#not mean spirited offensive stuff
minty-playhouse · 5 months
Don't quite understand people who feel the need to flex on others about how superior their taste in media is.
Enjoying things like movies and music and cartoons isn't some type of competition to see who likes the most high brow thing.
To me, I just like what I like. I like the most obscure, sophisticated stuff and the most low brow, dubious to bad quality stuff.
Life's too short to worry about how your tastes and preferences in media and art are gonna be perceived by others.
Watch that awful horror movie, listen to that really terrible band/singer, watch that incredibly simplistic and by the numbers cartoon. Does it spark joy for you? Then go engage with it!
And also go seek things that are of "bad quality" and have some fun with it! You guys really missing out by not engaging with it!
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peyton-warren · 2 months
Fluffy Syverson Recommendations
@cynic-spirit asked on my post here for Fluffy!Sy fic. I decided to start a new post to try to gather some steam to get them recommendations. Here are mine in no real order other than how I found them doing a search. Please add more in comments/reblogs and I will continue to update this list as we go.
Loopy by @pterodactylterrace <<<< Possibly my FAVORITE ALL TIME FAVORITE SY FLUFF!!
The bear and his honey by @gummydummy19
Sweetest things by @mayloma
Syverson Family War by @viking-raider
A Year in Apartment 6B by @gummydummy19
Untitled Mother's Day Fluff by @geralts-yenn
Three-Jump Cowboy by @peyton-warren
Buns in the Oven by @littlefreya ( i cant believe I forgot this one in my original post!!)
More Angst than Fluff but I love them anyway:
There Is A Light That Never Goes Out by @ellethespaceunicorn
The Bell Tower by @thesaucynomad
List of Sy Writers, Alphabetical (mainly so I avoid duplicates) but not inclusive of all Sy Writers:
@imyourbratzdoll @keanureevesisbae
@mrsevans90 @notabronte @oddsnendsfanfics
@ramp-it-up @rmtndew
Do not mean any offense to anyone not on the lists above. This is meant only as a start! Will build as more folks provide more stuff. Also check comments for more recommendations. I did not add stories that were added below to the above list. And a number or writers provided links to their master lists.
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qin shi huang with yoriichi tsugikuni!fem!reader headcanons
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warnings: spoilers from manga, ooc, slow burn friends-to-lovers troupe
Special thanks to @onecantsimply, @yellow-snark and @thatstrangesheep for their feedback and help with these headcanons! Enjoy! :)
Even in death, Qin Shi Huang was an emperor whom everyone respected as the ‘king who began everything’. He had reunited the annexed nations of China, a guiding light who led his people bringing peace and prosperity after almost a millennium of strife. Now, within the vast afterlife known as Valhalla, he reigned over a substantial amount of territory alongside his successors, working as a cohesive council when conflict arose.
Today, however, he has come to handle the problem on his own terms. For the last two months, men, women, and even children have gone missing from the foot of the northeastern mountains. Given the harsh environment, it is not too odd to believe that the cause of their disappearance might be an attack from a wild animal, angering the spirits who guard the terrain, or just simply got lost.
But the disemboweled bodies told the emperor a different story: there is a beast devouring his people, and it is certainly not a bear. For a split moment, Qin Shi Huang feared that Chi You had somehow returned from beyond its miserable grave and had come back to take revenge on the ‘insolent whelp’ who would not bow before its bony knees as payment for being accepted as an emperor of China.
If that were truly the case, though, there would be more corpses strewn about the mountain base than the current number of victims. Qin Shi Huang had already defeated the god, and he will do it again to protect his subjects. Such is the road he leads as an emperor, after all~.
So imagine his surprise when he comes across a six-armed being with pasty skin and glowing golden sclera, hunched over the corpse of a man cradling his child. It was not Chi You, but a demon. A demon that was the stuff of legends many years ago, only for them to suddenly vanish and become nothing more than a bedtime story to keep children from sneaking off at night.
And now, here is the great emperor, face-to-face with this drooling beast. Qin Shi Huang frowned, bending his sinewy body into an offensive position. Just when he was about to launch an attack, his opponent’s head rolled off its shoulders. He blinked, watching the demon’s body collapse onto the grass, twitching rapidly before disintegrating into dust. Hm? He hadn’t even moved! Unless the presence of an emperor is that powerful before a demon that it self destructs?
“Are you all right?” Qin Shi Huang then saw a figure standing where the demon had been, sword unsheathed. At first glance, she seemed like an ordinary traveler by the way she dressed, but the emperor knew that she was certainly not an ordinary person. Not from the tremendous amount of chi circulating around this woman’s body and the sword fastened at her waist.
She was a warrior as Chun Yan had been.
He grinned. “Hao!”
[Eye Color] orbs blinked at him in confusion, tilting her head to the side as she repeated the word. “Does that mean…you are hurt?”
Zori sandals stomped against the bloodied soil as she strode over to him, astounding Qin Shi Huang with her agility. She frowned slightly, her eyes scanning over his body. “You…are all right, it appears.” She glanced up at him. “I…apologize if I had gotten…your clothes dirty. You are a young lord, yes?”
Qin Shi Huang frowned. “Buhao.”
He raised his right hand, pressing his middle and index fingers together before he pointed them towards the ground, the golden nail guards glowing beneath the moonlight. “Humble yourself. You are in the presence of an emperor. Be grateful I have not executed you for your impudence.”
“You…are an emperor?”
That was how the greatest emperor in all of Chinese history crossed paths with the greatest Demon Slayer in history, the Mother of All Breathing Techniques, the Sun Hashira [First Name] [Last Name].
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In your defense, you never would have guessed that the man who had been endangered moments ago had not been a feudal lord looking for trouble in these woods, but an emperor who had come to kill the demon devouring his people.
You did apologize for being rude, and politely asked His Imperial Majesty if there was a town close by. You lived deep in the mountains, though in the opposite direction of his territory. It would take about two days to return should you leave now. That was only if you were lucky enough to not come across any more demons on your journey back home.
To your surprise, this emperor all but commanded you to follow him to his palace. He boasted that it was the largest one in Valhalla, with the finest food and rooms available for only esteemed guests and members of his court. However, since you did humble yourself before him, he will make an exception and allow a weary traveler to stay in the guest quarters for the night. You thanked him, trailing after the man through the woods to the crowded streets of a bustling city and right up the stone footsteps of an extravagant palace the likes of which you had never seen before.
You dared to say that it was much bigger than the Ubuyashiki compound.
With a clap of his jeweled hands, a group of young maidens in flowing robes appeared before him. He ordered them to make sure you received the most excellent care, including running a warm bath and mending your damaged clothes. Before you could have a moment to say something, you were immediately whisked away to another part of the palace until dinner was ready.
The food was just as extravagant as the clothes that the maidens had dressed you in. It was almost too much, but you dared to not insult your host. Instead, you bowed your head to him in gratitude and ate as much as you could without being too rude. Thankfully you could recall some of your table manners from when you had been alive, before becoming a Hashira and just the daughter of a prestigious household in the Sengoku era.
Between the raucous laughter and idle chatter amongst the others who dined at this table, you had almost expected to be asked to leave or escorted out of the banquet hall so that the emperor could speak to his fellow countrymen freely without the presence of an outsider.
Instead, His Imperial Majesty asked you many questions. Who you are, why were you in the woods, how did you defeat the demon, etc. You answered them to the best of your ability, humbly explaining that you had once been a Demon Slayer and trained to exterminate the ones who came out at night to consume human flesh. There is nothing special about you.
You had simply worked hard, protected humanity until your untimely death. There was no need for him to know of your ability to see the Transparent World, much less the Breathing Techniques of a Demon Slayer.
Some secrets were meant to be just that: secrets. And you were bad at explaining things; it had been a miracle that the Hashiras, those whom you had worked alongside all those years ago, could comprehend your words and adapt the Sun Breathing techniques into their own variations: Water, Insect, Flame, Wind, Stone, and so forth.
Again the emperor surprised you; he seemed intrigued by the Breathing Styles and continued to ask questions about how to use it until the handmaidens escorted you to the guest quarters later that night, although His Imperial Majesty wished to keep speaking even in a drunken stupor.
The following morning, you thanked the emperor for his hospitality and left the palace. An armed entourage followed you out to the city’s borders to make sure you would not try to attack His Imperial Majesty nor the citizens. You thanked them for their vigilance and hard work before beginning the journey towards your humble home.
You were certain that this was the first and only time you would come across royalty and thought nothing of it in the days that went by upon returning, weeks becoming almost two months since the demon attack. You would either be tending to the crops or practicing your swordsmanship. Eventually, it was time for you to venture down from the mountains to restock on your supplies.
The villagers who lived at the mountain’s edge were kind people. Some of them were elderly and required assistance with manual labor or errands. You did not mind helping them, and were quite hesitant to accept anything from them, especially rice or other precarious commodities.
Most were merchants who traveled a great distance from the village to the city to sell their wares. How could you even consider taking that away from them? To your dismay, they were quite stubborn and practically shoved it in your hands.
The ‘payment’ from the villagers, including the usual amount of items you purchased from the vendors, became too much for you to carry without making two trips up and down the mountain.
You were almost considering having to borrow a cart when a voice called out to you.
Turning around, your eyes widened in shock at the appearance of the emperor Qin Shi Huang walking down the muddied main road, flanked by four or five armed soldiers. He recognized you immediately, almost running with a wide grin on his face.
He’d been wanting to continue his conversation with you, yet due to his workload in the palace prevented him from venturing out sooner. You had also been difficult to track down as no one seemed to be aware that a Demon Slayer wearing hanafuda earrings existed in Valhalla except for a young whelp and his little sister living in the floating cities alongside the Valkyries.
