#odin programming
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cool-retro-term-official · 2 months ago
maybe my hate for c++ really is just that I haven't seen my relationship with this language as an actual relationship and more of a "owning a tool to do your job". Maybe I, also, have to give to the language. Maybe it's not all about getting all I want from it, but also letting it express itself, listening to what it says, and giving to it. Maybe I've been a monster to g++. Yes C++ has its rough edges, yes sometimes it doesn't agree with you, yes it has feelings, needs and opinions, and those doesn't always match those of the programmer. Seeing "non trivial constructor" type of error shouldn't make you angry and think "what's that supid language ???!!", but should instead make you realize the language has understanding issues. I'm autistic and I got my quirks, it's a programming language and it has its quirks. They can be beautiful, they can be ugly. It's not its fault, it isn't yours, things aren't always easy. Giving to the language means helping it in these hard times. Take care of your languages, they might not be people, but they still deserve respect.
Except javascript.
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anndcodes · 2 years ago
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after a long time away from this tumblr due to a lot of things and personal problems, i hope i can post more often on here!
this is a signup project where i made a fictional coffee shop to use it for a sign up page, learned about form validation using css and javascript.
it even has a password visibility toggle icon and passwords validation!
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herodiart · 2 years ago
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Full pic of Heimdall with human eyes.
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error27s-things · 11 months ago
Two things this time around!
I got tile collisions working!! Took a bit of work to make them work between chunks in an efficient way but it's done now!
The source code is online now on github! It's nowhere near complete and may be abandoned in the future, but you can check it out if you want to see more of how the game is working!
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the-pasta-project · 2 years ago
Finally got to coding!!!! Sure, html isn't programming, but it's close enough for now!!
Also sidenote, trying to figure out the command line is alot more fun when you make it the classic hacker color scheme :)
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sacredfixation · 29 days ago
Loki and the Deeply Valid Fear of Being a Government-Issued Android Without Knowing It
Imagine living for over a thousand years, committing intergalactic crimes, then one random underpaid TVA clerk with a monotone voice suddenly introduces the possibility that, oh, by the way, what if you were secretly a robot this whole time? And Loki, who has always carried himself with the absolute certainty of a god, pauses. Like. “Wait. What if I am?”
He hears that question and immediately does a full mental diagnostic. Have I ever glitched? Ever felt oddly mechanical? Experienced an unusual fondness for oil? Maybe he’s too good at lying. Too good at surviving. What if that’s just the programming?
The TVA worker just moves on. He doesn’t elaborate. no reassurances. theres no safety net. Just the terrifying possibility that he might get instantly vaporized for something completely outside his control.
Id like to note, his hesitation isn’t even just some random existential crisis, it’s trauma-informed. This man already lived through the experience of waking up one day and realizing he wasn’t who he thought he was.
He grew up thinking he was a prince, a god, Odin’s rightful son, only to find out he was actually a stolen relic of war. A Jotun. A creature he’d been taught to hate.
He thought he knew himself before, and he was wrong. What if he’s wrong again? What if theres something else about himself thats been hidden? If he didn’t realize he was a Frost Giant, whats stopping him from not realizing he’s actually some highly advanced synthetic being?
It’s not just a funny existential gag, it’s a callback to one of the most devastating truths of Loki’s existence:
He has never really known who he is.
It’s the muscle memory of having his entire identity ripped out from under him. It’s the learned fear of asking, What am I, actually?
Because the last time he asked that question, the answer ruined him.
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taguelbunnyboy · 4 months ago
...Professor Dark. Odin Dark.
...Was certainly a name.
Yarne shakes his head, looking through his bag. He'd... been going out more, thankfully, so he was... aware of most of his teachers.
But this was a new name. And a... very unique name. One which either entailed theatrics, or someone with fell allegiance.
And Yarne didn't want to have to deal with the Risen ever again.
So, Yarne elects to attend a lecture by this mysterious "Professor Dark," to see if his cautions are misplaced, or if he should prepare himself and his friends for disaster.
"Uhm, Professor Da-"
Yarne opens the doors, the tall taguel looking down the hall and seeing-
Blonde hair hits his eyes, and Yarne freezes.
...How long has it been since he's seen that smile? That energy?
...Too long. He missed his friends - even if several of them were here now, there were still so many he missed.
