#nothing you do will hurt a fictional character
vladdyissues · 2 days
I don't know how you do it, Dude, I'm afraid to say that I'm attracted to pompous pep since I know it's wrong to ship a minor and an adult, People are cruel to death, Nobody knows what I like, I hide among the anonymous messages of the internet, Sometimes I see people like you who have their account free mind, People talk very badly about accounts like you, even putting them in places in the fandom to talk badly about them, Fear runs through me, I want to draw pompous Pep, Maybe I'm not attracted to the sexual, But I really feel like it's wrong and it hurts me
You've been at this for a while, right? Your account is full of pompous Pep (I secretly love your account), How did you manage to have the courage to show yourself?, People look at you badly, say bad things, that you are a sick pedophile and that...How do you achieve this without fear???, are you so brave or god 😭
1️⃣ I'm from old school fandom—pre-Twitter, pre-AO3, pre-Internet-as-we-now-know-it. I've learned to not give a fuck about what stupid, ignorant, uninformed people say on the Internet.
2️⃣ It's not my job to educate or "convert" people who disagree with me. I'm not a missionary. I'm here to have fun, and no one is going to spoil that for me.
3️⃣ I—and you, and anyone else reading this—don't owe anyone on the Internet an explanation, a reason, or any kind of justification for writing stories or drawing pictures of fictional cartoon characters smooching. (It's all so silly, honestly. I have real things to care about, like bills and pets and laundry. I envy people who have nothing to stress about except ink and paint from a 20-year-old Nickelodeon show.)
4️⃣ The media—specifically, the fictional entertainment—we enjoy is not a reflection of our humanity, morality, or an indication of our personal beliefs. If that were true, the police would be arresting authors like Stephen King and George RR Martin for writing about underage sex and incest and gore, as well as anyone who enjoys their works.
You know who does believe that reading something will "pervert" you, or that enjoying "dark things" like murder and violence and age gap ships means you must secretly be committing those things in real life? Fascists. Conservatives. Right-wing nationalist fundamentalist Christian types. People who want to ban queer books from libraries and call anyone who disagrees with them "pedophiles" and "groomers". Remember that the next time you see one of these fandom cops screeching about how so-and-so is a "pedo" because they ship two cartoons. These are people on the wrong side of history. They're anti-intellectual, anti-education, and pro-censorship. Get away from them as fast as you can.
Anon, if it seems like a lot of your friends (or the people you're around) are hating on something you want to enjoy and making you feel unsafe to talk about the things you like, then you need to find better friends. Leave them. Block them. Add their usernames to your content filters so you never have to see their ugly, hateful opinions ever again. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life, especially here on Tumblr, where we're all trying to find things that make us happy and celebrate others' creative works. Life's too short to hang around shitty people 💩
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xanderscollection · 7 days
"Growing up is realising a (random ship) you loved is actually weird and bad"
Yeah? Is it? Great, I love it even more. The worse it is the Better.
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dekarios · 2 months
when i was younger like. early to mid twenties. i used to get so mad at all the 'its a dating sim' jokes towards rpgs with romance in it. and now i'm just like.. i ain't got the time nor the energy to be upset that some people play these games exclusively for romance. there's nothing wrong with that. many people read romance novels exclusively and are only there for the romance portions, in games we have a billion visual novels where no one cares about the story and just wanna romance pretty people, blah blah romance as a genre exists for a reason and rpgs with romance options are the best option still for 'make your own character to romance the character of choice' whereas everything else gives you a premade, even in visual novels you have a premade character even if you can name them and maybe change a few things, its all very basic... i have nothing against people who use rpgs to get that same feeling but having more control over how they get it
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asgardian--angels · 11 months
I honestly just think it's funny that so many people have been watching ofmd as a 'comfort show' lmao like I'm over here specifically watching for the angst. I crave pain and suffering. As soon as High On A Rocky Ledge played in the pilot I was hooked because I knew I was in for intense emotional turmoil. Red Flags is now my favorite episode of the entire series. I honestly didn't expect Izzy to survive as long as he did. His fucked up relationship with Blackbeard has fed me so well.
