#mk oc muchacha
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ash-shark · 2 days ago
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Kotal come back kids are waiting for u😭😭😭
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theelderhazelnut · 1 month ago
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OCs for new year!
Muchacha belongs to dear @ash-shark <3
Art Taglist: @inafieldofdaisies @elderglocks @darialovesstuff @starrycamellias @cassietrn @admin-pipes @bloody-arty-myths @chadillacboseman @ninibear3000 @strangefable @afraidofrabbits @vivilovespink @orbitinytheworld @cloudofbutterflies92 @graveyard-party666 @raresvtm @imogenkol @malicedragoness @valyrra @sweet-samnang @tommyarashikage @voidika @aceghosts
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crowsnhoes · 5 months ago
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Based on that one chapter of the Smokescreen AU by @mediocreshake08 ft. @ash-shark ‘s OC Muchacha
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mids-stupid-shit · 7 months ago
Incorrect Mortal Kombat quotes part 6: I can't think of a funny or dumb title
HAVIK and HOTARU: *are fighting behind the counter*
TAVEN: Can I get a waffle? May I please get a waffle?
SKARLET: *dressed as Aladdin* What do you think?
KITANA: I think Disney's going to sue somebody.
KIRA in front of a camera: I'm here with Tremor and... What's your name again?
KOBRA: Hey pass.
KIRA: Heap Ass?
*Kobra laughs his nuts off and Tremor chuckles under his breath*
JOHNNY: I've connected the two dots.
SONYA: You didn't connect shit.
JOHNNY: I've connected them.
JAQUI: I punch the shit out of people and shoot plasma from my gauntlets.
CASSIE: I got my dad's magic, I shoot my opponents and have a fatality where I kick someone in the nuts so hard, their skull and spine flies out.
KUNG JIN: I throw chakrams and suplex people with arrows.
TAKEDA: Haha, whips and lightsabers go brrr
DAEGON: Hey, Taven?
TAVEN: Yes, brother?
DAEGON: *pulls up the @//taven-from-edenia blog and shows the peanits post*
NRS!NITARA: Face it, we look good in this new design--
Midway!NITARA: We? What do you mean we? Nintendo Wii?
NRS!NITARA: No, fool, we as in US!
Midway!NITARA: Us? Awe you talking about who?
NRS!NITARA: No, Shit-ass, us.
Midway!NITARA: Bitch please, your dress looks like flem on toast compared to mine. Your head looks like an onion and your voice sounds like someone shitting down a chimney.
*NRS!Nitara would then cry out a river after being roasted tf out of*
CYRAX: Sektor, you're an asshole, man.
SEKTOR: You are what you eat, Cyrax.
*Cyrax would break character and start laughing*
Mk9!SMOKE: I'm sorry about your sister and mother. But don't worry, at least you're still alive.
MK1!SMOKE: ... Aren't you supposed to be helping me cope with my trauma?
HAVIK: Once again, I am a main antagonist in a Mortal Kombat story.
SHANG TSUNG: You've been a main villain before?
HAVIK: Yeah, I was in the prequel comic books. Look!
*Pulls up a page of himself from the MKX prequel comic*
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SHANG TSUNG: Huh. How about that.
HAVIK: Yeah, AND they gave me my cool og design.
SHANG TSUNG: Also wasn't Skarlet killed here or..?
HAVIK: Doesn't matter, it was retconned.
SHANG TSUNG: Fair point.
*Red Robin kicks Muchacha's door down*
MUCHACHA: Please leave.
ROBIN: Have you ever heard, of a mountain chicken?
ROBIN: what do you think it looks like?
MUCHACHA: Like a really big chicken?
ROBIN: That's what I thought, BUT NO, ITS THIS MOTHERFU--
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ishimaru-suprimacy · 10 months ago
He really does hates them all
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@ash-shark @cyberneticsanguinaire @korkusts
Btw i hope its ok i drew ur ocs :3
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mediocres-writing-blog · 7 months ago
Currently working on a spin-off with Muchacha. All I can say for sure is she drunk af
Also might need some help from @ash-shark
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isacoremeow · 11 months ago
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@ash-shark @roofgeese (can't tag u for some reason!)
I doodled ur ocs while taking a break from studying, I like them lots!
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ash-shark · 3 months ago
Here's a another muchacha model🌺💕
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This was the old one:
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Did i made it better??
