#not really stuffing sorry
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cyanocophrenic · 10 months ago
Sweets (1/?)
The snugness was barely tolerable. She had overestimated herself. She looked surreptitiously over her shoulder and ducked around a corner. The only thing following her were her bad decisions, but she felt chased all the same.
Okay. Calm down. Breathe (but not too deep). Evaluate the situation. What are your options? Can you loosen anything?
She looked down at herself. Past her swollen breasts, past a fluffy roll of upper belly, she examined her waistline. Nope. The button was the only thing keeping the zipper together, and vice versa. For the millionth time, she lamented her morning. What a bright idea, interviewing for a job with a snack company. She was very well aware of how sweets affected her.
Could she find somewhere discrete to wait out her... little metabolic mishap? She looked around for a discrete nook to accommodate her fresh bulk.
The little atrium she had found had a series of plush benches around the walls. She sighed and headed for the one in the corner. She sucked in as best she could and sat down. Some horny little corner of her mind made note of how it felt as her tight belly shifted against her puffy thighs.
Sitting like this, only barely upright lest bending too far compromise her jeans, she couldn't ignore how her waistband was trying to cut her in half. She thought back to how she had done this to herself. The lovely HR manager had very explicitly pointed out the basket of the company's sugary offerings there in the middle of interview table. The woman had been insistent that she try at least one of each, gushing like any good salesperson about their rich flavors and subtle textures, occasionally even peeling one out of its wrapper and handing it to her.
How could she have done anything but eat what was offered to her? And by a beautiful woman, no less. She knew how her body reacted to food like this, but she had been desperate to make a good impression, to look good and eager and employable. A good girl. She ignored that last thought, and the accompanying shiver through her frazzled tummy.
She closed her eyes and tried to steady herself. Breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth (but not too deeply). All she had to do was calm down, and give her body a chance to do the same. Then she could find a back door to sneak out of, go home and hope that somehow that she hadn't blown the interview.
She opened her eyes again and caught sight of herself in a mirror across the room. Holy crap, she was huge. She had been her normal, narrow self, and her outfit had fit very very normally, when she had arrived. But now? Now it looked positively painted onto her. Her breasts were trying to spill out of her tastefully exposed bra and over the lapel of her blouse. She was more balloon than woman at this point. She ignored another tingle.
As she watched herself in the mirror, she noticed something change. Slowly but surely, the last wrinkle in her blouse smoothed out. Uh oh. That meant... she was still filling out. Panic. She tingled again.
No. No. Calm. Breathe (but not too deep). She closed her eyes again, and could feel her plump body quietly grow. Crap.
Panic. Calm. Breathe (but not too deep). Calm.
Maybe if she didn't look, it would go away. That had never worked before, sure, but there's a first time for everything, right?
As she rationalized to herself, she noticed the sound of heels clacking towards her hiding spot. Panic!
Maybe their owner would pass and not notice her?
No such luck.
The woman who had interviewed her rounded the corner.
"There you are!"
She struggled to stand. So tight.
"You left your purse upstairs. I get it, though. Interviews can be pretty stressful, huh?"
Like nothing had changed. Did this woman not notice that she was currently three times the size she was when she had shown up? Could this woman not hear every seam in her clothes creaking in harmony? Could the woman not see how wide and deep and round she was becoming?
"It's such a beautiful handbag, I almost wanted to keep it for myself!" The woman laughed. "Oh well."
She took the bag from the woman. "O-oh! Thank you!" Leapt out of her.
"Listen," said the woman, "technically I have to review a few other candidates, but I think you're a shoo-in for the position." The woman moved closer. "No one else has shown so much... enthusiasm." Closer still. She basked in the smell of the woman's musky perfume.
"Oh... that's great!" she managed to squeak out.
"In fact," the woman continued, "if you'd like to come back upstairs, we can have you fill out the onboarding paperwork now, so you don't have to come back just to fill out some forms if... when we give you the job." So close now.
"Um! Okay!" What.
The woman placed a gentle hand on the side of her massive, tight, growing belly. "Listen, between you and me, that passion you showed today will take you far with us. Do you feel like the offer is fair? We can negotiate further if you need." The woman's eyes were so sincere.
