#of course the 4 dogs i chose were all brown which is like the one color i dont have on wb fox lolll
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dailyish-mario-hugo · 4 months ago
Mario Hugo walking his dogs?
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* day 13
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gordonzola-ramen · 1 year ago
My mutual @alectricblue tagged me in this game tag! I normally dont do these, but I thought it'd be nice to get to know me more (and also meet y'all if you wish to participate)!
It will be long though. Sorry
1. Were you named after anyone?
Was originally gonna be named Andrea after a ballerina my grandma liked! Sadly no one remembered her well, not even grandma, so I don't know much about her.
My deadname was simply just chosen bc it was easy to pronounce, as well as my chosen name Diego (it's what I would've been called had I been male), although when I chose it for myself I liked the JoJo character Diego Brando so there was some correlation there.
Funnily enough, people think I'm nicknamed Lio after the Promare character, but I hadn't met them yet.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Yesterday. At 11pm. Watching OR3O's One Piece song. It was nostalgic ok
3. Do you have kids?
Nope. There's an absurd amount of reasons I don't want them, although not a single one is because I dislike them. I've had to babysit many kids and they've all been very sweet.
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
Oof, my recent sports is taking my dog for a walk. But I used to like volleyball and kickball! And reluctantly played soccer and did swimming! Sports give me a lot of anxiety and i'm not sure why.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
I do a lot of teasing and lighthearted banter that can sometimes be considered sarcasm?
6. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Their eyes! Or anything outstanding like cool hairstyles or visible tattoos.
With online people, I mostly recognize them by pfp or a vague mental pronunciation of their username.
7. What's your eye color?
Dark brown?? Or black??
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Honestly, whatever makes me think more. Unhappy endings tend to do that more though, so I guess scary movies! But of course it depends on the mood, sometimes I just want a nice story to cheer me up.
9. Any talents?
I've been told I am talented at the piano! And music in general, although most of my skills feel less like talent and more like just studying the thing.
10. Where were you born?
So I was born in the US, in Florida, but my entire family is from Costa Rica and I just happened to be born while my parents were studying abroad. I don't remember much from the US though, I came back to CR with my grandma in my first months because she was less busy than my parents, and then they came to live here again. So in my eyes I've been a true Costa Rican since always hehe
11. What are your hobbies?
Playing the piano! Also drawing sometimes (I like to color more than draw, but unless I get my hands on a coloring book I can't do that unless I draw), playing videogames (mostly RPGs and visual novels), and doomscrolling.
12. Do you have any pets?
YESSSS my beloved dog Mia!!!!!!!!!!! I love her so much, she escaped her abusive home and we found her while walking around a plaza, said hi, and she followed us home. She's been with us for 8 years now and I adore her. Reference below because how can I not show her off:
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13. How tall are you?
Excellent question. I forgot but I'm average if that helps!
14. Favorite subject in school?
It changed over the years, in senior year it was English because we had my favorite teacher! I knew him for years because he has a literature club I partook in, so I was very happy to have classes with him. Plus, we saw the Oresteia, which goes tremendously hard especially when your teacher geeks out about all the symbolisms.
Apart from that, computer class! We barely ever had it, and almost had it cut out entirely in senior year, but the few times we did I really enjoyed programming and practicing typing! And when we didn't do anything we could play so.
15. Dream job?
I want to make my own videogame! So I'd say a game developer, although being a part of any videogame, especially RPGs, would be a dream come true.
Well thank you for reading, I hope that was some insight, it was very fun to reply!
Tagging section (no pressure to do it at all, you can also do it if you're not tagged who cares)
@skyllion-uwu @thefrogswhospoke @gorgeousuare @chronologicalimplosion @fishy-lilic @smoothedsmoothie @mx-mind @montied @aspirationatwork @jhofoyitchg @derkhue @mellomaia @federalfazbear @mcfinnigan @mutantsgurls @foxounderscorecube @sweetnessfollowsmp3 @mildredtefoneck @oh-my-stars1969 @unfullbucket @fluffnfuzzxoxo @electriceel69 @scottigyn @stressedsilverware @sapphicrobotenjoer @antjellies @milk1non-tolarantes @ovalbrain @chocokhaos @markdiegamer @astralix13 @atheist-xmas @blktomekurata @monstar-dreams @glass-duke @c--eam @laooneart
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years ago
Oh, The Lies You Tell - Bakugou Katsuki - pt. 1
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Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: angst, trauma, abuse, betrayal, fluff, slice of life, smut, cursing, manipulation, possible spoilers, physical harm, 18+
Ep. Warnings: cursing, mentions of abuse and manipulation, slice of life(ish), manga spoilers!!
A/N: Ok so this is just what I daydream about, and since ima tv addict, I’m involving some “Avatar: The Last Airbender” related things, but a little different. This is more of an introduction to our character but I hope you enjoy!
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 Pt.6 Pt.7 Pt.8 Pt.9
Summary: It’s Y/N’s first day at UA.....as a “former” villain
“Y/N L/N. She’s a new transfer student. Treat her with your respect and do your best to take care of her.” The tired teacher spoke.
“.......Hey. Please treat me well.” The intimidating girl said as she bowed in respect.
Now if you were to see Y/N on the streets as a stranger, you wouldn’t even think she would have this threatening aura. The class agreed. She’s gorgeous. From a far, you would think she’s a sweetheart, But the girl had a cold, calm stare in her E/C eyes. There was actually no way to describe it. It was just chilling to the bone.
Not only that, but it was clear you were a little rebel. Mainly because of the way you decided to change up your uniform. Your sleeves were torn off to make your button up top some sort of tight fitted turtle neck with a tie that was complimenting your busty figure. Especially since it was tightly tucked into your skirt, pressing against your torso instead of loosely sitting in there like the other girls. You also added a small dark brown belt to cover where your skirt and top meet. Your waist gave the perfect show of how curvaceous you truly were. Your thighs were deliciously thick and your ass must’ve been a perfect peach, considering it caused your skirt to seem a little too small for you. Instead of the typical shoes and knee high socks, you opted for thigh high dark brown leather boots that folded at the top to match your belt. No heel though, of course. Gotta keep it casual. You finished off your rebellious look with a pair of black leather fingerless gloves. Do you look like trouble? Yup. Do you look hot as hell though? You bet.
“You may be seated next to Katsuki Bakugou.” Your new teacher spoke. Before anybody else could give an indication of who this “Bakugou” boy was, an electric blonde spoke up.
“Be careful with that one pretty lady, he’s our resident hot head.” The boy spoke while the entire class giggled.
“Shut it dunce face.” Your eyes shifted from one blonde to another. This time with a spiky head of ash blonde hair and piercing red eyes. As you walk towards your new seat, you made eye contact with the spiky blonde, you saw the look on his face. Just like everyone else, a face of fear and shock, except this time the person didn’t know who you were.
Bakugou could definitely say upon first glance, you were definitely something fierce. It threw him off just how powerful your presence was. He quickly turned away as you took your seat.
As class began, everyone had their eyes on Y/N. Some admiring her beauty, others wary of her aura, and some too nervous to mention their newfound fear of her. In the middle of Mr. Aizawa’s boring lecture, a scratch at the door could be heard.
‘A scratch?’ Everyone thought. But Y/N knew exactly who it was.
When Mr. Aizawa went to open the door, in came what appears to be a wolf-dog. Mr. Aizawa seemed to casually accept it and just expected you to explain. He was too tired to deal with this crazy shit.
“Oh..there you are Rumor. Took you long enough to find this place.” The creature, also somehow intimidating, simply just huffed at the girl and layed down next to her seat in between her and Bakugou.
“L/N, please explain to the class why Rumor is here. They clearly seem to be confused.” Y/N looked around the room to see her new classmates staring at her and her furry friend.
“*sigh* he’s my animal companion.” You simply stated. Apparently it didn’t satisfy your peers because a freckled, green haired boy spoke up.
“Animal companion? Like a service dog?” The timid boy asked. You secretly rolled your eyes at the fact you’ll have to answer this question again. That is until Bakugou spoke.
“You damn nerd, if he was a service dog, she woulda said that now, don’t ‘cha think?” ‘Dunce face and a damn nerd huh? Wonder what new nickname this hedgehog will give me.’ Your little quip made you give the smallest smile with a quiet laugh to yourself
What you didnt realize was that during your little moment, Bakugou was watching you the entire time. He fought the blush that was threatening to rise and successfully won. ‘The hell?’ Bakugou thought. Since when did he blush?
“He’s right. Rumor isn’t my service dog, he’s my animal companion. And no, not my pet. He’s more like a close friend. My best friend if anything. He’s also not a dog either, he’s a changeling.” You explained hoping someone else knew what a changeling was. Thankfully, the “damn nerd” did.
“Changeling? I thought they were just a myth.” He said. “What the heck is a changeling, Deku?” You turned and saw it was a girl with a round face and pink cheeks. ‘Deku? How rude’ you thought to yourself.
“Changelings were rumored to be magical like beasts who could take the form of any animal they chose. Those forms could be as real as eagles and bears or as mythical as dragons and unicorns. They could also change the size of their form too. Am I right, L/N?” Deku asked you.
“You’re completely right, Deku.” The green haired boy blushed at his nickname on your tongue. “Rumor can be any creature I command. His wolf-dog form is his casual form though. It’s the form he took at birth I guess.”
“You guess?” Bakugou asked.
“Yes, I guess. I didn’t have Rumor since he was born. I found him while I was on a walk in the forest. We just clicked, and he followed me home. That’s when I discovered his powers and what he was, and seeing that changelings were only rumored to have existed, I thought it would’ve been a fitting name. We’ve been together ever since, and not only does he work as a friend, he’s a fighter too. He’s like a partner to me which is exactly why principle Nezu allowed him to attend UA with me. I guess you could say he’s part of my...uhm..quirk” You thoroughly explained. You couldn’t help it. You loved talking about Rumor. He was your best friend and definitely one of a kind.
Rumor looked up at you and barked. You turned to pet him on the head and gave him a little smile. Something that didn’t go unnoticed by the resident hot head, which once again caused him to fight back a blush. ‘The fuck is going on with me today?’ The blonde thought to himself. Finally satisfied with the answers, the class picked up where they left off and continued to learn about quirks which didn’t seem all that useful to you since....you don’t have one.
“Remember, we will all be meeting at gym gamma tomorrow morning, so don’t bother coming to the classroom. Just meet up there with any comfortable gym wear.” Mr. Aizawa said at the end of the day.
“Yes sir!” The class all said. “L/N stay behind, I need to speak to you and Rumor.” The tired teacher said with a yawn.
“Yes sir.” You calmly replied.
As the class gathered their things to leave, some came up to speak to you. First it was Deku and the round faced girl.
“Welcome to UA L/N. My name is Izuku Midoriya!” Deku said.
“Oh my apologies. I thought I heard that your name was Deku.” You said so nonchalantly with your sweet voice.
“Well it’s just a nickname that started up with Kacchan.” The boy was now blushing in slight embarrassment while rubbing the back of his head.
“Kacchan? I’m sorry, I don’t know who that is.” You said.
“Oh right! My bad, Kacchan is Bakugou. It’s a name I gave him during our childhood.” He stated.
“Seems a little mean.” You chuckled
“Yeah but he’s always been like that.” The boy smiled with a small laugh.
“I think I can tell. He must be really nice to Deku and Dunce face.”
You both shared a laugh at your little sarcastic poke at the explosive blonde that the girl was feeling a little left out.
“Anyways, I’m Ochako Uraraka! I was really hoping I could talk to you more but Deku over here can’t seem to keep his mouth shut.” the girl slightly teased.
“Meh. No worries. We’re gonna be stuck together for the next few years. We have plenty of time to get to know each other.” You so kindly spoke as you gathered your stuff.
“Totally! We can-“ Uraraka was cut off by a very handsome two toned boy with a scar. He definitely reminded you of some you knew. You watched as he came up to speak to Midoriya.
“Hey, Midoriya. Did you want to...” you tuned out his conversation. You simply just stared at him in awe. No doubt about it. He was definitely Dabi’s brother. But he was a whole lot more handsome.
The boy caught onto your staring and introduced himself.
“Hello L/N, my name is Shoto Todoroki. You may know me from my father, Endeavor, but I assure you, I’m nothing like him. In fact it’s safe to say I hate him.” He stated ever so calmly. ‘Wow. So blunt. And I guess hating Endeavor runs in the family’
“Hey it’s fine. I get it, daddy issues.” You nervously laughed but this seemed to strike an interest in Todoroki as he seem to have wanted to continue bashing both of your fathers until he was interrupted by Bakugou.
“You’re in my way Icy-hot.” ‘Jeez, another nickname?’ You thought.
“Then move to another side.” Todoroki quickly came back with.
This caused you to now openly give a quiet laugh, you could already tell what kind of relationship those two have. During your small laugh, Bakugou once again caught himself staring, except this time, he was caught. And it was by you.
You both made eye contact once again. As he stared into your E/C colored eyes, and you stared into his rubied gems, you both grew a slight blush on your cheeks and the 3 standing next to you both took notice.
“Hey..” you sweetly said.
“..........hey.” He replied and quickly looked away embarrassed. That peaceful little moment made your heart stir. Something that hasn’t happened in a long time. If felt calming, loving, happy...and weird and confusing. Thankfully, Dunce face came up to flip the switch.
“Wow Kacchaaannn,” the electric blonde said wiggling his brows. “Never seen you blush like that. You got a little crush on the new gir-“
“SHUT UP SPARK PLUG!” Bakugou exclaimed as he quickly made his way out of the classroom.
“Hey why you gotta be so mean all the time man!” Dunce face cried out.
“I SAID SHUT UP” Bakugou screamed from down the hall. ‘Well he certainly is interesting.....and cute’
“Ah jeez, whatever,” the blonde sighed before you seemed to have caught his attention.
“Well hey there pretty lady,” he started “I’m Denki Kaminari and you are one gorgeous girl. And you definitely got a rockin’ bod-“ he was cut off by our scary teacher.
“That’s enough Kaminari, I need to speak to L/N. Now all of you, out.” He commanded.
They all took their leave thinking about how cool and kind you were. Oh how wrong they were. The little act you put up sure was convincible. Hell, the only thing you genuinely meant was that Todoroki and Bakugou were cute and the blush that came up whenever Bakugou stared at you. You still couldn’t explain it but you brushed it off.
When all were gone, you mentally took notes of their names and possible quirks.
Izuku Midoriya. Alias: Damn Nerd and Deku. Quirk: unknown.
Ochako Uraraka. Alias: unknown. Quirk: unknown.
Shoto Todoroki. Alias: Icy-hot. Quirk: possibly related to cold and heat
Denki Kaminari. Alias: Dunce Face and Spark Plug. Quirk: possibly related to electricity
Katsuki Bakugou. Alias: Kacchan. Quirk: unknown
“L/N.” Your teacher snapped you out of your quick thought and got you focused.
“You seemed to be very comfortable with telling them about Rumor.” Mr. Aizawa said with an eyebrow raised.
“Well he is my best friend. I could go on and on about Rumor for hours if people didn’t stop me. And you can’t lie, he is pretty interesting. Especially his fighting style. You would know all about that, wouldn’t you....Eraser Head?” You said with a sinister smile.
You were well aware that Aizawa knew Rumor’s capabilities very well. You were also aware he knew much about yours too. I mean, you both have fought each other before. And one of you almost didn’t make it out alive. Hint hint, it wasn’t you.
“You are to address me as Aizawa Sensei or Mr. Aizawa, Titania.” He sternly said.
“Ouch, the villain name? I thought the past was the past. There’s a good inside me, dont you remember? You were the one who said it after all. You were even the one who recommended an S-Class villain like me should join UA.” You snidely replied.
As you fought against the skilled pro, you could tell he was getting weaker and weaker by the second. You used your air bending to push him back, crushing him into the wall, and keep him far away. Before you could send Rumor in to finish the job, a hand on your shoulder stopped you.
“Kurogiri? What are you doing here?” You stopped fighting and quickly turned to your superior in a fearful and shaky manner. Although you were much stronger than him and could easily take him down, you knew better. Your mind had already been so manipulated into thinking you were the weakest villain in the league, when it reality, you were strong enough to take down Shigaraki in a snap...but you didn’t need to know that.
Eraser Head, too tired and beaten to even pick himself up off the ground watched the interaction from the distance.
“You were told to collect intel, not fight a pro.” The black fog stated.
“Well yes, but he tried to stop me an-“ he silenced you with a smack to the face. Kurogiri was a respectful man...in ways...but he was just following orders on how to treat Y/N.
“If he tried to stop you, you run away.” He said, matter of factly.
“But he-“ once again, he cut you off but this time with a louder voice.
“But nothing! You were to gather intel and report back to base. Not fight. If you got into trouble, you are to run away, and use your bending and Rumor as assistance.” He stated.
“Yes sir. I’m sorry sir.” You said with your head bowed down in dishonor.
Aizawa could already tell from afar how controlled you were. In past fights, he’s noticed how you were so quick to succumb to any villain in the league, and you were always so willing to go back to them no matter how many times you could’ve ran away on your own. It was like they had something you needed, or more so it was them that you needed. For survival, perhaps?
“Did you even gather the information we needed?” Kurogiri asked.
Your silence gave him all the answers he needed. With a disappointing glare he reached for you, when you flinched at just the slighted movement, Aizawa knew something was wrong. Yes you were a villain, but it was clear you were also a manipulated child. So he acted quick, and attacked Kurogiri, knocking him out, and grabbed you. Before you both took off, you threw one of your earrings at kurorgiri’s unconscious body, knowing he’ll know what to do once he sees it. As he ran with you, he took notice of the animal behind him that followed you. When he finally landed on a cliff hanging over the city, he placed you down to sit on the grass and looked at you before speaking.
“I can see it. All of it. They’re controlling you aren’t they?” The pro-hero spoke.
“Excuse me? Nobody is controlling anybody! I choose to follow orders!” You yelled as Rumor came up to you.
“What is that thing?” Aizawa asked.
“He’s my friend and you won’t harm him!” You said while grabbing onto Rumor.
The pro took note of that word you used. Friend. Villains don’t have friends, they don’t have anybody but goons and partners in crime. Literally. You were definitely different compared to these other villains.
“I have no intentions on harming you or your friend.” The pro spoke.
“So what do you want with me.”
“....Simple. I want you to go to school, live in the dorm rooms, eat good food, train more to become better as a person and fighter, and make more friends. I see a good in you Titania, you deserve a good life. Not one controlled by villains where you do their bidding for what? Survival?” Aizawa said as he crossed his arms while looking at you.
You were in shock. He was able to figure you out. Well, he figured out why you were with the league. Survival. But it doesn’t matter, you were so brainwashed that you were convinced anyone outside the league wanted to kill you...at least that’s what the LOV told you.
“I don’t want to go to school, I want to go back home to the league.” You said while looking down and holding onto your furry friend.
“Home? UA could give you a better home.”
You looked up in shocked at his words. He wanted you to attend school at UA? You know that place. That’s the one place where the league has been so invested in ever since All Might joined the staff there. Suddenly, an idea came into thought. You knew exactly how you were gonna get into the league’s good graces and out of the cold shadow.
“UA?....That’s where you want me to go? How the hell am I supposed to get in there? I’m a known villain genius.” You sarcastically said.
“A villain hidden behind a full face mask. People don’t know your true identity, and did you ever think that maybe the league wants it that way?” He said
“Are you saying you know who I truly am?” You questioned him.
“No, but that doesn’t matter right now. If you want to go to UA, I can help you. I’m a teacher there and I can put in a good word for you. Sure it will take a lot of convincing but I’m willing to do it. Using UA as a reformatory program for you could be benefitting you in more ways than one. So if going to UA is what you really want, I’m more than happy to help you Titania.”
You couldn’t believe it. Your heart was so excited. You were finally going to get away from this horrible life of crime and killing. Away from the abuse and blood. Away from the league. But your brain was telling you to deny it all. You were safer with the league, everyone is out to get you, and you will die without the villains help. But a bark broke you out of thought.
You turned to your side to see what seems to be a smile on Rumor’s face. He was wagging his tail and sticking his tongue out while giving you puppy dog eyes. It appears he knew what was going on and he seemed excited. For your best friend, the world. So you gave in...happily.
“Y/N.” You said while getting up off the ground.
“Huh?” The pro spoke.
“My name is Y/N L/N, and I’d be happy to join UA.” You said with a smile and tears of joy filling you eyes. Rumor happily barked at the pro as well.
“Well alright then,” the pro said sticking out his hand for you to shake, “Y/N L/N, welcome to UA.”
As you shook his hand your smile held a thousand words. Happiness, excitement, villainy, and sin. Sure you were going to benefit yourself, but you were also going to benefit the league.
*Present Time*
“I was hoping I’d get more respect from you considering I was the one who got you into UA,” Aizawa tiredly said while turning his head towards the ceiling and crossing his arms. “But I guess that mischief and attitude just comes with the deal.”
“Correct.” You simply said.
“So are you willing to tell them what your “quirk” is? You seemed so open about Rumor, I thought your powers would be the same.” Aizawa pressed on.
“Not sure yet. I only just met the students. They seem nice.” You said while looking at your now very interesting shoes.
“They’re a crazy bunch, but they’re incredible friends. They could be great friends to you too Y/N.” You looked back up at him with hope, but quickly remembered why you were there in the first place.
The teacher took noticed of this and continued. “Either way, they’ll have to see what you got tomorrow. In gym gamma we’ll be doing some sparring including our quirks, so you’ll have to show them all that you can do.” He said.
He saw how that made you nervous. Not because you were scared to speak about or show your abilities, but because you knew you would be hit with thousands of questions. Oh how annoyed you must be.
“Understood.” You said to him as if you were a soldier. He won’t get used to that. He’ll have to make sure you know it’s ok to speak to people as..well people, and not like everyone is your superior.
“Good,” he began to walk to his yellow sleeping bag to pick it up, “now head to the front of the school. I left an escort for you to help guide you to your dorm room. That person will also be a guide in all things UA for you so be nice. You’ll be stuck with them for awhile. That is all, you can go now.”
As you and Rumor made your way to the front, you had so many questions going on in your mind. Should you make new friends or keep them at a distance? Should you completely drop the league and join UA? Should you blow your cover and expose why your truly there? What to do, what to do.
When you made it to the front, you finally saw your escort, and you couldn’t help but give a little smirk.
A/N: If y’all wanna see the clothes that inspired Y/N’s uniform, check this out!!!
A/N: Damn guys, I know I’ve only just started writing but this is kinda the story I imagine in my mind at night. So I thought it would be fun to give it to reality. So here’s my first FanFic😅 hopefully it doesn’t turn out too terrible, but I promise to work on my skills and improve. Also, if you need a reference to what Y/N’s uniform looks like, search up “Akame from Akame Ga Kill.” That’s the look that heavily inspired Y/N’s new uniform. And if you’re confused on what the boots look like, search up “Lucy Heartfilia thigh high boots,” bc those are the EXACT boots I imagine on Y/N except in a darker brunette color to match the belt. Once again, NOT spell checked so my apologies for any mistakes. I hope you enjoyed pt. 1! And if this goes well, tell me if you’d like a pt. 2! I love to hear feedback! Thx <3
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angloie · 4 years ago
> Annabeth would rather not have her ordeal with some of the world's biggest malefactors exposed. Not when her multi-million dollar company could be on the line. But a certain sea green eyed assassin had a little thing out for her-- things consisting of attempting to eventually kill her.
> Assassin! Percy x CEO! Annabeth.
> Warnings: angst + fluff, some violence. Nothing too explicit. Mentions of alcohol.
pt. 1 || pt. 2 || pt. 3 || pt. 4 || pt. 5
a/n - pls this took so long to write-
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“A twenty one hour trip.” Percy deadpanns. “And you thought you'd tell me a couple hours in advance?”
“Oh, come on! It isn't that much of a trip! I'm sure you'll be fine.” Apollo laughs over the phone. 
Three in the morning. Three in the damn morning, yet here Percy was, chatting with his infufferable boss. That time of morning was much to early for his coffee to settle in, or even let him open his eyes fully- for that matter. Apollo had all the time in the world to tell Percy about the details. And he chose only a mere couple of hours before.
Mrs. O'leary waited at Percy's side along with his luggage. She panted so care-free and happily; he sometimes wondered how she wasn't tired like Percy was.
“I’ve sent you a ride. When you get to the airport, go to terminal-" 
Percy cuts the blonde off. “Terminal two. Yeah, yeah, you told me a while ago.”
