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captainsophiestark · 2 months ago
The Shiz University Book Fair
Fiyero Tigelaar x Reader
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Fandom: Wicked
Summary: Fiyero made an enemy in his destruction of the library, but it might be just the spark he needs to find something in life that matters.
Word Count: 2,952
Category: Angst, Fluff
A/N: The actor who played Fiyero the first time I saw the musical will forever and always hold the place of favorite in my heart, but damn, Jonathan Bailey is a VERY close second.
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"That self-important, irreverent, stupid, idiot."
I grumbled to myself, using it to vent a little bit of my temper as I worked through my corner of the library. The books I'd been meticulously organizing, gathering, and cataloguing had been scattered to the winds, and even worse, some of them had sustained damage. I couldn't be completely sure yet, but it also seemed like a few were missing. I was going to kill that stupid fucking prince.
"Well, I see someone completely ignored my critical lesson yesterday."
Speak of the devil and he will appear. I huffed, then set down the stack of books in my hand before whirling around with a fierce scowl. None other than Fiyero Tigelaar stood before me, much closer than was wise if he knew how badly I wanted to hit him, staring at me with his arms crossed and an insufferable smile on his face.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I demanded, absolutely seething. Fiyero just shrugged, apparently completely unaffected.
"I noticed you didn't come to the Oz Dust last night. I figured that meant I had more work to do in corrupting my fellow classmates." He gave a significant look to the stacks of books behind me. "Apparently, I was right."
"If you so much as move a finger to touch my books again, I swear, I'll knock that stupid smile right off your face. For good."
Fiyero's eyebrows raised, but his grin only widened. He held up his hands as if to placate me, but he also took a step forward. I narrowed my eyes.
"Listen, I'm just trying to say... you seem a little stressed," he said. I scoffed, but it didn't deter him. "And in my professional opinion, you need to let go of some of this stress before it eats you alive. Living in the library, working day and night, not letting go and having fun? I've seen it claim more than one attractive classmate whom I could've saved. I'm not letting it happen this time."
I clenched and unclenched my fists, barely managing to restrain myself from punching him in the nose. Clearly, his flirty charm had worked almost universally for him before, to the point that he wasn't getting a single one of the glaringly obvious signs that I did not like him and did not want to talk to him. I huffed a long sigh through my nose.
"Fine. You want me to let off some stress? Here goes!" Fiyero grinned like he'd just won the lottery, but I steamrolled over him, relishing the moment that satisfaction dropped from his face. "I've been working on putting together pallets of books and organizing everything for months for the largest reading and book fair in Oz! All for kids, who travel from far and wide to come to the Shiz University Book Fair. For some of them, this is the only access they get to important stories, reading events, and information that they otherwise can't even dream about. I've been helping to put it on since I started here at Shiz, and for the first time, I've finally been put in charge of the whole thing. My dream job, my dream event, that will do so much good. And you fucking ruined it! 
"It's going to take me SO LONG to put everything back, reorganize what you threw around the room for your stupid dance break, replace the damaged and missing books, all before the kids come in less than a week! And frankly, if you hadn't destroyed all of my hard work, I probably would've gone dancing with my friends last night, to celebrate the end of our preparations. But instead, I'm here, working all day and night to get things back in order for one of the events that I not only enjoy most, but that's most important to me and the people who attend. Some of us know how to balance important things that we care about with dicking around, and we don't need lessons from a sanctimonious asshat who thinks he has life figured out even though it's painfully obvious that he doesn't."
Fiyero frowned at me, actually looking like he was using his brain for the first time since I'd met him. Whether he was burning up his processing power trying to think of a comeback or just fuming about someone having the nerve to shout at him, I didn't wait to find out.
"You're lucky I didn't kill you the minute you set foot in my space here," I continued, the anger leveling to a dangerous simmer rather than the explosion I'd been feeling a few moments earlier. "Now get the hell out."
With that, I whipped around, putting my back to Fiyero and returning to my stacks of books. It was the clearest method I could think of for dismissing him, and hopefully, he at least got this message.
I finished running through an inventory of the next stack of books without interruption from Fiyero. After another moment, I couldn't stand the not knowing anymore, so I whirled back around with a scowl already loaded to tell him to get lost again, this time in stronger words. But, to my surprise, he was nowhere to be seen.
I hummed to myself, scouting the library one last time. He was really gone. Good. I'd expected more of a fight, but I definitely didn't have time for one. Hopefully, that would be the last I saw of that obnoxious party boy.
"Babies and toddlers?"
"Learning to read?"
"Middle grade?"
"Everything else? Nonfiction, second language, advanced readers-"
"Everything checked off and accounted for. Now triple checked."
I let out a long sigh as I stared around the circle of my closest, most trusted volunteers. They each had clipboards in hand, running through last inventory and organization checks with me before the Shiz University Book Fair officially began. Despite how intense I'd been all morning, they all still had smiles on their faces as they indulged my over-preparedness. This event meant just as much to them as to me, after all, and we were all recovering from last week's unplanned chaos.
"Alright. Then great job, everybody. Grab some coffee or whatever else you want, and then get in position. Doors open in ten."
Everyone nodded, sharing smiles before breaking from our circle and heading off to do whatever they wanted with their last few minutes of quiet. Some of them clapped me on the shoulder on their way past, and I gave them each a smile and a nod.
After the scene Fiyero had caused in the library, not only had everything required reorganization, but a good number of the books had also required replacing. I'd managed to track down most of them, but with only a week's notice, I hadn't quite gotten all of them. Still, on such a limited time frame, I was proud of what I'd managed to accomplish. Everything was as close to perfect as it could be, in position and ready for the arrival of the kids to go off without a hitch.
Of course, no sooner had the thought crossed my mind than a new challenge popped up out of the ether to punch me in the nose. With just under ten minutes until book fair start, Fiyero had the nerve to come riding in on a bicycle, a cart behind him and a smile on his face.
I rushed across the field space where we'd set up the book stands, trying to head him off as early as possible. I caught some of our volunteers sharing glances and looking at Fiyero with interest, but this was a problem I was perfectly happy to handle myself.
"You! Get the hell out of here, right now!" I shouted, pointing to Fiyero as he stopped his bike and hopped off of it. I raced right up to him, shoving at his shoulders and trying to shoo him back onboard the bike, but he just held up his hands in surrender while still standing his ground.
"Relax! I come bearing books!"
I froze. Fiyero's shoulders relaxed when I stopped trying to shove him out of my space, but his relief was a little early as far as I was concerned. I narrowed my eyes at him, incredibly suspicious and ready to resume my attack at a moment's notice.
"What do you mean you come bearing books? What are you talking about?"
Fiyero smiled, keeping his hands up in the air as he walked to the back of the wagon he'd pulled here on his bicycle. I watched him like a hawk, but when he flipped the tarp back to reveal a few different crates of books, I couldn't stop my mouth from dropping open in shock.
"I heard what you said in the library," Fiyero said with a shrug. "I'm... sorry... that I ruined some of the books you'd prepared for the children. I didn't mean to. Or, I suppose I did, but... I didn't realize how important they were at the time. I asked around, and a few of your volunteers said you hadn't been able to replace some of the books, so... I decided to do it myself."
My eyebrows shot up as Fiyero lifted the first crate out of the cart. He walked over to me, stopping just in front of me and holding it out so I could see inside. Lo and behold, it contained more than one volume of the books I hadn't quite been able to replace on such short notice.
I looked up at Fiyero with wide eyes, all the fire and impulse for violence drained away. He just smiled back at me, and this time, it didn't seem to have the same arrogant tinge as before.
He just shrugged again.
"I'm a prince. I have my ways."
"You... you seriously went to all the trouble to track these down? Just for the book fair?"
The corner of his mouth tugged up into a smile. "I've been trying to find something useful to do with my title for a long time. It wasn't a problem."
I just breathed another surprised sigh. I didn't know how to react to the man in front of me. I'd written him off as a shallow asshole, quite validly in my opinion, but the Fiyero standing before me now seemed like a completely different man.
"So... is there somewhere in particular you'd like me to put these books?"
"Oh! Yes, uh... yeah. Follow me."
I led the way to the table I'd worked hard to cover up a slight empty spot on, and Fiyero dutifully followed me. I waved to a few of the other volunteers to unload the rest of his cart, and we worked quickly, Fiyero providing much more help than I'd been expecting. By the time the doors officially opened and the first few children arrived, everything was perfectly in place.
I'd been expecting Fiyero to take off not long after he dropped off the books, but he continued to surprise me. He talked to the kids and their families as they came in, and not long into the event, he borrowed a map of the table layouts from one of the more experienced volunteers. Within ten minutes, he was helping direct kids and families with questions, carrying their books, and sending them to people who could answer questions if he ran into one he didn't know the answer to.
I kept an eye on him all the same, expecting the other shoe to drop. Surely, the Fiyero that had destroyed my books and the rest of the library would make a reappearance at some point. And yet, he never did. The new Fiyero not only stayed, but he stayed later than some of my regular volunteers. The sun was setting by the time the last kids and families left, and Fiyero was still here, along with my most dedicated volunteer core. I shook my head as I crossed the space to talk to him, still not quite believing this had been real.
"Well!" he said, addressing me with a smile and his hands on his hips as soon as he noticed me coming. "That seems like it was a success!"
"Yeah. We're still looking at numbers, but... I think it might've been our most successful event ever."
Fiyero's smile took on a warm glow that made him much, much more handsome than I'd ever thought possible when he was destroying books.
Heat rose to my face as I glanced at the ground.
"Yeah, well... thanks." When I met his eyes again, that same warm smile almost knocked me flat as my heart raced in my chest. Still, I forced myself to take a breath and return to reality. "...Why are you here?"
Fiyero frowned. "Am... I not wanted?"
"No! No, that's not what I was trying to say. Seriously. I appreciate all your help, both with the books and with the kids today. Honestly, you were great. But... I don't know, I'm just surprised, is all. You didn't really strike me as the type of guy to hang around volunteering at a book fair for an entire day."
Fiyero hummed, glancing down with a self-deprecating smile on his face. I watched him with interest, especially when he met my eyes again with more sincerity than I'd honestly believed him capable of.
"I didn't strike myself as that type either. In fact, I pride myself on my ability to corrupt my fellow classmates despite the best efforts of people like you. But... it was nice to be a part of this. Speaking with you in the library... it's clear how much this matters. To you, of course, but to the kids and their families who come to this event... It obviously does a lot of good. It was nice to be a part of creating that."
I smiled at Fiyero, something I never could've imagined doing just a few hours ago.
"Not what I expected to hear from Mr. Nothing Matters."
Fiyero shrugged. "Well..."
He turned slightly away from me, rubbing the back of his neck and moving like he was going to retrieve his bike and leave. I reached out and grabbed his hand before he could get very far, to both our surprise. Fiyero looked at me with raised eyebrows, a light behind his eyes that I'd never seen before.
"It was wonderful to have your help," I said. "I kind of hate to admit it, but... you were a big part of the reason this event was such a success. You found replacements for books that families and kids had been waiting for and expecting, but more than that, you spent time with them. You're a prince. Whether or not you care about the title, taking the time to talk to, help, and encourage those kids, who all know exactly who you are? It was a big deal. So thank you. I'm really glad you decided to be a part of this."
The last of the guarded expression faded from Fiyero's face as he fixed me with a soft smile. He stepped closer to me, and after a moment, I let my hand fall from his before clearing my throat.
"Anyway..." I said, trying to break whatever intensity was currently building between the two of us. "If you wanted to keep doing stuff like this, you know, helping make a difference... I host a reading group every week with some of the kids who are more local. I'd love to have your help hosting that, if you'd be interested."
Fiyero was fully grinning at me now, the confidence bordering on arrogance back in full force. This time, though, I didn't quite mind it as much.
