panpanghost · 23 days
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I was going somewhere with this, I just can't remember what.
This was years ago, I just found it by accident.
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panpanghost · 1 month
_"Happy birthday Wukong!" Macaque said smiling, waking his old buddy from his sleep.
_"Wha-" Wukong couldn't believe his eyes, how could he? He hasn't heard these words in decades. And that smell, oh that sweet gorgeous smell; the peach cake Macaque used to make him every year for his birthday. When was the last time he took a bite? He can't remember.
_"What? Did you think just because I lost my memory I'll forget your birthday?" Said Macaque jokingly.
Macaque can't remember anything that happened to him, the last thing he remembers is helping Wukong go to sleep after he came back from the celestial realm. He told Wukong red is his favorite color then Wukong started crying and he managed to get him to bed somehow... even that memory is a bit hazy.
But now, Macaque opened his eyes in a new bed with his body all sore and a blind eye. The weird black crown on his head was also stuck there, as if he doesn't have enough of things to worry about. But just because he's having a hard time doesn't mean he can't make new good times, like celebrating with Wukong.
_"How stupid of me to think that." Wukong answered with a smile trying to hold his tears back.
_"Are you ok?" Macaque asked softly with eyes filled with worry. He knows Wukong would jump at him and try to shove the entire cake in his mouth, but right now, Wukong is trying not to cry, that's nothing like him. Did something happen?
_"Of course I am! I'm better than ok! I'm great! Let's eat this baby already!"
_"Wukong." Macaque became serious, "Talk to me."
_"I-" Wukong took a second to look into Macaque's eyes. These beautiful eyes, the only ones that stare at him with so much love and adoration, he can feel them hugging him and sheltering him from the outside word.
He needed to talk but something in him was knitting his mouth shut every time he tried to speak. The same thing was begging him to lie and keep these wonderful feelings close.
_"It's ok," Macaque said and placed the cake on the counter then sat next to Wukong, "I'm right here." He held his hand and smiled, like he used to when Wukong would hurt himself and Macaque would stay by his side confronting him and tending to his wounds.
_"I-" Wukong needed to come up with a lie fast, what if he tells the truth and Macaque remembers everything, how would he look at him then? What if he disappears out of his life and never returns?
_"Yes?" Macaque asked,
_"There was a bad demon that hurt you last year, we weren't able to celebrate my birthday because you couldn't wake up. I'm sorry. I didn't want to bring it up."
_"It's alright." Macaque got closer and hugged Wukong, for some reason Wukong's hug was tighter than he remembers and it also lasted longer. Poor Wukong, he must've been really worried, Macaque will make it up to him this year. But... did Wukong just apologize? Also, was it the same demon that took his eye?
(I am bored, don't ask where this is going, idk either.)
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panpanghost · 1 month
_"Mother?" Redson turned around in his bed after hearing his bedroom door open.
It was the middle of the night, so dark he couldn't clearly see, he rubbed his eyes and saw the form of his mother. When she walked in he made sure he wasn't mistaken, it's her.
What is she doing here at this hour?
_"Mother, what's-" he took his blanket off and tried to get up,
_"Shshshshshshshshsh" she stopped him and pushed him back to bed, "stay still."
She said those words then started whispering an incantation,
_"Wha-" before Redson could speak he felt like his chest was being cut with a chainsaw, it was a pain he had never felt before-
Wait- the incantation.. it's one that takes another's core!
_" SHUT UP! CAN'T YOU BE USEFUL FOR ONCE YOU DEFORMED DISAPPOINTING CHILD!!!" She said that and held him down to his bed.
Redson couldn't tell what hurts more, his core being ripped out of his body and every cell in him screaming in agonizing pain or his mother's words.
Does she actually mean it? Is that how she sees me? Was I never good enough? Am I only a deformed disappointing useless child?
All these thoughts were flying like millions of hornets in his heart as the incantation was happening and he was unable to move anymore.
Tears fell down his face as he accepted his fate, there was nothing more he could do but wait for his mother to pluck his core out of his chest.
If it's what she wants she can have it, he would've given it to her himself if she asked, he'd give her the world.
Still, every passing moment felt like an eternity, a never ending hell. He doesn't deserve this... He only wanted to make his parents proud.
At least I can be of use for something...
The incarnation circle glowed brighter and brighter, his mother's hand struggled to pull out of his chest but it didn't stop, Redson wished he was dead a thousand times before experiencing such torture.
Please let it be over!
And just like that, in a second, it all went quiet, no more pain. No. Not quiet, he could hear his mother laughing and walking away. It was... numb... and cold?...
A single message woke Mei up from her sleep, her face needed ironing after she opened her eyes to the bright light of her phone. In a few seconds she was able to see it.
She got excited to see who it's from, but that excitement ended in the same second, somehow, this message didn't feel right.
At 1:38 A.M. Redboy sent one message:
"Can you give me a ride?"
(I'm bored, so he suffers.)