“Make sure you arrive in one piece!” Apollo could almost be seen grinning by that point. What he would to to slap it off of him. “Don’t forget, I'll be there in New York too.”
 “Got it.” Percy tastes iron on his tounge. “See ya.” As he declined, he exhaled deeply. It would take a while for him to be fully awake. His eyes still found themselves drooping every once in a while. Much to his dismay.
Percy tugged on Mrs. O'Leary's leash, nudging her to come along. Luggage, dog, wallet, phone... He checked them off his mental checklist. Once he tucked his passport safely into his pocket, the duo ventured into the long hallway of the building. 
“You excited to see Estelle and Paul? Mom?” He laughed at the bounding dog, drool spilling from her lips. “Me too.”
They got to the large elevator, doors sliding open with a curt 'ding!’ The ride down only took a couple of seconds. Glass windows showed the city skyline storeys below; twinkling with a certain calmness. All the fading stars were lighten so dimly Percy had to squint to see them. He scoffed at the horribly basic music choice. Smooth jazz, of course.
Well, Percy thought to himself, I won't be back here for a while. He looked over to the tall building one last time before sighing. Would that really be a bad thing? I mean, he would get to be back in New york. Gods, did he miss the shitty pretzels you could get on the streetside. The honking of cars twenty four seven made him homesick- no matter how weird that sounded.
Speaking of which,
The car in front of him honked obnoxiously. Too obnoxiously in fact, it made the nearly serene night air turn into a much chotic one. Percy grinned.
“It’s been a while,” He came up to the sleek black vehicle. “Travis.”
“It certainly has.” Travis says coyly. “Now throw your bags in. If I don't arrive on time, Apollo is going to murder me.” He shuddered. “That bastard.”
“You and I both know he wouldn't do that.” Percy opened the trunk and threw his luggage in rather un-gracefully, landing with a loud thump.
“It wouldn't be the first time he would try!” Travis complains as the engine grew louder. Hes brown eyes locked onto Mrs. O'leary glued to the other man's side. He frowned disatstefuly. “You are not getting that creature in here.”
Percy smirked evily.
“Don’t you even dare!”
“Mrs. O'leary isn't some creature!” Percy puts a offended hand to his chest and gasps dramticaly, emmiting a eye-roll from Travis. 
“Just don't get slobber all over my seats!” He grumbles at the unsightly vision of the dog entering the back seat. Percy takes the front. Mrs. O'leary is what- maybe half the size of Travis? Maybe even more when the thing stood up.
Travis knew all about Percy's little job. He himslef wasn’t a assasin, but rather something that could go under the term's wing. A con artist. A very good one at that, Percy could even admit. He had replied on him a couple of times to get out of sticky situations. Just maybe he'd owe him his life if it weren't for Travis's annoying behavior.
“A new mission? Already?” The car drove along with deserted highway. Yellow lights above them gleamed at every angle. “You never catch a break, down you.”
“Yeah. Its fine, though, this one's going to be interesting.”
“How so?”
“You know Thalia Grace, Luke Castellan and Annabeth Chase?” Percy looks at him from the side. “Iv’e got a intel mission with them. Gotta get info on Chase and kill her.”
Travi's eyes widen with surprise. “Damn lucky.” He mutters under his breath, staring at the fast-coming road. “I would kill for a mission like that.”
The rest of the ride is calm. That is, if you excluded the constant bickering from the two over the aux and Mrs. O'Leary's barking. The shut fuck up! Travis says at one point, fed up- but that causes Mrs. O'leary to howl louder. It's only when Percy snaps his fingers is when it stops. Sea green eyes sparkle smugly. He nearly crashes the car. 
But it's nice, jamming to music without a care in the world. It might make Percy's head pound in a few hours, but hey, it was worth it. 
“...And we're here,” He says tiredly. The trip took about thirty minutes, give or take. “Now get out. Please.”
The Sydney Australian ational airport is loud, even if it is the dead of the night. That's expected. People flew in and out of the counrty, no matter the time of day. Or night. Cars honking and 
“Rude much?” Percy sighs and opens the door, Mrs. O'leary jumping out of her seat with him. The luggage feels rather heavier now. 
“Hey, don’t get yourself killed.” Travis's voice comes from the car just as Percy turns his back. “Alright?”
“Yes, Dad,” Percy says jokingly as he flashes a small smile of familiarity. “And don't make it seem as if I will die. See you around.”
“Yeah. Have a fun trip.” He says before he drives off, waving widely. Percy returns the wave two times more ensuthiasticaly, yelling a 'BYE!’ to the already long gone car. 
Percy's going to miss him. A lot.
The airport bustled lively, intercom announcing delays and arrivals here and there. It was easy for Percy to navigate- his identity as an assassin was kept completely secret. Meaning he had no dirt or criminal record on him. To the naked eye, he was simply another civilian trying to get to New york. He was genuinely surprised at the fact. Was he really that good at hiding his alternate identity?
I suppose so, Percy thinks when he passes security with ease. There was nothing in his bag, of course, no weapons or anything illegal. Just the basics. Mostly clothing. How clueless were the airport staff were to just accept his passport? All they did was bat thier eyelashes at him, clueless. In fact, one of them even asked to pet Mrs. O'leary. He let them, of course, why wouldn't he?
The swarm of people move every which way in a frenzy of franticness. Percy just barely managed to get something to eat from the long line of stores. A cafe, gift shop, and candy shop? And one of those air-travel stores you see in almost every airport. Dimly lit sunshine just so happens to peek over the building, small light shining through the huge glass panel windows. The early morning commute has just begun for some. Not him, though.
It's going to be a very long trip.
“Miss Chase, your ride is here.” 
“I’ll be right there.”
Annabeth stands up from her seat as she tears her gaze away from the flat screen television. The news is plastered on there, buzzing about the newest Olympian news. Everyone seemed to be talking about the damn thing so much already- she just didn't get it.
Luke is truly insufferable, asking her to do something so risky as to call her over for brunch. At her own company no less.
“Are you alright, Miss Chase? Your face is wrinkling.” Her assistant points out rather cluelessly. She brings a hand up to cover her embarassed face. “I-I’m, sorry! I didn't mean to comment on your appearance!” She stammers, a glowing red blush on her cheeks.
“It’s fine.” Annabeth sighs at her watch. 9:47, it reads. The sun is barely shown, hidden underneath the thick grey clouds. One can only imagine the strom brewing at the moment. “Let’s just go, yeah?” 
“Of course.”
The car rolls up at the courtyard curb, driven by some chauffeur. Annabeth leaves that type of things to her assistant; she doesn't have time for small details like those. The two get into the vehicle, Annabeth sitting in the back beside her assistant.
“You have a meeting at 11:30. Conference room B, sixth level.”
Rides like these have become a routine for Annabeth. Wake up, freshen up, drive to her building. A twenty-five storey building that she's grown accustomed to. It was big, sure, but it was getting so regular. She felt like it needed a change. Of what, Annabeth didn't know yet.
As the white car nears, the tall looming building seems more visible. Water runs from the huge fountain placed right at the front as per usual, the crystalline waters glistening in the dull sunlight.
“You’re recommended to meet back at the office at eleven,” Her assistant speaks up as she clutched her handbag. “No later.”
“Got it. Thanks,” Annabeth waves curtly as she exits the car, engines running. She takes a deep inhale of the city air around her. Not as clear as the countryside, but better than most places. She'll take it.
People greet Annabeth from inside the building as soon as she enters. Marble floors click beneath her every step from her slingback clad feet. A camera clicks and Annabeth winces. Were pictures really necessary? She tugs the hem of her blazer down, eyeing herself consiously; all while keeping a straight face. No time for pictures, for they would only delay her. No time for smiles, for it would be unprofessional.
“Annabeth!” Luke greets from inside the room. The 'room' is a lounge area with an array of food options lined on the white pristine walls. Wide windows overshow the outdoors. "Hey."
It might seem rather impulsive for such a well-known criminal like him to waltz in, with zero disguise. But much like Percy- Luke has no criminal record. No one knows his true identity except for the infamous alias Kronos. His alternate and much more intricate alias. Well, no one other than Annabeth and Thalia.
“Luke.” She greets, sitting down on a seat opposite of the glass table. 
“I’ve heard you talked with Thalia the other day.” He starts, picking up a piece of egg with a fork. “You’re still in, right?”
“Why wouldn’t I be? You guys would be dead by now if it wasn't for me.” Annabeth takes a sip from her tea. Barley of course- simple yet soothing. 
“I dunno. It just seems like you've been a little off lately.” Luke bites down on the egg, “Could be just in my mind.”
“I have a company to run. So I think you can imagine that what I'm doing, willingly, is kind of risky. But yes, I'm still in.” Annabeth says. “What about you? Having doubts of your own, Mr. I'm always sucsessful?”
“No way! I've got this in the bag. As long as I've got you and Thalia, we'll be fine. We've never failed a mission after all.” He laughs.
“Damn straight.”
“Anyways...” Luke tilts his head to the side, eyeing the breakfast sandwhiches. “I’ve got something to pick with the Olympians. It'll be gold if we can pull this off.” 
“You mean when, right? We're doing this. It'll all go according to plan.” Annabeth takes a muffin into mouth, chewing the soft texture.
“Of course! But... You do realize that this'll be the biggest heist literally ever? As in, no one's done this before?”
“Weren’t you all optimistic before? Don't go bailing on me, Castellan.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.”
“Would you look at that,” Annabeth looks over to the t.v screen on the other side of the room. A deep scowl makes itself onto her already frowning face.
“Four of the Olympians have arrived here, this morning, at John F. Kennedy International Airport. They have yet to appear, but-" The newscaster stops. “Oh, it looks like they're here!” 
The three Olympians certainly make a statement from the very way they walk. the big three: Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades. All brothers and yet they look nothing alike. Zeus seems to be in the bigger position out of the three, his authorative aura could be sensed even from the other side of the screen, his expression meaning no funny buisness. And Apollo- A sunshiney, blonde man weary Ray bans and a blinding smile. Why he was wearing them was beyond Annabeth. A fashion statement perhaps?
Luke stiffens at the sight of them.
“For some of our viewers memories, the Olympians are an group of wealthy buisness owners from around the world. The twelve of them have gathered here for one hell of an auction.” The newscaster exclaims. “Though all of them have yet to band together. Stay tuned for more news on the Olympians and-"
Annabeth shuts the t.v off with a mere click of a button. “Our targets.”
Luke nods. There's a certain dark look in his eyes, one that can mean absolutely no good. “Uh huh.” He stops eating to cscoff and look away.
Its a very limited time, but it provides some relief for both of the two. Thalia would be meeting up with them later in the day. Her reason being caught up in some shitty buisness. They catch up on their lives, after what- months of zero contact? It's truly a breath of fresh air. Even if they were conspiring a plan meant for the eventual downfall of the Olympians.
“Yeah, i’m on my way.” Annabeth says into her phone. A call from her secretary meant her leave. “I’ve got a meeting now. I'll meet you and Thals later.”
“You really are busy these days.” Luke grins. “I’ll be on my way.” He exits the room before Annabeth and into the hall, where people chat only meters away. She shakes her head.
"They're waiting for you in there, Mrs. Chase." Her secretary leads her to a tall mahogany door at the end off the hallway. He bows politely before taking his leave, shoes tapping on the marble floors.
Athchase's partners were two companies that's also specialized in architecture and construction. Good and well-structured, Annabeth could admit, but their CEO's were something else. As in sleazy scumbags.
"We've made it nearly worldwide, but we can do better. If we invest in more land around here," The presenter- a young woman maybe in her thirties, pointed to the board. "I think we'll gain some more and progress."
Annabeth wasn't listening. Call her irresponsible, but how could she when about three creepy old men were staring at you? she could do nothing but curse them internally. Wrinkles stained their faces matching with a horrible residing hairline, grey and stringy. It makes her frown in disgust. No, she's absolutely repulsed. So much that bile rises in her throat.
"Your opinions on this, Miss Chase?"
"Hm?" Annabeth looks up at the board. She had been gripping the pen in her hand like a vice now, knuckles almost white from the action. "That seems like a good plan." She says absent-mindedly.
Annabeth thinks she's about to lose it when one of them grins creepily. They're all adults there, professional adults. They certainly must have trouble acting like one.
The conference room isn't that high up compared to the other floors, it beingthe sixth. It shows a portion of New York before it gets overshadowed by the much larger buildings. Annabeth never fails to get distracted by the view.
"I believe that concludes this meeting." A new presenter snaps his notebook shut with a quick nod if dismissal.
"Hey," Annabeth calls her secretary a few moments after the meeting, "Cut all ties with our sister company."
"Which one?"
"The ones I just had a meeting with."
"M-may I ask why, Miss chase?" Her secretary stutters over the phone.
"For inprofessionalism. I can't work with someone so... immature." She scowls as she enters the elevator. Its empty, fortunately.
"Are you sure? They're our biggest providers. Cutting them off would be impulsive."
"We have other partners, right?" Annabeth now stands in her office, one of the more higher levels than the rest. She stands in front of the windows. "I can always replace them."
"Right away, Miss Chase."
Annabeth wasn't one to be this impulsive, but people like them really put themselves to change her mind. Her office was mere meters away. She would have to make a few changes herself.
Turns out, a twenty one hour trip from Australia to New York can take a major toll on you.
One that's less than refreshing.
Percy was fine during the first few hours or so. Flying first class wasn't too bad. Leather seats and gourmet foods, what more could he ask for? It soon turned out that his stomach did not correspond correctly with that piece of meat: leading Percy to be stomach sick for the rest of the flight. Gods, he didn't even get to enjoy the bar or the chocolate mousse cake.
Mrs. O'Leary was much better. Even through takeoff, she was blissfully asleep. One can't even guess how.
Groaning, Percy walked out of the airport, hand on his stomach for support. Apollo's shrill voice did nothing to tame that.
"Annabeth will be heading to a bar in Manhattan. I hear Luke and Thalia will be there meeting up." He says.
"Okay, how the hell do you know that?"
"I've got connections." Apollo chuckles. "Anyways, I've booked you a hotel near Athchase's headquarters. Theres a little something waiting for you in there. Make sure you wear it to the bar."
"It better not be some sort of Halloween costume," Percy grumbles. "Alright. What time?"
"9 o'clock, sharp. Remember- just listen to their conversation. Get info. The real mission will get started soon." Apollo hangs up on him.
Percy sighs, hailing a cab. He hated this part of missions, the most boring and bland parts. But if the mission were to commence... then that didn't really matter.
If it were up to him, then Percy would rather visit Sally first. If it were up to him, some blue cookies he'd been so homesick for would be amazing.
If it were up to him.
Percy knew that visiting them could potentially put them in danger. That would not be happening not on his watch. He knew they could wait. But could he?
"...Right over here, thanks." Percy says as the cab stops short at the curb, looking up. It almost hurts his neck to do so. The tall hotel certainly stands out, it's modern both exterior and interior makes it all have a very bold sense.
Apparently Apollo had already booked quite beforehand, because the staff comes up to him expectantly. They flash him bright smiles that don't quite reach their eyes, questioning if he's Mr. Perseus. When he says yes, they send another staff member to escort him to his room, handing Percy and card that gives only him entrance to it. 
Would room be a appropriate word for it? 
Because this wasn't a mere room.
A glass chandelier hangs from the high ceilling; maybe about twenty feet high? Dark hardwood floors are pristine from any specific of dust. There's a kitchen to his left, a living room to his right, and more rooms and hallways. It's not as big as his penthouse, but it's more alike than he'd like to admit.
Percy can't stop Mrs. O'Leary from running full speed into it, loud barks echoing off the walls. He just laughs it off, heading to his own room. It takes about ten minutes of searching, but he finds it. Large and spacious (Percy would rather have it more smaller and homey) interior is the first thing he notices. Next-- the article of clothing on his bed.
A deep blue suit lays on the bed, dress shirt and all that shit. He snarls. Suits just were never Percy's forte. They were stuffy, not to mention hot, and just even more stuffy the longer you wore them. You'd think after wearing them for so long he'd surely get used to it. 
He was sure to think that, too.
But here Percy was, standing in the full-length mirror in the huge walk-in closet. The finely tailored suit clung oh-so perfectly to his body, making him almost want to keep it on. Maybe it felt nice, but he was sure he was going to rip it off later in the night.
The floor seems to drop beneath him. It can't be. Actually, scratch that, it must certainly can be. Of course.
“Oh, fucking fantastic.” Percy mutters under his breath. “Apollo. What are you doing here?”
“I just happened to arrive today," The man says, flicking his eyes over Percy. He smiles. "Or have you forgotten im an olympian already?"
“Hell no.” Percy walks past him, into the hall.  The huge hanging clock on the wall displays 8:36, only about thirty minutes until his pursuit. “I should get going soon. What’re you even doing here?”
“I Can't have my little junior all alone in the big scary new york.” Apollo says. "So why dont I come with you?"
“I used to live in New york? I probably know this place better than you know the back of your hand.” Percy rolls his eyes. “The real reason? A hookup, i’m assuming?”
“Bingo.” He clicks his tounge.
“You disgust me.”
"Im just going to ignore that little remark." Apollo sighs. "Well, what are we waiting for? Miss Chase is waiting."
There's a little hostility hidden in such a simple saying. Maybe Percy was imagining things, but he knew Apollo was a very good actor. In all things- including in both hiding and acting his feelings. He'd just hoped that they weren't directed towards Percy.
"You really go all out, don't you." He notes as he enters the limo. A little cheesy for his taste, but fine nonetheless.
"Only the best for me of course!" Apollo beams. "...And you I guess." Percy rolls his eyes.
"Check your pocket." The blonde says suddenly, streetlights illuminating the car in red, green, and white. "The moon just shines ever so, outshine by the tall buildings.
And so Percy does.
"What's this?" He asks, pulling out what looks like a earpiece.
"I can talk to you through that." Apollo explains, yawning. "Make sure I can hear from you're side when you're with Miss Chase."
"Just make sure you don't moan into it." Percy scoffs as he puts it on. "Testing." He says into the piece, looking at the man only opposite of him. He gives a thumbs up of approval.
"Mm, looks like we're here." Apollo says, putting his sunglasses above his head. Percy wasn't sure why he always insisted to wear them. Maybe he'd recalled him saying it was part of his 'outfit'. Whatever that meant.
The bar isn't very- its not quite-
More specifically: its an alleyway.
"Are we lost?" Percy groans at the dark void. Was it just him, or did that trashcan just move?
"Just follow." Apollo ushers him over.
As they walk, he explains. "This isn't some ordinary bar. Enterance is very exclusive to select few." He looks over to Percy. "You're lucky! This might be the only chance in your lifetime you'll get to see this."
Apollo stops in front of a large metal door. With a few taps of a button in the built in pad, it clicks open with a green light. And what awaits them?
Stairs. Cold, metal stairs. He shivers.
"Well come on. The night's only getting started!" Apollo grins ear to ear, walking in the hallway. Blue lights are the only visible source of light. Their shadows cast on the tiled floor, and Percy almost wants to make a run for it.
"Apollo." At the end of the hall stands a bouncer. I big burly one. His eyes seem to overlook the two's every move, like he has a hundred eyes. But maybe he does.
"Don't worry, Argus," Said man laughs carelessly. "He's with me."
Argus eyes Percy condescendingly, blue eyes meeting his sea green ones. He nods after a few beats of silence. "Come on in."
Percy sucks in a breath when he opens the door, loud music thumping through the floors. He didn't know what to expect. Maybe a more calmer environment with less people- or less flashing lights?
Not whatever this was.
It was much too crowded for Percy too get a full glimpse, even from his tall line of sight. But what he could make out there were people every which way. Alcohol reeked off from the passing bodies, bumping into his shoulder. At one point Percy had to shove a few of them back, muttering a few curses.
"Apollo?" Percy called out to no one in particular. When he realized that the man was gone, he couldn't help but let a tight frown make itself across his face. "Shit." He looked over to the bar.
A drink seemed good right now.
Sure, his mind traveled across to his intended mission, but surely a drink would loosen things up a tad bit. Get him into his groove.
"This seat taken?" He asked to the woman beside him. Grey eyes looked over at him, scanning his attire.
Percy smiled. "Thanks." He ushered the bartender over, where she was in the process of pouring a drink.
"One coke, please."
The lady beside him gave him a questioning look. "You don't drink?" A strand of curly blonde hair fell on her face, to which she tucked behind her ear. Gracefully, Percy could notice. The bartender slides the tall glass over, redish-blackish drink glistening with droplets.
"You certainly are curious." He sips his drink, exhaling with a small smile.
"I didn't mean it like that." She was quick to say. She cleared her throat. "S-sorry."
"Dont mention it."
Awkward silence. The lady took a painfully slow sip, the liquid finding itself down her throat. Percy looked away eyeing his own bubbling glass.
"I just don't have some very good experiences with alcohol." Percy says. "Its complicated."
"Oh, don't I know. But its been a while since I had time to unwind. A drink seems really great right now." She laughs lightly.
"I guess this is my time to agree with you," Percy places the glass down. "Speaking of which, do you have a name or something?"
The lady looks away, avoiding eye contact. She fiddles with her fingers. "You don't recognize me?"
"Should I?" He asks uncertainly.
She sighs into her drink. "Annabeth. Annabeth Chase."
His target.
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excuseme-howdareyou · 5 years ago
Birthday Prompt: Jason
They did it again. And by 'they', he meant Bruce.
Jason didn't know if he wanted to curse, sigh, or blow up the damn thing. Maybe all three? Either way, the fancy wrapped box sitting in front of his door, done up in shiny gray paper and yellow ribbon was doing way to much to fuel his anger. And the little tag on top, with just a 'B', was a bit much.
He just got off patrol, and all he wanted to do was go home, sleep for ten hours, eat his weight in chili dogs when he woke up, and enjoy an entirely Bat-free day all to himself. Was that too much to ask? So with a grumble and a glare, he nudged the box (probably full of something stupid and expensive and fancy) with his foot a good couple feet to the right.
Once the box was out of the way, Jason unlocked his front door and stepped inside. He left the present sitting outside in the hallway.
A minute later, his door opened back up again and his arm reached out. A yellow sticky note with the word "FREE" was slapped on top, then he retreated back into his apartment.
Jason was a light sleeper. He knew this. His friends knew this. Everyone knew this. So who in their right mind would break into his apartment at 4am, when he's only had two hours of sleep, and much more likely to blow someone's head off?!
Cassandra Cain. That's who.
Cassandra and her idiotic girlfriend Stephanie Brown. If Jason didn't have such respect for Cass, he would've called them the Dumbass Duo. But that nickname was reserved for Dick Grayson and Wally West. So it was just Cassandra and the Dumbass.
Cass was the only one skilled enough to get into his apartment at 4AM. Steph was the only one dumb enough to actually do it.
"Fuck off!" Jason roared at them, leaping out of bed with the knives he kept under his pillow for exactly this kind of trespassing. Cass silently caught the knife he threw at her face, but Steph eeped and ducked at the next one that came flying at her.
"Whoa, hey!" she yelled, ducking down behind his dresser," We come in peace!"
Upon realizing that they weren't ninjas/assassins/monsters/Untitled sent to kill him, Jason lowered the third projectile in his hand (his trusty laser-sharpened hunting knife) but did not put it down. "What," he breathed in deep, trying to blink the green away from his eyes," the fuck are you two doing here?"
Cass, still in her all black suit and really not making Jason feel all that better about the two of them breaking into his place in the middle of the night, hauled Steph out from her hiding place. "Umm, happy birthday?" the blonde laughed nervously and held up a purple gift bag. From... somewhere, Cass produced a matching gift bag in pastel pink.
Jason could only stare incredulously at the two of them. "Get out..." he whispered.
Steph blinked," But aren't you gonna-"
"GET OUT!" he roared at them.
They left, leaving the presents on the dresser.
Once they were out of sight, and Jason wasn't seeing as much Lazarus green, he took a couple deep breaths. Then he grabbed the two gift bags, walked up to the window which they exited out through-
-and from the 21st floor, dropped both bags out the window and slammed it shut.
"Well of course he kicked you guys out!" Duke groaned, rubbing his eyes with the heel of his palm," What kind of crazy...and at 4 in the.... did it just not occur to you that breaking into someone's bedroom in the dead of night is just kinda this side of creepy?"
Both Cass and Steph had the decency to look ashamed.
"We wanted to be the first ones to wish him happy birthday," came Steph's explanation," He hasn't... I don't think he's had a birthday since he was put six feet under and dug his way back out."
Not exactly a tactful way to say it, especially on such a sensitive matter, but... well she wasn't wrong.
