#now that Louis had officially left the country
sunshineandlyrics · 1 year
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🏨🇮🇹 A fan knew someone that worked at the hotel shared this info about Louis' accommodation 'Villa Ariston' during the ​Away from Home Festival 2023 in Italy. The information was shared after Louis had departed the country x
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jabbage · 3 months
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moriartyluver · 1 year
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"THANK YOU SO MUCH, Lord Moriarty. I have no more regrets. I give this life, to you.." 
It had been nearly two years since William and (name) had been married and officially become husband and wife. After their honeymoon in (home country), which wasn't much of a honeymoon due to (name) constantly working to help her parents even though they didn't need her help, they had returned to England and (name) had moved in with William and his brothers, taking Josephine with her. 
Currently though, (name) was in (home country). She had been for the past five months now. Alone. Well not entirely alone considering she had her closest aide with her, who was now 18 years of age, (oh how time flies. (Name) felt like a proud mother, and certainly related to her father when he had seen her for the first time in a while when she got engaged) and was there to keep her company. She was quite vague when she described what she would be doing before she left but William had deduced it would have something to do with the diplomatic relations of (home country). 
The household had recently felt a lot quieter and silent following (name)'s departure. The sound of (name) and William childishly bickering over ridiculous things  — although it was a lot more (name) than william — and Josephine giggling at her lady's behaviour. The nights were also lonely. Although William and (name) had agreed upon separate rooms being used, the two stayed up together frequently until they fell asleep on desks covered in papers and plans beneath the comforting warm candle light. 
It wasn't just William who missed their presence though. Albert had missed going to parties full of nobles with (name), which were usually almost obligatory for the nobles with titles or their heirs, as they silently judged everyone. Louis had missed cooking and doing housework with Josephine as they both worried over their brother and mistress respectively and teaching (name), who had no experience in housework, to cook or clean. 
"I'm glad I've given you hope. Would you like to try living a little longer?" William asked Michelle who looked slightly confused at his question. "Well to tell you the truth, I received a similar request from Mr baton, saying that if it was to save you, he would gladly lay down his life." He confessed. 
The dark haired woman looked at her husband, warmth and comfort enveloping her as she finally realised how much her husband truly cared for her. 
 "Please remember you have someone dear to you."
Albert and Louis glanced at each other with a knowing look, they had both been thinking the same thing. 
"Don't you want some sort of reward..?" Mrs Baton asked, feeling guilty about not having anything to give William in return if she did keep living. 
"The country is full of rotten people. I want to create an ideal world for everyone. As per the contract, you may keep your lives." William smiled "Until that day I create that world, you must hold onto your lives dearly. That's an order." 
The tears Michelle had been holding back had finally started spill as she gave William a melancholic smile."You stole my reason to die, and gave me a reason to live. For that I am forever grateful. I'll stay with you until my life runs out." 
The couple smiled at each other, the slowly fading embers of their marriage suddenly catching flame once more. 
"I see you've both made up..." the elderly woman from the market said "young professor, I would like to ask you for your advice..." William nodded for the woman to continue
"Mr baton's grapefruits dont sell well. They're too sour. What should I do?" 
William gave the woman a polite smile as he granted her some advice "Let them rest for a while. The sourness should calm down." 
As the three brothers left to return to their manor while the sun began to set, Albert spoke up. 
"I believe that couple cherish each other dearly..it's certainly a wonder in such a disgusting world that we currently reside in." He said, although his words seemed to be implying a double meaning
A few weeks later, a letter had come in the mail addressed to William from none other than his currently absent wife. He had been receiving letters from her multiple times a week, usually consisting of (name) giving William advice on his crime consultant work or William giving (name) advice on how to deal with certain difficulties she had faced in (home country). 
Each morning since she had left, the first thing William would do would be to read his wife's letters and reply almost immediately. It had become routine to him. 
William took the letter from Louis with a 'thank you', rather eagerly, but Louis had grown used to his brother's newfound habit now. He opened it quickly and read through it carefully, admiring the little quirks he would see in (name)'s handwriting.
Dear William, 
How did the dinner with the Baron go? I'm glad I was able to be of use to you in researching Dublin's heart medication. My father had been on a similar one recently, ( a useful coincidence) which brings me to my next point. 
Before you begin writing, I must let you know that you need not reply to another one of my letters. Once this letter arrives, I shall likely be boarding the train to Durham or perhaps I'm already home with you now. Hopefully the ship arrives as soon as possible. Josephine and I are due back in England for, I believe, the 23rd of may, so expect me by Tuesday afternoon. 
I apologise once again for missing your birthday, even if you do not feel particularly attached to it. I'm glad the postal services were competent enough to send you my gifts. The cane I had crafted by a sword-smith from (home country) should hopefully be a better alternative to your previous one and a lot more discreet at that. I hope that, along with the rest of the gifts and the money I had sent, are to your taste. 
I look forward to seeing you once more, 
Yours faithfully, 
P.s I hope when you say I plague your dreams, you aren't having nightmares of me. I'm not that scary...I think..
William hadn't known the exact date (name) would return from (home country), in fact he feared she wouldn't return at all. Coincidentally, this day in particular was the Tuesday that (name) would return to England. Thankfully he had cancelled his lecture for the day so he would be able to  greet his wife at the train station in the afternoon. (Name)'s room was already set out for her, beside William's and above Josephine's room downstairs, so the preparations for her to return were already complete despite her visit to her place of birth being indefinite. If he were to use the excuse that he hadn't had his lunch yet, he could probably convince (name) to dine with him after settling into Durham. 
"Brother? Are you alright? You've been staring at the letter for the past five minutes..did something happen to Lady (name)?" Louis asked with concern. He had grown to like his sister-in-law ,despite her multiple attempted murders against William, and would hate for anything negative to happen to her. 
William turned to Louis and smiled "(name)'s perfectly fine. She's returned to England and is currently taking the train to London along with Miss Evans." 
Louis returned the smile and nodded "I'm glad."
(Name) waved and ran towards her husband at the train station, with Josephine following behind, repeatedly telling her to calm down. Of course, she didn't listen and continued until she tripped over her own undone shoelace. 
William caught her in his arms and helped her regain her composure, allowing her to stand up straight whilst a breathless Josephine caught up. 
"I..Hah..told you..my lady..you shouldn't ru..run.." she put her hands on her knees as she tried to steady her breath. 
"My apologies, you're alright, aren't you, William?" (Name) asked her smiling husband who chuckled. 
"I'm fine, dear. How was your journey?" He asked before noticing her undone shoelace. He sat (name) down nearby on a bench and kneeled down to tie his wife's shoelace, despite her protests before standing up and holding out his arm for her to take while they walked home. 
As the couple walked back, William had filled (name) in on the case in the paper he had read of and what he had planned to do regarding it, along with informing her of the return of Moran and Fred. He had also thanked her for the birthday gifts (which were a large variety of things. William had to turn down having (name) buy him a brand new estate along with many other extravagant gifts.) she had sent him in her absence. 
William had learnt, in his year of knowing (name), that she expressed her affection mainly through gift giving, so he would find it difficult to reject any extravagant gifts she would send, but the had advised her not to do instead, her main gift this year had been a little cane with a sword hidden inside. It was specially crafted and designed which he had appreciated very much and it was possibly his favourite birthday gift he had ever received. (Name)'s gifts usually held that title. 
Once they had returned home and been guided to their designated rooms, William had asked (name) out to eat. 
(Name) normally would have refused anything remotely romantic, but she was tired and hungry and she had promised William she would go to eat at a café or restaurant with him in exchange for missing his birthday, and besides, he was tired and he hadn't had his lunch yet. She couldn't turn him down after being gone for five months. 
"I've only been here for a couple of hours but I already like Durham.." (name) said as the waiter brought them their meal "Considering we're the only noble family, it means we have more opportunities to interact with the commoners, who are a lot more down to earth than even the kindest nobles." 
William nodded with a smile as he cut his fried egg "We've made some good allies in this town.." he said "All the more reason to continue making this world a better place." 
"Indeed..Colonel Moran and Fred are to arrive by the evening, correct?" She asked before she sipped on her tea 
"The plan has already been set in motion..everything should go according to plan.." William said "How staying with your parents, pleasant, I assume?" 
"It was..father was ill for a while, although I already wrote about that in my letters," (name) said as she moved the food around on her plate "I suppose it was rather stressful though..my father works as an advisor for the royals of (home country) and so does my mother, but because he wasn't able to attend any meetings, I had to go in his stead.." 
"I'm sure you did wonderfully," her husband glanced at her player and then back at his. Hers was still full of the meal she had ordered whereas his was nearly empty. "Are you feeling alright, love? You haven't eaten much.." 
(Name) sighed and nodded "I'm fine..just don't have much of an appetite right now..I ate a lot on the train anyways and the journey was rather tiring" 
Of course, William easily saw through this lie, but didn't directly address it and instead took her fork, picked up some of her food and flew it to her mouth, as if he were feeding a child. 
"What the.." (name) muttered, leaning away. "I'm not an infant, I can feed myself." 
William gave a teasing smirk "Oh, but my darling (name), you seem so tired, I, as your ever so loving husband, should help you." 
The fork was still hovering against (name)'s mouth. She rolled her eyes "Not even half a day back with you and you still find a way to irritate me beyond measure" she opened her mouth, allowing William to feed her. 
While she was chewing, she watched as an old lady approached them while they sat outside with a smile. 
"Ah, young professor, who's this lovely lady?" She asked. It seemed she already knew him, although not enough to recognise (name) as his wife. 
William held (name)'s hand in his own and smiled politely "This is my wife, I've already mentioned her previously." 
The old woman's eyes widened as she looked over to the grumpy woman, who had instantly put on a facade of an elegant and loving wife and smiled. "So this is her? The famous Lady (name) Moriarty?" 
(Name) smiled and looked confused "Huh- I mean, pardon?" 
Ms Suzanne looked at the woman and bowed with a mischievous smile "Your husband has mentioned you a few times, he seems to very fond of you.." 
(Eye colour) eyes widened then quickly returned to their previous state, flickering over to William who was avoiding eye contact. "Is that so?" She hummed with smile, masking her true intentions which were to tease William all the way home as revenge for feeding her. 
Once their little date was over (with (name) pestering William regarding what he had been saying about her to the villager, yet he refused to answer, clearly flustered. Now she understood why William would tease her often, (name) realised, it was incredibly entertaining to see the reaction of the other party. 
After having killed Dudley Bale, the Durham University treasurer and landowner for the sake of avenging Frida, William returned home late that night, along with Moran and Fred who had now both been taken in under the guise of being servants. 
Thankfully, he had thought, there wasn't any blood on his clothes, so returning didn't cause any issues in terms of being discreet. The door to William's office was open, a slim crack between the door and the door flame, allowing the candlelight to shine through. A pale hand reached over to push the door open slowly, only to see a sleeping (name) at his desk. There was a copy of Twelfth Night that had fallen onto the floor, clearly dropped by his wife when she drifted off to sleep. He kneeled down beside her and nudged her slightly, hoping to wake her up so he could take her to bed and ask why she was there. 
(Name)'s eyelashes fluttered open to reveal her (eye colour) eyes. She looked over at William and yawned tiredly "You're finally back.." she muttered 
"Were you waiting for me?" He asked as (name) stretched and took her book that William was handing to her. 
(Name) glared at him and returned his smile with an irritated frown "of course not..I was just reading and looking at some of the stuff you have planned for the next few weeks.." 
"Ah you were just sitting in my office for no particular reason?" William chuckled and helped her up "we can discuss plans another time. You must be tired from travelling so much recently.." 
" 'm not tired.." (name) was saying before being interrupted by another yawn. 
"Do you want me to carry you to bed?" The blond teased "Or would you rather have me hold you in my arms whilst you sleep?"
"Hey remember what Ms Suzanne said earlier today?" The noble lady retorted, referring to the incident earlier that day "What is it you were saying, dear professor? You seem to be quite fond of your wife, sir." 
"Enough of that..." Came William's stern reply, his grin now turning into a straight and annoyed face, as if their dynamic had completely swapped. 
"Oh but professor, how could you say such a thing to your darling wife!" 
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The amount of servants in the Moriarty manor was slowly increasing... but..
"Hey Louis! The booze's already empty here!" Called a gruff voice. Louis turned to moran, trying to hold back his annoyance 
"Mr Moran, are you feeling like a guest here..?" Louis asked the man who was lounging around on the sofa, drinking beer. 
Moran smirked "What? Isn't it obvious" 
Louis looked down at him "in this house, those who don't work aren't regarded as human by us." He said bluntly. A snort could be heard from a certain brunette who was cleaning a glass cabinet with a duster. 
The blond sighed "Brother Albert is working in the military , Brother William's teaching at the university, Josephine is already good at housework and sister..I mean Lady (name) does her fair share of chores despite not being used to it while she waits for a job from Durham." Louis said "and even Fred is tending to the garden." 
Moran looked out of the door to see Fred crouched besides a rose bush. 
"He even picked up bullets at the bridge last night.." 
"Wait I didn't come here to work as a servant!! Moran looked surprised and went to the patio where (name) and William sat together with a cup of tea. "(Name)! You're the mistress of the house! Say something...!" 
"I could care less." She said, not even batting an eye  as she elegantly rose her teacup to her lips. Another (louder)  snort was heard. 
Moran turned to her husband "William! We swore it in front of the tomb, right?!"
William smiled "Of course Moran, I'm going to hire you." 
"Huuuuuh?!" Cue an even louder laugh. 
