#obi wan kenobi agere
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agere-fics · 10 months ago
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🍄 you're a little in the revenge of the sith era 🍄
caregiver!obi wan, babysitters!padmé and anakin (sfw agere)
my family and i are getting evicted, help us afford housing ➡️ ko-fi
you like to help him take care of his boo boos. bandaids and kisses on smaller boo boos. Nurse Little One when there's bigger boo boos
obi wan is so cuddly and sweet here, just completely all over you and obsessed with you. can't wait for jedi council meetings to end, observation trips, reports, literally anything. he's learned from anakin (although secretly) that having someone to come home to can be wonderful.
if you're an older kiddo, he loves showing you how to do some saber tricks with padawn training lightsabers. he always praises you and gently guides you to the right positions and posture.
you love to do his hair A LOT. clips in his beard, clips on his head, glitter literally everywhere. it's a good way for him to bond with you when he needs to rest.
you don't see anakin and padmé a lot but when you do, it's always soooo much fun!!
padmé loves to take you on nature walks, do your hair or dress you, take you swimming.
you and padmé love to feed the ducks fruits and veggies! you love pointing to them and shouting "duck! ducks!"
she'll ask you what colors they are, what sounds they make, and has you draw a pretty picture of the duckies you saw to give to obi wan!!
anakin absolutely loves rough housing with you, you're always safe and protected though, don't worry
you'll do fake lightsaber battles with anakin and he lets you win ajfhs
and when obi wan comes back, you immediately jump in his arms!! everyone else is forgotten, cause your cg is here!!
anakin and obi wan will hold your hands and swing you as you walk akdhs
obi wan let you pilot an aircraft once, once... never again akdjs
sometimes when everyone's together, there's lots of talk of war and politics and sometimes it means arguments. you hate them, it makes you cry. obi wan tries to shield you from it the best he can.
when all the bad stuff begins to happen, obi wan tells you everything in the most appropriate way he can. he tried his best to be reassuring and soft but a lot of raw emotions got in the way
obi wan keeps you away from the city. no matter your protests, he vows to keep you safe.
when he comes back, you become Nurse Kiddo again, tending to his wounds, giving forehead kisses cause obi is so sad :(
he tries to push you away but you don't take it one bit!! when yoda tells you obi wan's going to tatooine you immediately decide you're going, too.
you give forehead kisses and soft hugs to the babies, the twins, luke and leia.
on the trip to tatooine, you hold luke the whole way. everything else is so sad but luke is so silly and adorable! he helps a lot.
you both grieve and miss padmé and anakin. but luckily since you're together, it's not so bad.
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aew-kun-age-regression · 10 months ago
It took me a moment to get to it but at it is the 4th it only makes sense for star wars thingy hehe so dids Caregiver Obi wan cause comfort <3
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sleepybobeepy · 1 year ago
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cg!obi-wan kenobi moodboard🪐💫
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olliepuppy · 1 year ago
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✧⁠*🪐 Obi Wan Kenobi Careguiver 🌌
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gh0stlyb34r · 8 months ago
꒰ obi-wan moodboard ! ꒱
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prettybeearts · 7 months ago
Would you be willing to make a CG Obi-Wan Kenobi Moodboard???
Completely fine if not!!! <333
Hope you are having an amazing day/evening/night!!! :3
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Yippieee thank you for tha request :3
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littlespacereader · 11 months ago
Could you write little headcanons for Rex and Anakin?💖🍼
YESSSSS!! More Clone Wars/Bad Batch requests!! Thank you so much @pretty-fly-for-a-sky-guy ! I always go to write request like these right away because the Bad Batch and the Clone Wars are my hyper fixation at the moment so I’m always looking to express my love for it! This request is adorable!! Anakin and Rex would be such a chaotic duo of Littles together. Good luck to their Caregivers. Please enjoin the Headcannons below! Thank you for the request!
Little Anakin Skywalker & Little Captain Rex Headcannons💙🤍 (SFW)
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Tags/TW- Clone Wars typical violence, cuddles, adorable Little sibling energy here
With what the two of them face in their daily lives, it’s no wonder Anakin and Rex are Regressors.
It all starts out with Anakin. Beyond stressed out with what the Jedi constantly asks of him. He was almost at a breaking point before Padame stepped in.
She introduced him to the idea of age regression. Something that at first he found really silly, but then found really really soothing. Anakin was ripped away from his mother at such a young age, he never had a chance to just be a kid.
Padame became his only Caregiver until Obi Wan found out. During a mission together Anakin returned to the shuttle and immediately started to regress without realizing it. Obi Wan, who knew right away what was happening, stepped in and watches over the boy.
