#prince fiyero x reader
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The Shiz University Book Fair
Fiyero Tigelaar x Reader
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Fandom: Wicked
Summary: Fiyero made an enemy in his destruction of the library, but it might be just the spark he needs to find something in life that matters.
Word Count: 2,952
Category: Angst, Fluff
A/N: The actor who played Fiyero the first time I saw the musical will forever and always hold the place of favorite in my heart, but damn, Jonathan Bailey is a VERY close second.
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"That self-important, irreverent, stupid, idiot."
I grumbled to myself, using it to vent a little bit of my temper as I worked through my corner of the library. The books I'd been meticulously organizing, gathering, and cataloguing had been scattered to the winds, and even worse, some of them had sustained damage. I couldn't be completely sure yet, but it also seemed like a few were missing. I was going to kill that stupid fucking prince.
"Well, I see someone completely ignored my critical lesson yesterday."
Speak of the devil and he will appear. I huffed, then set down the stack of books in my hand before whirling around with a fierce scowl. None other than Fiyero Tigelaar stood before me, much closer than was wise if he knew how badly I wanted to hit him, staring at me with his arms crossed and an insufferable smile on his face.
"What the hell are you doing here?" I demanded, absolutely seething. Fiyero just shrugged, apparently completely unaffected.
"I noticed you didn't come to the Oz Dust last night. I figured that meant I had more work to do in corrupting my fellow classmates." He gave a significant look to the stacks of books behind me. "Apparently, I was right."
"If you so much as move a finger to touch my books again, I swear, I'll knock that stupid smile right off your face. For good."
Fiyero's eyebrows raised, but his grin only widened. He held up his hands as if to placate me, but he also took a step forward. I narrowed my eyes.
"Listen, I'm just trying to say... you seem a little stressed," he said. I scoffed, but it didn't deter him. "And in my professional opinion, you need to let go of some of this stress before it eats you alive. Living in the library, working day and night, not letting go and having fun? I've seen it claim more than one attractive classmate whom I could've saved. I'm not letting it happen this time."
I clenched and unclenched my fists, barely managing to restrain myself from punching him in the nose. Clearly, his flirty charm had worked almost universally for him before, to the point that he wasn't getting a single one of the glaringly obvious signs that I did not like him and did not want to talk to him. I huffed a long sigh through my nose.
"Fine. You want me to let off some stress? Here goes!" Fiyero grinned like he'd just won the lottery, but I steamrolled over him, relishing the moment that satisfaction dropped from his face. "I've been working on putting together pallets of books and organizing everything for months for the largest reading and book fair in Oz! All for kids, who travel from far and wide to come to the Shiz University Book Fair. For some of them, this is the only access they get to important stories, reading events, and information that they otherwise can't even dream about. I've been helping to put it on since I started here at Shiz, and for the first time, I've finally been put in charge of the whole thing. My dream job, my dream event, that will do so much good. And you fucking ruined it!
"It's going to take me SO LONG to put everything back, reorganize what you threw around the room for your stupid dance break, replace the damaged and missing books, all before the kids come in less than a week! And frankly, if you hadn't destroyed all of my hard work, I probably would've gone dancing with my friends last night, to celebrate the end of our preparations. But instead, I'm here, working all day and night to get things back in order for one of the events that I not only enjoy most, but that's most important to me and the people who attend. Some of us know how to balance important things that we care about with dicking around, and we don't need lessons from a sanctimonious asshat who thinks he has life figured out even though it's painfully obvious that he doesn't."
Fiyero frowned at me, actually looking like he was using his brain for the first time since I'd met him. Whether he was burning up his processing power trying to think of a comeback or just fuming about someone having the nerve to shout at him, I didn't wait to find out.
"You're lucky I didn't kill you the minute you set foot in my space here," I continued, the anger leveling to a dangerous simmer rather than the explosion I'd been feeling a few moments earlier. "Now get the hell out."
With that, I whipped around, putting my back to Fiyero and returning to my stacks of books. It was the clearest method I could think of for dismissing him, and hopefully, he at least got this message.
I finished running through an inventory of the next stack of books without interruption from Fiyero. After another moment, I couldn't stand the not knowing anymore, so I whirled back around with a scowl already loaded to tell him to get lost again, this time in stronger words. But, to my surprise, he was nowhere to be seen.
I hummed to myself, scouting the library one last time. He was really gone. Good. I'd expected more of a fight, but I definitely didn't have time for one. Hopefully, that would be the last I saw of that obnoxious party boy.