"And it's Alfred's birthday too," Duke murmured thoughtfully," Didn't they use to celebrate their birthdays together or something?"
From across the room, Tim piped up," They used to bake cakes together."
A contemplative silence fell over the room. "No," Tim deadpanned," You're not gonna succeed in whatever you're thinking."
"I didn't say anything!" Steph protested.
"But you were thinking it."
"Thinking what?" of course, Dick chose that moment to walk in, rubbing his wet hair with a towel.
"It's Jason's birthday and Steph and Cass tried to give him a present but he refused to accept it," Duke told him, as it didn't even occur to him to not mention the elephant in the room to the man who loved elephants more than anything.
At the words 'Jason's birthday', Dick froze and his eyes lit up. At the word 'present', a devious smile spread over his face.
"Dick, No," Tim directed his glare over to him.
"Dick, yes!" said man just grinned all the wider," It's Little Wing's birthday, we should celebrate it!"
The energy in the room now sufficiently reignited, both he and Steph smiled widely and bounced ideas off each other.
"Birthday party?"
"Nah, too big. Family dinner?"
"We could make both him and Alfred matching cakes."
"I've already got them both presents."
"So did we. But... Jason threw ours out the window."
"He did what?"
"Well can you blame him?" Tim sighed," Jason's not gonna come to a birthday dinner here at the Manor, Dick." He tried to explain, and wow it was really hard to explain this to a man who looked too much like a kicked puppy," He hates it here, you know that." Jason had made it plenty and obviously clear anytime he was forced to so much as come near the place.
"And he's not going to accept any gifts you guys give him. It's Jason. He's paranoid and temperamental and he's not going to trust anything that comes from us."
Dick thought a moment, rubbing his chin in deep contemplation. Tim didn't like that look. "So you're saying..." Dick hummed thoughtfully," ...that Jason will only accept a gift from someone he trusts? Someone he actually, truly considers family?"
'Oh no,' was all Tim had time to think before both Dick and Steph exclaimed," Challenge accepted!"
Oh no, Tim thought again as Damian descended down the stairs with an intrigued expression on his face. "What challenge?" Damian demanded.
Jason straight up buried his head under his pillow when there was a persistant knocking at his door. 'Go away,' he pleaded and tried to fall back asleep,' I'm not here.'
"I know you're in there,  Jason!" came Dick's voice from out in the hallway," You can't hide in there forever!"
'I can, and I will,' Jason grumbled and rolled over.
The knocking continued.
"Fuck off, Dick!" he yelled.
"No, it's your birthday and we're going to celebrate!" came Dick's reply," Now open up or I'm going to come in whether you like it or not."
There was no answer, so Dick waited all of three minutes before picking the lock. (Took a couple minutes more though. Little Wing was getting good at arming electrified locks)
The apartment was empty when he got inside.
The day was hot and muggy and Jason loved it. Gotham would probably never feel as warm as the tropics (except during heat waves, but even then those were just uncomfortable) but he liked the warm and if it was sunny and warm, Jason could be found outside soaking it in.
Annoying, persistent Bats aside, not a bad day for his birthday. Last night he'd successfully taken down a small drug ring, got a couple messages on his phone from Roy and Kori wishing him happy birthday, and the Joker was locked up in Arkham. Now all that was missing was-
-Jason stopped dead in his tracks.
Tim Drake stood in front of Jason's favorite hot dog cart, where the owner made the best chili-dogs, with an almost expectant expression his face.
Part of Jason -a large part- wanted to spin on his heel and just march away from Tim and his stupid face and everything else Bat. But his stomach was protesting loudly and he mentally swore at Dick because he hadn't had a chance to grab breakfast before fleeing out his own bedroom window.
"I hate you," he hissed as he passed Tim entirely to get him some chili-dogs.
Tim didn't look too upset about it. "Mmhmm," he hummed, as if didn't believe a word Jason said. "So who's all harassed you so far?" he asked.
"Including you?" Jason added with a glare," Dick, Cass, Steph, and Bruce."
That last one seemed to surprise the brat. "Bruce stopped by to see you already?" he blinked," I thought he was still asleep."
Jason took a bite of one of his three chili-dogs ('The best chili dogs in town.') and very purposely didn't offer one to Tim. "Left a present on my doorstep," he answered and walked away. Tim, the asshole, kept in step with him. Though Jason took a little glee in the fact that for every one of his steps, Tiny Tim had to take two.
"What'd he get you?" Tim asked, genuinely curious," It's always something stupidly practical and mission-related. Last year he got Dick a thermal insulated Nightwing suit with built in heaters."
Jason shrugged. "Dunno. I put a ‘free’ sticker on it and left it outside." So yeah, that had definitely been taken by some stranger already.
"And I heard you threw Cass and Steph's presents out the window."
Finishing off the last of his first chili-dog, Jason turned and gave Tim the stink eye. "And if you try to do anything for my birthday, I'm gonna throw you out the window."
Tim just scoffed; not like it would be the first time. "Sorry, you're not on my list of 'People I Buy Presents For'," he replied," But I suppose I do have some kind of birthday gift for you..."
At Jason's groan of despair and annoyance, he couldn't help but laugh. "Just a warning, you drama queen," Tim added," Dick and Steph sorta... made it into a competition..."
"What kind of competition?"
"The kind where everyone in the family is going to try and get you to accept a birthday gift. The first one you accept is the winner, and you've officially come back into the fold."
"I hear it's your birthday, ya big lug."
Great. Now he's being harassed while out grocery shopping. Clutching his basket of food closer, Jason prayed for patience before turning around and looking at Harper Row. "Whoever told you that was lying," he said.
Harper looked like she couldn't decide if she wanted to laugh or scoff. "I'll be sure to tell Alfred that," she snarked back and ouch- She really knew where to hit him hard. "Anyways, I already gave Alfred his gift, so..." she held out a little red box with a white bow on top.
"Happy birthday."
Now, Jason didn't mind Harper. Not really. They never really hung out or talked, and as far as Jason knew she hadn't really done anything to piss him off. Hell, she wasn't even a Robin which went miles in his book. But then Tim's warning this morning about the competition rang through his head and Jason would be damned before he lets anyone of the Batfamily think he's one of them.
So without a word, he took the box out of her hand (she seemed genuinely surprised at that) then turned right around and found a little kid about 5 standing a little bit down the aisle.
"Happy birthday, buddy," he smiled widely at the little boy and held out the box," Here's a gift from the Red Hood, okay?" The little boy, staring up at him with wide awed eyes, clutched the red present to his chest before running off yelling," Mommy! The Red Hood gave me a present!"
Jason sauntered off out of the aisle -wouldn't do to have the mom come back and find him- with Harper on his heels.
"You know there was a taser in there, right?" she asked skeptically.
Well, it wasn't the rudest way in which someone's shoved something in his face, but it was pretty far up there. Damian 'Demon Brat' Wayne looked like he'd be anywhere else when he sat down on the city bus with Jason and held out a perfectly wrapped present.
Jason Todd never thought he'd see the day in which Damian would willingly ride public transportation.
"Nope," he said, largely ignoring the present being shoved in his face.
The scowl on the kid's face was highly amusing though. "Just accept the damn gift," he snarled at him.
"Language," Jason found himself retorting before really realizing it," And I'm not taking it. I know about your guys' stupid contest and I'm not having any part of it."
Damian was oddly silent.
Incensed, Jason's scowl was even more impressive. "You guys seriously think you can just buy me back with some stupid things on my birthday and pretend like the past nine years hasn't happened? I know Dick's an idiot, but I expected better of the rest of you."
Damian still didn't say anything and for five city blocks, their bus ride continued in silence.
When they came to the next bus stop, the brat stood up and walked off without another word. 'Huh, not even an argument for once?' Jason thought. It was odd, for sure, but he decided to count his blessings and not dwell on it.
All he saw was a hint of yellow, a smidgen of black...
...and the instant Jason saw Signal drop down in front of him, he threw a brick at his head.
There was another box sitting in front of his door when he got home. This time, it was big and bright and blue. He didn't even have to look at the tag to know it came from Dick. He sighed, a put upon sigh that rattled down to his bones, and nudged the box away from his door with his foot, just like he'd done for Bruce's.
It was large and bright and had it been just a square foot bigger, he would've half expected Dick Grayson to have squeezed himself inside only to pop out with a confetti gun like some kind of smiley jack-in-the-box.
He really wouldn't put it past Dick.
So he dug his grocery receipt out of his pocket and a marker. And just like he did for Bruce's, he wrote FREE on the back of the paper, shoved it under the ribbon so it wouldn't blow away, and left it there in the hallway.
Inside his apartment is....
Well, the first thing Jason noticed was the smell of something herbal and sweet. He knew that smell. And he knew for a fact he didn't have any Oolong tea in his cupboards.
"Ah, I see you've returned with groceries, Master Jason," came Alfred's voice from the kitchen," I hope you remembered to get milk. It would appear you are out."
Wide eyed, confused, and just a little bit apprehensive, Jason stepped into his own kitchen. And yep, he wasn't hallucinating. There was Alfred, black suit and all, with a pot of water boiling on the stove, Jason's tea pot sitting on the counter, and a mug of tea in his hands.
Also spread out on the counter was a number of baking ingredients such as flour and sugar.
Jason set his bags down on the table, staring at Alfred. "What..." his voice squeaked and he cleared his throat," What are you doing here, Alfred?"
"It's my birthday, and I have the day off," Alfred answered in his usual no-nonsense tone, as if Jason had asked him what the weather was like outside. Then he poured some tea into another mug that Jason hadn't even realized was there. "Tea?" he held it out to him.
Still baffled, but he did love Alfred's Oolong tea, and well... he did love Alfred, Jason silently took the cup from him.
Alfred waited until Jason took his first long sip before saying," Happy birthday, Master Jason."
"Not you too!" Jason groaned.
There was a smile on Alfred's face as he sipped his own tea before setting the cup down on the counter. "Do you know why I'm here, Master Jason?" he asked. Alfred apparently decided to busy himself with unbagging Jason's groceries while said man tried to come up with an answer.
"Because you're in on this competition too?" he guessed sourly.
Pulling out the milk and a couple cans of soup, Alfred replied succintly," Because what I want for my birthday is to spend the day with my grandson on his own birthday."
..."I'm not really your grandson," Jason mumbled into his tea. His face was red and he felt warm and cozy inside, but he tried to not let it go to his head. He wasn't really Alfred's family. He wasn't really anybody's family. Family's not exactly his forte and time has proven multiple times that Jason Todd's never really been good at the whole thing.
Alfred shot him a look like he wanted to prove him wrong. "And do you know why everyone is insisting on giving you birthday gifts?" he asked instead.
"Because they want to win the contest?"
"Yes and no."
Great, a cryptic answer. Jason's favorite.
"Because they're a bunch of competetive fools who are bored out of their minds, so Dick and Steph came up with this stupid contest that will occupy them for a day, then everyone will go on with their lives like today never happened," Jason haphazarded a guess.
Alfred very nearly rolled his eyes, but they lit up in surprise when he pulled something unexpected out of one of the grocery bags. "Hello, what is this?"
It was a little white box with yellow ribbon, professionally wrapped, and Jason recognized it immediately. "That little brat!" he exclaimed," He must've snuck it into my bag on the bus!"
That would finally explain why Damian left without a fight.
With the knowing little twinkle back in his eye, Alfred set the present down and turned to Jason. "They want to celebrate your birthday because they care, Master Jason," he finally said," Yes, there are sadly few in this family who are any good at actually talking to each other, but you must understand that everyone, Master Bruce especially, do things for each other because it's the only way they can show that they care."
Jason opened his mouth to argue, but didn't dare interrupt Alfred. "They try to give you gifts because they know you won't accept an invitation to a family dinner," Alfred continued," Master Bruce gives practical gifts because he wants all of you to be safe. Master Dick gives hugs because to him, physical contact is how he shows his love. Master Tim doesn't get gifts for people, but he will set aside time to spend with those he cares for. And for this..." He held up Damian's little gift," While yes there is a competition going on, Master Damian snuck this into your bag not because he wanted to win some silly challenge, but because he simply wanted you to have it."
"But even more importantly, you must know this: What is the reward at the end of this contest?"
Significantly cowed, Jason sipped his tea and thought. He never really thought of it in that way. That other people showed the way they cared in different ways.
But it was still a hard pill to swallow.
"Bragging rights?" he replied, more of a quiet question than an answer.
But even still, Alfred smiled at him," No my dear boy. They get you. That's why they try so hard, because they want you know you're still part of the family."
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imnotwolverine · 5 years ago
The girl next door - For dummies
The Girl Next Door - Chapter 5 FOR DUMMIES*
<Chap 4 | Chap 6>
Summary: Henry decides to treat Lizz to an evening of home spa, but neither one of the two are clear on what should happen next. Are they still just friends? 
Word count: 2.439
Warnings: strong language, fluff, touch of (dubious consensual) smut, alcohol use
Author’s note: And another! I really don’t think I’ll ever write THIS much in so few days, but once you’re on a roll..you best just keep going, right? So here goes another chapter. Enjoy it while another very sweaty, sweaty night is here to greet us ;) 
(Link to my Masterlist)
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Lizz quietly gazed at the woodgrain texture of the garden table, her lips hovering over her cup of tea. She was lost in thought, blowing wistfully over the liquid that sure had gone lukewarm or even cold by now, her big brown eyes seemingly on “stand-by”.  
‘Are you still going to drink that?’ Henry’s question lingered in the air as he studied the pensive red head that sat next to him. As per usual she sat on her chair and he on his - the poor chair holding on for dear life as Henry was anything but a small man. Not so usual was the placement of Henry’s chair, which was seated much more closely to Lizz’s then it had been a few weeks ago. First Henry sat at the far end of the garden table, but now he sat so very close to Lizz’s spot that their knees were close to touching.
A lot had happened in these few weeks and let’s just say that the two of them had broken the Corona protocol so many times by now - be it consciously or unconsciously - that they had simply given up on even trying to keep up good appearances.
Lizz finally woke up from her death stare, looking up to her side and meeting Henry’s eyes, her shoulders shrugging with an indifference. ‘Iced tea is nice too.’
Henry chuckled, shaking his head and leaning over to take the cup from her, putting it back on the table. ‘I have the feeling you could use a well-deserved…break.’ He said, nodding at the house.
The once ruin of a building was now slowly being whipped back into shape by the fearless redhead. The roof and water boiler had finally been fixed, a large part of the front yard was made more presentable and this week she had started sanding down and repairing the woodwork of the doors and windows. Which, honestly, was one hell of a job when it’s hot out and you’re all alone. But that couldn’t stop Lizz from trying, her energy endless as she fought her way through years and years of decay.
The only real breaks she took were her morning runs and tea breaks with Henry. And that wasn’t because she chose to. He simply insisted on it -  one couldn’t possibly resist him when he used his very convincing puppy eyes - and Lizz cracked every single time. And so, once more, they sat here, in Lizz’s front yard. His tea now finished and hers practically gone cold.
‘A break? We literally are just finishing our break, Mr. Cavill.’ She snickered, giving him a teasing poke.
‘No. I mean. Longer than ten minutes of sipping on some tea. A REAL break. How about you come over tonight and I’ll surprise you? Hmm?’
Lizz guessed he just meant this in a friendly manner, but still her heart skipped a beat as Henry offered her one of his million dollar smiles. This man was criminally handsome. Gosh, she just couldn’t ever say “no” to him, could she?
‘Fine.’ She agreed.
‘Be there at 6 o’clock. I’m cooking.’ He said simply, getting up from his chair - the frame wobbling dangerously - and laying his hand on her shoulder. She looked up when he didn’t move his hand. ‘What?’
‘Yea yea. I’ll be there. I’m not one for being late..or breaking promises.’
‘Good, because neither am I.’ He winked, brushing his thumb over her cheek and tsk’ing to alarm Kal that they were about to leave.
Even long after Henry left, Lizz felt the slight blush on her cheek where Henry had rubbed his thumb. Was she misreading the signals? Did he like her? Or was he just being friendly? Or ..was there something on her cheek? Quickly she brushed the back of her hand against her cheek, looking at it. No. Nothing there. Hmm.
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‘Gods Henry. It smells way too good in here.’
‘Thank my mom for that. She taught me a few tricks.’ He winked, moving around the kitchen while wearing a much too dainty apron. If people said only real men wear pink… Then perhaps they could add; only real men wear kitchen aprons. Gods he looked like a SNACK, Lizz all but drooled, her sundress-clad body leaning against one of the counter tops as she sipped on some red wine.
‘Well you are literally the only man I know who is this comfortable with cooking.’ Lizz smiled, her cheeks slightly flushing as Henry brushed passed her to grab something from the drawer next to her knee.
‘Good.’ He stated simply, rising back up to full height and hovering mere inches away from her face, smiling broadly before moving back to the stove and using a fork to stab some of the vegetables that lay in the oven.
‘Well good lady. Looks like dinner is ready. If you’d please escort your pretty behind to the dining table, we can feast!’ He smiled, gesturing Lizz to move.
‘Can I help?’ Lizz tried, full knowing the answer; “NO”. Or better yet: Please woman, just do as I requested and leave the kitchen.
‘Lizz…please.’ Henry shushed her away, smiling from ear to ear.
Getting into the living room she finally got WHY he had shushed her away. Do friends do…this? Her eyes skid over the neatly laid out table - table cloth, glasses, cutlery, kerchiefs all set - with a few candles burning a soft woodsy scent.
Somewhat unsure of the very intent of this dinner, Lizz sat down on one of the chairs, offering her a good line of vision on the hallway. After a few minutes Henry appeared, proudly carrying two very meticulously made up plates of food.
‘Steamed fish, roast vegetables with a fresh lemon-dill sauce and new potatoes, baked in their skin. Simple, yet delicious.’ He nodded, placing the plates on the table. Lizz applauded, her lips turning in a giddy smile as Henry removed his apron and also sat down. ‘I don’t know why I deserved this, but, I’m glad I did. This looks amazing Hen. Thank you.’ She cooed.
‘Well, it’s just part of the ..surprise. I was actually thinking we could have a little..in-house..spa evening.’ He rose his eyebrows and let the words slowly roll off his tongue, like he were tasting them one by one.
’Spa night? Really?’ Lizz giggled, shaking her head. ‘My..Henry. Who are you? And what are you? I doubt you are even a human male. It just can’t be.’
‘Well, some call me superman. Or Kal. Kal-el.’
At the word “Kal”, the large like-named dog came trodding into the living room - he had been chilling outside on the porch -, his face speaking of slight confusion. Did you call me, human? KAL?
Henry snickered, looking over his shoulder and gesturing Kal to come over for a scratch, to which the Akita gladly obliged. ‘And then there’s of course THIS Kal.’
‘Both good boys.’ Lizz nodded, laughing.
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With the end of spring bringing them a particularly gentle night, the two of them had moved to Henry’s patio. Laughing and talking, they had made themselves comfortable on his outdoor lounge sofa, faces fresh after a face mask and their hands plucking at strawberries with whipped cream. For someone who had only brothers, Henry was particularly comfortable with indulging on things that were generally considered “feminine”. He even made a very poor attempt at helping Lizz file her toe nails, which made her roll with laughter - he had many talents but that certainly wasn’t one of them.
‘Luis would have NEVER done that.’ She said, her laughter quick to die down. Even after all this time, Luis held a strong hold on her heart. It seemed like she simply couldn’t will herself to forget about her manipulative, selfish ex. And of course it hadn’t helped that he had shown up out of the blue just two weeks ago. It was back to square one for whatever was happening between Lizz and Henry.
Henry sighed as he let himself sink further into the couch, propping his feet up on the ottoman and humming in satisfaction.
‘It’s not often that British springs are THIS nice.’ He smiled, his voice so deep it made his chest rumble.
‘Yea. Almost a shame to go back inside.’
‘Mhmm..So let’s stay a little while longer.’ He said, looking up at Lizz, her feet pulled up to her chest and a glass of red wine tucked in between. She grinned at him and smiled, a glint of sadness still touching her eyes.
Henry hated it. Seeing that. The sadness. He saw it no matter how she tried to hide it. With the working from dusk till dawn. The sweet smiles. He knew she was still struggling. And he hated it not only because he cared for her, but also because he wished she could care for him too. Seeing that sadness in her eyes he didn’t dare to bring up that touchy subject, instead deciding to stay on the safe side.
Just friends. Good friends, yes. But still. Just friends.
They were quiet again, their eyes looking out over the rural landscape as the last rays of sun glittered over the rolling hills. And, though they were quiet, the world around them sure wasn’t. Birds singing, crickets spinning, insects buzzing. They all savoured every last bit of sunlight until darkness finally came.
‘How about we make a little campfire, hmm? No need to go inside.’ Henry said, groaning softly while sitting up a bit and looking over at Lizz. She chuckled, her cheeks rosy from the glasses of wine she had been nipping on throughout the evening. ‘Sounds good.’ She agreed, smiling at Henry and leaning into him slightly.
Gosh, what a man, she blushed. Cook her dinner, pamper her all night and make a fire to keep her warm? Heck. She probably was the luckiest woman in the northern hemisphere right now.
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The campfire was now but a pile of burning embers, the night mild, but definitely not chilly. Henry looked up at the galaxies that stretched far and wide above their heads, Lizz lying but a few inches away from him, their legs brushing, the lush grass tickling their skin.
He had looked at her for a little while as she had been telling him a story she had learned from her mother. A mnemonic to remember the horoscope patterns. With slightly inebriated gestures she pointed out all the ones she could remember - a few seemed to be “on a holiday”. Henry hadn’t really listened all that closely, his eyes instead brushing over her sweet features as the fire cast her in a soft glow. She looked so very beautiful. Over and over again he tried to tell himself; just friends, just friends. You’re just friends.
He bit his lip and turned his gaze back to the sky.
‘Were you looking at me, bear?’ She stopped her blurry story and quirked her head at him.
’Me? What makes you think that?’ Henry teased, looking back at Lizz and seeing her eyes sparkle with cheekiness. Goodness, she was well into her cups.
‘Yes you! Big bear! It’s very impolite to…’ She crawled up to him and hovered just mere inches away from his face, biting her lip playfully as her eyes locked with his.
‘..Stare?’ Henry added, grinning awkwardly, his whole body freezing as Lizz suddenly pressed her lips against his, her body quick to lock him between her thighs as her hands started to tug at his shirt.
Henry was a bit at loss with what to do. What to do with this hot, but totally drunk neighbour, lover, friend…? What to do? Shit.. His mind started going overtime as his body lay there frozen, frozen with the passion Lizz was kissing him. He wanted this. But also not. Not like this. But..he wanted..it all the same.
‘Let’s get big bear out to play.’ She growled, her hands making quick work of his belt.
‘Gods Lizz. No.’ He said, his voice so unconvincing it was closer to a lustful moan. And thus, she continued, her legs now astride him as she started to unzip his pants, his boxers pulled down to free his length.
He felt almost ashamed of how quick he grew hard for her. FUCK. He wanted her. Yes he wanted her. Reaching up he hooked his hand behind her head, pulling her down towards his face and settling for a slower pace. Tongues dancing an ancient duel that could last for many lightyears... were it not for Lizz’s impatience, her hand palming his cock with greediness. ‘Lizz, Lizz..Lizz.’ Henry could all but utter, the feeling just too much.
Her palm was hot, strong and slightly calloused from the manual labour she had been doing in and around her house. It made for perfect friction, his precum making her hand slide up in a smooth, tantalising pace. Henry started to pant, his arousal soon peaking as his eyes met hers. ‘Fuck.’ He growled, clenching his jaw and squeezing his eyes closed.
Breath, breath, breath. FUCK. 
‘Stop.’ He finally said, resolute and final. And thankfully, she stopped at once, her head quirking in confusion.
‘Not like this Lizz. Not like this.’ He choked, his eyes finally opening again.
‘What..? Want to go.. upstairs again? Afraid Mrs Gatter will see us?’ She snickered, poking his chest.
‘No Lizz. Not now. I mean. Yes I want this. But..you’re drunk..and I know you are still thinking of Luis. I…only want you if you really want me. Sober.’ He placed his hand on her cheek, seeing her face contort with more confusion.
‘Don’t you like me?’ She pouted, seemingly uninterested in her partition in Henry’s plea.
‘I do like you Lizz. I like you..a lot. I mean, why else would I be here, laying in the grass with you?’ He smiled, pulling her back to her initial position by his side, his hands quickly rearranging his boxers and pants.
‘Pfft. Not fair.’ She pouted again, laying her head on his chest and wrapping an arm and leg around him.
Henry didn’t know what to say, but also here, thankfully, Lizz made it easier; she fell asleep then and there on his chest.