Together Padame and Obi Wan became his primary Caregivers. Hiding Anakin’s regression from the Jedi and anyone else who would try to use it against him.
Regression does wonders for Anakin. He was able to run around, play with toys, create fun make believe missions, get into trouble…well…that last one he seems to do in and out of his regression.
But there was still something missing…he wanted a friend.
He couldn’t very well just ask someone. And he couldn’t force them. But the Galaxy has a funny way of doing things.
Being the Captain of the 501st has its advantages! But it also has its disadvantages. One being the amount of stress and guilt he has over his team.
Anakin witnesses this stress with Rex and realizes the perfect solution. When the two are alone Anakin begins to explain age regression to Rex.
At first Rex doesn’t really understand it and doesn’t know if he would make a good Little at all. For one, he’s never had a childhood…what do kids even do? Secondly he’s worried about his team finding out but Anakin and Obi Wan reassure him otherwise. Most of all he’s worried he might ruining regression for Anakin by doing something wrong. But he couldn’t be farther from the truth.
Anakin brings Rex along whenever he goes to regress with either Padame or Obi Wan. At first Rex just kind of seems lost as to what to do.
But they slowly start to coax him into cuddling or listening to a book or coloring. Eventually, in time, Rex becomes a care free, relaxed and over all happy Little.
Anakin becomes the token “big brother” while Rex becomes the “little brother.” Though the have the opposite personalities
A new Caregiver is added to the mix and that’s Ashoka. Rex brought her in on his regression when he was alone from the generals and just needed someone to look after him. Ashoka couldn’t be more honored and happy to do so.
Rex loves to hang around Ashoka. He always holds her hand and stays close to her. When he draws her something, he loved to sit and explain everything in the picture and why he drew it for her. “And this is us on the ship together. See? I drew your lightsaber.” “I do see. Wow! You’re amazing at drawing Rex.”
Seeing the two Littles play together is adorable to Padame, Ashoka and Obi Wan. Just like on the battlefield, Anakin takes the lead instructing Rex on what they’re going to play or what they’re going to draw. Rex always follows along like a good soldier would.
Anakin becomes the token “big brother” while Rex becomes the “little brother.” Though the have the opposite personalities.
With Anakin, he isn’t the most careful and usually goes into everything head first. When he brings Rex into his antics, it’s a recipe for disaster. *cue glass breaking* “Rex did it.” “I did not!”
While they’re very close and very energetic Little’s, the two also have totally different personalities when it comes to regression.
Anakin is a bit feisty when it comes to following rules and such. He always tries to get out of doing something while Rex never fights the rules and is always looking to help.
Rex aka “maybe we should ask our caregivers first.” Anakin aka “nah, let’s go for it” Skywalker
When he’s in trouble, Anakin will always blame it on Rex. But their caregiver know Rex would NEVER and put Anakin in a time out. He pouts but goes anyway.
What they are is cuddle bugs. Anakin always cuddles with Padame. It’s the only way his Little self will ever go to sleep, is if she’s next to him. The same goes for Rex with Ashoka. Obi Wan on the other hand discovered that if he cards his hand through either one of their hair, the sensation put them right to sleep. It’s his go to trick.
Rex’s favorite activity is drawing. He never really got the opportunity to try it as a kid so now he’s in love with it. He loves to make pictures for everyone. They always hanging it up to make Rex feel special about his creations, and he really does!
Anakin’s favorite activity is make believe games with Rex. They’re knights saving the princesses aka Padame and Ashoka or if one of them is missing Obi Wan becomes the princess.
Rex is a sleepy baby when he regresses. Alway falling asleep on his crayons. Meanwhile Anakin always fights nap time.
Rainy days are Rex’s favorite! He loves hearing the rain come down, hitting the window and making puddles outside. It reminds him of Kamino and soothes him.
After a while of regressing, Rex wants to bring someone else in to be their Caregiver too. Someone that isn’t a Jedi, but rather a clone who can understand him on that level. Someone he can relate to. That becomes Commander Cody.
Obi Wan is thrilled about the new Caregiver. Cody, who surprisingly knew a lot about regression, was more than happy to be able to look after Rex and Anakin when the others needed a well deserved break. He especially liked to hang out with Obi Wan outside of the battle field.
Rex really connects with Cody and is always happy over the big deal Cody makes whenever Rex draws him something as well. “This is for me? To keep? I am so honored Rex! This is a master piece!”
At the end of the day Rex and Anakin love all four of their Cgs. But it’s no secret to anyone that Anakin feels closer to Obi Wan and Padame while Rex is closer to Ashoka and Cody.