But now, he’s here and ready to chat~. You should be grateful he had traveled such a long way to visit. He is an emperor after all. He was willing to help carry the supplies up the mountains if it meant he had an opportunity to challenge you to a fight and idly chatter over drinks.
Upon explaining that you did not drink alcohol, the emperor told you not to fret. He’s come prepared. Revealing a large jug of corked liquor in his hand with a wide grin, you realized that he would not go away even if you politely asked him too.
So with great reluctance, you guided Qin and his entourage up the mountains, some of them carrying your supplies.
A peaceful day became chaotic. And from this single afternoon of idle chatter and sparring with an incredibly powerful fighter transitioned to an unlikely friendship. Qin Shi Huang was nothing like Sumiyoshi, that much was certain.
Where Sumiyoshi was a humble man blessed to have a family in turbulent times, the boastful emperor had been an unwanted child from the moment he was born. If it had not been for his mentor and mother, that meek little boy would not have the confidence to move forward and pave the road for his people to live in peace, let alone find a method to deal with the Zhao’s anger aimed at him simply because he was from royalty.
He had many children sired from his concubines but he never took an empress, much to his council’s annoyance even in the afterlife. Chun Yan too, of all people!
Yet despite such different personalities from two different people who are your friends….you knew they both possessed kindness and empathy. Why else would an emperor continue to maintain contact with you via letters and occasionally visit you in the mountains over the next thirty years?
He’s a man who had led his people into prosperity after all, the king of all kings.
You had lost so much when you were alive…is it truly all right to be selfish and treasure Qin Shi Huang as a friend, an emperor of all people?
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Qin Shi Huang quickly discovered that there was more to his new friend than being a calm, unreadable individual who never raised her voice once even when he had been purposely annoying just to gauge a reaction.
The Sun Hashira…she was perfect. A beautiful, complex creature who values integrity and kindness above all else. She did not enjoy fighting, preferring a quiet life away from society than challenging one opponent after another. And like him, she knew what it meant to lose a loved one.
When it came to strength, she once told him, those who are marked like herself will all meet the same fate. He had an idea as to the cryptic meaning behind her words…and he prayed that she would live in this afterlife.
When he revealed his past to her, what he had done as a child until his death, the Sun Hashira simply accepted it all as they say together on the snowy veranda of her small home.
“To live in an era of conflict…there can never be true peace without bloodshed. Your Imperial Majesty had gone through so much….and you were loved deeply by Chun Yan. I wish….I could have met her….and thank her for raising a wonderful, strong son.”
Qin Shi Huang.exe stopped working for a span of five seconds before he tried to hide his embarrassment with a swing of the warm sake that his host had prepared especially for them to celebrate the New Year together.
Another year has come and gone…so why was it that his heart hasn’t stopped hammering against his ribcage?
Bonus Content:
After five years of sending luxurious gifts and love letters, it took a stammering confession from the emperor to convey his feelings towards the Sun Hashira.
Although she did not want to marry right away, she humbly accepted a period of courtship from China’s greatest emperor until it was appropriate to be welcomed as his empress.
Some of his court were pleased that he had finally selected a wife to become the mother of the nation, but there were others who believed that [First Name] was too independent and would not respect the traditions required to follow after becoming an empress.
Needless to say, Qin Shi Huang made an example of the courtiers who dared to disrespect his new wife behind closed doors. His warning also extended to the concubines, should they try to do something malicious out of petty jealousy.
Quality time included sampling delicacies in the garden, sparring matches, and cuddling in his private quarters.
Chun Yan approved of [First Name], congratulating her adoptive son on finding a woman who can keep up with his shenanigans.
The domestic bliss between the emperor and empress never wavered…until Brunhilde approached the palace and asked for their aid to fight against the gods. Both of them.
If it hadn’t been for [First Name]’s benevolence, Qin would have immediately executed the Valkyrie on the spot for her arrogance. Instead he gave her the courtesy and listened to her proposal regarding the event called Ragnarok. A battle royale until one opponent is annihilated.
The emperor would be lying if he said he wasn’t interested, but he had no intention of bringing his Sun Hashira into it. He wanted her to spend this afterlife in peace, not to put her life on the line again.
Alas, his wife was stubborn. He agreed to Brunhilde’s terms so long as she agreed to his terms. Once she left the palace, he pulled his empress into a long talk about this…situation.
Whatever obstacles will come their way, they will face it together. The Sun Hashira isn’t alone anymore.
Honorable mentions:
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mewmewpercy · 2 months
Full Analysis of the Natlan Cast
Okay I'm wide awake now and have rewatched the trailer a few times. I also luckily found people confirming where and who everyone is based on so let's get into it. Please tell me if any terms I use are offensive I don't know the preferences for certain things.
Mualani: So she's supposed to be Hawaiian. The trailer made her so much lighter for some reason. Her drip art was more like that teaser from the 4.8 stream but like.....the inconsistencies are questionable.
Kachina: She's meant to be based on a spirit from a Pueblo religion. She also got lightened in the trailer and her art. I think it's been said she also shares the name of said spirit. Uhm.....here's to hoping that she at least gets that teaser tone because its better than what we just got man.
Kinich: Named after a Mayan sun god? I have to wonder what all the 8-bit and pixels stuff with him is about but hopefully I'll find out soon. He was also a victim of getting lightened by the trailer and drip art. Please at least give him the teaser skin tone if you're gonna make him white hoyoverse....
Citlali: So her name is a feminine(I promise I'm not trying to be offensive because I've heard Aztec is the wrong term but if it isn't please correct me I'm struggling to find the right terms) Nahua name meaning star. She also needs some colour. Not much to say on her.
Xilonen: Named after a Nahua goddess. She's close but still needs to be darker.
Chasca: I have words. Maybe the pyro archon wasn't the redheaded conquistador after all because what the HELL. Anyways her name is of Inca(once again tell me if this is offensive) origin. She's supposedly indigenous I'm just.....she looks like a conquistador just a smidge okay? I hope there's a not offensive reason for this.
Mavuika: She's supposedly the coloniser archon. Her name seems to be inspired by the name Mahuika who is a Maori fire diety. She definitely looks outta place like a coloniser would.
Olorun: His name is Olorun. Not Ororon. He's supposed to be based on a Yoruba God. Meaning he should be way darker. Because Nigeria. I'm very upset about this one I can't lie. He doesn't look like in any way similar to any depictions of Olorun. The announcements are wrong on his name in only English which is uncomfortable but that's not this conversation.
Iansan: I. What can I even say dude. She was there for barely a second and got hit in the head. Not a single voice line. She's still on the grey side of brown. The character who was the literal mascot for this nation was barely there for what reason.
Okay so my thoughts on this as a whole? Clusterfuck. Flat out clusterfuck. So we have a bunch of tribes and religions getting names stolen then not represented. Whitewashed dieties are such a weird thing to put into a game. Like this should be one of the most diverse regions and....this. That doesn't even touch on the fact that these different places of inspiration are so scattered???? Like dude what? Iansan is our darkest character and she's there for less than a second only getting hit in the head then running. Like that was our mascot for here. We saw more of this woman that looks like Sunset Shimmer in a Bayonetta suit and a Fatui Harbinger than our mascot. That's so upsetting. And these characters were obviously designed with darker tones in mind. You can see it when people give them their proper tone that yea this is not nearly as good as it could be. The only element of interest is this nation being in a tournament arc but at this point it may as well be them trying to call these people violent.
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sister-lucifer · 2 years
The Demon Brothers + Punishment (Part 1)
Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan x Gender Neutral Reader (separately)
Genre: NSFW Headcanons
Summary: How and why the older brothers would go about punishing you 
Content/Warnings: dom/sub dynamic with sub reader, spanking, toys, degradation, fingering, overstim, y’know the usual punishment stuff 
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio! 
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
Feedback is encouraged and appreciated:)
Not fully proofread! Let me know if you see any errors
He low key takes it too seriously 
Very stern but gentle 
(Unless he’s particularly angry of course) 
“You know why I’m punishing you, yes? I need you to learn from your mistakes, my love, that’s what good little pets do.” 
The severity of the punishment depends on the offense you committed 
Something small will likely result in him making you cum on his fingers after you’ve apologized profusely 
Then he’ll treat you to his cock 
But when you mess up big time 
Ooooh boooy 
That sadism really comes out 
Collars, leashes, handcuffs, you name it he’ll use it 
He needs to be in a particular mood for his sadism to come out, but when it does it’s all or nothing 
He’ll either be kissing your forehead gently or pushing you down with a foot on your chest while he toys with the remote of a vibrator 
No in between 
He’s actually not super into spanking. Although he’s not opposed to it, it’s not his go-to 
He finds there are plenty of other, more humiliating ways to teach you a lesson 
And he intends to show you all of them 
“Now, now, no whining. You did this to yourself, my dear. Take your punishment now, or else you’ll only make your situation even more dire.”
As much as Mammon likes to play rough with you, rarely ever will he actually punish you 
He prefers to be playful, if a bit mean spirited at times 
You’ll often have a couple of bruises or bites, but that’s to be expected; usually nothing more 
So, what exactly merits a punishment from Mammon? 
