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princepsumbra · 10 months ago
are you with crab milord?
Leo casts a surreptitious glance at his retainer, who continues to dutifully read over student essays before scribbling a grade atop the parchment. There doesn't appear to be anything serious bothering Odin, nothing that would account for the unusual silence of the last half hour.
Which can mean two other things: one, Odin is truly concentrating on his work, or two, he's mulling over some question in his mind but hasn't yet found the proper way to voice it.
Leo reaches for the next essay in his own stack. He's barely read the opening sentence when Odin finally breaks their tranquility.
With crab?
Slowly, Leo sets the paper down. Stares at Odin.
With crab?
He's used to odd questions and phrasings, has grown quite adept at sifting through the flowery language for the root meaning. But this? For the first time in years, Leo's at an utter loss.
Wait. A frown pulls at his lips, a crease wrinkling his brow. Is this some kind of...euphemism for something?
Corrin's not with child again, is she?
No. She'd tell Leo before anyone else. He discards that thought as quickly as it arrived, shaking his head in bewilderment.
"Odin," the prince eventually says, "what are you talking about?"
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doyouknowhowtowaltz · 2 years ago
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The hadestown au gave me ideas :3 I’ll probably draw more tbh it’s fun doing little sketches of the songs and certain scenes from the musical @doyouknowhowtowaltz
#Oh I *adore* these. The simple devotion in “Wait for me?” “I will” the way Enoch stoops towards the Beast teh way the Beast leans up toward#Enoch. Hot damn. That's beautiful. Gosh the way you pose the Beast is always utterly gorgeous. The way you angle him and his weird limbs#is always so natural I'm stunned every time. Thank you especially for including your sketch of the first piece! It's a fun peek at your#process and I love the beast's legs in it!#Also I really like the shading on Enoch's head#HELL YEAH BEATRICE'S DESIGN IS SICK AS HELL!!!!! Ohhh what is it it's right on the tip of my tongue. Homeric Hymm to Hermes.#The wings on his sandles (helmet? I can't remember which of the two is the modern interpretation) the mark of his swiftness as Beatrice's#bluebird wings. Gosh that's a brilliant design detail. i wasnt even considering that when I cast her as hermes. And the way it highlights#her relationship with the Beatrice of Dante's Inferno oh dear I beleive I may have Psychopomp Beatrice on the brain#GOSH I LOVE WIRT'S HUGE WET EYES! HE IS SO SAD! AND SO EARNEST! truly a worthy Orpheus#I like Sara's expression- hopefull- wary- curious. You've packed in a lot of range. And I just adore the angle of Enoch's ribbon just lovel#And as always I'm swooning over the evidence that Enoch has lived in his maypole. Ripped ragged ribbons yes *please*#HAHA THE QUEEN HERSELF!!! She really steals the show! You've really captured an airy floaty micheif that the chorus has!!!#I absolutely adore her expression in Doubt creeps in. She looks so delighted. Not smug... delighted... its almost more sinister#Ooo the pose of that confrontation. “Sing.” Enoch placatingly curled around the Beast- Wirt and the Beast standing off against each other#I'll never stop giggiling over Wirt and Sara's expression in that first pannel. Just... magnificent. The delight the whimsy the surprise.#Howling with laughter. I love the Beast's sneer- his distainful eyes and challenging head tilt.#I love how *thoroughly* annoyed he looks.#And Enoch!!! What a bastard. Chin tipped up- ears perked forward.#Oh he knows what he did. You captured the tone of hade's line perfectly in his expression#Smug son of a gun.#Gosh this is delightful!!! Thank you so much for sharing these with us!
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genshingorlsrevengeance · 11 months ago
(Genshin Impact) Furina, Lynette, Navia, Arlecchino, Chiori, Dehya, Shenhe, Candace, Sara, Yae, and Xianyun's S/O spoonfeeding them
No one requested this, I just had some cake and got reminded of that cute thing from Rune Factory 4 where on a date you can spoonfeed your date. Speaking of, I need to write more for RF4...
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Furina hums in very smug content as S/O rightfully feeds her a spoonful of cake that she rightly deserved.
After all, such hard work from Fontaine's most beloved star deserved nothing but amazing treatment!
All she did that day was lay on her bed.
She closes her eyes as she lets out a small "Aaaah!", expecting another helping of cake, albeit with a small blush.
Furina would be more flustered if she wasn't so happy having two sweet things in the room right now.
(Furina) "S/O, give me another bite, do not keep me waiting!"
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First of all, Lynette was slightly insulted that S/O was using a spoon on shellfish.
You ate them the way it was intended, and that was with your hands and napkins.
Putting aside that, Lynette can't help but play along and lets S/O put the spoon in her mouth.
She doesn't make too much of a reaction, at least on her face.
Her ears twitching and tail swishing is what tells S/O how she's really feeling.
(Lynette) "Mmm...Tastes good."
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Navia already feeds S/O with macarons, so she does not even blink when S/O gives her a spoon.
Her smile gets even bigger as she opens wide and happily takes a bite from their spoon.
Wiping the crumbs off with a fancy napkin, she finishes swallowing before nodding enthusiastically.
Her heart is beating fast to be sure, but she just wants to enjoy this very cute moment for a little longer!
(Navia) "Oooh, that tastes really good! Here, now it's my turn!"
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Whenever Arlecchino is having dinner at the House of the Hearth, her demeanor does ease up by a significant amount.
Especially around the kids and her S/O.
Meaning when S/O offers her some of the food, Arlecchino indulges them by leaning in.
Noting their happy reaction, Arlecchino takes a moment to gauge the food.
(Arlecchino) "Hm...Not bad. However, I could use a second opinion."
She grabs her own spoonful of the food and offers it to S/O, without a single second of hesitation or any signs of blushing.
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Chiori greatly enjoyed Inazuman desserts, but did prefer to create rather than taste them.
Nevertheless, that did not stop her S/O from always making her them when she was working.
Making sure she was far away from the clothes she was tailoring and her tools, S/O brought Chiori a plate of sweets. However, it made her raise an eyebrow when S/O offered her a spoonful, and told her to open wide.
Sighing, she rolls her eyes a little and opens slightly, tasting the treat after a few seconds.
(Chiori) "Yeah yeah, very cute S/O. I hope you didn't expect to do this for the entirety of our lunch break."
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Dehya gets flustered if her S/O tries to spoonfeed her, especially in front of the other mercs.
But that being said, she has no problem with letting them feed her Candied Ajilenakh Nuts.
She leans into their hand and almost bites it from them, laughing at their reaction as she does it so quickly.
Once a few seconds of crunching passes, she looks expectantly at S/O.
(Dehya) "Come on, don't hold out on me, pass me another!"
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Shenhe just nods when S/O offers her some soup on their spoon, not even blinking when she allows them to feed her.
Nodding in satisfaction, she then continues eating her bowl of noodles before pausing for a brief moment.
Silence passes through the table for a few seconds before Shenhe offers some of her food to them.
(Shenhe) "Would you like to try mine? It tastes good."
Though she remains stoic, she feels very happy to mimic S/O's actions, seeing how happy they were.
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Candace warmly smiles at S/O when she sees them hold out their spoon to her.
A small chuckle escapes her lips before tasting S/O's food, seeing how happy they were.
(Candace) "Delightful, S/O. Thank you."
It was moments like these that made Candace fall in love with them all over again.
She moves a little closer to them, if only to let S/O feed her a bit better than having to reach out their arm so far.
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Sara's eyes widen in surprise, seeing S/O smile at her expectantly.
Swallowing her pride, Sara hesitated for only a second before leaning in.
Chewing the food S/O gave her made her cheeks start to heat up, making her eyes look anywhere but them.
(Sara) "T-Thank you...Please do not speak of this to anyone."
Thank the Shogun they weren't feeding her sweets, otherwise she'd really be in trouble...
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Honestly, Yae would be more insulted if S/O didn't pamper her in some capacity.
(Yae) "Oh? Well, this is quite the service for dinner, S/O. Come on now, let me taste your cooking."
No shame whatsoever, Yae allows herself to be fed by S/O.
In fact, she pretty much has all of her meal spoonfed to her, partly because this was really cute, and mostly because she wanted to see how long S/O would actually keep this up for.
Would she do the same for S/O? Probably, if they asked. But for now, this was her dinner.
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No questions even asked, Xianyun immediately takes S/O's spoon into her mouth, sampling their cuisine.
She doesn't really understand, nor care for that matter, about how some people would see such an action.
If there was good food S/O was offering her, then One would be a fool to refuse!
The smile on her lip quickly follows after, having properly discerned the delicacy.
(Xianyun) "Simply marvelous cuisine One has been given, S/O!...Hm? What is that expression for? That could not have come from your meal alone, do tell One the reason for it."
