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This is a Sara and August Appreciation Post (Favorite Non-Wilmon Overall Ship)
A post written for YRFavesFest2024, graciously hosted by @youngroyals-events. This is in response to prompt #6.
They’re so awkward. I love them.
If I learned anything from the historical example of Vasa, it’s that some ships are destined to sink. But lo, they sink so majestically that you must cherish them and build an entire museum dedicated to their cultural significance.
Such are my feelings for Sara and August. They have been my two very favorite characters in Young Royals from day one, and also they are in love? They’re both so deeply flawed, with so much chemistry, and they’re both so very lonely, that you can see why they’re drawn to one another like magnets.
Truly, I could honor saraugust in any number of ways, but I realized looking back that they were above all extremely fun to write about. So in this post, I’ve put together snippets from fics I’ve written about Sara and August, both finished/published and unfinished/unpublished, that showcase all the fun I’ve had with their dynamic over the years.
I’m going to put the fic snippets below a cut, as this post will be as long as Malte is tall. Also, as a heads up, there will be some excerpts that trend a bit naughty, but never anything explicit. Enjoy!
Terrain Boundaries Territory was the first fic I wrote for them in summer of 2021. I went into a two-week fugue state and forgot to do anything else while I worked out the story.
In TBT, Sara decides she’s going to get revenge on August for how he treated Simon. She decides she’s going to do that by dating him, finding out all his secrets, and ruining him somehow. Of course, as Sara and August get closer and more entangled, things get more complicated between them.
I used this fic to discover characterizations for Sara and August, mostly, and figured out what made them tick. It really helped me to bond with them as characters. I feel like my Simon is reasonably characterized, but the other secondary characters need… a lot of work. At this point the show was new, I was lurking, and I couldn’t even keep the character names straight. It showed.
I wrote TBT right when I got into verse novels, so it’s in verse. I also decided I was going to write Sara’s POV as a second person narrator, to put the reader uncomfortably close to what she’s thinking and feeling. These things are fun to play with in an MFA program, but they’re a bit risky for fanfiction, where a lot of fans prefer familiar tropes and writing styles. I still love that this fic reignited my passion for writing fanfiction in general.
Also there’s a Fleabag reference that no reader has found yet. Beat you to the punch, Lisa.
An excerpt:
There is a floorboard in the hallway where August’s step hesitates, a door on his left like a gap between fangs. In the evening, now sober, you return without him— stand in the threshold of the door and sniff each layer of dust, catalogue the shrouded furniture, the landscapes painted in storms of oils, the one tall harp, out of tune. Footsteps, doubling back. His shadow touches your shoulders and, This is where we found my Pappa dead. Like he didn’t mean to say it out loud. Did he know he was being too honest? You know what that’s like.
Next excerpt comes from an unfinished, August-POV sequel to Terrain Boundaries Territory I was writing in Fall and Winter of 2021. After TBT, I was asking myself: well, how did August manage to fall in love with Sara? I could feel, instinctively, that he was going to fall in love with her, whenever season 2 of YR came around. I just wanted to work out what it would look like. I started to play with the idea that maybe he dates her to deflect any suspicion about the video, but starts to soften toward her as he realizes they have a lot of loneliness and grief in common.
In this scene, Sara’s just had a meltdown during a clash between Marieberg and Hillerska students. Sara and August are just starting to date publicly, and everyone has thoughts, including Sara’s old bullies. They’re nasty to her, and Rosh (who happens to be both Present and Intimidating) tells them off. Sara runs away, and August goes to find her.