What was going on here? She could barely think.
The woman placed her other hand on top of her belly, well hidden by her burgeoning breasts. "I do hope you'll say yes."
There was a pop. Her button pinged away across the room from her overburdened jeans. It made a little thwack sound as it hit the far wall. Her zipper flew down, zizzing audibly. Her belly erupted through the breach. Her blouse retreated upwards. The tingling became a roar. All the while, the woman, as though no tectonic shifts were happening right there and then, continued to implore with borderline puppydog eyes.
The world held its breath with her. How had this woman not reacted to any of that?! What? Was the woman still waiting for an answer?
"...okay?" She tried. She wasn't sure if her brain was still working. "Sure?" Best to stick to small sentences.
"Yay!" cheered the woman, "I really think you'll love it here!" The woman launched in for a quick hug around her exposed belly. The woman's arms didn't go even halfway around her. And still the woman didn't seem to notice that anything was wrong.
"Well! If you'll follow me back to the elevators, we can at least get the formalities out of the way."
The woman took her by the hand and pulled, still gentle. She followed, mutely. Even the horniest, shamiest corners of her mind were silent, waiting with bated breath.
As they reached the elevators, the woman pushed the up button and stood to the side. "Please," said the woman, "after you!"
On autopilot now, she stepped into the elevator and... wedged into the door. Stuck. What. Panic? Calm? The elevator dinged again as if to say "I'm waiting!"
The cold of the elevator doors brought her back to reality. She put a hand on either side of herself and tried to pull herself in. As though this were somehow normal, the woman chirped "Oh, here, let me help!"
She felt a gentle pair of hands press into her oceanic bottom. Her horny brain thrilled again. She clamped down on those thoughts. No time to be a pervert.
Between the two of them, they muscled her into the elevator. She turned to face the doors in time to watch the woman press into her in order to let the doors close. Normally equipped for eight full-sized human adults, due to her immensity, it very barely fit two.
"We need floor thirty," said the woman into her barely contained cleavage. She tried to reach for the panel of buttons, but by now there was simply too much of her in the way.
"I've got it," said the woman, reaching behind her without looking.
They rode the thirty floors quietly. She could feel herself still widening, pressing towards the walls of the elevator car. Her embarrassment had burnt out, leaving only a kind of stunned peace in her mind. She tried to will her body away from the woman, but where else could it really go?
By the time they reached their destination, the woman was firmly pressed against the doors, still showing no indication of the extra-ordinariness of the situation.
As the doors opened, the woman stepped back, grabbed her hands, and pulled as she tried to wiggle through the door. Eventually she floomped through, and they set off toward the HR suite.
Full-on waddling now, she felt an inner tension release. She had stopped growing. Relief. If nothing else, at least things had stopped getting worse. Sure, she was almost round enough to roll. Tingle. Sure, her clothing had been reduced to barely covering her... rude areas. Tingle. Sure, a beautiful woman was acting as though this was all perfectly normal. Tingle tingle tingle. But hey, at least it finally wasn't getting worse.
The woman pushed open the double doors to the HR suite and welcomed her in with another glittering smile. They seemed to be the only ones there. The woman led her, patiently, to the front desk area. The woman ducked behind the desk, looking for something.
"Hmm, it looks like I'll need to go print off more some more copies of the forms. Shouldn't take more than a minute or two." Finally she'd have a moment to collect herself.
Then the woman produced a basket, laden with various goodies, from underneath the desk. "Here! Help yourself, sorry to make you wait." Uh.
"Oh, here, allow me," said the woman, picking out a chocolate confection, peeling it, and pressing it into her mouth. "I'll be right back!"
She chewed and swallowed the treat.
Uh oh.
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palms-upturned · 7 months ago
I’m late to this whole debacle but for the record, I have been messaged by people in Gaza who thought that I was involved in the fundraiser vetting process and sent me photos of their government IDs and documentation. I know a little of what Hussein, Nairuz, Ahmed, Ibtisam, and others use to vet people and make sure that they’re legit, and that’s part of why I confidently cite them as a source. To try and discredit them and smear them as scam artists, along with the genocide victims that they’re trying so hard to help, is fucking beyond the pale.
