#now again i don't hate the guy (unless he did something bad)
Superman (2025), a film that was announced last year after the catastrophic failure of the DCEU, now we're seeing it getting filmed, the castings been announced, the Kents are dead, there's understandable mixed feelings about this and I don't blame that.
I am, cautiously optimistic about the movie and hope it's good, the authority characters being in it makes me rather nervous but I'm seriously hoping for a good movie.
Now the casting is nice and all but there's a character casting that I absolutely disliked ever since it was announced, that is Nathan Fillon as Guy Gardner
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Like I know most people like him because he's done Half Jordan before but even that aside, that's still doesn't make this a good casting. He's in his 50's, like c'mon James at least pick someone young enough, don't get me wrong if I was making some type of movie, I'll defs be adding my friends on the movie because yeah but even then I'd wouldn't make such wild casting like this.
It's not that I hate the guy or anything like that, it's just that well if you wanna do the 10 year plan (if it succeeds) then you've could've at least picked someone better and younger so that they don't end up looking in their 60's by the end of it all.
All I'm saying is that if they wanted keep some actors, they might as well kept Finn Wittrock and told him, "hey man I know DCEU's lantern show got canned and all before it even began filming and stuff but we'll keep you around for the new universe" plus the guy defs looks young enough for the possible 10 year plan
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But then again I barely know what Finn does so idk I might be wrong.
And who knows, I'll eventually warm up to Nathan, but for now, I'll just be hater and be hatin on the cast until the movie proves me otherwise.
That's all for now.
What are your thoughts? Do you agree or disagree?
Thanks for reading and have a great day.
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Men fucking scare me.
Now, some are going to go like, "it's not all men", " Are you also scared of your dad/brother/male relative?", "Another 'feminist' hating on men" and so on probably. Sure, it's not all men but it's always men.
I was scrolling insta when I came across a reel where a guy is complaining about how whenever there is a crime concerning a woman, we raise our voice and protest yet when there is a crime concerning a man, there is barely even news coverage. Which is certainly true and fair. But seriously, right now? Why is it that men always complain whenever people are trying to give justice to a poor victim girl?? I totally agree that whether men or women, all victims should get their justice but have some fucking sympathy instead of complaining?!?
Next, another reel where a lawyer guy was talking about women's safety laws and all, the comments? "Law for women, la*da for men". Well, why don't you go and take a look at the statistics? Maybe read the news daily, I mean the local one. Again, I'm NOT against men's safety, ofc no. It's just that, why can't men complain or raise their concerns without pulling the women with them? What do you want? The laws that are made for us (not that they're REALLY useful) to go nil??? Or what?? Equality? That is feminism. Fucking equality!! You don't hear a true feminist complaining, "why do men get paid more than us? Salary for men, chillar for women" or anything, instead it's "We want to get paid the same as that of a man." Again, I'm NOT speaking against men particularly, just the ones who feel enraged towards us just because we want to get treated as a human first, and equally.
I was talking to a guy friend and his attitude is, "Yeah what happened to her is TERRIBLE but hey, it's not like I can do anything about that? I would never do that and be a good person but that's all I can do, I can't tell the rapists that what they did was wrong and they'd too be like 'oh yes yes oops we did wrong' right?". Now, I do understand his perspective but sure a bit more sympathy and kindness won't hurt anyone?? He even has a sister!! And in the age of social media, anyone with a phone can contribute to some extent.
When I read the details of the case, my soul cried out. I can't even imagine her sorrow. Oh my goodness. My insides felt all queasy reading those gruesome details. All girls of all ages have almost experienced a bad incident with men. Harassment, molestation, abuse, assault, SOMETHING! So many cases everyday and so many more which don't even get registered. Rapes have become so common in India that unless and until it's something very gruesome, people don't even bother that much. It's always "What has it got to do with me" until it's someone you, someone who is close to you. 78 years of independence yet girls are still caged behind walls.
It's always "Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao", Beti padh toh li lekin Beti bach nahi pai. Why is it always "Arre voh toh ladhka, voh toh aise he karega", Voh aisa kyu karega?!?
Why is that ladhkiyo ko mana karte hai raat mein bahar jaane ke liye because it's not safe for her, lekin ladhke puri raat awaaragardi kare, koi dikkat nahi.
Why can't we just teach boys to respect women? To not just respect women, but to respect everyone? The next person is a living being, is that not a good enough reason to not be cruel??
Ajeeb toh hai.
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lalovi · 5 months
(does a lil twirl) hi!!! hello!! i’ve never sent in an ask like this before, so sorry if i do something wrong o|-<! but what would be your take/your thoughts on a yandere shadow milk situation, where the reader truly starts to fight back, resist? 🤔
AN: Inspo from the song "Meant To be Yours."
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Shadow Milk x Reader
Warnings: Yandere, toxic relationship, obsessing, manipulation, mentions of murder
-Locked Out-
"Come on doll, you're just being silly!"
A few knocks would be sounded on your door.
"I already told you. I'm not coming out until you agree to let me leave!"
Shadow Milk sighed. Surely you didn't think that something as simple as a door would be able to stop him... right? He almost found your stupidity amusing....
Oh well. Entertaining this small delusion of yours for a little while couldn't hurt.
"You know locking yourself in there kind of defeats the purpose of being able to escape, right?" He'd ask you.
"I don't care! I just don't want to see your stupid face. I hate you!"
And you'd keep repeating that last line over and over.
"I hate you."
He knew better than anyone that those words held no truth. They couldn't! How could you hate him when all he's been doing has been in your name?
He lived for you. He breathed for you. All of his thoughts were for you. It was all you, you, you, you, you!
You were akin to a beautiful bird. One that, if it were to ever escape, would surely be hunted down by others. That's why you needed to stay here, with him, where he could keep you safe.
Keeping you chained down was in your best intrets, even if it did strip you of your freedom... He was the only one who deserved to see you, after all.
"Listen, my doll. I love you so much. Why don't we just end this silly argument?"
His voice sounded so inciting, yet it was laced with a venom that would kill you if you ever let it in.
"No. Don't talk to me unless you're bringing me outside."
There you went again, acting all stubborn... It was a fun game at first, but it's now become a lot more troublesome.
"Open this door," he said, this time with much less leniency in his voice.
He said it in such a way that shook you to your very core. It was cold and uncaring, unlike his usual playful self.
But... you just knew you couldn't open that door. You'd basically be handing your freedom over to him.
"You know I hate it when you do these things-" a loud bang came from the other side of the door, "you always make it look like I'm the bad guy."
But you would not move. You did not open that door. You could not open that door.
"If this door isn't open in five seconds, I'm going to come in there myself."
What caused his personality to change so much?
Why did it have to be you that he adored?
Can't he just leave you alone?
He's actually insane!
Please go away...
You asked for this, Shadow Milk thought to himself. If only you had cooperated more. Maybe he wouldn't have to do these things. It really was all your fault.
He vanished into some shadows before swiftly reappearing on the other side of the door; where you were.
Ah, he just loved seeing your face full of fear.
We're you scared of him?
Good. You should be.
It's about time you realize who's really pulling the strings.
"You didn't really think escaping me would be so easy right? A simple locked door is hardly an obstacle, doll." He bent down in front of you, smiling and patting your head degradingly.
Tears would prick the corners of your glossy eyes as you realized you had lost.
"Oh, I've just had the most brilliant idea!" He leaned slightly closer to you. "You said you wanted to go outside, right?"
There wasn't a response from you, but you looked up at him ever so slightly.
"How about I bring you to a nice little village and slaughter each one of the residents in front of you?" His smile turned crazed, and there was hardly any sanity left in those eyes of his.
I mean, of course he'd never actually bring you outside. There was too much risk in something like that. He just needed to scare you a bit. Get you to submit.
You'd grab his arm and started to beg; quite pathetically at that.
He just kept smiling, forcing you to your feet and dragging you around by the wrist.
"Wait! Don't do that please," You'd say in between a few sobs.
His grasp around your wrist tightened.
"Tell me you're sorry," he said.
"I'm sorry.." your legs began to quiver and you'd take a small step away from him instinctly.
He cupped your face, bringing you closer to him. "For what?"
"For not listening."
It's strange, really. He was the one breaking you down, yet you were the one apologizing. It's scary how easy it is to get you crawling back to him.
"All right. I'll forgive you. But only because I'm so loving and understanding."
He brought your face to his, pushing his forehead against yours.
"Just know that next time I won't hesitate to kill all of them, and it'll be all your fault if I do."
《☆》 Fin
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princessmaybank · 4 months
I'm intrigued in finding out what you're gonna cook up with this one
🍒 22.) "Do I make you horny Y/N?" with JJ ofc ;))))))) with him edging reader like crazy
love youuu 💕💕😘
Thank you for your ask baby! I hope you enjoy this! I tried! Sorry it's longer than I anticipated. Let me know what you think!
Do I Make You Horny?
Pairings: BestFriend!JJ x Fem!Reader
Warnings: I think it's literally just oral (Fem. receiving) and edging...if not let me know!
Summary: Read the ask ^
Author's Note: I hope you like it! I tried!
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Y/N's POV:
"Pope what the fuck?!" JJ squealed to his best friend that splashed him with water. Pope only laughed in response as JJ started pulling his shirt off over his head. I couldn't help but squeeze my thighs together when I saw his wet abs. It was only us three today because the others had work or were busy to some capacity.
My eyes wandered my best friend's toned body as I sucked my bottom lip between my teeth. I tried so hard to focus on literally anything else. The guys started walking towards me so I tried to re-adjust myself. "Hey sorry Y/N something came up and I'm gonna have to leave." My eyes met with a sad Popes. "That's okay Pope, we can hang later." I smiled at him before he walked away. "Does that mean you're leaving too?" I look to JJ. "No, we're friends too, we can hang, unless ya don't wanna.." He said shrugging his shoulders. "No!" I shout. My cheeks went hot from embarrassment. I tried to hide it as he sat at the foot of my long beach chair. "I mean no, I'd like to hang with you Jay." I said once I figured out how to speak correctly again. He chuckled lightly to himself before looking me in the eyes. "C'mon let's go to the chateau." He helps me off the chair and we pack up, heading towards John B's house.
"Pope what the fuck?!" I threw my hands in the air after he splashed me with water. I hated the feeling of a wet T-shirt, it didn't sit right with me so I took it off and threw it to the side. "Yo, looks like you've got an admirer." Pope points toward Y/N, who is staring at me like she is ready to devour me. "Fuck me..." Is all I could mutter. "Maybe you should go sort that out.." My best friend winked at me and patted my back. "You sure bro?" I asked, feeling bad about leaving him hanging. "Dude, plenty of time to catch up later. Go get em tiger." He pats me on the back before we walk over to her and explain that he needed to leave. When we got over there, she looked so flustered, it made my dick tug in my jeans.
I finally got her to agree to go back to the chateau with me. She hopped on my bike after I did and she seemed a little scared. "Gotta hold on Y/N." I tried to grab her arms and pull them around my torso but she pulled away. I couldn't see her face but I bet her cheeks are beat red right now. "C'mon I won't bite, gotta hold on to me." I say teasingly. She still didn't listen so I threw my kickstand up and jerked the bike forward, it made her fall into my back and hold on tight. I smirked to myself and drove us to JB's house.
When we got there she seemed so on edge, I tried handing her a beer, even trying to get her to have a smoke sesh but nothin. She just sat there with her hands between her thighs. They squeezed her clasped hands and she couldn't look me in the eyes. She was so turned on. I can't lie, seeing her like this made my dick twitch. "Hey y'alright?" I ask trying to have some sort of conversation. "I'm fine, we just never hang out, alone." That's the point. Needed her alone. Needed her to myself. I walk over and sit next to her on the couch. My hand gently placed itself on her thigh before I took the last swig of my beer. "So?" I ask curiously. "So...it's not like awkward?" She still couldn't look at me. Her thighs seemed to be squeezing tighter now that I was so close. "Why would it be awkward?" I try to get her eyes on mine without touching her. She stayed silent.
I asked again. "Y/N. Why would it be awkward?" I say and as soon as I'm finished with my sentence, I grab her chin and tilt it up so her gorgeous eyes are on mine. I must have done it a little forcefully based on the whimper that shot out of her mouth. A smirk gathered on my lips as I squeezed her thigh, eliciting a moan from her lips. I bring her face closer, now more intimidating. "Do I make you horny, Y/N? " I ask and watch as her cheeks flushed. "W-wha-" She was frantic before I shushed her. "Hey, it's okay.." I released her hands from her thighs "..got me excited too princess." I say and place one of her hands on my covered cock. Her mouth shot open in surprise.
"I don't know what you're talking about Jay..." She stood up fast and wrapped her arms around herself. "Y/N.." I warned, standing slowly. "Come here." I motioned with my fingers. Surprisingly she complied. I dip my head next to her ear and place my finger in the band of her shorts, sliding back and forth teasingly. "So you're telling me, that if I dip my fingers in that sweet little pussy of yours.." I exhale deeply. "..you won't soak my fingers?" My hand traveled lower, I heard her gasp from my touch when I reached her clit. Pushing past, I slowly meet her entrance before sliding them in with ease. She gasped louder this time. "Still don't know what I'm talking about?" I asked, pulling my fingers from her hole and bringing them between our faces, showing off just how slick she was with one pump. I looked her in the eyes as I sucked her juices off of me. "So sweet..gonna let me taste some more princess?" She was awfully quiet today, nothing like her. "I see the uncertainty in your eyes princess, why don't we have a trial run, you let me eat you out and if it doesn't work or is too overwhelming, we never talk about it again." I smile at her. "What if it does.." She questioned, her cheeks were hot. "Then we'll talk about this, but for now I really wanna dip my tongue in you...gonna let me?" She nods and I lead her to the bedroom.
