#oc: robin greene
cookeybg · 4 months
The Colony Possessed Table of Contents
Hello Everyone! This is the accompaniment to my Gotham Possesses Story. I hope you enjoy it as much as that one. This series will be following the Batfamily through the eyes of others and how Gotham shows itself in possession of the Batfam (both subtly and unsubtly).
Title: The Colony Possessed
Main Characters: Gotham, Bruce Wayne, Alfred Pennyworth, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne
Narrators: Hal Jordan, Barry Allen, OC - Kam, John Constantine, will add others as chapters progress
Honorable Mentions: Wally West, Talia Al Ghul, Damian Al Ghul, will add others as chapters progress
No romantic relationships
Stuff to Know: Cryptid Batfamily, maybe a bit spooky, Hopefully a bit amusing, Gotham LOVES Batman and she always will, it's concerning
Chapter 1 - Hal didn’t get spooked easily.
Chapter 2 - Barry knew he couldn't outrun his shadow
Chapter 3 - Only the strong keep their name
Chapter 4 - It feeds off you, mate
Chapter 5 - Batsy and I are a packaged deal
I was originally going to go for the Robin's POVs but I thought it would be much more interesting to see the POV's of their friend's, coworker's and maybe villain's
I hope you enjoy it! :)
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skierisa · 6 days
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I usually make bigger pieces for birthdays, even for characters, but I forgot that september 22nd was coming :D
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renaissance35 · 9 months
Damian: How did none of you hear what I just said?
Suren: I've been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.
Maya: I think it's the big words you use.
Jon: I got distracted about halfway through.
Toussaint: I think it's because your short.
Milagro: Can't understand what I can't see.
Collin: Maybe it's your "I'm superior to all" voice. It's pretty low.
Billy: Here no evil, see no evil.
Jai West: That's right.
Alex: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
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super-luna-fic · 3 months
Camp Justice - Chapter 1: The Lecture
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Back at Mount Justice two hours after the Caedmus Incidence…
The five teens huddled together near the zeta tubes as the League discussed the night's events. Despite being successful during the mission they were never meant to be part of, anxiety plagued their thoughts. The teens knew they had overstepped a line by not only disobeying the League's direct orders but also telling them to either get on board with their plan or get lost. Neither action was acceptable, but they knew they could do nothing to sway the teens' minds. However, the League's compliance wasn't going to stop them from giving them an earful and more once they dispersed to their respective locations.
"What do you think they're talking about?" Wally asked.
"The mission obviously" Cal answered matter of factly.
Wally narrowed his eyes at her, "Oh yeah, and what makes you so sure of that?"
"Oh I don't know, maybe it could be the fact that they literally said they were going to do that BEFORE leaving us here"
"Well duh, of course I knew that. I just wanted to make sure you were paying attention"
It was her turn to glare at him"…You know Wally… I think you might wanna get checked out. You seemed to have lost a few brain cells after getting knocked out"
Dick couldn't help the giggle that escaped which in turn increased Wally's annoyance.
"You little-"
"Quiet!" Kaldur firmly but quietly inserted to cease their bickering, which did anything but that as Wally continued to talk.
"You know Kaldur, you've been pretty silent. Not that it is not normal, I just thought you would give us words of encouragement before we walk into our inevitable doom"
He thought about it for a moment before responding, "I am certain we are overthinking our current situation, I doubt the punishment would be as severe as you are making it"
"Mmm I don't knoow, maybe not for you but some of us might not be so lucky *cough* Robin *cough* Crow"
"While I acknowledge our mentors may have a different way of dealing with our punishment we most certainly will not be walking into our "inevitable doom". Especially those of us who have stricter mentors, right Robin and Crow?"
Kaldur turned to look at them when he didn't receive an immediate answer and noticed they seemed lost in thought.
He cleared his throat before repeating his question, " Right Robin and Crow?"
"Hm? Oh Yea, totally", Cal answered unconvincingly then turned to Dick to whisper "You don't think he's going to tear us a new one when we get back to the cave, do you?"
As though Batman had heard her whispers, he turned his head to glare at the two.
"He's definitely not going to do that" He sarcastically responded.
Their conversation was cut short when the League made their way over to them. Each Leaguer took their team member home with the Batfamily being the last to go.
Dick and Cal shared an uneasy look as Batman input the information to send them back to the cave. At this point, they were considering staying at Mount Justice with Superboy but decided against it knowing it would only prolong the long awaited lecture.
The "ride" to the cave was short and the teens were still met with a silent Bruce. Dick decided enough was enough and tried to break the silence.
"Sooo, how was the meeting?"
"That bad, huh?"
Cal elbowed her brother and harshly whispered, "What is wrong with you? Are you trying to provoke him??"
"I don't see you coming up with any bright ideas"
"That may be true but at least I have some common sense"
"Is that so?" Dick asked in a mocking tone.
"As a matter of fact yes"
"What about that incident that happened last week with the Penguin?"
"We don't talk about that"
"Well if you're gonna go the common sense route, I really don't see why not"
"Grayson you aggravate my very sou…."