The reason I’ve been inactive on this blog and focusing instead on compiling resources in order to bring more ppl onto the fundraiser blog is that the work I was doing was spiraling into a 12-hour a day endeavor with just myself, and it was making me so physically and mentally ill that I could barely move or think, so I had to step back and figure out a better way to organize things. And I’m not even doing the actually hard part of this work. I do not vet people. I do not have any skin in this game as a white USAmerican. It’s not my family who are dying in Gaza. I also have not been targeted for harassment or account bans. I literally cannot fucking fathom the physical and mental strain that Palestinian bloggers on this platform have been going through nonstop for nearly a year now.
I still remember being shocked when I saw that Hussein had come back to tumblr after having to take a break due to having a heart attack. Ibtisams, who vetted people and organized all sorts of fundraising efforts all while grieving her father and little sister killed in Gaza, was forced to come back to tumblr to make a statement about how she was in an inpatient facility because people had the gall to impersonate her in order to scam people. Ahmed literally escaped Gaza because of a very well documented fundraising effort here on tumblr, no thanks to the cunts at GoFundMe who made things as difficult as possible every step of the way, and has since spent time and effort helping other people who had hopes of sharing his success. Calling these people scammers is fucking unbelievable. Some of you wouldn’t know solidarity if it bit you in the ass.
If getting messages in your inbox from people trying to escape a genocide makes you uncomfortable, fucking suck it up. Or disable your inbox, I guess. Do literally anything else besides using your platform to direct harassment and slander at people who are trying to survive a genocide. This website is already quite literally engaging in tech apartheid by targeting users in Gaza so constantly, you don’t need to gleefully join in by tagging staff and asking them to terminate people. Fucking unconscionable behavior. I hope that it will follow everyone involved for the rest of their lives.
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build-a-buddy · 1 year ago
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Sleeping is REALLY hard when you have PTSD nightmares constantly, even though you are prescribed a lot of special anti-nightmare medication. ):
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agentc0rn · 11 months ago
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⦿ Help Zygarde end the clash between Xerneas and Yveltal and restore order.
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ducktracy · 3 months ago
had some thoughts regarding the bastardization of Porky’s legacy in recent decades and thought they were perhaps interesting enough to relay here
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fuck-kirk · 4 months ago
My whole life I’ve loved thanksgiving box stuffing. It’s one of my top five favorite foods..I look forward to thanksgiving every year purely for stuffing. Recently I’ve had an awakening and like. Realized I can just make stuffing whenever I want. I can buy a box of stuffing and make it in like 6 minutes. ..eggs are also one of my fav foods, so for dinner tonight I said fuck it and made eggs, avacado toast, and stuffing and lemme tell you it FUCKED
Like hell yeah I’m an adult! I have my own money and free will and I can just combine all my fav foods together for dinner regardless of what anyone else would think about it . Eggs and avacado toast a breakfast food ? FUCK it! Stuffing usually only for holidays or big family gathering meals? FUCK it! Hell yeah I’m enlightened
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skullzy20 · 6 months ago
First thing that came to mind was the little freddles/ nightmare freddy
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yeah I can do that
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fisheito · 18 days ago
which yakuroom am i voting for??
proooobbabbly (in order of preference) 1. vampire yaku (i REALLY wanna hear yakumo lash out. AND the goofy mirror training) 2. idol yaku (lots of lore in this one, along with potential for snake-language yakumo. bonus: panicked whisper yaku in R1) OR 3. iced coffee yaku (give me more of that dulcet service voice)
deliberations under the cut
when they launched the poll, my immediate answer was SHADOW LINEAGE YAKUMO! I WANNA HEAR HIM SCREAM AS HE PLUMMETS FROM THE CLIFF but, not so hasty... did he ACTUALLY scream while hurtling to his doom? after i checked the rooms, no. no he did not. in fact, he was quite coherent throughout the crisis. that simply will not suffice. so, scrap shadow lineage. i must now go through room by room...
