#not really knowing how to act or take care of a kid
lexirosewrites · 22 hours
so i'm a massive fan of single parent omegaverse steddie tropes (if you hadn't noticed by now) but i'm switching it up a little this time. usually i go the single parent omega!steve route, but today i'm thinking about single parent alpha!eddie.
eddie, who got a little ahead of himself one night while out dealing at a party. he's a teenager, just shy of his 18th birthday. he's not thinking straight. he supposes that's what he gets for smoking a joint before he left the house that night.
eight months later, there's a tiny baby in his arms.
(disclaimer, i tend to always make steddie girl dads bc that's my typical preference, but you could imagine this any way you please. i tried to be vague)
his pup was born prematurely, by only a couple weeks. they had to stay a few extra days in the hospital, but that was it. when they finally left, the mom had showed up at the trailer and handed him the pup. eddie had no idea, this whole time. the person he'd hooked up with was from a few towns over, so eddie hadn't seen them the whole time. and now they were on his front step, handing him a tiny baby wrapped in a soft blanket and telling him they can't take care of the pup. they don't want to. and then they leave.
i imagine eddie panics for a little bit. he's holding this child, who is actually surprisingly content in his arms at the moment, panicking about how he's meant to raise his pup on his own. what's he supposed to do? he doesn't have the caring instincts of an omega (or woman) and frankly, he has no idea what to do with a baby. he's pacing the trailer, a small diaper bag of basic essentials sitting on the shabby coffee table, heart pounding in his chest as he tries to figure out what to do now.
that's how wayne finds him when he gets home about an hour later. he doesn't even have time to ask a single question before eddie is launching into panicked rambling.
"what am i supposed to do, wayne? i don't know what to do with a baby! i've never even been around a baby before!"
"ed, take a breath, kid. settle down a little, 'fore you give yourself a damn aneurysm."
"i can't, wayne! i- i don't know what i'm doing. what if i screw everything up?"
"eddie, you gotta tell me what's going on. whose baby is that?"
eddie stopped pacing, turning to look at wayne with nothing but terror in his eyes. "mine."
despite all of eddie's initial panicking, i think he's a great dad. he devotes everything he can to his pup. stops selling, gets a job at the garage (with wayne's help), and really cleans up his act. can't afford any run-ins with the cops when you've got a pup at home counting on you, right? and wayne is a saint, as always, helping with everything. he watches the pup when eddie's at work, and picks up extra shifts here and there to help them afford the extra mouth to feed.
eddie is more determined than ever. he still struggles with a lot of things, panics over the littlest stuff. he's so protective of his little pup, and he tries so hard to get things right, but there's still a lot he doesn't know. a lot he's not good at. he gets really in over his head when his pup is about a year and a half old. they've started throwing massive tantrums, and eddie has no clue how to handle it. he's tried everything he can think of. none of it works.
one day, they're at the library, and eddie isn't sure what even set the pup off anymore. all he knows is that they're screaming and thrashing on the floor. people are staring. eddie's face is on fire as he tries desperately to get them to calm down. of course, it's not working. it's just getting worse, when an absolute angel comes to eddie's rescue.
the omega (who he later recognizes as steve harrington of all people) swoops in like this is just an every day occurrence for him. he manages to stop the tantrum in barely five minutes, and eddie can't help but stare at him in awe. when all is said and done, eddie has a much happier toddler on his hip and is thanking steve for his help.
"don't mention it," steve said with a smile and a shrug. "happens more often than you'd think. why don't we get you guys checked out with your new books?"
eddie and his pup go to the library a lot more often after that. there's just something about steve that has eddie coming back just to see him again. and again. and again. luckily, his toddler makes for a good enough cover story. they like going to the library, and they like getting to see steve. he's always so good with them, with all the kids that come into the library, really. it becomes a big part of their routine.
even wayne has made a few comments about how often eddie is at the library these days, asking if it has anything to do with a certain sweet, fluffy-haired omega that works there. of course, eddie vehemently denies everything, but wayne sees right through him.
eventually, steve comes up to eddie at the library, watching for a moment as the pup flips through a picture book and points at various things. then he looks at eddie, and asks him out on a date.
(eddie soon finds out that steve had been waiting on eddie to make a move, constantly dropping hints, but got too impatient to wait any longer.)
it isn't long before they're engaged, planning a beautiful wedding and mating of their own. it's also a bonus that steve is such a great parent to eddie's pup, always treating them as if they were his own. meanwhile, steve is doing everything he can to convince eddie he is an amazing father, and wouldn't mind at all if they grew their little family by a few more pairs of tiny feet.
choking on the domesticity and affection😭
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lemoniiiiiii · 1 day
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a/n: writing a fic for him and he's just so cute and i keep getting ideas for him ahh my cinephile bf i need him might fuck around and write some NSFW ones later (SORRY THIS IS REALLY LONG I GOT CARRIED AWAY)
he's very quiet if he's not talking about movies
not audibly just like only gives one word or one sentence answers
which means he's a VERY dry texter (it's not personal he's just like that)
though he does post his every unfiltered thought to his twitter (which has SOO many followers like a shitton)
doesn't understand typing in lowercase and thinks it's dumb (but if you type in lowercase he won't call it dumb but he'll express he thinks it's weird)
has the worst handwriting ever but that's because it's almost like a kind of unreadable script (like doctor handwriting)
he listens to all kinds of music really aside from like pop or country
also really likes monty python
he really likes musicals (singing in the rain, phantom of the opera, the sound of music) b/c he was introduced to them when he was very young so they're very nostalgic for him
but he'll never mention it because his friends would make fun of him for it
(would LOVEEEEEEEE la la land)
used to read books a lot more when he was younger
is a superhero comic book fan
he can play piano really well (parents made him play) he just doesn't give a fuck about piano
he's also like crazy smart and would do super well in school if he applied himself he just doesn't care
he really wants to switch his major to film studies but his parents wouldn't approve (but he's thinking about doing it anyway)
became completely desensitized to gore and nudity at a young age because he'd always just watch whatever movies his dad put on
wrote a series of letters to quentin tarantino as a kid and got one letter back and it's his most prized possession
likes maintaining eye contact with people for too long because it makes them uncomfortable
just generally likes messing with people and being a little shit b/c he likes how easy it is to mess with ppls emotions cause they're so predictable (which is kinda a red flag but he's never really taken something too far)
b/c of this no one really takes him seriously which bothers him a bit but he knows it's his fault
which is why when you do actually take interest in what he says he finds himself falling for you
he never got "lost" in the forest with michael he just hates being in nature and michael was annoying him so he walked back to the car
after a bit he looked outside and saw everyone panicking so he got out and went back to the group and everyone was acting like he died
he thinks it was too far for his parents to cut michael off but he also didn't care
thinks michael's annoying at times but the things he does are funny and he uses him as content for his twitter
has been so engrossed in his own world his whole life he doesn't think about girls
though his main crushes are sarah connor (terminator), the bride (kill bill), storm (x-men), and mikaela banes (transformers - but he hates the transformer movies)
but he has very little or no experience at all
he's probably the first in his friend group to have a girlfriend too
his only knowledge about talking to girls is from movies so yk the james bonds, george clooney, harrison ford are his main influences
which means if he has a crush on you he'll just stare at you all the time, bother and tease you relentlessly and try to banter cause that's the only way he knows how to get closer
he'll also try by memorizing your coffee order
if you don't drink coffee he'll try to find out what you do drink (without directly asking you)
he'll never confess, you'll have to first and use the most straightforward language or else he won't take a hint
once you start dating he has no idea how to treat you anymore
he just constantly flips between being the sweetest bf ever and the bane of your existence
if he annoys you too much and you get upset his first response will be "what? i didn't even do anything" or some other cheeky response
you'll have to help him to unlearn that
though he's a very caring boyfriend and would help you carry things around the office and drive you places and get you presents
he just is so obsessed with you and loves being around you all the time
doesn't give a fuck about most things (other than you and movies)
he's not incredibly keen on pda but sometimes he'll hold your hand and kiss your cheek in public
if you kiss him in front of other people he'll get really flustered and be noticeably disoriented for a bit after
feels weird using pet names but he'll use the occasional baby or babe
he'll discover how good it feels to cuddle it'll be his favorite thing to do along with watching movies with you
run your hands through / play with his hair and he'll fold completely
the first time you do it he'll probably involuntarily moan and get so embarrassed about it it'll take a few weeks before he'll let you do it again
during those few weeks he'll think about how your hands felt almost obsessively he's never felt anything like it
he'll create a list of movies to watch with you and once a month he'll let you choose the movie
he's really good at gift giving because he makes sure to pay extra attention to the things you like (especially movie related things bc he has good contacts)
he's definitely one of the first people to ever use letterboxd
he loves being able to drop you off at home from work because more often than not you'll stop someplace to get something to eat or head to his place and watch a movie and he loves doing that with you
he also likes picking you up in the morning because then you get to go on his coffee run with him (you'll make sure everyone's orders are correct and he'll whine and groan about it saying it's not worth the time but he appreciates it)
will definitely get you to do his work for him
his work clothes used to belong to his dad which is why they're just a tad too big for him
outside of work he typically wears zip-up hoodies and jeans with a graphic t-shirt (probably related to a film he likes)
instead of a bookshelf, he has a DVD shelf in his room (that's very well organized and categorized)
and he has a really high end tv and surround sound system that he and his dad paid for
he researched how movie theatres make their popcorn and buys the special ingredients directly from one by his house
used to have the whole script of citizen kane memorized but it's been a second since he last recited it
he's written his own scripts before but he doesn't think they're any good (he's pretty hard on himself about it)
but if he does end up making a project he'll 100% cast you in it
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eff4freddie · 2 days
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After She Left | Ten
Words: 5k
After the dramatic expulsion of Steven and Wren, things settle down a little in Jackson. You've found a way to keep tutoring Ellie that keeps you out of Joel's orbit, and Joel is trying to adapt to his new situation at home. He'll fight hard not to feel things, but he'll always lose when it comes to his girls.
Chapter warnings: Angst, reader gets drunk but isn't out of control, reader is almost as bad at feelings at Joel is, lots of pining coupled with vague attempts to deny anything's wrong
A/N: Coming to the end of the second act now, which means things are going to ramp up again soon. Ya'll wanted emotionally tortured Joel doing penance for being a dick, and you got it!
Nine | Series Masterlist
‘Ok, who can tell me what the capital of America is?’ you asked, nearly saying ‘was’ before you caught yourself. Almost all hands raised in the air.
‘Washington DC,’ Dina answered, confidently. You nodded.
‘Excellent, and why was it named Washington?’
‘It was named after George Washington!’ Mika nearly screamed, because he liked a competition.
‘And who was he?’ you prompted, trying not to laugh at the way he was practically bouncing up and down on his chair.
‘He was the first president!’ Mika yelled again, and you grinned.
‘Very good, but take a breath my man,’ you said. He slumped, sucking in the air around him like he’d run a marathon.  
‘How did he die?’ Ellie asked, suddenly. She’d been quiet all morning.
‘He got sick, umm…a throat thing,’ you said, trying to remember your eighth-grade history.
‘That’s it?’ she asked.
‘Was he infected?’ Mika asked, suddenly panicky, and Ellie rolled her eyes.
‘They didn’t have the fungus back then, dumbass,’ she hissed.
‘Ellie!’ you gasped, surprise on your face. ‘Apologise to Mika right now.’