‘Hmm. I just hope you’ll chose me someday, okay Lizz?’ He whispered softly, pressing a sweet kiss on her forehead. She looked so sweet when she slept, Henry thought, looking at her again like he had done just minutes earlier. He couldn’t help but feel a certain flutter in his heart when she was near. And if only ..if only..
‘I like you too, dummie.’ She muttered, sleep drunk.
Did she mean that? Or was this the wine talking?
| Chap 6 >
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zamilemzizi · 4 years ago
A trip down lockdown memory lane!
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A trip down memory lane
As my business steadily builds itself back up, with a new face and some Covid-influenced changes, I look back at what it was like for a few months last year as just the “Mom.” The South African lockdown, one of the strictest in the world at that time, forced most of us Marketing and PR SME owners to close our doors and focus on creating a safe and “new normal” environment for ourselves and our families.
My parents both contracted the Corona Virus and so, it was left up to me to care for ALL five grandchildren for a few months. Including my own children, I had two five-year-olds’ (one boy; Wandi and one girl; Koli), one nine-year-old girl (Thotse), a twelve-year-old girl (Lungi) and the legend himself, my two-year-old son (Bugsy) whom you will have read a lot about on my personal Facebook page. As if that was not enough, we rescued an eight-week-old puppy (Luna) too!
Being a person known for preferring the company of all the Mzizi grandchildren, I was up for the challenge of this time spent being reacquainted with the daily struggle of just-being-the-mom-with-no-work without the pressure of having to go to work.
I acknowledge that my experience of this time is grossly different to that of a majority of my fellow countrymen/women, who struggled to make ends meet. Zam’s Hive started a fund, which generously received funds donated by almost ALL of my clients, close friends and colleagues from my place of work. We used these funds to assist families who wrote in via WhatsApp and SMS stating what their urgent needs were and paired them with the correct donor. I was astounded at how the people I knew were able to look beyond their own experience of the Lockdown, and were able to give the little (or lot) that they had to keep hope alive.
However, being the stay-at-home mom yielded quite a few hilarious experiences, which naturally, I shared on social media as they happened. Here are some of these posts. I hope they make you chuckle a bit at my expense. I hope they remind you that no matter how bleak the situation, our inner circle, our families, our children, the people that matter most to us are the ones we should keep our focus on.
How the wars began…
Wandi’s benevolent fart
Raising boys is a BREEZE!
My Wandi has reached that age where every hug and cuddle is a conscious decision on his part to be with me. It says, ' I choose to be near YOU. I choose you, mommy'
So imagine my joy as I was working in my office and my big boy chose that moment to sit on my lap...
He sat facing me, flashed his special smile and said' 'Mommy, let me show you how much I love you'
He put his hands on my shoulders and closed his beautiful brown eyes. I could see him mentally reaching deep within himself in order to share what he had to say. Then...
I felt it. A persistent drill-like hammering on my sturdy thigh where his bony bum was perched.
The stench was instant and the fog it created in my mind was confusion personified. I could not immediately compute that my baby came all this way just to fart on me. As realization dawned on me, my little angel held onto me just a little bit tighter to keep me in place as the hammer-drill was still operating. My thin leggings were no barrier from the barrage of bodily functions battering my poor skin.
During this assault, Wandi did not change his facial expression at all. He looked like a little Buddha bestowing a blessing upon a lesser mortal.
When he was done, he nimbly sprang off my leg and bestowed a beguiling cherubic smile upon me. Slowly reversing from the room with his cheesy smile and eyes closed, he blessed me with his benevolent ' enjoy the smell mommy' and quietly closed the door.
Bugsy drinks shit water
I'm on my knees begging for this changeling to be taken. Return Bugsy pre-terrible twos to me please!
I went into the toilet for a teensy while. I'd been holding it in for some time chasing my kids around. To my knowledge, fake Bugsy was safely chilling on my bed.
As my empty bladder and I float out the bathroom, changeling proudly displays a cup of water he is drinking...now this is a problem because all taps and cups are beyond his reach. This cup looks like the dirty one I ignored on the floor a teensy while back- are you judging me Karen?!
I frantically urge fake son to show me if he got water from the other toilet. He proudly replies, ' I no drink here Wandi peepee here' This is good. It's great actually. Wandi has diarrhea and drinking from his toilet could kill someone. Never mind Corona.
So I drag the smirking not-really-my-son into the kitchen to wash this mysterious cup. At this stage I'm fuming at the lord thinking 'turn this crap into wine NOW'
As I wash the still alcohol free cup, I turn to find swopped-at-birth guy smacking his lips and drinking from the bucket mqobothi style.
I used water and Jik to clean dog poop just now. I spilled the water but clearly not all of it. What's worse here? Jik poisoning or dog poop poisoning?
The terror child is ok. I gave him milk and surrendered the rest to his creator.
I'm ok. I have a new twitch in my eye and I think I might have peed my pants a little. But otherwise baaah I'm good.
No really.
Just fine.
Look- fake son took the tin of milk and smeared the stuff on himself.
I'm just FINE!
Then the tensions were rising
The stand off
In a bid to demonstrate his defiance of my authority, my two year old has taken the long life milk and some shopping bags to an undesirable corner of the house. He has boldly announced that, 'I puttinnnin me in noty cona' This is his strategy to deprive my authority of putting him in a corner myself. The standoff continues...
Sulking in the shower
I swear I don't make this stuff up...
Wandi just played with matches and his cousins came to tell on him. Naturally I gave him 'the look' times 10. He says to me,
'I know you're cross with me and wont talk to me.'
He stalks off to the shower and sits there while singing his new and spontaneously composed struggle song. The words weren't too clear but this is what I heard:
Take me away in peace, take me away in peace.
 Please note he has taken to eating some of his meals in this shower.
Can someone please send me a bottle of gin??!      Its for the kids.
 The breaking point
Exacting revenge in small ways
My kids broke my hair clippers machine while I was cutting them. So now I'm leaving them with unfinished cuts because one needs to take revenge wherever the opportunity may present itself-even if it's your own kids. They think they know me. Mxim!
 Mom flu strike
I've been in bed with flu for a week now. During this my kids haven't given me an inch of space and rest.
I'm still a horse, jungle gym, chef, personal snot cleaner and unwilling audience to dance shows and song decompositions.
Tonight was just the worst! I went to the chemist for more meds and so needed a nap from the trip. Only to realize that I'd over slept and it was supper time.
After a mad dash to cook, serve and feed the royal highnesses, I'd had enough.
Where am I now? What am I doing now? These are all relevant questions I'm happy to answer for you.
I'm in my bedroom. For the first time since I became a mother, I have done the only sensible thing a tired parent can do...
The situation update is as follows:
1.  Two year old has attempted breaking door down
2. Five year old has resorted to creepy body plastering against door and quietly chanting 'mooommyyyy can we have ice cream while you die?'
3. In a rare show of solidarity the boys are now howling like wolves outside the door, throwing in the odd 'moooommmy where are youuuu'
I    D O N T   C A R E!
4. Nine year old niece has increased the volume and frequency of her coughing
I'm at peace in my warm bed. Let the siege continue I have all that I need in here. A bathroom, all the toilet paper in the house, the only phone with airtime and did I mention -I'm the only person tall enough to cook. Muhahuahua!
They will know me!
 The resolution?
Wandi prays for peace
So as usual the kids were acting up and driving me crazy before bedtime. This time however, the transgressions were extreme.
Someone didn't pee INSIDE the toilet but decided to mark his territory next to it instead.
Another decided to generously leave food on a dinner plate and put it in the kitchen sink for Santa maybe.
Another was dejectedly roaming the passage without pajama bottoms like a homeless person. Left to wander the night in shame and bottomlessness.
This was the last straw and I blew my top off.
Even the little one understood that Armageddon was nigh, and scurried into bed as fast as his fat stubby legs could carry him (only half way up the bed usually).
In an unusually respectful and hesitant tone, Wandi bravely reminded me that I forgot to pray. So fine! I asked God to please help me make my children good etc.
Wandi again bravely offered to pray too and this is where he played his master plan into action (he never wants to pray):
Wandi: Dear God, please make all my dreams come true. The end.
 Yes. He said the end and not AMEN. I felt a reluctant smile coming on but I was wise to the enemy.
The next morning the kids all came to greet me in that way guilty kids do hoping for a cease-fire.
'Good morning rakhali' etc.
Then the master played his Ace move.
Wandi: In the name of Jesus, good morning everyone!
 How could I remain grumpy after my son evoked the name of Jesus?!
He's goooooood. One point to Wandi. None to me.
 Please subscribe to my blog and follow me on social media for more insights into; what goes on in the life of a working mom building an empire. All the links are below. My women’s network as well as my courses are also available on this site.
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Chapter 9: The Sands Of Time & Love
While the ponies that make up the Elements of Harmony and their friends and family prepare for the upcoming Royal Ball and Wedding in Saddle Arabia. The capital city is also preparing from as high up as the Royals to the average everyday citizens that are just excited that Twilight’s coming back once more. Since the last time they were here, Saddle Arabia has been well, though the aftermath of the battle with Zathir was surely felt throughout. A good amount of cheers from the entire city were said to be heard when Zathir was sentenced to life in prison officially. And the Sultan immediately made it a directive of the army to apprehend any Desert Dogs, who still maintain some sort of loyalty to the former Vicegerent.
Though aside from stomping down anything remaining of the evil of Zathir, the citizens were kinda afraid the experience would scare Twilight and the others from ever coming back, as it didn’t exactly help that both times Twilight has come here, something happened whether it changed the course of her life by changing her into a genie in the first place, and being forced by a madman to almost kill all her best friends and her adopted dragon son, Spike. Thankfully, the news that Twilight is not just coming back but also being involved a big event where the populace can see more prominent Equestrian citizens, entertainers, and allies from other nations close to Equestria. Twilight’s surely making this her grandest reappearance yet, and that has brought great joy.
Not to mention two citizens who were now renowned as among the heroes that defeated Zathir are getting wed: Malakhar Manat and Kubuya Atka. A pottery shop owner and a librarian respectively. Both also were key players when Twilight was first genified, Malakhar being the first pony in a long time to successfully genify somepony, while Kubuya mainly helped with Twilight and Spike getting information in the library she works at. They met shortly after Twilight first left Saddle Arabia after deciding to stay a genie after all, stroke up a friendship that bloomed into love. And now about 4-5 years later, they felt they were ready to be wed. They’re delighted that the Royal Family are pulling out all the stops for their wedding coming up, hosting a grand event as a precursor though they definitely know that not everybody that will be at the ball, will also stick around for the wedding just days later. But they’re a modest couple that thought at first holding it at the Royal Palace was overdoing it a bit, but the royal family insisted. Regardless of the location of the ball, they’ll be grateful for any number of friends and family that come.
For now however, they’re on a very solemn occasion currently. As before the wedding happens, Malakhar wanted to visit his grandfather’s grave at the Saddle Arabia Cemetery, Kubuya also coming with. Malakhar bringing a bouquet of Flowers, before going in a prayer position. On the stone itself is the words “Here lies Hisan Manat. Proud Grandfather, Father, and Husband. May Wishes Return One Day”. The two just sit quietly for a few moments. In a little bit of time, Kubuya speaks up to ask something of Malakhar.
Kubuya Atka: Say um… if I i may ask. How did your Grandfather come across the Dragon’s Tear that would genify Twilight?
Malakhar Manat: He actually had a secret Dragon’s Tear that he didn’t tell me he had until he was on his death bed. Before then, we were still simply two ponies looking fruitlessly for years for another Dragon’s Tear to show up. Though there was one moment, where we briefly thought we had one come practically in our own backyard.
Kubuya: Oh really? Can you tell me about that?
Malakhar: It wasn’t literally in our backyard, but we were behind our hut at the moment…
Hisan Minat and Malakhar Manat was up in the morning on what was expected to be just another normal day for the pottery-selling family. A young Malakhar in his teens was shaping up the clay on the spinning tables. His grandfather smiling at his grandson’s work.
Hisan Manat: You’re doing a wonderful job with your clay pots. You’re getting close to mastering them! Once you have, it’ll be time to teach you how to make glass bottles.
Malakhar: Thanks Grandpa!
In a little bit, Malakhar finishes his pot and procedes to place it on a table to later put it in the kiln. Malakhar stretches and proceeds to go outside for some fresh air, his Grandfather follows him. Malakhar looks around the are a little bit before seeing something faint far in the distance, but from the looks of it was something really big. He can just make out what looked like to be big wings and a long neck. He immediately calls out to his Grandfather to look at what he’s seeing. Hisan goes to his son’s side and watches what his grandson pointed to.
Hisan: Malakhar… that might be a dragon!
Malakhar: Oh wow!
In a few short moments, suddenly a big thud could be heard that might of vaguely came from the direction the dragon was coming.
Hisan: That sound… is the dragon dying? Malakhar, we have to go over there right away!
Malakhar: Won’t that be kind of dangerous, especially if it’s still alive?
Hisan: Maybe, but there’s a strong possibility that by the time we get over there, we won’t have to worry about it being still alive.
Malakhar and Hisan immediately head out to trek towards to the direction the dragon might of landed in the desert. To add to the intrigue, they weren’t alone. Sultan Theandri, Princess Celestia, and some Saddle Arabian Guards were also on there way there. Which raised Hisan and Malakhar’s hope that this was something big happening. in time, they find a nearby cave where just near the entrance a big mark in the sand that would fit if a Dragon that fell. Though also from the mark is the prints of a dragon crawling into the cave. Sort of worrying that the Dragon could still be alive and thus would be dangerous to approach the cave. The Sultan’s bravest guards decide to check if it’s safe before anyone else comes in. In time, they come back and say it’s safe because the dragon is deceased. Hisan can barely contain his excitement as this is perhaps the 1 in a 1,000,000 chance that a huge Dragon’s Tear has appeared. Providing enough to chip out to potentially make dozens of genies
However, when the entire group enters the cave. Hisan’s excitement slowly turns into nervousness as he sees no sign of a Dragon’s Tear, and eventually despair as he’s looked everywhere in the cave and see’s nothing. Not even a chip. He falls on his knees and just bangs his hooves on the sand in frustration. Malakhar shows concern for his grandfather though he decides to help by making a closer look around the Dragon. Malakhar first looks at the dead dragon itself, it had light pink scales all over with green back plates, and somewhere near the dragon’s legs was a small egg. It was purple, with darker shades of purple spots spread across it. Malakhar walks up to it, picks it up, and shows it to his grandfather as well as the royals in the cave. He in fact lets go of it carefully, and lays it at the ground near the tall princess, Celestia herself with a solemn sad face with concern for the egg.
Celestia: How awful that this dragon will not have a live mother to care for it. And if nothing is done about it, the dragon inside may never hatch at all…
Sultan Theandri: Is there perhaps a chance we can find the father of this egg?
Celestia: Unfortunately not, Theandri. Or at least it certainly wouldn’t be easy. Dragons don’t have marriages, they have many, many, many mates in their lifetimes. Only the mother takes care of the young. And other dragon mothers aren’t usually open to adoption. I’ll have to take it to Equestria and come up with an idea of what I should do with it.
Malakhar smiles to himself that perhaps he saved a baby dragon’s life by handing over the egg to the benevolent leader of Equestria, who will no doubt know what to do with it. Though he and his Grandfather then just accompany eachother as they leave slowly out of the cave. His grandfather still visibly disappointed the hope for a dragon’s tear went bust.
*Flashback ends*
Kubuya: Awwww, sounds adorable that you saved a dragon egg. I hope the dragon you helped save is somewhere out there.
Malakhar: I certainly hope so too.
Kubuya: Though that is a shame for your Grandfather to be given so much hope that a good sized dragon’s tear was imminent, only to find nothing. Though when do you think you Grandfather got hold of the dragon’s tear he handed you on his death bed?
Malakhar: I’m not exactly sure, though I’d be kinda surprised he found it sometime after the dragon in the cave. I think it’s more likely he had it since before then. But since it was only one chip, he had to be really careful who they ultimately chose to Genify. There was no one in Saddle Arabia that quite made him light up that they were perfect to try to genify at the time. So when he started thinking that maybe the next genie might have to be someone foreign to Saddle Arabia, that’s what led him to his eureka moment, when after reading the news about Nightmare Moon’s return and subsequent defeat by the Elements of Harmony, his eyes lit up and must of decided that the next genie must be one of the Elements of Harmony for the one shot to work. In fact, his very last words on his deathbed to me was “Please, genify the Element of Magic”, handing over the dragon’s tear he had all along to me as his last action before finally passing.
Kubuya: I see, thank you for the insight on your grandfather. I figured I’d ask since we are going to be family soon.
Kubuya gives Malakhar a short kiss.
Kubuya: Though I think I’m going to head on over to another grave that’s here if that’s ok with you.
Malakhar: No problem, I’ll follow you.
Kubuya starts on walking on over to a different area of the cemetery. Before finally stopping at one of the grander designed graves  where it’s tall, and on top is a fastened brown ceramic bottle. This was the grave of Jinn. The first genie, who also remained a genie until the time she was the last genie before Twilight’s genification. She went back to being mortal for rather mysterious reasons as the day she finally came back to Saddle Arabia the populace found that she was a normal pony again. From there she’d have a peaceful life in Saddle Arabia, raising a family that after many, many, many generations eventually gave birth to Kubuya. She was the youngest in the bloodline of Jinn’s family still going on. Kubuya herself even as a family member doesn’t know what Jinn was personally like given it was so long ago she was still around, but her family has always revered her perhaps on a stronger level then most Saddle Arabians already did.
Kubuya: She must of been a great pony, would of been nice of her to remain a genie even to this day so I could of seen her. But perhaps I wouldn’t have been born since she was hesitant to have children as a genie.
Malakhar: I imagine the thought of outliving your own children is a bit tough to swallow. But yes, at least being able to speak with Jinn would of been interesting. Not just because she’s our nation’s most revered figures, but given she spent so much time in history. She probably saw many events across the entire world’s history. Granted, she couldn’t say a lot about Saddle Arabia during a long period since she put herself in exile to make sure she didn’t fall under the hooves of that radical part of the regime that wanted to do what Zathir did to Twilight to genies like her. But wherever she was hiding, she probably found ways to keep up with what was going around.
Kubuya: Twilight would of probably liked to spend a whole month just talking personally with Jinn just to hear all about all the historical events Jinn may have witnessed. *giggles*
Malakhar: I wonder if Jinn would of even been able to handle an excitable Twilight like that, haha.
Kubuya: I think ultimately though they’d be great friends. Twilight would probably get so much insight about being a genie from her, and Jinn herself seeing a new genie around.
Malakhar: Most certainly
Kubuya: But we are where we are, how about we head on back home, dear.
Malakhar: Sure
((Story continues after the break))
Malakhar and Kubuya head out of the cemetery and in time gets back to their home. The place used to simply be a hut, but was since upgraded to a full on house and has windows that display Malakhar’s latest pottery designs for customers to buy. They relax for a moment in the living room.
Kubuya: I wonder how Twilight and the others are doing it at this moment.
Malakhar: If I know them, Twilight already has them hard at work finding their invitees. We’ll probably be married within a month or 2 knowing how effective Twilight could potentially get everybody on board quickly enough.
Kubuya: Hehe, may actually be nice to have it done pretty quickly. I can’t wait myself until we’re officially wed.
Kubuya and Malakhar have a prolonged kiss.
Kubuya: Though… I hope it’s not too much to start possibly thinking about having kids? *Kubuya blushes*
Malakhar just smiles while blushing himself
Malakhar: Don’t worry about it, I definitely intend on being a father. And I think we’ll raise great kids. Though I do have a semi-related question for you.
Kubuya: Oh, what’s that?
Malakhar: We did bring Genies back with Twilight, but of course she lives elsewhere. If we can raise our child in the right temperament, and they consent to it. Perhaps we can bring Saddle Arabian born genies again too.
Kubuya looks off to the side with a rather concerned look, she may not like that this question is being positioned now of all times.
Kubuya: Hm, I wouldn’t be completely against it if done the right way. But I don’t want us to be indoctrinating any children we have that they absolutely must become genies when they’re older. We need to focus on being caring parents first before pressuring them to decide to become genies.
Malakhar: Of course, I know through my own Grandfather’s and my Father’s relationship that the next born may not exactly want to follow everything their father wants. I will definitely focus on being a good father first before thinking of genies, but I’m only saying if we should succeed at both raising a good child and they choose to decide to become a Genie when they’re all-grown up.
Kubuya: Just wanted to make sure that you weren’t saying this was the sole reason you wanted to marry me. I’d like to see more genies around too, but as of right now this is about us and our love. Time will tell if our children decide to do anything significant when they’re older. We shouldn’t be deciding what they do before they’re even born.
Malakhar puts a hoof around her shoulder and gives a gentle smile
Malakhar: Don’t worry, honey. I love you, for you. If there was anything I was doing that made you unhappy, even if it meant I got closer to making more genies I would much rather do anything I can to cheer you up. I’m not going to become obsessed with making more Genies as much as my grandfather was, as in all purposes our mission was completed the day Twilight decided to stay a genie. You’re absolutely right that we probably shouldn’t try to push our child to a direction and let them feel things out naturally. It would be much better if hearing things about the genies as they grew up made them curious about it rather then us trying to push them even subtly towards it. Just based on my father, that’s actually the fast track to make sure they never do what you hope they will. 
Perhaps if I were a single parent, I might of made the same mistakes. But the more grounded and quite frankly smart approach from you is part of why I love you so much, you know how to make sure I remain grounded myself and think critically.
Kubuya’s eyes tear up in joyful relief for her to-be husband’s words.
Kubuya: Thank you, dear. That’s what I wanted to hear. The possible motive of that question just slightly worried me.
Malakhar: Yeah I admit, maybe that wasn’t a good time to spring a question like that. But at least we’re an honest enough couple to talk about our concerns and remain level-headed if perhaps something we say are worded strangely, or otherwise odd timing.
Kubuya gets up close and kisses Malakhar once more.
Kubuya: Let’s just relax until we get word the Royal Ball is underway. It’ll be exciting to see Twilight, Spike, her friends we saw last time, and even all their friends that we ourselves haven’t met yet!
Malakhar: Indeed, it will be. It should be a great night, but most assuredly our wedding will be the best part. *winks*
Kubuya just winks back and the loving couple hug it out and giggle. Before relaxing once again, as they await word for when the Royal Ball and also thus their subsequent Wedding begins.
Meanwhile, at the royal palace. The Sultan and Sultana are supervising the work the many butlers, staffers, and guards who are setting up the preparations for the ball. The stage where all the entertainers about halfway done and all the tables in their spots, albeit folded up. The Royal Chefs are also fast at work preparing the kitchens for what will certainly be a large number of guests. 
There’s also being work done on the Palace courtyard where the wedding of Malakhar and Kubuya will take place in, but there’s less of a rush since it’s slated to be a few days after the ball. And some of the things from the ball’s preparation are going to be easy to simply move to the courtyard such as the tables, for whenever they make a headcount of whomever decides to stick around after the ball for the wedding too, as it’s expected to be a smaller crowd for the wedding, though there will still be some important guests at the wedding such as Twilight herself and her friends.
Sultana Elona: Looks like the preparations are going alright, Theo.
Sultan Theandri: Indeed Elona, I am absolutely looking forward to this.
The Sultan and Sultana of Saddle Arabia has generally remained a peaceful rule since the last time Twilight and the others are here. Though the military actually did get to see some action in hunting down the Desert Dogs and forcing an ultimatum of disavow Zathir’s ways or face the same fate of life in prison.
Aside from clamping down on the aftermath of Zathir’s attempted takeover though, things remained pretty normal in Saddle Arabia aside from said battle with Zathir making Twilight and her friends instant living legends, and anyone involved in the cavern that lives in Saddle Arabia known as local heroes, from Malakhar and Kubuya, the Sultana, and even the Prince who had once been considered the #1 suspect for Twilight’s disappearance for a brief time, since the gossip had come out that he had a date that went wrong with her. When the truth came out that while he did have a rather petty ending to his date with Twilight, he was in the heat of the moment and was going to apologize to her just before Zathir’s plan was put in place. And he along with his mother sneaked up on Zathir at one point to try to make Zathir fumble the lamp. Thus, Theandri II was now considered among the heroes.
Though despite the adulation a hero usually gets, Theandri II still hasn’t quite gotten what’s he’s been looking for: A suitor that he mutually loves, as either he just doesn’t have feelings for any native girl of marrying age, and/or he finds out said suitor doesn’t mutually love Theandri II for him, and were simply trying to eventually become the next Sultana for the fame and fortune, nothing more.