Well, the first option is to ask for it
He’ll happily oblige, but he’ll start slow in the beginning and ask you if you’re okay at least four times before he actually gets going 
The other option is to make him jealous 
If he sees you getting a little too friendly with another demon he’s sure to lose it 
Drag it out for as long as you can 
That’ll make him even angrier 
Double points if you act oblivious about it later 
The second you’re home alone he’s bending you over his lap and spanking you until itll hurt to sit down for the next two days 
And he’ll make you apologize after each one 
When he decides he’s had enough with that he’ll move on to roughly shoving his fingers in you 
He’s going much too fast, but he doesn’t care 
You deserve it for pissing him off like that 
And he’ll talk down to you the entire time, making sure you’ve been thoroughly humiliated 
“This is what little sluts like you get for acting out! Maybe next time you think of pulling a stunt like that you’ll remember how this feels.”
Oh this sweet baby loves you far too much to hurt you! 
Punishments are so incredibly rare with Levi 
You could ask, yes, but he’ll be so nervous there’s only a half chance he’ll actually go through with it 
“O-Oh my stars, are you ok?! I-I know, I know I haven’t actually done anything yet, but…gah! I’m just so worried about you!” 
Sweet boy 
That means your only option is to earn your punishment 
The best way to do that is to get him on a day when he’s already mad about something 
Maybe Mammon stole one of his figurines to sell, or maybe he’s frustrated about a certain level of a game 
That’s the best time to misbehave 
Leviathan is rather possessive, even more so that Mammon, so the same tactics would work on him tenfold 
Leviathan usually isn’t very active in his punishments 
Instead he’ll tie you up on his bed and leave you squirming with at least three vibrators assaulting your sex 
He’ll have the remotes with him at all times, but after a while of playing with them he’ll just leave them on the maximum speed while he ignores you to game 
And he can get very, very invested in his games 
You might be there for thirty minutes, maybe three hours 
Depends on how he feels and how invested he gets 
One things for sure, he’s not done with you until you’re practically thrashing against your restraints as you desperately try to quell the overstimulation 
“You sound pathetic, whining like that…this is what happens when you underestimate me, human! This is all your fault…”
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samatheia229 · 2 years
Rise Ponderings:
The Turtles With Japanese Names
I've seen a lot of headcanons lately that support the "Rise boys' given names ARE their colours and they only got the artist names later on" narrative so I'd like to share my own.
Rise Splinter is undoubtedly very Americanised but I think that despite him forsaking his familial duties and old life, he’s still Japanese, is still a Hamato. So, subconsciously, he gave the boys Japanese names (of their corresponding colours, of course).
On that note, for all that Splinter has Celebrity-Who-Gives-Their-Kids-Unique-Names energy, I believe that he would still have enough decency to give them somewhat proper Japanese names not just 'Aka', 'Ao', 'Murasaki' and 'Orenji'.
However, for a period of time, the English-colour-names Splinter uses in the show would have been how addressed each other because they are, for the most part, an English-speaking household. Until an eight-year-old April came along insisting that those weren't 'real names', the turtles English names were 'Red', 'Blue' etc. 
After adopting 'proper' English names, those became the common form of address, though Splinter still calls them by the English colours because it's a habit for him. They don't mind.
They don’t use their Japanese names often. It’d mostly be during serious-talk time, in official stuff, calling someone by their full name or teasing. 
Ironically, in Splinter's (read: my) effort to not be a basic bitch, most of the boys' Japanese names are female. You can bet they tease the shit out of each other about it. The only one that actually takes offense to the teasing is Donnie whose name is very common and recognisable, so he always gets asked why he has it and/or if he realises that it's a girly name. 
The Names
*NOTE: I'm using Kanji here. Fair warning, they could be written wrong, so if there are any Japanese speakers out there, do correct me.
Hamato 'Raphael' Shuiro
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Shuiro 朱色 = vermilion
Raph’s name is the only one that isn’t a real given name but I thought it suited him.
Colour Symbolism:
Besides being one of the most dominant colors in Japanese culture, red is associated strongly with authority, strength, sacrifice, passion, joy, and happiness. It's also regarded as an auspicious color in Japan.
Frequently said to have Eldest Daughter Syndrome by the fandom, Raph is the ultimate authority among the brothers. He self-appoints as leader not because he necessarily wants to be, but because as the oldest and the biggest, he feels like it's his responsibility to look after the others. Which often takes great strength and sacrifice. Surface Pressure from Encanto, anyone?
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Furthermore, red, specifically vermilion, is very symbolic in Japanese architecture:
Red is the color of torii – Shinto shrine gates – temples, and traditional daruma dolls. Red is said to scare away evil spirits and represent protection, strength, peace, and power. 
All in all, very fitting for the big brother and family protector, if you ask me.
Hamato 'Leonardo' Aoi
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Aoi 青い = blue
Aoi is a unisex name; meaning hollyhock flower when used for girls and blue for boys. I'm using the male meaning for Leo. 
Colour Symbolism:
Blue commonly represents the sea and the sky (for which Japan is surrounded) and symbolizes purity, dignity, calmness, stability, security, and fidelity. Blue is also regarded as a lucky colour.
In this case, blue is rather in juxtaposition with Leo's personality, but looking at it from a franchise perspective, blue is indeed a leader's colour.
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Back then, Japanese society was strictly hierarchical and displayed through the colour of their robes. Of the colors that were allowed for common folk, the color blue was work by higher ranking people. It symbolized wealth and prestige, while also remaining a color of the common folk.
That being said, Leo's a little different from his predecessors. Eventually, he will grow into the role of the leader we know and love. But even when he was unburdened from being leader, he was still the strategist. Leo's leadership in fights is a balance between what is uniquely Rise and the mission-mindset of the leaders in blue who came before him, strategies that are fun, wacky and maybe a little unorthodox yet still as effective for the team.
Hamato 'Donatello' Sumire
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Sumire 菫 = violet (flower)
Sumire is usually a girl's name but I don’t think Splinter would’ve cared all that much about gender.
Donnie doesn't either and even likes his name, though it has caused him a lot of grief over the years. A lot of people think it's strange for a guy with his personality to have such a feminine name, and he's really sick of having to defend his name after introducing himself. Part of why he wanted 'Donnie'.
Colour Symbolism:
Like in the West, purple in Japanese culture is associated with royalty, as purple dye was rare and only available to those of a higher status. It can also reflect on nobility, spirituality, and wisdom.
Out of everyone, Donnie embraces his colour about the most. His clothes are purple, his tech is purple, his lab is bathed in purple lighting. Purple is Donnie's thing. This, in a way, ties in with the colour's exclusivity back then.
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Flower Symbolism:
In Hanakotoba (flower language), the meaning of violet is sincerity, a small love, and a small bliss. Violets are a common gift, as they are an ideal way to show appreciation for a family member or friend and to express sincerity or love.
I think this is very Donnie. What he lacks in the emotional department, he makes up for  through his tech. He creates things for his family, making them all kinds of personalised gizmo. Sometimes it results in disaster but the intention to help is there. Gift-giving is his love language.
Hamato 'Michelangelo' Mikan
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Mikan 蜜柑 = tangerine
Mikan is a common Japanese girl name. Baby girls named "Mikan" are usually joyful, positive-thinkers, smiley and generally happy people.
Mikey loves his name and doesn't care that it's girly and cute, no matter how the others tease him about it. (SIDE NOTE: I swear the near-matching names wasn't intentional. I was just looking for a name that means mandarin orange for a bit I'm writing).
Colour Symbolism:
Orange is symbolic of love, happiness and the sun.
The youngest of the family, Mikey is optimistic and cheerful. He brings joy and colour to the household through his art. He encourages everyone to be express their love openly and always tries to be supportive.
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Fruit Symbolism:
Besides good fortune, wealth and longevity, the fruit mikan can be tied to family because of its role in Japanese traditions. In Japan, there is a word “Kotatsu de Mikan”, which means:
A family sits around a kotatsu (a traditional Japanese table with an electric heater attached to the underside), watching TV and eating mikan —  the traditional picture of a harmonious family seen in the wintertime.
Mikey is all about family. He's the heart, always the peacemaker, always bringing everyone together.
TLDR; I really love how each turtle has a role to play in the family, how their respective colours are so appropriate for who they are as people, and I wanted their Japanese name to reflect that.
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mgc02 · 7 months
Got a request for Adam x reader and I'm not sure if they meant ftm reader since I been doing a lot of those so I think I'll answer their request with just gender nuetral reader but that got thinking about Adam x FTM reader so here's this
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He got the Spirit
Adam x ftm reader
Cw: mentions of gender dysphoria, Adam not knowing shit,
My man is egotistical and clueless
If he were to date a trans man he would probably say some things that come off as offensive though he didn't mean them to
If he really upset you though he'd learn his lesson and never give up on making it up to you
You'd need to be pretty patient with him
It's likely this is all very new to him despite being around since the beginning of humanity
As soon as he learns about gender euphoria he's going to consistently try to be gender affirming
He'd call you the man, his macho boyfriend and probably anything else really on the nose
He'd take you out to do manly stuff together
As dumb and possibly inappropriate all of this sounds he truly means well
If you're into loveable idiots he's your guy lol
If you were struggling with gender dysphoria he'd be a deer caught in headlights at first but he would try to comfort you
The more he learns the better he gets
And he might take a while to learn things but he would definitely care about what's important to you
When it comes to being affectionate he's not much a cuddler but he is huge on pda and will show you off to everyone. "This is my hot as f#ck boyfriend!" It's not meant to be objectifying he's just proud to call you his boyfriend and he feels lucky so he wants everyone to see how lucky he is
All in all he got the spirit lol
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spjohnv-blog · 1 day
If you're familiar with the South Park Archives, pretty much the only SP fansite still online - there's over eighteen years of history there, pages and renders for tons of characters and locations, thousands of screenshots, a pretty dedicated staff, transcripts of every episode, and so much more. When I made my start writing shitty fanfics, it was a super useful resource, and that was a small chunk of what it is today.
