#oc x Crisis core
verysmolspams · 2 months
Crackcanon time: Undercover mission
Tagging @rottenpumpkin13 because they inspired the idea. (I appreciate you ☺️)
Elyse discovers that AGS are being sent undercover to Don Corneo’s mansion, dressed as women, and she panics, running to the Director.
Elyse: what do you MEAN you’re sending them to Don Corneo?! I could help!
Lazard: over my dead body, Lieutenant. I do not want any of our women to be compromised on this mission, especially you. The Firsts are best fit for this mission.
Elyse: but Sir-!
*the three of them walk in, all dressed in drag. Elyse’s jaw drops, and she immediately sees Sephiroth*
Elyse: *stuttering* it’s a good day to be bisexual— whaaat? That’s crazy— *runs away; then into a wall*
Genesis: *snickering; knew Elyse was going to have that kind of reaction.*
Angeal: *shocked, glares at Genesis* And how long have you known this?!
Sephiroth: *concealing mixed feelings nonchalantly.* She’s bisexual?
Elyse would definitely panic, because she doesn’t want them to experience the horror of being a woman through ✨Harassment✨. She cares a lot about her friends 🥺. Then she sees how beautiful they are, and experiences bi panic.
(she’s bi; because I said so)
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Sephiroth x Reader Made for You
This was not at all what it was originally supposed to be, original description is at the very end.
New Description: Sephiroth x Reader. Ever Crisis-Crisis Core-ish (Pre-Nibelheim) timeline. 5.9k words. In which you were created to be Sephiroth’s perfect mate. Warnings?: Mentions of alcohol abuse, miscarriages and Hojo’s clammy hands all over you(not like that). Hojo meant for you to serve as a breeding ground to create more perfect subjects. His plans get disrupted as your mother doesn’t have the heart to subject you to more trauma{trauma enters stage left as intense as possible} . In a panic she abandons you in hope that Shinra won’t be able to track you down. Eventually you cross paths with Sephiroth, creating a bond that would last a lifetime. Written in a series of headcanons, I’ll probably re-use reader backstory in other fics but i didn’t want to write this as a full out fic. It is definitely up in the air as to what happens to your mother, let's hope she will won’t be found she deserves death, i don't care if she tried to make it right. No, the dad is not Hojo. The age ranges helped me track what I was typing but I don't think I'll take it away. I’d say probably a year or so older than Sephiroth. Will make a part two for the events following Genesis’ departure-FF7 possibly through Advent Children too.
Age 1:
 Your mother, Levy, came to her senses shortly after giving birth to you. Taking off in the dead of night to hide her precious child from the cruel clutches of Professor Hojo. When she signed up for this project she didn’t fully realize what she would be submitting herself to, the kind of torment she’d relinquish a baby to, her baby to. She wouldn’t be able to live with the guilt knowing that she gave you the worst possible future. So in a desperate attempt to “set things right” she abandons Shinra, leaving Midgar and taking you to Corel.
Levy knows she can’t stay with you, she’d be far too easy to track down. Besides, Hojo would never let one of his prized experiments get very far. Certainly he wouldn’t want Levy to get away, not after trying to ruin such a delicate process. There are consequences to these actions and everyone gets caught eventually. She needs to make this quick. It's already been two weeks since the two of you escaped, knowing that she doesn’t have the resources or connections to stay hidden for very long sends her into even more of a panicked state.  
All things considered, the decisions she made were already questionable, so it was no surprise that Levy’s poor choices led her to handing you off to some random stranger who reeked of liquor. Granted, he might have been absolutely shitfaced but he did at least seem to have a warm spirit. That was the last time she ever saw you, hugging you tightly and kissing you on the forehead before venturing on to the next unknown location.
The day Levy dropped you off to the strange man was a turning point for your “adoptive father”, Kaiser. Previously he was a drunk with a gambling problem, only picking up odd jobs to fuel his addictions. While he heavily considered taking you to the nearest clinic and dropping you off, another part of him thought the lifestream brought this child to him for a reason. That maybe now his life had purpose again, that maybe if he could do some strange lady a favor that it might atone for the things he’s previously done.
Age 4:
 Kaiser started to pick up his bad habits again, losing every job he’d obtained due to showing up drunk; not showing up at all because he was out gambling all of his funds away, or the icing on the cake that led to his inability to find another job in Corel, stealing. In such a small town word got around fast, yet people still went out of their way to give him a chance, more so for your sake, not Kaiser’s. The townspeople could only be sympathetic to an extent, eventually not being considered for hire by anyone. Following these events led him searching for work outside of Corel, branching out to Midgar where he got a job doing residential plumbing. 
Age 4-10:
It was enough to make ends meet, renting out a single bedroom in the slums of sector 5. Not the most ideal or comfortable living situation but it was better than being on the streets. The move to Midgar at least showed positive signs in your father, but that would only last for so long. He was always still loving towards you, though at times it was hard to tell how much he truly cherished you since he seemed more interested in trying to maintain both lifestyles when he should’ve picked you above all. It was when he discovered Wall Market his presence dwindled down to a minimum. Still claiming that you saved his life and all of that other nonsense while leaving you to fend for your own in the same breath.
Age 10-12:
 Eventually you started leaving home alone, beginning to venture out and wander the slums. After a certain point you couldn’t sit around waiting for Kaiser to feed you, never knowing what he would come back to take care of or even tell you he loves you. This existence was so painfully lonely. Without much direction in life thus far you started getting involved with a group of fellow misguided children. Learning how to break into homes, shops, showing you how to pickpocket people; life was hard enough in itself, these few skills (if you wanna call it that) helped you get by. Despite Kaiser still being around you had to start getting funds on your own, especially when you learned property owners had zero problem throwing a child out on the streets no matter your situation. 
You and your tightknit group of baby thugs manage to bring your string of break ins to the upper plate, securing passes to the top for the oldest of the group (18-20) and the younger of the group would act like they were with an older sibling, negating the need for passes as they were minors. Picking a different plate to explore each time you went up and stole whatever you found valuable or simply wanted out of greed as long as you could discreetly bring it back. Roaming Sector 2 may have been your biggest mistake. Quickly stuffing the tools from a car you broke into your bag, slamming the trunk shut and taking off as fast as possible. It was already a risky area to break into cars at, the spot you chose happened to be a bit too out in the open, you just had a hunch something good would be in the vehicle. All but running around the corner to distance yourself from your crime you bump into someone making you fall right on your ass. 
