#not to compare it to the magnus archives again
silhouettecrow · 1 year
365 Days of Writing Prompts: Day 116
Adjective: Polluted
Noun: Crane
Definitions for those who need/want them:
Polluted: contaminated with harmful or poisonous substances; defiled or corrupted
Crane: a large, tall machine used for moving heavy objects by suspending them from a projecting arm or beam; a moving platform supporting a television or movie camera; a tall, long-legged, long-necked bird, typically with white or gray plumage and often with tail plumes and patches of bare red skin on the head, and cranes are noted for their elaborate courtship dances
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thermodynamic-comedian · 10 months
gertrude robinson is like joan of arc to me. agnes montageu is like saint lucy to me. i could go on but you'd die
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Places where Jonny Sims brought The Mechanisms into The Magnus Archives
A non-exhaustive list of themes, concepts and interesting situations Jonny might have consciously or subconsciously brought with him from The Mechanisms when writing The Magnus Archives:
Broken Horses - Ulysses Dies At Dawn
“I wonder if devils get nightmares of all of their victims as well”
MAG 142 Scrutiny, MAG 146 Threshold and MAG 120 Eye Contact
The Archivist having nightmares of and with all the people he’s taken statements from, his victims.
The article Archive Footage on themechanisms.com
 Ivy, who has the title of archivist, is described as being a book, not a reader
MAG 160 The Eye Opens, mentioned in the statement of Jonah Magnus
The Archivist being described as more of an archive than an archivist.
Red Signal - The Bifrost Incident
“All the doors are open now!”
The metaphor of an open door signifying that eldritch horrors has arrived and apocalypse is forthcoming
MAG 160 The Eye Opens, last line of the statement/ritual
“I. Open. The DOOR” (written phonetically).
The metaphor of opening a door signifying the summoning of eldritch horrors and the start of the apocalypse
Ragnarok II: The Calling - The Bifrost Incident
Odin, a servant of an unknowable eldritch deity, started the apocalypse and is very happy about it
MAG 160 The Eye Opens
The laugh right at the end.
Jon, a servant/avatar of an unknowable eldritch deity, started the apocalypse and is very happy about it
Ragnarok V: End of the Line - The Bifrost Incident
The tragic, queer romance of Loki and Sigyn ending in dying together, one killing the other, to temporarily save the world from eldritch horrors
MAG 200 - Last Words
The tragic, queer romance of Jon and Martin ending in dying(?) together, one killing the other, to save their world from (and doom another to) eldritch horrors
Hereward the Wake - Tales to Be Told vol. 2
“But he loved his servant Martin”
The titular Hereward is gay for a subordinate called Martin
All of s5 and a considerable amount of s4. First confirmed in MAG 161 - Dwelling
Jon, main character, is gay for a subordinate called Martin
Olympians - Ulysses Dies at Dawn
“Now, when the inevitable reality of death is so unpleasant, you better believe people will do anything to avoid it”
Death is known to be eternal and unpleasant, and this drives rich people to do anything necessary to survive, including killing a lot of people via. the Sphinx
MAG 155 - The Cost of Living
Death is, to the rich woman giving the statement, known to be an eternal, painful state, and her wish to avoid this at any cost drives her to kill a lot of people
Ragnarok II: The Calling - The Bifrost Incident
“I’ve done it! Though I never knew the dreams that ate at me were true”
“The Void sings it to me”
Odin hearing music in her dreams calling her to carry out a ritual that brings an eldritch abomination into this world and thereby causes an apocalypse
MAG 151 - Big Picture
“I still hear the music in my dream”
Simon Fairchild likening the call to make a ritual for an eldritch abomination to bring it into this world and thus cause an apocalypse to hearing music in one’s dreams and desperately wanting to recreate it.
A Rebel Yell - Once Upon A Time (In Space): Apocrypha
“Guess you gotta pay The Piper in the end”
A character called The Piper who causes great losses on both sides of a war by betraying a lot of the resistance and then blowing up a planet of the oppressing force when they don’t pay up, thus serving not a specific side but the war itself
MAG 7 - The Piper
A character referred to as The Piper who is an embodiment of the war
Orpheus, Dionysus, muriatic acid and the strange whirring thing
“Know enough about the events leading up to a situation, and you’ll know exactly what will happen next. So much for free will”
The entire concept of The Web, as it understands all the little details that will lead to a certain outcome, knows exactly which future a certain change will bring. And the existential questions about free will this gives Jon in particular
Some of these are more probable than others, and there most certainly plenty I haven’t noticed, so feel free to add your own
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grassbreads · 2 years
The thing about a TMA sequel is that. I more or less like the ending as is. I don’t want additional content that confirms what’s happened to Jon and Martin. And along with that, I think I trust Jonny enough as a storyteller to believe that he knows he shouldn’t mess up the JMart ending. I think he’s said as much in q&as.