They talk:
“So you have some friends at Marieberg.” “They’re Simon’s friends. They only like me because of Simon.” Oh. Shit. If August were a good boyfriend (which, he isn’t) and this were a real relationship (it’s not, they just need one another for appearances) he’d tell Sara I like you because of you. Maybe also I’ll always put you first. They’ve only been official for a short while, but guys have whispered bolder lies into a new girlfriend’s hair. That’s sort of how relationships work, isn’t it? Always moving too fast and lying. August wants to say that because Sara’s brushed aside the graveyard dirt that covers up an old memory: his first parents’ weekend, back when he was a gangly kid with no muscle definition and no idea how to dress himself, when he told his mamma people only like me because Erik makes them. That put a shocked expression on Mamma’s face. Then she forgot just ten minutes later, when she told August she was seeing people again. Three years and becoming prefect should have dulled August’s memories of that weekend, but now unearthed, the memories only make the present feel fake. Sara’s closed in on herself���head bowed, eyes on the ground, now ungloved hands clutching at her elbows. Inside Sara must feel cold, raw, bruised, inert. Like forgotten meat at the back of a freezer. It’s not fair that she should feel that. Not when she’s smart and detail-oriented and secretly daring. Not when she’s the sort of girl who becomes a social media heroine for rescuing cats. August is too scared of saying I like you, even as he’s counting all the reasons people should like Sara. So instead he asks, “Do you want me to hold you?” Sara nods. August follows the advice of football scarf girl and hugs Sara tight. She doesn’t tense up—it’s the first time he’s felt her relax, actually. That he’s noticed. If he’s going to pull off this fake boyfriend thing, maybe he should notice more. “You asked,” says Sara. “You’ve never asked before.” Talking into his coat, she adds, “I need somewhere to rest.” “I told you, you can always use my room.” “Somewhere to actually rest.” “I know. I understand. Come on.” He takes her hand and leads her back to the dorms.
Next, in early 2022, @heliza24 and I began publishing Heart and Homeland, our ensemble regency AU. I think to this day, we’re one of the few true ensemble fics in YR fandom that gives all five main characters roughly equal POV time, but I could be wrong about that. I intend to finish the epilogue chapters in 2025.
Anyway, I felt like I had a solid grasp on Sara and August at this point, and also I love period dramas. Do you know how exciting it was for me to write them in a troubled gothic romance situation? Sara’s the governess for Felice’s younger sisters, and August is attending Hillerska with Simon and Wilhelm while also being engaged to Felice. Felice breaks off her engagement to August though, and then after a Series Of Dramatic Events, Sara and August run off together.
The first twentysome chapters of the fic were written before season 2, and I think I did a reasonably good job predicting Sara and August’s dynamic. Also, they hooked up in a moving carriage, so I may have predicted a Bridgerton season as well, oops. Anyway, here’s a scene from the morning after that hookup, and if you’ve read far enough into the story, you know this will have tragic resonance later on:
Sara tugged the dressing gown tighter around her shoulders. August sat beside her on the bed, careful not to upset his mug. An aroma from Sara’s childhood filled the air, and she remembered how Pappa, in his better moods, used to let her grind coffee beans when he came back from his voyages. Preparing coffee for Pappa and Mamma helped Sara to feel useful, even though she had not been allowed to drink it herself. “That’s coffee, isn’t it?” Sara asked. The smell never bothered her the way it did Simon, after Pappa was arrested for smuggling it. “It is,” said August. “Her Majesty’s ban doesn’t really apply here with us. It is really only for the general public’s benefit, to help them moderate their vices.” Vices. Sara felt she had not indulged hers enough. “May I have some coffee?” “You may.” August handed Sara the mug, and Sara drank as he drawled on. “Speaking of Her Majesty, she is in good health, although of course it distressed her to learn of last night’s events. I am glad I was the one to bring her the news and reassure her of His Highness’s well-being. One needs the support of family at such dire times.” He was showing off now, speaking breezily about his connections to the monarchy, as if Sara herself hadn’t danced with the prince earlier. “Her Majesty has already implied that I should stay in town for the coming days so that I can assist Wille as he returns to the palace. I will be back and forth between here and there. You must promise not to fret too much when I’m out.” “I am capable of occupying myself, and you are quite committed to serving the realm. We will manage a few hours apart,” said Sara. A moment later she realized that he probably wanted her to say something else. Felice had explained once that boys sometimes expressed such sentiments so that girls could reassure them of their devotion. “Of course in practice, I am sure I will miss you, and that you will miss me.” Things were moving fast. Sara took a final long sip of coffee before handing the mug back to August. “Here you are.” August looked down into the mug. “You drank all of it.” “You will have to bring me more, then.” Sara smiled.
Now that we’ve had Sara and August in the historical past, let’s move on to some fic where they find one another again in the future! While I am very satisfied with their breakup at the end of season 3, and think it’s what was right for them, I sometimes imagine a possible future where they can try again and things work out for them. Why? Because I like seeing them kiss. It’s really not that deep.