"Babies and toddlers?"
"Learning to read?"
"Middle grade?"
"Everything else? Nonfiction, second language, advanced readers-"
"Everything checked off and accounted for. Now triple checked."
I let out a long sigh as I stared around the circle of my closest, most trusted volunteers. They each had clipboards in hand, running through last inventory and organization checks with me before the Shiz University Book Fair officially began. Despite how intense I'd been all morning, they all still had smiles on their faces as they indulged my over-preparedness. This event meant just as much to them as to me, after all, and we were all recovering from last week's unplanned chaos.
"Alright. Then great job, everybody. Grab some coffee or whatever else you want, and then get in position. Doors open in ten."
Everyone nodded, sharing smiles before breaking from our circle and heading off to do whatever they wanted with their last few minutes of quiet. Some of them clapped me on the shoulder on their way past, and I gave them each a smile and a nod.
After the scene Fiyero had caused in the library, not only had everything required reorganization, but a good number of the books had also required replacing. I'd managed to track down most of them, but with only a week's notice, I hadn't quite gotten all of them. Still, on such a limited time frame, I was proud of what I'd managed to accomplish. Everything was as close to perfect as it could be, in position and ready for the arrival of the kids to go off without a hitch.
Of course, no sooner had the thought crossed my mind than a new challenge popped up out of the ether to punch me in the nose. With just under ten minutes until book fair start, Fiyero had the nerve to come riding in on a bicycle, a cart behind him and a smile on his face.
I rushed across the field space where we'd set up the book stands, trying to head him off as early as possible. I caught some of our volunteers sharing glances and looking at Fiyero with interest, but this was a problem I was perfectly happy to handle myself.
"You! Get the hell out of here, right now!" I shouted, pointing to Fiyero as he stopped his bike and hopped off of it. I raced right up to him, shoving at his shoulders and trying to shoo him back onboard the bike, but he just held up his hands in surrender while still standing his ground.
"Relax! I come bearing books!"
I froze. Fiyero's shoulders relaxed when I stopped trying to shove him out of my space, but his relief was a little early as far as I was concerned. I narrowed my eyes at him, incredibly suspicious and ready to resume my attack at a moment's notice.
"What do you mean you come bearing books? What are you talking about?"
Fiyero smiled, keeping his hands up in the air as he walked to the back of the wagon he'd pulled here on his bicycle. I watched him like a hawk, but when he flipped the tarp back to reveal a few different crates of books, I couldn't stop my mouth from dropping open in shock.
"I heard what you said in the library," Fiyero said with a shrug. "I'm... sorry... that I ruined some of the books you'd prepared for the children. I didn't mean to. Or, I suppose I did, but... I didn't realize how important they were at the time. I asked around, and a few of your volunteers said you hadn't been able to replace some of the books, so... I decided to do it myself."
My eyebrows shot up as Fiyero lifted the first crate out of the cart. He walked over to me, stopping just in front of me and holding it out so I could see inside. Lo and behold, it contained more than one volume of the books I hadn't quite been able to replace on such short notice.
I looked up at Fiyero with wide eyes, all the fire and impulse for violence drained away. He just smiled back at me, and this time, it didn't seem to have the same arrogant tinge as before.
He just shrugged again.
"I'm a prince. I have my ways."
"You... you seriously went to all the trouble to track these down? Just for the book fair?"
The corner of his mouth tugged up into a smile. "I've been trying to find something useful to do with my title for a long time. It wasn't a problem."
I just breathed another surprised sigh. I didn't know how to react to the man in front of me. I'd written him off as a shallow asshole, quite validly in my opinion, but the Fiyero standing before me now seemed like a completely different man.
"So... is there somewhere in particular you'd like me to put these books?"
"Oh! Yes, uh... yeah. Follow me."
I led the way to the table I'd worked hard to cover up a slight empty spot on, and Fiyero dutifully followed me. I waved to a few of the other volunteers to unload the rest of his cart, and we worked quickly, Fiyero providing much more help than I'd been expecting. By the time the doors officially opened and the first few children arrived, everything was perfectly in place.
I'd been expecting Fiyero to take off not long after he dropped off the books, but he continued to surprise me. He talked to the kids and their families as they came in, and not long into the event, he borrowed a map of the table layouts from one of the more experienced volunteers. Within ten minutes, he was helping direct kids and families with questions, carrying their books, and sending them to people who could answer questions if he ran into one he didn't know the answer to.