By the time I got her bottoms and panties off, she was breathing heavily and trying to hide. I reassured her that I was so excited to see her beautiful body. Eventually she trusted me and opened up for me. My first finger found its way to her opening and ran up and down her slit. "I'm gonna ask you again, since I didn't like your answer last time." I chuckled and looked up at her. "Do I make you horny, Y/N? " I smirked as her cheeks blared red. "Ye-yes." She whispered. "Yes what princess?" I teased and continued moving my finger up and down. "Ye-yes daddy-" Y/N said. It spilled right out of her mouth. She looked extremely embarrassed, but I was hot and bothered by it. "Not what I was asking for, but I like your response better." I smirk. "Keep calling me that princess." My tongue poked out and I placed it at the bottom of her entrance. I slid it up slowly to her clit and back down.
As my tongue picked up pace while swirling all around, my fingers found her nipples and pinched them. I looked up for a moment and saw that she was covering her mouth, she was still being quiet. I pulled my mouth away and got close to her. Y/N whined when I got close. "I was about to cum.." Shock was written over my face. "Princess. I highly doubt that. You didn't make a peep." I laid next to her. "No I swear I was so close!" She exclaimed. "Okay well you're gonna have to let me hear those pretty little sounds come from your lips if ya want me to do my job right." I smirked and her cheeks heated up again. She was so easy to fluster. I loved it. Y/N nodded in response and I got back to work.
I looked up from my position between her legs and noticed she was subconsciously starting to cover her mouth again, so I did what anyone else would do and bit her clit. She let out a loud moan and rolled her hips on my face.
I replayed that moment in my head so many times in the moment and tried not to bust in my shorts. My lips stayed on her clit and sucked as my fingers started pushing inside her. "Oh shit- Jay-" She moaned again. As much as I loved hearing my name on her lips, I asked her to call me something else. I pulled away again, removing my fingers as well. "What did you call me princess?" I smirked as she whined. She looked up at me with an annoyance in her eyes. "Your name!" She crossed her arms. "That's not my name right now princess..you know that." I slapped her clit lightly and her body jerked. "I'm sorry." She huffed. I gave her a look telling her she was missing something. "I'm sorry- daddy.." She rolled her eyes. I laughed. "That'll do for now, we'll talk about your attitude later." I squatted in front of her again, taking the same position I'd been in this entire time.
My tongue went into her hole and I flicked it up and down slowly. Her small hands found my hair, tugging gently, though she'd probably think she was being too rough. "Please- more.." She gasped. "More what princess..?" I asked and went back in. "Please give me more daddy.." She barely got through her sentence before I picked up my pace and fucked her with my tongue. My hand traveled to her clit and rubbed harsh circles, making more moans slip out. My mouth left her opening and spit on her lower lips. I sucked on them a little before my tongue went to her clit and my fingers went back inside her hole. Her moans were more intense now.
I chuckled and pulled my lips away from her and slowed my fingers down, not to a stop, just enough for her to want more. "Look at me. Look me in the eyes princess.." I said slightly above a whisper. She's such a good girl, her eyes fell to mine. "Do I make you horny, Y/N? " I smirked. "Y-you- asked that already..please- faster.." Y/N whined. "C'mon princess, just answer the question and you'll get what you want.."
A whimper left her lips. My fingers pumped slowly inside of her, not picking up any pace. "Mmmm please-" Maybe she wasn't a good girl. My free hand went to her clit and slapped it harder than last time. "Yes daddy! Yes you make me horny!" She screamed, for everyone to hear. Thankfully no one was home. Actually I'm not sure I'd care if they had heard her coming undone for me. I sped up and reattached my lips to her clit, licking and sucking on it until her back arched off the bed.
"Gonna cum for me princess?" I moved for a brief moment and immediately went back. "Mmm- uh-huh, f-fuck.." She breathed out through moans. I removed my fingers and replaced them with my tongue so I could taste her. Soon enough she released in my mouth while she screamed my name. My tongue cleaned up any cum that I may have missed and I went up to lay with her.
"So.." I teased. Y/N chuckled with her eyes closed. "Jay- let's talk later, let me catch my breath then I'm sucking your dick." I laughed so hard. "Okay pri-" She cut me off. "No- You think you can edge me a few times and think you can just get away with that? I don't think so." Oh fuck. I should've thought about that. "Fine princess, just go easy on me.." I smiled. "Yeah, sure. You're cute."
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dckweed · 8 months
NEXT THING YOU KNOW, gator tillman
in which gator tillman and his arranged bride figure out life and each other and what a real relationship means to them.
warnings: mentions and depictions of abuse, mentions of bruises, arranged marriages, romance, humor, dead parents, slow burn relationship (not completely but not not), basically we know the tillman men are asswipes so i 100% see Roy forcing gator into this kind of situation for money for his militia, eventual smut with kinks such as thigh riding, gun play, choking, spanking, lots of marking and possible spit play.
okay don't ask how i got this out so fast, im literally so fuckin obsesessed with this series right now.
series masterlist here, series playlist here.
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PART THREE: the weekend
“What in the hell did you put me up to?” Gator’s voice rings out across the barn a couple of hours later. You wince, hearing the anger swirling under the tense tone as his footsteps thunk closer to you across the wooden floor. You’re still facing Bubbles, trying to get her untacked but it’s not easy when you don’t have a step ladder, you didn’t check if there was one in the trailer when you left and you didn’t feel right going snooping around the Tillman barn, afraid it might get you in trouble. 
“It’s just a few days,” You roll your eyes, grateful that he can’t see you because something tells you that the Tillman didn’t take kindly to bratty behavior like eye rolling. Not married yet or not, you were pretty much belonged to Gator now in the eyes of society in Stark County, nobody would bat an eye if he reprimanded you for it. “And i put us up to it, genius.”��
“Well gee, Pearl, you could have fuckin’ consulted me first, dontcha think?” He’s right next you in the stall now, his much larger hands moving yours out of the way as he could actually see over the top of your horse to undo all of her stuff. “Why the hell would i want to spend my weekend babysitting my sisters?” 
You scoff, turning to face him with your hands on your hips. You roll your eyes again and you know he sees you as his eyes narrow. “Ya know what asshole, you’re fuckin’ right!” You say, not going to put up with any of his damn attitude. “I shoulda slid right off my horse, left your daddy right out there in the field and come find you just to ask if it was okay.” He opens his mouth to retaliate, or maybe to tell you off for cursing at him or getting cross with him. “I may be younger than you but i’m still an adult, Gator, i’m gonna be your wife not your fuckin’ kid, don’t ever expect me to wait and ask your fuckin’ permission to do shit unless it’s necessary. That isn’t how this is goin’ to work.” 
He doesn’t say anything but pulls the saddle off of the horse with a huff and you turn on your heel, leading her out of the stall and out to the trailer. Gator stands in the stall for a moment after you’ve gone, listening to the clip clop of the horses hooves as you guys go. He closes his eyes for a second, readjusting the weight of your heavy ass saddle before guiltily following you along. You weren’t wrong, he was being an asshole. He hated being wrong, and he hated apologizing even more but he couldn’t let you go around stomping your feet and being mad at him all damn weekend, something told him that probably wasn’t in his best interest. And besides, he did actually feel bad for snapping at you like that, you didn’t deserve it. He did like seeing you get all riled up like that though, the storm that started brewing in your eyes..it was a nice change from your normally friendly and people pleasing personality. He liked that you obviously knew how to stand up for yourself too.  
The door of the trailer was open by the time he had finally meandered his way out of the barn, and he can hear you getting the horse settled into it. He makes quick work of putting the saddle into the back of your Jeep, closing the door and making his way to the trailer. He watches you, one arm braced against the metal door as his eyes follow your movements. You pat your horse on her long nose and then turn around, hands on your hips as you step down onto the ground of the driveway. 
You’re staring up at him expectantly, chewing your plump bottom lip with your hands on your hips. It took all the will power he never knew he had not to put his thumb on your fucking mouth, stopping you from what you surely couldn’t have realized was a surprisingly sinful act. He licks his chapped lips, looking off to the side before sighing. “I’m sorry for bein’ an asshole.” He says quietly, brown eyes searching your face for any sort of reaction. “I shouldn’t have snapped at ya like that..” 
Your face softens and something close to a smile graces the corners of your mouth as you push his chest lightly, your hands no longer defensively on your hips. “Apology accepted.” You say, meaning it. You had forgiven him the moment you had snapped at him too, you knew he was just as new to this whole situation as you were, you guys were still learning one another, that wasn’t any excuse to be yelling at each other but it was a reason to never let it happen again without at least trying to talk first. “But i’m not sorry for snappin’ back at you. You deserved it.” 
He laughs, a genuine, hearty sound coming from his throat and brings a hand up to muss your hair as he helps you close up and lock the trailer. “Alright..suppose we better go get that lunch you were talkin’ about earlier and then go pack up your stuff for the weekend.” The sun was fully up now, and even though it was only nine thirty in the morning, and he had all of an hour and a half of sleep under his belt, he was ready for lunch with you, and he was ready to get his dad and his wife out of the fuckin’ house so he could maybe relax just a little bit, maybe get a few more hours of sleep..
After a small squabble about who’s going to drive the Jeep you’re pulling up to the curb of Gator’s favorite diner in town, and he’s letting out a breath of relieved air as he steps foot on the ground. 
“Oh stop bein’ so dramatic!” You laugh walking side by side with him up to the door of the busy diner. He had spent the whole ten minute drive with one hand braced on the back of your seat and the other braced on the dash, telling you to slow down or to not hit your brakes so damn hard or to stop taking corners so fast and sharp with a damn horse trailer attached to you. You rolled your eyes after every comment, but found them more and more endearing as you heard the actual fear in his voice. That wasn’t the first time a boy had been scared to be in your passenger seat before. 
“Stop bein’ such a bad fuckin’ driver!” He retaliates, brown eyes wide as he holds open the door of the diner for you, you cackle and duck under his arm, breathing in his cologne and the smell of that damn fruity ass vape that he keeps puffing on. “You’re a menace to the road, Pearl, i swear!” 
He hears you mocking him and pushes the back of your head gently as the two of you find an empty space in the busy restaurant, a booth in the back corner next to windows where the light shines in. He insists on taking the side of the booth that faces the rest of the diner, wanting to have a good view of any potential danger (though he doesn't tell you that). 
A friendly waitress sidles up to the table as the two of you settle, you giggling after he mutters something more about your driving. “Mornin’ Gator, miss.” She says, nodding at the two of you. She’s plump and motherly, her hair brown and curly. You can tell from the smile on her face that she clearly knows the boy across the table from you. “Coffee for you, hon?” 
“Yes Ma’am,” Gator nods, one of the friendliest looks you’d seen in your whole short time of knowing him on his face as he looked up at her, his brown eyes filled with warmth you hadn’t seen towards anyone before. “And..i’m feeling lunchy today, how about a patty melt and fries, please?” You realized he must come here pretty often if the waitress knew his coffee order, and he didn’t need a menu to order. 
“You got it Gator,” She says warmly, turning to you next. “And for your..friend?” 
“Fiance, actually.” He says before you have the chance to speak, you’re stunned for a moment and so is the woman. This is the first time anyone outside of your families and the people directly involved with the wedding planning had been told that you guys were technically engaged, your face flushes as the realization and the weight of the title actually being out in the open for the first time. 
You can tell that she wants to ask more questions by the furrow in her brow and the hesitation before she clears her throat, but she thankfully doesn’t pry any farther. “And for your fiance?” 
You give a sheepish smile, that quickly turns to a deep rooted frown when the friendly woman tells you that they don’t stock flavored coffee creamers, or serve iced coffee. “Dr. Pepper then,” You say, the smile returning back to your face as Gator makes a mental note to stop by the local coffee shop for you on the way back to the Augastine ranch. “And I’ll do chicken tenders, with fries please!” 
She gives a smile and says she’ll be back soon, as soon as she gone Gator cracks up laughing at you. “What?” You pout, and he only shakes his head at you, causing your pout to deepen. “It’s not nice to laugh at people, is there dirt on my face? Gator!” The way you whined his name struck a different kind of chord in him and he quickly stopped laughing, shaking his head as he situated himself in his seat. 
He knew most men would have found the whining annoying but it was clear you didn’t do it on purpose, and it sent a tingle down his spine when you said his name like that. “Flavored coffee creamer?” You roll your eyes and kick him under the table, which only makes him laugh more. 
You had to admit, you liked how young and happy it made his face look when he laughed, and you wished he would do more of it. 
A couple of hours tick by as the two of you sit in your cozy little booth in the diner, eating and bickering and laughing at each other as customers come and go around you. He was sweet in his own rugged, rough way, your own personal diamond in the rough. You didn’t mind, it just meant you could have fun chipping away at him and softening him up around the edges. The more you got to know him over the past week, the more you started to think that maybe this marriage thing wouldn’t be so horrible. You could both learn to love each other over the years, and who knows, maybe you would fall in love in the way that all those people in the movies did. You had always wanted a silver screen romance..
Gator pays for the both of you before you can even dig your credit card out of your stupid little purse, which causes you to pout. “Hey, I was the one that asked you to come eat!” You argued and boy just sighs, giving you a pointed look that clearly said to shut the fuck up. You pout but don’t push on the matter, letting him steal the Jeep keys off of the table top as you slide off of your fluffy, overstuffed bench. 
“Alright, lets go pick up your stuff for the weekend and drop your trailer off,” He had work tonight again and he was hoping to get a couple extra hours of sleep in before his father left. The nights were always longer when he was tired, but he wasn’t going to complain. Gator loved his job. 
You follow him through the crowded diner, staying right underfoot. You hadn’t realized before but people were staring at the two of you, it made your cheeks flush when eyes bored into you as you walked and nervously, you grab onto the back of his shirt. He stiffens beneath your touch, and cranes his neck to look at you, eyebrows furrowed under the brim of his hat. “People are staring.” You whisper, he purses his lips and looks around before shrugging as you get closer to the door. “Why are they staring?” You weren’t used to attention like that, and you were afraid that somehow it would get back to Boyd that you were here with Gator and you would somehow get in trouble for it, fiance or not. 
