#not sure how im gonna end this but having fun
spiritsong · 2 days
OKAY time to share my two cents that nobody asked for on this scenario. yeah, I'm disappointed. ngl this is casting a pall over my replay of the series and general enthusiasm (which sucks but I know I'll bounce back very quickly, it'll take FARRR more than something like this to kill it). regardless of the impact of our choices or lack thereof, I have faith that veilguard will be a great game because I haven't been let down by a dragon age game yet. the concept of worldstates is a HUGE reason why this series is special to me, but it's not the only reason.
that being said, yeah, it's pretty fucking weird to have so... few... choices represented in the CC. especially if you think about how impactful everything that is NOT being represented is. so many things stop making sense.
we saw our choices mattering less as we moved from DA2 -> DA:I, but nothing of this caliber. its.... idk. idk what else to call it beyond weird and disappointing
we still can't say anything is for certain until we play through the entirety of veilguard itself but I'm definitely much more wary than I was before
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ravers8fantasy · 3 days
Punch out locker room heacanons: minor circuit mishaps
Got a wee bit bored #ijbol I think the minor circuit locker room conditions would be ABYSMAL im talking flickering lights and easy - to - break - everything
The minor circuit locker room is a STATE
The moment disco kid saw he it he swore tears fell from his eyes
Joe always swears someone steals his stuff and kicks off, usually its king hippo who points out he was looking in the wrong locker the whole time
Kaiser is the dedicated janitor since the actual janitor seemingly quit ages ago
Disco tried to help but instead mixed the wrong chemicals together and made fucking mustard gas
King hippo has accidentally crushed almost everyones stuff (mac included, his water bottle exploded because of Hippo's foot)
Joe once found a spider the size of his palm and screamed so loudly that even Disco could hear it through his headphones
They all look out for eachother, Disco plays music in the background whilst everyone trains, Kaiser gives tips on how to move more efficiently in the ring, Joe helps hype everyone up and well Hippo, hippo makes sure everyone is fed after training of course
Disco listens to music with his head phones a bit too loudly... Kaiser has to remind him to turn it down unless he wants to end up partially deaf (kaiser is partially deaf)
When little Mac first joined, Joe saved him the least beaten up locker. It was missing a door and had a punch shaped dent which suspiciously aligned perfectly with kaiser's fist...
King hippo has a locker dedicated to storing food... No. He is NOT sharing said food unless he is in a good mood
When Mac is alone he steals food from Hippo's food locker, no one has caught him yet
One time, kaisers back cracked mid push up and it was so bad Disco and Joe thought he broke something
Mac has caught Disco singing in the showers and yes, Mac did record it. He threatens to show it to everyone whenever Disco tries to annoy him
One time Joe tripped over a misplaced tile on the floor and fell straight into a sink which ended up breaking off the wall and landed on his hand thus breaking it
Now Disco jokes that the sink was glass joe's 100th loss
A similar thing happened with kaiser but instead he sat on a bench and fucking broke it in half. Lets just say Disco found that the funniest thing ever
Disco doesnt have little "hehe" giggle oh nah Disco's laugh would have a beginning middle and end, he would charge up and unleash it, its not a laugh its a hearty roar.
Kaiser sneezes so loudly, sometimes Joe cant tell wether he is yelling something or actually sneezing.
Since king hippo can only roar, Mac learnt sign language to communicate with him, however the only thing he ever told Mac was that kaiser secretly isnt 42 he is 62 which Mac actually thought was true
"kaiser is it true your 62? I mean if you are then, thats impressive you look great for 62!"
Kaiser shaved his mustache off one time and until it grew back, no one looked at him in the eye
Joe takes long showers. Doesnt help when there is only 2 and one of them doesnt work because someone (Disco) made mustard gas in that one and everyone was told not to use it
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tasteofthedivine93 · 3 months
The Beauty of the Beast - Messmer x F!Reader - Elden Ring Fic - Part 5
TasteOfTheDivine // Masterlist
Ao3 Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57094387/chapters/145208599 Fic Rating: Explicit🌶️🌶️ (Chapter: Teen) Category: F/M Fandom: Elden Ring // Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erd Tre Relationships: Messmer x F!Reader // Messmer the Impaler x F!Reader Warnings: None Words: 3862
MASTERLIST // <- Part 4 // Part 6 ->
Author note: I've toned down the Shakespearean old English for Messmer as it was doing my head in. lol So its more of a blend now. Imagine he uses the language as a leader and now he's getting comfortable around you, he's starting to speak more modern like you. Will tie into the story soon.
Also Messmer isn't like 12ft here, I thought more 7ft, so still taller than you but not ridiculously tall lol.
ALSO ALSO: Lordran is were DS1 is set.
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You both walk slowly down the main stairs and Messmer gestures to the other side of the castle that you've not explored yet. More glittering stained-glass windows shine bright colours throughout the hallways. You want to ask about them, but when you turn to Messmer, you see a sadness on his face. His posture dips a little and he sighs. Instead you keep quiet.
You are curious about who your saviour is. He towers over you by maybe two feet, he wears lavish clothing and speaks like the old-gods. You couldn't imagine being this close to a God. You're new to this land, maybe he is just royalty? Your mind spins with questions you are dying to ask. But you can tell it is best to not overwhelm the man.
You turn to look at him again, to find one of the snakes that linger around him observing you with its penetrating green eyes. As if it's trying to read your mind. However you stand your ground and you narrow your eyes at the creature with a smirk twisting on your lips.
Messmer notices your teasing.
"Thou art not afraid of hem?" He questions, a slight joy echoes in his question, as if everyone is scared of them.