Twelve years. He’s been looking for you for twelve long years with practically no traces, yet here you were. Had Hojo told Heidegger no at the notion of going out to lunch together you wouldn’t have been sprawled out on the ground in front of him. The minute you locked eyes with the strange man, a menacing smirk spread across his features. Hojo’s nice words betraying his true intention and twisted glee, looking into those e/c glowing eyes Hojo knew you belonged to him. Reaching a hand out to help you up, apologizing for being “clumsy”, asking where your parents are, his grin never leaving his face. Not taking the time to talk to him, you mumble a quick thanks for helping you up, immediately darting off to find the others, a bit shook at the thought of nearly being caught. Surely you had been caught, just not in the way you thought. 
Despite being, in Hojo’s eyes, inadequate due to his lack of presence in your life, you were still valuable. You were another product of the Jenova Project, not quite to serve the same purpose as the First Class SOLDIERS, though you could have been just as strong. He’s missed too many monumental milestones in your growth to achieve similar results as Sephiroth. However, that isn’t going to stop him from trying in combination with ensuring you’re capable of achieving your original use. It won’t be hard for him to track you now, he knows what you look like and where you’ve been. The city is riddled in surveillance and Hojo will see to it you are found, sending out several Turks to monitor you, requesting they take various items from the shared home of you and Kaiser that would contain any traces of your DNA. 
It didn’t take long for Hojo to prove who you were and that you were Shinra property, he was already certain of it after your first interaction. In the short time you were in Hojo’s presence one of the first things he did was take many samples from you. Even without the DNA Hojo had he would be able to find out your identity. Simply drawing your blood would have sufficed but he was forced to go about taking you back in a more “tame” manner. The minute the samples matched he sent the Turks in to snatch you up and bring you in, demanding Kaiser be brought with them. 
Age 12-15: 
Hojo didn’t make it a secret where you came from, telling you early on that you have always been Shinra property, claiming this was your real home. Over time Hojo somehow convinced you this life was better than the life you lived in the slums as well as any of the time you spent with Kaiser. Honestly, it was hard for you to tell as neither lifestyle proved to be healthy. At least you had regular meals and a guaranteed roof over your head, regardless of it being a creepy cold lab, but you were once again back to being alone but now all of the time. Never allowed to interact with anyone, your only company was Hojo, if that could count. Rarely talking to you outside of questioning you in relation to testing or attempting to cram as much knowledge into your brain as possible. Also sharing interactions with the couple of Turks he allowed to train you, Hojo oversaw each training session, cutting off any conversation he felt didn’t assist in your progression. Which were certainly most of them.
An absolute fucking nightmare. Being subjected to Hojo’s experiments was, now, the worst thing you’ve ever experienced, you thought life was challenging before but currently this is a special kind of hell. Being left in mako tanks for weeks on end because you “need to catch up”, being kept awake for the majority of your surgical experiments unless it was really necessary. Forced to repeatedly kill in order to prove your worth, doing things you couldn't imagine just in the hopes to save a “father” they’ve already killed. You don’t know this information, the leverage you think they have against you makes you more inclined to go along with their plans. 
Hojo learned the hard way that your abilities to heal like the others were extremely lacking. On this particular day Hojo was, once again, invading your body. Not so much to alter anything, but taking notes on significant changes from past surgeries and experiments, as well as testing new equipment. He wouldn’t admit it due to his “singular genius” but the machine he created to assist in speeding up surgical processes malfunctioned. In turn severely damaging numerous organs and causing excessive bleeding. While, no, just any organs won’t do, he’s going to piece you together as fast as he can. Refusing to let you go after seeking you out all of this time. Your potential is too great. Quickly pulling out a few cadavers that were failures from the Jenova Project, but due to the genetic makeup, their parts will have to do. Smiling as he pieced you back together, taking organs from the other bodies and replacing your damaged parts.
Something about killing you, reviving you, and nursing you back to health brought you and Hojo closer to each other. Having a portion of his lab reconstructed into a small living quarters so you could be more comfortable while you got better. Between all of his other experiments, you, plus Sephiroth, Hojo found it convenient to spend a lot of time in your space. Partially due to his constant need to take care of you after that last incident, Hojo's day would often end with you. Swooping by to change any bandages, check vitals, asking the usual to help assess your health. You’re not sure what made you reach out to him, or why he surprisingly extended his hand out to you. It came to a point the nightmares were just too much, the nightmares Hojo instilled in you. In spite of all signs telling you to run from him, your skin crawling when you think about Hojo, you still wanted his comfort. Requesting that he stays with you for the night, telling him you were too scared to fall asleep because of the things you’ll see. Hojo rolls his eyes and scoffs at this, nevertheless he settles himself into your quarters. Crawling into your bed just as you wanted, finding himself annoyed by the display of weakness, yet a foreign warmness crept into Hojo’s chest. It was uncomfortable, it was weak, it was welcoming. The smallest smile of content cracking through Hojo as you crawl on him, resting your head on his chest. Bringing one of his arms to wrap around you snuggly. While no, you weren’t his kid, you brought out this almost fatherly sensation out of him.
You would never get permission to leave his lab, being able to occasionally roam about as he monitored your actions. If for once he was strictly doing paperwork related tasks he would allow you out as well, still keeping a close eye on you. Often finding yourself standing in front of pods of lifeless beings, half wondering if you’d end up like them; the other half curious as to what they are, or rather what Hojo did to make them what they are. Eventually you can’t help but question him on some of these things as he takes you back to your portion of the lab. Many times he ignores your questioning, knowing the complexities of each creature would be too much for you to understand, not hesitating to let you know. Eventually your constant questioning led to another connection the two of you developed, starting to take the time to explain some of the creatures, even providing you his research from a few of them. To Hojo’s surprise you caught on impressively fast, here he was thinking you weren’t the most competent finding himself able to have full conversations with you about projects he felt he was permitted to talk about with you. 
Age 15-17
Hojo finally started integrating back into the real world. Allowing you to go on missions with the Turk members who've been training you. Leaving that lab had been viewed as a form of freedom in their eyes, accepting taking you on assignments willingly. Not without a sense of guilt as some of your actions would shape the person you would become, feeling like you were too young to experience such events. Granted, you’ve already been through hell, you just dish it out now definitely still being tormented. Your success rate consistently being 100% never failed to get you praise from Hojo, uttering some nonsense about getting closer and closer to his goal with you. Not that he’d ever tell you what you were really used for outside of “genetic testing”. Well, it isn’t a total lie afterall, you were a walking, talking genetic nightmare and Hojo was the only person that would ever understand what makes you tick.