“Because i’m the Sheriff’s son, and this is the first time i’ve been out in public with my fiance.” He says, as if it wasn’t that big of a deal. “Sherry probably went and spread the word while we were eating, it’s no big deal Pearlie, the whole town was gonna find out one way or another.” He pushes the door of the diner open with one hand, and with the other he grabs your hand off the back of his shirt, using his grip to push you in front of him out the door. 
“I figured they would have done an announcement in the paper or somethin’ by now.” You mutter, hands in your pockets as you walk side by side to the jeep with him. You don’t argue when he opens the passenger side door for you, but you do give him a shit eating grin as you step up onto the running boards to climb in. 
“Yeah, well, they’re probably leaving that up to us too.” He mutters as he closes your door and quickly walks around the front end. You thought it was rather sweet of him, opening the doors for you, but you wouldn’t say anything, you didn’t want to freak him out. He wastes no time in pulling away from the diner, casually driving your car with one hand while the other rested on the gear shift on the center console. 
You studied his hand, how much bigger than the gear shift knob it was, you could barely fit your own around it but his smothered it, leaving no trace of it under his palm. His thick fingers tensing and untensing around it, as if he were squeezing it like a stress ball. You bite your lip, looking up as the car comes to a stop and he throws it in park. “What are we doing?” You ask, noticing him lifting his ass out of the seat out of the corner of his eye, shoving his hand in his pocket. 
“You ask a lot of questions, you know?” He quips, grabbing a twenty dollar bill out of his wallet holding it out towards you. You simply stare at it, and then lift your big ass, curious eyes to stare at him. He sighs, sagging against the seat. “Go in and get your damned flavored coffee, felt bad they didn’t have it at the diner..” 
You feel your cheeks start to flush, and though you were tempted to argue and tell him he didn’t need to stop, you felt yourself unbuckling your seatbelt because that was just too damn sweet. You start to get out of the car, grabbing your purse when he clicks his tongue at you, shoving his hand at you again. You decide it’s best not to argue, you don’t want to annoy him anymore than you clearly already do without meaning to, you take it, using the grip on his hand to pull him across the console. You kiss his cheek sweetly, pulling away with a smile. “Thank you..” You say, turning and jumping from the Jeep as quickly as you could without hurting yourself. 
Gator is stunned by the show of affection, his neck flushed red from the interaction. He shakes his head, fighting back the smile on his face by putting his vape to his mouth as he watches you happily skip into the fucking coffee shop. “She’s gonna be the death of me..” He grumbles to himself, running a hand down his face after breathing out the fruity flavored vape that he filled his lungs with. 
You’re grateful that he’s with you when you go home because you can sense Boyd’s mood before you can see him, the house is still and quiet, the girls off at school for the day, the nanny is not needed until this afternoon. You walk through the front door with Gator laughing about the way he had narrowly avoided a hoof to his head when he was walking with Bubbles, you giggle at him as he exaggerates the scene that you had had your back turned to, shaking your head as you start for the stairs. 
“Where have you been?” His voice is cold and sends a shiver down your spine. You stop in your tracks, one hand on the bannister and turn to face him. You don’t dare look at him, but you put a complacent smile on your face nonetheless. You can feel Gator behind you, his hands sliding into his pockets much like they were on the first time he had been to your so-called home. 
“I was on that ride with Roy,” You say, calling Gator’s father by his name, he tenses behind you at the mention of the man, and you’re tempted to glance up at him and offer him a comforting smile. “And we got to talking about the wedding and what not and how i would like his girls to be in it, and he thought it would be a great idea,” You’re starting to babble, and you begin to worry that your words aren’t making any sense because of the way that his face changes. “So now Gator and I are here to pack up a bag for me because we’re going to be watching his sisters while their parents are gone for the weekend..” 
“We stopped and got an early lunch first,” Gator steps in, you feel his hand on your lower back and it brings a sense of calmness to you for some strange reason. “She was hungry..sorry, i shoulda had her call you or somethin’ didn’t mean to make you worry, Sir..” 
Boyd is quiet for a long beat, his jaw ticking like it does when he’s angry and trying not to show it. You swallow back your fear knowing that you’re safe with Gator here. 
“When will you be back?” He narrows his cold eyes at you, they hold no emotion other than the contempt that you know he feels for you, and that makes you nervous for what you’ll endure when you come home Monday afternoon, but grateful for the time you’ll have away. 
“I’ll be back Monday afternoon, after his parents come home.” You say, tired of the conversation and no longer wanting to be involved. You turn and start heading up the stairs, knocking Gator’s hand from your back as you leave without being dismissed, something you’re sure you’ll hear about next week. “See you then.” 
Gator is quick to follow behind, giving your step father a friendly smile as he clambers up the stairs behind you. “What was that all about?” He asks in a hushed voice as he follows onto the second floor landing. 
You shake your head and walk past your sisters’ room and farther on to yours, locking the door behind you. You don’t notice the way Gator’s eyebrows pinch when he notices you’ve barricaded yourselves in the room by locking it. 
“He’s an asshole.” Is all you say, shrugging off the encounter before heading to your closet to find your suitcase. 
When you come out you see Gator with his hands in his pockets again, looking around your bedroom, the one area of the house that was completely and utterly you. Pink and red accents, white frilly lace..teddy bears and fluffy pillows and blankets..the room was so..you. He had gotten his attention caught to a smattering of photo frames on your big white dresser, all of them held you in them, smiling that big beautiful smile of yours (sometimes it would be reaching your eyes, lighting them up happily, but most times it wasn’t), all of them held different people, your sisters mostly, and whom he assumed was a friend from school, a tall brunette with killer legs in a bikini with her arms around you. There was another guy in the photo too that he tried not to be jealous of, but he had his arm around your waist and was grinning down at the two of you as you guys stood on a dock in front of a boat. He loved how happy you looked there in that moment, like your mind wasn’t laden with such heavy burdens like planning a wedding you were legally bound to, or dealing with a clearly tense situation with your step father. His favorite picture though, was one of you and an older woman, your mama, he assumed. You were laughing in the photo a mess of birthday cake frosting smeared across your cheek and some pink tinsel in your hair. The silver balloons behind you said ‘15’. 
“That’s my mama..” You said, sliding up behind him. He jumps, slightly scared. “That’s the only picture i have left of her..Boyd has all the rest, wont let me see ‘em. I think they’re up in the attic somewhere.” You sniff a little, trying not to cry as you turn away, hands on your hips. “Right, lets get this stuff together.” 
After about an hour or so you’ve stuffed the whole suitcase with more clothes than you really need for an entire weekend, Gator had lightened the mood by teasing you when you tried to hide your panties and bras as you packed them, telling you it’s not like he hadn’t seen any before, and he would be seeing yours for the foreseeable future, and then making you laugh at his genuine confusion at your array of shampoos and body washes in the your shower. 
“Oh no, don’t tell me you’re one of those 3 in 1 off the shelf at the grocery store kinda guys..” You laugh, looking at him looking at the four different bottles of soaps in his hands. “Please tell me you use something that costs more than ten dollars on your hair! It’s too pretty not to use cheap crap!” You hadn’t really meant to call his hair pretty out loud, but it really was pretty, you couldn’t deny it.
He doesn’t mention it though and instead looks up at you bewildered. “Are you tellin’ me you spent more than twenty dollars on all this crap combined?” He asks, completely in awe. “Oh my god Pearlie, please tell me you’re not gonna be breakin’ my bank on fuckin’ shampoo- it’s shampoo!” 
The two of you burst out in laughter after a moment and you deemed it best not to tell him how much you spent on hair care quite yet, afraid that he would have an aneurysm if you did. He’s gentlemanly enough to help you carry the suitcase back out to the Jeep. 
He even carries it into his daddy’s house for you, and up the stairs where he shows you his bedroom. He tosses the case unceremoniously onto his bed, where it bounces. You look around for a moment, eyebrows raised as you take in the scenery. It was messier than you had imagined, but it smelled so much like him and his damn vape that you couldn’t help but to take a deep breath of air. The room wasn’t too big, and his queen sized bed took up most of the space, the rest of it littered with his clothes on the floor and posters on the wall..you noticed some trophies on a shelf that you would have to ask about later. 
“It’s not much, and it’s usually not so messy..” He says, you think he might be a little embarrassed by the red flush of his cheeks. “I’m sorry you have to sleep in here with me, but it’s better than the couch or crashing on the floor in the girls’ room..” 
“I don’t mind, Gator..” You say, giving him a little smile as you turn to face him. “It’s a fuckin’ pig stye though.” You laugh and he follows suit, nodding along with you. You had a pretty good idea of what you would be doing to keep yourself busy while Jessica and Maude were at school tomorrow, or until they would come home this afternoon. 
The rest of the early afternoon was spent with Karen giving you a run down of the girls’ schedules and how to feed them and dress them. Something about the woman irritated you to your core, maybe it was the way she clearly held nothing but disdain for her step son, or maybe it as the way that she spoke to you like you were stupid and couldn’t possibly be capable of taking care of her children, either way, it made your eye start to twitch the more you thought about it. 
You were grateful when Roy seemed to have finally had enough of hanging around after he had dutifully packed their bags into his old chevy and got a little snappy with his wife, who quickly scurried out of the door. He gave you a friendly squeezed of your shoulder, his giant hand engulfing your shoulder, before mentioning something to Gator in hushed tones that seemed to only upset the boy as his voice turned tense and cold and his back stiffened like it did earlier in the day. 
The house was quiet once the door shut, creepily quiet once the old Chevy had meandered it’s way out of the gates of the house and down the road of the ranch. You stood in the doorway of the kitchen, not quite sure what to do with yourself as you kept your eyes on your fiance. He’s watching out the windows next to the door, his back muscles still tense. You wondered if he would be upset with you if you asked what his father had said, if you asked if he was okay. You decide against it though. “Gator?” You ask, your voice soft, small and quiet. He hums in response, hands on his hips as he glances back at you. “Shouldn’t we go pick up the girls?” You noticed it was nearing time for school for your own sisters  to be out, and while Gator’s went to a private christian school you figured they probably had the same start and out times as your sisters’ school. “It’s almost three..” 
“Yeah..” He runs a hand down his face, clearing his throat. “Yeah, let’s get going.” 
@ruth-barnes @justherebecausesafarisucks @daisy-is-a-writer @xxbookdrunkdemigodxx @girlwiththerubyslippers @keerygal @lilllbabyyy @boa-hemian @sweetdazequeen @emilyj444 @whisperingwillowxox @babyqnn @lou-la-lou @aestheticaltcow @finalmoondragon @boxofsmittens @pollyspocketdimension @kassy-munson @frostandflamesfanfic @mysticalstar30 @totally-bogus-timelady @nerdypinupcrystal @emmiecrush5-blog @witchcovenboys @starksbabie @marrowfrog00 @boop369 @lelenikki @xmalfoyweasleyx @girlwiththerubyslippers
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dreamescapeswriting · 8 months
The Heart Wants What It Wants ~ BC
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GENRE: established relationships, song au/song inspired, non-idol au, angsty, TOXIC relationship, no
happy ending,(no part two)
PAIRING: Chan x Fem!Reader
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - January 2024
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It didn't matter how many times people told you that someone was bad for you, if you were attracted to that person then no logic or reason was going to dissuade you, or anyone for that matter. It was something that happened inside of us that made us attracted to that person and you aren't going to change unless given no choice.
"All I'm saying is, when was the last time the two of you actually went out on a date?" Your best friend - JJ - asked as she sat across from you in the living room of your home that you shared with your boyfriend, though it didn't feel that way just lately. 
Just as you opened your mouth to tell her she shook her head, waving her finger at you to stop you from coming up with some excuse that she knew you had at the ready. You wanted to say that this was the first time the two of you had this conversation but it couldn't have been further from the truth and it seemed these "pep talks" were becoming more and more frequent as time went on.
"I don't mean when he comes by randomly for food or a quick shag before leaving." She told you bluntly making your mouth shut and you swallowed the lump in your throat. You knew it had been a long time since you and Chan had gone out on a date, or even had just gone out together but you knew he was a busy guy and you never wanted to push him into doing anything if he was too tired.
You and Chan had been in an on and off again relationship for almost two years, things were bad between you sure but when they were good they were brilliant. The good times always seemed to outdo the bad whenever you thought back on them and you knew you wanted Chan, you knew deep down in your heart and soul you did.
"He said he missed me," You told her, jumping straight into defence as she stared at you and waited for anything else. A way to show he missed you,
"Did he plan to come and see you? Did he tell you he'll be free soon and ask if you were free?" She questioned, arching a brow at you as you bit down on your lip,
"No, but he told me he can't wait to sleep next to me again."
"Sleep NEXT to you or sleep with you?" She exaggerated the words a little,
"What's the difference?"
"The difference is the first one he actually wants to see you and the second he's using you for your body. So, which was it?" You stared back at her before looking down at your empty cup and swallowing again.
"He said he missed me," You whispered, you didn't know if you were trying to convince yourself or her at this point and JJ sighed a little looking at you. As harsh as it might have seemed what she was doing she needed you to see the truth about everything. 
"What's the saying we live by now?" JJ challenged, flipping her hair over her shoulder and staring at you.
Tough love was JJ's act with you, she'd known you almost all of your life and she hated seeing you get pushed around like you were worth nothing when in fact, you were worth the world and if some man didn't see that then he wasn't worth it in the first place. The fact that you were letting Chan walk all over you tore her to pieces and all she wanted to do was shake some sense into you,
"If he wanted to he would," You grumbled the saying to her and she smirked, it was something she was trying to get into your head. Something she'd been trying to do for months now, treating you how Chan was supposed to since he never did,
"And has he?" She narrowed her eyes at you, you wanted to lie to her and tell her Chan had changed but you knew he hadn't, not by a long shot. 
"No, but-" You didn't even have anything to say back to her, did you? As much as Chan could tell you he missed you he never actively did anything to change that. It was as though all of the effort in the relationship was sucked out from his side and was only coming from you,
When the two of you first started to flirt with one another it was non-stop dates, he'd take you out multiple times a week but as soon as he got you all of that stopped. There were no more late-night drives or dates to the arcade, it was just the two of you were together and he no longer cared to make it look as though he cared.
