#oc crime mom
Paths for the Crime Parents
CW: yandere, manipulation, cheating (it turns polyam in the end, but still… red flags babyyy)
The Mom’s Assistant at the shell company/her day job; she becomes obsessed with you. Firing her assistant and making you take their place, firing anyone who looks at you too long or gives you trouble. Her home life had been strained from her work, but now with her focus on you her work life was suffering too. It was becoming unbearable. The pressure, the guilt of her feelings for you… it feels horrible, knowing she may be betraying her kids and loving husband at home.
Live-in Nanny— the Dad falls for you, but feels less guilty about potentially cheating on his spouse then she does. He loves his wife, but she’s so “focused on work,” that he believes she’s already cheating anyway. So what’s the harm if he does too? Before he knows it, he’s head over heels and can’t imagine life without you. And your life is entwined with theirs, now. If you try to leave, he’ll shamelessly use his kids’ love for you to guilt you into staying.
Despite their more strained relationship towards each other in recent years, neither is angry when they find the other cheating with you. No matter who you met first or how you met them. The other understands immediately. You’re irresistible— of course their spouse was enamored with you. Their own feelings quickly follow suit. Together, the couple is an even more effective powerhouse, keeping you trapped, reliant on them… making you want to stay with them.
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charmac · 7 months
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Mac McDonald - "Gay"
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kvetchinglyneurotic · 7 months
They're up at Burnley and it's snowing; lightly at first, a dusting of white over grass through the second half that had them shivering in their kits as they slid mud-spattered across the pitch. They'd won thanks to the fucking Roy Kent effect, everyone except Jamie 'cause that'd require coach to actually, well, coach him. To look at a space with Jamie in it and act like he saw a person instead of nothing at all, and he used to wish he was invisible, back when he was a kid dodging fists and snarled words but now he wants to cry, just a bit, 'cause he really is trying and why can't Roy try too?
They're up at Burnley and it's snowing in huge fluffy white flakes as they board the coach and Jamie feels sick, sits in the aisle beside Sam who presses against the window, breath fogging on the glass.
"You know I'd love to give you all a day out in town to celebrate but it looks like it's gonna be a snow day for us, folks," Ted says, stood at the front of the bus with a broad smile under his moustache. They all groan and he chuckles, hands held out in front of him. "Hey, I don't make the weather — and boy, that would be something, wouldn't it? Give y'all a taste of Kansas summer instead of all this rain you've got going on. Or snow, at the moment. Anyhow, we'll make our own fun, won't we boys?"
"It's barely even snowing," Zoreaux grumbles.
Jamie hurries off the coach, ready to crawl under the blankets and draw the curtains where he can't see any of it and he's halfway to the hotel entrance when he realizes Sam isn't with him. Turns and finds him with his face turned up in the middle of the carpark with snow dusted on his hair and his jacket and melting on his skin.
"It's very beautiful," he says softly. Jamie trudges back towards him and there's a look on his face he's never seen before, all wondering and open and in that moment with icy water trickling through his hair and his fingers frozen stiff in his pockets, Jamie thinks everything in his life has been worth it for this moment, watching Sam's face as he watches the snow.
Beside them, Dani kneels to scoop up a handful and yelps, shaking out his hands, pouting with betrayal. "And very cold!"
"You gotta wear gloves, mate," Jamie says. He knocks his shoulder against Dani and Dani knocks back.
"But it looks so soft!"
Inside, Ted leads them to the conference centre instead of up to their rooms and they sit in a circle on the floor, coaches and all. Jamie ends up huddled between Sam and Dani, arms looped over each other's shoulders, two lads who've never seen snow before in their lives and Jamie who has but the cold worms into him more than it does the others, never mind how Isaac teases him that he should be tougher, northern lad that he is.
There are eyes on him, a tiger watching from the brush. Jamie glances up and it's Roy, eyes dark and hard and searching and it's the first time they've met eyes since he returned, maybe ever. Jamie breaks first. Stares down at the carpet instead — ugly fucking thing, pilly and brown and worn out. They're a Championship League team now; can't afford the good hotels any longer. A year ago he'd've thrown a fit, quit in a huff to somewhere that deserved him like he might have done when Ted became gaffer if he hadn't had City to go back to. Only it turned out Richmond had made him too soft to handle Manchester and all that came with it. He'd made it twelve years with dad hanging over his head and then broke after barely a handful of months, huddled in his bathroom with blood in his teeth, told his agent he'd take whatever as long as it was far away.
