#nursing at home care
feminist-space · 1 year
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womenstruation · 7 months
It always angers me when people say that men would not put in so much effort to enact their violence on women and children because they do exactly that.
I was only seven when I learnt about just how hard men try to deceive the world so they can have free reign over young girls. I went on a Brownie trip to an orphanage back when I lived in Nigeria. The orphanage was just for girls which isn't uncommon, and it was massive, with its own school, shops, clinic etc. The girls had no reason to leave. It was set up by a pastor- a Nigerian who'd moved back from abroad.
I remember while we were there, one of the girls had just had a baby. She had seemed so old to me but looking back, she must have been around sixteen or seventeen. I remember my mum seemed suspicious when we were told the girl had run away and returned pregnant. She seemed even more so when we met the owner.
A year or two later, there was news on the radio. The man who had set up the orphanage had raped and impregnated several girls, selling their babies to prospective parents. I didn't even understand what rape meant back then but I remember my mum being devastated. Looking back, I think she might have felt guilty, perhaps she'd seen the signs: the girls not being allowed to leave the compound; teenage girls ending up pregnant. It seemed so obvious.
But no one questioned a man who used all of his money to build and set up a home for vulnerable girls, he was a pastor, educated, well-travelled. He could never have done something so cruel. But he did.
When I was writing this post, I tried to find any articles but I couldn't. They were just so many identical cases, man sets up orphanage, rapes and abuses children in the orphanage. Different cases, different years, one as recent as 2023. What I learnt back then and know for sure is that men would do anything, no matter how difficult or expensive, anything to have access to people they can abuse.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Hello Stranger. Whom I have never met.
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kusanagihaku · 1 month
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niche content but tier list of ghouls as clinicians (any patient-facing healthcare role)
sorry yuri but you'd fail viva
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triglycercule · 1 month
sleep deprived dust can't recognize what's dream and what's real when he goes in and out of consciousness so i think dust is allowed to be incredibly reckless when he's awake but thinks he's in a dream. he will kill whoever passes by him (or attempt to. for him it's an instict to shoot bones anyways.) he will drink 4 bottles of alcohol just because he thinks its just a lucid dream. have incredibly loud conversations with phantom paps because he's asleep so nobody will hear him talk. or just have loud ass breakdowns because again he thinks he's asleep!!! nobody's gonna know what he gets up to in his dreams. and until someone (probably phantom paps) tells him that he's not asleep and this is reality he won't realize until he's done something really reckless
horror is seconds away from exploding dust's skull open with his magic while dust is trying to strangle him and FINALLY phantom paps tells him he's awake and dust snaps out of it. killer is walking around the house with bones sticking out of him like pins on a sewing pattern (casually too. another day in the life for him) and he just asks dust what that was about. dust just gets off of horror and shrugs his shoulders with an idk. and then walks away. this is the 6th time its happened this month
#horror needs to find a way for him to get back at dust for almost killing him#horror IMMEDIATELY booby traps dust's room's door with several fatal traps. and then dust just teleports away to dodge them#horrors incredibly cool bone manipulation power is incredibly underrated. neither dust nor killer can do what he does#when i say people underestimate just how powerful horror is i mean this#he has MANY shows of power where he summons a shitton of bones. or when he's clever and tricky#using tiny bones so his karma can hit the guards more and kill them faster??? GENIUS#granted kist could definitely think of something like that but that doesn't mean horror's a coughing baby#ok back to my original post. i came up with this after doing my little dusttale translation thing#dust is such a fucking asshole during it all istg and i whooped and cheered every time he was a fucking dick#when he doesn't know what to do when in doubt destroy everything you see. what a guy#he'd definitely be a lot smarter than that in real situations but again#he came up with that strategy while he was under the impression that he was in a dream#so i do think this little prick can be quite an unrestrained destructive force when he doesn't know whats real or not#can i just talk more about translated dust because GODDDD he was SO FUCKING COOL IN MAD TIME SERIES I SWEAR#when he plucked floweys petals off him one by one???? and then berated him??? and the nursing home comment??????? fuck i lov him#can you please unspill the spilled blod??? sick ass line. i think he knew from the start he was gonna betray flowey in that one#god i love canon dust so much he's such