123 posts
Requsts(headcanons): Open Fandoms I write for: Seven Deadly Sins, Black Butler, Genshin Impact, Assassination Classroom, Mystic Messenger, Akame ga Kill!, Death Note, Attack on Titan, Haikyuu, Hell's Paradise, Obey me. Rules: no NSFW, all characters are aged up, AU's are allowed, no crossovers, no incest or pedophilia, no more than 3 characters per request. I reserve the right to refuse any request.
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random-yandere-fandom · 1 year ago
Hi, this was inspired by the Goddess Elizabeth and TC Meliodas yandere headcanons and I was wondering if I could please request slightly dark headcanons for a Zeldris/Gelda pairing who are yandere for an S/O who is either human or a goddess?
Let's hope I have the motivation to finish writing this
I decided to make the reader a goddess since that would add some more drama. Also I tried to make it darker than my usual writing but don't really know if i succeeded... Also, characters might be Ooc
Yandere Zeldris and Gelda sharing a Goddess S/O
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This is one of the best yandere pairings I can imagine. They harmonize so well and with their shared goal of protecting and owning you, this would be an almost wholesome relationship.
Almost, because the political climate makes it pretty much impossible for it to be a simple and happy romance.
I picture this with Zeldris and Gelda already being together, as otherwise Gelda has zero chance of actually meeting you long enough to grow as fond of you as she does. The two of them already have enough trouble, hiding their relationship and subsequently pretending to be nothing but strangers, even when they are as close as can be.
So Gelda quickly notices when Zeldris has something on his mind, stares off into the distance and doesn't react as quickly as usual. She will narrow her eyes and lean close enough that their noses brush against each other, causing the demon to snap out of his thoughts and grow extremely flustered. He won't be able to hide anymore and will have to confess to having met you on the battlefield and that there is something about you that doesn't quite let him forget about you like he usually does with his enemies.
At first, Gelda doesn't know how to react. Scratch that, she knows exactly that she is pissed off. Though, seeing her lover being more confused on why he can't get you off his mind will slightly placate her, especially since Zeldris will feel guilty and apologize unprompted for even thinking off you. While she will scold him, it will mainly be for not telling her first thing. The vampire is rather wary of you though, perhaps you have a strange power to you or her lover sensed that there is something off about you that could turn out to be dangerous.
That opinion of hers changes quite quickly though. It is rare that the demon king sends a vampire to the front lines, yet Gelda finds herself in the middle of the battlefield, some lower demons alongside her as they scout the perimeter. Perhaps he has grown suspicious of her and Zeldris and this is a warning, she muses, but she can't think much of that now as she has to focus on being on enemy territory.
It is thanks to her quick senses that she manages to dodge the sudden attack directed at the small group. She barely makes it out of range only to find herself getting dragged behind some trees. Before she can retaliate someone gently shushes her and she catches gaze of her savior. You. You gesture for her to listen and she hears some other goddesses talking about having killed the entire group and it doesn't take a genius to realize you are protecting her. Gelda remains tense until they leave. You explain that she was the only one to survive the initial attack and that you, admittedly, thought this war stupid and didn't want more blood on your hands. Even if you had just been relaxing nearby, you couldn't watch someone being slaughtered like that. What really catches the blonde off guard is that you seem remorseful for the death of the demons accompanying her and somehow... your naive and yet so sweet reactions make her want to tease you.
Once she returns she is quick to discuss that meeting with Zeldris and quickly they realize that they have met the same person. From then on it isn't hard for either of them to admit that they want to get to know you better and they are quick to agree to do this together.
Zeldris will be the one you mainly interact with and mostly on the battlefield, so getting closer to you is imaginably hard. Yet, he somehow manages to get your name and more personal information, which he later eagerly shares with Gelda.
A few months of this and it is decided: the two of them want you with them. Seeing however that they have to operate in secret they come up with various plans that are just as quickly dismissed. Lucky are they when other demons catch you as a war prisoner and even luckier are they when Zeldris manages to get his hands on you.
The demon has a good reputation and it doesn't take much to make it look like you died in captivity, just another death that could have been avoided but wasn't.
In truth, you find yourself bound up in a small cave, Gelda greeting you as you open your eyes with a pounding headache and something so desperately wrong with you as you can't move your body, can't even lift a finger as your vision remains blurry. You barely hear it when the vampire explains the situation to you, that you will slowly regain your bearings and that you don't have to be afraid. You don't hear her expressing her apologies for how rough they had to get to have you or hear Zeldris when he arrives to make sure you are as fine as the situation allows it.
Over the next few days, they will give you time to adjust to your surroundings, feed and take care of you as you slowly regain the control of your body. To your horror, your wings remain limp, the once blinding white feathers now a light grey that lost their shine. Dread fills you as Gelda explains that they didn't want to risk you escaping and Zeldris has the guts to look a bit ashamed for taking their mobility from you.
Don't mistake their light bantering among the two of them and the gentleness they show you, they are not above fully ridding you of your wings or anything else they deem a threat to their ownership of you.
It's been so long since I have been written something a bit longer like this. I'm not totally satisfied with how it turned out, but it feels great all the same.
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random-yandere-fandom · 1 year ago
Hello, darling. Haven't heard from you in a while, how are you? How are you doing? How's school/work? How are you feeling? I hope you're doing well. I have to say, I really like your writings, they are wonderful and fill me with the craziest ideas myself, heh. It's too little to fully describe all my feelings, I truly love your work on the seven deadly sins, it makes me feel cozy. Thank you so much, best wishes
Hii! Thank you so much for this!
I've been doing alright, just a lot of stress with work and so on, big decisions to make, etc.
I am happy my sds writings make you feel cozy, that is what I am trying to achieve! And it's even better that they inspire you!
Though, now I have been out of practice for a long time and my writing really took a big hit, it'll take some time to reach the old quality.
One reason I noticed is character.ai. I've been obsessed with it for months, or rather, I've grown attached to it way too much. I made lots of own characters and it was fun at first, but now that I want to write again my writing style has been largely warped by that app. It's frustrating. I just needed to rant that a bit.
Anyway, thank you for this message and I hope you're doing well, too!
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random-yandere-fandom · 1 year ago
Thinking about...
Kaeya, who loves peppering your neck with kisses. Who adores inhaling your scent and feeling your breath hitch as he ghosts his lips over your throat, searching for your pulse. He revels in the fact you let him so close, his teeth right next to your pulsing artery, to the airways and vocal cords. The only thing separating him from them is your flesh that he kisses and nibbles on, sucking on the particular sensitive skin just below your ear that makes you shiver. You will be covered with marks after and though there is a part of him that feels embarrassed that he let it get out of hand, there is no denying the smug pride he can't fully hide.
Zhongli, who strolls through Liyue Harbor with you, hand resting on the small of your back. His warmth spreads and you feel his thumb draw small circles on you, separated through your clothes. His rich voice telling you all kinds of stories, his eyes shining whenever he manages to make you laugh with an anecdote or feels your eyes on him for a little too long. He shows off his city to you in a subtle way all the while not so subtly showing you off to everyone nearby.
Childe, who does not see a reason to wake you up even if it's way past morning, the sun high in the sky. His arm is wrapped around your waist, his nose nuzzled against your shoulder blade as he chooses between pressing closer and breathing. He focuses on the rise and fall of each breath you take and the calm heartbeat and presses a small kiss above your spine, enjoying the taste and feel of your skin. He mentally congratulates himself on commanding his subordinates to leave him alone today.
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random-yandere-fandom · 1 year ago
Going through my inbox and the oldest request is almost two and a half years old... damn. And I posted last like what, a year and a few months ago?
Anyway, I've been gone for a while. Honestly got no reason other than busy life and addiction to games.
Well, either way, had the urge to write something so yeah. Also I'll be adding new fandoms to the list. Namely Hell's Paradise(both manga and anime), Obey me(I'm only on lesson 52 though)... and if you thought there was gonna be more then you're wrong. I might occasionally write about the characters from the books I'm reading, but I dunno if I want active requests for them.
To anyone reading this and hoping I post regularly again, I hope so too. And highly doubt it.
Oh, and, late happy new years btw.
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random-yandere-fandom · 2 years ago
How would feel about writing headcanons about platonic yandere zhongli with a child reader who is the reincarnated version of his child who died in the past. But now the child has been reborn in the present but belongs to a different set of parent which naturally doesn’t make Zhongli happy considering he wants his child back. But I hope you get what I’m saying and are interested
have a good day!
How absolutely tragic! I love it! Have a wonderful day!
Platonic yandere Zhongli with his reincarnated child
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The day of your death is spent in solitude. Each year, Zhongli leaves for your grave with your favorite flowers, homemade dishes and a different children’s book each time, which he will then read out loud. The silence he receives for it is deafening. There are no animals around as the area is protected by one of his shields, though he himself always makes sure that the place is well-taken care off. Your birthday is a bit more joyful, as he will hand-pick the newest trending toys in Liyue as well as decorate your grave just like he knows you would have liked it. Both dates will have in common that no matter how dire the situation in his nation is, the archon will at the very least visit.
He has lived for millennia and is well-acquainted with the concept of rebirth and the like, and yet he never imagined it happening to you. However, there is no denying what he is seeing, hearing, feeling. You are three, maybe four, years of age, walking on your small legs in a somewhat clumsy manner and smiling with such childish innocence that makes his heart ache. The moment he heard your laughter he had turned to face you only a few steps away, his vision tunneling as he takes in your appearance. Even though you look different, are different, it is still you. He sees it in the way your eyes move curiously around the street, hears it in the littlest gasp you make when you notice something particularly interesting and feels the familiar soul, so old and yet never having had the chance to remain anything but young. 