And here one was.
...A teeny bit older than Yarne was expecting, too.
"Sorry for being late, I had to make sure I made it to the right lecture hall..."
Yarne sits cross-legged at one of the front desks, nose twitching.
Could this be someone else? Maybe. But no one else acted so... Owain. No one else had the hair like that, had the posture, the everything. Plus... Laslow and Selena had taken new names (even if he had only seen Laslow for a brief moment almost a year ago.) Maybe he was the same?
One way to find out.
Shadow of the Day
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 9 months ago
Child reader watching telenovelas after not being allowed to watch her mystery shows
I’m gonna use the Secret Life of Pets drama for this!!
-Adam and Odin had both been looking for you, wanting to apologize, as you had been quite upset when they wouldn’t let you watch your detective show for a while, finding it too impressionable on you.
-They heard you gasp deeply from the living room and walked in, seeing you and Loki sitting next to each other, your hands intwined together as the TV was playing a telenovela, “Maria- your face wears a thousand sorrows- what is wrong?!”
-Adam sighed softly, a hand coming to cover his eyes as Odin rolled his one eye, “Really?” Loki shushed him loudly, “Shut up~~ we need to know what’s wrong with Maria!!”
-The actress, who was very over the top, posed dramatically, “I’ve come face to face with the worse thing imaginable- loneliness!”
-You and Loki gasped as if someone had died, hearing what your beloved Maria was dealing with- this was terrible as you cupped your cheeks, “Maria you need to go after Filipe! Manolo doesn’t love you!!”
-Odin went for the remote, “Y/N doesn’t need to be watching garbage like this.” Loki snatched it out of his reach, comically hissing at him, “No way! You took away our cop drama- you’re not taking this!!”
-Adam went over and just unplugged the TV as Jorge was inspiring Maria to go after her true love and you and Loki were quickly collapsed to your knees in anguish, “NOOO!!!!”
-Odin pinched the bridge between his eyes, a deep sigh leaving him, “Can’t you two just watch a nature program or cartoons or something?” You were pouting again, “I like watching Hard Boiled and Passionate Hearts! Cartoons are for kids!”
-Adam ruffled your hair gently in passing, “You are a kid Y/N. You two can watch TV, but no trashy dramas or cop shows.”
-The two of you sighed dramatically, collapsing back into the couch as Adam chuckled softly, seeing you two being so over the top.
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astxrope · 7 months ago
Just a quick note: I try to avoid politics on this page, as such I'm not going to promote any fundraisers for Gaza, I have little idea of how to verify that any are genuine and while I do want to give the benefit of the doubt I can't have people giving money to people pretending to be in a horrible situation money.
And if you are someone that is scamming people and profiting off this. You are the problem.
Alright back to the regularly scheduled program
Here's a basic rundown of the species found within the Yggdrasil System. Unfortunately due to the rule of the Aesir under the Allmother, much of the information has been destroyed, censored, or erased, making researching these species particularly difficult. However, I have managed to collect a general consensus on what each of the species look like.
Helheim is impossible to know, any first inhabitants of the planet are long dead or in hiding. No one on Helheim are born there, and few leave alive.
Here's what I gathered:
Jotun: Tall, Digitigrade legs, Pointed ears, Tail, Some have horns
- Examples: Loki, Logi, Fenrir (Heimdall: Hybrid; Jotun/Asgardian)
Vanir: Pointed ears, often blond or ginger, Ungulated legs (hooves)
- Examples: Frey, Freya, (Kvasir, Hybrid; Vanir/Asgardian)
Midgardian: Plantigrade legs (human legs), tails with fur on the end, rarely (but not unheard of) winged. Winged Midgardians often have feathers at the end of their tails and feathered ears.
- Examples: Ottar, Vidfinn, (Lyfrassir Edda (Winged)
Helheim: There are no known natives of the planet. Prison Colony.
- Examples: CLASSIFIED
Asgardian: Plantigrade legs, pointed ears, often with blond or silver hair, occasionally other colours, hair is often braided, and braid patterns are passed down through families. a tradition shared with Midgardians. often blue, grey or dark skinned. They also appear to have extended lifespans, living upwards of 200 years.
