#odd logic
discrunkled-twog · 2 years
Chapter Two: How Funky Are Those NutZ™?
Odd Logic... Ah, how I love you... I started this project over a year ago and have about 13,000 words of it. Sad, but stil reassuring. Chapter 2 is finally done, and was finished on November 30th--- Oliver's birthday.
Tagging @jezifster and @ae32156 because I tagged them on the last one? And also @endless-brainrot because that fanart you made still lives in my head. I bite my pillow at night and dream and froth at the mouth of that fanart. It's the plinko to my horse.
Word Count: 5,837
Warnings: Uhh... they get held at gunpoint? But it's pretty chill, so yeah.
Ao3 and Wattpad alternatives, if preferred.
"Rise and shine!"
Nobody was risen and nothing was shining.
Though at 5:39 in the morning, that was expected. The sky was a dark blueish-gray color and half the people currently in this particular apartment were unrisen, seeing how at this time, most sane people would be asleep. One important factor in this was that in our world, only half of the population of Oliver's bedroom would qualify to be any flavor of sane.
He awoke to the soothing sight of Lightbulb Man hovering over him. Grinning, he roughly shook him by the shoulder in an attempt to wake him up. Dreary shadows made his expression even more unsettling.
"You know you can get up to twelve months in prison for this, right?" Oliver kept his eyes shut, his heart racing from the scare.
"For waking you up...?" Charlie's innocence was its own brand of sinister in a way.
"For breaking and entering," he muttered, pushing himself up on his elbows and grabbing his glasses from— "Where are my..." His hand roamed the desktop to the left of him. " Why are you wearing my glasses ?"
"Son, I admire your perseverance, but this kind of handicap can't be overlooked." Charlie shook his head in disapproval, casually sporting a pair of tortoise-shell glasses that were much too small for his head. "Also," he said, blinking rapidly, "You're tiny."
"Hell no. You're huge . Also, I'm not that blind. Also! You can get a fine of $2,500." Oliver snatched his glasses off of the ever-hovering superhero, putting them on and pressing onto the sides, hoping that he didn't pull them open enough to damage them. "On top of the prison time. And this is what, the second time you do this?"
"I hardly consider it breaking and entering. After all, I didn't break anything. It's actually very easy for me to get in." He smiled as if that wasn't the creepiest thing he'd said that morning. "I'm not sure what sort of disaster struck this foul place, but your security is a bit more than lax."
Charlie leaned over Oliver's face, at the minimum standard for a reasonable distance. He stared at such an angle that it didn't make sense for him to be standing on the floor.
"It was fairly easy to fly into the window. Oh! About that, I advise against leaving any windows open, in case anything else that flies decides to pay you a visit," he said, letting out a hearty chuckle.
"Hey, you can fly?" Oliver wasn't sure if he thought it was cool or even more creepy.
"Of course! What kind of superhero would I be if I couldn't fly?"
"A lame one."
"Certainly! And I assure you I can, though I may not have demonstrated it during our last visit. In fact, I'm flying right now!"
Oliver leaned up, looked over the bed to see Charlie's feet floating two feet off the floor, and then screamed.
"Why are you so shocked? I just finished telling you about this ability of mine! And you can fly too, can't you?" Charlie settled onto the ground.
"Yeah, sure..." With zero chance to calm down, Oliver sat up and threw the blanket off himself. "Well, I'm up."
"You're not dressed...?"
Oliver, like any normal person, was in casual clothing fitting for the sheets, but not for the streets, since he'd been sleeping for the past ten hours.
"Frankly, I'm disappointed," said Charlie, disappointed. "You should be prepared for anything! And here you are, disheveled and unarmed in the face of an opportunity?"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now go, so I can get ready at least."
Charlie set himself free from the invisible strings holding him up, slamming loudly on the floor, most likely waking any neighbors under him, who would exact their revenge at another time.
"I meant... leave the room? So I can get dressed...?"
"Oh! Of course." He opened the window and gracefully floated out and down onto the sidewalk below. From the ground, he shouted, " Take your time !"
Only two days after he was turned down and he was already refusing to take no for an answer. Though that being the last of him wasn't what he anticipated, he certainly didn't think so quickly, he'd be bothered again. But if not to test the tried and true method... Ignore it and it'll go away.
Without a care in the world, Oliver yawned, stretched, then jumped right back into bed, pulling the blanket over his head. The harsh, worn-out cotton that had irritated him nights before coddled him on the peaceful brink of slumber, the dark room and very soothing cricket chirping outside singing him gently to sleep.
And then Charlie banged on the window. And reality was shattered. And joy had been eradicated.
"You're not getting dressed! You duped me !"
Screaming ensued.