Zhongli is barely able to contain himself, every fiber of his being screaming to snatch you away, to the Guyun Stone Forest to watch the stars again and to the place which now harbors Qingce Village where you loved to play hide and seek. But alas, fear grips his heart. He sees the way your hand is held tightly in those of who must be your mother, your new father currently talking to some store clerk. The thought leaves him bitter, as if anyone could ever take his place. 
But he can not let this opportunity pass, can not let you disappear in the crowd of people, though he knows that now that he is aware of your rebirth, he would find you wherever you are. He quickly walks over to the woman by your side, greeting her politely before turning to you. He has to think of some excuse for his sudden intrusion, but all thoughts die out as you look up at him and making grabby hands in his direction. Instinctively he kneels down as you leave your mother’s hold and almost stumble into his awaiting arms, joyful giggles escaping your mouth as you grasp for his clothing. 
The mother is horrified, scolding you but clearly on guard around this stranger and Zhongli hesitates to let you go. He feels deeply satisfied with how you refuse to listen, preferring to stay with him instead of leaving for this woman and there’s a gentle smile he just can’t help nor contain. It’s a shame he can’t just take you away like this and he hesitantly lets you go, his heart breaking when he has to unclasp your hands, his own shaking and his voice almost failing him as he apologizes, making some kind of excuse that he did not wish for you to fall. His exterior looks awfully calm, maybe a bit embarrassed. On the inside though a storm is brewing. Why should he apologize? You came to him, you recognized him, however much that may be, he was your father, you were his child. He had seen you grow; he had taught you of this land, he heard all you had to say and express, he had witnessed your first and last breath and yet they dare to step in between the both of you. 
This wrath was not unlike what he had experienced before, your death having made him a grief-stricken, vengeful god more than he was ever before. It had taken centuries for it to calm, for him to regain composure and become the gentleman he is known for. Yet it all threatens to spill over as this woman - she is Liyuen, and though he never thought like this before, shouldn’t she be grateful for the life he had granted her indirectly? It’s ridiculous, she doesn’t even know who he is - this human dare to shield you away from him.
One look at you and he sighs unnoticeably. Even if your instincts tell you to trust him, your father, he does not wish to scare you and so your meeting ends, with the trio leaving the already planning archon behind. He waits a bit before gesturing Ganyu closer. She must have felt his raging emotions and come to see, help, maybe, and now that she is already here, he might as well ask her for a favor or two.
Your parents, two loving mortals that work hard to provide you a good life, admire your creativity. Each morning you tell them of your dreams, wonderous plains, mountains higher than the sky and caves big enough to fit entire cities. You ramble of palaces made of pure gold and clouds painted in the most colorful ways. The only continual constant being the dragon that accompanies your own scaly form, a graceful being full of wisdom and stories and wonders, anything a child would love. How incredible, your parents think, it might be a blessing of the yakshas if not for the archon himself, they tell you with which you refute them that the archon is long gone. In your mind, the dragon is greater than any god and wiser than every scholar. You can’t help but wish he’d break the boundaries of your dreams. 
Sometimes you see the man from before in the streets, clad in brown and gold and black and he reminds you of your dreams. He’s always smiling, too, eyes curved gently as he waves and you wave back, to which he laughs and you grin. You don’t know his name, don’t know him at all but he feels safe and you know that if you had the time you would like to run to his side and hug him again, no matter how much your parents warn you against it. You have a feeling it would make the man happy.
Zhongli watches from afar. You are as curious of the world as you always have been. He longs for you by his side again, he knows which stories he’d tell and what toys he’d buy and what food he’d make. He wouldn’t even harm your parents. 
You are a curious child and when there is a trail of gold leading somewhere, you follow. When your scaly friend is waiting at the end of it, far away from any people, you run to him. When he takes off into the sky, you cling to his back. When he gives you a charm, a pretty little thing, you wear it. When he tells you that it’s so you can live with him, as his life would normally be longer than yours, you believe him. You don’t think of the people left behind, too great is the comfort and trust you feel in Zhongli’s presence. “His little treasure” he calls you affectionally and you react to it as if you had never been called anything else. 
While your parents weep and cry and call your name you are taking a nap at a dragon’s side. While Ganyu tries to comfort them, knowing their efforts of finding you are, and always will be, fruitless, you play catch with the nice man. As long as you are happy and safe, Zhongli can justify anything. He had promised you long ago to always be with you, to always care for you, and what kind of god of contracts would he be if he couldn’t even hold true to that? More importantly, what kind of father would he be? Zhongli doesn’t even entertain the idea of letting you live your life as a mortal and he believes he has every right to it, too.
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random-yandere-fandom · 2 years ago
Can I have Yandere Dagger, Snake, or Finny with a diplomatic, patient darling who prefers to reason with them when necessary? Like, if they don’t approve of a decision, they will give their reasoning and potentially try to find a compromise acceptable to both parties if necessary.
Yeah, sure, I’ll write for all of them (cause I love them all)
Guess who's back? The last few weeks were exhausting, but I finally have some free time again!
Yandere Dagger with a patient darling
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Dagger practically worships you. All you do and all you say is perfection and he believes himself lucky to be able to be so close to you. He is very open about it too, praising and complimenting you at every turn and doing every romantic gesture he can think of, buying you flowers and rushing to your side as soon as it seems to be a little too cold and offering the jacket he just recently bought for this purpose, even admitting to it. He himself does not have many clothes, even less that he considers worth sharing, but should you ask him he is over the moon, basically throwing the jacket or whatever at you, gently, with a bowed head and hearts in his eyes. He looks as if he’s a butler serving their master something.
That said, he’d do anything for you. You only have to hint at wanting something and he’ll do his best to get it for you. However, that also means he is not at all squeamish when it comes to what he believes is protecting you. A death here, a missing person there, it matters not as long as it’s for your safety. He’s efficient with it, too, and no one has been able to pin the blame onto him yet.
Even if he knows you might not agree with such things, he finds himself still doing them. As long as you don’t know it’s fine after all, he better not let it slip. It doesn’t take long for you to hint at one of the crimes in his presence, whether you read it somewhere, someone told you and whether mentioning it was intentional or not, you definitely notice something off about Dagger’s behavior, the way he suddenly averts his eyes, fidgets and tries to leave tells you enough to know what is going on. 
As soon as you start questioning him, he’ll start sobbing, shame burning him seemingly from the inside as you try your best to comfort him. You are all too familiar with the gruesome actions he had to commit in the circus and so you do your best to calm him down, running your hands through his hair as he holds onto you tightly. It takes a while, but the moment he manages to form a coherent sentence he confesses to everything he’s done in your name, looking at you with such tear-filled eyes you can’t help but pity him. Still, you scold him. The likelihood of his victims being far from innocent is high with how they seem to have targeted you and he most likely saved your life many times without you knowing, but it can’t go on like this.
You manage to find a compromise, with him telling you directly as soon as he believes you are in danger instead of taking care of it himself. You also agreed to leave with him as soon as he’s feeling jealous if it’s reasonably possible, but at the very least you will let him boast about being your boyfriend to the other person should you still have business with them. Dagger is so incredible thankful, the thought that he can communicate with you so openly and you put up with his antics make him weak in the knees.
It’s extremely easy to get to a compromise with him as long as it doesn’t concern your own safety. Even more so if you continue to let him be around you almost all of the time, having no issue with his clinginess but still telling him off as soon as it gets too much. Dagger respects all your decisions and he knows you respect him, too, making for a surprisingly healthy relationship as long as one ignores what exactly you have to find compromises on.
Yandere Snake with a patient darling
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Snake himself isn’t all that sure what he’s feeling, only knowing how happy it makes him to be by your side and see you smile, even better if you do so because of him. It’s his snakes that tell him what that emotion is and he can’t help but blush in embarrassment when they mention the word “love”. He can’t really deny it though and he’ll find himself trailing behind you whenever possible, awkwardly being around you in hopes you start a conversation.
You know that he isn’t the most social person, but you also know that he is honest and brave and so you take it upon yourself on to get to know him better and teach him what is socially acceptable. 
This leads to him getting used to being told off and corrected when you deem necessary, counting on you to tell him what he should be doing in certain moments even if you try to get him to decide for himself as you do not wish for him to grow too dependent on you. He takes note of it, too, and while he might take longer to make some decisions on his own, he can’t help the pride swelling in his chest when you give him a thumbs up afterwards. 
Furthermore, he admires how you try your best to help him adjust at his own pace. You are constantly checking in on him, making sure he is doing alright and not being overwhelmed and answering all questions he has. Snake feels comfortable with voicing his opinion to you just as he knows you do. Still, you end up surprised when he comes up to you asking if he could harm a person. There is a moment of silence between the both of you and for a moment Snake wonders if he should have just done it but then you’re talking before he can write it off as some mistake. You want to know his reason and he nods, explaining how one of his snakes told him that someone was talking badly of you.
Now, once again, you know Snake is a sincere person. You know he is not asking you because he wants your praise specifically or a thank you for thinking of you, but is genuinely curious if you would be alright with him going through with his plan. You also know that he would disprove of your opinion against it and while you would normally have nothing against finding some kind of compromise, this situation is a bit trickier than the others have been. Still, he asked for your judgement and so you have a small discussion with him somewhere no one else can listen in, believing the topic too sensitive for anyone else. Luckily you come to the conclusion that you will just avoid the person and Snake will ignore their existence entirely by his own choice. You do not take notice of how he glares at them at any opportunity, or how they flinch when you are nearby.