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crowsnhoes · 2 months ago
the duality of this ship @ash-shark
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mids-stupid-shit · 6 months ago
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Now featuring @meatgrinderminefields Billie and @ash-sharks Muchacha
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mediocres-writing-blog · 5 months ago
Smoke Screen Side Story: Meanwhile, In Outworld
Outworld, present day. The sun was shining as usual, but something was off. It was like the air was wetter than usual, and there wasn’t as much traffic in the market, and more confusingly, not one single robbery attempt. The daughter of the late emperor was the first to notice, as there was clearly something off. She sniffed the air, saying nothing for a few seconds.
MUCHACHA: Hmm… it’s a bit humid today. I don’t recall the last time it was humid.
Suddenly, a guardsman walked over to Muchacha. She turned, standing up straight.
GUARDSMAN #1: Ma’am. The Kahn would like to speak to you. 
Muchacha would enter the throne room, kneeling before Kitana, and just Kitana, because she kicked Rain and Mileena out to have a one-on-one with Amara.
KITANA: Do you know why I summoned you, Muchacha? 
MUCHACHA: Is it because I failed you on that mission to find that bloodbender? Or was it because I almost killed Erron Black?
KITANA: No, it's because– You did what?
MUCHACHA: Don’t worry about it, your highness, Why did you call me? 
Kitana shakes it off, standing up and looking down at her.
KITANA: Yes, I admit I’m disappointed that you failed, but I am nothing like your father.
Muchacha looked up at the Kahn of Outworld, slightly confused.
MUCHACHA: Excuse me? What do you mean by that?
KITANA: It means that unlike him, I know how to forgive mistakes. 
Muchacha nodded, while in her mind she was happy by this.
MUCHACHA: So, why did you call me here, madame.
Outworld’s ruler would approach her slowly, her steps echoing through the room. 
KITANA: I am here to apologize for being so hard on you since Robin’s return. So as for today, you have a free week.
Muchacha looked up at Kitana, looking confused and pleased at the same time.
MUCHACHA: I– thank you, your highness. But if I’m not working, then who will protect the streets?
KITANA: Oh don’t worry, I took care of it.
As she said that, the shout of a man with an underwater filter in his voice was heard.
MUCHACHA: Was that…
KITANA: Rain. Yes. He’ll cover for you while you take the week off.
MUCHACHA: I assume not by choice.
KITANA: No, I’m forcing him. Now rise.
The general would get off the ground, standing up and smiling at Kitana’s claim.
MUCHACHA: I like the way you think, your highness. And thank you, again.
KITANA: you’re welcome. Now go.
Muchacha then left, with a smile on her face. After a quick design change, she would head off to the local bar, where she would sit and order the heaviest thing they had. After a few minutes, the bartender walked up to the general, giving her the drink, and she would sip it as the chatter of dozens of other people. The band behind her played for hours, so naturally, they got tired and went backstage. Sitting there, she noticed the saurian siblings walking in the door and making their orders. Sabbia would notice Muchacha and the two would walk over to her.
SABBIA: Well hello, sunshine.
MUCHACHA: Don’t call me that. Especially in public.
SABBIA: Very well.
Astraia would listen to their chatter and giggle. 
ASTRAIA: Man, listening to you two argue is like music to my nonexistant ears. 
The bartender would bring Sabbia a light beer and Astraia a juice on a straw. The three would drink their drinks, opening a conversation.
SABBIA: What’re you do doin’ here? Hidin’ from the queen after killing Erron?
MUCHACHA: I’m not hiding, and I didn’t kill him. Can’t a woman have a drink just because?
SABBIA: Well yeah, but it ain’t exactly good for the immune system. Especially if it’s something as strong as the thing you’re drinking right now.
Muchacha would look at Astraia, and then whisper to Sabbia.
MUCHACHA: How old is she? Why is she here?
SABBIA: Don’t get your panties in a bunch. She’s above drinking age, just chooses not to. Clever girl, I’ll tell you that.
ASTRAIA: Awn, thanks, brother. You always know what to say.
She said, as she hugged Sabbia shortly after, to which he responded with patting her on the head. Muchacha would notice this, and smile.
MUCHACHA: Wow, you must be really proud to call yourself a brother.
SABBIA: Ye, well, it ain’t easy, but I can say I’m proud of it. 
Muchacha sat there, drinking like there’s no tomorrow. Astraia looked at her with an expression that reads “i am quite scared and very concerned”. She would then turn to her brother slowly.