Of course I adore the love story, and the fact that Ed and Stede's love is an absolute, an immutable fact, of the show's premise allows me to enjoy the angst all the more. But I feel like some people need to be reminded: David Jenkins never promised you fluff. He never promised no deaths, no tragedy, no violence, no difficult topics. Personally I think including a fair deal of all of those makes the hope, the love, and the comedy shine all the brighter and have more meaning. You don't have to agree, but you can't assign expectations to a show that never made such promises. There was never false advertising. David set out to tell the story of two troubled, complicated adults navigating love and a long-term relationship in an often harsh and unfair world, finding community and making meaningful gains in self-actualization along the way. Ultimately it is a 'feel good' story but it's a rocky and winding road meant to mirror the messiness of our real world. Maybe you need to step back and re-evaluate where canon ends and your headcanons begin, and what the 'goals' of the show actually are that may differ from what you're looking for in media, and not blame Jenkins et al. for 'betraying you' when they're just telling their story the way they set out to.
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wildmelon · 8 months
getting called parasocial on bg3 reddit because slaughtering innocents and consequently upsetting characters i like makes me sad even though it’s jUsT a ViDeO gAmE
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katyspersonal · 1 month
You don't get invested in people's fandomless OCs and original projects because you are only online for the "content for your current hyperfixation". I don't get invested in people's fandomless OCs and original projects because if they abandon me it will hurt like heck to uproot all memories and emotions developed towards these, like a stump of a chopped tree, however a creator of a huge show/videogame/etc doesn't have that power. 😎
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skunkes · 11 months
Do u ever think abt where al (and talon too neow?) will go when u find ur person irl? Ykwim? like do u think we'd forget them / drop / git bored of our lil oc guys (of al's nature)? it feels sad!!! like a real loss 2 me. is it weird to be attached to them like they r real? HMM.
i hope ur doing well btw wit all da things ur goin thru. wishin u the best, peace and stability to u, bruther <3
dis is so scary i was just talking to a friend about something adjacent to this...
putting under read more solely because it feels weird to have some of the stuff im gonna mention just out in the open loll ^_^ ^_^
so! I kind of already experienced something like this last year, when i found myself um...in a situation like one you described...
I put al up on the shelf for a bit then picked him back up a few months later for much needed comfort among lots of confusion... I look at this Now as maybe being because, well. things started going south at that time and i needed Al again... + that makes sense! but i also have a friend who's in a long term relationship who still has thier own array of characters in their brain to lean on for comfort (though they aren't ocs)
I understand what you mean though... I'm attached to them like they're real. and neither outcome sounds good to me...!
like if the case is just that The Best Fit For Me, My Partner, really will make me forget about them, that makes me sad!!! Al has been in my life for such a long time. in those few short months of my situation where things were nice, I didn't have much to draw...! I don't know what I would draw if it wasn't my little comforts...! My yearning... It felt really weird even if i was happy for a little bit... it felt weird that he was just Gone.
BUT if the case is that i find a partner that's a good fit for me and i DONT forget about Al (and talon)...then that's also kinda sad...! Sad that I still need additional fantasy comfort that can never be real... because the little guys in my brain are like their own people... sad that there's nothing on earth close enough in the same way that everyone you date can have their own qualities you'll miss because theyre their own person, except they'll always just be in my brain and never in my arms etc etc... it is sad.... sometimes i just get emotional over having created em at all because all the outcomes are so sad to me......