While Snake will do his best to talk things through to you, he sometimes can’t help himself. Fortunately, he is smart enough to know how far he can go without you finding out and generally prefers to listen to what you have to say. It’s just that sometimes a little scare helps with keeping you to himself and as long as he doesn’t injure the other person it can’t be that bad, right?
Yandere Finny with a patient darling
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Finny just loves to be around you. There is nothing that brings him more peace and joy than when the two of you spend time together and he can’t help but want to protect you whatever it takes. His courting is clumsy, flowers he gifts you more often than not dying in minutes within you receiving them only to find out he tried some new fertilizer but took way too much of it for the wrong kind of flower or stuff like that. He’ll be all embarrassed about it too, blushing and rubbing his head as he hands you his gift only for his soul to leave his body as he watches it failing in some kind of way. It’s the effort that counts though and a smile from you is enough to revive him.
You often end up being the one to correct him in doing things as he presents you his failures and it becomes commonplace to tell him what you think. You patiently teach him how to do better and then watch as he fails in the most extraordinary ways, forcing you to think of all possibilities and instruct him precisely on how to work better. 
It’s a shame Finny keeps on insisting that he wants to surprise you with things, so everything that you could have discussed and found a compromise on already happened by the time you come to know of it. Yet you always keep your calm and help him clean up his mess, making Finny all the more enamored with you and determined to give you a real surprise that does not backfire. It’s a really vicious cycle.
However, Finny is capable of learning and slowly he starts asking you on what to do beforehand, or the other servants in case it should still be kept a secret, which only results in an even bigger disaster if he hasn’t asked Sebastian but the others. Whenever he does go to you for help though he makes sure to pay upmost attention to what you have to say and he generally tries his best, it’s just that he seems to have the worst of luck sometimes. 
Should it be something immediate he can do for you he will do so without question. Even if you want him to stop clinging to you he will let go, a pout on his face but making sure you have enough space. He’ll spend all his money for you if you ask for it or do all your tasks should you feel like lazing off, only hoping for your affection in return. Luckily you don’t take advantage of it, making sure he is just as happy as you are on anything you decide on together. 
It might take him a while to grasp when to think before acting and even longer to actually do it, especially in extreme situations, however he truly tries his best in including your opinion on what he does. As long as you stay with him, as long as you are healthy, Finny has a peace of mind that he never had before. Pity the soul that tries to take you from him.
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random-yandere-fandom · 2 years ago
Hello Author!! The most recent Death Note ask inspired me, so could I request some HCs for Yandere Light, Yandere L, & Yandere Misa with a Darling who loves ‘messing around’ with people, no one is off limits to them they have had lovers who were their superiors before, and who easily gets into romantic relationships, but never truly falls in love?
Darling could romance any person at any time, could make even the most aloof and cold hearted person swoon, has been on hundreds of dates and knows the inns and outs of making the people around them interested in them, but they never really give away their heart.
Darling doesn’t even mean to be cruel to those they quickly break up with, their attention just simply never stays on one person at a time long enough for something substantial though they never cheat, and they just find themselves bored of it all after a few weeks. (The thrill of the chase is an addicting feeling, and the connection that Darling has with the people around them satisfies them for a bit, but they always find themself back with the same instinct to peruse new and even more exciting experiences)
Ooohhh how exciting! I love it!
Yandere Light with a darling who is quick to lose interest
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Really, it was only a matter of time until your attention fell unto him. He was the perfect guy in everyone’s eyes, even if he did not have the time for friends which was almost sad to watch. He was infamous and similarly, you were just as talked about at your high-end university. Truly, it almost seemed that fate had decided that he would be the next to pique your interest. 
You had a tendency to get bored with people easily, the way they tick all too obvious after some time and all interactions with them suddenly growing dull. At the same time though, there always seemed to be someone new that you wished to get to know, the thrill of meeting all kinds of people and getting them to work in your favor unending. You did feel somewhat guilty for leaving all those people behind though, but everything about them was just so tedious, so predictable, and life was short and you always made sure to be honest to them, staying loyal and caring for them during your time together, so there was really nothing else you could do.
When your eyes first fell on Light you couldn’t stop smiling, getting him to fall for you would truly be an excitement like no other has been in a long time. Light on the other hand almost groaned the first time you approached him, even he had heard everything about you despite being busy as Kira and while he had nothing against you personally, he really didn’t feel like getting wrapped up in one of your plays or whatever those around you called them.
Consider him baffled though when you instead ask about his studies. The surprise burns down quickly though, he concludes that this might be the best way to start a conversation with him and you just took use of that. In the following conversation he can’t help but give you credit as you proof yourself exceedingly intelligent. While the two of you did study in a renowned university, it was rare for him to enjoy a discussion with someone else. That, added with the almost endless self-confidence the guy has brings him to the decision to keep you around for a while. Not only is he sure he won’t fall for you, but he can also use you as cover. After all, Kira wouldn’t want to waste their time with some mindless flirt, right?
There is something nice about the way you talk to him. You are enraptured with him, seemingly looking straight through his facade, keeping Light on his guard around you. It’s fun playing little games with you, keeping you guessing while also getting a small shock each time you are able to predict his behavior. It makes him extra careful, makes him consider each word he says and each gesture he almost performs, just for you. It’s a welcome distraction as well as a challenge and before Light knows it, he is looking forward to meeting you. The fact alone he is making time for you in his busy schedule is enough proof for how you managed to fascinate him, enough for him to finally face reality.
Congratulations, you got Light to fall for you and he no longer can just hide his emotions behind the facade of you being a simple alibi. You are too great for that, your manipulations on par with his, though he wouldn’t admit it out loud. But now that you have his attention, he will not let you go. Keeping you interested, speculating and always taking you off guard is one way, but once you lose interest, he will have no choice but to reveal one last secret to threaten you to stay. But it’s only fair, after all, you should take responsibility for what you make him feel.
Yandere L with a darling who is quick to lose interest
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L knows of your tendency even before you two meet, obviously he had gotten a background check on you before the two of you even met, but what can you expect from him when he is planning to work with you for a case. You are a specialist in your field and seem just right for the job. L is convinced that your innocent flirting will have no effect on him and as long as that kind of environment gets you to do your job efficiently, who is he to say anything. He himself has his quirks and he views your behavior as nothing else, even when he is prepared to tell you off.
He does not expect to like your little flirts, your light smile and small touches. It is obvious you have your sight set on him and he can’t tell you to stop, your words all too flattering even when he replies coldly and your presence seeming so addictingly warm and sickly sweet. There is something about you that makes him want to give in and sooner than later L will withdraw, leaving you to do your tasks on your own while you can do nothing but pout as he tries to calm his mind. You suspect to know the reason though, giddy that you have gotten this far with the aloof detective.
He might take a day off, a rarity, to collect his thoughts. He has no need for a relationship and besides, he already has his more than interesting job. That doesn’t keep him from being hyper aware of your presence though, even after he gets you to back off after a serious talk. While you are obviously displeased with his reaction, he also notices your determination growing and he almost feels ashamed for being happy that you don’t plan to simply give up. Though, he is well aware to not show it, otherwise you might just loose interest.
Whilst you do actually back off, he still takes note off how you perk up at any clue he gives you to himself, you almost seem to drink up each detail about him and L would be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy the attention. Each time you are just about to grow bored or might even meet someone else that might catch your interest he is quick to indulge in your little game, not enough to give away that he is actively playing it, but enough to keep you on the edge of your seat. He makes sure to keep up an air of mystique around him, displaying little quirks only for you to see and seeming just enough out of reach to hopefully keep you trying to catch him.
All good things must come to an end though and the case the two of you are working on will get solved, even if L is hesitant to let it come to a close. Instead, though, he reassures himself that things will go back to normal now and you will go your separate ways. The disappointment from your side is clear though as you hadn’t been able to wrap him around your finger like you wanted, despite your best efforts. Hell, you had even made him some of his favorite sweets and yet he hadn’t reacted much, only thanking you before moving on to work. So, you end up leaving having no clue that L still checks on you via the many security cameras he had let someone install.
At first you believe to have some incredibly bad stroke off luck as each entertaining person you find somehow disappears from your life, some kind of personal thing always making them have to go somewhere far off and none of them were interested in keeping in contact. When it happens a third time you get suspicious, though there isn’t much you can go on, no clue really getting you anywhere. When you get a request to work with the first person to escape your grasp, or rather, seemingly not even falling into it, you gladly accept. You have a feeling that working together with L again will solve this little mystery and you’d be all too glad to move on. Your old target is just as happy, if not even more, to see you again, too. This time there will be no more good-byes though.
Yandere Misa with a darling who is quick to lose interest
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To say you are confident is an understatement. Sure, you’ve managed to date all kinds of people, but a celebrity? This would be a first and if you didn’t get in contact with her through your work even you have to admit that this would have been almost impossible. But alas, luck is on your side and you are able to start some friendly chatter in between her shootings. 
Misa catches on to your intentions immediately, holding back an eye roll when you approach her. Instead, she treats you just friendly enough to not come off as rude, which she only does because you yourself are an important figure in your company. Once you’re gone though she lets out a sigh of relief, believing your little flirt to be over. When you do appear again, grin on your face and greeting her enthusiastically, she manages to hide her annoyance quite well, though she does drop some hints that she’d rather you leave.
Of course, you catch on and decide to back off, making her uncomfortable wasn’t what you wanted after all. you might even apologize, catching Misa off guard. The next few interactions are pleasant enough as you make sure to only push a little, delighting with each new information she inevitably reveals about herself. You hadn’t thought her to be quite the romantic she was at heart, though that was probably only because you didn’t know her as well, which definitely needed to be changed. So, when Misa herself approaches you to hang out sometime you happily oblige, excited at the prospect of having caught her interest and seemingly also redeeming yourself for coming off too strong in the beginning.