FANDOM has today unveiled a new Offensive Terms Policy which continues a trend in the last few years been suggested in events like Community Connect, where it has previously been suggested wikis avoid references to canonical sex. The avoidance of slurs is something I would be super supportive of generally -- we don't need to see that kind of stuff on Wookiepedia or like, a wiki for Bluey. It'll keep people from vandalizing children's wikis with adult content for kicks. I am generally in favor of content filtering, especially for family-friendly-oriented content.
...but, this is going to cause a lot of problems for the South Park Archives, a show with a major character who frequently uses slurs and is firmly anti-censorship. You don't need to be an editor to think about that. If you're a fan, you know what kind of show we're talking about.
This is a show with episodes called "The Biggest Douche in the Universe", "Major Boobage", "Reverse Cowgirl" and "Titties and Dragons". There are songs like "Fuck the Police" and "Jacking it in San Diego". There is a character called 'Retarded Fish'. The names of these songs and episodes, bear in mind, are legally registered copyrights, not our choices -- how do you change that? Move an article to Episode 1601? What about "Fuck the Police", which isn't even a South Park original song?
You can clean up a synopsis, and formalize language on a character page, I've done both of those things when I was an editor, but you can't undo all of this. How do you?
That's not even getting into the transcripts pages, which are intended to be 100% accurate to the actual dialogue, continuing the tradition from the good ol' South Park Scriptorium...
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Within the day of the policy change, FANDOM has already started to make changes to remove slurs from the transcript pages that are unable to be modified as it is directly related to global policy. I don't know that the staff were communicated with about this personally either, but I'm not in the know like I used to be.
No doubt some of this move is prompted by advertisers - FANDOM previously cited advertiser feedback as a motivation for inserting all sorts of videos on top of wiki pages (similar to their later push to include AI-generated content) and understandably many advertisers may not want their brand name mere inches from a discussion of cartoon eight-year-olds using slurs. I mean, shoot, I wouldn't if I were in charge of a major company, and I get someone needs to keep the lights on, but...
I don't know man, it's a shitty position to be in. It's a well-intended policy that I'd support in almost any other context but literally this narrow exception, and I definitely hate the thought of looking like I'd be defending use of offensive terms, but like, how do you cover "everything" about South Park, an explicitly adult show that is so firmly anti-censorship, that builds entire episodes around these kinds of jokes, or even analyze it from a critical perspective, in such a family-friendly, sanitized way, without betraying its spirit and creative intent?
You can imagine how many staff members there are probably scratching their heads or bashing them into lamp posts, trying to figure out what to do or how to move forward after this. They could apply for an exception, but would it even be granted? What would the alternative be? Are restrictions like this worth it or do they render the whole thing moot? How much responsibility lies with FANDOM? Are advertisers forcing the whole internet down this road? There are so many questions in the air on this. I certainly don't have answers.
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jarofstyles · 2 years
Mafiarry Christmas please miss jars!!!
Of course 🫶 here is a peek into their Christmas season!
Check out our Patreon!
Warnings- mafia mention, anxiety, dangerous situations
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“You can’t be serious.”
“Don’t be a Scrooge.” Y/N puffed, hauling the tinsel behind her with a swing of the hip. “It’s not my fault you can’t see the joys of the season. You’re just grumpy.”
Harry exhaled fully, dragging his hands down his face as he walked into his living room. It looked like Christmas had thrown up all over. He had been warned by the wreath when he walked to the front door, but nothing could have prepared him for the title wave of jingle and jolly that invaded his house.
“I’m not a Scrooge. That’s offensive.” He grunted. “I’m just… this is a lot, darling. Where are you possibly going to put it all?” He knew Y/N had a lot of time on her hands now that she had agreed to stay home for her safety for a bit, some ongoing issues making it a bit hard for her to go and do the normal festivities. “I think you’ve bought the entire Christmas section.” His face had softened as he saw a slight pout on her face, stretching hard to place the tinsel on the higher hook.
The man didn’t skip a beat, coming up behind her and taking the fluffy tinsel from her hand and draping it up so it hung the way he had a feeling she would want. One hand curled around her waist, fingers slightly digging into her soft tummy as he pressed against her. Y/N couldn’t keep the facade, leaning back into him with a gentle hmph. It was unfair that a single touch, a little gesture made her feel so needy. Her body leaned into his, feeling the crispness of his pressed shirt and inhaling the scent of him as she dropped her head back against his shoulder.
“Thank you.” She paused. “Even more rude that you haven’t kissed me hello yet.”
That was something Harry could agree with. Especially with her wearing these odd yet very flattering red velvet leggings with a flare at the bottom and Santa like fuzzy stuff at the rim and a cropped knit sweater. He pulled her closer, tilting her chin up a bit and covered his mouth with hers for a full kiss. He wasn’t one to ever half ass their kisses, and he was known to be a greedy man, so he did what he did best. Holding his lips over hers and sucking slightly as he pulled back, a little smile curling his lips as he heard a soft protest from her.
Y/N spun in his arms to properly face him, hands sneaking under his blazer jacket to find his belt loops. Harry’s smile was one of the private ones reserved just for her, making her irritation at his prodding about the Christmas decor lessen. “I’m sorry, darling. I didn’t mean to forget your kiss.” He gently rubbed the bare skin of her back, dipping his fingers into the waistband of the velvet things. Whatever they were, he liked how they looked and how they felt. “Just shocked me. M’not used to this. And you didn’t consult me.” There was no malice in his voice, just slight surprise. She usually told him when she did big things. This seemed to quantify as a big thing.
“Was feeling spontaneous. Antonio and co took me shopping, you knew that. But once I got to the Christmas sections I got a vision.” She raised on her tiptoes to kiss his nose before pulling away, sauntering over to the bags. “Winter wonderland. Classy and cool, doesn’t need to be taken down the very next day after Christmas. Just… something to do.” She shrugged, trying not to make him feel bad. There was no illusion, she knew what she was into when she decided to stay with him. Sometimes things would be more guarded and she would need to listen to him for safety. Harry was worth any sacrifice.
“Hm. That’s a good idea.” Harry loosened his shirt, placing the blazer on the chair. He had spent all day wanting to come home to her and relax- and he would. But he wanted to indulge first. He may not have the most Christmas spirit usually, but if it made her happy, he would put on a santa hat or something. “I’m sorry you can’t do the normal things.” He sat down on the ottoman in front of all the bags, watching her cross the room to come and sit near him to give him a ‘haul.’ He didn’t know why she loved it so much but her smiles and the excitement was well worth it.
“It’s okay. I’ve got a handsome man with pretty hands who comes home to me. He’s very dangerous and good in bed. So.” She snickered, grabbing a bag that was in her way and placing it on her lap. “It’s a good trade off.
Plus you kind of fund my hobbies so, I’ve got to give it to you.”
Harry had to laugh, crossing his arms as he watched intently, eyes locked on her as she went through the items. The light in her eyes, the excitement she showed as she was going through her purchases and explaining where each piece would go and her ‘vision’ for the spaces. Was there really a need for miniature Christmas trees in every bathroom? No. But he wouldn’t mind. It didn’t hurt anything and he was sure any of his men wouldn’t say anything either. Nothing but compliments allowed for Y/N’s sake.
“And then!” She stood up, tapping her fingers together. “I got you a tree for your office. And before you give me the Harry Eyebrow raise- your’re starting it, stop- it’s flocked. We won’t decorate it besides some lights. I know you’re a macho man who runs underground crime and all that but…” she brought the box over to him, presenting it like it was a gold dabloon. “I thought about what you’d like. Simple and elegant. It’s a pretty tree and we can set it up together. That’s all the decor for your office cause it’s your space but I just….” She fiddled with the box, looking down at it. “I wanted you to be happy too. I know things are a bit hard now, that you’re on edge. I hope that it makes you feel a bit less like your head is lost in this. That you’re still normal.”
And there it was. One of the biggest reasons why he loved her. Her pure thoughtfulness was something that Harry never would be able to find in anyone else. Despite him trying his best to shield her from some of the tiny, insignificant parts of this that would grate on him? She noticed. Holidays never felt special before her. Last year had been calm and she had given him the best Christmas he ever had, which he had admitted when curled naked around her, stroking her supple skin. Confessing how hard the holidays were especially when shit like his business was life or death for a lot of people. The weight was heavy and he tried to keep afloat but sometimes he would drown in it.
She was his life preserver.
“Thank you.” He said quietly, sitting up straighter as his finger crooked. Motioning her over to come right to him. “Come give me a cuddle before you go back to your work. We can set it up together. You’re very thoughtful, darling girl.” As soon as he could get his hands on her she was tugged into his lap, straddling him as he curled an arm around her and pulled her face down so he could kiss her cheeks. “My very own angel. Couldn’t ask for anything better.”
Harry didn’t care about stockings or anything under the tree. Lights didn’t phase him. All he needed was this. Her. Seeing her in his bed every morning as she whined for him to stay, finding his marks on her skin after nights of passion, getting to be the receiver of these sort of thoughtful gestures. She was his person. “I love you.” Her voice floated over him, snugly placing her arm around his neck. “I want to lessen the burden. Want you to have an escape.”
“You are my escape. Helped make this house a real home. I completely and utterly adore you.” His words were weighted, settling in her belly as she smiled down at him.