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hecksupremechips · 5 months
Fucked up how happy I get whenever I make content of Shinjiro Aragaki being actually loved and getting to heal and learning to love the little things in life and getting to express himself. What’s up with that
#persona#shinjiro aragaki#hes the only one i really respect here#its like so annoying though that i even care like whats wrong with me why does this bother me so much#just cuz i see myself in this character and also feel like shit and idk when he doesnt even get to live doesnt get to recover#and this is treated as a good game with a profound theme and this is treated as good writing#its hard not to be hurt when its like. im barely hanging on man#and youre telling me he can be saved by someone noticing him and caring about him and he can get through it and be loved and try to heal#but this is treated as some sorta disservice to the narrative and that you cant have the theme work this way#its like. but this is the only way i can even feel anything about this theme this actually makes me wanna try#seeing the character going through mental issues like mine die just like. it makes things suck idk#and its like why do i even care like this shouldnt matter but idk its like#if he can make it then why cant i#and im just really attached to this and i really really want to make my fic of him exist cuz. nothing is going good for me rn#but if i can make this one thing thats important to me where someone gets to recover then maybe ill feel less helpless#its what im trying to tell myself so i can stop feeling like im. idk cringe or something cuz im emotionally attached to a fictional#character and the wellbeing of this character feels like motivation for me#i just wish i wasnt so damn desperate about it 😩#anyway can someone please slap me with a fish so i can stop being insecure about my writing and just fucking do it
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curiouschaosstarlight · 5 months
Does anyone else get into a mood where their brain is stuck on a past experience and then they can't really process anything else
#not important#specifically thinking about the time when i was in a discord server#and this one person kept INSISTING my main ship (one that was very controversial and no one else liked)#was queerplatonic because i mentioned that i dont really write romance/romantic crushes the “typical” way#(not that the ship was inherently queerplatonic but “oh it's okay if you write them queerplatonically!” “i dont” “it's okay if you do!”)#(like kind of trying to get me to agree i didnt REALLY write romance and oh thank you for being a safe space for me to not be into romance)#something i had been thinking about because i was constantly writing ships (particularly the main one) into my stories#and they were constantly being looked over because...again the signs werent the typical ones#and everyone in that server was constantly looking to downplay how much of a shipper i actually am#i still dont do the typical signs of romance in my fics#characters dont usually have confessions or dream about getting married#this doesnt make them *not romantic* or *inherently queerplatonic* they're just written by an aromantic with highly vibe-based writing#it's one of those things where if you're in the correct mindset you go “ohhhh oh no these characters are DOWN BAD for each other”#but im a weirdo and most people will never be in that mindset...sigh#nothing wrong with queerplatonic ships in fiction or actual relationships irl mind you#and of course they're not lesser than romance or anything like that#it was just hurtful to have it implied that i was lying/wasnt performance romance “hard enough” for them to not ignore#and it felt like i wasnt allowed to define my own stance on my own stuff and just have that accepted#a bit ironically i have no problem writing out typical romance stuff in rps it just doesnt quite happen in my own standalone writings
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starpros-sunshine · 7 months
I used to be funny you know? I used to have good humour and now every time I try to crack a joke I just feel awkward like I could've gotten that one delivered so much better. Smitten with the curse of not being able to be serious while also being horrible at being silly. If you ask me I'd rather be smitten with other curses but such is life I suppose.