Meeting Sephiroth was entirely planned on Hojo’s behalf, keeping the two of you out of sight from one another as you grew up. It was simply better to go about introducing the two of you this way. Sending the two of you off on a mission with a few other SOLDIER members to eliminate a former Shirna employee who took off with some very valuable materia. Upon seeing Sephiroth you almost couldn’t contain your glee, finally meeting someone your own age for the first time in four years. The trip to Modeoheim provided a fairly interesting conversation between you and Sephiroth. The look of surprise written all over his face as your words hint at you growing up with Hojo as well. Once Sephiroth pieced it together he was a bit confused, frowning at his own question, “I’ve been there my whole life, why haven’t I seen you before?” You’re aware of what you should and shouldn’t talk about, vaguely going into detail about the small amount of time you remembered in Corel and your life in Midgar but not quite how you were brought to Shinra. Revealing you never knew your parents and having an adoptive father who “vanished” according to Hojo’s words accompanied in building a bridge between yourself and Sephiroth. The two of you could heavily relate to each other, even being able to make dark jokes about the weird things Hojo has subjected you to. That gets a lot of worried glances from everyone around, but nobody is going to speak on it. Following this successful mission you and Sephiroth have the joy of working together on three other occasions before you don’t see him for years.
Age 18-23
Hojo had no intentions on letting you be a part of SOLDIER directly, stating that it would be a waste of resources, making it clear that wasn’t what you were trained for nor born for. As time passes on Rufus decides to make you an official member of the Turks with Hojo’s permission. You’ve taken on missions from them as is; working hand and hand with Tseng many times in which you gained his approval as well. Rufus wanted Tseng to retrain you personally, your skills already being a cut above the rest. However, Rufus wasn’t present for a majority of your original training. No worries though, Tseng is going to help you brush up those already near perfect skills. Making sure your physical training was consistently up to date and your wits were as sharp as ever. The mental training with Tseng was far more grueling than the physical training, taking you through espionage-esque simulations that could last for weeks. He had to be positive that your critical thinking and adaptability were to his liking. Not to mention making sure you were capable of making difficult and immoral decisions at the blink of an eye with no hesitation. Gaia, when the objective was to outsmart Tseng you’ve hardly passed. An accomplishment that’s a near impossible hard feat to achieve, after attempt after attempt he finally gave you a pass. Though you can’t call it a win, not when Tseng told you “Not good enough to trick me, but a mass of the population wouldn’t pick up on it.” In the end Tseng turned you into what he would consider a perfect Turk, well near perfect. The duo of Reno and Rude would certainly taint your more serious demeanor, teaching you how to properly slack off and to time inappropriate jokes so you could grate at Tseng’s nerves. Even coming up with your own Turk-Two Step for each one of the iconic duo. Joining the Turks was like joining a family, a really fucked up one that carried out a lot of unethical tasks together, but a family nevertheless. 
Once you became a Turk you finally moved out of Hojo’s lab, getting your first apartment. You would still be residing in the Shinra building, instead on a residential floor. You seemed to be loyal to the company, either it stemming from a genuine place or the knowledge that there is no escaping Shinra. Being as deeply involved as you were, it isn't like they’d let you go easily  and you had nowhere to run off to. Shinra really was all you had. So letting you venture out on your own just didn’t seem like it would be problematic. Besides, who else would take care of you except for Hojo, he was probably the only person on the planet that could. As sickly as you could be, it would be foolish to stay away from him, common medical practices wouldn’t be of any use. Which is fine by you, the connection you developed with Hojo is still strong. It was an odd relationship but you cared for him in a fatherly sense. Hojo was far from being an actual father figure but when you squint your eyes and tilt your head it made sense. Seeing that he took care of you for so long, teaching you practically everything you know, showing you in his own twisted way that he cares for you. You still go in for regular testing, sometimes extra experiments if Hojo wants to try something new. These days the extra “modifications” would be made less and less. To make up for your lack of presence in Hojo’s lab you make it your job to pop up as often as possible, interrupting his research unless he was working on something live. 
One of the days you pay Hojo a visit, you find Sephiroth sitting on an examination table, shirtless as Hojo checks his vitals. If it weren’t for a few obvious factors you wouldn’t have recognized him. He’s grown a lot since you worked together 5 years ago. Tall, muscular and his hair had grown an ungodly amount. You had seen pictures around but that was nothing compared to physically seeing him. Quickly turning your gaze towards Hojo, giving him a hug before swiftly greeting Sephiroth and rushing out the door. Attraction was certainly a foreign experience, not having anywhere near enough time to dabble in dating or any relations that would fall under that category. To Hojo’s delight Sephiroth would ask if he knew where to find you and without hesitation he gave Sephiroth your floor and residential number. By all means, Hojo already retrieved the necessary means to reproduce between the two of you. He would much rather this process occur naturally, carrying the child yourself would very well give different results. He’d love to compare the difference between a child naturally conceived between you and Sephiroth and a test tube version.
It didn’t take very long for Sephiroth to come looking for you thinking that perhaps he may be going a step too far coming to your home. He simply couldn’t stop thinking about you, one of the only people he felt he could relate to on an entirely different level. A part of him viewing the small amount of time the two of you spent together as unfair, he deserved to be showered in more of your presence. You left Hojo's lab with such haste that he could barely catch a glimpse of you. So here Sephiroth stands, in front of your door staring at it like it might attack him. Ah, he forgot he was completely socially inept, being positive that he’s never felt this type of fear even on the battlefield. It’s okay, he’ll be spared a bit of the anxiety that came with knocking on your door as you sneak up behind him. Staring at your front door with the same amount of curiosity before questioning him, “Is there something wrong with it?” The look on his face said it all. Shock, embarrassment, you could practically feel the tension rolling off of this man. There was no denying the small smile tugging at Sephiroth’s lips as you asked if he found what he was looking for, telling you that he “certainly did”. Now that you were up close you couldn’t help but examine him, asking yourself if you were sure this was the same man from your first missions. A few moments of silently looking each other over passes before inviting him in with you. The two of you sit in an awkward silence for a bit before you take charge of conversation to ease his obviously wary mind. Guiding him through conversation seemed to fair far better, he had always been a bit awkward but dare you say it got worse. Not that it bothers you, it’s adorable watching the world’s strongest man trip over his words while talking to you. By the time he left it was nearing 1am, promising to come back, hugging you tightly before he departed. You could feel him stiffen as he hugged you, but the rapid beating of his heart told you everything.