ASTRAIA: (whispering) I’m starting to think she’s in too deep.
The general would shake her head off, heading off to the bartender and giving him quite a pay.
MUCHACHA: (referring to Sabbia and Astraia) This is for those two as well. Keep the change.
The saurian siblings saw her pay for both of them. Sabbia smiled and Astraia blushed.
SABBIA: Intoxicated as hell and still a clearer head than most people I met.
ASTRAIA: Kinda hot in a weird way…
Sabbia would hear his sister and turn.
SABBIA: Say what?
ASTRAIA: What? What do you mean “what”? I didn’t say anything.
Sabbia would look away, shugging. Muchacha walks out and heads off all the way back to her home, slightly wobbling around as she walks through the streets. As she roams the streets, she overhears a conversation between two people, one in a purple cape and one with a raspy voice. She hides behind a wall, listening closely as she shakes her head. 
HAVIK: Now then, do you remember what I told you?
JAY: Be gay, do crime?
Havik’s eyebrows drop, as he facepalms.
HAVIK: The OTHER thing I told you?
JAY: Oh.
They said, taking a strange amulet out of their pocket. Then they put it back and looked back at Havik, who handed Jay a strange looking device.
HAVIK: When the time comes, tomorrow at high noon, you will toss this in the palace throne room and get out as fast as possible. Understood?
Jay nods, putting it in her adventure satchel. Havik puts his hand on their shoulder. Muchacha squinted, and turned away as soon as her eyes met Havik’s. Jay looks at Havik in the eyes as he looks away.
JAY: Something wrong, pookie?
Havik snaps back, tuning over to Jay.
HAVIK: Oh, i-its nothing. Just stick to the plan.
Jay nods, and turns away from the kleric of chaos.
HAVIK: Wait, Jay, before you go…
Jay turns, and Havik gives them a big hug as he whispers into his ear.
HAVIK: Stay safe, and may chaos be with you.
Havik and Jay then walk off in different directions as Muchacha walked off while looking back at them. Jay would walk off while Outworld’s general followed her quietly. As she follows her, she notices she has an eye on her. The person in purple turns, and Muchacha would look away. She would then turn and run, while Muchacha followed her. Eventually, Jay would enter her house and shut the door. The general would then hide behind a corner, waiting for Jay to exit. An hour passes and Jay exits, with Muchacha meeting Jay at the door.
MUCHACHA: You aren't exactly hard to find, being the only person in  Outworld to wear a purple cape with a green vest.
Jay looked at Muchacha with a slight grin on their face. Muchacha, on the other hand, was not in the mood.
JAY: Are you here to arrest me for something I didn't do, or are you just going to insult my fashion sense? Cause I got places to be and things to do.
Muchacha looked at the adventurer, noticing their attitude. She would then grab their hand and pull them close to her face. Jay, surprised, would then get scared and sweat a little. Muchacha would then talk.
MUCHACHA: Okay listen, miss, or sir, or whatever you are, I don't know and I don't care, but I need to know why you were talking to Havik, and what the hell was in that package.
Jay would try to avert eye contact, as she was basically two centimeters away from Outworld's general.
JAY: I... are we 'bout to kiss?
Muchacha rolls her eyes, letting go of the adventurer's arm. 
MUCHACHA: (quietly) Listen, I wont apprehend you, as long as you tell me what you were plotting with that kleric.
Jay sighs, with a hand on her face.
JAY: First off, he's just a friend, and second we aren't plotting anything, okay? We just say shit sometimes. And third, you won't find out what I'm doing tomorrow. Not today, not ever. So you can just shove your nosy attitude up your ass.
Muchacha would hear Jay say that, and look at them angrily.
MUCHACHA: Listen, I don't need to arrest you. All I need is that thing in your satchel. So how about you give it to me, and I won't have to use force.
JAY: What thing? 
Jay said, taking bandages out of her satchel.
JAY: My bandages? Cause if you wanna have my bandages, I won't stop ya, but they aren't very comfortable, and-
MUCHACHA: That THING, that thing Havik gave you, that strange device, what was that?
JAY: I don't have any device in my satchel.
MUCHACHA: Well if you have nothing to hide, then you won't mind if I look?
Jay started to sweat a bit, but kept a cool head.
JAY: Of course not.
Muchacha would start going through her satchel, searching through its contents. To her surprise, she found nothing, just some medicine, an amethyst sword and some bandages. The general was a bit puzzled, and backed away from the adventurer.