If one of them gets sick they both handle it very differently. Anakin is a big baby when he’s sick, laying around and wanting cuddles. Rex tried to hide his cold for as long as possible until he practically collapses. Then he turns into a cuddle bug like Anakin.
Doesn’t matter if they’re on the battlefield or the playroom, Anakin and Rex are superior duo. Both as Captain and General, or as Big brother and little brother.
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outlandish-dreamer · 1 year ago
I couldn't stop thinking about them, so of course I had to make a fic 😌 (
the credit for the DNI banner goes to @aew-kun-age-regression, I hope it's okay I used it!)
"Quiet your little mind.."
Regressor! Anakin Skywalker and Cg! Obi-Wan <3 Word count: 2775 Read it Ao3 here!
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Anakin hated the way missions always seemed to leave him torn inside out, how he’d find himself more on edge and clingy than normal. Especially the inevitable slip that followed a mission spent on his own, not knowing whether or not he’d make it out alive. The young jedi could feel his fears of losing what little he had left, eating him up inside, swallowing him whole until all he could do was spiral. He was terrified of failing not just himself, but the one person he knew would be devastated if he did. His master, and more importantly, the only family he still had, Obi-Wan. 
He knew he was just a student and probably nothing more to the older man, however, that didn’t stop him from looking to Obi-Wan as a lifeboat. His overall calm presence and “welcoming with open arms” demeanor was his light in the dark maze that was Anakin Skywalker. He, no matter how far he felt himself recoil, could always somehow manage to bring Anakin back to reality.  He could trust Obi-Wan, despite everything the two had been through. And now as he faced this journey alone, he could feel his confidence slowly slipping away. He could do this. He had too. But so much of him was telling him that he couldn’t, even as he came home once it was over. 
The man wasn’t really known for staying in his role of just “mentor.” It’s not like he had much time to practice considering he became one on the same day he lost his. Having to learn so much in so little time with a boy who was told to be the “chosen one” made him care more for the other than he thought he would. He was pretty hesitant to leave him to handle certain things on his own, especially with just how vulnerable and almost catatonic he’d be afterward. Almost like he was right back on Tatooine, often getting stuck in those memories and  leaving Obi-Wan helpless as he worriedly tried to bring him back. 
It broke his heart to watch the kid that looked to him with so much trust and hope draw back in fear that he’d relive the same things by his master’s hand. The widened state of panic and almost childlike plea for mercy that it would stop burned itself deep into the recesses of Obi-Wan’s mind. Among many, many  others, he could never forget that look. Somehow always seeing it whenever he was alone or his student was away. In those moments, it felt almost like an omen of misfortune, like something terrible was just bound to happen if he didn’t act now.
Not that he’d believe it at first, but what he didn’t know was that for once, his over-anxious mind was right. 
Anakin made his way through the outskirts of the village, his hood covering his face with only one plan and goal on his mind. To get home. He was so caught up in his thinking as he walked through the street that he didn’t notice the large looming figure he almost walked headfirst into. Looking up, he saw the wrinkled eyes of the Chancellor looking at him with a fond, almost twisted expression, it wasn’t one of disgust as he suspected it would’ve been, but one more of pleasure, probably malice if he thought long enough about it. He tensed up in caution, not really wanting to interact with the older one. He doesn’t really hate the man since he didn’t know much about him, but there was just something off about him that made Anakin’s skin crawl. Most likely because he’s just generally creepy, however, a small part of him felt it was because he took an interest in Anakin. Whatever it was, he shook it away and nodded curtly. Trying to be polite but also not wanting to prolong the interaction longer than he had to. 
“What a nice surprise to see you finally let out from your cage, young jedi. I almost thought they’d sent you away.” The Chancellor humored with a smirk. Looking down at the boy, he could sense the discomfort from inside him. He sniffed shortly and lowered his eyebrow. “What’s got you out here so late? I figured your master would have a coronary if he noticed you out after dark.” 
“No need to worry sir.” Anakin brushed off, shaking his head. “I’m heading back there just now actually.”
“I’m sure you are.” Palpatine rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath, looking off to the side. He turned back towards Anakin and returned his malicious smile. “I can see your power has greatly increased, what a nice surprise considering who’s been training you. I’ve been meaning to speak with you on that, there’s much you still aren’t aware of, I’m afraid. Has he been treating you well?” 
The boy raised an eyebrow and couldn’t help himself from frowning. What was the old man going on about? Anakin knew Palpatine trusted Obi-Wan just as little as the other trusted him, but did he really have to bring him into this? He shook his head in disagreement and retaliated. “I’ve been just fine.” He bit out and cringed at how defensive he sounded. Clearing his throat, he sounded more professional and collected. “I’ve learned plenty at the moment, but I really do need to be going. Maybe some other time?” 
