#support: odin
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princepsumbra · 9 months ago
"SHHHH! 'lo, milord! as much as your presence charges the very essence of my undying soul, i must ask for immediate silence!" hushed whispers (yes, whispers) float across the room to greet him, and with a proud flick of the wrist, odin points out his latest project — one that appears to be an unassuming wooden chest at first glance. "you see, lord leo, this new spell i've crafted demands it. so, please. i must ask you to keep your voice down. you make take a seat over there."
he waits for the prince to settle in. then, with a wide grin, odin struts toward the chest. he places one foot atop it in a dramatic display of theatrics, and announces:
"on this fated day, we celebrate the hallowed hour of thy momentous birth, o'bearer of greatness! you, whose valor and wisdom carves the very fabric of our world! it is only right, then, that you are bestowed with a legendary gift, worthy of your most illustrious pursuits-!"
the chest's lid swings open with a loud bang! (oops). within, a monstrous plant unfurls, its verdant tendrils writhing and snapping like serpents disturbed from slumber. one tendril nearly smacks odin across the chest, eliciting a mumbled curse as he dodges the strike. "not to worry, milord! it's friendly," the mage reassures, approaching cautiously. he extends a hand in demonstration, gently stroking one of the plant's giant petals. gradually, its growls subside into gentle purrs, seeming to relax under his touch akin to a tamed beast.
the plant, now calm, sways gently, its colorful foliage shimmering under the faint light filtering through room. "it only hates loud noises. i learned the hard way."
...he shall not elaborate.
When it comes to Odin, Leo takes nothing at face value. It may sound cruel, but it's a hard-learned truth, one Leo will not easily forget. There's a motive behind every flashy move and dramatic turn of phrase.
So when both trunk and retainer appear, Leo nods his acquiescence for total silence. (The whispers are a nice touch, admittedly.) "That's the second time today I've been ordered to sit somewhere," he murmurs, claiming the aforementioned chair.
Prince folds his hands neatly in his lap. Ah, there are the theatrics. It's truly a nice speech; he doesn't expect anything less than the heartfelt exaggerations. 'O'bearer of greatness' could work as an alternate epithet should he ever desire a change.
Leo's out of his chair before the first tendril finishes unfurling. Immediately, he raises a hand, incantation on his lips in preparation to defend his retainer. Disaster does not yet befall them. Odin's reflexes are as quick as his wit; Leo nonetheless keeps his hand up. One blond eyebrow raises in dubious agreement. "I'll take your word for it."
Low vibrations soon replace deep growls. Slowly, Leo lets his hand fall. Now that the danger has (mostly) passed, he can truly assess this legendary gift.
"Did you create this on your own?" Measured steps carry him forward, until he's peering over Odin's bent shoulder. "What an incredible feat of skill and magic. Is there a meaning to the different colors, or was that purely for aesthetic? Either way, you should be proud of yourself, Odin."
Leo risks crouching beside his friend, also extending his fingers in greeting towards the waxy leaves. "I can honestly say I've never received a birthday gift like this. Thank you, my friend."
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chosenoneofdusk · 10 months ago
lo, at long last, she hath arrived! she whom he cherishes above all others in his heart. she, who leaves blooming flowers in her wake, casting rays of light upon the dark and dismal corners of the earth. she, starlit ophelia, his very pride and joy! his beacon amidst the tempestuous storm of darkness, a guiding light to those who have lost their way, even unto him, who sometimes loses his way himself.
odin stands before her, exuding the majesty of a proud father. a broad smile stretches across his face, illuminating his features with a warmth that contrasts his imposing presence. arms spread wide in a gesture of welcome, and his voice, deep and resonant, booms out for all to hear.
"hark! what vision graces mine eyes? could it be?" a pause, a grin most brilliant. "the chosen heroine, in all her glory! in this most welcome twist of fate, dusk meets dark once more, and all is well in our fabled world."
he remains there for a moment longer, statuesque and poised until he can bear it no longer. odin sweeps her into his arms, and plants a loving peck on her forehead.
"welcome, ophelia. you don't know how overjoyed i am to be reunited with you. now, come! let us get you settled in. you'll need to tell me about your trip in great detail. spare nothing."
Exiting the carriage that had carried her from port to fort, a lone presence stands by the gates. It is a face she could recognize even in her sleep, without need to behold the figure for some time. The one who had given her the fateful tome that had revealed her destiny upon her, the courageous soul who would tear asunder the world if she but asked. How she had missed him when he departed for the school, and to see him now, alight with joy, brought a kindling of warmth she had so desperately needed. 