"We'll take everything step by step, right?" William reasoned "so please help Louis until the next job comes" 
"In the end that's still the same!!" 
Louis guided the semi-drunk man away "Now come on, Mr Moran." 
A/N: finally moving onto the main plot hehe. Fl seems to have warmed up to liam over the nearly two years they’ve been married aww. Of course nothing is ever easy when I’m the author so I wonder what fate may befall fl in the next few chapters 👀 😈
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ozma914 · 2 months
Old Olympics Events Leave Fans Confused
Here's a look at some past Olympic sports that are no longer in the games.
Several years ago, baseball and softball were pulled from competition. The American women dominated in softball, while in baseball Americans … well, they only got three medals in five tries. The Cuban team grabbed the gold. There’s not much else to do in Cuba, except play baseball and stare longingly toward Florida, where senior citizens have high speed internet and all-you-can-eat buffets.
In lacrosse, a medal event in 1904 and 1908, people in face masks hit their balls with big fly swatters. It died out in the early 1900’s because only the Canadians, British, and Americans were willing to take the punishment. Former lacrosse players are now employed as dog catchers and butterfly collectors.
Basque pelota was only a medal event in 1900, because nobody could figure out how to pronounce it. It’s played on a court with a ball, sometimes using a racket, but sometimes not.
In other words, it’s handball. If they’d called it that, basque pelota-ites would be on Wheaties boxes.
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Downhill skiing initially fared poorly, with over a dozen cases of heat stroke before it was moved to the WINTER games.
Tandem cycling was popular in the Olympics, from 1920-72. It’s being considered again with more interesting rules: The guy in front steers, while the guy in back can lash out at other competitors with lacrosse sticks. It’s now a favorite of retired hockey players.
In 1948 winter pentathlon was put on as a demonstration sport, and consisted of downhill skiing, cross-country skiing, shooting, fencing, and horse riding.
All together. In the same event.
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Cat Pool proved particularly popular with pooch preference people.
Sweden, which remained more or less neutral through World War II, had a whole army of young men just itching to shoot something: They swept all the winter pentathlon medals. However, the sport was discontinued after ski-clad Swedes on horseback shot all the competitors’ horses while jumping over the fencing.
Motorboarding--I initially thought this was something altogether different--was tried in 1908. It ended with only one boat finishing in each of three races. It turns out the Swedes used their winter pentathlon rifles to shoot up the other boat engines, leading officials to change to rowing.
Polo was a favorite Olympic event in the early 1900’s, but it was canceled after the Swedes sent in their entry forms.
The Olympics also tried an obstacle course … for swimmers. Competitors had to climb over a pole, go over a row of boats, and then swim under another row of boats. Luckily they had an excess of boats left over from the motorboat races.
Speaking of swimming, in 1984 they tried solo synchronized swimming.
Think about it.
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Synchronized Ball Inflation preceeded most Olympic sports that included balls, but failed badly after the tennis event caused several aneurysms.
Then there’s the one Olympic sport I actually participated in: Tug of war. Not in the Olympics, but we won, and didn’t have to borrow Swedish rifles to do it. Between 1900 and 1920 the sport was dominated by Great Britain, which sent teams of police officers. And remember, their cops were unarmed. Good thing the Swedes didn’t have a team.
Distance plunging would have been interesting … or not. Athletes would dive into the pool and coast underwater, without moving.
That’s it. The winner is the one who drifted the longest in sixty seconds, or when they floated to the surface, whichever came first. An American won the gold, although it should be noted that this competition happened only once, in the 1904 St. Louis Olympics. It should also be noted that only Americans competed.
I’m not sure how they could tell whether the athlete was winning, or drowning.
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Groundhog Racing was halted after a series of crashes--and rabies.
Also at St. Louis, another US competitor did an impressive job winning gold in a sport that still gives old gym class haters nightmares: the rope climb. Why was George Eyser so impressive? Because he had a wooden leg.
In 1906 they tried the sport of pistol dueling. No, it wasn’t won by a Swede. It wasn’t really dueling, either: Competitors shot at a dummy dressed in a frock coat, and by dummy I don’t mean the guy who planned the Sochi games. It’s a good thing, because it could have been the one sport where the silver and bronze medals were awarded posthumously.
Finally, here’s a sport they tried just once, at the 1900 Paris Olympics:
Live pigeon shooting.
When the feathers cleared, a Belgian named Leon de Lunden got the gold for downing 21 birds, none of which had a say in the matter. Then he celebrated with a steak dinner.
Once the onlookers got a look at the mess left behind, they decided the Swedes weren’t so bad.
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Remember, books can make your brain strong enough to win a Reading Gold.
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simshousewindsor · 1 year
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[Beaverdam Castle, Brindleton Bay]
Prince Louis: Lovely party, Rainier!
Prince Rainier: Thank you, sir.
Lord James: (laughs) My husband can't stop eating the Beef Bourguignon. He’ll be bringing in the new year with an extra twenty pounds!
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Prince Anthony: The apple pastries were my favorite. Lara said the castle only makes them at Christmas?
Prince Louis: Yes. My grandfather started that tradition.
Prince Rainier: (laughs) One we are happy to continue!
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Prince Louis: So, Rainier, how has it been adjusting to life with four children?
Prince Anthony: The million dollar question!
Lord James: You know, I’m very proud of you two for managing the last few weeks here without your staff! Newborn twins, plus two more under the age of 8, running around this big ole’ castle!?
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Prince Rainier: Beaverdam is quite manageable. It’s much smaller than Buckingsim. It feels like Highpark in the country.
Prince Louis: Wait! You two haven't had any help? I can't believe the palace agreed to that. The Queen Katherine effect.
Prince Rainier: None! To be honest, we needed the last few weeks to grieve in private, have the twins and adjust to this new life. The paparazzi and the palace would have given her none of that in Easton. Plus, these are our kids! We know them and enjoy spending time with them. This new royal life hasn't fully hit them yet. The last few weeks allowed Kate and I enjoy them as children and make special memories before we return to the circus tomorrow.
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Lord James: Did you hear about the political scandal in Americreek?
Prince Louis: I did! There was always something off about that Vice President of hers. President McNally was here the other month on what looked like an apology tour to repair foreign relations. (scoffs) Re-election season! It’s always chaos in the West.
Prince Rainier: (stands) I should check on the other guests.
Prince Anthony: I’ll join you!
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Prince Rainier: I did not want to get stuck talking with them. I got out quickly!
Prince Anthony: I took your cue. I should find my wife and make sure she saved me some apple pastry’s (laughs).
Prince Rainier: I need to find my wife also.
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- - - - - LATER - - - - -
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(Kate humming)
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Prince Rainier: I see someone is exhausted after all those belly rubs today!
Queen Katherine: (laughs)
Prince Rainier: What are you doing, Kate? Come back downstairs to the party. No more working!
Queen Katherine: I’m coming, I’m coming. I have so much to do, and now Uncle Louis asked to speak with me.
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Prince Rainier: Anthony and I just left him and Uncle James in one of the sitting rooms talking politics.
Queen Katherine: I can't believe my maternity leave is officially over. We head back to Easton tomorrow and then I open my first parliament.
Prince Rainier: Worry about that tomorrow. Your family is downstairs to celebrate the holiday right now. We’ve had such a tough year so tonight there’s no work, only happiness and fun!
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Queen Katherine: You’re right.
Prince Rainier: Let’s enjoy our last night at Beaverdam with family!
Queen Katherine: I’m so glad you convinced me to come here, Rainier. The kids really enjoyed the freedom and I desperately needed the space to grieve, and the privacy to be pregnant (laughs). Beaverdam will forever hold a special place in my heart!
Prince Rainier: It’s yours, Your Majesty. You can visit whenever you want.
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Prince Rainier: but since it’s our last night for now...
Queen Katherine: Rainier, the guests!
Prince Rainier: They can wait a few more minutes.
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- - - - - LATER - - - - -
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Prince Louis: This was such a lovely party, Katie-bear. You have really made Beaverdam your own over the last few months.
Queen Katherine: Thank you, Uncle Louis. Daddy rarely visited but I've grown quite fond of it.
Prince Louis: I’m sure you’re wondering why I asked to see you. I’ve been waiting eleven months to tell you this.
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Prince Louis: Before your father died he was searching for the Amulet of Amethyst. It’s a rare gem that belongs to the Windenburg royal family and said to be worth §100 million simoleons. Queen Isabella hid the amethyst, and it’s powers, to protect her secret spell-caster granddaughter. Your father, along with Will Gates and the Grand Duchess of Glimmerbrook were working together to find it.
Queen Katherine: Oh my goodness. I...I...
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Prince Louis: There’s more. The night before he died, he called me. He found something hidden in the floor plans of Mayfield Castle, Queen Isabella’s favorite home.
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Queen Katherine: So, my father was on a secret quest to find a missing gem and didn't tell anyone except you and two other people? Why did you wait so long to tell me? This is a lot to process right now. Does my mother know?
Prince Louis: She knows. We all agreed it was best to wait and tell you. The quest had nothing to do with his death.
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Queen Katherine: (angry) It had everything to do with his death! His heart was already weak! He needed to be home resting not off on some quest!
Prince Louis: It was time you knew the truth. The Grand Duchess has been giving you time but she wants to meet with you.
Queen Katherine: With me? What do I have to do with this? I don't think it’s a good idea.
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Queen Katherine: I should get back to the party. Excuse me.
Prince Louis: I didn't mean to upset you, Kate. I know this is a lot. Meet with her. That’s all I ask. I know you have more questions than answers, and I believe she can help.
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Prince Louis: “Think about it, Kate.”
Queen Katherine: (somber) I will.
Previous | Beginning | Next - continue Heir Ascent (story)
Previous | Beginning | Next - continue The Amethysts Quest (story)
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fireemblems24 · 2 years
Engage 9 - 11
Spoilers and thoughts below the cut. Pretty big spoilers for the story this time.
You know it's a good sign when I'm already making plans for the next playthrough. I still want to finish Three Hopes, but Engage is so much fun to play, and there's already so many things I want to do differently to optimize more.
Alcryst and Celine's C support was pretty deep for a C support. They bonded over worrying about their older brothers dying.
Chloe is such a hopeless romantic.
I sense Louis and Chloe may have a romantic leaning support. She understands his ways and he finds her interesting. Their hobbies overlap. He said some stuff that could easily sway romantic is anyone but Louis was saying it . . .
Alfred is so fucking precious, omg. It's so funny remembering people were suspicious of him after his official art was released. Like, I doubt it would even occur to this guy to do something shady or devious. His and Yukana's support started pretty good.
One of my favorite things about Alear is that she's not stupid. Sure, the MC is very basic and generically heroic, but isn't annoying either. Doesn't rush into battle. Isn't irritatingly naïve, etc . . . It's nice.
I'd really like to know more about why Brodia keeps invading the mage country. They said some generic stuff about the mages wanting to wake the fell dragon up, but I hope there's more too it than that.
Oh, shocking, the Brodian king dies (is dying, got shot by that baddie). I'm so surprised. Parents. Dying in my Fire Emblem?
I have a feeling Ivy will be recruitable soon. All her retainers felt guilt fighting the divine dragon, and now her dad left her here to just die. She also lost her ring to us, so that's probably lowered her status on the enemy side too. She also offered her allies a chance to retreat. Definitely doesn't seem evil.
Found Citrinne and Diamant's support interesting. Diamant says he doesn't plan on waging wars when he's king. He acknowledges that it's good for his nobles because it makes them rich, but otherwise is something he wants to avoid. Citrinne supports this and seems to have some kind of diplomatic/messenger role in Brodia.
One of Alfred's talents is making flower garlands 😊. Pretty sure I'm picking him for my S-Support. He's just too adorable, plus I think he and Alear work. Right away he offered friendship and help, and they just have compatible personalities.
Forget Alfred being Dimitri's child, Dimitri is Alfred and Diamant's child. Like he is a bit like both of them smashed together.
Ok, I'm worried. Marth told me I need to stock up on supplies before ch 10 started. This reeks of back-to-back chapters.
I want Rosado on my team so bad already. And Hortensia is not annoying me anymore. She seems honestly worried about Ivy and seems to have no idea what her father is up too.
The artwork for all the places in this game are gorgeous.
Another parent bites the dust. The Brodian king got corrupted. I feel bad for the two brothers.
I made Alcryst attack his own dad. The dialogue made me feel so guilty. It made me feel much worse than Diamant's, until his second half. Alcryst is really growing me as a character too.
Glad the good guys actually tried to kill the villain even though he begged for mercy. That mysterious hooded person showed up (bet it's that girl Alear keeps talking too who had chains on her legs). Also bet it's brainwashing thing. Edit: At least 1/2 guesses right. Ok, probably 2/2 right since this version has never spoken to Alear.
Fell dragon about to eat the king lamo. Literally ate him in a cut scene lol.
Ok, so the 4 wolves are 3 unhinged people and the old guy, who is either a Camus or recruitable later.
Oh. Shit. We just lost the rings. Honestly, I'm more upset seeing all my old protagonists getting turned evil against their will than losing them in gameplay. To be honest, I didn't use them THAT much. It hurts way worse seeing red Marth, Sigurd, Celica, Micaiah, Roy, and Lief.
Losing the Time Crystal. THAT hurts like shit.
Our team took a major L. Honestly, good. 3H's storyline blows this one out of the water, but part of the issue with it was that Edelgard always got her ass kicked except in CF where you just romped over everyone as easily as everyone railroaded over her.
I'm really regretting bringing Citrine and Amber right about now. They're dead weight compared to everyone else who more or less can handle themselves with Alfred, Celine, and Yukana being neigh unkillable at this point.