However, there is also an evil little content-starved voice in the back of my head saying “hey, you trust Jonny so much; why not trust that he could do a sequel that’s just as good?” And now as I rapidly oscillate between “a sequel would inherently be bad” and “but what if it’s good?”, I fear I will be driven to madness.
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mourningmaybells · 1 year
i have thought about drawing david and lucia in the pieta pose but it seems too overdramatic even though listening to their episode feels like im being shot 3 times
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spiral-man · 8 months
Hey! You! The gay people in my computer! Yah you! I just need you to listen to me for like five minutes (I’m either a genius or all the hair dye is finally seeping into my brain). With every new episode that comes out more and more theory’s are made and a lot of them I’ve noticed point towards all the different ominous things the characters say or do and what that could possibly mean. Most often though they lead to the implication of the character being not totally human. And I mean that’s what it’s all about right?
The Magnus Archives is about what makes a monster and the Magnus protocol is about what makes a human.
There’s also been a-lot of talk comparing the two podcasts:
•the intro music being more intense right off the bat in this one
•placing a lot of emphasis on the fact that the employees can leave whenever they want
At first i thought maybe the plot was just moving faster this time around but it’s not that, it’s moving backwards I think.
•Starting with the employee quitting vs ending with Jon and Martin ‘quitting’.
•Starting showing us how the computer just spits out cases whenever and you can’t stop it vs near the end when Jon couldn’t help himself from making a statement either.
Everyone in the Magnus Archives was human at one point or another, I think everyone in the Magnus protocol was a monster at one point or another.
Jonny sims is really good at plot twists and I think this would be honestly genius. I mean, think about it, don’t think about the Magnus archives, don’t think about the characters past or future, detach yourself from the eye and just look at these characters as they are, right in the moment.
“Oh that’s an ominous thing to say”
“oh that sounds like foreshadowing”
“oh that’s a weird way to say that”
how many times about how many characters do we have those thoughts? We’re only 6 episodes in and I can’t even count the amount of times I’ve thought something one of the characters said was a bit odd. A couple times is normal but especially this early on into a series it shouldn’t be so obvious, it’s to easy. We the fans latch onto these little bits of dialogue and theorize them to death and then move on to the next one and do the same thing all over again, connecting them like the web in the Magnus archives.
But this isn’t the Magnus archives.
Jonny sims once said writing the Magnus archives had to be a balancing act because he had to make sure that the timing of it made sense for people listening as it came out as well as people binging it way after it came out, there was only one safe house episode partly because he didn’t want fans listening as it came out to get bored since it would feel alot longer then It would for people binging it later. I think because this is following the Magnus archives there is a new element of it starting off with a pretty large fan base and because of that Jonny can bank on the fact that more people will be listening as the episodes come out and so we will be less likely to realize how often these strange lines are occurring and how easy it feels.
I think everyone in the Magnus protocol is only pretending to be human, doing a poor imitation which just gets worse with time like how the quality of a printed image will go down which each new copy you make. They remind me of the Not!Them, or the distortion, pretending to be someone/something your not and doing it so well it’s almost an exact copy….but not completely, some things are just slightly off, some things make you look twice and wonder.
None of them are human, not completely.
(Not yet?)
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What Sign (Astrology) is what Fear (The Magnus Archive)
I remember in the 2010s, on the astrology side of tumblr. A popular thing to was take albums and assign each song to the sign they felt represented. This is inherently an imperfect practice (Astrology is actually a very complicated process.), but taken lightly it can be loads of fun.
Disclaimer, I researched this stuff a years ago, and like The Fear, I'm basing all this on Feeling. I am by no mean an expert.
Aries - The Sluaghter - As an Archetype, Aries is the sign of The Warrior. The "youngest" of the signs, it's often seen as impulsive and reckless. Angered on the drop of a dime, and always ready for a fight.
Taurus - The Flesh - They are creature of comfort and gluttony. A sign who will work hard now so they can sleep longer later. The Bull, sturdy, strong, and grounded. Somehow the laziest and hardest working sign. They are lover of food, and the physical pleasures.
Gemini - The Stranger - This one feel like the stereotype. All Gemini are two-faced, fake, childish/immature. The eternal child. There is a whimsy to The Stranger.
Cancer - The Corruption - This one is complicated. They're sweet, caring, and nurturing. The Archetype of The Mother, but not The Matriarch. Another Archetype is seen as The Prostitute. This is complicated because it's not about sex, but that of giving yourself for the nurture of another. It is a love that consumes in all ways.
Leo - The Lonely - The Lion, The King. When will you learn that to be on top is to have no peers, no fellows.
Virgo - The Web - Their stereotype is that of a controlling and obsessive compulsive individuals. The is the sign of order.
Libra - The Web - This is a sign often stereotyped as " my way or the highway". Now mind you this is an exaggeration. This is the sign of balance, fairness, and whatever one's perceptions of that is. Equilibrium and Order. The Diplomate, Soft power.