"Hm?" you snap your gaze from the snake and look up at the man with soft eyes. "Oh, no, I'm not. I'm used to all sorts of animals." You bravely lift up your hand and boop the snake on his nose. The creature wriggles with glee and retreats away from you.
Messmer reaches up and touches his nose. The gesture makes you cock your head. Did he feel that? You smile at yourself. 
“May I ask?” You ask softly, looking back at the snakes once again. You’ve noticed the short cloak he wore over his shoulders floats from his body and drapes around what you assume are the snakes bodies. 
Messmer stops and lets out a sigh. 
“They hast been with me since birth, we can communicate with thought, they’re attached to me.” He says with a monotone voice, as if he’s annoyed with having to explain to his allies. He starts to walk again and ends the conversation with “Aye I feeleth what they feelth also.” He looks back at you over his hunched shoulder. 
You blush, biting your lip. “Sorry.” You murmur, picking up the pace to catch up with him. You see Ophis slither out from under his cloak and you swear the serpent winks at you. You smile as he slips back away. Unknowing, Messmer also smiles at your apology.  
“Does it hurt?” You blurt out without thinking. Messmer stops for a moment and you feel yourself shrink inwards, you feel the temperature around you two rise a few degrees. You feel bile burn your throat from anxiety. He lets out a sigh and continues walking.
The silence grows between you two again, only the sounds of footsteps can be heard.
"Were thee travelling long before arriving?" Messmer asks tenderly, breaking the silence.
"Yes, for many weeks, I travelled by boat from across the sea." You confirm.
"Thou art not from here?" He asks.
"No, I'm from Lordran. The Distant Lands, as I've been told it's called here."
"Ah, tis why thou wasn't aware of my presence." He chuckles to himself. Behind him, Fidi rolls her eyes at his pompous comment.
You cover your lips with the tips of your fingers and let out a small giggle at the snake behind Messmer’s back. He turns to eye the snake, curious at what it did to make you laugh. You remove your hand and clasp them back in front of you. "No I don't, are you... royalty here?"
Messmer presses his lips in a straight line, wanting to avoid the question he begrudgingly guided you towards.
"Something liketh it, aye." He says with sorrow. "Do thee hast royalty from thy lands?"
You nod. "Yes, many Royal families, even Gods who reside in the Capital." You smile as you talk about your homeland. "There used to be dragons but that was long before my time."
“Fascinating.” Messmer mutters to himself.
He stops and opens a door and invites you inside. Inside was a large grand room with an enormous dining table in the centre of the room, covered in gold and silver plates and cutlery. There's only two seats, one at each end though.
You feel a pang of guilt bubble in your stomach as you remember his invite (request) for dinner on your first night. You walk around the table, fingers gliding over the wood. You sense him watching you. You flick up your eyes and catch him, causing him to breathe in deep and look away. Beside the table was another large fireplace, more snakes carved into the stone hearth. Above a portrait of a woman with long golden hair. You're reminded of the statue from down below. You're not sure how long you were staring at the painting. But you suddenly feel the warmth of Messmer behind you and he joins you in admiring the painting.
You both just stand there. You want to ask but feel like it's an intrusion. 
“My mother” he whispers, sounding dejected. “Just like you, I am not from this particular land. I used to reside in the Lands Between at the Capital with my family.” 
“Why did you leave?” You crane your neck to look at him still staring at the painting.
You see his adam's-apple bob as he swallows. He takes a deep breath, his chest rising and slowly falling as he compensates answering your question. 
“My mother wished me to lead a crusade in her name.” He says, words mixed with venom and despair. 
You don’t respond, you just simply nod.
“Do you miss your family?” You question. “I miss mine terribly.” 
Messmer scoffs and walks away from you, leaving your question unanswered. 
Instead, Messmer walks to the other side of the room and opens a side door and waits for you. You venture down yet another long hallway, candles lighting the way and more decorations of snakes and trees line the walls.
"Why did thee leave?" You both stop by a large bay window and you admire the view. Messmer looks down at you, eyes fixated.
"Oh, well, my father got sick and my mother worried I would catch it so she encouraged me away. I heard of the Lands Between and thought it would be a good place to start anew." You say with tears lining your eyes as you gaze at the trees below.
You feel one of the snakes gently lie its head on your shoulder and it nuzzles your cheek, tongue flicking out and tickling you. The sensation makes you giggle and stops your tears from falling. You think back to Messmer telling you how he can sometimes feel what the snakes feel and you blush. 
“I heard of an Academy, Raya Lucaria. I was hoping to go there to study.” 
Messmer’s eyebrows raise, genuinely surprised at your want to study, not many from the lower classes know how to read let alone wish to learn sorcery. 
“Thee wishes to learn Sorcery and Incantations?” He asks. 
You shake your head. “No, not necessarily. I just wanted to learn. Females aren’t allowed in the Academy’s back home.” You play with your fingers again. “I like reading.” You smile at him, but embarrassed you drop your gaze back to the floor and you turn away from him and the window. “Beg your pardon my lord, this probably sounds inadequate. You must think me dull.” 
Messmer frowns. “Not at all.” He mutters. “Actually…”  He bites his lip and hesitates to finish his sentence. He sees you looking up at him through your lashes, big eyes glistening and incandescent in the sun shining through the window. He feels his stomach flip again. “Follow me.” He marches down the hallway taking large strides with glee. 
You stumble behind him as you pick up your dress to follow the large man. The snakes look at each other, nodding their heads and glancing at you. You feel unnerved they might be talking about you, can snakes even talk? You ask yourself. They must do so if Messmer communicates with them. 