#people say I'm funny but when have I ever made anyone genuinely laugh is the question you know?#it's horrible when most of your idols are comedians or well rather actors that got famour through comedy and fictional characters who are#just funny in their own way and it's one of the most desirable qualities in a person don't you know#a good sense of humour is very important it's just a shame I don't really have it#I wish I knew how to make people laugh I really do#I'd hate to be boring on top of all my pthwr personality deficits#the awkwardness I can live with the theatrics I can accept and the lame humour i don't like but what other choice remains#but boring no I don't want to be boring#nobody ever talks about me though and I don't like that#not even negatively#i hate that i really do#everyone just thinks I'm nice I'm just nice and nothing else I'm a footnote in a world full of interesting people I'm the nice one#that you don't have an opinion on except “nice''#thats why I'd be happy about anon hate to an extent because that means someone thought about me#i always think about how once I'm dead I'll just vanish and I don't want that#i want to leave /something/ in this world I don't want to live my life being an afterthought and then be forgotten in death#i don't even mind being lame but I just don't want to be nothing#my head hurts again I should stop thinking ugh this is what happens when you sit in silence for too long#oh i don't know I guess it really is just the fact that when you constantly look at the stars and want to reach their light it's hard#to deal with the way that you're stuck on the ground and will never even get close no matter how hard you try#but such is life I suppose there's no use in lamenting the spilled milk#delete later
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mikakuna · 8 months
"jason stans never accept that he's a bad person and he's done horrible things to his family and literally killed people/messed with a girl's head"
i'm snoring so loud right now
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longagoitwastuesday · 2 years
I keep thinking of that reply in my Odysseus/Agamemnon post about how I regard differently Odysseus' and Agamemnon's actions, while acknowledging that at times Agamemnon is written as a sweet man and Odysseus is always straight up shitty, and how it was taken as some sort of defense for Agamemnon and as a form of pointing out the double standard; and that wasn't at all what the post was about for me, even though I can see where they were coming from. To be honest, given I didn't imagine it would spread anywhere other than my own blog, I didn't explain myself very well (or at all).
The fact is that when I talked about Odysseus not caring about hurting someone else's child to start and end a war I was indeed comparing his actions to Agamemnon's, but my words about supporting Odysseus' wrongs and cheering him in his terrible actions, while in a joking tone, weren't entirely a joke. I do think that Odysseus does some very shitty acts, and some quite terrible ones depending on the sources. That's a fact, that he does is at the core of his characterisation and it's what makes him so much fun; but not even when he is at his most cruel does he harm his family, his own son. Agamemnon, while sweet and loving at times in some texts, at his worst is willing to sacrifice Iphigenia. When readers regard with more sympathy Odysseus over Agamemnon despite both being responsible for children dying, I don't think there's a double standard in this aspect at all considering it's never his own kid Odysseus harms. And that's the key, I think.
Odysseus and Agamemnon have very different priorities, a very different view on loyalty and duty. It could be said that Agamemnon acts out of selfishness, but it could also be read in a kinder light, saying that Agamemnon is ruled by the gods first, and by his role as head of the achaeans; Agamemnon is not entirely himself. In opposition we see Odysseus acting perhaps mainly for himself and his own family and men; yes, he is a king, but he has not the role Agamemnon has. As a consequence, Agamemnon submits his family's wellbeing to the war, to the gods, while Odysseus stops the plow before hurting Telemachus but is (depending on the source) the cause of Iphigenia's sacrifice and Astyanax's death.
Both Odysseus and Agamemnon have reasons to support their actions, and both can be sympathised with; it's fiction after all. When it comes to fiction, at the end of the day which character a reader is drawn to or sympathises with is mainly an issue of personal taste, but I suppose it also implies a certain level of one's own views or preferences on morals, what makes us find certain actions more justifiable, or tasteful (perhaps that's a more accurate word), than others. Agamemnon sacrificing his daughter, no matter how sympathetic or understandable the reason, generally sits worse on people than Odysseus doing the same with someone else's kids, because they're someone else's. This different emotional reaction they provoke has place not just metanarratively, but also inside the very story; it is narratively significant, given it determines how their arrival home plays out, how their wives react to them, and thus their futures. Ultimately it determines whether they live or die.
I think both terrible acts go in line wonderfully with each characterisation, showcasing the role they hold in their world, what they value, what they care for, what they're willing to sacrifice for themselves and the others, how much of their own they're willing to give and bend. While looking at the wider picture it could perhaps be drawn that Agamemnon is the better person out of the two, but Odysseus' selfish actions are perhaps easier to empathise with, especially from a modern viewpoint. Odysseus is treacherous and prone to betrayal, but not against his own; Agamemnon follows the rules of the gods. How fitting in that context that Odysseus doesn't die at the end of his story, that he cheats the death heroes so often are fated to, almost as if cheating the narrative itself, bending the rules of the world he is ascribed to; how fitting in the context of those texts that point towards Sisyphus being his father. But that's another topic, and I've already talked a lot.