Here’s something unfinished I wrote after season 3, where the Swedish people are about to vote on a referendum about whether or not they want to end the monarchy. August (who has been through a lot of character development and worked to make things up with Simon) just assumes everyone is going to vote to end the monarchy, so he’s doing everything he can to make sure the transition goes smoothly and that they can give the monarchy a good “funeral” and such. Meanwhile, Sara is working a toxic nonprofit job that takes advantage of her passion to make the world a better place. And wouldn’t you know it? They’re crossing paths:
August nods and exits out through the double doors, and just like that, Sara becomes a royal guest. Perhaps one of the last royal guests ever, if last week’s polling data means anything. She hopes no one will interview her for a documentary about it in the future. There’s a farcical moment two minutes afterward where August sticks his head back in and says he’s forgotten his sunscreen, and Sara hands him the bottle before he goes out again. It’s a brand she’s never seen before—something ridiculously expensive and high SPF. Fragrance free, too. Sara can’t help watching through the windows as August rubs the sunscreen onto the back of his neck and onto his exposed forearms. Can’t help wondering if she’d have rubbed it in for him, admonishing him like you know you burn so easily, if they’d had their summer weekends in Bjärstad during his military service like he’d wanted. Still, Sara hadn’t wanted it, then, and that thought should be enough to push herself back into fifteen minute stretches of newsletter edits and donor emails. Sara reminds herself of her bosses’ talking points: that PuzzleChildrens’ oldest donors appreciate the paper copies of the newsletter they receive each month, that the personal stories of lost children remind them where their money is going, that Sara is doing so well at communicating with people and that she shouldn’t worry too much about creating a perfect product, only one that reaches people’s hearts. She opens up a colleague’s story about a pitiable single mother in Luleå called Maja, whose eleven-year-old daughter Saga has been “stolen” by a serious disease. The colleague is older and touchy, so Sara phrases all her line edits delicately. What she really wants to type is: Don’t call meltdowns “tantrums.” Of course Saga has empathy, she loves her dog and she probably feels that very deeply. And for fuck’s sake arm flapping isn’t a “babyish gesture.” But no. She can’t respond like that. Not with the amount of money these newsletters raise, not when her older colleagues don’t know things, and she was the one hired to educate them. Sara thinks that maybe, the cotton of her sundress would be better if it were rougher. If she could run the nail of her index finger across her hip and it would hurt just enough to remind her how to communicate with people at work so they don’t think she’s a freak. Eventually Sara’s phone buzzes with an incoming text, pulling her out of her thoughts. Do you want something to drink? It’s from August. Sara looks up, and he’s still outdoors on the balcony. He glances in Sara’s direction and offers her a stiff—but not unfriendly—wave. The glass between them is impossibly clean, probably scrubbed this morning by the staff at Solliden. Sara texts back. I don’t want to trouble you too much. Are you having something? Seltzer. There’s a local brand that just launched, they do one with an elderflower and pear infusion. August makes a face at his phone (Sara’s still watching him, it’s that twisting expression his mouth sometimes makes when he’s embarrassed himself, like he’s gotten an unexpected taste of sour candy) and types a follow up. It’s less pretentious than it sounds. You can have what you want though. We’re well-stocked here. Seltzer sounds good, Sara responds. I’ll have that, thanks.
Do I have other future scenarios? Yes. One of them involves Sara and August on a road trip back to Sweden (they can’t do air travel because of a volcanic explosion in Iceland) so they can get to Wilhelm and Simon’s engagement party in time. This is a future set after August leaves the monarchy behind, but hasn’t explained to anyone why and it’s a bit of an incident. Sara is working a shitty nonprofit job in this story idea, too, since the road trip idea was sort of a 2.0 iteration of what you see above.