The pair of you reach a metal cage lift, Messmer steps inside and barely fits himself. He offers you his hand, you stare at it for a moment but reach out and cup his large fingers. His skin was soft and warm, but not human warm, a warmth that you could feel in your bones. Like standing by a fire while a snow storm rages outside. You hesitate for a moment, your legs feel wobbly and begin to shake. You timidly toe the bottom of the lift before feeling yourself being hoisted in the air by a snake around your waist. The snake plops you down gently but you still shudder. Your hand still in Messmers gigantic but tender grasp. 
When you settle your weight, the cage groans and creaks and you feel your stomach bubble with nervousness. You worry if the lift can even hold your weight let alone the both of you. 
“Hold on.” He mutters so deep you feel it vibrate from his chest. He pulls a metal lever and the cage shakes and so do you. On instinct you grab his toga and hold tight, bunching the loose fabric in your fist for dear life, you press yourself against him and cover your face. You squeeze your eyes shut and feel the contraption slowly rise upwards. Your other hand still grasps him tightly as your stomach drops at the movement. Messmer, looking down at you, smiles. He moves his free hand to cup your waist and hold you steady, he can feel you tremble under his palm. Once you feel more secure, you stop shaking for a moment. 
Your face pressed against his tunic covered chest - you feel he’s chiselled and hard muscled, but you also feel the protrusion of the snakes that you assume must be attached to his body. Only a thick drape of fabric separates the two of you and yet you can still feel this heat once again. You feel not just a blush on your cheeks but your entire face glows red. You don't remove your hand from his, and you feel his fingers grip yours a little tighter.
The cage lift stops suddenly and you let out a gasp and the breath you didn't realise you were holding. As if you weigh nothing, you feel him pick you up and hoist you off the cage. You didn’t even notice him move away from you. Opening your eyes, you see another grand staircase surrounded by candles - however all made of stone. 
“I've never been on such a device before.” You let out a shaky laugh, you go to stand away from Messmer but find yourself still attached to him. He notices and lets go of your hand.
“Apologies, I didn’t bethink to ask.” He rubs the back of his neck again and walks away from you nervously. You follow behind him up the stairs to the top outside of yet another large wooden door decorated with golden handles. 
“There’s something I wish to show thee.” Messmer reaches for the handles and pulls the door open slightly, but then slams it shut, a blast of dusty air blows in your face. “But first, thee must closeth thy eyes.” He says with glee, his golden eye sparkling with joy. You tilt your head, curious and narrow his eyes at him suspiciously. 
“Tis a surprise.” 
You slowly close your eyes and drop your shoulders. You hear the aged creak of the doors in front of you opening. Then you feel his hands gently cup yours as he guides you into the room. A dusty smell hits your nose but a familiar one. Your footsteps echo around what sounds to be a chasm of a room. 
“Can I open them now?” You ask timidly.
“Nay, nay, not yet.” 
With your vision shrouded, your hearing heightened as you hear that familiar roar of flames being lit and the darkness from behind your eyes turn orange. 
“Waiteth one moment.” Messmer lets go of your hands, leaving them feeling cold, you cup them in front of your chest waiting. You hear the loud swoosh of a pair of curtains, turning the orange to a peach colour and the warmth of the sun hits your face. 
Messmer stands behind you, you feel his hands on your shoulders and you flinch at the surprised touch. He leans down and places his face close to your, his lips nearly touching the shell of your ear, you feel his breath and let in a gasp. “Okay, open thy eyes”. He whispers, sending a shiver down your spine. 
Opening your eyes, you’re met with a grand, vast, incredible library. The room must be about 8 stories high, in the shape of an hexagon, some walls filled with books and scrolls, others lined with stone tablets. To the left a large winding staircase leading to more open rooms and balconies filled with more and more books. You gasp at the unimaginable sight. You step away from Messmer, hands clasped over your mouth in awe. You slowly spin, looking around at the stacks of books. You feel your chest tighten, a lump forms in your throat. 
“I can’t believe it.” You whisper, your neck craning back so much it could roll off your shoulders. You continue to turn and spin looking at each nook above you. The warm glow of the candles seems to not stretch high enough. 
Messmer stands watching you, a smile on his face. Ophis butts him in the shoulder trying to gain his attention, but he merely waves the serpent away. His eyes transfixed on you. 
“I’ve never seen so many books, this is incredible.” You feel tears line your eyes once again, your breathing becomes shaky as you try and control yourself and the intense wave of emotion. 
“Doth thee like it?” Messmer asks and you snap your gaze back to him, a tear falls down your cheek and he feels his heart squeeze. But he knows it’s happy tears that fall. 
“It’s wonderful.” You whisper, you look around at the bookcases around you. “May I?” you ask softly. Messmer simply nods and gestures to you. You turn suddenly and find the first bookcase to your left, you read the spines of the books, running your fingers over the gold embossed letters. 
“I don’t even know where to start.” You grin so hard your cheeks hurt, you turn to Messmer who casually follows behind you. 
He chuckles at your enthusiasm. You run away to the next bookcase, looking at the next set of colourful books. Ophis butts Messmer again, the man turns his head and snaps at his companion. 
“Aye, Ophis?” He says through gritted teeth, annoyed that he was interrupted. 
“Ask her to dinner again” the snake opens his mouth enthusiastically, happy to offer help. Messmer sighs and scratches him under the chin. 
“I shall, friend, just alloweth her first to explore.” He looks at you crouched on the floor looking at more books, pulling one out and flicking through the pages but not reading a single line.
Fidi slithers into view. “You did good, Messmer.” The snake nods and touches its forehead to Messmer. He sighs and walks over to you.