The door crashes open and it's Zoreaux, back from raiding the hotel bar 'cause Ted wouldn't let him out no matter how much he insisted it weren't a proper snowstorm and the bartender let him buy by the bottle now half the guests who were supposed to come up had cancelled. Pass it around like they had at the curse fire and Jamie still feels stupid for that, a little, spilling his guts everywhere only to be sent back, but part of him wants to try again, just to test.
He hasn't drunk much since he got back, not much appeal in it after dad's drunken rages and the constant refills of neon-coloured cocktails on Lust Conquers All, but he drinks now, both hands wrapped around the bottle of vodka — not vanilla, the regular kind — when it comes his turn, warmer and warmer from the heat of their palms with each round. Sam's slung half over his shoulders and every few seconds he giggles at nothing and Dani says, "what is it, amigo?" and Sam says, "I don't know!" and it just makes him laugh harder. Jamie shoves playfully at his chest — "Right in my ear, mate? Really?" — and they both overbalance so the window stretches above them, one of those long thin floor-to-ceiling things. Looks up at the snow spiralling through the flat white of the sky and like this he can almost feel the cold bite of it on his face, the melting weight of it on his clothes as the water trickles down over his skin.
"I got lost in a snowstorm, once," he says, dreamily. Someone else is talking but they go silent at his voice and that's got to be on the list of prick shit he's not supposed to do, probably, to keep Ted from booting him off the team again, but he can't shove the words back inside now.
"Oh yeah?" Ted asks. "I didn't know y'all got those over here. Sounds like one heck of an experience, Jamie."
He shrugs against the carpet. "Not really. I was s'posed to drive for my da, right, 'cause his usual guy was being a fucking little bitch about it and didn't want to drive in the snow—" that's how dad had put it on the phone when Jamie got called into the principal's office, said his da was on the phone with a family emergency— "and I'd never even been to the fucking neighbourhood, right, so by the time I went and got the car off his mate and his mate gave me this whole fucking stupid lecture about not crashing or getting caught and shit and found the place it was a proper white-out, and my dad had been hanging around so long with this like, massive fucking TV that someone'd called the cops so I just fucking drove off, right? 'Cept I'd never driven in snow before so we got stuck in a ditch and me da sent me out to..." he blinked, bleary with drink. "Dunno. To find someone to tow us or some shit. But I didn't know where the fuck I was and I couldn't see shit so I just walked around 'til I found the road again, and by then dad had got himself unstuck and left, and the buses weren't running so I had to walk home." It's not really a bad story but his heart's pounding all the same and the room's gone quiet. He scratches harder at the carpet; tries to laugh but it comes out strangled and faint. "Good exercise at least, yeah?"
No one says anything, still. The carpet comes up in tufts; he piles them together like he used to do as a kid picking at grass during a fire drill. It's his turn with the vodka again, handed over by a solemn-faced Dani, and he takes a long pull. The alcohol calms the frantic buzz beneath his skin, leaves him tired and heavy and warm, the silence comforting instead of worrying.
After a while, Ted clears his throat. There's a funny tilt to his smile. "Hey, I love me a silver lining. Thanks for sharing that, Jamie," he says, strained. Maybe the cold's got him sick, or maybe it's just the way the floor's spinning that's making him look funny. Jamie flops onto his back.
"Uh-huh. Sure thing, coach."
"It is very stupid to volunteer your criminal history like that," Jan Maas says.
"'S not a crime to drive the getaway car," Jamie says.
"Pretty sure it is, bruv," Isaac says.
"Don't worry, Jamie Tartt! We will not tell anyone!" Dani says, very loudly or else very close to his ear. There's a general murmur of agreement.
"Thanks, amigo. I won't tell anyone 'bout your crimes, neither," Jamie says. "Not that I'm saying you've done crimes and that. But if you have. Unless it's like, murder, maybe. But if you murdered someone they probably deserve it so also not then." He holds up his fist; Dani bumps it on the second try.
"You cannot break a pact made during a snowstorm," Sam says wisely.
"I still can't believe you guys think this is a real snowstorm," Zoreaux says, and Jamie drifts off to a vivid description of the horrors of Montreal in winter.