Fuck yeah! Ivy is here to help me out. And her retainers.
She brought rings. She brought the time turning thingy. ��😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Thank GOD. It's annoying as fuck to reset an entire chapter over a misclick or something and I can't ever let anyone die. I literally think I allowed one person to die the entire time I've played Fire Emblem lol, and this was before turnback was ever a thing too. Zelkov is my new favorite for this. I could kiss him.
Ah!!!! Lyn. And Lucina 😭😭😭😭😭 My girls. 😭😭😭 Lamo, Alear confused Lucina for Marth.
Ok, that chapter was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I stopped after ch 10 yesterday and was wondering about 11, but not too bad. So far, the difficulty balance in this game is pretty good.
Ivy MVP. Happy to have her after that.
Alear, Alcryst, and Diamant all being like "I'm sorry. It's my fault!" Ivy being like "kinda is a bit my fault." Meanwhile Alfred is just awkwardly sitting here being like . . . "I'm the only who didn't make a dumb call here."
I like seeing Alcryst get angry with Ivy. It seems so human. I like the royal characters so far a lot, except Hortensia but she's growing on me. I just wish Celine also got more attention.
This kinda feels a bit like the end of a part 1.
28 notes · View notes
Original blog post on - 14th April 2013
The last of the West Indies.
It was only 45 nautical miles from Tobago Cays to Grenada and with the favourable wind behind us for most of the way we once again had to slow down sailing with reefed headsail only to ensure we reached there at the break of dawn rather than having to anchor in the dark if we had travelled there with full sails.
Once again it was a reasonably flat and non rolly bay for our anchorage that was amongst a few other yachts just outside the main commercial harbour in 5 metres of water. Facing the bow was a huge volcanic rock and a beach that looked like it had volcanic sand (almost black) gone was the beautiful white sand from the beaches on Tobago Cays.
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We could see the working harbour about one kilometre away on the left hand side and we knew about the Port Louis Marina on the right hand side that existed beyond the rock formation based on the guide books and the navigational program we were using. This is where a few super yachts as well as many other cruising yachts similar to ours were berthed.
After breakfast six of us got into the dinghy to head to Port Louis Marina. Colin stayed on the boat to catch up on some much needed sleep having done the graveyard shift from 12am to 2pm.
Despite some confusing and wrong information given to us, once at the marina we were easily able to locate the customs and immigration office to complete our entry requirements into Grenada. Once again in a cricket loving country, the immigration officer, young Sheldon was eager to talk about cricket. As the skipper Patrick was required for signing the documents but as per previous ports I completed the forms seeing I had made myself his personal assistant attending to all ship paperwork. (Just to inform you Hestia is not officially a yacht or a vessel or even a boat but a "ship" registered with the Australian registrar of ships via our international registration of the yacht and not just a NSW registration since it has now been transferred off the French registry of marine vessels). With both Patrick & I present there, Sheldon started his conversation with a loaded question "so you are from India and he is from Australia, so how did the household cope when India beat Australia 4-Nil in the recent test series?" Neither of us knew about this test series but we played along anyway. Patrick pleaded that he did not understand cricket (tongue in cheek) and I laughed. Sheldon launched on his cricket expertise about how the young Indian team with the likes of Kohli and Avinaash was much better than the old Australian team that needed some new blood and revamp. This while there were 4 other skippers waiting outside the office in the heat to get their clearance!
After a pleasurable conversation and a lot of time in this 2 person sized office we departed as now having officially arrived in Grenada.
It was our first day there but as always Patrick and I had a list of tasks to achieve including buying some more groceries and fresh fruit. One of the main reasons for coming to Grenada was in a slim hope that we may be able to find another LPG gas bottle for the galley that we had not been able to secure in St Maarten or elsewhere along the way.
Mind you this was on a Thursday (day) before Good Friday. The shops would be closed the next day and although we might be able to get things on Saturday we were planning on leaving Saturday evening latest.
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It was a day of mixed success, we managed to walk from Port Louis Marina to the town. On the way there we found a decent supermarket, no luck with the gas bottles and a market where we bought lots of fresh fruit and vegetables including some local fruit for the crew to taste.
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After a quick break for some young coconut water, the Indian way, we headed back and managed to get a ride in the local transport buses at $1 (Eastern Caribbean) per person. This was a 17 person mini-bus that had about 25 passengers and two crew (driver and ticket seller) cramped in it like a can of sardines....including the smell. Patrick was sitting in the single passenger seat in the front of the bus when a very oversized lady put her arm out to get a lift. I looked in the back and it was crammed already and wondered where this person was going to fit. The bus conductor opened Patrick's door and in moved this giant of a lady pushing Patrick almost onto the lap of the driver and hindering him from using the gears. It was an interesting experience to say the least.
We then got off at the Supermarket and did a big shop, the tough bit was carrying it back to the marina where we had the other crew waiting for us with the dinghy.
We then found a local baker in the Marina complex, an elderly couple from South Africa that reminded you of elderly couples that you read in a fairy tales, hardworking people, proud of their product leading a simple but complete life spreading joy where they can.
We ordered 24 Hot Cross Buns to be picked up in the late afternoon that we could enjoy on Good Friday and hopefully over the Easter Weekend.
Back on the boat, Colin caught trevally was devoured for lunch and we headed back to the marina to get the laundry done and pick up the hot cross buns. Unfortunately there was no coin laundry at this marina and so a decision was made to go by dinghy to the yacht club across the pier after picking up the buns to source options for both laundry and wifi facilities.
The yacht club (RGYC) reminded me of the CYC back in Mumbai a colonial style building with traces of bygone glory and fabulous location and views. Dusty flags from other yacht clubs around the world hung in lines from the ceiling. Unfortunately we were too late for laundry but we were assured that there would be someone there first thing tomorrow if we returned in the morning. While Georges accessed internet he bought me a gin & tonic. Phil, Sibylle and Colin went looking for some tourist information in the meanwhile.
I noticed an interesting and reasonably priced menu here and a mental decision was made to bring the crew back for an Easter treat for dinner that night.
Although the menu for dinner did not match the menu on the board seen earlier in the day, it turned out to be a pleasant evening for all a we sat on the yacht club terrace and enjoyed the Caribbean meal with either fish or chicken options. We had a few drinks and finishing it all with some local ice cream.
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Good Friday was a day for seeing the island with almost all official business closed. We had booked a taxi for 5 of us for a 6 hour tour from 10am. The taxi and the rate had been confirmed the previous night via email at US$20 person, total $100 for a 6 hour job. The fellow had been happy to accept our business but seemed disgruntled when he picked us up in the morning, partly because we were late and partly because he had realised that a cruise liner with its wealthy passengers had arrived in the morning and he could have made 50% more money on the same tour. Sadly this set the tone of the tour and although we saw some interesting areas on the day and managed a beautiful walk to Concord falls as a guide he provided us with no commentary on the area and all the conversation revolved around money and time. Not enjoyable at all.
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Our most interesting visit for the day was a moderate grade bush walk to the Seven Sisters Falls of which we only saw the Concord Falls. The water fall was amazing or so Patrick tells me but I refused to jump in the water with over 50 local teenagers hosting a barbecue and a day of get-together to meet the local girls. the kids were brave to say the least as they climbed the slippery rocks and got to the top of the falls about 18 meters high and jumped into it.
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I found it a bit intimidating to strip to my bathers with all the local boys scanning the foreigners. Just as we were leaving a group of American teenagers arrived with their local tour guides and jumped onto the pool. They were about 10 of them and I wished they had arrived earlier.
Also being a Good Friday we missed out on the rum distillery and nutmeg factory which were both closed due to public holiday.
We viewed a lake created by a meteoroid that had unique eco-system.
We finally managed to buy a second hand 10 pound fibreglass gas bottle from one of the local convenience stores at the marina that was almost full of gas and they accepted our offer that represented a good discount off the new price. So whilst not the size we originally wanted it was at least enough gas to get us to Panama where hopefully we will be able to purchase a larger gas container especially for the big passage from Galapagos to the Marquesas in French Polenesia some 6,000 kilometres away that we plan to sail in under 3 weeks. This is one of, if not the longest passage in world cruising.
Back at the boat Patrick swam 400 metres to the beach with the black sand and volcanic rocks jutting out from the sea floor. Colin was kind enough to ferry me in the dinghy to the shore to meet up with the others. This beach was full of local kids playing cricket, football and practicing karate or some sort of martial arts. Nick and Georges swam there as well. It was a lovely evening with a beautiful sunset.
Dinner was pasta (ghackets und hoerndli mit oephelmues) i.e. minced beef with horn shaped pasta and apple sauce by the Swiss couple. The crew rating was "delicious!". I had the vegetarian version and it very good too. We finished off the meal with some Swiss chocolate.
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It was a pleasant break in Grenada and we had an early night in preparation of the early start for one of the tough legs anticipated. We were heading for Bonaire around 420 nm away the next day with anticipated 20-25 knots wind conditions according to the grid file Patrick downloaded from his Maxsea navigation software.
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0 notes
newstfionline · 1 year
Tuesday, June 20, 2023
A spate of weekend mass shootings leaves 6 people dead and dozens injured across the US (AP) A spate of weekend mass shootings and violence across the U.S. killed at least six people, including a Pennsylvania state trooper, and left dozens injured. The shootings follow a surge in homicides and other violence over the past several years that experts say accelerated during the coronavirus pandemic. They happened in suburban Chicago, Washington state, central Pennsylvania, St. Louis, Southern California and Baltimore. “There’s no question there’s been a spike in violence,” said Daniel Nagin, a professor of public policy and statistics at Carnegie Mellon University. “Some of these cases seem to be just disputes, often among adolescents, and those disputes are played out with firearms, not with fists.” Researchers disagree over the cause of the increase.
Blinken meets Chinese President Xi in bid to ease soaring US-China tensions (AP) U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken met with Chinese President Xi Jinping on Monday as he wrapped up a two-day high-stakes visit to Beijing aimed at easing soaring tensions between the countries. In earlier meetings between Blinken and senior Chinese officials, the two sides expressed willingness to talk but showed little inclination to bend from hardened positions on disagreements ranging from trade, to Taiwan, to human rights conditions in China and Hong Kong, to Chinese military assertiveness in the South China Sea, to Russia’s war in Ukraine. Despite Blinken’s presence in China, he and other U.S. officials had played down the prospects for any significant breakthroughs on the most vexing issues facing the planet’s two largest economies.
After a Winter Deluge, California Rivers Are Too Dangerous to Enjoy (NYT) Gwyny Pett has been visiting the Kern River for decades. But though Ms. Pett, 66, recently looked ready for a swim at a popular riverside campground, there was no way she was getting in. “I mean, this is dangerous,” she said, gesturing at the water speeding past. After a parade of epic winter storms, the Kern River and other major waterways fed by melting Sierra Nevada snow have become wild torrents—a transformation so dangerous that several counties in Central California have prohibited people from entering the water. Since April, at least 16 people have died or gone missing in rivers across the state, according to The Mercury News, including two young siblings who were swept away on the Kings River in Fresno County in May. On Wednesday, a kayaker died on the Kern River, about 20 miles upstream from the campground from where Ms. Pett was sitting. “There is a historic amount of water right now: faster, colder and more deadly than we’ve seen in recent years,” said Brian Ferguson, a spokesman for the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services. “There is no amount of training or exercise that prepares a human body.”
Deep-sea craft carrying 5 people to Titanic wreckage reported missing (AP) A rescue operation was underway deep in the waters of the Atlantic Ocean on Monday in search of a technologically advanced submersible vessel carrying five people to document the wreckage of the Titanic, the iconic ocean liner that sank more than a century ago. The vessel was reported overdue Sunday night about 435 miles (700 kilometres) south of St. John’s, Newfoundland, according to Canada’s Joint Rescue Coordination Centre in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The submersible had a 96-hour oxygen supply.
What Really Saved The Kids In The Colombian Jungle? Maybe It Was Faith (El Espectador) "Miracle, Miracle, Miracle!" were the first words Colombian soldiers said after finding 13-year-old Lesly Mucutuy and her younger siblings, Soleiny Mucutuy, 9, Tien Noriel Ronoque Mucutuy, 4, and Cristin Neriman Ranoque Mucutuy, 1. The indigenous children had been lost for 40 days in the dark, dank forest of the southern Colombian department of Guaviare. A miracle—first, because finding them alive seemed so unlikely. They had survived a plane crash, and weeks in the jungle alongside panthers, snakes and insects, under relentless rain. But the soldiers also felt divine intervention had helped them find the children. The children's grandfather, Fidencio Valencia, said "Thank you to all the people who prayed, who gave faith and ... all the love to see the children again, alive and well." He meant the "metaphysical strength" that comes from prayer, regardless of any particular religion, as an intangible act of human solidarity. Spiritual practices are frequently dismissed in the modern world, as irrational, banal and incidental. And yet, I cannot help thinking how the spiritual practices of all those searching for the children would have helped preserve hope and build a sense of community, bringing sense to the inexplicable.
