bakugous-abs · 4 years
Halloween 2020 Event
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Hi family! We’re getting into the spooky festivities for you this year! We’ve picked some pretty spooky prompts to follow and we’ll be posting one a day for the whole month of October. I’ve attached the post of the prompts here so that you can follow along with us if you please! If you do, submit it to our blog on the day of the prompt and we’ll post it with ours! If you do, don’t forget to use the hashtag #bnhahalloween2020 with it! Thanks family!
~Admin HeroWeekly
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bakugous-abs · 4 years
Day 1 of Halloween 2020!
Todays piece is brought to you by Admin Eun!
***TRIGGER WARNING: possessive/abusive relationships, degradation, swearing***
Shigaraki was a selfish man. If he wanted something, he didn’t just want it—he craved it. The ferocity one man could possess when he didn’t get something he wanted was childlike, yes, but daunting regardless. In life, Shigaraki wasn’t faced with too many challenges that he couldn’t just dust away. Yes, that was the life, wasn’t it?
Shigaraki scoffed, the noise sending a soft echo throughout the cramped walls of a small studio apartment. He saw the inhabitant, or rather, you, look up in confusion. Your eyes scanned the room for a moment before you shrugged tersely before returning to whatever seemed to have you so entranced on your smartphone. 
Oh, yeah. Had he forgot to mention? He was but a simple poltergeist, roaming around (there really wasn’t much room to roam, but anyhow) a small, minimally decorated apartment that had all the bare essentials. It was cleaner than the bar he used to hang around in his life. Used to. That one damned day—just the thought of it made his skin crawl, so really it’d be better to just not think of it at all. Nevertheless, the point was that he was dead. Was he mourned? Maybe by a few ‘friends’ with a similar mindset as his, but at this point, they were probably offed by a hero as well, or at least in their middle ages. He didn’t know why his spirit was connected to this apartment in particular, because anytime he tried to leave, his body refused the action. Whatever the reason being, he had to admit...you were cute. 
You weren’t anything especially eye catching beyond your physical features. Other than perhaps a particular clothing style, you didn’t do much to grab others attention. How very ‘fresh out of college’ of you. You didn’t seem to have a huge, loudly obnoxious friend group that you brought to your cramped apartment. Certainly no men or women to spend countless nights with, much to Shigaraki’s pleasure. In fact, the subject of your love life seemed to be pretty stale. If it was a cupboard it would have a cartoonishly appropriate cobweb growing inside. 
This is how it had been for the year you had inhabited this place. Shigaraki would watch you come home from a job that didn’t seem to satisfy your artistic passions, but, you know, capitalism. He’d watch you repeat the same schedule of waking up groggy, maybe having a sip or two of some coffee, tea, or juice before leaving and coming back to simply sit on your couch and watch movies, maybe play a video game here or there on your console that broke your bank account or the only affordable PC setup you could muster. You’d eat a meal, shower, sleep, repeat. And, you know? Shigaraki liked that. He thought your very intact yet boring lifestyle was cute. You entranced him. Hell, if he was alive, you’d be something he’d so desperately want. 
But...he wasn’t alive. You couldn’t hear him, you couldn’t see him, you couldn’t feel him. You didn’t even know he was there. It was fine, though. As long as you didn’t have anyone else in your life, he was satisfied. He knew that was an unreasonable request, but he was an unreasonable man. 
It was a day like any other. You came home and sighed, letting your bag drop at your sides. Shigaraki watched you from the couch, waiting for you to come over and take a seat next to him like you always did. This time, however, you didn't sit. You stretched, massaging some knots out of your neck, before making your way over to the small wardrobe you had in the corner of the room. Your voice traveled through the room—you seemed to be thinking aloud. Shigaraki watched curiously as you brought out a nicer outfit that he’d never seen before. What was going on? He floated next to you, watching intensely as you dressed yourself and cleaned your appearance up before checking the time on your phone. You cursed briefly under your breath before a knock on the door alerted your attention. As you hurried to open it, Shigaraki made his way down to you and narrowed his eyes as you pulled on the knob.
