#obscure superhero
peterkothe · 2 years
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Senkosha’s hydro-powered giant cyborg superhero who is actually his show’s SIDEKICK to the series’ main hero: Gentaro Shizuka,guitar playing, cowboy ninja secret agent who’s one part Han Solo, and another part Spike Speigle! Using his martial arts and an indestructible extending sword/ whip weapon, Gentaro can take on dozens of bad guys and even hold his own against giant monsters and robots!! Aiding him is the comic relief agent Goro Kirishima, who, when things get too much for Gentaro, transforms into Iron King, to subdue said giant monsters or robot, until his water levels run out! This unlikely duo would do battle against evil ninjas, terrorists, shapeshifting masked aliens, giant robots, kaiju and bugs!!
-A surprisingly fun, lesser known 70s tokusatsu series that flipped the script on the giant hero trope and one that deserves more attention! I got major Giant Robo the Animation vibes and decided to give the characters that kind of retro-yet-new makeover! I highly recommend YouTuber Japan Hero’s fantastic video about the series to learn more!
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spacebubblehomebase · 5 months
(5/6) "R is for Revolutio- No. It's a Reminder." 🧡
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Duke Thomas was a Robin. Though never an official one. He was part of a movement that aimed to better their city in the absence of their Caped Crusader. During his time with the other birds however, he learned exactly how the shared title could change countless lives in meaningful ways. Just as he realized that not just ANYONE could BE a Robin, but also that Robin could truly BE there for ANYONE. -Bubbly💙
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greywarned · 2 years
i think it's interesting that both asa and yoshida expect denji to have some sort of basic self preservation instinct when it comes to his secret identity because it's what you do, right? decades of superhero literature have fostered the idea that heroes need to hide their identities to protect the people they care about but that doesn't really apply to denji since everyone he cares about is already dead. what is he still fighting for if everyone that mattered to him is gone? love, fame, respect - none of which he will receive if he isn't acknowledged as chainsaw man in the first place. his approach to being chainsaw man is fundamentally incompatible to how asa and yoshida view chainsaw man because they see chainsaw man as a bona fide superhero (even if they may not agree with his methods or what he stands for) whereas denji treats chainsaw man as a mask for being able to form genuine relationships with people where he isn't despised or manipulated
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practically-an-x-man · 3 months
...is this too elaborate?
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(and half of them were Horsemen of Apocalypse which is even more coincidental)
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iheartdabihawks · 6 months
the connection between the anime bnha and being a bird nerd is such a fucking unexpected twist but like the fandom adapted trait of hawks having an actual hawk quirk and well being a writer you just HAVE to make everything factual well ...
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arconinternet · 4 months
Heros/Heroes: The Tantalizing Trio and The Sanguine Seven (DOS, Jeffrey Fullerton, 1994/1993)
You can play this Apogee-esque DOS platformer in your browser here - a menu will let you select between them.
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incorrectbatfam · 2 years
whos your favorite obscure dc character?
Allow me to introduce to you: The Zoo Crew.
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Yes, this is as Looney Toons batshit as it looks.
The Zoo Crew, founded by Captain Carrot to rescue Superman (yes, our Superman) from an evil conquerer Starro, is a team of anthropomorphic animal superheroes appearing in 66 issues of DC Comics, including the Teen Titans, their own mini-series spoofing Marvel's Civil War, and Final Crisis.
Aside from the Superman rescue plot, their other storylines include capturing a team member's father's murderer, fighting an armadillo supervillain, and defeating Gorilla Grodd. The full team comprises of 7 members with Captain Carrot, Pig-Iron, Alley-Kat Abra, Fastback, Rubberduck, Yankee Poodle, and Little Cheese. And apparently in one universe's iteration, Little Cheese was killed by one of his teammates and the rest are running from the law.
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howlhawk · 11 months
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sound of 1000 explosions as i collapse to the floor in agony after spending soooo much time on this please enjoy charlie but i realed him
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nerdypuddincup · 9 months
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Arguably the first superhero ever
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dopeyjoe · 1 year
thinking about how ziggy stardust is the good to zinc alloy's evil
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ruthless-to-a-fault · 8 months
So I really liked Zoom Academy for Superheros as a kid, a widely panned kids movie from 2007 starring Tim Allen. I rewatched it fairly recently and wrote a little thing, I never ended up posting it. But here it is for funsies, I've never posted any fanfic before and I have no spelling skills. I hope anyone who also remembers this weirdly dark childrens movie likes it.
Its similar to the story you know
It starts the same, a lone survivor barely 17 powerless in the desert. The bodies of three friends scattered around him and a brother gone. Nothing left to bury.
The sheer amount of nuclear energy released by the vortex jack creates finds it's way into the atmosphere. Resulting in a generation of children born with powers. Not enough to cause a fuss but the neighbours aren't too surprised when Cindy uproots a tree to shake out her frisby. Kevin down the street can make little wind gusts, Cindy's power level though is enough to catch attention.
As is Dylan's, Summers and Tuckers, when he uses it that is.
So they all end up in that miltary base. Jack with the promise of money if trains them, he rather take the carrot than stick. The jail he'd end up in probably looks less like a prison and more like a fresh ditch and bullet in the head.
The kids go of course because they're parents say so and so does the military. Their parents sign waivers and are fairly compensated for their loss. On that day they go from children to military assets, an important distinction where legality is concerned.
The story is much the same, jack is jaded, the children adjust as best they can to their environment. Holloway gives encouragement as best she can knowing she is likely sending children to die.