He blinks awake to find the lads shuffling back to their rooms and Roy crouched over him with his giant fucking caterpillar eyebrows scrunched. The position can't be any good on his knee but Jamie's trying not to get in fights with the coaches so much this season so he doesn't say anything. Roy doesn't, either. He blows out a sigh like one of those panthers Jamie'd seen at the zoo with mummy way back when he was a kid, mouth working like he's trying to force himself to speak.
"Your dad's a piece of shit," he says. "You don't have to find a silver lining." And then he hauls Jamie to his feet and fucking dusts off the carpet lint with the sleeve of his jacket like Jamie's his seven-year-old niece. "You played fine today. Next time you can be fucking great, but first you need to get the fuck out of your head and be more aggressive."
Jamie breaks into a grin. "Aye aye, coach."
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keeps-ache · 6 months
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1) i'm bad at games 2) i'm scared of people
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angelxmachinery · 3 months
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got bored and fell back into old habits,,,, made some warrior ocs
i like drawing cats which are fluffy 💀💀😔
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melon-official · 10 months
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Finished page 1.
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romolossesit · 2 days
Art fighted all i could today (i do not feel well)
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@duothings take your beast out of my house it keeps pouring salt and pepper on me
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mrboogerlip · 19 days
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"Daddy! Do you like the flower I made you?"
"Yes, Sweetheart... It's so beautiful... Thank you."
"Happy Father's Day, Papa!!"
"Aww~! My sweet little angels! You all make me the happiest papa in the world!"
"You're a good kid for stayin' with me on a day like this..."
"Of course... I'm always happy to be by your side."
Ed || Declan || Morgan
The daddies of Partners In Crime!
It's such a sweet picture that it almost makes you forget that 2 out of the 3 daddies are missing in action LOL
Little Estevan made an origami flower for his dad after seeing him make origami animals! He found a book on them at the library, and after a few tries, he finally made one that was good enough to give to Ed! (Even when he was young, Estevan was still quite the perfectionist!)
When Declan is wearing his family man hat, he's actually very loving to his kids! He's regularly smothering them with affection when he's home!! (Much to Rolando's dismay... even as a baby!)
Like Lyra, Morgan isn't actually a dad, but he does wish he was one! He's especially regretful that he wasn't able to give Lyra a baby, and now that she's already passed away, he'll never be able to have one. Estevan is the closest thing he's had to a son... Estevan knows about his grief, so he likes to stay with Morgan on this day every year to support him.
I just realized that all the couples here have someone missing. Like, man, I really just can't have them exist, can I? I am the destroyer of couples...
Makes you wonder what's gonna happen to Estevan/Rolando and Donte/Rosa.......
Honestly, I really like all three dads, so I can't choose a favorite, but best dad is probably Morgan. They all have their problems (just like the moms... minus Lyra), but Morgan is less worse than the other two I think LOL
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insomniac-jay · 4 months
Garth genuinely trying not to be mean: Do we really need a second water person on the team? I mean-
Sasha: I can literally control the planet's weather and really fuck you up if I wanted to
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kenonade · 1 month
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ghosted-draws · 11 months
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Alexi Hearth - Portrait enclosed in a letter to his mother.
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linagram · 1 year
𝚊𝚔𝚒𝚘 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚊𝚒𝚖𝚒'𝚜 𝚝𝟷 𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚘𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗!
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it's time for these two to answer some questions!
first of all, they will be answering 15 questions. i checked the canon prisoners' interrogations again and i noticed that for some reason haruka and yuno's t1 interrogations had 30 questions, but all other prisoners had only 15? so yeah, we'll be going with 15 questions to make my job easier jdkdldld.
most questions were taken from the canon interrogations and i came up with some questions as well.
these interrogations will reveal some info about the prisoners, like their families, friends, interests, what they did before arriving in milgram, etc. most questions and answers aren't that deep, however, some of them may reveal something about their crime that hasn't been mentioned in their mv or voice drama. it's up to you to figure out how important their answers are though <3
now, if you're wondering, can these characters lie in their voice dramas and interrogations?.. yes, they can. it would be too easy if everything they said was true, don't you think so? don't worry though, what they say is true most of the time and some characters will be completely honest with you.
(divider link)
Q.01: Tell us about your family.
Akio: Me, father and mother. I'm an only child.
Aimi: Dad, mom, grandma, grandpa, my big brother and me! I love all of them a lot!
Q.02: Do you have any pets?