- Examples: Odin, Thor, (Heimdall: Hybrid; Asgardian/Jotun), Sigyn
Muspelheim: Able to withstand extreme heat, often lizard-like, digitigrade scaled legs, draconic tail, horns, slitted pupils
- Examples: !!ERROR!! RELOADING
Niflheim: Able to withstand extreme cold, short, covered in fuzzy fur, digitigrade pawed legs, short furred, long furry ears,
- Examples: !!ERROR!! RELOADING
Alfheim: Similar to Vanir, plantigrade legs. golden hair, pointed ears, often have blue or silver eyes, many have symbolic tattoos. rich golden skin, clawed nails.
- Examples: !!ERROR!! RELOADING
Svartalfheim: Similar to Vanir, digitigrade legs, black hair, long pointed ears, often have blue or purple eyes, many have symbolic tattoos. dark skin, often purple-ish, dark clawed nails. pointed tail.
- Examples: !!ERROR!! RELOADING
The train has yet to arrive. It would be a shame if the cultures were to dissapear.
And yet…
Other bits of lore here:
Celest - A star borne researcher and investigator.
Born from the collision of two stars, Celest has dedicated his life to learning all they can about different life forms across the universe, one solar system at a time.
They have a lot of time on their hands, as stars can live for millions of years, and Celest is only a mere 200 years old.
A Magnus Archives AU
See Below Cut
lore for the final veil, a work in progress magnus archives au surrounding the entities and what happened to their remains after the change was reversed.
alan frost - an avatar of the dark
lee davies - an avatar of the hunt
lore also includes prerequisite stories about their life before and during the change, and how they managed to survive the apocalypse.
the extinction - deceased
the lonely - unknown status, likely deceased
the dark - alive
the flesh - unknown status
the eye - unknown status, possibly deceased
the slaughter - unknown status
the stranger - unknown status
the spiral - unknown status, likely deceased
the hunt - alive
the vast - unknown status
the buried - unknown status
the corruption - unknown status
the web - alive
the end - status unknown, possibly alive
the desolation - status unknown
the final veil is still a work in progress and may take a while for more lore to be released as the story is still being smoothed out along with characters individual backstories and character arcs.
i am one person, and while i doubt anyone will be invested or care about this au, for whoever may be, please be patient.
also, i will say, the lore of the final veil isn't really based off much, just an idea i had that may nit be possible in actual magnus archives lore. it's kind of hard to tell, i don't know what's happening half the time.
if i get anything wrong, please tell me, i'll see what i can do, but if something integral to the story is impossible in the magnus archives lore that is okay as it's an au. i don't particularly care what is and isn't possible i'm having fun okay.
this section of the post will update as lore continues to be added, with links to core posts being added in THE LORE section to make it easier for quickly accessing posts.
also much of this au will ignore the magnus protocol, simply because i haven't listened to it yet. i will, trust me. i just haven't gotten around to it.
may the entities spare you, for they are not quite dead, and they live on in their strongest.
their remnants, their holders, may be unpredictable, and they are in most every way just like regular people.
however some may be violent, and left unchecked and unaccounted for, may cause significant problems.
this is asterope signing off.