“That’s all I can ask for.” Her fingers delicately brushed over his jaw, the stubble rough against the tips. “You are my dream. Didn’t know I had such an intense dream of love, but you’re easy. Despite everything else you’re the easiest person to love that I could imagine. It comes naturally.” Her eyes focused on his, letting him see how truthful the sentiment was. “Thank you for indulging in me. I know you don’t care too much about the decorations but you’ll help me and look at the things I’ve bought because it makes me happy.” She watched him go to open his mouth but she shook her head. “S’okay. Promise. It makes me happy that you do it anyways. But… I just hope you know how much I appreciate you.” She ended the thanks with a kiss on the tip of his nose.
“Come on then. I need my Scrooge to roll up those Armani sleeves and use that strength to help me put up the tree. I got an artificial one. We need to save the forest.”
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yuttikkele · 2 months
ok so I saw that anon giving very persuasive reasons to be a zukaang shipper, and I like was writing a bunch of tags on the reblog so I just decided to make my own post 😭😭 it was way too many tags. I have a lot to say about zukaang guys.
Everything’s under the cut, but this gets very chatty very ramble-y fair warning.
anyways the part I was mostly talking about was how zukaang has a lot of what mainline ships have to offer. but like, more. and like no offense to the ships mentioned, I think they’re cool banger ships! I'm just biased towards zukaang. ofc I'm gonna think it has everything those ships have to offer and more.
though I do like these ships, there might be a little negativity towards them in this post, but I assure you, I do not mean it in any mean-spirited way.
zkka for example. I liked it a lot at first, but then I got into zukaang, and, it's just no comparison. zkka is still amazing tho it's a really silly and heartwarming ship, and sokka deserves a popular gay ship as a treat. I like them 💙❤️
but text wise?? zkka went on a two part prisonbreaking journey. zukaang spent the whole show revolving around each other with multiple key episodes exploring their dynamic. zkka can't compete with that.
and sorry to bring ztara and ktng into this as well but I gotta.
Listen, ktng is great. I think they’re really cute! Though there’s tons of discourse about which ship should’ve been canon, I think the creators made the right choice making this one canon (it was set up from the beginning, and I do think it’s the more popular ship. I think they would’ve gotten MORE backlash had they not made it canon). BUT, they’re literally middle schoolers. Of course they DO end up together, but the chances of that actually happening are off the walls! They only stayed together because of bryke, fan popularity, and what the show ended on (it would be really awkward if it ended with them getting together, and then bryke saying they broke up later. I get that. I don’t think they made a bad decision there). It’s just a liiiiiiiittle unrealistic (and I don’t wanna hear nothin bout “this is a fantasy world everything’s unrealistic.” You know what I mean go smart off somewhere else). Zuko and Aang, on the other hand, are bound by fate. They’re best friends, and they stay best friends for like, ever. Platonic soulmates, ying yang, does that not ring a bell? They’re not separating, it’s in the code. Though Katara and Aang don’t break up, I still think, realistically, it’s possible that they’d last a couple years then grow apart. Meanwhile, Aang and Zuko get closer and closer and then boom: just as much gay tension as roku and sozin. But not doomed this time.
ztara I can’t see happening based on the text. they have a lot of sweet moments from them talking about their respective moms' death (kinda sorta death) to like zuko accompanying her for "revenge" (not really revenge) to katara fighting azula with zuko. and their dynamics are cute like rivals to lovers and stuff. but, I just can’t see it. Plus, zukaang has that.
zuko’s mom was taken away from him, and aang’s father figure was threatened to be taken away from him. but it doesn’t stop there. no, shortly after these events, zuko was banished from his nation while aang fled from his. (MIRRORING CHECK DO I GET A MIRRORING CHECK???) zuko might’ve gone with katara to tie up loose ends of her past, but zuko went with aang to learn from the past for the future. and not to mention, on that journey, zuko and aang met mirroring red and blue dragons that formed a heart around them then proceeded to shroud them in rainbow flames while they learned firebending from the first firebenders not unlike oma and shu who were lovers from opposing sides of a war. (DO I HEAR SYMBOLISM AND STORY COMPARISON???) and zuko? he said “it’s my destiny for me to help the avatar.” and he DID. Yeah fighting azula was a culminating moment of his character arc and was imperative to taking down the imperial fire nation, but do you think zuko would just go attack his sister if she wasn’t a threat to Aang and peace? No, he would not. And you may be saying “uh yeah you said ‘and peace,’ zuko’s doing this because he believes it’s the right thing, and to take down his corrupt family, and for peace, not Aang.” BUT DO YOU SEE IT. AANG AND PEACE ARE LIKE SYNONYMS TO ZUKO. THEY COINCIDE. THEY’RE THE SAME THING. And in that Azula fight Zuko was given a MIRRORING scar with Aang. Aang’s back scar and his chest scar. (DO I HEAR DEVOTION???)
also headcanon-wise, I just really think Zuko is gay, so the ztara thing also kinda falls apart at that for me. Zuko just doesn’t?? Treat women very well??? Sorry, it IS kinda true tho. For so much of his life being spent with his main friends being only girls, he does not treat the women he dates very well. He actually treats Katara the best out of the girls he interacted with in my opinion even though he totally crushed her trust first try. (Some ships are about to get stray shots here while I explain this so sorry 🙏🙏)
Alright now here’s Zuko just not being the best with girls in general with romantic and platonic relationships. Not saying he hasn’t had his good moments, but, if I knew him irl I’d be trashing him for how he treats girls. Him and Mai always had continual problems on both ends. Zuko never really seemed interested in her genuinely, but on top of me just not really feeling the chemistry, Zuko was unhealthily distrusting and jealous of her like an object, he broke up with her through a note, and she risked her life for him and he didn’t even think about busting her out of jail. he really didn’t think about Mai much at all when he was with team avatar, and when he did, it was usually with weariness. he never really seemed upset that he was away from her. Now there was the “that’s rough buddy” conversation, but that’s when Zuko said “oh yeah leaving the Fire Nation was EASY” to which Sokka brought up leaving behind loved ones and Zuko went “Oh yeah, I had a girlfriend. Bummer I had to leave her to go FOLLOW THE AVATAR. AGAIN.” I was never convinced either of them actually liked each other romantically. The best thing I can say about their relationship is that Mai didn’t want Zuko to die, and the hardest part about Zuko’s easy decision to leave the fire nation was leaving Mai. For Katara, obviously, he severed things with her pretty early on, but was able to regain her trust so kudos to him. I guess he and Suki’s minimal interactions were positive I don’t really remember them sorry. Zuko DIABOLICALLY denied Toph her field trip. And Jin from Ba Sing Sei. j1nko is actually the Zuko het ship I like the most and that’s just cause I think they’re cute, and also this is like one of the times Zuko does something romantic that the girl actually likes. And he just never saw her again. Like I understand he was in a bit of a complex situation, but he could’ve gone to visit her or give condolences once everything settled down?? imagine you go on a date with this guy and the next day he’s ghosted you so hard he’s not even in the same city anymore? Jin was probably so heartbroken and then she sees HE’S THE FIRE LORD?? Nah I’d be so mad. Zuko has issues with girls. Men tho? I don’t see this problem arising. He just really reads as a gay dude to me.
Switching topics abruptly here, angsty zukaang has its place, but me personally, zukaang is not one of my angsty ships 😭😭 they worked so hard to be together y’all let them have it. There’s multiple solutions to the kid problem in my opinion, some more ideal than others but yknow. they could find out they loved each other after they already had kids and got a divorce? They could get surrogate mothers? They could say “screw you” to having to have bio kids and just adopt (and probably not announce it publicly cause how would the people know? Just keep them believing.). My personal favorite, they could avatar magic it and bring in some storks ectobiology and poof! magic bio baby they’re both blood related to. Hey, crazier things have happened. And zukkang has made a world where they can both be together and it’s beautiful and lovely and sweet ❤️🧡
and like, I don’t think it’s an all-out solution to the ship war. I think zutaraang is the all-out solution to the ship war. BUT, zukaang is a solution. It’s that one Thomas Sanders Prince vine where he goes “you’ll never have her! because I want you…”
uhhh anyways thank for comin to my tedtalk ramble about zukaang. Enjoy the rest of your day, and God loves you :DD
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gamesception · 2 months
I did it.
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I did it! I beat this crazy boss! Carian Knight build just keeps winning.
Holy cow those guys were tough, though. I tried a bunch with Ansbach and Thiollier, because in general I prefer to summon npcs whenever possible in my first time run through souls stuff, for the sake of narrative immersion & investment in the characters, but I was getting nowhere with them. So I channeled my inner Moongrum and strapped in for the long and painful process of burning Radahn II's parry timings into muscle memory.
Yes, it takes three parries to get the stagger, but it's still worth it. Not only is the stagger a safe opening for solid damage with my magic misericorde, the parries themselves stop not just the incoming attacks but the entire combo that would have followed them, AND they stop the extra holy splash damage attached to his sword swings in phase 2, AND when he gets parried but isn't staggered yet he's much more likely to follow up with either another parry-able sword swing or an easily jumpable stomp attack /and then/ another parry-able sword swing, so once you catch him with one parry you can often chain him into a bunch of much more manageable attacks in a row. Even if you accidentally try to parry the stomp, it's not that punishing.
In phase 2 I chugged my physick (+magic damage, +summon damage), then ran out of the giant holy aoe he almost always summons right away, and once safe I summoned best girl Tiche while the boss is still recovering. Then just try to maintain aggro with the occasional slicer (or a ranged spell if he gets away from me, but on the winning run he didn't) & keep on parrying while hoping Tiche gets in some black knife damage before inevitably falling to stray aoes.