“I shall leaveth thee to read, if thou require aught, just pull yond cord by the door,” he weakly smiles at you and starts to walk away.
You didn’t hear him, instead you felt the warmth of him leave your surroundings and you hastily look up distraught. “Wait!” You call out to him, standing and running over to him. He turns slowly and you run into him, wrapping your arms around his waist and hugging him tightly. 
He stands there shocked, arms in the air and doesn’t dare move. You mumble your gratitude into his chest and he barely hears it. He breathes in a few times and hesitates to move. Fidi moves and slithers over his hand and guides it down, till his large fingers wrap around your back as he returns the hug, pulling you in. He feels his body shake, it has been many a year since he had felt the gentle embrace of someone, anyone, let alone a fair maiden. 
You pull away from him and run back off to your books, you pull a few more out from the shelf and pile them next to you. 
“I shall come receive thee for dinner later.” He tells you before leaving you to your new books. You don’t reply, but your smile makes him huff out a small laugh before turning away and walking out of the library. 
Messmer sits alone in his room thinking about you upstairs, he thinks about how close you were in the lift with him, how easily you hugged him, how you weren’t frightened of him anymore. Also how you easily interacted with Fidi and Ophis. He felt his chest tighten, his heart flutter. A small smile grew on his face, he never thought he would appreciate the company of someone new, the castle had grown stale since the war ended and he hid himself away. He hadn’t heard from his family or mother in years, he wasn’t even sure if he was welcome back home or not. 
Fidi and Ophie rest their heads on Messmers chest, facing the man. Fidi opens her eyes, sensing distress within Messmer. 
“Don’t ruin the wonderful day, Mess. Think of her, the future. Not the past.” 
He reaches up and pets the snake on the head. 
“I’m sorry Fidi.” He sighs. “I just have never hath felt this way about anyone before. I has’t this desire to protect the maiden. Care for her.”
“She is wonderful, isn’t she? She suits the castle well.” 
He feels the blush on his cheeks again.
“The lady does.” Messmer sighs.
Fidi closes her eyes again, nuzzling back against Ophis.
Ophis speaks without moving; “Do you think she’ll stay if you asked her to?” 
“I would desire so.”
Messmer stares up at the ornate ceiling through the hole burnt in the top of the canopy bed, blackened from smoke and char. He thinks of you and your kaleidoscopic eyes, your soft skin and your melodic laugh. 
The night draws in, Messmer watches the sun finally set over the treeline from his balcony. He took to the snow covered veranda as he does every night to watch the falling sun, the one constant that is the same here and as back home. In silence, he makes his way up to the unused library, even though he couldn't remember the last time he stepped inside. 
He’s grateful the door was still wide open, stepping inside he looks around the ground floor for you. Cautiously he looks around, a small pang of worry hits his chest as he wanders in the dark, candles long burnt away leaving stalactites of red and white wax down the candelabras. The small hint of dusk from outside keeps the room alight. 
He goes up the stairs and turns the corner, at the end of the first row of bookcases he sees a small flickering light from a corner. A large pile of books blocks his view till he peers over the top to see your sleeping form resting on a pile of pillows propped against a loveseat, also covered in scrolls and opened books. An opened book rests against your slow breathing chest. The one lone candle by your side flickers against his movement, casting delicate shadows on your sleeping face. 
For a moment he thought about waking you for dinner, but after watching you sleep for a moment, your peaceful face made him feel weak. He looks at Fidi who tilts her head at you, also admiring the sleeping maiden in front of them. Messmer presses his lips together and reaches down to the book on your chest. His fingers graze the soft skin of your chest near the swell of your breast. He nearly drops the book back onto you as he nearly pulls away as if struck by lightning. He holds himself for a moment, mentally taking in how soft you feel before removing the book. 
You wiggle at the change of pressure on your body. But your eyes remain closed. Messmer scoops you up in one shift motion, letting your head and hand rest against his chest once again. He felt comfort in having you close to him. He notices a small smile form on your sleeping lips. Fidi and Ophis slither over your body and rest their heads on your stomach and look up at you, tongues flicking out to taste the air around you.
Carefully, Messmer carries you out of the library. Not wanting to startle you awake with the loud clattering of the iron lift, he slowly descents the secret staircase that wraps around the tower. However he is grateful he gives him a few more moments with you resting against him, safe in his arms. For a moment he remembers how powerful and dangerous his hands are, how easily he could set you alight with his cursed powers, how much blood is on them. 
He shakes his head of the wretched thoughts, tightening his grip on you. You held his hands so easily, touched his ashen skin without hesitation, held him close and found him secure for a moment. He blooms with the idea of how easily you’re being to trust him. Yet he knew you’d run away the second you learnt of his past. Fidi senses their master's distress and wraps herself around his shoulders to comfort him. 
Finally he makes it back down to the heart of the castle, carefully marching up the grand staircase, he hesitates. He looks down the left corridor to your room, then to the right to his. For a moment he thinks about carrying you to his bedchambers, so you may slumber on his bed, so he can watch over you, protect you. For a moment he swears he feels his feet start that selfish journey. But he stops himself and turns to the left and carries you back to your room. He carefully opens the door and places you down on the bed, moving a stray strand of hair from your face, fingers delicately toy with the strand for a moment before smoothing back around your ear, fingers gliding over your soft cheek. 
He looks down at your sleeping form once more before sighing and walking away. He closes the door behind him with a click.
You open your eyes when you hear the door shut. Sitting up, you stare at the door waiting for it to open again, but it doesn’t. You raise your hand to your cheek and trace your fingers over where he last touched. You bite your lip and rest your head on the pillow, grabbing it and hugging it tight, before closing your eyes and falling back asleep. 