She looked at you, just as surprised by your tone. A moment passed between you, a correction, you realised, of a dynamic that had started to creep. You were her teacher and her tutor and her friend, and also for a while you had been sort of seeing her Dad, but that wasn’t a thing anymore and now you had to discipline her, and Jackson was a really fucking small town but right now it felt like it could fit on the head of a pin.
You thought, for a moment, that she was going to fight you. But you watched her deflate, the anger seeping out of her bones.
‘M’sorry,’ she said. You hazarded a glance at Mika, who was now almost completely folded in on himself.
‘It’s OK,’ he said. It wasn’t.
You waited until the end of the day to pull Ellie aside.
‘Ok, what was that before?’ you asked, and she shrugged. She had been quiet again for the rest of the day, not willing to be drawn on questions you knew she had the answer to, and when it came to math in the afternoon she had just stared out the window and drew circles on her paper. You held in a sigh. ‘Mika looks up to you, y’know,’ trying the time-honoured tradition of guilt tripping to keep a teenager in line.
‘I know,’ she said, looking up at you, then, defiant and angry again. ‘I know he does but how is that my job?’
‘OK…’ you started, feeling already that you were getting tugged out to sea by her riptide. ‘I think maybe we need to reset…’
‘Like, did he even ask me if I wanted him to follow me around like a fuckin’ puppy? No. And I don’t want him to. I don’t want to hang out with some stupid fuckin’ kid. It’s embarrassing. What about what I want to do?’
It was a lot in a short period of time, and you were torn on how best to approach it. On the one hand you should probably cool her down, on the other she was finally speaking up about whatever it was that was bothering you. On a third hand she was swearing quite a fucking lot.
‘Ellie…’ you started, but you stopped when you realised her eyes were growing red. ‘Hey, kiddo…’
‘Don’t,’ she said, holding her hand up to you. ‘Not your kiddo.’
‘No, but…but I care about you…’
She bit her lip, obviously wanting to take it all back. You felt a compulsion to wrap her up in your arms and hug her tightly to you, but you knew she wasn’t the type for that. She tugged on her long sleeves. ‘Why do I feel like this isn’t really about Mika?’ you hazarded.
‘He’s moving her into the house,’ Ellie spat, the tears starting to roll down her cheeks. ‘He didn’t even ask me what I wanted.’
It had been weeks since you’d been over there, Ellie choosing to come to you for your sessions. You had thought, initially, that she was trying to spare you from having to deal with Joel, but suddenly you saw it in a different light. You were respite. You were a port in a storm.
You swallowed your own feelings down, a little kick in the gut that would have looked a lot like anguish if you decided to turn your gaze to it.
‘He said she could have the spare room, but then she just moved all her stuff straight into his.’
You weren’t going to think about it. Not about her asleep in his sheets, wrapped up in his arms, his lips pressing soft kisses to her forehead while she slept. None of it.
‘Oh, that’s…’ you started, but couldn’t think how to answer that question. Part of you was howling, while another part of you was working so hard to remind yourself you didn’t care anymore.
‘I’m gonna move out,’ she said, and your attention snapped back to her.
‘What? Ellie you can’t…’
‘There’s a studio out the back, its got proper insulation. Tommy checked in. It has electricity. I’m fuckin’ going out there.’
‘And Joel is OK with that?’ you asked, and she looked down at her shoes.
‘He seemed kind of relieved,’ she muttered. You put a hand on her shoulder.
‘That can’t have been it,’ you said. She looked up into your eyes, and you plastered what you hoped was a confident expression on your face. ‘Can’t have been,’ you repeated.
You were restless. It had been a few hours since your conversation with Ellie and you’d been turning it over in your head like a puzzle you could put together if you could just find the right piece. It was silly, but you wanted to know if Joel had ever felt anything for you, or for anyone in the past twenty years, or if it had been Shauna the whole time. If he’d just been waiting for her, hoping and pining, and you’d been a convenient way to spend his time until she appeared.
It just seemed so fast, that they were already together. You wondered if they had ever really, truly, been apart.
You paced in front of your doorway. The nights were getting cold again, and it was getting darker earlier, and so you didn’t really feel like going for a walk. You wanted to go and see Maria and Baby Robin, but you felt strange about it now, seeing her with Shauna as often as you did. You had the strange feeling of having been corrected and replaced, a new version of you with edits, out and about living the life you should have if you had been any good at it.
You’d already eaten. The little makeshift library would be closed. You thought about dropping in on Billy at the wall, but the wind was picking up and you weren’t sure when Joel’s next shift was. You hated that you still navigated by his bearings.
At your front porch, you let your legs walk you where they wanted to. As you listened to the crunch of your boots on the gravel you thought of life beyond the wall, tried to imagine all the horrors Shauna would have been dealing with out there. She travelled with two men, and you weren’t so naïve that you didn’t know what that would have cost her. You wondered if she’d spent time in a QZ, if she’d had a job there. She didn’t seem like the type to be enlisted; she probably would have been too old on outbreak day.
You had to believe it was unintentional, her finding Joel and Jackson. You couldn’t think of any way it couldn’t have been, and you tried. So, what was it then that she had found him, in a world almost totally wiped clear, other than a kind of kismet? Who were you to interfere in luck that strong? In something so fated as to be almost impossible. You weren’t a religious person, not spiritual in any real way, not after everything you’d seen and lost, but even you had to respect when the Universe was sending such an obvious message.
You stopped, looking up to discover your feet had marched you to the Bison. Fair enough. If you weren’t going to ignore clear and obvious and pretty fucking painful messages from the Universe, you better not start now.
Joel was irritated. More than irritated, more than frustrated. Shauna was in his place all the fuckin’ time now, and he wasn’t entirely sure how it got to be that way, and now Ellie was talking about movin’ out to the studio right as the weather was turning, right as the cold was going to set back in, and he was going to go knocking on her door one day and find her frozen fuckin’ solid under some thin little blanket Tommy has scrounged up for her instead of warm and safe under his roof.
He stood out the front of his porch, looking suspiciously at the potted plants Shauna had lined up against the railing. She said it was about being homely, about bringing in a little colour, but Joel couldn’t help but notice all of her womanly touched appeared at the front of the place. Visible from the street.
He paced. He’d done another shift on the wall and normally he’d be desperate to sit down, rest his knees and his back. Take some of the pressure off his aching bones. But now his house felt different, like it wasn’t fully his own. He’d lost something. Another something.
Ducking under the side windows he made it way around the back to the studio, careful to push the door open just enough to slip in unheard from the house. He didn’t turn the light on, didn’t want to draw any attention. He stood in the middle of it, staring at the bare window and the cold concrete floor.
He’d been grateful for the peace, for a while. With Steve and Wren excised from the community things settled in. Shauna was getting back on track with the council, seemed to have settled more into her role as Maria’s almost PA, as Tommy’s kind of but not quite assistant. She hummed when she cooked dinner, some kind of tuneless melody that might have been a song he could recognise before she mangled it. She was no better chef than she was twenty years ago.
It had just come on so quickly, his history clawing out of the depths and grabbing him by the middle. Fast enough he hadn’t noticed until he was pulled under.
He heard the door creak and he swung around, bracing.
‘Sorry, brother,’ Tommy said, arms up in surrender. ‘Didn’t realise you were in here.’
‘Keep your voice down,’ Joel muttered, pulling his brother in and easing the door closed.
‘You in hidin’ in here?’ Tommy asked, and Joel huffed out a frustrated sigh.
‘Just didn’t feel like…dealing with anything for a minute,’ he said. Tommy watched as his older brother grimaced, holding his hip.
‘You hurt?’ he asked.
‘Nah,’ Joel dismissed, waving the brotherly concern away. ‘Just been on the couch the last few weeks, ain’t sure it ever had springs worth a damn but twenty years ain’t helped it none.’
‘On the couch, huh?’ Tommy asked, surprised by this little glimpse into Joels’ home life.
‘I ain’t with Shauna,’ Joel said, because he could read his brother’s mind, being so similar to his own.
Tommy nodded, walking to the wall of the room and leaning against it, one leg bent at the knee as he rested his foot behind him.
‘So what’s goin’ on there, brother?’ he asked, and watched as Joel turned away.
‘She just…she’s just suddenly everywhere,’ Joel said, after a while.
‘When you moved her out of ours, I thought…’
‘She said it was too damp, that it was makin’ her stuffed up. I dunno. She used to get real sneezy in the Spring.’
Tommy nodded at this. He’d been happy to have his garage back, but he considered now he might have been a little too keen to push her out.
‘How did I lose it again?’ Joel asked, almost to himself.
‘What do you…’
‘She was under m’roof, now she’s movin’ out here to the cold. We were a family, for a second, we were safe. There was a kind of…’
‘Peace,’ Tommy supplied, and Joel nodded.
‘I failed her again, Tommy,’ he said, voice thick enough that Tommy faltered. ‘Both of ‘em,’ he said.
Tommy didn’t need to ask who. He’d seen the change in his brother when Ellie started tutoring, had seen the way he was fighting happiness like he couldn’t quite believe it, like he knew all too well what it was like to have it ripped out from under him, to have it bleed in his arms. Knew his brother and that he was a fast learner, that he wasn’t often fooled twice.
‘You didn’t believe it,’ Tommy said, after a while. Joel nodded, fighting hard to keep tamping down whatever was currently trying to crawl up and out of his sternum.
‘Every time I look at Shauna…’ he said, stopping for a second to catch his breath. ‘She has her eyes, Tommy.’
Tommy smiled warmly at this, having noticed the same. It might have been why he offered Shauna the garage in the first place, so sure he was watching Sarah stare back at her uncle through her mother’s eyes. It had made it impossible to say no, and he hadn’t wanted to.
‘No…’ Joel was saying, ‘you don’t unnerstand.’ Tommy realised there were tears threatening to spill down Joel’s cheeks. ‘She’s there every time I look at Shauna, but she’s not there, not in the right now. Every time I look at Shauna I think about m’little girl. I think about all the love for her, cuz it’s still right there, Tommy.’ Joel rubbed at his chest, thumping over his heart. ‘And…I think about losin’ her. I think about those eyes going hazy starin’ up at me in that damn field.’
Joel felt his stomach roll, worried for a moment the memory was so strong he would conjure it in front of himself. He could smell her blood again, mixed in with the dirt and the long grass.
‘Shauna’s here all the damn time, and now it’s like it was all yesterday again. I see m’little girl’s face gone all pale, I feel her in my arms…’
Joel stopped. He didn’t have the words anymore, couldn’t trust that he would be able to speak them out loud. He realised he was shaking, that he was close to toppling over when he took a step back and had to steady himself on the bench. In moments he was wrapped in his brother’s arms, holding on nearly as tight as the moment they’d been reunited the first time Joel made it to Jackson.
‘I know, brother, I see it too,’ Tommy said, feeling his own tears tracking down his cheeks.
‘Shauna’s costin’ me everything. Teach, maybe Ellie… I can’t stand it, but I can’t… I want her near, Tommy. I gotta look after her, cuz there’s my little girl in those eyes, and I can’t fuckin’ fail her again.’
Tommy nodded, his words too caught up in his throat. All he could do was nod, clap his brother on the back a few times. After a minute he let go, rearranging his jacket and clearing his throat as Joel composed himself a few paces away.
‘When Ellie said she wanted to come out here I was almost…it almost felt like a good thing. I dunno…some kind of, separation maybe? From history and…whatever the fuck this is now.’
