#not to soft! hes gotta show whos boss lol
mysouleaten · 9 months
Hello hello I’m new to your blog and if you’re still writing for Tokyo revengers could you possibly do a baji x reader where the reader suffers from chronic heart burn and acid reflux? I know this is an odd request so feel free to discard if you’re uncomfortable! Thanks
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k. baji x gn!reader
summary ... after having a nice dinner with baji and his mother, you start feeling unwell.... BUT baji is there to help!
warnings ... soft baji, fluff, baji comforting you, like one curse word from baji, established relationship, husband bajiiiiii
a.n ... hello! thank you for requesting! I just wanted to let you know i did a little research and tried my best to write your request! i hope this is what you were looking for :)
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heartburn meaning - If you feel uncomfortable in the middle of your chest every time you finish a meal, you may have chronic heartburn. This is when the acid from your stomach leaks up into the tender tissue of your esophagus (food pipe), causing pain and burning
acid reflux meaning - is the backward flow of stomach acid into the tube that connects your throat to your stomach, called the esophagus. During an episode of acid reflux, you might feel a burning sensation in your chest, commonly called heartburn.
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it was a nice night, baji's mother had invited you and baji to stay over for dinner before you two left back to your apartment
and you two did just [ baji complained about staying longer but his mother had a defensive argument to over-rule his complaining]
after the nice dinner with his mother, the two of you left back to your home, getting ready for a good night's sleep
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baji left shortly to shower after you came out, kissing the crown of your head and another to your lips before disappearing into the bathroom
sitting on the edge of the bed, you were putting moisturizer on your legs and arms before a slow painful feeling started to erupt in your chest and a sour taste started to climb up your throat sitting on your tongue
scrunching up your face putting a hand on your chest and lightly pressing on the burning feeling that has started to worsen
letting your head drop and tightly closing your eyes still keeping the hand on your burning chest, you gave out little coughs that worsened the sour taste in your mouth
"baby? are you ok?" baji asked softly while standing over you, drying his wet hair with his towel
"chest.. hurts" getting into a coughing fit right after answering him
"ah fuck, ok, i'll be right back!" baji's eyes widen at your coughing fit, he quickly leaves the room, leaving you to try to ease the headache that was forming
but after a quick moment, baji returns with a cup of water and some antacids
the bed dips next to you from baji's weight, he leans slightly over to you and softly asks you: "do you think you can take a sip of some water? after I can give you the antacids"
you haven't answered him straight away, but he didn't mind, he just the antacids on his lap before moving his hand up and down your back to give you some comfort
after a while, you looked up and then over at baji and nodded at what he had said earlier to you
he gave you a wide grin showing off his little fangs with joy
he gave you the cup with the cool water and you slowly took little sips from it, feeling somewhat better, the sour taste in your mouth wasn't as bad as before, not completely gone but manageable
"feeling better? ready to take the tablets?" baji keeps smiling at you
you nod again and he gives you one tablet for you and you thank him quietly before chewing on the tablet and swallowing it taking another couple of sips of water after
"alright, ima put these away-" he holds up the antacids "-on the side table, on your side obviously" he rolls his eyes at your squinting eyes
"and..the water?" you croak out
"ima get you a water bottle instead and then we can safely sleep without you vomiting alllll over me" he grins before quickly skitting away from your weak protests and assault
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laying in bed with a sleeping baji who wrapped you up in his arms and lightly pressed to his chest
how are you supposed to avoid vomiting on him if he keeps you so close to him without a will to let go?
you roll your eyes playfully and snuggle up to his chest, thankfully the burning has lessened over time and now you can sleep peacefully in your lover's arms
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my first request done! :D soft baji for his lover is all I know
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 11 months
Ok, Taiwan, I get it. You're just openly fucking with us at this point. And y'know. I respect it. We all collectively lost our shit on you before, and now you're going to use it to troll us. I love you for that.
I am just so sad we didn't get our Trapped cameo though. *sigh* What could have been.
So, uh...Boss. Just curious if you really think a young man who was abandoned as a small child and has been in a gang life since then doesn't know the horror of loss? Like, dude. C'mon.
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Though I do find it hilarious that the gang members aren't scared enough of Chen Yi and they need Eddie to come back and be feral to keep them in line.
Also this
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*chef's kiss* He's gotta provide for his man in retirement, why not start a line of food products, lol.
And this was so damn sweet
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Some day we will start getting some QLs with older leads! I mean look at the Golden Bachelor, people are losing their minds over seeing people in their 70s have love lives. We don't all just die after 30!
I also love that Chen Yi ignored the Boss' visit, so Eddie wouldn't get jealous.
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And not him getting all soft about how small and cute Eddie is, while feeling him up under his oversize shirt. *fans self*
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And look at how beautifully they match now!
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Also, whoever put Eddie in that shirt deserves an immediate raise.
And then the conversation and kiss
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where Eddie finally understands how deeply Chen Yi truly loves him
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And y'know, the whole dying conversation doesn't bother me at all, because that's how Eddie has talked this entire show. Chen Yi is using the love language Eddie understands. But these two are going to make it to their 40s and then retire like their bosses. Because they have each other to watch their backs.
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Can I also say how much I love how these two play with each other's ears, it's so damn cute.
And I know I haven't talked a lot about Zong Yi & Ze Rui, but most of their stuff was around the stabbing, which I don't feel like I need to post for posterity. But huge shout out to @biochemjess for nailing that bracelets catch!
I do love that Ze Rui is just 100% family already to Zong Yi's dad & sister.
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I also love that Zong Yi apparently went to the Step by Step school of "Fuck kitchen hygiene, I'm going to take my man right here and in front of a window for good measure".
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rocketturtle4 · 1 year
The Eclipse Episode 11
I'm just straight out reacting to this one folks (it ended up super long like this whoops)
@grapejuicegay @wen-kexing-apologist @plantsarepeopletoo @thegalwhorants
oh god is this the cliff?
TEACHER CHADOK WHY IS HE HERE, were they actually together??
Ayan is unpacking the brainwashing
"If I just disappear from this world..." DOESN'T AYAN HAVE ENOUGH TRAUMA
I gotta be honest Ayans silent tears get me even more than Akks vocal quivers
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Oh if only it were that easy
Oh they in bed again: Cuteness ensues
I love it when characters have nicknames for each other, shortstop and Big foot are my beloveds
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Oh if only
He's going in wearing Ayan's blazer this feels important.
So he's definitely getting the award? oof it feels worthless, boy's faith has been shattered
call back to the pin "It's my school pin that I pinned for you" GOD HES GOING IN WEARING AYAN AS ARMOUR
Maybe Thua wanted the award??? (I'm still trying to figure him out sorry Thua you don't make sense)
And we see the person the principal is answering too
Is no-one going to speak???
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Oh Thua saw that
They're speaking, oh he got the award
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oh no Ayan looks riled
oh and Thua TOO
Okay that teacher seems legit scared
Fuck he outed them
oh Thua is just laying it ALL OUT
AKK ADMITED IT, BOY IS BREAKING (Thua you got a point but I'm on Ayan's side here soz)
Wat is trying to HELP, Khan is helping too
and the situation is diffused
Oh Wat seems hurt
Oh he finally said he's not okay (non-verbally but I'll take it)
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(is he though? Who is he then?)
OH KHAN IS PISSED ABOUT THE LYING (Fair he totally believed in the curse)
"You guys must be dissapointed in me right" MY FEEEELINGS
Yeah Wat is pissed about the lying too
The last boss LMFAO
OH WOW AKK is letting it out!!
And now feckin Chadok is crying
Fricken pride flag phone case
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THey were getting MARRIED???
Feckin Principal is a homophobe
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Dudes got a point but also Akk was breaking so that was the priority here
Oh poor Khan is so confused right now
Thua just wanted all the truth out oh boy this was not the way
Oh he went in prepared for the quencies
and doesn't want Kan to protect him because then he'd be a hypocrite (also more silent crying ouch)
He had genuinely thought it all through and decided it was worth it Oh Thua.
We're back at the pool I'm going to get emotional whiplash
is Namo just chill now? OH LOL KHAN THOUGHT THE SAME boy is pure worship I'm sorry Namo
ARE THEY ACTUALLY GOING TO DO THE FILM (YO I didn't expect to predict this much stuff am I dreaming now)
Oh we're being referential now (thailands soft power)
Back to the pool and now our other boys
GO KHAN GO (but maybe check with Thua first) oH Thua's on board
Dudes they're filming LMFAO
Of course Akk said it for the first time like that lol
OKAY gotta be honest everything came out in a neat little bow almost exactly the way I thought it would. And that was amazing but also less terrifying than I thought it would be. THe show didn't lie and it was well foreshadowed, I thought something would twist on me but it didn't (Except that Chadok was in deeper than I thought with the uncle) and I love that because the answers all made sense. I don't think we're done though, quencies gotta happen right?
Episode 12 come to me
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sammydem0n64 · 1 year
Hmmm GNC Trio fun facts?
Yessss yesss keep these coming I love waffling about randos
-I know I said the reason he's chill with Cheon being a mafia boss is because he thinks it's attractive... and yeah good for them, I ALSO think it kinda goes deeper. Like he's not 100% ok with it he's not justifying the crimes, it's moreso he understands this is a revenge thing and he wants Cheon to succeed in avenging his parents, with the added bonus of getting rid of dangerous people in the city! Obtuse ways to make Nabisca a safer place! I also just think he's p desensitized to it all, so there's that
-He paints whatever comes to mind; a lot of his pieces are very experimental and are just him throwing whatever colors come to mind at the board! These naturally don't get sold for profit, but he likes having them around since it shows his creative process
-He doesn't use models for his work. If Tisa's vain ass ever asks he will politely say no BUT he'll also decline the second the words leave her mouth so-
-I do think he's aware that Medge is a drug dealer, he just doesn't say anything since it's clear Medge doesn't want him to know. Like Cheon's mafia stuff, Garmella sympathizes with Medge's occupation because he KNOWS he had to turn to it when they were younger to keep food on the table. He doesn't agree with it morally and he does want him to one day get a different job, but rn he'll play dumb and hand over the bail money so Medge doesn't feel bad <3
-Likewise (on the topic of Medge), he and Keyla had a very awkward stare down when she moved in with him. Just total silence without blinking. Fun times!
-He likes playing dumb if you couldn't tell from the fact he's super knowledgeable on like, everything in this family but no one knows that he does. He's done this ever since he was a kid because it keeps altercations low, gets people to not see him as a threat and in general, it's fun to collect gossip when people think you're just a dumb blond sweetheart!
-He and Medge's surname (maiden name in Garmella's case) is Gooye, pronounced "Gooey"
-He and Whipe were inseparable as kids, they're both as equally protective of each other!
-He's def a college dropout. No shade tho that's just how it is!
-The other detectives are vaguely aware of him since Hopper and Midge have brought him up, but none of them go to him for information like Hopper does. If they did, unless it was Mallow, he'd probably just make a snide comment and tell them to mind their business. He likes being his boyfriend's informant! (Mallow gets respect for being one of Hopper's closest friends)
-You gotta be very strong and flexible to be a stripper, so he def has a lot of strength that people don't realize. He can lift Midge up with ease, same for any other kids her age (or multiple!). He likes seeing people lose their shit when he shows off this strength
-His original concept was that he was gonna 100% be a very soft, shy guy who was only a stripper for the money. Fuck that he loves working as a gay stripper. First iteration Stripe would probably die seeing the current him-
-He kinda has suspicions on the Oreona family and the mafia ties... mostly Gleo since he has interacted with her (his sister's boss' gf) but he only makes jokes about it. He doesn't want Hopper investigating some random woman because he thinks she's sus- (even tho he's RIGHT)
-Thinks Wreme's dad is patheic and laughed when he got word that he got divorced. Yeah Wreme's parents are divorced lol their dad is fighting for his life over it
-He was a scene kid in high school.
-He's also a metalhead. Loves his metal music.
-I keep his family vague bc 1) I don't know the whole deal with his family lol FGHJK and 2) you really don't need to know the full picture. All I'll say is that he's not an only child, and certain matters will definitely paint his homelife as a bad one. Whether his parents contributed to it (or were even there, he may be an orphan) isn't stated but. well. you notice I've been giving him scars, yeah?
-He actually graduated university with a really good degree, something in marketing I think. He just doesn't have a good corporate job bc it's not his style AND you think he can become a business man like Gregory? In this economy? He doesn't think so!
-He. He doesn't have friends. Like yeah he gets along with people in town that he gossips with and has small talk with, but he genuinely didn't have friends until Colton and the rest of GNC trio came into his life. Damn Holt!!
-A lot of his appearance is a lie. I don't just mean he uses a shit ton of makeup on his face. Dude yassifies himself in the morning every day and I will not elaborate rn
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hwasong · 2 years
[ᴀᴛᴢ] | 𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗲𝘇 𝗮𝘀 𝗳𝘄𝗯
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ: how would ateez act as your friends with benefits
ᴀ/ɴ: gn reader
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lowkey very jealous if he sees you cozying up to someone else
the type to want you two to be exclusive that way
definitely the type of guy to want to stick around after and just hang out / watch a show
definitely had sexual tension for months before he decided to make a move and he’s definitely the one who suggested it after being so sleep deprived his shame flew out the window
would prefer to have sex at your house but he’s down to have sex at his dorms as long as the rooms free and you both can keep it down
would prefer to have sex at your house but he’s down to have sex at his dorms as long as the rooms free and you both can keep it down
he’s down for either vanilla or the most nasty shit depending on his mood
i feel like there’s not much of a dynamic? like yall r both giving whenever you want but he can take the reins if you want him to
SEONGHWA!! definitely a bit bashful about it too
he’d prefer to keep your fwb deal more like a sneaky link and away from the boys’ knowledge
unlike hongjoong, i don’t think seonghwa would be very into bdsm (hardcore shit) but he has his kinks when he’s in the mood
SUPER SUPER into passionate kisses it has u second guessing if he’s ur bf or not
he’s also into licking… like he’ll lick ur neck or chest or stomach when he’s teasing you
he’s the type to msg u ‘are u down to have sex? u don’t have to say yes lol’ WHILE SWEATING BUCKETS cuz he literally doesn’t know how to be casual about it without coming off as rude
whereas you usually just ask him like ‘wya’ and he gets the idea
i feel like he’s okay with you fucking other people as long as you’re safe about it ? and you disclose to him before yous have sex if you had sex recently and u know ur clean
the type to drive u to the clinic cuz he’s a clean freak in every way
honestly plans sessions so that he can have a sleepover at ur place after !!
definitely only gonna be fwb with someone he’s close with !! so he’s definitely coming over with his pj’s packed and snacks and face masks for yous to do after
fwb seonghwa is so chill
does NOT want u to fuck anyone else in ateez tho that is the only way he’s jealous
honestly he’s the type to have goofy sex 💀
the type to make u laugh because he loves to have lighthearted sex and the fact it feels good when you laugh 🥴🥴
kinda a perv tbh
when he comes over to smash he’ll ask to keep your bra or smth (he tries to pretend it’s a joke but he’s not joking)
he’s pretty up much up for anything but i can’t see him being excessively mean to you (definitely not into violent shit and the only smacks you will be getting are on your ass)
definitely begs u to do doggy
unashamed and will just text u ‘wanna smash’ and u honestly cant tell if it’s a joke or not
sometimes he just shows up at ur door
and if ur not down to have sex when he does that he doesn’t mind chilling !!
tbh he treats u like a homie throughout
i don’t think he’s into kissing that much tbh like just sex and maybe a few hickies but if he sees u as a friend with NO feelings he wouldn’t be into making out
the enigma
honestly… you both have no idea how it started it just did
yeosang is lowkey kinda mean anyway so if ur not into degradation then u gotta tell that man way before he gets into his mindset cuz i feel like he’s the type to say whatever comes to his mind
i think he’s big into riding tbh cuz it’s less effort for him
like hongjoong he’s not much into set roles you two just do whatever
i think he low-key likes kissing 🥺🥺 they’re super soft and he loves leaving little kisses at the corner of your lips and stiff if he’s doing missionary
also wants it to be a sneaky link but if you’s ever get caught he’ll just admit to it
or gaslight cuz he’s a girl boss
gives me the vibes of he’ll wear a condom almost every time cuz he does not fuck with getting an std if ur fucking other people
honestly i don’t think he has sex often?? maybe once a month and he has to be in the mood 100%
i don’t think he’d randomly message u to smash cuz it would probably come to his mind when you two are casually hanging out
also will be super against u having sec with anyone else in ateez he just doesn’t like the thought
100% very open about it
down for anything and everything lemme tell u !