a sadistic shit. and he likes it. what a freak. HE LIKES IT#the only person he outwardly expressed regret about killing was papyrus. you'd think he'd care more about everyone else but NOPE#or maybe he did in the earlier runs. still doesn't hide from the fact that he was cruel to everyone else. because thats dusttale 4 you#youre on death row and theyve sentenced you to endless torture and then the mtt pulls up#listen man if i were on death row and they were my torturers id let them do whatever. my babies can get back at me for making them suffer#canon horrordust my beloved i love canon horror and dust#idk if killer in this is like totally canon but idc. it's such a funny idea to make him unbothered when he's injured its hilarious#horror and dust's personal little punching bag ✨✨#killer sans#dust sans#horror sans#murder time trio#utmv#tricule hc
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giddlygoat · 3 months
i’m my mind, mario’s casual fits are all checkered low-top vans, jorts and “eat sleep game repeat” or racing tour shirts and luigi looks like he puts granola in his yogurt. like visor caps and fanny packs. i’m talking socks with the sandals, people
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mayomkun · 5 months
Rewatching dead boy detectives and I love the music box that starts playing when Charles started hitting the night nurse. Like, the haunting melody went so well with the shock of what we learned about Charles' past and his sudden outburst (spiralling out of control, the feeling of the world beating down on you over and over and even when you try your best, be your best self, it isn't enough and there isn't anything you can do). And then morphed to something more upbeat/thrilling when she fell into the sea, followed by complete silence with Charles' breakdown. Oughhhhhhhhh
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 11 months
GA: A Lady Died At Work Today
GA: Someone Threw A Candle At Me At Work
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longreads · 2 years
“The entire elder care system operates on a mantra of out of sight, out of mind. Medical residencies feature little to no geriatric training; the profession experiences an annual turnover rate of 60 percent. A 2021 study found that turnover in nursing care facilities skyrocketed during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the average annual rate in 2020 at a shocking 128 percent. In other words, if you apply for a job at a nursing home, you can pretty well count on getting hired. For someone with little access to education living on the edge of poverty, this fact is a godsend. Yet, caveats lurk. There are countless reports of understaffing in nursing homes, underfunding, limited regulations where it matters (staff pay, patient ratio) and reels of red tape where it doesn’t (hours of required paperwork that detail how many ounces of water the resident drank, but not how they cry at night for their children). And while you may be trained on how to wipe from front to back, there’s no training to prepare you for the psychic toll of watching your people suffer until they die. 
There are plenty of reasons to see nursing homes as sad, neglectful places, and I’m sorry to say that my experience working in one did not change this perception. But I can also say that the perception has less to do with staffing, funding, and regulations (or lack thereof) and much more to do with our country’s fear of death, its rejection of vulnerability, and its subsequent inability to see the inherent dignity in people — especially in their vulnerable moments.”
Our latest feature, “The Sunset” by Lisa Bubert, is a gutting, illuminating read on the elder care system and our culture’s rejection of vulnerability. 
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thottybrucewayne · 8 months
No, real question. How you a transmed and nonbinary?
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macgyvermedical · 11 months
Home Nursing Advice Column #3: Treating Cuts
Cuts are common injuries that range from extremely minor to extremely severe. Being able to determine whether or not you can take care of a cut yourself- or whether you need to seek professional help- is a good skill to have.
Note that if you are uncomfortable at any time taking care of a cut in yourself or someone else, stop and get help. This is for educational purposes only and should not be your only source.
First, make sure you are safe, and secure whatever it was that caused the injury.
Second, stop bleeding. Most bleeding can be stopped by applying firm, direct pressure over the top of the wound. If the wound is spurting blood, or you cannot stop the bleeding by applying pressure, you need to call local emergency services or go to an emergency department. This type of wound is likely to require surgery to fix.
If you were able to stop the bleeding, the next goal is to clean the wound. The only thing you need to clean a wound is water. Using alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or iodine damages the tissue in the wound and delays healing. The water used needs to be clean enough to drink, but does not need to be sterile.
Run water through the wound to remove any visible debris. If (non-spurting) bleeding starts again, keep cleaning- once you are finished cleaning, put pressure on the wound again to stop the bleeding.