Tommy didn’t really understand, probably would never, but he agreed with his big brother just the same.
‘We can make it real nice in here, Joel. We can make it warm, make sure its dry. I’m already thinkin’ about rugs, Maria reckons she can sew up some curtains.’
Joel appraised the room. He had seen his brother repair worse.
‘She’s a teenager, would have wanted her own space one day anyhow,’ he rationalised, and Tommy agreed.
‘It might be good for you both, especially with…’ Tommy nodded to the house. ‘You really want an angry teenager in your house 24/7?’
‘Dealt with you OK,’ Joel said, and he was smiling again, if a little tentatively.
‘Ahh, I was a fuckin’ angel compared to you, brother,’ Tommy said. He slapped his brother on the back again as if he could push the shrivelled little kernel of loss out, shoot it out of his chest and onto the floor beside them, let it rattle around unnoticed, roll under a cabinet and gather dust.
You’d found a seat at the bar, the booths mostly taken out by groups or couples. You hadn’t considered that you would be so obviously alone when you first walked in, and you scanned around you to see if anyone was looking. To your relief, none of them were.
It wasn’t like you hadn’t spent hours of your life drinking at the Bison. But usually with Billy, or Maria before Tommy came along, and then eventually Tommy, too. But this felt different. You ordered a whiskey from Paulie on the bar, and willed your fingers to still.
It took twenty minutes for you to relax, exchanging glances with Paulie and feeling the hairs on the back of your neck tingle each time you thought someone was looking your way. A second whiskey in you found yourself caring less, the warmth running down your throat and into your chest. It was starting to feel more and more like a very good idea to come in here.
You heard laughter to your left, and turned to see Guillaume and Jonah chuckling to each other. You caught their eye, not able to look back fast enough, and they clocked you watching. They nodded to you, raising their glass. Embarrassed, you did the same.
It took a few minutes before Guillaume pealed away, leaving Jonah on his own. You swallowed, watching out of your peripheral vision as he slid off his stool and came to stand within striking distance of you.
‘Hi,’ he said, when you insisted on still pretending you didn’t know he was there. You felt your shoulders tighten as you turned to him.
‘Hi there,’ you said, trying to sound bright and easy but your tongue suddenly sluggish under all that booze. He was smiling, though, his face open as he moved to perch beside you.
‘Drinking alone?’ he asked, and you shrugged.
‘It’s after 5,’ you reminded him, and he grinned.
‘That’s true,’ he said, raising his hands in mock apology. ‘You go about your business.’
The way he said it reminded you of so many of the FEDRA soldiers you had worked besides, and sometimes opposite. Go about your business, uttered to the gathering crowd while a rifle wavered in the face of a thirteen-year-old kid caught stealing from the breadline. You blinked, those memories almost ten years old and still enough to jolt you right down to the bone.
‘You’ve been abandoned,’ you observed, your voice oddly strained.
‘Nah, I asked Guillaume to take a hike,’ Jonah said, shrugging.
‘You did? Why?’ you asked, and he put his head on his side to observe you properly as he grinned.
‘Wanted to talk to you.’
Oh, you thought. Fuck. Flirting. What was that again? You felt your face arrange itself into a look of surprise, without your instruction. Jonah’s grin faltered.
‘Unless you don’t want me to talk to you…I mean, if you want to be alone of course I’ll leave you…’
It was just so different. He was just telling you what he was thinking, and he was considering your feelings, and he was smiling warmly at you without giving the impression that it cost him something to do it.
‘No, keep me company. If you leave it’ll really look like I have a drinking problem.’
As he ordered himself another beer and a lemonade for you, you studied his profile. He was younger than Joel, either in his late 30s or early 40s – it was hard to tell because the apocalypse tended to age a person – and you observed that he had deep lines around his eyes from when he smiled. He was clean-shaven, kept his hair short except for an unruly curly bit on the top that looked like it had a mind of its own. His nails were neatly trimmed. You didn’t know why that mattered to you, but for some reason it did. He was good looking, you realised. In a conventional kind of way. In the real world he would have done well for himself.
‘I’ve gotta say, I was kind of scared to talk to you,’ Jonah said, and you caught the way he was blushing even in the dim lights of the Bison.
‘Oh? Why’s that?’ you asked, and he grinned at you.
‘I mean, you’re the one up on that hill teachin’ all these kids to read, about history and stuff, how the world works.’
‘You intimidated by a smart woman?’ you asked, and his smile faltered, slightly.
‘Intimidated…’ he said, as if he was tasting the word for the first time. ‘Maybe a little. Maybe just kinda shy.’
You genuinely weren’t sure what to make of this revelation. You let it roll around in your head for a while to see if you could make sense of it.
‘You worried I’m going to correct your grammar?’ you asked, and you laughed a little to let him know you were kidding, mostly.
‘Just not used to being so outgunned,’ he said, and oh he was very fucking charming when he wanted to be, actually. You felt your own blush creep up your cheeks to match his.
He went in eventually, ate dinner at the table with Shauna while she prattled on about her day, but he was restless again by bedtime, the couch and the scratchy blankets not appealing even despite the long day.
‘You could always join me upstairs,’ Shauna said, and Joel exhaled long and slow.
‘Ain’t gonna do that, Shauna. Told you before.’
Shauna shrugged at him, climbing three steps before stopping and turning back to him.
‘We’ll see when it gets real cold, Miller,’ she said, and he wasn’t sure whether she meant it to sound so much like a threat.
He decided on a whiskey, just one, to ease his body into sleep. He had generally been sober, seeing as though he had no hope of pills nor inclination to raid the infirmary and take from the community that sheltered him and his girls, but he stared at the ceiling enough nights to know he didn’t have it in him now.
There was a chill in the air, he noticed, as he walked silently to the Bison. Shauna was right, it would get cold in the living room soon enough. He’d have to check to see if there were heavier blankets. Put in a special request to Gollum next time there was a patrol.
He felt a little better, having talked it out with Tommy. He’d been finding it hard to figure what was going on, why he was so mad all the time, why he was dreaming of her again. It made sense when he said it out loud. Felt like he’d lanced some kind of mental boil, maybe a little. Didn’t feel so tight in his chest. He hadn’t realised he’d been walking around with a fist clenched in his gut until this moment, when it had finally, and ever so slightly, eased its grip.
The Bison was quiet, only a handful of couples and groups left in the booths. He’d taken three steps when he heard your laugh, a sing-song little thing that he’d first heard twinkle out of you when Ellie was reciting some of her favourite jokes from that damn pun book. His body turned on instinct to the sound.
You had your hand on the arm of one of Gollum’s men, his new patrol partner. You were smiling so warm and pretty as he told you some stupid fuckin’ story that had you giggling, light radiating off your face. There were a couple of empty glasses between you, your cheeks rosy from the warmth of the booze in your blood.
You were happy and you were relaxed, he realised, and he hadn’t seen you like that in a long time. Not since Shauna. Not since he…just…not since him.
Joel realised the clenched fist in his gut had only lessened its grip so that it could wind up a punch, hard and radiating right up to his solar plexus. He looked away, shame burning hard on his cheeks.
He wanted to march over there, rip you off the barstool and throw you over his shoulder, spank you on your behind as he carried you back to your place and reminded you who you belonged to, who wanted you.
Wanted to wrestle the little patrolman prick to the ground, kick a boot into his side and make him spit blood for the simple crime of having tried to take you from him.
Wanted to run over there, pull you into his arms and beg for your forgiveness.
Wanted to run.
He turned, fast, on his heel, pushing the door open and hearing it swing back behind him with a crack. He was down the step and out onto the street too fast to find out if anyone was following him, couldn’t imagine that they would. He let his brain tease him for a second that you had seen him, that he’d hear your sweet soft voice callin’ for him out of the nighttime, your little siren song.
He wondered what he’d say to you. If he had the words to make it better, what those would be. He sighed, frustrated with himself, heading back to his house and to the couch and to the scratchy blanket.
So many nights on that thing, staring at the ceiling and practicing what he might say to you. Night after night and not a single sentence to show for it.
You heard the door slam, momentarily drawn from your conversation with Jonah to wonder if everything was OK. You waited for the room to stop spinning, realising you’d had way more than you’d intended. You felt warm and kind of slippery inside, and you couldn’t remember if it was a school night, but your skeleton had stopped trying to crawl its way out of your body, and that was good enough for now.
‘You wanna keeptha party goin’?’ Jonah asked, and you blinked at him, wondering for a second what he could possibly mean.
‘You mean go back to your place and have sex?’ you asked, because the alcohol was making you blunt, even for you. You watched as Jonah spluttered, choking a little on the glass of water Paulie had insisted you both have.
‘I mean…if you’re…’
‘No,’ you said, simply. Not angry, not sad, not anything really. Just, no. You didn’t feel like it, weren’t sure you’d enjoy it when you’d had this much to drink.
‘Can I walk y’home, at least?’ he asked, and you considered it.
‘You might be more drunk than me,’ you concluded, and Jonah, in turn, gave this some thought.
‘I’d say there’sapretty goo’ chance thassright,’ he said.
‘If anything I might have to walk you home,’ you said. You were smart when you were drunk, you thought. Maybe you should be drunk more often.
‘Can’t do that, I’d feel lessofaman,’ Jonah said.
You were standing now, and so was Jonah, although he appeared to be having more difficulty with it.
‘Y’know the way?’ you asked, and he looked puzzled for a moment.
‘I do,’ Paulie said, clear as a bell, from behind the bar. ‘I’m closing up now, I’ll take him home myself.’
You nodded at this development. Yes, good. That made perfect sense. Everything did, all of a sudden.
‘Well then, I bid you…umm…adieu,’ you finished, with a flourish. You also spoke French when you were drunk, apparently. You contained fucking multitudes.
Out on the street the cold sobered you, and you winced a little as the world came back into focus. You had liked it when everything was just a little soupy. It had felt uncomplicated with Jonah. It had felt…good.
You followed the tracks in frost up the street, not stopping to consider whose they might be. As you got to the corner of your street you noticed that they veered off to the left, towards Joel’s house. You wondered if his lights would be on, if he would be up reading in bed, or whittling on his porch. You considered how late it was, and that Shauna was in there with him now, and you felt your stomach turn sour. You turned, walked the untrodden path to your place.
In the morning, a little packet of two not-terribly-expired Tylenol and a bottle of water appeared on your doorstep. More hungover than you could ever remember being, you drank the water and the pills down without stopping to question it. You marvelled at how well Jonah could apparently handle his drink. You wondered why he didn’t knock, or want to come in, but then you looked down and realised you were still in your clothes from the night before, and it made a little more sense. Your mouth tasted like you’d deepthroated a urinal cake. You imagined. You might have still been a little drunk.
Joel stood on the corner, watching you appear at your door in a way that he hoped appeared less creepy than he felt. He hadn’t slept, not a wink, so was able to get down to the infirmary first thing.
It hadn’t been his intention, but he was relieved to see you were still in your clothes. It wasn’t like he was curious, but he supposed that meant you had gone home alone.
The sun in your eyes, you didn’t see him. You let the doorframe hold you up for a while, adjusting to the glare of the dawning Saturday. It was really kind of Jonah to get up this early to come care for you. When you were human again, you were definitely going to make it up to him.
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itadorisclaws · 2 days
Smut, megumixfemalereader
"You're no better than Maki in terms of knowing how to use cursed energy." You say as you enter the ground where Megumi was practicing his ten shadows technique in the middle of the night.