It’s quite fun to hang out with her. She always makes sure to show you new intriguing things, dragging you to cafes and places only those living practically next to it would normally know. It’s obvious how she drops hints that compel you to want to know more and you enjoy your time with the model, the little mind games only being a small part in the fun. Honestly, she might be someone you would want to keep around as a friend given how adorable and yet sharp she was. 
However, you could never be so sure about that and besides, you had already caught her blushing around you. The thought of making her fall in love with you and loving her in turn was just too tempting to give up and so you rejoiced at her reactions, the way she would cling to your side and how cutely she pouted each time she believed you were spending too much time with someone other than her.
With your perceptiveness however it was easy to see the red flags and while you had to admit you kind of ignored them before, you slowly got the feeling that you should get out as long as you still could. Besides, while you hadn’t lost interest yet, you could tell her possessiveness was slowly wearing you down. When you sat her down in a semipublic space to break the news to her, that you wished to part paths, you did not expect her to brush a piece of folded paper against your hand. You also did not expect to see that thing hovering over her almost protectively, and you for sure where not ready for the kind of threats she was making. You had your fair share of break ups gone badly, but never did you have one that left you scared for your own life like this. With nothing else left to do you couldn’t do anything but force a smile and lie her in the face, which she could obviously tell, that you were just joking. It looked like you wouldn’t be getting away from Misa anytime soon.
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random-yandere-fandom · 2 years ago
This is less an ask and more just a funny idea. Just, imagine yandere's of your choice trying to be all yandere-like, and you just... keep rolling with it? They're completely floundering because they were expecting resistance? Or that they would have to work/fight for your affection and prove themselves or get rid of competition... but somehow you manage to convince/assure them without even realising it?
You catch them breaking/sneaking in? Yeah you're mad but that's cause they broke the lock! Plus they had a 'good' reason. Next time just ask for a spare key, okay? Hell, you get a second key of the new locks made for them and give it as a gift!
They're paranoid about you being away from them for too long? Well, how about a tracking thing/spell? Oh! Maybe you both can get matching ones, so you can always find each other? (Like enchanted rings or something, just for the added symbolism)
They don't want you to work? Well, neither do you! But how else are you gonna get them surprise gifts or get nice little things for them like that? Maybe if you can work from home/on your passions that would be nice...
They're jealous of friends/family? Everyone wants attention! But also if you stop talking to people they get worried, better to have weekly/monthly get together's and the occasional chat. Plus friends/family make easy sources of information for you, right? They ever need advice on something, they're available!
And just... even their more extreme tendencies curbed by their wonderful darling, who manages to both assure them but also keep a bit of wriggle room for themselves just by being so nice and attentive and understanding...
Just a fun little thought!
Oh hell yeah, this is great!
You just keep excusing their behavior, even encouraging it in some aspects and they are completely baffled. The first few times they kind of just stare at you, unsure what to do. Even the more delusional ones are hesitant to react, though they are the quickest to just roll with it.
After a while they just heed your suggestions, still reluctant and even a bit worried but this is something they didn't even dare dream about! How could they not just nod along, hoping this isn't some kind of dream they wake up feeling disappointed and lonely all over again.
You don’t mind them holding you by your waist everywhere you go, the opposite. You grab their hand in yours and give it a light squeeze, smiling at them so sweetly they can’t help but give you a quick peck and you don’t refuse! No, you even meet them halfway, leaving them flustered for quite a while!
When they are about to start a fist fight with a random stranger looking at you weirdly you grab them by their wrist and lead them away, strict but gentle. They wait for scolding at least, anger lacing your tone but instead you just start rambling about your day, completely ignoring what just happened though the knowing glance you send them when they only tentatively reply, perplexed by your reaction, tells them all they need to know. They have no need to ward of threats because there aren’t any, you love them.
You’ll find them squealing in your shared (you insisted on it, they slept there most of the time either way) bed later on when they think you’re still in the bathroom. You give them the kindness of closing the door and knocking to save some of their dignity. 
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random-yandere-fandom · 2 years ago
Hello! I don't know if I can req characters from two different series so you can choose whichever you like, I want to req general headcanons of Vanderwood from MysMes/707 is fine too. Also headcanons on Sebastian w/reader that made a contract with him (like Ciel) only for having him do simple things (getting fav foods/clothes, anything reader wants to be spoiled until they die) cus the reader can be independent & smart in handling emergency/serious situation without counting him too much. Thx!
It's been a while since I last wrote for MysMes! I did play it again recently though, so I hope I'm up to the task!
Oh and requesting characters from different shows is totally fine!
I went with a different direction with Sebastian than normally because I felt like it, hope you enjoy~
General yandere Vanderwood headcanons
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Type of Yandere: Vanderwood is aware of his feelings, almost scarily so, even if he might not openly share them. His entire identity has been made with mysteries and he is unable to share much personal information thanks to his job at the agency, though I doubt he would do so either way. As a protective yandere he would do anything to make sure to get you out of harms way and thanks to his self awareness he knows he should distance himself, too. It just is unnatural to feel so strongly, to be so desperate to be close to another person, he scares himself with the kind of thoughts that sometimes pop up in his mind. Yes, he has gotten his hands dirty before and he was by no means innocent or naive, but that had always been a part of his work, his personal views however had never been so out of control. All this causes him to distance himself from you, though he does check up on you from time to time to give his mind some rest. Should he find out that you were injured in his absence, that he was unable to protect you? He forces himself back into your life, small at first but sure to ensure your safety from now on.
Love language: Acts of service are a big thing for him. It’s simply calming to him to take care of you, clean your home, make sure you stay hydrated, bringing you blankets when you are cold (or his jacket if you prefer). He might grumble a bit while doing it, saying how he doesn’t want to baby you and that you are a grown adult even though you never asked him to do any of these things, but one small thank you and maybe even a smile if you will should be enough to change his demeanor. You can’t help but notice the content grin that graces his face as he dusts down one of your shelves, you having been seated on the nearby couch and told to rest by the overbearing but somehow cute agent.
Their biggest fear: It isn’t uncommon for Vanderwood to wake up from a nightmare before checking up on you, that you are still there, healthy and happy as you can be. In his dreams he had often seen your death, the agency coming after you because he made some mistake, some slip-up, that made them decide that he deserved some kind of punishment. It always ended the same, you dying right in front of him, whether it be from poison, a knife to the throat or a clean shot. Vanderwood was always unable to reach you in time, mouth refusing to open and warn you, legs refusing to carry him to your side. Helplessness and guilt, in the end he was the one that got you killed, always left him close to tears upon waking up.
Kidnapping: He’d rather not. He is already putting you in enough danger as is and the thought of forcing you out of your home and confining you to an unfamiliar place leaves him guilt ridden for only imagining such a thing. That is not to say that he doesn’t have a safe house somewhere hidden away, though the chance of him using it is slim. Should it ever get so far that he needs to leave to protect you he will do so, if, however, you are in danger yourself, he might move you away by force, his heart heavy that he needs to result to this.
How easy is it to escape?: You might not even be aware of the cameras watching you, blissfully ignorant of the stalker Vanderwood has become. Only later on, when you have already become attached to the agent, will you come to realize that something is off. All you know is that he has a job at a secretive agency and while that might have excused some of his behaviour, you can’t always keep your eyes closed to the truth. Should you then try to get away, scared and unsure of who to trust, I can assure you that Vanderwood is with you in no time. You might start packing or you might leave with barely anything on you, but there is just not enough time before he returns and catches you, conflicted in what to do next. If, say, you had already been moved to the safe house, escape is highly unlikely. The house has locks seemingly everywhere and is in the middle of nowhere, there is just no opportunity to leave.
Punishments: The one in the wrong is without a single shred of doubt Vanderwood, and he is painfully aware of that. The only way this topic would ever come up is if he had to kidnap you and you keep being difficult. Of course he hadn’t anticipated anything else but he only wants to see you safe and might get frustrated over time, no matter how patient he tries to be. Arguing might have been heard from outside if there was anyone near, his voice slowly rising the longer this goes on. He will be on total defense, arms crossed as he tries to explain his reasoning and annoyance slowly building up. He doesn’t want to show it but your words hurt him and sooner than later he will snap, shouting that he is only doing what is best for you and that he won’t stop protecting you before angrily leaving the room. 
Difference to other yanderes: Guilt and shame are common emotions for him. He knew from the beginning, since he started working as an agent, that loving someone is the most selfish thing he can do. Yet, here he is, head over heels for you and ready to abandon everything to be with you. What really differentiates him from others though is that you won’t have any luck with manipulating him with those feelings. Vanderwood already keeps himself in check as much as possible and doing it further just doesn’t work. While it might keep rules lax and you might life a comfortable life should you accept the circumstances, there are things he just won’t budge on, for your safety.
Sebastian with a darling acting independently, despite their contract
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With the way his summoning went, because he only ever responds to the desperate call for blood and power, he certainly wasn’t expecting such behaviour. Sebastian remembers all too well the contents of your contract, not at all distant to what his last arrangement had been and with how confidently you had announced your wishes he was sure you were striving for more, human greed being no stranger to you. Certainly, he was bound to you until you’d die of old age and a lot could be done in that time, especially with the demon by your side. As such, his surprise when you seemed to have no further aspirations, no plans to dominate some part of life, was understandably huge.
