#not necessarily bc i liked the movie
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littlemuppetmonsters · 1 year ago
Oscars predictions bc i KNOW you're all dying to hear my opinions:
Disclaimer i have not seen 90% of these movies and these are not necessarily whom i think SHOULD win its just who i think will. Based on who else is nominated and the academy's history
best picture Killers of the flower moon
best director Justine triet or Martin Scorcese
best actor Cillian Murphy
best actress Lily Gladstone
best supporting actor Ryan Gosling or Robert de Niro
best actress Danielle Brooks
best screenplay anatomy of a fall or past lives
best adapted screenplay poor things or american fiction
best animated Across the spider verse or the boy and the heron
best song I'm just ken or Wahzhazhe
best score killers of the flower moon
best production design barbie or killers
best costuming barbie or killers
The rest of them i dont know enough about to have an opinion. I think oppie will unfortunately sweep all the other technicals.
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sukibenders · 3 months ago
Glinda mentions to Elphaba how Fiyero can't stop thinking about that moment in Dillamond's class, or that he's having thoughts in general and how it worries her because it's not something she's used to from him (which is him thinking about actual things), in contrast to Elphaba, who doesn't seem all that bothered and, even more so interested in the manner when Fiyero brings up how he can't stop thinking about when they rescued the lion cub. I don't know about everyone else but for me, even with this scene probably being added for lighthearted value, I also see it as another piece in the puzzle cementing how Fiyero's and Glinda's actions will, eventually, either pull them closer or further away from Elphaba. I lowkey don't like it when people act surprised or confused as to why Glinda was spelled or get annoyed that Fiyero is in her place but I, personally, don't think she would have helped in that moment, specifically in the movie.
Prior to the train scene, Glinda is shown to, not only, be completely rude and spoiled (as shown with her literally fainting over not getting her way), when in class, she publicly points out Dillamond's inability to pronounce her name correctly even though it's an obvious struggle, parading in front of the class how easier it was for her other teachers to do it, then being dismissive during the rest of the lesson when learning the importance of history and why to learn from it (correct me if I'm wrong, as it has been a minute since I've seen the movie). All that already tells me that she doesn't really care for the animals' cause, let alone enough to follow Elphaba and Fiyero into the woods after stealing the lion cub and I think, subconsciously, Elphaba knew that. In fact, I can only see Glinda trying to sway them to leave the cub and how what their new professor wanted to teach probably wasn't all that bad (not saying that she would want the cub to be harmed, just that she would try to rationalize what's going as we've seen her do before). This is the same woman who, after learning that the Wizard was a fraud and responsible for the missing and harmed animals, still tried to justify his actions and berated Elphaba for not "acting accordingly" to the news, but yet we still think she should have been there to save the lion cub? That she would have helped those animals alongside Fiyero and Elphaba? I think it could allude to how Glinda could/will be used to help further push propaganda for the Wizard, especially given how it benefits her socially, as figures of propaganda often don't think too hard, or enough to critique the system around them not because they aren't smart enough too (for the most part), but more so because they understand how their world works and understand the consequences that follow when stepping out of line.
You don't have to like Fiyeraba or even find Fiyero interesting, but to purposely ignore what the movie is presenting you is such a cop-out. Fiyero enters the film being a sort of anti-establishment-like character, caring little if he gets kicked out of Shiz for breaking the rules, or just hardly caring in general (something Elphaba calls him out for), and so on. Why wouldn't he be down to rescue the lion? Even if it was to just feed his rebellious streak, he still would have gone, but when he and Elphaba meet, he's on a talking horse and they are conversing like lifelong friends. That might add another layer to the pair saving the lion. Even if he wasn't on the same level as Elphaba at that moment, the train scene shows that it had a profound impact on him that he couldn't shake. I think, had he been presented with the choice of joining Elphaba or staying, he would have gone, not only for her but also because he now knows that the Wizard is a fraud and most definitely wouldn't stand for what he [Oz] is doing. This is what sets him apart from Glinda which, isn't necessarily me hating on her but just stating facts. Glinda isn't/won't be willing to sacrifice her position and what it brings her, until it's too late (which is the tragedy of her character and her relationship with Elphaba), while Fiyero risks everything, even to some extent his own body (Scarecrow) and, in the end, gets to stand with Elphaba.