I kept an eye on him all the same, expecting the other shoe to drop. Surely, the Fiyero that had destroyed my books and the rest of the library would make a reappearance at some point. And yet, he never did. The new Fiyero not only stayed, but he stayed later than some of my regular volunteers. The sun was setting by the time the last kids and families left, and Fiyero was still here, along with my most dedicated volunteer core. I shook my head as I crossed the space to talk to him, still not quite believing this had been real.
"Well!" he said, addressing me with a smile and his hands on his hips as soon as he noticed me coming. "That seems like it was a success!"
"Yeah. We're still looking at numbers, but... I think it might've been our most successful event ever."
Fiyero's smile took on a warm glow that made him much, much more handsome than I'd ever thought possible when he was destroying books.
Heat rose to my face as I glanced at the ground.
"Yeah, well... thanks." When I met his eyes again, that same warm smile almost knocked me flat as my heart raced in my chest. Still, I forced myself to take a breath and return to reality. "...Why are you here?"
Fiyero frowned. "Am... I not wanted?"
"No! No, that's not what I was trying to say. Seriously. I appreciate all your help, both with the books and with the kids today. Honestly, you were great. But... I don't know, I'm just surprised, is all. You didn't really strike me as the type of guy to hang around volunteering at a book fair for an entire day."
Fiyero hummed, glancing down with a self-deprecating smile on his face. I watched him with interest, especially when he met my eyes again with more sincerity than I'd honestly believed him capable of.
"I didn't strike myself as that type either. In fact, I pride myself on my ability to corrupt my fellow classmates despite the best efforts of people like you. But... it was nice to be a part of this. Speaking with you in the library... it's clear how much this matters. To you, of course, but to the kids and their families who come to this event... It obviously does a lot of good. It was nice to be a part of creating that."
I smiled at Fiyero, something I never could've imagined doing just a few hours ago.
"Not what I expected to hear from Mr. Nothing Matters."
Fiyero shrugged. "Well..."
He turned slightly away from me, rubbing the back of his neck and moving like he was going to retrieve his bike and leave. I reached out and grabbed his hand before he could get very far, to both our surprise. Fiyero looked at me with raised eyebrows, a light behind his eyes that I'd never seen before.
"It was wonderful to have your help," I said. "I kind of hate to admit it, but... you were a big part of the reason this event was such a success. You found replacements for books that families and kids had been waiting for and expecting, but more than that, you spent time with them. You're a prince. Whether or not you care about the title, taking the time to talk to, help, and encourage those kids, who all know exactly who you are? It was a big deal. So thank you. I'm really glad you decided to be a part of this."
The last of the guarded expression faded from Fiyero's face as he fixed me with a soft smile. He stepped closer to me, and after a moment, I let my hand fall from his before clearing my throat.
"Anyway..." I said, trying to break whatever intensity was currently building between the two of us. "If you wanted to keep doing stuff like this, you know, helping make a difference... I host a reading group every week with some of the kids who are more local. I'd love to have your help hosting that, if you'd be interested."
Fiyero was fully grinning at me now, the confidence bordering on arrogance back in full force. This time, though, I didn't quite mind it as much.
"I'd love to help with that," he said. "On one condition."
"...And what's that?"
"As long as agreeing to help with your reading group doesn't prevent me from asking you out to dinner. And maybe for some dancing, to celebrate Shiz's best ever book fair."
Despite myself, I smiled, my heart flipping in my chest. If he'd had the nerve to ask me out a week ago, I would've slapped him. Now, I quite literally couldn't think of anything I'd rather do to celebrate.
"I think we can make that work," I said, fighting and losing to a smile of my own.
"Perfect. How about... tomorrow night?"
"You're on."
We shared another smile, but before we could do anything else, the voices of my friends, the other volunteers who'd been the most involved in this event, broke in. We'd all made plans to go out and celebrate once this event was officially finished, and although they were probably pretty interested in seeing what happened with Fiyero and I, none of them wanted to wait any longer to celebrate.
"One second!" I called, waving to them before turning back to Fiyero. He was still watching me with a little smile, and it made my heart race when I noticed it. "...Do you want to come with us?"
His eyebrows shot up.
"Where are you going?"
"The Oz Dust. We're celebrating a successful event, and you were certainly a part of creating that success. It wouldn't feel right to celebrate without you."