In Argentina, Inflation Passes 100% (and the Restaurants Are Packed) (NYT) In Buenos Aires, Argentina’s cosmopolitan capital, a world-class culinary scene is flourishing. That would not necessarily be news if it were not for the fact that Argentina is in the middle of an extraordinary financial crisis. Inflation is at more than 114 percent—the fourth highest rate in the world—and the street value of the Argentine peso has crumbled, dropping about 25 percent over a three-week period in April. Yet it is the peso’s downfall that is fueling the restaurant industry’s upswing. Argentines are eager to get rid of the currency as quickly as they can, and that means the middle and upper classes are going out to eat more often—and that restaurateurs and chefs are plunging their revenues back into new restaurants. The boom, in a way, is a facade. Everyone appears to be out having a good time. Yet, in much of the country, Argentines are scraping by and hunger is on the rise. And in wealthier circles, the rush to go out is a symptom of a shrinking middle class that, no longer able to afford bigger purchases or travel, is choosing to live in the here and now because people do not know what tomorrow will bring—or if their money will be worth anything.
Ukraine clamps down on corruption as Western supporters cast watchful eye (Washington Post) The photos showed hundred-dollar bills laying in piles on furniture and jutting out of a safe—the results of what officials from Ukraine’s main anti-corruption body said last month was a $2.7 million bribery scheme involving the chief justice of the country’s Supreme Court, Vsevolod Knyazyev. Last month, anti-corruption investigators said they caught Knyazyev “red-handed” receiving a payment of about $450,000. Knyazyev was arrested and dismissed from his position, and a criminal investigation is ongoing. “This is huge,” said Tetiana Shevchuk, a lawyer with the Anti-Corruption Action Center, an anti-graft watchdog in Kyiv. “This is not an ordinary judge in a local court taking a bribe—it’s the highest judge in the system.” As Ukraine mounts it counteroffensive against invading Russian forces, law enforcement officials in Kyiv are waging a war on corruption with similarly high stakes for the country’s future. Ukraine is surviving not only on donated weapons but also on foreign economic aid, and Western supporters want to be sure their money is not lost to the graft and malfeasance that has long stunted Ukraine’s democratic aspirations. Ukraine’s dream of joining the European Union will hinge in part on the anti-corruption fight, and the political future of President Volodymyr Zelensky—who won office four years ago promising to eliminate corruption—could also hang in the balance. Amid a war that has required heavy physical and emotional sacrifices, polls show Ukrainians’ tolerance of endemic corruption has evaporated.
The Word From Ukraine's Frontline: Counteroffensive Expectations Are Too High (Die Welt/Germany) Worldwide, expectations for the recently begun Ukrainian counteroffensive are huge, fueled in part by Ukrainian representatives themselves: Commander-in-Chief Valery Salushniy announced that the nation would "take back what belongs to us." Secret Service chief Kyrylo Budanov released a video in which he stares silently into the camera for 20 seconds, before the words "Plans value silence" appear on screen. But anyone who talks to Ukrainian soldiers hears a great deal of humility on the ground. After 15 months of war, many are exhausted, both physically and mentally. Almost everyone now knows someone who has died on the battlefield, and they all know that thousands more are likely to follow in this offensive. I have the impression that many Ukrainian soldiers do not share the exuberant optimism of some experts for this summer. Even the highest-ranking U.S. General Mark Milley had recently called a Ukrainian recapture of all territory this year unrealistic.
North Korea says botched satellite launch was ‘gravest failure’ (Reuters) An unusually candid North Korea has said the botched launch of a military satellite last month was the “gravest failure” but it vowed it would soon succeed in its quest, state media reported on Monday. North Korea’s ruling party made the assessment of its May 31 launch at a three-day meeting that ended on Sunday, ordering workers and researchers to analyse the mission that ended with the rocket and its spy satellite pay load plunging into the sea, and to prepare for another launch soon. Nuclear-armed North Korea had earlier said it would launch its first military reconnaissance satellite to boost monitoring of U.S. military activities, another step in a military programme that has raised fears of war.
Years after invasion, Iraqis still waiting to come to US (AP) Ammar Rashed has a stack of letters from U.S. troops attesting to his work during some of the most dangerous days of the Iraq War. But six years after he applied to immigrate to the United States under a program for interpreters who helped America, he is still waiting. “You don’t have to keep me and my family suffering for, for years waiting,” said Rashed during a Skype interview from Jordan, where he lives. “It’s really frustrating.” Rashed is among thousands of Iraqis, many of whom risked their lives by working closely with Americans during the war and its aftermath, trying to enter the U.S. An estimated 164,000 Iraqis already have found homes in America. U.S. officials cite multiple reasons for the delays, including an attack on the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad, a hack of a refugee database, the COVID-19 pandemic and cuts to the refugee program.
3 Palestinians killed, 29 others wounded in Israeli raid in West Bank (AP) Israeli helicopter gunships struck targets Monday in the occupied West Bank as a gunbattle raged in the city of Jenin between Israeli troops and militants, killing three Palestinians, including a 15-year-old boy, officials said. The violence marked a rare use of Israeli airpower in the territory. During the clashes, Palestinian militants detonated a roadside bomb next to an Israeli military vehicle. At least 29 Palestinians were wounded, six seriously, and Israeli media said a number of Israeli soldiers were hurt. The escalation was the latest in more than a year of near-daily violence that has wracked the West Bank. The Israeli military said troops came under fire during an arrest raid in Jenin and shot back at Palestinian gunmen. Israeli media reported that multiple Israeli troops were wounded in the fighting but did not provide more details.
0 notes
vodkaskys · 2 years
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FANFIC REC: pretend
From the start  (Louis has no idea that one act of kindness will cause his life to spiral out of control. But that's what happens when his new friend fake proposes to him and a video of it goes viral.) (32k)
From the start(Traducción) 
Peaches and cream (Louis is allergic to peaches, Harry smells like peaches. Louis just came for the money.) (64k)
Peaches and cream(Traducción) 
Adore you (Vaguely set in the 1920’s. Headpieces, jazz, fashionable canes, and flapper dresses, and that.) (66k)
Let our hearts collide (When Harry, a lonely transit worker, saves the life of the handsome commuter he's been secretly pining for, an innocent mistake results in Liam Payne's family believing that Harry is engaged to their son. In the Paynes, Harry finds the big family he's always longed for...and a love he never saw coming.) (76k)
Wild love ( Two best friends try to date each other for forty days. It's supposed to be fun until emotions make it complicated.) (130k)
And then a bit ( Harry and Louis fake a relationship for publicity. Eventually it becomes a lot less fake and a lot more real.) (158k)
And then a bit(Traducción) 
Flash (Harry es fotógrafo. Louis se siente solo. Están en una boda. No se conocen. Ninguno de los dos quiere estar ahí.)
Whatever Floats Your Boat (When Harry's mother convinces him to attend his ex's wedding, he must enlist support in the form of his handsome and charming best friend, flatmate and convincing fake boyfriend, Louis. With Louis by his side, the ever present sun and the plenty of open bars, an all expenses paid week long cruise doesn't seem like the worst he could do.) (24k)
white winged dove (Louis isn't expecting it when his parents drag him back to the life of aristocracy that he had left behind three years ago. Pressured to marry in order to save his family from financial and social ruin, Louis finds himself caught between wanting to be selfish and doing what he needs to do for the sake of his sisters, if no one else.Befriending Prince Harry of Wales was not part of that plan, and neither was joining him in an elaborate ruse to fool the country and more importantly, their parents.Marrying him had not been a part of the plan at all.) (100k)
This charade (was never going to last) (On the surface, CitizenX, an international caritative nonprofit, looked like any other nonprofit, funding humanitarian missions worldwide and striving to make the world a better place, one donation at a time.At least, that was what Harry thought, until he was hired as a computer specialist for a spinoff agency called carish, whose true purpose was to reveal CitizenX’s tangled web of lies.As if the whole ‘industrial spy’ business was not stressful enough, Harry found himself in a hatred-at-first-sight relationship with one of his new coworkers, Louis, a man intent on detesting Harry.When the worst happened and Harry and Louis found themselves thrown together in hiding, with only each other to rely on, Harry never could have predicted the turn their relationship would take.Nor could he anticipate that it would all be taken away from him and he would have to decide how far he was willing to go to get Louis back.) (68k)
Last Hope (Louis Tomlinson just wanted to go to sleep until Hot Neighbor Guy asked him for a very mysterious favor. Now he has to stay awake while convincing the most sought out couples therapist that he is in love with Harry Styles.) (1k)
Visions Of A Life (Harry Styles wants nothing more than to be a part of the adaptation of his favorite book and Louis Tomlinson is casually looking for another film to star in. They end up getting casted to play lovers on screen, but behind the cameras, they cannot stand each other. Then months after filming has officially finished, they are forced to date for publicity, no thanks to a video of them becoming popular amongst all the fans. It sounds like a brilliant idea, doesn't it? They acted as boyfriends before, so they should be able to do it again under slightly different circumstances. At least they all hope so.) (86k)
English Football: History in the Making ( another Football AU absolutely nobody asked for) (31k)
Playin' It Safe and Breakin' The Rules ( the One Where Maybe this Fake Relationship Gets a Little Too Real.) (90k)
i'm gonna keep this love, if you let me (Louis makes Harry pretend to be his boyfriend one night out. The rest is history.Here she is! My entry for the 2021 1daboficfest :)Title is from "Burning" by Maggie Rogers.) (26k)
Pretending we're not in love ( Harry and Louis get a year off work and decide to explore North America. What happens when they get drunk in vegas and get married? What happens when they forget to tell their families for a month and now they have to go to christmas together? What happens when they decide to pretend they are not together?) (9k)
Be My Dandelion (Supposedly, what you write on your skin, appears on your soulmate’s. What happens when a few things get in the way and Louis and Harry are too oblivious to notice?) (57k)
Glitter in the sky, glitter in our eyes (What happens when a Duke who will only marry for love and a courtesan who only sells it create a public ruse? Well, nothing boring for sure. An Edwardian AU.) (59k)
Chestnuts Roasting... And All That (Louis is apparently the only person at his new job who is single as can be. It’s not a big deal to just tell his new colleagues that he has a boyfriend, right? Until he has to make this imaginary boyfriend magically appear at the office holiday party. Cue fake relationship antics with a certain someone who is more than willing to play along.) (46k)
Find You Home (When Louis lies to his family and says he’ll bring his new boyfriend home for Christmas, his best friend and roommate Harry agrees to play the part. It’s that, or be left alone over the holidays.What will happen? No one knows! Perhaps Santa will swoop in with a Christmas miracle.Featuring lovesick idiots, kissing and cuddling, pies and Christmas clichés.) (35k)
the frost covers all ( a friends-to-lovers/fake relationship when harry needs a boyfriend for a family thing, and louis obliges.) (19k)
When You're Smiling (and Astride Me) ( Harry, Niall, and Zayn are in an up and coming indie band, White Eskimo. Liam is Harry's best friend. Louis is a writer who only signed on for an interview, but ends up getting much more than he bargained for.) (48k)
Just For Me (Harry is a supermodel with a fake boyfriend. Louis is the captain and star forward of Manchester United with a fake girlfriend. They should have no problem having a completely platonic lunch between friends.) (9k)
Be My Dandelion (Supposedly, what you write on your skin, appears on your soulmate’s. What happens when a few things get in the way and Louis and Harry are too oblivious to notice?) (57k)
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lwt28brave · 3 years
LT2 masterpost
If it was up to me, we would get an autumn or winter EP. Since it’s not up to me at all, here, enjoy this post with everything we know so far of LT2, which is to say, not much at all. Everything here is hypothetical. I’ll be updating every time I see something relevant. A little disclaimer that while this is a masterpost (kinda), it could be read as discourse (duh, it’s also a theory), AND it’s also by me, and you shouldn’t expect me to be serious at this point.
Due to me restraining myself, there’s no reference to any of the times he’s mentioned his guitar skills and him improving but I hope you know I cried every single time.
I’m also linking my old pinned here. It was written before AFHF and around the free merch thing that didn’t lead to much, but I still think I made some good points.
Possible tracks:
Copy of a Copy of a Copy
Faith in the future??
Possible names:
Faith in the future
When is the album coming out?
Your guess is as good as mine
Friday 28th of January 2022. Almost two years after Walls. It’s a Friday. It’s a 28th. What else can I say?
Here you can find @want-to-be-loved timelines for every month.
Here you can find @berlinini’s timeline of what Louis has been up to this year (2021).
The rest is under the cut. And here you can find a PDF version where Tumblr can't tell me how many pictures I can add.
He said back on May 2th 2020 he wasn’t writing anything new yet.
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Interestingly enough, he’s said many times after that that the album’s not ready cause he has no new experiences to drawn from. I won’t call him out because he does it himself.
May 4th. He liked a tweet from DMA’s Johnny Took saying they had to go write together again. Louis has been credited as an influence for them and (kind of) participated in their previous record, so I’m assuming he meant for their music and not his, but you never know.
Nothing(literally nothing??? how did we survive) until 11th of July. We all know what happened that day. We all celebrated it. Nonetheless, that’s not what I’m talking about here.
(x) So, by the beginning of July 2020 he was working on concepts and ideas for the new album. That was fifteen months ago. I know perfection takes time but…
Brief summary of important things that happened from then until the next mention of new music:
Louis left Syco!!!! 10 days later he rescheduled the tour for the first time. He followed Matt Vines on Twitter, probably so we could publicly shame him into doing something. Also, the 10thanniversary. He followed more people I wish he hadn’t.
Then more nothing until September. Not even a single tweet. The first merch drop was on the 28th of August but he just RT’ed the tweet. He first mentioned Free my Meal on the 25th of September. Then on October 1st Walls hit #1 on a lot of countries and Louis was incredibly happy and excited about it ^^
And then, that same day, October 1st, 2020, he dropped this bomb:
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He also said it was too soon to be sharing new lyrics with us (x)
And, obviously, this tweet which is actually what made me start this whole post. I would hope you know mate.