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panpanghost · 3 months
Hello my little koalas, since season 5 of lmk will be dropping soon, I want to tell the lovelies that follow me because I usually post links to new episodes every season that I will not do that this year, I personally won't be watching the new season nor post anything about it as well.
I'm sorry to disappoint but I hope you guys would boycott or post/discuss the new season as less as possible.
Thank you for understanding ♡.
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panpanghost · 6 months
Once i learn how to color it's over for y'all !!!
(Ok-yeh- maybe a bit more practice but still, this is really fun!)
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panpanghost · 7 months
The young Six-eared Macaque turns around with a "Hm?" and a tilted head.
He had a great day today, playing with the young Rock Monkey and draining every last drop of his energy, but, as much as he'd love to stick around, he can't. He didn't expect playing around with someone else would be this fun, he never even thought anyone would play with him, years of being treated as an outsider, a freak, ate away his confidence and left him in the dark, he would love to hang out again in the morning however, but right now, all he could think about is to lay down and give in to sleep.
_"Uhhh...Umm" uncharacteristically, the rock monkey was hesitant, shuffling around with his hands and looking down to the ground as if it's suddenly interesting, "wou-would you like tooo...umm, ya'know- maybe..uh- sleep in my nest tonight-?"
He can't believe he actually said it, he knows he only knew the Six-eared Macaque for just a few days but he couldn't help it.
Anyone would think that the Monkey King sleeps surrounded by his subjects in a pile, but it couldn't be farther from the truth. It wasn't really anyone's fault, he was just way too strong and heavy compared to the others.
He didn't always sleep alone to be honest, it all began when he woke up to a screeching scream, he jumped from his nest and looked around for the danger then back at the nest to see one of his friends holding his arm in anguish, his heart dropped when realization hit him, he had accidentally broken his arm in his sleep, guilt burned thru him like wild fire, it was the first time he had ever harmed one of his family and he'd be dammed if he didn't make sure it's the last.
After the accident, he couldn't sleep properly for days, at night he'd sit still in the middle of snoring monkeys, and during the day he'd try to find a place to nap a little, away from the little ones so they wouldn't join him, it wasn't as easy as he thought, and he hated it more with every passing day.
After a while though, he stopped laying down at night at all, he just couldn't stay still, it was torture, he felt powerless against sleep, but there was nothing he could do about it.
In the end he made a new bed for himself alone, and didn't allow anyone to sleep in, ofcourse the loyal monkeys didn't like it, worried, and refusing to believe they have to let their king sleep alone, he doesn't even have a mate yet, how could they possibly do that? Still- after talking with each other, they admitted he did start to look tired lately, maybe it really is the best option to let him be at night, it's not like they wouldn't tend to him during the day, they'll work twice as hard to make sure he's comfortable and well taken care of.
He had been sleeping alone for some time now so he didn't worry about turning and breaking something or worse...
However, unlike the others, the Macaque is strong, stronger than he had originally thought. It took some rough playing for him to know that, he'd let himself go and use a little power, seeing how it didn't matter, the black furred monkey would just bounce back at him with even more strength, it felt great fighting without worrying all the time about breaking the other. Every time he'd even touch someone it'd feel like trying to touch spider webs without destroying it. But not this time, not with The Six-eared, it felt warm, it felt right and this hole inside him is craving for more.
But- would the Six-eared Macaque want to join his pack? Would it make him uncomfortable? He was originally a guest staying for a couple of weeks so would that make him feel pressured or uncomfortable? What if it made him leave?- what if-
_"Oh! Okay! Sounds great!" He frees the monkey king from his mind with a bright smile.
_"Really?!" With a clear shock on his face, Rock monkey still can't believe it.
_"Yeh! I don't see why not." He affirms, sure he had never slept in a pile with someone else, but he always wanted to try it, being honest with himself, he was jealous of others.
_"Okay! Come! It's this way." The Rock monkey excitedly grabs the other's hand and drags him through the forest, his happiness could reach the sky, finally, a sleeping buddy!
In the nest, The Six-eared Macaque decided to just lay down and let the king do his thing, even if it was his first time cuddling someone to sleep, he didn't really care how it was, he wasn't gonna sleep much either way, and it's not because of movements or the sound of The Rock Monkey's heart beating like a drum with a joy stick, nope, he was, ironically, a nocturnal creature, he didn't need much sleep, two to three hours a day were enough, he could have them separately or in one go, didn't bother him, he was born that way, it was natural, even though, not spending the night alone sounds wonderful.
The Rock Monkey sank thru mattress of his bed, puffing the pillow, placing even more blankets than the ones already there, he was filled with hope, that maybe, just maybe, if he made it comfy enough, Six-eared would like it and they'd do it more often- it's gonna become a daily routine but he doesn't know that yet- after he's done, he pats his side, hinting for his sleeping buddy to come.
The patiently waiting monkey finally climes up and lays on his back, covering himself with a blanket so easily found, finally resting his hands on his stomach,
_"Man, your nest is reeeeally comfy."
YAS! A victory call was shouted in the Rock Monkey's head, this is great, his plan is working.