"I'd love to help with that," he said. "On one condition."
"...And what's that?"
"As long as agreeing to help with your reading group doesn't prevent me from asking you out to dinner. And maybe for some dancing, to celebrate Shiz's best ever book fair."
Despite myself, I smiled, my heart flipping in my chest. If he'd had the nerve to ask me out a week ago, I would've slapped him. Now, I quite literally couldn't think of anything I'd rather do to celebrate.
"I think we can make that work," I said, fighting and losing to a smile of my own.
"Perfect. How about... tomorrow night?"
"You're on."
We shared another smile, but before we could do anything else, the voices of my friends, the other volunteers who'd been the most involved in this event, broke in. We'd all made plans to go out and celebrate once this event was officially finished, and although they were probably pretty interested in seeing what happened with Fiyero and I, none of them wanted to wait any longer to celebrate.
"One second!" I called, waving to them before turning back to Fiyero. He was still watching me with a little smile, and it made my heart race when I noticed it. "...Do you want to come with us?"
His eyebrows shot up.
"Where are you going?"
"The Oz Dust. We're celebrating a successful event, and you were certainly a part of creating that success. It wouldn't feel right to celebrate without you."
Fiyero grinned, then took my hand in his. My heart skipped a beat, but I pushed through, letting Fiyero pull me along and towards the group of my friends.
"It would be my honor," he said, giving me one last look before turning with a smile to greet the rest of our group. I followed, watching him, still a little in awe. Whatever had caused this change in Fiyero, it was truly amazing to see. Everyone else in the school seemed to be smitten with the party boy, but suddenly, I found myself head over heels for the version of him that seemed to care as much as I did, now that he'd found a cause worth caring about.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989 @space-helen @misshale21
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hana-no-seiiki · 11 months ago
this is prolly the only fem! reader i’m ever writing with batfam in this blog. enjoy.
(implicit) yandere batfam x dommy mommy! reader
— in which these men realize you were far more than just an assistant
Galas were fun at times. But when forced to attend such repetitive events in addition to their vigilante work — well it was safe to say, it was not boding well for their sanity.
You worked as a general assistant for the BatFamily. As Alfred’s daughter, you endeavored to ease your father and his employers’s lives. You were a sweetheart. An absolute angel. The loveliest lady to ever exist.
Until you were pushed past the brink of your limits, stress wise, of course.
The whole Jason coming back from the dead and Bruce being dead took a massive blow to your sleep schedule. The boys took it as an opportunity to blur the lines between work and personal life. Slowly inserting themselves into your day to day outside of what you tirelessly scheduled for them.
So when a villain managed to break into the Batcave while you were there all on your lonesome (took a while for you to schedule every single one of them so that they’d be too busy to bother you), you didn’t take it all too kindly.
By the time the boys got back home, they were only privy to the following things
(1) You were a lot stronger than what you appeared to be. If the footage of you absolutely decimating the man wasn’t already a sure sign there was also the fact that you managed to somehow replicate a lot of the moves the boys would learn during training. Must have been something Alfred drilled into you as extra measure.
(2) You were a lot more menacing and sadistic when stressed.
The intruder looked at you with pleading eyes. His face black and blue. Could you blame yourself? You only had one night of peace and this man ruined it.
You sighed. He seemed to be incapacitated enough. Pulling out the chair to the iconic Batcomputer, you took a seat and pondered.
Bruce gave you access to all the alcohol you would need to ease the stresses of life. Might as well you shrugged.
You slowly took off the stockings Dick gifted you a while back. It was a prototype of his merch he said. You knew it was just because he really wanted to see you in fishnets. Then, you used the tip of your toe to raise the intruder’s head to face you.
You paused for a moment, remembering how Tim would often look through the cameras old footage on his free time. His overworking and stalking habits are really be something you work on.
The thought of him seeing the way you act momentarily froze you.
But the alcohol in your system begged to differ.
“Make it up to me, and I’ll let you go.”
Eh, you’ll deal with Tim and Damian scolding you for your unhealthy habits later. And your dad’s sermons on professional behavior.
And whatever mess Jason makes you clean up for the night too.
The boys watched the footage with bated breath and tighter pants at your actions. This was a side they’ve never expected from you.
You poured a drink of your choice down your thighs and legs. The liquid slowly dripped down the skin of your calves and ankles before it reached the tip of your toe.
“What kind of an assistant would I be if I didn’t give a guest a drink?”
And (3)
They would kill to be that man.
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thefiery-phoenix · 10 months ago
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I seriously pray for you if you're related to Charles or Crystal in some way, your privacy is immediately thrown out of the damn window and you won't ever have a moment to yourself since you'll always have your sister Crystal looking out for you and Charles would make sure Gun, Goo and DG keep an eye out for you too. He'd even ask Kouji to place a tracking device in your phone and ensure he always has access to whatever you're doing on your phone, he's a concerned parent after all and he doesn't trust this toxic world filled with darkness that could corrupt you and put you in danger. Look, he might be a complete scumbag and takes the pleasure of ruining people's lives but you're the apple of his eye and he'll do anything to ensure your safety
Let's start off with Charles Choi as a parental figure for you. He'll be controlling, manipulative and won't be above gaslighting you to spend time with him. He's a businessman after all, he's Elite, when he wants something he gets it no matter what and you're no exception for it. He NEEDS to know what you're doing at every second of the day, he doesn't care how old you are, you could be a literal adult and yet he'd still treat you like a child and infantize you. He's overbearing with his protectiveness for you, you almost feel suffocated in his presence. But you won't even realize he's secretly gaslighting you and making sure you're isolated from other people other than him and your sister and the people that he really trusts, he's really crafty and subtle about this. It's for your own good, he keeps telling himself as he threatens and blackmails one of your so called friends to leave you the hell alone unless they want to end up on the news the next day dead. He doesn't care if he's overbearing for you, he has every RIGHT to be overbearing, truthfully, he doesn't even realize what he's doing is wrong. He firmly believes that he has every right to do this since you're his child after all and he's your guardian and parental figure
He likes it when you rely on him for things, deep down he's slightly worried and nervous you'll grow up too fast and leave him and your sister behind and you won't need him anymore. He can't stand and fathom the thought of you being away from him, his paranoia for your safety and fear of losing you would act in an overdrive. Charles Choi has only one weakness and that's you, the dear apple of his eye. He sees you as some defenseless vulnerable innocent little thing that would get chewed up by the world within mere seconds and he'd be damned if someone dared to take advantage of you. It doesn't matter even if you know how to fight or how well aware you are of everything happening around you, he'll still pat your head in a patronizing manner like you're some kind of child and have a slight amused smirk while you're ranting to him. Silly naive child, you NEED him to take care of you
You won't be allowed to live a normal lifestyle, you'll have private tutors to teach you and the day he'll allow you attend a public school or university would be the day HELL would FREEZE over. He knows what sort of nonsense takes place in schools and universities these days with all those cases of rampant bullying and such. He doesn't want you falling into the hands of some lowly thug with no decorum. Of course, he'd have him killed that same night but still, he isn't going to take the risk and chance of having you get hurt. Your safety matters more than your happiness, you could plead with him as much as you want regarding you wanting to go to a public school to have a normal life and he'd just outright refuse you each and every single time, it's like you're talking to a brick wall with him. By no means is he an emotional man, he has no time for such frivolous nonsense but it just doesn't sit right with him when he imagines you getting hurt and getting scars as thoughts of the worst would flash his mind when he thinks of your life at a public school which would make him even more strict about your safety. He never wants to see the day you cry, it would just...pain him emotionally. If you're crying because of him, it was probably because of something unavoidable and he'll gently shush you and wipe your tears away as he pats your head. However if you're crying because of someone else, well...that person would disappear off the face of the earth, he goes straight for the kill. He's a man of his word and always gets straight to the point without beating around the bush, so one single shot to the head to end whatever lousy scumbag who dared to make your tears spill from your eyes would guarantee him to be dead. Surprisingly he won't let anyone else do his dirty work for him whenever he has to kill someone for messing with you, he needs to feel the satisfaction of watching the light of the world and the life leave the person's eyes as he kills them. Of course, he'll cover the death up by making it look like there was some kind of gang violence going on and blame one of his chess pawns and pay off the police department to keep their mouths shut unless they want to lose their jobs and get blacklisted from every company existing
He loves to spoil you till your heart desires. Ask him whatever you want, except for your privacy and freedom and he'd be more than happy to indulge his expenses for you. You like reading and publishing books? Well, look who managed to get a publishing contract from one of the most famous publishing companies in the country? But of course, you're not allowed to publish anything questionable like romance and such, he thinks you're way too naive for such things and you're young for it. You're also not allowed to use your real name. You're also expected to show him your works before you end up publishing something and of course, you won't need to feel the pressure of the publishers and editors pestering you constantly for new works, you can write at your own leisure. Not unless they want their company to shut down and be on the streets for the rest of their miserable lives. He'll never entertain the idea and thought of someone every daring to dictate your life. Other than him of course, he has that right thanks to his twisted mindset of keeping you safe. You like singing and music? He'll get you the best brands of instruments money can buy and a whole karaoke system for you. He'd love to hear you sing and would have a smile on his face, telling you how proud he is of you for your wonderful and melodious singing, he thinks you sing as sweet as a nightingale. Well, in a way you are a nightingale trapped in a golden cage. If you're into art he'll get you the best quality of brushes and you'll have an unlimited amount of canvases and art supplies for your use. You'll have an entire art studio at the house for yourself and he'll be pleased when you hand him a painting or one of your art works. He would definitely store all your works in a secret room to ensure they don't get ruined and where he'll have access too since other people don't deserve to see your talent, they're undeserving pests who don't have the right to look at you in the eye
You won't ever get wind of what he does behind the scenes regarding the crews and gangs and how he rose to power and such and he'll do whatever the hell it takes to prevent you from finding out the truth about him. You'll be left in the dak regarding all the evil messed up things he does and unless someone wants to lose their tongue, they'd better keep their mouths shut. Also there's no reason for you to work, whatever do you want to work for, don't be silly. However if you really want to work, he make you join his company and you can have your own office just for the sake of it but no actual responsibilities. If you think of applying for jobs elsewhere, he'll pull in some strings to ensure you don't end up getting the job. He doesn't care that he's sabotaging your chances of getting a job, you aren't allowed to be away from him, away from your family, end of discussion
While Charles would handle the killings and brutal stuff, your sister Crystal handles the planning and goes for a more calculated approach from behind the scenes. If you have the habit of maintaining a diary, guess who knows all your secrets now and you've also just sentenced half the people in your diary to death. Look, she loves you and cares for you, in her own twisted manner after all, she inherited her father's possessiveness and obsessive tendencies to protect you after all. Like her dad, she views you as someone who's pure for this world and she wants to keep you sheltered in a safe bubble by whatever means necessary. She might love you but the minute you're up to something she will immediately snitch on you to Charles. Don't ever expect her to take your side though during an argument regarding your feelings of being trapped and such, she'll always side with her dad no matter what and thinks he's doing the right thing by shielding you from the world outside. You'll understand in due time how much they love you
If someone picks on you, she'll find a way to ruin their life socially by spreading allegations and such against that person and ensure their name gets dragged down in the mud. Which honestly isn't a hard thing to do for her. She is borderline insane and crazy, she just masks it like her dad, she'll be breathing down your neck every damn second of the day and she'll always have her eye on whatever you do. She'll have Gun and Goo follow you everywhere and she'll tag along as well. You're not allowed to go anywhere without her. She'll also be able to detect whenever you're lying, her eyes will narrow instantly and stare at you with a stern look on her face like a strict parent till she finds out whatever your intentions are and if they're something she and her dad won't approve of they're shutting it down immediately before that thought of yours can grow into something bigger. Even she has access to your laptop and phone, although the only contacts you're ever allowed to have are your dad, her, Gun, Goo, Kouji and DG, that's IT. Don't even THINK about dating, romance is off the table for you
You might not know about the secret of her two bodies, she prefers to keep it that way and her dad told her to let it remain a secret as well, it'll make it easier for her to be with you at all times. She's experienced a lot of bullying from people because of her weight and thinks society is shallow for prioritizing people's looks and appearances which is why she doesn't want you suffering the same way she did and she'll tell you things that'll give you a negative view of romance. She just doesn't want you getting hurt like she did, she's a protective big sister trying to keep you safe. She won't like it if you hang around Daniel too much, he's always getting in some or the other kind of trouble and the last thing she needs is for you to end up being dragged into his messes and the whole crew nonsense so she'll ensure you maintain a distance from him till she sneakily isolates you from him completely. Don't feel bad, you have her to rely on, your sister is always there to lend a shoulder for supporting you. Overall, Charles and Crystal are borderline insane, psychotic and won't hesitate to wipe out anyone who stands against them or tries to take you away from them. You're the apple of their eye after all...