"Tch, you think I care?" He replies, annoyed by your presence. He finds it better to practice alone with no 'disturbances' which in this case is you.
"IM TRAINING YOU." You shout.
"Pfft, what makes you think I need your help?" Megumi says not even looking at you. He goes back to practicing his hand signs while wiping the sweat from his forehead.
"YOU JUST ASKED ME YESTERDAY!" You now blurt out even more angrily. You've put up with his mood swings for god knows how long. Honestly, you don't even know if you can take it anymore.
Especially since..... well, you kind of like him.
You thought he did too, but that was probably only your imagination or maybe he was just in the good mood that one time.
While you were indulged in these thoughts, Megumi looks at you. "Yeah, I did ask for your help since you are skilled with katanas, but I changed my mind. You're pretty useless that way, since even Maki would be able to teach me that."
Your mouth hung open at his words. That hurt.
Especially since you are at a higher grade than them. You are a grade one. Atleast you were.
Seeing your annoyed look, Megumi let's out an irritated laugh. "You're pretty confident for a non-special grade sorcerer, you know that?"
You look at him confused. Then you realise. "Oh that's right. You don't know, do you? I just got promoted as a special grade yesterday."
Megumi let's out an amused laugh. You notice the way his soft hair is lined with sweat and his wet shirt clenching to his toned abs.
If you can't have him, a one night stand will suffice for you.
"Pffttttt, as if I'll believe that bullshit. There's no way they promoted a grade one sorcerer like you to special grade. It's the highest rank for a reason."
At that moment, Gojo sensei enters. He sees you two.
"I'm going to buy some sweets from around here. Anything specific you both would like? HA, JUST KIDDING, NOT BUYING THEM FOR YOU." Gojo sensei continues laughing at himself while you and Megumi look at him with a weird look.
"Anyways, I forgot to tell you this yesterday, Megumi, but she got promoted to special grade. You better up your game." With that, he hums and walks away.
Megumi has a blank expression on his face. "You're kidding me."
You laugh internally at him.
"What? You've never seen my domain, let alone watch me fight."
Megumi ignores you and goes back to his hand signs, but now with a more annoyed expression. "Can you go somewhere else?"
"This is why even Itadori has surpassed you."
"As if." He mutters under his breath.
"At this rate, you won't even make it past grade 2. Come back to me after you've reflected on yourself."
That made Megumi lose his cool.
"You're way too damn cocky for a special grade. Seriously annoying." He says angrily.
"As if you can speak!" Even you're losing your cool.
"At least I don't act like I'm so much better than everyone else! You think you're so high and mighty because you're special grade? Get over yourself!"
This man is getting on your nerves. Wasn't he acting like that himself not even a second ago?
"Um, do you have no self awareness? You were acting like that yourself!"
"Tch, no I wasn't. I just told you the facts - that I am better than you. That's completely different."
"You're grade two. I'm special grade. We all know what's better."
"That doesn't mean anything. Grade 1, Grade 2, Special grade - these are just labels. They don't matter, what matters is your skills and abilities. And I know I have plenty of that."
That's it. That hit your nerve. "Wanna fight?" You grit your teeth.
"Are you serious? You really want to fight? You're just going to embarrass yourself, you know that?" He says while narrowing his eyes.
You get into position and take a stance.
"This is a waste of my time." Megumi says as he takes a stance.
"Before that, let's make a binding vow. If I win, you'll have a one night stand with me. If you win, I'll do whatever you say."
Megumi's eyes widen and narrow again. "You really think you can win, huh?" He says, completely ignoring the one night stand part.
As soon as you make the binding vow, Megumi tries to summon his divine dog. "The one who falls to the ground first loses."
You almost laugh at the cute attempt as in a split second you get behind him and toss him to the ground.
You smile at yourself. That definitely must've hurt.
"You......damn it." Megumi clutches his sides. Before he can say something else, you grab his hair and pull it to make him look at you as you look down at him.
"I won. Now, you promised."
"Tch, goddamn it. I swear, once I get my hands on you, I'm not going to hold back." He glares at you.
"You're wasting time." You say plainly.
He clenches his teeth and looks up at you angrily. "You're really enjoying this, aren't you?"
"I'm still waiting."
Megumi glares at you and looks back at the ground. "You're despicable. Making me do something I don't want to."
"Your boner says otherwise." You look at the hard clothed bump in his crotch area.
He glares at you again and his checks become slightly red when he notices his own boner.
"Shut...up!" He tries to shove off your hand from his hair.
"Touch it. Make it wet." You point at your own pants.
Megumi stares at you for a moment in shock before comprehending what you just said.
"Fine. You win. Happy?"
He glares at you again before closing his eyes and lets out a sigh.
"You better tell no one about this. Ever. Understood?"
"Okay." You simply say.
Megumi mutters soemthing under his breath before kneeling down in front of you.
"You really are..." He looks at you. "....Annoying."
Megumi hesitates before unbuttoning your pants.
He shoves them down until he is face to face with your white cotton panties.
Megumi's cheeks had gotten slightly red as he didn't take his eyes off them. You were getting slightly impatient and flustered.
You grab his hand and direct it towards your panties.
He wastes no time in following what you started. He takes his index finger and slides it from the bottom of your panties to the top of your clit.
You slightly whimper and he does not miss the sound as his eyes fly towards your face which was now getting slightly red.
For some reason, that amused Megumi.
"So you like that?" He grins. His voice alone is enough to make you wet.
Before you can react to that, one of his hand claws your thigh while the other goes behind you and spanks one of your ass cheek.
A small shriek leaves your mouth and just before you can grab his hand, his mouth is on your clothed clit, sucking it aggressively.
Your whimpers fill the empty space in no time. He spanks your ass cheek again.
You're actually not sure if you can do this unless he feels the same way you do. You're a virgin. You just proposed this vow because you've had the thoughts to lose your virginity to him forever. You just couldn't seem to get rid of them.
Before you can tell him anything, his fingers move your panty aside, exposing your wet area to the cold area. You try to close your thighs but his hands forcefully keep them open.
In a split second, one of his fingers enter you while his tongue flicks on your clit. You can't stop the moans from leaving your mouth.
He chuckles. "So tight. Virgin?"
You don't give him answer.
His other finger enters. You gasp loudly.
"W-wait, we're outside, let's stop here, you didn't want to do it anway-"
Your words were cut off as his tosses you over his shoulder and places his hand on your ass.
"Then let's take it to my bedroom."
Should I make a part 2?
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ryuichirou · 2 days
how would the TWST boys react if they were chosen by the cat distribution system and a stray cat choose them to be its cat dad?
Today I decided that it’s time to write about something delightful lol I keep smiling every time I remember that we have this ask in our askbox… Thank you for waiting, Anon! I’m sorry it took this long.
Maaaybe I’ll write more hc posts next week… I try to write at least two per week, but there are so many good prompts that I should probably try to do more.
Anyways! Once again my bias is clear because I am a poor soul that loves cats but doesn’t own one, so spoiler alert: all the boys end up loving cats as well lol But I think it’s fair… How does one not like cats? Don’t ask Ciel.
Riddle – his first instinct is to refuse poor cat’s attempts to hang out because his mother never let him own a cat: they claw furniture, they bite, and Riddle has allergies! Or… he thought he did. He didn’t get any reaction from the cat, so maybe that was a lie?? Anyways, he would melt almost immediately because a fluffy creature wanting to be his friend is something that Riddle always wished for. He loves animals and taking care of them, so there is no way he is letting go of that cat! Of course he has to get used to it because a cat would never follow any rules, and sometimes it would get frustrating for Riddle, but… whenever a cat wants to play with him or cuddle with him, Riddle giggles like the happiest kid in the world. No one is allowed to pet his cat without his permission.
Ace – he will brag about it a lot. He’ll take the cat everywhere and always have it either on his lap or on his shoulders. He’ll always talk about just how much the cat purrs for him and him only, and how cool of a person he is because the cat clearly chose him specifically to be his owner. The cat really does like him a lot, but it doesn’t mean that Ace doesn’t get scratched or bitten all the time lol Also, at some point it will become the freshmen’s cat that everyone takes care of a little, and Ace would start to constantly remind everyone that this is in fact HIS cat!
Deuce – aw, he would probably be a little awkward at first. He strikes me as someone who is more of a dog person and doesn’t have much experience with cats… He would be very careful around it, as if he isn’t just afraid to hurt the cat, he doesn’t even want to offend it somehow. Of course he would swear that he’ll take care of the cat and be very responsible about it! But it will take a while for him to take it inside the dorm; he’ll just feed it and hang out with it outside at first… until the weather gets too cold.
Trey – he would have this “why me though?” vibe to his reaction, but he would still be kind of happy. Maybe he shouldn’t have fed it, now it follows him around everywhere… Trey says that this isn’t really his cat, but keeps taking care of it anyway. He never expected to be this delighted to have a cat. He would get much more into it than he expected, to be honest. He’ll probably feed it with home-made treats and give it toys that he made himself…
Cater – OF COURSE he’ll start taking selfies with this cat. OF COURSE. After some time he might even make a separate account for the cat, to see if it would surpass his follower count. Other than that, he would cuddle the cat a lot, talk to it, play with it, dress it up all cutely and meme-y. I think it would be very good for Cater to own a cat… He needs to learn how to take care of it properly though, so some assistance might be necessary lol
Leona – would he even care? Maybe a little bit, but he would act like he doesn’t care at all. He doesn’t even know who the fuck this cat is, it just appeared suddenly and now lives in his room. It can stay or leave, doesn’t make any difference to Leona. In actuality though, on some level he does appreciate the companionship of another cat sleeping next to him or on top of him and grooming his ears. But only when no one sees it or comments on it. He could chat with the cat btw, but he just doesn’t – for the most time they hang out in silence.
Ruggie – another cat to take care of?? And also, another mouth to feed?? Well that can’t be helped, it’s not like he is going to throw the poor thing away. I think he will manage to train it to do all kinds of tricks, like stealing stuff from others’ pockets or sneaking things away for Ruggie… the cat will be his partner in crime lol He would also probably have conversations with it, since it’s easier for him to talk to animals.
Jack – not only a dog-person, but also literally a dog, so he might have a hard time at first understanding that cat’s behavior. He is probably going to act like he isn’t interested at first, but jokes on him, because this only makes the cat more into him. He will literally sit all alone, radiating “don’t talk to me” aura, and the cat would think that this is exactly where it wants to sit – on Jack’s lap. Even though Jack is a tsundere, he is going to warm up eventually… and even while he is in his denial phase, he will take care of the cat by keeping it fed and letting it inside when it’s cold. Speaking of cold, Jack is very warm, so the cat loves him a lot…
Azul – “I don’t have time for this” at first, with all the reasons why having a cat is a bad idea popping up in his head at once. Similarly to Riddle’s mom’s mantra: it ruins furniture, it causes allergies, it sheds, it doesn’t behave… but he would also break very quickly, probably the moment the cat starts rubbing against his leg or purring at him. Azul would probably make quite a drastic 180 degree turn and enter his “a cartoon villain with a cat on his lap that he pets menacingly” phase by the end of his first day with the said cat. It feels good. It feels correct to pet a fluffy purring creature while you’re humiliating someone who is indebted to you. Also, of course he is going to treat the cat like royalty and get it all the best things… and also train it like a dog at the same time.