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avas-demon-plot-twists · 1 month ago
Going through some of the information we have received thus far in the comic's progression, and going over previous theories, I think I finally have some concrete theories that might illuminate the goals of Greed/Greed Host (I will be referring to them as one due to a bonus theory at the bottom), as well as some of the history with Sloth Host, and what Olai knows about Magpie. You’re forewarned, this will be long and tin-foily. Strap in. A long time ago it was theorized that Sloth Host would be paired with the demon we now know as Tylotung due to the snake image within the potion panel of Wrathia's plan arc. I think this theory was close - not that Sloth Host is paired with Tylotung, but that they are the same race. I think Sloth may have been a part of their kingdom and perhaps usurped the crown, agreeing to languish in service to Titan to keep the throne, perhaps even submitting themselves to the process I will outline below in order to keep their position. In previous interviews with regard to the Alice in Wonderland inspirations; Sloth Host is referred to as The Duchess (an antagonist to the Queen of Hearts). Perhaps they are at war with a DIFFERENT Queen. I'm not sure if Tylotung was a ruler or not (I can't remember I'm sorry), but at they very least they rebelled against Titan - I believe that they were forced into Erios as a Titan experiment, perhaps this was Sloth Host’s way of ridding themselves of political opposition/taking power. Moving from here to get into Veevra Avarace (Greed's) involvement - I would like to circle back to the plan pages (see second to last pair of pages for Greed). They seem to be farming some kind of souls from crystals - I believe it has something to do with the demon warriors. I believe that this image is meant to symbolize Greed being the true puppeteer to all of Wrathia’s warriors - perhaps someone pulling the strings of Wrathia herself. Being as they are Titan's premier weapon mechanic, I believe they are also responsible for the technology that afflicted Erios with Tylotung, as well as Gil's pairing with Nevy (I think that Nevy’s memory loss was a part of the kinks of this process).  Perhaps they are even the reason for Ava with Wrathia/Maggie with Tuls/Odin with Pedri if any of the above referenced were receiving any sort of aid from a Titan hospital. (Before you come and tell me none of them did - we do not know this for certain; it was established that Titan has been ruling for a long time, so even if not directly linked, being serviced by Titan RoboRats, it could STILL be Titan technology. In any case, I think at the very least the first two I am positive about - Ava, Maggie & Odin could have been random chance or perhaps something even more deliberate, and I will touch on these below...).
I think that Veevra presented their ability to create super-warriors and superior weaponry as a mechanism to get in with Titan, I think Titan LOVED what Veevra brought to the table, and I think that Titan is rolling out their own “demon” making program to facilitate more of their cultish activities. In terms of this in action there are two ways we could be going: ONE - Titan KNOWS about Wrathia’s Demon’s placements, and deliberately set them into bodies in order to monitor and destroy the opposition, and is creating his own army of “demons” at the speed of sound. TWO - Titan doesn’t know everything about the soul-bonding process/Wrathia’s warrior locations, and is trusting Greed’s knowledge of it (perhaps Greed positioned themselves as a ‘defector’ of Wrathia, but is working on the inside to help dismantle the machinations of Titan either to benefit Wrathia’s cause or their own — surprise plot twist the big bad is Greed after we defeat Titan?) to fight an enemy that Greed clued them into. In either case, Titan would need to create their own warriors, and a lot of them, hence Odin’s notebook, and the various signals - some being Titan, others being ‘organic’ demons? I think per another theory that D in his notebook stands for Dead, with T standing for Titan, and perhaps M being for the ‘Giant Mother’ Goddess he referred to; perhaps he actually picked up on Avas Signal, and ASSUMED it was coming from Maggie (just another note, I don’t think Dead necessarily means they weren’t originally Titan signals; it’s quite possible there were failures along the way to strong Titan Vessels. Pretty sure Titan, and Greed for that matter, view other lifeforms as expendable in the name of conquest).
I think this entire thing is a giant conspiracy, and various races have agreed to work with Titan in exchange for access to Titan tech, as well as protections/powers within his domain: eg Erios agreeing to be a part of the program (they sign everything put in front of them to get more from Titan Industries), my suspicion about Sloth Host (selling out a monarch, as well as themselves to keep status quo/obtain a luxurious life), and SOMEHOW Olai is able to stay afloat, AND gets access to titan technology - I think the story Olai gave Odin about ‘finding’ the tech is a total lie. I think he might’ve made a deal to kick his brother to the curb. I think he truly is terrible enough to sell out his own family to benefit himself, AND I think he could have done it twice. At the very least, I really do think he is behind Magpie’s possession. (Remember Odin’s story is the wolf and the fox, where Odin is implied to be the fox, and it would appear that Olai is positioned as the wolf: the wolf uses conniving and treachery to control the fox - I think if my theories are correct, once this is all revealed to Odin, Olai will meet a Titan-centric demise). 
I think that Magpie is not a “demon” vessel, but a Titan Vessel. Does anyone else find it odd, in hindsight, that Magpie’s “demon” was SO friendly? She was four(?), and she was completely jazzed about her “invisible friend.” At Magpie’s age, I believe this was likely an idea given to her by whatever inhabited her eg ‘we’re friends, let’s be friends.’ 