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achaotichuman · 4 months ago
Have y'all missed these? I have. The rambling juice machine is running again apparently.
Okay, so I just saw a post @an6elic-d3vil made about the scene in Frozen where Elsa freezes Anna's heart reminding them of Tamlin's outburst in the study in ACOMAF, and it triggered a very very long rant about this. You can find the original post here, I didn't want to hijack it with my senseless rambling.
Also, side note, I think I've gone into some detail about what I'm going on about here before. I don't think I've ever made a full explanation of my line of thinking. But just to preface, if I get a singular comment or reblog calling me an abuse apologist, a victim blamer or a misogynist, you will not be acknowledged and you will be blocked.
Anyway, onto the rant.
Honestly, this is the best example of what happened between Tamlin and Feyre. No one blames Elsa for harming Anna, despite her finally accessing full power, no one would expect her to have full control over them, she had lived in fear of them her entire life. She saw herself as a monster who could hurt or potentially kill Anna, and when eventually pushed to her absolute breaking point, she exploded. Anna wasn't at fault either, but later on, it's clear she recognized that Elsa wasn't in full control, and that what she had done was not an example of her true character but a reaction she had no control over.
It's the same situation with Feyre, minus how Anna handled the situation, Tamlin had just gotten back the full extent of his powers, whilst still under immense stress. He canonically did not want the High lord's magic, and viewed himself as a monster who could hurt or potentially kill those around him. He lived in fear of himself, and when eventually pushed to his absolute breaking point, he exploded. It was a natural reaction that he had no control over whatsoever. Feyre was not at fault for it either, but unlike Anna, Feyre actively went out of her way to attribute this outburst to Tamlin's true character, when it was obviously a reaction that he actively regretted.
Tamlin then tried to reign in his magic, despite still being under immense stress, and having to deal with power that was out of control. He tried to be better, but unlike Anna with Elsa, who tried to help Elsa, Feyre sabotaged his attempts and purposefully pushed him to the point that he would lose control of his magic, and then put herself in harms way so that she could ruin his reputation.
When you look at it how it is and not through the eyes of Feyre's biased POV, what Feyre did to Tamlin when she returned to the Spring Court, is far more sinister.
Was Feyre being harmed by Tamlin's outburst of magic the first time her fault? No, of course not.
Was Feyre being harmed by Tamlin's outburst of magic the second time, when she manipulated him into having an attack, and then went out of her way to ensure he harmed her so that she could ruin his reputation and therefore destabilize the Court, her fault? HMMMMM....
Not to mention that throughout that scene, at least from my shitty memory, Tamlin was aware that he was slowly reaching his breaking point, and telling, practically pleading with Feyre, to stop, so that he didn't hurt her by accident.
Hmm, an orchestrated pattern of behavior, in this case preying on your partner's fear and high-functioning anxiety that is driven by their intense trauma, that centers around forcing a reaction out of them so that you can maintain power and control over how other people perceive them for your own personal gain? Sounds a lot like...
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On a side note, I'm also kind of done with the continued rhetoric that Feyre should have 'just gone after Tamlin' and left the rest of the Spring Court alone. Because, honest to God, explain to me why she is justified in abusing Tamlin.
"He locked her up." She was attempting to follow him onto dangerous territory, despite being untrained, in a new body, and having a history of running into dangerous situations and winding up needing to saved. Even when it came to Amarantha, Feyre DIED. She has never succeeded once in protecting herself on her own when in a highly dangerous situation, she always ended up needing someone beside her or to rescue her.
"He was controlling her." He had a few sentries ensure that she would not be in harm's way. They had Amarantha's big boss coming at them and Feyre just killed one of his biggest assets, you don't think that Tamlin wouldn't be smart enough to know that Hybern would have his eyes set on Feyre?
Should Tamlin have helped Feyre in training her new powers? Yes. Did his fear of losing Feyre again blind him to what she actually needed? Also yes. But I implore you to refer to the Elsa and Anna example above. Now, that's a little bit different, Elsa was the one locking herself away, but the principle remains. Elsa controlled Anna in not allowing her to marry Hans, hiding information that caused the entire plot of the movie, and wound up harming Anna significantly because of this. But the important thing to note is that, Elsa didn't know any better. How could she have known that Anna would be able to handle this information when it literally almost killed them as kids? Plus, no one would ever say Elsa wasn't entirely correct in telling Anna she could not marry Hans, she did know better in that regard. Why would Tamlin want to involve Feyre in more magic, when she literally died a few months ago after getting too involved with Fae? And why would Tamlin not know better than Feyre when it came to her following him on a dangerous mission, he has been in these situations before, and knows more about them.
Feyre was traumatized and needed a space that Tamlin could not give her, but Tamlin needed a space that Feyre couldn't give him either. They didn't help each other, they weren't physically able to, and neither were in a mental state in which they could successfully care for the other. And that is neither of their fault. But I again ask you, why is that a reason that Feyre should be allowed to abuse Tamlin as 'punishment'?
I have absolutely strayed from the original point I wanted to make, but I'm sort of glad I did. I've never considered Elsa and Anna as a possible example of Feyre and Tamlin's relationship and yet, it's almost a perfect reflection. Trauma will change the way people think, and when panicked people lose their rationale. Tamlin should have done things differently, and later on, when he saw how his actions led to Feyre ending up in the Night Court, he actively tried to be better.
If any of you have anything to add, please do. I think there is also something to be said about the power imbalance between Feyre and Tamlin, but I think it's also similar to that of Elsa and Anna, where Elsa is Queen and Anna is the Princess.
Also, obviously, Feyre's fucked up perception of Tamlin is driven by SJM trying to break up Feylin to make Feysand happen, so a lot of things that Tamlin does are just... very random? They happen not because, Tamlin as a character would do that, but because SJM is trying to make Tamlin a horrible person. Which she is failing to do, because all of these things happen off screen, e.i killing the sentries who were on duty when Morrigan kidnapped Feyre, giving Lucien a black eyes and a split lip, etc. We don't see the very random acts of cruelty on screen, and if we do see acts of cruelty, they tend to be for a good reason. For example, the wraiths that had nothing to give for the Tithe, and Tamlin being like "Well you give something, or you're gonna be hunted down." This happens because, one- everyone has to do it, no exceptions are ever made, and two- what each person has is calculated and their taxes are all equal to the amount they have, which is extremely fair tbh.
So, yeah, this is my very long post of why Feyre is actually a really shitty character and what she did to Tamlin and the Spring Court was not a #girlyboss move, but actually a "You abused your ex for funzies" move.
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daylite-writes · 1 year ago
Ayo ayo!!! I got an angsty idea for ya!!
Imagine this:
The harbingers find out that the reader has a plot to kill them/the Tsaritsa. How does this go? How do they react?
And for even more angst;
Imagine if they were successful
(Songbird anon- New anon)
OKAY OKAY OKAY I LIKE THIS (also hi ur my first named anon!). I won’t be doing “if you succeed in killing them”, since they’re dead and therefore won’t have a reaction lmao. I also won’t be doing every Harbinger here because that’s so many words omg. Probably will have multiple parts if ppl are interested.
Wasn’t sure if the ask was meant to be yandere, but this kinda is lmao. To varying degrees for each. Didn’t go too hard on angst but oh well
cw: yandere, violence, referenced death, implied kidnapping, death of reader (in Arlecchino’s), etc.
Childe - mixed results
If you attempt to kill him? Oh baby. He lives for this shit. If you are strong enough to even get close? Well, his heavy panting, wide eyes, and red cheeks convey his feelings easily. If he wins the interaction, overpowering you and forcing you to the ground, he won’t kill you. He’ll probably let you up, let you try again—come onnn. Don’t tell him you can’t continue. You wanted this, baby. Try again. If you escape unscaved, then by god he’ll be thinking about this for weeks. Blushing, refusing to wrap the scars you give him.
If you attempt to kill the Tsaritsa, Child takes it very, very badly. One thing people forget about this man is he is not loyal to the harbingers, but he is extremely loyal to the Tsaritsa. Sentient abyssal creatures tend to latch onto an idea, a “purpose” of sorts that they will hinge their entire sanity on. Without her guidance he is nothing. He will fight tooth and bone to squash any attempts you make on her life. He takes on his Foul Legacy form to fight you, and in his anger, would end up either maiming or ending you. If you survive, he will make sure it never happens again (Read: mangling you). You just had to ruin a good thing, huh baby?
Succeed in killing the Tsaritsa? He’s either killing you, or dying trying. There is no way you’d both survive.
Dottore - Takes it pretty well
Attempt to kill him? How annoying. If it’s a physical attack, he’ll simply thwart it, pinning you down, tossing you in an observation cell, or sedating you. After, he’ll probably just reduce your privileges—less access to the lab, no longer allowed to go out without him. Be a brat, and he’ll put you on a leash no problem.
But… if you're clever about it? If you're slipping poison into his coffee, or setting up traps around his lab, only to greet him at dinner with only a strained smile when it fails? How fun. He’ll let it continue until he’s bored of it, ignoring your attempts. Honestly; it’s a little cute. He’s blushing a little bit you can’t tell with his mask.
Attempt to kill the Tsaritsa? He’ll stop you. Weirdly enough, he’ll only really punish you if the Harbingers or the Tsaritsa herself noticed. Otherwise, he’ll chastise you, leading you back to his lab with his thin, sharp fingers digging into the back of your neck.
Succeed in killing the Tsaritsa? Well… damn. You gonna eat that? He’s kinda turned on. This isn’t a dealbreaker for him, unless it really messes with his plans, in which case he’ll punish you for it later. An easy way to get out of trouble with him is to just gift him the Tsaritsa’s corpse. So thoughtful! He’s never had the opportunity to play around with the remains of an archon. Hm? What about overthrowing Celestia? He’s the second of the fatui harbingers, on the power level of a god, they’ll figure it out.
Arlecchino - takes it badly
Try and kill her? Her eyes sharpen as she evaluates you, panting heavily and on your knees. You’ve proven yourself a traitor, and a bold one at that. Something so bold, to her, indicates you are not an independently acting force. There are others you work for or with. After a moment, her face softens. “I’m hurt” she says, voice raw, “But I love you. Leave and never return.” You take the chance. You have to.
It’s a trap. Her subordinates—handpicked by her—are trailing you, stalking you. The moment your guard drops and you meet with your associates, she’s got you again.
The last thing you see are her boots, languidly walking towards you. The last thing you hear is her voice, barely cutting through the screams of your co-workers. “I suppose I should kill you. It’d be fair. But I am… selfish. Don’t worry, darling, you won’t go unpunished. This will be a fate worse than death.” The last thing you feel is her claws, carding through your hair.