"I don't want to hear some bullshit excuse about how he's a nonchalant dude or how he's busy. Yn, he treats you like fucking shit." You swallowed down the lies you were thinking of and shook your head. 
A part of you knew that she was right, that somehow you were supposed to realise how bad you were for one another and leave Chan in the past but it was hard when he'd become a part of you.
"Where is he this weekend? Another work trip?" Chan worked ungodly hours at the office and even more ungodly hours when his business decided he needed a work trip.
"No, he erm..." You stopped yourself, getting up and busying yourself by going to make another drink. You knew as soon as you told this information to JJ it was going to be the final nail in the coffin for Chan and she'd demand you to leave him,
"He what?" She urged, following after you and watching as you made you both some warm tea. You flicked on the kettle hoping the sound of the boiling water would drown out your voice but JJ inched closer to you, so close you thought she might have been able to hear you sweating.
"He had the weekend off so he went to go and see Felix." The air went silent, nothing but the sound of boiling water and the flick of the switch on the kettle could be heard as she stared at you.
"So, he misses you so much that the first weekend he has OFF work, he goes and sees his friends?" You stared down at the kitchen counter, tears threatening to spill as you sniffled a little.
"I know! Okay?! I know but-" You couldn't even finish before the sob broke out and you began to cry into your hands, whimpering as your knees gave out and you slowly sank down onto the floor.
"I love him," You choked out as JJ held you in her arms, smoothing her hand over your lower back as you continued to sob into her chest. 
There were a million reasons for you to give Chan up but you couldn't help what your heart wanted, no matter how much it hurt to think about he was everything to you. 
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"I'm home!" A familiar voice sounded from down the stairs and you stared at JJ who was staring back at you with a pained expression on her face. The whole weekend you'd been planning on walking away from Chan and everything that this life had created for you, all of the pain but two words from him and you were ready to jump back into his arms.
"He's not right for you."
"I know..." You whispered to her, she might have been right but you didn't care. Chan was everything you'd ever known and it was going to be hard to just walk away from it all.
"Babe, I had the best time. Felix was-" Chan's voice trailed to a stop as he made it to the bedroom to see all of your things were packed up into boxes and bags waiting for you to take.
"You going on a girl's trip?" He laughed nervously and JJ gave you a kiss on the cheek,
"I'll wait in the car for you," She whispered before leaving without saying goodbye to Chan, looking back at you and giving you a small smile of encouragement hoping you'll be strong enough to do this all on your own.
"Not a girl's trip," He whispered as he looked at you,
"I'm leaving you," You bit out, doing your best to remember why you were doing this. That things were going to get better once you were out of the shitty situation and somewhere better,
"We're not good for each other," You swallowed the lump in your throat but your mouth was so dry it felt as though you were swallowing sandpaper.
"You're not thinking straight, JJ got into your head baby." He reached out for your hand but you moved away from him and shook your head.
"Don't try that shit, it won't work." You spat out harshly and started to move some of the bags out onto the landing so you wouldn't have to stay still for too long.
"I love you Yn, please don't do this." He begged, tears building inside of his eyes as he watched you,
"Chan, I love you too but we're not meant to be together."
"How can you say that?" His voice cracked a little as you shook your head. You had to remember that while he was upset now you were upset every single second he wasn't around you.
"Because it's true. God, we have the best times and then you're just suddenly fucking gone and it's like someone whacked the air out of my lungs." You whimpered at him, tears running down your cheeks in silence as you stared at him,
"I can't depend my happiness on you because I find myself just staying there until you come back. I was not alive until you decided I'm suddenly worthy of your time again." You waited for him to say something to defend you, that he was going to take time off and whisk you away but he never would. 
"You know I'm busy." The excuse that always came after he never spent time with you. As if someone could be busy 24 hours a day and seven days a week, not even checking his phone to let you know he was okay or giving you a quick heads up that he wouldn't talk because he couldn't.
"I know but then you tell me you miss me and disappear all fucking weekend to someone else." You referenced the weekend away he took and he scoffed at you, something on his face changing as he stared back at you. It was anger, something you rarely saw on your boyfriend's face.
"So I can't spend time with friends?"
"I never said that." You mumbled moving your bags down the stairs, coming back up for more of them. The more he talked the more you began to realise he was only going to double down on his own view of things and no one was going to win in this.
This wasn't some fairytale where he was going to realise the consequences of his actions and come in with a happy ending, changing everything just so he could win you over. This was real life and real life didn't end with happily ever after.
"I can't imagine a life without you Yn." He called out as you began to take the bags out of the door, handing them to JJ who was smiling proudly of you. Part of her had expected you to go back inside and forgive Chan but she could see it on your face everything was changing now.
"I can't either Chan but the moments were shared together just make me break down." You turned around to look at him, there were no tears on his face - no fresh ones at least so you took the keys from your pocket and handed them to him.
"Don't make this harder than it needs to be Chan," You whispered, placing a final kiss on his cheek before moving to go and get into JJ's car wanting her to get away from here as quickly as possible.
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~Three Months later~
"I'm telling you, you're going to love it," Your date - Victor - said as he held the door open for you, smiling at you as you smiled back at him. It was your first date in months and it was safe to say that you were more than a little nervous,
"You say that, but I've never been into sci-fi movies," You laughed a little as he shook his head and went to the snack counter buying you something of everything so that the two of you had something you would both enjoy.
"Yn?" The voice you'd dreaded hearing for three months sounded and you glanced over your shoulder to see Chan looking better than ever. Your mouth ran dry as you stared back at him,
"Victor this is Chan, Chan this is Victor, my date." You tried to drop it in that you were moving on, you'd already heard that Chan had been on dates so you figured it was time for you to try to.
"This is Nella, my date," Chan said as a woman stepped out from the bathrooms behind him and made her way over to you. She was stunning, dressed in a tight black dress looking like she'd rather be at a restaurant than a movie theatre.
"Good luck getting her to sit through the movie, she always hated sci-fi's whenever we watched them together," You looked at Victor who smiled down at you, shaking his head as he rearranged all his plans for the night.
"Then we'll pick another movie, your choice." He told you, taking you and leading you away from Chan.
"But you planned this,"
"It's whatever we both want, not just what I want, okay babe?" You nodded at him and you could feel your cheeks burning as you went to see what else was playing in the cinema leaving a very moody-looking Chan staring off after you but for the first time in forever you didn't care.
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demxters · 1 year
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frat!jake seresin x f!reader
dagger squad college!au
summary: jake's attempt to see his girl the week before finals backfires on him leading them to their first fight and an outcome neither of them saw coming.
wc: 3.8k
warning(s): 18+, fem!reader, no y/n (reader goes by nickname ace), angst galore, swearing, mentions of alcohol and weed, drunk driving (don't do it), bad parental relationships, academic pressure
part of the loving you universe || also find it on ao3 here
Finals sucked. Balancing studying and your social life sucked. Balancing studying, your social life, and your relationship sucked. This was the third week you’ve had to drive Jake away and you hated it. In the beginning he was understanding, giving you a kiss to your forehead when you asked him to leave. Or dropping by the apartment with some take out because he knew you weren’t taking care of yourself. He’d even send the occasional Don’t forget to hydrate! text, to which he would get nothing more than a thumbs up in response. 
He got it, really he did. He understood how much your studies meant to you. You made it very clear at the beginning of your relationship that you weren’t going to drop everything for him. And he respected that. Hell, he admired you for it. He definitely didn’t have the guts to do it.  But it’s been three weeks of him trying to chase you down. Three weeks of quick hugs in passing and good night and good morning texts. Jake missed you. He missed you so fucking much and it seemed like you’ve barely given him a second thought. 
Jake knew he was being irrational. Of course you missed him. You wouldn’t have promised him to go out to lunch today if you didn’t. Yet here he was sitting alone at your favorite diner, reaching the top of the hour, and you still hadn’t shown up. His leg is bouncing up and down impatiently and the apples of his cheeks are red in embarrassment. An older couple a few booths away eye him with pitiful looks and not so silently whisper to each other, Poor boy got stood up. 
He checks his phone for the fifth time in the last three minutes to find no texts or calls from you. Jake desperately tries again, clicking on your contact and sending a distressed Where are you??? He barely waits another minute until he’s calling you once more. 
“Hey, this is Ace, sorry I missed your call. Please leave a message–Jake, stop tickling me! Leave a message and I’ll get back to you soon.”
“Unless you're a guy. In that case lose this number! She’s taken!” 
He sighs longingly at the sound of the dial tone, remembering the day you two recorded that message. Jake hadn’t seen you in so long. You felt like a lifetime ago. He missed his girl so much that his chest hurt. He’s frustrated beyond comprehension. Before he can even take a second to think about what he’s doing, he slams a wad of dollar bills onto the table, storms out of the diner, and hops into his truck like a man on a mission. 
Jake reaches your apartment in record time. Looking back on it now, he probably should’ve just called Nat, Bob, or Mickey. They would know where you were. Though in his defense, he took your radio silence as a sign that something was wrong. Maybe you were hurt or in trouble and couldn’t reach your phone. In this day and age, anything seemed possible. Could you blame him for being paranoid? 
Hastily making his way to the second floor, he barely blinks an eye until he makes it to the front of your apartment door. The faded gold 86 number plaque is staring him straight in the face and he can barely remember the last time he saw it. Out of respect for you, in case he really was overthinking things, he knocks on the door once. Twice. Three times. 
When he still doesn’t get a response, his heart begins to race, breathing heavy. He fumbles with his keys, fingers trembling as he tries to find the bright pink Hello Kitty replica key to your apartment. So it’s easy to find in emergencies, you had reasoned with him. He thought you were teasing him in the moment, but right now he has never been more thankful for your sharp thinking. 
He jams the key into the knob, turning it counterclockwise a little too strongly, and bursts through the door by his shoulders. 
“Ace?” He hollers into the quiet apartment. 
Jake looks around for any signs that you were there, only to be met with a spick and span living room and kitchen. Curse your stress cleaning intuition. He practically runs down the hall to your room. He sees nothing but your door and the yellow light illuminating from beneath. 
He’s barely thinking as he barrels into your room. He all but falls to the floor as you bolt up from your desk chair at the sight of him. 
“Jake?” You exclaim, rushing over to where he has fallen onto your floor. 
You grab him by the elbows, gently pulling him up. He groans into your touch, just now realizing how much he missed the feeling of your skin on his. Jake has to bite his tongue to stop the moan that wants to leave his lips. 
“Jesus, Ace, you scared me,” he breathes, steadying himself in your hold. Standing back up on his feet, he releases his hold on your arms and brings them up to your face. “You okay?” 
You nod as he continues to look you up and down with concern shining in his eyes. It makes you laugh lightly when he squishes your cheeks just a little more. “I’m fine, are you okay? I think I almost gave you a heart attack…” 
Jake opens his mouth to speak when a slightly staticy sounding voice cuts him off. 
“Hey, Ace? I think I’ll just call you later, yeah?” 
Jake’s heart drops to his stomach at the sound, and not in the way it did when you kissed him for the first time. This feeling was something less comforting and much more painful. It made him want to throw up on your linoleum floor. 
“Yeah, yeah Connor, I’ll call you back later,” you say, rushing back to your desk where your phone was lying face up on an open FaceTime call. You don’t even wait for him to say goodbye as you end the call. 
A burning heat crawls its way up Jake’s features. He’s sure his cheeks are probably inflamed in dark red. Who the hell was Connor and how the hell did you have time for him and not for your own boyfriend? 
“Jake?” You call out, breaking him from the fury that begins to build up in his chest. 
He doesn’t want to be that guy. He will not be that guy. He trusts you and he knows you would never do that to him. That still doesn’t stop the hurt that floods his senses. 
His mouth is open before he can even process the rest. “Do you know what today is?” 
You look at him with wide eyes and your lips quirked downward. “Saturday?” 
He hums. “Yeah, the Saturday we were supposed to have lunch at–” He pauses, giving you the benefit of the doubt. Hoping that you hadn’t forgotten and were just running late. But you don’t jump in and that makes his heart hurt even more. You just continue to look at him questioningly in a way that he would’ve found adorable in any other circumstance. “Rosie’s,” He finishes for you. “We were supposed to have lunch at Rosie’s.” 
“Rosie’s, shit!” You come rushing back towards him, grabbing his hands. You caress the back of his hands with your thumbs and you can only hope that he could feel how sorry you are; how horrible you feel for forgetting about your date. “I’m so, so sorry, Jake. I just caught up with…” 
“Connor,” he deadpans. “Yeah, I know.” 
He doesn’t meet your eye, and you pout at his clear irritation. “I promise I’ll make it up to you. I can do next Saturday? We could do Rosie’s then walk down the coast by The Hard Deck.” 
Jake doesn’t mean to, but he scoffs–much too harshly for your taste. “Oh, I don’t know, I’m afraid my girlfriend won’t be available again. Or worse, she might even forget.” 
You drop his hands, stepping back with obvious hurt in your eyes. “I’m sorry, what else do you want me to say?” 
“I don’t know. Maybe that you’ll try harder to make some time for me? I haven’t heard from you in days! Hell, I haven’t seen you in weeks! Yet, somehow, you have the time of day to call this Connor dude, on the day we’re supposed to see each other!” 
You’re pacing the floor with your own anger bubbling up inside you. You clench your fist before pointing at him with your other hand. “It is not my fault that finals are right around the corner! I have been studying my ass off night and day. Which you obviously wouldn’t understand.” You take a deep breath. “As for Connor, we were just studying together! Something that I can’t do with you!” 
“Cheap hit, Ace.” It was a known fact that he wasn’t the best at academics, but you knew better than anyone how hard he was trying, making your words hurt more than he cared to admit. Jake exhales deeply from his mouth, attempting to calm his beating heart so he doesn’t say something he doesn’t mean. “Finals aren’t until another week! All I’m asking for is a day. Just one day.” 