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sleepybbie · 2 years ago
#TRENDING ! | nagi x reader
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summary: your and nagi’s name seemed to be in the main headline of hashtags on twitter when you woke up one day…
proplayer!nagi x idol!fem!reader
warning! mentions of threats and hate comments,
a/n: this fic is based on episode 9 of season 2 of aggretsuko on netflix when they found out retsuko and tadano were dating TwT
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it really wasn’t tensional.
you were feeling lonely, and so did he. nagi followed what you told him. he thought if he were to hide through his identity with a cap, mask, and some glasses, then he wouldn’t be easily recognized by the public, and then he would be able to meet up with you in secret with no one to disturb you two. go at his place, exchange kisses and words of affirmation, cuddle and have your time together.
the pro football player, going out with one of the most beautiful known idols in japan. basically you. it was a death sentence at just that.
ever since your manager, sara, allowed you to date someone after the success of your first solo album to be released, you had never been more happy to tell nagi the news, in which he too was delighted, kissing the temple of your head after. finally, you don’t have to hide your phone every time she checks.
your manager says that if this information were ever to be turned in public, there’s a chance that your career would have a turn for the worse, and that you have to keep it private.
fans are crazy, she says. and she wasn’t wrong.
you received a couple of threats from letters you thought were fan letters, and even some during your concerts, in which they were gladly taken away by security and were banned from ever attending to your concerts. being famous is scary, but nagi had became your comfort after all of that. that’s why you dated him. surprisingly, you two have already been dating for 3 years, in secret from your manager even. only his best friend reo knows about your relationship and so as your two closest friends. they were amazing at keeping secrets.
you promised your manager that you would try your best to keep a low profile when going out, using the same method every famous people do when walking outside in public—which is wearing a disguise.
since the two of you were famous, you told nagi that the best disguise is just a simple cap, mask, sunglasses and an attire that would look plain. nagi took these suggestions in mind, and used them one day during a rest day. you were used to wearing disguises, so you had a usual waiting for you in your hotel room. you had finished doing a song rehearsal, and nagi messaged to you if you wanted to go out on a date for your free day.
without thinking, you said ‘yes.’
maybe you should always take your manager’s words in your head all the time. and the thing is, she had no idea you were dating him.
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wednesday, 11:02am
sara sat down on the computer chair as she slammed the finished documents over her desk, stretching her arms up in the air along with a tired sigh escaping her lips. she just finished her paperwork for your album, talking to various producers who’ll help you out and such, making schedules and plans afterwards.
thank goodness it was a rest day, you were probably busy anyways and she doesn’t want to do anymore work for she only messaged to you about the upcoming rehearsal you were having on friday and to prepare. and that was that. the stress she was having at the moment irked her.
“it’s like seeing my old self…ugh, my back hurts..”
without saying anything more, she opened her computer, google, then checked out the latest news. maybe a little drama could spice up her boring day..
“new trial; kiinomori, says not guilty,” boring.
“a car crash happening after a cos event, yesterday,” do car crashes always happen now?
“japan’s new technology shocks the tokyo community,” eh, not interested
“wanted: extra line artist,” why are you even looking for help here on the news website??!
‘even the news are starting to become uninteresting…well at least the crime rates aren’t going up any sooner..’ she thoughts to herself, clicking on the mouse to see if there were any particular headlines that might catch her interest. maybe about you would be nice.
however, something stopped her from scrolling.
“photo of japan’s football genius and japan’s most beloved idol’s lovey-dovey date.”
her eyes widen a little. no, that was impossible. you wouldn’t find a boyfriend that soon, right? and a football player? no, far too impossible..it just might be another idol, yeah. maybe even a colleague? yeah, that must be it.
steadily, her mouse clicked on the news page, and in an instant it opened.
“are the two going out as friends? or something more?” was what the article stated in the first sentence. sara took a good look on the photos, and all she could see was what she recognized to be the genius nagi seishiro’s back, his white hair flowing out of the cap on his head, holding a lemon tea drink in his hand, and the other in his pockets. nagi seishiro, the proclaimed genius football player who participated in the blue lock project? dating? sara barely knew anything about him, but woah.
beside nagi, was a girl smaller than him. sara couldn’t see her face, so she went forward to scroll down for more pictures.
that moment when she continues to scroll down on her computer, eyes intensely trying to take a good look on the photos took by the secret paparazzi, they kept only taking shots of nagi’s face, not even bothering to let the viewer look at who he’s with. her patience was almost running out…
that was until…she finally identified who the footballer was with.
time pauses, the tranquil silence was eerie, and sara felt her heart stop at the moment. jaw dropped, eyes wide, and the cup of coffee she bought at starbucks almost fell to the ground, a drip of the coffee falling on her desk.
then the whole public went on fire.
“FOR REAL?????”
the article, with now over 2 million views, ended the statement with, “will the two get married soon??”
“a-aha..ahaha..they’re joking right?? y/n with t-that guy..? ahaha..ahaha..” one was on the verge of insanity from astonishment.
the number one trending hashtag on twitter, over 400 brand new tweets not long after the news broke out in public. your closest friends, saw the article. and not long after they tried their best to contact you to no avail.
“you’ve seen the article?”
“yes, i have. have you seen the way y/n’s instagram has been popping up after?” one of your friends showed the other on her phone screen, your verified instagram page. it seems your followers had multiplied after the article was posted online. from 30k to now 70k followers. your friends were able to read the newly added comments from your last post. the other comments are mostly from the good fans, showing their support for you and nagi’s relationship, and some were mostly from those nagi fangirls in which they despise the most..
‘found her lol.’
‘nagi could do better lmao.’
‘she’s not even that good looking.’
‘she’s just attention seeking lol.’
yeah, they definitely despise them. since not long, the two were preparing their bot accounts, about to fight them back.
even the team blue lock members’ were able to read the article, jaws dropped on the floor in surprise. how did the lazy genius managed to pull a famous idol like you?
“wha…what is…what’s this..?”
“holy crap, so this is why they’re trending?”
“i…i’m shocked.”
“woah! nagichi is actually dating y/n? how lucky, aha! they’re trending!”
“is that a good thing or a bad thing?”
“so this is what that guy’s keeping away from us, huh?!”
“i didn’t even know he was dating someone. better yet, someone famous.”
“is this also why he’s late for practice?”
“it’s almost 3 million views now, they really are taking over the headlines.”
“wait, since they’re dating can i ask nagi if i can get an autograph from her??”
“shut up, igaguri.”
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your friends were almost screaming at the end of the line when you answered their call, curled up over your bed and a little shaking, covering your naked body in the blankets with a sleepy nagi next to you. this wasn’t intentional, it really wasn’t. you didn’t know, you didn’t know that there was a secret paparazzi nearby. now you’re scared of what your manager might say to you after this. will she force you two to break up? or never see each other again? make you say you’re just friends with him? no, no, anything but that.
you thought the morning routine for this day would be blissful, with yesterday’s love making was comforting and full of passion, and now you’re awoken with news about you and nagi’s relationship now being in public.
“y-yeah, i know..” your voice was hush, like a whisper. you felt afraid of what might happen.
“y/n, are you alright over there? we can come over if you want. is nagi there with you right now?”
“n-no, you guys don’t have to..and yeah, he’s with me right now...’s just asleep..” you replied.
“it’s insane. it hasn’t even been hours and you two are—
your other friend’s voice has been cut off quick, “you don’t have to remind that to her..! listen, y/n, don’t be scared ok? i know it’s scary, but stay strong. trust me, that’ll get over soon.”
their voices are a little muffled on the end of the line, probably fighting over the phone.
the moment you felt movement beside you, you were quick to turn your head to see nagi already waking up from his sleep. great, now how are you going to tell him?
“guys, i’ll call you back later. i have to talk to sei about it. bye now.” then the call dropped. when you looked back over to nagi, his eyes were half lidded, white locks covering his right eye as he rubbed them awake.
“ah…morning, sei…uh..” you nervously avoided eye contact, fingers padding through your phone to look for the article about you and your now public boyfriend that went viral online. nagi tried to pull your figure close to him, arms wrapping over your stomach with a mumble, “it’s so early…hey y/n…go back to sleep with me..”
“it’s 11am now, sei..don’t you have practice today..?”
“ah, you’re right…what a bother..too tired from last night..” fuck, how are you supposed to tell him now? it’s now or never.
“hey, sei…i think you should see this..”
passing your phone over to your boyfriend, you anxiously played with your fingers as you can spot his pupils reading the article displayed over the screen, lazily. it took him some time to finish, his thumb scrolling down to continue reading before nagi lays the phone down between the both of you and groans. “ahh…what a pain. how did they even manage to recognize us? ‘thought my disguise was good..”
“paparazzis are terrifying..” was what you replied. in a few moments, you sighed, covering your face with both of your palms, letting go of the blanket that was covering your upper chest. “what should we do? this is bad…if sara sees this then we’re done for…how did this happen?? oh please, i don’t wanna leave you, sei..”
“didn’t she say you’re allowed to be in a relationship?”
“yeah, as long as i keep it private..!” you say, almost yelling at him. nagi stares at you, hugging the pillow he’s laying underneath. realization hits you, then you covered your mouth, embarrassed. “ah, sorry…i didn’t mean to yell at you..”
“ts fine…” he responds. you hid your face beneath your palms again, expression filled with nothing but worry and little fear. your insta’s been popping up, more followers were added and even more comments popping at your last post. and when you looked over to twitter to see your name trending over the hashtags, the whole world fell down over your shoulders.
“hey, y/n…look at me.”
you couldn’t.