MUCHACHA: I.. I could've sworn there was something in there.
Jay shrugged, looking down at Muchacha.
JAY: What'd I tell ya? Now if you could be so kind as to give that back to me, that would be ideal?
Muchacha looked up at them, holding the satchel away from Jay.
MUCHACHA: Hold on, I want to ask something else.
Jay, now a bit angry, would sigh, and cross their arms.
JAY: Fine, one more question, and you'll let me kindly fuck off.
Muchacha would stand there, thinking about it for a few seconds.
MUCHACHA: You know who Havik is, don't you? And why you're friends with him.
JAY: Your point being? 
MUCHACHA: I'll let you "kindly fuck off" if you tell me why.
Jay, looking away from Muchacha, sighed once more, and turned back with a sigh.
JAY: I was lost, okay? My survival skills could only get me so far. He is the reason why I'm still breathing, and frankly, if I had to choose between the world and him, I would choose him every time. Now if you excuse me, I'm leaving.
Muchacha would listen to what Jay said, and would then give them their satchel.
MUCHACHA: Right. I am sorry to bother you. I am Muchacha, by the way.
Jay turns back, giving a salute with their middle and index finger.
JAY: Jay. Pleasure is all yours.
They said as they disappeared into the crowd. As Jay walks away, they pull on the collar of their cape, revealing the device Havik gave them. As night fell, the street band of outworld played a relaxed toon, as the crowd in the market place calmed down. Muchacha is sitting on some steps while looking depressed and tired. Then, a man in a black cloak with a deep voice approached her.
???: Hey–
Startled, she punched the figure in the nose, and as he fell on the floor, it was revealed to be Sabbia with a now bloody nose.
SABBIA: AGH! My sodding snout! 
Muchacha quickly got up, and helped the saurian up.
MUCHACHA: Oh gods, Sabbia, I'm so sorry, I thought you were someone else.
SABBIA: Nah... it's my fault.... I shouldn't have snuck up on you while you were sulkin'.
He said, as he wiped the blood off of his nose.
SABBIA: Speakin' of which, why you sulkin'? Is this about Robin? Or your past trauma? Or Erron? Or--
MUCHACHA: I'll tell you when we get somewhere less public.
She said, looking at the ground and her hand out in-front of him. The two walked off, and the music got quieter. The two finally stopped walking, as the two sat down on a bench and looked up at the sky. Muchacha would sit, looking up at the stars, while Sabbia would lean back, and put his arms behind his head.
SABBIA: Speak to me, gorgeous.
Muchacha would hear the saurian say, and would look back at him.
MUCHACHA: There is this person, their name is Jay, and... I followed them because I suspected that they were conspiring against Kitana.
SABBIA: Is that so? And how was that not worth a full report?
Muchacha would look away from him, and sigh.
MUCHACHA: It turns out they're aren’t a criminal, they're a good person, and Havik is someone close to them.
SABBIA: I see... and you think they're plannin' something diabolical just because…they were together? 
Muchacha would look down.
MUCHACHA: The two seem to be close, and Jay was given something by Havik.
Sabbia would nod, and pat her on the back.
SABBIA: If you're so worried, why not follow them and see if they're up to somethin' off?
MUCHACHA: That's the thing, I tried! But when I investigated Jay, they didn't have anything with them. Just a sword and other stuff that didn't look anything like what Havik had in his hand. And I can't wrap my head around it because I'm scared that they might assassinate or endanger the royal family, and, and--
Sabbia put his hand on the general's shoulder, trying to calm her with his body language.
SABBIA: Kitana, Mileena and Rain will be fine, trust me... Listen, have you ever heard the sound of one hand clapping?
Muchacha put on a confused expression.
MUCHACHA: How does this correlate?
SABBIA: Yes or no?
MUCHACHA: ... Well, no, I don't think I--
Sabbia slapped Muchacha across the face, making her flinch. There's a bit of silence for a whole second.
SABBIA: For one, that was for my face earlier. And for another, that's for being overly hysterical.
Muchacha would stand up and rub her cheek.
MUCHACHA: Hysterical?! Excuse me for caring about the well-being of my Kahn!
Sabbia would chuckle, and put his hand out to Muchacha, asking her to sit back down. 
SABBIA: I have no problem with you caring for people important to you, but it's another thing overthinkin' about them. And that's why I hit you. You overthink everything.