Fiyero grinned, then took my hand in his. My heart skipped a beat, but I pushed through, letting Fiyero pull me along and towards the group of my friends.
"It would be my honor," he said, giving me one last look before turning with a smile to greet the rest of our group. I followed, watching him, still a little in awe. Whatever had caused this change in Fiyero, it was truly amazing to see. Everyone else in the school seemed to be smitten with the party boy, but suddenly, I found myself head over heels for the version of him that seemed to care as much as I did, now that he'd found a cause worth caring about.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989 @space-helen @misshale21
#wicked#fiyero tigelaar#wicked x reader#fiyero x reader#wicked fanfiction#wicked oneshot#wicked imagine#fiyero fanfiction#fiyero oneshot#fiyero imagine#fiyero tigelaar x reader#fiyero tigelaar fanfiction#fiyero tigelaar oneshot#fiyero tigelaar imagine#shiz university#wicked 2024#wicked the musical#wicked the movie#prince fiyero tigelaar#prince fiyero x reader
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🫧 what is this feeling? 🫧

Fiyero Tigelaar x gn!reader
Synopsis: „Stop calling me that!“ „What - darling?“ || Or: Fiyero suddenly finds himself spending an unusual amount of time in the Shiz library
c.w: enemies to lovers (sort of), tension & bantering, gratuitous use of darling & super cheesy ending; (also most of my Wicked knowledge [you’ll notice that I made up a back story of my own for Fiyero] comes from seeing the movie three days ago, I did see the play in the West End 2 years ago, but I’m not in as deep as I’m with other musicals like Phantom)
w.c.: 2.5k | masterlist
Sighing frustratedly, you slammed your textbook shut in annoyance.
Something you usually didn’t do - the slamming the book shut part, that was.
But then, you also didn’t usually feel this level of frustration after an afternoon spent at the library; at least not over things that weren’t related to your studying.
Reaching for your book bag, you got up from the table right next to the window facing Shiz’s garden you’d managed to secure earlier this afternoon.
But what good was a good table, if the atmosphere in the library was so distracting that you couldn’t concentrate on anything?
Grabbing your books, you glared at the object of your ire.
Prince Fiyero Tigelaar.
Most of the other students here at Shiz, especially Galinda, seemed positively obsessed with him, but you happened to share your friend Elphaba‘s opinion about the young prince.
In your opinion, he was nothing more than a shallow, self-absorbed troublemaker that apparently didn’t concern himself too hard with other people’s wants and needs. Really, couldn’t he have done his strutting around anywhere else instead of the library?
„What did that poor book do to you?“
You flinched, losing your hold on the books in your hand. You’d been so lost in your thoughts, you hadn’t even noticed Fiyero approaching you.
The books slipped from your grip, and fell to the floor with a loud, clattering sound. You winced, bending down to pick the books back up, but Fiyero had already beaten you to it.
He’d already gathered three of the four tomes in his hands and, feeling weirdly annoyed at this sudden, new … helpful site to him, you reached for the last book - at the same time as Fiyero did.
Your hands touched.
You felt the rough callouses of his fingertips and wondered what he, as a prince could have possibly done in his life that was the reason for this - before trying to remind yourself that you didn’t care.
Hastily, almost as if you’d been burned, you drew your hand back and got back up.
„Well, there you go, darling“, Fiyero said, flashing you a surprisingly genuine smile, as he handed you the four books.
Again, you felt a weird tingling in your fingertips as your hands briefly touched, and, almost defensively, you clutched the books to your chest.
„I - thank you …“
He laughed, the sound surprisingly warm and deep. This wasn’t his typical, obnoxiously loud laugh you’d come to despise during the last few weeks.
„It’s nothing … still curious what that poor book did to you, though …“
„What?“, you asked, frowning.
He grinned. „That poor-„, suddenly, he leaned in closer towards you - and was it just the used-up library air you’d been breathing in all day that suddenly made you feel slightly dizzy? - eyes fixing on the covers of your textbooks, „history book. Really darling, I wouldn‘t have expected you to treat a book like that.“
„You’re one to talk“, you muttered, without thinking.
„Well, I guess you’re right there, darling.“
„Stop calling me that!“, you exclaimed, feeling your cheeks flush.
He smirked. „What - darling?“
You rolled your eyes. „Yes! Now, if you’ll excuse me-„
„You’re off to study some more?“, he asked, genuine wonder in his voice.