Of course you gave out regular orders and thanks to his efforts you were now living in what you described as your dream house, clothes and jewelry all being handed to you as you pleased as you only received the best of the best. You also requested of him to cook, his abilities in the area superb as always as he provided you with everything you asked of. The strange thing however, was, that this was it. You let yourself get spoiled, you showed off your your riches when you felt like it, but nothing further.
Sebastian was used to greed, humans exceling in the art of selfishness, but you just stopped. Your hunger filled, no temptations leading you to leaving everything up to your demon, no aspirations to become greater, to want more than what you had. It was strange to know you were content, his power laid to your fingertips and all you needed was to call and yet!- yet you handled every situation with grace, calmly thinking over the options and always seeming to choose the best one. The guy that wouldn’t leave you alone (which made his blood boil, but he wouldn’t dare act until you said so) seemingly disappaered from you life the moment you talked to him for five minutes. The reaper you convinced to leave you two alone, that the contract was legitimate and that Sebastian would pose no problem to them, was another example. Or what about the time you had coordinated an escape for everyone from a burning building, despite the danger to your own life (not that he would ever let something like that happen)?
It was this duality that made him fall for you, that turned his playful flirting into serious attempts to court you. It had taken him some time to notice and especially to accept his own feelings but once done another problem arouse. Not only were you mortal, but you were doomed to die by his hands. Sure, your death itself would be a natural one as had been said, but what could be considered more of a passing than the devoured soul which would rest and dissolve in the pits of his being?
Luckily, you were more than willing to give him free time. Once all your needs were taken care of he could do what he wanted and while he would normally either spend his time with cats or beside you, he now found himself with a new task. He’d find a way to bind you to him, to have your lives intertwined so no one could separate them ever again, not even a death scythe would be able to bring the tow of you apart. You are kind enough not to question his dissappearnces as long as he returned upon your call, believing him to deserve his privacy as you do yours. Sebastian feels conflicted, though. On one hand, he is thankful as he is able to go about his business without your interference or even you ordering to stop, to leave it be, to fulfill the contract and let you take your last breath as he can only watch and cling to your body, cold and empty. On the other hand, and he has the mind to feel embarrassed about this, he wished you’d take an interest, that you’d be as worried about what he does when he is gone as he does for you. That you’d hope for him to return soon and stay a bit longer beside you this time.
In the mean time though, he’ll have to be happy about what he can get and he tells himself that it is also time needed to get accustomed to this feeling. Sebastian had always been the one in control, had always been the one manipulating his masters and holding a sense of superiority above them, no matter how they thought to tie him down like the faithful servant he pretended to be. In the end, he had always been the one with power, the one that actively decided to follow the bids of the other party in favor of gaining something to feast on. Now though, he found himself slipping. Sebastian loves spoiling you, surprising you with ever new creations of dishes just to hear your praise, lingering around you just a bit longer, standing beside you just a bit closer than normal. He showers you in compliments you accept with a smile that would make his cheeks flush if only he were human. He would tear countries apart, kill gods young and old alike if you wished so and yet, so frustratingly, you don’t ask for any of that. And so he has to show his emotions in other ways that are not the ones his kind normally uses and if he is honest to himself, he’d prefer if you would fall for him naturally. It is the first time he has given this type of control over him to anyone and for some reason he finds himself not minding it as much as it should.
Whether you acknowledge his devotion or not is up to you, though you are bound to notice that his desire to serve you is much more than as was written in the contract. Sebastian doesn’t really make a secret out of it either, the most in that direction being calling his jealousy intuition, the other person surely not good enough for your exquisite taste. Even if you decide to ignore him and his overbearing need to, well, you can’t really claim it as anything else other than this, no matter how subtle he may be over this certain aspect, be owned by you, to be the one and only demon that serves you and get you to admit exactly that. Though he has no right to ask more of you, to ask you to depend more on him he still does. In his mind, you will only be his master for so long before you finally stand on equal footing, at least for a bit before he once again takes over. You will be his, then, bound to him for all of eternity as he has planned all this time.
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random-yandere-fandom · 2 years ago
If your requests aren’t open, please ignore this. What do you think would Gakushu do if his darling (who is usually a very intelligent student) suddenly writes worse grades with the goal to join the class 3-E? They’re friends with one of the students there and after visiting the class once, have realized how nice and relaxing it is down there in comparison to the pressuring main school where they are constantly being pressured and where arrogant and mean students are everywhere. As a little extra (you can leave it out of course) the s/o also wants to get away from Gakushu for a bit since they’ve had enough of his manipulative behavior.
They are open, no worries! This idea is wonderful! I tried to characterize the reader a bit different this time for fun.
Yandere Asano with a darling that wants to get into 3-E
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The rustling of trees, the smell of freshly cut grass lingering in the room from the window that was just closed, the few students still remaining chatting in small groups or calmly writing into their notebooks. The atmosphere was so calm, so incredibly inviting that it had been etched into your mind. You did your best to fight the sigh building up, stress that had accumulated in your body trying to find a way out in some way.
Once again you let the pen glide over the paper, much slower and more scrabbling than writing as you answered the question on the test. The pressure in the room was palpable, everyone doing their best to get what they know onto the paper and the sound of clicking pencils and quiet sobs that made you feel pity only worsening the mood. Focusing on the room instead of the obstacle on your desk was a death sentence though, not for nothing were you a part of the famous class 3-A that had competitions left and right. But oh well, you had made your decision, and there was no one to stop you as you knowingly left a few blanks and made the rest look like panicked scribbles.
It was a day after that that Asano approached you, his infamous smile almost making you want to hurl at the sight. His grip on your shoulder was tight as he pretended to be concerned, asking you about your grade, the sudden drop in all of them for a fact. He had already offered to tutor you before but you had refused, and now even his father was worried about you(r failure). You put on your best smile, telling him that it was a small slip up, that you would be fine on your own and that he (should fuck off) needn’t spend any time on worrying about you. It was your indifference to the threat that made anyone else gasp in horror, that you’d be demoted, maybe even put into class 3-E, that finally tipped him off, confirming his suspicions.
You simply walked of as he stood there, watching, having to entertain some students that decided to talk to him. This was not how it was supposed to be. You were always in the same class, he had seen how much effort you put into your studies, how hard you worked to get to your rightful place. He had observed all your little quirks, memorized the way you held yourself and done his best to make sure you were his, playing the charming, kind and smart classmate that you were sure to fall for. But not only did that not work, now you were even leaving him for some damn classroom full of people not even worth the dirt under his shoes. 
His father had already given him a warning, either you get back on track or he will have to stop his interest in you. As if that would work. So, Asano tried everything he could think of to get you to stop your childish antics. He contacted your parents, terrorized those from 3-E, talked to you on multiple occasions. Nothing worked and while he had to admit the challenge was a bit fun at first, giving him an excuse to spend even more time on you, it was growing annoying. You simply were not bothered, your one goal to escape his grasp and study on that hill clearly outweighting everything else he had to offer. 
None of his other plans had worked, no matter how intricate they were and some part of him was proud, of course you, the only person he actually liked, were smart enough to get what you want, even if your opponent was he himself. 
Either way, he was slowly getting desperate, no matter how much he hid it. Your transfer would be all too soon, the only reason you were still in his class, within his reach, was his doing, but even that would not work much longer. Asano is no fool, he knows that you dislike his manipulativeness, that you could read him as if he was an open book. Even if that was what made him interested in the first place, it was ironic that this would be his downfall. As a last effort he once approached you openly, dead set on being sincere in hope that it would somehow get you to reconsider your actions. But before he could start you had already shut him off, tired of his constant clinginess the last few days, always hovering around you and trying to manipulate you to his whim. 
It’s the last thing that really sets Asano off. Fine, you want to join 3-E, change your environment a little, be closer to your friend? Then do so. It will only be a few more months until the year ends either way. What are you going to do after that? Asano is in this for the long run, practically planning out your entire future by his side. There is no way he won’t get you back, whether you want to or not. He will make sure that this is the last time you defy him. To think this all could have been avoided, that you could have stood on equal footing? There is no going back now and so you better enjoy the next few months away from him, they are going to be the last.
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random-yandere-fandom · 2 years ago
I’m so sorry. That last . in the request I sent was meant to be a ?; I wasn’t looking when I sent it. Have a nice day/evening/night/ whatever it is in your time zone.
Oh no worries! Such things happen and even so, a mistake (especially a grammar one) won't bother me anyway.
Btw. because you asked in your request, I write for most characters from Black butler. I've caught up with the manga so there shouldn't be a character I can't write for, the only one I'd feel uncomfortable writing about that i can think of would be Viscount Druitt, because he's, excuse my language, but he's a little shit, to put it mildly.
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random-yandere-fandom · 2 years ago
If it's possible to request again, may I ask for Run, Wave and Kurome? I adore those three ❤️
Sure thing!
Yandere Run with a sunshine type of darling
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This type of darling would go perfect with him! Your joyful greeting upon first meeting him had him smiling right away, enjoying the small talk the two of you have. Because honestly, the first meeting might be at some insignificant place and the two of you are truly nothing more than strangers, but your encounter sticks in his mind for a while.
It does take him some time to fall for you, simply because he has to get to know you some better first. Though, after the second meeting he will unconsciously frequent places you might be, hoping for you to strike up another conversation.
That said, the more he gets to know you, the more he falls for you, your bright smile contagious as you tackle him in a hug. For you he has become a friend, one that shows up irregularly but is always so kind and charming that you can't help but sprint to his side as soon as you spot him. You know what he does as a job and so you know why he always is the one coming by first and why you can't just go over to his and you're fine with it. He's such a dear friend in fact, that you find yourself forgiving many small things and looking over the one or other flaw.