Floyd – people would think that he isn’t responsible enough to own a pet, but actually a cat would probably be the best pick for him. At first he would get all excited because this little buddy just suddenly decided to hang out with him. Floyd would just suddenly start appearing everywhere with a cat on his shoulder like he is a pirate or something. But then both the cat and Floyd would lose interest in each other, until they meet again and decide that they want to hang out again lol But while Floyd and cat are together, he takes it everywhere, plays with it a lot, races with it, cuddles it, smooches it, throws it in the air and catches it. Some of Floyd’s games aren’t the best for the cat, so Floyd ends up getting scratched and hissed at quite often, but for some reason the cat still adores him enough to let him do anything with it, even hold it upside-down.
Jade – it’s easy to picture him being a cat-lover because of the Sebastian parallels lol I think he would really enjoy owning a cat, and he would make it everyone else’s problem. Just like Floyd, he would walk around with a cat on his shoulders, but he would always mention it: please don’t mind my cat, he just loves me very much. I hope you are not bothered by my cat’s presence, he won’t bother us, I swear. Also, I think because Jade would actually try to properly take care of the cat, he would encounter some unpredictable issues, like a cat refusing to eat certain cat food or eating something it’s not supposed to eat. Jade would have a couple of moments that would make him fuss over it and even though he wouldn’t enjoy it… he likes the unpredictability. Keep chewing on random things, cat! But not too much, please.
Kalim – he would be so happy and excited!! It’s like making a friend, but a new kind of friend, a very fluffy one! Kalim is probably way too cuddly for the cat’s liking, so sometimes he would get confused by it running away from him. He just wants the cat to be happy… he would buy 5 cat towers, 30 toys and a bunch of cool accessories for the cat during the very first day of owning it (then he’ll buy more)! And 10 beds, so the cat could pick whichever it likes most (it sleeps in Kalim’s bed of course)!! And of course he will ask Jamil to learn how to cook delicious meals for the cat. He would try to feed the cat his own food first, but of course would stop once he learns that the cat shouldn’t eat spicy food…
Jamil – another one who would think that he doesn’t have time or energy to take care of another thing at first, but would warm up very quickly. He would tsundere up a bit when Kalim says that he is happy that Jamil has a little fluffy friend now, but after a while he will realise that Kalim is kind of right… a cat is even better than a friend. Hanging out with it doesn’t take as much energy, in fact, Jamil feels very energised after petting it and playing with it. Wow… a cat would do wonders to Jamil’s psyche…! He would both cuddle with it and let it sleep in his bed at night, and play a lot of active games with it whenever he has time for it.
Vil – despite how busy he always is, I think he would accept the cat immediately. The cat clearly chose him – it’s only fair that it’s Vil’s responsibility to take care of it now… I don’t think Vil has a lot of experience with cats, but he would read a lot of books and articles to make sure that the cat lives a good life in his dorm. He wouldn’t be as excessive as Kalim, but… he might have gotten carried away with the stuff that he got for the cat. But all of it is very necessary! The best cat food (he’ll ditch it after a while and start cooking for the cat himself), the best sleeping place, the best toys to make sure that the cat is active and healthy. He will also bathe it, brush its fur every day, trim its nails… Vil’s cat is going to be such a wonderfully groomed cat that knows all kinds of tricks and is very smart and well-behaved… but also Vil’s capricious baby that hates everyone other than him lol
Rook – oh, he wouldn’t consider himself an owner, he would always say that he is a companion to his cat lol He wouldn’t get surprised when the cat suddenly starts to follow him around, but he would act so flattered and honoured! Such a beautiful creature decided to illuminate his life with its presence. Rook is pretty good at talking to animals, so he would have conversations with his cat… While sitting in a tree together lol He would feed it of course, but he would also hunt with it and would prefer for it to catch its own prey. He also doesn’t want to trim its nails or groom it more than necessary, but alas, if it wants to live in Pomefiore with him, it has to follow Vil’s rules~ Rook wouldn’t want to anger the queen with an ill-behaved and dirty cat, right? Maybe he would prefer to keep the cat outside though, to keep it as undomesticated as possible. A weirdo…
Epel – he would be so happy! It’s been a while since he owned a pet, and this is the first time he has a cat. He would pet and cuddle it a lot, even if it’s still dirty… Of course, his first instinct would be to feed it and to bring it to his room. But he would also probably be anxious to bring it to the dorm: what if Vil sees it and takes it away… and even if Vil doesn’t see it, Rook is definitely going to notice the cat smell or something, and he will snitch on him! Anyways, he won’t be able to keep it a secret for a long time, but the cat will do some damage lol Surprisingly, Epel will only get scolded for not being a proper owner, so as long as he does better, the cat can stay. But it probably means that his senpai will start taking care of the cat as well. Epel will be a bit jealous, it’s his cat after all…
Idia – he’d die. He’d be so happy. A cat that doesn’t hate him? A cat that wants to hang out? A cat that FOLLOWS HIM TO HIS ROOM AND STAYS THERE? HIS CAT? Idia would feel like he spent all of his luck points that he had saved up for these 18 years. Or was it good karma? Anyways, Idia now spends all his time building cat towers and automatic feeders and toys and all kinds of gadgets for his cool new cat. At first he wouldn’t be as good at talking to a cat, and it would be very obvious that he is a bit worried when he pets it and doesn’t want to scare it away, but he’ll start cuddling with it pretty quickly. He’s so happy… It doesn’t feel real, it doesn’t feel real at all. Even when he gets used to the cat and stops being so awkward around it, he will still feel such huge wave of happiness every time he sees it, as if every time he sees it is the first time…
Ortho – this is the first time he has a fluffy friend, well, other than Grim of course! And Lucius isn’t very friendly with him either, so this is a pretty new experience! Of course, partially he would be excited because if he owns a cat, it’s Idia’s cat as well, and he knows how much Idia loves cats. But also, this is such a good opportunity to make a proper cat-to-human translator!.. It’s weird with Ortho. He has all the info he needs, and he is very good at some things, but somehow… petting and interacting with a cat is a bit difficult. Why doesn’t kitty want to eat this food? Why did it pee in the wrong place? What’s going on? I think he’ll end up asking Trein for advice a lot, and this will be a good experience for everyone involved. Also, his cat loves him more when his processor gets hot lol he is a walking heater.
Lilia – he would be happy at first and show off and brag because now he isn’t just cute, he’s double cute! With a cute cat on his head/shoulders! But at the same time, I don’t know if he is the best person to have a cat. I feel like he is one of those who try to feed it with milk, but also knowing Lilia, he literally makes those he cares for drink milk from a mug. Maybe he’d act differently with a cat, but it surely will be an adventure for this poor animal lol He plays with it similarly to how Floyd plays with his cat, and just like with Floyd, somehow it makes the cat very attached to him. Sometimes Lilia cuddles it and kisses it a lot, but a lot of times it’s the cat that gets clingy with Lilia and wants to sleep with its head on his shoulder. Acting like a baby, smh…
Silver – aw, he would be so good. Similarly to Rook, he would consider a cat to be a companion, but he would also try to be very responsible with his he takes care of it. He would take it to Diasomnia and let it sleep in his bed, wouldn’t do much grooming or brushing, but he would do his best in terms of playing with it and feeding it well, I think. Especially the latter lol But the majority of time the cat would just cuddle up and sleep with him whenever he’s dozing off.
Sebek – he has better things to do than to indulge in these games!! He says as he brings the cat home with a bunch of books with all the necessary information on how to take care of a cat!! Did he also fall victim of cute paws and purring? Maybe! But it won’t affect his performance as Malleus’ guard in a slightest! I think he will try to train the cat, and he might even succeed to some degree, but his cat won’t be as well-trained as Vil’s or Azul’s. Maybe the cat just doesn’t take him seriously and just wants to make biscuits on his stomach while sleeping on his lap… Sebek would seethe, but won’t move until the cat leaves :(
Malleus – the cat isn’t afraid of him? Oh he would be so delighted. He was very happy about the goat in the Glorious Masquerade event, and I think his reaction would be similar here: first amusement, a little surprise, but then he would get so tickled and excited for this new companionship. The cat would be allowed to seemingly disrespect Malleus by positioning itself on his horns, leaving fur on his garment, playing with his hair, and Malleus would laugh… until the cat scratches him. Then Malleus would start sulking. But he’ll get over it, he’s not a baby.
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maoam · 2 days
I love how sakura and hinata fans say sns shippers are misogynists for not liking those girls and the ships when really I think me being a man-hating-radical-feminist is what makes me not like them lol. Like I have self respect which is why I don't like someone who's entire purpose is to be a man worshipping housewife from the 1950s with no backbone and doesn't stand up for herself at all (hinata) or someone who's pretty much a male in female form who mimics real creepy male behaviour to a T like constantly harassing someone and trying to force them to like you back despite constant rejects, treating them like a sexual object only, centering yourself around their life and not even actually caring about someone they claim to love (sakura). Also if you take it a step further, I can even say the reason sasuke's my favourite character is bc he's female-coded. Like almost every way he gets treated both by the narrative and by real fans is how a lot of ppl treat real women. (think they know better for him, hating him for being attractive and able to get anyone's attention, hating him for having agency and not caring what ppl think, not caring to follow paths others want him to follow, etc) these are all things that most women get hated on for irl. It also says a lot that most of his haters are male lol, while other male characters with the "coolness" factor like sasuke are still worshipped (like his own brother, kakashi, even naruto). Also gaara getting more popular after he started worshipping naruto and leaving his cool backstory and interesting character behind also proves my point. If sasuke just became a naruto fanboy halfway thru and didn't bother with his revenge and only started loving naruto (not romantically tho, ofc, bc that's gay and we're alpha males who fuck bitches only 😤) he prolly wouldn't be as hated. Just like if sakura switched her affections from sasuke to naruto halfway thru, the dudebros would stop hating her. It's all about naruto worship, and the characters who end up doing that always end up being the shell of the interesting characters they once were (like gaara, hinata was never an interesting character, she's the only one who was meant to be his cock worshipper since the beginning) and that's what makes me hate all dudebros and some female fans who think this too. Like sometimes I start hating naruto myself bc some of the sasuke only stans on tumblr make really good points about how naruto's basically a male power fantasy series. Almost everyone ends up worshipping him, and even sasuke (if you wanna see it that way) ends up doing that. I personally like equal power in relationships so I like to see them as equal in the end, but some ppl who only wanna see their self insert incel mc be worshipped, they can see it that way. Sometimes I only like naruto in sns and sasuke individually, and hate everything else about this series. Anyway that got kinda off topic but yeah.
Sakura also does not stand up for herself when it comes to Sasuke.
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Hinata's body language is always timid, but Sakura's becomes one too in the presence of Sasuke. Because she tries to make Sasuke like her, but since she doesn't understand Sasuke she also doesn't understand this is not what Sasuke wants nor needs. Sasuke wouldn't like it either if Naruto acted this pathetic.
Hinata is literally a tradwife dream, she is docile, submissive, doting and her only goal in life is to support Naruto and become Naruto's girlfriend/wife and have his kids. She has no thoughts about anything else. This is what many men want from a woman. It's really pitiful to read/watch people try to come up with something in order to make Hinata look like a decent character. It all comes down to "she liked Naruto since the beginning", "she sacrificed herself for Naruto", "she has had more kids than the other female characters".