Muchacha would rub her cheek again, and slowly sit down.
MUCHACHA: I can't help it.
SABBIA: Why? What's the harm in not worrying? Well, actually, let me rephrase... What's the harm in not worrying so much?
Muchacha would put her hand to her forehead, and look down.
MUCHACHA: Because, every single time I don't worry, something terrible happens.
Sabbia would listen to the general, and would then look at her.
SABBIA: Y'know, sometimes in life, shite happens, but that doesn't mean it will keep happening.
MUCHACHA: But... but I just feel like the next bad thing is going to happen again, and--
Sabbia would then stand up, and hold her shoulders.
SABBIA: Hey. Look at me, okay? You don't have to be a worrywart, cause that's just gonna hurt you in the end. The more you overthink, the more you'll be overwhelmed. Believe it or not, I used to be a lot like you, constantly worrying about Astraia's well-being, and the day I got possessed by that mage Xandras, that was when I overthought too much. He made me do shit I weren't proud of. Made me hurt others, steal from others... I was so scared that he made me do something to my sister, but she was fine. It was when I met you, Robin and that blood-bending boy, is when I stopped overthinkin'. So take my word for it, don't overthink anything, keep a cool head, kick some proper ass, and be an absolute queen.
Muchacha listened to the saurian talk, and smiled, standing up and holding her arm.
MUCHACHA: Thanks Sabbia. You're really are a good friend.
SABBIA: Glad to be of assistance. Need a complementary hug?
MUCHACHA: I would love one
Muchacha opened her arms, and the two would hug for a short while. Sabbia would pat her back and let go.
SABBIA: Alright, now get some rest, you've have a long day ahead of ya.
MUCHACHA: Yeah, same to you.
The two would go their separate ways, and the music would become more clear. Muchacha would walk back home, and enter, closing the door. The next morning, Muchacha went to the front gate, waiting for something to happen. It was almost noon, so she took a deep breath and walked into the palace where she was greeted by Kitana’s voice.
KITANA: Ah, Muchacha, welcome back. Are you feeling any better?
MUCHACHA: Indeed, your highness. I just need to speak to you real quick.
The emperor stood, and walked closer to the general.
MUCHACHA: Your highness, can you go behind that door on the right over there? There's nothing to worry about, I have everything under control.
The emperor nodded and left. As soon as she left, she spotted Jay with the device at the window.
JAY: Oh, hey. What're you doing here? How are you--
MUCHACHA: Jay, co-worker of Havik, you are under arrest.
She said, as she drew her sword. Jay looked at her from the window and tossed the device down at her, which Muchacha grabbed and tossed right back at Jay.
JAY: Uh... ten second head start?
Muchacha grinned her teeth, and the adventurer would run out the window. Muchacha followed them shortly after, running towards the market, which was a maze, so it was perfect for a chase scene. Muchacha running along the ground as she chased Jay, who was running jumping across the rooftops. Muchacha, while running caught attention of the street band.
MUCHACHA: You five, play double time...
The band, without any hesitation, plays more intense and fast, as the general climbs up some geometry of the buildings and reaches the roof. Jay looks back at this and slowly removes their glasses, but quickly puts them back on as Muchacha started charging at them. As the two ran, Jay would trip and fall, with the general approaching and pointing her sword at the adventurer.
MUCHACHA: Give it up, I caught you. You have no other option.
JAY: You're right, you caught me. Unless...
Jay said, taking a beeping device out from her cape.
JAY: ...I take us both ou--!
Before she could finish, Muchacha took device and tossed is as high and far as possible, and it blew up like fireworks, catching the attention of the crowd and the Kahn. The people looked at the general, as Muchacha would turn to the crowd.
The people would then stop talking and continue with their business. Muchacha would walk over to the adventurer, and pick them up by the collar.
MUCHACHA: Now, what to do with you, for almost giving the Kahn third degree burns?
JAY: Well, you got options, I suppose.
Muchacha looked at Jay, and would pick her sword back up.
MUCHACHA: Don't think I'll be so merciful.
Sabbia would then run into the street, and his and Muchacha's eyes would meet. The saurian would look at her with a bit of distress. And with it, the general had a bit of overthinking, but ultimately, she tossed her sword into the air, releasing of Jay's cape and catching the sword with her other hand, sheathing it. Jay looked a little confused and very distressed at this. They opened their mouth but couldn't form words.