Your eyes met, and you immediately looked away from him again. You didn’t like the way his gaze made you feel. There was genuine curiosity in his eyes and his gaze was far too intense for your liking.
„Yes, because unlike some, I actually care about my education and my future!“, you exclaimed, before turning away from him.
Fiyero just chuckled. „Trust me darling, you’re missing out on a lot of fun.“
You only rolled your eyes at his statement and walked out of the library without looking back at him.
If you had, you’d have seen him trying to fight off a smile.
The next day, your luck was even worse.
Things started out alright - after classes, you and Elphaba went to the library, managing to secure a table near the garden windows again. Elphaba, however couldn’t stay long, as she had her magic lessons with Madame Morrible in the late afternoon.
After she left, you managed to catch up on some of your assignments for a while.
Then, someone sat down right next to you.
You didn’t need to look up to know who it was.
„Go away, Fiyero“, you said, not looking up from your textbook.
Fiyero just laughed. „You’ve really been quite grumpy lately, darling.“
„Stop calling-„, you began to say, but stopped. Knowing Fiyero, you commenting on this particularly annoying habit of his would only serve to egg him on.
„Never mind“, you therefore muttered, turning a page.
„What are you doing here, though?“ Somehow, the question just slipped out, even though you kept trying to tell yourself that you didn’t care.
„Studying, of course“, Fiyero replied, his smirk widening even more when you turned to look at him, raising your eyebrows.
„Really?“, you asked, frowning.
He just smirked. „Really. I mean, there’s quite a lot to catch up on, isn’t there?“
„I can imagine“, you replied, frowning.
To your great annoyance, Fiyero just smirked again, before taking a textbook out of his bag, opening it and grabbing a notebook and a pen.
Your eyes widened. Was he actually here to study?
To your utter surprise, it did seem that way, because during the next few hours, Fiyero was completely engrossed in his textbooks, only looking up from them occasionally to jot something down in his notebook. Even his handwriting surprised you - it wasn’t at all the unintelligible scrawl you’d imagined it to be, but a rather concise, if somewhat over exaggeratedly loopy handwriting. But then again, he was a Prince - elegant handwriting must have been taught to him from a young age, among other etiquettes and niceties, not to mention historical and sociological knowledge.
Really, it was such a shame that he didn’t seem to care at all about a good education. He’d probably already had all the best opportunities one could only imagine, and now he was here at Shiz, studying at one of the most renowned universities in all of Oz. Not that he seemed to particularly care about that, though.
It did make you wonder, though. Was he really just the rogue prince who rejected every expectation society imposed upon him, was he really as shallow and self-absorbed as you’d perceived him to be these last few weeks?
Suddenly, you weren’t so sure anymore.
You chanced another look over at him, and caught him staring at you. Despite yourself, you felt your cheeks flush, when he grinned at you.
„If I didn’t know any better, I’d say that I’m distracting you, darling“, he said, grin widening.
You had the sudden urge to grin back at him, but quickly suppressed it by biting down hard on your lip. And was it just your imagination or did his eyes flicker from your eyes to your lips and back to your eyes again?
„Every time I think your ego couldn’t possibly get any bigger, you surprise me again“, you muttered.
He just chuckled. „Well, that’s me, darling - full of surprises.“
Right - that.
„Why - why don’t you care about any of this?“, you asked him, the words slipping out before you’d thought them through.
When he raised his eyebrows at you in confusion, you quickly hurried on. „You’re here, studying at Shiz University of all places, and yet it seems that classes and studying are just this huge burden for you. You’ve been handed this great opportunity on a silver platter - and yet you’re not making any use out of it!“
Fiyero’s smile froze and for a second, his eyes seemed to darken as well. „There’s more to life than just studying and books, you know?“
„Like what?“, you challenged him.
„Like actually living life, instead of just going through the motions“, he replied quickly.
You frowned irritatedly. Was that what he thought of you? That you were just going through the motions, like you were some kind of robot, devoid of actually having any feelings.
You felt your cheeks heat up again, though this time it was out of anger. Standing up, you started stuffing your textbooks into your book bag, glaring at him.
„Well, excuse me - I have to go, going through the motions, because some of us aren’t privileged enough to get everything in life handed to them on a silver platter.“
With that, you walked out of the library rather dramatically, not bothering to look back at him, still seething with frustration.
How was it that he seemingly always managed to get under your skin so easily?
And why did you care?
