#obi wan club
vertigoartgore · 4 months
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1984's Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom turns 40 today. Feel old yet ?
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yasminhananis · 6 months
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Dune: Part Two dir. Denis Villeneuve (2024) // The Northman dir. Robert Eggers (2022) // Star Wars: Episode III — Revenge of the Sith dir. George Lukas (2005)
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starwarsbookclub · 2 years
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Happy Valentines Day from the Star Wars Book Club 🌸💖 (part 2)
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jedi-starbird · 8 months
Finding out that Dooku took on his first padawan at 22 is truly mind-bending info to process like what do you mean he was 22. I'M 22. I do not feel in any way qualified to take on a kid!!!! I can barely look after myself!!and Dooku only had a 6 year apprenticeship!! He's basically taking on a kid directly after finishing a high school education.
He became a padawan at 16 in 86BBY and then takes Rael as padawan in 80BBY presumably directly after his knighting!!!! Dooku. What the Fuck.
Did he look at baby Rael and call dibs? Dooku must have snatched him up as soon as he was knighted cause if he waited that means his apprenticeship was FIVE OR LESS YEARS. Yoda spent maximum 6 years with this future sith lord and was like oh yeah he's done cooking, go on, get. Just... oh my god.
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tarabyte3 · 2 months
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What are they serving so hard here for? Especially Oppo Rancisis. No wonder he survived Order 66.
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threebea · 1 month
Obi-Wan gets flack for calling out the Mos Eisley Space Port, but he actually says to Luke "Wormie" Skywalker YOU will never find a more wretched hive etc etc. He was making judgments about Luke who spends his time hanging out at Toshi Station talking about nerd things. He didn't see Luke facing the Emperor coming. He thought they were gonna pick up Leia and she'd do it.
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somebodys-28 · 2 years
Obi-wan: what is the first thing you notice when Anakin approaches you?
Cody: the audacity.
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pedroam-bang · 4 months
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Star Wars: Episode II - Attack Of The Clones (2002)
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So I have this mildly amusing concept in my head that follows my Codywan at a bar concept (that I don't think I've shared.) It would be really amusing if a bunch of horrible stuff happened and then the 212th and 501st all head back to coruscant together and Cody is all mopey and upset and distancing himself from obi wan for whatever reason and Rex is like 'dont worry we're gonna go to a bar tonight and make this better' and Cody is like fuck no, because Cody. And then Rex tells Fox and Fox, Mr by the book, is like oh yeah sure let's go and he's the one who picks Cody up and is like you're going. And when they get to the bar Rex is already there but he's got Anakin and obi wan with him and Cody is like...pissed at Rex and Fix because this was a set up. And all the sudden Quinlan appears out of nowhere, turns out fox didn't choose to come Quinlan said 'youre going, we're getting obi wan and Cody together, and we'll have a date night' and fox had like begrudgingly agreed for that reason. Cut to Rex is sitting awkwardly at a table with Cody And Obi wan, making sure they drink, and is also drinking himself and eventually Rex gets tired of them and goes and starts dancing with Anakin who hit the dance floor as soon as they got there. Cut to a little later, Cody is DRUNK. And obi wan is really drunk too, but he had gone off to the bathroom so Cody is still awkwardly sitting at the table people watching. Quinlan and Fox have long since disappeared. Anakin and Rex are like dancing so close they might as well be one person. And Cody's by himself. A club dancer comes up and Cody is drunk enough she convinces him to dance with her. Cody is in a State™️ and this girl just taught him how to dance. He's like out of it, that's how drunk he is, and obi wan comes back, also like super super drunk, downs another drink, and sees this club dancer hanging all over Cody and putting her hands all over him and having Cody do the same to her. So Obi Wan walks up to Cody is like 'mind if I cut in' and this club dancer is just like oh another hot man yeah sure and obi wan cuts in, but he doesn't dance with her, he starts dancing with Cody. Cut to Cody's memory pretty much blacking out and waking up the next morning in Obi Wan's bed at the Jedi Temple. He's confused at first because he's been in this room before but can't place it and then he realizes where he is. Obi Wan is awake and tells him good morning, both have horrid hangovers but the minute Cody hears Obi Wans voice he practically falls out of the bed and hits the floor, scrambling to put his clothes back on because he's just in a t shirt and briefs and he's freaking the fuck out cause he just woke up in the same bed as obi wan. Which it's not the first time he's fallen asleep near Obi Wan, but he also can't remember much of anything. So Cody rushes out the door, Obi-Wan calling after him (spoiler alert they didn't do anything they both just went back to Obi-Wan's place and crashed because they're old and boring even when drunk off their asses, but also they're in the middle of a war so they have every right to be exhausted.) And Cody goes rushing back to the barracks and practically pounds on Rex's door until he opens up. And when he does Cody starts talking real fast and Rex is like half sitting up watching him, not really as hung over cause he didn't drink that much, and has a higher tolerance than Cody cause let's get real he drinks way more often. And Cody is rambling and Rex is just like 'cody calm down it's okay, have a seat.' and Cody sits and puts his pounding head in his hands and is like 'I slept with Obi Wan.' but he doesn't know if they banged or not (they didn't.) And suddenly another person sits up in Rex's bed and suddenly Anakin is there and he's like 'what?! You slept with Obi Wan?!? Obi Wan slept with someone?!' and then chaos, hilarity, and angst ensues.
Like believe me, there's so much more to this idea but this much has me giggling.
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iloveolivegarden · 4 months
Remus Lupin Variants (in my opinion)
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starwarsbookckub · 1 year
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mmaaawww · 2 years
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once again drawing some idea of my friend. this time it’s high school padawan au
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here they are
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starwarsbookclub · 1 year
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Happy Trans Day of Visibility! Fun fact: all of your Star Wars favs are trans. Feel free to use and share these as you like
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art-time-for-january · 9 months
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Getting in on the meme
It’s hard to tell in black and white but the space marine in the back is supposed to be agent Washington. From the popular web series Red Vs Blue. That’s why he gets his little pops of colour. And curly straw.
Also yes, Diaspro is 100% wearing her seatbelt incorrectly.
Obi would rather be on a road trip with literally anyone else.
Draw your comfort characters, based on:
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Also, here’s what the preliminary sketch looked like:
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cookieandbread · 1 year
I absolutely love the Melida/Daan storyline in the Jedi Apprentice book serie (I think it's this one? I don't remember) because of how much sense it gives to Obi-Wan's character, particularly in Clone Wars.
And I'm obviously so sad it's legends because it deserves to be canon so much and I know there's little chance for it to actually make its way back to canon
But do you know what would be super cool to see IF it does?
Obi-Wan telling Ahsoka (and Anakin, but mainly Ahsoka) about it during the Clone Wars. Kind of like "How I met your mother" but trauma version.
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weregonnabecoolbeans · 6 months
This week’s episode brought me more joy than you can possibly imagine
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