Scorpio - The Dark... The Desolation - Guess this is where the jig is up. There is no one to one. They aren't comparable!!!!! Appropriate that I brake patterns at the sign that actually represents Death. But not The End. I have found most esoteric practice don't regard Death as finality, more a transition. This sign is that of mystery and power. Of night and rage. The Dark Feminine. If I'd have it my way, Agnus Montague would be a Scorpio.
Sagittarius - The Hunt - adventures, philosophy, and discovery are all associated with this sign.
Capricorn - The Buried - The most structured of the signs. This isn't order, but rigidity. Stren and Stoic. They have always been the biggest sweethearts I have ever meet, but they scare me, it not a malicious fear, but that of a child who respects their father. They inspire that sense of "masculine"(not gender specific) discipline.
Aquarius - The Vast - I know many will argue The Stranger, and you're right, all this shit is subjective. But hear me out. The Revolutionaries! The sign that look towards the future, towards endless possibilities, to infinity.
Pisces - The Spiral - The sign closest to divinity, The end of one cycle, and the start of another. What was that about doing the same thing over and over again? But ever The Dreamer you take another turn, another twist.
Aries - The Sluaghter....
The End can't really exist as a concept in this cycle.
But I think The Eye would be all of them. We are all the observers of our lives.
I think therefore I am, we are I.
Archives to our existence. I think that's why I like astrology. It's us trying to observe ourself and others. Find connections, coincidence, and magic in what "I was ment to have for breakfast", and maybe I wasn't. But it fun, these games we play with everyone.
I hope you're all having fun
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lilyminer · 17 days
One thing I find endlessly fascinating about fandom cultures is how different fandom communities can become so heavily linked together. Becoming like one community of fans who feel drawn to a group of similar pieces of media because of how many fans they have in common.
Some of them are fairly obvious, like some I’ve run into over the years. Like fans of the book series Warrior Cats also tend to get into the book series Wings of Fire. Both are fantasy xenofiction books with intricate world building. Hell for a while there a lot of the most popular creators from one fandom were also popular in the other. Or people who get into The Magnus Archives also tend to find other podcasts like Welcome to Nightvale interesting. Once again they share a medium and similar appeals.
And this effect can lead to situations like I just found myself in where I get into one fandom just to have both fandom discussions and algorithms alike pull me into a circle where multiple pieces of media are so often brought up together they form a subgroup of a fandom space.
My current interests have led me to what I’ve affectionately nicknamed “the depressed Northern/Eastern European video game complex” which from what I’ve seen contains the game I initially showed interest in Fear and Hunger, Pathologic, and Disco Elysium.
Before anyone pulls out their pitchforks I’m in no way saying these games are the same. First of all they do have quite distinct tones. Especially if you, say, compare Disco Elysium (a game filled with so much hope it’s bursting at the seams) to Fear and Hunger, (a game which aims to make progress feel hopeless at every turn). All I’m saying is the second I started looking up Fear and Hunger on sites like YouTube I might as well have typed in Pathologic by how often I saw content for that game instead. And when I did look up Pathologic the algorithm seems all too ready to introduce me to Disco Elysium too.
As a Canadian these games, to me, look like they were developed in pretty close proximity to each other, European standards of distance might say differently idrk. But the vibes and environments of these games feel so similar to me. So yes, there’s certainly debate to be had about if the inspiration behind each games vibe comes from a common experience but to me there’s definitely something there.
Well anyways I find that collective of close-knit fandoms very interesting. I’ve gone as far into Fear and Hunger as I safely can, did a wonderful play through of Disco Elysium. And now I’ll take what seems like everyone’s advice on my next game. See y’all after I play some assortment of the Pathologic games!
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tumb1rprincess · 1 month
Ah. John finally gets his name. And that little moment where John said he was lucky to have found Arthur, aw, that was so cute. Which it feels weird to call a demonic entity stuck in a blind man's body cute, but that's the word I'm using.
The song the radio changed to in the hospital, was that the same song that was playing in the car at the end of episode 2? I think we've heard that song more than once, and I think John triggers it somehow. Why? What does it mean?
Lol Arthur suggested going to the morgue and I literally went "No, no, please don't." That just sounded horrific. And it was.
John literally being at a loss for words to describe this hound monster thing, that scared me more than anything else. Like, if he's horrified by this thing, you know it's bad. Although when he said they had to stop it, I literally went "Not again." The last time they stopped a monster, everything went batshit insane. But I guess that's John and Arthur's thing now. As dysfunctional and scared as they are, they have to put a stop to these things.
Lol John's here spouting Robert Frost poetry and doesn't even realize it. I love my poetic little demon boy.
This probably isn't the last time we've seen Adam. He sounds scary at this point and I'm guessing he killed Amanda? Like, Arthur told him her name and that was the last thing he needed to find her. But why did he kill her?