Bruce's grip on his chair tightened as he listened to the two whisper amongst themselves or at least try to. I mean did they really think he wouldn't be able to hear them? With all the training he put them through they should at least know how to have a conversation discretely especially if the person they're discussing is literally ten feet in front of them. He shook his head as a way to dismiss those thoughts. Right now he needed to focus on how to actually talk to them. Regardless of what some may think of him, he doesn't want to break their spirits or tear them a new one (yes Cal, he did in fact hear your whispers… and everything else). He just wants them to realize that their actions always have consequences, whether it was positive or negative. With that in thought, he turned his chair around in time to see Cal attempting to put Dick in a headlock but stopped the moment she felt his glare on the back of her head. Both quickly detangled their limbs and stood up with an uncomfortable smile.
After a brief stare down Bruce finally spoke.
"You two were given strict orders to stay put. Not only did you disobey them but you also put yourselves and your teammates in a situation that could've ended badly, very quickly."
"We were successful with the mission. We actually did good! Why can't you just believe we're stronger than you think!" Dick argued.
"It's not about believing."
Cal stayed quiet which was uncommon for her but she knew this was a battle they weren't going to win.
"Yes, it is! You always leave us with the small things while you get to have all the fun. What was even the point of training us??"
"You knew what you were getting yourselves into the moment you decided to join me. You are to do as I say, nothing more nothing less."
"We know but-"
"No! You don't! Because if you did you wouldn't have done what you did!"
The two looked down in shame knowing what he was saying was true.
Bruce sighed, "Look, I know you both were only trying to help but there's a reason why we don't let you join certain missions. I can't-" He paused to take a shaky breath. "We can't lose you guys. So if that means making you hate us then so be it."
Bruce wasn't known to show his emotions outwardly for many reasons. The fact that he almost slipped up made Cal and Dick second-guess their actions but that doesn't mean they changed their minds.
Bruce straightened up, "With that being said, the League and I have decided that while we acknowledge the need for a new team, we must be sure you are properly trained to handle that responsibility." The two lit up. Is the League actually listening to them for once?
"Starting July 1st you will begin your training at an undisclosed location with other young current and soon-to-be members."
"Undisclosed location?" Cal asked.
"Yes, no one but the League knows where it is. Your hearing and sight will be restricted by Martian Manhunter just to ensure you don't attempt to figure it out."
"We would never do something so diabolical. We actually follow the rules. Can't say the same for the rest."
"Mhm mhm" said Dick while nodding along.
Batglare activated
"You know that doesn't actually work on us"
Batglare continued
"She's right, we're not kids anymore."
Batglare intensified times 10
"I- We- We'll shut up now"
"As I was saying none of you will know the location, just what it looks like on the inside. You will go through weeks of intense training and the Leaguers and I will determine if you are in fact ready to join the new team."
"So it's like a summer camp but on steroids"
Bruce rolled his eyes, "If that's how you want to think of it. Just know that if you don't meet our standards then you will NOT be joining the team. Is that clear?"
They tried their best to hold in their excitement. Summer camps are fun but a summer camp for superheroes was even better. They couldn't wait till they got there wherever there was. Speaking of…
"I get that we can't know where it's located but can we at least know what it's called?"
"Camp Justice"
"Doesn't sound very intimidating if you ask me. With our training, it'll probably be a breeze. Right Batman?"
"Hmph" was the only response they got before he entered the elevator.
Cal stood there flabbergasted, "I know he did not just 'hmph' me, who does he think he is?"
"Your boss"
"Boss or not, I don't get paid enough to deal with his sass"
"You don't get paid at all"
"Your point?"
Dick rubbed his temples, "Why do you always try to pick a fight with me?"
"Why do you always make it so easy?"
He narrowed his eyes at her, "Anyways, we have three days before we have to leave. I can probably hack the computers to see exactly where this place is."
"What for?"
"Do you really want to go to place where you have no idea of its location?"
"Hm good point boy wonder," She said as she stood next to him as he worked the computers.
"Now if I can just bypass this security wall then we'll be good to g-"
"And what exactly do you two think you're doing?"
The two froze in their place as they heard the familiar voice of their beloved butler.
"Uhh checking the weather for tomorrow," Dick said with an unconvincing grin.
"Lady Cal."
"We were checking the computers for the location of the camp Batman is sending us to."
If there was anyone who could get an answer out of her by just asking it was Alfred (and her mom but that's a different story).
"And why are we doing that? I do believe Master Bruce specifically said you were not allowed to know."
"Because curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back"
Alfred raised an unimpressed eyebrow, "Go upstairs and eat your dinner."
"No buts. You need to relax before you leave."
"So you do know something about it, don't you? C'mon Alfred, please give us a hint."
"You should by now your puppy dog eyes have no effect on me. Now go."
They grumbled about unfairness as they made their way to the elevator.
Alfred turned to look at the computer, "Besides, no amount of hints will prepare you for what's to come…"
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the DC characters or universes. The only characters and universes I own are the ones I create.