Try to kill the Tsaritsa? You’re called into her office with little explanation what for. Usually, it’s empty. But there are Fatui by the doors. Scattered over her desk, is the proof of your sins. An attack against the highest of the Fatui. You can’t see it, but her heart is quick, and her throat tight. She opens her mouth to speak, baring her teeth, too white, too sharp. Her voice trembles a bit, almost minutely. “You understand what this means? What the collapse of the Fatui would mean for me? For my children? And still…”
It’s a death sentence. She speaks it once, lifting her hand to signal her children to step forward. She doesn’t do the job herself, leaving the room, letting the heavy wooden slam behind her.
Kill the Tsaritsa? She’s not there at the time. Still in Fontaine while your plan gets carried out in Snezhnaya. When she gets the news, she freezes. Hardly a few weeks ago, she found the will to break character for a moment to press a kiss to your cheek before you set out on the voyage north. She ignites the page as soon as she’s done, storming to her private quarters.
Later, when she collects herself, she’d set her assassins out, correspond with any remaining harbingers, and lay out a plan for the future. For one, painful night though, she mourns.
Scaramouche - Manipulatable
Try kill him? Oh god. The monologue. You almost wished he just killed you in response. The “fourth betrayal, at the hand of his lover, cruelest of them all—” it’s a long tangent, and your body hurts from the binds. Don’t tune it out though, because the moment he notices, a jolt of electricity tears through your body. His face darkens at your scream. How dare you ignore him—he probably won’t kill you, but your leash shortens considerably.
Whether you kill the Tsaritsa, or plan to kill the Tsaritsa it’s roughly the same response. It all depends on how you treat him after. Suck up, apologizing again and again, creeping closer and closer, until you climb on his lap, whispering how you only have eyes for him. You love him. So much. Press a kiss to his cold, doll-like cheek. Say after it was all done, you were going to run away with him—it’s your best shot. He may just stow you away, somewhere where his coworkers can’t get to you. He’d keep you to himself and tell everyone he disposed of you.
If you’re unapologetic, making it clear you didn’t care for him, he’d freak the fuck out. A very dangerous temper tantrum. At the end of it, you’re hardly conscious, laying on soft blankets, body throbbing in pain, you wince when you try to move. A hand, porcelain and cold, drags you down. Stay still, he says. You’ve been an idiot and gotten yourself mangled. By him, yeah. He couldn’t bring himself to kill you though.
So… much… and i didn’t even get half of themmm aaaaa
Anyways I really enjoyed this ask, but doing something for all of the harbingers is a lot, plus this is a side blog and I’m 6k works deep in a main blog project, bleh.
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loopstagirl · 27 days ago
For @febuwhump day 1: vocal chords
John smirked as his captor stalked away, frustration radiating from him. He wasn’t having trouble getting John to talk: he was having trouble getting him to talk either in a language he understood or for John to say anything his somewhat limited intellect could handle. 
Shifting position, John sighed. He couldn’t doubt the man’s intelligence that much. Not considering his shore-leave had somehow ended up with him handcuffed to a chair in a warehouse downtown New York somewhere. He’d promised Scott he’d be back at the penthouse for lunch after dropping something off at the office. He wasn’t worried about this man killing him: he was more concerned what his big brother would do when he failed to show up on time. 
“We’re going to try something new.” 
John blinked. The man was back in front of him. John didn’t say anything, just stared at him, acting bored. Yes, he was worried: his hands were cuffed behind him; his captor had managed to whisk him off busy streets without anyone being the wiser; somehow, he also seemed adamant John was able to access his father’s accounts and was refusing to take no for an answer. 
(John wasn’t going to admit that he could: even his dad didn’t know that. John intended to keep it that way.) 
His gaze moved past the man and his heart sank. A camera had been set up. So much for hoping he could get himself out of this without anyone noticing he’d gone. 
He knew how this went. They all did. It wasn’t the first time some low-life criminal had got lucky and attempted to ransom one of them. While they had never got away with it, John wasn’t in the mood to handle his brothers’ teasing that he’d ruined his reputation of being the only one not taken hostage one way or another. Even if Gordon protested that his captors had been of kindergarten age and didn’t count. 
John blinked. He hadn’t paid attention as the man had set up a vid-call with the island. His father’s concerned face was staring back at him from a small monitor. Judging by the tone of his voice, that hadn’t been the first time he’d called John’s name. 
“I’m okay.” John forced a smile. 
“This is how it’s going to go,” his captor said. “Your son is going to tell you what I want. You are going to comply. You will regret it if you don’t.” 
“You’ll regret it if he does,” John muttered. While the man didn’t hear his words, he heard him say something. 
“And you.” He rounded on John. “You’re going to tell your father exactly what I want, or you’ll pay, understand?” 
John didn’t bother answering. He just stared coolly back. 
“Go on then.” His captor gestured at the camera. 
“Downtown New York. Six blocks from the office minimum. Warehouse. Damp smelling, old, can just about hear traffic-,” 
The man approached, grabbing a fistful of hair and yanking John’s head back.  
“Middle-aged, Caucasian, brown trousers, green-,”  
John gasped. His mouth stayed open in pain as agony shot from a point in his neck, fire running through his veins as he squeezed his eyes shut. Chest heaving, he forced them open to look at the camera. 
His dad was on his feet, yelling something, but there was a ringing in his ears that stopped John from hearing him properly. He tried to say something... and nothing happened. 
His mouth moved, his brain yelled, and no words came out of his mouth. 
“Ah yes, I thought that might shut you up.” The man sounded smug now. John looked at him in time to see him throw a needle in the bin. The man saw him looking and chuckled. 
“I just paralysed your vocal chords,” he sneered. “Be thankful it’s a targeted drug and the effects don’t spread. But never fear: I have another dose if we need it.” 
He turned back to the camera. “Now, where were we?” 
His dad was ignoring the man, his attention fixed on his son. John tried to speak again, but nothing. He shook his head desperately, staring at the image of his father, rising panic making his breathing pick up. 
“It’s okay, Johnny.” The reassuring note helped him control the rapid rise and fall of his chest. 
“It’s not okay!” his captor screamed. “I’ve paralysed your son’s vocal chords, Tracy. Next one goes in his heart!” 
“I don’t think so.” 
John recognised the cold edge to his dad’s voice. The man had overplayed his hand. He might’ve walked away if he just asked for money and didn’t harm John. Of course, he wouldn’t have got a cent, but he might have kept his life. Now, however, it was a different story. 
“You don’t understand-,” 
“No. You don’t understand. You’ve made a very big mistake coming after my family and my boy. If this is not temporary, no jail on earth will keep you safe from me.” 
There was utmost certainty in Jeff’s voice. But it didn’t reassure John. Not temporary? It had to be temporary! His voice was his life! He’d be no good to his family, to International Rescue, to the world, if he couldn’t speak. 
Whatever the man was about to say was lost in a tremendous crash as the door was kicked in. John looked, but he didn’t need to. Only Scott would make an entrance like that, and the terrified squeak from his captor meant it had the desired effect. 
In two strides, Scott was across the room, his hands bunched in the fabric of the man’s shirt, almost lifting him from his feet. 
“You okay, J?” 
John stared helplessly at his brother. When he didn’t answer, Scott glanced at him. He didn’t say anything else, not needing to ask but seeing the sheer panic in John’s expression. He put the man down. 
“That’s right. I’ve silenced the know-it-all-,” 
He probably didn’t even see Scott’s fist coming. After checking he was out cold once he’d hit the floor, Scott straightened. He too was breathing hard. 
“No one calls him that,” he spat. He glanced at the monitor before hurrying to John. 
“Are you okay?” 
John shook his head. He tried to speak again and stared at Scott, willing him to understand. 
“It’s alright. I’m getting you out of here.” 
John didn’t pay attention as Scott freed his hands and spoke quickly to their dad. From what he did hear, Scott had already been tracking his signal and was close by. John’s description of his location had helped him pinpoint it even quicker. But he couldn’t listen as his dad returned the favour and told Scott why John couldn’t talk. 
“Let’s get you to the hospital, little brother.” 
Scott helped him up. John pointed at the man, then when Scott frowned, shrugged off his brother’s grip and rummaged in the fellow’s pockets. He shuddered when he realised he’d been telling the truth; there was another dose waiting. Scott took it from him. 
The doctors would need it to know what he’d been hit with. Hopefully, it would mean they also knew how long the effects would last or have a counterdrug on hand to help. 
A couple of hours later and John had been examined. They’d taken his blood, prodded and poked around his throat, asked him questions he couldn’t answer until someone had finally given him an old-fashioned pad and pen. 
The examination felt like a lifetime. Scott stayed in the room, but kept quiet after a formidable doctor told him that he either shut up or get out. Just because John couldn’t speak didn’t mean he couldn’t answer for himself. Scott had done as he was told. 
Eventually, the doctors were in a huddle on the far side of the room. Scott moved to sit on the edge of the bed. 
“It’s okay,” he murmured. John held up a hand, asking his brother to be quiet as he strained to hear what was being said. 
“... results are back. It should’ve worn off by now.” 
“We’ll keep monitoring. Let’s do another CT to see if the nerves have been damaged.” 
They left, having no idea their patient had heard them. John looked at Scott, and knew his brother saw the terror in his eyes. 
“It’ll be okay.” Scott took his hand, kneeling by the bed. “I swear, it’ll be okay.” 
John shook his head, blinking through tears as he gestured for Scott to hand him the pad. His brother obliged. 
What if it’s not? 
“Then we’ll find a way,” Scott said. “You know us, Johnny, we always find a way.” 
And if we can’t? If I can’t speak... 
He glanced at the door. He didn’t dare write anything about IR. Scott understood, though. 
“If this is permanent,” his voice shook as he said it, “then we will adapt.” 
John closed his eyes so he didn’t have to look at Scott. He didn’t understand. Scott was a man of action: he let his body language (or fists, sometimes) do the talking for him. But from the moment he’d learnt to talk, John knew that was what he was destined to do. What was the point of having knowledge if he couldn’t share it? What was the point of monitoring the world’s problems if he couldn’t offer reassurance, couldn’t talk his brothers through danger zones? Couldn’t yell warnings or offer comfort from Thunderbird Five after a bad rescue? 
If he couldn’t speak, John didn’t know who he was. 
“J. Look at me.”  
As always, he was helpless to resist the commanding tone in Scott’s voice. 
“We have Brains. We have Dad.”  
John read between the lines – they had their father’s money, which meant they had the best specialists in the world. 
He started to shake his head again, but Scott rested his hands (gently) on John’s neck, stopping the action. 
“We have options, John. Besides, it might still be fine. Just because it’s taken longer to wear off than it should do doesn’t meant that it won’t. Not like the guy was a pro at sticking needles in people.” 
John knew Scott was trying to cheer him up but it wasn’t working. The fact the man hadn’t been a professional only increased the risk that he’d done something irreversible. Scott saw that his efforts were in vain and he stood up. 
“Dad’s on his way. I’ll go and talk to your doctors, find out exactly what they think rather than what we’ve overheard. It’s going to be alright, little brother.” 
He squeezed John’s shoulder, gave him a long, worried look, and left. 
Once alone, John tried to speak. His mouth was open, his throat working, but not even a whisper escaped him. The words were all in his mind, ready to spill out, to tell everyone was he was thinking, what he was feeling, but nothing. 
No matter what he tried, he couldn’t make a sound. 
He didn’t know how long he tried for. It was if he lost all sense of time, eventually coming back to himself only to realise he was out of bed, on his knees by the side of it, hands scrunched in the blanket in his frustration. The silence of the room was deafening him, mocking him with the idea that’s what he’d be surrounded by now. 
With a wordless cry, he swung his arm up, knocking everything off the unit next to the bed with an almighty clatter. His mouth stayed open in a silent scream. Running footsteps hurried towards his room, Scott bursting in, a doctor on his heels. 
John doubled up as Scott dropped to his knees next to him. Strong arms pulled him upright, holding him. 