I don't know about the use of "female-coded" as a term (I talked about it at one point), I think it's the homoeroticism that largely contributes to this (especially how Sasuke is made to be desirable to both men and women). But I do see where you're coming from. Sasuke does piss off many men but a lot of it is due to incel mentality. Some of it is due to main character entitlement, as in Sasuke takes too big of a chunk out of the manga when it comes to screentime. Ironically, there are many of them who think Sasuke should have been a female character so Naruto's obsession with him wouldn't make them so uncomfortable.
I also find it annoying when so many Sakura videos I watch have men ranting about how Sakura still likes Sasuke despite the fact Naruto saved her. Like you can tell they think a man should be able to buy woman's sexual interest by making her owe them. But thankfully, I have come across also videos that make very good points about her character.
Naruto and Sasuke's fight (or more like the aftermath) annoyed some men because it was physically basically a draw and Naruto even said to Sasuke "this isn't about winning or losing". Sasuke lost to his feelings, basically him admitting defeat was him accepting to be loved by Naruto LMAO no wonder dudebros were mad. Many of them whined because they hated how Kishi had to make it so gay.
Shonen tends to be a male power fantasy. Luffy also gets everyone to fanboy/fangirl him. And shonen mcs usually have one of the worst stans for this reason. It's funny (or not) how the same pattern can be seen in every shonen fandom when it comes to the main character. There are men who self insert into them and act like everything needs to be about them, and bash other characters especially if they take even a little from their mc. Meanwhile there is a subset of women who create this yaoi harem shit around the mc, him as feminine uke bottom that every other guy just wants to rail. And they also might wrote posts on how other characters are irrelevant and boring compared to their beloved mc. It always happens. If it makes you feel better, Naruto always saw Sasuke and Iruka as different from the rest, because he didn't need to prove anything to them, they just cared for him even when he was a loser. And to Naruto, Sasuke is the best in the world. Even to Sarada he started ranting how Sasuke is hot and cool and the best shinobi in the world lol. But yes, I think Gaara and Neji lost some edge of their characters after they were saved by Naruto.
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violinios · 3 days
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What if he ate the golden apples? More information below! (This au is not finished yet)
Some facts about him:
I wanted to use roots with thorns to reference Nightmare's tentacles, and also to recall the roots of a tree, like the tree the two guardians used to protect. It comes out of Dream's back, and the first time they came out, right after being corrupted by positivity, they tore the back of his clothes and his cape, so he eventually changed the clothes he was wearing, but the old cape remained. Another reference to Nightmare in his design are the yellow and purple carnations in his left eye, not only because of the meaning of the flowers themselves, but because Nightmare of the goo covering one of his eyes, so I decided to do something similar, but with plants instead of slime. Dream is blind from the left eye after gotten attack from defending his brother from the villagers.
As for the meaning of the colors of the carnations that come out of his eye, I did very brief research, so don't take the meanings I'll write here for certainty. Yellow carnations represent rejection and purple ones represent loneliness. Although they are attached to Dream's body, they represent Nightmare's feelings towards the villagers who often mistreated him. The flowers grew after the corruption and after Dream discovered what they did to his brother.
What is controlling Dream's body now is not Dream himself, but rather a parasite that has taken over his body and identity, while the real Dream remains semi-conscious and unable to regain control of his body.
He feeds on positive feelings and his objective is to exterminate negativity for his own survival. He is not capable of feeling remorse, and will not be afraid to exterminate an entire universe if it has a very strong negative aura (like universes that follow the genocidal route, for example), but he cannot visit these universes alone since his magic works using positivity as "fuel", so he's dependent on allies to travel to negative universes.
He doesn't kill because of his moral compass and doesn't really care about what's right or what's wrong, who's good who's bad, he will kill them anyways if their negative aura is enough to give him a headache. This means he will kill innocent people who hold suffering on themselfs only to end with their negativity.
He calls himself a hero/savior/angel to manipulate people with false promises, when in reality, he only acts out of his own needs and survival instinct, not actual kidness.
There's only one who is full of negativity that Dream wants alive; for now, names won't be mentioned (who the person/monster is still not decided, it can be an already existing character or maybe i'll make an OC for this, but for now, feel free to imagine whoever you want to imagine) but their aura, somehow, makes the burning feeling of overwhelming positivity inside of Dream feel a bit less like it's burning. Yes, the positivity is too much even for Dream to the point it feels like it's burning from inside (remember how in original Dreamtale, a human body would barely even survive with the amount of energy the magic held inside the siblings body? Well, now imagine that now the magic way more powerful to the point that even his skeleton body hurts sometimes), and their negativity makes it feel less painful.
He is not completely incapable of feeling negative feelings, but it is VERY rare. Some examples are his fear of owls, a trait from the original Dream that remained, or the anger he feels when he is disobeyed.
He killed the citizens of the village when he saw the amount of negative feelings they caused his own brother. At first, he didn't want to kill Nightmare, but after he saw Nightmare attack him after the genocide he caused, Dream now seeks to kill him as well. He thinks of him as ungrateful for trying to hurt him after finishing off the people who caused him so much suffering, and he blames himself for leaving him alive, knowing that he is also the result of negativity.
Nightmare doesn't want to kill Dream, because he knows that the balance in the multiverse is important and it is their existence that causes it to exist, he just fights against him to not be killed and when some universe/being is being hurt by Dream. He wants to find a way to bring his brother back to consciousness, he still wonders if he could kill the parasite without killing Dream too. Dream, on the other hand, doesn't care about the balance.
His spines possess a poison that gives his prey the illusion of comfort, hiding the sensation of pain and fear within his own positive aura so that they do not escape when captured. It is rare for their prey to regain consciousness to realize the danger they are in, but not impossible, and some may be immune to the venom or his aura, like Nightmare, who'd feel a big pain if he got captured, which is a good advantage if you don't want to be trapped with Dream forever or eventually die.
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howlingday · 3 days
Your post about Senukin lets me think about that one manga when she makes Rotten Petals. Jaune as Ngân, Weiss as Lan Hà, and Trà Ly as Elm. It’s about two childhood friends with each other and Ngân wants to confess to her, but always chatting about her new boyfriend. But in reality, Lan wants him to NTR her because she believes her mom that a man should confess a woman first, not the other way around. (Her mom definitely says that as a joke, but Lan always listens to her). Yup, she’s an idiot. But her hopes and dreams are crushed because Ngân confesses he has a girlfriend.
Y'know, I wasn't sure how to do this series, even though I was interested. To be honest, I was mostly turned away by seeing the prologue (with some less than great voice acting) and not really digging with the plot. It seemed like too many characters for too much drama. Thankfully, there's this guy to provide decent voice acting without the prologue. Anyways, here's...
Weiss: (On her scroll) My my~! You really miss me, huh~? (Giggles) Oh, grow up~!
This is Weiss Schnee. She's a girl from my childhood, and my best friend. She's living at my place but she spends all day flirting with her new boyfriend on her scroll...
Weiss: Okay, okay... I'll come over to your place and we can cuddle as long as you want~. Oh my goodness, you pervert~! Don't be so lewd~! My best friend is nearby~!
Every time I plan to confess my feelings to her, she has a new boyfriend...
Weiss: Yes, yes, I'll be back soon. Don't rush me! If you want me that bad, then love me more~!
My best friend, even though she came over to my place to hang out, has been flirting with her boyfriend for almost an hour now. If only she could understand how frustrated I am because of this!
This feeling I have inside... Like someone took something precious to me... I hate it... I can't stand it! I've been by her side for years! We did everything together! I should be her boyfriend!
Weiss: Hm? Jaune? What's the matter?
I love my best friend. And I won't let her be take away from me ever again! I... I'm sorry...
Weiss: Jaune? Why are you so quiet?
Jaune: You've left me no choice... (Unbuckles)
Weiss: (Thinking) NO WAY! Is he going to- He wouldn't, would he?!
Weiss: Jaune, don't do-
Jaune: (Lifts shirt) I... I've been going to the gym lately. What... What do you think of my abs?
Weiss: Oh my... So... So these are your "gains," right?
Jaune: (Thinking) I know you so well... We've known each other for so long, I learned what you're into! When we were kids, you used to drag me to the gym to ogle all those sweaty muscles...
Weiss: Looking at your body makes me miss my boyfriend all the more~!
Jaune: Huh?!
Jaune: ...
Weiss: You've grown up so much, Jaune. Who would have thought that scared, little boy playing knights would have become the man you are today? Any woman who becomes your girlfriend is beyond lucky, if you ask me. You're smart, charming, and always kind and caring to those around you. It's a shame, really. You're totally my type, and yet all I can do now is be jealous of whoever the lucky girl is that catches your eye...
Jaune: Hey... You said that looking at my body makes you think of your boyfriend. What does he look like?
Weiss: Oh~? You want to know, huh~? See, he looks a lot like you, doesn't he?
Jaune: Oh...
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Jaune: How do we look similar? I just don't see it. Why are you going out with a guy so... weird? He looks like a total goof-off-
Jaune: ...
Flashback~ I still remember how we met, all those years ago...
Jaune: (Kid) Um... Is this yours? I found this by the lake. You can have it~!
Weiss: Ah...
A kind-hearted boy suddenly appeared before my eyes.
Weiss: Th-Thank you...
And the next thing I knew, I fell in love with the same man sitting with me right now.
My mother was a wonderful woman...
Willow: Weiss, a girl should never confess her feelings first. A girl who confesses first is impatient, desperate, and aggressive. A girl who confesses first believes she is not attractive enough to be picked. No girl should ever be in a position where she must await approval or face rejection. The one who offers the diamond ring should be the man. Never be the first to confess, Weiss.
Weiss: ...
Even back then, I always wanted to be just like my mother...
Weiss: Yes, mother...
Weiss: To protect my pride as a woman, I can't afford to tell Jaune how I really feel.
Weiss: I've done enough waiting! I need Jaune to confess to me NOW! I only tell him I have a boyfriend so he'll get jealous and confess FASTER!. WHEN WILL HE NTR ME?!
Yup. That's right. Our heroine of this story is a fucking hopeless loser idiot.
Jaune: Actually... Weiss... There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about.
Weiss: Oh my! What's this? What's this tension I feel?! Is it finally happening~?!.
Jaune: I've been wanting to tell you for a while, but now... Now seems like the right time to tell you more than ever!
Weiss: (Shaking) There's no doubt about it! He's finally confessing to me after all of these years!.
Weiss: Jaune, I-I...
Weiss: Calm yourself, Weiss.
Weiss: (Sips tea) Hmph! Easy game~.
Jaune: I have a girlfriend now...
Weiss: A... A girlfriend?! Why, who doesn't have a girlfriend?! Am I not your girlfriend, or at least your friend who is a girl? I am a girl, after all!
Jaune: Oh, sorry. I should clarify. When I say "girlfriend," I mean my LOVER.
Weiss: HUH?!
As soon as the word "LOVER" was heard, Weiss was instantly on the defense!
Jaune: Um... Weiss?
In the five stages of grief acceptance, according to experts, humans go through an emotional process to come to terms with their experience of loss.
Weiss: LOVER? What is that? Is it served hot or cold?
Weiss: Wait one moment! Is Jaune really telling the truth? He could be lying, just like me. All talk with no evidence to back himself up.
Jaune: ?
The heroine of our story has revealed herself. And if that's the case, I'll make Jaune tell me everything!