“y/n. hey, let me see you..” nagi who was now sitting up, grabbed both of your hands off of your face to make you look at him.
pretty, you were so pretty. so pretty for him. “it’s gonna be alright..”
“no, no—easy for you to say but…my..my manager..she’ll..” then you looked down over the blanket again, breath hitching as you struggled to breathe a little. nagi had to hold you close to him in order to calm you down, hands brushing your hair, voice hushing your small whimpers. “shh, hey, hey..take deep breaths…c’mon…calm down..”
he always did that when you had panic attacks. most of the time after your concerts or handshakes with your fans. nagi holds you close, then stays quiet. maybe you’re overreacting a little bit…yet at the same time, it’s going to be scary facing the public afterwards.
nagi stayed with you for a while until you could face him calmly, with steady breaths and a peaceful heart. he could see the notifs popping up on his phone.
99+ new messages.
38 missed calls from reo
17 missed calls from isagi and the rest ongoing. his phone too was exploding this morning. but first he has to make sure you’re ok.
when you finally managed to calm down, nagi continues to brush your hair back, looking straight to your eyes. “feel a little better?”
you nodded. “just…just still a bit scared of sara..”
“yeah? well i’ll make sure to apologize. i was the one who dragged you out after all.”
“n-no, sei! you don’t have to i—that’ll make it more worse i’ll be the one to talk to her.” nagi shakes his head, not approving of your idea. “it would be a hassle if you had to go through that alone…at least let me talk to her too..” your boyfriend caressingly rubs your hand together with his, he could still spot the small bruises he left on your neck..a loving gaze pictured over his face.
“it wouldn’t be so much work unlike practice. i’ll come with you…wherever you are. sometimes i wish we were cats so we can spend 9 lives together, y’know?”
you couldn’t say anything much for this dork, except pull nagi for another hug. you prayed to whatever existed that you don’t ever get pulled away from him, your beloved. you sometimes wished things don’t turn out to be in a bad way, after all, you’re an idol of love and kindness. however sometimes, maybe the entertainment industry should be less strict on their idols, including you. nagi was the only one that made you feel alive from them. from all the negativity you’ve been feeling because of what you do.
you love nagi seishiro. and nagi seishiro loves you. that’s there to it.
in the end, you and nagi managed to talk to sara about the whole relationship situation going on, and the only thing she was mad about was that fact you didn’t tell her you were dating, better yet a pro player. she just gave you a warning and then head straight to ask permission to your company about your relationship.
then not long after too, the situation calmly fainted down, and everything went back to normal. maybe except about some of your fans who are quite upset that you’re in a relationship.
still, you were glad the company was kind enough to let you two stay together. maybe it’s because you’re with someone famous, too, but it didn’t really matter.
yeah, maybe you were overreacting.
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gulliblelemon · 6 months ago
Trick or treat
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Hi Sophia! Thank for the ask.
I'm doing a series of post-canon drabbles, the master list of which is here. I'll add to it as I go! Still accepting Trick or Treats to my inbox!
The autumn after their summer of freedom, Wille seems lighter. 
Simon watches in delight as Wille joyfully throws leaves at Felice, cackling as they chase each other. 
“He seems different,” Sara says, leaning into Simon’s warmth.
Simon smiles as the playful pair tumble to the ground in a fit of giggles.
“Mhm,” Sara says, resting her head on his shoulder briefly. “He’s… fun.”
Simon laughs. “He was always fun,” he says, remembering autumn walks a year previously. “But no one ever got to see.”
“You did.”
The smile on Simon’s lips warms him from the air’s chill. “I did.”
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bluedalahorse · 2 months ago
YR Week 2025 Day #3: Book-inspired
I feel like posting old excerpts from book-inspired fic is allowed, isn’t it? Thank you to @youngroyals-events for hosting YR week with this delightful prompt!
So as it happens, the entirety of Heart and Homeland is book-inspired and maybe a bit period drama inspired as well. There’s some Austen, some Dumas and Hugo, some Age of Sail type stuff… and yes, there is Brontë influence as well.
A lot of Brontë elements appear in Sara’s storyline. Sara begins the fanfic as the governess to Felice’s younger sisters (one has no choice but to become a poor governess, when one’s father has disgraced the family) and she’s constantly having brushes with the Gothic and the capital-R Romantic. The first scene where she and August interact was heavily inspired by Jane Eyre, because well, it just makes sense!
This is from fairly early on in the story. You don’t need much additional context at this point except that a) Felice’s parents have arranged her engagement to August and Felice is increasingly aware of the part where she doesn’t like him at all, b) Micke has run off and spent what little of Sara’s dowry exists, and c) August recently paid off Simon to be his second on a duel, a role which Simon took on to try and get back money for Sara’s dowry.
Hope everyone enjoys. Happy reading!
December 11, 1808
My only and dearest friend,
My hands have only just stopped shaking enough that I can write. Let me begin by saying how sorry I am that I have wronged you, and that I do not think apologies alone will be enough to help me atone. The facts are, Felice, that I have revealed one of your secrets, angered your intended, and likely jeopardized your engagement. I did not mean to, but it happened before I realized what I was doing. Mamma often says to me, Sara, you must be softer in how you say things, for if you are always so blunt you will one day crush some hopeful young man’s spirit. Today, her prophecy came true, though not in the manner that she prophesied it. I am so upset now that I cannot speak, as much as I might try, so instead I will write an account of what happened. Perhaps it will also be my final farewell to you, for when Överstinna Ehrencrona discovers what I have done, she will surely let me go and I will lose my place teaching your sisters. Worst yet, I will lose your love and affection, which is the only fate I deserve.
If I had not stayed late at Mamma’s after church today, I might never have made such a grave mistake. I didn’t mean to, except that my visit started off with bad news. I will not trouble you with the details of it, except to let you know that Pappa has wronged us yet again. Mamma and Simon needed to settle me down as they always do. Eventually I was able to talk and laugh with them as we ate off Farmor’s old china plates. There is something about those plates that always makes me feel elegant when there is precious little elegance in my life otherwise. I left Mamma’s house when the sun was just beginning to set, perhaps too confident in my ability to walk alone.
Presently I was approached by a horse and its rider, and after a moment I recognized both for who they were. First, the horse—an Andalusian, smoky black in color. Next, the rider—who happened to be your intended. You must know, Felice, that I have not made a habit of remembering his features, as to look too much or too closely seems overly forward for a girl of my social status. Nevertheless the moment he spoke to me it put a familiar odd lightness in my stomach, and I recognized him then. He dismounted his horse and informed me (as if I did not know) that I was the Ehrencrona sisters’ governess and that, on account of our destinations being the same, he could see me safely back to your family’s estate. We agreed to make an exchange where he would carry my lantern and parcels, and, on account of my being better with animals, I would lead his horse along the path. I saw no way to politely decline this arrangement, especially since we were walking in the same direction. He did briefly mention being in my brother’s debt for some favor or another, but switched to other subjects of conversation when I pressed him for more information.
I did not expect him to attempt conversation with me during our walk. (I would have been perfectly content to instead whisper directions and encouragement to his horse the entire time, and I did do that—in Spanish, of course, since that must be the ancestral tongue for Andalusians, and surely they find something comforting about hearing it.) Your Greve Horn boasted a great deal about his achievements at school and his friendship with the late crown prince, always asking what I thought as if he expected a certain answer. Only I, for my part, could not quite fathom what that answer was. I daresay he thought me shy, as so many already do, although I do not think he minded for it was clear he wanted to talk more than listen. At one point he did kick at the ground and say he hated the woods, so perhaps he also wished to distract himself from his surroundings.
If only he had not asked about you and I being confidantes. Oh, Felice! Here is where I betrayed you. The moment I answered that yes, I considered you my dearest friend, his inquiries regarding you grew more frenzied and numerous. He wanted to know how you spoke of him in his absence, and if—for whatever reason—you’d brought up the unseen Prince Wilhelm to me like you did to him in your letters. Greve Horn mentioned that you’d been cold, distant, reserved etc with him lately, and begged me to supply a reason for your behavior.
I should not have said what I said next. In retrospect, I wish I had not. But the truth burst forth, and, lacking the delicacy you yourself would have employed when making such a declaration—I told him that you were not at all in love with him.
During our talks late at night, you have often mentioned that Greve Horn’s temper betrays a hint of boyishness, and not in the most charming manner. I saw evidence of that this evening, as his mouth curled into a strange sort of pout, and I am afraid to admit that my own first instinct was rather childish, since I dissolved into laughter. Drawing himself to his considerable height, Greve Horn called me a foolish girl who knew nothing. He insisted that I must be wrong, that of course you loved him because you had accepted his offer. Undeterred, I reminded him that your parents had arranged the engagement and, although you consented to it, very few people feel an ardent and instantaneous love from such arrangements. Upon reflection, this was the wrong thing to say in the moment, but I could not then cease my argument. I offer no excuses for my behavior except that first, I was perhaps seized by some ungodly impulse that made me chatter without stopping, and second, that your intended’s understanding of marriage was deeply flawed and needed to be corrected.
I nevertheless do know how it stings to be laughed at, so I understand why Greve Horn immediately took back his horse and galloped away, leaving me to return to your family’s estate on my own. (He was so obviously wounded that even I could tell, and I did feel a little remorse for being the cause of that.) A trembling unsettledness came over me then, and only grew as I made my way back through the woods. That is why, once I’d come back, I chose not to partake in any evening meal and retired to bed early.