Over the course of the next couple of years, your relationship with Sephiroth would strengthen. With Sephiroth finally being sent back to Midgar you were able to see him more and more. Of course he was still busy with his role in SOLDIER, but he made sure to make an open slot for you any chance he got. There was never quite a verbal discussion as to where your relationship was going, neither one of you knowing how to go about initiating a relationship normally. Your unspoken loyalty to each other was clear though, he was yours and you were, without a doubt, his. At some point Sephiroth starts getting you out of the Shinra building if your schedules align for it, he’s tired of seeing Shinra walls and thinks you should be too. Taking you to restaurants Angeal and Genesis would suggest he take you to, sometimes wandering the streets in the dead of the night, away from prying eyes. It took a lot of adjusting to how much attention Sephiroth would draw on your outings, jokingly offering to “take care of them”. There had to be a balance of course, you couldn’t be in the public light very much as a Turk, so having your face plastered everywhere as Sephiroth’s significant other wouldn’t do. That worked out in both of your favors, never caring to be in such a crowded scene. You would start spending nights at his place; whether it was due to Sephiroth or being outside of Shinra walls, easily could’ve been the combination of both, you could finally sleep easily. Falling into routine (Sephiroth’s subtle ways of begging for attention) at some point you abandon your apartment, only stopping there if work keeps you over too long or to grab any items you need along the way.
Being sent on missions became difficult for you, it wasn’t due to any difficulty spikes. You were more than capable of handling any tasks they sent your way, it was the distracting thoughts and incomplete sensation you got when Sephiroth wasn’t by your side. Finding it hard to fall asleep on missions just as the time you first began venturing out into the world. It was even worse when you would come back to Sephiroth being deployed on a mission. Though you missed each other dearly the distance would never come between each other, in fact the two of you were certain nothing would. You were made for him, something he tells you often, unknowing the true depth of his words. There were at least perks to being away from him for extended periods of time. The way Sephiroth would take care of you after a mission was unmatched. No, he couldn’t cook, making him stay far away from the kitchen after his first time making you a meal (you got food poisoning and it tasted exactly like military rations). However, he would do sweet things if time allowed, like having flowers waiting for you, running baths, giving you massages to help soothe your aching muscles after a rather rough time on the field, not to mention the sex. And boy, did he have a list of kinks. The longer you were away would at times dictate how intense he would fuck you when you got back. Amongst all things he was there for you after all of your missions, not all of them made you feel guilty enough to cause much turmoil. But as we know, you work doing Shinra’s dirty work, and at times the things you had to do to keep Shinra in good lighting were downright atrocious. Sephiroth being able to thoroughly understand your mental state after particular missions helped in comforting, while you were unable to talk about most events that occurred during missions, you didn’t have to. He has you and he’s going to hold you until you stop crying, just as you do for him when Sephiroth’s guilt tears him to shreds.
Discovering you were pregnant had to be the second most terrifying event in your life. Finding Sephiroth sitting at the dining room table reading, you break the news to him, not feeling keen on hiding anything from him. Sephiroth borderline passed out at the news but he was happy “You don’t seem to reciprocate the feeling, is this not what you wanted with me?” Sephiroth has said in the past he wanted a family of his own, expressing his desire to create a healthy environment, to be a parent to his offspring. He just wants to give his child the life he wanted so dearly. God’s it certainly was, but it wasn’t at the same time, explaining how reliant you are on Hojo due to your health. A reminder that nearly causes him to flip the table over, this was probably the loudest you ever heard him get angrily shouting that he “doesn’t want that monster anywhere near my child!” Watching the emotional breakdown he had as fear crept in, he might not have a choice but to let you deal with Hojo for the duration of your pregnancy. In addition to the chance Sephiroth may even have no choice other than to let that “sick fuck”  run tests on them, easily became one of the most heartbreaking sights. Holding him tightly you dually decide to keep it under wraps as long as you can, knowing it couldn’t last long as you have regular checkups just as Sephiroth does.
Hojo can sense something isn’t right, your lack of presence makes that part obvious. Coupled with you avoiding appointments the last 4 months, coming up with some work related excuse that he knew was bullshit. He gets access to everything you do, everywhere you go, he could damn near tell you what the last batch of paperwork you signed for Tseng entailed word for word. Once again giving your cellphone a call knowing today was an off day for you, letting out a frustrated sigh as you let it go to voicemail. He has time today, he’s going to call until you answer the damn thing. Even stopping by your apartment, by now he knows you’re rarely there. Often spending your time at Sephiroth’s loft, showing up there was a thought but he had a hunch your lack of attendance had something to do with Sephiroth. Sephiroth probably wouldn’t answer the door for him or lie about your whereabouts. During his walk back to his lab Hojo is pleasantly surprised to see your name show up on the screen of his phone, immediately asking why you haven’t showed up to any appointments. Hojo was well on his way to lecturing you about how fragile and unpredictable your health could be before being cut off by Sephiroth's worried voice. He was speaking in a jumbled mess, being able to make out bits of what Sephiroth was saying as he was talking a million miles per second. At Sephiroth’s explanation, if you could call it that, Hojo tells him to bring you in. Hearing the hesitance in Sephiroth’s reply Hojo utters out coldly “or would you rather y/n bleed out?”
Upon running an ultrasound Hojo determines you were roughly four months in. “Four months in with no heartbeat.” Anger was an absolute understatement, due to you and Sephiroth’s combined stupidity killing a perfectly good specimen. Hojo’s concern hardly lied with you, but he was going to act the part so well it had Sephiroth questioning himself as to why Hojo never shared that same amount of care. The very moment Hojo was done cleaning you up and checking your vitals once more, he asks to speak to Sephiroth in private as they let you rest. Hojo would use this moment to gaslight Sephiroth to no end, directing all of his aggression at the silver haired man as soon as were far enough from your room. Venom laced Hojo’s tone as he asked what the two of you were thinking. Sephiroth had no problem stating his distaste for Hojo, in great detail, furiously stating that Hojo wouldn’t “fuck up my kid as you did me.”  In Hojo’s mind he was throwing an absolute fit. There were no words to describe the fury coursing through his veins at Sephiroth’s words. “If I’m hearing you correctly, your reasoning is because you are scared of me?” That was the straw to break the camel’s back, Sephiroth snatching Hojo by his coat, shoving him against the wall so hard it leaves a dent. The action surprised them both. While Hojo wasn’t scared, he was taken aback. Hojo hardly had time to register Sephiroth’s movements as grabbed him up in a flash. Knowing Sephiroth wouldn’t go through with hurting him, Hojo continues his mental assault. Stating in a matter of fact way “Had you brought y/n to me the minute you knew, they both could have been fine, but now we’ll never know."  “Your paranoia led to their deaths.”  “And to think, y/n told you a long time ago they need me.” Making it very clear the amount of danger the two of you naively subjected your child Hojo’s creation and yourself to was reckless. “What were you going to do if they were sent on assignment?”  “Next time, show y/n you actually care, get them the help they require. Not everyone’s life operates on your terms.” After those words Sephiroth releases Hojo, defeated in a way he’s never felt before. Walking back to your recovery room, refusing to leave your side until you're cleared to go. 