“It’s not just finals, Jake,” you groan. “Not to me, you know that.” The two of you have been going in circles for the last fifteen minutes. You get where Jake is coming from, really you do. But you also need him to understand you. He knew going into this how important your studies were to you. One day could jeopardize your entire study schedule. 
“I know. But is it so bad for me to want to spend some time with my girlfriend? I mean, we haven’t gone on a proper date in months. Hell, I can’t even remember the last time we had an actual conversation!” 
You turn to him with narrowed eyes, furiously shutting your physics book. “So now I’m the bad guy? It’s my fault that we can’t hang out?” 
“That’s not what I’m saying!” Jake frustratingly runs his hands through his already messy blond hair. He doesn’t know what to do with the overwhelming flood of emotions passing over him. 
You’re sat on the edge of your bed now, too worked up from all your pacing. “You know, I just don’t get you, Seresin. I’ve asked if you wanted to sit in with me. You’ve denied me every time.”
The sound of his last name falling from your lips feels like salt in an open wound. He hasn’t heard you call him that in ages. He knows he’s in deep shit now, but his pride won’t let him admit it. “Sweetheart, it’s not my fault that I don’t find Plato and standard deviation appealing, ” he sasses. 
“So, what? You’d rather I go out and party all night because, ‘Hey! It’s just finals!’” You throw your hands up in anguish as you deepen your voice in a clearly mocking tone of his voice. 
Jake pinches the bridge of his nose. “Do you even hear yourself right now, Ace? You need to take a break! I’m trying to look out for you. It’s not healthy to be cooped up inside like this all day.” 
“Well, I’m sorry I have other priorities that don’t involve you, Jake,” you sigh. 
“And yet, you don’t have a problem making Connor one of them,” he sneers. 
“He’s helping me study!” 
“I offered to help you study, but instead you told me to sit back because you could do it yourself.” He swallows harshly, feeling the reality of your admission sink in. 
If it hadn’t been for the tension between the two of you, you would’ve been able to bite your tongue and let the moment pass. However, you were so high strung at the moment that you let your temper get the best of you. “Well, it’s not my fault that I can’t just charm my professors and tutors into giving me a pass. Unlike some people, I have actually put in the work.” The moment the words leave your lips, you regret it. Jake’s shoulders fall and you see the way he visibly deflates and shrinks into himself. You desperately want to take it back, but you did not want to give him the satisfaction of knowing you felt guilty. 
A moment of silence passes between you both. The only sound to be heard is the heavy breathing that escapes you both. 
Amidst the silence, Jake stifles the tears that threaten to spill from his eyes by running a hand down his face. Of all the people to insult his intelligence, you were the last person he ever expected to do so. Not once, even before you started dating, had you said anything about how he struggled with school. Sure, you got frustrated with him, but you of all people knew how much work he put into his studies. Unlike everyone else, you were able to see him as something more than the dumb blond frat boy people joked that he was. When everyone else would claim to be teasing Jake about his studies, you were always the first to stand up for him. Saying, Jake Seresin is capable of more than you know!, making him feel validated and more confident in himself. Now, your words felt like a slap to the face and for the first time, he found himself questioning everything you’ve said about him. 
He should’ve known the honeymoon phase wouldn’t last forever. Everything was going so well, he didn’t have any reason to think things would go downhill so fast. Of course, Jake was too overconfident about your infatuation with him. He shouldn’t have assumed that you were as in love with him as he was with you. That was his first mistake. 
“You know what? I really thought you were different,” he says softly. 
“Jake–” Take it back! The voice in your head shouts. Take it back, you idiot! But the apology, the words of affirmation, the reassurances–they all get stuck in the back of your throat like molasses. 
“I guess I was wrong about you, Ace.” 
You furiously shake your head. You didn’t mean it, you swear you didn’t mean it. In the heat of the moment, you let your emotions get the best of you. You knew it wasn’t an excuse, but you needed him to know that you would never mean what you said. 
You thought the world of Jake Seresin. He is smart and he has so much potential. He was better than you at physics and knew all the parts to an F/A-18 Super Hornet. He could calculate distance, time, and speed, like it was nobody's business. He impressed you in so many ways and you were so proud of him and how much he has improved. Deep down, you knew he was right too. This wasn’t healthy. You should’ve tried harder to make time for him after everything he has done for you. But the shame of the hurt you’ve caused, the shame of what you did prevented you from saying it. 
“You know what? You can have all the time you need with Connor because I’m done.” 
You push yourself to a stand with teary eyes. “Done? Jake, what are you saying?” It was like a nightmare come true, hearing the words you’ve feared to hear since the moment you called it official. But it was probably inevitable, right? You always bring yourself to your own demise. You’re not sure what hurt you more–Jake’s words or the fact that you weren’t so surprised to hear him say it? It was almost like you were waiting for this day to come, knowing Jake Seresin was just too good to be true. 
His heart is fighting against itself. One part of him is begging him to stay and work this out with you. The other is too hurt to even look at you right now. In the end, he ends up listening to the side of him he didn’t even think existed until now: the side that didn’t want him to be with you. “I don’t know. I think I need some time.” 
You nod, agreeing with him wholeheartedly. “Yeah, yeah. Whatever you need, Jake.” 
He sighs before turning on his heel and grabbing the door knob. 
“Wait,” your voice cracks. “I love you.” 
Jake swings the door open and leaves. It takes everything in him to not turn around and gather you up in his arms right then and there. For the first time, he doesn’t say it back. 
You don’t see him for a week after that. You’re so distraught that you throw your entire study schedule out the window. This was all your fault. You know it is, there was no denying it. All Jake wanted was to be with you and you couldn’t give him that. You were so obsessed with the fact that everyone expected you to get perfect grades each semester, that you didn’t even notice you driving away one of the most important people in your life who didn’t care about any of that. That loved you with or without the academic achievements. The only person who cared more about your wellbeing than your stupid grade point average. 
The truth is, you were scared. Things with Jake have been going so good that the fear of something bursting into your little bubble and setting it all aflame only continued to intensify. 
Because you don’t deserve good things unless you earn it, your mother had warned. Because you can’t be loved unless you’re perfect, your father berated you. 
And you are far from perfect, you know that. You also knew that Jake wasn’t your parents. But no matter how many times you told yourself your parents were wrong, their words continued to seep in every single time Jake reminded you that love shouldn’t be conditional. 
So you did what you did best, you studied. You strived for perfection. You hoped that Jake could see that you were worth sticking around for. 
He left and in the end, it just confirmed that nothing you do could guarantee anyone to stay. 
You ended up failing your finals. They don’t hurt your overall grade too much, only bringing them down one letter grade from your solid A’s. 
You don’t tell anyone about the fight you had with Jake. You don’t want to burden them with anything else. Everyone was busy. Nat was happy with Javy and Bob and Mickey were busy planning their San Diego Comic Con trip. You hadn’t talked to Bradley and you assumed that Jake had already told him everything. You hadn’t even texted Reuben about joining him for trivia night at a nearby bar. 
But you do text Jake. You don’t know if he’s read any of them or not, but you text him anyway. You told him that you failed. You told him that you weren’t planning on going home for the summer because you didn’t want to face your parents. You told him you missed him and that you hoped this isn’t the end. But most importantly, you told him that you loved him and that if you could take it all back you would. 
You so desperately wanted to knock on his door and apologize for what you said. To continue apologizing until he knew it in his heart and soul that you didn’t mean a damn thing. You’d imagine how it would go. He would open the door and you would quite literally pour your heart out to him. Then you’d throw your arms around him and tell him you love him before kissing him senseless. 
You imagine that he’d smile against your lips, an action that you loved so much. He’d pull away and tell you that he forgives you. He would hold you close and tell you that he still loves you. 
However, you weren’t naive. He probably hated you now and you wouldn’t blame him if he actually did because you hate yourself too. 
Heartbroken and intoxicated to the bone is how you find yourself after another unanswered text to Jake. You remember him telling you to let loose and take a break so that is exactly what you did. 
The frat house is loud. You’re not sure what’s more surprising, the fact that you showed up to a frat party without telling any of your friends or that you’ve had more alcohol than the amount of water you’ve had in a day. 
Everyone knew about Delta Chi’s rivalry with Alpha Sig, so you didn’t have to worry about running into anyone you knew here. 
You had lost count of how many drinks you’ve had three cups ago and you’re a bit impressed with your own resilience considering how much you hate the smell of alcohol, let alone the taste of it. You find yourself wishing that Jake were here to see you taking a break. That way you could prove to him that you were capable of doing things for him too. 
The Alpha Sig house is packed to the brim with people. Everyone’s faces are a blur as you stumble your way through the crowded rooms and hallways, following the smells of sweat and weed to take you where you want to go. 
You end up making your way to the patio and meeting some Alpha Sigs and sorority girls who were planning on driving into the city to hang out at a bar instead. They shockingly invite you to tag along and your inebriated self happily accepts. 
You find yourself forgetting all about Jake, grades, and your shitty parents. You were just a girl in college who stopped giving a fuck and decided to have some fun. As you continue to giggle with some of the girls in the backseat of a car you don’t even remember getting into, for a moment, you see yourself with Nat, Javy, Bradley, Mickey, Reuben, and Bob. You hear Bradley’s dad jokes and Natasha’s giggles. Mickey and Reuben’s obnoxious singing and Bob’s own laughter follows. Then you see the guy sitting beside you with his arm around you. It takes you a second to recognize that his eyes aren’t your favorite shade of green. Hell, they weren’t green at all. 
Your world comes crashing down in an instant. You’re not with your friends and you’re not with Jake. You don’t even know where and who you are with. You just know that you want to go home, that you want to be with Jake. 
Before you can even think about begging the person in the driver’s seat to stop the car, you hear a scream then suddenly, your vision goes dark. 
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a/n: in my defense, i haven't done a good angsty fic in awhile*immediately goes into hiding* pls don’t hate me….. and again, as always the inbox is always open and thank you all for reading!!
a/n 2: also ty @intrepidacious for giving me their first fight idea it was a big help!!
add yourself to my taglist!
tgm taglist: @joaquinwhorres @harrycherrylove @smoothdogsgirl @t-nd-rfoot @dempy @ollyoxenfrees @potato-girl99981 @averyhotchner @2guysonascooter @loveforaugust @blue-aconite @fandom-life-12 @stiles-banshees @iamdannyday @hotch-meeeeeuppppp @bradshawseresinbabe @breezemood @emorychase @eli2447 @angelbabyange @finelytaylored @pono-pura-vida @hecate-steps-on-me @blueoorchid @aviatorobsessed @blackwidownat2814
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ghost-rattan · 1 year
Hi I loved your pet hcs 😭😭 (I was the one who did the req). Could I be 🪶 anon if it's not taken yet?
Also can I req for some hcs for Aku, Chuuya, Kunikida and Nikolai with a s/o who can copy abilities? (Maybe they started off as enemies in a fight or something but ended up falling for each other.)
OMG! Hi again! SO quick funny story I had no idea what you meant so I had to dm one of my best friends about it B) BUT ofc you can! excited to see what request you come up with! sorry Kunikida's is short he is so hard to write for!
Reader who can copy other abilities
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he hates you (at first) you where new to the pm and climbing up the ranks fast
people preferred to work with you as you where much nicer to everyone and as well powerful but he played it off like he didn't care
so Mori thought that you both would make a good duo on the battle field because you both had powerful abilities
Akutagawa was not impressed by this "why must I work with them, they are clearly beneath me"
He was quiet that whole mission quiet until you and him had to fight a blood manipulating ability
The opponent used their ability quickly on Akutagawa seeing him as the bigger threat
Big mistake you quickly copied the mans ability and made him choke on his own blood
AFTER THAT HE WAS LIKE SHIT ok they are powerful
He told you good job and just like that the mission was done
He saw you as your ability and wanted to know more but when talking to you about it he started to see what your personality was like and boy did he fall hard but he personally didn't pick up on his own feelings
ya know how he wants Dazai's approval well shit he needs yours now
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So you worked at the ada but I don't think he would care much about you because you are over shadowed by his hatred for Dazai
Ok so one night you went to the bar and saw Chuuya you ignored him and he ignored you
That was until he saw you get hit on
he doesn't care to see people get hit on unless they look unconfutable then he will help people out
which any one can tell you where extremally unconfutable by this man hitting on you
"Dude fuck off they aren't interested"
this guy looked angry
"Go fuck your self they would have said some thing right kitten"(ew)
Chuuya slapped the guy but little did chuuya know he had an ability one that could control peoples movements
the man used it on chuuya so he couldn't move and made him walk away
you used your ability to take control of this gross man and make him leave the bar (and punch him self a few times <3)
Chuuya was impressed
"Good job doll"
"Wow! A complement from a pm executive!"
you both exchanged numbers and started talking
he thought your ability was bad ass but he would be pissed if you copied his and used corruption
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You and Dazai where bff's so he kinda assumed you where like him
Like with Akutagawa you had to team up with him
He was also annoyed but maybe you wouldn't be as bad as Dazai?
To his surprise you where a lot more serious about work when on a mission
You both spent time chatting With each other
You had a huge crush on him for a while now so talking to him meant a lot to you
he asked about your ability and when you told him he was quick to write it down
he found it really interesting!
thinks you might have the best ability he has ever seen!
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He never hated you (im sorry) but he was smitten by you after you both first meet
Fyodor tells him about your ability and bro was like :O
kinda went like this "Dos, tell me about them~"
Fyodor let his friend ask away because he did know a lot about you cause Fyodor was your boss!
He loves watching you copy abilities he finds it so cool!
He thinks you have more freedom then him because you aren't 'chained down to one ability'
Wants you to copy Fyodors but you refuse cause lets be fr Fyodor is scary af!