The Chancellor wrinkled his eyes in disgust with an ugly, almost defeated look at the boys’ immediate dismissal. He turned to leave and just before tucked his hand underneath Anakin’s chin. Lifting it up so he was looking into his eyes, albeit a bit forcefully. “Fine then.  But I will not be ignored, Anakin.” He glowered and leaned in to where he was barely an inch from the other’s face. A sadistic gleam in his eye. He wasn’t going to take no for an answer, whether through both physical and actual Force. “Do I make myself clear?” 
Anakin swallowed at the sudden movement and nodded quickly. Internally he was panicking, but he wasn’t going to let the other man know that. His anxiety was already running rampant before their whole interaction. Now with the Chancellor basically obligating him to agree, it’s so much worse than he could’ve imagined. He just wanted to leave. To run. So much so that once he agreed, he almost sighed in relief when the grip on his chin loosened. 
Palpatine let the boy go and nodded in approval, patting him on the shoulder proudly before leaving. And just as quickly as he’d appeared, he was gone. Anakin stood there dumbfounded for a few seconds. The gesture made him feel even weirder now that he was alone. “What was he supposed to do with that?” He wondered as he stumbled back and unsteadily continued on his way home. If there was one thing for certain after that, it was that he was right about the Chancellor. The creep factor wasn’t just in his head. 
Anakin could feel the panic rising in his throat those last few miles. The mission was weighing down on him much more than before with the added pressure of his encounter. He could feel himself slipping, like he couldn’t even think anymore. Everything was just too big, too scary, too much for him to handle anymore. It was suffocating. It was dark and he was alone and nothing felt right. He can’t do this. He can’t, he can’t, he- 
He finally reached Temple and walked inside slowly; struggling to keep himself from slumping onto the floor and calling it a day. He could tell something was off. Shuddering, his breath starts catching and he feels like he’s about to cry. “Force, please no. What now?”  He thought as he tried to reach out to his master’s force signature. He’d know what to do. However, once he did, he realized that the off thing was right there. Obi-Wan wasn’t home. Normally he wouldn’t have been so concerned, but right now, it was the final thing it took for the dam to break. Curling up in his bed, he let the break down finally come. Tears falling down his flushed cheeks and being caught by his pillow, he clumsily ran his sleeve across his messed-up face. A small whimper escaped his throat as he tried to choke back a sob. He didn’t want to be alone, at least, not anymore. All he wanted was Obi-Wan. If only he were here, he’d know what to do.
Obi-Wan could sense that something was wrong. He hadn’t heard from his Padawan in a while and was starting to worry. He was supposed to be coming back today, but he hadn’t made it home yet. Once it started to get dark and he could feel that same darkness growing in the force, he went to look for where he could be. He figured he’d let him know if he made it back to the Temple, and he was about to ask over his comm when he realized where he was. And just as soon as he had left, he found out the boy did get home. That wasn’t the problem though. The darkness he’d felt before wasn’t external, it was internal. Which meant that Anakin had to have slipped or worse, regressed entirely. 
After most of his sobs subsided, Anakin whined out feeling more drained than anything, his face blotchy and raw from rubbing at it. He exhaled shakily and was startled for a moment at the sound of footsteps approaching from beyond the hallway. Too tired to even pay attention, he was only brought out of his stupor by a soft voice calling out. “Anakin..?” It couldn’t be...could it? He lifted his head and sure enough, it was.
“Oh Anakin, my boy,” Obi-Wan murmured softly as he stood in the doorway, not sure if his student recognized or remembered him in this state. He looked a mess, the poor kid’s face rubbed raw, if he’d have been anyone else he would’ve deemed it pitiful and turned a blind eye. But he wasn’t.Obi-Wan moved closer towards the bed and reached out for him, almost falling over when Anakin reached back with a shocking amount of strength.  
“Master..” Anakin blurted out clumsily as he clambered into his master’s outstretched arms. Sniffing back tears, he wiped his face on robes that seemed much too big for him now. He pitifully buried his face into the crook of his neck and hugged him back with as much force as the little could. Which wasn’t a lot, but still enough to concern the other. 
“Ani,” He whispered back, combing his hand through the boy’s mess of hair. He thanked Force that he didn’t pull or turn away, an uncommon yet pleasant surprise from Anakin. “I’m here, my padawan. I’ve got you.” He cooed gently, rocking them back and forth. “How long had he been on his own when this happened?” the man wondered. He sounded terrible. All shuddery and ragged. Eyes widening, he grimaced as he realized that it was partly because of him, for not being there when he needed him sooner. 