Anyway, when I think about them as adults, I enjoy letting them be a little bit kinky. Mostly because they both seem to have intense sensory needs and would also like figuring out the power exchanges, and also because you can have a scenario where Sara’s tried more kinks than August has, and it reverses the experience dynamic they have as teenagers. Like this:
Sara presses the brush bristles down onto August’s open palm. It’s only a little bit of extra pressure, spread out over multiple prickling points, but it sends a current up his arm and through his chest. August draws in a sharp breath. He and Sara meet eyes. They’re studying one another now, like they’ve both been hit by the realization that it’s been over ten years and they’ve tried other things with other partners. “So.” Sara smiles out of one corner of her mouth. “You like a little bit of pain?” “Maybe,” says August. “I mean, life at the palace was pretty conservative, so I didn’t get to explore much—” “Please.” Sara is the one laughing now, and there’s a mixture of affection and disdain in it that makes something in August’s stomach curl. “Royals get away with doing all kinds of kinky shit.” “Not me,” says August. “I was working all the time.” His face flushes as he realizes how embarrassing it sounds—Sara’s giving him an are you kidding me look—but there’s also something hot about it at the same time. About wanting to squirm under her gaze. “We could try something tonight,” says Sara. “if you want.” “We promised ourselves we wouldn’t.” “We said we wouldn’t touch each other. And we won’t. I’m only going to touch you with the brush. Do you want me to explain?”
Sara domming is fantastic, but I also kind of imagine saraugust as a couple with with swtichy vibes. Which is why in L’escarpolette, twentysomething Sara has a surreal sex dream about getting tied up on a swing while she’s wearing her Valentine’s ball clothes:
August kneels, and that’s when Sara knows she has him where she wants him. Or, he has her where he wants her. Whichever is the truth. August reaches for Sara’s foot—the one that hasn’t lost its ballet flat—and his eyes meet Sara’s as he slides the shoe off and sets it aside. He bends down further to kiss her ankle. A current of electricity travels up Sara’s leg. The sensation leaves Sara twitching and ticklish. August seizes the hem of her skirts and lifts. Out of the corner of Sara’s eye she glimpses the firelight down at the bottom of the hill, where the mysterious eighteenth century party frolics on. Perhaps sparks of that light glint in people’s eyes or in the lenses of their opera glasses as they swivel their gaze toward the hill… Sara’s balance falters. She tips backward. “Wait wait wait.” August lets go of Sara’s skirts and claps his hands back around her waist, steadying her before she can hit the ground. “I want to make sure you don’t fall.” He’s so earnest, and Sara still feels ticklish. She giggles, and August joins her, and for a moment they are consumed by the giddiness that comes with carrying out an odd and daring experiment in the night. But how to avoid falling? Sara follows the line of the swing’s ropes upward. Oh. Those flowering vines hanging down from the tree branches. They’re waving ever so slightly in the breeze, as if they’re trying to get her attention in secret. In her waking life, Sara sometimes imagines what it would be like to tie up a lover. Or what it would be like to ask a lover to tie her up. She’s never felt like she could ask anyone. Maybe here…
To finish off this post, let’s talk canon divergences. I once had a commenter on one of my fics say that they saw Sara and August as a case of Right Person, Wrong Timing. I can get behind this idea myself, and it’s always made me wonder what their relationship would be like when they met earlier, when August is raw from grief in his first year at Hillerska, and Sara is still experiencing bullying in public school. I’ve started a fic along those lines, and I’m hoping to finish it soon for events in January or February.
Looks like Sara and August are going to have to escape a situation together:
The boy in the closet with her is pale and slim. He twitches and groans softly. Something pinches inside Sara’s chest. Sympathy? He looks as trapped here as she is, and Sara wants to trust him. Just so she isn’t alone. She crawls over to the boy and kneels at his side. She keeps a house key in her palm just in case. His eyes flutter open halfway. “You’re awake,” Sara says. “Fuck.” He blinks. “You’re… Sara?” “Yes,” she says. It’s a relief to hear someone say her name aloud, even though he’s a stranger. “Did you hit your head when you fell?” Haltingly, the boy pushes himself up to a sitting position. “I’m… not sure.” “You should check.” He’s quite tall, Sara notices. And he’s sitting still, not checking his head like she told him to. Sara can’t tell from looking at him if he has any lumps on his head; he has thick, dark curls that hide that. She’d have to run her fingers through his hair if she was going to help him check. Will she have to? The boy hasn’t moved yet. It’s like he’s in a daze. Sara’s fingers twitch. She’s impatient. Before she can raise her hands and look the boy over, to make sure that he’s safe, he finally shakes himself alert and moves his hands to his hair. “No lumps,” the boy says. “So I’m alright.” His eyes land on Sara. “Are you…” Sara replies with the truth. “They locked me in here for hours. We need to get out.”
