#odin rambles
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carnalcrows · 1 day ago
preach (i nned to write for these guys)
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carnalcrows · 12 days ago
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seth @sethcertified | amethyst @pastelclovds | eros @ambrosiiac | mattheo @eatingoutmen | aliyah @aliyahwritings | eboy @eeboyysworld | ellio @ellxio | star @starboye | jay @jjayy00 | mio @saymio | howl & eden @valentine-cafe | kaito @kissenturine
liu @nyursi | dimitri @sleep-0-deprived | ethan @deckedcards | robin @r0b1ns | danny @gravesdept | yuuji @yuujiologyy | ven @miguelowhora | isis @deathanniversary | yuno @mazettns
jun @me1z0 | oakley @oakleyobscure | niklaus @blvdprn | rat @rat6ix | yurai @miyuuuki | kai @writhyv | lilac @whoslilac | antonio @porcalinecunt | nini @ninistime | sauv @sauvhffp | des @vampdes | engie @belovedengie | abel @abl3th3himb0
leo @zolass ethan @whatsaheartxx seven @ghostiesen allen @deadmeat666 angel @angelsfat3 elio @haocovr rem @idlescara eden @edensrose opal @httpsvgin ezra @bahngiezzv kyle @lastseenalivebylove2 axel @njrdoll stella @sunasbon
khan @2kiran yuri @kissytoru rome @satocidal minnie @wowowpx lucien @lu-dao-writes vei @dilvei
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carnalcrows · 3 months ago
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this is gold
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carnalcrows · 29 days ago
guys can yall tell me how to take this down
Masc Reader x Squid Game Characters - mywifekangmina - Squid Game (TV 2021) [Archive of Our Own]
they stole MY WORKS, and are claiming them as their own.
im fuming.
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carnalcrows · 29 days ago
it do be like that sometimes
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carnalcrows · 1 month ago
i found this on my library account LOLL, she blocked me on this one. why are such ppl so entitled lmfaoo what a bitch.
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(the girl that requested for fem reader)
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carnalcrows · 2 months ago
to-do list
mostly for my reference
tonight- junho
14- frontman
15 - sub!gihun
16 - daeho
17 - salesman
18 - sub!minsu
19 or 20 - gi-hun x inho
thanos x reader x myunggi
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carnalcrows · 2 months ago
first slide is what happened to gi-hun, right? RIGHT??
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getvalentined · 2 days ago
Haven't seen folks talking about this over here, but I'm in love with the detail, so I'm gonna talk about the mythology used in the new Ever Crisis event.
For those confused that Vincent's right arm is weird in his new Odin-bestowed gear, it's because it's based on Týr! Implied occasionally to be one of Odin's sons, Týr placed his right hand into Fenrir's mouth, eventually allowing him to bite it off entirely, so the other gods could bind him—hence the chains.
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Fenrir usually represents Cloud in the series, which one could assume doesn't mean anything—except that Sephiroth's Odin-bestowed gear is based on Jörmungandr, the world serpent, who is one of Loki's monster children just like Fenrir.
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Taking this into account, Odin appears to have cast Jenova as either Loki or Angrboða—but I'm assuming Loki, for reasons I'll explain in a minute.
So Vincent is cast as one of Odin's sons, one who threw himself into the literal jaws of the beast in order to keep the world safe, and was permanently changed as a result. Týr is also destined to be consumed by Garmr, the hound who guards the gates of Hel, at the end of the world—it should surprise no one to know that generally, Garmr is accepted as the Norse mythological analog of the Greek Cerberus.
Týr's fate comes to call all when Jörmungandr stops biting his own tail and rises up from the sea that covers the world, which will in turn free Loki from his bonds. Sort of like Vincent throwing himself into the fray when Sephiroth rises up from the Lifestream and allows Jenova to wreak havoc against the planet.
The reason I think Loki is the role being given to Jenova is because of Angeal's gear. We haven't gotten a good look at it yet, but the fur ruff leads me to assume he's being cast as one of the handful of canids in Norse mythology: either one half of the pair that is Hati and Sköll, or (more likely) Váli.
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Hati or Sköll are probable enough because they're wolves, specifically Loki's grandchildren, making them one generation removed from the source, and they're a set of two—like how Angeal and Genesis are one step removed from Jenova via Gillian, and are a set of two. They chase the moon and the sun, and will consume both at the end of the world. I don't think this is quite right, though, because they're Fenrir's children, and Fenrir is very clearly associated with Cloud elsewhere in the series.