Things that , voiced, may INTRIGUE me? 👀👓:
White day yakumo: - eiden's weaponised incompetence while yakumo teaches him how to stir 😁
Idol yakumo: - blade and oli!! - yakumo ?happy!? it feels like it's been so long - yakumo speaking ancient serpent language - i can see the appeal in hearing yaku sing [ancient mating ball music], but i kinda prefer letting my imagination do the work. hmm...
Count drakumo: - yakumo losing his temper with eiden (I WANT TO HEAR HIM LASH OUT AT PRECIOUS EITO-SAN. JUST ONCE) - eiden talking about his hidden scalp scar and past anger issues - garu and aster!! often talking about food!! - eiden saying affirmations in the mirror about himself :)<3 - yakumo being forced to repeat eiden's compliments about his stamina and cuteness 😂
Nerdkumo: - some extra lines of being nervous and flustered never hurt anyone
Shadow Lineage: - a loooot of backstory but it's from Great Serpent POV/outside narrative, so it's not as relevant voice-wise - if they could squeeze in some distress noises every time yakumo nearly dies , that would be great
umbrella yaku: - yakuei being scared about ghosts and clinging onto each other - baby yaku? but... he's just crying again, in a pitched up voice probably. not the MOST interesting for me 🤨
Mermaid yaku: - the stupid sappy moment where eiden lies on yaku's lap and gets his tummy rubbed and theyre all disgustingly sweet n whispery
Iced coffeeyaku: - rei and blade!! - confident service yaku voice? talking with customers??? - yakumo switching between his calm happy-to-serve mode to being DEAD FLUSTERED by eiden's advances - idk something about yakumo acting as little coffee boy with a jingly collar .. bringing back this relevant line from the aster/yaku fic:
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#NO RECENCY BIAS ALLOWED. WE'RE GOING BACK TO THE BEGINNING *examines every room*#i feel like i'm not great at matching up with popular opinion#dare i get what i wish for? unlikely. but i shall wish nonetheless#i wonder what the numbers will choose!#many rooms have yaku talking normally. conversationally. the classic eiden-clan member verbal jamgle#so i want to vote for something that will enrich the yaku vocal experience. something with... rare delicacies!?!?!#even if i don't get to hear angryaku. as long as i get to hear some flustered yaku or whispery yaku i'll be :)#i will defer to the mains of other chars for most cases. you know. consult the bladeguy the kuyaguy etc.etc.#i want to vote for units i have but i don't have enough of everyone :(#there ARE some units that i enjoy tho so i might vote for those#like sunburst dante . one of the few dantes i have but i really like that one. sulky eiden... wonderful...#and i'll have to revisit my rei rooms because i do not remember how much of a freak i am about maid rei. must check#for eiden it's gonna be bunnyboy timetraveller . no contest#THREE MR EIDEN. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO TURN DOWN THREE MR EIDEN!!!!!!!#i'm sorry to eiden's va. god works hard but eiden's va works harder something somethin#fhishe listes#sorta rather kinda mad that vampire yaku managed to make it to the top of 2 of my lists.somehow.#ugh. EIDEN AND YAKUMO MIRROR PRACTICE IS REALLY FUNNY OK#and before that .yakumo cries while stuffing rice balls in his face. garbled crying#there's a lot i enjoy here despite the lot i don't enjoy here
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st4rstudent · 7 months ago
Will we ever meet Bobby JR in Person?
Because I have no Idea how to draw him since I don't know how tall he is or how old he is.
Like is he a 5 or 6 Year Old Kid?
Is he born just a Regular Child or born a Prodigy?
And will he like Bear Toons? Since he Love anything related to Bears?
Like he will go crazy that any Products like Food and Toys including Clothing that has a Bear on it.