_"I Know right! I actually made it myself."
_"You made it yourself? That's actually pretty impressive.", the tired Macaque starts to close his eyes.
_"Thanks, if you like it that much you can come over and sleep as much as you want, i don't mind."
_"Really? I guess it'd be nice to nap here every now and then." The little Macaque's voice is barely heard as he starts to give in to sleep despite the loud bu-bums coming from his night buddy.
He's coming AGAIN! Yesss! Would it be too much to ask for cuddles?, the Monkey king shakes his brain to stay awake and think fast before the Macaque falls asleep or he'd loose his chance to ask, he had never cuddled another before, he really wanted to, but he's heavy and his squeeze would turn flesh and bones into a smoothie, he'd usually hug a pillow but he really wants to at least try it once, it's been uncomfortably sitting in his head for as long as he can remember, but is it too soon? Would it be crossing the boundary? Is it rude? screw it- we ball.
_"hey Six-ears..."
_"i actually like to cuddle, could you lift your arm up?"
_"ehmm" he did not expect that and truthfully it did make his heart pound a little faster, still, what harm would it do, he was also hoping to cuddle with him some day, it just happened that that day was right now.
The Six-eared does as told and the Rock monkey snuggles himself under the blanket, his head on the Macaque's chest, tangling their legs and tails together and hugging him closer, as he feels arms surrounding him, he won't deny the safety he felt in that moment, this isn't so bad, he could get used to it.
_"uhh... sorry i'm a bit heavy..."
_"I can hold you up with one arm, you're as light as a feather."
True, he did do that, when he first did it caught the king completely off guard, after registering what happened, it was kinda embarrassing...
Well, now for one last test, just to be safe, the Monkey king starts to slowly squeeze his new bady pillow little by little, focused on any noise that would indicate a stop.
_"I don't mind being squeezed." The Macaque finally says, startling the little one.
_"oh-ok." The little one whispers and squeezes more. Nothing, nothing happened, his buddy is still okay, no- more than that he feels himself being squeezed in return, this... this feels nice...
Before they knew it, they were both falling in deep sleep, the best they've ever had, just like two peices of a puzzle. One that moves and tosses around at night and one that gets bored when waking up every hour or so and decides to ruffle thru the first one's fur or help it get the blanket back on. It was nice, not boring, not cold, not lonely, they'd love to do this more.
(Why did i make this you may ask, well, clearly because i want to throw my hc at everyone, this was just more fun than saying it. Also english isn't my first language so sorry for the mistakes or if a sentence doesn't make any sense, ignore it for your brain's sake. Hope you enjoyed it ^^)
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panpanghost · 8 months
I just heard that Palestinian families from Gaza have to eat their pets to survive...
I remember seeing videos of kids happy to find their pets after bombardment and now they have to eat them...
So much trauma for such little kids, how can any of them heal from these traumas? that assuming they survived
And they are like- the sweetest people on earth...wha- how- what to even say in situations like these? my brain can't even imagine what they are going through. It's heart breaking...
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panpanghost · 9 months
I watch horror movies as if i'm watching some kids movie, i never felt uncomfortable even in the most horrific parts, i'd even make jokes about some scenes, so i thought i was okay seeing horror.
Then i saw the pictures and videos of Palestinian babies and children and their families after their bombardment and it'd feel like needles in my heart and being hit in the stomach with a bat, then comes the tears.
No amount of horror movies could've prepared me for what i've seen. And i'm a grown up! I can't imagine what the Palestinians are seeing and experiencing behind cameras, i saw a video of a little girl saying she saw her friend's bits after her house was bombed!!! WTF?!?! Kids shouldn't tell these stories as if it's the norm!
We don't even let kids watch horror movies but the Palestinian children are living a life way worse than these movies. It's heartbreaking...
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panpanghost · 10 months
I wanted to post something about Palestine, i just didn't know where to start, they're going through so much, babies are getting martyred by Zionist's bombs, kids released with broken arms and bruises all over their bodies, other children trying to find their families in the rubble and other horrible things. They don't deserve this, no one does.
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panpanghost · 10 months
I've been hearing the palestinian hostages stories, and there was a mother who said her child couldn't recognize her because the IOF wouldn't let them meet for years, and a man was imprisoned for 16+ years, and had been constantly tortured that he had lost his memory and couldn't even remember his parents, and many more kids, and others who needed medical care.
So my heart couldn't take it anymore and i thought i'd check on Moataz, then i saw a Palestinian baby burned alive.
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Idk about y'all but I'm boycotting for life, there's blood on my hands and nothing i do will ever wash it away. I'll never forgive myself.
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panpanghost · 11 months
Hey little fawns, so the new lego monkie kid set was released and i'm just reminding that we are boycotting lego, so kindly be patient and don't buy it, your patience is saving innocent lives.
I must admit, i didn't enjoy the release as much as i thought i would, somehow it was even depressing, the same company that made kids happy is the same one helping and encouraging killing so many of them.
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