He's honestly really glad you have an ability like that because you can protect your self if you come across a powerful
ALSO if you copy his ability he will some how make a game up with it that you can both play
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gojosrighteyebrow69 · 11 months
The Deal
Bully!Gojo Satoru × Fem!Reader
SMUT 18+ (1.7k)
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Where you find yourself making a special deal with your bully
🔞NSFW🔞 kissing, oral f!receiving, vaginal fingering, protected sex
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"Where are you running off to princess?"
Here he is again, Gojo Satoru. The golden boy of your college. Tall and muscular guy with his ego in the clouds. He has been tormenting you since the start of college, and now you're in the last year.
"What do you want?" You don't even bother looking at him and just arrange your books in your locker.
"It's always a pleasure to see you too princess, Miss me much? " Gojo says in a cocky tone which makes your blood boil.
"Oh shut up, and stop stalking me for once" You reply while closing your locker and finally facing him. He had a smug grin which you just wanted to slap off his face.
"I'm not stalking you princess, I'm just observing you." He says and leans against the locker, his large frame blocking your path.
"Well then stop observing me, I'm not some science experiment. Go and bother the girls who actually give a shit about you" You say while crossing your arms and staring right at him.
"You know... if you let me fuck you just once, maybe I'll stop making fun of you."
Did he really say that? Did he really had the audacity to say that?
"I'm sorry what?" Your eyes were widen in shock still comprehending what you just heard. Did the guy who did nothing but bully you all these years said he wants to fuck you?
"You heard me princess, Let's fuck" He says nonchalantly.
"Are you out of your mind or something? Why would I wanna fuck you?" You had no idea what happened to him all of the sudden. Yesterday he was making fun of you and now all of the sudden he wants to sleep with you?
"Because it's the last year of college and you're still a virgin, princess. Oh and I also overheard you fucking yourself with that dildo of yours last night. I can tell it's not doing much for you" Gojo says with a smirk.
You were speechless. "Excuse me? That's none of your business! And how the hell do you even know about my personal stuff?!?"
"The walls of the dorm are pretty thin you know? And I also remember your friend giving you a dildo on your birthday, so I figured it out. Anyways I think I can do much better than that piece of silicone" The white haired man says smugly.
"And why the hell should I give away my virginity to you of all people?" You look at him while frowning.
"Because" Gojo says, his voice low and seductive now. "I promise it would feel much better when it's done by someone who knows what they're doing." He smirks, knowing he has you hooked.
You could feel your cheeks heating up. This bastard.
"But we hate eachother, why do you wanna fuck me? What would you get in return?" You knew that Gojo Satoru would never do anything unless he gets something in return.
"Oh princess, I don't hate you" Gojo says, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "I just wanna help you loose your virginity, or maybe I just wanna fuck that attitude outta you. You never know"
"So you just wanna fuck me because you have some fetish for virgins?" You remember how some of your classmates used to say that Gojo would sleep with you and disappear the next moment.
"You misunderstood, princess" Gojo says, leaning down so your faces are inches apart. "I don't just want to fuck you. I want to make you mine. And trust me, once I've had a taste of you, there won't be anyone else who can compare."
"How many girls have you said the same thing to?" You knew Gojo was the typical playboy, He finds a girl to fuck, and then leaves her the next second.
"The fact that you doubt me only fuels my determination," Gojo says, his smirk growing wider. "But to answer your question, none of them were as stubbornly resistant as you."
"I wanna loose my virginity to someone who actually cares, not some playboy who just wanna fuck me for fun" You wanted to resist him so bad, but the way his blue eyes were piercing into yours was making it a lot difficult.
"You're wrong" Gojo insists, stepping closer. "I promise you, I care more about making you mine than just another conquest." His voice lowers, filled with an intensity that makes your heart race "Give me a chance to prove it."
You knew this was wrong. He was your bully, the man you hated all throughout you college. But he was also the man you had a secret crush on. When the most handsome guy of all college comes up to you and offers to take away your virginity, what are you supposed to do?
"Fine. 9pm, my dorm. Don't forget to bring condoms"
"I'll be there," Gojo promises, his gaze lingering on your backside as you walk away. He couldn't help but feel a mix of anticipation and satisfaction at their arrangement. Tonight was going to be incredible.
As the clock struck nine, Gojo found himself standing outside the designated dorm room. His heart raced with anticipation as he knocked on the door. He'd spent the entire day thinking about this moment, wondering how you would look the moment he claims you.
"You look beautiful" Gojo says as you open the door and let him in.
"Just to be clear, I don't like you or anything. I'm just doing this because I want to loose my virginity before college ends. Understood?" You lie effortlessly. You didn't want to fuel his ego by letting him know about your feelings.
"Yes ma'am" Gojo said, his voice even. "And I promise you won't regret this." He winks
"Did you bring the condoms?" You sit back on the bed and look upto his tall figure.
"Yes, I did" Gojo confirm, pulling them out of his pocket and placing them on the bedside table.
"Let's start by some kissing first princess" Gojo says softly, leaning down to capture yout lips in a slow, deep kiss. His hands begin to roam around your body, tracing every curve.
You find yourself kissing him back and giving into the the situation.
As the kiss deepens, Gojo's hands slide up your dress, feeling the smooth skin of your thighs and stomach. "You're so fucking beautiful"
Gojo moans into the kiss, his desire for you growing stronger by the second. His hands continue their exploration, finally reaching the hem of your dress and sliding it upwards, revealing your perfect body to him for the first time.
As your bodies continue to press together, his hands slide up your thighs and to the edge of your panties, slipping them down. He groans into the kiss as he finally gets a look at what he's been dreaming about for so long.
He starts to tease your folds with his slender fingers while he effortlessly unhooks your bra with one hand. He leans down and licks each of your nipples, flicking them with his tongue and sucking.
He starts to rub your clit while sucking your nipples in his mouth. You can't help but moan at the overwhelming situation.
"Wanna taste you so bad princess" He gazes down over your wet folds, his desire for you reaching its peak, Gojo finally positions himself between your legs. He kisses along your inner thighs, teasing your sensitive skin before finally claiming you with his mouth.
The sensation sent a jolt of electricity throughout your body making you moan his name. "Gojo!"
"Satoru, It's Satoru princess" He sucks and licks your clit, using his tongue to tease your sensitive bud. As he continues, he starts to slide two fingers inside of you, stretching and filling you.
"S-Satoru! a-ah fuck!" Your back arches off the bed as you start to feel a knot tighten in your stomach
Feeling your body react so powerfully to his touch, Gojo increases the intensity of his actions. His fingers thrust deeper inside you while he sucks harder on your clit, seeking to bring you to the peak of pleasure.
"S-Shit Satoru gonna c-cum!" You grip tightly on his hair while your thighs squeeze his head under them.
"Cum for me baby, cum hard," Gojo growls as he continues to lap at your clit, his other hand sliding down to rub your sensitive G-spot.
Youd cries of pleasure fill the room as you finally experiences the most intense orgasm of your life.
He wastes no time to get in position and align his throbbing cock with your entrance and quickly rolls on the condom "Ready for my cock now princess?"
You nod and hook your arms around his neck for support. You couldn't believe this was happening as you looked deep into his eyes. He leans down to capture your lips in a deep kiss and slowly thrusts himself inside. You could feel your walls burning due to his size. "Shit you're so tight baby"
"It'll hurt a bit but it'll be fine princess" He starts to kiss and lick all over your neck while slowly moving his cock inside.
You find yourself adjusting to his size as he increased his pace.
Feeling your tightness around him, Gojo starts to move faster, his hips slamming against yours in a primal rhythm. He leans down, capturing your lips again as he takes you harder.
Your passionate kisses mingle with Your ragged breaths as you both lose themselves in the intense pleasure of the lovemaking. Gojo's eyes roll back into his head, feeling your body clench around him—your orgasm triggering his own.
As he feels your walls pulsing around him, Gojo's muscles tense and he releases his seed, filling the condom to the brim.
He pulls out and throws away the condom and kisses you softly, laying down by your side. "You were so good princess"
'He'll be gone by the morning' You remember your classmates who slept with him previously telling you. 'He never stays the night, he fucks and he leaves' You remember another girl telling you.
Yet you find him sleeping next to you, his face buried in your breasts as the morning sun shines through the window.
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A/N- I hope you guys enjoyed it. And thankyou for reading
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thestarminstrel · 2 months
don't very often come into the tag to post my thoughts unprompted, but finished challengers and. eugene.
what did pacat do to him.
i already wasn't expecting great things just based on the preview where eugene, my poor boy, just gave a weak thumbs-up at getting benched. but i had faith and hope as foolish as it was.
like, you're telling me that eugene labao who spent years working to get on the fencing team, every year told his mom "this will be the year", and gave a training camp his all just. gives a forced smile at being booted off the team for state?? what?? if pacat wanted to go with a eugene that cares more about the team than his personal resume, fine. okay. but eugene is allowed to be more upset. he should be. he was given everything he dreamed of by williams saying that they could have two reserves, and now it's gone. i don't care how much a team-player you are, that's devastating. especially as a high school junior (in america and australia i GUESS). if you want to go to college for fencing, i imagine the state competition is a great way to get scouted. also, you miss out on fencing with your teammates for the last or second-to-last time. getting benched as a freshman sucks but you got some more years in your high school career. but eugene's a junior, this is his first year on the team, so now he's fencing state maximum once. that's just a cruel stab in the back by williams, genuinely. he should have been given time to be upset onscreen whether it was privately or with friends.
which then, what the fuck williams. you literally said that you could have two reserves- that you FOUGHT for two reserves- and all the sudden eugene can't compete. i never did high school fencing and maybe things are different in australia, but that seems a little ridiculous to me. like wtf did the higher-ups tell her? "yeah you can have two reserves for one competition but that's it" ???????????????? did pacat have an experience like this or something bc i have no clue how that's a logical train of thought a high school sports organizer can have. i will admit that one could argue she's competitive and wants to win. like sure but then why have a second reserve. could she not decide and was always planning to cut nick or eugene depending on who did better at the camp? what kind of coach is that?? none of the other coaches did that - not even donati and she is neck to neck with williams in this rivalry. it doesn't matter how much she wants king's row to have this gold medal- if williams was intentionally doing any of this, uncaring of whether or not she hurts one of the fencing boys, she should not be a coach actually. period. again, i love early fence williams. but oh my god the way she handled this was so bad.
which then brings me to: what is the point of eugene.
i love eugene, he has been one of my favorite characters since 2020 when i first read volumes 1-3. he is one of the reasons why i get so excited about fence and makes me so happy as a character. but honestly? you could cut eugene out of fence and nothing would change. i know he's not haiden or nichoji, but he was put there for a reason that i think pacat forgot. he never has any signficant screentime unless it's to be comedic relief or be a supporting character to nick, the other "underdog" on the fencing team. i really do hate to say it, but reading challengers really made me wish pacat had written out eugene sooner or not written him at all. he's not treated well as a character, and at this point, i don't understand why eugene is even in this story.
another point i want to make is nick. what the hell is wrong with nick. you're telling me that the same nicholas "zero" cox who was about to give up his scholarship and chance to fence so that eugene, a guy he barely knew at the time, could finally be on the team is the same nicholas who only says "but coach--" when eugene gets kicked off the team? that is a terrible friend. i'm not saying nick should have said "i'm not going to state if eugene isn't!!" but he should have called williams out on it, found eugene later and say "dude i'm so sorry this sucks" -- literally ANYTHING!!! but no, nick bever acknowledges it outside of this panel and is too busy at state apparently to notice eugene being bummed about, you know, not fencing with him. it's so, insane to me that nick became this person that doesn't bother checking in on his bro. that tells me he's more concerned about fencing and seiji - which to each his own but i would drop anyone who did me like that. can't even manage a "how r u doing" text what the actual fuCk. i can not stress enough how much i do not like this nick right now.
in conclusion: i need eugene to have a good cry with his mom or his bros about this bullshit and to eat so much good arroz caldo. please save my son from the narrative, it keeps being mean to him :(((
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ikamigami · 3 months
This is one long post about latest sams, laes and mgafs episodes full of theories and analysises.
So, first things first, Moon.
I'm leaning more towards that Moon is infected with Ruin's virus. And I think that he injected it into himself after he told Sun he'd do that. And I think that Ruin's virus works similarly to kill code. And previously Old Moon's kill code was activating slowly before it fully activated. Now the virus was also activating slowly. We could see that Moon was more aggressive but in a way that he immediately wanted to kill someone. He wasn't just simply more snapish or anything he just immediately wanted to kill. We could see that with Molten Freddy.
I think that the stress from grief and constant work to find a way to bring Solar back and lack of sleep helped with accelaration of the process of activation of virus. I know that when kill code was activating it caused Old Moon burning pain but I wouldn't be surprised if Moon didn't notice that because he was tired and depressed. He could possibly think that his head hurts because of these things. And tbh if I remember correctly Moon said something about his head hurting before he went insane (correct me if I'm wrong though).
Ruin's virus makes someone more violent and murderous. And it definitely makes someone less sympathetic from what we've seen. Which definitely wouldn't mix well with Moon's personality because he's pretty self-centered. And the way Moon acts as of recent it's more than likely that he's infected with Ruin's virus. He doesn't have any empathy, sympathy and remorse. He's more violent and murderous. He's impulsive which is also caused by a virus because it makes someone act on impulses from what we've seen.
I just strongly doubt that Moon would completely stopped caring if even in the worst Old Moon still cared about Sun. Hence why I think that Moon is infected with Ruin's virus. The only other option is that creator did what he said he'll do. He said that he'll come at some point to "fix" kill code's issue which probably means that he'd give it to Moon once again. Also I don't think that Dark Sun did anything to Moon because we saw that even if he hates Moons he still helped our Moon probably for Sun's sake. Because to me it seems that Dark Sun cares about Sun in his own way. Hence why I doubt that he'd cause Moon to become "insane".
Second thing, Ruin.
