#of course they'll be fine
it do be like that sometimes
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yashley · 1 year
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Did she keep you trapped?
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the-sage-libriomancer · 11 months
finally got around to watching ep6 and i am FASCINATED by how well it demonstrates yor and loid's differing talents and priorities. yor is extremely good at using ingenuity to kill/incapacitate threats on sight (especially in a discreet manner), and yet she isn't actually able to identify other assassins, nor is she wary of listening devices at all. then you cut to loid and realize that he's already clocked all the listening devices and suspicious characters all around the boat, and the only reason he hasn't taken care of them or investigated is simply because he doesn't think they're a threat to him (which is reasonable - his presence on the cruise was last minute, all the listening devices seem to be indiscriminate, and none of the suspicious people have paid any attention to loid since he got on the boat).
i think the fact that yor recognizes "bloodlust" and loid recognizes "suspicious activity" really highlights how different their training is: yor needs to be on guard against people who want to kill her, while loid's job as a spy requires him to catch small details that expose other spies. they both notice the threats in different ways, and had loid and yor been working together to protect olka and her son, they would have covered each other's blind spots beautifully - loid would've immediately spotted threats like the assassins in the crowded room, leaving yor to deal with them quickly and quietly. i'm looking forward to seeing what a power couple they are once all the secrets are out and they can finally work as a team.
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angelbitezzz · 1 year
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A potential future TSoT scene that I just had to share
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wuxian-vs-wangji · 3 months
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"My project is inspired by horny thoughts of the dicking I shall receive tonight as my reward for turning this in."
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smile-files · 6 months
okay the director of the jewish camp i'd been working at just suddenly rescinded my job offer??? well hey the camp is pretty zionist anyway, it's for the best
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katya-goncharov · 6 months
there are these two girls on my uni course who i want to make friends with SO much but i'm so bad at making friends generally. i guess i'll just have to try to actually, like, talk to them
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sirpeppersto · 1 month
one of my coworkers is trying to convince me to do another color guard season
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but i graduate in the middle of competition season and the practices conflict with my school schedule so i really cant this year. but theyre doing a workshop to get people ready for auditions and a lot of people go to those even if they dont plan on auditioning so idk......id have to get my equipment out of storage and spend time stretching so i dont look crazy in front of one of the only coworkers i talk to
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mar64ds · 1 year
i'm not expecting much this year for the anniversary, i know i said the same last year and then A LOT happened lol but that's the thing, they did a really big thing last year, the chapters are not done yet, so it's likely things will be a bit more calm this time, maybe they'll show a couple of sprites, one song, new merch, that's all. They can't do sweepstakes 2 you know, and i hope people don't expect that, we already got a lot, it's okay to wait just a little longer
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bi-sapphics · 2 years
no offense but like. we can tell when you use ‘lesbian’ even though you probably mean ‘sapphic’ in your positivity posts or whatever. we can also tell when they’re not malicious or intentional, so that’s why i’m not upset, but i am going to say that bisexuals should not apologize for inserting themselves into a space made for them just because the wording is wrong.
if your post is about women who love women and not about lack of attraction to men, or lesbophobia, or struggling with comphet (though that’s its own other discourse), or anything exclusive to being a lesbian that isn’t general or vague....... then bi sapphics have a right to assume you’re talking about us/them too.
otherwise ─ dare i say it ─ you’re biphobic lmao.
if you mean lesbians and sapphics, say lesbians AND sapphics. it’s not hard.
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The idea of Number Two walking into the kitchen eating an apple while Jackson and Jillson are there and the two of them launch into the "Poison Apples, Poison Worms" recitation and freak her out
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*head in hands* whats the opinion on the yakuza tv series brother
i cant have an opinion on a thing when the thing aint even out yet brother
#snap chats#im lying of course i can#i saw people complaining about the kiryu cast and like. eat rocks he's fine#also i saw more people complain about the fact they're adapting y1 again and like. Eat Rocks LMAO#if they're making a tv series it makes sense to start from the beginning. sins yakuza 0.#LIKE IT MAKES SENSE TO GO IN ORDER do i have faith they'll ACTUALLY go on to adapt y2 of course not#but hell if they're going to give a live-adapt series that's more in-depth compared to the movies and stageplay#then i'll be happy to watch it. again.#plus Genuinely it'd be weird to have a tv series and then skip right to y2 i KNOW people would complain bout the lack of y1 season#so it's a lose-lose situation in that respect#i know the real reason they can't do a y2 adaption is cause they'll never find a dude as yolked nor breasted as ryuji and thats ok#stageplay ryuji was cute but i understand wanting to be more on-the-money this time around take your time rgg ill understand....#could just have a xena moment. bro could be built like wireframe but his presence is what'll sell it yk what i mean#tho... kinda hard to do when he WILL have to be shirtless at some point.... anyways...#im always stoked to see what rgg puts out SO i wonder what the tv series will be like :)#i hope yumi is fleshed out... impossible since she's literally supposed to be missing the entire game but i can dream#I JUST WANNA SEE REINA AGAIN HIGHKEY and shinji....#also who's the dilf thats gonna play kazama.... i have my priorities straight ok#tl;dr im optimistic :) rgg keeps giving me reasons not to jump off a building so LMAO ill take what i can get to keep going
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siena-sevenwits · 1 year
Lockwood thoughts - feel free to move on.