MUCHACHA: If you're wondering why I didn't lodge my sword into your skull, is because really, I really just don't care anymore. I'm just not going to bother, because really, why should I? You're not a threat, and the worst thing you've done is attempt to scar my Kahn. That and you genuinely seem like a nice person. 
JAY: Uh... thanks?
MUCHACHA: But mark my words, if you pull a stunt like this again, I will make your life a living hell.
Jay would smile a bit and nod.
JAY: Sounds fair enough. See ya.
Said Jay, as they jumped down and disappeared. The general would then hop down to Sabbia, who looked at her and put his hand on her shoulder.
SABBIA: Well well well, aren't you generous today? Not killing that person is quite rare for you. 
MUCHACHA: Shut it. Where's Astraia? I'm sure she must be worried sick.
Sabbia would look behind at Astraia who is having a sip on a bench, and then back.
SABBIA: Nah, not really. just enjoyin' her life. So what was that? The explosion and all that? Some kinda fireworks or somethin'?
Muchacha would listen to the saurian, and would think about it.
MUCHACHA: You know what? It's gone now, so who cares?
Sabbia would giggle under his breath.
SABBIA: You've been takin' my advice, finally.
Muchacha would look away from him, and at a group of kids playing nearby.
MUCHACHA: Don't take that personally, I just don't want to think about it, since it's a thing of the past.
SABBIA: I swear, if I weren't the man I was, I'd kiss ya right now.
Muchacha would listen to what Sabbia said and turned around, with a bit of a smile.
MUCHACHA: *AHEM* ANYWAYS! I should get back to work. And You need to get back to your sister. Make sure no one bothers her.
SABBIA: Yes, ma'am.
Said the saurian as he left and joined his sister, and the general went to the palace. Muchacha would enter the palace throne room and greet Kitana with a bow.
KITANA: General Amara.
MUCHACHA: Kitana Kahn.
KITANA: Stand up.
Muchacha, a little confused, stands up.
KITANA: I must say that I am sorry for having that outburst on you, from that mission with Red Robin.
MUCHACHA: O-oh, uh, you don’t have to apologize for anything, your highness. I was at fault for letting the blood bender get away.
Kitana then gets off the throne, and walks over to Muchacha.
KITANA: I was mad, yes, but today you saved not only my life, but many others, too. I am forever greatful, Muchacha.
Muchacha gasps a bit, before puting on a bit smile on her pretty lil’ face.
MUCHACHA: Thank you, my Kahn.
Kitana smiled as she looked away.
KITANA: You’re free to go now.
Muchacha nodded, as she walked out of the palace, encountering Sabbia and Astraia. 
MUCHACHA: Sabbia, Astraia. Fancy seeing you here. What are you doing? 
SABBIA: Just passin' by. I gotta tell you I'm proud of ya, you're finally learnin' to take it easy. 
The young saurian ran in front of the general, fully confident and all.
ASTRAIA: I gotta say, ma'am, I'm a huge fan and you're a massive inspiration to me. I can't wait to get in the royal guard and be just like you. 
Muchacha was a bit surprised, and put her hands together. 
MUCHACHA: Thank you both. Your compliments mean the world to me. I'll see you two later, we can meet during the weekend. 
As she said, she would walk off and disappear into the crowd. Sabbia looked at Astraia, and patted her head.
SABBIA: You never said you we're a fangirl of her's.
Astraia would turn to her brother, looking like an angry muppet.
ASTRAIA: That a problem, bruv?
Sabbia giggled, and shook his head. Muchacha would walk to the market, where the street band played a calm tune, and the crowd was a little more peaceful. The general would sit and watch, thinking about what happened and what was happening. She would remember what Sabbia told her, telling her to let go of small inconveniences and just live in the moment. So, she did. For the first time in a while, she was able to relax, and not overthink about what could happen, or what already did. She was finally able to enjoy her surroundings.
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ash-shark · 3 months ago
I tried to draw in Mortal Kombat X comic style
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Their ship name is Sunkris or Kotcha idk
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ash-shark · 2 months ago
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"The Deadliest Dancer you'll ever see"
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ash-shark · 3 months ago
Idk if is it allowed or not but i want to describe it with a picture:
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Describe the contents of your OC's pockets/purse/bag!
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ash-shark · 21 days ago
Muchacha's relationship with others, might be a little messy
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ash-shark · 21 days ago
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Ignore the fatty
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