Sephiroth wouldn’t sleep well for a while following these events, the guilt keeping him up for months. Not showing up to work, skipping meals, moping all of the time, notable of all Sephiroth’s refusal to leave your side. At times unable to cope, truly feeling as though the loss of your child and the risk your life was in was entirely his fault. Hojo’s words playing over and over again in his head like a broken record. Sephiroth never told you what Hojo said that night, he’s not even sure why he didn’t, mostly due to him believing everything Hojo said. He would break down from time to time about it, crying and apologizing profusely for all the pain he caused you, despite the million times you told Sephiroth he’s done nothing wrong. He would try his hardest to stay strong around you, knowing you would easily feel worse than him. You were the one pregnant afterall, the one to fully experience the impact of a miscarriage. Then why does it feel like he’s shedding more tears over this than you? It made his sense of guilt go through the roof. You definitely cried a lot after you lost your baby, falling into a depression, finding yourself not leaving Sephiroth’s arms for hours as you too sulked around. Despite Sephiroth feeling like he wasn’t supporting you enough, the reality was you both were a source of strength for each other and he too has a right to feel sadness. You would pick him back up, as he would do the same for you. Eventually falling back into old routines. Going on outings again, enjoying the night breeze, having spontaneous little date nights, or just spending your time in comfortable silence. Yeah, sometimes the pain would come back, it was hard not to dwell on it, but at least life felt normal between the two of you once more. Well, as normal as it could get with your lives. This peace would only last so long as Genesis deserts Shinra, leaving Sephiroth’s mental state to begin declining again. At least he had you and Angeal, not to mention the little baby growing in you again. Let’s just hope your pregnancy goes smooth this time and Genesis returns soon.
Lollllll Christ I'm sorry I couldn't just let ya'll be happy but that's not how it's going. I'm kind of happy with the direction this went vs my original description which is...questionable at best. It's 5 am now so im gonna get some fuckin sleep
Original description: NSFW? But not really NSFW? Warning might change I dunno yet. Hojo x Reader headcanons. Sick little freaky old bastard I have no idea why I love him. I’d real deal take that dick for some SOLDIER juice. I prefer the idea of Hojo rejecting me though, makes me feel good and desperate. Warnings: idk this sounds like grooming but unintentional. I still want arranged breeding with Sephiroth. This isn’t incest, halfway through my mind said “aye dawg the lines are kind of blurred here”, we don’t know who the father is but it won’t be Hojo cause if we were doing that with anyone, he is not the guy. 
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justrhokutthings · 2 months
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selfshipping be like
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ace-disaster-weeb · 3 months
Here's that Angeal playlist I was foreshadowing! Heads up, in case you couldn't already tell by the title, this one is depressing AF, like I actually cried listening to it. And once again, huge thank you to @rottenpumpkin13 for song recs!
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artsykidwolf-2000 · 7 months
Welp...FF7 Rebirth came out and ummm....I have this ship with an OC called Raven and I put her with Sephiroth...Ravenroth??? Idk
I'm debating on what prompt to do them with but we'll see with the actual story. This may also tie into a painting I did~
(they also have a kid named Mercury, he's a sweetie and I made Sephiroth a sister named Seri...yay) (Mercury is not in this story but Seri is!)
Without further adoooo let's get started.
May I Have This Dance?
Rating/Warning: minimal stuff but also AWWWWW
Ever since I can remember, I've always been by his side. Sephiroth. The Golden Child of SOLDIER. Ever since we were young we'd be teamed up together. He was there when my father died in that freak accident. There i remained in SOLDIER. Even as a First Class rank I didn't care much for the formalities or the perks of being this popular. I always thought myself a medic and only that.
Genesis or Angeal will always tease us as teenagers. Teasing about dating, who would win in a fight, best aim, you name it. As the years passed by, I found myself trying to answer why. It had been years since Genesis and Angeal disappeared and I still hear their voices egging me on. I had things, priorities, to attend to, especially one that was his very sister, Seri.
"Raven!!! What do you mean you're not coming to the company ball?! Everyone will be there!" Seri whined as I checked her vitals on the screen and took some tests.
"I told you Seri, I have my duties to the hospital and you. Sephiroth will have a conniption, you know he doesn't dance anyways" I replied.
"well I'm going with Zack! He invited me in Aerith's place because of her circumstances! She insisted!" She fussed as she crossed her arms.
"Oh are you? Then I guess I have no choice~" I rolled my eyes playfully as I gave her medicine and a change of clothes from her closet and helped her put them on.
"Yay! Dress shopping!!!" Seri squealed. I helped her onto her wheelchair and we walked to the elevator to get to the bottom floor.
We walked along the streets of Midgar to a dress shop nearby. I was never really into girly stuff even as a kid. The only girly thing I wear is earrings bc my face still says masculine. I guess looking more like my father was half of a good thing. I'm glad I developed nicely up top and got ass for days. My dad would try and get me to wear hair berets or make up to make me look more feminine but I was a part of SOLDIER. I couldn't/it would run or snag in the field.
Seri and I walked through all the clothing racks. Seri picked out a few dresses her size. She kept on pointing to other dresses that might look good on me but none were speaking to me. Seri started scanning the whole store. I know those eyes too well, just like her brother's, always on target and ready to pounce. Then she grabbed a dark colored dress and snuck it under her picks, thinking she was sneaky. I only caught a glimpse of the color but not the style. I was worried but not in a scared way.
As we made our way to the changing rooms, she picked out a cute pink dress because she told me Aerith liked pink and wanted to respect her favorite color. Seri really has grown fond of both Zack and Aerith these past few years. I've never seen her this excited unless it was Sephiroth coming home to take her to a fancy dinner and toy shopping. She's 7 years younger than him yet they're both a spitting image of each other. They definitely are siblings.