I've seen a lot of people compare this series to the Magnus Archives, and Arthur and Jon specifically, and I can see why, besides both of them being horror podcasts. Like, Jon and Arthur were both in comas, they both have wet cat energy, I'm guessing Arthur's going to rack up more injuries like Jon did. And the way John described Amanda's killer (which I'm guessing was Adam), the long fingers instantly made me think of Distortion Michael.
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grimescum · 2 months
the magnus archives dungeon meshi au anyone? anyone? the magnus archives dungeon meshi au? the
laios – head archivist, the hunt
each party is its own archival institute,, rather than one really big important one i'm imagining that there are several smaller ones located in different areas. laios' has probably gotten the most done in terms of research
idk qhen this would take place i havent thought about that yet lol !
not everyone would be an avatar in this au, the assignments are mostly for fun or as a what if
i'm an anime only + i have knowledge of a few spoilers so im not that confident in these... for hte love of god do not be a bitch if i got something wrong or misconstrued something just correct me in the notes pleaks
chilchuck – the buried
i dont think i really have to explain this. by hunting monsters he is technically both predator and prey. also, with him being percieved as dumb or weird by a lot of people, i can imagine being seen as something lesser than human could contribute. also ALSO the guy is literally compared to a dog several times
outside of vibes i dont think he'd be that affected by the hunt. maybe the occasional bout of animalistic aggression or it being triggered by being hungry. kinda like how jon has a decent hold on his powers from the eye
marcille – the stranger
being trapped in a marriage he doesn't want to/can't leave (assuming hes still with his wife in this au), financial issues, being an emotionally constipated little shit and unable to express it
falin – the spiral
i dont fully understand marcille yet but if nothing else i think this fits with her fear of change/the unknown
senshi – the desolation
clashes with his inherent desire to help in a way that i think is fun. also from his trauma, watching all of his team lose themselves in their greed and then die
briefly taken into the spiral's domain, found, and then taken again by thistle
shuro – head archivist, the corruption -or- the lonely
instead of turning into a chimera, she could turn into an avatar of multiple fears at once via thistle basically using her as bait.
in thistle's case i think he'd be a former archival assistant before getting fed to the spiral, like michael shelley
kabru – head archivist, the eye
the loneliness he might feel from not having someone he's truly close with would leave him especially suseptible i think. his infestation began internally before it ate him from the inside out. i dont think he'd have worms either,, maybe something native to japan
forces himself to work as the head archivist until hes too far gone. maizuru has to help a lot
because of his beautiful blue eyes (/j). this one is going mainly off of vibes because i dont fully get his character yet, but with how easily he's able to read people I'd say its a good fit
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Tea - a Magnus Archives one-shot
Tumblr media
"You must be Martin. Jon used to go on about you a lot."
In MAG 149, season 4, Georgie recognized Martin the moment she saw him just from Jon's descriptions, but we didn't get to hear that.
Have a glimpse into my mind-palace of how it could have happened.
Notes: none. This is just fluff. Spoilers thrugh season 4.
“And then Martin—would you believe this—let a dog into the Archives! A dog! ”
“A whole-ass dog, eh?” said Georgie, sipping her tea, trying not to sound dubious.
“It took him all day to get that thing back out of my Archives. Ridiculous.”
“So… you didn’t fire him?”
“No, I didn’t fire him! Elias put him there for some reason, and I… well, I thought it might be more suspicious if I got him out of the way. The next spy could be worse.”
Spies. Dogs. Evil bosses. “Are you still not going to tell me whatever happened at your weird cult workplace?” she said.
He glared over his coffee. “No, I am not going to tell you what happened at my weird cult workplace. Just. He also makes good tea. That’s all.”
“Bully for him.” She left to go to work.
“And then you wouldn’t believe… Martin insisted on ice cream for his birthday. Like we were all children!”
“Oh, no,” Georgie said, pencil posed over her crossword puzzle. “Whatever did you do?”
“Well, I ordered ice cream, of course. No need to rock the boat,” Jon said, leaning on his Oxford English drawl. 
“No, no need to do that,” said Georgie. “What kind?”
He huffed. “Rum and raisin. It was serviceable.”
She knew him too well. “You talked about emulsions again, didn’t you?”
If Jon had feathers, they would have ruffled. “Yes, I talked about emulsions! They’re an important part of modern food theory!”
Georgie laughed, filled out wiseguy for a seven-letter know-it-all prompt, and called it a day.
“Martin insists on tea. Insists on it. If I don’t have a hot cuppa, he just… he…” Jon gestures.
“He what?” said Georgie, who really wasn’t sure where he was going with this.
“Well, he gets all… big-eyed, and sad, as if I somehow did it at him,” Jon mumbled, looking down. “I have drunk more tea in the last two years than in my entire life.”
“With your grandmother? I doubt that,” said Georgie, who had come into the picture early enough to meet her before she passed.
“No, she insisted I make tea. She never truly cared if I drank it,” Jon mumbled into his empty cup. “Martin cared.” And then he stared at the leaves at the bottom as though offended they were all that remained.
“Well, I’m sure my tea-making skills hardly compare,” said Georgie.