Why did you care about anything having to do with that stupid, arrogant prince who was too full of himself to form any complex, intelligent thought.
You didn’t.
You did not care about Fiyero Tigelaar.
Not at all.
But no matter how many times you tried to tell yourself, deep down, you knew that it wasn’t true. You hated to admit it, but just thinking about that moment yesterday when your hands had touched, made your heart beat faster. As did thinking about all the not so subtle glances he’d sent your way this afternoon.
You sighed, running a hand through your hair in frustration.
Sweet Oz, what was this feeling?
You didn’t see much of Fiyero during the next few days, at least not in the library. You did see him during classes and at meals, but you did your best to keep out of his way. You were ashamed of your outburst at him in the library a few days ago, and if it were anyone else, you’d have already apologized to them.
As it was, you did feel sorry for your comment, but the feeling was lessened whenever you thought about how he’d insinuated that you were just going through the motions.
Somehow, that had frustrated you much more than his stupid insistence on him calling you darling - not that he’d done that since that day in the library. In fact, you’d hardly spoken to each other at all, other than a few off-handed comments, made in passing.
You could tell that your friend Elphaba was already becoming somewhat frustrated with the situation, because you’d forced her to change directions, walking through empty hallways and taking a detour on the way to class just to avoid having to walk past Fiyero more than once.
You were starting to feel rather frustrated yourself, but still - you weren’t about to be the one to take the first step.
And anyway, it wasn’t like you cared much about Fiyero and whether your comment had hurt him.
Or so you kept trying to tell yourself.
Frustrated, you turned a page in your textbook, trying to concentrate on your studies. Today, you weren’t in the library, but rather in Shiz’s magnificent garden. You were sat on a bench under a willow tree, a field of red tulips right next to you.
But no matter how serenely beautiful the atmosphere around you, you were unable to concentrate on your textbook.
„I thought I might find you here.“
Your heart started beating faster and you didn’t have to look up to know who the voice belonged to.
„Fiyero …“, you said, closing your book shut and getting up rather awkwardly from your bench.
Fiyero’s eyes found yours and he smiled nervously.
Wait - nervously? Fiyero wasn’t one to be nervous - at least you’d never perceived him to be so.
„I - I wanted to apologize … I didn’t - what I said, in the library - I never wanted to imply that you were just going through the motions, I-“
„I wanted to apologize as well“, you interrupted his nervous rambling, fighting off the smile you felt tugging at the corner of your lips when his eyes widened and his gaze seemed to soften. „I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that, I … I had to study - like, really hard, to get a scholarship for Shiz, my family isn’t - I …“, you trailed off, biting down hard on your lip.
You didn’t know why you were telling him all this. Maybe it had something to do with the soft, concerned gaze in his eyes, or maybe it was just his sudden closeness making you feel rather dizzy.
„I get it“, he said quickly, running a hand through his hair. „Honestly, if I were you, I’d hate me as well.“
„I don’t hate you“, you pointed out.
„See, darling? Always a good start“, he said, grinning.
„Don’t test it“, you said, rolling your eyes, but you weren’t quite able to fight off your own grin anymore.
„The thing is, my family -my parents, they expect so much from me“, he said, turning serious once more. „And I know what you’re thinking, poor prince, his parents put so much pressure on him, yet he’s still living a privileged life, boo hoo“, he continued, shaking his head, his eyes fixed on some point in the distance. „And you’d be right, at least to a certain degree … my parents, they - sometimes I feel that no matter what I do, I’ll always manage to disappoint them somehow. To them, I’ll probably always be a failure.“
„You’re not a failure!“, you interrupted him, shaking your head. „You’re not!“
„Oh really?“, he asked, and his grin was back in place, though it did look rather shaky and uncertain. „I thought that a good education was the key for everything?“
Despite the seriousness of what he’d just said, you rolled your eyes. Trying to soften the mood, you said: „Well, someone once told me that there’s more to life than just books and studying.“
He smirked. „Sounds like a wise someone.“
You just rolled your eyes.
A moment passed, during which neither one of you said anything, yet the silence didn’t make you feel uncomfortable.
Then, you found yourself asking: „What were you doing in the library, though?“
Fiyero laughed, though somehow, he seemed nervous once more. Maybe it was the way he ran his hands through his hair distractedly, or maybe it was the way his eyes kept flickering between you and the willow tree behind you.
„Well, for one I am trying this thing called studying …“
You laughed, though you could sense that there was more he wanted to say.