He, too, sees you as a dear friend. At least, he's aware that this is what you are at the moment, though he plans on becoming more than that. Run is good with words and could easily manipulate you into a relationship, but he prefers not to. You are just too kind, too lovable and he knows that a natural relationship would simply be easier for you to handle. That's not to say that he doesn't plan out some interactions, stirs you away from some people or takes as much of your attention as possible, he is just extremely subtle with it and tries not to force you into a corner.
It's not surprising that the two of you become an item quickly. From the outsiders point of view you are the perfect couple, loving and gentle and communicative, and the two of you are often spotted in some hidden corner in the park enjoying a picnic while he teaches you some origami or walking around town hand in hand. Your connection is amazing, with Run always knowing exactly what to say and your presence alone enough to cheer him up. He'd do anything to protect what the two of you have.
Similar to Esdeath he does take advantage of his influence and power, but in a much less forced way. The home the two of you will be living in is comfortable and homey, a garden if you wish so will also be included and he is happy to hear any ideas you have about location, decoration and the like. And for someone like him it is easy to find exactly what you want. From then on you finally live together, if you continue your job is up to you, though Run does suggest you stay at home. However, he does not wish to hold you back and will respect your decision as long as you behave, not that you know that.
Yandere Wave with a sunshine kind of darling
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Something I can really see happening is that the two of you are childhood friends. You came from the same village, maybe your parents were even friends. As such, you grew up together and you were with him when he developed his love for the ocean. You were known as an inseperable duo, doing everything together. 
Even back then he found you down right adorable, your cheerfulness lifting his spirits whenever he was feeling down. Whenever you got teased for your bubbly personality and how excited you could get, he was right there to defend you, heart racing but ready to shield you. It didn’t matter to him if the others did not want to play with the both of you, instead he made sure that you did not have to feel sad. He had always been so brave and kind that it didn’t surprise you when in later years he got his Teigu.
It came however as a shock when he was called to the capital to serve as a soldier in a special police force. You did your best to hide your tears upon receiving the news, this was a great opportunity for him after all and you knew that his responsibility would get him far. Upon him noticing your state, Wave’s heart ached more than it already had and he pulled you into a hug, comforting you as best as he could. He also did not want to leave you behind. He had not even been able to confess his feelings yet and yet he would have to leave you alone. The thought of you getting hurt without him around to protect him worried him to bits. Silently he also had to admit to himself that he was scared you would fall for someone else in his absence.
And yet, he knew he had to leave and there was no way around it. The next days you helped him prepare for his journey, fretting over each detail so that you could focus on the present and Wave was not doing any better, clinging to your side each and every second, clearly trying to get as much time with you as possible. There was a moment were you had to tell him that he should not wait outside the bathroom while you where in there and that he should do anything else as you reminded him that his parents would also miss him. You loved spending time with him, of course, but your heart also bled for the loving parents that had always welcomed you with open arms that now had to say goodbye to their son.
The evening before he left he called you outside, bringing you to an undisturbed part of the village before asking you to wait for him to come back. You knew what that meant, he could have just asked you to be his but this worked, too. Maybe you also like him or maybe you just can’t resist the puppy eyes he gives you, not wanting to break his heart and leave him with such heartbreak so short before his travels. Either way, you promise, and for good measure he demands a pinky promise, to which you agree. From holding your pinky to quickly wrapping his arms around you he starts shaking a bit, happy and scared of the future at the same time as he tells you of how he will miss you and you can only respond the same. The next day is filled with tears for the both of you. 
Once on his way and even in the capital Wave has this giddy feeling in his stomach. You promised to wait for him. He could already see it before his inner eye, a small house close to a haven but especially important, near the sea. He has the mental image of you standing outside, waving your one hand and carrying a bag in the other, prepared to go for a swim and then eat some snacks, maybe some sandwiches, after. He comes home, maybe carrying some groceries that he will quickly bring inside, but before he will wrap his arms around you as you giggle and press a kiss to his cheek, leaving him blushing slightly even after all this time of being married. Then, once everything is set, he will take the bag from you to carry it - which you protest, but the both of you know it’s useless - and take your hand in the other as you excitedly start pulling him down the way. Whatever awaits him in the capital, he will hold onto this dream. He will return to you, no matter what. He will make this dream into a reality, even if his morals might suffer a bit (but how could they? All he does is make sure that he can protect sweet and innocent you and some others if possible).
Yandere Kurome with a sunshine kind of darling
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She doesn’t really pay any attention to you at first. Sure, the two of you meet occasionally and you’re always happy for some small talk, but that’s about it. If you wouldn’t live nearby she would even think that your encounters are intentional, maybe some trap laid out for her, but alas, the information she got about you (or rather, Run had gathered out of suspicion and concern for her) was innocent enough. 
Her obsession starts slowly, you become a constant in her live that she can count on, or at least she hopes she can. The two of you meet regularly, going out for some drinks or a nice stroll, Run and Wave having had encouraged her to make friends beside them at the beginning, talking over her protests. Soon, she’ll come to enjoy the time you spend together, anticipating seeing you again even though she’d never tell anyone.
You’re just so sweet! And even if it took some time for her to get used to your affections, she is quick to latch onto you herself now. Your touch grounds her and calms her running thoughts as she can’t help but relax a bit as you grin at her, hands squeezing hers as you tell her about your day. The thought of someone else liking you or worse, you liking someone else, is enough to force you into constant affection, not that you mind. When the two of you are out in public she makes sure to glare at anyone that comes too close, though you will only notice her hands suddenly holding yours a bit tighter and her form nearly pressing against yours, head turned away so you don’t see how scary she looks in that moment.
There is not much need for a confession in her mind. The two of you spend most of your free time together and the way you look at her, stars in your eyes and the warmth you seem to radiate whenever she is around is enough confirmation for Kurome that you like her back, most of the time. Her thoughts can run wild and she questions your emotions more often than she would like, causing her to put you into situations where you can’t help but praise her, tell her how amazing she is and how much you love her. Cute, adorable you obviously goes along with it, giving her all the attention and affection she demands from you. Sometimes she even goes as far as to test you, fear and anticipation building up as you make your decision and so far, you’ve always chosen her (to your luck and everyone else’s that is around, too).
At one point she’ll get anxious if it has been too long since she has last seen you, rushing to your side as soon as she has returned from a mission and eaten her candy (which she never does in front of you). She doesn’t mind the blood clinging to her, though you certainly do. Kurome enjoys your worry as you usher her inside, checking her over for the injury that needs the most care at the moment only to realize that none of the blood is hers. Still, you get her to take a bath as you try to save her clothes from being ruined before handing her some of yours upon her request, even though she has some of her own clothes stored at your place. Afterwards the two of you prepare something to eat, her following your directions as you can’t help but glance at her from time to time in concern, which she obviously notices. All she does is smile in response, assuring you that she is fine and that she’ll take better care of herself, even though she was the one to come out of the fight without any physical harm.
Out of the three of them Kurome is clearly the most unhinged and despite her wanting to shield you from all danger and cruelty, she sometimes slips up without realizing. Showing you her puppets, telling you gruesome details of her battles or not so subtly threatening you to never leave her are things that just happen from time to time that you will just have to deal with. No matter how frightening she looks she would never harm you though, you will just have to ignore her comments about making you into her most precious puppet so she doesn’t lose you should anything ever happen to you. The chances for that are low though, as any threat towards you is quickly and skillfully taken care of. She relies too much on your comfort to ever let you go.
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random-yandere-fandom · 3 years ago
are you willing to write about magi?
I haven't watched it sadly, however I got this fun thing called Yandere I guess where I write characters I don't know based on the gifs tumblr presents me, so to answer your question
Yeah, I'd write for Magi
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random-yandere-fandom · 3 years ago
please ignore it if you got the request 2 times or anything tumblr is working pretty bad for me rn ;-;
Everythings normal in my inbox at least, so no worries~
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random-yandere-fandom · 3 years ago
Hi! Your requests are open, right? Right..?👉👈
Please! Please, i'm begging you! I really need the second part, about yandere Claude and Sebastian with their mother! When our demon boys have already grown up up, but mama still loves them, and they love mama.
Maybe even in the time span of Alois and Ciel..? Or if you don't like it, then i have another idea. Like mama is very sick, and she didn't tell them about it. And the boys will have to, somehow, fulfill contracts and take care of her? OR! Or this. A man (a human, a demon, a reaper, no matter who) became romantically insistently interested in mama, and the boys do not like it very much.
Or if you don't like my ideas, i'll be very happy to read yours! If you, in general, are not interested in this idea, then everything is fine! Just say: "no". I love you so much, no matter what.
Thank you so much! Love you!
Yep, requests are open! And thanks so much for the kind words and I like all of these ideas, so guess what? It's gonna get really chaotic with all three scenarios happening at once! (I did focus on the being sick part though)
Part one
Platonic yandere Sebastian with his mother
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This contract was really taking up a lot of time. Not only had the brat named him after a dog, but he had been unable to visit his mother (how he insisted on calling her, as it was the proper thing to do, ignoring the mama that sometimes slipped past his lips and made your smile shine so wonderfully bright), their only correspondence happening through the many letters he had managed to send and receive. Sebastian couldn't help but wait for this contract to end, even though, admittedly, it was one of the most eventful he ever had and therefore quite entertaining. You know what, scratch the former thought, the pact could go on longer so his meal would be more delicious, but he at least wanted to visit home once.
The opportunity to leave for a bit presented itself and he did not waste even one second to rush of, making his way through the familiar forest and reaching the cottage in record time. Before he could even open the door he felt a strange presence, one not belonging to his dear mother and without further ado he basically ripped the door of its hinges, barging in in a rather unpleasant way that he was sure you would later on scold him for.