"Hey, (Name)! Long time no see. You look great! Ready to go?" A man showed up at your doorstep. Maybe just a bit older than you, judging from the pricey out-of-your-budget kind of stable job looking watch he was wearing. Almost instinctively, Shigaraki's hands itched to reach out and wrap around the other man's neck. Who was this asshole? Why was he showing up at your doorstep like some hotshot? You must've been confused, right? He listened, fully expecting you to smack him, or even better, full on kill him for even having the audacity to show his face in front of you. 
"Thanks...let's go, I'm pretty excited," you mumbled shyly. With that, the man took your hand in his before pressing a kiss to the back of it and leading you down the hall.
Shigaraki's eyes trained on you as you left, before finally he couldn't see you beyond the apartment. His breathing shallowed and his nails dug into his skin. He let out a shrill, deafening scream. The house rattled around him, various mugs on high shelves shaking until they rolled off and shattered on the floor beneath him. How fucking dare you? Who the hell did you think you were to just leave with another man right in front of him? Before he knew it, Shigaraki was screaming, throwing a tantrum, and grabbing whatever his cold hands could reach.
You let out a breath of air, relaxing your shoulders as you approached your apartment door. The date had been an absolute disaster, but who were you kidding? First date in a year, and of course the guy just had to be some self-centered douche bag. The entire time, all he did was talk about himself. Turns out, apart from being over-confident, he was also shockingly close-minded. You thought to yourself that this is precisely why dating was overrated. Anyhow, you sighed, entering your apartment gratefully. 
The first thing that hit you was the smell. It was so foul that it made you double over, holding a hand over your mouth before you gagged. Flies had already swarmed in from your open window, obviously attracted to the scent. They flew around your fridge, the door wide open and the little food that resided in there riddled with mould and decay. If it hadn't been for the confusion, you would've cried then and there. You took a step forward, your sole crunching on the floor beneath you—glass. Cups and plates had somehow shattered all over your small kitchen, and the entire apartment had looked like someone had come inside and just thrown whatever they could get their hands on around. But...your apartment was on the fourth floor, and your door had been locked perfectly. You took out your phone, hands trembling to dial the police.
“You’ve returned, you little fucking bitch?” 
 A cold, almost frigid hand wrapped around your neck before you could even blink, a choke barely rising from your blocked throat. Hot tears welled up in your eyes as you tried to muster out words—pleas, anything. Nothing came out.
“You think you can fucking taunt me all of these months? Months of you just undressing in front of me and letting me, ME see and hear every sinful, disgusting, shameful fucking thing that’s ever came out of you? And then you leave with another man, you little fucking tease? Well you know what,” he whispered, his pale lips leaning in to whisper in your ear. “I am going to fucking kill you. And you know what? I’ll still be here as your body sits here to rot before they drag your stupid corpse out. You’ll be stuck here with me, in this shitty little apartment, forever, and you’ll learn to love me, because you’ll have no one else. No one to care about you except for me. No one to talk to except for me. And there’s nothing you can do about it.”
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bakugous-abs · 4 years
Day 4 of Halloween 2020!
~ Brought to you today by Admin HeroWeekly
My human doesn’t know that something other than me watches her when she sleeps. Her big brown eyes and her big round face are my favorite in the whole world, and I am so jealous when the others watch her. It’s not fair! She’s my human and she chose me! I was just a little puppy in the streets when she took me and kept me safe! 
    Now, I have to keep her safe. While she dreams and mummers “Deku-kun”. I don’t know who this Deku human is but they must be good if my human likes them! But, the other isn’t a very nice one. He’s a weird shadow. Sometimes he shows up but sometimes you just feel them there. My fur stands up and I start barking, but then I get in trouble. I don’t know why I get in trouble when I’m just trying to warn her!
    There was a night a few weeks ago that I don’t know what happened, but the other was really angry. It was really late and, like usual, I was laying on my human’s feet. It was nice and cool and the window was open but I wasn’t chasing the squirrels because I’d hurt myself. Or, that’s what my human says when I look out the window. Squirrels make fun of me from the window though. I don’t like them much.