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He also told us he was cooking "banger after banger" and that he was incorporating more social themes into his music (x)(x) (I believe any social issue is a political issue but that’s not the point rn).
These next paragraphs are brought to you by my mind not remembering things and me not having any links. I’m assuming COACOAC came from those writing sessions that supposedly happened in October. Or in LA but I have no idea if he actually was in LA at any point other than a Daily Mail article putting him there on December which would have been too late, but I do remember that someone said he was in the studio in LA last autumn???? A rumor. Maybe. IDK. Did I mention already all of this is very hypothetical?? Well, this is it. I can’t even remember if this was October or November or what. So, take this with a grain of salt.
I’m also… taking the liberty to assume, if you must, that Copy wasn’t meant to be a Walls reject because it sounds more mature and darker and it has a vastly different tone that Walls songs. I know he’s said that song probably isn’t getting into the album, but I want to have faith (in the future) that I’m getting a studio version. (But also, Louis, if you’re reading this, first of all GET OUT OF MY BLOG second of all, please don’t ever feel pressured again to add a song to the album because we have already heard it before. It’s your art and it should always be under your own terms).
So yeah, I believe that Copy is either one of those four songs (then imagine the other three??!!) or was written around the 1st of October date.
---End of the Intermission---
Then not much important (other than sharing more about Marcus Rashford fight against food poverty and the 2nd merch drop) until he announced the livestream on the 24th of November. (x)
It wasn’t until a few days before the livestream date we even thought again about new music (jk, I know we’re always thinking about new Louis’ music). So, December 9th/10th, 2020. Nine months ago. We got our first taste of new music!
He made sure we knew Copy of a Copy of a Copy isn't a cover! (x) (x)
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Ok, so that’s it for 2020. (I feel like I’m missing something from September 17th because tweet was deleted but maybe he was still talking about cucumbers. We might never know. Unless I understand how Tumblr tags work). Expected, cause Walls was released in 2020. We needed to let it sit for a while.
Another Summary: Louis third tweet of the year was telling the UK government off. So was the fifth. What a good beginning. On the 26th of January, he said he prefers pancakes over waffles. I hope he meant pancakes other than his own. More importantly, he tweeted the infamous “you lot read into things too much”. Don’t get me started, Tomlinson. Don’t. Then the 31st came around and Walls was one. He tweeted this. How wise. And Project Defenceless happened!!
15th of February!! Who cares about Valentine Day when the next day we got this? ♥
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“I’m sure I will have something out this year but unlikely that will be the album”. Unlikely but not impossible. Also. A single would be good. This is the second time he mentions releasing something in 2021 and he sounds surer about it than the first time around.
He also said that he isn’t sure we will get a studio version of Copy. And that the best bridges from Walls to LT2 are Walls, OTB, KMM and Copy. Can’t wait!
Then we jump to March 6th when he announced he was going to create his own management company. “Sometimes action is needed first to encourage the motivation and belief”. As we can tell he was already manifesting some stuff which will lead us to the numerology stuff/Tesla… kidding. Or not. We might never know.
On the 22nd of March he answered some questions:
He told us music was still his main focus ♥ mwha. (x) I included this tweet to guilt-trip him into giving us music in case he’s reading this even after I told him to leave. ILY.
(x) I’d love to get a visual EP this autumn. Just saying. It sounds like a lovely concept.
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…next (I will get into it, I promise. I’m just mad).
On the 25th he left for Mexico until April 10th. You could assume it was just for the documentary where we got ten seconds of footage or admit the obvious: LT2 its a Mexican baby!!
On the 26th (so, not so far apart from that first 369) we got the first Faith in the Future mention: (x)
Back then we were innocent people who had no idea what was coming upon us. We still have no idea because what the fuck does he mean with these. Please explain. I have one braincell and I don’t use it enough for this. I’m linking some theories.
On the 30th of March he confirmed he was already working on the documentary. So AFHF was already on the works. Will it take this long for us to get the Veeps numbers? We also got this tweet: "Got a decent chorus idea down" (x).
Same person that got the “something out this year” exclusive. If you know something share with the class. Also. Is this Change? I feel like this could be Change but I also assume he wrote Change after hanging out with his friends or being in Doncaster. But who knows.
(x) And the second mention to 369.
(x) 15th of April. The second "Faith in the future".
On the 19th of April he announced that he had something BIG for us later on the year which turned out to be the Away From Home Festival ♥♥ (x) I love him so much.
Then on the 28th he announced the 369 merch drop (which it’s probably the Walls drop? Except that the TOU and KMM ones were “drop 1 and drop 2” and this was drop 369 which, again, makes no sense) but we still don’t know what 369 means.
Into May’ 21 we go.
He rescheduled tour again. And dropped another bomb (x).
He announced he has signed with BMG as an independent artist by RTing this tweet on May 10th. The article also says that he’s already working on writing and recording LT2. The timing… we don’t know. What this deal involves… we don’t know either. Bear with me here because I have a lot to say about this.
I think the deal is only a distribution one, but that BMG are interested in Louis and what he (us) could bring to the table. They were either present at the festival or watching it, but officially they had no involvement at all with it (everything is credited either to Louis own company, 78 Productions, or Charlie Lightening’s company). That’s the case for both giveaways too; the vinyl one and the tickets for the festival.
I think it would be an unbelievably bad move not to test the waters with BMG now or soon-ish. At least a single, to see how it performs. Due to the circumstances, it’s obvious there’re certain limitations on place but I want to see how they push it, whether the radio play exist this time around and if the song is playlisted and promoted and all that… I would also love to know, since it says he signed with BMG UK, but it also states it’s a global deal, how things are going to go on the US and other countries.
Yes, yes. I know those are all questions and no answers. But I know the same as you, sadly. If any of you know more than you’re letting on… again, share with the class.
Where was I? Yes, on the 25th of May Louis had a great day writing (x). Since the first time he had mentioned he was officially writing to this date there’s almost eight months. And I believe he was writing before October’ 20.
He followed Robert Harvey that day and, on the 28th of May (why is it always the 28th???) he was spotted at the studio for the first time.
June was an interesting month for the fandom ♥. Lots of LHL content which I will love and cherish for the rest of times. On June 4th, June 9th, and June 10th he was spotted at the studio, but I believe he was there more days.
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This was posted on June 6th and captioned Studio. Charlie also shared it with “Mega tunes being put down, can’t wait for this @louist91 #louistomlinson #LT2” as the caption. This gives me 2019 (Elton-Joint) vibes. I like it. Feels like we’re getting closer to something.
He added the Milano date on the 9th too which I’m mentioning because I’m going alone. Anyone wanna go with me please? I’m nice and I never eat anything before a concert so you can have my food. On other news. It didn’t come home.
During July he was at the studio at least three days too. Probably more. Feels like more with all the fan pictures we got. Or was that June? Anyway, July 1st and 9th we got some videos from Robert Harvey and wearesuperhi, which is who Louis has been working with the most, that we know of. I don’t know for sure they’re from that day. And on July 5th we got an article and lots of pictures of Louis looking really good outside the studio.
On the 12th of July the first fans started getting the free, 369 bucket hat and print. We still don’t know what the purpose was other than to thanks fans. Maybe that was it. I want answers and I still think it relates to a future project (see theories above), but it could also just be a bridge with the Walls breaking.
He didn’t tweet about anything interesting for a while, mostly because he lost his phone (he either throwed it in the air or smashed it who knows). Then on the 29th of July he announced the festival!
I’m glossing over it because there’s already been a lot of talk about it (rightfully) and while it was a wonderful thing, it doesn’t have much to do with LT2.
Let’s talk Change!
On August 3rd he tweeted this about the setlist.
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And this (x) on the 28th! I can’t stand him.
We didn’t get it, obviously. Because who was going to get that. But we read too much into things. Alright.
On the 16thof August Dave Gibson shared this post tagged #LT2 with the eyes emojis 👀👀👀. I believe this has to do both with Change but also with whatever else came out of that Mexico trip.
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(x) Last relevant tweet related to LT2 is this one.
So, on the 30th of August we got Change and we cried, and we know that Change is going in the new album. He said it. With those exact words. He also said he was “getting a feeling for it”. This has to meant he already has a general idea of the vibe of the new album and what’s going in it!!!!!! (Right? RIGHT?).
Anyway, let’s go back a few weeks because some other things happened on August. He was at the studio a few more times. Or it was suggested that he was there. On the 17th and the 18th. (Why was it so time-pressing to be at the studio instead of rehearsing for the festival? There was no studio at all on the documentary. Which makes sense, but again, then why?).
On the day of the festival we got another mention of Faith in The Future that made me feel part of a cult ngl. The words were flashing on the screen for less than a second. Okay.
And then he tweeted those words again after watching the livestream/documentary on the 4th of September (x). This is what makes me suspect it's either the name of the album or of the single.
On the same day, we got some interesting quotes about LT2 on the documentary.
“Soon I’ll have to think about me second album, which in my head I’ll get the tour out of the way and then I’ll address that. So, I hadn’t really given it much thought, to be honest”.
“When every day is the same is hard to feel creative and it’s hard to have any kind of proper inspiration”.
“As season started to come back, I started writing again and it was great and some of these songs turned out alright”.
And I think this is it. I might be overlooking some important details but that’s what we know and what we don’t know.
So. Conclusions. That’s what you missed on Glee. I do believe the album is, if not mostly done, partially there. And yes, this post is pointless and never-ending but it’s all in here if you need to tell Louis “Hey, you said this, mate”.
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nordleuchten · 3 years
The Champ de Mars Massacre
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Your back is aching, your muscles ache. The past days, no, weeks, you have helped to level the Champ de Mars, you have helped to fill up the puddles, to raise tribunes - all that hard labour for this day. The 14th of July 1790. To the day one year prior you were amongst the crowd that stormed the Bastille. Today is the anniversary of your Revolution. Thousands upon thousands of people have gathered today to celebrate. Not just from Paris but from all over France. Every Department and every Province has send its people, has send representatives and soldiers - their banners fly in the breeze. You here the people shout and roar “Vive le roi! Vive la reine!” and you join in in the jubilation as does your beloved right next to you. “Vive le roi! Vive la reine!” The members of the National Assembly stand together on the Champ the Mars, the King is there as well with his family, an altar had been erected in the middle of the field. General La Fayette rides in on his white stallion. He is the Hero of Two Worlds, the knight of the Revolution, the champion of the people - or so you fought then.
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It is a hot and sunny day in July once again - but a whole year has passed. It is the 17th of July, a Sunday, a holy day. People have gathered on the Champ de Mars and this time it is not in celebration. The people are angry, they feel betrayed. This year, in 1791, thousands upon thousands have gathered to sign a petition, a petition to put the king on trial for the crimes he had committed against his people. Everything seemed orderly enough at first but then the people spotted two men hiding under the altar that still stood there from the celebration of 1790. The crowed fought there were spies and so they decapitated them and put their heads on spikes. Everything went downhill from there on. Troops of the National Guard arrived, the mayor of Paris, Monsieur Bailly arrives, martial law is declared, the soldiers are firing at the crowed and miss, the crowed throw stones at the troops, the soldiers fire again - they hit their targets this time, You see people fall, women, and man and children - god, they are firing at the children too! The crowed dispenses, all is confusion and hurry now, your beloved is no longer by your side as you start to run. There is shouting about a cannon that is supposedly about to be fired. More people fall. As you hurry to safety, you turn around one last time and see General La Fayette standing by his National Guard as they fire into the crowed. Is that what has become of the peoples hero?
Within little more than a year La Fayette went from the zenith of his influence and popularity to a record low. In 1790, during the Fête de la Federation, his carefully put together image had been approved by the people of France. In 1791 however, with the Champ de Mars Massacre, his image began to suffer severely and he had in great parts lost the love of the people. Right when it happened, the events of July 17, 1791 were used for propaganda from ever party and every side. It was played-down, blown out of proportions, made into something it was not, numbers and details were changed to make one group look more or less guilty. What remained though was the fact that La Fayette was at the centre of the events. His exact role in the massacre as well as everything that happened that day is often hard to determine, exactly because the massacre was so heavily used for political and propaganda purposes at the beginning. So here is a little overview about the things we know or at least thing we know.
What Happened? - The Context:
The officials had expected large protests on the 14th of July, the anniversary of the Revolution but the 14th passed rather peaceful. On the 17th however, the atmosphere started to heat up. Barely a month before, from July 20 to July 21, the King, Louis XVI, the Queen, Marie Antoinette, their children and other immediate members of the Royal Family had tried to flee from Paris to Montmédy. The flight failed and they were recognised and stopped in Varennes-en-Argonnne and after that brought back to Paris. La Fayette and other government officials tried to present the events as an attempted kidnapping of the King - that was of course complete nonsense, there was no kidnapping whatsoever and everybody knew that. The flight to Varennes painted La Fayette in a particular bad light for two reasons. First, there had been rumours of a possible escape by the King long before the actual attempt was made. It was La Fayette, among others, who had time and time again sworn that the King would not attempt to flee. He had accepted the constitution, he had become a monarch under the constitution and would not betray the loyalty of the French people in such a fashion. Second, it was the National Guard under the command of La Fayette who was tasked with safeguarding the King - and making sure that he would not escape. Their failure shed a very bad light on La Fayette. At best his guard was undisciplined and he had not enough control over them. At worst, he was fully aware of the royal families’ plans and aided them by instructing the guardsmen to look the other way.