The sun began to peek over the horizon, gently illuminating the city's skyline. The air was damp and fresh; petrichor wafted through, helping one to settle into the effects of the slight cold. If there, you could hear the early morning sounds of cars and crickets, one much faster than the other but both equally enthusiastic. All in all, a desirable, peaceful setting...
Had he woken up later.
Having his dream— something about a trip to Nebraska to see his parents, who did not live in Nebraska— interrupted to be dragged around, literally, wasn't how he'd planned to spend his Sunday. Sunday! The day with the least crime; the perfect sleeping day. Especially because he had to go to work in nineteen hours. He was not planning to be awake for all nineteen hours.
"Y'know, the park does look pretty nice at..." He checked his watch. "6:09 in the morning."
The swings were covered in dew, ready to wetten the britches of any child or swing-loving adult who decided to sit on it. Things like the few slides and climbing things, aside from being wet, looked worn and even slippier than the swings. Like any good park, there were several empty water bottles and soda cans left by considerate park patrons who decided the government-issue garbage can would've been too far to reach after so savagely quenching their thirst; at least, such was to be assumed, considering the cans and bottles were crushed and full of dirt, which could only mean that such people obliterated them in a fit of thirst instead of leaving them on the ground for days or weeks. Surely.
"It's something of an early morning treasure, is it not?" Charlie stretched his arms above his head, then moved on to bending over and somehow touching his toes; a ways away from the top of him. "Doesn't it make you feel better about being here before light? The way the sun hits the morning dew, and it reflects... something one could only appreciate with a reasonable sacrifice!"
"Yeah. It really makes 'one' glad they got dragged out of bed at way-too-early. Time." Oliver flashed the most sarcastic grin, his slight eye bags and messy hair making a most charming display. Well.
Taking this the wrong way, Lightbulb Man smiled. "See?" He slapped Oliver on the back a little too hard. "I knew you'd come around!"
Nonverbal messages have never failed so greatly.
Cans were kicked, swings were tested, yet no one could understand what the point was. Granted, they'd stayed without a disturbance until Oliver decided the swings were, in fact, too wet to use, therefore there was no point in them being there. If asked, however, he'd deny it and claim once again that he was tired, even though he was planning to use his Highest Swing before feeling the uncomfortable wettening of his britches.
"So." His hands went anywhere in an attempt to look casual and wipe off the water. "I really don't think there's any 'crime' here, so uh... What were you even looking for?"
"There's plenty of crime to be found at the park, lad!" Lad was a new one. "Anyone could be lurking around here... A place filled with young, innocent children ... Do you know what this means?"
"Uhh... I hope no—"
"Their parents! With so many distracted adults in one place, do you know how many wallets can be stolen? How many pockets can be mercilessly picked?" He threw an arm over his face, one hand holding him up from a dirty bench. "Oh, the very thought...! Preventing such travesties is what you and I have vowed to accomplish, isn't it?"
"I seriously doubt many people come to the park to steal wallets. Why wouldn't they go somewhere more crowded? Like, say, a crowd? At night?" He shrugged in response to his involuntary companion's expression of discontent. "If I were a criminal, which I'm not, that's what I'd do."
"Ohoho, boy... You'd better not think about switching over to... The Bad Side." Literal, unexplained darkness shrouded his face. If he squinted hard enough, thunderclouds bunched together in the sky— not above them, but behind Lightbulb Man. "Even if we're friends, I can't promise that I won't pummel you into the dirt."
"A little violent, and since when are we friends? And—"
"No, that's not it!" He sprung up several feet in the air. "You're thinking like the enemy! It makes me proud to see you already applying the principle of Lesson #5! Especially because this is hardly our first lesson!"
"Exactly. Oh, are we looking for park creepies? I remember when I was a kid, sometimes weird old guys would hang around parks, and then my mom would make us leave. It didn't make sense to me until I was older." He shrugged. "Now I always assume it's—"
"I told you that you should be more confident in my teaching abilities! After this impressive display, I certainly am!"
"Wait, shut up for a second."
Charlie's monologue continued despite his request. "No, really, shut up! You see that lady?"
An oddly disturbed-looking woman standing off on the side of the road was staring directly at them, or very intensely at a point in the distance.
"Oh, I see her now!" He cleared his throat. " Hello, assumingly kind citizen !" Frantically waving, Charlie yelled at the woman, who dug into her pocket and pulled out something that seemed to have good reception.
"Is she. Yup. She's calling the cops."
"She is? Is there somebody we've failed to spot? A criminal we didn't see?"
"No, I think—"
"Oh, you idiotic child !" A few inches from his face to drape himself over the park bench, Charlie cried out. "How could you fail us so terribly...? I trusted you, boy!"