Anakin didn’t care about that though. He was just happy to be back where he felt the most safe. That he was here and he was real and that he would be okay. Nothing, no Order, no Chancellors, would get to him now. Not while Obi-Wan was around. Shakily, he pulled away from the hug and hung his head not meeting the other’s gaze, his eyes glassy and apologetic. “‘M sorry, Master.”
“Oh Anakin, whatever for?” Obi-Wan breathed out, brushing a strand of hair from his face. “You have nothing to be sorry about, I saw you while you were away. You did everything just right. Just like I taught you and you were so brave.” The man encouraged with a twinkle in his eye, turning to meet the young one’s face so he could see that he truly meant it. 
“N..no. No-! M’ not brave if M’ a big baby afterwards.” The other shook his head. That wasn’t the only thing though. The real thing he was apologizing for happened right after. “M’ sorry about the...the..” He struggled with getting the words out. Frustrated, he pointed out the window hoping Obi would understand what he meant. “Him.”
He was a bit confused and turned to see what he was pointing at. "The city..? Oh, now I see.”  He nodded in realization. He meant Palpatine but didn’t know how to say it. Quickly discouraging that, he shook his head as well. “You don’t have to apologize for that either, little one. He approached you, and even if it were the other way around, you weren’t meaning to do anything wrong. It’s his fault for preying on you while you were trying to get home.” Obi-Wan reassured, pulling Anakin closer to him. It wasn’t unusual for him to get like this, worried over the smallest of things in the fear that it would upset or disappoint his master. It was one of the few things that carried over from his regular self to now. Before he could start again, Obi-Wan thought about it for a moment and began coolly in a way that he could understand. 
“You know, I think your mind plays these little tricks on you into believing you’re doing something wrong. They make you believe that you messed up or upset someone, even when you didn’t or weren’t meaning to.  They do to all of us. Even me.” He admitted. “But, that doesn’t mean it’s true. Does that make any sense?” 
Anakin let his words sink in for a moment. Biting on the nail of his thumb, he nodded slowly. “Yea..” He didn’t completely understand what he was talking about, but it did make a little bit of sense when the man explained it. 
“Good!” Obi-Wan praised gently. He shifted so that the boy sat in his lap, wide-eyed and hanging onto what he was saying. Even if he didn't know and  was just listening because he liked the sound of it, he was glad he had his attention on something else. Obi-Wan continued. “Because of that, we have to listen to the rational part of our brains. What we should try to do though is find a way to calm those thoughts and keep them away. It’s healthy to have them occasionally, it’s only natural. But all the time is when it gets scary and can leave even the strongest person in a panic.” He gestured towards Anakin. “So, you don’t need to be afraid, dear heart. And you most certainly don’t need to be sorry. Do you understand?” 
Anakin nodded and closed his eyes, leaning into Obi-Wan’s chest. He was right, he always seemed to know. He could brush away even the smallest of fears with a gentle hand and without judgment.  After his anxiety had dissipated and the events of the day caught up to him, he yawned as sleep slowly crept in. “Missed you..” He whispered, his voice cut off by a yawn. “...Master.”
“I missed you too, young one.” Obi-Wan murmured and rested his hand on the back of his padawan’s head. He knew how much he did, and he missed him too, much more than the younger could understand. And if the kid that was practically falling asleep in his arms was anything to go by, Obi-Wan knew he could see just how much he had as well. Carefully, he picked him up and moved to lay him down underneath his covers. Just before he was about to fall asleep though, the young jedi whispered barely audibly. 
“Th’nk you, Obi. For everything. G’night.” And as soon as he felt Obi-Wan’s arm around him, he turned towards him and fell asleep. As much as he hated himself for it, the amount of love and care his master showed him made it all worth it when he was small. He knew he’d never hate or hurt him for it. He loved him. No matter the distance or how far Anakin would get lost in his head, he still did.  
“Of course, and you don’t need to thank me.” Obi-Wan whispered and wrapped his arm around the boy’s barely awake form. When he felt him move and rest against his chest, he ran his free hand along his back. “I love you. Sleep well, Ani..” 
And before long, sleep came to him as well. In the peaceful night, nothing else mattered to the sleeping pair. Nothing else, but each other. 
******* Thank you so much reading and let me know what you think if you want to! this idea just would not leave me alone, so you have been warned lol
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cotyledon8 · 2 years ago
Regressed Anakin headcanons with Obi-wan as his caregiver?