It took two days of learning the fight before I hit a solid run with good rng in terms of keeping aggro on myself in phase 2 and the boss favoring his parry-able attacks. He also went for the grab several times, which, once you get the dodge timing, is very easy to avoid and leaves him wide open for both my slicer and Tiche's black knife.
I was using dagger talisman for the big boost to damage & Radagon's for extra casting speed as offensive talismans alongside +3 physical and holy resist for most of the runs. But half way through I traded dagger & radagon for assassin's crimson and cerulean daggers to regen health and mp with each riposte. No dagger talisman would mean an extra crit to get to phase 2, and another couple extra to win, and no radagon meant a few openings that had been safe for 2 slicers were now only good for one. However, the extra healing on crits saved not only flasks but also the need to burn openings on flasks. The cerulean dagger in particular saved me the need to top off with a blue flask before summoning tiche in phase 2, which I just didn't have the time for.
In making the swap I stumbled into a exploit in my favor- For some combination of weapon types and enemies the critical hit animation will trigger the effect of the assassin's dagger talismans twice, and dagger crits against Radahn are one of those cases - at least in current patch - so I was getting double heals to health and mana with every third parry. Honestly a life saver that really put me over the top here.
The best part of parry strats was finishing the boss off with a crit. SUPER satisfying.
All in all this Radahn & Miquela were hard as hell, the only fight in the DLC that really felt that way, but remember that I was summoning both npcs and spirit ashes for most fights, so not exactly the pure 'get good' experience.
I didn't end up using much dlc stuff in the last fight, but for all the complaints about int builds not getting much in the dlc I got a bunch of use out of glintblade trio, twin moons, a magic infused milady, wing stance & carian sovereignty ashes of war, rellana's twin blades, the wolf shield, and I even got some use out of the carian sorcery sword after they buffed it. Haven't used Carian Thrusting Shield or Moonrithyll's Knight Sword very much yet, but I'm looking forward to toying around with them.
I beat lion dancers & radahn - the first and last bosses I fought in the DLC - with base game weapons and spells, but for most SotE bosses I used new stuff. magic-infused wing stance milady for Rellana. magic-infused carian sovereignty milady for Messmer and Bayle. Rellana's twin blades for the Sunflower. Rellana's twin blades plus glintblade trio & twin moons for Romina & Lion Dancers 2. No skill wolf shield & carian soverignty on a base game magic infused knight's greatsword for Gaius & Metyr.
Again using npc summons where available, plus a variety of spirit ashes. I did mostly stuck to my preferred base game options there - greatshield soldiers, latenna, and of course tiche - but that was mostly out of being too lazy to upgrade the new ones, not because they didn't look good.
I wouldn't necessarily call any of that "optimal" as far as gear/strategies go (apart from maybe Milady with wing stance), but certainly playable enough to have fun with in pve. And that's while sticking to a relatively strict carian knight theme, so I didn't even get into the finger sorceries, microcosm, gravity stuff, star lined sword, etc. Int builds might not have gotten the most out of the dlc, and a lot of what we did get could certainly have stood to be better, but there's still plenty there to play around with.
Anyway, overall I liked Shadow of the Erdtree a lot. It's not perfect, definitely 'More Elden Ring', for both better and worse. But I liked Elden Ring, so for me it's mostly for the better, even if I do wish they had brought covenants back and/or introduced one or two dedicated invasion zones. Oh, well. DS3 & BB servers still up for that I guess.
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pianokantzart · 1 year
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Why not both?
When we first see Peach, she is in the middle of a tactical meeting regarding Bowser's imminent invasion. She spends much of her time trying to assure her people that she will do everything in her power to keep them safe.
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After declaring her plan to leave in the morning for The Jungle Kingdom to enlist the help of The Kong Army, Peach walks away from the meeting unattended. Then along comes Mario: breaking and entering, actively running from guards, making a beeline for Peach while excitedly shouting "PRINCESS!" He 100% should have expected to be suplexed.
After rightly slamming Mario to the ground like a sack of beans, Princess Peach looks down at him with wide eyes, as curious as she is startled. The moment Mario catches his breath he tries to scramble back to his feet and ask for help before he is promptly dog-piled by the guards.
At this point, Peach realizes 2 things: 1. This cute guy means no harm. He's clearly in some sort of trouble. 2. He... kind of looks like a human? She orders his release. As Mario stands back up she gets a better look at him, and becomes giddy once she sees her suspicions are confirmed.
"He’s a human! I mean, you are a human, right? It’s just... you’re so small.”  He’s a human alright, just a particularly short one. Mario is confused by this reaction, and is a little annoyed by all the touchiness (especially the hat stealing.)
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But there's no time to focus on that right now, Peach wants to know where he came from. Mario doesn’t waste a second explaining his situation. Time is of the essence.
M: “Me… and my little brother Luigi, we fell down this pipe! And now he’s lost somewhere… in The Dark Lands!” P: “Then it’s only a matter of time before he’s captured by Bowser.”
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Mario visibly tenses up at this. He’s heard of Bowser from Toad, who described him as “the most evil, wretched creature alive.” Peach reassures Mario that she’s on a mission to stop him, and Mario demands to be brought along.
 “This guy’s a lunatic. A psycho. He will eat you for breakfast. He won’t even notice it, probably, because you’re very… very… small.”
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When I first saw the movie, this line made me worry for Peach’s characterization, but I was relieved to see that this is the first and last time she talks down to Mario like this. In hindsight, her behavior makes sense: Mario doesn't know what he’s up against or what his odds are, and Peach– who has no idea who Mario is or what he’s capable of– is trying let him know where he stands in the grand scheme of things... that there is no shame in standing down. But Mario is not going to sit around while his brother is in danger, not in a million years.
“Make fun of me all you want, but you’re going to help me find my brother.”
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Mario goes on the offensive. He doesn’t back out, but instead doubles down, just short of making a direct threat. Peach, being made of equally stern stuff, glares back at him, giving him one final chance to rethink his position.
Mario doesn’t rethink his position, but he does take a moment to remember that he is talking to a princess, so he tries to tone it down a bit by ending his sentence with “please?” 
Peach smiles a little... like she’s impressed, but doesn’t want to admit it.  This guy has spirit, but she doesn’t know whether he’s got the skills to back it up. So she takes Mario to the training course so she can truly see what he’s made of.
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When the course is laid out, Mario is wide-eyed and amazed. When Peach performs the obstacles, he gives her due praise, and questions how he himself is going to be physically capable of pulling off the same thing. Through this short interaction, Mario accidentally proves that though he is impulsive (made worse by his fear for Luigi), he is still capable of recognizing and respecting the skills of others, and has some ability to understand his own limitations... to an extent.
Mario is introduced to powerups and fed the super shroom. But despite his newfound size, jumping ability, and confidence, he blows his first run of the obstacle course right off the bat. Peach says nothing to mock or demean him, but merely gives him a bit of advice about how powerups work, and encourages him to try again. So, Mario downs another mushroom, and give it another shot. Another point in Mario’s favor is that does not complain beyond the first mushroom he was forced to eat. For hours he has his shit kicked in by this brutal, ruthless obstacle course while he’s continually eating mushrooms to the point of vomiting. If he was any less of a man he would decide to try and find Luigi on his own after the millionth try, or at least attempt to argue down the severity of the course, but he doesn’t. This is the ultimatum he’s been given, this is what he needs to do, so he straightens his cap and tries again... and again... and again...
... and to Peach’s credit, she stays with him almost the entire night, and only goes to sleep when she collapses where she stands. You can see her getting more and more endeared to Mario, offering occasional emotional support, and rooting for him the whole way through. Their first interaction was a little rocky, but the more Peach sees of Mario, the more she likes what she sees. 
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By dawn Mario has almost mastered the obstacles, he just got a little too sure of himself 10 feet from the finishing line. Despite the technical failure, Peach knows one thing for certain: She really wants this funky little weirdo who broke into her house to go on a road trip with her.
CONCLUSION: Mario and Peach are cut from the same cloth. Mario is a bit more brash and impulsive than Peach (which makes sense. He's not a royal, he's a blue collar worker from Brooklyn), but they’re both intrepid, big hearted, and willing to do anything for those they love. Furthermore, they are essentially going after Bowser for the same reason: their families, who they spent their entire lives loving and protecting, are being threatened.
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So yeah, kindred spirits I’d say!