"I mean. I'm not, but okay." While the neon-clad hero continued his croaks and groans, Oliver thought for a moment before clapping his hands together. "You know what? I have a friend who's a cop. Shouldn't be a big deal. If they actually take us in for some reason, I can just explain—"
"Your foolishness never ceases! Don't you know what heroes do in times like this?"
"Uh, tell the truth and hope it works out?"
"They—" Charlie scooped him up while the woman presumably called the police— " Fleeeeeeeeeeeeee ...!"
And with a 'fleeeeeeeeeeeeee,' they were gone.
"Perhaps the park was even more dangerous than I anticipated."
Not even a full minute and they were already on the other side of the city. Fleeing had proven to be a fast exit strategy, even if a horrifyingly disorienting one. "And to think we were the ones in trouble! What a funny situation, eh?"
Oliver stayed quiet.
"Well, you don't have to glare at me like that! Our first destination didn't work out— what of it? After all, it was only our first destination for a reason! Crime lurks in all sorts of environments, and we must always be vigilant!" He balanced himself on only the tips of his toes, rotating on a singular point with his hand stiff and pressed against his forehead.
"Where did you even... where... let me just..." He stumbled forward then back, then clunkily fell to his knees and sat down on the sidewalk. "Bank's closed this early..."
"Of course! This would normally be a critical failure in our plan. So horrible that in that case, I might've considered abandoning the mission!" He posed, arms flinging here and there— "Devastating!"— while his dizzied apprentice watched in both awe and disgust.
"So... it's not, because...?"
"Oh, no reason. There's basically no reason for us to be here."
Oliver flopped onto the pavement.
"But! Fear not, my loyal student, for I have already concocted a genius plan that will allow us to enter the building! First, we inconspicuously climb inside. Then... Oh, then !"
He tittered.
"Then we wait."
"That's ille— That's literally breaking and entering, have you learned nothing ?"
"Hush now." He planted his giant, irritatingly muscular hand square on Oliver's face. "Who's the student here?" He moved his hand to do the ol' 'tut n' wag.'
"I thought we established yesterday that that was not the case, right? You remember that fun little visit? I remember. Do you remember?"
"Yes. You may also address me as Mr. Green if you feel compelled to do so. But that's hardly of any importance, we're busy. I believe if we scale that wall there," he said, pointing to the east wall of the building, "we can cut a hole in the ceiling and make it inside. The lasers won't prove to be too much of a threat, since we can fly—" He snapped. "They'll be expecting that! But if we're careful..."
Though he was spouting absolute nonsense, his hands were quite expressive. It was impressive how someone could so perfectly portray the image of two men zipping and flitting through lasers so well with only eight fingers. You know, since the other two were busy pointing to the bank itself.
Though you probably know what buildings look like and how they work, I'll continue on with the next paragraph. I do believe if you find this to be undesirable, you may overlook it, or simply imbibe something which I would prefer not to mention by name.
This bank, Second Bank Of Parva, was a gray, dull building with ATMs and many, many parking spaces. Its name was shown in large, blue letters, hung over the locked automatic doors our heroes sat/stood in front of. The roof had raised edges, the inside surface being likely a minimum of a foot thick; not very laser-cuttable, unfortunately. Also, most banks' securities consist of something more akin to motion sensors and alarms, rather than death lasers. Ah, how the times have changed...
Aside from the obvious cultural differences, there was no reason to have to so stealthily enter the bank at this time of day. Criminals rarely struck so early in the morning, seeing how most of them left their struckage for the middle of the night. Oliver, being the nerd he was, was well aware of this, but could do nothing but watch as his filament-fueled friend began to scale the front wall of the building. Which is to say, he hovered awkwardly in place while stepping himself up to the roof, painstakingly slowly.
"Son, assist me."
"I thought you could fly?" He snickered. "That doesn't look like flying."
"You should do things as they did in the old days! It's—" He grunted and hitched his foot up, resting on the edge of the brick. "It's fun to do every once in a while! And besides that, it strengthens your quads."
Oliver scoffed. "Oh, believe me. I have impeccable quads."
Steadily, shakily, persistent still, he grunted his way up the wall, cheating by hovering into the correct place. They both stopped to scope the area, hoping no one was around to call the police. Even if the woman from earlier had given up, Serrano could only bail him out so many times. Wait, perhaps that should be kept for later...
Charlie flopped onto the roof. He panted for a moment, resting while laying flat on his face while Oliver flew up to meet him. He locked his arms and legs into strange positions while he did it, but he hovered well for a mortal.
"So... you gonna just lay there?"