I remember the day my father showed us her, so small and frail. It was devastating to see her health decline when she reached 10 years. My dad did so much for her, even as he got up in age, he was like a father to her. His death put a toll on all of us, I stayed with Shinra because I had nowhere else to go. That's when I became on call for SOLDIER and mostly full time at the Hospital. I made a promise to my dad and myself.
Seri showed off her dresses and then from underneath she revealed the dress she swiped for me. It was a long sleek slender gown with a slit up the leg that stops at the thigh and has one strap. It was a dark blue with shimmers.
"oh no...that's no me..." I deflected.
"Come on Raven just try it on! You never wear dresses so how can you know?!" Seri pouts and shoved the dress and shoved me into the changing room, "imma go find ya shoes! Be right back!" With those parting words she wheeled herself away and I was alone. In the changing room. With a floor to ceiling mirror...
I placed the dress over me to get a feel then I started to undress from my uniform into this dress. Once it was on I saw myself. My figure helped but I had muscle. Was that sexy? Appealing? I even posed with my leg out the slit.
"Raven! I'm back with shoes!" Seri snapped me out my thoughts and shoved the shoe box under the door. I looked inside. They were black high heels...
"You sure about this Seri?" I called out.
"trust me!!!" Seri giggled.
I gulped and tried on the shoes. I looked at myself again and was amazed. Everything...matched me... Was Seri some kind of fashion genius? Maybe those fashion magazines around the hospital didn't help.
"come on out I wanna seeeeee!!!" Seri whined and scooted her wheelchair back.
I opened the door and revealed myself. The look on Seri's face said it all. She looked like she saw an angel.
"you look...amazing!!!!" She took a picture with her phone. "Sephi will FLIP when he sees you in this dress!!!"
"you think so?" I blushed.
"I know so! And with your silver earrings to match him it'll be perfect!!! Zack is already matching me with a pink tie already. He is not scared of pink!" Seri laughed.
I smiled, "then I'll get this dress. And maybe a necklace for both of us"
I quickly got unchanged and went to go pick out some necklaces. I got matching silver bang necklaces for us. I paid for the shopping spree and we headed on home to the apartment. Only god knows what will happen tonight...
The ballroom of the venue was packed with higher ups and other important people. I adjusted my dress. My hair and make up fixed up to match my dress. I touched my necklace and took a deep breath and walked into the venue. Seri already left earlier with Sephiroth for the venue. She was adamant Sephiroth doesn't see me get dressed in my pretty gown. My heels clicked along the floor as my presence started to turn heads and unwanted whispers. Why am I so nervous?
Then I saw Seri and Zack talking it up in the SOLDIER section of the venue with our names on the tables on the outside of the dancefloor.
"well look who decided to show up!!" Zack chuckled, "you look pretty good in a dress and is that a clutch?!"
"yes Zack...and you look stunning in that suit. Really brings out your eyes" I teased. Zack's cheeks turned pink. "And your cheeks~"
Seri chuckled, "he at least has some good dance moves."
"Seri where is your brother?" I asked.
"over there next to the corporates and higher ups. He's been sipping champagne for an hour with them..." She pointed.
I rolled my eyes and walked over to them. The drunken fools started whistling at my appearance. I deflected their looks and focused on Sephiroth.
"Look who finally decided to wear make up after so long" Sephiroth commented as he left the drunken old men to come to me.
"you don't look half bad yourself" I adjusted his blue tie. I knew Seri would make him match me.
"Shall we go out to the balcony? Away from these fools and noise?" He suggested. I gladly accepted and we walked outside.
"I'm so used to the sound of the battlefield and hospital. Yet I always get nervous around other people." I chuckled. "At least Seri and Zack are having a great time."
Sephiroth chuckled and held Raven close, "who says we can't have our own fun out here? May I have this dance?"
I blushed and smiled, "you may" he soon pulled me in and we began slow dancing on the balcony to the muffled music of the ballroom. The moon shines full and bright above us.
We swayed back and forth and he spun me a few times. I knew he wasn't much for dancing but he learned to cheer me up when we were teenagers. He knew my father loved to dance with me. Even Genesis and Angeal got on the bandwagon. They were all my best friends. Well now I only have Sephiroth. Ever since we were young we were glued to the hip, even in battle we had each other's backs.
My heart started pounding faster at the thought of feelings for Sephiroth. Are we allowed? I'm not in SOLDIER anymore by default but I work with Seri now so it might be?
"you're making that face again~" Sephiroth spoke softly and snapped me out of my thoughts.
"what face?"
"the cute face you make when you're deep in thought or worried." Sephiroth smirked. Cute? Cute?!
"oh...sorry..." I chuckled embarrassingly.
"don't be sorry, I like it, besides you're beautiful tonight. Seri picked out a nice dress" he placed a hand on my hip, trailing his fingers against my exposed back, "and don't worry about the muscles, I like that about you, you're not dainty or fragile like Seri. Strong and stubborn."
I wrapped my arms around his neck, "you think so?"
"I know so" Sephiroth placed his other hand on my hip, leaning in closer to where we're almost nose to nose.
"I'm glad you said that, because I like a man who can keep me on my toes and always had my back for the past 25+ years" I stared into his eyes as the moonlight hit them.
"then I'll hold you to it for the rest of our lives. You've done too much to just be rewarded once" he leaned in closer.
"it's a promise" I closed the gap and kissed him. We held each other. He lifted me a bit to get one last jab at the toes statement. His chapped lips were soft and his hair was like silk. He even put it up for once in a low pony with a small braid.
We separated with a few good breaths between us. Was dad always right that I might end up with Sephiroth? I don't care, if it is true, I know where my heart lies tonight. It's definitely with him. Soon we were surprised to see Seri and Zack. Seri looked like she was about to lose it at the fact we finally kissed. Zack was dumbfounded that Sephiroth knew how to be romantic.
"I did it! I knew you guys would come out here! And you kissed!!!!" Seri squeaked out giggles and stumbled to her brother and I.
Sephiroth held her steady, "I guess your constant nagging about me staring and smiling paid off, little sister."
Seri smiled, "it's only a matter of time till I hear wedding bells! I wanna be the maid of honor! Can we invite Aerith?! Cloud?!"
"Slow down Hyperactive Kitten, it'll be way down the line for that possibility. What if we just eloped?" I chuckled.
"don't care! I still get wedding bells!" Seri smiled as Sephiroth twirled her around in his arm. She brought him so much joy. I don't remember a day where he tried to visit her and play with her, even being a muse for her paintings. She loved him just as much.