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spidermasc · 3 days
so lately i've been OBSESSED with the song juno by sabrina carpenter and i just can't stop thinking that the lyrics remind me of jackie SO MUCH like idk why it just makes sense to me jackie would be like that to reader
— 🌬️
jackie who is just so horrendously down bad for you 😔 and you're the same
jackie who listens to your little lovey-dovey voice messages and gets off to your words about how much you love her and how pretty you think she is. having a really good date with you and after you drop her off she's so overwhelmed with emotions that she gets off to the way you looked :(
jackie with a breeding kink @__@ she loves you so much that she just has GOT to get knocked up by you, whether you can do it or not. making you wear a condom on the strap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! tugging it off in the middle of sex and begging you to fill her up
thinking about if you can't actually get her pregnant, a dog/cat will do. now you're locked in for life with her because you have a child to take care of and yes, she will act like it's your actual kid 😭 you know it's spoiled as hell too like it goes to a doggy daycare and if you're late to pick it up when it's your day (they have a clipboard of dropoff and pickup times) she makes a whole fuss out of it LMFAO. acting like you almost lost the little baby (u were 10 mins late) and giving you the cold shoulder but because ur so down bad, you do everything in ur power to get her to talk again. and AGAIN, she's just as bad as you are so it doesn't take that long for her to give in and make up for that ohhh so long 5 minutes she was mad at you with kisses
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skyward-floored · 5 hours
you say you're very picky about wind's character so what do you look for?
Generally just... stuff where he acts like he actually does in lu.
I try not to grouch a lot about fandom stereotypes because that’s not very fun for anyone, but man some of them are annoying. I won’t get into complaining about them because I’m sure y’all don’t want to hear me being negative, but I could rant lol. I’ll focus on what I do look for since that’s what you asked.
Wind is 13 years old. He’s a kid, but he’s also been through two (three possibly if st counts) adventures. He’s seen as an adult (or at least, starting into adulthood) at home on his island, a young adult, but still well on his way to manhood. He was already fairly responsible before his adventures and things, since he’s a big brother and helps care for his sister and I’m sure helps his grandma with things. He’s got his lazy moments for sure, and seems pretty carefree at times, but he can handle a crisis and is used to having responsibility.
In lu he’s sort of been tossed to the bottom of the chain of command (so to speak), and I think that’s really hard for him. Several of the others see him as just a kid, and therefore someone to protect, but Wind is a hero. He doesn’t want to be treated like he’s incapable because he’s not. And while some characterizations of Wind take his reactions to being underestimated and treated like a kid to the extreme, it’s shown that he actually doesn’t mind some affection from the older Links, and he does act his age, fairly often, actually.
It’s more like... Wind is okay with being 13, but he doesn’t want that to be just how people judge him. He doesn’t want to be evaluated by his age, he wants to be evaluated by his actions and skill. He wants to be seen as what he is. A hero. Not just a teenager.
I think he just wants to be seen as an equal among the other heroes.
Time realizes this, since he went through similar days of being underestimated due to age vs experience, but the others do seem to struggle with it, Twilight especially. It seems like it’s been better ever since Wind snapped at them for it after Wild was stupid that one time, but I wonder if it’ll come up again at some point.
...But I’m getting off-track.
I don’t know if any of that makes sense, but I pretty much only read stuff focused on Wind if it treats him as more than just a cussing rebellious teenager. More like a young adult who’s been through a lot for his age and learned how to swing a sword and killed a man, but can still be goofy and innocent and not know all the answers yet. Idk.
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prinzrupprecht · 2 days
Okita souji x hajime saitos younger sister reader hcs?
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No title since I have no idea what to call this. I really love this idea and Idk why I never thought of any of the shinsengumi younger sister HCs x Souji Okita. I’d hope people know who Saitou is so I won’t drop a pic since he’s in RoR R10.
Pairings: Okita Souji x Hajime Saitou’s sister!reader
No warnings. Just fluff and cute.
Synopsis: You were just like your brother in similar ways. You took care of everyone from the Shieikan dojo and grew incredibly close to Souji through the year before Hajime had to temporarily leave Edo do to an incident that could’ve costed Kondo’s reputation.
WC: 1363
You practically carried the same personality as the sister of Hajime Saitou. You both were rebellious and playfully mean to the others. You didn’t live at Shieikan dojo but you always came around to check up on Hajime and some of his friends. One in particular took interest in you— Okita Souji. You never judged him for who he was, but instead, you tried your best to look after him like you did with Hajime.
You two used to play around as kids before you introduced your older brother Hajime to him and he became a disciple of Kondo’s dojo.
Souji was kind to you despite you were sometimes a rude brat. You taught him how to tie his hair with rope and dressed him in better clothes. You acted like his caretaker but you were just trying to help a tragic homeless kid that Kondo took in.
Even though his sister abandoned him, he felt like he could always rely on you and Hajime. He trusted you two a lot. He once said Saitou was like a brother to him but he never said what you were to him.
Every time you heard how your brother Hajime got into a fight with other ronin or samurai, you wanted to rip him apart for putting your family’s name and Kondo’s dojo into the ground with the way he acted.
After Hajime was temporarily suspended from Kondo’s dojo for executing the sick kid Tatsunosuke due to his dying wish, you had no idea whether or not you should still go back to Kondo’s dojo.
You decided that it was probably for the best to move on with your life and hope your older brother doesn’t start trouble where ever he was at.
Barely a few weeks had passed and you sighed as the hot day was burning your skin. Summer was not very kind to you. You were helping an older woman who was a shopkeeper named Rumani. She was a good friend of your parents who sold plants, herbs and seeds. “This okay?” You were putting up a sign outside and the woman nodded.
“Take a break for now, you worked too hard today for an old woman like me.” The older lady stepped back inside her shop as you sighed.
You were sweating and wanted to sit down. You spotted a black cat brush against your legs. Huh? You looked around and noticed that the cat belonged to no one and wanted to be petted. “You trust too easily little guy,” you went down to stroke its back.
How long has it been? Three weeks since you saw a cat? Souji’s cats? You missed them as they were cuddly and liked to sleep in your lap. The burning sun would probably give you a heat stroke but you had to soon water the plants outside. Without a doubt, you nearly tripped from exhaustion but someone caught your arm. “You should drink some water instead of giving it to the plants…” the tone of his voice sounded too familiar.
“Souji-san? What are you doing here?” You sat back down. You had no energy to move, he stared at you for a moment but lightly smiled.
“You forgot? The Shieikan dojo isn’t that far from here and I was looking for something before I spotted you,” he says before sitting next to you.
“Looking for something?”
The black cat walked back over to where you were and Souji’s eyes widened. “Sorry if she bothered you, she must've gone on a stroll and found you before I could find her." He was smiling cheekily at how comfortable the cat was around you.
“You can take her back if that’s what you’re here for. And she is no bother to me.” You responded but he also wanted to ask how you’ve been and why you hadn't come visit the Shieikan dojo.
“Why haven’t you visited the dojo lately?” Souji picked up the cat in his arms.
“I don’t know, I was mainly there for Hajime and well… he’s not there anymore. So there’s no point?” You shrugged and Souji had no idea how to register your words. What about him? Did he matter to you? His heart grew more fond of you during the 3 weeks you disappeared.
“You probably should come visit, or maybe I can visit you here instead?” He offered with one of his shy smiles.
“You could just say you want to see me more if that’s what you want.” You crossed your arms and Souji didn’t say anything before walking away.
During the following week, you went to see the Shieikan dojo a few times and the others were actually happy to see you. Hijikata and Yamanami were wondering where you’ve been but it was hard to explain your busy life.
You brought one of the plants from the shop to hang up outside of Kondo’s dojo. It was a nice gift to them for taking care of Hajime when he was still a member of the dojo.
“They look nice,” Souji’s voice spoke from behind as you hung the flower pot up.
You observed him for a minute. You've never seen him wear loose green kimonos before. “Ya, we got too many of them at the shop so I asked if I could gift one for Kondo.” You offered him a small smile.
“It’s nice that you’re doing well after what… happened.” He was referring to Saitou’s actions that could’ve put Kondo on the line from ever becoming a Kenjutsu professor at the military centre.
“I can’t control what he does. Besides, if you want me to take care of you all like before, then I can come by more often.” You chuckled but something you hadn’t notice was Souji’s happy expression when you said that. You had given them a lot of extra vegetables from the shop’s garden when Kondo was struggling to make ends meet with the government as funds were tight.
“You’ve done a lot for us. I should repay you somehow—"
“Repay? No, no it’s okay! I like helping you guys out.” You waved your hand in front of your face. You were merely blushing at how he said that. Repay you? Repay you?! How? You don’t know what you’re feeling but Souji’s presence makes you nervous. He may be the strongest man you’ve ever met, but he was always gentle with you with his words.
Even when you used to order him around, Souji never questioned you and did the things you told him to do when you two were fixing up the old rusty dojo of Kondo’s late adoptive father. You respected the fact that Souji never raised his tone at you or called you names unlike Hijikata or Nagakura has. He was the softest person you’ve met despite your temperament.
“It’s just that… I wanted to experience more of this feeling and take care of you instead.” Silence fell between you two and yet it was obvious that he liked you a lot and you were oblivious the entire time.
One particular memory you could remember is how your older brother got mad at Souji once for saying he would be better at protecting you instead of him. Saitou was overprotective but it was like a jab in the gut. You were practically the only person close to Saitou that was family.
“T— Take care of me?” Your face was red and you had no idea what you were hearing. You were certain you heard that right.
“Kondo-san suggested that it’s a man’s job to take care of their wo—"
“Do you know what— what you’re saying! You’re too damn cute.” You rushed to hug him and you could tell his heart was beating loudly as his head was pressed up against your chest comfortably.
“Your brother won’t try to kill me right? Not like he can anyway,” he asked but you couldn’t quite tell what Saitou would think.
“He would have to deal with it.” You were certain that Souji practically just called you his woman and it melted you on the inside as you’d be safe with none other than him.
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Note: this started off as HCs but I just turned it into a oneshot instead lmao. Also, whoever sent the request Okita x jealous reader of Skamold, Imma get to that one tomorrow. I need to finish the competition one shot.
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rosieshipper · 12 days
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Stan: Leave me alone baby
Rose: *looking mildly sad as she’s curled up inside Ford’s old lab coat*
Stan: *immediately bursts into tears and scoops her up in his arms* You’re my baby! You’re my baby and I love you so much!😭😭
Stan: I never understood why people care so much about their dumb kids. Until I got a dumb kid myself *picks up Rose*
Stan: I’ve only known Rose for a day and a half, but if anything were to happen to her, I would kill everyone in this town and then myself
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Tags: @astralshipper @arickaandherfictionalothers @shibasparklez @wolfofthedead
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gothsuguru · 18 days
thinking abt how satoru is one of the only adults in the jjk universe who can separate the child from the situation/cards they are dealt with… yuji took in sukuna as a host and he’s the only adult who sees yuji as a child/his own human being while other adults see him simply as “sukuna’s host” who needs to die. thinking abt how satoru was also one of the only adults who stepped up for yuuta and that’s one of the reasons yuuta appreciates him so much… same with when he took in megumi. at the end of the day gojo satoru is the only one in the universe that knows what it’s like to be used/seen as a weapon or Entity rather than a person and he won’t let his kids feel the same way/he’ll do everything in his power to make them feel better & actually LET them be children!