Immediately, he sprung up. "Of course not! And look at you! For a second," he chuckled, "I was convinced your powers were nothing but a ruse! Since you don't brandish them as often as I thought you would."
"Why would I? And why would I lie about that? Especially because if I couldn't give a demonstration of my powers, I'd be caught immediately. I mean, who's going to just take someone's word for that sort of thing? Also, I'm pretty sure I've been in the newspaper before? Also , you did literally track me down at my house so you could pull me out at five something in the morning, and I doubt you would have done that had you not known for sure that I had powers. Actually, I think the nice grass smell was making me forget that I'm pissed at you. Anyway, yeah, I'm pissed at you. And then you—"
"That's enough!" Charlie cleared his throat as if that would get rid of temper phlegm. "Stop flapping your gums and help me cut a circle! Do you have the ability to shoot lasers from your eyes, ears, mouth, nostril, or any other major appendage...?"
It was questions like that that made him even more terrifying.
"Uhh... eyes, I guess. But I think it's kinda useless." A dry laugh. "Doesn't matter."
"How so?"
"Just not very useful. Like, I don't think I can cut through anything with it. And I've never tried, so." Oliver sheepishly retreated, hoping to be spared from any more questioning.
"What can they do?"
Some steps. Then a thump. Maybe he passed out; good.
"Boy, did you hear me? What do they—"
"I think all I can do is make popcorn. On the bright side. It's really good."
Though eyes were rolled, the embarrassment didn't last. The sound of something breaking— wood, drywall, bone— interrupted his defensive starts. "I'm in!"
Call it what you will, floating was effective.
Unsurprisingly, there were no lasers of death, security guards armed to the neck, or complimentary coffee stations. Charlie zipped around, hoping to find something other than himself that defied the laws of physics.
No alarms rang, and no one was springing out of the walls, or questioning the large, jagged uncircular hole in the ceiling. Something skittered in the darkness, but that was all.
"What the hell was that?"
"I'm unsure, but I'm sure I can come up with a few theories." Charlie slunk up to Oliver's back, leaning against him until being pushed away. He nearly fell to the floor. "My first theory— rats have taken over the building and are planning a mutiny on their leader."
Oliver groaned. "This place doesn't open for another hour or so, but could we call someone? Report it or something... I'm sure people will want to know about... the rats, I guess."
"But what kind of harm would they be put in? I'm sure they've already sacrificed those who betrayed the mutiny!" His pleas sound even more pathetic in whisper form.
"I dunno, they'll fumigate?"
A gasp was heard from somewhere; it echoed through the empty place. Idea.
"You know... Poisonous gas...?"
"Oh, perish the thought!" he wailed.
"It'll kill 'em, that's for sure—"
"Alright, alright! I surrender!" The skittering started again as a tall, annoyingly blond man shot up from behind the main counter. He wore khakis and an incorrectly fastened button-up. Disheveled, he hoisted himself up over the counter and weaved his way through the dividers. "Just... don't tell anyone, please."
"Aha! I knew I heard something!" Oliver muttered something about his grandfather and regained his composure. "What are you doing here? Who are you?" He glared at the man while his associate was searching for literal rodents.
The stranger scoffed." I! I should be asking what you're doing, and who you are! Besides, I was here first!"
"Oh, right." Oliver took off his glasses and tucked them into his back pockets. Life was blurry. "Do you recognize me now?"
"Oh, hey! You're that superhero guy! I saw you in the newspaper once!" The man laughed. "Man, I thought you were taller."
"To be fair, I'm the average height for a— anyway, who are you?"
"Sorry." He cleared his throat. "My name's Jeremy. Jeremey Poole?" He held out a spot of a shirt in place of a hypothetical name tag. "I really thought this would last longer..."
"Well, it appears this building is both rodent and mutiny-free. Unfortunately." Charlie dusted off his hands for no reason.
"Wait, how long has that fellow been here?" Jeremy pointed at Lightbulb Man. "Behind you, I mean."
"Son, what's his business here?" He gasped, overdramatic in doing so. " Are you a criminal ?"
"Um, only on paper. The thing is, I actually work here? But you know when your work life and home life start to blend together because of your love of the job? And also, your wife leaves you and takes your only son and all your savings so that you're left with overwhelming mortgage payments and crippling depression?"
Jeremy chuckled, nervous. Charlie stopped listening.
"Sometimes the comfort of the one place that's never changed can draw you in..." He squatted and rubbed the floor tiles. "Aside from the occasional renovation, of course. I remember when they replaced those counters back there, and when the walls got a fresh coat of paint... I remember being so excited I told my wife about it!"
"That's nice, but—"
"Yeah, sure, renovations on a building are all well and good, but I wasn't ready for my wife's ' tune-ups .'" He raised air quotes.