“We need answers, doctor,” Scott commanded. “Whatever it takes.” 
“Understood, Mr Tracy.” 
The doctor disappeared again. John closed his eyes, trying to focus on the rhythmic sound of Scott’s heartbeat under his ear, hoping it would calm him. 
“I know what your voice means to you, John. It means everything to the rest of us as well. Knowing that you’re watching over us, guiding us through situations that need an eye in the sky viewpoint. Hearing you reassure us that we did everything we could, even when it feels like we didn’t. What you have to say keeps our family together: it always has. No matter what the doctor says, we will not give up. And I meant it earlier: if there is no easy fix, we’ll adapt. No voice doesn’t mean you can’t speak, little brother. I promise.” 
John couldn’t bring himself to nod. He kept his eyes squeezed shut, allowing the tears to leak out as Scott gently rocked them both, as if John was still the little boy who didn’t understand why other children picked on him for always knowing the answer. 
“I promise, J. It’s going to be okay.”  
There was something safe about Scott’s arms. He didn’t need to speak for his brother to know what he wanted. They stayed there, Scott either not noticing or uncaring that John was soaking his shirt. After a while, he dozed off, exhausted by the day’s events. 
“How is he?” The quiet voice drew him back to alertness. He was still in Scott’s arms but as he regained consciousness, he felt a soft blanket being placed on his shoulders. 
“How you’d expect,” Scott said. “Still can’t speak. The guy who did this to him?” 
“In custody.” It was their dad’s voice. “About to get hit with everything our lawyers can get on him.” 
“I’ll take him,” their dad offered, but Scott’s grip tightened. 
“I’ve got him.”  
“Virgil’s gone to find coffee and Gordon and Alan are checking the penthouse is secure if we need to stay in town.” 
“It is secure. He wasn’t taken from there.” 
“I know that, and you know that, but your brothers don’t, do they?” 
Scott gave a small chuckle that John felt reverberating through his entire body. No doubt their siblings needed something to do, and John was glad they weren’t all crowding him when he couldn’t reassure them. 
He tapped Scott’s forearm with one finger. His brother’s hold changed until he helped John sit up. John pulled the blanket further around his shoulders, although he wasn’t sure if he was cold or not. 
“Hey, kiddo,” his dad said warmly. “Wanna let your brother off the floor?” 
He took his father’s outstretched hand, allowing him to draw him first to his feet, then into a hug. John smiled weakly when the man drew back. 
“Still no luck, huh?” 
John shook his head and glanced away. It was bad enough that Scott had seen his emotions overcome him. He didn’t want his dad seeing them too. 
“Don’t mind me,” Scott pretended to grumble as he got to his feet. “I’m just the one that’s had a sleeping lump on me for the last hour or so.” 
“You’ll survive,” Jeff said lightly. John appreciated that they were giving him something else to focus on.  
He reached out, touching Scott’s arm and nodding in appreciation. Scott smiled. 
“Don’t mention it.” 
John sat down on the edge of the bed, absently rubbing his throat, wondering, praying, that it was feeling any different. He couldn’t tell.  
He pulled the pad towards him, flicking to his last message to Scott and turning the paper to face his father. 
If I can’t speak... 
He was only supposed to be home for another couple of days. Alan had come down early so Brains could run some maintenance. John was due back on Thunderbird Five by the end of the week. They needed a plan, needed a contingency... 
“Let’s not get ahead of ourselves,” his dad murmured. “We’ll deal with that as and when the time arrives. I’ve spoken to your doctors. They aren’t sure why the drug hasn’t worn off, but have a few options of things they want to try. We’re nowhere near the end of the line yet, Johnny.” 
He nodded glumly. They were speaking sense. He’d be the first to tell one of the others not to panic; there was still time and alternatives before they needed to dwell on worst case scenarios. But it was apparently a lot easier reassuring them than it was himself. 
He drew his knees up, hugging them to his chest, feeling young and vulnerable. His family appeared around him, gentle touches and words of reassurance as they tried to make him feel better. But every time he tried to say something, nothing happened. 
Gordon and Alan exchanged worried looks. Virgil was pouring over his chart, murmuring suggestions out loud to Scott, who was watching John and probably not understanding a word. Their dad was once again talking to the doctors somewhere out of sight. 
They’d sat around a bedside, all of them together, countless times over the years. Maybe it was a good thing that John couldn’t tell them to just leave him alone. He was feeling crowded, slowly suffocating under their concern. 
When he finally looked up, he felt Gordon’s eyes on him. There wasn’t pity or sympathy, but understanding. He, more than the rest of them, knew what it meant to lose the one thing that defined who you were and not be sure if you were going to get it out. 
“Everyone!” Gordon called, waiting until the voices had faded away. “Get lost.” 
Alan opened his mouth to protest, but Virgil looked between Gordon and John and grabbed his arm, pulling him out.  
Gordon followed them to the door, poking a finger in Scott’s chest.  
“You, stay.” 
“Yes, sir,” Scott said sarcastically but Gordon was already leaving, calling after the other two to wait up. 
“Budge up,” Scott said, climbing onto the bed next to him. He reached for the TV remote, flicking it on and channel-hopping until he found something vaguely interesting. John wasn’t paying attention to the show, and he doubted Scott was either, but the feeling of his brother’s shoulder pressed against his said more than any words could. 
It was late by the time the doctor returned. His dad had joined them, flicking through his datapad but content to not speak. John highly doubted the other three had gone back to the penthouse like they were supposed to, but were no doubt lurking in the hospital somewhere, waiting for news. 
“We’re going to try something,” the doctor said. He held up a syringe. “With your permission?” 
Scott shuffled out of the way. John looked from the needle to the doctor, and shuddered. 
“I’m here, J,” Scott murmured. His dad also stood up to stand the other side of the bed. 
“We both are.” 
John couldn’t watch. He closed his eyes as the doctor approached. There was a sharp scratch that made him suck in an involuntary breath, but nothing like the pain from before. He swallowed hard. 
“Give it a minute, and try and speak,” the doctor instructed.  
John did so. 
Not a sound escaped him. 
He looked at the doctor, desperate, but the man was frowning. 
“I hoped that would work. Right, let’s see what else we can do. Don’t you worry, Mr Tracy, we won’t let this beat us.” 
John wasn’t sure which ‘Mr Tracy’ he was talking to, but the doctor hurried out of the room, muttering to himself. 
“I’ll find out the plan,” Jeff said, squeezing his shoulder. “Don’t worry.” 
He went after the man. Scott grimaced. 
“I won’t ask if you’re okay,” he said.  
A treacherous tear slipped from John’s eye, but Scott caught it on his thumb.  
“You heard the doc, Johnny. He’s not given up. Neither should you.” 
John nodded, not able to look Scott in the eye. He couldn’t fall apart on him, not again. Scott seemed to read that in his expression. 
“I’ll give you a minute,” he said. “Fill the others in.” 
Gordon had always needed someone by his side when he was injured or sick. Virgil always wanted Scott. But John had preferred his own space and knew that Scott was trying to respect that now. His brother turned away, heading to the door. 
STAY! Screamed John’s mind. 
Scott whipped around, grinning. John blinked at him. 
“What did you just say?” 
Slowly, realisation crept upon John. He hadn’t just said it in his mind. He’d spoken the word, out loud. 
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artbyblastweave · 26 days ago
I do like the ending to the TF2 comics, but it feels so evident that it was heading toward a different ending that I'm dying to hear theories on what it might have been. Penny for your thoughts?
So, this is kind of a difficult one to answer because the sheer amount of time over which the comics were produced means that "the original ending" could have changed way closer to the beginning of the project than the end. But, generally, I think the point at which you can sort of see the pivot towards the comics team realizing that they were going to have to resolve the story unaided was around issue 4 or 5.
I do believe them that something akin to the reveal about the Administrator was always the plan; it's simply too thematically aligned with the game as a whole. But I do think that the original plan probably tied into the space race, references to which have been threaded through TF2 since at least the pyromania update.
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This is from the blog post for TF comics 3, which also featured discussion of the team's development of the now-shelved map Asteroid- A map set on some kind of moon base, released in a partially-completed state for testing and feedback purposes. The game mode consisted of hunting and destroying the enemies teams swarm of maintenance robots to charge a reactor to... do something. Speculations on what the lore underpinning this setup would be abounded; I recall people assuming for the sake of simplicity that Grey probably had something to do with the robots. No concrete lore ever materialized because the map dematerialized several years ago, but the effort on display indicates they were planning something with this.
Around this time, multiple assets were added to the game gesturing at some kind of conspiratorial project; The blue Mann co poster in particular has a space-related aesthetic.
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Powerhouse, released in 2015, had a couple similar hint assets, again released at a point in the game's lifespan where the devs putting something in the game might actually hint at a future plan;
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This is on top of on the existing lore about the Mann Co./TF Industries space program- Doomsday and the sabotaged Poopy Joe launch (later revealed to be the result of Helen swindling the U.S government out of their Australium for at-the-time unknown reasons,) all of which was still a comparatively recent addition to the lore when issue 3 and these posters came out. And, on top of all that, we have the climax of issue 4- the last cache of australium on earth being taken to space by Sniper's birth mother:
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In the story as written the New Zealand excursion is pretty weird- it contributes to Sniper's characterization, but otherwise this amounts to an Australium cache introduced and lost in the span of the same issue; fundamentally an odd use of page space if they didn't intend to do something with this.
So, all things considered, the original plan would probably have involved an excursion to, and final showdown in, space. Either The Administrator or Grey Mann might have had a long term goal that was dependent on access to space, necessitating extensive australium access for reasons besides their life extenders; alternatively, they might have all just pursued Sniper's mom up there, the joke ultimately being that everyone wound up stranded in outer space in order to scrape a few more months of pointless life extension off the side of a rocket. The split difference might have been that Grey's grand evil plan involved space-born domination, which Helen wanted to prevent not on moral grounds, but because letting Grey succeed would ruin her plan to torture Zephaniah; this would rhyme with what happens in the story as written, where Grey really did have a conventional evil plan to kill everyone in Australia that got headed off mainly by accident than due to heroic intervention. RD_Asteroid would have released as the centerpiece of a tie-in update, a gameplay tie-in to the story arc.
Can't even begin to guess how Charles Darling and Oliva were supposed to play into all of this. They likely were, though; Charles has a connection to the tangled Mann Family web through Bette Darling, and the whole Saxton Mags resolution felt pinched as hell.
Standing disclaimer that a lot of this is from memory of being in the fandom as all of this was developing- there's likely stuff I've missed or forgotten.
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acethehorseishere · 5 months ago
some questions about lobotomized ace, like was the lobotomy after his execution or before? I'd assume after cause pretty be pretty hard to fake your fears that well, but still wanted clarification. also, is there like a way to kinda snap ace out of his bimbo'd state? do the survivors gotta just mention the word lobotomy and ace gets war flashbacks?
Oh, no, his lobotomy happened wayyy before the start of the killing game. Ace still has access to his memories before he got lobotomized, though to him it feels more like he is watching someone else's life rather than those being his experiences (not counting a couple of exceptions). And... Well, it's not that hard to fake a personality when no one really knows you. Those were his old classmates, sure, but after all their memories were wiped, no one really remembers him or how he was before. And even then, he just had to act according to his memories and he was golden.
It was never meant to be something he'd continue to do for long, though- Ace was always going to commit murder to get 'executed'. Nico did almost ruin the plan by trying to kill him... But thankfully for Ace, Teruko's misfortune saved him in the nick of time. After that stumble, though, Ace had to push his murder even earlier than planned before he risked another close call with death.
Also... I think there's been a misconception? Ace being a bimbo is mostly an act. He is a TV show host, he is dressed in a leotard and thigh highs, of course he's gonna act like a vapid idiot. He is genuinely dumber than before the lobotomy, but that's because having a piece of metal stir your brain like soup kinda does that to someone. He just plays it up for the cameras.