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triglycercule · 1 month
What do you think the types of drunk would the murder trio be? Im pretty sure ask dusttale already answered this question about dust but i have to ask the mtt expert
see now askdusttale DID answer the question. but they didn't ANSWER the question when asked what dust is like drunk. they just said that dust is the type to drink himself blackout drunk. so that mean i have total freedom on deciding what the mtt are like drunk hehehe (rubs hands together in a villanous way that you would imagine nightmare doing or something idk)
i already have an absolutely hilarious idea for horror and it might just because i'm on the guilt section of his character analysis but i could TOTALLY imagine him being an emotional drunk. like he CRIES. horror sans man known for being incredibly guarded and private with what he feels bawling his eye out. he gets mad he gets sad he does not get happy because horror doesn't have the right to be happy. he is too upset over the fact that he fucking DOOMED all of horrortale because of his selfishness and nothing can stop him from being incredibly vocal about that fact so much so that killer had to tape his mouth shut because he wouldn't stop crying so loud. and then he just silently cries until he passes out from exhaustion. the alcohol has an incredibly strong effect on him because i dont think he would drink regularly plus he definitely hasnt drinken anything in those 7 years of starvation. it hits like a fucking plane crashing into him. or like getting his eye taken out again. either one!
another funny idea i had for killer would be like the alcohol affecting him but he SWEARS that he's still sober. he is very confused when he starts stumbling because wtf he doesnt FEEL drunk??? why is he bumping into walls and tables HELP WHY DOES HE SOUND FUCKING STUPID???? the alcohol is definitely effecting him but he swears he swears he doesn't feel drunk. hes not drunk its just the damn body doing this stupid bullshit!!!! he's still very aware of what's going on and is basically the same as sober but just like. he's wiggly he's wobbly and oh shit he just fell head face first into a tv whoops. he'd also have a high tolerance because just because. he can drink without feeling like shit until he just blacks out mid conversation with someone because his body couldn't take the toll of all the beer or whatever. hilarious idea triglycercule thank you triglycercule i know
dust in the context that we already know that he drinks AND he can fight against the human while like partially drunk.... i feel it would be kinda like a giggly drunk situation. except dust doesn't laugh at anything that's funny he only laughs when someone gets hurt or something. SADISTIC giggly drunk. because i can already imagine a half drunk dust laughing his ass off after killing the human and its a beautiful sight to me.
anyways imagine how it goes when you pair this sadistic giggly drunk with another that wont stop going through the 5 stages of grief and another that keeps on fucking falling over for no reason in his eyes. dream blunt rotation but the blunt is a bottle of vodka. i can already imagine it in my head and its fucking HILARIOUS. horror going on about how he caused the deaths of others and manipulated and tricked papyrus while killer is just trying his best to keep his eyes open because for some reason they won't stop trying to close. he is surprisingly getting frustated. dust has long since lost his voice laughing at this and he's just silent wheezing at everything. also phantom papyrus is only making the laughter worse because he keeps on making rude comments towards horror and killer and only he can hear him and its guffaw inducing. mtt amazing friend group you dont get shit like this anywhere else
#killer's breakdancing and he swears this isnt on purpose guys#GUYS GUYS ITS NOT ME THE BODY IS DRUNK OKAY WHY CANT I STOP WHEN DID I LEARN HOW TO DO THIS#horror has SO much to be guilty over its not even funny. ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY#nobody talks about this but this man is GUILTSTRIFEN. he is literally filled with so much guilt its not even funny#dust and killer have the genocides they did. ok. sure. that's it????#ugh god i dont wanna ramble in tags again..... im just gonna end up saying it in the analysis anyways but ughhhhhhhhhhh#yk what fine i'll rapid fire. trying to keep people from killing themselves. watching his friends die.#knowing that other monsters are getting eaten. worrying papyrus. coming up with a plan he knows wont work and tries make it happen#because that idea of them deconstrucing the core would NOT have worked so he did that out of selfishness#forcing his community to eat humans. tricking papyrus into eating humans. going against all his morals#dare i need say more i swear AND ALL OF THESE ARE SEPERATE THINGS TOO!!!!!!#he single handedly DOOMED horrortale into disarray by destroying the core#the eye idea wouldve worked. it wouldve been the only way monsterkind thrived#and yet he destroyed the core but kept his eye safe. as if one last big fuck you#you can have my eye but you cant have the machine that needs it. good luck bitches#THERE ALREADY WAS FOOD IN SNOWDIN BEFORE HE TOLD THEM TO EAT HUMANS#THERE COULD'VE BEEN ANOTHER WAY TO RATION THE FOOD OR FIND S FOOD SOURCE#BUT HE JUST TOLD TJEM TO EST HUMANS OUT OF SPITE SO UNDYNE WOULDN'T GET THE SOULS#granted it was a solution that worked for the hunger problem BUT HORROR FUCKING HATES IT#HE HATES THE IDEA OF EATING HUMANS HE HATES THE IDEA OF KILLING KIDS#BUT HE STILL DOES IT HE GOES AGAINST ALL HIS MORALS UGHHHHH#horror sans. horror sans my king horror sans my glorious lord and savior#i cannot WAIT to drop that character analysis. it will change lives. and by lives i mean me#i will be a changed man once the horror analysis comes out#anyways WHO IS THIS ANON AGAIN. its a question i always wonder because wtf#you have a daily question for me. this is like a log in event. if i answer all the questions in a row for a week i get a SPECIAL question#but fr thank you so much for your questions i love answering them its so fun to wrack my mind and figure out a way to answer it. brain teas#every time i see the words mtt expert i laugh lowly like an evil villain but i try not let it get to my head#humility is a standard i aim to uphold. one of my character traits. triglycercule character analysis when#tricule asks