„But … there was also - there was someone I was trying to build up the nerve to talk to …“
Suddenly, your heart started to beat faster and you felt that weird tingling sensation in your fingertips once more.
Fiyero was standing so close to you now, your noses were almost touching and you could feel his warm breath on your skin.
„Who - who were you trying to talk to?“
He laughed. „I’d hate to disappoint you, but I think there’s some questions textbooks simply don’t provide answers for, darling …“
Before you could come up with a reply, he’d leaned in even closer towards you, and then his lips were on yours. His lips were soft and full, and the kiss surprisingly gentle.
Without having to think about it, you found yourself reciprocating the kiss, moving your lips against his.
Whatever this feeling you felt when you were with Fiyero was, it felt good. Exceptionally good.
And so, abandoning every other thought, you wound one hand around his neck, tangling the other in his hair.
And when you felt him smiling into the kiss, you felt your heart soar.
#fiyero tigelaar x reader#fiyero x y/n#fiyero x reader#fiyero tigelaar#fiyero imagine#fiyero x you#prince fiyero#wicked x reader#wicked fiyero#wicked movie#wicked#jonathan bailey
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Dancing Through Life
Fiyero Tigelaar x Reader
Summary: Y/n Upperland of the Upper Uplands, cousin to Galinda Upand, doesn’t have a problem with Fiyero Tigelaar, but that doesnt’t mean that she wants him around. However, after one simple walk with the Winkie Prince, Y/n discovers that he’s not so bad after all.
A/n: hi hi! I’m back with a Fiyero one shot, but that doesn’t mean that I’ve forgotten about the second Bridgerton and I. I’ve written two chapters so far over thanksgiving break and I might try to squeeze in one more chapter or at least half of one before I go back to school. I don’t really have enough time to write when I am at school, so the next time I’ll probably get back to writing during Christmas break which is in a couple weeks. Then I’ll finish the Bridgerton and I and I’m thinking about waiting to finish the Bridgerton and I completely before posting any more chapters, so the ff will probably be finished in December. I wrote this one shot because Wicked has been on my mind 24/7 and I can write whatever comes to mind, but for the Bridgerton and I have to sit down and rewatch Bridgerton episodes so that I can make sure I get all the words exactly right. I hope you guys continue to be patient as I try to finish it :).
I have recently seen the movie Wicked and plan to see 10 million more times because it is SO GOOD. Wicked is basically my whole personality at this point. I was already obsessed with Fiyero, but Jonathan Bailey as Fiyero made my obsession worse (but in a good way :)). And with this obsession comes a Jonathan Bailey Fiyero Tigelaar one shot. I hope you enjoy!! I also have a plan to write another one so stay tuned for that!
It was a beautiful day today, so after class I decided to read at my favorite spot: the bench under the oak tree. I loved it here because it was a peaceful place where I never got disturbed. Or so I thought.
I realized he was near when I heard the sound of boots stepping onto grass. It was only when his shadow blocked the words on the page that I finally looked up.
Fiyero looked down on me with curious eyes, but there was still a charming smile plastered on his face. I tried to hide how his smile affected me, but he must have noticed the change in my demeanor because his smile turned into a smirk.
I thought after my cousin Galinda introduced him to my brother and I earlier today would be the last time I saw him for the day. It appears the Winkie prince had other plans.
“Well what is Miss Upland doing under the oak tree?” He asked.
“Reading.” I held up my book for effect before I continued back to where I left off.
I saw him take a seat beside me on the bench in the corner of my eye.
“It’s Friday.” He continued.
I rolled my eyes. “I know. I can read calendars.” Fiyero chuckled at my blunt and snippy responses. He could clearly tell that I was annoyed by his presence, but he continued to talk anyway.
“It’s Friday and you are here reading under an oak tree. You should be out there having fun.” He used his hands to gesture to all the other students hanging out at the courtyard.
“This is fun to me.”
“School work is fun?”
“Well for your information this book is not for school it’s for me.”
“Well I believe you are filling your head with too many things. You’re thinking too much.”
I rolled my eyes.
“Well that’s not surprising coming from a prince like you.”
“A prince like me?” Fiyero gave a feigned pained expression. “I’m hurt that you would think that way about me.”
“Well I believe that you present yourself as self-absorbed and deeply shallow, but I don’t think you are. I think you use that as a front to hide the fact that you actually care and have thoughts.”