#Don't get me wrong. Odysseus is super shitty and this is a 'pick your poison' kind of situation#But I don't really think there's a double standard when it comes to the kids situation given that Odysseus doesn't sacrifice his own kid#I really think that's what lies at the core of this. Does that make him shittier and more selfish and a worse person? Actually yeah perhaps#But we are no kings with thousands of people depending on our decision yet cringe at the idea of hurting people close to us#It feels like betrayal. And this is where the moral preference takes the role. Which do you prefer? The one that would betray their family#for the greater good or the one who'd sell the world for their family and themselves? It's interesting because#while in fiction the first option is often the most frown upon while selfish actions for the beloved are easy to sympathise with‚#in reality these are usually worse regarded. I didn't want to go there because I already wrote so much it didn't fit in the tags#but I actually think the same thing happens with Galahad/Lancelot. Heathcliff/Edgar I'd say has a somewhat similar situation going on#There are many many examples but mainly I was thinking of Galahad and Lancelot#So this is not an 'Odysseus did nothing wrong'. This is an 'Odysseus did many things very wrong but he didn't kill his son#so while both him and Agamemnon were the cause of death of kids‚ their action are not the same so there's no double standard regarding#the particular action of sacrificing Iphigenia. In fiction that kind of betrayal makes characters often unlikeable'#I guess that action 'stains' the view under which Agamemnon's actions are seen and so his character is often seen under a darker light#He is presented a bit as an antagonistic presence opposed to Achilles who is very popular so I guess that also influences this?#Anyway I've been elated by the musical causing Odysseus art and posts but I do have noticed that he is very goodified in it and that#it has influenced how he is being regarded around here (the way it happened with The Song of Achilles as well I suppose)#And I must say I like that less. He is shitty in a fun way but not in a light way. He is very shitty#Definitely not better than Agamemnon depending on the perspective you take. I can't believe I'm 'defending' Agamemnon#He is not my thing at all I'm all for selfish actions for oneself and the loved ones through manipulation‚#lies and scams and letting the world drown if needed. In fiction Lancelot's‚ Odysseus' and Heathcliff's actions are a lot more preferible#to me than Galahad's‚ Agamemnon's and Edgar's. But yeah#I ALSO didn't want to go there because again it would have take me forever and I would run out of tags (yet here I am)#but there's also a Priam/Hector/Paris comparison in how they act and how they're regarded to be drawn here#Agamemnon/Iphigenia‚ Priam/Hector/Paris‚ Odysseus/Telemachus. And that is not even including everything with Elektra/Clytemnestra/Orestes#or Oedipus and his own family for that matter#But yes. I'll better shut up already. I'm talking a lot more than I intended#I just found that discussion super enthralling and I couldn't stop thinking about it. I still can't#I talk too much#I should probably delete this later
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badscienceman · 11 months
forever annoyed by the inability to have constructive conversations involving media criticism anymore. I feel bonkers because it's like everything immediately dissolves into reactionary, all-or-nothing arguments that leave me baffled and usually uncomfortable
#personal#thinking about the person who joined the book club I'm in then got mad at the queer and/or poc members#because we were reading a book by a poc author that involved queerphobia#and when this person reached the queerphobic part she just could not engage with it at all#which obviously it's fine#you don't have to read those things#but to accuse everyone reading of excusing queerphobia because we were trying to discuss the context of when and where the book was written#despite the fact we had for like weeks been having very nuanced discussions about this author and his work#honestly mostly calling him a misogynist and queerphobe lmao#despite the fact that a woman from the same area the author was from was there discussing her experiences etc#and then the other side of this is like#you're an sjw if you discuss the implications of how poc/disabled/etc characters are treated in fiction or whatever lmaooo#obviously people don't generally say “sjw” but it's basically what they mean let's be honest#thinking about the person who got mad that I had a rule not to send certain content in a discord server#because obviously that meant I was engaging in (insert shipping discourse)#obviously it meant I disapproved and was being an sjw type#but really it was just that someone helping to mod had trauma surrounding this one specific thing#so when the mad person decided to show me who's boss by sending that content anyway they were literally doing nothing to me#but they were hurting someone else#all or nothing you're not allowed to have boundaries because if you have boundaries it's actually commentary on your stance or whatever#so annoying
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donatello makes noodle soup
[Word Count: 1 358]
There were some days when Donnie just. Didn't work.