The Sultan takes a brief break from supervising the preparations to visit his son in his room. He finds his son lying on his back in his bed, with a bored expression.
Sultan Theandri: What’s wrong, son? Aren’t you excited for the Royal Ball coming soon?
Prince Theandri II: Kind of, I suppose. I’m sure it’ll be a grand event to attend. I’m just… thinking about other things…
By now, the Sultan usually knows what his son means by other things.
Sultan Theandri: I see, still a little down regarding finding a suitor... I understand it can be hard, it took a while for me to find the right one.
Theandri II: You didn’t exactly find Mother, though. She saved your life, and it was through that you met
Sultan Theandri: True…
Theandri II: The closest to anyone who’s saved my life is Twilight after she gave that beatdown on Zathir. And there’s multiple reasons why me and Twilight aren’t going to happen… I’ve already done all I can to make sure I’m over her. Though I am starting to worry that my slight joke to her before she left Saddle Arabia that someone half like her would be enough… is no longer a joke. I may actually need to find someone out there at least close to being like Twilight…Saddle Arabia has plenty of fine mares… but I can’t say any of them were like Twilight…
Sultan Theandri: I see… well the good news is perhaps someone from Equestria that Twilight and her friends bring might interest you. Granted, there’s always the caveat that they might not be willing to move to Saddle Arabia so easily, and of course you should always keep in mind that they may say no just like Twilight did.
Theandri II: Knowing my luck, that’s probably going to happen…
The prince just kind of slumps off to his side in slight frustration and sadness.
Sultan Theandri: Well, whatever happens at the Ball. You have plenty of time left in your young life to find a suitor. So don’t feel like you have to find someone right away.
Theandri II: I know I have plenty of time, but I’d also like some of that said young life spent with someone who might care for me, as I would them… so it’s been hard on me regardless… Don’t worry about me too much father, I’ll still attend the ball and probably Malakhar and Kubuya’s wedding regardless. I don’t expect to find a suitor even from this, but I’ll try to have a great time regardless what happens. You’re free to go back with Mother and continue watching the preparations coming up. I’m just thinking on my own.
Sultan Theandri: Alright, son. But if you need us for anything, you’re always welcome to come out and help with anything you may want.
The Sultan leaves his son’s room and closes the door. He himself has been somewhat worried about his son’s inability to find a suitor that’s mutual in feelings for one another. But continues to just try and be a supportive father and making sure the stress doesn’t get to his son. Even though it would be nice for him personally, to know who one day he and his wife will step down to give the reins of Saddle Arabia to as well.
He soon returns to the side of his wife, as they await for Twilight to show up with the Equestrian invitee list.
UP NEXT: Chapter 10: Dragon Love
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bakugous-abs · 4 years ago
Day 4 of Halloween 2020!
~ Brought to you today by Admin HeroWeekly
My human doesn’t know that something other than me watches her when she sleeps. Her big brown eyes and her big round face are my favorite in the whole world, and I am so jealous when the others watch her. It’s not fair! She’s my human and she chose me! I was just a little puppy in the streets when she took me and kept me safe! 
    Now, I have to keep her safe. While she dreams and mummers “Deku-kun”. I don’t know who this Deku human is but they must be good if my human likes them! But, the other isn’t a very nice one. He’s a weird shadow. Sometimes he shows up but sometimes you just feel them there. My fur stands up and I start barking, but then I get in trouble. I don’t know why I get in trouble when I’m just trying to warn her!
    There was a night a few weeks ago that I don’t know what happened, but the other was really angry. It was really late and, like usual, I was laying on my human’s feet. It was nice and cool and the window was open but I wasn’t chasing the squirrels because I’d hurt myself. Or, that’s what my human says when I look out the window. Squirrels make fun of me from the window though. I don’t like them much.
    Anyways! The other thing! It’s some kind of shadow human but it’s really tall and has a really weird smile. Like, part of its non-fur is missing or something. It gives me the creeps so I always growl at it. 
    So this other night I was sleeping soundly when the creeping sound came from the hallway. Sometimes it scrapes its fingers against the wall or whatever and it makes a really scary noise. It never stays on the walls which is confusing, but my human never seems to mind it so I guess it’s fine. The scraping sound came closer and closer to the bedroom and my human still didn’t wake up! She just snored away on the bed.
    So, what did I do? I growled at the door. My tail was between my legs but the shadow couldn’t see it so I was fine. My growls got louder and my human mumbled at me to be quiet. But, my growls were what was keeping it from the bedroom! I stopped growling and the sound started again. It came closer to the room until the door was pushed open. 
    I didn’t want to but I was brave for my human. I stuck my nose out there and almost ran right into it! The shadow was right outside the door and my human was still sleeping! I gave a bark but she didn’t listen. So I did what any good dog would do: I ran down the hallway away from the bedroom like the scared dog I was. While I ran by the shadow, it reached down and swiped at me. My neck felt like it was on fire and I yelped in pain. I bolted down to the living room with little pride, or confidence? I don’t know the word. 
    My human came running as I yelped again when the shadow came closer. I kept barking at it and just before my human came into the room the shadow left. What a coward! He didn’t even want to stay to show what he’d done! I would be so ashamed if I was him. Wait, I’m getting sidetracked again. The story, right.
    So my human came into the room and ran over to me. Naturally, I nuzzled into her touch and whimpered. If I showed I was really hurt maybe I’d get treats.
    “What did you do, Grav? Your collar is burnt a bit and your neck has a really bad burn! What happened? Are you okay, boy?” She said before taking my collar off. Usually I’d run around when that happened but not this time. I looked towards the wall where the shadow had gone but of course my human didn’t understand. There were things we just couldn’t understand. 
    Instead I got a little pat on the head before she got this really, really cold thing and put it on my neck. It didn’t feel good, but the peanut butter she gave me was great so it was okay! She couldn’t figure out what had happened so we went back to bed but the door was shut very well, or so she said, so that I couldn’t hurt myself again. I wish I could tell her that it was the shadow that did it. 
    Everything has been calm for a few days. Tonight seems especially calm. We went for a walk, said hi to this boy with really weird green hair that my human acts strange around, and came home to watch tv all night! She even scratched behind my ears forever! It was good.
    When we went to bed I felt really weird. Like something bad was coming. I tried to tell my human but she didn’t listen. “We went for a walk already!” She said before tucking me in next to her. I tried to sleep but kept staring at the door. It didn’t move but I was waiting for the shadow to come back again. 
    I must have fallen asleep because I woke up with my tongue making my chin wet. I slurped it back before shifting closer to my human. She pet my ear before turning over so her back was touching me. I always liked this spot, it was nice. But then I heard the door open. The shadow crept into the room and I growled slowly. It almost looked at me, I’m not sure it can do that but it seemed like it, as it moved closer. My human was sleeping next to me soundly without a care in the world and there was the shadow staring us down.
    What am I supposed to do other than try my best to get it to stop? I nudged my human and they stirred but then went rigid. It scared me so much that I started to whine. That’s when I noticed that the shadow was standing next to her and leaning over her. I think she noticed too.
    Her scream filled the room and hurt my ears. She never screams so it really must have scared her. I was scared too. I jumped off the bed and moved away from it. She followed. But the monster followed her too. It floated above the bed towards us and I started barking at it. I don’t really know what I was doing, I just felt the need to. 
    It reached out and grabbed me by the collar. Before I knew it I was against the wall. The burn in the neck spread to the rest of my body and I howled in pain. I saw how scared my human was and I tried my best to stand up. I gave a small growl before hitting the floor again. I couldn't stand up! 
Instead I had to watch as the shadow stood over my master and stared her down. She started to cry as I crawled towards her. Instead of hitting her, it hit me again. I used the last of my strength to bite down hard on its hand. It tasted gross, like the burnt food my human sometimes dropped. I watched the shadow fade before my vision went dark and I fell asleep.
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purplesurveys · 4 years ago
Do you like bacon? I’m not as wild about it as I used to be, but I’m still definitely into the whole put-bacon-on-everything schtick and I have no problem trying out novelty items that put bacon in donuts, or oatmeal, or cake, or whatever it is haha.
Have you ever wished for something to come true and it did? I mean, yes. It’s ranged from something as simple as “I wish it rains today,” to something as big as wishing that the person I like liked me back.
Do you like Rammstein? I’m familiar with the name but I’m not necessarily a fan.
Do you know a friend of a friend? Yes. I used to drink with Angela’s friends from arki. We never ended up being close but they were always great people to have a few drinks with.
Do you smile for no reason? I usually smile for a reason.
if somebody paid you a million dollars to get a green mohawk would you? Sure. I only stay at home anyway and that makes this whole thing not that big of a deal, honestly.
Ever had a BLT? Did you like it? It’s too basic a sandwich for me, but I wouldn’t turn it down if it were the only option available. I’d still remove the tomatoes, though; I never liked those in my burgers or sandwiches.
Are you in College? Not anymore; I graduated a few months ago.
Have you ever been to a State Fair? We don’t have those here, first of all because we don’t have states haha.
Do you like Youtube? I enjoy a number of YouTube channels and I certainly visit the site everyday, but I don’t like the way the corporation itself runs their website. It’s since become very different from what YouTube used to be.
If so whats your favorite channel? At the moment it’s Good Mythical Morning, but I also have a number of other subscriptions like BuzzFeed (for their Worth It series), First We Feast, Try Guys, PewDiePie, Anthony Padilla, Anna Park, a couple of channels dedicated to pro wrestling, some eating ASMR channels, among others.
Do you enjoy compulsively cleaning electronics? Can’t say I do.
What is your favorite small dog breed? Are beagles considered small dogs? I love them.
Do you smell bacon cooking? Nopes but I do have a dark chocolate macadamia cookie from Starbucks beside me that I can faintly smell.
Have you ever bitten anything for any unknown reason? What was it? I like biting on straws, but that’s about it I think.
Do you like the movie "The Master Of Disguise"? I don’t think I’ve heard of it before.
What is the closest thing to you thats red? A paper bag under my desk that holds all the artsy stuff I’ve bought over the years, like my coloring books and paintings.
Have you ever gone into a toystore just to play with the toys? That’s always made me feel like a freeloader haha, so I never go to toy stores just for that purpose. I’d sometimes play with whatever exhibits they have, but I make sure to go through the different toy sections too.
When was the last time you went through a Mcdonalds Playplace? Maybe when I was 5 ot 6 maybe? I went to Burger King’s playground way more often since we dined there more. Also, there were always fewer kids so it was more fun to play there.
Do you have an annoying dog? Cooper’s a beagle, who are notoriously big balls of energy, and so there are days I just can’t keep up with his energy and for those moments I do have shorter patience with him. It’s really not his fault, though.
What was the first comic book you ever had an obsession over? I was never into comic books. I tried for a long time because my two favorite wrestlers are into them, but just couldn’t jump on that train.
Do you like kids pop-up books? Loved them as a kid but I was never obsessed enough to have them for my own. I was content reading pop-up books in the school library.
Does anybody else think bugs are cool and interesting? I’m sure there are tons of people out there, but not me.
What kind of toothpaste do you use? Colgate.
Do you own a pair of striped socks? I don’t think so, no.
What is the most random thing in your bedroom? An inflatable pig.
In a normal conversation do you slip out Latin? LOL no. I don’t think I’ve done that before, unless I was singing something in Latin on purpose.
Can you sing? No. I’m not tone-deaf, but I’m not anywhere near decent either.
If so, what is the highest note you can reach? -
Have you ever been to the cream cheese capital of the world? I don’t know which one that is.
Was this survey random? Enough for me to have a good time with it, yes. 
Have you ever been in a parade? I’ve been to several Pride marches if they count.
What is your mothers, mothers maiden name? I don’t actually remember haha, so I wouldn’t be able to share it anyway. It’s a very Chinese-sounding name, though; that much I can share.
Do you have a different hairstyle? No. I just have bangs, which a lot of people already have. 
Am I annoying yet? I don’t feel annoyed, so you’re good.
Do you like soybeans? I haven’t had actual soybeans. < Same, but I’m sure I like food products that have soybeans in them or are made out of soybeans.
Do you press buttons just to see what they do? Hahahahahahahaha yes that’s me, I’m that person with the restless fingers.
Do you still play pokemon? I never got into the video games because I was never any good at strategy-based games, but I did play Pokemon Go for a while especially when I was in freshman year of college. Overall, I was mostly into the anime.
What is your favorite pokemon? Jigglypuff.
Have you ever put blue streaks in your white cats hair? I have a white dog, but I wouldn’t do this to him even if you gave me dog-friendly dye. Just not my preference.
Are you blond? Nope.
Does it bother you when people have a collar turned up? No.
Are your nails painted? If so, what color? If not, do you like nail polish? They’re never painted. No, I personally don’t see the appeal of nail polish for myself but you do you.
Are you awesome? I’ll let other people be the judge of that.
As a kid did you like Barney, Baby Bop, or DJ more? Wasn’t it BJ? Anyway, I liked him the most, then Barney. I found Baby Bop way too whiny.
Have you been to the Bzoink Forums yet? I just go there to look for surveys. I don’t actually try out the other features.
Does any key on your computer and or laptop stick? No.
Does fire excite you? Fuck no lmao, I’m terrified of fire.
Have you ever sung in a choir? Never.
Do you go to church? Until March this year, I had attended mass every Sunday all my life. When Covid hit, we started watching YouTube recordings at home. So yeah, no escape.
Have you ever had a theme (pirate, ninja, civil war) day? Like, in school? Yeah we had a themed day in high school once. I forgot what the actual theme was but I remember going as Lara Croft. In college, we used to go with color-coordinated outfits for Valentine’s Day, e.g. people who had dates can wear red, those who are single can wear black, those in complicated relationships can wear brown, those who had crushes but can’t have them can wear yellow, etc. It wasn’t an official rule, of course, but it was always fun for those who chose to join haha.
Can you touch your tongue to your nose? Nopes.
Have you ever been to Philadelphia PA? No. It has an amazing reputation for being a passionate wrestling city though; it’d be cool to go there and see a local show or two.
Do you think Orlando Bloom is hot? He’s not unattractive, but I just never had a crush on him.
Do you think Twilight is over-rated? At some point I think it was, but it also got (and continues to get) so much hate that I think that has since been able to balance out the initial overrated-ness of it. 
When was the last time you where sick? what did you have? I had a UTI in May, which I never would’ve known if I didn’t take a urine test because all I got was a high fever that never went away. Peeing was never painful for me during that time and my kidney region never hurt either.
What is your favorite number? 4.
Look at your toes. Sure.
If you are a girl do you hate girl drama? Idk what you mean by that. I never grew out of liking gossip, though.
If you are a guy do you hate girls who prolong the drama? -
ZZZ, im tired....are you? A little, but I have coffee so I might stay up for a bit because it’s Fridayyyyyyy.
Favorite indie music group? alt-J.
Have you ever pet a monkey? I don’t think I have.
Have you ever ridden a camel? Nopes.
Have you ever punched somebody? Never to hurt someone.
Do you like cupcakes? Love them.
Orange or lemon flavoring? Depends on what I’m consuming. I like orange chewy candies, but I like lemonade juice too.
Can you sing opera? Not a chance.
Touchpads or Mouse's? Touchpad.
Have you ever been to a Disney theme park? Nope, I haven’t.
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kaffeinic · 6 years ago
Caffeinic | Bang Chan
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | Epilogue
Pairing: Reader x Barista!Bang Chan
Genre: Fluff // Romance
Warnings: Fem!Reader
Preamble: You’ve been going to the same coffee shop for the past four years. You’ve ordered the same thing almost every single day, and you never, ever skip on that part of your morning. So, when Mrs. Park hired a new barista and the once serene café was suddenly flooded with people every second of the day, you were less than thrilled.
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Suddenly, you heard footsteps from the bottom of the staircase.
“Get out of my café. Now.” Mr. Park ordered the man outside. He looked at you, then Mr. Park, and lastly, Chan, before sneering and cursing you all to hell. Once he was gone, you felt a hand touch your back between your shoulder blades.
“Are you alright?” Chan asked. He looked genuinely concerned.
“I-” You stuttered. “I don’t know.”
The time passed slowly since you had first arrived at the coffee house, but it was now past eleven o’clock, and the once dimly lit windows had become a sea of darkness. Mrs. Park and Junyoung walked in the door and said their hellos and goodbyes, then went off to bed.
“When do you plan on going home?” Chan asked. You looked at the clock.
“I guess I should go soon.” You started to pack your things, shoving the rest of your textbooks into your book bag, struggling to fit everything inside. Chan helped you with the last of your things as you slung the strap of your bag over your shoulder. Mr. Park watched tentatively.
“It’s a bit late, Y/n.” He looked around. “I would give you a ride home, but I’m too backed up with paper work. I’m sorry.” He told you. You waved your hands in front of you.
“Don’t be sorry! I hope you can get everything done soon.” You smiled warmly at the man. His hair was beginning to grey at the edges and wrinkles were slowly becoming more prominent on his face. He still had a kind light in his eyes all the same. He left you and Chan as he went back upstairs.
“I’m off the clock in a few minutes.” The blonde boy said. You looked up at him inquisitively.
“I could take you home.” He offered. You looked at him, and then outside. You weren’t exactly excited to try walking home alone in the dark after what just happened. You sighed.
“Alright, but I - and I really mean this - I don’t want to hear any of your pickup lines, okay?” You laid out your conditions.
“Of course.” He walked behind the counter to finish wrapping up his work. “For tonight, at least.”
You waited patiently before watching Chan go to the back of the café, explaining that he needed to change and gather his things. When he reappeared, he still wore the same lazily buttoned shirt, minus the apron he donned before. For the first time, you got a good look of his entire body.
His hair was a little curly, but styled. His black roots were buried deep in a sea of blonde waves. You could tell he had ran his fingers through a few times. Part of you wondered what his hair felt like.
He wore the black button-up you had noticed earlier, paired with dark grey ripped jeans. Little bits of skin showed through the holes, all white and milky and rippling with muscle as he walked. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, exposing his forearms. He held his bag in his right hand, the veins in his arm popping slightly from the added weight.
“Are-” He began to speak, his face slowly twisting into a smile. “Are you checking me out, Y/n?”
For the second time today, you choked at his words.
“What? Me? No.” You rolled your eyes. “When would I ever?” Chan looked at you, and you could swear that his eyes themselves smiled at you.
“Uh-huh. Let’s go, Babyg-” He stopped himself, remembering his promise not to bug you tonight. “Let’s go.” He held out his hand.
“I do not want to hold your hand.” You lied.
“Lucky for me, I was only offering to carry your bag.” He paused, his hand still held out. “There’s at least four textbooks in there. I’m pretty sure you don’t want to hold it.” He looked at the way you stood, leaning to the side your bag was hanging. The weight was a little difficult for you to handle.
“I think I’m good, but thanks.” You said, turning around toward the exit. You felt the weight literally being lifted off of your shoulder as Chan scooped up the bag in his left arm. He walked to the door and pushed it open.
“Come on, let’s go.” He said, holding the door for you. You had to admit, the Aussie could be a gentleman when he wanted to be. You walked out of the doorway, past Chan and onto the sidewalk.
“Which one?” You asked. He gestured with his head to the right of both of you, fiddling with his keys. A sleek black car unlocked its doors and he opened the back seat door, lightly tossing both of your things inside. You moved to the passenger door, but he reached across you and opened the door.
“Madame.” He held out his hand like a chauffeur and waited for you to sit. You rolled your eyes.
“Dork.” Your words mocked him, but your pink cheeks and goofy smile said otherwise.
“Mhmm.” He hummed and closed your door, walking around and getting in the car himself. He shoved his keys into the ignition, turning to you. “Where to?”
You replied with your address, and watched as he changed gears and began driving.
“You already know where my house is?” You asked. “Most people need more specific directions, or a GPS.”
“I have some friends in the neighbourhood.”
“Oh.” You stared out of the windshield in front of you as Chan pulled out of his parking spot. It was then that you took the time to appreciate the interior of his car.
It was mostly black and brown. The seats were made of a light brown leather and the floorboards had a matching brown floor liner. His steering wheel was also a perfect match. The dashboard was black with brown lining and the radio had dimmed LED lights that displayed the time, weather, and radio station. All in all, a very nice car. Part of you wondered how he could afford such a thing.
“You’re awfully quiet.” Chan said. His eyes stayed on the road as he drove. You mentally thanked him for that. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing’s wrong. I’m just getting caught up in my own thoughts, I guess.” You half-heartedly laughed and tucked some hair behind your ear.
“Do you live with family?” He asked. You shook your head.
“No, I moved out of the house about a year ago.” You paused. “What about you?” You began imagining a whole house full of Aussies and struggled not to giggle.
“Nope, just me.” He said. “I still keep in touch, though.” With that, you smiled.
“Do you ever miss them?”
“Everyday.” He replied quicker than you thought he would. His face showed just how much he meant those words.
“I’m sorry. I can’t imagine how that must feel like. My family is only about an hour away.” You looked down.
“Don’t apologize, I chose to come here.” He adjusted his grip on the steering wheel. “Can I tell you something?” The car approached a red light and his head turned to look at you.
“Yeah, shoot.”
“I-” He shifted uncomfortably in his seat. “I wanted to tell you that- um... When I flirt with you, it’s only you. I know that I’m always making a joke out of it, but... There’s some truth to it.” He watched your face for any sign as to what you were thinking. You stared out the windshield. The light turned green.
“The light, Chan!” You pointed and he nearly jumped out of his skin.
“Right, sorry.” He began driving again. Before you knew it, you had arrived at your street. “What was the building number again?”
“Four seventy-two.” You replied. He pulled up to the curb in front of your house and removed his keys from the ignition.
“What are you doing?”
“Walking you up to your floor.” He stated. You opened your door and got out, grabbing your things from the back seat. Chan took your bag from you again. You both began the journey up to the fourth floor, using stairs.
Once you arrived, Chan handed you your bags and shoved his hands in his pockets.
“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable. It probably wasn’t the best night for me to tell you that.” He wouldn’t look at you directly. It was a stark contrast to his usual self.
“Honestly, no. It wasn’t.” You said. “But it’s okay. I wondered about it sometimes.” Chan looked at you in the eyes for the first time since he said what he said in the car.
“Really?” A smile played on the corner of his lips.
“Yeah.” You replied. After a bit of awkward silence, you grabbed your things and unlocked your door, inching your way inside.
“Wait-” Chan said. You turned around to find yourself enveloped in a soft hug. His arms were wrapped around your shoulders and hooked behind you to hold your back. His chin rested on the top of your head. He held you firmly, but with enough wiggle room that you could escape if you wanted to. You could feel his quick heartbeat with the rise and fall of his chest. Your arms found their way around him, too, your bag falling to the crook of your elbow.
You both stayed like that for a long while. He only pulled away when the sound of your neighbour’s dog barking in the apartment next door jolted you both back into reality.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” His tone was hopeful, but weary. You smiled at the shy boy in front of you.
“Of course. I’ll see you tomorrow, Chan.”
“Channie.” He corrected you. You blinked at him. “Everyone I know calls me Channie except for the Parks and you. You can call me Channie if you want.” He explained himself, laughing a little at the end. You nodded and giggled.
“Alright. I’ll see you tomorrow, Channie.”
* DISCLAIMER: I do not own any gifs/photos used in this post. I do own the written content. Do NOT repost/edit. *
🏷 @a-toxic-galaxy • @hoshithehamster
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escapingreality1992 · 5 years ago
Secret Pen Pals ch. 2
Keira's POV
My alarm went off at 8 a.m. sharp and I groaned as I scrunched up my face annoyed at the early hour. My hair fell in my face as I pushed myself up from lying on my stomach. Unfortunately, I couldn't go back to sleep because a client of mine was coming by to drop off her two golden retrievers to be watched for a week; She'd be here at 10 a.m. and I'd go over a couple things before having to leave the pups in the apartment two hours later in order to meet my friends for lunch.
An outward groan left my throat again, dreading the conversation I would have with them. If they had seen the advertisement for the pen pal event, I was sure that they'd have their own opinions about it. If they hadn't...well either way I planned to keep it a secret from them. I considered myself to be a romantic; to them, I'd be nothing more than a hopeless romantic, the idea that two people might fall in love through letters ridiculous in their minds.
My job was already a joke to them, a disappointing career to anyone close to me. The thing is I enjoyed what I did for a living. Dogs brought me joy to my life and today I planned on taking them for a swim at a local pool strictly for dogs. I released a content sigh thinking about it. In addition, I also wanted to stop by one of those unique specialty stores which sold anything from antiques to dolls, but more importantly the one I wanted to shop in had those instant Polaroid cameras. The reason behind this being that I had wrote Steve about sending him a picture of the coziness of my room, capturing the many blankets thrown across my bed.