Her cape, made of the twilight upon which she derived her name, billows from behind her as she reaches her fated encounter with the one who had given her life and blazed the trail she now stepped upon. Seeing his arms spread to welcome none other but her, all the weariness from travel fades as she makes a delighted squeal to see him, before remembering herself and her composure as a chosen one.
“It could only be that which has been written in the stars! It is I, Ophelia Dusk, come to lay claim to my destiny! To accomplish such a feat what could the chosen do but seek out her master on the path that so few dare tread?��� She feels eyes rolling and there’s a crowd of whispers, but this moment is not for the bystanders of fate. It is for the two heroes.
She shrieks in delight when she is brought into her father’s arms. Wrapping her own around his neck, she buries her face in his chest. This was what she had missed most in the time her father had been gone, his letters only quelling the loneliness that stirred her soul. Tears threaten to gather at her eyes but do not spill. “I missed you, Father, more than you’ll ever know.” At his words, she smiles. It had been a wondrous trip, but the destination was infinitesimally better. “Very well! As the captain departed from the port closest to home, the wind picked up and WHOOOOSH! Nohr had vanished before I even had a chance to say farewell to the land of my birth, but as a true heroine, I stood true and held fast to my intentions! It stormed and stormed as we traversed the sea, but I used my channeling powers to quell the thunder and make sure we arrived to port safely. But just because we had arrived safely did not mean our troubles were over yet! O’er mountain and valley I traveled by carriage, seeing much of this wondrous continent, before we were set upon by bandits! However they were no match for my magic and finally the heroine’s journey ended with reunification with the blade of darkness and fellow chosen one!” 
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laslow · 11 months ago
[ 𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐦 ] : sender is helping the receiver through a panic attack / severe anxiety. bro what if we were each others rocks during these troubling times
For you, I would
His hands won't stop shaking.
Inigo stares at them as if in a trance, fixated on the staccato rhythm. Battle aftermath is never easy in the best of scenarios; now, after facing near defeat at the claws of a seemingly endless horde of Risen, reality has settled in his chest like a stone.
How can they fight against creatures made from fell magic? How can they possibly avenge their parents when they can't be sure of surviving the next hour?
A band tightens around his ribcage. He can't get a full breath, can't hear past the blood pounding in his ears--
Movement catches in his peripheral. Inigo starts, hands scrabbling for the sword laying discarded in the dirt next to him. Foolish, stupid idea to disappear into the treeline alone. But he needed the space, needed to panic in peace, where no one else could see Inigo the Invincible crumble.
Fingers curl around the blade's hilt, soil gathering underneath his nails. Rising onto his knees, he whirls, weapon half-leveled at the approaching, blurred figure. He doesn't remember starting to cry, but he blinks his tears away regardless, relaxing only fractionally when his vision settles, revealing not another opponent, but Owain.
Inigo's hand spasms, sword dropping unceremoniously back to earth. "H-hey, Owain." His voice cracks and he curls further in on himself, chin touching his chest, shoulders caved.
Of course it's Owain who finds him at his lowest. There's a joke in there somewhere, one Inigo would make in happier circumstances. But right now he can only tremble, and cry, and nearly buckle under the weight of his own fears.
There's a rustle, followed by a sudden presence at his side. Owain's quiet, for once, perhaps feeling some of the same dread coursing through Inigo's veins. A heartbeat passes, then a new weight settles on his shoulders.
Pink head lifts just enough. No trace of mockery lines the other boy's face; instead, his brows are pinched in concern. It's enough of a reassurance that Inigo can feel the crushing despair lighten, breath by breath.
"Thank you, my friend."
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nohrslittleflower · 11 months ago
[ approval ] -  "i commend thee, lady elise, for your choice is as a rare gem unearthed from the depths of antiquity, a treasure that glimmers with the radiance of thy discerning soul!"
Ask Meme from Here!
Elise can’t help but immediately break out into giggles. She’s always entertained by how Odin can manage to say the simplest things in the most complicated way. It’s fun. She’s glad he still does it, even here. 
Though at this point it would probably be really weird to hear him talk normally.
“Thank you! Your selection is as… um… as astounding as the gleaming nights star, brighter than the rest in its splendor of darkness!” She nods confidently as she finishes, beaming up at her brother’s retainer. She’s a little out of practice in speaking Odin-talk ‘the dark tongue’, but she thinks she got it close enough! She’s pretty sure! She hopes! Only Odin would really know if that was true or not though.