Oliver started but was unable to get a word out before Jeremy continued.
"Really? Just a tune-up, Martha? Where'd your nose go, Martha? Where'd your stomach go, Martha? A fresh coat of paint on a woman is cheaper, sure, but was it really necessary? Martha?" Still squatting, he banged a fist on the ground. "Just because I said that I liked that they got rid of the popcorn ceiling in my mother's apartment, doesn't mean you had to get rid of your popcorn ceiling!"
"So what if it was a little outdated?" He stood up and flailed his arms. " You're a little outdated, but I still married ya, didn't I...?"
Jeremy flipped open his wallet while Oliver tried to catch the attention of a zippy blur.
"See my son?" A small, wrinkled photo displaying a young boy that was even blonder than his father was being held in the air for all to see as if it was his greatest treasure. "Alexander Roy Poole. Ain't he a beaut?"
"I mean, he looks like a random eight-year-old to me, but if you—"
" Twelve . He's twelve."
"Really? Because he's a little— you know what, forget it. Are you living here? Don't places like this usually have some sort of motion detectors after they close?"
"It used to." He smirked. "Yup. Yuh boy figured out how to disable them. Just one of the many perks of the job."
"That should be scary, but dude, cool!" He paused. "J-dawg!"
A chuckle gurgled out of Jeremy. "Yeah. Yeah! J-dawg! Ohohoho, if only Martha could see me now!"
Zippy Blur paused and landed on the ground with a heavy descent. "Do I hear... crime?"
"Nope. No crime here." Oliver winked at Jeremy, so obviously, that even he scolded him with his eyes. "Just a friendly conversation."
"Lies! You lie! You creased your eyes in an untruthful way!" There is crime!" Charlie bellowed out a deep laugh, mysterious wind flapping his cape. "I was right!"
"That's the worst part."
" That's the worst part? Pal, he could get me fired from my house! And it's happened before! I didn't think it could— but they don't tell you that ...! I'll be homeless! Again ! Weren't you listening to my tragic tale?
"Ohh!" Charlie seated himself in the air. "Do tell."
"Well, I remember it was June 16th... I was happily married to Martha, and my only son, Alexander, was in—"
"No no no, don't tell." Oliver waved his hands at both of them. "This is trespassing. I mean, they legally can't charge you rent, but this place is still up and running, which means you need to leave. Now."
"What, why?" Jeremy ran back to the counter, nearly tripping over the dividers. He clutched the counter for dear life. "I work here! And besides, this bank is my child..."
"What about your actual child?"
"That one too!"
Charlie laughed because he apparently dubbed that the appropriate response. "This is perfect for your training, boy! I order you to subdue and capture this man, delivering him to the proper authorities!"
" Subdue ?" Jeremy looked as if he was about to burst into tears.
"What? No. I'm not going to do that. Look, sir, calm down. It's not that big of a deal. Just... if you leave now, I won't tell anyone about this, and you can find another place to live."
"Do you think suburban houses of over 1000 square feet can just be found ? Also, what's with this ' sir ' stuff? I thought I was 'J-dawg!' " Jeremy leaned back on his counter, resting his elbows.
"Oliver! That's not the appropriate response! That sounds nothing like subduing!" Charlie tutted and walked over to Jeremy. "Look at this pathetic man! Does he look like he's being taken to the police? Like he's swearing himself to a life of purity and law-abiding because of something inspirational you said? No ! He's simply standing there, writhing in his own filth ! Aren't you going to grant this smelly man the mercy he so desires...?"
Instead of refuting his claims, Jeremy nodded and informed them that mercy was his favorite.
"I mean, I just think it'd be less of a hassle to let him go before this place opens, then we can all forget this. I'll stop by every now and then to make sure he's not still here—"
"I knew there was a catch!"
"And then we don't have to involve the police. And besides, wouldn't it be better to leave them to do more important things? Such as..." He posed, like someone who was not used to posing. It was almost sad. " Crime-busting ."
"But then there'd be nothing left for our training! How would I teach you about the ins and outs of the heroic experience if I had nothing to base it on?"
Jeremy, who'd been fiddling and twiddling at the counter while the two bickered decided to chime in, interrupting the next line of dialogue. "So my home teeters on the edge of this weird little side deal you two have, huh? Do I mean so little to you, O-cat...?"
" O-cat ?" He rubbed his temples. "It's either this, or I turn you in to the police, so you decide, pal."
"So unfamiliar with your newfound friend? But a hero is always supposed to be caring and kind!" Charlie grabbed a screaming Jermey and flew him over. "Now, apologize."
"And we let him go?"