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 year
Boy King Seb :D
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#thank you to Grace for the idea of making his chivarly collar red bull instead <33333#he was gonna have both collars but then making that one made me suffer so no not today#this was a lot of fun but also made me suffer. but i keep looking at it and being like AAAHHHHH BABY!!! BABY BOY!!!!!!!#can you believe i tried to do this in one night? i cant#i stopped and came back to it and was like 'no way you could do this in one sitting at 1 am'#this is kinda the ascended form of that very first sketch i made for this au! concentrated boy king sebby!!!#i say to myself i need to take a break from drawing complicated things but youll prob see a nando version of this in less than a week ;;;#okay about the drawing(i wrote good tags and then tumblr deleted them so these are a bit inferior AGH):#this is typical pouty seb but is also referenced off a specific pic from AD 2009(beloved)#its very important to me how emotionally open Seb is. im not sure the specific context of this. maybe after a triumph?#but instead of being that typical stoic serious detached kind of ruler; i like him being openly emotional(think AD 2010)#its important as well for his dichotomy with nando and how they choose to portray themselves#seb is very assured in himself and his rule vs. nando who is more insecure and bitter about his#so nando takes strides to portray himself in that more stoic calculating way bcs he feels like it helps him legitimize himself better#whereas seb has absolutely no care for outward public image and shows how he feels and is loved for it(nando hates it but loves it)#not that nando cant be fun and whimsical!! but to me he always seems a bit more mysterious; like i can never tell his true thoughts tbh#anyways i feel like ill finish 10 more drawings before i end up posting the lore pt 2 LMAO#its just a lot harder to organize and layout compared to part 1 which was just an explanation#pt2 would be a mix of more world building/characterization/anecdotes ive talked about with mutuals(LOVE YOU GUYS!!!)#i have a *lot* of ideas (gotta whip out my notes app every once in a while to write down stuff abt it) just hard to put into a coherent pos#sebastian vettel#f1#formula 1#f1 art#formula 1 art#f1 fanart#formula 1 fanart#catie.art.#*ill prob make a process post later if anyone is curious!! its fun to write abt my process and influences and such#boy king au
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mercurymacaroons · 1 month
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wip . ۫ ꣑ৎ . do you fw this twink
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orcelito · 2 months
God I don't wanna go to therapy tomorrow. Sick of talking about my feelings in a clinical setting. I do enough psychoanalysis just by myself, and now I gotta sit through it with someone else??? Come on.
#speculation nation#i say as if i didnt submit myself to this and am not willingly paying for this to continue#idfk man ive always hated therapy. just kinda kept it going bcus i was so messed up about the whole grief shit#and i guess it's been maybe helpful. i dont know.#SHOULD i mention this tomorrow? i already know it's ass and entirely undeserved#if i did it'd mostly be another source to complain about it. theres really nothing anyone can say to make it better#bc it's bullshit and it already happened. and i already have the objective proof of yet another person losing interest in me.#... i dont know. i feel like it's inevitably going to come up. it's already taken up so much of my thoughts.#my every dream last night stemmed from it all. it was such a fitful night of sleep.#i can only pray that i dont dream about it tonight too. i want a fucking break from it all.#i hope she loses sleep from guilt. i hope she hurts every time she remembers what she did to me.#i hope she comes around tomorrow so she can see the face she kissed and she lied about loving#so she can remember im a person with feelings too. a person who opened up to her. a person who trusted her.#............ okay maybe i should talk about my blatantly vicious retaliatory remarks with my therapist.#i tried to reign it in but Bitch Mode definitely came out earlier today. when it was fresh. and i just wanted to make her Hurt.#i still want that honestly. i want her to truly regret doing this. to be filled with so much guilt for how she chose to do it.#i cant change her feelings. no matter how much i might want to. but i sure as hell can make her regret it.#i feel like im allowed a bit of petty bitchiness after this bullshit. but i also dont like the person i become like this.#anger issues. perhaps i should talk about my anger issues with my therapist.#easier than just rehashing the whole breakup. though i'll probably have to do that some too.#but better to have a goal for it. a direction to focus on. so that it's not just me complaining.#... it still wont be fun. and my ex mentioned coming round an hour after my therapy ends for dropping the shit off.#so Assuming she actually shows up (still not convinced she will after she flaked on me twice)#it's gonna be therapy and then seeing her right after. god it's gonna suck.#i'll try to do some homework maybe. and then maybe see if anyone wants to hang out later tomorrow.#my friends r the real ones. hanging out with me for 7 hours... they traded off between them but still#for 7 hours i was not alone. and that was very nice of them to do.#good things. positives! focusing on the positives. i am a healthy person with a healthy outlook on life. smiles.