Better a heros death she tells herself, they'll get comic books written about them just like jack. The comic books don't mention that he's always late thinking he'll get there faster than he can, or that he's deaf in one ear, or that below the left knee he is metal.
They expose the children to gamma, of course they do. One child's life is not worth what Concussion could do. Dylan is the first. They reason better the invisible kid go crazy than one that can lift a truck. It unlocks his clairvoyance `mindsight` jack calls it. He vomits for days afterward but he does not go crazy and he does not die.
Concussion shows up before the military can dose the rest. Jacks powers reactivate to save Cindy. To this day there is still shrapnel in her arm from shards of the metal net, too small for the surgeons.
Concussion sends back the rocks that summer throws at him, most miss. One doesn't, it hits her right in the eye. Cindy thinks the eyepatch she wears after is cool so summer does mind too much.
Tucker manages a good hit in before a blast sends him into rocks that leaves him paralysed from the waist down. He always says it could be worse, if he lost an eye like summer, that would be it. God forbid the world be deprived of his baby blues.
Dylan comes out relatively unscathed. The gamma damage stays however, it was a miracle that jack lived past 40 and it will be another if he does.
Connor is saved. Thanks to jack, Concussion is just his big brother again. Still 19 and no longer trapped in a space between here and now.
Jack however, there is a reason his powers stopped working. It isn't a mental block caused by the pain of losing his family. It was self defence. The speeds he could move at weren't sustainable on his body, especially after the first vortex. So his body shut it down.
He is nearing 50, he is not 17, his body gives up. Jack is Zoom for a fight, jack gets to be Zoom once more before he drops from exertion and does not get up.
Summer and the rest take the ship and Connor. You can't track space tec, staying hidden helps when you've got a friend that can see around corners. They live in a house a little bit too small for them in a city easy to get lost in and try to adjust back to civilian life.
Connor is old enough to pose as an older brother and the kids get to go back to school. It's easier to make friends now at least, high school bullies aren't very scary anymore. Connor disappeared in the 80s so the all the technolgy is a riot. He misses he brother and blames himself for his orginal teams deaths.
The new family helps him move on. When Cindy finishes high school they move out to a farm. Summer finds business is easy when you can sense emotion, so money isn't a problem.
Cindy can lift all the heavy objects she wants. Summer loves the animals and tucker is a mean cook. Dylan learns to garden. Connor fixes stuff when it breaks and retrofits tuckers chair with tracks and others gadgets inspired by the ships design.
There is a horse named jack because he's the fastest they have and whenever the gang needs a break they go brush him. Everyone knows it means to leave them be. They all have their own demons.
They sell things at the famers market. The community is endeared if confused by the odd family. They don't ask questions, they are all out here for their own reasons and tucker makes the best pies in town.
They heal, away from the military. They are not heroes. They are a family and they are happy.
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stuffydollband · 8 months
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Day 9 of talkin about my upcoming album, "Ganymede Gives Up The Ghost"!
Today's song was the second single I released from this album, "To Fall From Great Heights".
While this is the final installment of the story of Our Hero (for now 😉), it's actually the one I wrote first, before I knew I was going to make it a whole 3 part series! For anyone who doesn't know, I have a major fear of heights, so whenever l'm in a particularly dark headspace, the title of this song is the phrase that pops into my head.
Narratively, Nuestra is at the end of her rope, grappling with her role in protecting a city that rejects her. She stands atop a skyscraper looking down on the hatred and abuse that just never stops. She's high, scared, and searching for a tether.
Metaphorically, this song is about the defeat one feels as a trans person. You come out strong, you fight the fight and... then what? You get tired. If you're lucky, maybe you even get old. What did all that fighting do?
Sure, you could do without the people you cut out, they're bigots, but in the process, a lot of other people saw that fighting and just quietly left your life.
I cover the conclusion of that idea in tomorrow's song, so don't wallow too hard in despair, Dolls. This song is a snapshot in time.
Some lyrics:
"Say no more, sneakers sliding out the door
We are blessed to be a burden, you are cursed to be a bore
Sick Kids gawk, "Pull the trigger, then we'll talk!"
It's a gift to be more vibrant than the sidewalk chalk"
Can you relate to this part of the coming out process? What’s your biggest fear? Let me know!
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Good Samaritan Day & International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction Day & National Day for Failure & International Suit Up Day
Person A is someone who’s powers replenish by failing, so they are able to be seen as clumsy and useless in their real life and once they’d built up enough failures to pull off a great feat, dons their hero costume, and because of the stark difference between their civilian self and their effortless grace of their hero self, no one is suspicious. But they can’t consistently be their hero self due to the nature of their powers, and is often more of an impressive backup hero who the main heroes call in for help every so often. Person B is a backup villain because their powers have their own restriction, but based around acts of service and kindness. Person B spends their daily civilian life helping out everyone they meet and volunteering and doing charity work, but can only manage to be so nice and patient and sweet because once enough displays of kindness have been built up, they have to release an act of devastation, and decided they would rather have people adore their civilian self and think well of them, than walk the line between good person and bad person in their daily life to avoid random outbursts of evil. Person B often spends their time taking care of Person A’s various clumsiness induced injuries and problems their uselessness causes and so the two end up being fairly close in their civilian lives and have never met in their hero and villain forms since they’re so far down the backup call list. Until they finally do.
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My head canon is that swashbuckler is an ancestor of booster.
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muttonchopsalley · 1 year
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Bootleg issue of a rare Argentinian Wonder Woman comic from the 70s translated into English! (includes a parody cartoon side-story)
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My take on one of my favorite Spidey villains The Spot. I hate that he's been reduced to a joke character because his powers and design are so fucking cool!
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