On July 17, a petition had been drafted and the people were called upon to assemble and to sign the petition. This endeavour was first backed by the Jacobins but leading members later withdraw the support of the Jacobins as they had been urged by Robespierre himself to so. It was too little and too late however, as many people in the crowd that day would have identified as Jacobins.
The undersigned Frenchmen, members of the sovereign people, considering that, in questions concerning the safety of the people, it is their right to express their will in order to enlighten and guide their deputies,
That no question has ever arisen more important than the King's desertion,
That the decree of 15 July contains no decision concerning Louis XVI,
That, in obeying this decree, it is necessary to decide promptly the future of this individual,
That his conduct must form the basis of this decision,
That Louis XVI, having accepted Royal functions, and sworn to defend the Constitution, has deserted the post entrusted to him; has protested against that very Constitution in a declaration written and signed in his own hand; has attempted, by his flight and his orders, to paralyze the executive power, and to upset the Constitution in complicity with men who are today awaiting trial for such an attempt,
That his perjury, his desertion, his protest, not to speak of all the other criminal acts which have proceeded, accompanied, and followed them, involve a formal abdication of the constitutional Crown entrusted to him,
That the National Assembly has so judged in assuming the executive power, suspending the Royal authority and holding him in a state of arrest,
That fresh promises from Louis XVI to observe the Constitution cannot offer the Nation a sufficient guarantee against a fresh perjury and a new conspiracy.
Considering finally that it would be as contrary to the majesty of the outraged Nation as it would be contrary to its interest to confide the reins of empire to a perjurer, a traitor, and a fugitive, [we] formally and specifically demand that the Assembly receive the abdication made on 21 June by Louis XVI of the crown which had been delegated to him, and provide for his successor in the constitutional manner, [and we] declare that the undersigned will never recognize Louis XVI as their King unless the majority of the Nation express a desire contrary to the present petition
What happened next could have come straight out of a comedy - were it not to trigger a bloodbath. The crowed that had assembled that day spotted two “suspicious man”. Now, we do not know who this men were or what they intended - in all likelihood they just sat there and tried to relax and sleep, maybe find some shade on such a hot day, maybe all they wanted was to get a peek under the skirts of the women who had assembled as well. They hide behind the altar that had been left from the Fête de la Federation and this behaviour prompted the crowd to assume that they were spies who wanted to denounce the people present. The crowed attacked the men, beheaded them and paraded their head around on spikes. The crowed, who had previously already worried the Parisian officials, now had committed two murders. It is from this point on, that things get a bit more tricky.
What Happened? - The actual Massacre:
We start this portion of the post with an excerpt from La Fayette’s Memoirs to form a basis.
The affair of the Champ de Mars has been misrepresented with an extraordinary degree of audacity ; it became the pretext for the sufferings to which the magnanimity of the virtuous Bailly was so long exposed in that capital to which he had devoted himself during the whole course of a very difficult magistracy, with an affectionate and enlightened zeal. (…)
The 14th of July the anniversary of the confederation was celebrated. All appeared tranquil. But the 17th of July, a meeting took place in the Champ de Mars, to sign the petition drawn up by Laclos, and corrected by Brissot.
Two invalids, who, from a feeling of idle curiosity, had concealed themselves under the altar of the country, were seized ; their heads were cut off, and placed on two pikes, to be exhibited through the streets of Paris. The commander-in-chief [La Fayette] hastened to the spot, with a detachment of national guards. The rioters, with some ringleaders at their head, formed a barricade around themselves with carts ; across one of these carts a man pointed a musket at the commander-in-chief, but it missed fire. The national guards, springing over the barricade seized the culprit, and dragged him towards the commander-in-chief, who ordered him to be set at liberty. It is well known that the jacobins imputed the deliverance of this assassin to a concerted scheme, until he came forward, himself to boast of his conduct at the bar of the convention. The people who surrounded the altar, and some of those who were in the Champ de Mars, promised the commander and two commissaries of the commons to separate, after having peaceably signed the petition, for no person had ever thought of opposing that signature.
Several hours thus passed ; a detachment of the national guard had been stationed outside the Champ de Mars to watch over any hostile movements that might occur, and it was thought at the Hotel de Ville that all would pass quietly, when some persons came to denounce to the assembly the real projects of the rioters against the assembly itself. They intended doing what has been done since, on the 10th August, 31st May, and 4th prairial.
The national assembly decreed that the mayor of Paris should take measures to secure their safety, that of the Tuileries, and of the capital. It was in consequence of the unanimous injunctions of that same assembly that the mayor of Paris and the council of the commune published martial law. M Bailly sallied forth at the head of a battalion of grenadiers, which performed duty each day at the Hotel de Ville, to proceed, as a reserve corps, to the place in which public order was most disturbed ; the commander-in-chief, to whom information of this step was given, joined them on the road.
They presented themselves before the entrance of the Champ de Mars, and were received with a shower of stones ; some fire-arms were also used ; a pistol was fired at the mayor whom the ball narrowly missed, when he was on the point of making his proclamation. During this attack, the national guard fired in the air to avoid wounding any one ; but the assailants, emboldened by this moderation redoubled their attack against the municipal officers and national guards, of whom some were wounded, and amongst the number an aide-de-camp ; two volunteer chasseurs were killed ; the national guard then fired in earnest. The loss that ensued on the part of the assailants has been most grossly exaggerated ; the rioters were dispersed principally by the cavalry, who did not use their arms.
 All the events that he describes, happened that way - it is however questionable if they happened exactly that way. What also comes to mind is La Fayette’s phrasing of the events: he wrote that the National Guard did certain things but never what his actual orders were. This vague language is quite crucial in understanding his part in the whole event. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.
In short, while we can be reasonably sure that somebody did indeed shot at La Fayette, we can not be completely sure if that happened during the first or second encounter between the Guard and the crowed. La Fayette would not have gained much from placing the attack on him at an earlier hour so we are going to believe him with that. It is also unsure how much time exactly passed when La Fayette wrote “several hours”. But these details are rather minor and even if they were wrongly reported, do not change the outlook on the event as a whole. More interesting is the question about the declaration of Martial Law. La Fayette presents it as if he had nothing to do with it while other sources claim that he was among the men urging Mayor Bailly to do so.
On to the most interesting part. Who gave the order to fire and when was this order given?
La Fayette claims that the he and his guard were attacked with stones and that during this attack he ordered his men to fire warning shots into the air (in his memoirs he is not as clear about it as in earlier statements were he admitted that he ordered his men to fire into the air - but solely into the air). Other accounts say that the crowed only threw stones after the guardsmen had shot at them while again different sources claim that the soldiers never fired into the air but directly at the people. Whatever happened, at one point the Guard did indeed fire at the people. Now, La Fayette was eminent that he never gave that order - and I think I believe him. Such an action would not be typical for him. But who could have given the order? Some sources state that Bailly gave the order and because he was Mayor, the National Guard followed his order. Again, other reports state that nobody gave the order and that the soldiers just fired on their own.
I find all of these reports questionable. The most logical explanation would be that La Fayette, as commander-in-chief gave the command. But as I stated earlier, I have great trouble imaging that … maybe I am biased but I just can not see La Fayette giving such a command. I also do not believe that Bailly gave the order. I could imagine that the Guard shot on its own. Maybe one of the men was frightened and pulled the trigger, maybe even by accident or in an act of self-defence, and his comrades followed suite, thinking that there had been an order - then again, what are the probabilities of that happening?
Several sources mention that La Fayette tried to stop his troops as soon as he realised what had happened. One report even claimed that he physically put himself between the crowed and a cannon that was about to be fired. He did not however mention any of these actions in his Memoirs. If there was massacre on the civilian population and you tried to prevent or at least end this massacre, you would mention that in your Memories, would you not?
Where does of all of that leaves us? In the worst case, La Fayette actively ordered his guards to fire into a mostly unarmed civilian crowed. In the “best” case, La Fayette did not order the massacre himself but had too little control and influence over his own troops that he could not prevent the event from happening. Because, as Tom Chaffin put it in his book Revolutionary Brothers:
Whatever actually happened that day, the gunfire escalated into a lethal fusillade that left many demonstrators dead or wounded.
In any event, La Fayette was judged severely by the public.
The number of victims of the Champ de Mars massacre vary dramatically. Contemporary sources state that there were several thousand victims while modern scholars estimate the number of dead between 50 and 100 and the number of wounded between 100 and 1000. It is however next to impossible to ever be able to determine these numbers correctly.
The immediate public and political reactions on and after the 17th varied widely but were generally devastating for La Fayette. I may make an extra post about the reactions because otherwise this post would get too long. As a last thought, I want to quote from the Memoirs of La Fayette’s youngest daughter, Virginie, how she remembered that day.
The Jacobins raised on the 17th of July a considerable outbreak. The brigands commenced by murdering two men. Martial law was proclaimed. It is difficult to form an idea of my mother's mortal anguish while my father was in the Champ de Mars exposed to the rage of an infuriated multitude which dispersed crying out that my mother must be put to death and her head carried to meet him. I remember the fearful cries we heard, I remember the alarm of every body in the house, and above all my mother's joy at the thoughts that the brigands who were coming to attack her were no longer surrounding my father in the Champ de Mars. While embracing us with tears of joy, she took every necessary precaution against the approaching danger with the greatest calmness and above all with the greatest relief of mind. The guard had been doubled, and was drawn up before the house, but the brigands were very near entering my mother's apartment by the garden looking upon the place du Palais-Bourbon, and were already climbing the low wall which protected us, when a body of cavalry passed on the place and dispersed them.
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northernmariette · 3 years
How Berthier died: an opinion piece
@microcosme11 reblogged my portrait of Berthier, adding to it some comments to which I responded at some length. I reblogged my original post with my further comments, but was unable to put in a new title on this to indicate the addition of new material.
At the risk of being redundant to those who did notice my extra writing, I have decided to post what I added to my original post and to microcosme’s reblog.
microcosme stated that there are three theories about Berthier’s death and that the truth will never be entirely known, which is undeniable. The three theories are that Berthier was assassinated, that he was the victim of an accident, and that he committed suicide. This is the main topic of my response to microcosme. Here is what  I wrote  in response to the issues she (I assume microcosme is a she) raised:
As I wrote in the notes, Berthier did want desperately to return to France. I think this was because he wanted to defend France. If he thought the best way to defend France meant serving Napoleon again, then that’s what he would have done. However, I’m of the opinion that by 1815 Berthier no longer believed in Napoleon; it’s just that Napoleon was a better bet to defeat France’s enemies than Louis XVIII was.
About Berthier’s death, as you wrote there are three theories. I am persuaded he killed himself. I think his family believed he killed himself. But. The family would have moved heaven and earth to present his death as anything but suicide. Berthier was raised Catholic, his wife and in-laws were Catholic. A person committing suicide, in the Catholic religion, has died in a state of mortal sin and can’t even be buried in consecrated ground. There is no way in the world that Berthier’s wife and her family were going to have his death be labeled a suicide. The assassination scenario was extremely convenient and face-saving.
So where did this assassination scenario come from? It came from the imagination of Berthier’s four-year-old son. I believe the family pounced on this. I don’t believe there actually were any assassins there. I, for one, saw witches and monsters everywhere when I was four. How difficult would it be for the boy to imagine he saw “bad men” kill his father? Except for this: Bavarian police was closely watching Berthier, not only to prevent him from leaving for France, but to protect him from, well, assassins, or anyone who might have wanted to harm him; Berthier even complained angrily about the police surveillance. Bavarian police saw no strange individuals entering or leaving Bamberg Castle. Berthier’s wife was worried about his mental state, and had asked the servants to watch him closely. The servants, to my knowledge, saw no strangers lurking about. The children’s nurse was right there, and to my knowledge she did not report seeing anyone being in the nursery aside from the children and Berthier. To me, the assassination theory does not hold water.
Now let’s turn to Berthier’s behaviour while at Bamberg Castle. For the first time in his life, the king of workaholics had nothing to do. Not one thing. He was reportedly going out of his mind with boredom. Then there was his desperate, thwarted efforts to go back to France, to defend a country he loved, probably by serving a man whose actions he believed spelled catastrophy and defeat, but who for all that was a better prospect for success than Louis XVIII. It seems also that Louis XVIII was persuaded that Berthier had helped Napoleon to come back from Elba, or at least that he knew about Napoleon’s plans but did not reveal them (which is possible, but not certain; in any event Berthier might have thought that Napoleon did not stand a chance). I don’t know, but I speculate that Berthier figured he was finished in Louis XVIII’s eyes. After reaching Bamberg, he tended his resignation multiple times from the captainship of the King’s Guard, and as far as I remember this was his one and only official role under the First Restauration. All his life Berthier had been the one whose services everybody clamoured to have, and now, if Napoleon did not want him back - and I don’t think Berthier would have assumed that Napoleon would - conceivably nobody wanted anything to do with him.
Berthier’s resignation was finally accepted, severing his link with the King. At about the same time, I believe, his last hope of getting back to France came to nothing. He then did something he had never done in his life: he started to drink, and very heavily. This speaks to me of depression. I think his despair was beyond measure. The day Berthier died, Russians troops were marching under the castle’s windows on their way to France. He went to see his children in the nursery on the top floor of the castle. He saw that a cart was ready to take the children for a ride, and asked the nurse when she was taking them down into the courtyard; in my opinion, he was waiting to be alone on that top floor so nobody would stop him from jumping out the window. The nurse answered she would take the children down when Berthier left the nursery. He went into the next room on the pretence of relieving himself, the nurse heard him cry “My poor homeland!” twice, heard a noise; when she rushed in, she saw an open window and Berthier lying dead in the street.