he doms imo, even if it’s not like mean!dom san x reader 10k words it’s just that he takes the reins and prefers to control things
definitely has a goal to have sex in every room of the house
begs u to come round so he can live his fantasy of being sucked off while playing league (aka the game of virgins) 💀💀
san is so open he’ll fr beg u to do stuff but he won’t overstep boundaries
the type to be like ‘can we do this [insert twitter link]’
he would prefer u to not have sex with other people but he won’t force u not to !
like seonghwa he’s up for sleepovers if he ends up at yours late at night
will literally show up to ur house with a sex toy in hand do not question him
it definitely started after a lot of sexual tension was built up and after a night out where you both were a little too tipsy and ended up in bed together
the day after he just straight up says he wants to be fwb
um… idk how this happened either
mingi is so shy it was most likely you who brought it up
mingi gets nervous tbh and it ends up in either giggly sex or him getting to embarrassed it means u have to take the reins
very rarely if he’s pent up the dom side of mingi appears
mingi does not want word getting out at all he thinks he would pass out
he’s so cute about it tho!! the first official time you both meet up as fwb he has a little gift for you 😭😭
i feel like he’d end up catching feelings which is either good or bad depending on how you feel
tbh he’d probably cry if he found out you were still having sex with other people
yeah so… if ur fwb with mingi make sure he knows if ur 100% platonic or looking for something romantic in the future
another one with no shame
the type to post a video do him dapping u up after sex so everyone knows what happened
wooyoung is also a freak and is down to be the dom or the sub
would literally just text u being like ‘can u suck my dick rq’ not even CARING that anyone could read it
the type to tell the teezers as soon as u two became casual
wooyoung would want to be as close to u as possible! a second san if u will - except he has sexual feelings towards u 💀
the type to be down to smash then when he gets there changes his mind and decides he wants to just hang out
dear jongho
very quiet about the ordeal
casual, not often and over as quick as it starts
not that he finishes fast but he’s not the type to stay around
obviously he’s gonna want u to be someone he’s close to but when he’s done with the hook up he’s OUT
i feel like he’s also not into kissing but he’s 100% into strength play
he’s bashful about it at times so i feel like he would very shyly ask u about it and as soon as u said yes his shyness dissipates
he doesn’t fuck without condoms sorry guys no stds here
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m-jelly · 3 years
hey jelly absolutely love your work! can I request a modern!au with (the usual) grumpy levi x reader being close and levi being soft for her but reader thinks he doesn’t like her because of how “cold” he is so she finds someone else? i live for this sort of angst :’) thanks!
Thank you! I am happy to do modern AU. I do love putting Levi in AUs. This is a popular request! lol. I don't do bad endings, only good and making Levi happy because the man needs to be happy. So, spoiler they will end up together, but we gotta have angst along the way... I'm thinking they work together and he's the boss. They both have unspoken feelings for each other, but the struggle is real. I'm gonna squeeze in another guy in the office who likes her too and he goes after reader, so Levi gotta step his game up and snatches us up.
Allowing yourself to love isn't easy.
Pairing: Levi x reader
Genre and tags: romance, hidden love and feelings, friends to lovers, emotional hurt and comfort, modern AU, Levi learns how to express himself.
Concept: Levi and you work together and are the best team there is in trading and deals. You and Levi know everything about each other, but he comes off as grumpy and cold to you. As Levi hopelessly loves you in silence, you think he only sees you as a friend. So, when a client shows romantic interest in you, you date him because no one else wants you and he seems nice. However, when there's trouble in paradise for you, you get comforted by someone you didn't expect. Levi comes to your aid and takes the opportunity to take the leap with his feelings.
Levi stared at your legs once you'd crossed them. He slowly looked up at your stunning legs until the skirt started. He looked down and watched as you rolled your ankle as you spoke to the client. Your small heels were holding on just by your toes. Levi was the only person who knew you kept these under your desk, then changed to slippers when you walked about the office.
He looked up at your face as you laughed and lit up the room. He knew you had these clients in the palm of your hand. You were alluring and smart, yet Levi was cold, calculating and intimidating. You both were the perfect combination and you made deals. You met clients and persuaded them to let Erwin's company make their campaigns, advertisements and image.
Levi stopped admiring you when you stood up and started shaking hands. Levi stood up, then shook the hands of the clients and knew you had them. He looked to you once the clients left. "Tch, you did it again."
You smiled at Levi. "I'm just that good." You walked with Levi out of the building as you checked over the paperwork. "We should get this processed and start the planning right away."
Levi hummed and opened the car door for you, then he got in his side and started the car. "Sooner we hand this over, the better."
You looked over to Levi. "You really don't like spending time with me, huh?"
Levi glanced over at you. "You want lunch?"
You smiled at Levi. "I would love lunch."
Levi drove to a nice Japanese place so he could have something with rice. He walked with you and kept you close to him, mainly so no other guy could approach you. He sat with you and watched you work as you both ate. "Tch, damn brat."
You looked up at Levi. "What did I do this time?"
Levi looked away. "Forget it."
You sipped your tea and hummed. "You always have an issue with me."
He wanted you to stop working and focus on him, but he didn't know how to put that into words. "You are a brown noser."
You smirked. "Oh, so because I work my ass off I have a brown nose. Good to know Levi."
Levi paid the bill, then took you back to the office. "Tch, oi brat?"
You stopped before going into your office. "Yeah?"
He clenched his jaw, then let it go as he thought of something nice to say. "You didn't fuck up today, for once."
You stared at Levi, then twirled your finger in the air. "Woopty doo. Sound the alarms. I didn't fuck up." You opened your door. "Stupid."
You walked into your office and kicked your heels off. You sighed as you thought about Levi. You had no clue how to get through to him. You slipped on your slippers, then pulled off your blazer. You sat behind your computer and started working and messaging the right teams about the clients. You stopped working when your mind wondered to Levi.
You made a cup of tea with your tea things, then walked over to his office next door. "Hi, Levi. I brought you some tea."
Levi looked you over and thought you looked even better all relaxed. "What are you doing here?"
You put the tea down in front of him. "I thought I'd get you a cup of tea."
Levi stared at the tea and blushed at you making it for him. "What did you do?"
You frowned. "I didn't do anything. It's a nice cup of tea, that's all."
He picked it up and sniffed it. "Right." Levi jumped when you took it back. "Tch, oi careful. The shit is hot." He watched you storm to the door. "What is your problem?"
You stopped and turned to Levi. "My problem? Take a long hard look at yourself. I'm nice to you, I'm always nice and you're an asshole a lot of the time." You opened his door. "Just, don't bother me for the rest of the day. I'm pissed at you." You slammed the door and went to your office. You slammed the cup down on the table and paced. You turned and pointed at the cup. "I fucking hate you sometimes, you confusing piece of shit."
"Well." You jumped and turned to see a tall handsome man in your office. He smiled at you and walked closer. "I've never seen anyone talk to a cup of tea like that before, but then again I have no idea what that tea has said to you."
You blushed hard. "I am so sorry for my language and my attire."
He walked right up to you and sighed. "It's refreshing." He offered you his hand. "Ha-Joon."
You gasped. "Oh fuck." You shook his hand. "Pleasure to meet you. Umm, wow you are a big potential client."
He smiled. "I am."
You pulled back. "I...do you want a cup of tea?"
He nodded and smiled softly. "I'd love one."
Levi hated Ha-Joon with a great passion. Ha-Joon had appeared out of nowhere and swept you off your feet. He was a rich man, so he spoiled you and took you on amazing dates to some of the best places. Levi wished it was him. He wanted it so badly to be him. You and him got into little fights because you were dating Ha-Joon. Levi kept telling you there was something he didn't like about Ha-Joon, but you nicely told him it was okay.
Levi didn't like Ha-Joon because he was believed there was some angle he was playing in all this. He thought that maybe Ha-Joon was playing you to get a discount, or something for free. Levi was worried about you. Levi knew about Ha-Joon's reputation and wanted to protect you, but it was hard to get the right words across.
He felt this urge to protect you because he loved you so much. He walked to your office and opened the door to see Ha-Joon feeling you up from behind making you giggle. Levi got angry when he started opening buttons and you were telling him stop, but he kept going.
Levi ran over and yanked Ha-Joon off you. "She said no, you piece of shit!"
Ha-Joon held his hands up. "Woah now, you short grumpy man. Calm down. I was just playing with her."
You did up your buttons as you blushed. "It's okay Levi."
Levi growled. "No, it's not fucking okay. No means no."
"Levi, he was just being playful. He listens to me when I say no."
Levi grabbed Ha-Joon, then shoved him out of the room. Levi slammed the door shut, then walked up to you. "I don't like him."
You let out a long sigh. "I know you don't. You make it very clear you don't."
"Something isn't right about him."
You walked over to your tea area and made a cup. "That right?"
Levi walked over to you. "I'm worried about you."
You stopped making tea and looked to Levi. "What do you want from me Levi?" You looked at him. "I'm utterly exhausted. I don't want to lose you Levi because you mean a lot to me, but this fighting between you and Ha-Joon."
Levi searched your eyes, then sighed when he realised he needed to give up or he'd lose you. "I'm sorry. I'll stop. I don't ever want to lose you."
You smiled and gave Levi a cup of tea. "Good. This doesn't mean you have to like him, but just be civil for my sake."
You smiled brightly making Levi's heart flutter. It'd been a while since he'd seen that smile. You sipped your tea and sighed. "Thank you for being worried for me. Means a lot. Big contrast from your usual name calling."
Levi blushed. "Tch, yeah I can be an asshole."
You hummed a laugh. "Sometimes, but your so handsome that it's forgivable." You winked at him. "Can I let my fella back in now?"
He nodded and opened the door. "Tch, she's yours now."
Ha-Joon slipped into the room. "Thank you." He walked over to you and kissed your cheek. "Shall we talk business?"
You smiled a little. "I have some paperwork to do. I'll get that done and we'll chat."
He hugged you from behind and nuzzled the crook of your neck, then he smired at Levi. "What a tease you are."
Levi wanted to hit that man hard in his smug face, but you mattered more to him than anything, so he clenched his fist and held back his rage. Levi called your name. "We should have lunch again some time."
You looked to Levi and smiled. "I'd love to."
Levi walked through the office one very late night and went into his room and sat at his desk. He looked through the paperwork, then typed on his computer to see something to do with Ha-Joon being rejected by the company. Levi looked at the time stamp of the reject to see it was a few minutes ago.
Levi hurried over to your office and let himself in. He stopped when he saw you sat on the sofa in your comfy clothes from home, tears were running down your cheeks and you had no makeup. Levi had never seen you this way before and he thought you were beautiful, he just wished you weren't crying.
You rubbed your tears away. "Ah, sorry Levi. I umm was at home and realised that I had some work to do urgently."
Levi sat next to you. "What did he do?"
You welled up. "You were right." You put your head in your hands. "He buttered me up and used me to get all our hard work for low prices and a lot of them were free by me. I worked my ass for him. When I accepted him for the big deal for dirt cheap, I heard him on the phone to his boss calling me an idiot and an easy lay."
Levi put his hand on your back. "I'm so sorry."
You sniffed back your tears. "It's fine. He'll be sorry. I'll make him pay."
Levi leaned over and kissed your cheek. "I have a plan." He got up, then held your hand and pulled you along. "Come on."
You stumbled after him. "Levi?"
He pulled you into his office, then he sat down. "Come here."
You sat on the arm of his chair. "What are you doing."
Levi typed away. "I am sorting out a bill for him. We have proof of all the things he's had from us. Plus, there's the work hours he's had off you which are one-on-one consultations. I've sent it all to Erwin as well." Levi looked up at you and smiled. "It'll take me a few days to build up the evidence against him and make the bill, but I'll make it."
You sat on Levi's lap, then hugged him tightly. "Thank you."
Levi held you back. "Want to help?"
Levi and you worked hard together and got closer together. You were always in his office, or you were over his house. The week you spent building a case against Ha-Joon was the best of your life. You and Levi connected on a deep level and managed to get revenge on Ha-Joon for using you.
You laughed with Levi in his office, then you turned to the door as it burst open. Your smile dropped at seeing Ha-Joon. "Levi?"
Levi moved you behind him. "I won't let him hurt you."
Ha-Joon stopped and showed papers to you and Levi. "What the fuck is this!? We had an agreement you bitch!"
Levi stared at Ha-Joon. "You used her and she caught you. You've been caught screwing someone over again. You use this technique of wooing women in businesses to get things for free, or discounted. You used her for your own gain and we caught you."
You stepped to the side to look at him. "I might have fallen for it all, but I heard you on that call to your boss. You fooled me for a while and fucked me, so now it's my turn to fuck you."
Ha-Joon gave you the middle finger. "You're a fucking bitch. A dirty ugly whore."
Levi slammed his fist into Ha-Joon's face breaking his nose. "Don't you ever speak about the woman I love in that way again. If you come near her again, or even speak to her I will break more than your fucking nose." Levi sighed as soon as Ha-Joon ran off crying. He turned to you. "Are you okay?"
You smiled at Levi. "Woman I love?"
Levi blushed. "I umm."
"Did you mean it?" You stepped closer. "That you love me?"
Levi nodded shyly. "For as long as I can remember. I didn't know how to tell you and you got me so flustered all the time, that I just said the wrong thing."
You grabbed his shirt and cupped the back of his neck. You pulled him close and kissed him. You nipped his lip, then deepened the kiss. You pulled back a moment and smiled. "I've loved you for a long time as well. You confused me for so long." You smiled. "Now, please say I can be yours."
Levi pulled you close and kissed you with all the love in his heart making you both melt. "All mine brat. You're all mine."
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shorkbrian · 4 years
Prelude - bitch hold on what about mean brother Shigs being an absolute creep? Inspired by me playing a boss in AC Odyssey and my controller vibrated so hard I almost dropped it, and I couldn’t beat this dude and it was so freaking frustrating!!!!!! 
Pairing - Shigaraki X Reader
Warnings - - INCEST, NSFW, innocence kink, do not read if those squick you out bro!!! Seriously! abuse of trust, dubcon, noncon, literally nothing about this situation is good, or healthy, or nice. Disgusting behavior is exhibited by Shigs.
Music - (does anyone actually like when I provide music? I like getting music vibes while I read through fics but ik that my music taste is a bit wacky lol anyways). https://open.spotify.com/track/0ODyahnUlK9G5bT4dA5NCI?si=10R9ggoJS1inYidrMeWrHA
He offers to let you play his Xbox game, you keep annoying him by pouting for his attention and he gives up with trying to ignore you.
Stipulation - you gotta sit on his lap while you play, you’re such a stupid little girl that he forces his hands over yours, showing you how to use the Xbox controller while sneering at how dumb you are.
You’re too focused on the game to pay attention to how one of his hands has dropped from the controller, is creeping up your thigh, thumbing at the hem of your shorts. You don't realize that he’s plastered against your back, breath picking up in your ear as he hunches over your shoulder, thinking of all the dirty things he wants to do to you, how you’re too absent-minded to realize how much of a perverted creep he is. 
“Shit!” You curse, breaking Shigaraki out of his thoughts as you bounce your leg in frustration. He feels the slight vibration of the controller - you’re getting attacked in the game, enemies surrounding you and hacking at your player. Shigaraki is too entranced by how he can watch your jiggling breasts over your shoulder, jostling around as you jerk your arms, trying to not die in the game.
“Nii-san help me, ‘m gonna die!” You shriek, whole body getting into the gaming experience, jerking around in his lap as you struggle to press the right buttons. Shigaraki tries not to groan - he can feel the space between your thighs as you move around, hot and doughy and he wants to touch so bad.
Yeah, he’s always been a bit of a creep, but he’s never actually done anything to you.
The most he does is fantasize, thinking about how you’d feel clamping down on him, how’d you’d taste if he made you ride his face. What you’d look like if he forced his cock into you with barely any prep - you’d squeeze your eyes shut so tight, let out little whimpers and clench your fists because “Hurts, hurts! Go slow Nii-san, don’t want this!”
But he wouldn’t have to listen, you’re just a naive little girl who doesn’t know that Shigaraki would be trying to make you feel good too, that it would feel good soon.
“Stop wiggling, you’re gonna fall off.” He rasps back at you, taking his other hand off the controller to grab your waist, barely saving you from keeling over and onto the floor. You’re left to fend for yourself now, button-mashing, groaning when you finally succumb to your enemies and die a violent, gory death.