If what you're trying to ask me is if there's a way to get him back to how he was before... No, there isn't. But that doesn't mean that he is forever stuck like this, either- he is still a person, after all. He can still change. He is never going to be the same as before- the lobotomy has affected more than just his intelligence- but he could potentially become a better person, given the opportunity to.
Ace doesn't know he had a lobotomy, but he wouldn't get literal flashbacks if he were told about it. It probably would affect the way he sees XF-Ture, though.
If you're asking because of the way he reacts to having headaches mentioned, that's a separate matter. He did develop chronic headaches due to his lobotomy, so he gets them fairly often and they are EXTREMELY painful. Thinking about them makes him stressed, and stress exacerbates his condition, so... It's a vicious cycle. He doesn't like to remember his episodes.
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am-i-interrupting · 10 months ago
Imagine Vox with an anarchist or communist reader. Because I imagine he falls first, and the reader just hates his guts because he is quite literally the embodiment of capitalism. I just think it'd be really fucking funny. Lol.
If you like what I’m doing consider tipping me for priority requests & access to characters I don’t usually write for such as Charlie, Valentino, Carmilla, and more.
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Vox has a tendency. That tendency was pointed out by Valentino as the moth laughed in his face.
He has a tendency to fixate in people who want nothing to do with him at best and want to kill him at worst.
You were probably friends with Cherri Bomb and being friends with Cherri means being friends with Angel.
You met Vox face to face when you were picking Angel up from set as he couldn’t even stand but needed to leave.
Vox tried to introduce himself but you walked right past him, flipping him the finger.
Your hard expression went soft when you helped Angel up to his feet and let him lean all of his weight on you but it immediately fell into a glare when you saw Vox.
You left. Vox watched you drag Angel to your home but that is where his ability to spy on you ended. You had no Voxtech in your house which only spurred his curiosity about you.
Not even a week later his warehouse for his cameras (specifically cameras used for directing) went up in flames. He saw you coming out of the smoke.
That’s when he decided to sit down and have a talk with you.
It ended with you spitting literal fire his way along with curses and him being even more intrigued.
The time since Alastor had disappeared had been boring.
Adding a new rival in his life was exactly what he needed.
Thus began your little feud.
It wasn’t ever anything truly filled with hate on his side.
You’d blow up one of his buildings. He’d steal you away for a chat afterwards. You’d curse him out. He’d put on a big man act. That was that.
The first time you truly hurt him he was shocked but it was his fault.
He was doing the big man act, threatening to make your life hell but you were already there and nothing he could take would be worth keeping anyway. That is until he uttered Angel’s name.
You moved so quick he didn’t have time to process. His computers behind him went up in flames, equipment went everywhere, and you were standing in front of him with a knife at his throat.
“I’ve only sparred you so far because I don’t have the shit to start a war with three overlords right now but touch Angel and I may be going down but you can bet your ass that I will take you down with me. Do we understand each other?”
Stupidly, so stupidly, that was the moment Vox realized he was falling in love.
You stayed quiet for a while but he knew where you were. He watched you.
He watched you and as he saw your acts of kindness to a select few and your hostility towards just about everyone else, he slowly began to fall in love.
It was when you were at a club with Cherri and Angel, out on the dance floor and then pulling a demon into a sex room as he watched when he couldn’t keep it in anymore.
It was stupid.
So stupid.
Doing something similar is what ruined his relationship with Alastor and got him stuck in this cycle with Valentino but he was a man of habit even if he pretended otherwise.
He materialized in the room behind you and tutted.
“Thought you would get lucky tonight?” Vox asked the demon. “Don’t you know luck rarely sided with a gambler?”
Maybe that line was a bit personal and he threw the demon out of the room with more force than he normally would have but hey, it’s Vox. The demon’s lucky they weren’t killed.
“The fuck are you doing?!” “Red light if you want me to stop.” “What?!”
He shoved you against the wall.
“Red light if you want me to stop.”
The next time one of Vox’s buildings went up in smoke, the fire was green.
If you like what I’m doing consider commissioning me for canon/canon stories AND personalized canon/reader stories.
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thedemonsurfer · 11 months ago
Not me making myself sad thinking about Ruin qq
Im just! He never got a chance! He spent 50 years in his own dimension just trying to survive, not draw attention to himself while he worked on his plans to not just get rid of his Creator, but all Creators that were going to be problems.
And then he gets to 'our' dimension, and while this can't be the ONLY time he's ever had the chance to have allies, it's certainly his Best chance. Especially when they don't kill him! They 'cure' him instead! Surely there's hope!
And then it doesn't
He lived as an ally for 3 months before anyone bothered getting him repaired. He was an afterthought, an awkward annoyance.
And everyone puts such great emphasis on how they didn't trust Ruin-- but I don't think he ever was given a reason to trust THEM. And whatever tolerance or hope he had for finding allies, maybe even friends, went out the window when Moon demanded to pick through his head.
How fucked up is it, knowing you have to corrupt most of your own mind to hide your tracks, because this person for sure will never be an ally? That any hope of being able to get their help in your plan, an effective yet terrible plan, has been completely dashed?
That you're as alone now as you have been for your entire life?
There had to have been alternatives. Maybe if the home crew had been more accepting, if Ruin had gotten access to different perspectives and resources and ideas, maybe an alternative could have been found.
But those things were never an option for him. And of course he stuck with the plan even if it meant Solar would die too-- sacrificing all dimensions for the sake of one person who was only kind of nice to you is a stupid thing to do if you've gotten this far.
(Man it must have hurt to hear Solar's last comment about him be "I guess we should have killed him". Like Ruin was an afterthought of some kind, not even worth addressing directly. Solar might as well have said "I guess I shouldn't have ordered the sushi".)
And yeah i know I'm just a major sucker for accepting punishment gracefully, of the fact that he knows his actions are unforgivable and hasn't tried to argue for any reasons why he shouldn't die-- the most he's said is a small plea that his death is painless, but even then he's resigned himself to suffering. He just wants to help. He's Moon's savior complex and Sun's unshakeable focus smashed together into one.
I know in the show either he's going to sacrifice himself to help, or someone like a Creator will kill him. I don't see him acting as a direct enough threat to justify letting the good guys kill him (congrats Eclipse you graduated to good guy for this).
But man.... I just really want to see someone have been nice to him. For Moon to forgive him somehow, maybe after Solar is back? I wish he could be pulled out of the pit he's in, because there's no light at all for him right now 8(
But I guess that comes with being an Eclipse. There's no hope for you, you're just.... screwed on whatever path you end up on.
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roseeycreates-blog · 11 months ago
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Lin Beifong - Villain AU
I got the idea from @hummingintheback, this is what I have in mind.
She started plotting her revenge when she met her dad who told her that she was a mistake and he didn't want anything to do with her or her mom. " I was surprised that your mom didn't go through the, you know... the procedure" his exact words
Unlocked her Lavabending after killing her father (He's a Fire bender)
She continued to be Chief of Police while she plotted her sweet revenge because it's the perfect cover and no one would suspect a thing. It also gave her access to all the prison and the information/records from the previous enemies.
She also enhanced Zaheer's Metallic poison, Hiroshi/ Kuvira's mech, and even Guan's brainwashing machine in secret. She used the Sato mansion as a hideout.
She's cunning and manipulative.
She's overpowered and she knows it.
Her goal is to destroy anyone and everything that made her life miserable.
After killing everyone and bringing chaos to her timeline, she plans to ruin other Alternate universes that exist, especially the ones where her counterpart is happy.
I really love this Villain AU idea~
So, what do you all think?
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Part 2
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ofdirtandbones · 6 months ago
I have no idea who to ask and seeing as you seem to be similar to me in some aspects, i thought u would be the best choice
Do you have any recommendations on how to stop being on the internet so much and connect more with nature? I love nature I love being in it but I'm constantly stuck either to my phone or computer, never fully appreciating it. I have no idea what to do
Long post ahead ! Sorry lol Man I've deleted all social media except tumblr. I use it on my computer mostly and I've put a thirty minutes time limit, only usuable between 6pm and 11pm on my phone. That way I can still see art, pretty pictures, funny posts... But I don't spend much time on my phone. It took me SO LONG to get to this point. I had to build up so much anger towards social media, the way they are made to steal all your time and ruin your attention span, and how much of a negative impact they had in my life. I use to spend just so much time on instagram,,, The first thing I did was put a lock on it. It was sooo hard at first but eventually I started barely using it when it was unlocked for the day. I managed to start reading again. And I mean reading multiple hours a day. Sometimes the whole day when I felt really bad and couldn't leave the house. Traded my screen time for when I was like,,, in the bathroom or waiting for something etc,,, for duolingo ! Since I still had the urge to pick up my phone and duolingo takes so much energy haha Doing something that isn't really enjoyable (and is actually useful) everytime I picked up my phone eventually made it much less interesting. You will not miss out on anything ! I know how scary it is but I promise, you won't be disconnected from the world. It's really the contrary tbh. You won't be disconnected from your friends either ! Ask them to contact you through whatsapp or whatever. That was my main fear and it turned out fine, so so so so fine. There are still ways to get news, without being constantly bombarded by them. Healthy ways that your body can actually handle. For the connecting to nature more part, it's very easy in my city but I don't know what it's like in yours,,, If you can access nature easily and can walk for a while then I say go explore ! Take pictures of bugs, plants, mushrooms,,, Can you take a friend with you ? If nature isn't accessible for you, good news ! It's everywhere. You'll find plant growing through cracks on the sidewalk, birds everywhere, bugs wherever it's possible for them to live,,, You'll start noticing them quickly ! Can you identify them ? If you don't have books that can help you or field guides, there are ones in public libraries. Once you id something, read about it ! And the pure joy once you've identified something, read about it, and you see it again ! The feeling is incredibly similar to friendship ! It became familiar, it became a friend, you feel warm inside everytime you two meet. See what naturalist non profit associations are near you ! Do they offer free acitvities ? Can you join them, volunteer,,, Yesterday I participated to an activity at night where we went to a spot with a lot of bats, learned about them, and then listened to them with a batbox ! All for free. I do activities like that a few times a week and learn a lot ! Another tip is touch grass, literally. Put your fingers in the dirt, smell it eat it, go lay down under a tree, no phone allowed. Hear the wind go through it. You aren't very different from it. You're both nature, both alive, aware of your surroundings, breathing, eating, and a whole ecosystem just by yourself. Your tree can also becoma a friend. Keep plants inside if possible ! Take care of them, learn about them. If only you knew how many plants I've killed before understanding how to take care of them,,, Now I have over thirty plants,,, hard ones to keep too ! It's also extremely easy to keep pill bugs as pets and takes up very very little space. So rewarding to see them eat and multiply ! Read books about nature ! I know this can be hard,,, I don't mean just informative books ! Anything will help you feel closer to it. I love poetry for example ! Very short, impactful emotionally ! I hope my rambles will be able to help you in some way ksgfqgq I just woke up.
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shadowpeachceo · 1 year ago
Ninjago incorrect quotes I'm having too much fun
Nya: Alright, who’s hogging the Netflix account? I’ve been locked out all week!
Lloyd: Sucks to suck! I’m already on the 8th season of Friends!
Kai: Not me.
Nya: Don’t lie. I know it’s not Jay or Zane.
Kai: It’s not me, really!
Nya: …
Kai: …But it might be Ronin…
Nya: You gave Ronin access to our Netflix account!?!?
Kai: he wanted to watch Orange is the New Black!
Nya: I’m going to kill you.