He could have energy and motivation aplenty, could be bursting at the seams with inspiration.
He'd sit down to work, and everything he put to paper would be reduced to eraser smudges within the hour. Half-finished projects piling up in the corners of his lab, to be repurposed for scrap metal later.
It wasn't an inventive block or burn-out. It was his mind grasping for answers and coming up empty.
To his immense frustration, tonight was one of those nights.
Donnie found himself balanced precariously on a stool at the kitchen counter, knees pulled to his plastron. His forehead was laid upon them, eyes scrunched shut, arms limp at his sides.
Oh, ibuprofen, why do you forsake me?
The rain had started up again. While lovely in concept, the smell and the sound and the city lights reflecting off of city pavement, it kind of hurt.
Donnie's three-day "pressure" headache had reached its final form, the mother of all migraines. He could thank his lucky stars he didn't get them as bad as Mikey used to, but the point felt moot.
He'd been useless this week, dragging himself around his lab, stealing scattered snatches of sleep here and there.
It didn't help that he wasn't used to their lair yet. Months after the Shredder and the Kraang attack, he didn't feel at home here.
It felt... different. The silence wasn't loud enough.
He didn't like the restlessness. The past few months had been a continual blur of momentum. Rebuilding the lair. Fixing and upgrading his tech. Taking care of Leo. The list was endless.
Yet, he couldn't make his brain work.
Donnie gave a little grumble and let his legs dangle, bending to press his forehead to the cool stone surface of the tile. He turned his face to the side, squinting out at the lit side of the train car.
He should turn off both overhead lights, but he didn't want to injure his shell in a fall. Which was probably just him being paranoid, but–
His eyes caught on the spine of a cookbook peeking out from a stack on the back corner of the stove-side counter. He frowned (or scowled, since he was already frowning). Where had he–?
Noodle soup.
Donnie sat up, blinking. That was... that was the cookbook. With the recipe for noodle soup. His noodle soup.
He hadn't made that in forever.
Donnie stood, influenced by the gravitational pull of memories. He stumbled over to the counter, freeing the book from its dusty prison. He brushed his hand over the cover. This had come to the new lair?
In their first move, when everything was new and raw, it hadn't occurred to him to go looking. Not with everything else on his mind.
He thumbed through the well-loved pages, instinctually flipping open to the recipe. He stared at it, that same diagram embedded in his brain. When had he forgotten?
I'm making this right now, aren't I?
Resigned to the whims of his heart, he set the cookbook down and went to fetch a stockpot.
He didn't need a recipe to make it. The motions were imprinted in memory. But having the cookbook open was part of the process. It would be wrong to make noodle soup without it's "supervision."
He gathered the ingredients first.
It was strange doing so in a new kitchen set up. He turned to the right, looking for a cabinet that wasn't there, and came face to face with the fridge.
He could have grabbed the ingredients he needed (sesame oil, soy sauce, sriracha, and the rest) but it wasn't right. Non-refrigerated items went first.
He turned and rifled through the cabinets. Ground ginger and garlic were easy to find, and the rice vinegar took only a minute of reorienting to find where Mikey stored it.