“I died! Why didn’t you help, you’re right here?!” the accusatory tone of your voice is ignored as you revert to the last save, huffing in frustration as you’re forced to start over.
“You’re never gonna learn if I’m holding your hands like that.”
Shigaraki’s glad you’ve stilled again - if you’d kept up your wiggling, he’d have to figure out a way to explain what the hard thing poking into the side of your plush little rear.
God, you had the most perfect ass.
Maybe he’s a freak, a disgusting man with fucked up morals, but Shigaraki’s always been a social outcast, seen as weird and wrong and criticized for every little thing he did.
What’s wrong with settling into the role other people were so quick to offer him?
Surely you’ve noticed his odd behavior by now, the behavior that’s picked up in the last few years. How he stares at you a little more than he should, how sometimes he slips into bed with you, murmuring some lame excuse about not being able to sleep.
The way he freezes when you give him an affectionate hug, clenching his fists by his side as your breasts are squished up against his body.
You had to have caught on to his uncharacteristic softness with you. He’s still mean and coarse and rude, but there's an underlying affection underneath the way he mocks your outfits, when he says you look like the gross character out of a manga he’s reading, how he tugs on your hair sometimes when he passes by you, wheezing out a laugh if you turn around and try to slap at him in irritation.
If you didn’t want him to be weird, you could’ve said something by now. You should’ve said something by now.
So really, it’s your own fault that he feels so comfortable being a sicko.
“Don’t tickle, I gotta focus.” You tell him, squirming away when he runs a hand experimentally over your stomach. You’re so cute, and dumb, he wants to bully you until you’re crying, say mean things and hurt your feelings only so he can kiss it better. 
But he doesn’t, because he’s a good brother.
His hand travels further up, rests right underneath your breast, almost cupping it. Still, you don’t say anything, attention on the game.
Do you want this? Are you just stupid? His affection is so obviously not normal for siblings, and yet you act like it’s fine. Maybe you’re a virgin, untainted with the knowledge of how sexual touches feel like.
The hand on your waist begins to slip under your shorts, his cold fingers quickly warmed by your skin. “Nii-san, stop that, it’s weird.”
Ah, there’s the common sense.
“I though you wanted to play the game? Don’t be a bitch.” He doesn’t really care whether you want him willingly now or not, he’s getting excited by the heat of your body, your weight on his lap.
You pause the game when his hand creeps lower into your shorts, when his fingers skim low over your tummy, too close to a private place that brothers shouldn't touch.
“Stop touching me, I don’t like that.”
“It’s not like you wouldn’t enjoy it.” He mumbles, and you stiffen in his lap, but he quickly takes his hand out of your shorts, stops cupping your soft breast.
The game gets unpaused, and you resume playing, although your attention is divided now, nervous about sitting in your brother’s lap.
Has it finally clicked? Are you thinking about what he could do to you, how he could make you feel?
“You suck at this.” Shigaraki observes, the controller shaking almost violently as you’re attacked again, overwhelmed by enemies.
“Well, maybe if you taught me how to play instead of being weird, I wouldn’t be.” You snarked, frustrated with the game, uneasy with your brother holding your hips like that.
Shigaraki rolls his eyes. You’re so dramatic, and although you have a valid point, he’s always been weird. This is nothing new, you’ve just been too thick-skulled to realize it before, which isn’t his fault.
A few more tries, and you still can’t get past the one group of enemies, dying after a few minutes every single time. You’re going to waste the batteries like that, controller jumping in your hands. 
“I can’t-” You whine, coming across the enemies after your latest death, already knowing what’s going to happen.
Shigaraki stays silent, red eyes finally flickering away from your body and up to the screen of the TV. 
You’re at one of the hardest parts of the game, facing a section that took Shigaraki two days to beat (not that he’ll tell you that). He grins as you throw yourself into the fight, immediately getting decked.
The noises you’re letting out are cute, frustrated groans on each hit landed on your player, muttered curses and triumphant scoffs whenever you manage to strike an enemy, which isn’t often.
The controller’s still shaking like crazy, and you’re moving around in his lap again, and Shigaraki is done. He can’t take this anymore, you’re being a tease.
He snatches the Xbox controller out of your hands, ignoring your little “Hey! What’re you doing, I was playing!”
“You call this playing?” The shuddering of the controller surprises him, gives him an idea.
There hadn’t been a plan, he had just been acting on instinct, hands itching to push you off his lap and to the floor, just to see the way you’d look up at him after. 
Like that, you’d be in the perfect position to suck his cock.
But he wants to go in a different direction now.
“Stay still, you’re so annoying.” He’s spreading his legs out, sinking back further in his chair to get a better angle, your legs hooked over his.
There’s no time for you to protest. Like this, you’re spread out nicely, exposed, even though your shorts cover your intimate place.
Without any further preamble, Shigaraki shoves the vibrating controller up against your clothed cunt.
“NIi-san!” You shriek, immediately writhing in his hold. But Shigaraki has an arm locked around your chest, keeping you pinned to his chest. “Don’t, think sins’t-this isn't-! Stop this, stop! Don’t touch me!”
He can bet it feels good, that you’re struggling to tell him to stop. He begins rubbing the controller against you, snickering at the way you jolt and writher on each pass of the hard, curved plastic against your protected clit. He can’t even imagine how good it would feel if your stupid shorts weren’t in the way.
“Stop, stop! Stop it! Stop!” You sound like a broken record.
“Shut up, you can’t even play the game right. Feel that?” the controller gets rubbed harder against you, and you writhe. “That’s how bad you are. So pathetic, can’t even fend off a couple of bad guys.”
Can’t even fend off one, Shigaraki thinks to himself. You could be trying harder to get out of his hold, could be screaming and yelling and scratching and kicking.
Well, you are scratching and kicking, moving around so much that he’s having a hard time keeping you still. And you making a lot of noise, but there’s no one else home.
He’s fully hard, and every movement you make struggling rubs him right up against the meat of your ass, and he sucks in a stuttered breath, biting his lip.
“No, no, no, no, don’t want this Nii-san, stop it-” Your panicked pleas are ignored, Shigaraki shoving your hands away as you try to pull the controller off of your cunt, get the vibrations to stop.
On screen, the player is still getting attacked, each new hit making the controller vibrate even harder.
“Ow, ow! It hurts, make it stop! Nii-san-”
“I’ll gag you if you don’t stop complaining.” Shigaraki seethes, feeling irritation creep up. “It hurts because you’ve never felt this good before, idiot.”
He remembers the first time he’d used something on his dick. It was your toothbrush, unsurprisingly, the one that vibrated with three different speeds and made you so proud of your pearly whites.
It had been so overwhelming, he couldn’t even touch the back of the head to his cock. At times, it felt so good it had hurt, had completely blinded his senses and leave him in a puddle of his own cum and sweat, panting.
So Shigaraki understood what you were trying to say - your inexperienced body needed him to slow down, ease up a little. But your gross, nasty brother wanted to ruin you.
Your character on screen died, resulting in one last heavy vibration that made you sob, thighs struggling to snap shut, hands desperately pushing at Shigaraki.
He felt you convulse in his grip, could practically feel the way your little hole was clenching as you gushed all over yourself, whining and moaning at the pleasure.
Your character was sent back to the last save, the game on a loading screen.
But Shigaraki wasn’t done.
He was still hard against your back, rubbing himself off as best he could, but he was finding his own pleasure in watching you writhe on his lap.
The controller was tossed to the side, nimble fingers sliding over your shorts, Shigaraki laughing at what he found.
“You’re so wet, holy fuck. That’s disgusting, wow.” You were drenched, the fabric of your shorts completely soaked with your juices. You only sobbed out a pitiful noise, maybe trying to deny it, but Shigaraki wasn’t listening. He was too busy rubbing over the wet spot, gleefully feeling you up. It was easy for his fingers to find a comfortable, mind-numbing rhythm, so used to playing games and deftly pushing buttons, using sticks and joysticks, directional pads and the like.
You were rocking against his hand unconcsiously, body unable and unwilling to decided whether to pull away or push closer - you had just cum, but that didn’t negate the vicious, heady sensation that his fingers brought.
Shigaraki quickly grew bored of this though, unable to ignore his dripping erection. He had never been a patient man, quickly removing the hand stimulating your swollen pussy so he could pull his cock out of his sweatpants.
With a quick movement, your shorts were tugged down, your brother completely pushing past your refusal to lift your hips, burning your skin with how forcefully the fabric was ripped down.
“Nii-san, what are you doing-you can’t, you can’t!” You cried, renewing your struggle when you felt skin against skin, his cock hot and velvety as it rested against your cheeks. “I don’t wanna do this, don’t make me do this-”
“I don’t care. I’ve tried to be good, and it’s like you don’t even care.” The man ground out, beginning to rut his hips against your ass. It was dry, and it didn’t feel great, but it was more than enough to satisfy Shigaraki. “I barely touch you, I keep my hands to myself-”
Which was a lie. Late at night, when he was sure you were fast asleep, he’d touch, just a little. Rubbing your nipples, feeling them peak under his touch. Feeling the curve of your waist, skin soft against his dry palms.
“-I wouldn’t stare either, but you wear those stupid shirts-” The deep cut ones, the ones that showed off your cleavage and allowed him weeks of jerk-off material.
“So annoying, just a stupid little imoto that follows me around, you just want attention.”
He knows you don’t do it on purpose. You aren’t trying to make him see you in a sexual light. But maybe that’s what makes it all the more appealing, how naive and innocent you are.
Fuck, he’s getting close just thinking about your purity, how much you don’t know, how much he could teach you.
He doesn’t know a ton, but Shigaraki knows enough about what feels good for him, and you probably wouldn’t want to learn, but he deserved something nice every once in a while, didn’t he?
The drag of his cock between your ass cheeks was making him loose his mind, the slide too rough, but it felt delicious and stimulated him just right, pulling at his foreskin and spreading his precum into a sticky mess on your skin.
“Fuck, stay still, lemme feel good-” His voice was choked up, still holding it’s usual nasal resonance. 
You sobbed in his hold, his fingers still playing over your shorts, exploring, keeping you occupied and frozen with sensation while he got himself off with your body.
And then he was breaking, splurting his seed all over your lower back, watching it come out of his cock in shaky squirts, painting your skin a cloudy white.
Shigaraki groaned, eyes transfixed to the sight before him. It was hard to keep them open, body shaking with little snaps of pleasure in his veins, in his stomach.
On the bed next to his thigh, the controller started shaking again. Panting, Shigaraki raised his eyes to the TV screen as you slumped against him, softly crying.
Your character was getting attacked again.
“Let’s keep playing.”
And the vibrating controller was pressed to your bare cunt, making you scream.
He’d have to wash it after this, but he figured it was worth it in the grand scheme of things
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sageinacage · 3 years
Hey idk if ur prompts are open, but if they were, would you maybe want to do a Wilbur vs Charlie in who can wreck Tommy better like thing? 👀👀👀
"Friendly" Uno summary: tommy gets a bit too sassy in a game of uno with him, charlie, and wilbur. a/n: i was originally gonna write this in the dsmp but i literally just couldn't figure out how to do it without it being super ooc KSDFSKJ also just pretend charlie came to visit them in the UK LOL warnings: swearing, playful teasing/mocking (they're playing uno its bound to happen BAHAHA /lh) w/c: 1.6k IRL, Platonic
“C’mon, give me a green!” Wilbur growled, continuously picking up cards from the middle pile. He and his two friends, Tommy and Charlie, were playing a friendly game of Uno together on the floor of the living room. Well, “friendly.”
“HAH! Aww, poor Wilbyyy, so bad at Unooo…” Tommy cooed, his face painted with the biggest shit-eating grin. Wilbur scoffed, finally putting a green card down. “Tommy, every day you remind me of all my mistakes.” Wilbur jested, smirking at Tommy’s surprised face. “Yeah? Well-”
“Aha, draw four Toms!” Charlie interrupted, Tommy looking down at the middle pile to see a colorful “+4” card right in front of him. After a dramatic groan, the boy drew the cards. “You are horrible to me, Mr. Slimecicle.” Tommy pointed his finger in Charlie’s face, the dirty blonde only shrugged, chuckling at his antics.
Wilbur put down a red card, smiling at Charlie’s huff. “Really, the only color I don’t have?!” He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. “Don’t be all grumpy, it’s how the game works, yeah?” Wilbur gave a smug smirk, watching his friend reach for the pile to scout for a red card.
After more banter, the game started to move more smoothly… until they decided to start stacking “+2” and “+4” cards. The pile of them now added up to 14, but they still kept going. “Holy shit, this better not end on me!” Wilbur sighed, placing his final card he could stack. “Me neither.” Charlie agreed, placing his last card that could be stacked.
“This game is against me! I swear to god, this is rigged! You’re both cheating.” Tommy cried, huffing to himself while he started to pick up the 18 cards they all stacked up. “Tohohommy!” Wilbur broke into laughter, leaning his head back as high-pitched giggles left him. “We aren’t cheheating, you juhust suhuck.” Charlie snorted up a laugh, patting Tommy’s back as he whined again.
“You two are both big stupid bullies. You should be thankful I’m even playing a little card game with you.” Tommy huffed, making eye contact with Wilbur. “You’re so sassy today, n’awww- don’t tell me someone’s grumpy over just a ‘little’ card game!” Charlie teased, causing Wilbur to smirk at Tommy. “Yeah, are you up past your bedtime?”
“I hate you both so much. I will fight you both and win- at the same time.” The blonde claimed as he slapped a card down with enough force to accidentally push the card pile down. “Baby rage.” Wilbur scoffed, earning a dramatic gasp from Tommy. “I AM NOT A BABY!” He shouted, Wilbur and Charlie breaking into giggles again.
“That’s something a baby would say!”
Wilbur covered his face, laughter building up from his chest, Charlie following right in his footsteps. Tommy furrowed his eyebrows, grumbling. “You guys are assholes.” He spoke in a more playful tone, indicating that he wasn’t genuinely upset.
“Yeah, are we, Tommy?” Charlie put down his cards, looking at the boy. “Compared to how you’ve been treating us this evening, I don’t think we’re that bad.” Wilbur raised an eyebrow, also placing his cards down. “B- Bullshit! You guys are twats…?” Tommy cowered a bit at their growing smirks, putting his cards down as well.
“Twats, are we?”
“Wilbur, I don’t like his tone.”
Both men stood up, still with suspicious smiles on their faces, causing Tommy to stand up as well. “I d- don’t trust this.” The boy shuddered, backing up until he hit the couch, falling back onto it. “Don’t worry Charlie, I can take care of this.” Wilbur nodded, towering over Tommy.
“No, I think I can do it, I can definitely do it better.” Charlie stood next to him, an innocent smile plastered on his face. “Yeah? Well do you know all his tickle spots? No? That’s what I thought.”
Oh. Oh. So that is what this was about.
“I’m called the tickle monster around here for a reason, Charlie!” Wilbur kept on going, placing a sassy hand on his hip. “You clearly haven’t met me then, yet!” He quipped back, looking down at Tommy; whose face was bright red and a nervous but excited smile on his face.
“Let’s have Tommy answer then. Who’s better at wrecking you, Toms?” Wilbur smirked down at him, the blonde just covering his face. “D’awww, that’s not an answer! Hmm, how about this. Wilbur, we’ll team up and Tommy will answer that question when we’re finished.”
“Wh- what? Guys… guhUHUYS-!” Bubbly laughter already took over Tommy as Wilburs fingers kneaded his waist. “What’s up? Wha’tcha need?” Charlie chuckled, walking two fingers up his ribcage. What they weren’t expecting was the loud squeal that left Tommy.
“Looks like I already found a tickle spot, Wilbur!” Charlie exclaimed, gently pinching around his top ribs, causing the boy to let out yet another squeal. “Wow, do you want a medal or something?” Wilbur snarked back sarcastically, glaring at the dirty blonde before massaging his thumb into one of Tommy’s hip bones.
“Wiiihihill! NOHOhoho!” Tommy tried to twist left to right, but that damn feeling on his hip bone just wouldn’t secede. Charlie furrowed his eyebrows, seeing that Wilbur was back in the lead. He reached his other hand around and formed it like a claw, and then vibrated it into the other side of his ribcage as he kept up the prodding on the other side.
“CHAHAHARLIE! QUIHIHIT IT!” Tommy absolutely shrieked, unsure whether to attempt to push his hands away from his ribs, or to cover his face and obvious blush was creeping up on his cheeks. “Gotta admit I’m the better tickle monster first!” Charlie giggled, making little ‘tktktktk’ noises right in Tommy’s ear.