#I'm at the midpoint for Hollow Boy - they believe they've completed the staircase haunting (obviously there's unfinished business)#and have been kicked upstairs to the Chelsea Outbreak#and I am very very pleased with this setup and am hoping Jonathan Stroud can pay it off richly#What have Lockwood and Co missed? What was Lady Wintergarden's rush? Why is it so urgent to get them on the#Chelsea case - is she hoping they'll get killed/sufficiently distracted? We've had the apparition on the stairs described to us#once and shown twice - what are we misunderstanding about it?#What is the uniqueness of Cooke? What is Lady Wintergarden's aim and how is it presumably tied to the Orpheus Society (which#I have some theories on...)#I think what I really want is a proper Agatha Christie solution here - the kind that makes you smack your head and go 'OF COURSE!#How could I not see it? This changes everything!'#whereas book one was more of a Conan Doyle solution (ultimately more of an adventure with mystery trappings#lacking sufficient structure for the reader to solve the whole thing rather than just a few details)#and the second was really more of a thriller with a surprise villain.#I know - these books aren't mystery genre and I don't ask it of them - they're fine just being adventure thrillers#but this one would make me so happy if it borrowed a couple more elements from mystery - namely the 'You saw it and#understood it one way - but there's an important detail which you can logically locate based on what we've shown you which will#fundamentally transform your understand of what you saw.'#lockwood and co#save lockwood and co
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altair214 · 1 year
i wish my family weren’t so transphobic
#so today my father informed me that my cousin is 'confused' and thinks he's trans and a lesbian- worded in the most transphobic way possible#of course i already knew this because my cousin and i had come out to each other years ago#but i just played it off and didn't give anything about what i thought away#honestly i think my father thought that i had transphobic thoughts about it and was afraid to say it out loud#like what did you think i thought you weren't transphobic?????#my dear father i am not an idiot#so yeah i don't think he suspects that i'm not transphobic#which honestly just makes me laugh#because i'm doing a terrible job of hiding my political opinions from my parents#i guess it goes to show how far a parent's denial of their child's ability to have a completely different world view from them can go#anyway but after that conversation i talked with my cousin because i'm going to visit him in a few days#and i wanted to clear up who he had come out to so i didn't accidentally out him or drag him into any unwanted arguments#but the whole interaction with my father nearly made me have a panic attack#i guess it was a reminder that my life is about to change a lot#that i'll come out to my parents as trans and probably be met with lots of 'you're just confused'#they'll probably be infuriatingly condecending#and there are few things i hate more than being told that i don't know what i'm doing or who i am#i hate it so much#but it'll be fine#i'll be an adult and they can't control me#i won't let them#i just wish i didn't have do deal with this alone
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navree · 2 years
Hey, hope you're doing well!
I wanted to ask what you think of Criston's death? I know he's disliked by the majority even though if you were to rank from most to least "problematic" he's towards the very bottom - only the babies and Helaena have him beat.
I've seen people hope he's given a disgraceful death which....from what we've seen of him so far, could probably happen, which would be very disappointing.
Maybe I'm being too harsh but some of the messaging given the show's theme(s) confuses me. I agree with you when you said that Viserys got a tragic and sympathetic death despite his unacknowledged awfulness. We obviously don't know how the other deaths will go down but bookwise, Daemon (who is the Problematic King) gets a cool duel at the end. And if Criston, who's nowhere near as bad as others and is underprivileged socially and politically, gets a send-off that narratively paints him as the main instigator or a disgraced knight, I really do think I would side-eye this show.
Not saying he's the best, but there's something pretty tragic about a knight who has no choice (because otherwise he's stuck in the marches or something) but to protect the most corrupt system in the show choosing to swear himself first and foremost to a child-bride who also has no choice but to serve the crown lest her family dies. They're both working within the system to protect themselves and their loved ones, not seeking power, compared to the opposition who believe they're entitled to the throne and have more power.
Thanks so much anon for the well wishes anon! I'm doing good, my birthday's next week so I'm having a banner time being my parents' precious little girl in the build up to that, my mom gets very affectionate around birthdays and likes to show that affection by buying me food.