Making a mental note to clean my room, I strode to the bathroom to take a shower in preparation for the day ahead of me. I let the hot water pour over my body, taking my time to cleanse it of the sweat that clung to it from the heat of the apartment. Fall came quick this year, meaning cooler nights and I had yet to make a thicker blanket to envelop me in warmth. Once finished with my usual routing in the shower, I stepped out into the coldness of the bathroom; I constantly let the fan run to avoid paint peeling off the walls from the steam that encased the entire room from the hot water. I wrapped a fluffy, light blue towel around my body - my arms and lower legs still exposed to the cool air - and ventured to the warm air of my bedroom.
Making my way to my closet, I chose an outfit consisting of a violet t-shirt, blue jeans and sneakers laying it across my unmade bed before grabbing undergarments from my dresser. Slipping those on, I dried my hair, leaving it slightly wet and pulling on the t-shirt and jeans before continuing the drying process. Since I had longer hair, it took a little while for it to get fully dry; I pulled it up in my usual ponytail and grabbed my current read and phone to sit on the couch while I waited for my client to arrive. At 10, a knock sounded at the my door, prompting me to put my bookmark in my book and set it aside to greet Andrea and Mark Peterson, the owners of the two golden retrievers; Jamie age 4 and Sherlock age 6.
"Good morning Keira. Thanks again for watching them. This trip to Paris is very important," Andrea greeted me. They were business partners who were trying to get word out for the wedding cakes they crafted from scratch. Andrea was a petite, 5'2" woman with honey blonde hair and brown eyes, while her husband stood at 6'3" with broad shoulders, dark hair and hazel eyes. They had no children apart from the dogs whom they sort of treated as such. They were humble and our first meeting involved picking out a cake for a friend's - well former friend's - wedding five years ago. They were a sweet couple and had seen my ad three weeks before that wedding, never needing to use my services until a month after; they went to travel to England for supplies for more extravagant decorations for their many delicious cakes. Now in the present, they became a regular client as their business continued to propel forward. They paid well, but it wasn't about the money for me. I loved taking care of each and every dog I watched.
"No problem. I enjoy having Jamie and Sherlock around. You said you were picking them up Saturday?" I told them, taking the leashes and walking the dogs to the couch, setting them loose once my apartment door was shut by Mark, who set down their dog bags.
"Can we pick up Sunday actually? Sunday night if possible. We'll be getting in pretty late Saturday and I have a feeling the jet lag is going to be horrendous," Andrea replied, pulling out her checkbook.
"Sunday is perfectly fine. Are you okay if I take them swimming? I'd be taking them to an indoor dog pool a few blocks from here,"
"Yes that sounds like a wonderful idea. I imagine they might enjoy that very much. If they stay until Sunday, how much more will that be?" Mark stated.
"Only 30 dollars more. Anything else I need to know about this week? Any questions about anything else?" I responded.
"30 dollars? Really? You know what, I'll give you a little more. I think 4000 should suffice," Andrea commented.
"Oh, but I only charge 2000 in most cases," I stated.
"We don't mind. You take care of them so often and so excellent that you deserve a big tip," Mark commented, smiling politely. I returned the smile and rubbed the head of Sherlock who had padded over to me and nudged the fingers of my right hand. Andrea ripped out the check and handed it to me, both owners waving goodbye to both goldens. My apartment door closed again and I turned to the pups.
"What do you say? Want to go for a walk before lunchtime?" I asked them. At this both dogs circled me jumping up to place their paws against my body.
"Okay, okay. First you two have to sit and wait so I can hook up your leashes," I told them, slipping on my sneakers. I grabbed a few poop bags, leashes and keys in the other hand before going outside for a walk. While walking, I couldn't help but wonder what Steve was up to at this very moment.
Steve's POV
Another 5 a.m. run, another training session, and another debriefing on the latest threat. That's how my day began. Not at all exciting, especially with debriefing, which wasn't even about a threat at all. It ended up being a report about the last enemy we defeated, a couple of paranormal entities, which we had to enlist Stephen Strange's help with. What followed the report was Tony discussing plans for an upcoming benefit we had to attend. As he droned on, I found myself aimlessly drawing on a piece of printer paper to stave off my boredom. Well, at least, I'll have something to send to Keira, I thought, focusing on the curvature of a ball of yarn I drew. Funny, I'm letting details of her first letter influence my sketches. Weird how it happened, I thought, a small smile creeping on my lips.
"What do you think Cap?" Tony's voice cut into my concentration.
"About what?" I answered, not even looking up, too involved in sketching out a dog's paw.
"I thought about showing up in my birthday suit and dancing all night," he stated. My pencil froze and I glanced up to see Tony grinning in pure amusement.
"I'm only joking. The theme, Steve, would be dark tones. Not necessarily black tie but shades of gray, black, maybe even white," he stated.
"No white. If you served red wine or colorful cocktails, there would be obvious stains should you spill anything on yourself. Shades of gray? Like the movies? Isn't that a little inappropriate?" I told him, my hand itching to get back to my drawing. Snorts of laughter went around the room as my friends glanced at each other.
"No, not the movies. The benefit is supposed to be formal. I didn't want it to be black tie again," Tony answered.
"Oh, alright. What is this for? Remind me,"
"Saving the world from total destruction and as it turns out paranormal beings. We're giving back to the community as well," Tony explained.
"Of course with a huge donation on your end," Natasha commented.
"We work hard and Stark Industries is doing pretty well in the technology department,"
"Maybe Strange is right. I don't see how that ego fits in..."
I barely registered Nat's entire quip at Tony, resuming my drawing as they bickered back and forth.
"You know Nat and Wanda could be having sex on the table right in front of us and you wouldn't notice. What's got you all distracted?" Bucky asked me, getting my attention by waving a hand in front of my face.
"Nothing. I hate these kind of debriefings. They're important but I find them dull and boring. At least the ones with missions have more excitement," I responded, flipping the pencil to use the eraser, correcting a mistake I made with the dog's body.
"Nothing? Seems like it's something since you've become super quiet. You must be really bored if you're drawing. What is it this time? More monkeys?" Bucky stated. He leaned over to see and I immediately moved another sheet over it to block his view.
"No. It's not finished. I'd rather not let anyone see it right now," I said, causing him to furrow his brows.
"What is it for anyway?"
"No one...I mean, it's not for anything. You know how I get when I'm bored. I doodle things instead of letting sleep take over. Especially in this meeting," I stated, a slight panic coming over me at revealing my pen pal. It's not like I didn't want to tell him but I didn't want anyone to poke fun at the idea. My friends wouldn't judge but I couldn't have them deter me from the exchange anyway. Plus, I wanted someone to talk to - write in this case - about anything I felt like. I wanted to have someone to interact with that wasn't involved in my world. Although I still had a recurring though of Keira already knowing who I am, though re-reading the letter it seemed like she didn't. If she did...maybe she hadn't revealed that fact yet, afraid to drive me away when she could have me to herself. Shaking my head, I tried to shove it away from my mind. Relax, Steve. Have some faith in this girl, I thought. Turning my attention to my best friend, I managed a small smile.
"Honestly it's a silly drawing. I wouldn't worry about it. I don't mean to be secretive about the beginnings of the sketch but I want to make sure it's perfect before I show anyone," I told him.
"That's understandable. That being said, are you sure nothing else is on your mind?"
"I'm sure, Buck. Thanks for your concern," I stated.
"That's a wrap everyone. On your way out of the room, grab a packet so you can review details of the benefit later this week," Tony informed us.
"This week? I thought it was next week," I commented, inwardly groaning.
"If you had been paying attention, you would have already known it's happening this week. Why the long face Cap? Afraid you can't get a date?" Tony mocked me. I frowned, standing up to approach the table where our packets lay.
"I'm not going with anyone. I forgot to purchase a suit to match the colors of this benefit. If you'll excuse me, I must go out and do so. Especially if I'm to be presentable for your taste," I remarked, almost hissing the last part. Tony and I had a different relationship, agreeing on some things, disagreeing on most. Today happened to be a day where the littlest of things could set me off. I could admit stress definitely was a factor, the only thing calming my mood being my pen pal and the eagerness of sending another letter growing in my heart. I picked up the packet, walking out in as much a calm manner as possible. I retreated to my room to place the packet on my desk before venturing out to a department store in order to pick up a suit for the benefit a few days later. After trying on a few suits and deciding on a charcoal gray suit with a tie that matched it, I chose to stop by a small jewelry store and purchased a birthday gift worthy for Keira. Unaware to me, Keira happened to be in the same area eating lunch; our paths wouldn't cross with each other on this day. I returned home to finish the small drawing of a dog playing with a ball of yarn and began constructing another letter for her.
Keira's POV
The golden retrievers and I returned from the walk tired and hungry; I also had sweat that accumulated on various parts of my body, deciding that I needed to take a final shower before meeting my friends. I set out bowls of dog food for Jamie and Sherlock before taking said shower, quickly going through the routine and drying off. I changed into a dark green, long sleeve blouse and black trousers remembering the restaurant we were going to was really nice. Not an overly expensive one you could see the elite dining in but one in which the prices were in a medium range. Pulling on a pair of heels that matched my blouse, I made sure my furry companions had water, giving them both a treat before heading out for lunch with my friends. Since the restaurant wasn't too far from my apartment, I decided to walk to it instead of taking a cab, the subway station out of the question being on the opposite side of where I needed to go. As usual, I ended up being 15 minutes early having to wait on the other three women to arrive. Thankfully, I always carried a book everywhere I went; the current read being about magic and wizards, the genre of fantasy drawing me into its fascinating world.
"Why is it whenever we meet up, you manage to have your nose in a book?" a voice interrupted my reading. The next to arrive was Charlotte Mathers with her red pixie cut, long legs, and green eyes. She enjoyed her job, which happened to be a general manager at a high end retail store. She got paid well, enough to live near Central Park in an amazing, huge, studio apartment, plus she had been born into a family that had a little more money than the average middle class. I smiled, trying not to be annoyed with her comment.
"Well Charlotte, I enjoy reading instead of having my face rooted to my phone," I answered her. Like she even heard me, her face locked onto her phone...this being a normal habit of hers.
"She never escapes from her fantastical world. How have you been Keira?" another voice stated. Oh good. Of course, Lena would be the next to get here, I thought. A woman with long blonde hair, a petite figure that mirrored mine and blue eyes was an accurate description of Lena Morrow. Lena had a job as a receptionist to a law firm. It was rare that she could out to lunch and we enjoyed her company whenever possible. She stayed busy exactly like Jana Elliot, who was the last to arrive. Jana was a nurse which is her schedule almost never matched Charlotte's and mine.
"I'm good Lena. I've got two dogs to watch this week which is pretty cool," I responded to the question, catching Jana's eyes as she walked in.
"Didn't you have one last week? What is it with you and babysitting dogs? It can't pay all that well," Jana greeted us.
"It pays pretty well actually. I keep getting requests from a lot of people who don't mind paying a lot. Plus, I charge 2000 for an entire week. Though for a few days it's only about 1500," I explained.
"Yeah, but you must not have enough to live anywhere nice," Lena commented.
"I live in Brooklyn. It's nice enough and save most of what I earn. Not to mention people give me tips after I watch their dogs. I even charge a little extra for training them if they need it. Sometimes I have the same dog or dogs for two weeks which gets me a lot of money," I stated.
"You're still earning money from doing book reviews right? What do they pay? 1300 per review?" Charlotte asked, looking up from her phone for the first time since she got here.
"Yes. It's more like 1500. Enough talk about my income. I'm hungry," I stated, feeling all the judgment from my friends. I loved them but there time I wondered why they bothered hanging out with me. Their comments seemed to get worse every time we met up, but I didn't want to seem like a hermit staying in my apartment, so I put up with it. They didn't bother me too much; occasionally someone would say something that rooted in me and stung a little but I never showed it until I got back to my apartment. We were seated and ordered spinach artichoke dip as an appetizer until we figured out what to have as a main course. Looking over the menu, I decided to go with a tuna poke, Lena, went with steak, Charlotte chose a salad and Jana went with a club sandwich.
"Did anyone see that advert in the bookstore downtown? An event for pen pals. Sounds ridiculous if you ask me," Charlotte said. My blood froze as Jana and Lena both nodded.
"Who would e-mail a complete stranger? What do they expect will happen? Someone falls in love with another person. Not likely," Lena replied.
"I heard it's supposed to be handwritten letters instead of e-mailing one another," I commented, nervously wringing my hands under the table.
"Oh good. Nothing like going back in time. I wonder if they had anyone sign up. Or maybe if they had any of the Avengers sign up," Lena continued, a scowl on her face.
"Maybe some might say it sounds kind of romantic. Having a connection with someone through letters of course. It doesn't have to be romance though. Some people could meet new friends," I stated. The three of them turned to glance at me; if I hadn't been judged before, then their expression certainly had judgment clearly etched out on their features.
"Did you sign up? You've always been a hopeless romantic. Sweetie, you should go out and meet someone real, not write to someone you can't even see," Jana suggested.
"No. I missed the deadline. As for meeting someone while I go out, it hasn't really worked for me," I snapped. Their eyebrows raised at the anger in my tone and decided to drop the subject. It was a quiet lunch, not much to say; I suppose my annoyance at them prevented anyone from speaking and for the first time I was happy to leave one of our outings.
Returning to my apartment, the retrievers greeted me by letting me scratch their heads, following me around while I prepared for our appointment at the dog pool. I changed into a black one piece, throwing on athletic shorts and a tank top with flip flops and leashed the dogs before exiting my home. This time, I loaded them in car and drove to midtown Manhattan, parking in the garage of the pool building, taking the elevator down to the pool. We would be the only ones there and I could eliminate the lunch from my mind as I swam around with Jamie and Sherlock. I had unleashed them and let them jump in while I pulled off my shorts and tank top, joining them immediately. We stayed there for two hours, swimming and playing, the tension I had melting away.
Packing up at the end of our session, I remembered to stop by the specialty shop that sold the Polaroid cameras for the purpose of keeping an old-fashioned theme to my letters. The shop in particular, accurately named Unique Peculiarities, allowed pets so I toted Jamie and Sherlock inside, browsing the various colors of the cameras, selecting a royal blue one and grabbing some film to prepare for my idea. I returned home and let the pups do their business before letting them loose in my apartment. I set to cleaning up and arranged my blankets in such a way to capture the coziness. I decided at the last minute to snap a picture of my bookshelves and added one of favorite books, Pride and Prejudice, for another picture. Once I got the pictures out the way, I sat down to construct another letter to Steve.
Four Days Later
Steve's POV
I spent most of the week preparing for the benefit and when it came, I still felt like something was missing, or rather someone. Maybe I was lonely and desired a companionship. Even now as I looked around at my friends, I wanted someone to hold, to kiss, to love. Most of my friends had someone; Natasha had Wanda - a surprise to all of us but we supported it - Tony had Pepper, Thor had Jane. The rest of us remained single but I couldn't help but to dream of having someone to care for. I didn't know if Keira would be the one for me. I hadn't even met the woman but still imagined what it'd be like with her.
"Can I get a beer please?" I asked the bartender, sitting down on the stools contemplating my decisions in life. I spent most days avenging the world and missed out on several opportunities to be fixed up on a date. Natasha had tried many times a few years ago but I rejected them all, set on working on missions. There was a brief relationship with Sharon Carter but it fell through pretty quickly and now I regretted not taking more chances with dating someone.
"Everything all right? You seem a bit down," Natasha's voice interrupted my thoughts as I sipped on my beer. I turned, managing a small grin.
"Yeah. I'm fine. Just thinking about some things,"
"Relationships you mean. What? I know you too well. Besides, I've been watching you tonight. You look at the couples and there's a hint of sadness in your eyes. Why don't you ask someone out?" she commented.
"I don't know. Sure, I'd like to date but the people I'm around are caught up in this world, avenging it and I don't want someone in the same line of work. I'd like to come home to some who can take my mind off this job. Other people see me as Captain America, not Steve Rogers. It's hard most days, seeing happiness of those around me when I can't provide it for myself,"
"Who knows? Maybe it'll happen to you one day. Don't give up hope,"
"Thanks Natasha," I told her. As the night died down, I wandered outside to get a breath of fresh air, hands in my pockets, the cool breeze of Autumn ruffling my hair. I reached the end of the drive and stopped by the mailbox. Mailbox. We haven't checked it in the last few days, I thought. Keira's name flashed across my mind as I opened the metal box and pulled out a stack of mail. I rifled through it on the way back to the compound. I was back inside the building when I saw it, the letter addressed to me. I set down the other mail on the coffee table and disappeared into my room, my fingers quickly opening the thick packaging of the envelope. I sat down on my bed, unfolding the letter, three Polaroid pictures facing me. One featured a bed with a multitude of colorful knitted blankets, the thickness of the material making me want to bury my body among them. The second picture had a view of three large bookshelves filled to the brim with all sorts of books ranging from fiction to nonfiction to young adult books. At the bottom of the Polaroid she had written - in Sharpie - 'Can you tell I'm a book collector?' followed by a winking face next to the question. A smile crept onto my lips as I picked up the final picture featuring Pride and Prejudice. The the end she had written 'My all time favorite.' Putting the pictures to the side, I began reading, kicking off my shoes and lying back on the sheets.
As promised, I've sent you a picture of my cozy blankets. Don't they make you want to climb under them? They're ones for fall but there are more that I'm creating for winter. Definitely needing to stay warm, especially in this city. As a bonus, I've sent you a picture of bookshelves and one of my all time favorite book. I know, these are Polaroids but I thought it'd be kind of interesting to keep an nostalgic theme going here.
Pride and Prejudice is one story I've falling in love with ever since the eighth grade. I love the dynamic between Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy and the love that happened to always be there. I read it every Christmas curled up in bed or on the couch, a cup of hot chocolate, or tea, in my hand. The blankets surrounding me of course. You'd think after a few years of living here, I'd be used to the cold, but I'm still a southern girl at heart and desire warmth.
In my last letter, I realized I forgot to tell you I'm originally from North Carolina. Greensboro to be exact. When I used to live there, we had crazy weather too, one day it'd be hot as blazes, the next cool and comfortable. During the winter, we'd freeze, not used to it. My parents still live there of course, but we don't get to visit each other much. I miss them and I'll be visiting the some time next month and for Christmas, so if you get a letter from North Carolina, that'll be why.
Currently, I'm watching two golden retrievers named Jamie and Sherlock. We went swimming earlier and as I'm write this, my hair is still a tangled, wet mess. I hope wherever you are, you're having a good day. I was until I met up with a couple friends of mine. I think I've mentioned I'm a total romantic. If not, then now you know.
Well that makes two of us, I thought. She already had me wanting to cozy up in that bed as well since I already viewed the picture. The only difference being I wanted to be under there with her. It's only the second letter. Am I starting to crush on her already?  Another thought popped up in my head as I continued reading.
Anyway, they saw the advertisement for this event and seemed to think it ridiculous. I rather think this is unique, a great opportunity to connect. Maybe all this could be is a friendship but maybe somewhere out there it could give someone to love. Is it silly? Maybe not ideal? Perhaps, but you never know. Things could miraculously happen.
No, it's not silly. I love the way your mind works,  I thought. I sat up to remove my jacket and tie picking up the letter again, settling back on the pillows.
If that wasn't bad enough, they sought out to judge me on my job. They don't think it pays well but you'd be surprised at the amount of people who request me to watch their dogs. Sometimes they also pay to have me train them. Not to mention a side job (which I forgot to mention last time) as a book reviewer. Apparently in this city, it pays well and it's a lot of fun.
The only things that calmed me today was the pool time with the pups and knowing I could come back write to you. I wish that we have met already; I desperately need a hug at the moment. For the time being, I'll just hold the goldens close and pet them. Maybe next week will be better. It'll be my birthday after all. Nothing can go wrong on your birthday.
Sorry for the complaining but I needed to get it off my chest and my mind. Writing and talking is the best way I know how to do just that and since I can't talk to anyone about this, writing to you seems to be my only option. It's the best option, trust me.
Looking forward to your letter,
I ran my fingers over her name, a longing in my heart starting to grow. I would've wrapped her in a hug so warm she'd never feel sad again. I sighed, getting up and placing the letter and the Polaroids in a box I set aside for this very purpose. I stripped out the rest of the suit, except for my boxers and turned off the lights in my room. I slipped into the warmth of my bed and fell into dreams of one day meeting Keira.
Keira's POV
My week with Jamie and Sherlock wasn't over yet. I spent more time sitting on the couch reading, taking them out on walks or just to their business when they needed it. We went swimming two more days and I collected the mail, letting it pile up, not checking it because I got busy training the pups a few times during the week. Today my phone rang while I sat on the couch, Sherlock in my lap, Jamie on the other end sleeping.
"Hello?" I answered, not checking the ID.
"Keira, it's Andrea. We need to stay another three days in Europe. We've been requested to head to London to check on the shop there. Are you okay to watch Jamie and Sherlock for a little longer?" Mrs. Peterson greeted me.
"Yeah, no problem. I don't have any other dogs coming until next Saturday," I told her her pushing my stack of mail over to get to my calendar. I marked down Jamie and Sherlock until the Wednesday coming up. The pile tipped over, spilling to the floor and I sighed, bending down to pick up the envelopes that fell; my hands paused when I saw the new letter from Steve.
"Great. We'll pay you when we get back. is an extra 3000 okay with you?" she commented.
"Uh huh. Sounds good. Have a safe trip," I said, ending the call and standing up. I hastily threw the other envelopes I picked up back on the kitchen counter, returning to the couch. I ripped open the envelope pulling out a sheet of notebook paper, unfolding it and started reading.
I just finished up picking out a suit for a benefit I have to attend later this week. I forgot all about it until one of my friends told me about it during a meeting today. This meeting was dull and boring, not exciting like others. In the other letter you sent, you wanted to know a favorite memory of mine. I don't have many but I always remember the one when my best friend made me ride on a roller coaster at Coney Island which made me throw up. Gross, I know, but it's the one that comes to mind first. That and the engagement of another friend of mine. He had never been happier than in that moment. Another thing about me is something we both have in common. Reading is a favorite thing I love to do. Other than drawing. Speaking of, I sent you a drawing this time. I mentioned I doodle when I'm bored. So, this took place during the meeting.
I stopped briefly to pull out the piece of paper that got stuck in the envelope. I unfolded it and smiled at the pictured of a realistic looking dog pawing around a ball of yarn. He was definitely talented, the details standing out and catching the eye. I looked back to the letter and continued to read.
It's not much but it made me think of you. Your job sounds interesting and I'm pleased you're following your passion. Now, things I like to do for fun besides reading and drawing are going out with my friends to a bar. We tend to have a good time. I like running and going to the movies, even though I'm behind on a lot of them. I love the smell of coffee in the morning and the smell of rain whenever I go out in it. The rain is almost tranquil and I feel I can escape among those tiny droplets. You should see my mood during a thunderstorm. I'm very calm throughout it. I love watching the lightning in the dark with the curtains drawn.
Oh, we'd definitely get along then, I thought, touching my free fingers to my lips.
The description of your blankets makes me want a creation of yours. No pressure though. We're still strangers after all. Your description of yourself, however, makes me want to see that lovely face. You're beautiful, though I haven't seen you yet. If we ever get to the point where we'd want to see each other in person, I know I'd have my breath taken away. That's only my opinion though. I hope this benefit goes well. I'm not going with anyone but sometimes I get this lonely feeling. I want someone to hold and to love but I haven't found the right person yet and the people I'm around are in my line of work. I;d love to come home to someone who doesn't deal with the same things I do. I would love someone who could pull me from it, to distract me from it, if only for a few hours.
I don't mean to sound sad but I feel as though I can tell you anything and not get judged for it or at least not pushed into anything. This a good way to open up indeed. To tell someone about things you wouldn't normally share with even your closest friends. I want to hear more from you. Your favorite movie? Your ideal date? Your ideal day? Maybe your favorite memory? Anything. Everything. I hope the drawing brought you joy today.
Write to you soon,
My smile spread wider at the words on the paper. A thought popped in my mind that very instant. The thought being that I might start to like him only not in a friendship way. Though the friendship was off to a good start, other feelings began to dance around in my heart. Try not to fall in love with him yet. It's too early for that, I thought to myself. I folded up the letter and the drawing, sliding them into the envelope carefully and set it aside, continuing my book well into the late night, Steve on my mind. I made a mental note to get a frame for the drawing as I got up from the couch, allowing both dogs to join me in my bedroom. I changed into pajamas and slid under the coziness of my sheets, drifting off into dreamland.