Could he have fallen? Maybe. It’s plausible. He was probably drunk. But I don’t think it's anywhere near as likely as suicide.
As for Berthier not coming back from Paris after asking Napoleon for a few days’ leave, one of the historians I read, Franck Favier I believe, states that there are documents bearing Berthier’s signature which show that he did come back to Fontainebleau, it’s just that Napoleon’s word was taken at face value without verification. If there was still official business that remained to be done, it’s hard for me to imagine that Berthier would not have come back to conclude it. But if there was no outstanding business to take care of, if Berthier knew that going back to Fontainebleau only meant that Napoleon would keep asking him to go to Elba with him, then I can picture that he would not have returned. By then Berthier was done with Napoleon. About time too. Politically, Napoleon had gone off the tracks quite a while before, and personally, he had treated Berthier shamefully for years and years. It’s a wonder Berthier tolerated it for so long.
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maggiec70 · 3 years
Fun in the Country
My version of Joachim and his BFF, Jean-Boy, at the spa in Bareges and then adjourning to one of J-B's little country properties for more typical Gascon amusements. As always, these shenanigans are seen through the viewpoint of the former Milanese contessa/current aide-de-camp. She disapproves.
Joachim Murat sent Jean a note a few days later. I’m leaving Madrid tomorrow. We should meet at Barèges. It’s a decent spa and not far from you.”
“Why would you want to visit with Prince Murat?” Mariana asked when Jean showed her the note. “You’re always scrapping about something.”
“Not always. Besides, Joachim is entertaining, even when he doesn’t mean to be.”
Mariana resigned herself to a two-day ride to the Pyrenean spa and then days of constant Gascon bragging from two masters of the genre. As rowdy as it promised to be, she hoped the change of scenery would sweep away the last of her anger. Jean had done what she insisted. He’d waved the required documents conferring the majority of his country properties to Jean-Claude under the nose of an elderly black-clad lawyer who creaked each time he moved.
“Give me an official copy,” she’d ordered the lawyer, her peremptory tone causing his furry white eyebrows to rise as his brass-rimmed spectacles slid down his nose. He should have been used to her by then, after her questions directed at him like an artillery assault had determined—finally—that he had the requisite legal acumen and ethics for the task.
“Why did you want a copy?” Jean had asked her when the lawyer scurried away, portfolio clutched tightly beneath one arm. “Don’t you trust me?”
“That’s not the problem. You won’t be here when those documents become an issue. I don’t trust anyone but myself to handle this matter properly.” And if she weren’t around, she would entrust it to one of the phalanx of attorneys who managed her affairs. After all this time with her, they were eminently trustworthy and as ruthless as the Sforzas.
Now, comfortably settled in Barèges, almost everyone drank gallons of rough red wine and told amazingly obscene stories that made Mariana cringe in embarrassment. Neither Jean nor Murat went anywhere near the spa until two days later, complaining of headaches, and by then, she hoped they would both drown. She left whenever she could to explore the neat, tiny village tucked away in a hollow of the hulking, snow-covered Pyrenees, wondering if the change of scene was worth much. She was still angry, but not for the same reasons.
“I don’t know Jean anymore. What’s come over him?” she asked Joseph one evening during a long and raucous meal.
“Given the right circumstances, men revert to a certain type. Be patient—it’ll pass.”
“I can’t imagine you behaving in such a fashion.”
“I have, but you’ve never seen it. You’ll feel better if you ignore it all.”
She couldn’t ignore anything and cringed when Jean suggested they abandon the spa for one of his country properties. “Plenty of room, much more than here. Nobody to disturb us unless we invite them,” he explained, definitely listing to one side.
Murat agreed at once. “Excellent idea, as long as there’s plenty to drink. If you know some lovely ladies to make the time pass pleasantly, be sure to invite them.”
“I’ve got enough Armagnac to put you on your imperial backside every night. As for ladies, I’ll send for as many as you like,” Jean promised in a haze of Bordeaux-inspired grandiloquence. Although the rest of their aides grinned at the prospect, Mariana was livid.
That night she sat rigidly upright in bed, every nerve quivering with anger, while Jean undressed. He wobbled as he tried to get his boots off, and she snickered at him. She hoped he would fall on his face and lie on the rough-planked floor until morning.
“What’s the matter with you?” He tossed the boots aside and fumbled with the buttons on his coat.
“How can you take Prince Murat to that refurbished abbey you bought? How can you promise to amuse him for however long he wishes and send spurious billets-doux to all the women in the countryside? Besides,” she snorted, growing angrier as she spoke, “who’d write them? I expect you’ll ask me since you can’t string three coherent words together. You do know what this makes you?”
Jean did not bother to put on his nightshirt and crawled in bed naked, collapsing against the pillows, one arm flung across his face. “I’m sure you’ll explain. My head’s splitting, so don’t take too long.”
“You’ll be an imperial procurer, in the basest sense of the phrase.”
“While the prince amuses himself with whichever ladies are besotted enough to accept your invitations, you doubtless expect me to entertain you.”
“You do it anyway.”
Mariana knew neither her anger nor her disapproval would matter in the morning. Leaning over, she blew out the candles. Jean was instantly asleep, snoring gently.
“Merde alors!” She threw a pillow at him, but he never moved.
The following day, not very early, they exchanged pleasant Barèges for the rather outré former abbey of Bouillas near Lectoure. “Surely the monks had better taste than this,” Mariana said after she’d struggled with an ancient, stout wooden door and opened it onto a riotous jumble of gothic, rococo, and Louis Quinze furnishings in the refectory. “If the bedchambers are like this, I won’t be able to sleep.”
“Yes, you will,” Jean replied and led her upstairs.
“It looks like a cheap bordello,” Mariana hissed at him after half a dozen young ladies arrived, as promised, the next evening, “and now it smells like one. I hope the ghosts of the poor, dispersed monks haunt you.”
He grinned at her over the nearly bare shoulder of a blonde in a primrose satin gown determined to charm him, one way or another. Stifling an impulse to slap them both, Mariana stalked out of the refectory and up the stairs.
She sat on the bed in their chamber, full of the most opulently overdone furnishings imaginable. There was scarcely enough room to walk from the door to the bed to the clothes-press to the recessed windows with their thick, wavy glass without bumping into a piece of furniture or a low stool or tripping on the layers of Turkey carpets covering the dark wooden floor. She ignored the assaults on her senses, balled her hands into fists, and swore that this nonsense would end in the next hour or she’d pack up and leave. The muscles in her neck and shoulders tight from anger, she didn’t care what Murat or Joseph or Marcellin or anyone else did where she could see or hear them. But she refused to spend another moment watching overdressed, painted, and perfumed women fawn over Jean. “I’ll put them in their places,” she muttered, sliding off the bed, “and if it causes an uproar, as well as the end of my military career, so be it.”
Mariana yanked off her boots and tossed them in the corner. She stripped off sash, coat, waistcoat, and neckcloth, throwing them across a chair. With an impatient jerk, she removed her shirt and untied the bands across her breasts, shook her hair free of its heavy braid, and ran her fingers through it, coaxing it into its usual waves and curls. After rummaging through her trunk and Jean’s, she deliberately omitted her lace-trimmed drawers and pulled on a clean pair of tight doeskin breeches, silk stockings, and flat-heeled shoes. She took one of his shirts, the cotton batiste so soft it clung to her skin. She thought about dipping the shirt in cold water and then putting it on, as Thérèse Tallien had done with her muslin gowns during the wilder days of the Directory. Instead, she left the laces undone and tied her sash low on her hips, the heavy fringed ends swinging gracefully as she walked. She found her emerald and diamond earrings tied in the corner of a handkerchief and put them on, pleased with the way they sparkled and swayed, unconcerned with the incongruity of fine jewelry and her motley attire. Creeping down the hall and into a chamber occupied by one of the female guests, she splashed herself with perfume from a cut crystal bottle. “About what I expected,” she said, wrinkling her nose at the heavy scent of ambergris.
Mariana descended the stairs, hoping the worn treads wouldn’t creak. No one noticed her until she had sauntered halfway across the room and shoved the primrose-clad woman’s soft, bejeweled hand from Jean’s arm.
“This one belongs to me,” she said, ignoring the woman’s stunned expression and the sudden quiet in the room. Mariana perched on Jean’s knee, buried her hands in his hair, and kissed him until she ran out of breath.
“You’ve been a fool, keeping this beautiful creature hidden from the world,” Murat said. “Ma foi, I think you’ve outdone Masséna. Where’d you find her?”
“It’s a very long story,” Jean said. “I can’t tell you right now.”
Mariana enjoyed watching him squirm, although not from the prince’s comments. “What’s the matter, mon cher? Are your breeches too tight?” She nipped at his ear. “You probably shouldn’t stand up.”
“The hell I won’t!” Jean pushed her off his knee, stood abruptly, and grasped her wrist so tightly that she winced. He strode from the room, pulling her along to the sound of Murat’s approving whistle.
...and you can imagine the rest if you like. I remember laughing the entire time I spent writing the entire scene, pleased that I'd pretty well nailed it. Nothing like real historical people having sex, is there?
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lemmesimpinpeace · 3 years
Louis Moriarty Random Fluff (feat. Albert & William)
Louis makes his way upstairs with the mail in his hand, while simultaneously combing through all the envelopes on his way to the family room. He made sure to look up every so often to not stumble or miss his step. Majority of them are plain and sealed with official like stamps addressed to the head of household, and the remainder from different universities. Louis thought: “offer letters to try to persuade William to leave Durham University and become a professor at one of their schools instead huh.” In other words, the usual. He lets out a small sigh of exasperation. Finally, he stood atop the stairs about to continue walking to his destination when he made an abrupt stop. As he was sifting through the mail (mostly addressed to his elder brothers), he came across something strange. It was a small pink envelope with his name as addressee. He hardly ever gets mail, much less decorative ones such as this.
He noticed immediately the letters written in beautiful calligraphy and the missing return address. How interesting, he thought. He doesn’t say it aloud but he has a sneaking suspicion about the contents inside this envelope. “Hmph. How troublesome.” That was all he said out loud, before he began to feel shy and embarrassed. He then decides he’ll read the letter later in private. He hides the envelope inside his inner breast pocket attached to his tailcoat. He looks up and continues walking forward, now faster than before. Why is he suddenly in a rush to give his brother’s their mail, who can say?
Opening the door, he steps inside to see Albert and William sitting directly across from each other. Both preoccupied with their respective tasks. Albert sorting through documents from work on his favorite armchair and William sitting upright on the couch grading school papers . However they both look up when Louis enters the room.
Curious, Albert laid down his documents and asked: “Ah, the mail arrived. Anything interesting Louis?” Louis doesn’t answer and simply hands each brother their envelopes. He turns away and in a barely audible tone he whispers “nothing of the sort.” Albert and William locked eyes and without saying a word knew what the other was thinking. That is: their dear little brother was lying and hiding something. In order to uncover the truth and still poke fun, William half-jokingly snorts “ you don’t sound very convincing Louis. If you're going to fib, at least put more heart into it.” Albert nodded his head in agreement with William's statement and replied: “you’re absolutely right, Will. It pains my heart to learn that our dear Louis does not trust us enough to keep his secret.” He said that last part in a rather dramatic tone.
Louis turns around to face his brothers and looks somewhat dumbfounded after seeing his brothers catch on to his lie so quickly. He sighs once more and realizes it's pointless to continue lying to them. He begins to slowly take the pink envelope out from his tailcoat. But not before telling his eldest “there is no need to be so dramatic. I'll show it to the both of you.” Albert says nothing, only chuckles in response. Once the envelope is in full view, both of his elders laugh and congratulate him. They were able to ascertain what the item was right away, how expected of them Louis thought. Albert says: ``Look how popular you are little brother; you even have a secret admirer. How lovely.” William chimes in right after: “of course. Louis has grown into such a fine gentleman. It's understandable that he would have admirers.” He gives him a wink.
Hearing both of his brothers speak about him in such a manner makes him embarrassed but slightly pleased. He attempts to change the subject saying: “*ahem* Anyways, that is all the post I have for today. Now if you'll excuse me, I will begin preparing today’s lunch. He places the envelope inside his breast pocket once more, turns away and starts to head towards the exit. However, Albert speaks up just in time: ”now you wait just a moment, aren’t you going to open it.” The amusement in his voice was evident.
“Yes, we are very curious to hear what your admirer says.” William adds. “No.” Louis says, firmly with his back still facing them. He feels his cheeks and ears grow hot for what he’s about to say next: “I wish to read the contents inside this envelope in private. It is addressed to myself and myself alone. Now if you’ll please excuse me.” He exits into the hallway but not before hearing William laugh and respond “That is absolutely okay Louis. We were just teasing, no need to sound so serious.” “Indeed, we respect your decision. But, in case you do change your mind, we'll be right here!” Albert adds before seeing Louis slip completely out of view. Alone again, and this time inside the kitchen, Louis pulls out the envelope. Finally, curiosity overwhelms him and he opens it right away. He takes out and unfolds the white sheet of paper inside. He reads the letter...