The rice noodles were more elusive. Mikey kept the noodles in a lower cabinet, but after a few minutes of searching, rice noodles were nowhere to be found.
Donnie considered giving up (no, he would not use another noodle variety, thank you very much) before he remembered glimpsing some in the top of the pantry a few weeks prior.
Searching through it, he was rewarded with a single package of flat rice noodles.
Donnie filled a medium-sized bowl with semi-warm water from the sink and folded the noodles in to soak. He placed a strainer next to them ahead of time, a habit he'd formed after one too many close calls. He'd check back in eight-ish minutes, then two.
in the meantime, he switched the heat to medium-high and set out to gather the rest of his ingredients.
Chicken broth, eggs, cilantro. He skipped the green onions, as he couldn't stand the way they'd stick in his mouth. Everything else was laid out methodically on the stove-side counter for easy reach.
"Instruments of measuring?" he mumbled beneath this breath. "Check."
He measured the oil directly into the stockpot, followed by ground ginger and garlic. He eyeballed the latter, but was exacting with the former. He let the mixture heat for a half-a-minute, withdrawing a cutting board and knife and placing them on the counter.
When he returned, he added the rest of the base: sriracha, broth, soy sauce, and rice vinegar. Unlike Raph and Mikey, he valued his taste buds, so he added less sriracha than the recipe demanded.
He turned the heat up, coaxing the broth to a boil. The recipe recommended he add the noodles at this stage, but after many years of perfecting it to his tastes, he'd learned the texture was better if he waited.
As it cooked, he chopped cilantro, breathing in the scent of home.
It reminded him of late nights in the kitchen, when he couldn't sleep or couldn't think or couldn't bear to be alone. The unhurried certainty, moving through motions instinctive to the point of monotony.
For some, the repetition would have dissuaded, driven them away. For Donnie, it was grounding, a long bath in a dark room with a good book. He could get lost, allow his mind to wander, the weight of responsibility slipping from his shoulders.
His head was feeling a little better. Maybe the ibuprofen was kicking in.
When the broth had retreated back to a comfortable simmer, Donnie strained the rice noodles and added them to the pan. He watched, a hint of a smile on his face.
For the next few minutes, he'd put ingredients away. When he returned, it'd be time to finish the dish.
Cooking was an act of care, Donnie reflected. It took time and resources. The art of making something for someone in any craft was an act of care. Making something for your enjoyment alone – it sounded selfish, phrased like that.
Donnie was used to giving himself away. His time, his energy, his motivation – he would give it all, for his family. But when was the last time he had taken back?
It felt like life had been going and going, and then it stopped, leaving him reeling. His wheels were spinning on a nonexistent road.
When was the last time he had stopped? Did he remember how to?
Did any of them?
Donnie had never felt like a child. He'd always been "so mature for his age." Now he wished that he hadn't.
His eyes blurred at the edges. He sniffed, blinking hard.
"Urgh, stupid steam," he announced, to a kitchen of nobody. And then he laughed a little, because who did he have to convince? The cookware?
I'm almost done, anyway.
Donnie retrieved the eggs. With exact precision, he cracked them into a measuring cup and poured them into the soup, one after the other. They floated on top, just starting to white.
He'd let them cook for another four minutes, then add cilantro.
He wondered if the soup would taste just how he remembered. Somehow, he didn't think it would.
He wasn't sure how he felt about that. It wasn't good or bad. It just was.
Donnie shut the cookbook and put it back where he'd found it.
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suprsingr · 1 year
I have never in all my life had so many emotions about a tumblr poll but oh my GOD I'm so happy Garak won, lmao. That was so tense.