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swordsmanoftranquility · 10 months ago
[ Splash ] he's admiring the beautiful, three-tiered fountain — a stunning and regal creation, with ornate stonework worthy of the highest praise! as fate would have it, odin leans in for a better look, only for his brooch to slip from his cape and plunge into the watery depths below with a splash!
he swears under his breath and swiftly plunges an arm into the icy waters, fishing about for it as he mutters to himself. fingers swirl about until he finally manages to retrieve the item with a triumphant (and loud) "AHA!"
it is at that precise moment that odin locks eyes with a stranger he does not recognize...whom he assumes has witnessed the entire spectacle. but he is hardly embarrassed. instead, odin flashes a bright grin, waving the man over with a free hand and motioning toward his now-damp brooch.
"another fiendish trap seen through by the ever-vigilant odin! dark forces may try to pry this precious brooch from my entrusted grasp, but they shall not prevail! come forth, good sir." he waves a soggy, white feather at the other. "shouldst thou need to make a trade, i, humble odin, shall be more than happy to assist thee in your collection quest."
Zihark takes a step forward to stop the strange blond man from falling into the fountain, but he doesn't seem to need to intervene, as the cloaked figure emerges from the water holding a...
An extremely soggy looking feather brooch.
The swordsman can't help but to note that it must be from a bird not acclimated to water, given how... drenched it is now from a mere few minutes at the bottom of the fountain.
"... Fiend... ish trap?" The other man speaks with a flair that is seemingly overacted. What part about falling in the fountain due to dropping his own brooch would be considered a fiendish trap?
"Ah, nevermind. I think you were just a bit clumsy. I don't know about dark forces or all that," Zihark winces, reaching out to take the soggy feather. The water still dripping off of it is almost offensive, but he can't turn down a good offer, especially not when this man seems to mean him no harm.
"I'm not really on a quest for these trinkets. But I'll happily take yours... Odin? I presume," He laughs off the man's strange wording, and tries his best to be polite. No use in being rude without prior reason, "The name's Zihark."
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real-fire-emblem-takes · 5 months ago
I find it so funny that Corrin is willing to brush Peri’s murderous tendencies off, but will not tolerate Odin’s theatrics even if they get married. Being a theater kid is worse than murdering people in their eyes.
thats just the culture of nohr tbh
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sieglinde-freud · 1 year ago
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playing fates again this is how its going
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brujasyazfalto · 3 months ago
Been on the God of War fandom for three weeks now (finished gowr and gow4, gotta find a way to play the first three) and all I got to say is lovely community you got here fellas, truly an enchanting place. Love how Sindri is shipped with everyone cause that man needs to score something.
Anyways, here's my smash or pass tierlist:
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taguelbunnyboy · 4 months ago
...Professor Dark. Odin Dark.
...Was certainly a name.
Yarne shakes his head, looking through his bag. He'd... been going out more, thankfully, so he was... aware of most of his teachers.
But this was a new name. And a... very unique name. One which either entailed theatrics, or someone with fell allegiance.
And Yarne didn't want to have to deal with the Risen ever again.
So, Yarne elects to attend a lecture by this mysterious "Professor Dark," to see if his cautions are misplaced, or if he should prepare himself and his friends for disaster.
"Uhm, Professor Da-"
Yarne opens the doors, the tall taguel looking down the hall and seeing-
Blonde hair hits his eyes, and Yarne freezes.
...How long has it been since he's seen that smile? That energy?
...Too long. He missed his friends - even if several of them were here now, there were still so many he missed.
And here one was.
...A teeny bit older than Yarne was expecting, too.
"Sorry for being late, I had to make sure I made it to the right lecture hall..."
Yarne sits cross-legged at one of the front desks, nose twitching.
Could this be someone else? Maybe. But no one else acted so... Owain. No one else had the hair like that, had the posture, the everything. Plus... Laslow and Selena had taken new names (even if he had only seen Laslow for a brief moment almost a year ago.) Maybe he was the same?
One way to find out.
Shadow of the Day
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princepsumbra · 10 months ago
are you with crab milord?
Leo casts a surreptitious glance at his retainer, who continues to dutifully read over student essays before scribbling a grade atop the parchment. There doesn't appear to be anything serious bothering Odin, nothing that would account for the unusual silence of the last half hour.
Which can mean two other things: one, Odin is truly concentrating on his work, or two, he's mulling over some question in his mind but hasn't yet found the proper way to voice it.
Leo reaches for the next essay in his own stack. He's barely read the opening sentence when Odin finally breaks their tranquility.
With crab?
Slowly, Leo sets the paper down. Stares at Odin.
With crab?
He's used to odd questions and phrasings, has grown quite adept at sifting through the flowery language for the root meaning. But this? For the first time in years, Leo's at an utter loss.
Wait. A frown pulls at his lips, a crease wrinkling his brow. Is this some kind of...euphemism for something?
Corrin's not with child again, is she?