That did not matter however as he took in the picture before him. There was you, a thick shawl covering your shoulders and hunched position, a cup with steaming tea risen to your pale face. Your eyes, tired but wide open from surprise, stared at him. So was the guy standing next to you, long brown hair tied in a low ponytail and blue eyes portraying even more shock than yours did not looking away from his, though despite this he did not budge from his position of supporting your sitting position.
You were sick, that much he could tell and from the looks of it you had been for a while, never mentioning it to him. You also never thought to bring up this new guest of yours. Sebastian could feel his human form detoriating, black whisps angrily swishing around him as he glared at the man at your side, anger quick to overtake most of his senses.
Before he could do anything he watched as you quickly did your best to stand up, shawl and tea discarded to the table as you took an unsure step towards him, clearly having trouble with keeping you balance, and calling out to him in a hoarse voice. His aggravation was immediately replaced with worry as he was beside you in a moment's notice, wrapping his arms around you to steady you, eyebrows furrowed as he assessed your current state further.
His thoughts were interrupted by the stranger calling out to you, the distressed voice of the pest annoying him to no end as he glared at him, ready to fling one of his knives before you shook your head, once again catching his attention. You gently took the weapon from him, letting it fall to the ground and asked him, your plea disturbed by yourself as you took deep and raspy breathes, to not harm your old friend.
Deciding that you were more important right now, Sebastian glared at the stranger one last time, causing him to freeze up, before aiding you to your room, quietly asking you how long you had been sick and why you hadn’t told him. You only chuckled, telling him that you did not wish to worry him, he had seemed to have much fun with his new contract and even with the friends he made (even if he never called them such in his many letters). Besides, you were strong enough to help yourself and then an old friend visited and offered to take care of you, further diminishing the need to write him about your small troubles. 
Once you were finished your son couldn’t help but scold you gently, voice strict despite his warm eyes. You had always told him to rely on you, and he hoped that you would do the same. He might even start to guilt trip you until you promise to inform him the next time, immediately. 
As soon as you’ve fallen asleep in the freshly made bed, content under the warm covers as you can currently be, Sebastian checks over you once more before leaving the room, focusing on the next problem at hand. The man is still there, patiently waiting and your son can’t help but feel an ounce of what you had taught him was sympathy, seeing as he had not further disturbed you, although his sudden appearance must have come as a shock. There is a small... talk between the both of him, the attempted friendly atmosphere the stranger tried to create by mentioning how you had praised your son in front of him destroyed by Sebastian’s simple command to leave. 
There isn’t even time to exchange names before he is basically thrown out of your home, brought to leave by the dozens of shadows moving threatengly towards him. Afterwards, the demon was quick to repair the damages caused by himself before going on to take care of any work you might have neglected, occasionally checking in on you. As soon as he noticed the telling signs of you soon waking up, a quicker breathing pattern and heartbeat, he began to brew herbal tea and preparing an easy to digest meal. 
Upon you waking up you are presented with all this. You can’t help but praise and thank your son, admiring the way his cooking had improved, even though his behavior before was less than well-behaved and you even let go of the traces of his demonic presence that tell you of what had happened while you were unconscious. You fought back a tired sigh, it seems like that dear friend wouldn’t make an appearance again anytime soon. At least you knew you would be well taken care of for now, even if Sebastian would have to leave soon again. Seeing as there was once again not much time to be spent with him you really couldn’t stay angry as he looked at you, worry clearly swimming in that deep red that had always fascinated you (and was so incredibly adorable that you couldn’t help but pinch his cheek a bit).
You are grateful as you receive his care and once you feel better, which happens quite quickly, you say your goodbyes again, playfully ruffling up his hair as your son informs you of the tea that he has left for you as well as the meals that you will only need to heat up. You can’t help but feel bittersweet as you watch him dash of, the image of his small self still fresh in your mind and now he was old enough and independent, going out into the world and experiencing adventures that you would love to aid him with if ever needed. For now, all you could was give your thanks to those making your son’s life a little more entertaining and colorful.
Ciel adornes a confused look as Sebastian hands him home made cookies. That in itself wasn’t out of the ordinary, however, the following words of it being a gift from his butler’s mother out of all things was enough to shock him into silence. Now, after the demon had left, he currently found himself staring at the small package. It was something that Sebastian had handed him, so it wouldn’t harm him, right? Hesitantly taking a bite he couldn’t help but smile. Maybe if he could get the recipe and sell these sweets his business might boom even more?
Platonic Yandere Claude with his mother
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Claude was in a hurry. He was moving at a pace he was sure would leave traces, bits and pieces of him being caught up along the way, unable to keep up with his speed which even he was surprised at achieving. But there was no time to think such silly and insignificant thoughts. One of the spiders he had placed in your garden to keep watch (never in your home, he still winced when he remembered your scolding upon doing so) had reported to him. Apparently, you had not left the house in some time now. 
Normally, you were outside on the regular. You took care of the garden, walked around the forest for one reason or another, sat outside to read a book or cleaned up anything you deemed untidy. Regularly you would put out the laundry to dry and he couldn’t help but remember the times he hid between them only to jump out and scare you. You always let out a small scream before laughing and catching him in your arms, your warmth and smell mixing with those of the strung up clothing and flowers and sunshine and even he smiled, even if it was only small and of short time. Now that he thought back on it, your shriek must have been nothing more than your attempt to amuse him, causing him some embarrassment, not that he would express such emotion in any way. But once again, that was nothing he should be thinking about now.
He merely sensed that he was getting closer, his eyes long since not perceiving his surroundings as they simply changed too fast. He came to a screeching halt before your door to your, to his, home. There was an eery silence, one that he was sure he himself was responsible for, no animal daring to make a sound close to his troubled presence. He took a moment longer to listen, noticing the smaller sounds, fur brushing against trees and little tipping sounds as all small life forms were running away, careful and desperate to not catch his attention when he had appeared out of the blue. On the other side of the door he could hear your breathing and the rustling of clothing as you stood up, making your way to him despite him not even having had the chance to knock yet. The pattern was entirely wrong though, you seemed to fight for each puff of air and your movements were slow, sluggish, missing any of the elegance you carried with normally.
Before you could open the door he had already done so, refusing to let you walk any further when you did not feel well. One look only confirmed his suspicions, glassy eyes peering at him, struggling to stay open as some sort of surprise flashed through them at his sudden entrance. Before you could even utter a greeting he had swept you off your feet, quickly carrying you to bed before covering you with one of his many self made blankets before adding some more as he noticed how could this place was. It was clear that you had not made any fire in the chimney, that you had not prepared any of the bitter tea you would usual down at any signs of sickness or taken care off the home. 
Claude simply muttered that he would be taking care of you now as he kept you from pushing off the blankets, a sigh escaping as he gently scolded you for not calling him. He was quick to prepare anything you needed, pressed wet cloths against your heated forehead, forced you to drink the medicine and the potion he had to search for. It had been surprisingly hard to find, maybe you misplaced it or had simply forgotten about it in your fever but now you should finally recover, if only slowly.
Your son was quick to take care of everything in the house before sitting beside your sleeping form, crotcheting something that he was unsure of what it would end up as. It kept his mind from wandering though, the guilt of not noticing your state sooner, of not being there for you, laying heavily on his mind. His latest master, an annoying brat that was more cruel and greedy than the foulest, well, maybe not demon, but close. Claude was lucky he had managed to get some other demons to do the most work though, ignoring the way you tried to push him to befriend them. He did not need friends, he had you and your little, ironic as it may be, paradise.
The more regrettable it was that he had not managed to visit you sooner and he promised to himself to check up on you more often. He could already hear your nagging that he should concentrate more on the contract, especially if he also has his eyes on a second soul but could at the same time feel your hands guiding him to sit down all the same before you would sit across from him, asking him about his time away.
It was then that a knock shocked him out of his thoughts, irritating him. Who would dare to come here? Especially now, that his mother laid weak and defenseless. He could feel anger forming in the pit of his stomach as he smelt some measly human standing were he did only hours before, quietly moving so that this person wouldn’t wake you with another knock.
Claude opened the door just in time, a man with dark hair standing just slightly shorter before him, clearly surprised to see him in the the door frame. So he knew who he was expecting, meaning he knew his mother. What made the situation even more painfully obvious and unfortunate for the daring human was the bouquet of wild flowers he was carrying. It was wrapped up beautifully, truly, and the flowers spread a decently sweet smell, not too much to be sickening but just enough to be noticeable.
It was a shame that you wouldn’t be able to receive them. Claude stood in silence as the guy introduced himself before asking for your whereabouts. The silent glare he sent made the guy take a step back, fumbling with his free hand which looked out of place on the grown adult. He then proceeded to give a try at explaining himself, telling him how you had come to the village some time ago to buy some ingredients and how the two of you had a nice chat and he just wanted to check up on how you were doing.
The lie was so obvious that Claude couldn’t help the sinister chuckle, glowering at the scum that tried so pathetically to court you. The thought that this man might have met you, sick and frail, instead of him made him sick. With how desperate this guy appeared (what else would he be, searching for your home in a big forest after one small chat), he might have even offered to take care of you. Your son might have only been reported that too late and he wouldn’t have been able to prevent it. He didn’t even notice how his appearance began to shift, shadows darkening, stretching and twitching around him as the human stumbles back before taking of running, never getting too far and not even managing to make a simple sound as Claude practiced his effectiveness.