“They don’t,” said Jon, who did not mean cruelty by it.
Georgie spoke fluent Jon. She understood he wasn’t saying, You suck. He was saying, I miss Martin’s tea. “Are you sure you can’t reach out to him? Maybe outside of work?”
Jon went deep red. “I can’t do that.”
“You sure? I’m sure he’d love to hear from you.”
“No,” Jon said softly, looking now at the floor. “I can’t talk to anybody. It isn’t safe.”
“Safe?” she said.
He seemed to realize he’d said too much. “I… excuse me.” And he closed himself in the guest bedroom to make another of his weird tape recordings.
“I’m telling you, Martin might be sending them!” he said, holding up another batch of suspicious documents.
Georgie was fuming. “How could he be? Did you tell Martin where I live?”
“I… no, I didn’t.”
“Then I doubt he’s sending them.”
“I just thought… no, you’re right. I doubt he misses me at all,” said Jon, hangdog supreme.
Georgie threw her hands in the air. As Jon’s ex, she didn’t really think she had the right to push it further.
“Martin made me take his jumper home, and it… well, I never returned it. It’s so very comfortable! I feel oddly safe in it. Isn’t that odd?” A confession, wide-eyed, over breakfast. 
“Martin hates oolong,” said Jon over lunch and oolong. “I’m not sure why. Something to do with his mother, I think.”
“Martin always smiles. It’s suspicious,” Jon declared over dinner.
Georgie began to tune it out.
“He was terrible at research,” Jon mumbled late as they both sipped some brandy. “But he always tried so hard. He brought in a jar of worms once, did I tell you that?”
“Uh, no?” said Georgie. “Why would he bring in a jar of worms?”
Jon waved his shot glass. “Reasons,” he said like the grim reaper.
Georgie shook her head and threw back the last of her shot before going to bed.
Later, much later, Georgie went to the Magnus Institute, trying to find Melanie. She hated the place; it gave her the creeps, and not only because of what she now knew about Jon. It wasn’t even proper fear. It was just yucky, like something slimy between her toes.
Finding no one, she wandered downstairs, into the Archives, and spotted a man at a desk. He was tall, kind of cuddly-wide; his hair was curly and red, and his freckles were bright. His eyes were, intriguingly, the same color Jon had wistfully described as spring green one very late night.
Like Jon, he had a tape recorder going. She was really beginning to hate those things.
He did a double-take. “Oh, you can’t be here. It’s not allowed.”
“Sorry, Melanie told me to wait for her here,” Georgie said.
“You’re here for Melanie?” the man clarified, standing (good lord, he was tall).
“Yeah. I’m Georgie.”
And out came the smile (which Jon had described) and the awkward aw-shucks body language with one hand behind his head (which Jon had also described). “Sorry, sorry, I didn’t realize! I’m sure she’s around here somewhere.”
She knew. He could’ve been conjured from Jon’s imagination for how perfect he was for that man. “You must be Martin.”
He blinked. “Has Melanie been talking about me?”
“No, um. Jon used to go on about you a lot.”
Martin brightened like the sun shining, and then Georgie had to go on for minutes about why she wouldn’t help Jon anymore.
Which Martin insisted she should.
Hell. Jon had no chance. They both had it so bad.
She still didn’t like this place. She still had issues with Jon and everything Jon was doing; but this… she could see this.
Martin and Jon, Jon and Martin. It worked in her head. They fit. 
She hoped it worked out. 
She hoped Jon didn’t drag Martin with him to the grave.
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thatpodcastkid · 6 months
Magnus Archives Relisten 5, MAG 5 Thrown Away
Trash apple teeth! Is this anything
Spoilers ahead!
Facts: Statement of Kieran Woodward, regarding items discovered in the refuse of 93 Lancaster Road, Walthamstow. Given February 23rd, 2009.
Statement Notes: There are so many posts out there comparing The Magnus Archives to the Twilight Zone because of Jon's narration and the serial creepy story format, but this episode really stands out in mind as Twilight Zone-esque. Like the Twilight Zone, some Magnus Archive episodes deal with things like childhood guilt and cult-behavior, like MAG 4. But other episodes just kind of say "Damn, isn't that fucked up? Anyway," like this one.
I do love Kieran as a character. He's just so weirdly chill and realistic about everything. There's are some statement givers who are still being tormented by the fears, some who cause fear, some who are reporting on things that happened to people they know, but there's also this interesting category of people who survived because they played the game right. When the audience says "don't go in the basement" or "call the cops," they listen. Woodward gets through this statement unscathed because he moves on from the creepy dolls heads and reports the teeth, then destroys the "gift" left for him and tries to move on. Alan can't let go, Alan doesn't know the rules of the genre, that's why he doesn't make it out.
My two new favorite characters in the series are "Matt, who was raised Catholic and never shut up about it," because he is me, and David who "broke the silence by vomiting loudly into a nearby drain," because he is the most realistic horror character of all time.