No. She'd tell Leo before anyone else. He discards that thought as quickly as it arrived, shaking his head in bewilderment.
"Odin," the prince eventually says, "what are you talking about?"
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teh-nos · 8 months ago
i'm so ambivalent about frigga! on one had i think the MCU treated her very poorly and so fandom should build her up and give her some more 'oomph,' on the other hand what fandom has done with her also annoys me because it apparently decided she's the good parent to be contrasted with her husband even when they did the exact same things.
so i always have the urge to "support" her by making her problematic in one way or another. and strange. she deserves to be strange.
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laslow · 1 year ago
w-w-aswow??? hewwo??? c-can yuo heaw me?? waswow aw yuou there??? uwuw waswow pwease! caww out my dawk nawme!!!
So far, he's avoided most of the shenanigans going on around the monastery today. No time like the present to catch up on grading assignments! (Which, he could have finished earlier, but this last failed date left him more melancholy than usual. Probably something to do with the lovely lady throwing a perfectly good piece of lemon cake in his face.)
Even now he can still taste the chocolate frosting that landed on his lips. The things he endures for love are worthy of epic ballads!
Laslow sets his quill down, then stretches out his wrists. He eyes the remaining stack of papers; not so many now that he can't enjoy some fun before returning to the grind.
Standing, he's about to scoot his chair in when he hears it. Eyes narrowed, he pauses, waiting for it to sound again--
He sighs. That voice is unmistakable, even in whatever tone that is. "Odin, I have never wished I couldn't hear you more." Laslow creeps closer to the door. "Careful, now, or my--" Damn, how did Odin come up with names on the fly? "My Dazzling Door Opening art will knock your socks off!"
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bellaaldamas · 1 year ago
@stupidrant this is the official, SMS approved (hopefully) gif everyone should use whenever they encounter a fandom troll.
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#because any other reasoning just wouldn't work on those people#yesterday stumbled across another troll comment (though not a new one) from an Odin apologist#saying that Odin 'never abused Freya' and women like her 'always lie about those things'#alas there's no option to post gif responses in the YT comment section#otherwise I'd be doing that on a hourly basis whenever seeing nonsense like this; or posts about how#'Thr*d and Atreus should get together; because apparently a girl punching a boy in the face before trying to#chop his head off as he lies helpless on the ground (which she would've done if her mother hadn't interfered) after calling him#'a killer just like his father'; or a boy 15 years of age playing a parent to girl's actual parents - one of whom is#a semi-functioning literally gigantic alcoholic who slaughtered this boy's people and bragged about it in front of him -#is a basis for healthy romance#rather than an actual healthy and equal and caring relationship between Atreus and Angrboda#who trusted him when he admitted he had no idea what he was doing and agreed to share responsibility with him#which was supposed to be his all along but that he wasn't ready to take just yet#in addition to opening up about her own pain of losing both parents just to help him feel better#and aiding him in embracing their shared heritage which was what Atreus wanted from the moment he#learned of his giant background and 'Loki'#that is on top of taking care of Fen while Atreus embarked on a quest of his own (both times) and being the only one who could#sooth him back into human form during his animal transformations using only words of support and physical gentleness
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machiot · 10 months ago
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Alright, now who's THIS clown? Does anyone in this day and age really still say "hoy"? He doesn't look like an old fogey, hell, he looks younger than Griss, but maybe he's like Veyle or Zephia and older than he looks...?
Or maybe he's just a weirdo.
"It's Marni, short for nothing! If my name was any longer, my enemies wouldn't be able to say it when I'm killing 'em," Marni smumbles. "If it's easy to say, then it's easy to praise me, too!"
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sieglinde-freud · 1 month ago
thinking about pairings for awakening trio run since i cant do polyamory (grrrrrr) and like for odin and laslow its easy bc my favorite of all time pairings for both of them are ALSO in conquest but for selena… my fav for her is all the way back home in ylisse so. but then i remembered that corrin is (i think) a mandatory deploy so what if… selcorrin yuri… hello my name is selena and this my stupid idiot wife who i traveled worlds for… yesssss????
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rui-bean · 7 months ago
Loki Fic recommendations.
Folks, if youre a fan of Loki or Thor or just mcu norse, you would be doing yourself a justice by reading Ásgarðrian Galdr. In my opinion, this is the best fanfic ive seen that capture the complexities of the odinsons family’s dynamics, political troubles, and their angst with each other. Its a long fic, and theres a decent chunk to take in, in the first few chapter, but stick around. I swear it is beautiful.
If you have time, please check this out and give kudos. The author deserves some love for writing and completing this fic. And join us as we cheer our author on as they continue writing.
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