"Of course not! What have I been telling you this entire time?"
Charlie and Oliver continued to bicker, repeating the same things they'd been for a while now, while our poor friend, Jermey tried to decide what to do. Since the doors were locked, running away was out of the question. Hiding in one of the back rooms seemed unreasonable as well. But then he remembered that the heroes themselves made a perfect escape route.
The ceiling.
He took a glance to make sure the heroes were still shooting at each other like children, then grabbed the dividers from behind him and dumped them into a strange pile. They slipped and rolled off each other, but he persisted. Afraid he was making too much noise, he kept the corner of his eye locked on the other two men and began to climb.
The pile of his raised him an additional five inches off the ground, without stopping to consider that they didn't stay in place long enough for him to stand on. Either way, the 6'1" tall man's attempts were futile against the undeniable 14' of the ceiling.
Also, they weren't deaf.
"Escape? What? No, never ! Please." They hadn't asked anything. They did stop talking, though. "What kind of coward do you take me for?"
Nice try, Jeremy.
Their eyes had long adjusted to the dark room, but colors and spots moved as they stared into the abyss. The sun was starting to rise.
"You know what your options are, don't you...?" Oliver crossed his arms.
"Yes..." He slumped his head down, hand in his pocket, grasping his wallet. "B-But! I have... money...? Or, I can open you an account! Look!" He stumbled over to the counter, too shaken up to still his hands and voice. "I can offer you great rates. Fixed compound interest for five years! How's that sound? A young man like you needs savings, doesn't he?"
"Though that sounds like a smart decision— financially, I mean— I'm not accepting a bribe."
"I'll... I'll make it ten years! Huh? Huh ?"
Oliver sighed. His stubbornness reminded him of— oh, for God's sake, was he still looking for rats? Anyway. "Look, you can still work here. I won't tell your boss or whatever... But you can't live here anymore. Alright?"
Jeremy— gross, pathetic, blond Jeremy— nodded sadly, frighteningly similar to a child's reluctance to their mother's orders. Then he bolted to the end of the room, yelling " YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME ALIVE " while he tumbled his personal effects over his shoulder to throw them off his trail. Surprisingly, it worked. Though Oliver tried to follow him, all he found was the back door swung open, the key still in the lock.
Charlie emerged from the shadows cradling mousetraps.
"Anything you want! I promise you, anything in this box of stale products you desire, you may have! Up to and including the eight dollars and seventy-two cents I have in my wallet." Charlie's wallet was comically small. Or perhaps he was comically large. "Also, I would love to get some Funky NutZ ™. I love Funky NutZ ™."
"I'm still mad at you."
Charlie groaned in the middle of the aisle, getting looks from various customers while Oliver was busy crossing his arms and turning his head to illustrate his anger. The convenience of the convenience store was not helping him. "But I'm your tutor! Your teacher! Your mentor! Your..." He shed a tear. "Second father, almost."
"I have a father." He turned further away. Fury. "I wouldn't even consider you an acquaintance ."
Clearly, snack foods weren't going to solve the exaggerated crying and scoffing.
" Well I can tell when I'm not wanted !"
" You obviously cannot !"
People— normal people, trying to go about their daily lives— gawked at the two and listened to their shouts as they went their separate ways; Funky NutZ ™ Finding; trying to be nonchalant about the situation.
"Wait! Hold everything!" Lightbulb Man, heroic-looking as ever, outstretched his hands to the general populace, making everyone stop what they were doing. "I found FLAMING HOT Funky NutZ™ in this aisle! It's my lucky day!"
"Nobody move!" A shot was fired into the ceiling. People screamed over each other, scrambling to leave. A masked man in assumedly inconspicuous clothing began to climb over the counter, pointing a handgun at the cashier. The cashier put his hands up and moved out of the way while the man hopped down. "Anybody tries to walk out of here, I will blow their face clean off — got it?"
Oliver slinked into Charlie's aisle, where he shuddered and clutched his FLAMING HOT Funky NutZ™. He shook his arm to grab his attention.
He whispered, "What do we do? We're not armed, and he's already threatening to kill people —"
"Oh, so now you're talking to me...?" At least he was whispering. "Some big hero you are. Why don't you go... stop him yourself? I'm sure they'll put it in the paper."
" No ! I mean— I can't. I don't— Look, I can try my best to sneak up on him, but he might shoot at something or someone to try and stop me."
Lightbulb Man ripped open his nuts. The snack ones. "Aren't you bulletproof? Any good hero has to be bullet-proof."
" I don't know ! And I'd rather not test that out right now. Are you?"
"Am I a good hero?" He grinned, smug. Not the time.
"Is that a yes? Because people could die ."