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frongle444 · 1 year ago
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absolutely not procrastinating why would you think that
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aq2003 · 6 months ago
I've had a vague urge to get more into Shakespeare for years; what are the top 3-5 plays you'd recommend that AREN'T Hamlet or Much Ado? And what version of each is your favorite?
(sorry for omitting two god tier ones but I've already seen David Tennant in each of those and I surmise that you're insane about both so I'm looking for some new plays)
gonna be some basic bitch answers but here:
macbeth - the tragedy of macbeth (2021) movie adaptation starring denzel washington. this movie is fucking stunning and the way they did the witches was SO good. also i have the throne of blood (kurosawa's adaptation) also on my watchlist since i've heard REALLY good things about it
richard ii - 2013 rsc production w/ david tennant (link). he gives me catastrophic gender envy, i need to become more masculine to become more feminine etc. ben whishaw in the hollow crown series (link) is great too
romeo and juliet - romeo + juliet (1996) movie adaptation directed by baz luhrmann. this is like, the most well known romeo and juliet and you might've watched it already but i'm listing this anyway because there will never be a better mercutio and the way they did the setting is SO fucking funny and inspired
twelfth night - so far only saw this one Outside On The Grass Where They Performed This At My College but i liked it a lot... reccing the 2012 globe production with mark rylance (part 1 / part 2) (his hamlet was one of dt's favorites as an aspiring actor) (i'm putting my faith in letterboxd and david's taste for this one)
coriolanus - 2014 donmar production w/ tom hiddleston (on archive.org). this is directed by josie rourke, who also directed dt/ct's 2011 much ado! the staging and the effects are fucking awesomeeee (also peter de jersey and elliot levey are in this, i love them)
also shoutout to the ones i want to watch:
the 2016 production of a midsummer night's dream w/ ncuti gatwa (i have found nowhere to pirate it and i might just crack and pay the 10 dollars to watch it)
the 2015 production of the love's labour's lost w/ edward bennett (he played laertes in hamlet (2009) and he's REALLY underrated, i love his benedick SO FUCKING MUCH even if that production overall was a little dull)
either hollow crown's or greg doran's henry iv (it's two whole plays i need so much time to watch that. and ideally i want to watch both lol)
kurosawa's ran (1985), an adaptation of king lear set in 1500s japan
vishal bhardwaj's omkara (2006), an adaptation of othello set in india
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deermouth · 9 months ago
"This was a good movie, but I didn't enjoy watching it," is such a weird experience to have.
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razzle-zazzle · 9 months ago
Hi, not sure if you answered this already but for your between au when branch gets adopted by gristle do you have any plans to continue with it? You kinda skipped the part during the first movie and I’d really like to know what happens when jd goes to get Bruce and clay. The fight scene would be so much more brutal than in canon. Either branch talking about how much worse he had it than his brothers or him not caring at all about their fighting. Oh and clay being out “serioused” by branch! I just really like ur au and your writing. I understand if you’re occupied with other stuff but do you atleast have so hc to give?
Oh don't worry, I do! My next Trolls piece should hopefully be for the Between AU! I usually do write stuff out of order, though, so I'll get to the first and second movies too, don't worry!