💫 regressor!anakin + cg!obi-wan
→ it’s not something they ever really put a name to, it’s something that just is. they’re already so close anyway that when the development of caregiver-regressor came about, it was something that just felt natural.
→ obi-wan always indulges anakin’s little rambles, whenever it’s a good sort of regression, anakin always gets super excited about everything around them and can just talk for hours. obi-wan always pulls off being excited and asking heaps of questions about whatever topic he’s chosen.
→ anakin always tries to beat back regressing as much as he can, he just doesn’t like how vulnerable it makes him feel. as a result whenever he regresses, he always crashes hard. obi-wan always does his best to turn it into an at least tolerable time, but when he can’t, he’s content to just sit there and comfort him however.
→ obi-wan is absolutely amazing at telling stories, he can turn the most boring adventure into some exciting tale; it works great as distractions and great as bedtime stories.
→ obi-wan absolutely teases anakin to pieces, there’s a reason he’s such a good negotiator in their jedi work, he’s developed an almost perfect talent at teasing something into being small. anakin resents it as much as he enjoys it.
→ obi-wan is a super tactile caregiver in really casual ways. he’s constantly ruffling anakin’s hair, squeezing his shoulder, a one-armed hug; it’s perfect for anakin that always struggles with touch being just-right and too much.
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alolababy · 11 months ago
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✧·*:💥🌟💥🌟💥🌟💥🌟💥:*·✧ ⚔️🌋 Anakin ᴠꜱ Obi-Wan Stimboard! 😡😢 x x x / x x x / x x x .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。.
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agere-fics · 10 months ago
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🍄 you're a little during the attack of the clones era 🍄
caregiver!obi wan kenobi & big brother babysitter!anakin headcanons (sfw agere)!!
in my star wars era
• anakin's not a child anymore and though obi wan tries to accept it, he still misses having a young one. but then came you!!
• he's gone a lot doing jedi duties but you and him have a good agreement! you've worked hard to become very secure in being alone. he's not abandoning you, he has very important jedi stuff to do!
• when he comes back, you're always waiting at the landing pad and immediately jump into his arms, clinging to him.
• when he's home you play lots and lots of games like hide and seek, holonet matching and learning games, and catch the bantha. obi wan gets on all fours and acts like a very silly, very wild bantha! and you have to catch him! and if you try to get on his back, he'll (carefully) attempt to buck you off like those bull things at those earth establishments.
• he likes to pull faces to make you laugh and smile
• he lets you hide in his robes and even lets you sit in during meetings as long as there's no inappropriate conversations. you're so good and quiet during them, he's so proud of you and always tells you what a good job you did afterwards.
• cuddles are both of your number one ways to bond and recuperate
• when he takes you to the jedi temple, you have loads of fun running around and messing with things, obi wan constantly has to chase you and find you ajfhs
• anakin babysits!! he's like a big brother, showing you how to do math stuff and building different robots with you that can play with you and keep you company when you're alone
• anakin also plays games with you
• obi wan prefers you to at least try to be independent but he'll help you with various things depending on your age. when you're like 7+, he shows you to do kitchen stuff and chores
• anakin on the other hand completely babies you. he'll cut your food up even if you're an older little or in big space. he'll make sure your drinks and food aren't too hot. he'll help you dress and buys you all sorts of things. he enjoys feeling needed and wanted.
• obi wan loves knowing that no matter what, he always has his cute baby to turn to and love
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aew-kun-age-regression · 9 months ago
CG Obi-Wan Kenobi to absolutely no-ones surprise anymore with the amount of rambles I've posted about him recently 😂 <333
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manycatsao3 · 2 years ago
Padmé and Obi-Wan are the definition of patient when caregiving for anakin, they use a lot of techniques to try and avoid tantrums, like giving anakin yellow card warnings for activities ending soon, they keep to a tight meal and nap schedule to help regulate Anakins feelings, do lots of games around recognising feelings, give him little tasks to focus on when he gets overwhelmed
When he inevitably does tantrum, because its Anakin and no matter how reasonable the request if he doesn't like it he will get mad at it, they sit with him and remind him its okay to be angry. Once he's worked up to a tantrum there isn't much to do other than wait it out, then when he starts losing steam swoop in with a breathing technique and a cold flannel for his face
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royaldaycare · 6 months ago
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Hello !! I'm Logan (or Johnny!) and welcome to my daycare! you can call me Logan, Lo, Johnny, big brother or dada! I also occasionally go by saint or my OC's callsign, Sparrow!
A little about me ! :
I use he/they/it pronouns as well as some neo's and xeno's too!
I'm trans, gay and asexual! I'm also questioning whether I am poly or not!