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rooolt · 5 months
okay fun little game I’m gonna play, who would win bad kids 1v1 their rat grinder counterpart, under the cut bc I ramble (also I fully understand within canon I’m aware that the rat grinders have far less experience and that may affect their strategies in battle, but I’m trying to think largely mechanically bc I’m a loser who likes rules)
Adaine vs Oisin: I do think this one would be close bc ultimately wizard v wizard is rough and I think comes down to initiative order bc that’s gonna determine a lot of counterspells. For example, if oisin goes first, adaine has to decide whether to waste a counterspell on something he’d predictably summon as a conjuration wizard, which he himself then would probably counterspell, which does use his reaction meaning he can’t counterspell later in the turn, however if Oisin is 10th level or higher he can’t lose concentration on conjugation spells which means the only way to get rid of stuff that was conjugation would be dispel magic, but then that becomes a matter of whether or not adaine “wastes” her turn on that. Neither of them have healing spells, and adaine has portent and also summons, but one could assume Oisin has more stocked and is more built upon that so I think in a 1v1 he may be at a slight advantage. This one I think would be very close
Fabian vs Ivy: This is another one that I think can depend on circumstances bc ivy is a ranged fighter and so if she surprises him from far away, he’s not as good in ranged combat, however, in melee, Fabian is so stacked with battle master + swords bard + fandrangor, but as a ranger (? I think, the wiki says she is but I don’t remember) ivy could have healing spells on top of second wind as well, and while Fabian can know healing spells, idk if we’ve ever seen him cast them
Fig vs Ruben: she stomps his ass easy. Paladin and warlock levels are so good. If fig hits once + spirit guardians she can do seriousssss damage. Bards are largely support anyways and so I think pure bard against a multiclass is at a disadvantage. Also I don’t know what Ruben’s subclass is, but fig has cutting words so
Gorgug vs Mary Ann: I think Gorgug wins. Because if Mary Ann is strictly barbarian, no matter how good of a barbarian she is, gorgug has spells and artificer stuff to buff and heal himself as well. He also has clobeca which in a 1v1 is definitely beneficial. We don’t know much about mary Ann other than a very good strength score but I think brute forcing it vs more strategy gorgug could bring I think gorgug wins
Kristen vs Lucy: they’re kissing on the mouth
Kristen vs Buddy: this one is rough purely bc they’re both obviously support classes, and specifically subclass wise not particularly offense oriented. However, if Kristen goes first in initiative and gets off a successful banishment the fight could be over very quickly. Buddy is presumably a life cleric and based on the rat grinders and his vibe in general I think he’s probably even more healing and support based than Kristen and thus would be at a disadvantage during a 1v1
Riz vs Kipperlily: FIGHT I WANT TO SEE SO BAD GIVE ME A ROGUES 1V1 GIVE IT TO ME BRENNAN PLEASE!!!!!!!! Anyways, we have confirmed subclasses for them both and I think based off of them riz wins???. Like, kipperlily is a mastermind and mastermind’s abilities are largely social and to do with helping their allies and commanding them like that. Riz on the other hand is an arcane trickster and thus has spells. Now, it seems that kipperlily can turn invisible, whether this be oisin’s doing or not, if it is a thing kipperlily can do herself, we know riz has see invisibility and there’s still one eye of the vulture king left, so ultimately I think he could get around it. Both of them seem to have ranged weapons (kipperlily’s crossbow from the last stand) and so I think they would both probably attempt to stay hidden in ranged fighting in order to get sneak attack. It is very possible that kipperlily has various bullshit fuckyou items she could use, but with our current understanding I think riz is at an advantage due to his ability to use his subclass features
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jmdbjk · 1 year
Bangtan weekly report
Lordt, what a week, what a month, what a year? It's September, we're on the downhill slide.
I've been busy, y'all. You know, life happens and all that crap we say when we have to focus on stuff that's not as fun as staring at the latest naked Bangtan pics... anyway... there is A LOT to process, A LOT to even sit down and catch up on.
Let's break it down shall we?
It was JK's b-day and he first tried to TikTok live us and you know, I hope he can't figure it out to his satisfaction because there's no replay and no translations so fuck TikTok and I mean that in a nice way. Thank god for Armys who record and translate.
And he dropped this tiny but significant TMI:
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We know he's building that big whatever it is. It will be a while before he leaves his current residence...or? What? Moving elsewhere until he enlists? He mentioned in one of his more recent past lives that he had to clean up some of his junk in his apartment... soooo.... hmmm....
Also, this:
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Acting research? I'm loving the sound of whatever that is.
Thankfully he came to visit us on Weverse live as well, did a few card tricks and cut it short, one of the shortest lives he's done in years and years? Were the aces a hint? Or just part of his magic trick?
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Adorable goofball. By the way, the subs are up on this live.
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He was out and about before the live, taking pics on the street, he's said he doesn't mind at all, running into fans in public and saying hello.
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It's the people who claim to be fans who stalk him and show up uninvited to places where he's trying to live his life in private. Whoever you all are, I'll speak for Kookie. Y'all suck.
In Busan, when he was with his idol friends, they were asked if they were who they were by the restaurant employee and they tried to deny it. That should be a big hint to leave them alone.
Kookie shared a video on his TikTok in solidarity and support of RM speaking out about the uncalled for hate that came RM's way after he posted that song on his Instagram story.
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You know... there's been quite a lot of discourse lately about culturally sensitive topics. Tae's "gaffe" and this song that RM shared... I think if you felt offended or uncomfortable when you saw those things happen, those feelings are your own and 100% valid.
Being of Japanese descent, through my life, it has made me cringe when I hear people call stuff "Jap crap" or just yesterday, a canvasser for a political candidate asked me if I was from around here... like... if I was blonde and blue-eyed would they have asked me that? You know? I was speaking to them exactly like I speak here, fully fluent in (Southern U.S. redneck) English because that's my only language (sadly, no thanks to mom and dad because I did not learn Japanese or French). But I don't get obsessed or angry or want to threaten anyone's careers or life. I don't even think about it. And I don't really hold it against people who are not aware of how they come across like that.
People are insensitive all the time without knowing it: asking a woman when they are due but she's not pregnant and maybe can't even have children... mentioning other culturally derogatory terms without realizing it (see "Jap crap" above), saying something looks "gay" like... ok what does that even mean?... you know what I'm saying? I use the term "spirit animal" all the time and someone DM'd me saying it was offensive. So we're all guilty.
As I said, feelings are valid, and the members aren't perfect and it's okay to call them out on it. But the extra implication that was piled on Namjoon for that song rec crossed the line and he addressed it in his own live.
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Exasperated he explained that it was just a song and that he knows exactly what everyone is saying, that he's a 30 year old man and can express himself freely. He said even if there will still be those who will accuse him of lying, he can't and won't lie to us.
I love him: "For ten years I've held things in my heart but nowadays I can't do that, I have to speak my truth. Believe my own words."
Before he got into it though he offended the mathematicians and then tried to back track (omg I'M JOKING ok?... unless someone got offended... omg, can we just chill?)
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His 2-day old stubble and fuzzy headed self.
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The obsession people have with their weight and their looks is mind-blowing. The way he's drilled in the comments on his face, his hair, about admitting he's tanning, how much he weighs, what he eats, he looks tired... This man has an IQ of 160 or whatever and people are worried about a mosquito bite on his forehead. The vapidness and shallow level of interaction in the comments knows no limit. But we've known that. Please, before commenting can people please make a list of things to speak on other than how they look?
He closed by saying to trust him, he'll always show us what's inside of him whether its his music or him as a human... life is a journey with a lot of obstacles, he's good and focusing on his own things and not on the bad energy. He is in such a good head space nowadays... love to see it.
Next up, Taehyungie-hyung...dis my fave pic out of everything I've seen so far:
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I am not a fan of Tae in blonde hair, I've said that before. But this particular shot is stunning to me, the lighting and angle.
As you know, I've not paid as close attention to Tae. Honestly I've been waiting for him to share things during this solo time so I can get to know him better just like I did with the other members.
Up until now, everything he does seems superficial EXCEPT the deliberate soft reveal of his relationship with Jennie, which I hope they are doing well and navigating the shitty waters of having to be idols in a relationship.
But so far, its photo spread after photo spread and I'm just not into it. Yes, Tae is very photogenic. I'm sure V biases are over the moon. I'm happy for them! If it was Jimin you would be sick of me posting every photo, so I get it! But I was looking for something a little deeper from him.
So it was this Dingo show that his personality opened up a little to me somewhat... interacting with this Army who's dream is to become a Military Officer. She is the cutest thing, her reactions so genuine and I could feel her excitement and how she was overwhelmed at the end of their day together when she broke down. Girl was holding it in and living the life that day!!! Sooo happy she got to experience that!
And these pics are the cutest:
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This one right above with her hands on his shoulders... such a precious memory. I am looking forward to hearing the rest of Tae's album. I'm sure I'll have things to say about it at that time.
And that brings me to Jimin. The jikook selca not withstanding, we haven't seen or heard from him in ages so after 2 months, 15 days, 23 hours, 8 minutes and some odd seconds (but who was counting? not me)... we finally see him again in person at a Dior event in Seoul.
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He looked so good, except that tan leather coat reminded me of something 50s vintage, car coat over a sheath dress women wore in the springtime. He's small. Let's put a giant white garbage bag on him. Don't know what goes through their minds.
Dior creates some extraordinarily crafted pieces, but so far, I sometimes wonder if they've even bothered to look at any of Jimin's previous photo concepts for other various things. It's almost like they don't know how to dress him. That's just my personal opinion.
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Is that a Red Dragon keyboard he has in front of his computer? I don't really know anything about gaming stuff. And goodness...
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He gets comfy by tying up those pants that look like four of him (or him and Kookie) could fit in there at the same time...
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His eye crinkles... I don't care what people say about his beakie... I'm all about the eye smile and those eye crinkles that are going to get deeper with time.
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Y'all, this is my bias...
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That mood light of the realistic solar system makes Jungkookie's mood light look like child's play. But I see why his moons down his back look like they do.
I know some of the first translations say he called Jungkook for his birthday and he talked about wanting to live his 30s just as full as his 20s, and he's learning through his solo work that he has things to learn and he will improve and I just don't have enough or the right words to express how much I love and admire his perseverance and dedication to being the best at what he does and the best human he can be. I will do a full blog post when the official subs are ready later this week.
I don't know how this guy from the other side of the world got so completely under my skin:
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I know there was a lot of other content that dropped that I didn't touch on but there aren't enough hours in my day to type it all up. I will just continue to watch and absorb as much as I can just like everyone else.
Jin and Hobi are still plugging away at their respective bases, I always pray for their safety and health while they are doing their duty. In a few months, Jin may show us what it will be like to celebrate birthdays while they are enlisted.