“N’awww, Tommy!~ You have just the sweetest giggles, and I know they’re because of me and not the slimy boy, is that right?” Wilbur teased, moving from his hips to the sides of his belly, scribbling his nails over the area. Hiccupy laughter began to emit from the boy, him kicking his legs into the couch behind Wilbur.
“He’s now all hiccupy! That’s so cute!” Charlie exclaimed, grabbing one of Tommy’s flailing arms. He sniggered to himself as Tommy’s laughter turned more high-pitched at the sudden vulnerability, a wide smile on his face nonetheless. “Uh oh, Tommy… someone’s in trouble now!” Charlie teased as he wiggled his fingers over his exposed underarm, not making contact now.
“DohoHOHON’T! WIHILBUR- *snort* HEHELP!” Tommy’s laughter grew an octave at his own snort, shaking his head as Charlie wouldn’t stop the stupid anticipation. “There’s no way I’m helping you, Toms. I mean- unless you say that I’m better at this.” Wilbur smirked, deciding to try a new spot as he turned around, fluttering his nails under Tommy’s knees.
The giggles it made Tommy produce were different. They were more flustered it seemed, almost like Wilbur just found a certain melt spot. “Tommy, you’ve gone all soft now! Let’s change that, shall we?” Charlie chuckled mischievously, his fingers crashing down and lightly scribbling into his underarms.
Feeling both his death spot and melt spot being tickled at the same time was definitely a different feeling. “NOOOHOHO- *hic* PLEHEHEASE!” His voice began to sound slightly strained, so Charlie retracted his hand in response. “Looks like I found your worst spot, eh?” He smiled, but it was more of a fond smile this time- compared to all his evil ones.
“Hmmm, Charlie. What if we worked together, just once?” Wilbur offered, and Charlie gladly nodded. “What do you need from me, boss?” He smiled playfully before Wilbur went in to whisper something into his ear. ‘What were they planning now? My demise?’ Tommy thought curling up on himself.
In one swift movement, Tommy found himself leaning onto Charlie being held in place with one of Charlie’s arms, and Wilbur looming over him with a grin that did not look friendly. It looked quite evil, in all honesty. “You ready, Toms?” Wilbur cooed, wiggling his fingers at the boy. The blonde whined, looking away from him. “N’aww, don’t want to watch the show, Tommy?” Charlie cooed in his ear. Just their words and actions alone made him want to squirm and laugh, and they haven’t even done the tickling yet.
A moment of silence fell onto them, Tommy still looking away, until a big raspberry was blown right beneath his belly button. The boy arched his back, a shriek ripping out from his throat as he weakly pushed at Wilbur’s head; but the stupid sensations just kept on going.
“YOHOHOU WIHI- *wheeze* WIHIHIN! ENOHOHOUGH!” Tommy managed to get out, his laughter nearly going silent. Wilbur sat up, rubbing Tommy’s tummy to help get rid of the tingles that still lurked around. “Who won? I didn’t catch it.” Charlie’s voice was gentle, but it was obvious there was some smugness there.
“Yeah, who won? You never stated a name, Toms!” The taller boy crossed his arms, smirking down at the boy. Tommy just let out a whine and covered his face, cuddling into Charlie as all the tickling wore him out. They both internally cooed at him, finding his snuggly antics so fond and wholesome, because for god's sake- it’s Tommy! You rarely find the boy getting all soft for anyone.
“Let’s just call it a tie, shall we Charlie?”
“Yeah, for now, that is.”
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Hey, its me again, sorry i promise i wont spam, but may i also request some toya setsuno fluff (or smut, however you want🥰)
(also, i forgot this, but heres a obligatory teddy for the best villians blog out there🧸🎀❤️)
(Technically it’s not spam if it’s been sitting in the box for a while right??????XD Anywho, I hope it’s okay if I just take the fluff route for this one!)
(Also thank you for the bear because I needed it lol)
~Being an Adult is Hard~
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“Heeeeeey yoooouuuu...” Toya’s voice softly called as he entered the back room where you were. You sighed and turned your attention away from the work at the computer. “This can only mean bad news. You only drag it out like that when it’s bad news so please don’t beat around the bush.” You chuckled lightly. He nodded and sighed with an apologetic smile as he went to sit on the carpet in next to your chair. He leaned his head onto your lap for comfort. “That house we were trying to out an offer on ended up selling unfortunately.” You sighed and placed your head into your hands. “This is like the 3rd time this month. It’s like we’re running out of options and the prices keep steadily rising more and more. On top of that, we’re going to have to get a second car soon because with my new job, our schedules aren’t linking up. Unless of course you’ll finally let me ride the train or at least the bu-”
“Shhhhhhh, absolutely not. Never. You deserve better than that.” He moved to look up at you with a pout. “There’s nothing wrong with public transportation. You’re not less of a person just because you don’t drive a car.” You corrected him but he shook his head. “Yes of course, but lots of dangerous stuff could happen and I wouldn’t be around to protect you like I want to.” You rolled your eyes and leaned back into the plush chair to think for a moment. “Why does being an adult with all these responsibilities feel like a constant vice grip all the time? I mean, it’s so exhausting. It feels like it costs money just to survive and we’re not allowed to complain and count our blessings at the same time. Prices on stuff keep going up and pay at jobs has been at a stand still for years. They’re literally charging out of the ass for houses that aren’t even in the best neighborhoods. By the time we’ll have saved more money for better homes, those houses will have then upped their prices even higher. It feels like an endless struggle. At this point Toya, I just want to be a kid again. Why can’t I just eat cookies and watch cartoons without a care in the world?” You vented to him and he listened, taking it all in with a caring ear as he always did. “Who says we can’t do that?” He replied curiously. You looked down at him and smiled softly before leaning down to lay a soft kiss on his lips. 
“I gotta go get ready for work in the morning. Since you’re off tomorrow, please try to handle the house search and the business stuff for me. I’m gonna go shower.” You pressed another soft kiss to him before getting up and heading into the bathroom. He sat on the carpet for a good while and lets your words marinate before he had a ‘lightbulb’ moment. 
The next morning while you were getting ready, he was plotting and planning things out in his head all while remaining composed and caring as usual. He kissed you a little more deeply before you left to work and began handling the business he was mentally prepping for. While he was doing his own thing, you were watching the time drag on at work. The shift today seemed never ending. Not to mention the boss was in a poor mood and taking it out on the workers...what little workers that came that is. You were short staffed with too many call-outs and that left pressure for those of you that showed up for the day. You even ended up having to stay at work for an extra 30 minutes. The drive home was so depressing and exhausting that you drove without music the whole way there. The only thing on your mind was Setsuno. He always knew how to make your days a little brighter when they were oh so bleak before. Tonight was no different. The moment you stepped through the door, your nose was assaulted by the smell of fresh baked cooking. You turned your head to see him setting up the living room table with snacks, drinks, and a lit candle of your favorite scent. Your eyes darted to the TV screen as you noticed your childhood favorite cartoon streaming. He looked up and smiled at you when he noticed you were home. “Welcome back Y/N.”
“What is all of this?” You laughed lightly as he approached you in his PJ’s. “I thought about what you said last night. Sometimes I think it’s okay to forget about being adults for a while yknow? We’ve both been doing so much with planning on moving out of the apartment, paying bills, getting another car and whatnot. This time is so valuable too. Come sit on the couch and get sick on cookies with me. Maybe we can both call out tomorrow huh?” He jokes as he led you to the couch and cuddled up next to you underneath your favorite throw blanket. The little moments like these meant the world to you. Seeing you relax a bit meant the world to him. 
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walks-the-ages · 3 years
Really gotta love how the ML writers are constantly trying to make us sympathetic to Gabriel one minute.... And then the next minute showing his as an irredeemable monster lol, they can't make up their minds!
One episode: I care about my son and I'm willing to give up being a villain for his sake
Next episode: oh? Adrien? Yeah I'll just akumatize this person who wants to see him dead, it'll be fine. Yes I can see everything my Akuma sees and I can see how he's being chased in terror through the streets of Paris. I can see how much. Life threatening danger he's in. But this is fine, don't worry.
Next episode: oh, I'm doing all of this for Adrien! I'm so sad I can't tell him I'm trying to get his mother back, I'm doing all this for him :'(
Episode after that: ah yes, I now know my 'precious' son is Chat Noir. Time to beat him to the ground with my super strength and take over his mind so I can make him kill the girl he loves and help me destroy the world!!!!
Next episode: here son, let's share a tender hug on the couch while my leg clips through the remote because we're both experiencing manpain over my fridged wife/your fridged mother! Aren't I such a sympathetic character?
Next episode: "happiness?? In MY house?? Something is wrong here!"
And like, it would be ONE thing if this was a deliberate choice by the writers, to show that GABRIEL thinks he's in the right and thinks he's doing what's best for his son while in reality he's hurting him....
But the composition of these scenes, the lighting, the music, everything....
It's literally just that the writers want to make Gabriel their cool "morally grey, complicated villain" without putting ANY actual effort into actually developing his character properly.
Instead, the ML writers literally can't make up their minds about how Gabriel is characterized.
They want their cartoon evil villain who enslaves babies and beats children and *deliberately* emotionally abuses his son.... And they want their Sympathetic Tragic Villain too.
Miraculous Ladybug writers literally want us to sympathize and like Gabriel at the end of the day for the sake of a few scenes with lens flares and soft violin and piano music, despite him being a literal child abuser and attempted mass-murderer.
Gabriel literally abuses Adrien
Gabriel literally beats what he knows are children, his own son in some cases
Gabriel enslaves a literal infant on multiple occasions to make them a supervillain
But the ML writers want you to ignore all of that every single time they have a Sympathetic Scene with Gabriel and Adrien or worse, Gabriel and Natalie, their Adrinette 2.0 ship-- the hopeless blue-haired Average Girl hopelessly in love with the Rich Billionaire who is always always out of her reach because he loves someone else... Only even worse because he's literally her boss and she literally knows he's married, but is still ready and willing to literally destroy her life and health for the sake of his goals when he's ready to throw her away at a moments notice unless it's for another Sympathy Ship-Bait Scene .
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So Many Times Before
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Reader
Word count: 3,190
Warnings: Discussion, yelling, some angst.
Summary: (y/n) and Jay used to be best friends who had always, secretly, wanted more. Now, after years of not seeing each other, what happened to all those feelings? 
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the One Chicago shows, or its characters, also not associated with it in any way or know anyone involved with it.
A/N: So, this is my first actual fanfic and I’m quite unsure about it (especially since English isn’t my first language), but I really wanted/needed to give some use to my obsession with Jay Halstead, lol. Anyways, I hope it doesn’t suck too bad and, please, feel free to give me feedback, cause I’m also here to learn!!
(y/n) = (your name) (y/l/n) = (your last name) (y/n/n) = (your nickname)
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"So, honey, you are never gonna believe who I saw the other day at the district..." You remember your dad saying, in a conversation that made your heart skip a few beats, weeks ago.
"Oh yeah? Who?" You asked with a soft smile on your lips, not paying much attention at the moment.
"Jay Halstead." He said simply as if just waiting for you to freak out. God, your dad really knew how to make you drop your cool-girl act.
"Oh, that's nice... Wait. What??? Did you say Jay? What was he even doing there? Is he okay? Did he get into some sort of trouble? How can we help?" And there it was, you were totally losing it and your dad just stood there with that smug smirk of his, that says: I knew this was coming.
"Relax, (y/n/n), he’s okay. He was just there to get some files from a case my unit was handing over to them." That would've been a completely acceptable statement if Jay Halstead wasn't still in the army for all you knew.
"Sorry, handing a case over to them?"
"Yeah, sweetheart, apparently that scrawny kid — who's not so scrawny anymore — is, now, a detective working with CPD's Intelligence Unit."
"What? But when did he leave the army?" By then you were drifting off the conversation with your dad and he knew it, so he did you the favor of leaving you alone with your thoughts and memories. 
Now, with the very same (well, not the same, he really wasn't scrawny anymore) Jay Halstead standing right in front of you, that moment with your dad inevitably came back to mind.
"Wow, (y/n) (y/l/n)!" He said with a huge bright smile that made you wanna go back to your high school days, yep the smile was that awesome.
"Jay Halstead. Wows are definitely in order." You said between giggles. "Oh my Gosh, it's been forever! How are you doing?"
"I'm- I'm- I'm good, thank you. How are you?" He looked absolutely shocked as he scanned you upside-down.
"I'm good too. You look great, by the way."
"Thanks," he smiled again. Wasn't he ever gonna stop doing that? "you look, hum, you look great too!" He said that, while looking at you in a way that was, for sure, making your cheeks heat up. "So hum-" Your phone just had to start ringing at that moment, didn't it?
"I'm so sorry, but I gotta take this. Work." You said, waving your phone in front of his face.
"Oh, okay, no problems, go ahead!" Jesus, he was acting like a teenager. After all these years how was it even possible that you still had so much effect on him? He started thinking, as he watched you take a few steps away and confidently boss someone around over the phone, was that really you? His high school best friend? Because who could tell? You were generally so quiet and shy with everyone. You would never lead any groups, almost choked on your words every time you had a presentation... Remembering that made Jay think of a moment in particular, when he first knew he loved you as more than just a friend. 
You were 16 and he was 17, a year ahead of you in school too, as he was already a senior. But you guys never really minded that. How could you, anyway? Jay was your best friend in the world (okay, your only real friend after Will left for college).
The two of you were walking back home from school, as you always did, him dropping you off at your doorstep – even if that meant he had to go back a few blocks every day, all he cared about was making sure you got home safe.
That day was different, though. He stopped you at your house's fence and said he needed to tell you something important. God, your heart literally stopped, as you thought you knew exactly what he was gonna say. "Oh, jay-"
"No, please, (y/n/n). Just let me tell you, otherwise, I'll lose my courage." He stopped for a second, breathing hard and watching your expression attentively. "I, I, um, I need to tell you that… That I, um… That I enlisted the army." He said like he was ripping off a band-aid.
"What???" You were shocked, to say the least, "You did what, Jay?" You asked again, whilst trying to calm your nerves.
"Look, don't be mad at me, just let me explain, please." He pleaded with you. "I just need to get away from here and you know it, (y/n), you know why" You did know why, just, God, the army, seriously?
"Jay, you don't need to do that." You tried reasoning with him.
"Of course I need to, (y/n/n)!" He said and you could see him beginning to get upset. Or was it desperation? "I can't stand him any longer! I just can’t.” Geez, you didn’t want him to go. You definitely didn’t want him to go, but you could see the sadness in his eyes when he said that. Still, you tried a little more: 
“But what about your mom? Your brother? What about me?” You felt yourself blush after that last part, but continued: “Jay you’re really important to me… my best friend, my… my… my only friend! I can’t lose you.”
“And you think that that doesn’t kill me? Will and my mom will be just fine, they’ll miss me, sure, but they’ll be fine. You on the other hand? I don’t wanna leave you! Especially knowing that you’ll have to go through the rest of high school alone…” He looked genuinely apologetic and concerned “That’s why I told you before anyone else.”
“I don’t… I don’t understand.” You stated simply.
“Tell me you don’t want me to go, and I won’t.”
“What? You’d… You’d really do that for me?” 
“Of course, (y/n/n)! You mean the world to me and you’ve gotten me through so much already…” He sounded sincere, but you also knew what led him to make such a drastic move and you couldn’t just let him throw away what was probably his best shot at getting out of Chicago for you. You wouldn’t.
“Jay… I could never ask you something like that. You’re right. I know why you’re making this choice.” You said and tried to smile a little so that he’d stop worrying about you. Your life was better and easier, in many ways, because of him, so you couldn’t or wouldn’t make his any harder than it already was.
“Are you, are you sure? Because I came here ready to argue with you about this. To try hard to make you understand my decision, but now that I’m actually here, talking to you about it…” He looked so confused and you only wish you could pull him close to you and say that everything was gonna be okay as long as you two were together. Just like he did with you on the hard days, but you couldn’t. He deserved better from you.
“I’m sure! Look, I know what I said before, but… But I promise you I’ll survive this without you! It’s gonna be harder and a lot more boring… But I’ll be okay, you don’t need to worry.” At that moment you looked down to your feet, unsure if you really had it in you to let him go like that. But of course you did because you loved him. So you went on, “You said this is how you get outta Chicago, so you should do it. You’re my best friend and I love you. And I really just want you to do what’s best for you. What’ll make you happy.” You said with a small smile, even though the tears were already in your eyes. 