Which demons have we seen refer to themselves as ‘friends’? Have any of them? While yes, we have had Tuls, and Nevy: these demons could be considered friendly, but let’s examine this. Tuls I would say is more of a passive aggressive doormat due to Maggie’s directly aggressive personality (I think frankly if he could have strong-armed her, he probably would have - and I don’t mean violently, I just mean by being the more potent personality). He’s a pushover/sad sack of mulch as Wrathia put it - he’s nice enough, don’t get me wrong, but it doesn’t seem as he tried to win Maggie over so much as he’s just along for the ride and in a slight state of apathy/fear. To be fair we haven’t seen the entirety of this relationship, this is just my take. With regard to Nevy, Gil is TERRIFIED of her as well as what she means to him, and she fails to communicate well enough with him to break this barrier right up until she makes herself useful. Even then, she doesn’t classify herself as a friend per se; Gild does once she ‘dies’. Even so for the most part, the demons are upfront in their saying “our relationship is transactional. You have something you want, I have something I want - let’s make a pact.” If not completely going after their own motivations irrespective of their host. Friendship is not the highest priority unless serving another power (in Nevy’s case she still asks him for something - to help her find her place in the universe; and you can even see her get visibly upset/insistent on him doing this for her prior to regaining her memories - she hasn’t built up the friendly rapport to trust him to do her bidding).
I think the reason Magpie had such a positive relationship with her “demon” is because Magpie’s Vessel is not truly a demon, but a diabolical link to the Titan Hivemind. I think that a sentient agent was put inside of her: something savvy enough to communicate the message that they are ‘not a threat’ and get her to comply at a young age. It may not even be a ‘demon’; we never saw Magpie’s possessor. For all we know she could be seeing a ‘friendly’ image of Titan themselves (anyone else find it weird that we don’t get to see her demon; and that her eyes in her cast photo are TITAN BLUE?)
In terms of the process, I believe the paradise machine has something to do with this. With what we saw of The Paradise Machine, and what we have seen of Titan's technology, they are able to replicate the demon curse abilities (notice how Strategios could do this PRIOR to their reboot; almost as if they knew what Ava would potentially be able to do) to a degree, as if they have some tactical knowledge of it, and it could be someone is greedily withholding the actual intel (effectively by way of potions - perhaps they don’t know exactly the way to brew the potions, only how to use them/what they do essentially; jury’s out on that one). The Paradise Machine failed (Prudith was already not functional in this frame; the skin did not fit), because the construct it tried to fit over Prudith was coded for Ava’s frame; can you imagine what it may have produced if it were making a new Prudith? As far as the order of possession, and how things happened, I think that Maggie, Ava, Odin & Sloth Host may have been accidents/tests - perhaps releasing demon souls to observe how the pair bonds work in order to perfect the accuracy of the "soul bonding" process. I will have to observe Sloth host to confirm this theory / gather the order, but per the Potions Page I believe the aforementioned listing would be the correct order [with each iteration bringing them closer to perfecting the process before bringing their findings to Titan/deciding to place demons within hosts].
It could be that Veevra themselves is a free agent seeing as they are also paired with a demon that looks suspiciously similar to them? Perhaps they infused themselves to become twice as strong? Perhaps their interior 'demon' is their alter-ego (why is the titan page right after the greed page in the above linked pages of demons)? If you've read this far, thanks for tuning in. This was a long scramble to put together, and I would love to hear any insight. Can't wait for the updates, and hope the above stuff at least sounds interesting?
TLDR: Greed will be the real villain.
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cool-retro-term-official · 3 months ago
Little ad moment. I'm not paid or anything, I just really like this library I thought I'd share.
This is fuckin huge.
Fuck electron apps loading up your 8Go of ram with a single one open, embrace real GUI in C, C++, Odin and many more to come with Clay
I'm so in love with this. It's C99 style, single header, very elegant and nice to use. Works with raylib, opengl, sdl, vulkan, and ANY OTHER RENDERING ENGINE.