*The team at Home Depot*
Nya: *pushed in the cacti display while wandering around the garden section*
Jay: *Shitting in the display toilets*
Kai: *Tokyo Drifting one of those flatbed carts down the aisles*
Lloyd: *Stealing paint chips for aesthetic purposes*
Zane: *Just wanted some goddamn lightbulbs and everyone ruined it*
Cole: *In the car sleeping*
*The team is asked what they would do with 5 children with only 3 chairs.*
Cole: Get two more chairs!
Nya: They can get their own chairs.
Jay: Make them fight for it.
Zane: You only need one chair to beat them all with.
Lloyd: I would never be near children.
Kai: Kill two.
Zane: A mouse!
Kai, pulling out a knife: Go back to where you came from or I'll stab you.
Nya, pulling out a frying pan: It'll make a nice meal!
Lloyd, giving the mouse cheese: You deserve a treat, little guy.
Cole, gasping: It's Ratatouille!
Jay: His name is Remi, dummy.
Zane: ...I was going to say to just trap it and throw it out the window... what is wrong with you people.
Lloyd: So, did everyone learn their lesson?
Jay: No.
Kai: I did not.
Cole: I may have actually forgotten one.
Nya: Also no.
Lloyd: Oh good, neither did I.
Zane: *Exhausted sigh*
Zane: We’re kind of missing something guys.
Kai: Cohesion?
Lloyd: Teamwork?
Nya: A general sense of what we’re doing?
Cole: And Jay is not here.
Kai: Oh, and that, yeah.
Zane: Stressed.
Cole: Depressed.
Lloyd: Possessed.
Nya: Obsessed.
Jay: Impressed.
Kai: Chicken breast.
Everyone: ...What?
Kai: I just wanted to join in.
Zane: You know, when Nya comes over, Jay can get a little…
Cole: Psycho?
Kai: Scary?
Lloyd: Drunk?
Zane: All three.
Before Lloyd joins the team
Jay: The floor is lava!
Cole: *helps Zane onto the counter*
Nya: *kicks Kai off the sofa*
Kai: *lays on the floor*
Jay: ...Are you okay?
Kai: No.
Jay: What's worse than a heartbreak?
Nya: Waking up in the morning and your phone wasn't charging.
Lloyd: Waking up in the morning.
Cole: Waking up.
Kai: Waking up in the morning...
Kai: And seeing Zane.
Zane: Hey! Rude!!
Squad reactions to being called straight:
Kai: The fuck, no I'm not.
Nya: Excuse the hell out of you?
Zane: Ding dong, you are wrong!
Lloyd: Who told you that? And why did they lie?
Jay: Rude.
Cole: *punches the person*
Jay: *standing at the top of the stairs* What are y'all doing at the bottom of the staircase?
Zane: I accidentally fell down.
Cole: KAI PUSHED ME down the stairs because I refuse to pay THEIR part of our rent!
Nya: Zane bet me fifty bucks that I couldn't reach the bottom of the stairs faster than they did falling down it, so I slide down the banister to get my money.
Lloyd: I don't know how I got here. One moment, I was sleeping in my bed, three floors up, and then suddenly I was waking up here, just in time to get crushed by Nya.
*The squad's reaction to being told they're the chosen one*
Nya: I will not let you down.
Zane: Sounds fun.
Cole: K.
Kai: No, I'm fucking not.
Jay: Do I have to be?
Lloyd: Please god, I am so tired.
*the team at mega monster amusement park, in the teacups*
Jay, Cole, and Zane: *spinning a little and talking*
Nya, Lloyd, and Kai: *flying past them, spinning as fast as they can, screaming*
Cole: If you got arrested what would be the charges?
Kai: Theft.
Nya: Disturbing the peace.
Jay: Aggravated assault.
Zane: Arson.
Lloyd: All of the above. In that order, probably.
Nya: Imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the things you lost throughout your life.
Zane: It would be nice to have my sense of purpose back...
Cole: Oh wow, my childhood innocence! Thank you for finding this.
Lloyd: My will to live! I haven't seen this in years.
Kai: I knew I lost that potential somewhere.
Jay: Mental stability, my old friend!
Nya: Jesus, could you guys lighten up a little?
Cole to Jay, who’s about to get married to Nya: Today, two families are becoming one.
Zane, in an ominous voice: Two families enter, one family leaves.
Kai: That sounds so threatening…
Nya: The Wedding Games…
Lloyd: May the bouquet toss be ever in your favor.
Jay: Beautiful.
Cole: Fuck all of you!
Lloyd: *dies*
Cole: Timer starts now! When are they coming back? I say two months!
Zane: Bullshit. One month.
Nya: Nah, half a month.
Kai, scratching chin in thought: One week.
Nya: I’m the smartest person in my friend group.
Kid Lloyd: You hang out with Kai, Cole, Zane, and Jay.
Kid Lloyd: It’s not as high a compliment as you think.
Zane: Throw lamps at people who need to lighten up, and throw handles at someone who needs to get a grip!
Jay: Throw a refrigerator at someone who needs to chill!
Cole: Throw scissors at someone who needs to cut it out!
Kai: Throw a clock at someone who needs to get with the times!
Nya: Throw matches at someone who needs to get fired up!
Lloyd: Throw a brick at someone to kill them.
*Everyone is standing around the broken coffee maker*
Nya: So. Who broke it? I'm not mad, I just wanna know.
Lloyd: ...I did. I broke it.
Nya: No. No you didn't. Kai?
Kai: Don't look at me. Look at Zane.
Zane: What?! I didn't break it.
Kai: Huh, that's weird. How'd you even know it was broken?
Zane: Because it's sitting right in front of us and it's broken.
Kai: Suspicious.
Zane: No, it's not!
Cole: If it matters, probably not, but Jay was the last one to use it.
Jay: Liar! I don't even drink that crap!
Cole: Oh really? Then what were you doing by the coffee cart earlier?
Jay: I use the wooden stirrers to push back my cuticles. Everyone knows that, Cole!
Lloyd: Okay let's not fight. I broke it. Let me pay for it, Nya.
Nya: No! Who broke it!?
Cole: Nya... Kai's been awfully quiet.
Kai: rEALLY?!
*Everyone starts arguing*
Nya, talking to Sensei Wu and Sensei Garmadon: I broke it. I burned my hand so I punched it.
Nya: I predict 10 minutes from now they'll be at each other's throats with warpaint on their faces and a pig head on a stick.
Nya: Good. It was getting a little chummy around here.
*the team in the bad timeline*
Cole: So what have you been up to recently?
Nya: Leading a revolution with Zane.
Cole: Good for you two! Me, I've joined the mob.
Nya: *nods* Oh, how cool! That's awesome!
Cole: I know! Anyway, have you heard from the others? Jay?
Nya: Happily living as a hermit in the woods. Lloyd?
Cole: Wrongfully locked up in an asylum, which reminds me, we need to break them out later. Kai?
Nya: Cult leader.
Cole: Yeah, that sounds about right.
Zane: Doctor = $140,000 a year, Furry artist on patreon = $160,000 a year.
Lloyd: I think you’re lowballing the furry art amount tbh.
Zane: Sorry for the inaccuracies Doctor Yiff.
Lloyd: No matter how I respond I don’t look well, well played. I walked into that.
Nya: Well, furry artists are typically more competent and courteous than your average doctor, so I can see that.
Zane: Did you legitimately just tell me that a person who draws wolf ass is more competent than a dude who spent 8+ years in an university to give you a lung transplant?
Jay: Doctors are bullshit and furry artists perform an infinitely more valuable service to society compared to them.
Zane: You will die in 7 days.
Kai: It took doctors 10 years to diagnose what was wrong with me, some insisting I was faking it for attention while a furry artist I knew said “Sounds like Crohn’s” after hearing me complain once and ended up being right.
Kai: Besides I can’t go to a doctor and ask them to draw Rouge the Bat wider than she is tall with tits to match, now can I?
Jay: You could if you weren’t a fucking coward.
Cole: This was like 50 consecutive punches to the face, what the fuck went on here.
Jay: If you put 'violently' in front of anything to describe your action, it becomes funnier.
Jay: Violently practices.
Zane: Violently studies.
Nya: Violently sleeps.
Kai: Violently shoots pictures.
Cole: Violently boxes.
Lloyd: Violently murders people.
Nya: Violently worries about the previous statement.
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bonefall · 1 year ago
How does Fallenleaf feel about how Ivypool and Dovewing were treated? And what do the latter think about her (Dovewing especially, since i imagine she was compared to her a lot when it came to the prophecy. I can definetely see an exasperated Jayfeather going 'Well Hollyleaf took the prophecy seriously before- when we thought she was part of it). Come to think of it, I can see Dovewing resenting Fallenleaf not only for the comparisons made about her, but also the fact that Jayfeather and Lionblaze let their sister know but she can't tell Ivypool even as they grow more distant. (Granted, Hollyleaf was told BEFORE they realized she wasn't part of the prophecy, but who knows if Dovewing is privy to that. >:3c)
Their relationship is, uh...
Skip back 100 years ago, Holly Leaves the Tyrant ruining ancient society.
She killed Jay Wing with her own two paws, drove Lion Roar out through grief, and then tried to stop Dove Wing from taking the survivors to the mountain
Dove Wing beat her ass. Handed it to her on a silver platter. Folly Leaves could break her brothers, but NOT Dove Wing.
Fallen Leaves for 1,000 seasons in a tunnel: "thank god i never have to see that random person who mcfuckin wrecked me ever again i think i would die of embarassment and/or fear"
Lionblaze, modern day: "we missed you so much... we were terrified when you acted like that, I thought I killed you when we... well... it's time to put that behind us. Are you prepared to meet your nieces? ...i raised them. If you hurt them I'll never forgive you."
And then Fallen learns Cinderheart went through with the plan to raise them with Lionblaze so Poppyfrost could have access
But that Poppyfrost did not TAKE that access.
So basically Cinderheart went through all this for nothing
AND on top of all the other new information (and she can't entirely remember where she "left off." Was that one's name ALWAYS Honeysnake??)
One of those things is the prophecy. That was only revealed shortly before the Fire Scene in BB, and then the Fire Reveal, Firestar dying, the Gathering Reveal, uhh... what was the gray guy she killed's name again? Asterfall??
Her freakout before getting time travelled is the fuzziest part of her life, she can barely remember half of it and the order of events is totally scrambles egged. Did the fire happen before or after her grandpaw died??
But meanwhile Dovewing's been raised her whole life with Fallenleaf as like, this big missing piece in everyone's lives, she wanted to know the truth about her for her entire existence. Hollyleaf was an impossible standard to live up to, her mother's true love and her Firekin's prodigal child before her.
And now she can't. Because this is obviously not Hollyleaf. This is a big, confused shadow. That's FRUSTRATING. Dovewing is trying really hard at this point to not show how upset she is about this. You mean to say the sad ghost she could hear shuffling around in the tunnels her whole life was her long lost aunt all along?!
THIS is what she was being held up to, all her life? This is why she could never take a break? This is the fuss? Some Fucking Guy?!
Meanwhile Ivypool is trying to mimic the feelings her parents feel. She takes a lot from Lionblaze, desperate to signal to them that she's in the family and cares about the same things they do. I don't think she really feels much of anything towards Fallenleaf at first-- but if they all care together then it feels like they've "come together"
And Dovewing's lack of enthusiasm, or even desperately veiled frustration, is like betrayal. CARE with me, we're supposed to FEEL GOOD about this AS A FAMILY. And if you can't then WELL WELL WELL look who's WINNING AT CARING ABOUT THIS, something very NORMAL and POSSIBLE to do! Surely, I am the better daughter, actually.
And while all that's playing out, Fallenleaf is still like, absolutely haunted by Dovewing being that random person who kicked her ass. She deserved it but like... she killed her brother in an ancient epoch and it turns out his sister in another lifetime is now his daughter in this one. What the fuck. And she looks at her negatively EXTRA what the fuck
I want them all to have a few good scenes together, but I don't think their relationship to Fallenleaf is... strong.