And that was when he knew he loved you, for the first time, as more than just a friend. The way you supported him – like no one else had ever done –, even though it pained you… That really stuck with him. In Jay Halstead’s opinion, time and distance and other people all sucked. Because they had pushed you away from him. Well, he was to blame for that too, but now you were standing right there. At his District. That’s gotta count for something.
As you came back, he noticed you looked upset. “Everything okay?”
“What? Ah, yeah, sure. Just work stuff. Anyways it is a huge surprise to see you, Jay.” That made his heart drop, you were surprised to see him?
“Oh, yeah? I thought the reason you were here was that your dad told you this is where I work. I mean, because we ran into each other the other day…” Now it made sense. Of course your dad would wanna play matchmaker between you Jay! Even more, now that he was a cop.
“Oh, God, he did mention something about you the other day. But you’re telling me that he isn’t here?” At that, Jay just looked at you like you were crazy.
“Today? I haven’t seen him… He works at the 26, no?”
“Yeah, I know he does. It’s just... He told me to meet him here for lunch today. Something about a joint op. Anyways now I know why he said that.” 
“What? He lied to you, then?” Jay asked, laughing his ass off at your cost. Unbelievable, you being played by your cupid father and Jay Halstead laughing at you. He stopped when he realized just how angry you were getting. But the stupid smile was still there.
“Forget it, this was a waste of time.”
“No! Wait, why don’t I take you to lunch instead?” He shot you such a charming smile that you could have said yes to marrying him at that moment. “C’mon, at least you don’t end up with an empty stomach.”
“I gue-” You almost said yes, but, thank God, your brain went back to working properly and you remembered how you promised to never let yourself fall for Jay’s “ways” another time. “Actually, I already spent most of my free hour here chatting with you, so now the only way I won’t be late is if I just grab something on the way back to the office.” You saw him opening his mouth and said: “And I can do that by myself.” You added so that he wouldn’t have a chance at convincing you.
How can Jay Halstead make you feel like this after all this time? It's absolutely ridiculous because the man hurt you the way he did, he left you behind (for a good reason, but still), and you just spent the rest of the day torturing yourself for being too rude with him?
You have no self-love. That has to be it, because, now that you left work, you're calling your dad just to embarrass yourself and make him feel like the achieved cupid. Oh, right. And to beg him for Jay's address. This was the wrong move in so many ways, but you just had to go there.
Or at least that’s what you’re telling yourself as you reach his building entrance. There it was: 3B - J. Halstead. You pressed the button hoping he would be home. He was; he answered. Okay, why did you do this again?
“Hello?” You hear him calling out.
“He- hey! Hum, hi it’s (y/n)...” He doesn’t even let you finish your rambling.
“(y/n/n)! I mean, hum, (y/n). Hey, let me buzz you up!” With that, the door opens and you get inside, you’re so unsure about this that the next thing you know you’re standing at his door about to knock, but being met with a grinny Jay instead. “Hey, I was pretty surprised when I heard your voice…” He states while running a hand through his perfect hair. “I honestly thought that I had somehow managed to order food and forget about it!” Gosh, he really wasn’t gonna stop smiling like that, was he? “Hey, you okay? What happened?”
“Hum, no, no, no! Everything is fine, really! Thank you for asking though, it’s very sweet of yours.” After hearing that, his concerned expression started softening until he started smiling again, damn Jay! “Actually, I’m here precisely because, hum, after I left the District, I ended up doing some thinking and got to the conclusion that I was a bit rude with you… Maybe even more than just a bit and I’m sorry. It’s no excuse, but I guess I just got upset because of how my dad played me and took it out on you! Anyway, it wasn’t right and I’m sorry.” Instead of just saying it was okay, or agreeing with you, he just gave you a funny look and silence. “So, huh, what do you think about that? Say something, please?” Still nothing, unbelievable. “Seriously? You’re giving me the silent treatment? What are we, ten?” Hearing that, he bursted into laughter, leaving you very confused, to say the least. Once he caught his breath, he finally started talking:
“Jesus, (y/n)! Of course, I’m not giving you a silent treatment!” He said while shaking his head and still laughing. “You say you were rude, but I was trying to remember exactly when, during our less than five minutes talk, that happened. I kinda asked you out and you declined, I’m not gonna think you’re a bad person because of that! Especially after all of our history…” That kinda surprised you, but, then again, Jay was never the kind of guy to get upset over some mild rudeness.
“Ah…” Was all you managed to say before he spoke again:
“But, since you’re already here, let me pry on your guilt a little and ask you to come inside for a beer, maybe?” You nodded your head giggling and followed him inside. “So, um, your dad mentioned you were moving back here…” He half asked, handing you a bottle.
“Thanks. Ah, yeah, the company I work for decided it was time for a transfer.” You answered with a shrug of shoulders.
“Oh I see, you’re an engineer, right?” The conversation was beginning to get awkward, and both of you could feel it.
“Yeah,” you said while calculating how fast you could make it to the door after standing up from the couch, “chemical engineer, listen, it’s getting late, and I have an early morning tomorrow, so-” 
“Wait, please don’t leave just yet.” He breathed out, softly grabbing you by the arm. “Ever since our fight that day I’ve been hoping for a chance to make things right between us, (y/n/n)...” At that, you just close your eyes and rub your fingers against your temples. “I never meant to hurt you, I swear!” Really? That was what he was going with?
“You never meant to hurt me? I crossed the Atlantic just to be by your side, leaving a lot of important stuff behind, and you didn’t wait a single moment to trade me for the first cover girl you could find, but you didn’t mean to hurt me?” You always thought you’d start crying if you had to confront him like that, but instead, you were just angry.
“(y/n/n), I’m so sorry! It’s just that I couldn’t be with you at that moment... I-”
“You couldn’t be with me? Right, because I wasn’t half of what they were… It’s not like you’re telling me anything new, really.” You tried to make it sound like nothing but, damn, that hurt deep.
“What? No, of course, not! You got it all wrong, baby!” Baby. He used the pet name you two sometimes used with each other to mock all those popular couples in school… “I couldn’t be with you because I was so messed up! I’m not proud to say it, but none of those girls ever meant anything to me! They were just a distraction from everything that was happening, from everything that had happened… You, on the other hand… (y/n/n), you were there at my mom’s funeral when I wasn’t! Don’t think I forgot about it!” His eyes softened a little. “You were my best friend in the world!”
“Oh my God! You still don’t get it? I didn’t want to be just your best friend, Jay! I spent most of my high school days just wondering when you were gonna trade me, your mere friend, for one of those pretty girls, who would happily be more than that to you… But you never did… Until that time! I was expecting to find you messed up! Because I knew that I wasn’t gonna give up until you got better! But, that?” Now there was just no stopping the tears that were rolling down your cheeks. He was on the verge of crying as well, so the two of you just stayed there in silence until he decided to speak again:
“I’m a complete idiot. That’s all I can say for myself. I’m so sorry I never realized it, (y/n)!” He seemed sincerely sorry, but you weren’t sure you could forgive him just yet. “You know,” he started, while laughing bitterly, “I made a real fool of myself with you, cause I used to dream about having a shot with you, romantically, I mean.” After hearing that, your jaw literally dropped, while Jay just kept laughing lightly. “Will even used to bug me about it, he’d say that you were just as fallen for me as I was for you,” he said, chuckling, and shaking his head, “and I never believed him, I’d actually beg him to stop saying those things whenever you were around because I thought it could make you uncomfortable…” You didn’t even know how to respond to that.
“Jay, I…” You began, but he interrupted you:
“You, um, you don’t need to say anything, if you don’t want to. Now I see that I hurt you a lot more than I thought I did, and I am so sorry! I wish I could take it all back, but I can’t, so if you ever feel like you can give me another chance, even if just at our friendship, I’ll be so thankful! The happiest man! But if not, well, I’ll just stay out of your life,” you could see how hurt he was, “because I don’t ever wanna make you cry again.” He said that but it looked like he was the one about to break into tears, so you did the one thing you could think about doing; you threw your arms around his neck and kissed him. Just like you had thought about doing so many times before. It took him a while to correspond since he was sort of stunned, but when he did… Oh boy, it was everything that books always told you about, there were butterflies and fireworks, and you knew that your transfer back home couldn’t have come at a better time.
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madswritingvoid · 3 years
Afternoon Delight
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Pairing: Max Phillips x f!reader
Words: 1.7k
Warnings: 18+ SEE YA MINORS, smut but like soft smut, oral sex (m), masturbation (f), unprotected p in v sex, cockwarming, blood, vampire stuff, Max Phillips is a warning lol
A/N: Yes I 100% think Max would want his name in your phone to be Vamp Daddy and no I will not be taking questions about it at this time. BUT here’s another smut piece about my vampire husband, because I love him.
(Tagging @jettia because apparently she likes pain and wanted to read this if I ended up posting it)
Max Phillips is annoying. Not a joke, or an exaggeration, just a fact. He’s smarmy, sleazy, sneaky, manipulative, seductive, exhausting, and all yours. As much as his “management style” (re: turning everyone into vampires), may seem unethical or out-of-the-box, he really knew how to turn a company around. Surprisingly, when he isn’t being a total frat boy asshole, he’s also a pretty awesome boyfriend. 
Yeah, sometimes you gotta remind him that no Max that isn’t funny or say that again and it’s a stake to the heart and the dick, but overall you know you love him and he loves you. He’d kill for you, literally. So when you hadn’t received your morning “show me your boobs, babe” wake-up text, you knew something was up.
With his cocky attitude and air of self-assurance, you’ve never seen anything really make Max sweat. Not until two nights ago when he said his bosses, the big bag vamps, were coming down for a branch visit today. You glance over at your phone to check the time and saw it was almost lunchtime for you both and decide to shoot him a quick text.
You: I know yours came in today but how’s my big bad vamp doing? xxx
Vamp Daddy🧛🏻‍♂️:   :(((((((((((((
You: Is someone in the need for......
Vamp Daddy🧛🏻‍♂️: yes
You: an afternoon delight?
You: You could have let me finish, but okay.
Grateful you were working from home today, you sent off a final email and decided to take a half day, knowing Max would really need some help to relax. 
You slinked off to your bedroom and changed out of your work-appropriate but very casual matching sweat set to slip into one of Max’s favourite sundresses you have- a deep cranberry with black lace around the bottom and on the chest highlighting your boobs, Max’s favourite, and the length hitting just above your knees made it “easy access” in his words. You keep your natural Zoom meeting makeup on and opt for a quick swipe of your favourite deep red lipstick to match the dress, ready to make Max’s afternoon.
Walking into the familiar office building you can immediately feel the energy is off. Not that it wasn’t always weird, since almost everyone in here was dead, but today it was even worse. Too quiet, too cold. You almost wanted to crack a “jeez, who died?” joke to lighten the mood, but you got the feeling today was not the day and walked right into Max’s office.
“Awww baby, what’s all this?” You coo as you glide over to him. What a sight he is. He’s sitting in his big office chair with his head right on the desk, long arms splayed out in front of him making his big hands hang over the desk’s edge. A total look of defeat. Hearing your voice Max’s head shoots up and immediately you’re hit with a classic Phillips pout, puppy dog eyes in full effect. “Baaaaabe,” he whines while making grabby hands at you until you’re finally within reach. 
Pulling you into his lap, he buries his face in your neck, rubbing his nose up and down the column of your throat as your hands make their way into his hair, massaging his scalp. “Maxie, sweetheart, what’s wrong?” You’re only met with a heavy sigh as he takes his head and burrows between your boobs, “Everything,” he mumbles against your chest. “They loved my presentation, but hated the office,” he grumbles.
“Well, that’s easy to fix, we can go out this weekend and get some new decor to liven up the place,” you grin and start really going to town on his scalp making Max almost purr and lean into your touch more. Before you could offer more support he started shaking his head, motorboating you but you could tell his heart wasn’t in it.
“No babe,” he sulks, finally lifting his head up to meet your eyes again, “they hated everyone in the office. Said Andrew was weird and Dave had an ‘offputting’ quality. He’s dead! Almost all of us are dead! What do they expect? And that’s not even the worst part!!!” He moans, “he hated everyone, but liked Evan?” You actually gasp, no one likes Evan. He’s so mopey and annoying, especially after Max bounced back from Evan almost murdering him, showing up to work the following Monday as if nothing happened. “Oh baby, that doesn’t make any fucking sense, I’m so sorry,” you soothe him as your hands move from his hair and start to make their way down to his belt.
Realizing what you’re doing, Max’s whole mood changes. Smirking, he puts on a much more playful pout, “yeah baby,” he coos, “it’s been real hard. But now that you’re here something else has got real hard too, and I think I know how to fix that.” You slide off his lap and onto the floor quickly, Max lifting you up for a moment to slide his now folded suit jacket under your knees in a surprising moment of kindness. Pressing a kiss to his knee as a thank you, you make quick work of his belt and pants and pull out his hardening cock. As you begin to stroke him slowly you make eye contact and spit right on his dick, making him groan.
“Love you baby, let me make you feel good,” you say before taking the tip of his cock in your mouth, swirling you tongue around him and licking the salty precum that was already leaking from him. As you continue to work more of him into your mouth, you can feel Max absolutely melt into his leather chair and take whatever you give him. “That’s it baby, always so so good, always know what I need,” he praises and you moan around his length, the compliment going straight to your core.
Not being able to take it anymore, you snake the hand not pumping the part of him you can fit in your mouth, you slide your hands underneath your underwear and start circling your clit. You moan around his length again and Max slightly bucks his hips, sending him farther down your throat. “Fuuuuuck yes, sweet cheeks, that’s it,” he can’t stop it now as his hips start a shallow bit steady rhythm as he fucks into your mouth. Letting him take what you need you slide two fingers into your dripping pussy, using the heel of your hand to keep rubbing your clit while you pump your fingers.
The only sounds filling the office are Max’s groans and the wet noise of you fucking yourself on your hand. You can tell Max is close because his pace quickens and you can hear the chair arm rests groan under his tight grip until he gives one final thrust, shooting his load right down your throat. Making sure you don’t waste a drop, you continue softly sucking the tip of him as you start to chase your own high until Max uses his vampire speed and strength to take your hand out of your underwear and move you back into his lap. You whine at the loss of your orgasm and stare with lust filled eyes as Max takes the hand that was just inside you and cleans your fingers of the slick covering them.
“Now sweets, you’ve been so good to me, I figured letting you cum on my cock would be an appropriate thank you,” booping your nose he gives a little tug to rip your panties right off and sink you down on his still hard length. Your eyes roll back and you let out a high pitched moan at the stretch, you were already so wet from earlier he was able to push in with no resistance. “There it is champ,” he chuckles, “here’s your reward.” Putting his hands firmly on your hips he starts to move you up and down on his length, his hips meeting you with each thrust. All you can do is throw your arms around his neck to hold on, chanting his name as he hits that sweet spot over and over.
“Had s-such a bad day baby,” he growls, “but this- this pussy always does the trick,” you clench at the praise causing him to thrust a little harder. Knowing your so close to falling over the edge, you decide to give Max another treat, “B-baby,” you whimper, “f-feels so good. I’m so close, b-bite me,” his hips stutter before his pace resumes again. Grabbing your jaw he makes you meet his eyes and asks, “fuck, I love you, but are you sure? You don’t have to-” he groans as you clench around him again, your walls fluttering as the coil continues to tighten. “Yes! Fuck,” you babble, “I’m gonna come baby please,” you run your fingers through his hair and pull his face into your neck.
Feeling how much you’re gripping his length, Max licks across your pulse point and gives the area a little kiss before sinking his teeth into the soft skin. Once you feel his fangs break through, the coil snaps, and you absolutely gush all over his cock. You continue to moan as Max works you through your high as he continues to drink from you. Tugging on his hair twice to tell him to stop, Max stops thrusting into you and licks over the bite marks, his spit healing them instantly. Kissing your neck again you hear a mumbled, “thank you baby,” as Max wraps his arms around you.
You sit there for what feels like forever, him still seated inside of you while you go back to massaging his scalp. Noticing the time you attempt to get up, “Max! Honey, your lunch break has definitely been over I should go home,” his grip tightens around you as you get hit with puppy dog eyes again. “You could go home,” he agrees, “or you could just stay right here with me inside of you while I finish this report. I’m the boss, I can always leave early for my baby,” he gives your ass a gentle slap causing you to clench around him again. Groaning, he leans down to press a kiss to your temple, “besides I’ll definitely want to have you at least one more time before we go. Why don’t you have a little nap on big ol’ me?” He jokes, but you can’t bring yourself to make a come back, already feeling your lids grow tired from what just happened.
