics happening there under a microscope" are opinions that can coexist
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plaidos · 8 months ago
if you’re a trans ally you have to be ok with seeing topless dudes with their tits out & girls with bulges in their jeans or skirts etc. trans bodies are normal, get used to them, they’re not going anywhere.
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mikiquette · 21 days ago
@cryocardiologist the rain cancelled the show tonight;;; so maybe it's not so bad that you wouldn't have made it? >< in any case, the piano at home was still available...
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deadlypoetacademia · 4 months ago
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ruinpowder · 1 month ago
women who use tiktok i am talking to you directly. yall gotta stop engaging in this girl math women shouldn’t vote shit. it’s not a silly ironic joke men mean that and they are making fun of you. listen to me. call them out when you see it happen. show the kids who use that bastard app that it’s not okay to make jokes like that. stop being part of the problem and stand up for yourselves
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sitronsangbody · 6 months ago
It will never not baffle me how hard society tries to insist that fatness is an abnormality. The average western woman wears plus size clothing. One of the smallest garments on the scale is called a medium. Most people with anorexia are in the overweight bmi category, yet somehow that's known as "atypical anorexia". Fatness is often labeled the cause of a number of diseases, but there are literally no diseases exclusive to fat bodies. Looking at movies and television, you'd think the world was 98% thin people. It's not.
My point isn't that if it was pretty rare to be fat, fatphobia would be okay. Of course not.
My point is that we're surrounded by all these artificial indicators that fatness is unnatural and uncommon and it's just not true?? Humans are not always thin and we've never all been thin and we're not all meant to be thin. Fat humans are a normal type of human. Fatness is a feature, not a bug.
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