I can't properly answer any of these, since I'm not apart of the team or anything, so everything I say after this is purely speculation and/or just random thoughts. I assume that, even if Bobby Jr is not added physically into the game, he'll be mentioned plenty of times (especially around April Toons with Thomas's dialogues). Especially if Crystalline is added to the game, since it's been established that the entire Cyger family has some issues going on. As for height, you can kind of estimate his height based on this photocard of him and the Chairman. He's shorter than the Chairman (who has an ingame model that can be compared to other managers). I assume he's at most half of Chairmans height. Do NOT leave him outside with a giant hawk. He's very obviously a child, I always imagine an age that's somewhere in the early-middle of elementary school, like maybe 7 or 8? Truthfully I only assign age ranges to characters, not specific numbers, makes it easier. Either way, I can't see him being in middle school yet.
I think the idea of him seeing a bear toon and getting really excited would be kind of funny. He ends up having to be dragged away by Robert.
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juustozzi · 9 months ago
here is another idea for the winged au
it is misinformation that all winged people like shiny things. only some do (mostly the ones with wings like magpie )
so just think (early series) tsurugi 'bribing' tenma with shiny trinkets to let yuuichi touch his wings or let yuuichi fly with him (not very high, tsurugi doesn't need that anxiety, just enough to get yuuichi a good view of the area)
also kariya doing the same but for help with pranks instead
tenma doesn't even see this as 'bribing' he just thinks that those two are just trying to be friend him, he does keep all the trinkets he gets from them up on a shelf in his room
I had to do some research (since my memory is ass) and apparently Mikado from Teikoku has a raven-like keshin, maybe he has a bit of a trinket hoarding habit? maybe Tsurugi has seen him in some occasions (for seeds? maybe Mikado were on the recruit list? (yeah I remember nothing)) and that's when he learned the misinfo that all winged people are like that.
and Yuuichi? I love a little timeline spin and since he has a winged keshin in the chrono stone timeline... he has recurring lucid dreams of having wings and flying, so he has a fascination with wings and he's so excited for the possibility of flying with Tenma!
...though Tenma isn't really able to carry so much load with him in the air. but he tries!
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Kariya and Tenma teaming up for pranks sounds so fun! even though Tenma won't do anything too mean or dangerous, he likes to help his friend!!
(Kariya and Tsurugi feel kiiinda embarrassed when they learn that Tenma isn't really after the shinies, but they still sometimes give him nice small things disguised as bribes, since it would be even more embarrassing to say that they just want to keep on giving him gifts.)
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b4kuch1n · 2 years ago
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ough brain is doing SO bad but sometimes. there are colors
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plushie-lovey · 2 months ago
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I'm a little late, but I sincerely hope you are feeling better soon!!
If you need a distraction I could ramble about plushies if you want! Or if you wanna ramble about plushies instead, my DMs are always open 🩵
The pupper on the tractor omggg. These are all so cute. Tysm for sending the pics, Taav! Honestly I'd love to hear you ramble about plush ;w;
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poolseason · 2 months ago
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^^ @lunyselene ok to be totally honest Yeah i see exactly what you mean right here. To be fair i genuinely think all of the cast are functionally different character in the show versus the books. idk how to put it, there's more friction than necessary with Lockwood, and George and her have less than they probable should. Lucy is confrontational about certain things she probably would have tried a to be sneaky about in the books.
Well i think the reason for some of these changes is most obviously drama! I agree the beginning with Lucy's backstory is very very compelling, and sets her up as a really strong protagonist. But i think because the writers for the show focused on how to express her individuality and exceptionalism, they neglected the fact that, yeah she's kind of an extremely codependent person by nature.
Lucy having tension with her teammates makes for some decent tv drama, but i think bc she expresses her conflict Lockwood, it sort of changes the team dynamics. We completely skipped over the mini-case in the beginning at Mr Potter's garage which could have established Lockwood actually being a capable leader before the disastrous Sheen Road case, and George and Lucy's roles. George is already Lockwood's dissenter, but Lucy is enamored by him, to her Lockwood is cavalier and a fresh start. I think Lucy might have needed to fall in with his madness some more.
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mel-loly · 11 months ago
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-Happy Easter..💛
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dailyantmatian · 3 months ago
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Today's Dailymatian is SFW Sasuke also known as the Melissa & Doug 2ft Dalmatian! Why is this image so large! Help!
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just-in-cays · 6 months ago
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