Nuzzling into his neck, you give his skin little kisses, “sounds good baby,” you slur, “sounds real good.”
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heretherebedork · 3 years
The Battle Royale is back!! This time: Uke edtion 2.0: the comeback!! (This time: the battle is randomized and shuffled!)
Now who among here excretes the most uke energy? A gaybie? A soft uke? A perfect Uke? And the contestants are:
Taekyung vs. Adachi
Sky (GB) vs. Tae Joo (Eyes Linger)
Pi vs. Gene
Tian vs. Pharm
ShuYi vs. Shi Lei
Zhao Zi vs. Si Qi
Meen vs. Tine
Jin vs. Arthit
Kit (Gen Y) vs. Wad (SOTUS S)
Karl vs. Gavreel
Tutor vs. Knock
Mico vs. Jaime
Reb vs. Jim
Tong vs. Folk
Paii vs. Wayo (2moons2)
Beam vs. Kit (Both 2moons2)
Mon vs. Shi Gu
Chon vs. Mes
Masuk vs. Nuea
King vs. Third
Puth vs. Boss (My Engineer)
Kao (DBK) vs. Kao (Oxygen)
Chol vs. Xingsi
Mu Ren vs. Yu Hao (Crossing the Line)
Pete (LBC) vs. Fiat
Yeon Woo (Color Rush) vs. Ki Wan (Ryu's Wedding)
Hin (Chance to Love) vs. Hin (Lovely Writer)
Aey vs. Yi Chen (Obsessed)
Pao vs. Ake
Phai (Gen Y) vs. Wayu (Gen Y)
Day (Sotus S) vs. Zon (WhyRU)
Typhoon vs. Mekhin (Close Friend)
Team vs. In
Guitar vs. Ray (Close Friend)
Type (2gether) vs. Sang Ha (Mr. Heart)
Sheng Zhe (Right or Wrong) vs. Shao Fei
Frong vs. Duen
King vs. Sky (My Day)
Ou Wen vs. Minh Hoang
Can vs. Techno
Yu Zhen vs. Bunn
Bonus: (Ga On vs. Da On)
This time, anyone can play! Feel free to play this game! It's open to all!
I'd also like to dare @absolutebl and @raiko101 to try this one! Hehehe
and also: thank you @absolutebl for your posts! I also learned a lot from you! prolly half of these characters came from you so, yay thanks!
Ahaha, wow, my anons are pulling in my mutuals? Again? My life is wild here, y'all. Yay Battle Royale Anon! How did you know I have time to kill before Golden Blood?
Also, this one is fascinating because how does one define uke? Because some of these characters might be bottoms but I wouldn't define them as ukes because ukes are typically the ones being pursued. So I've sort of been trying to figure that out and so some of these get some odd answers depending on the character. Is an uke defined as what most straight girls think of a bottom? Is an uke the character being pursued or who needs to be taken care of?
... Look, uke is an ever-evolving word, especially from when I first joined fandom. So it's very interesting!
Taekyung vs. Adachi
Adachi has to win this. I love Taekyung to death and he's my tiny gaybie but Adachi just... he's darling and small and he needs to be protected and pursued and he just... fits more of what I think of as an uke. Now, this is probably because this is a Japan (creator of the uke/seme dynamic as we know it) versus Korea (who really don't do strong seme/uke dynamics) thing rather than a character thing. Since uke really is in the relationship and not just the character...
Sky (GB) vs. Tae Joo (Eyes Linger)
It's Sky. Sky is a baby. Sky is absolutely baby. He's in need of so much love and care and protection. Although Tae Joo is close and he definitely needs it, it's in a different way. Plus, Sun is gonna take a bullet for Sky and I am an absolute sucker for that. But they're such good characters to contrast.
Pi vs. Gene
I gotta admit that I'm giving this to Gene. Now, this is because of the show. I want Gene to be taken care of by his love. I want Nubsib to love and care for Gene. I don't want Pi to be take care of. I want Pi to go be independent and pissy somewhere else without ever thinking about Mork again.
Tian vs. Pharm
Pharm had to win this. I love Tian, don't get me wrong. But Tian and Phupha have a different dynamics than Dean and Pharm. Dean and Pharm definitely lean more towards what I would consider a seme/uke relationship and, thus, Pharm wins. Also, tiny gaybie Pharm almost always wins.
ShuYi vs. Shi Lei
This is so interesting because it's Taiwan vs Taiwan and they don't do the really strong seme/uke... but yeah, it's Shu Yi. Shu Yi 100%. Shi Lei is an uke but he's not as much of one as Shu Yi. Shu Yi is such a darling who just needs so much love.
Zhao Zi vs. Si Qi
It's Zhao Zi. Look, I adore Si Qi. He's a darling. But Zhao Zi is just gaybie energy x100 alongside abandonment issues and that sunshine over sadness energy is just A+.
Meen vs. Tine
This one is hard. They're both such ukes, such little gaybies... But I like Meen more, so I'm going with him. He was the bright spot in the show where Tine was, ironically, one of my least favorite characters in his show.
Jin vs. Arthit
I had to give this to Jin. He just loved being pursued so much and all the attention and the little gifts from Bbomb just made him so happy. He couldn't help himself. Arthit just didn't quite have that with Kongpob, as much as I love them together. Different vibes.
Kit (Gen Y) vs. Wad (SOTUS S)
Kit is basically the perfect example of a tsundere uke. Like, he is the platonic (lol) ideal. And I love him for that so much. He's definitely one of my favorite characters just in general and such a little tsundere uke he has to win.
Karl vs. Gavreel
This one is a bit harder. Ugh. Like, you could claim it for either one and also argue that neither one is exactly an uke... but I'm gonna give it to Gavreel. Mostly for levels of realism. Karl is just so realistic it's hard to call him an uke.
Tutor vs. Knock
Yeah, it's Tutor. He was tough as nails but he melted so nicely under Fighter's hands and just falls apart and gets sick without him and that's just... such an uke thing, okay? SUCH an uke thing.
Mico vs. Jaime
I had to go with Mico. I love Mico. He's such a darling and absolutely radiates gaybie in need of love energy at all times and I still desperately wish that Hello Stranger the movie had given him more of a chance at the end rather than a rush.
Reb vs. Jim
... It's Reb because Jim just annoyed me mostly. Also, Reb is tiny and adorable and has that super innocent gaybie energy that makes him a bit more real but also a bit more uke. I dunno, this is what I mean about the definition of uke. It's hard to pin down for me!
Tong vs. Folk
Look, I get it, I'm the only person who preferred IttPai to PureFolk. I GET IT. But that just means I'm gonna pick Tong because PokTong was the best pairing beside MarkKit and also holy shit sex and holy shit the love they share that they damaged and hurt so much together... ugh, uke energy be damned, I'm choosing my favorite.
Paii vs. Wayo (2moons2)
Yo is ultimate uke. He's such an uke is almost hurts. Like, he always wins this. Every time. No question or hesitation.
Beam vs. Kit (Both 2moons2)
Kit wins again. Because Kit is a tsundere uke and, frankly, 2moons2 Kit is even MORE of the perfect tsundere uke because he also melts. He melts so hard and so fast and it's adorable beyond belief.
Mon vs. Shi Gu
Sorry, Shi Gu, but Mon is such an uke. Like holy sheesh this boy. This most darling boy. He's tiny and gaybie and adorable and PORTABLE and yeah, he's super uke.
Chon vs. Mes
I'm gonna give it to Chon because he's just... a bit more? To me. He's more of an uke and I love him for it. Tough as nails uke boy with a lot of of darlingness. Yeah, just gotta go with my heart.
Masuk vs. Nuea
I might like Nuea more but I think Masuk has more uke vibes. They're still weak but they're there and I just gotta give it to my darling Masuk. He's so soft and needs so much love and a lot of care.
King vs. Third
Third is ultimate uke. Crying in a shower? Weeping over everything? Very protective friends? Yeah. YEAH. He wins this.
Puth vs. Boss (My Engineer)
Puth just isn't an uke to me. He's got different vibes. But Boss? Boss is an uke and adorable and he just wants to finally love Mek openly and honestly and just be held and goofy and ride on his back. And seriously, love the boy.
Kao (DBK) vs. Kao (Oxygen)
Ugh, this is hard because I'm not 100% on how much an uke Kao (Oxygen) is and I don't really think about DBK ever... I'll give it to Oxygen. I love Oxygen and I miss Kao.
Chol vs. Xingsi
Xingsi wings this by being the most take over uke ever, the one who definitely wants to be spoiled but also knows exactly how he wants to be spoiled and isn't afraid to show it. Gotta love him.
Mu Ren vs. Yu Hao (Crossing the Line)
I gotta give this to MuRen. CTL had almost no seme/uke energy but they definitely went harder in CTY. So... MuRen wins by virtue
Pete (LBC) vs. Fiat
Screw you, they're both ultimate ukes. Everybody wins!
Yeon Woo (Color Rush) vs. Ki Wan (Ryu's Wedding)
I had to go with Yeon Woo. Like, I had to. What a darling little uke who needed to be chased and needed to be convinced and needed to be saved from himself and the other people who love him.
Hin (Chance to Love) vs. Hin (Lovely Writer)
Lol, I had to go with Chance to Love because, like, look at that boy. He gave up everything in the hopes that his seme would be happy and just... what a tiny darling. Sadly, Hin didn't get any romance. So... outta luck, child.
Aey vs. Yi Chen (Obsessed)
Obsessed is just all about the seme/uke dynamic. I had to give it to Yi Chen. Like, had to. Absolutely had to.
Pao vs. Ake
Neither are my favorites but I have to give the uke energy to Pao. Ake is adorable and all but Pao just radiates that 'I'm a baby take care of me' energy, especially as a ghost.
Phai (Gen Y) vs. Wayu (Gen Y)
Yu is the most uke uke to ever uke. Seriously. What a baby. And he's such an uke he has two semes fighting over him! You can't get much more uke than that, let's be honest.
Day (Sotus S) vs. Zon (WhyRU)
Look, I gotta be honest, I mostly just watch the Kongpob and Arthit scenes of SOTUS S. But also... Zon. Zon is puppy uke. He is tiny, tiny puppy uke and I cannot deny him that title. He deserves it.
Typhoon vs. Mekhin (Close Friend)
I gotta give it to Typhoon. I still don't like that part very much and I just want to protect him from his boyfriend ignoring him and I think part of that is what makes him such an uke. I just want to protect him so badly.
Team vs. In
In's not an uke to me. But Team? I'm good with that. I can handle it. And he needs that care and that love. Also, as I say every time... Between Us must exist!
Guitar vs. Ray (Close Friend)
Gui beats Ray by a hair. BARELY at all. But I just love Gui and his darling softness and just his everything... Ugh, Gui definitely has uke energy.
Type (2gether) vs. Sang Ha (Mr. Heart)
I gotta go with SangHa. What a darling boy. Type is great and all but their relationship is much more equal than anything else. And SangHa is just... this boy who needs to be loved and cared for and then to run alongside his boyfriend.
Sheng Zhe (Right or Wrong) vs. Shao Fei
I gotta give it to Sheng Zhe. I love Shao Fei deeply but Sheng Zhe wins in terms of uke. Like, he's darling and family and sweet and full of love and I love him so much I cannot even.
Frong vs. Duen
Duen gets it, even if I view him as entire asexual and, frankly, more than a bit aromantic. I genuinely think he dislikes being in a committed relationship. But... uke energy? Yeah, he gives out more than Frong.
King vs. Sky (My Day)
King is way more uke than Sky because Sky isn't uke at all. My Day was amazing for having such no seme/uke dynamic, yo. But King? Yeah, he's got that energy with Ram.
Ou Wen vs. Minh Hoang
I'm gonna give this to Minh Hoang. Because Ou Wen isn't uke energy for me. But Minh Hoang has some. Neither of these shows really does the seme/uke energy, honestly. But I can lean a bit more towards Minh Hoang.
Can vs. Techno
I'm giving it to Can despite the unconventional nature of his relationship with Tin and the maturity they show through the show. But I love Can and the want to care for him and I want to protect him. And the more I want to protect a character, the more I go with uke. (Not that I'm a seme, I'm just a sunshine puppy disguised as a person.)
Yu Zhen vs. Bunn
I feel weird but I'm definitely giving it to Yu Zhen. I gotta. I can't help myself. He's such a darling young man who just needs to be taken care of by Shi Lei on every possible level. I mean, boy still doesn't know not to eat gummies. Seriously.
Bonus: (Ga On vs. Da On)
I have to give this to DaOn. I can't help myself. I get the same energy from Ga On but DaOn just sends me away with the need to protect him, seriously.
Holy shit that took me the entire length of The Boy Foretold by the Stars, fyi. BUT I DID IT.
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missmonsters2 · 4 years
You Found Me
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x fem!reader/OFC
Summary: Part II to Under the Light.  Two years have passed . You think there are somethings you can’t survive, but you find a way. And when you’re forced to face Wanda once more, you learn that time can heal almost anything, but some things don’t change.
Note: This was part of my 500 (or 800) follower celebration a while back. 1/3 fics that I will be writing a part II for with a happy ending. This is about as happy as it gets LOL For any new readers, make sure to read part I: under the light for this to make sense. 
Warnings: implied depression, panic attacks, moving on & therapy.
PART I: Under the Light
Genre: Soft Angst & Romance
Count: 6589
The end isn't always what you think it is. 
You think after the end, that's it. Roll the credit scene, and fade to black. That's the end of the book; there isn't anything else.
But it's not.
There's always something after the end, and in your case, it's called moving on.
You look up, thoughts interrupted.
"I don't know, doc," you sigh, leaning back on the couch.
"Try to explain it," he gently asks, his legs are crossed as he's got his chin in his hand, notebook strewn aside.
You gnaw on your bottom lip, trying to string your thoughts together.
"I guess the hardest parts are the small things I have to remind myself that I don't need to do anymore. Like, earlier this month, there was a new Netflix show that I know she'd love, and I caught myself not watching it because I felt like I should wait for her, but I don't need to anymore," you hope that's enough to convey what you're feeling to your therapist.
"And?" He probes, and you sigh. 
Of course, it wouldn't be enough. You knew better by now.
"And I feel...lost," you shrug.
Your therapist hums.
"Why do you feel lost?" Your therapist questions. "What was it about Wanda that made you feel found?"
Talking about Wanda still feels like there's a painful thudding on your chest.
"I..." You rasp, "Because she was like me. Broken. She saw me for me and loved me anyway. And that all crumbled apart."
"Because she's not broken anymore?"
You nod tiredly.
"So, what is the concept of broken people?" Your therapist asks as he leans back in his chair. "If you can be unbroken, were they broken in the first place? Is being broken a forever issue?"
You're silent because you don't know. 
"Think about it," your therapist says, uncrossing his legs. "I think you should be opening to meeting more people, making more friends, and letting things progress naturally without too many expectations."
You nod, licking your lips, thoughts coming and going from your mind.
"Alright, that's it for our session today. Think about what I said and come see me again in a couple weeks," your therapist closes his notepad, standing up to let you out.
"Alright, thanks, doc," you say with a soft grin that your therapist returns.
"You're doing really well," he compliments you, "much better than when I found you."
You laugh, "You mean a real nutcase."
"Not at all," your therapist smiles, "You came here, lost and alone. Even though you had said you wanted to give up, you found a job before anything else. You have a stubborn fighting spirit, that even when you feel like you're at your end, you keep going. Be a little proud of that."
"Thanks, David." 
Do you ever wonder what the truth is? Is the truth just a matter of circumstance? 
Because the truth is that you had run. You ran from New York and began again in LA. 
You saw the missed calls from Wanda and changed your number. You knew that she could find you, if she wanted, you can't hide from her powers and you can't hide from Tony's money.
But running and changing your numbers told her you didn't want her to come after you. 
But maybe there's a truth to that too.
"Hey, got your usual."
You look up to see the friendly coffee shop owner across from your building.
"Have I become that predictable, Lucy?" you reply with a friendly smile.
Lucy hands you your drink, laughing lightly as she does. She throws in a free muffin.
"Maybe you're just my favorite customer," she grins.
You quirk your brow at her. Lucy is undoubtedly pretty, with her blonde hair and green eyes. She's funny, and she's easy-going.
"Are you flirting with me over baked goods?" 