She ends up marrying their mom, Cinderheart. I think for Dovewing, she DOES actually think that's nice for them.
But Ivypool feels threatened. She feels she's going to get replaced.
This is while Lionblaze also ends up moving on with Toadstep, mind you. Both parents are finding new mates and having new kits
Ivypool takes it especially poorly, Dovewing has complicated feelings.
Isn't it just peachy that Cinderheart and Lionblaze COULD have been good parents all along? They just weren't, for you?
Hollylark is their half-sib through CinderxHolly, and Snaptooth and Flywhisker are adopted half-sibs through ToadxLion
When Fallenleaf learns the full story, she feels sorry for how the two were treated. She would controversially support Dovewing's leave; but she isn't the type to do huge confrontations anymore. Since her time as a Tyrant, she has a sort of godly, detatched air about her.
So there wouldn't be any chewings-out of her brothers. She doesn't have that sort of confidence in her own judgement anymore. Trying to control others and tell them how they should sort out their problems caused the Kitty Bronze Age Collapse lmao
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ficsofabotchedmind · 1 year ago
A day in the life: Larissa’s personal hell
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This is an “I think I’m in hell” one-shot. 😁
I think I’m in hell 1 2 3 4
Summary, eheheheheh…no ☺️
Warnings, some: Rabbits blood, talks of knives, torture, poor Larissa is in for it but so is Wednesday, mother daughter dynamics between both Larissa & Wednesday AND Enid & Larissa AND Wednesday & Morticia.
Larissa started her day like any other, she woke up and lay in bed for a few minutes contemplating humanity and how utterly fucked it was, she got up and had a good stretch, padded into her kitchen to put on a pot of coffee, fixed breakfast, ate said breakfast and drank said coffee, and went to shower and dress. 
Once finished Larissa would exit the apartment that was off to the side of her office and that is where normalcy ended. As Larissa opened the door the next thing she knew, something that was warm, wet, and smelled like copper fell on top of her.  
Larissa couldn’t even scream; she was absolutely paralyzed. Looking down, Larissa saw red. Not metaphorical red, but literal red. She also saw the remains of a balloon, a white balloon.  
Raising her arm and inhaling, she knew exactly what it was. Blood, someone had filled a white balloon full of blood, snuck into her office, and rigged a mechanism to trigger so as soon as she opened the door, splat. 
No, not just someone, Wednesday Friday Addams. Once Larissa got her hands on that child, there will be hell to pay, but in this moment all Larissa could think was, “Fuck me, this is going to be impossible to get out! The whole bloody dress is ruined!” 
So, in that moment, Larissa decided to make a statement. She exited her office and made her way to Ophelia Hall, all the way there her stilettos made a splat sound as they hit the floor. 
Enid could hear the noise all the way from the room she shared with Wednesday, along with a sharp heel connecting with the floor as harsh and angry steps were taken. All poor Enid could think was, “What did Wednesday do now?” And with that, she let a whine. 
Larissa, trekking down the hall and nearing the dorm, met Morticia. Morticia gaped at the tall, blonde, and furious goddess in front of her. Morticia was not thinking pure thoughts at all, her eyes roaming Larissa’s blood-soaked form, tongue peeking out to wet her bottom lip.  
Biting her lip and smirking, she peered at Larissa through her lashes in obvious arousal, “My, my, my, don’t you look ravishing.” 
Larissa, torn between snorting at the raven-haired beauty’s obvious arousal and fuming over the fact a fucking expensive dress was now trash, hummed. 
“Morticia,” Larissa spoke, “I love you and I would do anything for you and to you, but not now. I’m off to kill that spawn of yours.” 
Morticia couldn’t help but let out an undignified snort, but she quickly composed herself and had the decency to look sheepish. 
“My darling Sequoia, there are better ways to get under Wednesdays skin.” Morticia said through a soft smile. 
“Oh?” questioned Larissa.
“Issa, I give you full permission to punish Wednesday, as a parental figure, any way you see fit.” Morticia saw the smirk crawling its way up the blood soaked-beauty’s face. 
Larissa, feeling her lips curl up into a grinch like smirk, said, “You’re giving me permission to use parental figure status with Wednesday? I can punish her? Ground her? Ultimately, what you’re saying is, I’m another mother for Wednesday and have full access to all parts of the role? And as much as the spawn irritates me sometimes, I wouldn’t harm a hair on her head and I would protect her with my life, again.” 
“Yes, all of that. You have my full permission to treat her as your own, when giving trouble and when in need of protection." Morticia said with a soft smile.
Larissa's face turned soft, she gently stepped forward and gave Morticia a dizzying kiss before saying, "Good, now after I'm done, I will call you all to my office but first, I want to make Wednesday skeptical." 
All Morticia could do was let a dreamy smile drift across her face, lick her lips, and nod. 
With that, Larissa trailed down the hall with a firm smirk etched onto her face and once arrived at the door, she dropped the smirk and knocked, “Girls, may I come in?” 
Wednesday, still not looking up from her typewriter, smirked, “Of course.” 
The door opened and in stepped Larissa Weems covered from head to toe, in what smelled like to Enid, rabbit blood. 
“I would greatly appreciate it if the both of you would come to my office in an hour,” looking towards Enid, “and before you panic my little ray of sunshine, you are not in trouble.” With that, Larissa left with a soft close of the door.
All Wednesday could think was, "Oh fuck." 
*An hour later* 
Larissa sat smiling at her desk while the two girls sat across from her, "Do you know why I called you in here, girls?" 
Enid, while side-eying her girlfriend, said, "Yes, I think I do." 
Larissa smiled and looked towards Morticia, "Morticia, would you be so kind as to tell Wednesday what you said to me? And Enid, I want you to witness this.”
Larissa turned back to the girls, looked directly at Wednesday and smirked as Morticia spoke.  
After a few minutes of explanation, Wednesday's jaw hung open. This is one of the only times Morticia has seen her daughter like this, she knew what was about to happen and it wouldn't be good, so she said a silent prayer for her girlfriend. 
Wednesday collected herself and situated her glare on Weems, "What have you done? What have you DONE? Mother, what is the meaning of this? Is this some kind of cruel joke?" 
Morticia sighed while Larissa did nothing to help, all she could do was sit there smirking.  
Morticia carefully approached her-their daughter and spoke, "Wednesday, Larissa is now a permanent part of our lives so you will have to get used to Larissa having a say in your life, and that includes taking on the role of another parental figure." 
Wednesday's eyes darted between the two women; she was so angry you could practically see steam coming from her ears. 
Larissa dropped her smirk, she could see that Wednesday was becoming more strung by the second, "Wednesday, while I admit I take great pleasure in this, it's for two reasons. #1: I can keep you safe and #2: It means that I can make sure you know what you did was wrong and punish you accordingly. I will not abuse this...too much but I will make sure you know that I love you as if you were my flesh and blood." 
Wednesday took a minute to process what was said and then spoke, "Who's to say I'm not of your flesh and blood? Mother is so in love with you she could have had Grandmama do a spell because even I admit, I am much like you." 
Larissa knew this was an olive branch and took it, she chuckled and said, "I wouldn't put it past your mother." 
At that Morticia gave both, a smirking Wednesday, a chuckling Larissa, and a giggling Enid, a look. 
Enid deflated at the release of tension and her claws, once again, were sheathed, "I am not going to lie, I thought this would end in disaster. Oh! Mom, is that why we were called in?" 
Larissa smirked once again, "Partly but I also want to dish out punishment! Wednesday, you are grounded!" 
Before Larissa could finish Wednesday shouted, "What?" 
Larissa, used to Wednesday's habits by now, said, "Yes, you are grounded, you ruined a very expensive dress, a carpet, and got rabbit blood along the walls and door. Oh, and partially in my apartment. So that means, no knives, no bombs, no hunting, no investigating, and NO TORTURING PUGSLEY!" 
Wednesday's eyes widened and she gritted her teeth but got an idea at the last moment and smirked, "Fine, anything else, FATHER or would you prefer MOMMY?" 
Larissa gritted her teeth but before she could say anything Wednesday spoke again, “I have to go back to our dorm room now, I’m grounded. Enid, did you still want to have lunch with your mother?” 
Enid, not knowing what to do to calm the situation, said, “Yeah, yeah.” While all she could think in a whiny voice was, “Wednesday, don’t get in more trouble, please.” 
Wednesday gave Enid a gentle kiss and walked out but as she stepped out of the door but still in Larissa's line of sight, she smirked and made a 'you're dead' motion. 
Larissa knew Wednesday wasn't actually going to kill her...or was she... 
Larissa groaned and put her head in her hands, "Fuck, I'm officially in hell." 
Morticia chuckled at Larissa and gently rubbed her shoulders while Enid spoke up, "Don't worry, Mom! Wednesday won't actually hurt you...physically." 
Larissa whimpered, groaned, and let her head land with a thud on her desk. Both Morticia and Enid winced at the sound and looked towards one another, and a silent look was shared, "She's in for it." 
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radioiaci · 9 days ago
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@the-devil-less-known ⧐ Lucifer looks a little tired today, dark roots showing under the blond of his hair and eyes a little bruised. It's a bit morbid to ask, but he's feeling a little morbid himself, and Alastor is a fantastic diversion. There's the impulse to tease him and see what he might say. Or might do. "If I was another of your victims, how would you personally kill me, Alastor? Call me curious and a little arrogant to think I might have caught your interest enough to be worthy of that." UNPROMPTED ASKS.
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Alastor does not respond right away - taking in the present state of Lucifer's well-being has him sufficiently distracted for at least a few moments as he reaches with a hand to take the other's chin in it. He tilts it upwards to face him properly, a thumb brushing gently against one of those cheeks before he is at least sufficiently pleased that Lucifer does not seem injured.
Still. He worries. The line of questioning does not help matters, even if he has no qualms about providing the answer that he believes Lucifer is looking for.
"I consider you arrogant just by nature of who and what you are, but-"
Alastor brings his hand back to himself as he thinks, eyes drifting upwards to pluck through his thoughts on the matter. It's not as though he has not envisioned it before. He has. As he has about nearly everyone he has ever spoken to for any length of time. It is part of how he processes and manages his expectations for individuals. The imagination is quite the power.
"You would be special," he begins, eyes sliding shut as he delves into the imagery, not to be dissuaded by the eyes that he knows are watching him throughout the process of divulging.
"Not ruined with haste. Too pristine and perfect for that... I'd bide my time. Pulling you in with me until I can taste you outside of the threat of death. Like a proper tryst that weaves us tightly together in repeated, quiet evenings. I'd reap from you everything special that I could; wring it out to keep with me on nights when I am left alone because my hands are sullied with your essence. And only when I feel as though I'd taken enough to harbor somewhere in the hollow cage around my heart, I'd convince you that death is the only way that we could truly stay together for infinity. That no life is ever going to be as meaningful as a sacrifice made to fill me up with your wholeness. To combine us as one."
That is not, what he thinks, Lucifer means. But it's necessary context.
"The place where I would bleed you would be holy. Not desecrated by any other blood; nor any other body. Special and tailor made just for you. The blade would be blessed - chosen by you. Pressed into the flesh of your sternum to create swooping cuts that permit me access to the inner-most part of your chest; the closest proximity to your heart. You would go with me willingly - would peel back the layers of flesh with your own hands rested on mine, wrapped around the hilt of the blade to carve together through the pain; to layer us both in your blood as we seek your heart out in tandem. Sacrificed to be consumed then and there - poised above you as though I am there to do little more than worship..."
Alastor shudders, eyes opening again before he is glancing down at Lucifer.
"...I don't want to do that. Not unless I can be sure you will come back to me."
Perhaps once upon a time, he would have been willing to remove Lucifer from the equation entirely; been sated by simply feasting upon him and carrying on, as always.
But not now.
Unfortunately, he was attached.
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