#not overly romancy
so he witnesses 9-11 right? and it made him decided to quit his cubicle 9-5 job and start a rock band with his brother you see and their biggest fan was in this other band and when that band fell apart he joined the other guys band an-
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vulpixelates · 25 days
i know it will never happen but i so desperately desire an origins-type playable backstory thing in all games but especially veilguard. i feel like it added so much depth to origins and made you feel instantly connected to your character in a way that gets lost in games like inquisition where you fill in the blanks as you go except for the bare basics. like, i do enjoy the freedom to willy nilly decide where a character was before the events of the story from a creative perspective, but the playable origins were just so good! especially when you go back to where your warden is from and can engage differently with the arcs there
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perplexingly · 1 year
Whenever I read fics that use Trucy’s supernatural perceptiveness so she can read how other people feel about each other, I can’t help but wish it was more focused on her like
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I remember seeing a post about how being aromantic is akin to being allergic to corn, and like... yeah. Being romance-repulsed, loveless, and aplatonic in addition to being aromantic is like being allergic to olives and corn. And also their common substitutes. Olive oil and cornstarch are used in everything. There is no escape.
You tell someone you can't have a food because olive oil was used, and it's "oh, but surely you aren't allergic to olive oil! That's not a real thing."
You can't have a food because there's cornstarch in it and it's, "oh, but it's such a small amount of corn, surely you'll be fine. I know you can't have corn, but a tiny amount of cornstarch?"
You tell someone that, actually, you are also allergic to a common substitute, and it's "so you just can't eat at all? that's so sad!" or "then what CAN you eat? it's so sad you have such a dislike for food."
"Surely, you aren't actually repulsed by romance! That's so sad! And also, you made that up!"
"I know you're aromantic, but you can't actually be uncomfortable with people using the word 'love' as a blanket for emotions, can you?"
"So you don't feel love for your friends AT ALL? You just don't feel AT ALL? How sad!"
It's exhausting.
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waltricia · 3 months
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Colin’s reaction to his sex dream (and my reaction to shirtless Colin):
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justcallmejoe · 11 months
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"You're in my blood." Flesh + Blood (1985) dir. Paul Verhoeven
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befuddledcinnamonroll · 8 months
I've just realized something about why I'm enjoying Dangerous Romance so much. It's not the only reason, but it's a big one.
Sailom is one. stubborn. fucker. It's there from the very beginning. At first we're led to see it as a virtue, as he outmaneuvers Kang. But over time, it gets revealed as a critical flaw.
He quits school, not just because of Kang, but because he is going to get the truth out of Saifah and get Saifah out of prison, no matter what it takes. Because he's fucking stubborn! He's going to get the money he needs alone, and fix everything, alone. He is so used to being the smart & capable one, the one responsible for handling things, and sees his problems as his alone. It makes him literally incapable of accepting help from the multitude of people who care for him. You wanna smack him for it - but that is who he is.
Kang is an impulsive asshole. He was at the beginning, and he still is now. He acts on emotion and without thought. He sees what he wants and he goes for it. Something makes him angry and he lashes out. He's been immersed in privilege and emotionally neglected, and his regulation skills suck. And even his closeness with someone like Pimfah can't get that to change. He pushes away the person he loves the most at the absolute worst moment. Because that is who he is.
The only thing that makes an impact, the only way these two break through their flaws, is with each other. Sailom lets himself lean on someone else and accept care. Kang sees how someone else is impacted by his impulsive behavior and learns to put his feelings into a more selfless direction.
Yet these changes don't happen overnight. They take steps backwards. Because that is how real human change works. No one wakes up the next day completely fixed. They have to decide to come back together, and keep working at it. Because a part of them knows they are better when they are together.
And this theme of how the right relationship can help us overcome our deepest flaws extends to the side characters. Guy comes across as assertive, but he fights for other people, not for himself. Nawa reminds him that his dreams are worth fighting for just as hard as he fights to protect his friends. Nawa, on the surface, comes across as cynical and uncaring. The only way he can think of to flirt with his long time crush is to antagonize him. But with Guy, he's able to reveal the vulnerability underneath.
Saifah has had a fairly lackadaisical approach to his (and Sailom's) life. But meeting Name again has given him something to reach for. While Name, who has survived by making himself cold and dangerous, realizes that he wants to be better, and lean towards Saifah's warmth.
I know for some people watching the series, the flaws are too much, and it's too frustrating. But I love it. Real people are flawed. We are all SO flawed. But we can find people in our lives who help make us better. Who encourage our better impulses and call us out on our bullshit.
Maybe in the end it's not all that dangerous. But it's pretty damn important.
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kahixxi · 1 month
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I know we’re all focused on EUSTACE WINNER and rightfully so but for a second let’s all hold hands and pray that Ray Eddie doesn’t have those weird moments where he keeps asking for a hug from random women/especially Kay anymore in the official translation
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sheer panic when one of these is missing
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Now that I’m thinking about it, bridgerton really said “We’re gonna give you the carriage scene AND the mirror scene…
…and that’s it.”
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jolselin · 1 year
msp is so nice because this gaggle of teenage boys resolves everything by actually talking about their feelings and the main love interest's defining trait is being the most whipped guy in the history of guys in love and somehow it's genuine enough that it does not come across as boring or overly didactic... like the screenwriters aren't trying to show you An Example, they're just telling a nice story and since they're also making it not just earnest but also silly and goofy at times they're succeeding at actually making television you watch for entertainment. this is probably why it reminds me of shoujo manga like kimi ni todoke. they're just applying the same storytelling methods but on guys. it could've been incredibly boring but it's really well-executed so instead it's a highlight of the week
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frnkiebby · 5 months
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animentality · 1 month
i've been reading so much jujutsu kaisen fanfiction that it seems like i should just watch the fucking thing.
but i don't know if i have the strength.
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arguablysomaya · 6 months
*consumes content with creative fans and stupid creators* ugh the world would be so much better if creators listened to fandom more, I wish storytellers were more receptive to audience feedback and weren't so hostile to the fans that built up their success :/
*consumes content with stupid fans and genius creators* god I hope their studio's wifi has tumblr dot com permabanned
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vampboyatthemorgue · 1 year
Oh to be four gays in the desert hating capitalism 😔
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