"Is there any other way?" Lucy tilts her head.
You smile at her, and she returns it.
"Can I have your number?" She asks bluntly, and you find yourself pausing for a moment.
It's small things like this that you find catching yourself at.
The quick second where you almost automatically say no because your body is so used to having Wanda. 
The next quick second, where it feels like you're cheating even if she's not with you anymore.
It's a constant reminder you have to learn to live your own life.
You grab an extra coffee sleeve on the side and the pen, scribbling your number down.
You give Lucy a small smile before you wave off and set off to get to work.
"Hey, where's the fire today?" You ask your coworker as you see the office bustling around more than usual.
"We have a new client. She wants a marketing plan for her company. It's brand new, but she's bringing loads of money. Harris is sucking ass hard to keep her happy," your coworker gossips with you and you hum.
You're not really too concerned about it. After all, you're still relatively new to the company, only having worked for a year and a half. 
You were just a novice marketing designer. You worked on small jobs, fixing up other people's work, creating a few things here and there. Your boss was just starting to give you more responsibilities and really liked the ideas you were bringing.
"She sounds like a pain in the ass," you say. You've met big clients before. Most of them were demanding and a little on the rude side, but you couldn't really do much about it when you're just a novice designer. 
"Oh, we're passing by the meeting room, let's see what's going on," your worker huddles a little closer to you as the conference room comes up. As you pass by the glass walls, your breath stops.
It's been 2 years, but you could never forget her face.
She looks the same, a little more mature maybe. She's dyed her hair blonde, and no longer has the split hair part, but now to the side.
An array of emotions flicker through you, but it's the single, loud thought that draws her attention to you.
Her head whips over to you, shock registering on her face, and at least you know this wasn't a planned attack.
"Oh, she's hot," your coworker whispers to you, and the only response you have to that is swallowing.
"I gotta go," you mutter, speeding past the room and leaving your coworker alone. 
You don't even know where to go, but all you know is that you can't be in the same building as Wanda, let alone a room. Bolting out of the building, you walk and walk until you find yourself back at the café. 
You sigh, entering the shop.
"Hey," Lucy greets you, surprise on her face that you're back so soon.
You try to give her a smile, but it probably comes out as more of a grimace. 
And when Lucy cocks her brow at you, you sigh.
"Sorry," you breathe, "I got ambushed at work. I need somewhere to hide, and I don't know, I ended up here."
Lucy merely nods as you take a seat at one of the tables, setting your bookbag down. You've got your head in your hands as you're trying to control your breathing.
A cup of coffee being set down brings you out of your momentary panic. You look up to see Lucy taking a seat diagonally from you. 
"On the house for my favorite panicky customer," she lightly teases you, smiling when she gets you to chuckle. 
"Thanks," you say, taking a sip of the drink. 
You can tell it's decaf, and you smile at her being considerate. 
"So," Lucy slowly speaks, "want to share what's gotten you so shaken that you ran back to my coffee shop before I even had a chance to give you a call?"
You bite your lip.
"I..." You start.
"My ex showed up at my firm. She's a customer. An important one at that, it seems."
It's probably not a good start to talk about your ex, one that clearly so affects you still, to someone you just gave your number to in the prospect of going on a date. 
Lucy hums. 
"It didn't end well?" She surmises, and you shakily nodded. 
"Are you still in love with her?" Lucy asks.
You don't answer right away, but it's enough for Lucy to have an answer. 
You don't look at her because it's obvious this was crashing and burning too.
"I..." Lucy licks her lips, "would like to take you on a date."
Your head snaps at to look at her like she's grown three heads.
"What?" You sputter. "Are you sure? I have a lot of baggage clearly."
Lucy shrugs.
"Who doesn't have baggage?"
Your expression shows her that you're unsure because this doesn't exactly spell out it's going to end well, not that it wouldn't either.
"Look," Lucy puts her hand atop of yours, "I'm well aware you're probably still in love with your ex. Whatever it was, it must've been intense. I know full well what I would be getting myself into if I take you on a date. But I think you deserve to go out with someone and see there's more out there."
You stare at her hand on top of yours, blinking. 
"Just think about it," Lucy pats your hand as the door rings, indicating another customer has come in. "You're welcomed to stay to hide, and you know where to find me."
Lucy leaves you in your thoughts. You do take her up on her offer to stay because there's no way to go out back to the office. You e-mail your boss you'll be working elsewhere for the day, but he doesn't care as long as you turn in your drafts. 
At the end of your shift, you get up, giving Lucy a half-shy, half-awkward wave and leave.
You leisurely take your time walking home to be able to process your thoughts. 
You feel a little calmer than you did when you first bumped into Wanda this morning, but now you had more on your plate with Wanda and deciding if you wanted to go on a date with Lucy. 
Although time has passed, you were only really beginning to heal yourself.  You weren't really sure if you were in the right headspace for dating. 
It felt much more serious now that Lucy knew you had some baggage, and still wanted to go on a date. It didn't feel casual anymore.
You were beginning to walk up to your duplex when you spotted someone sitting on your steps. 
"What are you doing here?" You bite out.
There she was, Wanda, sitting on your steps with her head in her hands. She snapped up, hearing your voice. 
A wide variety of emotions passed her face. 
"You're here," she breathed, and you find yourself recoiling with the thick emotion in her voice as she spoke. 
Wanda stands up, going down the steps before she's standing in front of you.
The smell of vanilla and cinnamon invades your nose, and a whole new wave of anxiety passes you with the familiarity of it.
Your heart starts thudding in your chest, and you're breathing heavily. Something on your face tells Wanda you're about to have a panic attack. She starts to come closer, wanting to wrap her arms around you, but she pauses.
Wanda knows that she's the cause of this right now, so she backs up and gives you some space with her hands up non-threateningly. 
"Hey," she softly speaks, "it's okay. I won't invade your space."
You close your eyes as you try to focus.
"That's it," Wanda tries to guide you, "breathe in. Hold it...that's good, okay, exhale slowly."
This repeats for minutes until you've calmed down. 
"I'm sorry," Wanda says slowly, "I would've called first, but I didn't know your number."
"That didn't stop you from showing up at my place," you mutter. 
Wanda bites her lip, but nods. 
"What do you want?" You ask her.
"Can we go inside? It's not safe about it to talk outside," Wanda nods her head towards your door.
You frown, not really wanting to let her in, but you sigh and nod. 
You pass by her, careful to not breathe in her scent as you open the door and let her in. 
You barely acknowledge her as you drop your things on the kitchen table and start to heat your kettle for hot water. 
Wanda walks in slowly, taking in your place. 
She notices that it both feels homey and empty.
You've clearly taken care of your place, getting a nice couch, and the effort of getting pillows and throw blankets for it. There's art on the wall, but there are no personal photos anywhere. 
It was like a show home. 
You watch Wanda stare at your things as you lean against the wall. 
"Why are you here?" You ask, breaking Wanda's thoughts as she looks over to you.
She purses her lips, let out a deep sigh.
"I'm on a mission. I didn't realize you were working there. I just wanted to let you know that I'm investigating your boss."
"My boss," you repeat slowly, and Wanda nods. 
"I can't go into many details, but I'm undercover right now."
You grumble. Of course, the firm you pick to build your career has a shady boss running it.
"Fine," you huff, "I won't get in your way. Anything else?"
Wanda's eyes soften as she looks at you.
"How are you? You look good," she sincerely says to you, and you give her a blank expression. 
There's a tumulus feeling rumbling underneath you. You want to scream at her because why is she asking? It's none of her business. 
Wanda sighs again when you don't answer her. "I sincerely didn't know you worked at the firm. If I had known you worked there, I would've asked someone else to take this mission."
There's a bit of a sting to her words because as much as you didn't want to see her, it sounds like she didn't want to see you either. 
"Well," you huff, "no worries about me. I won't get in your way. Do what you have to do."
Perhaps because there's a bite to your words, a tone of sarcasm as you walk back into the kitchen, Wanda follows you.
"Hey," she calls, grabbing your wrist to turn you around. You immediately pull your arm away, and Wanda lets go, an apologetic look on her face.
"I didn't mean it like that," Wanda explains.
It's silent, and you don't say anything, not making another move even though your kettle as turned off, signaling the hot water was done.
"I wanted to chase you," Wanda says. 
The words hang in the air, and you're not sure what to do with that. You just let the words sting.
"I wanted to follow you immediately the day you left. You ran so fast. One moment you were breaking up with me, and then the next day, you bought a plane ticket and left," Wanda ran her fingers through her hair. 
"I harassed Tony into finding out where you had gone. I bought a plane ticket, ready to go after you," Wanda stopped talking.
You were clenching and unclenching your jaw. 
"But Natasha said I shouldn't," Wanda finally says, and you're ready to explode at her, barely able to just keep it in.
"She said that you were hurting, I was causing your hurting," Wanda frowned. "Natasha said you needed to heal, and where we both were, I would only hinder your progress. You needed a change of scenery without me."
You don't know what to say to that.
Because it's true. 
With more time that passes, it's easier for you to admit that you being with her at the time was making things worse for you.
She wasn't in a good place when you had met her and got together. But Wanda was healing before you, and you weren't ready for that.
You relied on her too much, put Wanda on a pedestal, kept putting her before yourself. 
You were probably hindering Wanda's healing too. 
It was too hard for you to see her with Vision, even if it might've been nothing. 
"I respected your space, and I didn't check up on you," Wanda tells you, taking a cautionary step closer. "But that never changed the fact that I'm still in love with you. I'm still waiting for the right time for us to get back together."
You recoil slightly as she gets closer. You're not ready for this. You can feel every muscle in your body screaming to run. 
"Why?" You hoarsely ask, tears welling in your eyes.
"When you left, you said I had outgrown you," Wanda says, and you feel a slice across your heart at the bitter memory.
"But that's not true," Wanda shakes her head, "I had loved you when we first met, loved you when we were in the dark, and I will love you as we keep moving. It doesn't matter if we don't move at the same pace. I will love you."
They're pretty words, you feel. Because all you can remember is how she had said none of this as you were leaving. 
All you can remember is how she turned to Vision.
You don't have anything to say except you turn to bolt for the door, leaving Wanda in your place. 
You hear a call of your name, but you keep running, thankful that she doesn't follow you. 
You pull out your phone and dial.
"I know it's after hours, but can you please see me right now?"
You staring a picture above the fireplace.
"Did you want anything to drink?"
You turn your attention away from the photo, looking at David.
"Water, please," you quietly ask. 
"Sure thing," David grins as he yells down the hall for water, making you wince.
His husband, Liam, shows up looking unimpressed with David as he shoots you a wink before leaving.
You're in David's study room as he hands you the water and gestures for you to take a seat.
"Sorry for showing up like this," you apologize.
David waves it off. "It's fine. You came at a good time. Liam was kicking my ass in scrabble, he was getting too smug."
You smile lightly. It's been a while since you had seen Liam. When you had first arrived, you saw David pretty regularly and sometimes even ate dinner at their place while you were still trying to get yourself together.
"So?" David settles into his seat with his hands, clasped together. "What's got you rattled?"
"Wanda showed up."
It's quiet for a moment as David assesses what you said.
He hums.
"Why did she show up?"
"She's a client at my firm. An important one and she can't choose another firm. She didn't know I was working there," you explain as best you can since you can't tell David she's undercover. 
David nods. 
"And what happened?"
"I ran," you tell him. "I hid in a coffee shop I go to every day, where the owner asked me out on a date, knowing full well I'm not over Wanda. Then I went home, and Wanda was there waiting for me."
You speak so fast that David widens his eyes minusculely.
He doesn't say anything, so you assume you need to keep talking about what happened.
"I had a panic attack when I smelled her scent," you mutter, "I let her into my place, and she explained why she had shown up. I know she wasn't trying to ambush me."
"Alright, it sounds pretty standard. Did she leave after?"
You explain the rest of what happened to David, who seems to be taking in what happened as he sits in silence for a bit.
He hums. 
"What did you think about what she said?" He asks.
"Lies," you immediately say. "Or at least partially lies."
"Why is that?"
You sigh a little frustratedly as you lean forward in your chair. "Why didn't she say those things as we were breaking up? I told her to admit it, she had outgrown me, and she didn't say anything. Saying nothing might as well have been agreeing. Now she's here saying that she would always love me?"
"And what if it was true? That you two had outgrown each other?"
"Then there's no point," you say, "even if we land in the right place, we could always outgrow each other again."
David hums again, and you hate it when he does that.
"Just say what you're thinking," you grumble, and he smiles. 
"In my professional opinion, it's true that it can happen again. But here's the thing, love is not just a feeling. It takes work and effort. You have to choose that every day. Two years have passed, the two of you are different people. Back then, you were choosing to not move forward; Wanda was. That's where your insecurities had stemmed from when she was getting closer to Vision. Space apart might have been the best thing for you to not rely on and hinder each other. But now, you're here. Healing. Choosing."
"So, I should get back together with her?" Your brows furrow.
David laughs lightly, "No, I didn't say that. That's something you will need to decide on your own. I'm just here to help you rationalize your feelings and thoughts, suggest you do things that may help. That's why I think you should accept the date with Lucy."
David rests his elbow on his armrest, rubbing his index finger and thumb together.
"Lucy was very clear she understood what she was getting into if you choose to go on a date with her. Seems like she's offering to show you a good time without any strings attached. You might not come across an opportunity like that again," David points out.
"If it leads to something more and you want that, you have your answer," David smiles.
You sigh shakily and nod sharply.
The end of the session comes, and David leans forward.
"Just remember, you're different than who you were two years ago. Wanda coming back doesn't change that. She's different than who she was two years ago. You don't need to idealize her. She's just another person too."
You shakily nod your head, thanking David for squeezing you in so suddenly, and say bye to Liam on your way out.
When you head home, Wanda is no longer there, but there's an address written on your notepad on the counter.
The next few weeks pass by with a blur. Work gets so busy, you hardly have time to think about anything.
Not that it stops you from thinking about things, but it's easier. 
You see Wanda in the building occasionally, but other than a nod of acknowledgment, she doesn't speak to you. You're sure it's because you ran out the last time, and she's trying to respect your space again. 
Though, sometimes you find yourself staring at Wanda from afar. You think about what David says and how you're both different people. She does seem different.
She walks with this air of confidence that she didn't have before. She smiles more, and she doesn't look as angry and resentful as she once did. 
You find yourself self-reflecting on yourself when that happens. You can admit that you've come a long way, but you aren't quite sure you'd categorize yourself in the same place as Wanda, but you are moving forward. 
That night, you show up at the coffee shop, surprising Lucy as you come in.
You haven't seen her in weeks, you even stopped coming for morning coffees.
"And she lives," Lucy says amusedly, but you feel a little guilty for avoiding her.
You breathe, gathering your courage as you look at her.
"Would you like to go on a date with me?"
Lucy tilts her head, staring at you momentarily before she smiles, and you think she has a beautiful one. 
"I'm actually just closing up, so if you'd like to wait, we can go to this nice little ice cream shop a couple blocks from here."
You nod eagerly, happy that you hadn't botched this up. 
You two make small talk as she cleans up, catching each other up on the week. 
The walk passes quickly, and you learn things about Lucy like how she had gotten her degree in literature and was a part-time writer working on a novel. The coffee shop was her parents, but they had passed it down to her when they had retired. She's thinking about it passing it down to her little sister when her sister is old enough. 
You stare at the ice cream menu for almost 20 minutes, unsure what you want to order, but Lucy is patient and talks about her recommendations. You apologize, but she waves it off.
You end up choosing what she recommends, and you like it, but you're not surprised since Lucy seems to understand your coffee order.
The date is simple.
It's easy, you find.
Talking to Lucy is easy, and she's definitely a beautiful woman. 
Even when Lucy slowly reaches for your hand to hold, with a half-shy smile, half-smirk, you let her.
You hear your name.
You turn around to see Wanda standing there, frowning as her eyes pass over your held hand.
"Wanda," you breathe.
The way you say her name, Lucy immediately knows. 
But then you're holding Lucy's hand tighter. 
"What are you doing here?" Wanda asks, trying to play it off casually. 
"I'm..." you start to say, but the words die on your lips.
"We're on a date," Lucy answers instead, brow raised.
"Date?" Wanda says, looking at you, and you swallow.
That feeling like you're cheating on her comes, but you squash it down because you know you're not.
"Yes," you say firmly. "I'm on a date. I'll see you at work."
With that, you turn, Lucy in hand as you drag her off. 
When you're finally far enough, you sigh. 