Video tutorial and presentation under the cut:
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ingenue-europa · 4 months ago
CW: substance abuse One thing that can be very hard in heathenry, as well as for a lot of faiths and cultures, is struggling with a substance abuse disorder (particularly alcoholism.) I myself am a recovering alcoholic and heathen and I cannot emphasize how difficult it is to reconcile not drinking with the overall prevalence of drinking in the lore and in the community of heathens. Let me just say that the Havamal says don't hold on to the mead-horn, but drink your fair share. If your fair share is none, then so be it. And the gods don't expect you to do anything that is to your detriment. There is no requirement. If any amount of alcohol results in excess, then it's ok to not consume it at all. One thing I do to counteract the cravings is to share my drinks with the gods. I give and offering of whatever I'm drinking, because I know that I wouldn't dare share my alcohol (which used to include mead on occasion) with Odin right after HE JUST SAID. Some one who cares about your recovery won't drink in front of you (if that's what you need, of course.)
This also goes for people who are not of age. Don't feel any pressure from the popular portrayals of Norse culture. “A traveler cannot bring a better burden on the road than plenty of wisdom, and he can bring no worse a burden than too much alcohol.” Odin gave you permission, friends. This may resonate with other faiths. There are substitutes for alcohol in most traditions, I'm willing to bet. And if you need support with substance abuse and need a little more diversity than AA or NA, there's also Pagans in Recovery (which does require you already be a part of a 12 step program) and Recovery Dharma (a Buddhist inspired recovery program.) I can't speak to other programs, but these communities worked for me.
Props to Jackson Crawford for his translation of The Poetic Edda.
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error27s-things · 11 months ago
tile placement!!!!
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milkteaarttime · 8 months ago
CoD Ghosts OC: Latte Info!
I made a little more lore for her character, I hope this allows everyone to get to know her better.
Name: Latte/ShuXin Wong
Age/Birthdate: 24, born in March, 2003 
Eye Colour: Dark brown
Hair Colour: Black
Hairstyle: whatever shaggy mess she cut for herself(short wolf cut?)
Height: 5’3 on a good day
Body/Build: Top heavy, slight muscle tone from doing Pilates and lifting heavy patients.
Blood type: O positive
Profession: Nurse
Latte, born ShuXin, was born in a city hospital to an average Chinese couple. Her family immigrated to Canada when she was a baby due to her mother being pregnant again during the one-child policy. Her life in Canada wasn’t lavish but it was decent for her little family. She had a talent and love for singing. Her mother also loved singing, and upon realizing her talents, placed her in singing lessons. Latte was hoping to become a singer of sorts in adulthood. She grew up helping her parents in their restaurant. And she also cared for her little brother, Viktor. As the eldest, she was pinned down by a lot of expectations and unfortunately became parentified quite heavily by her parents and circumstances. 
When Latte was 14, her entire family was caught in the unfortunate event of ODIN during a Vacation down to Seattle, Washington. They weren't in the direct area that was hit, but near enough that her parents died from the complications and Latte and her brother were moderately injured. She was later sent back to Canada with her brother to live with a family friend, but she had to stop her extracurriculars due to financial reasons. 
Professional Experience
Latte did an LPN program for nursing in Canada, She transferred to the States to be near her brother, Viktor, who is in the military. When she was transferred down to the States, the healthcare system was quite literally in shambles and there were a ton of employment opportunities. The healthcare system is low on nurses, doctors, and other essential staff alike, especially in the military. Many nurses and care aides also quit because they can’t handle the intense workload anymore, causing more shortages. She still dreams of singing but knows that it's unrealistic, you can find her singing quietly while she charts when there's a rare moment of downtime. 
Friendly and patient, she has a great professional front, but can occasionally seem anxious when deep in thought.
She rather knowledgeable and intelligent.
Tends to spiral and overthink when overwhelmed.
She's an extrovert. She loves meeting new people and has gotten a stern talking to by her manager because she would waste time interacting with the patients.
Yapper ™. Latte sometimes talks too much and accidentally lectures ppl
A saviour syndrome/mother hen. Latte’s upbringing causes her to feel like it is her life goal to make sure everyone else’s needs are met before hers. Her mother’s words “Make sure you are considerate to others.” Often echoes in her head. Making sure everyone around her is satisfied. Often mother or nag Viktor even in adulthood. Causing Viktor to be occasionally a little avoidant. She accidentally blurs the line between a sister and a mother a lot.
Apologizes for everything, but that's partially because she's Canadian. But it does give the impression that she doesn’t think highly of herself. 