    Anyways! The other thing! It’s some kind of shadow human but it’s really tall and has a really weird smile. Like, part of its non-fur is missing or something. It gives me the creeps so I always growl at it. 
    So this other night I was sleeping soundly when the creeping sound came from the hallway. Sometimes it scrapes its fingers against the wall or whatever and it makes a really scary noise. It never stays on the walls which is confusing, but my human never seems to mind it so I guess it’s fine. The scraping sound came closer and closer to the bedroom and my human still didn’t wake up! She just snored away on the bed.
    So, what did I do? I growled at the door. My tail was between my legs but the shadow couldn’t see it so I was fine. My growls got louder and my human mumbled at me to be quiet. But, my growls were what was keeping it from the bedroom! I stopped growling and the sound started again. It came closer to the room until the door was pushed open. 
    I didn’t want to but I was brave for my human. I stuck my nose out there and almost ran right into it! The shadow was right outside the door and my human was still sleeping! I gave a bark but she didn’t listen. So I did what any good dog would do: I ran down the hallway away from the bedroom like the scared dog I was. While I ran by the shadow, it reached down and swiped at me. My neck felt like it was on fire and I yelped in pain. I bolted down to the living room with little pride, or confidence? I don’t know the word. 
    My human came running as I yelped again when the shadow came closer. I kept barking at it and just before my human came into the room the shadow left. What a coward! He didn’t even want to stay to show what he’d done! I would be so ashamed if I was him. Wait, I’m getting sidetracked again. The story, right.
    So my human came into the room and ran over to me. Naturally, I nuzzled into her touch and whimpered. If I showed I was really hurt maybe I’d get treats.
    “What did you do, Grav? Your collar is burnt a bit and your neck has a really bad burn! What happened? Are you okay, boy?” She said before taking my collar off. Usually I’d run around when that happened but not this time. I looked towards the wall where the shadow had gone but of course my human didn’t understand. There were things we just couldn’t understand. 
    Instead I got a little pat on the head before she got this really, really cold thing and put it on my neck. It didn’t feel good, but the peanut butter she gave me was great so it was okay! She couldn’t figure out what had happened so we went back to bed but the door was shut very well, or so she said, so that I couldn’t hurt myself again. I wish I could tell her that it was the shadow that did it. 
    Everything has been calm for a few days. Tonight seems especially calm. We went for a walk, said hi to this boy with really weird green hair that my human acts strange around, and came home to watch tv all night! She even scratched behind my ears forever! It was good.
    When we went to bed I felt really weird. Like something bad was coming. I tried to tell my human but she didn’t listen. “We went for a walk already!” She said before tucking me in next to her. I tried to sleep but kept staring at the door. It didn’t move but I was waiting for the shadow to come back again. 
    I must have fallen asleep because I woke up with my tongue making my chin wet. I slurped it back before shifting closer to my human. She pet my ear before turning over so her back was touching me. I always liked this spot, it was nice. But then I heard the door open. The shadow crept into the room and I growled slowly. It almost looked at me, I’m not sure it can do that but it seemed like it, as it moved closer. My human was sleeping next to me soundly without a care in the world and there was the shadow staring us down.
    What am I supposed to do other than try my best to get it to stop? I nudged my human and they stirred but then went rigid. It scared me so much that I started to whine. That’s when I noticed that the shadow was standing next to her and leaning over her. I think she noticed too.
    Her scream filled the room and hurt my ears. She never screams so it really must have scared her. I was scared too. I jumped off the bed and moved away from it. She followed. But the monster followed her too. It floated above the bed towards us and I started barking at it. I don’t really know what I was doing, I just felt the need to. 
    It reached out and grabbed me by the collar. Before I knew it I was against the wall. The burn in the neck spread to the rest of my body and I howled in pain. I saw how scared my human was and I tried my best to stand up. I gave a small growl before hitting the floor again. I couldn't stand up! 
Instead I had to watch as the shadow stood over my master and stared her down. She started to cry as I crawled towards her. Instead of hitting her, it hit me again. I used the last of my strength to bite down hard on its hand. It tasted gross, like the burnt food my human sometimes dropped. I watched the shadow fade before my vision went dark and I fell asleep.
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