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wispforever · 11 months
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Crucify Him
#Naruto#Itachi Uchiha#Kisame Hoshigaki#Kisaita#itakisa#not really but we know how i feel about them#this is right before he wrecks kakashi#i dont remember the exact sequence but whatever#I'm very curious of Itachi's hostility toward kakashi specifically#you could make the argument that he's just doing his evil villain act#but god DAMN#did you have to crucify him#he puts his own ass in a sling too but overusing his sharingan#itachi says I don't care if I die#as long as I kill you in the process#I like to think itachi bears animosity toward the leaf kakashi the rest of his superiors his family really everyone#because he was forced to choose between two very unattractive options when he was just a kid#not just that but he was expected to take full responsibility for his decision and bear whatever consequence came about#of course an adult could understand that the uchiha needed to right their position of inequity in the leaf#but itachi as a literal child and a child of war could not hold those stakes in his mind and think of anything but disaster#an inevitable war that would be his fault#he couldn't think of anything more awful than that even murdering every member of his clan and his own family#ANYWAY#what im trying to say is I think he would grow up as a rogue ninja and realize how fucked up and unfair it was that he was put up to that#and how he was groomed by a bunch of adults to be a killing machine just bc he happened to be an excellent shinobi#in this case#kakashi is the unfortunate object of his wrath#a very good representation of everything he was a victim of as far as itachi knows him#his superior in the anbu and someone who was willing to conduct surveillance of the Uchiha whether or not he knew what would happen to them#an indifferent bystander. one more person who didn't help itachi (kakashi probably would've had he had the whole picture)
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yuridovewing · 3 months
i understand the frustration with “i made this gay pairing cis x trans so they can still have biological babies” with no thought to other methods and how ppl assume thats the case when it comes to mothpool aus where mothwing is also the mother of the three, but also…. idk i kinda dont give a shit if someone wants to do that and i dont really think its inherently transphobic as long as its handled with care and respect.
what really concerns me about this debate is how some people are adamant that you cannot portray trans people having biological children in media or youre being disrespectful. and im gonna say as a nonbinary person who doesnt want children for themself- thats kinda fucking weird? like i understand that for some people, theyre trans themselves and theyre speaking from a place of dysphoria, and i absolutely get that, which is why i think the topic should be handled with nuance and diversity in trans characters, but like…. guys. pregnant trans men exist irl. trans women get people pregnant irl. trans ppl’s ability and right to parent and have biological children are being debated irl. we get denied the opportunity to adopt as well.
in a climate like this, are we SURE we want the stance on rewrites and headcanons in the silly cat books to be “if you portray trans characters having children, especially with a gay couple, youre a transphobic freak no matter what!” does it really matter? especially if its being done by a trans person handling the topic with nuance who has a lot of trans characters with varying perspectives?
obviously yes, remember that thats not the only way certain gay couples can have kids, remember that not every trans person is fully comfortable with it and keep that in mind, remember that surrogacy and adoption are also perfectly valid ways to give fan babies- but remember that there are OPTIONS. not that you need to condemn the idea of transgender parents in the first place unless they fit the very specific criteria of “proper transgender representation” and anything that dares deviate from that is proof the op is a transphobic monster (bonus points if theyre a trans creator bc i mostly see trans people getting shit for this and it kinda pisses me off. although idm if cis people do it either as long as theyre handling it with respect)
#and this isnt getting into how trans mothwing outside of mothpool is a really good way to read her character#sorry. remembered the shit bonefall got despite being trans as well and got annoyed#that especially annoys me bc hes got plenty of surrogacies but the second hed touch a trans pregnancy#‘’no you cant do that!!! you freak!!! obviously you only see trans people as a loophole for gays to have babies!!!’’#also my gf and i were talking and obviously take this with a grain of salt bc this is our experience#but…. i think a lot of the ppl saying this……. havent really talked to trans women?#dude some of the ones i know LOVE the idea of getting people pregnant#did you know trans women have sex? did you know trans people in general have sex?? did you know trans people irl wanna start families?#did you know that? did you? or do you black out at the idea of a trans woman being anything but strictly pure and nonsexual#and OBVIOUSLY this is not every trans woman. some do have dysphoria around the idea#but im genuinely starting to wonder how these people act around irl transgender parents#whether they had kids before or after coming out#bc ngl. the attitude that thinking about this makes you a transphobic pervert?#directed at trans people making content for themselves?#im starting to think you all just dont want us to reproduce. if we reproduce we arent ‘’good’’ trans people#because a ‘’real’’ man wouldnt carry a child. a ‘’real’’ woman would carry the child. and god forbid the gays even THINK about reproducing#and being around children!#if we have children then we’re doing things that might make cishets look at us and declare we’re not perfect#we’ve proved we’re not just identical to cis ppl!! (and therefore deserving of respect!)#idk. i think this was mostly a case of tumblr going ‘’oh someone said no to this so lets push this to an unhealthy extreme!!’’#and i cant help but notice nobody really brings up nonbinary parents at all in this discussion#not that we have it ‘’better’’ or anything for that but yknow. are we supposed to swear it off?#is the idea of us having kids inconcievable? or worse…. does it mean we ‘’picked a side?’’#so its not even worth getting mad at a pregnant nb person bc ‘’well thats a woman so who cares’’b#HMMMMM.#ohhhh i bet they also get mad if you make transfem pregnancy possible too. no winning#idk really think about it when you go ‘’you can NEVER EVER portray a trans person starting a family. bc REAL trans people would never.’’#ohhh you probably get mad when trans ppl dont get surgery for one reason or another dontcha#whether we want to or its not in the cards for us for whatever reason like cost and such#(while also getting mad if we do bc we cannot win in this no matter what)
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spotaus · 3 months
Thinking about Orchid and her connection to my take on Gender (because this was meant to be about her and the Crew but it just devolved into a character analysis kinda??? More trauma-dumping maybe???) This is very much an oc/personal rant so feel free to ignore it 🫡
So, Orchid started off as a character I didn't really think much of (hear me out this is going to be relevant) because I wanted to add a 'girl' character but didn't know what to *do* with her, y'know? She was always going to be the strongest one there, she had the odds stacked in her favor with her parents. She was always going to be the gloomy side-character to match Reset's energy. But I think she's gone through every stage of Generic Woman I could possibly find.
At first she was angry and abrasive (think Fell!Sans) where every other word was a curse and she was likely to throw the first punch then laugh as she kicks her enemy while they're down. This was when Reset was a cartoonishly self-centered villain whose goal was simply to prove others wrong. Then Orchid became a sort of sisterly figure. This was short-lived, but she was the one comforting people who Reset would torment, but would ultimately follow his orders, because at this point he was actually a danger and sadistic. And then there was the phase where the story mellowed out and she became the token Goth Girl who, yes she was strong, but was heavy on the 'whatever' energy. Then there was her Era of deep self-loathing and anxiety about her worth that held her back and made her a much more timid and meek character who would only lash out on occasion.
Now, Orchid is the best of those iterations I've written yet. She's calm, level-headed, and a natural leader. Her father raised those traits into her. But she's very reactive, and can be silly, and when she's comfortable it's likely that air of importance transforms into something more comfortable and familiar. She laughs loudly and grins wide, she likes loud video-games but loves to read in the quiet. She's extremely disciplined, and normally no one can get through her tough exterior besides her best friend, Reset. She does what she does for her own enjoyment, sure, but she's thought of every angle and makes her choice to help Reset and control the others with her whole chest. She still worries she won't live up to her invisible expectations, and that and her loyalty are her two driving forces.
I know that Orchid is important to me because she's the longest-running female oc I've had. I have a rough relationship with womanhood/girlhood and I know looking back that Orchid recieved every ounce of my distaste for being a woman that I could shovel into her. That never made her less of a character, she was actually always one of my favorites, and rarely was she a 'punching bag oc'. I just... projected onto her a lot. And she's a good sign of how I've learned who I am. I've decided that my own femininity is something I could live without. I'd rather not associate myself with it, and I'd like to leave it in my past, focusing on a future where I'm not tied down with any gender roles or expectations. That won't happen, but I've come to terms with it myself. Orchid though? I figured out through her that I don't have to hate women characters. My own distaste for my circumstances doesn't mean I have to push it onto my characters (on God I've never expressed anything rude to actual people, that'd be rude as hell and uncalled for, but I have a bad habit of disliking fictional women in media). So, Orchid is a well-roubded character finally. She has motivations abd goals and a *lot* more depth than I ever expected her to. She's happy with being a woman, she's content. She's not treated differently for it in unfair ways by those she cares about, so she doesn't mind it. She likes to wear pretty outfits and lets Reset add bows to her ribbons. She doesn't let being a woman hold her back in the slightest.
So, yeah. Orchid is one of my babies. If I ever leave this Fandom behind for good, she's one that's coming with (Ichor, Orchid, and Pretender all have human designs I can use elsewhere lol-) but in the meantime I'll just rotate her around in my brain for a while longer.
If I'm right, she's been with me for nearly 5-6 years and I went through a *lot* with her as an outlet. So, she's kinda just like an old stuffed animal. A lil ripped, matted fur, maybe a stain or two, but there's a story there and that makes it important beyond belief.
#spotatalk#i'm just gonna drop this in the queue I guess?#but I'm writing this on the last day of june so....#whenever this rolls around will be a jumpscare abd a half I guess?#I think honestly I coukd do a full breakdown of the Crew and why they're all expressions of me but like#quick summary is#Reset: Wants approval from people but mostly clings to the past. is afraid of losing his brother and acts on it to bring him back. i#<- I lack that conviction to do whatever you have to to get your way. i worry my brother and I have a weird gap between us we wont repair#Orchid: Uhhh woman. lots of pressure that she had at one time that's now no being pressed but she still tries to live up to it also.#<- I don't like the pressure of being a woman. also gifted-kid who cannot move past the pressures imposed to be 'perfect' and it's screwed#Stereo: Pulled into a situation he doesn't want to be in initially. it's bad for him but he likes the people so he decides to stay#<- I see the good in people. even when they hurt others around me. I was a bystander often and should've left the situations. paralelling.#Monochrome: Afraid. No purpose or preperation in life. soneone offers to guide him and he takes that offer because it's better than home.#<- Kinda self-explanitory but I've got little direction and feel lost a lot of the time. If I'm given a path I usually walk it no hesitation#and... for fun let's do some others!#Haphazard: Cleaning up after others since childhood. he's never really gotten a break and sees any sort of mess as an enemy#-> He's fixing rifts in universes I gotta patch relationships. there's so much conflict and I'm always so overwhelmed by it#Lost: He's got amnesia. no clue where he is. where he's from. who you are. who he is. he'll know when he gets there. he's sure.#-> I've been hsving minor issues with my memory for years. i coukd be forgetful but sometimes it just escapes me and that's spooky#Teddy: Isolated in her universe for years. she self-mutilated until she liked herself. when she finally met people she compulsively lied#-> Much more extreme version of how isolated I sonetines feel. hobbies can't replace human interaction but it's hard#oh and Ichor: God who loves mortals but cannot seem to find ones who will prove hin right for his trust and care#<- I've got a big heart. i express it often but the sentinent is scoffed off a lot. I get beat down about it and just keep moving forward#Pretender: Knows who he is. however the world doesn't like it much so he acts how they expect him to or isolates away#<- I still present femme when I'm nb/agender. i bend and break to people's perception of me. if I can't solve something I run.#okay I feel more insane than when ai started but these stupid skeletons have helped me through so many mental health problems it's only a#little bit funny 🙏
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