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warsstag · 6 years ago
Tumblr media
                                             JAMES F. POTTER.
                                   twenty. order member. probable trouble maker.                                                 junior auror / in his last year of training.                                                  ex-gryffindor. rebellious. mischievous.                                                          cocky. courageous. moody.                                                                       pinterest.                                                           
James grew up in a large and airy house situated by the beach in Norfolk, England. The house was painted blue, and was a little bit on the older side, which you could tell by the deteriorating panels, which needed constant upkeep. The house and the grounds themselves weren’t exactly suitable for children, with sharp cliffs close to the water, steep staircases inside the house and an attic with a window that just seemed to invite for someone to try to climb onto the roof. The house itself was also very cozy, though. Floorboards that creaked, paintings with a vast amount of personalities ( catch James bickering with the sailor in the painting in the living room, any day ), warmth from the fireplace, walls painted in soft blues and whites and browns, old furniture that has come to mean something over the generations. The house itself had a lot of personality - Potters ( on his father’s side of the family ) had lived in it for generations, all bringing something new to the place, a new touch. Since the house has been inhabited by Euphemia and Fleamont, new life has been breathed into its walls. Brighter colors have crept into the usually bleak decor. They’ve brought warmth, beautiful patterns and personality to the house.
James’ room was located on the second floor of the house. It was big, with walls painted in red and black, and the decor being very much influenced by his favorite Quidditch teams. He also has a flying carpet hanging over his bed.
When friends stayed over, they usually stayed in the attic. It had been kindly decorated by his mother to be a sort of guest room ( mostly with James + friends in mind, lbr ). James and pals sitting on the roof at night, counting stars, is an aesthetic too, I would say.
James grew up playing Quidditch on the beach and constantly scaring his parents half to death when pushing himself a little too far. Flying a little too close to the cliffs. Dipping his toes in the water. Doing backflips.
Was sort of a lonely child, because their house was a little bit secluded, and there weren’t a lot of kids around. James mostly played with his dogs.
His parents were a little bit on the older side of things. Euphemia, his mother, was nearing forty two when he was born. Fleamont, his father, was forty nine. They had both wanted a child for so long, and had most definitively given up hope by the time James finally came along. Homeboy is always late.
His mother was incredibly empathetic, compassionate and kind. She was also very driven, and so so clever. 
She moved to England after finishing her education at the best wizarding school in India ---- where she scored top marks, and used all of her free time to delve into muggle sciences. Mathematics, chemistry and biology would soon become second nature to her. She moved to England in order to work at a magical research institute, developing potions ( she was also the kind of witch to believe that muggle science and magic shouldn’t necessarily cancel each other out ).
So Euphemia Potter ( née Vaidya ) became a potioneer, and a highly educated woman - before James’ birth, she had taken several muggle courses and wizard courses, and held a pHD in chemistry. During her free time, she was also a popular children’s book author, and published several books that were well loved throughout wizard Britain.
Fleamont Potter was also a potioneer, like his wife, —- which is how they met. Working together, bickering about what the best approach to different remedies and potions would be. They challenged each other, constantly making one another better. Though he was more of a businessman, than a scientist, and launched his own successful hair potion company ( Sleekeazy’s Hair Potions ), which he eventually sold for a vast profit. Both Euphemia and Fleamont passed away from complications due to dragon pox shortly after one another, when James was eighteen. They left him a fortune, and their house ( which James doesn’t have the heart to sell, at least not quite yet / probably not ever ).
James was the kid that somehow got into trouble at the Hogwarts Express during his first year. Before even arriving at the school. And then his second. And then his third. And fourth. At that point, it was basically tradition. That’s how he started every year, and that would also set the tone for the rest of the term.
Also somehow managed to always drag other people into his bullshit? It’s a talent.
His electives at the school were as following: care of magical creatures, alchemy and muggle studies.
Very Gryffindor™, but would have done well in Hufflepuff too, I think.
During his second year, he made the Quidditch team, and became a chaser. After that point, Quidditch basically became his life. Wouldn’t shut up about it. And he also knew that he was good, so his head grew about ten sizes probably.
Had zero impulse control. Was the type to punch first, ask questions later. On that note, James got into quite a few brawls with other boys at the school. Most fights were rooted in 1) James getting annoyed by their pureblood elitism 2) someone insulting one of his friends 3) possibly trying to show off, just a bit.
Emotional maturity, while at Hogwarts? Sorry, who?
May or may not have some sort of record in most detentions in a year. Every year. Which.... he was kinda proud of.... 
Was active in a lot of clubs !! His personal favorite was the dueling club.
Managed to keep his grades up without much effort. Teachers were lowkey perplexed as to why someone as bright as James would CONSTANTLY cause problems / trouble. James was mostly in it for the thrill, the fun, and the risk. Taking unnecessary risks ( often putting himself in danger ) was kind of his thing? And he’s still doing that.
Was infamous for having a mood that changed like the weather, often quickly and without warning. Could be smiling one minute, and be incredibly testy the next. Was unfortunately also infamous for showing off, mostly through hexing people that he didn’t like. He was also quite inventive, and made up hexes with the sole purpose of embarrassing his enemies further.
Sometime during his fifth year at the school, he became an animagus, mostly to help Remus during the full moons. He also saw it as a challenge, and a bit of a test — to see how good they truly were, how far they could push themselves. ‘Could they do this, too? Where’s their limit?’
Also made Quidditch Captain !!!! Can’t believe this man achieved all his dreams at the age of 15....
Eventually mellowed out a bit during his sixth year, grew up a bit, became a little less full of himself. Could see things clearer. Though the pranks and the mischief in reality became more elaborate ( as he was growing older, and also bolder ), he found other ways to entertain himself that didn’t always involve hexes.
Was also slowly growing out of his teenage angst, so that definitively helped. Though the occasional punching without thinking still… occurred.
In his seventh year, he was made Head Boy. Was probably not the best for the job, but he showed up to everything he was supposed to, and didn’t make a total fool out of himself either. Also decided it would be best to be more lowkey, so he stopped getting caught. He still sneaked out of the school, but he was more careful about it, you feel?
James enrolled in auror training the day of graduation. With the war weighing heavy on his shoulders, he didn’t see any other options, any other futures. Though he had idolized aurors since he first heard of them as a child, there were still other roads that he could have taken, if there hadn’t been the urgency of war pushing him towards action – doing something good. He could have pursued playing Quidditch professionally, could have worked with dragons, could have been a hit wizard. Mostly, really, any action packed job would have suited him ( and he had the grades to choose any profession he would have liked ). In the end, the war chose for him.
Joining the aurors just felt right. He passed extensive aptitude tests (which made him a little impatient tbh, he just wanted to get out there, do stuff) and soon started his first year of training.
Auror training has been lowkey hard on him, though? It’s so exhaustive, very serious, no room for errors. Luckily, James is about as stubborn as they come, and is determined to get through it. It’s just another challenge, right?
Now, he’s one of those mini aurors lowkey following the older aurors around. Probably being annoying while doing it.
Joining the Order and the aurors has definitively sobered James up a bit. Made him more responsible, a little less impulsive. But unfortunately not less reckless with his own life. Taking dumb risks, all the fucking time, is still his brand.
Has somehow managed to not kill someone himself yet. Sure, he has wounded and hurt a lot of Death Eaters. There is blood on his hands for sure. But it will also 4 sure change James once he Kills Someone With Intent, u feel.
James ultimately has a heart made of gold, and is constantly trying to prove himself by showing off just how good he is at what he does. This adds up to a bit of a hero complex, tbh.
Is 1000000% his son’s father and I try to play into that... a lot... 
James usually has a stupid grin glued to his face ( the cocky kind, often a little crooked, as if he knows something you don’t ). He never stays serious for long, and is in the habit of playing serious things off as a dumb joke.
Known for being highly unpredictable and volatile, and can change from bright and smiling to tense and sour in the matter of minutes. He’s usually the former though.
That fun mix between Atlas, Icarus and Achilles, tbh !!
Radiates energy ! He’s such a lively person, like a human espresso. Kinda short compared to his pals, definitively a little bitter, high energy.
Was raised to be polite and pleasant, so he has good manners. 
Pays little regard to rules in general though, and usually does not respond well to authority ( but it kinda depends on who it is too? Like. He can semi-behave while at the auror’s office, and respects them… but is also the guy who plays pranks on his co workers constantly ). WILL also get himself into trouble by mouthing off if he thinks someone is in the wrong at work ( common situation is that someone else suggests that they hold off on going in on a death eater nest & James is not a fan ).
Constantly taking things as a challenge! Even if they definitively aren’t a challenge.
Kinda moody.
Definitively that guy that tries to light up a shitty situation with an even shittier joke.
Bad at following orders. Usually winging it. There are only really two people that he will properly listen to, we all know who they are.
Very loyal !!!! Would die for his pals. : ~) Would kill for them, too.
A sentimental bastard.
Smokes way too much. Knows it isn’t good for him, but got hooked back in school, when he thought it made him look cool.
Loves teasing people. Can be a bit mean spirited at times, but he usually doesn’t mean any harm by it.
Doesn’t know how to pick his battles.
Known for being way too impulsive for his own good. He acts first, thinks later.
Has a Queen playlist on repeat probably.
James is so bright, but also so so dumb. I hate him.
Can be really confrontational. Will deadass fight u.
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thephantomofthe-internet · 7 years ago
Communis (Eros p.t 3)
Billy Hargrove x reader, Jonathan Byers x Reader (unrequited)
Word Count: 3816
Warnings: cursing, fighting, reckless driving, awkwardness
Part 1  Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16
Tag List: @steveharringtonofficial @denimjacketkisses @flamehairedwritings @hotstuffhargrove @hargroovin
Series Tag: @hargrovesgoldilocks @wtf-richarddd @sighsophiia @baebee35 @toriasaysso
Feedback Appreciated!
You spent the afternoon panicking, as per usual. It was fairly normal for you to be upset by the end of the day, although usually it was over more commonplace things like tests and assignments, not the attention of a stranger.
Billy Hargrove was bad news. He had made his reputation known and unlike the guys who pretended to be tough for attention, he actually seemed to be as tough as he seemed. He was a festering ball of anger and hatred, ready to swing at the first person who looked at him funny.
But there was something underneath that, something deeper that hid in his eyes and ghosted his words. You couldn’t quite find the word for it-it wasn’t love and you’d hardly call it affection, it was this strange softness that hid underneath, the underbelly of the beast kept safe from attackers.
That intrigued you, knowing that he might have a soul hidden underneath the denim and the sneers. But that was about the only enticing thing about. He was brash, angry, and unforgiving, single minded in his ambitions and almost unfazed by normal human fears. He thought keg stands were chick magnets and a smirk could get him everything he wanted and more. He was aggressive, a wolf without guise or ambiguity. You, at your toughest, were more easily compared to a lap dog. You cried with you got into arguments; you were eager to please and unafraid of self-sacrificing favours and gestures.
If Billy Hargrove was a Molotov cocktail, you were a Shirley Temple.
But you were going out with him; God knows why, the whole situation made you feel uncomfortable and sad. Still, when the clock struck seven, you were jumping out of the shower and plugging in your blow dryer. Did you care about Billy Hargrove? No, at least you didn’t think you did. But here you were, dissecting your appearance in the mirror, trying to decide if you should bother trying to paint a pretty face onto you own. Something in you wanted to impress him, maybe it was because he was the first person to ever really seem serious when he offered to take you out, maybe it was just something you had to prove to yourself-that you were worth taking out. Either way, you sat at your mirror looking at yourself with an eyeliner pencil in hand, trying to decide if it was really worth nearly poking your eye out to impress Billy fucking Hargrove.
You weren’t exactly fantastic with makeup; sure you could apply mascara and a bit of lip gloss without much fuss, but beyond that you were a disaster waiting to happen. You had all the tools, mostly from gift sets gifted by clueless family members, but no idea what to do with them. Still, you were game to try, so you spent the next forty minutes trying to figure out how to use everything you had, only to give up as time ticked closer to departure. You rubbed your face near raw with makeup remover before applying your everyday look-mascara, concealer, and a bit of lip gloss-and buttoning up your sky blue silk blouse, tucking the front into your jeans. You looked yourself over once in the mirror, frowning slightly at your reflection. You didn’t think you exactly looked beautiful, in fact you thought you looked insanely plain and dull, but you had no time to fix it and no idea how, so you grabbed your black jean jacket off the back of your chair and peaked out your bedroom door. You could hear your mother’s TV playing softly from her bedroom.
Your mother had been bedridden for months she lost her job at Hawkins Elementary, and while she was doing better now, nights like these left her emotionally unavailable and physically stuck in the divot she’d made in the mattress, remote clutched in her fist as reruns of M.A.S.H played before Colombo and blankets pulled up to her chin, tears staining her cheeks. The dim column of light cast a yellow glow to the dark hallway and you tiptoed out of your room, flicking off the light and pulling your worn brown purse across your chest. You crept slowly down the stairs, avoiding the creaky steps and, hitting the hardwood floor, you scurried to the front door, pulling on your shoes with your eyes locked on the front window.
You could hear Billy before you saw him or his car, all thanks to his intensely loud music, Aerosmith blasting from his tinny speakers and tired squealing against asphalt. You heard the car park and you rushed to pull on your jacket, shoving your house keys into your pocket.
“I’m going out mom! I’ll be back by curfew!” you called upstairs, pulling open the door, revealing a bored looking Billy, hands shoved into his pockets languidly, eyes trailing the house’s structure.
“You physic or some shit?” Billy asked sarcastically when his eyes met your wide, nervous ones.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” you whispered tightly, pushing past him to get outside, slamming the door before you could hear your mother’s response.
“Coming to pick you up, why are you being so bitchy?” he countered, turning to follow you as you marched down your driveway towards his death trap of a car.
“Did I tell you to come to the door?” you asked. Billy looked at you dumbfounded, raising an eyebrow at you. “No, no I didn’t because I didn’t want you to.”
“Jesus, I try to do one nice thing for you and-” he started, turning to look at the trees rather than you, a pissed off look washing over his face.
“It isn’t nice if I didn’t want it!” you cried. You were at an impasse-Billy didn’t know that you didn’t want the whole gentlemanly spiel and you didn’t know that he was going to bother. The only thing left to do was let it go.
You let out a sigh through your nose, rubbing a hand over your face. “Look,” you said “I’m sorry. I’m being a bitch, you were trying to be nice and I blew up.”
Billy nodded, kissing his teeth as his eyes trailed back to yours. “Yeah, yeah you are, but whatever, let’s just go.” He replied and you took that as some strange acceptance of your apology and you nodded, pulling open the passenger seat door and climbing in, crossing your arms over your chest.
Billy still drove erratically with you in the front seat next to him, but he slowed down just a little, watching you from the rear view mirror with nervous, short glances. He didn’t try to strike a conversation with you nor did he attempt to turn down the music he blasted in your ears, though he didn’t stop you when you reached over to volume dial to turn it down just a little to save your eardrums.  
He hadn’t told you what you were doing or where you were even going, but you oddly weren’t worried. As much as didn’t want to end up in the middle of nowhere, you trusted yourself to be able to get out of the situation. You shoved your hands in your pockets, running your fingers over the tiny pocket knife on your key ring. Sure, the blade was tiny but you trusted it to do enough to hurt him so you could get away, worst come to worst you could probably take out one of his eyes if he tried anything.
Those were the thoughts you had in your head constantly, always planning your next move, your escape from danger not revealed yet. To say you were high strung was an understatement-you were a ticking time bomb of fear and stress, ready to pounce whenever the cause arrived; hunched low with shifty eyes watching your prey with fear and caution. Sometimes you wondered what it was like to be completely carefree, to be at complete ease almost all the time, but the idea of being that vulnerable to threat, that calm in the seas of life’s dangers sounded like a risk too high for you to take. Staying scared would work well for you.
You hadn’t noticed that Billy had driven to the diner at the edge of Hawkins, once owned by a nice man named Benny and now run by his sorrowful brother and sister-in law. You were fine with this, at least you knew where you were, but when you went to open the door to follow him out, he shook his head.
“Do you actually give a shit what I get?” he asked gruffly. You shook your head, almost dumbfounded by the question. You didn’t give a shit what you ordered but you’d like the choice. “Then stay put.” He said, slamming his door before you could interject or complain.
You sat in the huff in his car, eyes scanning the dark forest just across the road, watching the trees sway softly in the breeze. Surprisingly, for your anxiety, you loved the woods at night. Was it full of danger? Yes, but it was the most peaceful place in Hawkins since no one dared to go in it anymore. You found the whole place to be soothing, surrounded by nature and the simple sounds of the environment around you.
Billy was gone long enough to make you wonder if he’d forgotten you altogether. You giggled at the image of him screaming when he found you hours later in his car. You were certain he’d probably pee himself out of shock and fear, which lifted your spirits immensely, bringing a smile to your face for the first time that evening.
Of course, Billy chose that moment to return, a big brown paper bag in one hand, keys dangling from its key ring off his index finger. He watched you for a moment, an odd feeling coming to his chest. You looked, for the first time that night, at peace and now your tense body language read as a bad start to him. Still, Billy Hargrove didn’t put aside his own annoyance from the beginning of the night. He was too proud to meet your newfound breezy smile, watching the woods from the windshield, and instead he ripped open the door roughly, startling you from your dreamlike fantasies.
He tossed the bag of food into your lap and jabbed the keys into the ignition, revving the engine and reversing quickly out of the parking lot, pulling out of the restaurant and back onto the main roads.
You sighed, feeling your good mood slip away and your gaze returned to the passenger side window, propping your head up on the palm of your hand, steadying your elbow on the door handle. You didn’t bother to meet Billy’s eye when he glanced over at you, though you knew he was from his reflection in the glass whenever his head turned to yours just for a moment.
Unlike before, you noticed when he turned into the woods and, this time, you got a bit worried. Not because you thought he was going to hurt you, but instead what he was expecting of you. You weren’t experienced and you didn’t want to do anything with him to begin with.
Billy seemed to sense this, chuckling darkly. “Don’t worry, I’m not gonna make you do anything, no matter what Stacy thinks we’re doing out here.” He joked.
You blushed scarlet, muttering to yourself “God damn it, Stacy…” Billy only laughed at your distressed expression, his tongue running over his teeth. He had heard you talking a lunch, truth be told he had been looking out for you, if only to bother you again, but after hearing what you and Stacy were discussing, he decided to leave you be. But he couldn’t pretend that the whole conversation he’d overheard embarrassed him in a way he’d never felt before. Girls talked about him all the time, about what they’d do to him if given the shock, usually it made his ego grow tenfold, but hearing your embarrassed posturing made him want to burst in and tell Stacy to shut up and go back to sucking off Bryce Myers behind the bleachers. But instead he walked away with his best attempt at a smirk, trying to remind himself that it was normal and he shouldn’t give a shit what you say about him behind his back.
He didn’t push you on the subject of your discussion, instead parking by the quarry. This choice boosted your confidence; guys who wanted something from a girl would take her out to Mason Point, where Hawkins’s very own lover’s lake drew in couples looking for a strange combination of privacy and social status and publicity. He took you somewhere no one goes, sure, but it wasn’t make out point or anything. So you tried to keep your calm, not commenting when he wrenched the bag from your hands, pulling out a wax paper wrapped burger and a paper cup of fries, handing you the bag back.
“So, you moved here from California, right?” you tried. You didn’t know much about dating but you knew that talking was generally the right idea.
Billy shook his head, taking a giant bite of his burger.
You furrowed your brow “What…” you began, only to be cut off again, a palm flashing a universal stop sign in your face, much to your annoyance.
“I fucking hate small talk, can’t fucking stand it, and since we aren’t fooling around out here we’re not gonna talk unless one of us thinks of something really interesting to say.” He announced through a mouthful of food.
You rolled your eyes “Sure, fine, whatever…” you muttered, pulling out whatever Billy had ordered for you, a carbon copy of his order. Out of habit, you pulled off the top bun, picking off the insane amount of pickles on it and dropping them onto the wrapper.
Billy watched you with a grimace, muttering “You said you didn’t care…” he shook his head, rolling his eyes.
“I don’t like pickles, sue me.” You bit back, earning a scoff from the boy. “I thought we were only having interesting conversations.” You said, turning to look at him. Billy shot you an annoyed look, shoving fries into his mouth. You smirked when he didn’t retort, taking in the tiny win you’d gotten.
The silence in the car was uncomfortable. You felt this desperate need to fill the void, to come up with something interesting to say to end the nightmare. But you were too proud to try, to get shut down again. You weren’t too proud to admit your boredom in other ways though and you reached into your purse and pulled out a worn copy of On the Road, flipping open to the dog eared page and settling in to read, unclipping your seatbelt and pulling one of your legs under you.
“No feet on the seats.” Billy snapped, turning to look at you again. “Are you seriously reading right now? You’re on a God damn date.”
“Since you insist on not talking, I thought I’d fill the damn void my way! Better than sitting in painful silence, waiting for death…” you shot back, crossing your arms over your chest.
“I can’t fucking win with you, can I? I try to do the princely shit and I get yelled at, I do things my way and I get yelled at. Make up your fucking mind!” he cried.
“Treat me like a fucking person!” you retorted, matching his volume. “I don’t know why you’re fucking bothering with this shit if you can’t even act like I’m a damn person! I’m allowed to freak out when I’m surprised, I’m sorry if I didn’t drop my panties because you decided to come to the door to meet me instead of honking at me from the car. Treat me like a damn person or take me home.”
Billy didn’t respond. He didn’t move, you swore he didn’t even swallow to mouthful of chewed food he’d started on while you were talking. But his face had changed. His jaw wasn’t tight, his eyes wide instead of narrowed in a sneer. The tension in the air began to settle and you began to feel that stupid guilty feeling you’d felt back on your driveway.
You dropped your head, sighing loudly. “Look,” you began, this time softer and more vulnerable “If my mother had known someone was meeting me at the house, she would’ve felt like she needed to get up, try to be a hostess. I don’t need her putting on airs with anyone. If Stacy or Nancy had tried to come to the door, I would’ve done the same thing. It wasn’t about you, I’m sorry if I emasculated you or something.”
Billy nodded, swallowing hard “Your mom sick or something?” he asked quietly.
“Not physically.” You replied. You intentionally kept things vague, not wanting to bring up your mother and the reasons she’d gotten the way she was. It hurt too much to discuss, especially with a near stranger.
“I get it.” Billy said, surprising you. “I was the same way with my mom, didn’t want to make a fuss or anything.” You nodded, your mouth lifting into a halfway smile, the right corner of your mouth lifting while the other stayed down. “I wouldn’t want anyone coming to my door now anyway.” He added, earning a laugh from you, and though he didn’t think what he said was very, he liked the way you laughed, musical and sweet and soft.
“I’ll make a note of that, if I ever need to drunk-cry at you again, I won’t bother with the front door, I’ll scale the building or something with mascara blurring my eyes, nearly die for a quick, judgemental hug.” You giggled, the image of you in your Halloween costume shimming up someone’s drain pipe and climbing up the roof just to be made fun of by Billy Hargrove.
Luckily for you, Billy seemed to also find the idea funny, chuckling darkly. His lips turned into a soft, genuine smile, making him look very innocent. His laugh was softer too, nothing like the mean bark he let out with Tommy and Carol as the made fun of the somewhat ridiculous Steve Harrington.
“So, wait, can I ask? Why the fuck were you crying at Tina’s thing? Over freak Byers of all people.” Billy asked, watching you carefully.
“You ever want somebody who didn’t want you?” you asked, earning a shrug from the boy across from you “That’s what I thought, you don’t get it, but I really liked him and I thought he like me too, turns out though he’s just interested in Nancy, so I broke down, blame the alcohol.” You explained, your eyes darting to the swaying trees, too embarrassed to look at him anymore.
“And so you broke down in public?” he pressed sceptically. He wasn’t fully convinced that you were telling the truth, he was sure something more had to have happened to cause such a reaction.
“I-I guess I couldn’t hold it back, I usually can.” You stuttered “Why did you come over to bug me then? You definitely had better things to do while I was crying.” You countered, pushing the focus onto him. Your eyes locked onto his for the first time without speaking, causing Billy to pause before he spoke, watching you. And there was that strange feeling again, filling his stomach with a strange buzz he couldn’t label. He should want to look away, but he couldn’t seem to look away.