This person wrote about how thankful they were able to meet someone like him in their lifetime. And despite only being able to see and interact with him only two times a month, they cherished every moment. The information he chose to share with them about his life, though very brief and extremely vague, made them feel happy. This person apologized for being a coward and not confessing in person, for they feared it would be unwise. For they knew his heart was out of reach, but not because he was an unkind or dismissive person, it was because they sensed that his mind and heart was already preoccupied with something greater. Moreover, they recognized him for his kindness and honorable nature. He was never one to look down upon them and always showed genuine interest in hearing them talk about their life. Never failed to treat them as an equal --a human being, with dignity and respect. Such a thing is unheard of among noblemen such as himself. He truly was an inspiration. They made reference to his brothers, the ones he spoke so highly about at times, that they should also feel grateful to have a person like him worry and take care of them. Finally, he reached the end of the semi long letter, this person thanked him for his time and for having read the letter in its entirety. They also confessed to purposefully writing this letter shortly before they left the country permanently. Meaning, by the time he receives this letter they would already have left. That being said, they still hope to see him again one day if they should ever return to Great Britain. They will continue to pray for his happiness and wellbeing. The last sentence reads: “with all my love, please take care.”
With that, he folded the letter and placed it back inside the envelope; which he then put back into his inner breast pocket. He stood in place silently for a few seconds before a small smile crept upon his face. He then walked over to grab his apron to start preparing lunch as promised.
Once again, most likely OOC but I’m still proud of this. This was based on some random headcannon I had that the Moriarty brothers get fan mail from time to time because of how handsome they are lol. I hope someone enjoys this.
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harry-sussex · 3 years
Why are you so sad about Harry, though? He's happy and healthy and safe and in love and living with his wife and their child. It kinda seems like he and Meghan are in a state of 'I'm doing better than I ever was', to quote Taylor Swift. And they still get snapped by the paps every now and then so it's not like you can't see them anymore. I don't really get what's to mourn in this situation, idk.
I'm sad about Harry because I fell in love with the Prince and now I'm left with an HRH turned glorified influencer, living in Montecito and speaking on things he doesn't understand and trashing his family and his country and running to the press he claims to hate every other week and admitting to being too ashamed to getting his suicidal wife help and lying/stretching the truth/exaggerating about stuff and... yeah. I could go on. I'm really sad about the way it's happened - I'm sad he was so sad and desperate enough to claw his way out of the only home and life he's ever known, I'm sad Meghan was feeling the way she was, I'm sad that Harry clearly never got the help he needed, I'm sad that Meghan couldn't either, I'm sad that he had to worry about Meghan and Archie, I'm sad that they suffered, I'm sad that the press wore them down to the point of clawing their way out in the ugliest way possible, I'm scared that they're not safe in California, I'm sad that he's turned out to be as petulant and impatient and impulsive that everyone has always warned me he was. I'm just so fucking sad about the whole thing. It's over, it will never, ever be the same, and a year and a half later, I'm just so fucking heartbroken. I miss Sentebale Harry, Invictus Harry, and he will never come back. Instead, we're left with anti-first-amendment Harry, therapy-on-live-TV Harry, I-hate-my-father Harry, they-forced-me-to-go-on-tour-against-my-will Harry and I just hate it. I hate how it is now, and I hate that I took for granted the way it was back then, because it's gone, and it will never, ever, ever be the same again.
He's still doing good in the world, and he's happy and feeling safe, and he's comfortable in his new life with his family in California, and I'm always happy that he's happy, no matter what happens. But I loved the People's Prince, the patron, the HRH part of "just Harry," the guy who let little kids scratch his beard, shared popcorn in the stands of Invictus, charmed little old ladies in Australia, bared his kind, genuine, sweet soul for the world in every single engagement/tour/interview he gave. Who could even forget him waking up early to catch the sunrise in Nepal? Pretending to beat Usain Bolt in a race? Playing polo with his brother? Charming Daphne Dunne?
I love Harry the person, but Harry the Prince is what drew me in to begin with. I'm not interested in celebrity - I'm interested in what makes royal different from celebrities. Harry's no different anymore, and I hate it. I miss the genuine spark, the charm that made Harry different than any other royal I'd ever seen - back then, his brother and sister-in-law included. He was just everything when it was good, and it's a lot to lose and mourn when it's gone. When you care about someone the way I've cared about Harry all these years, losing it in one fell swoop out of the blue one random day in January is a lot to stomach. I never thought it'd go away, you know? I always thought Harry the Prince would die with Harry the person sometime in, idk, 2086. I never thought I'd have to live in a world where Harry the Prince is gone and Harry the celebrity, Harry the person - a different person than the Harry I thought he was - isn't. I don't do things halfway, never have. I know this all sounds ridiculous, but I mean every word of it. I'm still mourning what it was and what it would have continued to be, if this didn't happen. It hurts. Still. Make fun of me all you want, I don't care. It hurts.
I'm mourning the thousands of solo and joint engagements we lost, the tours, even a Jubilee tour next year, the official photos (we never got an updated BRF photo, and now we never will, because Philip is gone and I guarantee you we will never see H/M/A/BS in one ever again; imagine a cousins/spouses/kids photo?), Christmas cards, 60 years of Christmas walks, the trademark BRF ceremony with a sprinkling of Harry spark, the interactions with the public who used to adore him, the interactions with his family, new initiatives, Trooping the Colour, ceremonial military engagements, HRH Prince Archie of Sussex, HRH Princess Sussex, official coronation photos, taking on more patronages and causes, the future William/Meghan, Kate/Harry, William/Harry, and Kate/Meghan engagements we could have had, grandparent Charles and Camilla with all of the Wales grandkids, polo with the cousins, Archie/Lena/Louis growing up together... what isn't there to mourn? Yes, they're doing good in the world, and I have no doubt they're doing better than they ever have, but it's not the same. Again, it never will be. That's what I'm mourning.
This has turned into an essay, and I know a lot of you won't like what I had to say. But I miss Prince Harry, and I can't imagine there will ever be a time that I don't. So yeah, I'm mourning Prince Harry, the now-shattered illusion of the version of him that used to exist. Again, I can't imagine there will ever be a time that I don't.
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La Vie En Rose- Bucky Barnes x Rogers! reader
Summary: By some miracle, Bucky Barnes doesn’t fall of the train on that cold day in the Swiss alps in 1945. He spend the rest of his days with his girl; you.
Song Used: La Vie En Rose // (The Louis Armstrong version)
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Hold me close and hold me fast The magic spell you cast 
You remember the day your Sergeant first set foot in New York City after 2 years of fighting overseas so vividly. Two pairs of arms clutched each of yours; Rebecca, Bucky’s sister, on one side and Winnifred, his mom, on the other. 
Dozens on regiments have reached the US several days before, but because both Bucky and Steve were stuck on one last mission, something in The Swiss Alps, as he had expressed in a letter, they were due on the second to last ship.
But now you were here. Two years of tears, nail-biting anxiety, and exchanging letters back and forth had finally come to an end, and soon both your boys were coming home. 
If it weren’t for the three of you standing near the back, you wouldn’t have seen the ship due to all the people crowding the Brooklyn harbor. Thousands of wives, sisters, brothers, families and best friends all crowded together on that day were there were no clouds in the sky. 
It seemed like some sort of sign. All the madness of war had finally reached it’s end; and now the sun was welcoming the country’s men home.
The magic spell you cast This is "La vie en rose"
You didn’t see Steve or Bucky at first. Rebecca clutched on to you, the poor girl almost breaking out into sobs as the three of you had been waiting nearly an hour since the boat had come into sight. 
Winnifred stood on the very tip of her heels, hand over her eyes, in an attempt to block out the sun so she could get a better look at the soldiers walking down the gangplank. 
The shriek she let out could’ve made you deaf if you didn’t realize what it was for. Helping Rebecca up from the ground where she had collapsed, you clasped a hand over you mouth as the last of the soldiers set foot on solid ground, Bucky and Steve among them. 
Rebecca sped away quickly, her body crashing onto her brother’s in a tight hug. Walking up to them yourself, with Winnifred close behind, you gave Steve a tap on the shoulder and he turned around with a smile.
“Stevie, look at you! You’re so tall now. You’ll have to reach the flour on the shelf for me now.” you smiled, while he wrapped you in a now- tight - hug. 
“I have absolutely no problem at all reaching the flour for-” he attempted to answer you, but was cut off by Bucky.
“What m’ I,  dollface, chopped liver?” He said from behind you. 
Turning around and practically jumping on him, he wrapped two arms around your back. He was warm and smelled like fresh pine. Tucking your head into his neck, you felted grounded and safe. 
Because he was home. 
“Let go of the sister, Buck. She does live with me, and we oughta to all go home to catch a rest.”
“Oh shove off Steve. She may be your sister, but she’s my girl and I missed her.”
When you kiss me, heaven sighs And though I close my eyes I see "La vie en rose"
The day that Bucky got down on one knee with his mom’s ring in hand was one you’ll remember for ever. 
It was a year after he had come home, and Steve had put him through the third degree (despite being his best friend) when he stood at the doorway of the small apartment that you and Steve shared with a small bunch of flowers.
You had come out a few minutes later, with a dusty green dress, hair curled to perfection and a red lip.
Steve had demanded that he bring you home by 9, how he couldn't  hurt you, the regular stuff he would say when Bucky came to take you out on a date. 
The stars seemed to shine for only you two that night. There was a soft jazz tune playing throughout the park. The pair of you had just gone to dinner, and couldn’t stop giggling, which earned you a few stares from the elderly people trying to enjoy a quiet night.
But he sat you down on a bench, grabbed both your hands gently, while he got down on one knee, probably delivering what was the most moving monologue you had ever heard in your life:
“Y/N M/N Rogers, love of my life, doll-”
You knew what was coming. Tears streamed down your face in happiness. “Buck I-”
“Just please hun- let me say what I gotta’ say. We’ve known each other for a very long time now. And ever since I can remember, Steve always threatened to punch me whenever I did so much as look at you.”
This earned a laugh from you.
“But somehow, we made it work, and the three of us ran around Hell’s Kitchen like the mighty trio we still are. Hiding under the watchful eye of Steve in our late teens and early twenty’s was not easy- but here we are. And before I left for England, I promised I was gonna marry ya. And I’m a man of my word.”
He let go of both your hands to dig for something in his pocket. After a few seconds, he pulled out a little red box.
“This ring belonged to my mom, and now it’s mine to use. I hope you’ll let me give it to you. You are the love of my life. I might not have much, but I sure love you with everything I have. Will you marry me?”
You practically jumped on him, and if he wasn’t on one knee and hadn’t managed to maintain balance, he would’ve fallen over. Peppering kisses all over his face while he wrapped his arms around you. 
“I’ll take this as a yes, doll?”
“You bet, Sergeant.”
“Now let me put this ring on you, hmm?”
When you press me to your heart I'm in a world apart
You became Mr. and Mrs. Barnes in the fall of that same year. It was a small wedding, so there wasn’t much planning.
It was held in one of Howard Stark’s many residences, an small estate in Albany, which he offered to have the wedding held, and even officiated himself, as he had been a close friend of yours since you had entered a career in science, and had helped Bucky and Steve overseas. 
There weren’t may people in attendance, but that was exactly what you and Bucky had wanted. There was Steve and your soon-to-be sister in law, Peggy (which you had gotten along fabulously with), Bucky’s mother and father and siblings, Howard himself (of course) and his girlfriend, Maria.
The golden rays of the sun shone through the high windows, light bouncing off practically everything in the room. You had previously saved up enough for a dress, and maybe Howard had given you a bonus in the past couple of weeks just so you could. He didn’t tell you that, of course.
As soon as you had been pronounced man and wife, Bucky swept you up in his arms, giving you a quick spin, dipping you, which got “Calm down you two rabbits-” from Howard. Maria slapped him after.
Celebration soon followed in the dining room of the home, with a home-made meal, courtesy of Winnifred, Rebecca, Peggy and Maria all together.
You couldn’t have been more thankful.
A world where roses bloom And when you speak, angels sing from above
The Barnes Family had been blessed with twins two years later, in 1948. One girl, and one boy; Rebecca Margaret Barnes and Robert Howard Barnes. They lit up both you and Bucky’s life, and you both became involved in a much more domestic life, now moving to the suburbs, but still remaining in the state of New York in order to be close to friends and family, which now included your new niece, Sarah Y/N Rogers. 
Howard and Maria had yet to have kids, but they were in no rush to get married, either. 
Every weekday Bucky would come home from work at the bank, were he was finally able to make the money he had been dreaming of his entire life, and your worked from home, making many blueprints for Stark Industries, which you were now the co-owner of, and spent some days at your office in the city while Maria had offered to babysit numerous times. 
Fridays Bucky would bring home soda-pop for the entire family, which was then followed by a big dinner made by you, and dancing in the living room with Bucky till’ midnight, when the kids were already in bed. 
Saturdays were for the Rogers, Barnes and Stark families to get together and have a picnic in the park you, Bucky, and Steve had grown up in. Maria always had the habit of bringing the watermelon, you the apple pie, and Peggy with her famous  English biscuits. 
Sundays, Winnifred practically dragged three families to church, much to everyone’s protest, but it was always followed by a plentiful Sunday dinner.
Nobody ever complained about that.
Everyday words seem to turn into love songs Give your heart and soul to me,
The years had passed, yet none of these traditions faltered, even when all the kids were of age to leave for their college education. 
Minus one Anthony ‘Tony’ Stark, who had been born in 1970. He was the youngest of the bunch. 
As Rebecca and Robert Jr. had moved off to college in New Jersey at the same time, you and Bucky moved back to the city, not to far from The Starks.
The only one tradition that never faltered was yours and Bucky’s dancing on Friday nights, where you often danced to the song form your wedding- “Dream A Little Dream of Me”
You would love and cherish the small things. You knew that then, you knew that now. 
To love and remember, because as long as you and Bucky had each other, you would always- what was the phrase the French used? oh, right.
You would always see La Vie en Rose.
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