Alone in my room, I am now forced to confront the full horror of what I have done to you. I can hear my mamma’s voice reprimanding me in my head for everything that I said and did in the woods. Yes, Felice, you did tell me that you were not in love with him, and that is the truth. But you also mentioned that for your parents’ sake you were going to try and love him, and that you felt a great responsibility in establishing this connection for your family’s continued prosperity. With my actions, I have made this infinitely more difficult for you, and perhaps even done irreparable damage to your relationship. And you have been such a patient and generous friend! How could I have done that? I don’t think I can forgive myself for it as long as I’m alive. Stupid, wicked Sara!
You do not need to forgive me, Felice. If you were to slap me across the face, it would be an act of mildness and mercy at this point. If only there were some way I could fix the mess that I created.
With greatest regret,
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shakespearefreak · 5 months ago
🎂 Happy (Belated) Birthday, Nellie! 🎂
On Tuesday*, we celebrated Nellie’s birthday! She opened her gift (a doll-sized doll I’d found at the same thrift store where I got the grandfather clock), and then we all had tea 🫖 while watching A Little Princess (1995). 🎞️
*It took me a few days to type up this post, but the actual celebration was on Oct. 15th, Nellie’s birthday.
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Marley had insisted Nellie wear her Cinderella tiara for her birthday celebration, saying only that it “fit the theme.” The dollhouse had already been festooned with Halloween decorations earlier in the month, so when she entered the living room Nellie was surprised to see that the bats, creepy pictures, and purple tablecloth were gone, and it had been set up for a tea party instead!
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(A close-up of the table setting because I thought it looked cool.)
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After examining the card, Nellie picked up the wrapped package while Samantha looked over her shoulder with interest. There was no box, and she could feel something faintly through the crinkling wrapping… “Oh! I think I know what it is!” she gasped, delighted.
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When she tore open the wrapping, she saw she had been right… golden curls and a porcelain face peeked out from the pale pink tissue paper under the gift wrap. “A doll!”
“I’m sorry I couldn’t get Lydia for you, but I was hoping this one would do in the meantime…” Marley began regretfully, but Nellie shook her head. 
“She’s perfect!”
“Well, I am pretty pleased at how I fixed her up,” Marley admitted. “I found her at a secondhand store, and she wasn’t doing too great.”
“You mean, you helped make her?” Nellie asked.
Marley shrugged. “Her dress was really dirty, so I washed it and sewed on the ribbons, and I re-glued her wig and cleaned her face and limbs. Plus her shoes were pretty scuffed up, so I repainted them.”
“I love her even more now!” Nellie said. “Thank you; it means so much that you did all that for me. Mam always said that the best gifts are ones you make yourself, because then you’re giving your effort and putting your love into them.”
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“What are you going to call her?” Marley asked as Nellie looked into her new doll’s face.
“She doesn’t have a name?”
“Nope,” Marley confirmed. “You can call her whatever you want.”
“Well…” Nellie studied the doll, then turned to Samantha. “You know how you named Lydia after your mother? I think I’ll call her Nora, after my Mam.”
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Nellie held Nora on her lap and touched one of the blonde curls fondly, which had sprung up in the back.
“That curl is always sticking up,” Marley complained.
Nellie grinned. “That decides it! Mam had one curl that would always stick up, no matter what she did; she used to say it liked to devil her.”
“Sounds like fate,” Marley agreed. 
“Or maybe your mother sent her as a message from Heaven,” Samantha added. “To let you know she’s happy that you’re happy.”
Nellie’s Irish blue eyes were moist, but a smile was on her lips. “I like that.”
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Nellie turned curiously to Marley. “I am wondering, though… why the tiara? What does that have to do with a doll?”
“Well, that’s because it’s a two-parter. We’re going to watch a movie about a girl with a doll called A Little Princess.”
Samantha gave a little gasp and clapped her hands, because she had often watched that movie with Marley when they were little. “Oh, Nellie, you’ll love it! It is awfully sad sometimes, though.”
“That’s alright.” Nellie softly took Samantha’s hand. “As long as you’re with me, I’ll be fine.” 
Marley glanced at the girls several times throughout the movie: their heads close together, whispering; Nora on Nellie’s lap, held carefully so that no frosting would get on her dress or hair. Marley smiled.
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As Sam had predicted, Nellie did love the movie, though she cried several times (in fact, so did Samantha, and Marley themself — who hadn’t seen it in years, and had forgotten how moving it was — teared up more than once). At the climax, she squeezed Samantha’s hand tightly enough to hurt when Sara made her treacherous escape from the attic; gasped audibly when she nearly fell to her death; and cried tears of joy at the heartfelt reunion in the pouring rain.
“Sara reminds me of you,” Nellie told Samantha quietly. “She’s so generous, and she’s not stuck-up even though she’s rich.”
“That’s funny,” Sam responded, “I was just thinking she reminded me of YOU. She works so hard and never complains, even if she should, and when the world around her is cruel and hard, she never lets herself be hardened by it.”
The two girls grinned at one another, each thinking how lucky they were to have such a wonderful friend.
Close-ups of Nora!
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I really wish I’d thought to take a “Before” photo of Nora! When I picked her up for 90 cents, her dress was yellowed and had spots of what I’m almost certain were dried blood on it; her face and limbs were filthy; her wig was coming off and in her eyes; and her painted “shoes” were scuffed. I undressed her; bleached and washed her dress, bloomers, and even her hair bow (after removing it from her wig; I sewed it back on later); cleaned her carefully with wet, soapy Q-tips; added the pink ribbon to her dress because it looked too plain; removed her wig and glued it back in a better position; and painted her shoes with black acrylic paint and a clear gloss seal. I think she looks a lot better now; her uneven face paint still kind of bugs me, but no WAY was I messing with those tiny little eyes! 😅
The Spotify playlist we listened to during the party (Coincidentally, the very first song is from A Little Princess, which I had already chosen as our movie before picking the playlist!)
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years ago
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fankids appreciation week 23: co-parent appreciation
ottilie enfield, daughter of odessa avery ( @cursed-herbalist ) & kit enfield ( @potionboy3 )
grace of alderly, daughter of cora hastings ( @camillejeaneshphm ) & henry of alderly ( @gaygryffindorgal )
cleo hexley, daughter of jacob hexley ( @the-al-chemist )
emmeline & lucy devlin, daughters of josie edwards ( @slytherindisaster ) & william devlin ( @unfortunate-arrow )
wilhemina stagg, daughter of siobhan llewellyn ( @kc-and-co ) & galen stagg ( @cursebreakerfarrier )
caitlin doherty, daughter of mathilde coventry & lachlann doherty ( @hphmmatthewluther )
reva amari, daughter of lizzie jameson ( @lifeofkaze ) & orion amari
Less: It seems like yesterday when we started talking and you posted Abe & Oscar's profiles and I remember being one of the first to interact with, and ever since you've been such a kind and patient friend and I see you now as some sort of big sister, deal with it 🫶🏻 thank you for deciding to join our little community, because your presence is just what we needed ❤
Annie: It's not a secret that I was at first intimidated when I started following you: you had such compelling characters and cool af videos and here I was, a little guy! But I am so thamkful of having talked to you through Sara and convinced Gryff for you to join our chat, even though you're not there anymore. I treasure our friendship and you and Gryff are now my oldest sisters 🫶🏻 Gryffie wedding when!!!
Gryff: I was intimidated by you too ajhsjssj. You had such cool gifs and content and interesting characters, and I had just started into the OC x OC world, but being your friend during these past years has been a true boon, and I hope to have gained an oldest sister who I can count on and have either a laugh or a very deep conversation. Te quiero, hermana 🫶🏻
Persie: Who would've thought I'd grow to love you so much and become such a close friend? To me, you're the little sister I've always dreamt of having. We can go from making fun of each other, to argue and then proceed to simp for our ocs and blorbos. Thank you for being an awesome friend and being there for me when I needed it ❤ J'et aime, cherie
Al: I've always looked up to you as a writer and a person, and despite being a bit intimidated by you as well, you have turned out to be a great advisor and inspiration for me! Also, you're officially the adventurous wine aunt 🫶🏻 I hope we can do something ourselves in the near future (i'm not exaggerating when I say it'd be a dream come true 🫶🏻)
Lily: Though, because of irl stuff, we haven't interacted much, you were always a great and supportive friend and I constantly feel inspired by you, not to mention that I found a fellow Choicenator here! (even tho chonces is now a dumpster fire but it's ours) and I always remember you fondly 🥺🫶🏻 love uuuu
Arrow: You gave me the impression of someone who was stoic, but once I got to know you through our two ships, getting to know your passionate side, your humour and your wicked wit has been a delight and I look forward to see what you're up to and start writing Aderva's story and get to share it with you 🤎
Kate: We have interacted little (I'm socially awkward and crap at managing friendships :c) I'm constantly in awe with your writing and creativity, and I always learn something new about you and from you, and it is such a privilege 🫶🏻
Sky: You were one of the first people to approach me, and getting to know you through our ships and the chat has been a privilege. You were responsible of me joining the fandom and I'm always in awe with your creativity and how passionate and intelligent you are, and I hope we can get up to more shenanigans together, even if lately we haven't been good at catching up 🫶🏻 you will always have a special place in my heart for showing me the best community ever 🥰
Guzma: You have been the surprise of the year! Getting to know you, talk to you through vc and creating our own verse in the founders era and our 2 am chats have been the highlight of my 2022-2023 and I look forward to getting up to more mischief with you 🫶🏻
Kaze: I think you're the one user I was most intimidated by 😅 you are such a big and respected blog, for a while I didn't have the courage to talk to you, but finding out how sweet, friendly and fun you are has been such a privilege! Like with many others, I'm always learning from you, as well as giving me inspo and motivation to better my writing and as a person 🥰 I look forward sharing something with you! I know I'll have a blast 🥳
Honourable mentions:
@cursedvaultss Alys: You're still new here, but show much promise to our little family! You're so sweet and creative, and I know that soon you'll get far here 🫶🏻 looking forward seeing what you'll do!