And that argument in the third movie... it'll definitely be a bit different, though not exactly in the ways you're guessing... actually, here, have a little snippet from when I wrote out a rough draft for the scene several weeks ago:
"I'm not calming down until John apologizes!" Clay declared, Bruce echoing the sentiment. "Well," John Dory started, voice beginning to rise, "sorry I tried to make Brozone the best it could be! Sorry I took care of you all when our parents got eaten!" He didn't sound very sorry. "A real apology!" Bruce shot back. "For the way you treated us! For the way you're treating us now!" "Ohhhh, so I shouldda just left y'all to your own devices, then, is that it?" John Dory's voice had dropped, but the bitter intensity remained. "Should've just left Floyd to die in that diamond, because TROLL FORBID I EVER DO ANYTHING TO MESS WITH YOUR PERFECT LIVES!" His hands waved about wildly as he spoke, rage etched in every feature. "That's not what we're saying and you know it!" Bruce riposted, "You just can't admit to your faults at all, can you? Because oh, noooo, perfect John Dory never makes any mistakes—" "I'M TRYING, DAMMIT!" John Dory roared. Clay interjected. "Well you're doing it wrong! Bossing us around and ruining things just like you always do!" "ENOUGH!" Branch yelled, in the same voice he used to be heard in a room full of Bergens, the same voice he used to project himself further and larger and safer. "You're all ruining this! None of you are listening and you're all going in circles!"
As for Vaycay Island and Hole-n-Fun, I have a few plans for how they'll go >:] Vaycay Island will probably be a lot tamer, with the most stress coming from Bruce being nervous about Groth & Bernice' presence (they got paid leave and so they immediately went on vacation) and Branch's familiarity with them, but otherwise the scene goes pretty similarly to in canon. Hole-n-Fun, though... oh boy.
and then there's a lot more you can find in the AU tag! I even discuss my plans for the first movie (it was. a struggle to figure out)
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parasitoidism · 4 months ago
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ramblings of insane person
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shittywriterbrain · 1 year ago
i've successfully made my mother despair over the ending of ofmd season 1
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cannibalmetaphor · 10 months ago
something interesting I think in cinema is how gendered the descent into violent madness is. generally, the man is cold, vacant, empty. he is violent in an emotionless way. I’m thinking patrick bateman, I’m thinking funny games. and yet the woman’s descent into madness is so full of emotion. it is a build up of feeling. its release is cathartic. you are rooting for her, you are empathetic for her, you understand why she does what she does. when you watch female centric horror films as a woman - such as the black swan, or may, or perfect blue, or possession, or phantom thread, or even pearl - you are always aware that in another world, they could be you. women’s violence in cinema is always subversive. male violence is often just a reflection of our reality.
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yurislava · 2 years ago
now why did dazai say here he wanted to ask chuuya sth 🧐🧐...? WHAT WAS THE QUESTION SUPPOSED TO BE?! like I know it'd be probably another joke but what would he say hadn't he made that joke...
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llumimoon · 1 year ago
I WOULD LOVE TO MAKE SELKIE AUS but i don't know a lot about selkies and their folklore, and how they work, and i dont wanna mess it up :( How does one go about making a selkie au, oh Great Seal Master?? /gen
tbh my biggest advice is just have fun with it !! there are a lot of different iterations of selkie lore, its pretty fun to pick and choose which things you want to adapt!
really the core of it is just the seal skin coat! selkies are born with a seal skin that they can wear to turn into a seal, it is an extension of themselves and is a part of them them in ways you can't quite put into words or explain to a human.
being separated from their skin is literally like missing a part of themselves, and this can be depicted in many different ways like a persistent sickness, lack of voice or strength, a deep longing, etc.
a lot of the stories and folklore surrounding selkies is about people falling in love with their human form and stealing their seal skin to trap them on land and marry them. these end in many different ways, which is where a lot of the variation in the lore comes into play! sometimes the selkie finds their skin and runs away leaving behind even their kids, sometimes the selkie is trapped forever sometimes they literally die of sadness being separated from the sea
it doesn't necessarily have to always be romantic, selkies in folklore tend to fall into the swan maiden trope of men forcing a mythical woman into marriage, but i personally think its a lot funner to think about unorthodox scenarios. like someone accidentally taking the skin, or an overprotective parent locking it away, or even a selkie naturally falling in love with a human.