Entity Alignment: Whenever I think of this episode, I think of it as the "teeth in a bag" episode. I actually 100% forgot about the metal heart. Now, when you think of those things, it kind of sounds like a Flesh episode.
But, let's all remember our favorite bio majors and their special gift to their professor. The Stranger has a history with teeth. The description of the dolls heads is very "uncanny valley," which is the Stranger's real niche. The thing that really sells me though is Jon's last line in the statement, "All two thousand seven hundred and eighty of them were the exact same tooth." The exact same tooth, apparently from the exact same person, repeated over and over again to the point that the examiner can date them because of their differing stages of decay. You know what that sounds like to me? Someone has been practicing.
The metal heart also says Stranger to me. I know it has a little Flesh energy, but it really reminded me of the hospital episode from season 5. The way the character describes feeling like her body was not her own, that parts of her had been replaced, substituted. The metal heart as the only remanent of Alan feels like that same kind of fear. It's not his, it's not him, but it's all he's got.
Speaking of Alan, does his obsession with watching the house to the point he goes without sleep for days, isolates his friends, and is presumed dead remind you of anyone? He must be influenced by the Eye at least a little bit.
But ignoring entity alignment for a second, Jonny does consistently uses obsessive characters really well. There's a lot of horror media where, in real life, it would make more sense for the characters to give up on their investigations of the supernatural or to ignore it in entirely in the first place. The audience is usually (and rightfully) able to suspend reality for the sake of the story in these situations. But what's so interesting about Jonny's writing is that he explicitly states characters like Alan, like Amy Patel, like Jon, can't stop themselves. It's obsession, it's all consuming, they know it's bad for them, but they just can't stop. It really adds to the audience fear because you're not the only one telling them turn back, their mind is screaming it too, but they still won't listen.
Character Notes: The post-statement in this episode is just 90% Martin hate. Absolutely unhinged behavior. What if you worked at a restaurant at the end of receipts your boss just wrote "This waiter is a goddamn loser and I hate him." Wild man Jonathan Sims everybody.
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whimsikolya · 7 months
About Kevin and the dread powers
Just to clarify, this is a post about Welcome to Night Vale and The Magnus Archives because horror podcasts won't let me sleep.
I suffer from the same curse all TMA enthusiasts are well acquainted with, which is to say I've given up on trying to interact with any new piece of media without applying fear entities to everything and everyone involved. With this in mind, I've been asking myself for ages which fear Kevin would serve, and I've come to the conclusion that everyone's favorite prophet is a hundred percent an avatar of the Spiral. I don't usually share my thoughts with the class but I've only had a couple of hours of sleep last night and I've just seen a poll asking this exact question with very, very different results and... well, greetings everyone?
I'll start by saying that I absolutely get why people have completely different opinions on this, because at first glance this man and Desert Bluffs as a whole fit so many of the fears. And sure, the dread powers are colors, everyone is bound to blur a few lines. Kevin's lines are as boiled as a bowl of spaghetti though, we're not talking about blurry spots, there are leaks everywhere.
He's Spiral aligned, sure, but the omnipresence of gore and pain in Desert Bluffs is extremely Slaughter and Flesh coded, his Smiling God sometimes sounds like a manifestation of the Dark, and it's impossible to talk about Kevin without a few dozens mentions of cults and centipedes, so he's a pretty good candidate for the Corruption as well. And then, of course, we also have to talk about the blurry line between the Spiral and the Stranger, which makes it hard to see why he'd fit one more than the other. Conclusion: it's an absolute mess. I'm so sorry for how messy and long this post is inevitably going to be.
But hey, I'm doing my best to make sense here, so let's start by ruling out most of these options in a somewhat orderly fashion.
First of all, I'm automatically going to ignore the fears that didn't make an appearance in that little introduction. I can see the influence that the Beholding or the Buried might have on Kevin, but it's simply insignificant compared to the impact of the ones already mentioned. Again, colors and all that.
The Dark is easy to rule out too, but I couldn't ignore it when Kevin's eyes are black and It Devours describes the Smiling God as "that light that sometimes shines out of cupboards and basements, a cold light". But Mister Pitch already has his cult and I think there's too much focus on sunlight and not enough on what that darkness might hide to really go with it.