"maybe once I retire, we'll see about that" Sephiroth smiled.
Zack gasped, "you're leaving me all alone no fair! It'll just be me and Cloud!" He pouted playfully.
I laughed at his expression and we had a fun night for the rest of the evening. My feet were sore and tired from dancing. At the apartment I helped Seri get ready for bed and hung her cute dress up for her to look at in her room. I made my way to the other bedroom and got undressed into pajama shorts and a tank top. I wiped off all my make up.
Sephiroth was just in sweatpants as he looked at me with soft eyes. I walked to him and gave him another kiss. Memories of sharing a tent or a bed together on trips, even into older age, came into my mind. Entangling our bodies together to stay warm. Him placing his head on mine. Even in uniform it was comfy. Like we were two sides of one coin. We laid down in the large bed, embracing each other, with me laying my head on his chest. Listening to his strong heart. His strong arm wrapped around my figure. My olivey complexion is a clear difference from his pale skin.
"Goodnight Sephiroth" I yawned softly.
"Goodnight Raven...I love you" He smiled.
"I love you too"
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aleeeeeeeeeeeeeeee · 13 days
Oh my god I completely forgot Tumblr existed. Hi.
If u follow me on Twitter you probably already know I'm drawing some stuff. If not hi I'm back, yes I do have a final fantasy oc. Yes I do have oc x canon ships. I'm working on this white haired gayass but the only thing I have to show here is this
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fangirl-1st-class · 1 month
I'll be your guardian angel
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Till my last breath
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roseartsandfics · 3 months
The General's Angel Art Cover (REDRAWN)
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Here is my new version of an art cover for my fanfic The General's Angel: A Crisis Core Story.
This was started back in either February or March, and then finished just a couple of days ago, and I really love how it turned out! Especially the shadowing and background ^^
Here are some changes to this art cover. Rose and Sephiroth holding hands are the same, but with the additions to the background. I did use watercolors for clouds and the fan brush for the grass and probably the smudge, which I actually liked how it turned out :). Used different kinds of tools to make this look good! The plateau mountains are kinda of a challenge ^^;. Oh, that golden rose? This is the Goddess' Rose is I like to call it, that blooms on the Corrinian soil :). More info on it's origins that will be there soon (unless if it's on Rose's bio lol). You probably noticed the two animals are the eagle or a dear. Actually, they are going to be named as they are known to be the Corrinian animals, which will be identically names soon! Just brainstorming fan settings and species lol.
This was drawn during virtual camp last week and really impressed with myself after finishing this. Oh, and those swirls and leaves near the corners are NOT drawn. They were part of the fonts on Phonto, which I use to titles, letterings, etc.. I decided to add those one there :). Well, I hope y'all like it ^^. It took so much energy out of me getting this done ^^;
Sephiroth and Crisis Core - Final Fantasy VII - Reunion ©Tetsuya Nomura, Hajime Tabata, Yoshihiro Hirota, Mariko Sato, SQUARE ENIX and Tose
Rose LaBelle, artwork and story ©@RosePrincessArts
No copyright infringement is intended
Used: Sketchbook app from iPad and Phonto
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hazzyking · 5 months
WIP Title Ask Meme
Prompt: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
I have too many WIPS but I'll tag some friends!!!
@fanaticsnail @fanshavegottensotoxic @buggy-samaaa @morvydyvrom @nyarlathotep-thecrawlingchaos @imthegreenfairy86 @justonemorewallflower @lessyandmina
I have my fandom wips separated so I'll separate them here too.
Feel free to ask specifics about whatever titles intrigue you also! Like if you specifically want a snippet from it or are curious if it's X reader or X OC or any of that!! Most of my stuff is X Oc cause I'm unoriginal I'm sorry 😭
Battlestar Galactica
- Madam President
- X.O , Commander
- at every Beck and Call
- Tigh me up, Tigh me down
- Admiral
- Knuckle Draggers
- Cloud 9
- The Danger Zone
- Start the Clock
- Grounded
- The Fall + The Reunion
- Dear Mr. President
- Throw Him out the Airlock
One Piece
- Course and Rough
- The Island and I
- Bitter Wine
- Do you See What you do to me?
- I think I'm Falling for you
- Close and Personal
- the end of Impel Down
- Impel Down
- The Thing that Wrecks you
- Newgate
- Can't Fix what isn't Broken
- Bloodletting ((Chapter series))
- on the road again
- The Wood Elf
- Never Again
-you and me are just memories
- Wet and Wild
- Partner
- One Date
- Wax... of!
- Spotlight
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blondieart · 2 months
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Self-indulgent FF7!AU for my oc/persona John (He/She/They). Uhm, there's no active written story; just simple daydreaming on the side for fun so this will be all over the place lol. So yeeeaaaah... Guess Gen and her are friends as he makes the blonde dork lighten up a bit. They bond over make-up, Loveless (though it's more John just listening to Gen's rambling and finds it oddly endearing), being badass dramatic bitches, and a shared crush on a certain silver haired man. Gee I wonder who that is hmmm. *chuckles* TH profile John ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
[Where to find me] Toyhouse | Linktree [Favs + Reblogs appreciated! <3 But please do NOT repost my art/oc's anywhere.]
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Sakura lovers genzack
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verysmolspams · 1 month
Incorrect wholesome quote: Elyroth edition
Sephiroth somehow gets sick; Elyse tends to him as the day goes by, refusing to leave his side.
Elyse: I’ll take care of you.
Sephiroth:… it’s rotten work.
Elyse: Not to me… not if it’s you.
*Based on this trend for ships
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starcrossedspirit · 2 months
A Carrd for the FF7 fanfiction, As Above, So Below designed by the wonderful @koiscarrds ! After all of this time I'm finally getting it together so it can be shared and enjoyed by others! Thank you so much Koi! Even after all of this time I still love what you have made! ♡
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sephifrog · 4 months
Starwhisp and Moonlight
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(TW slight bullying from family, one curse word?)
Sighing, the woman taped her fingers against the cold glass, tracing the raindrops with her fingers, seemingly empty eyes stared out into the green field below, the fog from her sigh had blurred her vision of the once puddle-filled backyard.
visiting her father's side of the family for the first time in years felt odd, she wasn’t a little girl anymore she didn’t have to sit back and listen to the insults but found herself doing just that, smiling and laughing as they pointed out her imperfections.
“You have a pimple on the tip of your nose! You look like Rudolph!”.