Ruin seems to want to help. Though I'm still not sure if he's doing it to atone or he's just simply scared of Dark Sun and needs alliance in order to be protected and potentially team up with others to defeat Dark Sun. After all, it's hard to believe a liar especially as good as Ruin. If Ruin didn't have a minor slip ups I think that no one would be able to say that he was lying. His lies were very believable. He truly is an actor. Though if Ruin will continue being trustworthy and keep helping, I think that I may give him a chance. But I still think that he should be punished for the atrocious crime he did cause after all, he killed trillions of innocent lives. At least now Ruin is on our side and he'll try to help stopping Dark Sun.
Third thing, Dark Sun.
Even if I said that Dark Sun cares about our Sun, I doubt that he's a good guy unless he's actually trying to stop someone else who may turn out to be a so called bad guy. But about that later. So Dark Sun is a genius. He definitely is pulling the strings behind the scenes. But for now we don't know why he's doing this. For now we can only say that Dark Sun isn't wrong for trying to stop Moon from sacrificing someone to bring Solar back. After all, we know that it'd be a bad thing for whole universe. I think that Dark Sun will visit Moon and he'll probably laugh at him and tell him that he should've take his advice on how to get rid of his enemies. After all, he offered Moon these informations but Moon being Moon just couldn't accept anyone's help. I have a feeling that Dark Sun won't be happy with Moon. I was thinking about it a lot and I came to conclusion that even if normally he'd enjoy seeing Moon losing his mind, I think that he won't this time because he seems to care about our Sun.
Fourth thing, Earth.
Earth definitely won't be okay after this. She not only tried to kill Bloodmoon to defend herself and Monty but she almost died killed by Moon, her own brother. It's a lot to process. Earth will definitely need a break and time for herself. Maybe she'll move in with Monty to their new house. Anyway, who knows what with Eclipse and if Eclipse will disappear Earth will be in even worse state. And what about Ruin? What if he'll continue helping them? Earth will have to deal with it despite still missing Solar who died because of Ruin's actions. Things don't look good for Earth.
Fifth thing, Eclipse.
Eclipse is dying. I don't want him to sacrifice himself for Solar but it seems highly likely to happen. But first he needs to figure out and rather quickly how to get rid of that thing Dark Sun put in him. He'll definitely be pissed at Moon for what he did to Earth and for almost killing her. I'm glad to see Eclipse trying to help as much as he can with this situation.
Sixth thing, Bloodmoon.
Even if Bloodmoon's death isn't surprising at all and his redemption was highly unlikely to happen the way he was handled was very harsh cold and cruel. Because Bloodmoon still seemed very affected by death of his twin. The way he was talking about his killings sounded like he was coping after death of his twin. After all, what Bloodmoon described with how he kills these families sounded exactly like what happened to him and his twin. He also sounded empty. He didn't seem to enjoy these killings. For me it seemed as if he was doing this because this is what he was always doing together with his twin. Also what's more devastating is the fact that Bloodmoon basically begged to be killed. Probably because the only person who cared about him is dead. No one gave two shits about Bloodmoon - beside Sun but it's not surprising that Bloodmoon didn't take Sun's offer of help. And also maybe Jack cause they seemed to have a good time together. They could've been friends. I can't count Foxy because for me his decision to not wanting to kill Bloodmoon seemed like a choice made on the whim.
Seventh thing, Foxy.
Foxy frustrates me a bit. He doesn't seem to care about the outcome of his decisions. Doesn't matter good or bad, he seems to not give a damn about it. I'm starting to think that Foxy is doing things to please Puppet because he seems to like her more than a friend. Hope that karma will get to him.
Eighth thing, Monty.
Even if Monty got what they deserved I still feel a bit bad for them. I just really have a like/hate relationship with them. Monty needs to rest and process a lot of things. Especially with what Moon did. It'd be better if Monty will take care of Earth and themselves. They need a good break.
Ninth thing, Lunar.
Poor Lunar. He not only has to deal with Astral Bodies and Taurus who wants them dead will be on Earth really soon but he'll also be devastated upon hearing what Moon did to Earth. He wanted to talk to Moon to understand him but now he'll be pissed, really pissed. I have a feeling that Taurus may order Lunar to kill Moon but I think that Moon may kidnap them and trade them to creator for Solar. This seems like a possible scenario. Though it'll depend on what Dark Sun will do with Moon and what Taurus has in store for Lunar. If things will go downhill I hope that Gemini will protect Lunar.
Tenth thing, Puppet.
I don't trust Puppet. Even more than Ruin. Why, you may ask. That's because Puppet seems to know more than others because she sees everything and she seems pretty powerful. And yet she didn't see that if she'll push Moon to bring Solar back it won't end up well. Unless she knew. And also why she waited so long to stop Moon? To make sure he hurt Earth in order to makes Sun's decision to kill Moon a lot easier? Cause to me it seems like that. Especially considering how much Puppet wants to kill Moon. I just find it suspicious. And I was wondering, what if Dark Sun tries to stop Puppet's plans? What if Puppet is actually a bad "guy" in all of this? I know that we can't trust Dark Sun's words fully but what he said about Puppet being a Joker of this universe doesn't sound good at all. And I can't help it but to notice the Puppet's resamblance to Stitchwraith.
Eleventh thing, Sun.
Sun will be devastated by the news that Moon not only used star's power to kill Bloodmoon but he also didn't care that it'd kill Earth and even if Puppet stopped Moon Earth was still harmed by the blast. Sun will definitely be angry but I still doubt that he'll let others kill Moon. I think that Sun may try to talk to Moon once again. I mean I think that they'll meet again sooner or later. I'm pretty sure that Sun will be in even worse mental state. Considering the things that are about to happen with Lunar and Dazzle. I think that Sun will die. Though I'm not exactly sure what will happen but I think that Dark Sun was telling the truth when he told Moon that Sun won't survive the aftermath of events. After all, we're still in aftermath of Solar's death. And I think that Sun's death will be a result of Moon's actions. But I think that Moon still cares about Sun. Same for Sun. He still cares about Moon. I just honestly don't think and can't even imagine that our Sun and Moon would stop caring and loving each other. Anyway, Sun will have a mental breakdown or another psychotic episode or both sooner or later. It's inevitable at this point.
And at last. Solar.
I think that Solar will come back. And I think that he'll be back as himself. But I think that he'll be retraumatised because of the circumstances sorrounding his return. I don't know when he'll be back though. But everything will be a mess, that's for sure.
I think that's all I wanted to say about the recent lore. You can add things that you think I forgot about or if you want to point out some errors in my theories and such.
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crownmemes · 11 months
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Criminal Sentences, Vol. 8
(Sentences from various sources for criminals and/or dangerous muses. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"If you want to kill someone, just choose your victims carefully."
"Have I pissed you off in a way that's more than normal?"
"I find a dash of danger titillating."
"I sincerely hope you are not suggesting that I have something to do with this."
"I never fathomed a moment would come when I would need to end your life."
"All I did was what no one else had the guts to do!"
"How many peoeple have you killed?"
"I'm the one that kept you alive!"
"What are you going to do? Shoot me?"
"What do you know about fair or right? You're a coward."
"I want you to do me a favour. It's not negotiable. Either you do it or I kill you. You understand?"
"You've become awfully trusting for a man wanted by the FBI."
"He would make a lovely corpse."
"How long are you going to refuse to trust me?"
"So, do you want in on this opportunity or not?"
"We're all capable of evil."
"You question my sincerity. You think I'm heartless."
"I don't care what you do, or who you do, or who you have to grease - I need that information, and I need it now. Are we clear on that?"
"You didn't strike me as the serial killer type."
"Oh, I'm sorry. Have you forgotten how this works between us?"
"You can corrupt men, but you cannot corrupt innocence."
"You may want to leave the room. What I'm doing isn't exactly legal."
"So I'm the bad guy because I'm trying to do what's right?"
"You can't hurt a man when he's got nothing left."
"You're going to Hell, just like I am."
"Would it soften your opinion of me if I confessed that I've always had a particular affection for you?"
"I don't get any satisfaction from seeing you hurt."
"I've endured my hatred than you'll ever know. My enemies are legion."
"He can't tell you anything if he's dead."
"I have seen my share of the hideous, of the disgusting, and the repellent, but you are the most perfect expression I will ever see of all that is vile and hateful in life."
"You can kill a man but you can't kill what he stands for... Not unless you first break his spirit."
"I took care of it myself. I can do that, you know."
"You want to see me snap?"
"I've destroyed a lot of things in my life, including the people most precious to me."
"I killed him, and I would do it again."
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augustinapril · 1 year
Very random the Outsiders headcanons
warnings: mentions of really bad food combination, throwing up, insects, scratching & picking at skin, loud chewing, fears, please lmk if I forgot something!!
all created w/ @luvmarsbars & @stqrluvr !
˗ˏˋ ★ ´ˎ˗
To begin with we have food headcanons:
They all have a certain tastes in pizza!!
Johnny really likes olives on his pizza, like he just loves it.
Darry is a chicken bacon ranch pizza guy. it's his favorite pizza.
Dally really likes supreme pizzas but he can't stand pineapple on pizza. other than that he doesn't care.
Two bit LOVES pineapple on pizza, it's one of his favorites. (he argues w/ dally about it constantly). Him and Steve have no pickiness when it comes to pizza or food in general .
Ponyboy on the other hand is a VERY picky eater (me too man me too).
like he can't stand spicy foods, won't touch olives within an inch of his his life, has to have the edges of his sandwhiches cut off, won't eat pizza crust unless it's stuffed crust, hates cooked vegetables, the list goes on.
Ponyboy loves breadsticks!! it's one of the few foods he genuinely really loves. Same with pickles.
Steve is 100% the kid who you could pay to eat the gross food combinations that people came up with during lunch. yk, like the beans in milk? he would eat that. no hesitation.
Sodapop doesn't like soda because of the carbonation. (again that's me too I don't like drinking soda bc the fizz hurts my mouth).
Darry and Two bit are both lactose intolerant, Darry's just isn't as bad as Two's. Two bit does NOT care though because he loves eating lactose.
Also he loves BBQ sauce, Soda likes ketchup, and Pony loves ranch. like he LOVES it. he was the kid to eat it straight up.
Dallas hates sour foods, he can not stand pickles. He also hates fish, like he doesn't like sea food at all.
Dally also doesn't like mint, his favorite type of gum is watermelon.
He also is the type of person to chew with his mouth open. Like he didn't even realize he was doing it at first until people pointed it out. Then he did it to annoy them, especially Pony.
Ponyboy will get irritated and tell him to chew with his mouth shut and Dally would move his head so he was chewing directly into Pony's ear.
Johnny has random food cravings. like peanut butter on pickles, mustard on ice cream, etc. Pony has to hold back the urge to throw up.
Steve put sugar on his popcorn. he was also the type of person to have popcorn with his ice cream and m&ms and torn up pieces of candy bars & chocolate syrup, and probably maple syrup. he would throw any kind of sweet know to man into a bowl of ice cream and eat it.
Two bit really likes seafood. like he loves fish sticks.
Johnny was allergic to eggs and peaches as a kid. He isn't as much now, but he can't eat peaches anyway because he doesn't like the way they taste.
Headcanons w/ them and certain animals (dogs, cats, insects, etc.):
Darry loves dogs. He loves them and he really doesn't like cats because he thinks they're more of a hassle to take care of. Ponyboy loves cats and would rather have one than a dog. Sodapop loves both.
I saw someone else say Dally is scared of dogs and I just couldn't agree more. He really doesn't like them, and he isn't much of a cat person. He loves snakes though, like if he had the chance to have a pet snake he would 100% have one.
Ponyboy is terrified of any/all insects & bugs, including butterfly. He's allergic to bees as well.
He screams bloody murder if he sees a spider in the house and he HAS to be in a different room if there is one.
Johnny on the other hand isn't scared of them at all. He was the kid who would cry if someone squished a spider, so whenever Ponyboy is freaking out over one he will either a.) calmly pick it up and move it out of the house. or b.) be trying to capture it and tell ponyboy that it keeps moving so its hard to catch.
Then Darry would come in with a cup and paper and call them sissies.
Dally tormented Pony because of his fear of bugs. He would actually chase Pony around with a bug for his own enjoyment.
Miscellany headcanons:
Dallas finds horror movies hilarious. Like he isn't scared of them one bit and is completely unbothered. Johnny and Pony will be clinging to eachother during one and Dally is all like, "Cmon man, it's not even that scary!"
Johnny is afraid of thunderstorms and the dark. Like genuinely he is actually so scared of them.
Both Dally and Johnny bounce their legs when they're sitting, especially if they're nervous about something.
Ponyboy picks at the skin around his nails and Johnny scratches his hands a lot when he's nervous, neither of them really realize they're doing it.
Pony can't stand sherpa. like if the last remaining blanket was sherpa, he would rather sleep without a blanket.
Pony isn't the biggest fan of heights or rollercoasters and Soda doesn't like carnival rides that spin because they make him nauseous.
Dallas would rather die than use sunscreen, he absolutely hates it. Ponyboy loves sunscreen.
Two bit burns really easily. like he'll be outside for 30 minutes and he's already getting sunburnt.
Johnny doesn't go anywhere without his Jean jacket, it's his comfort item.
Steve was the kid to chew on his hoodie strings and his pencils. He couldn't have a wooden pencil without it having so many bite marks in it.
Darry cracks like every single one of his bones and it is so LOUD. He'll twist so he can stretch his back and it'll sound like if firecrackers and rice crispies had a baby.
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amultifandom-mess · 2 months
That fucking season has me screaming, crying and throwing the fuck up!
(Spoilers ahead for TUA season 4)
Not in the way you think tho.
Fuck! First and foremost, the Five and Lila storyline. Five did not need to fall in love with Lila. It could have been anyone else (or, for all you Five is aroace truthers out there, no love interest at all)!!
There were so many other ways that the multiple Five's and the realisation that the brellies are the problem could have happened. And they choose to go with THAT! THAT FUCKING BULLSHIT!!
They pulled that shit from their ass as a poor excuse to add drama! There are better ways to add drama without making Lila a cheater and making Five a home wrecker!!