"I thoroughly accept your compliment." He flew above the shelves, pointing a heroic finger at the thief while he rooted through the register. " Halt, fiend !"
The man pointed his pistol away from the frightened group of people and instead towards the bumbling idiot floating carelessly above the chips and keychains. "What the..."
" I, Lightbulb Man of Grand City... " His voice boomed through the room as it darkened. Oliver assumed fear could cause hallucinations. "Give to you, Oliver Barrison of Parva , up-and-coming hero!"
He wasn't one to curse, but when the time was right...
"He will handle you from now on." He gracefully descended.
Without time to think or scold, Oliver walked out of the aisle and approached the man, who had a gun pointed at his face.
"What are you doing? You think just because you got some sort of introduction from that guy that can fly means I'm going to be scared of you?"
He didn't speak, though he damn well tried.
A short burst of concentrated heat, and then...
"Ow ! What the hell—"
The man shook his hand in pain, loosening his grip and giving Oliver a chance to grab the pistol and point it back at him. He clicked the safety on and motioned for the cashier to go around the side.
"Don't move."
The next six minutes were calmer. The cashier called the police while the customers left to do other, safer early-morning activities; the thief was apprehended and the gun was taken; they were to resume business as usual, though very few people stuck around to shop.
This gave time for the confusion and rage to fully settle in.
Charlie watched and clapped as the last people paid for their things and made their way out of the store, while a few of them thanked him and even Oliver.
"Charlie." It was difficult to know how to be angry in such a situation.
He slapped him on the back as if to congratulate him. "Well, it seems you've passed this lesson! And with flying colors! I assume you've never been held at gunpoint?"
"I'll take that as a no. But still, good job! It makes me proud to know you've grown so much in so little time! This'll help you in tomorrow's lesson."
As the yelling started, bubbling up from the pit of his soul, Charlie flew off, nowhere to be seen.
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diornies · 5 months
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zutara modern au 💭
the next song he sang was mr. brightside
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szfiction · 8 months
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This parallel makes me insane actually (and there is something incredibly Lawlu about it to me)
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lunar-beauty · 3 months
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cielizzy x orpheus/eurydice parallels
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coco-chip · 1 month
brrr ⛄❄️
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yeesiine · 1 month
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i’m sure this has been said before but when adam and michael are talking in the bunker about the possibility of michael’s dad being a grade a asshole, there’s something so so so important to me about how adam points out michael’s hypocrisy.
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ADAM: Point is…. Parents keep secrets. Does it hurt to ask the question?
MICHAEL: Yes! It would mean I doubt him. The good son; the favorite doubts his father.
ADAM: You still care about that? After he left you in the cage?
this matters because michael was JUST criticizing sam and dean for leaving adam and how he is in unable to trust them. he doubts them because of their actions.
MICHAEL: You’re asking me to trust you. You who doomed me, you who let Lucifer walk free while your own brother sat in Hell.
in turn, adam is pointing out that clearly michael has a line for his family members and it’s been crossed by michael’s own, so why is his dad any different than sam or dean? what makes michael different than adam? why does his dad get to betray and abandon him and still get michael’s trust and loyalty? why is michael expendable?
he’s really tapping into michael’s beliefs that were just established to us as the audience at the diner. (ie: family sometimes hurts you and just because they’re blood relatives or ‘family’ doesn’t mean they have your best interests at heart. sometimes there are things more important than family, sometimes walking away from your family is freedom) and he’s holding michael to the same standard he’s set for the winchesters.
side note: another thing i enjoy about this interaction is that adam is being gentle, although it 100% appears as if they’ve had this conversation before since he literally rolls his eyes, and not to mention that michael is an archangel. he could easily be mean or not even care about his feelings or michael could not even take his opinion into account and do what he wants. but despite everything, adam asks for michael to listen to him, and he does. and in turn adam appeals to him with logic and reasoning, because he’s overall a very rational and strategic being that’s simply been groomed from the get go in his dad’s weird cult. adam appeals to his emotions in a way that’s familiar. they share this experience. adam knows michael is protective of him and that it’s easy for michael to hate sam and dean for the same things his dad has done. but michael’s own lack of self worth that was drilled into him by his dad for aeons is being challenged, and it’s uncomfortable for him, but adam doesn’t back down and he helps get through to him. it’s really a great scene. this post wasn’t meant to be so long but yeah i have lots of thoughts about this short interaction!