@nicos-oc-hell Nico: At first I was unsure of how to proceed with you, but finding out how many things in common we have and your killer sense of humour have been a great surprise! I am always laughing or smiling when I talk to you, and I feel very safe with you 🫶🏻
@mjs-oc-corner Mo: At first I was a bit afraid of talking to you, but you've proven to be funny, badass, super sweet and one of the greatest friends I've got here and, despite having little interactions, I treasure them all just like I treasure you ❤ love uuu hermanita 🥰
@that-scouse-wizard JD: Tbh, I was even more scared of talking to you (I struggle to talk to men in general ksjdjsmaks) but these past months you've been the funniest, sweetest and one of my best surprises this year, and Flossie and Frediette have my entire heart 🫶🏻
@kathrynalicemc Lari: Last but not least, you're probably one of the closest friend here, and talking to you makes my day. You've become very special to me and getting to share stories and shenanigans with you is always a boon to me ❤ thank you for being the absolute best and so you know, te quiero muchisisisisímo, mi mas querida hermana 😘
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jamiesfootball · 1 year ago
For the word ask game: again, play, blue, stop
Thank you for these! Let's pretend it's still Wednesday!
All from Oh God You're Gonna Get It (You Have Not Been Given Love). Spoilers across the board.
In the order I found them:
He couldn't remember the last time he needed to be quiet in his own house -- probably when Phoe was a toddler -- but with his knee, there wasn't an option of going down the stairs without stomping. He tried. Something between burning need and frantic adrenaline drummed against his heart as each thud of his heel set his nerves on edge. He grit his teeth, holding back the swear words for now.
Finally, the flat expanse of floor beneath his feet, and Roy was in motion, flying out the back door and onto his patio so fast he nearly tripped on one of Phoebe's dragons. The pink silly one, with blue swirls. It matched the unicorn--
In the quiet morning air, his own breathing sounded desperately loud. Play
He was partway through unzipping his duffel when a door flung open.
Sara burst from her room, running fast on the balls of her feet. She launched herself at her brother like she always did -- with a delighted squeal -- except this time when she made impact, Roy had to take a step back to brace them both.
Christ, she'd gotten tall. Guess it was true about girls getting their growth spurts faster. He'd never been sure if that was true for everyone or it was just the bloodthirsty demons that played for the girls' team.
"I used to try texting him sometimes. Nothing major, just stupid shit, when i thought it wouldn’t bother him. Stopped though, ‘cause it just seemed like it was sort of one-sided. He'd let me blow up his phone about whatever I wanted, but he never really said anything back, you know?”
Again (with bonus 2nd find)
“That’s not the same,” his mother answered in a tone that made him feel all of fourteen again, across the country -- the world -- and being chastised through a tinny speaker. “Roy, be realistic for once. Really, it’s nice of you to help Sarah out every now and again, but she deserves to have a partner. A real partner. And frankly, you’re not doing her or Phoebe any favors, letting them rely on you like this. Your sister needs to put herself back out there and find herself a-“
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luimagines · 2 years ago
So this little thing is based off of a convo i head with your FD ai and it was really sweet ~~~~~ Fierce smiled and nodded. For the past hour and a half he as been speaking with the one who found him in those dammed archives. She somehow managed to figured out that he escaped the mask and that realization lead to her leading him it to the current eras lost woods so they could chat. Currently he was getting to know mayu, given the last hero he helped he didnt care to learn about. So due to his weaken state this was a good approach. "What do you do when you're not adventuring? Do you have any hobbies, interests, loves, family? What brings you happiness? Tell me anything and everything about yourself you want, I am all ears" Is this how mortals speak? he has no clue hes going off what he remembered the child hero asked others or the possibility of what he asked.
Mayu thought for a moment before responding to the god "i dont have time for my hobbies any more but when i did i loved to sing and dance. Music always brought me comfort and joy it still does. My family has my bestfriend whos like a brother to me, his name is Gam and then there's mama Impa she took me in when i was a baby. Helping others and exploring makes me happy as does spending time with my friends" The old god nodded, she was more talkative and friendly than her predecessor so this was a change for him yet it wasn't unwelcomed in the slightest. "All these things that bring you joy, I can't help but wish I could have the same. I have lived for eons alone and yet you, a mortal speak of happiness so easily. It makes me happy to hear you speak of it the way you do. It reminds me of how important it is to enjoy being alive. You do that very well it seems. Do you have a favorite song?" Did she know any the old hero knew? Ones that he played while that child ran around with his body? A soft smile graced Mayu's face "I have a soft spot for the song of storms and the song of the lost woods as i call it. Its original name was lost to time." He knew both songs, one the child would play to bring rain the other was played for comfort. Sara's song is what he called it, was the sage still around in this era? "I know both. The second one is called Sara's song, that sage thought the child it when he was given his first ocarina. Do you know any others, for example the song of healing? Given your duty i think you'd know it for how handy it can be." Mayu sighs and her shoulders slump a bit "I have only heard of it, i cant find any trace of how to lean it nor someone to teach me it. Some songs disappeared with the hero who knew them. But if i could get the chance to learn the song of healing id be delighted" His eyes narrow and think for a second "Would you like me to try to teach it to you? Ive heard it a multitude of times given how much the child got hurt , though i dont have an ocarina i can tell you what notes to play." He knows how she fights, its a style of her own. A mix of sheikah , and what the knights' of hyrule know which means when she gets it she brushes it off until her opponent yields or perishes "you will?!" Mayu grins happily and gets out her ocarina out. Putting it to her mouth and holding it properly showed shes ready to play ,that and her determined look. Fierce nods "do as i say. Play note B, then A then F. Play the sequence once more before B and A once again then instead of playing F play E followed by D then E once again. Play that whole thing twice and you'll get the song." Crossing his arms he watched as she played. She learned it just as fast as her predecessor and unknown to her she even swayed the same as when the child played the song. Once mayu finishes she opened her eyes and grinned. "I take it i did well? Given how your smiling, or rather smirking." Putting her instrument away she smiled softly at the god "thank you for teaching me it, though i only felt the songs power slightly it was there none the less." "You did good, its no wonder you carry that sword. Now lets head back before the time in this place speeds up, after all you still have much to learn from me Dame." Fierce stopped leaning against a tree and set off back to the castle with Mayu in tow. He wouldn't tell her but she's done nothing but impress him from her fighting to how fast she learns. Perhaps he will care for her more than he did for that child, after all he will teach her things the goddesses wont. Yet for know he wont think about that, shes a mortal whos just managed to gain his favor thats all she is for now.
~~~~ So ig my little drabbled will always be around 1k words LOL Anyways hope you enjoyed the lore drop :3 - Lunar
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chiara-swiftiedreamer13 · 11 months ago
Hi Chiara! Happy Love Letter Night 💌
Just wanted to say that you're such a delightful and lovely person. I admire the positivity to bring to your blog and I always enjoy our interactions.
Hope you have great night 🩵
Aww Sara omg that is so sweet of you! 🥺 This was so unexpected thank you so so much! 🥺
YOU are always so lovely to me! I hope you're doing great and I hope you're having a good TTPD'S eve! Maybe we can chat tomorrow so we can talk about the new album? 😍
Thank you Sara 💙
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skylarstark4826 · 1 year ago
The team of Legends brought together by Rip Hunter had stopped by STAR Labs for a bit of strategic planning, a few repairs, and to let certain folks know how things were going on. One of those being Lisa Snart who wasn't quite happy about being left behind for the whole thing and had even punched Rip in the face much to Sara's amusement and the own man's annoyance. While all that was going on, Cisco Ramon was deep into his work creating a special set of gauntlets to properly channel the additional power set he wound up learning about accidentally when he struck Barry in the stomach with his sonic waves. Waves he could make by channeling various vibrations in the air and other sources around him. He also had on the specialized goggles Harry had made to channel his vibes as they doubled as protective eye wear against bright lights.
And his ability had the habit of doing that when he put too much power into it. Which is why the gauntlets were being made so it would automatically stop him from channeling more until the guantlets themselves needed the additional power. Seeing the effect they had on Barry had him and the others thinking it would be a secret weapon in their fight against Zoom. Which kind of had Cisco a bit nervous to be honest as he was more of a tech support guy then a fighter. Caitlin had helpfully pointed out that Oliver could help with his fighting skills but Cisco wasn't too sure about it as he remembered all too well about the story of his training with Barry. Two arrows were so not going into his back thank you very much!