Anyway. Do you see how much these two fuel me? Do you see The Vision? More fic to come on a tumblr near you!
#young royals#yrfavesfest2024#sara eriksson#august horn of årnäs#saraugust#sargust#my fic#i love them both so much
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August and Sara 💕
for @youngroyals-events week 3: August
#Young Royals#August Horn of Årnas#Sara Eriksson#Sargust#Saraugust#(I'm not sure what their official ship name is 🤔)#August's face#still processing what just happened#him being so stunned when she starts kissing him#but then being into it#Sara knowing what she wants and going for it#I'm sure that's something that August really likes#how straightforward she is#her no bullshit attitude#my YR other characters event event#my YR gifs
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For the secondary character ask game: 6, 7, 8, 16
Hi, thanks for the numbers <3 (why does that sound so awkward when I type it 😭)
6. Character(s) you have ace, aro, or queerplatonic headcanons for:
So, this is like 90% projection, but I kinda see Sara as vaguely aro-spec? I think there’s something about the way she talks about crushes that just felt relatable to me so she just kinda ended up vaguely aro-spec in my head. Idk. (Plus her friends seeming baffled that she could possibly have lived 17-18yrs without experiencing a crush (pre-August) was so incredibly real).
(Others that I don’t really have much to say about: ace!Henry (because I read @sflow-er’s Supplementary facets fic series and it just kinda stuck), and I kinda liked aroace!Felice from @zee-has-commitment-issues’s Reckless Abandon).
7. Character you didn’t initially like/love but have now warmed up to:
Honestly, August. I found him vaguely interesting at the start, but he annoyed me so much that I just avoided thinking about him, which it turns out was mostly because I just didn’t know what I wanted to do with him. But, now I have an idea of where I could go post-canon (thanks to some of your posts and our conversations), I like him a lot more.
(Insert seemingly obligatory disclaimer within this fandom that, while I do like him, I don’t condone lots of his actions)
8. Pairing you didn’t initially like/love but have now warmed up to:
I guess saraugust? There’s a few pairings that I’d previously never considered but now quite like, but I don’t think there’s any that I’ve actively disliked that I now like (in fact, there’s only, like, one (non-creepy) pairing that I’m opposed to).
I think I like saraugust now more than I used to, in the sense that I now think it’d be interesting to see them potentially get back together years in the future (like you’ve mentioned at some point), but I’ve always found their interactions to be pretty interesting (and they both bring out a quite different side to each other).
16. A song that reminds you of a secondary character or pairing:
Truly, this was a mistake to ask me because I, quite frankly, do not shut up about songs reminding me of characters, so to list a few:
1. Somewhere In Ann Arbor by Anson Seabra vaguely reminds me of post-canon crown prince August pre-growth and stuff.
2. Rabbit Heart (Raise It Up) by Florence + The Machine reminds me of Kristina and the royal family as a whole.
3. Machine Learning by Janani K. Jha indirectly kinda reminds me of Sara in the sense that it kinda reminds me of autistic masking.
(this is very much making me realise how many songs I associate with Simon tbh, because I have a “reminded me of a YR character” playlist, and it seems to be like 90% Simon 😭)
#sara eriksson#henry young royals#felice ehrencrona#august horn of årnäs#saraugust#kristina young royals#young royals#ask game
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you know that young royals is truly a work of art bc I was listening to a love song and immediately thought of August
anyway "Heavenly Kind of State of Mind" by Lewis Capaldi is so August about Sara that it's truly insane
#'whether you were heaven-sent to save me from above / or the only one who doesnt hate me / thats enough'#'when i need someone to save me from original sin'#'now i think about you all the time'#'when I'm with you is like nothing else'#THIS IS SO SARAUGUST AND I WILL NOT CHANHE MY MIND ABOUT IT#young royals#saraugust#shh ac
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girls when you’re not in love with me you’re in love with the person you become when you’re with me..
#saraugust#on one hand I love them as a ship bc they’re sooo interesting but I don’t want them to be together#they’ve just got a really complex and fascinating dynamic I think#young royals
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Multicouple (Non-Endgame) Edit.