I think Criston's death kinda depends on what you're looking for from the narrative, because, as I've mentioned many times, F&B is meant to be read as a history. And in history, sometimes people have these ignominious deaths. Mark Antony had a moment quite like Criston's where he attempted to challenge Augustus/Octavian to some sort of single combat, and Octavian said no because he was on the winning side and it wouldn't make any sense for him to give up his advantages in military combat when he clearly would lose in one-on-one. Sometimes that's just how life works. You can try to organize a grand and glorious death for yourself but if the other side doesn't see any profit in it for them, they're not going to acquiesce, and in war they're going to try and get rid of you as soon as possible. And in a world like ASOIAF, which prides itself on the fact that there are real consequences to actions and that it doesn't lean into certain clichés (which one-on-one single combat for the fate of the war would be), Criston dying because he was outgunned, outmanned, outnumbered, outplanned and the people he was fighting against decided to just get him out of the way makes sense. That doesn't necessarily make it a bad sendoff. I actually find Criston's death, as it was written in the book, as quite noble. He tries to negotiate, literally says he'll surrender without a fight as long as his men aren't harmed, and he's the one who was refused, and even if you look at it from a neutral eye Longleaf comes off as a bastard in his ordering of Criston's death. I'm also not a fan of those takes that, if a character checks a certain number of boxes on the Disprivileged Checklist, they cannot have anything bad happen to them ever because It Sends A Bad Message because it can feel infantalizing and also people who tend to view fiction like that range from boring to annoying half the time because their reasoning doesn't go any further beyond just that sort of YA book type of view without any thought to history or context or just how fiction works and how trends work and why certain things exist. So while it may be a bit of a letdown from a story perspective, it does make sense for the rules of the world as well as how we're meant to be looking at the tale, and it does still give Criston something of a sendoff, in my opinion.
(daemon's death is just dumb tho, this man is pushing fifty and he's somehow making these anime moves and flying off of dragons to land on another dragon and stab someone in the middle of the air while the dragons are fighting? no, he's not, it's just there because george likes daemon and wanted him to have a cool sendoff, no shade to grrm i've done my fair share of twisting the narrative for my faves but that's what happened here)
We'll see what the show does with Criston, because that's like a couple seasons off (if the show really is going for four seasons, I think this'll be a season 3 thing) and the circumstances have changed. Criston gets a sendoff where he's taunted for starting this war and being a "Kingmaker" in the book, but in the show he's not. He's not the Kingmaker, and had much less of a role in putting Aegon on the throne than in the book, both publicly and privately. So they can't do that, and the show might do something to counterbalance any narrative that they're disproportionately punishing someone societally disadvantaged (especially when a lot of Criston's disadvantaged background, being an out and out commoner and being an ethnic minority in Westeros due to being Dornish, etc, are literally from the show as the book just says he was the son of a steward), since they decided to avoid any "bury your gays" backlash or anger at only killing off characters of color by faking Laenor's death (while still not doing great by the rest of the black characters and also creating a mountain of plotholes and still killing off some poor random black dude anyway for it to work but since he's not named it's fine I guess?). It really depends on what they want to do with Criston throughout the rest of the show, what else they'll give him to do, and how they'll build up his relationships and the circumstances behind things like the Butcher's Ball. Hopefully he gets a good goodbye scene with Alicent before he and Aemond leave King's Landing, at least, for all of our fragile hearts.
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sysig · 2 years
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Shop talk (Patreon)
#Doodles#Original#I gotta stop tethering myself to these Big Fancy projects on paper istg lol#I always underestimate how long they'll take and overwhelm myself lol#It's finally done tho! Yay!#And it turned out pretty much how I wanted as well! Also yay!!#Finally the witches meet! And they're adorable together hehe ♪#I've always liked the aesthetic of Just a Normal Human interacting with a cute little creachur haha#Semi-realism meets Full cartoon is just so fun ah - especially with like...newspaper comic style?? Does anyone know what I mean lol#Not that that's this but I like it! It's closer than what I'd normally do haha#Anyway lol#It's funny to think that Witch Bunny is so much older than Minki - I know size is dictated in this case by species but she's so tiny lol#I knew since I first made her that she was a broomist but it's fun to actually have her say it haha#And of course Minki is a potion witch - specialities! Artists of their own craft! Witches supporting witches haha#Minki has a shopfront with a pretty steady stream of products but Bunny works solely on commission - both make a healthy living#But they are definitely specialized and could use each other's work :D I don't think Minki has a broom yet but she's not much of a flier#It is funny to imagine a stone-skinned bunny just getting yeeted off a broom lol - she's fine! It's a bit scary but it doesn't hurt#She tames all her own brooms before sending them on their way - she's very diligent!#Minki of course is delighted to not only have a new customer (which she immediately tries to network with lol) but such a cute one ♪#Not too many animals make it to witchhood around here lol
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