Before you awake your son will leave the house for a while, returning shortly after. You will wake up to a bright arrangement of flowers, the blossoms in full bloom and carefully and delicately arranged, bringing the smell of the forest with them. As you send your son a questioning look, voice still too hoarse to speak, he simply smiles, telling you it’s a small gift he got for you. After you drank something to calm your burning throat you can’t help but praise him, gratefully squeezing his hand and returning his grin with your own.
It doesn’t take long for you to recover from then on and soon you send your son back, knowing how hard he has been working to receive his next meal and not wanting him to lose it. You gently place a kiss to his forehead as goodbye, telling him to take care as he promises to come back again soon. 
Once back Claude tells Alois some lie for his absence, as if he would ever tell him about his mother. With his luck, the kid might start clinging to you and even though you probably wouldn’t mind and would also go as far as to befriend him, you were his mother and Alois was his meal, no need for the both of you to get aquainted. He couldn’t wait for this contract to end and finally return to you for a longer period of time.
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random-yandere-fandom · 3 years ago
I guess that I have a request for you. The seven deadly sins yandere headcanons (same as someone else who requested it I guess) of the harmless yanderes of your choice including (I honestly don't care what you pick of the character of your choice) of how the yandere reacts when the darling sets some ground rules with the yandere and despite the darling knowing their obsessive behaviour and so on and knowing that they are a yandere and they honestly don't really care about that since the darling loves the yandere but the darling sets some rules like no threatening the family members or scaring them to death *not literally* and especially no kidnapping or punishments because the yandere can tell the darling if something bothers them or annoys them or anything of the sort..darling will listen and obey...especially not hurting the darling either because that will not make the darling love the yandere..it will make them hate the yandere.
So normally I would only post this later since it's a pretty new request and I got many older ones to do, but it's pretty much the only one I've managed to finish and I'm trying to get my update schedule somewhat back again.
To the request itself, love it! I had fun writing it! I chose some characters I have been itching to write for
Yandere Gowther with a darling who sets ground rules
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Communication is important with him, especially before he regained his memories. Gowther is unsure of how to treat you exactly, his only guide being books and the other sins, which often aren’t that great help. Often times he even reads your thoughts, with no regards for your privacy, to understand what to do. 
This guy wants you to be happy, even if he himself doesn’t understand why, so as soon as he notices your discomfort about something he backs off a bit, but not without asking for clarification. He will be quite blunt with this, surprising you each time and it is most likely one of those times that the opportunity presents itself to talk with him, the matter on your mind quite often these days and he quickly catches on, or rather, reads your thoughts about it. The doll might even beat you to it and ask you first, wanting you to explain what you want him to do and what not.
During the talk you will have to keep in mind that many of the concepts can be misleading, leading you to kind of hold a monologue in which you further elaborate the rules whenever he seems confused. Once you are done with that, be prepared to answer many questions, Gowther basically going over every point again to make sure he doesn’t misunderstand anything and even asking to give him examples. All in all he will be very attentive, trying his best to listen to what you say. As long as you clearly communicate with him there aren’t many issues as he follows those rules to the best to his abilities. He believes that most of them count as reasonable either way, so there will also be almost no discussions in which he refutes your arguments. No need to make you dislike him in any petty ways.
Sometimes when he is about to do one of the things you forbid him from he goes like ‘oh, right, can’t do that’ and simply moves on to find a different way to deal with the situation. If there are situations in which he is unsure whether or not they count as going against your rules he’ll just bluntly ask you before proceeding depending on your answer.
Once he regains his memories he’s a total sweetheart anyway, focusing on making sure you are comfortable and healthy. While he might have followed your words a bit blindly before, he now fully understands why you set them up and is glad that you did so.
Yandere Jericho with a darling who sets ground rules
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Jericho has been trying to keep her feelings under control. She really is doing her best and she is somewhat grateful that she didn’t have to deal with them back when she was a lower ranked knight. Even though she doesn’t like to admit it, she was quite immature back then and would have felt entitled to her darling’s love while also being insecure about herself and her worth. It would have been a mess.
When you want to talk to her she doesn’t really think anything of it, at first. The two of you are happy together, sure, she might come of as a bit possessive but there really is no reason to worry. She slowly starts repeating that in her head as you start, reminding her of the times she might have gone overboard. Jericho feels heat rushing to her cheeks and she wants to defend herself, but you are not giving her any opportunity to talk and she does not wish to interrupt you, even though it gets increasingly harder.
As soon as you take a quick break she takes a deep breath, ready to justify herself when she stops in her tracks as you give her a smile, telling her that you love her regardless. She stares silently as you take her hand in yours before starting to splutter, unable to think clearly as she tries to make sense of your actions. Luckily you are quick to reveal your reasoning, explaining the rules you had thought of that you wished her to follow. Despite being flabbergasted she listens attentively, paying attention to each of your wishes. Once you are done she clearly deflates, relief washing over her that you hold no hard feelings against her. Had it been other circumstances she would have been embarrassed at how easily you were able to read her, but that doesn’t matters now. Though she does flinch a bit when you tell her that you would hate her for harming you. She understands where you are coming from, but she would never wish to hurt you and the though of you despising her... she decides not to dwell on that too much.
With a still somewhat nervous chuckle she will agree to each of your terms, finding them all reasonable. Had she not been aware of what her thoughts sometimes entail she would have been offended that you would feel the need to set these rules and so she only feels grateful that everything went by peacefully. Jericho feels less pressured to hide her emotions from then on, though she does not break any of the guidelines you gave her that day. 
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random-yandere-fandom · 3 years ago
Hello 👋 can yandre raiden shogun X god reader
The reader is title the god of destiny
Hi, had fun with this! I somewhat tried to define destiny but it only worked half well, tried my best though, hope it makes sense!
Warning: Spoiler!
Yandere Ei with the God of Destiny darling
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It’s a shame that destiny and eternity are so closely tied together. For it is destiny that foretells change, the enemy of eternity and with that Ei took off to hunt you, it was the Archon War after all and she could not risk you gaining any power. On the other hand she was curious, did you know the destiny of the concept - her concept - that she so strongly believed in? Would you tell her? Or would you be too focused on making it out alive? Would this fight itself be destiny? Did you know that she would arrive, would you accept your demise or fight the very thing you stand for?
All these questions go unanswered as you smile upon noticing her, despite her harsh glare and weapon in hand. Your demeanor is most welcoming, contrasting hers and making her confused, yet her grip on her trusted sword only tightens as you ask her to sit, have some tea, have a chat. It takes her accepting your offer to realize that you are a warrior of words, not of the battle field, as you proficiently lead the conversation, managing to make her question herself, her goal in coming here. You notice her awareness, chuckling, asking her, since you were the god of destiny, would you not act differently if this encounter was not meant to go about in a peaceful manner. 
It takes some time and many more meetings, but soon the both of you stand on the same side as allies and it is then that Ei rethinks, you are much more violent than expected when someone fought them, or in your words, tried to change fate. Her interest in you grows and soon the both of you are close enough that she dares question the future of eternity. She long since learned that asking for destiny would get her no where as you refused any answer, but future was somehow different, not that she understood. This time you smile and nod your head and Ei knows than, of course eternity has a future and it was her and Makoto’s destiny to bring it forth.
Not much longer and she decides that you would be apart of her eternity, her friends teasing her for her apparent liking towards you as she tries to ignore the knowing grins you throw her knowing grins, flustering her beyond believe. It is her friends and sister that push the two of you into semi dates that only do not become real ones because of her refusal to acknowledge them as such. Still, the time spent with you is nice, be it fighting, training, taking walks, simple chatting, resting or even taking care of work. 
After her close ones die seemingly only Yae Miko and you remain and it changes her. She turns quiet, solemn, isolating. In bad nights she clings to your side and begs for you not to leave her and you can’t help but pity her, you yourself already having a hunch of what had transpired before it even happened in the first place. You could not help but promise her, despite her demeanor change in the day, her almost actively isolating you and using your word against you. But alas, you already were prepared and could only watch her self destructiveness growing.
It is on a surprisingly sunny day that she invites you on a walk, ignoring the work load that has to be done. You agree of course, happy to spend some time with her as you admire nature around you, light steps making satisfying crunching noises as leaves crush beneath your feet. There is a comfortable silence between the both of you as you simply enjoy each others presence. You know this is good bye, her puppet is finished and this will be the last time for a ling time that the two of you spend time like this. You know how hard this is for her, how fond she is of you, you always had. And so you know that you will have to wait for her return, because she will do so and you will be there, beside her, just like now. She would not let you go. But you had known that before you even met her and so you had accepted that destiny of yours and yet-
You had the traveler to thank for the change of definition for eternity and the appearance of Ei. They truly helped her change her stubborn ways somewhat as she also realized what the future you told her of actually was about. Her eternity may not last but the real everlastingness would endure, she wonders for a moment if you had always agreed with her sister’s viewpoint, the evidence certainly pointed towards it.
Still, there was a more important question to ask, one she should have inquired about a long time ago but she was only doing now. 
“Tell me, how do you define your concept? What is destiny to you?“
You were seated next to her under the branches of the sakura tree, a serene smile painting your face as you think for a moment. You remember how you gave up your chances of becoming an archon in favor for the twins and yet, you still lived a comfortable, if a bit suffocated, life. You had always worked with what you were given.
“Ei“, you answer, “if you knew of events that would not change and could only control how you would react, influencing the flow of time in first small, then big ways, what would you do?“
You pause, before continuing: “There are things I can change and things I can’t, such is the fate of the god of destiny, I am just as much the master of my concept as I am it’s slave. The result: destiny is the inevitable force that forms the future, I merely lead the way and make sure it moves as it should, but I am never fully in control.”
A single thought formed in your mind.
Would you still be here beside Ei if you could have avoided it?
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