"Sorry," you mumble, feeling awkward.
Lucy shrugs. "You handled it better than I thought you would. I thought you had swallowed your tongue for a moment."
You let out a rough chuckle as you keep walking. The two of you sit on a park bench, enjoying the weather, the ice cream, and each other. 
"You're still very much in love with her, not even close to being over her."
Lucy speaks after a moment of silence when the conversation had died. 
You look at her, surprised she would bring it up again. She didn't even say it as a posed question. She stated as a fact.
You sigh, "yeah."
"But, you want to move on?" Lucy asks.
You struggle. 
"I don't know," you answer finally.
Lucy reaches over to hold your hand again, and you look down. 
"Does this feel good?" She asks.
You lick your lips as you stare at your intertwined hands. 
"It feels easy," you admit. 
Lucy tilts her head but sighs as she pulls her hand away.
"Can I tell you something?"
You nod, unsure.
Lucy looks ahead of her. "I don't think love should be easy. Sure, that would make everything simple. I don't think love should be a constant battle either, but I think we both should get a love that's worth fighting for."
You swallow, looking away. 
Because you agree.
It's so easy with Lucy. You know that if you let yourself, you could fall in love with her. It would be easy, and you know there's a simple path ahead of you. You'd know what the next steps would be every time.
With Wanda, it's always hard. It's true, you're not always fighting her, but being with her is not a simple feat. 
But you don't know if you want that. 
Lucy turns you and kisses you on the cheek swiftly. 
"Maybe it's not with me, maybe it is. Maybe it's with your ex, maybe it's not, but there's a great love out there. For both of us. I hope I succeeded in showing you a good time."
You smile at her and nod.
"Thanks," you tell her softly, and although she's not yours, you feel like you're losing her a little. You're losing out on something wonderful, you just know it. 
You can't help but blame Wanda a little for that. 
"I expect to see you Monday morning for the best coffee ever," Lucy says she stands up, "and a big fat tip."
"I wouldn't have it any other way," you smile at her as she waves at you before leaving. 
You stay on the park bench much longer after Lucy left, sighing. 
When work comes around Monday, you do as you promised and get coffee at Lucy's, staying the extra minute to chat before you're on your way.
Work is relatively quiet today, Wanda seems tense, and midway through the day, your boss is getting arrested in front of everyone. The executives are taken in custody for questioning, and it will be decided later on who will take over the company.
Everyone is allowed to leave for the day with that, but you decide to stay at the office longer to get work done because you get distracted too easily at home.
It's nearly 2PM when Wanda appears in front of you. 
"Hey," she says softly, and you greet her back with a soft grunt in return.
You close your laptop, wanting to take a break as you look at Wanda.
"Looks like you're done your mission. Lucky you, you get to return."
"I'm staying in the area for a little while longer while things are getting wrapped up," Wanda shakes her head.
You merely nod. 
But at least you know she won't be showing up at her workplace anymore.  You get up, going to the copier room to make some copies of your report for next week.
Wanda follows you, standing at the door and leaning against it slightly with her arm.
"Are you dating her?" She asks bluntly.
And you pause for a moment before you continue with what you're doing.
"It's none of your business," you tell her.
"If you were over me, you would just answer," Wanda answers back, and you snap your head towards her and glare. 
"Are you trying to pick a fight with me?" You grit.
Wanda shakes her head.
"I just want you to tell me if you're dating her," she stands up straighter.
"Why do you even care?" You grumble with a shake of your head.
"Of course I care, I'm in love with you," Wanda says it so easily that it pisses you off.
You accidentally crumble the papers in your hand as you turn to her.
"Wanda," you say very slowly, trying to rein in your temper. "This is already difficult enough for me. You coming back here, even if it's was unintentional, makes this hard for me. I'm a long way from where I was but seeing you just a reminder of how broken I was. How broken we were, and how easy it was for you to move on."
"You don't think this is hard for me too?" Wanda hisses at you as she takes a step closer. 
"You don't think me losing the love of my life because of my inability to say the right things at the right time doesn't keep me up at night? I'm a long way from where I was too. I was just as lost as you were. You thought I had moved on, outgrown you, but I was just lost. You can't lie to me and say you weren't frustrated how you felt every day."
"But I didn't turn to anyone else when I felt that way!" You shout at her.
"Vision means nothing to me!" Wanda shouts back at you, throwing her hands in the air. "We just have a commonality between us, which is the stone. I was just learning about the stone."
Wanda conjures up red wisps between her fingers as if to emphasize her point. 
And even though you had known that might've been the case, it hadn't hurt any less.
"You can't deny that we're bad for each other," you shake your head. 
"I love you," Wanda throws out, and it makes you tense. "I know you're still in love with me too."
"You don't know that," you breathe. 
But Wanda walks up closer to you, she gets up in your personal space, her face hovering over yours.
"Then why do you get so affected by seeing me? Your thoughts are a mess, and why do your lips tremble when you breathe my name?"
You glare at her. 
"That doesn't mean I'm in love with you. You think I can't kiss other people? That I can't move on from you? Love outside of you exists." 
"With Lucy?" Wanda sneers her name. You don't even have to ask that Wanda got her name through reading your mind. 
"Why not her?" You challenge.
Wanda stands there, staring at you, her pupils dilating and contracting as she takes you in.
"Then, let's see you if you can run back to her after this."
And before you can say anything, Wanda's thrusting her hands against your jaw into your hair, gripping it familiarly as she slams into your lips with unadulterated passion. 
She moves her lips against yours, tilting your head as she backs you against the photocopier. 
It hits you so fast and so hard.
The feel of her lips.
Her scent invading your senses. 
She tastes like honey and chocolates, and you know she's been eating candy. 
She runs her hand through your hair. Her hand eventually reaches the back of your neck, and she holds it to keep you close to her. 
It takes the sound of her soft sigh to bring you back to reality, and you push her off you.
You furrow your brows, chest heaving from her kiss.
You look at her, and she's staring at you equally as breathless.
"You're such a fucking asshole," you tell her, shaking your head as you push past her. 
You're pissed.
How dare Wanda just...just kiss you like that!
She has no boundaries, no sense of what you're feeling. 
You gather your things, glaring at Wanda to not follow you.
Wanda sighs.
She fucked up.
She knows she did.
Wanda makes herself some tea at the place she's posted to until she can go home. It was pretty close to the firm for obvious reasons.
She shouldn't have kissed you like that, but it was like this ugly green monster, and the fear of losing you when she saw you with Lucy overwhelmed her.
Wanda had understood what Natasha had told her. She had understood, and let you go on the hopes that the two of you would both grow and be in a better place. 
It wasn't easy for Wanda, she felt like this giant hole was created in her when you left. 
She wasn't a good girlfriend, and she had to work through that. 
Maybe it was premature, but seeing you brought up all the feelings she never left behind. 
Wanda looks outside, noticing the day had passed by quickly, and now it was dark out. She looks at the clock and sighs when it's already 11 PM, but Wanda is feeling no closer to being able to sleep. 
Wanda knew she was going to need to apologize, that was if you were even willing to talk to her. 
She wouldn't be surprised if you decided to quit the firm and moved. 
Wanda sighs, rubbing her forehead and temples with her hands. 
Knock, Knock, Knock.
Wanda turns her head to the door, brow furrowing. The knocking continues until Wanda walks up to open the door.
You push past her and walk into her home.
"You know I had a lot of time to this about this, but what the fuck is wrong you?" You immediately fire off, pacing back and forth.
"You think you can just drop back into my life, even if you didn't mean to, tell me you're still in love with me and kiss me?"
You turn around and glare at her. "Is it crack? Is that what you're smoking? Because who the fuck does that!"
"You had no right to do that, you're such an inconsiderate asshole!"
Wanda frowns, taking the yelling. Your chest is heaving with anger.
"Are you done?" She asks, and you nearly start screaming at her again.
"Did you just come here to yell at me?" Wanda raises her brow.
It's quiet for a moment as you stare at Wanda. 
"No," you finally after a moment. "I came to do this."
And suddenly, you're running towards her, jumping as you wrap your legs around her midsection as she's forced to hold you up, slamming your lips down on her. 
You kiss her wildly, and Wanda response immediately. You wrap your arms around her neck, kissing her over and over as you tangle your hand in her hair.
Moans are heard, and Wanda is walking, nearly stumbling as she both holds you up and makes her way up the stairs to her bedroom.
She throws you on the mattress.
Chest heaving, but from kissing is a much better image Wanda likes. You sit up, grabbing her hand as you remove her rings and toss them aside, making haste to unbutton her shirt.
And Wanda pulls your shirt over your head.
Her body presses yours down to the bed, hands aligning as she intertwines them.
It feels right.
Wanda is going to make sure she loves you with all her might.
It's late into the night, and twilight will come soon. You lie there, breath coming to a steady rhythm as Wanda covers your bare chest with the blanket.
She kisses your shoulder, and you sigh in small contentment.
Under the blanket, you seek her hand out, holding it.
"I'm in love with you still," you confess and Wanda smiles.
"I know."
"But I'm also scared," you tell her, "I'm not really sure if I'm ready for more right now."
"Love is patient," Wanda answers, squeezing your hand.
"How do you know it's the right time for us?" You ask her.
Wanda shifts in the bed, throwing her other hand behind her head.
"I suspect there's no such thing as the right time," she admits, "but I do believe we're both in a better place. The feelings never left. We're both choosing to fight for our own life, choosing to fight for us."
"I don't know if broken people should get second chances," you admit. It's been a ride in therapy, but these thoughts still come.
Wanda turns to you, raising herself onto her elbow.
"Broken people get to heal," she insists firmly. "We're not always broken, and I won't lie and say there won't be cracks, but I love you no matter what. You love me, no matter what. Our cracks are a beautiful reminder that we're fighters. No matter what is revealed when we're under the light, I will fight for you. For me. For us."
You find yourself crying, and Wanda dips down to kiss you tenderly.
"Under the light, you found me."
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obsessive-ego · 4 years
Musical beetlejuice x reader
A little self indulgent ramble based off what happened to me in February last year
The day before my birthday I was layed off due to new management
Everything was different now, you went from top dog, to lowest man on the pole, you no longer came home from work in a good mood, you were always run down and emotionally empty, he hated to see you like this, but you refused his intervention.
"Come on babes, itll be great, I wont even kill 'em" beetlejuice would beg, you would only shake your head in response
"Beej, I appreciate it, truly I do, but I cant just-"
"Sure ya can babes, 3 little words and-"
"Beetlejuice, I know, I just cant sick you on my new boss, yes they're changing everything, and I dont like it, but that's no reason for to let a demon loose in a mall"
The ghoul huffs and flops dont next to you on the couch, pouting like a child.
"I do appreciate Beej, thank you, but I dont think its right" you sigh, leaning into the ghoul, if your attention was drawn to him rather then the tv you would have seen a much pinker beetlejuice.
With a slam of the front door, you come home from work, within a flash beetlejuice was infront of you, as per normal,
"Welcome home sweet stuff, so I was-" he stops dead in his tracks, you were crying, red, blues, and purples, flash through him, as if he was unable to decide what he was feeling.
"I GOT LAYED OFF" you sobbed
"WHAT?!" Beetlejuice settles on a fiery red, there was no way in hell you were layed off for doing something bad, you were his little goody two shoes, an honest hard working breather.
You push past the ghoul and stumble to your room not wanting beetlejuice to see you so emotionally vulnerable, scared he'd laugh at you. Beetlejuice just watches you leave, staring at the hallway you vanished in, red fading to a more purple hue, the ghoul knew you liked to be alone when you were upset, he wasnt too good with the whole comfort thing, but damn he wish he could help ya.
The following morning you left for work without seeing beetlejuice, which was odd, but whatever, you weren't exactly up for being social at the moment.
"I know you only have a few days left here y/n, but I'm going to need you to train your replacement" the words felt like a punch in the gut, was your boss serious? You excused yourself to the washroom shortly after this exchange.
"Beetlejuice, beetlejuice, beetlejuice"
The lights in the bathroom flicker, and a familiar green smoke fills the room, along with a the familiar gravely chuckle of the ghoul you summoned
"Sugar! You missed me~" the demon cheers pulling you close into a tight huge
"I want revenge" you mumble
Beetlejuice quirks an eyebrow at you "what?"
"I want revenge beetlejuice, I was wrong, my boss deserves whatever you're gonna dish out" you push away from the ghoul who was know buzzing with excitement and practically glowing
"Oh baby, finally, its showtime"
Beetlejuice grabs your arm and drags you back to the little shop you worked at, no one payed him anymind
Your boss was too busy gossiping with your replacement, you weren't stupid, you knew they were friends, but getting you to train them AFTER RECEIVING a two week notice, that was the final straw.
"All right sweetheart, this ones a REAL panty dropper" the ghoul nudged you as you let out a soft laugh.
To make a long story short the fire department had to be called.
Based off what happened shortly after my 2 week notice
Your phones buzzes to life, you groan and grope around for the device
"10 more minutes babes" beetlejuice moans, the ghoul had snuck his way into your bed while you slept and was now spooning you.
"Remeber my old boss?"
"The one I made piss themselves? Yeah"
You shift abit, sitting up, holding out your phone, showing a text that read
'Y/n I am hung over, can you please cover for me this morning? I need you to open the store'
Beetlejuice squints at the text mumbling the text outloud, a slight pause before a thunderous laugh
"Are they fucking joking? They drop your cute little ass then they got the balls to ask that? That's gotta be a joke"
You chuckle "unfortunately not"
You tap away at your phone before placing it back where you found it, and slipping back under the covers with your demon.
"What did you say babes?"
"Lol fuck no"
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I'm a follower but I figured I would do anon to be fun lol. Do you think/headcanon Danny or Steve having an odd habits or behaviors that they keep quiet when they first get together but slowly start to indulge after a bit?
Hello!  And thank you for the ask!  Ooh! Yes! I have like a billion aus and thoughts and metas that I’ve developed with fellow friends and especially my fandom wife, it’s kinda hard to choose!  Immediately the first thing that pops into mind is their size difference and cuddling.A lot of factors go on how they became a couple that affect this, but some of the points to this is....who’s the big spook and who’s the little spoon? Because of their size different, I do think that what would be common at first is for Steve to be the big spoon. And who wouldn’t love to be held by Steve? It’s not something Danny will complain about, but as they get more comfortable and break away of their perceptions of what society thinks they should be doing it and how, I think Steve will allow himself to be the smaller spoon a bit more often. During the day he’s the head of this amazing task force, he’s gotta be the boss who has to always be okay and be the strongest, and be the leader 5-0 needs. 
But then when he comes home and he and Danny get into bed, he can rest. He can allow himself to be held by someone he trusts and who he feels protected by. A feeling he hasn’t properly felt since he was a child probably.  But that’s not too odd, is it?   It’s not odd per se, but I think Danny indulging more into his Italian side. It wasn’t subtle that Danny at first felt very out of place. Sometimes going out of his way to not assimilate into Hawaii. Being a very proud New Jersian. I headcanon that Danny uses a lot more Italian in his day-to-day. Cursing in Italian under his breath with something goes wrong like he spills his coffee or a perp does something unnecessary and stupid(and something Steve copies not two seconds later), I headcanon that he also taught Grace Italian since she was little so she could communicate with the older Williams’s who mostly speak just Italian, so when he gets parental with her it’s in Italian, to show seriousness but also have a bit of privacy, and a “secret” language between the too. He also naturally sang to Grace an Italian lullaby.And like I said, though he’s a very proud New Jersian, he’s aware that he didn’t belong. He knows he was an outside and the small jabs, whether meant for real or just as teases, stuck with him. So he kept the Italian side to himself or with Grace and Eric....until he began to date Steve. Who took a class and it not only helps on cases, but it’s a way for Steve to get Danny to talk to him when the subject is a difficult one.  Other than that...the only thing that comes to mind is socks.  Danny loves his colorful, fun socks that probably began as presents from Gracie and continued to get them from Charlie. For like birthdays, holidays, and other gift giving occasions. Steve being the big, tough military man...Danny would feel a childish embarrassment and try to hide them. Putting on socks at the very last when Steve not in the room until they reached a point where they began to share drawers. Steve did have his fun but after a while, and a sock fiasco where Eddie probably ruined his or if this is pre-Eddie they got totally ruined or lost when doing laundry. And so he used a pair of Danny’s and at this point all he had were colorful fun ones. But they’re also very soft!  and they feel amazing! So now please picture Steve in combat boots but with colorful and fun socks underneath! 
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