#Anubis deity
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sailor-4lexa · 8 days ago
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Sol Brugmansia as Anubis
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goldenwolfen · 1 month ago
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Some recent drawings I've shared over on my Pæ.tree.0hn of late.
Patrons get first dibs on purchasing originals, monthly coloring pages, first looks at new art, and more!
Come check it out and see what you've been missing!
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the-mortuary-witch · 8 months ago
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Lord Anubis’ aesthetic
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luciferianchild · 10 months ago
Simple offerings for Anubis ⚖️🪶
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-Gold or black candles
-Jackal imagery
-Dog related items
-Scale imagery
-Black obsidian
Food offerings:
-Dark chocolate
-A bowl or glass of water
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damzdoesart · 6 months ago
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Get a load of this guy (sorry anubis but I'm not drawing feet)
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witchofspirits · 5 months ago
November 2nd is All Souls' Day and of course as a death witch/spirit worker I'm going to the cemetery.
Here's what you can do to celebrate this holiday and honor the dead:
Visit your local cemetery, and before entering, ask for permission to do so. Whether that be to a guardian (gargoyle, gates, christ, etc) or the spirits themselves.
Clean the grave of a deceased loved one or someone else's that looks like no one has visited them in a while. Trust me, they'll appreciate it, even if they don't know you.
Leave offerings to the guardian statue of the cemetery for their hospitality or to a loved one to show that you still keep them close to your heart
Put up a photo of a deceased loved one or pet on your altar or create an altar for them
Light a white candle for someone who passed (whether you knew them directly or not)
Honor the death deities you work with or that are from your pantheon (Hades, Anubis, Hel, Santa Muerte, etc)
Things to keep in mind:
Don't invite a random spirit to follow you back home, you don't know who or what can go with you.
Always protect yourself when interacting with spirits, energies, and entities. This includes when entering a graveyard/cemetery. You can do so by carrying a crystal, putting up a ward, protection shield, or creating a sigil or protection charm (ring, necklace, charm bag, etc). This must always be on you.
Be respectful to the dead!!!!! How would you feel if someone comes into your space taunting you or stepping on you? If you want to speak to them, do so kindly and calmly, hold a conversation instead of yelling, "If you're here, punch me in the face!" That's taunting and it's not nice.
Don't step on grave areas. If you accidentally do so, make sure to apologize. It's also recommended to say "excuse me" if you need to walk through a tight space where it's difficult to move forward without stepping on them.
Avoid direct pictures of grave stones. I know some people do it because "aesthetic", but I personally think it's rude. It's like shoving a camera in someone's face who didn't give consent to take a picture with you. If you want to do cool photography, you can do that without invading their space or showing their names.
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notafraidtobestrange · 3 months ago
Anubis Encounters
Me: *searching for something to put a drink offering in for Him*
Anubis: The Battlestar Galactica mug!
Me: *chuckling*
Me: *shuffling through my Anubis Oracle deck* *pulls Anubis*
Me: Okay, hi Anubis! *puts card back in deck and continues shuffling*
Me: *pulls Anubis again*
Him: *laughing*
Me: *showing off my new tarot deck and I drop a few cards*
Me: *sees they're the Emporer and 10 of Swords*
Me: *sees the Emporer is holding an ankh*
Anubis: Hi :)
Me: *sigh of exasperated affection* Hi, 'Nubis
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emptypapertowelholdermodelx · 9 months ago
weekly rituals with my deities - a study in motivation, worship, routine, & relationships
while working with apollo today he approached the subject of my lack of relationship with the deities i have been worshipping. he acknowledged how it bothered me. while praying to hekate, she pushed the word “try” into my mind several times as i lamented about how i “couldn’t” keep up with everyone i wanted to, and how my faith was waning as i lacked devotion, focus, and motivation. apollo and hekate, together, suggested i pick a day of the week to worship each deity separately. j can continue my small, daily routines (sleep for hypnos, yoga for the morrigan, pills for apollo, etc.), but i may find it easier to pick a day to devote to each deity as well. i worship seven deities, and there are conveniently seven days in the week.
all of this was confirmed when i saw a post here about how i should do the same. i knew apollo and hekate sent the post my way to confirm what they were already telling me - sign, if you will. confirmation.
in that case, i’m writing my routines and devotional acts out here, as a way to stay motivated, accountable, and have it on hand whenever i need it.
every day i plan to pray to them more intensely than usual and offer something small, whether that be a portion of my meal, a flower i found, or a cool rock.