#remember in the early days when he was winning by a huge margin (as is proper)#and then the memesters and inexplicable union people and actual weird purist homophobes caught wind of it#and lost their gd minds#right up until the very end there were people like “BUT IT WOULD BE FUNNY” and ''BUT M*LES HAD THAT ONE UNION EPISODE''#dude garak is not something very many people on here feel comfortable joking about#for like a thousand reasons#I adore the m*les meme but that wasn't an appropriate place for one#and you want to support the strike? whole reason garak had ziyal the teenager thrown at him and was essentially replaced by m*les#(even when it made no narrative sense)#was because of evil producers and executives. you know. the people we're PICKETING AGAINST?#out here in the real world? not the fictional ferengi one?#and wtf was all that stuff about him being a working class hero? earning his money? he lives in a MONEYLESS UTOPIAN SOCIETY WHAT DO YOU MEA#HE COULD HAVE BEEN A CELLO PLAYER BUT HE JOINED STARFLEET CUZ HE WANTED TO FIGHT. HE WORKS FOR FUNSIES. HE'S A MILITARY MAN.#he's in starfleet even though it actively makes his family's lives worse. AND his own. i'm so confused what people meant by that.#m*les just likes to suffer okay it runs in his family#if you cared about the working class and unions you a) Would Support Garak and b) Would Have Voted Rom Into The Finals#do NOT act like this was about unions. one person said it was and the rest of you glommed on even tho it made no sense.#and had little to nothing to do w/ whether or not he's the best star trek character. it was just left field and weird and it hurt my brain#then there was the homophobia. the borderline racism. the weird morality arguments that idek how to respond to.#and that's coming from someone extremely self-righteous and annoying about it. garak's my guy#tldr i like m*les ok. ds9 convinced me of his worth. to be clear i do think he's a good character#but no one was voting for him for any reason but weird random shit?? or hateful shit??#and that was just exhausting. like i'm sorry but that hurt me#i'm just so glad it's over and justice prevailed#my goodness#where's my fainting couch#/rant
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mrburnsnuclearpussy · 2 years
I can’t even search ‘Carson’ on here because I’ll inevitably see some nasty comment about him that isn’t even true for gods sake
#god damn it I feel so awful from seeing a couple opinions abt a fictional character and I feel hot and shakey like I’m gonna faint??? why c#can’t I be normal abt my character obsessions ever#it always ends up hurting me but I can’t help it#like ugh#just stop being so unfair about him he literally is nothing like this fandoms idea of him and it’s so unfair ffs#i feel sick I’m so annoyed#and like when I find a user who I think is not like that with him#it turns out they’ve posted/reblogged those posts too and i just dunno what to do coz like who is out there that doesn’t seem to have the op#opposite feelings about this to me?#he IS a kind person Lord Grantham did NOT lie#but my god the one I just saw about him vs Thomas as surrogate dads to the Crawley children😭#it implied on the post that Carson judged Mary where ‘thOmAS wOulD NEvEr 🥺’ …HUH??!?? 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😤#you can’t be serious??? to think that Carson ever judged Mary for literally anything ever???? the whole ducking joke is that he can’t seem t#to judge her no matter what she does and it’s pointed out so many times because it’s SO apparent#and I just can’t believe you would say that about him like how unfair is that.#to imply that Thomas would be a better dad/is kinder in anyway (hello it’s thomas we’re talking about uh?) is just….so wrong#i don’t care if you prefer Thomas but why you gotta make up thin gas abt Carson to make him look worse#just#ugh#I’m so upset like fuck sake honestly#honestly I don’t even want to care abt this show anymore coz it’s either be alone with it or engage in this awful fandom and I can’t stand e#either *#but I’ve tried and tried and I keep trying and just can’t stop as is the way 😭#it’s just ruined everything and I can’t enjoy it anymore I just feel stupid and shit#i don’t even want to draw anymore I’ll just fuck off since everyone just had HATE for my guy and I can’t even talk about him as no one cares#no one cares because it isn’t Thomas who is 99% of this entire whole fandom#like what’s even the point then lol#it’s not the Downton fandom it’s just Thomas fandom just call it that honestly#also I KNOW this is embarrassing I’m fully aware I just screaming abt it anyway#because no one else will DEFEND HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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