(Liv x Holden, August x Sara, Lucas x Maya, Mike x Tina)
also on instagram
#song: Trust#non endgame#liv and maddie#liv x holden#holden x liv#sara x august#august x sara#young royals#lucaya#girl meets world#gmw#saraugust#tike#tina x mike#mike x tina#glee#cw flashing#tw flashing#flash warning#edit
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I feel like there’s some meaningful stuff here about Sara and August’s relationship, so I wanted to reblog and lift those up here! Sara has traditionally been unfairly slammed by the fandom, even though her actions were meaningfully different from August’s in season 2. And a lot of times saraugust is held up as this ontologically evil foil to wilmon, even though both pairings juxtapose the capacity to be sweet and loving with some pretty intense teenage flaws.
Personally, while I understand why they happen, I’ve always been a little wary of discussions of “is Sara a bad person/is August a bad person.” I understand why this framing works for some fans, but it doesn’t work for me. Mostly because a while back, Omar was talking in an interview, and he talked about Lisa’s writing philosophy being that there aren’t good and bad people in her stories, there are people in her stories who are capable of good and bad actions. Now, authorial intent can only go so far, I get that. But I do think this is a theme that underpins the series. I think they did a great job of showing Sara’s complexity and growth over the season. I do think there were some fumbles to August’s writing in season 3 that led a portion of the audience to believe he never changed, ever, over the course of the series. I think the show would have benefitted from him and Simon having a chance to do restorative work outside of their relationships with Wille. At the same time, I don’t think season 3 was without growth for August. @sflow-er’s post on the Fleabag parallel does a great job of breaking down August’s arc. I’m not saying any of this negates the harm August does—far from it—but I do think the show is inviting us to envision a better future for August where he grows and changes, especially in our fanworks.
And that’s what I want to talk about in this reblog: fanworks. It’s been a long time since people were acknowledging the saraugust nuance in season 2, and ultimately how fascinating the pairing is, but there’s still only 96 fics tagged Sara/August on AO3 and only a few are actually about them.
I think, what I’m sad about most when it comes to Young Royals fandom, is that there is no fanworks community around Sara and August the way there is for wilmon, at least on tumblr. There are individual people who are interested in their dynamic, and some of them create fanworks from time to time, and some of us reach out to one another and have meaningful and wonderful one-on-one conversations in our inboxes. But there’s very few reblog chains about them where people are just expressing fun headcanons, there’s very little circulating fanart, there’s some gifsets and edits but they don’t circulate as frequently, no fandom events or challenges themed around them, no following and cheering on of Malte and Frida’s careers, (to my knowledge) no epic multichapter saraugust fics we discuss together and swoon over and make starry eyes over.
To be clear: I don’t think I’d ever expect saragust to have the same size of following wilmon does. There are many factors that make wilmon more popular, first and foremost being that August does real legitimate harm and is annoying and kind of sucks. Like, hey! I get it! Not everyone is going to like him, and that’s perfectly okay. And then there’s the fact that not everyone who’s drawn to an m/m show is going to feel excited to ship a f/m pairing. As @crownedwille points out, fandoms sure can do some stuff when female characters are involved. Of course saraugust will get smaller numbers.
But as someone who’s been tracking the saraugust breadcrumbs in fandom for a while, and has been following their tag on AO3, what I’m noticing is not exactly a natural absence of interest in the pairing. It’s more like I see a lot of people who have an interest in the characters and the dynamics, but something about the way YR fandom interacts socially reinforces the notion that you keep your saraugust feelings to yourself. Or, for a while if you were expressing those feelings, you were encouraged to express them in ways that are full of apologies and disclaimers. When you’re spending all your time doing that, it becomes a lot harder to create fanworks. Like, even in the tags of this post, I see a lot of people saying they liked them or found them interesting or cute or they’re hooked in by the drama or whatever else! Clearly the enjoyers exist and are out there. I think the discourse (and the harassment of actors/writers/creative team on social media) has died down a lot since the finale and there’s more space to like the characters, but I also think that some of the patterns of fandom interaction that sprung up post-S2 have had a continued impact on how people express themselves.