sunday; apollo’s day. pray to him, offer something to him. sunbathe in the window, or outside, in the morning. make a point to dedicate my medicine-taking to him. journal a little, and do a weekly tarot spread to honor his divination aspect.
monday; the morrigan’s day. pray to her, offer something to her. read one of my books about her. do an intense yoga routine to get the blood pumping - no skipping out on this! journal while praying to her.
tuesday; anpu’s day. pray to him, offer something to him. do some shadow work - this could be free writing, a tarot spread accompanied by journaling, or following some prompts. i’ve found that anpu really appreciates when i perform shadow work, and as a death deity, i think ill start a trend of working through my death trauma with him on tuesdays.
wednesday; hyacinthus’ day. pray to him, offer something to him. on wednesdays i will make a point to talk and pray to him while i water my plants, pick weeds, and check on the overall health of my garden and health plants. i’d like to also do some introspective journaling on love and the trauma i am working through, as hyacinthus’ main goal with me is to build a healthy relationship with my partner.
thursday; hypnos’ day. a soft, calm day. not much goes on. i offer to him, and pray to him. perhaps i can take an extra long nap. i can cleanse my bed altar, make it all tidy, and do some devotional prayers and restful activities in bed. i will also make a point to dedicate that night’s sleep to him, and invoke him to appear in my dreams if he’s willing.
friday; hekate’s day. offer to her and pray to her. read one of my books about her. perform a magical spell or ritual, no matter how big or small. right now it’s hard to do full blown spells as i’m working in the broom closet at my christian sisters house, so i don’t have much of my supplies. but manifestation and intention setting will be one way i can accomplish this.
saturday; hestia’s day. pray to her and offer to her. clean my room and tidy up my space in dedication to her. light a candle while i pray to her, and let her energy fill my room. maybe do some baking in her honor, like a sweet desert or an attempt at bread.
i am hoping to follow this routine for my gods and myself. this will help me refocus on my practice and get in touch my deities again, who i’ve been slightly neglecting in favor of doing nothing all day.
i had an insightful time with apollo and hekate, and hope they’re proud of me as i implement their ideas into the coming weeks <3
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acrystalwitch · 1 year ago
I often worry about why the gods spend time interacting with me and other people.
I feel I am lesser than them, and like… why would a god hang out with a human?
But I think honestly..it’s just such a pointless question to worry about. I could wonder all day every day and use my worries to invalidate my own practice. but it wouldn’t change anything.
Because they are there nonetheless, because they have answered questions and prayers. And because I can feel their love and sometimes their displeasure too.
Whether I feel worthy of these interactions really is irrelevant at the end of the day. Because they are happening and I should just be happy for that.
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sailor-4lexa · 23 days ago
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Sol, god of death and the one who guides souls to the afterlife, better known as… Anubis.
Guys, I love Egyptian mythology, so I thought… why not mix it with another hyperfixation? (Tkatb)
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khaos-state · 6 months ago
My Reapers/Psychopomps
In spirit of the EP✨
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Left to right- NIN, Azrael (My friend’s reaper but I love them too much), Thanatos and Anubis
Might babble about them more later- I’m excited for the EP an might use them to play it when it comes out🤷
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the-mortuary-witch · 8 months ago
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Anubis, also known as Inpu and Anpu in Ancient Egyptian mythology, is the god of funerary rites, protector of graves, and guide to the Underworld, in Ancient Egyptian mythology, usually depicted as a canine or a man with a canine head.
Appearance: in Egyptian mythology, Anubis is typically depicted as a jackal-headed deity or a man with the head of a jackal. He is often depicted wearing a loincloth and holding a flail or a pair of scales. The jackal head represents Anubis' role as the guide to the Underworld, while the flail and scales represent his role as the judge of the dead. Some later representations of Anubis also show him holding a scepter, which is a staff symbolizing power and authority.
Personality: he is often portrayed as a serious and mysterious figure. He is known as the guide and guardian of the Underworld, and he is responsible for helping the dead on their journey to the afterlife. Anubis is also depicted as just and fair, using his scales to weigh the heart of the deceased against the Feather of Ma’at to determine their worthiness for the afterlife. Despite his association with death and the Underworld, Anubis is also seen as a protector and guide for the living, and he is believed to help those who call upon him for protection and guidance.
Symbols: flail, crook, sceptre, and mummy gauze
God of: the dead, mummification, embalming, the afterlife, and tombs
Culture: Egyptian
Plants: star anise, benzoin, cloves, cardamom, frankincense, myrrh, rosemary, cypress, pomegranate, cedarwood, blue lotus, juniper, lilies, and black roses.