I am an age regressor and a caregiver! (my agere blog is @gh0stlyb34r !)
I'm 19 and my birthday is June 3rd!
I'm from the uk!
my anons! ;
💚 ,
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I am a 100% sfw caregiver! any nsfw accounts will be blocked!
This blog is a safe space for regressors and caregivers alike! anyone that makes this blog an unsafe place will be blocked immediately
My rules!
dni ; nsfw, edsh, zionist, racist, homophobic, against Palestine, transphobic, ableist, trump supporters, anti agere, ddlg/abdl accounts, anti petre
boundaries ; keep all terms used for me either masc or gender neutral, do not flirt with me (even if it is as a joke or friendly), please keep all asks sfw.
My interests!
games ; call of duty, overwatch, resident evil 4, forza horizon, roblox (royale high, dress to impress, obby's and tycoons!), fnaf, poppy playtime, indigo park, red dead redemption 2, animal crossing new horizons, good pizza great pizza, hogwarts legacy, valorant, a little to the left, unpacking, mario kart 8, mario kart wii, just dance, the last of us
movies/shows ; deadpool & wolverine, deadpool, x-men, harry potter, fantastic beasts, atsv/itsv, marvel, star wars, the umbrella academy, stranger things, the batman, titains, heartstopper, young royals, criminal minds, fnaf, arcane, ghostbusters, barbie, oppenheimer, nimona, christopher robin
musicals ; les miserables, hamilton, waitress, the greatest showman, la la land, hairspray, dear even hansen, heathers, high school musical, lemonaid mouth, annie, descendants, beetlejuice, mama mia, tick tick boom, into the woods, mean girls, in the heights, little shop of horrors
youtubers ; pezzy, elasticdroid, puffer, grizzy, smii7y, gtlive, game theory, warn, frogger, aspen, beaplays, dawko, ethan nestor, blarg, thedooo, coleydoesthings, film cooper, dechart games, hthaze, james marriott
musicians ; james marriott, taylor swift, mcr, twenty one pilots, billie eilish, hozier, noah kahan, sleeping at last, the smiths, laufey, chappell roan, bruno major, paramore, novo amor, depeche mode, p!atd, daughter, djo, feels like july, florence the machine, frank sinatra, gerard way, ghost, lady gaga, lemon demon, lily allen, maya hawke, 1d, 5sos, mitski, micheal jackson, sleep token, taylor austen dye
misc ; books, dolls (monster high, lol, rh), pop figures, lego, posters, flowers, pin badges, jewellery, halloween, fall/autumn, deco pacis, colouring
DISCLAIMER ; I hold all of my faves accountable! I do not support jkr, noah schnapp ect!
My faves !
celebs/authors ; pedro pascal, hugh jackman, ryan reynolds, ali hazelwood, kit connor, oscar isaac, hayden christensen, ewan mcgregor, tom hiddleston, andrew garfield, tom holland, aiden gallagher, eddie redmane, aaron tveit, erik j brown, david tennant, josh hutcherson, david harbour, wynina ryder, natalia dyer, maya hawke, matthew gray gubler, thomas gibson, aj cook, barry sloane, neli ellice
characters ; John 'Soap' MacTavish, Simon 'Ghost' Riley, Captain John Price, Kyle 'Gaz' Garrick, Robin Buckley, Spencer Reid, Aaron Hotchner, Penelope Garcia, James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Loki, Logan Howlett, Scott Summers, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Leia Organa, Ben Hargreeves, Luther Hargreeves, Newt Scamander, Din Djarin, Deadpool, Steven Grant, Marc Spector, Danny Zuko, Jean Valjean, Ben Florian, Flynn Rider, Aziraphale, Crowley, Nick Nelson, Charlie Spring, Diego Hargreeves
My kins !
I kin a LOT of characters (and sometimes genuinely believe I am them) so I decided to add a list of them here! DISCLAIMER ; Please do NOT try to make me believe I am not the characters I specify I believe I am! I am aware and know that I am not physically them! The characters I believe I am will be displayed in a different colour than the rest of the text (not black/green).
Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish, Logan Howlett, Simon 'Ghost' Riley, Newt Scamander, Viktor (arcane), Steven Grant, Lydia Deetz, Spencer Reid, Penelope Garcia, Remus Lupin, Flynn Rider, Charlie Spring, Crowley, Percy Jackson, Draculaura, Mercy, Prince Wilhelm, Nightwing & more
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dividers by @/chewtou , Lydia banner by @kodaswrld , bj banner
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gh0stlyb34r · 4 months ago
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Welcome to my blog!
logan / johnny / astrid ⌇ 19 ⌇ agere
trans ⌇ he / they / it + neos / xenos
dni ; nsfw , abdl / ddlg + variants , kink , gore
ed / sh , anti recovery , basic criteria
pronouns page ⌇ strawpage ⌇ request rules ⌇ masterlist
discord server post ⌇ f/o's
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movies / shows ; mcu , dc , star wars , harry potter , xmen , monster high , phantom of the opera , moulin rouge , hairspray , sweeny todd , the legand of vox machina , arcane , black swan , heartstopper , grease , the rise of the pink ladies , andor , moon knight , criminal minds , new girl , into the woods , anastasia , deadpool & wolverine , descendants , acolyte , bluey , tangled , tangled the series , maze runner , hunger games , the mandalorian
games ; call of duty , overwatch , valorant , roblox , minecraft , red dead redemtion 2 , little nightmares , resident evil , detroit become human , the last of us , hogwarts legacy , fnaf , indigo park , forza horizon , animal crossing , good pizza great pizza , unpacking , stray , jedi fallen order , jedi survivor , coffee talk
music ; my chemical romance , twenty one pilots , taylor swift , chappell roan , fall out boy , billie eilish , panic! at the disco , ajr , sleep token , james marriott , james arthur , one direction , conan gray , jls , chase atlantic , Jeff buckley , hozier , noah kahan & more
misc ; dolls , books , lego , sylvanian families , making jewellery , posters , halloween
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my faves
characters ; percy de rolo , vax'ildan , vex'ahlia , simon riley , john mactavish , john price , kyle garrick , kate laswell , steven grant , marc spector , logan howlett , wade wilson , agatha harkness , din djarin , cole cassidy , anakin skywalker , luke skywalker , 10th doctor , 15th doctor , loki , foxy , the riddler , newt scamander , obi-wan kenobi , glitchtrap , vanny , danny zuko , luther hargreeves , Ben hargreeves , Steve harrington , eddie munson
youtubers ; smii7y , blarg , bigpuffer , elasticdroid , pezzy , grizzy , warn , frogger , aspen , james marriott , willne , critical role , george clarkey , flats , kryoz , cam kirkham , sinjin drowning , dawko , game theory , gtlive , keeoh , film cooper
celebs ; pedro pascal , matthew grey gubler , ashley johnson , troy baker , mat mercer , hugh jackman , barry sloane , neil ellice , oscar isaac , gerard way , frank iero
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other blogs
@b4bywr1t3s - fanfic blog
@royaldaycare - caregiver blog
@astrogrphx - editblr
@l0v34sp3nc3r - fandom blog (may contain nsfw themes)
@kitkatshifts - shifting blog
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my tags
#╰ lo's rambles ୧ - general posts
#╰ lo creates ୧ - my creations
#╰ lo's pics ୧ - my photos
#╰ lo's f/o's ୧ - my fictional others / selfships
#🐾.lo's fictional faves - my favourite characters
#🐾. lo's fictional cgs - my fictional carefivers
#talking.🐾 - answering asks
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dividers (first and last) dni banner
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babylittlebug · 2 years ago
About me
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Name: You can call me Marie!
Pronouns: She/her
Big age: I'm in my 20s
Small age: 0-4 (usually baby!) 🍼
I'm ADHDer and I use regression to help me calm my mind and also to cope with anxiety and stress.
I use this blog mainly to help me regress, so you'll probably see me here while small a lot, please talk to me as such just in case!
My regression is usually voluntary and it's hard for me to fully regress, so I end up age dreaming most of the time.
I regress involuntarily sometimes too, specially when I'm sleepy or upset.
No one irl knows about my regression, that's why I barely have any agere items.
I don't have a cg, but I like to imagine some of my comfort fictional characters as my caregivers, I mention them later in this post!
I'm very shy but you can talk to me whenever you want!! 🥰
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Fave colour: Purple!
Fave animal: Elephant 🐘
Fave snack: Ice-cream and chocolate 😋
Fave cartoons: The Dragon Prince, Steven Universe, She-Ra and Bluey when I'm feeling small.
Big me hobbies: Playing videogames, watching series and movies, reading and writing.
Little me hobbies: Napping, cuddling with suffies while watching cartoons, babbling, napping, coloring... napping again...
My fictional dadas:
Steven Grant (Moon Knight)
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars)
Nick Valentine (Fallout 4)
Halsin (BG3)
Astarion (BG3)
Percy de Rolo (Vox Machina)
Viktor (Arcane)
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DO NOT INTERACT: NSFW blogs, pedos/MAPS, racists, misogynists, anti-lgbt, n@zis, abusers and r@pists. You'll be blocked on sight.
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