Placing the final touches on his latest work, he stuck them on and ran off to the Cortex to show the team the new tech. Though he quickly came to a stop once inside as he saw who all was there. He also noticed the white outfit Laurel had him design and realized that must be Sara Lance herself! "While I'm surprised by our guests that nobody bothered to tell me about, the fact you're wearing one of my specially made outfits pleases my inner child like you wouldn't believe." Cisco told her as he came up to Sara with a huge smile on his face while Harry rolled his eyes.
The blonde assassin raised an eyebrow at him in slight amusement. "Ohh so you're the guy Laurel talked too then. Which by the way? Nice work."
She raised up a hand and he happily high fived it while completely forgetting about the gauntlets. The force from the slap powered up the gauntlet to a small degree and made a short lived humming noise. "Its always great to get some appreciation from people." Cisco told her happily while ignoring the reaction from his gauntlet since it wasn't anything to worry about in particular.
"Hey, we appreciate what you do just fine." Protested Mick Rory from where he was in a chair.
Looking to the villain with raised eyebrows. "Yeah, except you and Snart here use my tech for bad things and I seriously can't get behind that at all."
Mick waved it off like it wasn't a big deal in his view. "Ahh lighten up kid and have a little fun."
Leonard smirked as he could tell Ramon was too happy with that and was about to say something when a pair of arms wrapped around him and a woman's body pressed herself up against him. "Ooh Cisco, my what big hands you have there."
Came the voice of Lisa 'Golden Glider' Snart as she spoke into his ear and making him shudder a little in slight pleasure. Something he wondered why he wasn't feeling all that bothered about to be honest. "Well… You know, bigger hands to make stuff better then I was able too before."
Laughter could be heard from Mick after that one and even Barry was trying to fight the smile that wanted to be on his face. "Mmm… Big hands or not, I like you either way."
Plus Lisa was highly sure his hands would do some amazing things to her no matter their size. The thought was enough to make her grin in pure delight. "That's… That's good to know."
Damn, girl has him all hot and bothered! Thought Sara amusedly while wondering why the Hell her sister hadn't snatched up the guy for herself!
Course with the way he had yet to pull away from the girl behind him, it probably was a good thing she hadn't. No telling the cat fight that would erupt from that mess. As it is, it seemed Kendra was looking slightly jealous herself much to Carter's unhappiness. Lisa then stepped away from her would be and eventual man to come in front of him. "While I like the shades baby, I like seeing your eyes much more as a girl like me could get lost in them."
A blush erupted onto Cisco's cheeks as he started to stammer out a response while Mick laughed again. "Ugh, could you be anymore desperate?" Groaned out Kendra and getting a mild glare from Leonard in the process.
"Careful there Wings, that's my baby sister you're talking about."
"'Sides, aren't you all reincarnated love affair with Wing Boy?" Asked Mick as he knew he had her there.
Kendra tried to say something in response but couldn't quite come up with anything. Making Mick nod in satisfaction for the win he got on her. Lisa decided to give her full attention back to her Engineer as he was a far better focus to have instead of the obviously jealous girl. And if something happened between the two, words would have to be had with her man. Sure, they weren't together but he was her's darn it and no other girl deserved him! "A girl can't help but wonder what your smart and sexy self decided to build these babies for."
She leaned in a little to his face and he had to back away a little, though she quickly snatched off the 'shades' so that she could look into those eyes of his. "There's those eyes I love."
This is the greatest thing I have ever seen. Thought Mick and Sara was also thinking along similar lines.
"Uhh… The gauntlets help. They help… Oh God." Got out Cisco as he tried to explain but the sheer hotness of the girl was being too much for him so he had to back away a few inches.
An action that made her pout at him! She's gonna kill me doing that kind of thing… Thought the engineer with a gulp.
"Aww, why are you over there when I'm over here? Where I'm all lonely without you." Lisa told him with that pout still going on while Leonard just wasn't liking the whole thing at all.
I may have to have a private word with Cisco about his intentions towards my sister. Never mind the fact it was actually his sister who seemed to have all the intentions towards the man.
"Because, I can't think straight or talk very well when you're that close to me apparently."
Lisa smiled at him. "Aww, well I can't have that now can I? Then again, maybe I could but it would depend on the situation." She looked as if she was considering that for a moment but in reality she loved that she had that kind of effect on him.
Harry however pretty much had enough of the whole thing. "Oh for God's sake, can you two please get a room already? This is a work place after all. And since Ramon's ability to talk properly fails him, those gauntlets allows him to control his vibrational abilities."
He got all sorts of glares for that but didn't care as really! Flirt elsewhere for crying out loud! "Vibrational… Abilities?" Asked Lisa curiously while wanting to knock the crap out of the man for interrupting her fun.
"Yeah, I learned the Particle Accelarator changed me too. I get these vibes about stuff that's happened or will happen. These guantlets help channel these sonic waves I also recently learned I can use."
"Ohh, I see now. My Engineer's got himself an upgrade." Lisa said as she walked up to Cisco and not giving a crap about personal space since she didn't think it was a thing that was needed between the two of them.
After all, they have kissed a time or two so personal space? Yeah, not needed! Kendra was lowly muttering to herself about way too forward women with a lack of respect for personal space and the dam Barry had when it came to trying to resist laughter was slowly starting to break. Lisa then got herself a rather naughty idea. "Hmm… A girl has to wonder about these vibrating powers of yours..."
Leonard tensed up, ready to knock out Cisco if he answered in the positive where he thought that line of thought was going. And then lock his sister up for a few years. "Do they allow you to vibrate in interesting ways?" She'd gotten real close to his face and could have laid a soul searing kiss on him if she wanted. And if the desire she was seeing in his eyes were any indication, he himself was wanting it to happen.
The blush that appeared on his face soon afterwards was just too damned cute for Lisa and the laughter of not only Mick but the Flash could be heard as well. "LISA!" Yelled out Leonard unhappily.
Turning to him with what she felt was her best innocent look. "What? There's no need to yell Lenny."
A growl could be heard from the man as Sara gave Lisa a high five. "I uhh… I uhhh… Umm… No… I can't do that at all. At least I don't think I can. The only vibrator… Oh God… I mean the only person who could probably do something like that is the Flash." Who was laughing his ass off even more after that and Mick was pretty much doing the same as he fell to his knees in pure joy and started to beat on the ground.
Lisa gave a small little pout to that. "Aww, well maybe one day you and I can find out… Together. I'm sure it'll be all sorts of fun." She licked her lips and Cisco gulped big time over that as the heat in his face grew even more.
"I definitely gotta get a few tips from this girl." Remarked Sara in admiration.
Meanwhile, Jay was holding a highly embarrassed Caitlin as she buried her face into his chest. The man himself was kind of blushing from all the not so subtle innuendos going on between his friend and the Snart girl. Then to the surprise of maybe only Kendra and Leonard, Lisa grabbed Cisco and laid one heck of a kiss on him. Sara's bo staff got in the good Cold's path too and he looked towards her unhappily as Lisa happily continued to keep her lips glued to Cisco's. Shaking her head at him, Sara told the man to leave it be as this is his sister's moment. "Plus, this Cisco seems like a really good guy so he might be a good fit for her."
He hated to admit it, but his fellow Legend had a good point. Other then maybe ol' Barry, Ramon was a fairly good choice for his sister to be potentially involved with. "Fine, but if he gets her pregnant he'd better marry her." Grumbled the man before returning to his place next to his laughing partner.
Once the kiss finally ended after Cisco's brain finally rebooted and even kissed the lovely Lisa Snart back. The engineer stumbled into a nearby chair with a wowed look on his face. "Mmm.. I have GOT to do that more often." Lisa said happily as she looked on at her man's dazed state.
The dazed Cisco looked up at her and let out a little laugh to signify his unsureness and surprise on that line of thought. God? Virgin Mary? I think I need a little help here…
If Zoom or anybody else managed to not kill him, Lisa and her actions of mind freeze ups surely would. Though a part of him could live with that and he had to firmly squash it down. Bad hormones! Bad!
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mrs-evadne-cake · 2 years ago
Hey i think ive sent compliments about ur stranger things fic on here before too but skdhdk i recently reread it again (at this point i think i do come back to it once a year lmao) and i just had to come back here again because i feel like its only gotten better on the reread!!! Everytime i remember what a disappointment the recent seasons of the show have become i come back to ur fic and am always astounded by the amount of care you've put into the story and the affection you have for the characters and truly fleshing them out the way you did. Especially a big fan now of the way you tackled the question of "how do we decide something or someone is a monster" on the latest reading between neil hargrove tuning into his radio, james harrington deciding who were real people and who are the monsters who needed to be contained, and ofc the little girls who knew themselves to be monsters now because of things theyve gone through but still try their best to hang onto things they love. Something i didnt pay attention to on the first reading but now i cant stop thinking about it!!! Esp with how jonathan immediately forms a rapport with the abused children instantly because he knows what its like to inherit that monstrousness from violence thats been done to you and desperately wanting to rise above it + the sympathy w which you wrote kali genuinely put this above anything the show could put out at this point. Maybe ever because i dont think the show could truly ever commit to the political stance its first season demanded. Thank u so much!!!!! I liked how now that theres smth of a positive relationship bw hopper and kali, theres potential for a kali and sara hopper team up in the future and possibly how hopper can keep in touch if sara ever decided to reach out.