The Slaughter and the Flesh are harder to brush off, mostly because of, well, all the barbecue sauce. Violence and pain are, have been and will probably always be omnipresent in Kevin's life, and he's very likely a cannibal as well - with a morning routine that goes "burying what's left of breakfast". However, I think it would be too easy to stop at that. First of all, while the arrival of the boy in recent episodes proves that Kevin has always been somewhat open to violence and bloodshed, I'd argue a lot of it came from Strex. Triptych makes it clear that there was no issue with blood and viscera in Desert Bluffs before StrexCorp. And more importantly, hiding behind these fears specifically... the Spiral does that a lot. I completely believe Es Mentiras would've been equally as able to trigger the apocalypse as the Eye, because it has the same kind of special relationship with the rest of the dread powers, but that thought would be too long and too off topic. The point is, the Spiral served us the confession of a cannibalistic priest and a whole statement about a man forced to hurt himself via eating a computer. I'm really writing too much so long story short, I'd argue it really comes down to this: what's the end goal there? In the case of a Slaughter/Flesh avatar, it would be the gore/meat/pain/violence itself; to draw fear out of these things. For Strex and thus for Kevin, when violence and blood are gratuitous, the point is, most of the time, to keep people guessing. To instill doubt, to play with them. It's a "beat your employees to a pulp the day they start their new job to ensure their self-esteem and trust are never quite there" sort of violence. It's a "trick a whole society into thinking humanity is a food chain and they better bite before being bitten" sort of cannibalism. It's a different fear altogether, and so it doesn't fit either.
The Stranger and the Spiral are not always easy to differentiate, so I get the hesitation between the two. And yet I feel like it's pretty simple in the end. The Stranger, I Do Not Know You, is about concealing - thank you, Michael. It's hiding the truth and leaving you with nothing. The Spiral, It Is Not What It Is, is about lying, about twisting the truth so that you get it wrong. As much as I get the symbolism of masks and skins, and as much as they fit Kevin, he does not.. exactly hide anything. He never lies to Carlos about the blood in his studio, he doesn't hide how horrifying StrexCorp is - but he does say the truth with a big smile on his face and in his voice. He denies nothing, but he twists the reality of what happened to him, of who he is because of it. As the Archivist himself would say, he is the question "what hides behind a smile? Is a friendship true, or is it reaching with hands that cut you?" And you know who Kevin always calls a friend? His dear double, of course. He's once again clearly leaning towards the Spiral here.
The Corruption may just be the most tricky, if only because of the shared imagery. With the Smiling God being a giant centipede, and his little Temple of Joy hosting nothing less than a cult, it's hard not to entertain the possibility of Kevin turning to the Crawling Rot, willingly or not. He seems to have had toxic relationships with both family and friends all throughout his life, too, but he himself sounds like he's doing quite well with his new family. If anything, it means that he is/was a victim of the Corruption rather than a potential avatar to me. He may even have jumped off of his metaphorical tower Mike Crew style, right into the arms of the Spiral.
There would be plenty of examples, but to keep this sweet and short I'll focus on the main thing that the two entities share here, that is to say the cult/faith part. I'm a huge believer (ah) in the idea that the Spiral is equally as fond of religious devotion as the Corruption - not saying that they are the only ones, but they are the only ones that matter here. Father Burroughs and Bethany O'Connor, but also the statement giver of Sculptor's Tools who mentions going to church, are proof of this. Both entities target those who have faith to gain power through it, but again, not for the same reasons. The Corruption targets people whose beliefs betray a lack of and longing for connection to nature/others/etc, like Prentiss or the members of the Divine Chain. The Spiral targets people whose beliefs betray their guilt, doubts and insecurities - say a priest who couldn't save a young girl, or a woman who's quick to judge someone on his appearance. They prey on different concepts entirely and when it comes to Kevin and his faith in the Smiling God, I think it's pretty obvious which side he's leaning towards.
Now I'm aware this is a "why Kevin isn't aligned with this or that power" more than a true "why Kevin is Spiral aligned" rant. But this post is so long already that I'm going to stop here before I lose the rest of my sanity and bore all of us to death. I hope a number of points that connect him to Es Mentiras still shines through this whole thing, by contrast at least. I would also be very happy to write another post focusing on each and every single thing that makes Kevin an avatar of the Spiral to me, if anyone happened to be interested in that - and/or to discuss or argue this further, even though I doubt there's an audience for dreadfully long WTNV x TMA rants. But hey, if there is, you know where to find me. My opinion is probably completely off from someone else's perspective which is always fun. I'm just a dedicated listener with a ridiculously strong hyperfixation on both Kevin and the Spiral.
Going off the air until then. Until next time, Desert Bluffs. Until next time!
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umberpath · 9 months
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My friend and I were discussing some of our favourite characters: Roui from The Crown of Leaves and Jonathan Sims from The Magnus Archives, and how they compare and contrast. We got the idea to swap their species and I just had to draw it right away :-]
It's not a full AU per se, more like a thought experiment of them swapping universes. More thoughts below:
Jon is a parban sahash with a small hint of maroosh. He probably dislikes suddenly being a sahash at first, but I imagine he'd grow to tolerate it and eventually get neutrally comfortable. Being surrounded by mystics all day would drive him insane, though it might fascinate him all the same.
We think Roui would probably hate being a human, but at least he would survive The Horrors! With the way he handled the Slough it's safe to say he'd be able to handle things. I can picture him looking around the archives and asking a lot of questions haha. I think being in the archives would also give him that little pang of longing for Nouri again.