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jonny-b-meowborn · 1 year
Okay I've been thinking about the lil cute therian fic I've been writing, and I think I know how I wanna end it and it's like. Very much self indulgent not really accurate to the mechanisms canon and way too cute but the thing is I can do whatever I want forever so I think Im gonna do it (I'm only like idk 1/3 done tho so don't get too excited fjdnfjndn)
#okay like im gonna spoil it in tags#this is my warning there will be nothing else in the tags#so basically in the fic youre a dog that got kidnapped by the mechs with a bunch of your coworkers#a heist just for fun and to kill some random people out of boredom#but you survive on the ship bc you hide#but then Tim finds you and at first jonny tells him to kill you like the rest#but tim is like. hold on. that person is not a human i dont think. i don't wanna kill an animal#and jonny is like this is stupid. but whatever. were gonna put it back on earth were not keeping it timothy#and thats pretty much all i have for now#but then you just kinda. hang around on the aurora while youre going back to earth and you meet a few of the other mechs#they all have different reactions to you but in the end everyone somewhat accepts that youre a dog#and i wasnt sure how to end it#one option was to just go back home and be done with this silly little adventure and go back to living a normal life as a person#but youre happy you finally met some people that accept you for what you are even if for a moment#the other option would be to stay on the ship kind of as a pet#but that felt a bit off to me because youre not a literal dog youre a human that is a dog yknow. and that feels a bit too. idk weird#but i think i got the solution#what if. you get mechanized#and your human body is replaced with an anthro dog. so you can still be a thinking person you were but with a body that makes sense#like kind of like a permanent fursuit but more metal#and yeah that doesnt make much sense in the mechs canon like thats too nice of them and ill have to think of a good reason for that#but wouldnt that be just. so cute#like thats honestly the dream#i love robots and i am a dog so. if i could get mechanized to be a steel furry id agree right away like not even think about it#kind of like in that one love robots and death episodes with the kitsune#that scene where she transforms into a robot fox is my favorite in the whole ep i think and it honestly gives me species euphoria#so yeah i think im gonna ignore canon for that one but and give the reader/mc a sweet happy ending#and now youre a doggy pirate in space surrounded by people who are okay with that!!! isnt that the best#therian#bee buzz
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cerealmonster15 · 3 months
jesus christ like i only finished the sumeru story like a few months ago but i already forgot your literal first intro to kaveh is a scene of several minutes of him and alhaitham fully bitching at each other
#GIRLJFDSKLFHFKLSJG they are FIGHTINGGGGG god they have so many issues <3#it's sweet to see them get along a lil more in recent stuff#but also so very funny when they still argue#but also MY GOD the situation was DIRE like going back and watching rn. hoougfhghfdh lol#it's SOOO funny tho like#kaveh as a person is very reactive in general#but like. alhaitham isnt. hes normally sooo monotone and cool and collected or whatever#but you put kaveh into the scene and hes like Oh I Have To End This Man#his voice actually fluctuates so much and hes such a little BITCH!!!! the way they fight like petty teenagers 😭😭😭#ughghhhghgh kaveh ur the special one bc youre the one hes got all the history and the angst and the affection with lol#sorry it's 130am and im back to my old sleep deprivation habits and im coping via thinking about alhaitham and kaveh#anyway kavehs so funny hes in this scene like TELL ME WHATS GOING ON TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME TELL ME#alhaitham: shut the fuck up also when are YOU gonna build a COOL MANSION HUH???????#kaveh: MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS!!!!! <- ok king of hypocrisy jkaJKLFDJSKLFJ#the way that they both are. good lord. im obsessed with them SORRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY AS IF IT'S MY FAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUULT#ive heard clips from i think both voice actors saying how theyre like yeah i made sure to change the tone of voice when theyre talkin#about each other specifically fkljsdjfkldsb JEEZE!!!!!!!#alhaithams so funny hes like hehehehe i almost became a grand sage while you were gone 😏 heh he ha ha bitch#like god he has so much fun bullying kaveh he literally almost never Experiences Joy in other situations#<- havent. dont i say this about jamil also. that often times jamils rare laugh animation plays when hes bullying azul. GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#also i love that kaveh is just fully Yelling in the library or whatever. i mean it's the ~house of daena~ or w/e but also there are books#it is a library and hhe is so loud. i love u kaveh#sometimes it's so confusing tho like kaveh will very much be angrily yelling but his animations going 😃#like wh. what was the tone in the original fjksldjfskld#i did see once ALLEGEDLY. someone said that the og chinese dialogue between them is a bit less aggressive#and a lil more playful bantering? IM NOT SURE if that's true tho thats just a random comment i saw once
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knightzp · 4 months
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discountsoysauce · 5 months
I've never written a long-form fic before oh god
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pteropods · 5 months
The meower
#Queued... technically March 23rd?#I mean its march 22nd in oregon. but im not there rn lolz#either way im late. SORRY !! i forfor to queue on the 20th then i was on planes for like 21 hrs total#well no 5 of those were a layover @ the airport but#ANYWAYYYYY hi future me !!!#Howww was the trip? im on my first (second actually- its 4am of the second day if u coukd the arrival) day in Hong Kong#Its rlly hot and humid so I think im gonna die. BUT ITS ALSO SUPER COOL !!#Even just from the few hours I had out earlier its amazingggg. The lights and the buildings are so cool and theres such a fun but chaotic#atmosphere - idk if its just bcs its a big city or specific to HK?#I loveee large cities in general. New york. Tokyo. HK. thats all of the ones ive been to ig#I havent seen even close to all of HK. Im in central rn but we're goin to other parts later#Dad says the other parts are totally different- Like theres LOADS of gisnt buildings here (WAY MORE THAN U SEE IN ******!!! u know that tho#and theyre almost all residential of the ones I passed. Im sure theres offices n stuff i just didnt see them in the likd 20 minutes cab#ride lolz. U know all tuis already tho#ig what im getting at is HOW WAS THE TRIP !!!!! How was the rest of HK? WHAT WAS KYOTO LIKE??#augh soo many cool things.....#Also also !! Have you learned any mire katakana?#ive JUST learned the vowel line so maybe u lesrned the k line now too?#I cant imagine school is any different. OHH DID U FINISH THE M P 10P COMIC??#I started it and got abt one page done on the plane#I think it should only end up being two or three pages idk#Ohh !! Hows the new meds going !! I think u should have ur blood test done by now so do u know if it helped at all?#I hope soooooooooooo#Mm I think thats all I have to say .... NO WAIT HAVE U HUNG OUT W/ JACKIE??#i rlly want to b friends with her ^.^#Alright Thats all !! HAVE A GOOD DAYYYYYY I LOVE U#queue drop#weather report#WAIT EDIT DID THE TRIGUN VOLUME COME. HOW IS IT
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pyrriax · 9 months
hi tumblr im a normal individual that writes extremely normal fics. [through tears.]