Crystals: black obsidian, onyx, jet, garnet, smoky quartz, babingtonite, augite, alabandite, agate geode, petrified palmwood, brochantite, agate, labradorite, trolleite, melanite, dendritic opal, larvikite, biotite, fire opal, merlinite, bloodstone, hematite, and black tourmaline.
Animals: jackal, dog, flies, scarab beetle, Ibis bird, and snake
Incense: cinnamon, sage, frankincense, cedarwood, pomegranate, myrrh, copal, dragons blood, and vanilla
Practices: death witchcraft, necromancy, protection, death magick, guidance (especially through transitions), shadow work, funerary rites, cremation rituals, death positive activism, funeral service provision, divination, and ancestor worship
Colours: black, gold, green, and red
Number: 13
Zodiac: Scorpio
Tarot: Death
Planets: Pluto
Days: Monday, Thoth (Thuty) Festival, Opening of the Mouth ceremony, Festival of the Divine Birth, Nile Flood Festival, Festival of the Dead, and Festival of the Jackal
Parents: Ra (his father originally), Hesat (mother), Bastet (sometimes referred to as his mother), Osiris (his father in later stories), and Isis (his mother in later stories).
Siblings: Horus, Babi, Sopdet, Wepwawet, and Bata
Partner: Anput and Nephthys
Children: Kebechet
• Flail: the flail is associated with Anubis because it was believed to have been used by him in the process of mummification. In ancient Egyptian mythology, the flail was a tool used to separate the body of the deceased from its wrappings. It was also associated with the idea of balance and justice, as the flail had two heads that were believed to represent the balance of life and death. In some depictions, Anubis is shown holding a flail in his hands as a symbol of his role as a judge of the dead.
• Crook: it was a staff with a curved end and was used by shepherds to guide their flocks. In Egyptian mythology, the crook was associated with the god Osiris and later with Anubis as well. It was believed to represent Anubis' role as a shepherd of souls, guiding the deceased through the afterlife and protecting them from danger. Additionally, the crook was seen as a symbol of authority and power, as the pharaohs were often depicted carrying one as a sign of their divine rule.
• Sceptre: in ancient Egypt, a sceptre was a staff that was carried by the pharaohs and gods to symbolize their power and authority. For Anubis, his sceptre was known as the Pesesh-kef Sceptre, and it represented his role as a guide and protector of the dead. The Pesesh-kef was a symbol of his status as a god and was used to perform rituals and ceremonies related to the afterlife. It was also believed to have healing or magical properties and was sometimes buried with people to protect them on their journey through the afterlife.
• Jackal: Anubis is often depicted with the head of a jackal, which is one of the reasons why jackals are associated with him. Jackals were considered scavengers and were known to be present in the deserts where many Egyptian burials took place. For this reason, they were believed to have been closely associated with death and the afterlife. The jackal was also said to have the ability to navigate the underworld, which further strengthened its association with Anubis, who was considered the guide and protector of the deceased in the afterlife.
• Mummy gauze: the material used to wrap and bind the mummies of the deceased. Anubis, as the god of mummification and the afterlife, was closely associated with the practice of mummification and often depicted holding rolls of mummy gauze as a symbol of his role. In addition, mummy gauze was believed to have magical or protective properties, and some Egyptians would use it as a talisman to keep themselves or their loved ones safe from harm. As a result, mummy gauze became a potent symbol of Anubis' power and connection to the underworld.
• The colour black: often associated with death and the underworld, this is likely because of the dark, fertile soil of the Nile River banks, where many Egyptian burials took place. Anubis, as the god of death and the afterlife, was closely associated with the Underworld and the process of mummification, which required the use of black resin and tar. As a result, the color black became a powerful symbol of Anubis and his domain, and was often used in paintings, carvings, and other representations of the god.
• He likes metal music (especially black metal), dark crystal jewelry, gothic style, and dark coloured sports cars.
• In the Egyptian Book of the Dead, it is said that Anubis weighs the heart of the deceased against the Feather of Ma’at to determine their worthiness for the afterlife.
• Anubis was regularly invoked for protection as well as vengeance.
• He helped Iris bring Osiris back from the dead.
• His time of day is dusk.
• Anubis is very caring and kind to his worshipper.
• The name “Anubis” is the Greek form of the Egyptian name “Anpu” which means to decay.
• He is not a demon or evil entity.
• Anubis was said to be the creator of embalming.
• The Greeks associated Anubis with Hermes, the Greek god who guided the dead to the afterlife. The two would be joined together to create Hermanubis, making him more accessible to non-Egyptians.
• A very sweet entity and only wishes to help guide people in the right direction.