And yes, it’s important to be mindful of the morally dubious sides of this pairing, but we can do that while creating space for people to openly enjoy it through fic and headcanons and edits and such the way that many people in the fandom openly enjoy wilmon, even if it’s a smaller group of us. (Heck, some people enjoy saraugust because of the moral dubiousness and that is part of a Valid Fandom Tradition of enjoying morally dubious pairings.)
As someone who’s currently feeling a little burned out on wilmon by itself and doesn’t really have a desire to read works centered on them, but who’s still in love with the broader YR world and its characters, especially my two favorite characters—I am desperate for a little bit less saraugust discourse and a little bit more joyous fannishness about them. I’m not entirely sure how to make that happen. I’ve been writing fic, blogging about the characters, creating ask games, posting pictures of the plushies, and also doing some other stuff behind the scenes. But I often don’t post or reblog as much as I could for fear of discourse returning, and I feel disconnected from fandom most of the time, even though I have some strong individual ties to individual people. (I also feel like I may have burned some bridges at times when I was upset.) It’s a bit of a sisyphean conundrum, isn’t it? I wish I could wave a magic wand and make more fanworks and community happen around this pairing in particular, but also around other pairings and characters on the show for the fans who want those other pairings and characters. I just wish there was a little more variety in the characters and pairings talked about.
Anyway, I don’t have any answers and it’s time for me to acquire groceries for the week, so. Blue out.
There's so much discourse around Sara and August. Whether they were good together or not. Whether they loved each other or not.
What we tend to overlook is the fact that they talked to each other. Enough that they knew each other.
He wanted someone to talk to and he thought about her. So he went to find her and he knew to find her in the stables. Then he immediately proved to her that he was someone "safe" by petting her horse. She misunderstood his invitation that evening but he didn't make her feel bad about it. We know she talked to him about the Felice Horse Selling Thing™️ because when she comes to say that Felice was officially selling the horse, he just said "I thought you already knew that" because she had already told him.
Sara talked to August. The same why August talked to Sara. He opened up about the drugs and why he used them. He opened up about being Wilhelm's back up. He opened up about his guilt and about feeling like a horrible person.
She talked to him about her horse and about Felice. Two things that she considers the most important in her life. She also opens up to him about wanting to fit in. Wanting to "be like him" meaning that she wanted to be like the Hillerska crowd.
They talked to each other.
So like, yes, they did horrible things. They are bad people. But they aren’t incapable of caring. And they aren't entirely self centered. That's what makes their individual betrayals even more heartbreaking. Because we know they're capable of caring and they made the choices they did anyway.
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props to the Eriksson siblings for making two royal/royal-adjacent people cry. fuck the monarchy fr
#prince wilhelm#august young royals#young royals#wilmon#saraugust?#sara x august#yr#simon eriksson#Eriksson siblings they could never make me hate you#simon young royals
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i can die happy now

#wilmon#young royals#season 3 young royals#WILMON ENDGAME!!!#AHHHH#i am now an august lover#he just wanted to be loved#my bby boy <3#simon#wilhelm#also wilhelm abdicated!?!?#august is the next king!?!?!#but wilmon endgame you guys#also stedrika#and walty!#(implied but they are defo together)#and sara and felice friends again#but no saraugust :(#oh well#wilmon4life#ahh
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e6 predictions (they get more unhinged the further you go)
lake scene is NOT the final scene or a breakup scene
the wilmon car scene is the last scene
elias song!!
wille won’t abdicate (just because you can’t abdicate before you’re even on the throne)
BUT he does tell his mother that he’s leaning towards not wanting to be king
felice and sara will start to be friends again (during the neon party?)