Akio: A pet hamster. Mother got him for me because she wanted "to help me feel less lonely" or something like that.
Aimi: Two dogs! They're so big and fluffy, I love them!
Q.03: Are you in any school clubs?
Akio: I left archery club after the president had to transfer to a different school and others refused to let me take his place because "I was too young". I wanted to join a different club but.. other students wouldn't let me for some reason.
Aimi: I tried to join many clubs in the past, but they always either had "too many members" or I was told that I should pick a different club that would be better for me :')
Q.04: What's your type?
Akio: I'm okay with anyone who's loyal enough to follow me everywhere and do everything I say. If they praise me a lot, that would be enough for me to become interested in them. I just want someone who can see how talented I really am.
Aimi: Huh, I've never thought about it before.. Honestly, I think I'd just want my partner to be my best friend too. It would be nice if they could protect me in case something happens, haha..
Q.05: Can you speak any language other than Japanese?
Akio: English and Korean. My mother is half-Korean, so I guess it's one of the reasons why it was easy for me to learn it.. It's not like I'm not smart enough to learn it without anyone's help!
Aimi: No :(
Q.06: Are you closer with male or female prisoners?
Akio: I hate all of them, but I always end up spending a lot of time with Kuroki for some reason. Guard 001's older brother also keeps trying to become friends with me. So.. Male prisoners, I guess? Talking to female prisoners is boring anyway.
Aimi: I'm friends with everyone here!.. Well, at least I hope that they think of me as their friend too. I want to be friends with you as well!
Q.07: Would you call yourself a good student?
Akio: I was the best student in my class, I thought you knew that.
Aimi: Not really :(
Q.08: What's your favorite food?
Akio: I didn't have much time to eat because of school, so I guess I'm okay with anything (something is crossed out) my mother cooks.
Aimi: It's hard to decide.. I'll go with sakuramochi!
Q.09: Do you have any hobbies?
Akio: .. Shouldn't studying be enough?
Aimi: Origami and watching movies with my big brother! Drawing is very fun too, though I'm not that good at it.
Q.010: Did you have any friends before Milgram?
Akio: Of course I did, didn't I tell you I was the most popular student in my school?
Aimi: .. I want to believe I did.
Q.011: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Akio: Someone famous and respected.
Aimi: I've never thought about it before and I don't really care.
Q.012: Are there any prisoners you can't stand?
Akio: Most of them, but especially Hanasaki and Yano. Himura is annoying too.
Aimi: What are you talking about, I love all of them!
Q.013: Do you have any special skills?
Akio: Honestly, the fact that someone as perfect as me exists can already be called a special skill.
Aimi: I don't think so? My classmates always told me that I'm good at making them laugh though.
Q.014: Would you say that your mental health is good?
Akio: I heard some guys from other class say that I'm so narcissistic, they thought there must be something wrong with me. Their words don't bother me, but the fact that my parents agree with them does worry me a bit.
Aimi: Umm, maybe? I wouldn't say I'm depressed or anything like that.. I have a loving family, two adorable pets and lots of friends, why would I be sad?
Q.015: Between ethics and emotion, which do you prioritize?
Akio: Emotions are useless and ethics don't matter to me. I just do what I think is most logical.
Aimi: I think both of them are important in their own way. I hate to say it, but sometimes I'm not the one who controls my emotions and it's actually my emotions that control me.
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linalilia · 1 year
[meet the prisoners!] prisoner 004: chiba naomi
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hi, i physically cannot draw characters who are older than, like, 24-25 years old. they always end up looking too young 😭
anyway, meet the oldest prisoner oc i have! she's basically gonna be everyone's mom friend because someone needs to watch over these guys and take care of them and they won't do it themselves.
(prisoner 001's profile)
(prisoner 002's profile)
(prisoner 003's profile)
General info:
Name: Chiba Naomi (千葉 直美) ("Chiba" means "thousand" and "leaves" and "Naomi" means "direct" and "beautiful")
Age: 30 y/o
Gender: Female
Status: Prisoner 004
Birthday: December 26 (Capricorn)
Height: 178 cm
Blood type: A
Image color: #9DD1D1
Occupation: Elementary school teacher
Personality: Naomi is a very caring and understanding woman who is always here to help other prisoners and even the guards. She believes that she has to guide other prisoners and give them advice because she's the oldest one here and these guys really need someone to rely on. She also has a lot of experience because of her job, so she's good at dealing with the younger prisoners, even though she does look a bit anxious whenever she has to talk to the youngest criminal here who is only 11 years old. Maybe it's because she thinks that he doesn't belong here, so she has no idea what to do to help him? Or maybe her reason is completely different? But no matter how hard Naomi tries to stay strong and act as a reliable "mother figure", she often looks and sounds tired. Whenever her crime is mentioned, she starts visibly panicking, but she's able to calm down quickly. She's definitely one of those prisoners who actually regret committing their crime.