• He knows the date of everyone’s death and may be petitioned to reveal it.
• Anubis is one of the oldest Egyptian gods.
• He is represented by the colour black.
Connect with Anubis as you would any other deity—with profound respect and gratitude. He selects devotees who are willing to face their shadows, and who aren’t afraid of spirts and death. Come to him with a pure heart and pure intentions.
To work with him, you can: read about him, create sacred altar space for him, leave offerings for Anubis in his sacred space, call him by his real name Anpu (to decay), research the mummification process and purpose, explore your beliefs about death, do shadow work and ritual work with him, and visiting cemeteries.
Oh great and powerful Anubis, Lord of the Dead and guide of souls, I call upon you now in this moment. I honour and respect your wisdom and strength, and I seek your guidance and protection on my journey through this life and into the next.
Please bless me with your presence and wisdom as I embark on this new path. Show me the way to make the choices that will lead to a good and honorable life, and give me the courage to face the unknown with bravery and confidence.I offer this prayer to you with gratitude and reverence. Hail to you, Lord Anubis.
• Spiritual signs, such as meditative visions or dream visitations.
• Seeing black dogs and bones.
• A strong feeling of connection to Anubis or the Egyptian pantheon.
• Finding yourself increasingly drawn to topics related to death, the afterlife, or spirituality.
• A sense of being guided or protected in times of difficulty or distress.
• Finding objects related to death, burial, or the occult in unexpected places.
• Experiencing unusual synchronicities or coincidences related to the god.
• Having a strong desire to learn more about the Egyptian pantheon or the lore surrounding Anubis.
• Cool water.
• Strong liquor, like rum.
• Spicy foods.
• Dark and bitter chocolate and beer.
• Practicing divination.
• Strong incense: frankincense, cedarwood, and myrrh.
• Black coffee.
• Shadow work (only if you’re emotionally prepared for it).
• Pomegranates.
• Feathers.
• Aged cheese.
• Sourdough.
• Red meat: beef (especially steak), pork, lamb, and goat.
• Bitter chocolate.
• Cypress oil.
• Bones and skulls.
• Pumpkin spice.
• Locks and keys.
• Bread.
• Crystals: black obsidian, onyx, jet, garnet, smoky quartz, labradorite, bloodstone, and hematite.
• Scales.
• Logical puzzles.
• Dog things.
• Bandages.
• Karkadeh.
• Honour the dead and your ancestors
• Leaving flowers on graves.
• Support orphans and the homeless.
• Act as a guide for someone.
• Live your life as if it was your last (mindfully).
• Volunteer in cleaning cemeteries or in your local mortuary.
• Dress in neutral and dark colours.
• Collect animal bones. Clean then and breathe life into them (do so ethically, killing animals for bones is a blatant disrespect for Anubis, the animal, and the law).
• Adopt unwanted animals (the ones who are critically ill or are of old age) and give them the best life before they pass.
• Wearing black clothing in his honour.
• Volunteer or donate to local dog shelters.
• Research him.
• Get involved with spirit work.
• Practice divination; in the Papyri, Anubis is noted to be an intermediary for divination.
• Get into herbology: his priests were skilled herbal healers and dealt with many herbs during the mummification process.
• Draw, paint, or sculpt something in his honour.
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patheticcourage · 1 month ago
It's been a good few months (give it three months) of me worshipping deities and I just LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM SO MUCH.
Like, no, seriously, I love them. Like, I don't mind almost going blind from being flash banged by Lord Apollon. I don't mind seeing birds flying around whenever I'm doubting myself because they remind me of Lord Hermes. And I don't mind walking past a house with tons of dogs looking at me from the inside after I had just prayed for Lord Anubis to send me a sign (like a stray dog) on the way home cause mental health is down the drain.
I don't mind struggling to do divination with Lord Apollon because Lord Hermes keeps popping right in. I don't mind being called out on my bullshit by my gods. I don't mind being told to stop being dependent and work on myself. I don't mind being reassured that I don't need to be strict and professional with them. And I don't mind being giggly when I talk to them.
Gods, I just love being a pagan and I love my Gods. I've been doing better because of this. If only I could express my spirituality freely in my house and give them proper altars. I would if only I could.
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edensvessel · 5 days ago
making a playlist of songs i want to be played at my funeral and dedicating it to anpu btw
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lunathejediknight · 3 months ago
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Anubis and galaxy from the cats collector in my style (they both look more like dogs lol)
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hellenicdreaming · 4 months ago
My Baby keeps sitting and sleeping on my Anubis side. I don't think he minds..
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