Ah, her auntie, always one to point out others' flaws but never realising she was the one with the most, she was a horrid woman. Her husband was nicer but still no saint and if she started on her cousin she wouldn’t be able to stop.
“And look at her hair you cut it short again, why would you do that do you want to look like a boy?” the grating voice filled her ears and it took all her her strength not to groan.
Turning her head away from her aunt she locked eyes with her cousin, someone she used to hold dear before he decided she wasn’t worth his time anymore, she never knew why, and at this point, she didn't care, the relationship was too strained to bother fixing.
Tilting her head she smiled sarcastically with a nod, not responding verbally knowing if she started a fight with him her auntie wouldn’t leave her alone for the rest of the week she was here and by God she didn’t need that.
Before he could open his mouth to comment any further the room got louder causing the duo to break their glares away from one another, spotting her younger cousin rushing over with a box in his hand, eyes bright with excitement as he shoved it into her face.
“Jade look! I got that game you said I would like”.
Craning her neck away from the box that was shoved in her face her eyes crossed trying to read what the younger boy was showing her, but he pulled it away just as fast. giddy smile and shining eyes making her prior annoyance fide slightly.
“Final Fantasy seven! You said you used to play it with Arian right?”.
Hearing his name felt like a punch to the gut but she tried to hide the sadness by grabbing the game case gently, reading the back, and tracing the art she let out a shaky sigh as she knew her brother would have hyperfixated on the game with her.
“Yeah kid, he used to play the original while I watched him, he would of loved to play the remake if he was..”
She didn’t want to finish the sentence.
Her cousins didn’t want her to either.
The silence was almost deafening.
“Well, maybe you can watch me!” the little boy was always quick to recover his usually cheerful eyes now weary, almost too smart for his age- it wasn’t fair on him, she could only nod with a strained smile.
whatever love her oldest cousin had for her back then must have resurfaced or maybe it was the respect and love he had for her brother because he left her after that taking his brother and leaving her to her thoughts. She turned to watch the rain again, thoughts of her brother whirling through her mind.
She can't help but lean her head against the window another habit her family would usually scold her for, this time however before she could fully zone out her eyes focused on what seemed to be a person in the yard, her eyebrows narrow in pain the longer she tried to focus on it but after she blinked it was no longer there.
Huffing she finally stood from her spot deciding to grab some painkillers for her headache so it wouldn't turn into a migraine, ignoring when her uncle tried to talk to her, not in the mood for him. Or anyone on this side of the family for that matter.
Falling asleep had always been hard for her, she doesn’t remember the last time she fell asleep without issue. Music used to help her but as she grew older she started to imagine being somewhere else and would get lost in her thoughts, before she knew it it would be morning and she would have to deal with the day without sleep.
Jade Shuttered at the thought of dealing with her family without sleep, she knew it would end badly. For them or her, she didn't know she just knew it would be bad.
“Maybe some fresh air would help” muttering to herself she begrudgingly left the warmth of her bed and grabbed her robe, slowly creeping through the house she felt a shiver ripping through her and pulled the fabric tighter over her nightgown.
She could hear the older adults laughing and cheering in the basement another thing she didn’t miss about this side of the family. She stumbles to the front door eyes squinting as the porch light flicked on, she had to blink a few times for her eyes to focus, the pain in her head coming back again causing her to grunt and grab the railing- when her head stopped spinning she locked eyes with a figure in the distance a need to follow washed over her.
Standing up straight she shakes her head at the figure, something akin to fear filling her when it beacons her forward, gripping the railing tighter and clenching her jaw Jade takes a single step backward before her head starts to throb again causing her to stumble forward closer to the figure.
The throbbing stopped.
Again she looks up to where the figure is and it motions her to come closer not moving from its spot, she looks back to the house in worry and debates screaming but knows it will only alert the younger members of her family and although she isn’t the biggest fan of them she doesn’t know what this thing can or will do.
“I’m not stupid- I can not be this Fucking stupid” a scoffed-out laugh escaped her.
Jade let go of the railing and took another few steps towards the phantom, shoulders tense and teeth clenched so tightly she could almost hear them crack.
she was afraid.
The figure started to move backward as she advanced toward it, annoyance almost took over the fear.
“Really? Seriously?- Alright.”
If she could see its face she’s sure it would be laughing at her.
Before she knew it they arrived at a clearing and she suddenly felt the chill in the air again, teeth chattering and arms folding she watched as the figure started to move around the clearing seemingly looking for something.
The creaking of the trees and whistling of the wind were starting to fray her nerves as the figure straightened and seemed to strut toward her, it paused and for a brief moment, Jade believed she might be waking up from a dream.
For a moment she was calm it seemed like time stopped, Then it burst into wisps, grey and black shadows filled her vision, and her lungs felt frozen as the whisp crumbled and reformed around her, her body felt heavy like stone when she tried to move away.
The pain in her head came back tenfold and as she opened her mouth to scream it felt like she was drowning. Her eyes blurring with tears and the feeling of being crushed was the last thing she remembered before her head hit the ground.
“If you ever got the chance to live in another world but keep your memories, would you want to stay?” your brother's voice was loud and boisterous something she grew fond of over the years.
“Uh? I don’t think so, I would want to come home to our family” Her response seemed to shock him.
“Huh? You would pass up the chance to live out your days with your favourite character? even Sephiroth?”
The teen shakes her head with an eye roll shoving the boy and causing him to stumble, he catches his footing just in time however shooting her a pout while he straightens his bag.
“You wouldn't pass it up?, you would abandon everything you know, the people you love to live with someone that you lied to? Living in a world you don’t belong in-”.
The boy groans loudly shaking her arm and interrupting her with his whines.
“Don’t ruin this for meeeee”.
Relenting the girl presses her lips into a thin line thinking about how to respond and appease her twin.
“The only way I wouldn’t want to come home is if you and mum weren't around and I had nothing to come back to- but that’s never going to happen”.
Arian looked like he was going to argue but just grunted accepting that she would always think like that.
“Well, what about if you don’t remember anything?”.
Sighing the girl shook her head with a smirk and started to jog in front of him.
“HEY! Don’t run from me!-”.
Laughter rang out as the Twins ran home.
Waking with a start Jade looks around, dizzy and disorientated head heavy and throat dry.
This isn’t where she was knocked out.
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ace-disaster-weeb · 4 months
I'd like to announce that I've created my first official POV playlist, free and public for your listening pleasure!
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princehowl · 1 year
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inspired by “little black dress” by unNocturnal on A03, mr soldier here got a little too tipsy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
[aug 2023]
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