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orcelito · 8 months
I always get so angry but then I play video games and I'm no longer so angry
This is a problem when it comes to wanting to leave my shit ass job
#speculation nation#i was absolutely ranting with my coworker about this shit#if either of us leave we're both going. straight up.#boss was threatening to fire them and im like. if he does? im quitting on the fucking spot.#i dont have a job lined up yet but im gonna start seriously looking#and if it comes down to it i dont think itll take too long for me to find Something. not with my qualifications.#might not be the best paying job right away but so long as i have Something & it doesnt make me utterly miserable#itd still be better than this fucking shithole.#i used to love this place but everything has soured because of him.#ive toughed it out for Far too fucking long. and ive finally reached the end of my Fucking Rope.#8 years total of my life ive given to this store. but no more.#it's not a matter of 'if'. it's a matter of 'when'.#and once we leave at least 2 of the other seasoned employees will be leaving.#4 out of 6 of the fully trained drink makers. gone.#and the other 2 are leaving at the end of this semester Anyways.#so what are ya gonna do Boss Man? if our labor has really been that worthless to you then surely this will be no big deal!#right? right? right? from how youve treated us it's clear! it's clear you take us for granted and dont give a shit about us as people.#so youre gonna get a rude fucking awakening Very soon. have fun cleaning up the wreckage of your mockery of our lives.#anyways hi yeah shit's about to blow up at work and im jumping ship as soon as i can make it work#i also got caught in freezing rain and had to walk home (took an hour of walking when itd usually take 25 mins!) bc i Could Not Bike#may or may not have to go into work tomorrow and if i do i may just take a hammer to those fucking windows [joke][this is a joke]#its gonna ice all night and i voiced these legitimate concerns for my safety and got told#'well we'll follow what the city standards are' or whatever the fuck. and got told to take the bus.#WELL COME ON SHITSTAIN I STILL HAVE TO WALK TO THE BUS STOP NOW DONT I??????#plus i just dont like the idea of going out rn at all. it's so dangerous. im for serious Everything is ice.#even on a salted road my bike still slid out from under me. i Had to walk it home#walking very very carefully with very ginger steps. lord help me on any inclines bc gravity was pushing me Down.#it was awful. one of the worst commutes of my life. and this fucker has the audacity to tell me to just Take The Bus?#hes getting on my last Fucking nerves. oh yeah and him completely dismissing my coworker's concerns about passive aggression#ran out of tags (lmfao) so ill stop ranting here. but just. i am so Fucking done with him.
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coldflasher · 9 months
not me thinking i'd finally started to find a good work/life balance where i could actually like. write and enjoy working on things that are fun and fulfilling while also keeping my head above water at work (aside from, y'know, minor details like the semi-frequent repetitive strain injuries and eye strain and also the fact my house is an absolute disaster 70% of the time) and then being violently humbled in my quarterly review by getting the worst quality score i've ever had in my 3 years working for the company...
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opens-up-4-nobody · 1 year
#sometimes u just gotta have a cringe fail weekend. is what i tell myself bc i let the fact that i forgot to check my new#email completely obliterate me. also i haven't been sleeping enough. also just the normal thoughts in my head#by which i mean the part of my brain that demands consequences for inattention by means of suffering. devine punishment.#which is irrational and annoying but knowing that doesnt seem to help. so ive just been laying here in the hopes i come unspooled and start#to disintegrate. which is annoying bc ive got stuff to do#specifically bc i am supposed to b a TA this semester. which is what i figured but also feared#so. thats gonna b a lot. tho not as much as my old school bc they dont make TAs do literally everything here apparently#but. itll b a lot. and also i have to finish signing up for classes. bc i didnt do that back in April by my brain was melting. also i have#to keep doing my job and dealing with my data. ugh. well. being a TA isnt so bad. i do like to help ppl learn even if im not very good at it#like. i struggle with thr talking to ppl part. like the transition of ny thoughts to something thst makes sense#oh well. hope i end up teaching something im not too unqualified for. i could do soils. Ecology. uhhh. maybe intro bio but i never even took#university level biology. i just skipped upper level courses. that's probably it. anything else would b a lotta faking it#ugh. im tired. i should go to sleep at 9pm. thr sun hasbt even set and i should sleep#tomorrow i have to get my shit together. but also i wanna email my new professor like hey bro like what do u want me to do???#like how do i start in this lab? when do we start talking. like just not to b pushy but whats thr procedure?#i like Structure but also its like weeks until the semester starts so we got time. im just a lil nuts#jesus. its gonna b an interesting semester. hopefully fun but uh it is sorta like taking a boat out when u can see big ominous clouds#like im sure ill b fine but also i might get dumped over into a watery grave. i just. i have a lot of papers to write#and its gonna b hard to b a student on top of that. partly bc what im gonna b doing now is almost completely unrelated#which is probably y ppl stick to the same track they stsrt on. that awkward moment when ppl ask u if ur gonna keep working with bi0crust#and ur like uhhhh no fuck that actually the work ive done in the past 4 years makes me hate myself✌️#so we r back at square 1. well not 1 bc its sorta related but its a pretty big reset#itll b fine once things start. its just thr anticipation that kills me#unrelated
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