#also the fact that michael compares him and adam being together for years (around 50k) as comparable in importance….#he’s not saying that adam is less important he’s presenting a logical fallacy. there’s been so much time. he can’t change his belief now#it’s been eternity! what does that mean for him? it’s the logic of the sunk cost fallacy#he’s invested so much time in it that he has to continue and adam is pulling him away with appealing to his compassion for a situation#adam was also in. and the nail in the coffin was castiel showing him those memories. it’s one of the reasons why#15x19 feels so odd because he is very 0-100. he 100% had faith his father and then had no faith in him#so it feels kinda ooc for him to suddenly go back when he spent 6 months coming to terms with something he had already been questioning#then for him to go back to his dad? why? what does he gain? both he and lucifer actually have this issue where their motivations aren’t#exactly established. we can assume lucifer is told a paradise type fantasy where he gets to have jack or something of equal importance#and we can assume michael is told that he will bring adam back but both of them have been betrayed so many times (and so recently) it’s#whiplash for them to be suddenly team god again. also michael killing lucifer is ooc imo as well#it just feels too convenient considering jack needed to absorb more power in regards to both their deaths#anyway lol#supernatural#adam milligan#dean winchester#sam winchester#spn#michael spn#15x08#spn 15x08
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corviiids · 4 days
strong opinions on takes of the 'could this character defeat kira' variety
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discrunkled-twog · 1 year
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critter-of-habit · 3 months
how we feeling about michaela stirling
We love Michaela Stirling! Frannie is so real for forgetting her own name when they met - Michaela is stunning.
I had no idea what happened in Franchesca's book still after the episode and its just very funny seeing all the straight women get riled up about the gender change.
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mewtwo24 · 4 months
So like??? I don't know if I understood this correctly, but the music wwx plays to settle Wen Ning's aggression at the beginning of the first volume is the wangxian song lwj composed and sang/played for him when they were in the cave as kids???
Like. You're telling me that wwx's instinctive focal point of comfort is lwj and lwj was just expected to be normal about all of this.
I'm. rotating this in my head as we speak wwx you're so aksjldfgdhjskjghkfjdh
#mdzs#wangxian#i don't say this with the implication that my memory is any better bc it famously absolutely isnt but uh#holy actual shit#the layers in that scene are absolutely insane#literally pls give wangji an f in the chat that had to be both fantastic and brutal for him all at once#also love his immediate 'he's coming to gusu with me' excellent maneuver hanguangjun ty for your service#character growth: not taking wwx's refusal for an answer. you will be taken care of. this is a threat#i love it here#i love how literally not a single mxtx narrator can be trusted this shit is uproarious#wwx: i mean yeah we knew each other but its not like we had any real significance to each other#also wwx's narration: he's the most beautiful man in the world. ethereal. carved from ice and otherworldly in his perfection.#wwx narration: he did look for all the world like a particularly aggrieved widow tho kind of odd (YOU'RE THE FUCKING DEAD PARTNER WWX)#wwx narration: ?????? wdym he's happy zewu-jun? look at his damn face smfh lemme out#i think what i love in particular about wwx is the complex interplay of his heightened awareness and acclimation to being reviled#and despite his logical capacity to understand the levels of exaggeration and the general unfairness of their levied judgment#i find it absolutely gutting that it simultaneously results in an inability for him to see or understand when people care for him#like idk man mxtx is masterful when it comes to the complexities of the human psyche in some ways like jesus#also explains the motif i often see where he like has a preoccupation with 'staining' lwj#i think what guts me esp abt wwx is the earnestness with which he truly doesn't understand how he positively impacts other ppl#like he just assumes ppl meet him and find him either annoying or forgettable and just moves on with his life#it just feels so quintessentially nd#meanwhile he literally revolutionizes the cultivation world in the few decades he was alive#i also feel like demonic cultivation is def a metaphor for overworking + the diseases can result from it
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kinokoshoujoart · 1 year
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the sos awl development team really looked at rock and said “even if we could fix him (we can’t) he would never agree to it, carry on king”
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Me, in tears: .... the.... the woman from a desert world..... who never quite fit in with her culture...... who struggled to be what was expected of her...... she- she fell in love with a man who grew up around water..... who taught himself to make engines to travel the stars on boats first....... he.... he taught himself engineering on boat engines.... on the water.... so he could travel amongst the stars....... and fall in love with a desert woman.......
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alphaketoglutaricacid · 5 months
Very funny that shuro got mad at laios for not letting him sleep and asking him about the east but doesnt seem mad abt the 4 hr lectures on monster biology that def also happened. Knowing what we know abt him he probs was low key into it.
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Davey: Racetrack Higgins! Why would you do that?!
Race: Do you see this? *snatches off hat and points to hair aggressively* Do you see what color this is? Sometimes that affects what’s up here!
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daily-property-police · 4 months
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Day 526- I couldn’t decide between a more PP or Life series inspired Cutie Mark, so have both!
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