A/N: Here's chapter 1! Thank you for reading it I can't wait to show you all the rest! I'll be posting a chapter a week so be on the lookout! If you have any questions or just want to talk please do send me a message :)
See ya later!
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babygirlhaljordan · 3 months
since damian doesn’t really have his own green lantern, i decided to create one: tala >:3 more information can be found here about her but a very basic summary can be found here.
tldr version: tala is a 13-15 filo-american that uses her green lantern abilities to be a magical girl bc she’s a HUGE anime fan. with damian also being an anime fan… u can imagine the chaos that ensues
damian & tala hcs
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hal jordan is her mentor, so you can imagine the amount of annoyance damian holds for her. much like her mentor, she’s impulsive and acts before she thinks. but she has a big heart and always aim to do the Right Thing. much like batman, damian often insults her but unlike her mentor… she never really catches it. if she does, she’s left unbothered
damian follows her tumblr + ao3 acc. he did it to figure out her secret identity but she all she does is post about anime & write precure fanfiction. he does NOT find anything useful except what she believes is the Correct Ships for sailor moon
they discuss anime together. while tala leans more to the magical show genre, she enjoys shoujo. and with a lot magical anime girls being apart of the shoujo genre they are able to bond >:3 she makes damian watch anime and unlike hal, he’s able to follow up with what’s going on. she gets so excited about that and declares him as her “best friend” (he refuses the title but can’t help but feel warm and fuzzy inside)
being the youngest in the family… they complain about older siblings. while tala only has one, that one is equal to damian’s 5… her sister makes fun of her interest in anime (despite watching it with her in the past. so, if anything, her sister is a hypocrite)
damian actually enjoys some of the fanfiction she wrote. he actually makes fanart for her works. and when they get older & tala needs a job… she becomes an author and damian (who wants an outlet for his superhero work bc that shit is stressful!) is an illustrator for her works
i imagine they’d meet thru being apart of a team together, all with heroes their own age and NOT friends with damian’s other family members bc i’m tired of him being friends with characters that were initially the other batfamily’s teams (kory for jason, raven for damian, etc)
it’s great for both of them because neither have worked with a team before outside of their own mentors (hal jordan or bruce wayne/dick grayson) with other members they’re challenged to work with new ppl (which u often deal with in life threatening emergencies) + learn from each other
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iconclassic · 2 years
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mediocreshake08 · 4 months
Yeah, Robin called up the Kombat Kids to do this musical number just to spite Muchacha
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lampshit-art · 11 days
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Here's a collection of various comic book characters they've dressed as. The last 3 were commissions.
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TT X Ninjago - GreenFlower As Robstar
Raza, Olvidé Que También Me Había Unido Al Fandom De Los Jóvenes Titanes (Los Originales, No Los Jóvenes Titanes En Acción) Y Por Eso Decidí Dibujar A Lloyd Y Kanna (Mi OC De Ninjago) Como Robin Y Starfire, Me Quedó Tierno, Siento Que Lloyd Se Ve Bien Fachero Como Robin
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froggywentaprincin · 2 months
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All Merry Men OC’s except the son of David of Doncaster and the daughter of Much the Miller’s Son (Midge) will have [a] nose piercing(s).
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miscellaneous--bones · 6 months
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still tryna build confidence with ppl faces, they are. SO stiff right now ;_; any robin is cute
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skelleste · 7 months
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Secret santa gift for my friend Toby. Of course I post this long after the holidays lmao oops.
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vinnianlovesdinosaurs · 6 months
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Alicent Hightower and my dragonseed oc Robin Florian
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soranatus · 2 years
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Kara Huset’s New Titans! (x).
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Some info about the OCs: Cassandra Drake — When a new super clone shows up and has nowhere to go, Tim Drake and Conner Kent naturally feel for the young girl and decide to adopt her. They certainly have no idea how to be parents but they're definitely willing to try to make a home for this new Supergirl. They suggest the name Cassandra after the two strongest women they know, Cassandra Cain and Cassie Sandsmark.
Max Morse — Imagined as a sort of spiritual successor to Beast Boy, with a clear relation to M’gann.
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super-luna-fic · 3 months
New DC Young Justice Fanfic Series!
I am so excited to finally share what I've been working on! I am proud to present my new series...
Camp Justice
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After the sidekicks place themself in a rather sticky situation, the Justice League finally accepts the need to create a new team with younger members. However, before they can do that they must make sure they are capable of handling the responsibility. What better way to do that than through a three-month superhero-in-training summer camp or as they like to call it, Camp Justice. Join the sidekicks as they try to survive the Justice League training and the expected drama in a camp full of teens as they battle for a spot on the new team.
(This story takes place before the young justice team is formed)
Next week I'll be posting the character descriptions and the first chapter so be on the lookout for that!
See ya soon!
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babygirlhaljordan · 3 months
hii. sorry for being ia—family was Going On so i got busy </3
on a lighter note i did get into dc so if anyone is interested in hearing about my dc oc just send me an ask (or leave a comment). I Have Thoughts
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