If the cut is small (about an inch or smaller in length, gaping no more than a 1/4 inch and no deeper than 1/4 inch), you can close it yourself. To close a cut, dry the edges of the cut well and take some cloth medical tape (or duct tape or band-aids), and cut it into thin (1/4 inch) strips. Hold the edges of the wound together and lay strips of the tape perpendicular to the cut, leaving about a 1/8 inch between each strip and pressing them down on one side. Then, stretch the tape strips taut across the wound and stick them down on the opposite side.
Cover the wound with a bandage and check daily for signs of infection.
If the cut is larger, you're going to want to pack it. If you aren't comfortable doing this, you also may want to seek professional care.
To pack a wound, you'll need some gauze sponges, which you can get at a pharmacy. Moisten these with water clean enough to drink, and insert into the wound. It shouldn't be so tight it is painful, but all parts inside the wound should be touching gauze.
What you are trying to do here is keep the wound open and clean so that it can heal from the bottom up.
Every day, remove the gauze and replace it with new moistened gauze. You should also be looking for signs of infection, including increased pain, swelling, heat, redness, or foul smelling drainage. If you notice any of these, see a professional.
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tyranitarkisser · 1 year
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Nurse Mituna?! Do you trust her....
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flamboyant-king · 7 months
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Hey babes, sorry I've been dead, but I coulda been literally dead if I had not gone.
I didn't hurt myself and we're still figuring things out. I would love to share but I've already forgotten what I've learned. I hope I get more guidance and time for healing and learning on how to lead my life in a better direction than where I was. But that takes time and effort.
I hope to get some rest, get some support, and get it together. But right now, I don't think it's healthy for me to worry about art in the way I do now. I may not express it here, but trying to maintain my art endeavors/projects while there's so much bullshit going on backstage is not helping me. Especially since I'm not even obligated to do so. But trying to force myself to do something I am currently unable to do will just make me feel worse. I'll follow my dreams and passions one day, but I've been putting off the healing process for years.
So I guess it's better to get better now so I can get the ball rolling again. Why drive on a flat tire?
#i was in there for a week and ill continue partial hospitalization for a few weeks#i hope i learn more and i hope i get specific help to my issues. because whay i learned there didnt directly pertain to me#but having structured daily life felt nice. but it wasnt all relaxing because there were still responisibilites on the outside world#tapping on the window or calling me on the phone. chose the best time for a meltdown. i have taxes and credit card bills to take care of#but if i stress about it now ill jsut be going back to the ER and thats no good. the hospital was so cold dude im glad im home with blankets#this is mr octopus again. im glad i broguh hom to work. i went straight to er from work and if i had no plushie with me#i probably would have stayed longer or be even more mentally unstable and distressed. its good to have comfort items#i dont think i want to know ehat if be like without some kind of companion or grounding item with me. i dont want to imagine me without em#its okay to have a little friend with you. i would be so distraught. everyone loved me there#the nurses the patients the residents yhe social workers the students#mr. octopus made them happy because of his big smile and mine too. the people there did not expect the mass amoutns of stress and depression#in this bubbly happy baby witb a happy pink octopus. one of the patients thought it was the meds the happy pills they gave me#no im jsut naturally like this. or artificially like this. i still dont know how to express or understand my feelings#if what im showing is real or not because i know ill be the happiest in the room wherever i go. maybe its a front or a mask#but when im like that kinda hard to know whats really underneath. they always ask me if im okay but i turn to myself#and its nondescript like ive put a blanket over how i really feel. its weird. the bubbly energy is blinding.#words#mr octopus#mental health#doodles
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frereamour · 8 days
one thing that bothers me is the constant advocacy for 'natural birth' that is plainly speaking, and in the case of the Portuguese healthcare system, just an excuse to cut corners and save money. Natural birth is much cheaper when compared to c-section, no matter how painful and tortuous for the woman, so it's convenient that there is also a slew of 'natural living' grifters advocating for it, along with the service of 'doulas' who are literally just some people with no medical qualifications and incapable of doing anything besides call emergency in case of a complication during birth.
to me it's extremely offensive that women are expected to give birth in conditions akin to those of cattle and to heap insult to injury this is somehow framed as 'good for them'.
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
CW: Elder Abuse.
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jrueships · 1 month
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the booger on it??? also look at his skinty little hand.. how big are these slices damn? no wonder the crust is a lil dark. the bigger it is the longer it bakes n whatnot n so on and so forth
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lol man wearing leather pants lol
spin around for me.
im talking 180 not the Xbox 360 baby.
... jump .
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