hillerska closes down
fredrika and stella are temporarily pissed at felice for the closure
wilmon will get a “let’s stay together, we love each other and we can try to make it work” endgame
saraugust won’t be endgame
we get to actually see one of august and wille’s mediation therapy sessions and what they talk about
vincent and august are on not-so-great terms at the end of the show
the first year’s letters to their future selves come back into play
as per usual ludvig does nothing significant or useful to help wille or the plot
wille looks into a mirror and gives himself a tiny smile
music room redemption scene
simon writes/sings a song for wille for his real birthday present
wille learns the truth about where his orange sweater really went
by some miracle there is enough time in the episode for simon to go see boris himself
someone actually remembers that rousseau exists (even better, we actually SEE rousseau)
someone accidentally starts a fire during the neon party
august and vincent try to throw punches at each other during the table scene
marcus shows up at graduation for whatever reason and malin kicks him out
simon jumps vincent while everyone else politely applauds
felice gets to yell at the headmistress for her casual microaggressions
linda delivers a bitch slap to august’s stepdad
someone says “i’m proud of you” to wille
#we’re going from least unhinged at the top to most unhinged at the bottom btw#yr s3 spoilers#yr s3 speculation#prince wilhelm#simon eriksson#wilmon#sara eriksson#felice ehrencrona#august horn#vincent young royals#nils young royals#kristina young royals#ludvig young royals#august horn of årnäs#august young royals#avi rambles#young royals
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I’m going to go for an unconventional one here. I love all the other ones people are mentioning too, so I’ll sign on to those as well.
But. Can we acknowledge all the situational humor leading up to Sara and August’s first hookup in 2.3? August being like “omg I’m so messed up right now, I need someone to talk to, can you come over” and Sara internally being like “I have done the research on how this is Neurotypical Code, and coming over to talk means we’re gonna have sex 100%” and August is like “no but for real I wanna talk, I’m just also very sad and brooding and very shirtless, so the messages, they are mixed” and Sara being like “ok Sara play it cool play it cool LOOK I have managed a TOTALLY PLATONIC ARM PUNCH we are gonna be FINE” but then they’re making out oops?
Maybe not everyone else sees the same level of comedy as I do in that scene but to me Malte and Frida’s acting choices are all A+++++ no notes.
God I miss Sara Arrhusius’s intimacy coordination work every day of my life.
What do you think are the funniest moments in Young Royals?
#young royals#sara eriksson#august horn of årnäs#saraugust#sara’s awkward little arm punch is my third favorite character
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Fanfic for Sara Week: Alone to Two Chapter 1
Have you ever wondered how Sara and August’s relationship might have played out differently if they’d met during August’s first year instead of his third?
I have been working on a canon divergence fic about Sara and August over the past month or so, and because it’s Other Characters Month, I wanted to start posting it in chapters.
Here’s the summary:
Sara Eriksson longs for a school where she can fit in. August Horn is finally at the school where he’s supposed to belong, yet he’s never felt more isolated. When their paths collide, they can’t help being drawn to one another.
Right now the plan is to post chapters 2 and 3 on Wednesday and Friday of this week, and then post the remaining chapters during August’s week. (I’m writing this for YR characters month hosted by @youngroyals-events, by the way. Come and join us!)
You can read the fic on AO3. Reblog to spread the words and tell your friends!
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August and Sara 💕
for @youngroyals-events week 3: August
#Young Royals#August Horn of Årnas#Sara Eriksson#Sargust#Saraugust#second part of the gifset from that morning#look at them#having fun#enjoying their time together so much#my YR other characters event#my YR gifs
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Totally random but, in a way, I wish there were more soulmate AUs that explored the dark side of them?
Like, say, a Young Royals soulmate AU where nearly everything is the same, but, Linda and Micke are soulmates. This doesn’t change Micke’s addiction. It doesn’t change how terrible he was to his family at times. It doesn’t change how uncomfortable Linda, Sara and Simon feel around him. But, it would definitely make divorce significantly harder and more complicated.
Just imagine how taboo divorce would be in a universe where soulmates exist. Imagine how hard it might be to get people to believe that your soulmate is abusing you. All the “no! he’s your soulmate! he’d never do that!”s (albeit probably with much less blunt wording).
Idk. I just think that, as much as I love the idea of there being someone out there who’s the ideal person for me, the idea that society would be almost entirely built around that just makes me think “oh, it would be so easy to get trapped in an abusive relationship”.
#wilmon would also be soulmates in this au#and i think saraugust would be too#in a complicated messy kind of way#i wish i could write this but its such a fragmented idea in my head and im content to just have the little bits of an idea floating about#linda eriksson#young royals#soulmate au
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i kinda wanna ask................... saraugust for the ship bingo?

Oh saraugust…. I love how crazy August was about her, but she made the right call in the end :( almost went for “they’re fucking the same guy (Felice)” that’s not canon but it is to ME
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August and Sara are adorable and I love them. Sue me.
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