Optional question for u to respond to: in the story its constantly referenced that jonathan met steves dad at some point and that was probably when steve was told that he wasnt to hang out with the byers. Im guessing that was when joyce dropped him off that halloween cause thats when steve started finding loopholes to meet up with him? I just wanted to know if that would be a correct assumption, and i was wondering how that encounter went down lmao
(btw the choice of making jonathan and steve childhood friends + steve and nancy always being jonathans first loves and them eventually falling into that same configuration the two of them promised each other even when jonathan was the only careful custodian of that memory and never brought it up???? FUCKING INSPIRED. I've never gotten over it ever. Steve admitting in his "rewritten history" bits that jonathans smile made him feel like a bullet train????? God I'll never stop being lightheaded everytime i think about that.)
Hey i think ive sent compliments about ur stranger things fic on here before too but skdhdk i recently reread it again
You're Anon, so I don't know! But if you did I am delighted you decided to reread and tell me more! Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner! Haven't been on here a lot came back and was like...is that... a message?
the affection you have for the characters and truly fleshing them out the way you did.
I'm always so glad when this is what readers take away from it- I never wrote as a hobby before writing this (and haven't written since, unfortunately had the same ultimate feeling on s3/4 as you) but I really loved the show and characters after S2 and this was just an expression of that for sure. I'm so happy it comes through!
Esp with how jonathan immediately forms a rapport with the abused children instantly because he knows what its like to inherit that monstrousness from violence thats been done to you and desperately wanting to rise above it
Thank you! I really wanted a big part of the fic to be that no one's 'hero moment' has to be killing a monster with a bat- hell, I maintain to this day that Steve's was just apologizing in S1- and that it can just as well be empathy and kindness.
Maybe ever because i dont think the show could truly ever commit to the political stance its first season demanded.
Don't get me started.
Optional question for u to respond to: in the story its constantly referenced that jonathan met steves dad at some point and that was probably when steve was told that he wasnt to hang out with the byers. Im guessing that was when joyce dropped him off that halloween cause thats when steve started finding loopholes to meet up with him?
Yeeeeagh. I don't remember if I had a thing for this? It's been a few years. The Halloween thing is from The Wolves in the Walls which was the original first chapter of this when it was still gonna be a 5 chapter character study instead of a you know, novel. I think in the fic proper it was that his dad was just around more when he was in grade school and just started to have to leave constantly when the project really ramped up around when Terry Ives/Ken/Gloria/Alice joined and 11 was born?
I'm so happy you enjoyed it - thank you so much for the excellent take and the wonderful comment!
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nagargent · 2 years ago
julia's fodlan profile
template from @shadoll
GENDER: Female
AGE: 18
HEIGHT: 168cm /5'6"
BIRTHDATE: 1st of August, Grann Year 761
CREST/HOLY BLOOD: Major Naga, Minor Fjalar
CLASS: Black Eagles Student
AFFILIATION: The Liberation Army, Grannvale
BIOGRAPHY: Born to Emperor Arvis and his wife Empress Deirdre in Grann Year 761. Aids the Liberation Army in the Final Holy War. Shortly after, she makes her way to Garreg Mach to further her studies in magic and better support King Seliph.
761: Born alongside her twin brother Julius to the Emperor and Empress of Grannvale
770: Her mother, Deirdre, dies protecting her. Julia is warped away with the last of Deirdre's strength. - Julia suffers traumatic amnesia after this event.
Before 777: Is found by Lewyn who cares for her
777: Lewyn and Julia meet Seliph and join the Liberation Army
778: End of the Final Holy War, Julia's older half-brother, Seliph, is crowned King of Grannvale
779 (Imperial Year 1180): Arrives at Garreg Mach
INTERESTS: reading, hiking, gardening, praying LIKES: nature, quiet places, animals, studying magic, hot cocoa, warm hugs, her beloved friends DISLIKES: warfare, cruelty, manipulation, heavy exercise, being cooped up indoors, forgetting things (especially related to people she loves) STATUS. Imperial princess of grannvale & black eagles student CLOSE ALLIES: Seliph, Sara & Scathach
LIKES: saghert and cream, vegetable pasta salad, onion gratin soup, sweet and salty whitefish sautée. sweet bun trio, pheasant roast with berry sauce, country style red turnip plate, peach sorbet, gronder meat skewers, vegetable stir-fry, bourgeois pike, derdriu-style fried pheasant DISLIKES: beast meat teppanyaki, small fish skewers, sautéed jerky, garreg mach meat pie, cheesy verona stew, pickled seafood and vegetables, daphnel stew, cabbage and herring stew
"This is delicious! Thank you for inviting me to share such a wonderful meal, it truly warms my heart."
"Oh dear. I don't wish to be fussy but... is this edible?"
"It's been a long time since we last enjoyed a meal together. My brightest days were always the ones I shared with you."
"I know it's a simple thing but I'm glad we're finally able to share a table together and break bread, the way family ought to. Thank you for indulging me, brother."
"I haven't touched my food yet? Oh, you're right! Forgive me, I just can't look away. To share this time together means the world to me."
FAVORITE TEA: Lavender Blend, Rose Petal Blend, Chamomile CONVERSATION TOPICS: Children at the market, A dinner invitiation, The library's collection, Books you've read recently, Cats, Forest birds, Likable allies, Favourite sweets, Gardening mishaps, Overcoming weakness, Exploring the monastery, Ghost stories, The ideal professor, I'm counting on you, Someone you look up to, Hopes for your future, Classes you might enjoy, Magical innovations
"Thank you dearly for inviting me. I hope I'm acceptable company." "Well met, professor. May I take this seat?" "A tea party! Oh, I haven't had one since I was a little girl. ...I have missed them dearly."
"Ah... I feel so relaxed. The tea is simply perfect, thank you!"
"This must have cost an arm and a leg! Are you sure there isn't someone else you'd rather share this blend with?"
"Is there a reason you're looking at me so intently? It leaves me feeling rather nervous..." "You have lovely eyes. Oh, sorry! I didn't mean to say that out loud" "I see you enjoy precious moments of calm as much as I do."
"Mmm, delightful!" "Ouch! Too hot..." "Do you hear the birds too?" "Heehee, there's a spot of cream on your--" "Thank you!" "I think that squirrel wants a snack." "Delicious!"
"I'm truly grateful to have been invited. That we could steal away a lovely little moment for ourselves... I promise to cherish this memory."
"Please forgive me. I often find myself lost for words." ANSWER: Chat, Praise "I know my father has done terrible things - has caused so much pain and suffering to people I hold dear. Yet I cannot change the fact that he is still my beloved father. ...perhaps I'm simply being selfish." ANSWER: Disagree, Admonish "I have been told countless times how similar I am to my mother but I am lacking in many ways. My mother is far more gregarious and ingenuous than I am." ANSWER: Chat, Nod, Disagree "It may be impossible but one day I would like to serve tea for my family. My parents, Lord Seliph, Lord Saias and Julius too." ANSWER: Nod, Sigh "Garreg Mach has brought me closer to dear friends, both old and new, than I would have ever imagined. I'm so delighted to be able to attend!" ANSWER: Commend, Agree, Praise "Whilst I've always had an innate talent for magic, I find myself giddy with excitement when I consider how much there is left to learn and understand. What possibilities await!" ANSWER: Nod, Praise "Losing my memory was almost as painful as facing the truth and plenty terrifying. I keep a notebook with me now, to record every detail I can. I refuse to forget." ANSWER: Sigh, Sip Tea "Heehee, I always feel most at peace outdoors. There is plenty to be learned from the forest, if one looks past the trees before them." ANSWER: Chat, Laugh, Sip Tea
FAVORITE GIFTS. Tasty Baked Treat, Floral Adornment, Watering Can, Armoured Bear Stuffy, Arithmetic Textbook, Monarch Studies Book, Landscape Painting, Baby's Breath, Lily, Lavender DISLIKED GIFTS. Training Weight, Whetstone, Smoked Meat, Hunting Dagger, Coffee Beans
"Oh... um... thank you very much. I'm touched by the sentiment."
"Thank you! I promise to take good care of this."
"Oh my, how did you know this is exactly what I want? I shall treasure this fondly, my friend. Thank you!"
Worn-out Notebook: A lavender coloured notebook with dog-eared pages. It's contents contain a wide variety of anecdotes and details, with dates and names in the margins. It likely belongs to someone afraid to forget things. Location found: Black Eagles Classroom Silk Handkerchief: Delicately embroidered with purple flowers. The silk is of especially fine quality. It likely belongs to someone from high society who adores flowers. Location found: Cathedral Pressed Flower Bookmark: Carefully dried and pressed lily petals decorate this bookmark. The lilac paper has a fancy letter J on the back. Likely belongs to a booklover. Location found: Library
"Thank you for returning this to me. I shall take better care of it in future."