MV info:
Which canon Milgram song she would cover: Weakness. I actually wasn't sure which song I should give her at first but then I listened to Weakness again and for some reason I feel like the voice I imagine her to have would fit perfectly?? I JUST KNOW HER COVER WOULD SOUND SO GOOD. Also I accidentally made her pose almost just like Trial 1!Haruka and her MV/crime has similar themes, it would be weird for me to assign her any other song at this point, haha.
Which DECO*27 song she would cover: Liar Dance. It just sounds good in my head, okay?
If she could cover a song by a different Vocaloid producer, which one would it be: The Day I Was Away From School by Kikuo. It describes the events that happened before her crime really well :)
Her MV description:
Her MV starts with Naomi waving goodbye to her students who leave the classroom and smiling at them. The colors are warm and soft at first, but they become darker and colder when the music starts playing. The classroom is completely empty now, but for some reason Naomi still doesn't want to leave yet. She sees that it's raining outside and she looks a bit more annoyed now. She tries to close the curtains so that she doesn't have to see what's going on outside, but she still can see a lightning strike and she hears a very loud sound of thunder right after that. She gets scared and she almost falls on the floor, but she still can't leave the classroom. She also keeps looking at a particular empty desk, but she tries to distract herself from it. The lyrics mention that she can't go home yet even though it's dangerous for her to stay here.
It slowly starts to rain even more and when Naomi sees another lightning, she notices that the classroom is getting flooded and she finally decides to leave. But as she tries to leave the building, the water just keeps following her and the whole school is becoming more and more flooded. Naomi is finally outside and she gets in her car and she calms down for a moment until she realizes that even her car is becoming flooded. She starts to panic even more and the lyrics mention her getting really angry at someone and hating them so much that she wants them dead.
Another lightning strikes and Naomi opens her eyes to see that same classroom, but the colors are warm again this time and her students greet her and smile at her the same way she smiled at them in the beginning. She starts crying tears of joy and she feels like she's finally free, but then she looks around and realizes that everyone is way too happy. For some reason she doesn't like it and she looks at that empty desk again. She looks lost and confused and she doesn't understand why everyone is still so happy. She walks closer to the desk even though she doesn't want to and notices that something is written on it (but we can't see it that well). She tries to read it and after that she starts crying again, but not out of happiness this time. Her students get worried and try to comfort her, but she just keeps crying and looking at that desk.
Her Trailer 1 Voicelines:
"Ah, hello there. My name is Chiba Naomi. So you two are the guards of this prison.. Aren't you a bit too young for this? Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm sorry if that sounded rude. But.. are you sure you can handle a job like this?"
She thinks she deserves to get voted guilty, however, unlike Shidou, she doesn't want to die, she just wants "someone to tell her that she's guilty". She refuses to explain what she means by that.
Her murder was her only crime and she had only one victim.
She wants to become friends with all the prisoners if possible, but she's not as obsessed with it as Aimi, she just wants to have a good relationship with them and that's all.
If Akio and Aimi's theme is "reputation", then Shun and Naomi's theme is "expectations". I want to talk about it more, but it would be a huge spoiler for Shun's crime and backstory.
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eli-workshop · 1 year
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When you can look like your mom OR your dad
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typheus · 1 year
O ya ummm agate looks more like her dad (unnamed) than valda, also valda Hates that agate married melody (a demigod should Not be marrying her shitty daughter), Also also. Agates coat is actually valda’s. She stole it right before she got banished n now wears it cause she knows it’ll piss off valda. Also x3 agates dad (unnamed) is a historian, he’s also a lot smaller than valda and agate (am going to Try to draw him with the other three tomorrow) so they don’t ever involve him in their fights n the few times they’ve tried to get along it’s cause he’s around
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vincentspork · 2 years
Drawing my ocs mood boardt
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