Váli, however, is one of Loki's children who wasn't born a monster. He's mentioned once, is occasionally confused with one of Odin's children, and was turned into a monster wolf before being driven to kill his brother—who also was not born a monster, and whose remains were used to bind their father. This is strikingly analogous to Angeal being brought up as a normal person, discovering that he's actually a monster, and being driven by his own honor to (attempt to) kill Genesis in order to end his Jenova-fueled war against Shinra. This would even explain the horns on Angeal's gear, because Váli is often mistaken for one of Odin's sons of the same name, and Odin also has gold horns.
TLDR: Odin has cast Vincent as his most doomed son (one permanently bound to at least one of Loki's monster children), Sephiroth as one of his weird monster nephews (the one whose return heralds the end of the world), and (hopefully, I'll be disappointed otherwise) Angeal as a different, less weird nephew who almost nobody remembers and turned into a monster at the end of his life for the express purpose of killing someone he loved.
Oh, and Tifa is...some kind of sexily underdressed gijinka version of one of the cats that pull Odin's heavenly counterpart's carriage. For some reason.
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Still not sure about the thought process behind that one.
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cool-retro-term-official · 2 months ago
maybe my hate for c++ really is just that I haven't seen my relationship with this language as an actual relationship and more of a "owning a tool to do your job". Maybe I, also, have to give to the language. Maybe it's not all about getting all I want from it, but also letting it express itself, listening to what it says, and giving to it. Maybe I've been a monster to g++. Yes C++ has its rough edges, yes sometimes it doesn't agree with you, yes it has feelings, needs and opinions, and those doesn't always match those of the programmer. Seeing "non trivial constructor" type of error shouldn't make you angry and think "what's that supid language ???!!", but should instead make you realize the language has understanding issues. I'm autistic and I got my quirks, it's a programming language and it has its quirks. They can be beautiful, they can be ugly. It's not its fault, it isn't yours, things aren't always easy. Giving to the language means helping it in these hard times. Take care of your languages, they might not be people, but they still deserve respect.
Except javascript.
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unsat-and-strange · 11 months ago
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this Friday seems like a good day to install some more emergency exits
image id: a pen sketch of Thor and Odin from the bifrost incident. thor stands in the bottom center of the paper, back to the viewer and face in profile to the right. he is a heavyset man with a beard and long hair, with an angry expression. his right hand and both feet are covered in pink blood. his right hand holds a hammer above his head. behind the hammer the drawing is split vertically. the right side is colored in completely black, except for a few white stars, with darker tentacles barely visible. the left side has Odin, after her transformation into a snake monstrosity. her body twists down towards the bottom left of the drawing with another loop in view in the top left. her mouth is full of very sharp teeth and is open very wide as if she's about to eat Thor. one pink eye is visible, staring down at Thor. the background of the left side is full of jagged pink lines, like lightning or cracking glass. a few of the lines overlap Odin's rough line work. end image id
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acrystalwitch · 1 year ago
I often worry about why the gods spend time interacting with me and other people.
I feel I am lesser than them, and like… why would a god hang out with a human?
But I think honestly..it’s just such a pointless question to worry about. I could wonder all day every day and use my worries to invalidate my own practice. but it wouldn’t change anything.
Because they are there nonetheless, because they have answered questions and prayers. And because I can feel their love and sometimes their displeasure too.
Whether I feel worthy of these interactions really is irrelevant at the end of the day. Because they are happening and I should just be happy for that.
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dougielombax · 27 days ago
Old Gods of Asgard be like:
Odin: FffffffffUCK all y’all…..anyway….here’s wonderwall! *farts into microphone*
Tor: What? No! Not like that!
Odin: Huh?
*strumming guitar drunkenly*
Odin: Hang on I think I’m onto something!
Then they both drunkenly stumble off the stage.
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maccreadyswife · 1 year ago
Him: you better not be tampering with the evidence at the murder site of Odin when I get home
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carnalcrows · 2 months ago
i need to top a divorced man im his mid fourties and make him cry . need to give that distant father a prostate orgasm so earth shattering he blushes thinking about it while washing his singular set of dishes in his one bedroom apartment
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anthurak · 5 months ago
The Surprising Similarities of Little Red and Odin
So this was originally going to be another ‘how Ruby could be an Odin allusion’ post, but in the process of brainstorming, I ended up landing on what feels like a more fun broader topic:
Namely the very interesting similarities in the stories of Little Red Riding Hood and Odin, and the fun potential overlap these two folkloric figures could have when writing fantasy stories.