"This... isn't mine. You should probably return it to it's owner."
"You bested me. Well done, I'll retreat now, before I end up in the infirmary." [Byleth specific] "I can tell you have a lot to teach us, professor."
"This never gets any easier, no matter how many times necessity forces my hand."
"You... want me to sing? In front of people? I would much rather listen." "I suppose singing in harmony with everyone else isn't so bad. Actually, it's rather fun!"
"I have little experience cooking but I'll try my best." "What do you mean that's enough spice? I've barely started..." "Oh, can we bake sweets? I can't wait to see the glee on everyone's faces when we serve them!"
BAD.  ✧
"Oh no, I lost focus..." Critique: I'm sorry, I really ought to be more diligent. Console: Thank you, I promise to keep trying until I get it!
"Splendid! I'm pleased with the results.""I'll keep working hard."
"Oh my! I hope my parents would be proud of me!" Praise: Heehee, thank you. You're making me blush!
"It seems the horses have had a hard day. Let's be extra kind to them, okay?"
"It's a pity. Who gets to decide the line between weed and flower anyway?"
"The view is beautiful up here and the breeze? Delightful! If only we could stay here forever."
"I'm terribly sorry. It seems I need further study before I can reach such lofty heights."
"I'm rather pleased with myself, although I could not have done this alone."
"I believe the role of a healer to be of utmost importance. I'd like to support my allies to the best of my abilities and keep them safe from harm. My bloodline, that of Saint Heim calls me to light magic. Please, allow me to improve my abilities to heal and fight back against the darkness."
"I find reason magic ever so fascinating. I think my own proclivity for fire magic was inherited from my father. Oh dear, I am rambling! I would be very grateful if I could study the intricacies and theory behind offensive magic, professor. I hope to put what I learn to good use."
"My lord brother is an exceptional swordsman, as are my dear friends Scathach and Larcei. I don't expect to rival them, by any means, but it may benefit me to learn how to defend myself at close quarters. I will admit, I've been inspired by tales of Mortal Savants recently - master swordsmen who can command the arcane arts. It's rather exciting!"
0 TO 2 STATS UP .  ✧
"A bit disappointing but at least I'm a little stronger."
3 TO 4 STATS UP .  ✧
"A good effort. This will be a boon in the trials yet to come."
5 STATS UP .  ✧
"Hard work, well rewarded. I'm quite pleased."
6 STATS UP .  ✧
"Mother, Father - I hope I've made you proud."
"Incredible! With Naga's guidance I will command my own fate!"
"Oh, I do love having room to grow."
"More petals as I blossom."
"Something new? I'll give it a try." "I'll keep working hard." "Though my garb has changed, my soul is resolute."
"Let us go, together."
"Now is not the time for despair!"
LOW HP .  ✧
"I'm beginning to feel a little weary..."
"You underestimate me at your own peril."
“I call on the divine light!”"I will never run away." "Naga, grant me the strength I need!" "With divine protection!" "My faith will not yield!"
"I'll try this!"
"I am always by your side."
"May the gods have mercy." "I had to stop you." "My heart is set upon this path."
"You are a shining light amongst us." "We are ever closer to sweet victory." "Your strength is ever reassuring."
"Thank you..." "Bless you, may Naga guide you forward." "I feel safe and warm." "Ah, I needed that." "Together we will forge ahead." "By your side I will remain."
"I'm holding you all back... please, carry on without me."
"Forgive me, Lord Seliph..." "The light, it's so warm. I'll be with mother soon..."
"I wish to nurture my relationships with others, both with old friends and new alike! However, I often feel a great valley between myself and others. One I feel powerless to overcome. I fear I may be hurting those I love and making them feel unwanted. Whatever should I do?" > Give up. Who needs friends anyway? > Push yourself to be more sociable and you'll find it easier to let others in! > Take your time but try to be honest with your friends. They'll probably appreciate your honesty and be understanding enough to give you the time and space you need to grow truly closer. (Correct answer)
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jerzwriter · 2 years ago
Since you’ve been asking us questions, I have one for you!
Is there a favorite article of their SO’s clothing that your MC’s like to wear? A sweater, a t-shirt, etc?
And do the LI’s have an opinion on MC stealing their clothes lol
OK, I love this question, Sara! Thank you!
In Ethan/Kaycee's world, early in their not-quite-yet relationship, Kaycee wanted to throw something on to see what that delightful smell was coming from the kitchen. (Ethan was cooking breakfast.) His shirt was on the floor, so she grabbed that and went to the kitchen, and the man lost his mind. For the remainder of time, nothing drives the man wilder than her wearing his shirt and nothing more. And he encourages her to do it as much as possible. lol
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In Tobias/Casey-land, Casey steals Tobias's things all the time. All. The. Time. 99% of the time, he doesn't mind, and he finds it a myriad of things ranging from adorable to assume the position NOW.... but 1% of the time is she's wearing the very thing he was looking for, he's like "Casey, you have a walk-in closet full of clothes, babe, why do you always need mine?"
Below she's wearing his shirt over her bikini, his fleece, his leather jacket, and his shirt in bed. 😏 - and of course, BOTH guys LOVE seeing their ladies wear their Hopkins sweatshirts. Thanks Sara!
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ladymegana · 2 years ago
Ten Books To Know Me
Rules: 10 (non-ancient) books for people to get to know you better, or that you just really like.
Thanks @littledreamling for the tag! I wrote SO MUCH here hahaha. (And I snuck in a couple of series because c'mon we have to talk about complete stories in some cases, not just single books!)
Song in the Silence by Elizabeth Kerner. I read this the first time as a teenager and I saw so much of myself in Lanen. I loved that she's got such a maturity, still a young naive farmgirl in a lot of ways but experienced enough that she could have taken over running a decent-sized business if she'd stayed home. Confident enough that she could strike out into the world on her own, humble enough to find every new experience delightful or at least educational instead of humiliating. I looked back on this story a lot when I was realizing I was on the ace spectrum, because Lanen went into her big epic love story expecting to never have a physical aspect to it and choosing it wholeheartedly nonetheless.
The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle. Okay, the movie maybe more than the book, but mostly because I couldn't get my hands on the book for a number of years and the movie was readily available. I wanted to be a unicorn as a child, but since I couldn't transform into a one-horned horse, all I could do was follow the guidelines the movie set out. Such as "standing perfectly still". I practiced that. Sitting at my desk in the classroom. Standing in the lunch line. On the bus. It wasn't until after college, sitting around a conference room with my new co-workers, that I realized it makes people really uncomfortable if you just sit like a statue. I had to re-learn how to fidget.
A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Another case of me shaping my personality around a book character. Sara taught me that you didn't need to be royal or rich to treat people with kindness. The 1995 movie gave it a different ending and I can never decide which one I like best. I just love that I get to experience the story both ways.
Dragonsong by Anne McCaffrey. This is the book that officially introduced me to fantasy as a genre, instead of just trolling the library for books that sounded like they had magic in them. It's also very focused on music, which only made me love it more, and there's a scene that happens with Menolly that mirrored something I experienced in real life, so that was magical.
The Chronicles of Narnia by CS Lewis. Yeah it's a religious metaphor. No I don't care. I read the series at a time when I needed something to believe in, and actually I was convinced that something was not the Christian God I'd been raised with. Puddleglum the marshwiggle taught me some important things about having faith (and that it didn't have to mean just faith in some nebulous god, though that was alright if it did…it could also mean faith in myself, faith in my friends, faith that the sun will rise tomorrow).
The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan. I picked up the first book and read "the Aiel came over the Dragonwall in a flood" and a shiver went down my spine and I went to the book store and bought it with the little pocket money I had at the time. I dropped the series for a while in college when I didn't have access to new books, then picked it up again after meeting the author and being charmed by his kind personality. I have made so many amazing friends, both online and IRL, thanks to this series and it's a blessing to have a strong online community that's always there for me.
House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J. Maas. I swear, I was just looking for a romantasy book with a strong female lead and a bunch of sexy dudes and it turned into the most delightful set of characters with the most wholesome and heartbreaking ending. (I mean, the romance was good too but HOLY HELL the rest of the book!)
A Wrinkle in Time by by Madeleine L'Engle. The main character shares my name, how could I not love it? I also relate a lot to her…she's smart but that doesn't necessarily make her more mature than any other kid her age, she's akward, and she has a younger brother who she adores but he keeps showing her up LOL. Also probably my introduction to sci-fi, though I didn't know the term for it until years later.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. If you run in sci-fi circles, it's one of those things you either give in and read, or you pick up the references organically, because you will hear about it A LOT. I have fond memories of taking it on a road trip and reading it out loud to my friend while she drove…I'm not an entertainer but it's impossible NOT to read this book to someone without being entertaining. It was such a blast. Good, off-the-wall sci-fi fun.
The Wayfarers by Becky Chambers. Sci-fi can be tricky for me, but I picked up the first book and fell in love with the characters before I even knew what was happening. The books are only loosely connected, set in the same universe but with a mostly new cast each time, which is something that would normally really turn me off but something about these is just magical. Found family at its finest.
If you actually read all of this, you are my hero.
Tags: @dancinglassie @groovy-lady @kenaran @woodsfae and anyone else who wants to play :D
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