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haemosexuality · 1 year
some people are very mad at the implication that the LN world is ~All A Dream~ but i dont think thats exactly it? like to me it seems very clear that the ln world is a real place, and all that happens in it is real. i think that what's happening is that when they go to sleep, their consciousness is transported into this paralel reality (the Nowhere) and they leave once they awaken, but as they spent more and more time there they slowly succumb to whatever powers or entities rule that world and they become trapped there. its like. kind of like the dark worlds in deltarune, or the other world in coraline, or the upside down in stranger things, or the fear reality/ies in the magnus archives you get the idea
those entities seem to both feed off of and be created by childrens fear, a paradoxical "it exists because children fear it and children fear it because it exists" thing. in an interview a dev said that "something happened before in [the kids] lives that made them a good fit for little nightmares" and i think that "something" is being traumatized: you have more nightmares that way.
something interesting about six specifically is that she's always described as being from somewhere else, not belonging 'here', etc, one description even says she "awoke in a world she cannot recognize" which. straight up confirms shes Not From This World, but like, if all of the kids came here because of nightmares whats different about her? why do they apparently 'belong' in the nowhere but she doesnt? maybe she has, like, too much willpower to succumb to the powers or something and thus doesnt belong with the other kids trapped here who have all given up, but then again shes also described to be "fading away from this world" at the start of ln2 which does seem to mean that shes succumbing to it? like, giving up and fading away? idk idk
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bandai website description, issue 1 of the comic
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also from the bandai namco website. six's "terrible fate" might be her succumbing to depression or whatever but have no idea why guiding mono to the signal tower would be important? maybe its not actually about the tower and its just about having a purpose and a friend to hold on to so she still has hope
ok heres my tinfoil hat theory: obv the podcast, the devs, promotional material and concept art all seem to be saying that ''kids go to a nightmare world when they go to sleep and sometimes get trapped there" is whats happening, but this post theorizes that maybe the nightmares noone in the podcast is having are prophetic and like. the nightmares explained video says that "the nightmares are crossing into the real world". what if what happened is that vulnerable kids who kept having nightmares were going to this future reality where the world got fucked up because of these entities, and maybe whenever they succumbed to them the entities were able to use their bodies to cross into our world, which eventually led to them being able to take over? resulting in the future fucked up reality kids were going to in their dreams? its not like little nightmares is unfamiliar with time paradoxes thats basically what happened to mono. idk!!!!
i keep bringing up other media but im not really comparing them im just using similsr exampled to explain what i mean bc its so weird i cant think of how else to do it. anyways what if the kids who fully give up and succumb to the fear become like the goners frok undertale. everyone just forgets they ever existed
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andmaybegayer · 3 months
Last Monday of the Week 2024-07-08
House isn't full of people anymore, time to spend like three weeks washing things and getting a routine going again
Listening: My parents """excuse""" for visiting me was the Rod Stewart concert at the O2, which they insisted on getting me a ticket for even though I'm pretty mid on Rod Stewart. He's fine! I don't hate his music but like, not a show for me, especially when I'm now much more used to random bands I've never heard of in a bar.
He's doing the best show an 80 year old man can do, leaning heavily on his supporting act to fill in for the fact that he can barely amble across the stage. Still sings pretty well, within the bounds of all the effects that are used to punch up live performances this big. Here's Sailing
Watching: subbing in a podcast here for reasons: Finished The Magnus Archives. God dammit I see why everyone hated that! They almost did the good thing! They were so close! Kill the world and stop the things in their tracks! Leave the boy, we don't need him!
The final season has a lot of really good individual statements and moments but man that really does kill it dead.
Reading: Trains back and forth to Vienna were a good chance to read a bunch of The Traitor Baru Cormorant, I'm almost done. It's so good, especially when I can compare this to A Memory Called Empire and Iron Widow, which are respectively quite similar but good in a different way and very different while struggling with the kind of finickly politics that Baru handles so well.
Baru Cormorant is so up-front with its empire. I mentioned when I read AMCE that it felt (rightly) sanitized partly because we were ambassadors in the Imperial core, well, Baru Cormorant goes the other way, putting you right at the forefront of the Empire.
Playing: Nothing really, although I did put my parents through some VR demos because they wanted to try it out and I think they did genuinely like it, especially fiddling with some of the fun tactile demos that Facebook and Valve have put together. It's such a different way of interacting with the computer.
Making: A lot of photography that needs to be processed.
Tools and Equipment: Things that come up when other people are in my kitchen: you really don't need dedicated cutting boards for meat and vegetables in the home kitchen. The purpose of this is to isolate vegetable ingredients that may be used raw OR cooked and you don't know which at preparation time, which is a commercial kitchen thing. If you're cooking everything you're working with you can freely mix meat and vegetables without worrying too much.
The only time it matters is if you're, say, chopping fresh garnish or salad, where it will not be cooked, in which case a second chopping board or just washing your current one is a good idea. You do not, however, need to keep track of which boards you use for what, since if you're not cleaning your boards well enough that you need to worry about this you have bigger issues.
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