First off, there are a lot of surprising similarities between the two.
Little Red Riding Hood is a girl known for wearing a hooded cloak (a ‘riding hood’) who wanders through the woods to visit her grandmother, and is menaced and potentially eaten by a monstrous wolf.
And funny enough, basically all of these traits can be found in Odin in one way or another:
For one, Odin has a well-known penchant for wandering Midgard in disguise, as a mysterious hooded figure. Indeed, a hooded cloak is one of Odin’s most well-known visual traits. And just like Little Red, Odin is ALSO menaced by a monstrous wolf in the form of Fenrir, who likewise devours Odin during Ragnarok.
Even Red Riding Hood being a girl has some surprising overlap.
See, we often think of Odin as being this wise, old bearded patriarch of the norse gods, but in reality a lot of that image is the result of more modern depictions attaching elements of Zeus and the christian God to Odin, who doesn’t have nearly as much of those elements as many modern depictions would have you believe. For example, Odin is way more of a loner and trickster archetype who’s often off questing for knowledge.
Fun fact actually; basically our only pre-christian written source we have on Norse mythology comes to us courtesy of the Romans and the contact they had with the Scandinavians via trade routes. Specifically one General Tacitus, who wrote an ethnography in about 98 CE of the Germanic peoples Rome was trading with, which includes some descriptions of the gods they worshiped, which is again pretty much our earliest written source on the Norse pantheon.
Now the thing to remember here is that in these accounts, the Norse gods are referred to as various Roman gods. This was a thing the Romans did with basically every other culture they encountered as a means of cultural assimilation; conflating that cultures’ gods with whichever of their own gods the Romans thought were similar enough, basically saying ‘your gods are our gods’. For example, the accounts seems to refer to Tyr as Mars (aka Ares), likely due to both being war gods, and Thor as Hercules, probably due to both being super strong and giant slayers.
What’s interesting is that the account seem to refer to Odin, the leader of the pantheon, not as Jupiter/Zeus, but rather as Mercury, aka HERMES. A tricksy traveler who among other things, shepherds the dead to the afterlife. I mean if that doesn’t tell you that comparing Odin to Zeus is pretty far off the mark, I don’t know what does.
So with that tangent out of the way, most interestingly for the purposes of this discussion, Odin has a surprising number of feminine traits. Odin seeks and takes the council of women (in particular the Nornir, from whom he learns the prophecies of Ragnarok), something noted to set him apart from the other male gods. And he even learns and practices the art of witchcraft, something practiced specifically by women in Norse mythology. There is at least one instance of Odin even being specifically called a witch, or at least a ‘male witch’, again a specifically feminine term. Plus there’s the fact that Odin is often noted as not being as much of burly fighter like most of the Norse gods, and is instead much more of a crafty schemer.
So taken all together, I think we can really start to see the similarities.
In fact, I think it’s not so hard to believe that the original folktale of Little Red Riding Hood could have some folkloric connection to Odin. As in, if we followed the tellings and retellings of Little Red Riding Hood back through the generations far enough, we might arrive at, among other places, people telling stories of Odin and Fenrir.
BUT, this post is not about making conspiracy theories about folklore, mythology and European oral history.
It’s about pitching fun and interesting ideas about the potential of blending together Odin and Little Red Riding Hood.
Obviously I’ve already talked a fair bit about the fun allusions and parallels Ruby Rose has and could have to Odin; cool and mysterious hooded cloak, use of a spear-like weapon, a character journey with a major emphasis on a pursuit of knowledge and answers, defiant refusal to accept any kind of ‘fate’ of the world (see her contrast with Oz), death symbolism, and of course the possibility of getting a sick eye-patch in the future.
But even outside of RWBY, I think there’s so much fun potential for more general fantasy stories with twists on fairy tales:
I mean everyone’s always re-imagining Little Red as some huntress or ranger with an affinity for or some other connection to wolves.
But just picture a take on Little Red Riding Hood who, in addition to the red hood, penchant for wandering the woods and a complicated relationship with canines, also happens to be a nerdy, goth trans girl who practices witchcraft and has a sick eyepatch and a pair of pet ravens and uses a walking stick that turns into a badass magic spear and she’s also a crafty schemer and a bit of troll and also might sometimes be plotting a war crime or two.
I mean if you ask me that sounds pretty sick. :D
And finally, if you happen to the kind of LOTR fan who remembers that Odin was one of the main inspirations for Gandalf, then yes this means there IS in fact at least a bit of mythological precedent for Big Naturals Gandalf XD
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