like i said there's a lot of different iterations, stuff like summoning w/ seven tears or selkies returning to the sea every seven years, the person owning the coat being able to control the selkie to a certain extent, hurting the coat hurts the selkie, returning the coat can be a marriage proposal, etc.
it can get overwhelming with all the different versions but as long as you stay true to the inital seal skin concept and dual nature of a selkie (they are known to be both friendly and helpful but also dangerous and vengeful- much like the sea that they come from) than you've got a good selkie story on your hands!
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nexus-nebulae · 3 months ago
oh my god. that one "oc" we wrote who had DID that we came up with before our syscovery. that was not an oc. oh my god cody and blake why did you take five years to make yourselves known to us-
#AND WHY DID YOU GET FRONT TRIGGERED BY A RANT REVIEW OF A MOVIE BASED ON A PSEUDO-ROMCOM BOOK???#question not necessarily directed at them but the structure of our system as a whole#we've been doing a lot of discovering of headmates who were FOR SURE around before our proper syscovery#most of whom we. conceptualized as paracosm characters i guess to cope?? and mask without knowing??#which is probably why our paracosm is inseparable from our system they are one and the same#but like. i mean we found the whole valley full of elder scrolls introjects (there were 11 of them. at once)#who at least with Aerina and Serana they both were around when we were 14 at the very least#bc aerina holds a shocking amount of memories of high school that we thought we'd just Lost Forever#like. she actually remembers what our classrooms looked like#we know that the Sides (like. of the sanders variety) that we made for ourselves. like our own Sides#most of them became true headmates but we're not sure about the rest... but they're probably here#Cecil and Cherry (intrusive thoughts and creativity) were some of our very first known members#cecil was the first actually. but we know he wasn't the first to form bc Sheo hiding his presence ANNOUNCED cecil to ruby the host from then#and like. we created our own versions of sides for every one that was in the actual series#but then There Were More. like 6 or 7 who wouldn't ever have been included in the series#and we were like 'we dunno why they're here BUT they're supposed to be OUR sides so of course there's differences!' and then.#and one of those was Aura who was our side that represented autism#we also had Ryker (anger issues) Oakley (obsession/hyperfocus) Aiden (adhd) and one that represented faith (like. spiritual and stuff)#don't remember the faith one's name it was something obscure#and seeing as like. 5 years after our syscovery we actually discovered Analise (our Logic side) in the sys#we probably have All Of Them somewhere#so like. cody and blake were from the first character we ever wrote who had DID#similar to our first trans character. writing it as if im someone on the outside when really we were just an egg carton#we didn't write Much of him but we put much work into making him like. not fulfill bad stereotypes#he was still kind of stereotypical but we were 15 and an egg carton#but like. we haven't thought abt him or his story like. Since Then#so. very odd that they both show up here and right now-#cody was supposed to be the host and blake was the only alter we actually came up with before abandoning that story like most we wrote#there were absolutely going to be more but. we never got to that point in the story#mostly bc something we were co-writing with someone else fell apart so we just started All of our projects over from scratch
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wormsdyke · 6 months ago
3am pacing around the room in a heated debate with myself over which movie should fill the 4th slot on my letterboxd profile
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nickbutnodick · 9 months ago
for my followers who have never been to nyc: it is smelly. and has lots of people.
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eclaire-went-bam · 9 months ago
every time someone asks me how good a movie i've seen is, i absolutely need them to start telling me what their standards & guilty pleasures with movies are bcs IDK WHAT U CONSIDER GOOD !!!!!!!!!
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weedle-testaburger · 10 months ago
you know that stereotype of neurodivergent people that we hear something and interpret it literally? I have the opposite, i hear something literal but cynical and assume it's a figure of speech
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