Dynamic with Hesh
The first time they met, Latte thought he was adorable and had some butterflies in her belly but thought that was anxiety from Hesh holding her hand.  And the second time they met, the feelings came back, and she was stammering and struggling to concentrate. Especially when she saw his well-built body, all rationality out the window. Latte felt an indescribable connection with Hesh. A mutual understanding of struggles with expectations from parents, being the responsible one for the younger siblings, and carrying the will of the family. But never allowed to break down yourself. She's able to be vulnerable and open with Hesh. Confiding in each other about their struggles with finding themselves, and how they aren’t just someone's son/daughter or brother/sister. 
The only issue concern might be that Hesh is used to expressing his disapproval/demands since he is in the military. He is unaware of how intimidating he can come across. So he can be a little too direct and unconsciously make her anxious with his words and body language. On the other hand, Latte tends to hold back her complaints, but because Latte doesn’t express her needs or feelings, she tends to bottle up and then break down. 
She is a great singer, has a soothing and smooth voice and can put you to sleep with her singing. Also a great voice for emotional ballads or musical numbers. 
She is fast and efficient with her hands and is great at physical tasks with small or intricate details, due to her experience helping her parents in the restaurant. She is also a great cook because of this, but the downside is everything she cooks becomes Chinese or a Chinese fusion dish (not done on purpose).
Nursing skills since she is a nurse! Things like wound dressing, IV inserts, and medication admin. However, Her soft skills are where she shines. Her ability to de-escalate patients, comfort, and establish trust, and her bubbly personality make her the go-to person for unhappy patients and families. 
Tends to speak to herself in Chinese when alone. Often receiving weird looks.
Able to speak, sing, read, and write in her native tongue. Latte is very connected with her culture. Makes Chinese holiday foods for the team. 
Enjoys rock and upbeat music. She is an “any song as long as I vibe with it” type of music listener.
Had a weird edgy/emo phase from 13-15. Tried to teach herself how to metal scream. Ruined her voice for a week. 
Not great at math, and was banned from being a cashier at the restaurant. 
Very scary when actively angry. But the idea of her being openly angry is strange because no one in her professional life (Minus Lauren the manager and Viktor) has tasted her repressed and built-up wrath. 
She LOVES the fries and cheeseburger combo. A good cheeseburger with tomato, sweet pickled onion, ketchup, mustard, lettuce, regular pickles, and a side of nice crispy fries is all she wants sometimes
(Thanks for reading!! Any feedback is welcomed!! Thanks for all the love you guys showed me on my previous Fic and OC posts <3)
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angelremnants · 2 months ago
A bit of an unexpected post for this blog (not kidding, I'm super nervous to post it on main aAAAA) but a few ago, I stumbled upon this post by the talented @oswildin that is literally amazing in both its concept and the drawing.
Because it looked so fun, I wanted to try my hand at it.. granted, I'm no artist (I haven't drawn in YEARS) but I still tried. Instead, I mostly played into what I think is my greatest strength, which would be storytelling.
(I would like to apologize in advance for the mess you're gonna see that I literally drew on one of my uni books..😭)
Here's what I came up with for my Lokisona's appearance along with some references and some background facts about them:
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Loki (any pronouns but prefers she/they) hails from a timeline where Asgard’s warrior pride is multiplied times ten. Despite being Odin’s child, she grew up shy and self-conscious, often overshadowed by her older brother, Thor, and relentlessly teased by his friends under the guise of “toughening her up.” She was often tasked to cleaning up the training grounds after brutal sparring sessions and being pretty much beat up to the ground and left her with a complicated love/hate dynamic toward Asgard’s golden warriors. She’d watch them with a bitter sort of awe, both longing to be part of their world and despising how they made her feel so small.
Her refuge was in stories where relentless heroes carved their destinies with grit and defiance. Chess and board games like Dungeons & Dragons became her escape, offering worlds where she was both the mastermind and the hero. She rooted for the underdogs, the misfits who defied expectations because deep down, that’s who she wanted to be.
Thor, over a century her senior, got earlier access into Asgard's military program and often travelled to make expeditions, from which he once brought her horns from a beast he’d slain (there was a tradition where warriors would come back with a gift for their lady, and since he was single, it was given to her). Since then, Loki vowed to make them her mark, and eventually did. But while Thor thrived in battle, Loki was at some point steered toward courtly duties, expected to be a proper princess. Her close bond with her mother Frigga was her saving grace as she convinced Odin to let her study magic, under the pretense it would help her defend herself if ever attacked.