Not even kidding, at the start of the season, I was all "Oh my god, I'm genuinely in love with Five. I actually love him!" Like I was down bad for this fictional fucking character... And then episode 5 happened and I fucking 180'd!! I was fully like "FUCK HIM" With my middle finger up and shit every time that mf came on screen.
I genuinely cannot even stand the sight of the character I once loved with my whole heart.
Five was the reason I fell in love with this show. Shallow, I'm aware but can't fight the truth. And I still do LIKE the show to some capacity, don't get me wrong. I just won't ever watch it again unless it's to analyse/criticize it. And I sure as shit do not LOVE it anymore.
Not even just Five's involvement. But having Diego and Lila in a loveless marriage AT ALL was just a shitty ass decision. They aren't the healthiest, sure BUT LOVELESS IS A STRETCH AND THEY REALLY WENT OUT OF THEIR WAY TO REACH FOR IT!
Fuck the writers, honestly.
I'm sure there's more I can say about that storyline but I'll leave it at that.
Now for the others!
* Luther should have grieved Sloane more. Sure, it's been six years and he still loves her clearly but.. well yeah
* Allison was forgiven too quickly. Again, six years. But no one had talked to her (outside of Klaus) for the entirety of those six years. Surely there was still some level of resentment for anger. She betrayed them for fucks sake! AND SA'd LUTHER!!
* In the end, Abigail's storyline made no sense. So Reginald brought her back to life and because the brellies (her creation, via the marigolds) keep destroying the world, she decides to help them end it, but this time completely?? I mean sure it was to reset the universe COMPLETELY this time... This one isn't actually a complaint. I like how they did this but it could have been dragged out across more episodes and explained a bit better
* My theory from season 1 that the "something that was meant to end" (when the Handler was talking to Fuckface) was right!! I said it was the brellies and I was RIGHT!!
* Ben and Jennifer were really cute but I don't love that they merged and became that monster at the end. Could have just had them turn into a kugelblitz dupe or smth!! That's what I thought was gonna happen honestly
* I hate that Klaus just got his powers back, hasn't even had them for a day and just went back to his junkie life just cause it's a pattern!! PATTERNS CAN BE BROKEN!! KLAUS DID NOT NEED TO , BASICALLY, FORCE IT TO HAPPEN
* Was it just me or was the special effects in this season just so shit?? Like the vomit looked so fake. Compared to Klaus's barf in season 2, this shit looks so obviously fake. Same with some of the blood in some scenes.
I'm sure there's more I could add to this but I'll just leave it here. I'll add more to the comments if I think of it. Or you guys can, no biggie.
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undeadfvckgirl-base · 5 months
I have an odd theory now just hear me out
We know that the murder drones are cloned as J had said in the episode where she reunited with N and V again and that has me thinking. What if J tried to kill N because she genuinely thought his clone was detective. It makes sense because she mentioned that questioning the company was a sigh of being influenced by the solver and J KNOWS they are cloned and KNOWS he will be back. She probably suspected he was defective and infected for a while but wasn't allowed to do anything about it unless she had proof which N did give her in Pilot. She never said goodbye when she put the virus on him and she does seem to come off like an asshole but I do genuinely believe she probably did think he was corrupted since she said so herself. I believe if J actually thought he wasn't going to come back she would have a more snarky response the just a half assed laugh and a salute. I feel she KNEW he was going to come back also I believe she installed the virus to kill him because that would prevent the rebuild program from getting to him so they can just send a new one.
We could argue that N isn't cloned since J said "effective drones are cloned more" but being completely honest she probably said that to boost her own ego and make herself look cool. I don't think N doesn't have clones especially if it's run by the solver and that means that the solver can continue to manipulate N which I believe is why J tried to kill him, since all of them are influenced by the solver, as a factory reboot.
Yeah there are plot holes in this theory but it's one I started thinking about recently thinking about their behaviors recently since J doesn't always seem to hate N or think he's useless she only gets like that if she thinks he's slacking off or getting himself knocked offline. Like when he got into the colony she seemed really happy and proud of him because he actually did something impressive and thinking about it compared to V he IS slacking off. He doesn't do well on hunts it seems, he's extremely friendly which let a worker get away from their home, and he did immediately change sides as soon as he got a small ounce of doubt in his mind for the company. I don't think J just killed him because she didn't like him I think she killed him because that's what she's supposed to do if this happens. I think J killed him because she thought he was outwardly betraying them and he WAS and he DID. I don't want to say either of them are bad for this but both of them made bad decisions and I feel we don't talk about this very much that both of them didn't do the best decisions but it was because of their situation. N literally betrayed them and while it's because he formed a connection with Uzi and it was "the right thing to do" that's because we see it as the right thing to do but to J it looks like he's siding with the bad guy because that's what they are to her and V and should have been to N in her mind. Worker Drones are the bad people and N wanted to protect them but N saw them for what they really were and wanted to not hurt them. Both of these actions make complete sense at least to me but that's just how I view the show idk
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imtrashraccoon · 3 months
(Feel like i have asked this before already.....but fuck it we ball 😎)
(This makes more sense if you watch a small clip of the nameless lolita from artiswitch by the way, because its a bit inspired by her!)
A question for UT, UF and US sans and papyri!
What is their reaction to their S/O being a lolita? More so what is their reaction to their S/O being very clear about what they like and dont like (example: "i like pink", "i dont like the sun", "i like cats", "i hate people") its also how they got confessed to, their now S/O straight up saying "i like you" to their face, monotone voice, unreadable expression.
Their voice is very monotone, and their expression is mostly unreadable. They dont like being around people, so they mostly stay by their skele S/O (or their brother if said S/O isnt around) and if they want to get away they stare blankly at them until they get the hint. They also stare just...because. you know how cats sometimes like to watch their favourite person do stuff? They do that, just follow them around and quietly watch them.
They have also once hit someone with their parasol because they were just so done with said person
Luckily it was only once (for all the skelies know)
Well, hello again Anon! (Whichever one you are as I don't have any reccuring Anons yet, that I know of. Unless you want to be the first!) I must apologize for taking a month to answer your ask, but I encountered some writer's block and couldn't seem to write anything for this.
Anyways, I can't say I've ever written about this sort of thing so you're good! I tried to find Artiswitch and I think I did. She's super cute and I can see why you like her. (I'll probably end up watching the whole series now because of how interesting it looks!)
I'm gonna answer this with my versions of the brothers, okay?
Undertale: Classic (Sans) & Vanilla (Papyrus)
He actually likes how frank you are since it leaves no question about your intentions. He has a hard time trusting people, especially humans, and to have someone so open about their likes and dislikes is refreshing. He's not nearly as open about his feelings but he admires that about you.
He's already crazy good at reading people's emotions and intentions but you are a bit trickier than most. When he first meets you, he is admittedly a little worried but warms up with time. He is quick to pick up when you're uncomfortable or want to get out of a situation, even when he barely knows you. It helps that he's got plenty of experience deciphering Frisk's blank expressions. The staring is a bit awkward though. Does he have something on his face? He soons learns that you just like to watch him but you might need to outright tell him that to reassure his worries.
When you told him that you liked him, he thought you were making some sort of joke. He's tried to make you laugh many, many times but was usually unsuccessful. This isn't really funny though? You might have to try again and be a bit firmer before he realizes that you meant it.
He was concerned when you hit someone with your parasol and moved to see if you needed back up. He wasn't about to get involved if you didn't want help, especially because monsters aren't super well liked by humans, but he's also a good guy. Thankfully, the annoying human decided to leave when they noticed him so he didn't have to do anything else. However, he now knows that there's more to you than what your quiet and well dressed appearance might suggest. He's not too sure what to think about that though.
He's a bit concerned about your straightforward demeanor. You're also so quiet compared to him and at first he may accidentally end up speaking over you. He really doesn't mean to though and feels bad as soon as he realizes. He's a bit slower on the uptake than his brother but that doesn't mean he's completely oblivious. He just gets hyper focused sometimes but he's pretty good at clocking if something is wrong. He may not know immediately what, but he doesn't like it when people are uncomfortable, so he tries to cheer them up if he can.
He's very smart and once he hangs around you for a little while, he starts to figure out what you're thinking without you having to say anything. He's definitely not an expert when it comes to reading human facial expressions or body language, but he learns your subtle tells much faster than you expected. He's also not as creeped out by your staring as some people might be. He understands that not everyone is as talkative as he tends to be and that's alright! He'll talk for the both of you if you want.
He didn't think you were serious at first when you said that you liked him. Of course you liked him, he's the Great Papyrus! Wait, you meant that you liked liked him... Well he certainly wasn't expecting someone as cool as you to be interested in him but he's incredibly flattered.
He was also concerned when you hit someone with your parasol, but not in the way you might expect. That's not the best weapon for defending yourself, don't you know? Still, he was concerned and checked to make sure both you and the weirdo were alright. After he realized why you resorted to hitting them, he made sure they left the area and checked on you afterwards. Your form was actually pretty good though! Maybe you'd like meeting his friend Undyne...?
Underfell: Crimson (Sans) & Scar (Papyrus)
He appreciates how clear you are about what you like and dislike. He's not one to dance around things and hates it when others string him along. Your quiet demeanor is a bit scary but in a hot kind of way. He has a hard time figuring out what's going on in your head since you don't emote a whole lot. Still, if you do something to catch his attention, he might be interested in getting to know you better.
He's not used to hanging around someone who doesn't get upset easily so for a while he's basically walking on eggshells around you. Your quietness is rather adorable though and he quickly finds himself growing soft. His ability to figure out what you want is correct maybe sixty percent of the time since while he's not awful at reading body language, his talents mostly apply to monsters. The staring is a bit weird at first, but when he realizes that it's because you enjoy looking at him? Well, he's gonna put a bit more effort into his looks from now on...
Wait, you like him?! You're kidding, right? He's shocked to say the least. He was certainly thinking about you but he hadn't worked himself up to actually ask you out yet. You are aware that he's not exactly a gentleman right? You're pretty cute though so he's willing to see where this goes.
Unfortunately, he didn't notice you at first. You're a lot different from the people he usually hangs around with and is interested in. That is, until you absolutely beam some pathetic loser over the head with your parasol. That was unexpected and he couldn't help but chuckle a little. He was content to sit back and watch but when the loser started getting more aggressive, he decided to step in. At least he only had to give them a look before they ran off.
He can't stand nonsense so he also likes that you make your likes and dislikes very clear. He's not a very quiet person so he'll inevitably talk over you. If you're upset by this, he'll apologize and try to make an effort not to in the future. He doesn't trust very easily though so it might be a while before he feels comfortable around you.
He's also not used to hanging around people that don't flip out at the drop of a hat. He doesn't know what to do with himself? He really admires your sense of style though. He puts effort into his appearance but not nearly to the extent that you do, not that he would wear the majority of what you do as he generally prefers leather over lace. While he's not great at deciphering your expressions, he certainly tries his best and that should count for something.
Of course you like him! He's the Great and Terrible Papyrus. Everyone admires his strength and skill, so why shouldn't you? He may talk big game but he's desperately trying to hide how flustered your confession made him. You'll have to be very clear about your intentions if you actually want to date him, but when you are official, he'll treat you like an absolute queen.
He picked you out of the crowd immediately because you were dressed completely different from everyone else. He was in the middle of trying to figure out if you'd made your outfit yourself or bought it from somewhere, when you were accosted by a creepy human. If he had eyebrows, they'd have flown off his skull when you smacked them with your parasol. He didn't approach you right away but he did move closer to make sure the creep wouldn't try it again. Maybe later he'll acknowledge how impressive that attack was.
Underswap: Blue (Sans) & Saffron (Papyrus)
While he likes that you're clear with your likes and dislikes, he's a little concerned about you. Still, maybe you just need a friend? He has a lot more energy than you do so he may overwhelm you at first, but he's always considerate of your comfort. He can't really help it, especially since he thinks you're so cool.
He's great at drawing the best out of people and you're no exception. He'll figure out the best way to make you laugh and time spent with him is possibly some of the best fun you've had in ages. Sure, he thinks you're a bit strange but you're not that different from a lot of people he knows. Maybe among humans you stand out but among monsters you fit in rather well in his opinion. Your quietness and habit of staring are just endearing features in his eyes.
Why wouldn't you like him? He's the Magnificent Sans and he's friends with everyone! Well, he tries to be but not everyone can keep up with his exuberance. Still, he's very touched by your confession, even more so, when he realizes that you don't necessarily just like him as a friend.
He was on his way to compliment your sense of style when you smacked a random person with your parasol. He was concerned at first until he realized the human had been harrassing you. He stepped in to back you up and together you sent them packing. Man, he thinks you're so cool after that display! He's shocked you don't have any martial training and immediately offers to teach you what he knows in case this happens again.
There are very few people, especially humans, that he can trust. He appreciates that you cleared up any of his doubts from the get go since not everyone is as straightforward as you. He has a bad tendency to hide his true intentions from everyone, including his brother, but he's at least aware that it makes him a hypocrite. Maybe you'll help him open up a bit more.
He's naturally observant and can usually guess what someone's thinking just by looking at them. You're harder than most but he soon adapts to your mannerisms once he gets to know you. He's good friends with Chara and your quietness is similar enough that he soon learns your subtle hints that you're uncomfortable and want to leave a situation. He is a bit unnerved by your staring though. He's very much aware that he isn't a looker and it's hard for him to believe that you just like looking at him rather than being rude.
Oh you're funny. There's no way you actually like him... You'll probably have to insist that you like him a couple times before he believes you. He has admittedly been crushing on you for a while, so once he gets over his insecurities, you'll likely have a very sweet relationship.
He'd been observing you for a while before witnessing you whack some poor fool with your parasol. He nearly had to pick up his jaw from the floor as he hadn't been expecting someone as quiet as you to be as feisty. This is definitely when he first developed a crush but it took him a while before he actually tried to act on it. You've definitely caught his interest and later on, he'll go check on you to make sure you're alright. It's definitely not just an excuse to go talk to you...
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