And Yoongi. We wait as the days tick by. We know its coming very soon. Holding my Yoongi bias friend's hand very tightly. We'll get through this together.
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syn4k · 8 months
i have found myself thinking a lot lately about how the s1 crew landed in a completely different world that was just similar enough to where everyone seemed to do a double take at their names and faces
It was a quiet March afternoon, the type that people wrote poems and drew paintings about. While it was still mostly winter, there were patches of tentative spring that shone through here and there. The sun still shone cold, though, and almost all who were out under it were wearing some kind of jacket to buff themselves against the chill.
Everyone except for Jordan, it seemed.
Windbreaker tied around his waist, he walked from the little half-burnt hut he performed his witchcraft in to the cauldron beneath to the forest around it, apparently in the sort of hurry that deep concentration brought when you were working on something.
Ianite sat nearby on the grass, crosslegged, quietly humming while she worked on adjusting her bow string. Occasionally, she would turn to aim an arrow at a nearby tree, always neatly hitting the mark but frowning to herself to return to her work. Every so often, she'd pause to watch Jordan work, simply observing, a strange expression on her face. Every so often, he'd glance over at her as if reminding himself that she was there.
It wasn't an uncomfortable silence that they shared, by any means, but after three or so hours Jordan finally sat down next to his goddess with a wordless sigh.
"Hello," said Ianite. "What are you working on?"
"Testing stuff in the Spirit Realm," said Jordan, mouth full of apple. "Turns out that things get real mad if I try to get things over there, but I think I've found a workaround. What about you?"
"Oh, I'm just tuning my bow," said Ianite, nocking an arrow for demonstration. When she released it, it flew straight across the clearing and knocked one of the skulls off of the witchery altar. Jordan winced, but didn't say anything.
"Is something wrong?" asked Ianite after a little bit.
"Oh," said Jordan, shaking himself out of his thoughts. "No. I mean, uh, the skulls are kind of important for upgrading the power the altar can consume but I think you just knocked one off, I can always place it back later. It's not a big deal."
"I didn't even realize that," said Ianite, surprised and a little bit guilty. "I wasn't talking about that. Sorry, though."
"You're good," said Jordan. "Apart from that, though, no, nothing's going on. Unless you had something to say?"
Ianite looked over at him, expression unreadable but oddly piercing nonetheless. "While you were working, you kept looking over at me like you were surprised to see me there."
"Oh, that," said Jordan, leaning back against a tree trunk with a small sigh. "Not surprised to see you. It's more like... I don't know. I guess I'm just not very used to this."
"As in, you being actually, like, here and stuff." He swallowed his chunk of apple and continued, waving a hand around awkwardly. "All casually and stuff."
Ianite nodded. "That's not a bad thing, right?" she asked, somewhat anxiously. "It's been a while since I've actually been around people. I hope I'm not messing it up."
"No, no," said Jordan, surprised. "You're doing great. I'm sure it's just a me thing. I don't think either of us are really used to each other yet."
Ianite nodded thoughtfully. "That would be it. In my dreams, I was always seeing through the eyes of my other selves, and they were all different from me in temperament and the like. Was I- was your Ianite different?"
Jordan paused for a moment in thought before nodding. "Yeah. She was more... distant, I guess. No offense, by the way," he added quickly. "I haven't talked with this world's Mianite or Dianite, but they were detached too. Less like people and more like how you'd think gods would act."
Ianite nodded, momentarily focused on whittling at her bow. It was quiet for a little longer. Small clouds chased each other across the sun, the earth below constantly dappled with ever-shifting shadow.
"It's strange to hear that coming from you," she said eventually, carefully setting her bow and knife in front of her. "But it does make sense."
Jordan paused for a minute, confused. "Me as in Spark?"
Ianite sighed. "Yes. I have to keep reminding myself that you're not him."
Jordan nodded. "I'm definitely not. I'd never wear green sunglasses. With this outfit?" he asked, jokingly scandalized. "I'd make everybody's eyes hurt just by looking at me."
Ianite squinted at him. "I vaguely remember you wearing basketball shorts in the other world."
"We do not talk about the basketball shorts."
Ianite laughed, a clear laugh, one that sounded like mission bells and high notes sung by church choirs to Jordan. "You have the same sense of humor too," she said. "And the same messy hair."
"Is it alright if I ask you a question, my lady?"
"Of course."
"What's Spark like? Or what was he like, I guess? Is that an okay thing for me to ask you?"
Ianite nodded. "Yes. It's just a bit of a difficult question for me to answer for... a couple of reasons." She sighed. "He was older, for one, by maybe half a decade. And quieter. Far quieter. He used to go off for hours on these tangents about the things he'd read and what he thought of them." She smiled softly in remembrance. "Spark was a brilliant tactician." Ianite glanced over at Jordan. "He also did most of the wiring in the castle. I guess that's one thing that hasn't changed."
Jordan nodded, and she continued. "You're both very stubborn when it comes to the ones close to you, though. And gentle. I remember once he came home sopping wet in the middle of the night holding a stray kitten he'd found and announced that he'd named it Biggs."
"Mhm. It was a sweet little thing."
Jordan tossed the apple core aside on the grass. "He sounds like someone I'd get along with, if it's not weird to get along with yourself," he said. "I can tell you loved him a lot."
Ianite nodded. "I did. I still do, in fact."
"Tucker keeps pressuring me to try and go out with you, m'lady," said Jordan with a sigh. "Especially ever since he figured out that this universe's version of me ended up getting with you. It feels wrong to me, though. I can't really explain it."
Ianite tilted her head to one side in slight contemplation. "I think I understand," she said after a moment. "And I think that I agree with you. I don't know if Spark is dead, after all. I'd like to at least wait until then to do anything."
Jordan nodded. "That makes sense," he said. "I think I'm good for now, though. No offense."
"None taken."
The two sat there for a few more minutes, simply drinking in the weak spring sunshine. Jordan stood, stretched, and pulled his windbreaker back on.
Ianite's communicator beeped, and she glanced over at it. "Oh!" she said happily. "Sonja's invited me over to bake with her."
"Ooh," said Jordan. "When?"
"Now," said Ianite, picking up her bow and knife and putting the knife into its sheath at her waist.
"Ah," said Jordan. "Until next time, then, my lady. Safe travels."
"Thank you," said Ianite with a smile. "You too."
And with that, she was gone.
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wander-over-the-words · 10 months
for that ask game: 🏳️‍🌈 for nick valentine and benny :3
send me a 🏳️‍🌈 and a character name and ill share my gender/sexuality headcanon for them Nick:
Nick is asexual!! He has zero interest in that area. Does not want any. Incorrect buzzer noise. It was one of his (MANY) concerns when it came to getting with Nate, but fortunately for him Nate is ace too so he just "Nick you have no idea how okay that is like seriously"
He himself does not know what he Likes romantically. He's always liked ladies, but y'know. Nate's a man. He's the first man Nick's looked twice at. So Nick doesn't know if Nate has Awakened Something in him or if Nate is just an Exception for some reason. Doesn't rly matter to him either way, and he doesn't rly care to think on it cause he's with Nate for the long run so. who cares y'know c:
Nick identified as a man at first cause the Old Nick did. I imagine one of the first things he did when trying to separate his identity from the Old Nick's was taking a moment to think on it, but he was content to still identify as a man, so. nothing new there. He was built without gender in mind like any other pre-Gen 3 synth so. he's genderless but identifies as a man. He's a man. A metal man.
SOMEBODY CALL UP THE FOUR SEASONS CAUSE THIS IS A BI BI BABY. Tragedy: game where you can canonically be bi can't see when it has a Massive Bisexual as one of its main characters smh. He has a preference for ladies, but he is a BI MAN. I've said it before, I'll say it again: the reason the male courier can't fuck him is that he didn't feel like having gay sex that day. Had gay sex yesterday. Ask him tomorrow, see how he feels.
Benny is the most Cisgendered Man I have ever seen. I 10000000% respect anybody who sees him as trans or nb, but personally. He Is the Most Cisgendered Man I Have Ever Seen. To the point that I've always headcanoned him as. hilariously ignorant to stuff like gender.
Not prejudiced in the slightest and like. he knows who/what trans people are. he's met and slept with trans people. He just doesn't know the Ins and Outs of it. Like he's asked Ethan how come he has a moustache and where his charlies went. Has a "you can do that???" response. stuff just blows his mind in a good way. his baby's a badass cause he got his charlies cut off by a Mr. Handy INTENTIONALLY. he PAID for it. he stabs himself with a NEEDLE on a REGULAR BASIS just so he can have a MOUSTACHE AND DEEPER VOICE AND STUFF. you WISH your baby was that badass.
He's accidentally said insensitive things, like asking Ethan what his "girl name" was or wording it "used to be a broad" (I know some trans people are cool with that but Ethan is not). but to his credit he genuinely doesn't mean any harm. he's an asshole but not that much of an asshole. just uneducated (and a little stupid). He's learning. he doesn't understand what dysphoria is but he'd physically fight someone for causing Ethan to have a dysphoric episode. someone says Ethan "throws like a girl" and Benny's sitting there like >:O!!! even tho Ethan doesn't find that offensive in the slightest (hell, he'll agree with it). Ethan shows him a childhood pic and Benny just "baby that's not you?? that's a girl." and Ethan just Stares until Benny has his "oh. right." moment. any involvement Benny has with the topic of trans makes Ethan look at the camera like "he's a little confused but he's got the spirit."
He'll shoot ya in the head but Goddamn will he respect your pronouns and gender identity.
(for added hilarity: Benny's the only Chairman who's Like That.
Swank vc: get woke Benny.)
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