Before discovering her magic, Loki’s identity felt kind of undefined and she envied Thor’s assigned red representing blood, a sign of being Asgard’s fiercest warrior. But when her own magic first flared emerald green, it felt like the universe finally handed her a name. They clutched it tightly, weaving it into their fashion and their very sense of self. They also liked the subtle danger signal the green brought, often associated to snakes and poison.
Then came adolescence and with it, rebellion. Gone was the timid girl—in her place stood a hurricane. Loki started to ditch the etiquette lessons, preferring to sneak out to party, get herself tangled with lovers (especially Thor’s romantic interests just to spite him) and orchestrated elaborate pranks to humiliate the ladies of the court who often shunned her. Whispers followed her wherever she went, but as Asgard’s princess, no one could do more than complain. Her dramatics bled into her wardrobe, especially with her coat often seen hanging over her shoulders and on which she proudly harboured her realm's symbol.
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Being grounded more often than not, Loki ended up turning to the palace library. There, hidden in shadowed corners, she spied and learned lessons meant for Thor: geopolitics, military strategy, economics... She’d sneak into his room to steal notes—not that he wrote much on them anyway, forcing her to do most of the research herself. Knowledge became her secret weapon, the thing no one could take from her.
One night, she caught Mimir, Odin’s advisor, sneaking through the palace. She curiously followed him into a secret study that contained a powerful book of dark magic. She stole it, naturally, but Heimdall eventually caught her. Punishment followed but she managed to keep the book hidden, studying its forbidden pages under her mattress and scribbling snarky notes and doodles in the margins.
Her true rise came during a surprise attack, courtesy of the Dark Elves. Asgard’s forces were unprepared and Thor got injured in the assault. Loki managed to miraculously step in, leveraging her knowledge of Asgard’s layout and strategic brilliance to turn the tide. Victory was hers, and it earned her a seat at the war council where she thrived as a strategist, winning battles and collecting accolades. Each triumph was marked with a star pinned beside her beloved horns.
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But these horns on her head weren’t simply a symbol of pride anymore, they also were a tether of her complicated emotions regarding her brother. With power came disillusionment, and she realized that Thor, the golden child, wasn’t the flawless warrior she’d once idolized. He was reckless, all brawn and little strategy. She saw it clearly now: she was the better leader. The better general. The better heir.
Her nexus event came when she learned the truth about her origins and Odin’s plans to marry her off like a pawn in his endless political games. The rage was volcanic, years of bitterness and betrayal spilling over, which led her to regrettably kill him. And with that, her timeline shattered.
Side note, her weapon of predilection is a sword cane because I thought that as much as it would bring a kind of dramatic flair to her, I could play into it and say that she messed one of her ankles or something during the battle.
Feel free to also let me know what you think about it and if you have headcanons for them, this is really just a silly idea I got that I developed for fun in give or take a few hours.🤸🏻‍♀️🤸🏻‍♀️
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taguelbunnyboy · 1 year ago
"Ooh, dark magic? I haven't seen much of that since Noire's mom..."
Yarne shakes his head, leaning back with a paw resting on his arm. Nagadamn, he missed him. He missed everyone. So many faces he hadn't seen in months, faces he wanted nothing more than to see once more. One of them was now here, and... goddess, it felt too damn good. Garreg Mach felt even more like home now - his blond friend reunited with put the smile a little higher yet. He grounds himself, taking a small step back, giving Odin (still not used to calling him that) a little space to work his magic, literally.
"Go... go ahead! Just make sure that I'm safely out of the way. I'd never forgive you if your lightshow made me go extinct!"
A lie - Yarne probably wouldn't blame Odin. Of everyone of his friends, why would he hate him? He was a good friend, a close one. His antics were... sometimes a bit much, but would Yarne have it any other way? Hells no.
"Also... maybe nothing too loud? My ears are kinda sensitive... I know you probably already know, just wanted to remind you since it's been a... bit..."
Yarne looks away, biting the inside of his cheek. He missed Odin. So much. For a life so built around life, and running from death, seeing someone so... exuberant, so full of life, put a smile on his face - he embodied a lot of what Yarne wanted to be, himself.
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