Billy shrugged, his eyes breaking away from your stare; he looked calm, which pissed you off, you hated being the only nervous or awkward person in any situation. And his eyes were so blue you swore you had been drowning in them just moments ago, warm and sympathetic and the only true source of his true emotions.
“Got a headache from all the blood going to my head, went to bug Harrington again and found you crying, I hate seeing people kill the atmosphere of a party, went to shut that shit down.” He explained.
Was that anywhere near true? No. He wasn’t going to bother Steve, he’d heard the crying while he was outside smoking and went to investigate. He hadn’t even doing keg stands when he found you, the cheering was from the dwindling group still watching as Vicki Masterson was officially crowned keg queen.
You hummed “Well, I guess that’s fair, but why kiss me then?” you questioned.
“Why not?” he countered.
“I don’t know, drunk crying with gross makeup smears down my face doesn’t seem exactly attractive.” You replied. You hadn’t realized how much you were smiling until you felt your cheeks begin to hurt. That was strange, seeing as how you didn’t think Billy Hargrove could ever make you smile much less smile so much it hurt.
“I don’t know! You just…you looked like you needed to be kissed, is that a crime?” he asked. You watched him for a second, looking for a sign of some sort of joke, a trick to remind you of your place. But he looked oddly serious, which was stranger to you than him laughing at you.
“I don’t know yet…” you admitted, letting your gaze glance to your watch. “Shit, I gotta go if I’m gonna make curfew.” Billy nodded, turning the key and starting up the engine again, beginning the short drive back to your house.
The drive was quiet, filled with vague comments about the people who lived in town, judging them by the houses they lived in, earning chuckles from Billy, who watched you from the corner of his eye, smiling more than he had since he moved to your shithole town.
When he pulled up to the house, he turned off the engine again, watching you gather your things, picking up the garbage you’d made and crumpling it in your fist. “I can’t walk you to the front door, can I?” Billy asked jokingly.
You shook your head, giggling slightly “Nope, but I’ll see you around, yeah?” you replied.
“We go to the same school, I’ll have to see you.” Billy replied deadpan. You nodded, popping open the door and hopping out onto the sidewalk, pulling your purse onto your shoulder.
“Well, goodnight Billy.” You said.
“Night, Y/N.” you slammed the door, jogging up the driveway and up the steps to your front door. You didn’t need to turn around to know that he hadn’t sped off the second the door was shut. Still, you didn’t look back, instead you unlocked the front door and rushed inside, shutting the door quickly behind you. Your back hit the door as you reflected on the night you just had.
“What the fuck just happened?”
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lilyvandersteen · 6 years ago
Puppy Eyes Chapter 18
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Nope, no smut yet, sorry, only more schmoop and fluff...
Thank you so much to everyone who sends me feedback - you’re wonderful and you spur me on to keep writing :-)
This story is also on AO3 and on Fanfiction.net.
The other parts can be found here: Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5 - Chapter 6 - Chapter 7 - Chapter 8 - Chapter 9 - Chapter 10 - Chapter 11 - Chapter 12 - Chapter 13 - Chapter 14 - Chapter 15 - Chapter 16 - Chapter 17
Chapter 18: A Lot of Firsts
When Kurt had to leave for a dog walking assignment later that evening, Blaine felt a prickle of dread. Blaine had declared himself now, and handed Kurt his heart for safe-keeping. Did Kurt believe him? Did he want to be with Blaine? Kurt wasn’t going to slip out of his life again, was he?
Blaine didn’t want to seem clingy, but he also didn’t want to let Kurt walk away without any reassurances on this matter, so he offered to come with Kurt and help him walk the dogs.
It wasn’t until Kurt pointed it out that Blaine realised he was still naked from the transformation. It cracked the both of them up, and that bout of merriment instantly made Blaine feel better. He dressed quickly, and held Kurt’s hand all the way to the dogs’ homes and then to the park. It felt amazing. He sneaked a few glances at their joined hands, grinning happily, and that grin only widened when he caught Kurt doing the same.
“I love you,” he said, the words tumbling out of their own accord for the millionth time that day, yet Kurt’s eyes lit up as beautifully as if it were the very first.
When Blaine gave Kurt the unicorn brooch and the accompanying letter, he got the reassurance he’d been craving. The letter made Kurt tear up and reel Blaine in close, murmuring that Blaine was the one for him too.
Blaine didn’t check if anyone was around before taking Kurt’s face in his hands and kissing him like his life depended on it.
Kurt drew away a few times to gulp in fresh air, and each time Blaine chased his lips as if Kurt provided the only oxygen he needed.
Blaine didn’t know how much time had passed when they finally remembered the dogs and took them back home, but he did know it wasn’t long enough by far.
Kurt was dog-sitting, so Blaine knew he couldn’t come back to Blaine’s apartment. But maybe Blaine could come with him? He needed to be close to Kurt. Preferably till death did them part, but he’d settle for right here right now.
Kurt seemed hesitant about letting him stay over, so Blaine gave him his most beseeching look. The one that even Pam had never been able to say no to.
“You don’t play fair,” Kurt grumbled as they walked towards the apartment where Kurt was staying.
Blaine, happy as a lark now, beamed at him. “All’s fair in love and war, beautiful.”
Kurt shot him a quick look, and a corner of his mouth ticked up. “Is that going to be my pet name from now on? What happened to ‘honey’ and ‘sweetie’?”
Blaine shrugged. “Those are generic, and I use them for everyone. You deserve a special name just for you. And ‘beautiful’ suits you.”
That made Kurt blush, and Blaine just had to kiss him again because he was so adorable.
It wasn’t until they were lying in bed that Blaine initiated phase two of his wooing plan, and asked Kurt out on a date. He fist-pumped when Kurt said yes, and nodded off contentedly.
Then Kurt’s voice jolted him awake again. “Just so you know, we have an appointment at The Sweetest Thing Bakery tomorrow at four p.m. Make sure you include that in your date plans.”
“You rescheduled? Mrs Peters wasn’t angry that we missed our appointment?”
Kurt chuckled. “I pretended that you’d written the date down wrong.”
“Clever!” Blaine praised him. “I’m glad. She has the best reviews. And the best designs.”
“And hopefully scrumptious caaaaaake,” Kurt yawned.
“Sleep, beautiful.”
“Sweet dreams,” Kurt slurred, and then laughed, “because of the cake, geddit?”
He turned on his side, his head on Blaine’s chest, and was out like a light.
Blaine kissed the crown of his head. For a few minutes, he basked in the feeling of having Kurt with him again. Then, he started going over his date options. Their first date had to be perfect.
Of course, mandating that the date had to be perfect jinxed it. From the moment Blaine woke, he knew he’d have to adjust his plans. He’d counted on cold but dry weather, not the rain and cold wind that assaulted him as soon as he opened the window in the kitchen. That meant the walk through Central Park was out. Bummer.
Blaine busied himself making Kurt a delicious breakfast, making sure it would be ready by the time Kurt’s alarm clock went off, but Kurt didn’t even spare the breakfast tray a passing glance when he rushed past Blaine mumbling, “Dogs to walk. Back in half an hour!”
Blaine looked down at the tray he was holding and sighed. By the time Kurt got back, the eggs would be a congealed mess, the toast would be unappetizing, the fruit salad would no longer look fresh but brown at the edges, and the mocha would be ice-cold.
Oh, all right then.
Blaine sat down at the kitchen table and ate the breakfast intended for Kurt, grimacing when he drank the mocha, which was much too sweet for his taste. After that, he showered and dressed, and then made a new breakfast tray, timing it so that it was ready just when Kurt was due back.
Kurt and the poodles returned in the best of spirits, despite the weather, and now Kurt did notice the tray. “You made me breakfast? Oh, you’re the BEST! I’m starving! I forgot to make myself sandwiches yesterday.”
Kurt kissed Blaine square on the mouth before sitting down and wolfing the whole meal down in five minutes flat.
Then, he looked up at Blaine expectantly. “So what are your plans for today?”
“Still raining?” Blaine asked, and Kurt nodded.
“I guess a romantic walk in the park is out, then,” Blaine mused, and Kurt laughed as if Blaine had made an excellent joke.
Blaine praised himself lucky that he’d asked Ashton if there were any good exhibitions in the NYC museums. At least he had that to fall back on.
He looked up, meaning to tell Kurt they were going to the Met, but Kurt had disappeared. His bowl and plate stood in the sink, already rinsed, and his voice floated out of the utility room, singing a French song.
Blaine distractedly petted one of the poodles while letting Kurt’s singing wash over him, and then started on the dishes.
An hour later, Kurt and Blaine were on their way to the museum. Blaine had first stopped by his own apartment for Kurt’s present of the day. He’d had an umbrella made with the same puppy pattern as the book bag, and Kurt could really use that in this weather.
Kurt exclaimed over the umbrella, calling it über-cute. Outside, he opened it and offered Blaine his arm.
Blaine had never shared an umbrella with anyone before, and found it cosy and intimate. The wind still howled, and the rain still beat down on them, but the umbrella was sturdy enough to provide shelter, and the heat from Kurt’s body was a welcome solace against the biting cold.
When they reached the Met, the queue at the entrance made Blaine’s heart sink. He knew that Monet always drew a crowd, but this was simply ridiculous. They���d be queuing for hours, and in this inclement weather, standing still for so long wasn’t an appealing prospect.
He ran through Ashton’s other suggestions, and flagged down a cab to take them to the Museum of Natural History instead. The exhibit there was about newly discovered deep sea creatures, and when a class of third-graders came by with a guide, Kurt’s eyes shone and he followed them, soaking up every bit of information the guide doled out.
Kurt was keen to discover the rest of the museum too, and in the end, he only let himself be led out of the museum when his stomach started growling.
“We can always come back another day,” Blaine promised him.
Blaine looked at the overcast sky and chose a nearby sushi restaurant for lunch. It still wasn’t close enough for them to escape a sudden rain squall that drenched them in seconds, and they ran the last few yards, Kurt squealing and trying to protect his hair when the wind blew his hood off.
They stumbled into Gari of Columbus with dripping coats and squeaking shoes, laughing and shivering a little. In the restaurant, it was toasty warm, though, and Kurt slipped into the restroom to try and fix his hair.
“Ugh,” Kurt said when he came back. “I can’t get it into a decent coif. You’ll have to make do with the hairstyle I had when I was a sophomore in high school. Floppy bangs and all.”
Blaine smiled at him and cupped his cheek to give him a kiss. “You do look younger this way. But just as beautiful.”
After lunch, Kurt had to head back to the place he was staying to pick up the poodles for their midday walk, and then a few other dogs as well. Blaine grinned when Snowball and Summer greeted him enthusiastically. It was still raining, but Blaine hardly felt it as he ran with the dogs. Kurt flashed him a happy grin and upped his pace a notch.
After their run, Kurt was shivering again. Blaine hunted for a blanket in the apartment and wrapped Kurt in it, installing him on the sofa and hurrying to the kitchen to make them both tea. When he came back into the living room, Kurt was watching Casablanca, and stretched his arms out towards Blaine. Blaine offered him a cup of tea, and chuckled when that made Kurt pout. “So impatient, beautiful.”
Blaine kissed Kurt’s pout away and sat down next to him, encircling Kurt’s waist and sipping his own tea.
“So where is The Sweetest Thing bakery?” Kurt asked. “We have to make sure we’re on time today.”
Blaine beamed at him. “It’s not far, beautiful. Four blocks or so. So you can drink your tea and watch Humphrey and cuddle me and get warm again. Plenty of time for that.”
Kurt’s answering smile was wide and toothy, and he wiggled a bit closer still. “That sounds perfect.”
They arrived at The Sweetest Thing bakery twenty minutes early, and Kurt used the extra time to inspect the shop window. “I see what you meant about the best designs. These cakes are gorgeous. If they’re yummy, too, I’m sold.”
A gust of wind made them both head inside the shop, and they told the sales assistant that they had an appointment with Mrs Peters.
“Anderson-Hummel?” she asked.
“That’s us,” Blaine confirmed, and he felt Kurt squeeze his hand.
“What is it, beautiful?” he whispered, and Kurt blushed and whispered back, “I like that there’s an ‘us’ now.”
The girl behind the counter cooed. “Aww, you’re too adorable. Have you been together long?”
“Nearly a year and a half,” Kurt lied glibly.
“And you’re already engaged? Wow, I’ve been seeing my man for five years and not a peep about marriage!”
Blaine gave her his most disarming smile. “When you know, you just know.”
A voice behind him made a retching noise, and then hissed, “You disgusting fags, why don’t you get out of here before I break your neck!”
Blaine whipped his head around and saw a burly middle-aged guy, red-faced and looking furious.
Before he could say or do anything, Kurt retorted, “Why don’t you back to the Middle Ages, where you belong? Last I checked, gay marriage was legal. We have as much right to buy our wedding cake here as you do.”
The guy came closer, his hands reaching for Kurt’s neck. Blaine quickly got in front of Kurt and took on a fighting stance.
“Cut this out RIGHT NOW,” a woman commanded.
Blaine recognised Mrs Peters’ voice, but didn’t take his eyes off the angry guy.
“Mr Miller, if you have a problem with my clientele, I suggest you go elsewhere. I’m not having this kind of scene in my shop.”
Mr Miller looked at Mrs Peters, affronted. He’d clearly expected her to side with him. “Oh, fine. Your cakes suck anyway.”
He strode out of the shop and banged the door with all his might.
“Good riddance,” said Mrs Peters. “Now if you two would follow me, please. Anderson-Hummel, right?”
“That’s us, ma’am,” Blaine said. He grabbed Kurt’s hand, and together, they followed Mrs Peters.
Soon after, Kurt was deep in discussion with Mrs Peters about the design he wanted on the wedding cake. He drew several versions on a napkin, and promised to send the baker a digital version of the design by the next day at the latest.
Then, it was time to taste-test the different cake flavours. Kurt took small nibbles and closed his eyes every time a new taste hit him, his brow furrowed in concentration. It made Blaine smile.
Kurt pronounced the chocolate delicious but too heavy, shook his head after tasting the red velvet and vanilla options, made a so-so gesture about the carrot cake, wrinkled his nose at the pink champagne cake, but lit up when he tasted the coconut and lime combo.
“This is it,” he whispered, “This is the perfect cake.”
Blaine nodded. “Okay.”
Kurt took another small bite and moaned. “No, seriously, it doesn’t get any better than this. So good.”
Mrs Peters laughed. “That’s settled, then. So I’ll write down coconut and lime for the cake, and your own design for the decoration. Do you have my e-mail address to send the file?”
Blaine assured her they had the address.
“And what’s the wedding date?” she wanted to know next.
Kurt and Blaine looked at each other.
“We haven’t decided on the venue yet,” said Blaine. “It depends which one we’ll go with. If we pick the Bowery Ballroom, it will be the 7th of June. If it’s at the NY Public Library, it will be on the 14th of July. And the date for the Loeb boathouse is 9 September.”
Kurt cocked his head to the side. “I thought we’d decided against the Loeb boathouse? It’s going to be either Bowery or the Library, Mrs Peters. We’ll let you know as soon as possible. We’re visiting both places again next week, and then we’ll decide.”
Mrs Peters made Blaine repeat both dates and jotted them down with a question mark behind them.
As they filed out of the back room, Mrs Peters put a hand on Blaine’s arm.
“Hey…” she said. “Don’t mind that guy, please. Don’t you worry your pretty head about him. Your fiancé is right. Love is love, and it doesn’t matter to me that you’re two men. It shouldn’t matter to anyone. It’s nobody’s business but your own.”
Blaine swallowed and tried to smile, but it probably came out more like a grimace. “I’ll go pay the deposit at the counter, then.”
Nothing like striking while the iron was hot, so Blaine called both wedding venues to ask if he could come by again, this time with his fiancé. For the Bowery Ballroom, he made an appointment for Monday evening. There was no appointment needed for the New York Public Library. “We’re open until 5.45 today, sir.”
That gave them a little over an hour to go discover the place, so they took a cab there. As soon as Kurt entered the building, he seemed to be vibrating with excitement, and that enthusiasm increased with every detail he pointed out to Blaine, in reverent whispers. They stayed until the library closed, and as they went down the steps, Kurt told Blaine, “This is the right place for us. I can feel it in my bones. We can go check out the Bowery, too, but I don’t think I’ll change my mind. I see us getting married here.”
They picked up Thai take-away on their way back to the place where Kurt was staying. After eating, they took out the dogs for their evening walk, and then curled up on the sofa again until it was time for bed.
When Kurt laid his head on Blaine’s chest, Blaine blurted out, “I’m sorry our first date was such a mess. I wanted it to be perfect, but it all went wrong.”
Kurt raised his head. “Blaine, what are you talking about? There’s nothing about today that I would have changed. To me, it was perfect. A wonderful first date. I couldn’t dream up a better one if I tried.”
“B-but the weather…”
“I loved that it rained. That meant I got to share an umbrella with you. That was so romantic. I’d never done that before.”
“Me neither,” Blaine confessed.
Kurt beamed. “I like sharing firsts with you. I want us to share a lot of firsts. I couldn’t give you my first kiss ‘cause that one got stolen, but the rest of my firsts are all yours.”
Blaine smiled tremulously and pecked Kurt lightly on the lips, but then went back to his grievances about the day. “And I meant for us to go to the Met, but the queue was too long.”
“Aww, Blaine. The Natural History Museum was a much better choice. I loved it there!”
“And your hair got wet!”
“Yep. Yours too, and you looked so sexy with wet curls. I wanted to grab you right there and then and make out with you.”
“And then at the bakery, that guy nearly throttled you!”
“And you defended me, you brave knight in shining Armani.”
Kurt batted his eyelashes at Blaine and pouted his lips.
Blaine laughed and kissed Kurt.
When Kurt came up for air, he breathed, “Perfect. I’m telling you, perfect.”
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rosemallowss · 6 years ago
CREEPS Sweater Tutorial
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[I recently found this in my drafts and realized that it’s too late, as there’s already a CREEPS long sleeve shirt you can buy on the merch site! But I’ll just post this to remember my failure]
Materials needed:
- Black long sleeved sweater or shirt
- Determination
- Money
- Patience
- Exacto knife
- Scissors
- Lint roller
- Iron
- Printer (NOT a laser printer)
- Flat surface
- Transfer paper (probably 2 packs depending on the amount in one)
- Pillow case
- Computer
- Word document (probably Microsoft word)
- This tutorial! :)
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Step 1: Get transfer paper. Most packs come in 5 pieces of paper, so you may want to get two packs since CREEPS is 6 letters plus if you mess up. Make sure the transfer paper specifically says for dark clothing and that your material is 100% cotton/polyester.
Step 2: Get a plain long sleeved black shirt that fits you right! Or a black sweater. I used a black sweater since I love wearing those and find it a bit uncomfortable wearing shirts that stick to me. Make sure it is either 100% cotton or polyester.
Step 3: Download the font. One of the reasons most people don’t make the sweater is because they can’t find the correct font! However, I found it exactly (or almost exactly except for a minor detail)! Download the font “LEGEND M54” { https://www.dafont.com/legend-m54.font } and it should (I can’t remember) pop up in your word document.
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Step 4: Now that you have your font, pick the right color. If you want, you could choose a lighter mint green color for the letters which is what I chose. But in certain lightings it looks white. However, you can use a darker mint green as most people who have made a CREEPS shirt have done. Either one! It’s honestly hard to tell what is the exact color of the original shirt.
Step 4: Getting the right size letters on the shirt. I stressed over this a lot. It depends on the size of YOU! I am a 5’0 fourteen year old girl, (and the shirt is still a bit big on me) but still used pretty big letters. I made the font size 600. You may want to print out a letter with an estimated font size on REGULAR PRINTER PAPER first; cut out the letter and place it on your sweater. If you like the size, keep it or adjust and practice accordingly. I printed out all the letters to make sure they all could fit on my sweater. Also take this time to practice cutting the letters perfectly as if they were your real letters going on your shirt and to save a bit of paper.
Step 5: Once you are satisfied with your letter size and color, print out the letters on your transfer paper. The instructions of your transfer paper should tell you the options to get the best quality transfer. Don’t start working on your shirt right away. My transfer told me to wait at least 30 minutes for the ink to dry on the paper but I waited 45 minutes cause I’m extra. ALSO DO NOT PRINT ON THE SIDE WITH LINES. Make sure the letters go on the blank side.
Step 6: Cutting it out. Now, when downloading the font, you’ll notice the little nubs on the letters. Just cut those off. It’s easier anyway. When you cut them off, you’ve got the exact font used on the sweater. When cutting, remember that there is a little back to the paper that you MUST peel off. (Believe me, I fucked up once) To make it easy for yourself, when cutting out a letter, make sure not to cut out a space of white paper. Then, using your exacto knife, slowly slice the surface of the white paper, but not deep enough to slice it in half. Peel that, not all the way, but just enough for your fingers to grab and peel it all off later. Then, cut off the white part. Be careful here because it gets a bit slippery when cutting this part.
Repeat with all the letters. On the letters “R” and “P” DO NOT FORGET to cut out the white space aka the holes of the letters. Otherwise, it’ll end up on your final product and ruin it.
Step 7: Get your sweater. My transfer paper specifically said not to use an ironing board, so I used my kitchen counter (cleaning it first of course). Put your pillow case on the counter, and IRON IT OUT TO PREVENT WRINKLES. Then lay your sweater on the pillowcase, smoothing it out so that there are no wrinkles. Have a lint roller and roll it all over your shirt. To be safe, do it 3 times. Do this to get rid of any crumbs or animal hair that’s on your shirt. DEFINITELY do this if you have a dog or other animal like me. Then, iron out your shirt to guarantee no wrinkles and get rid of any moisture in your shirt.
Step 8: Adjust your iron’s settings according to your paper transfer instructions. I adjusted mine to the highest heat setting, no steam, polyester/cotton.
Step 9: Place your letters on the shirt and line them up. I didn’t measure this part. I just used a reference of a picture of the sweater and kind of followed that. IRON THE "C" AND "S" LAST. If you do measure it, it will most likely depend on your height. Or, use this picture like I have done to get a reference.
Step 10: Peel the paper off of the letter. The letter should be flimsy in your hands. DO NOT FORGET TO PEEL IT OFF. Put the parchment paper on top of your yet to be ironed letter. Smooth it out with your hands to prevent any weird wrinkles or air bubbles. Then, iron it in an up-and-down and left-to-right motion, covering the whole letter for 13-20 seconds ONLY! I made the mistake at the beginning for doing it for a minute. It was too late when I realized that the next instruction told me to stop ironing when the letter started browning (if you go back on my account you can see the results) otherwise you’ll have some ugly white/yellow letters on your sweater.
Step 11: Wait for letter to cool down, then repeat for the rest of the letters on the chest (waiting for the letters to cool down between each iron), carefully eyeballing the reference to make sure your letters are spaced like the picture. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but I’m a bit of a perfectionist.
Step 12: If you DO happen to mess up and burn your letters. Do not fret! You could go buy another shirt and more transfer paper, but that may not help your wallet. Because you have two transfer packets, there are bound to be extra papers! Do step 4–6 again, and again repeating step 10, iron the letter on top of your burned, failed one. There may be a little outline of the failed letter around your new and perfect one, but from a normal distance it is not noticeable. You may have to do this the first time you do it. I have. :/
Step 13: The sleeves are a bit tricky. Since my sweater had been slightly big on me, the letters sagged on the sleeves, not lining up with REEP. If they don’t line up perfectly, it’s alright because when George Salazar performs, you can see that the letters are also not perfectly lined up.
Spread your sleeves out. Turn the letter sideways and put it on your sleeve so that it points in the direction your sleeve is pointing. You may want to put the sleeve back down next to the shirt with the letter still on it to see if they would line up with REEP. When you are satisfied, repeat step 10. Also, try to align the “C" with "S" so it doesn’t look off to other people. You may want to use a ruler to measure.
Step 14: Wait 24 hours to wear or wash. Don’t use a washing machine. Hand wash instead. Now you have a CREEPS sweater and you’re just in time for the off-broadway edition of Be More Chill in New York City! Or impressing your favorite actor/actress of Be More Chill! Or your favorite theatre nerds.
Step 15: Wear it. Take pictures. Make your friends scream and ask “HOW DID YOU FIND IT?” and whisper, “I found it online.”
Extra tips:
Don’t stress.
Don’t rely entirely on this tutorial. Use your transfer paper’s instructions as well.
If you’re kinda young, get your parent or guardian to help you out.
Thank me.
This took me roughly 6 hours to do because I was trying to figure out what the hell I was doing.
If you have any more questions. PLEASE SEND AN ASK so other BMC fans could scroll through and see them.
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