“Excuse me there’s no pretense here. I happen to be genuinely self-absorbed and deeply shallow.”
“Okay.” I said not believing him. I shut my book and stood from the bench. I finished the book I was reading and decided to go search for another one to read.
“Well I guess it was nice talking to you.”
I began to walk back to my room, but he blocked my path.
“Where are you going?”
“Back to my room to find another book.”
“Oh come on. Drop the book for once and have some fun.”
I pushed past him and walked away without looking back. I was hoping he would leave me alone after that, but luck was not on my side today.
“Since you’re going back to your room, maybe I can save you the trouble of carrying your book all the way back.”
He grabbed the book from my hand before I could say anything.
“Hey give that back!”
I tried to grab the book back, but he raised the book above my head, so that I couldn’t reach and jumping up was no use. Fiyero was laughing at me struggling, so I sighed in defeat.
“Fine. You can help me carry my singular book up to my room.”
Fiyero was happy with my response because he was smiling from ear to ear. We were now standing nose to nose and I could feel his breath fan across my face. If I looked down I would have perfect access to his lips. Wait what was I thinking? I quickly backed away from him before I did anything stupid. Fiyero smiled down at me and said, “See now that wasn’t so hard now was it? Lead the way princess.”
I would he lying if I said I didn’t get affected by his words. Butterflies filled my stomach and I probably would have melted if I didn’t catch myself. What is wrong with me?
“Yes princess. It suits you. Princess of the Upper Upperlands.” He said with a dramatic voice.
I was about to retaliate when a certain blondey came to mind.
“Shouldn’t you be calling Galinda princess?” I asked.
“Why would I do that?”
“Because you two are a thing.”
Fiyero chuckled. “I just met her this morning and besides I’m like this with everyone.”
My heart sunk at his words. So he was just treating me like everyone else? But why was I so upset about it? Just a few hours ago I wanted nothing to do with him and now I was disappointed that he’s not treating me differently.
“And if I called her princess then I wouldn’t be able to call you princess. Princess.” He said with a wink.
That definitely lifted my spirits. Sweet Oz! He was making feel a roller coaster of emotions. I could tell there will never be a dull moment with him.
I gave him a small smile but I looked down on the floor to hide it from him. I didn’t want him to notice that I started to warm up to him, but he saw the slight upturn of my lips.
“Well who knew that Miss Upland could smile. It’s a miracle!”
“Oh shut up!” I said, but you could hear the grin in my voice.
“Besides reading, what do you really do for fun?” I looked up at Fiyero and could tell that he truly wanted to know my genuine answer. So it seems that my premonition about him not being self-absorbed and deeply shallow was true.
“Umm…spending time with friends, swimming. Oh there’s a lake in the Upper Upperlands that my family and I go to every summer to cool off and it has such beautiful scenery. Not to mention the nearby ice cream shop…”
I stopped after I realized that I blabbered on. “I’m sorry I sort of got carried away.”
I looked up at Fiyero, but he didn’t seem bothered at all with my tangent. He actually seemed rather interested with what I had to say.
“No continue.” He said with an encouraging smile.
“No I’d rather not.”
I know he wanted to hear more, but he didn’t push me, which I was glad for. I was a little embarrassed with my little outburst.
“Well how about you discover a new way to have fun?” Fiyero said changing the subject.
“Come with me to the Ozdust Ballroom tonight. The most swankified place in town.”
“Aren’t we not supposed to be off campus after dark?”
“Yes, but not being allowed to leave after dark makes it more fun!”
“I’ll pass.”
“Where’s your sense of adventure?”
“I left her at home.”
Fiyero paused before he burst into laughter.
“My joke wasn’t that funny.” But I couldn’t help but laugh along with Fiyero.
Fiyero paused again.“Your laugh.”
I took a few moments to recompose myself before asking, “What about my laugh?”
“It’s beautiful.”
I stopped walking and choked on air.
“What?” I asked, but Fiyero ignored me.
“Which way is your room?”
I realized that we have reached the dead end which separated into two hallways.
“This way.” I said as I begin to walk to the right. I walked a little faster to make this walk shorter. I have embarrassed myself way too many times in a such a short amount of time and I just wanted to smash my pillow in my face and scream. The rest of the way was silent until we reached my door.
“Well here we are. My humble abode.” I said. “Thank you for the uh…walk.”
“It was my pleasure. I hope to see you tonight at the Ozdust ballroom Miss Upland.
Fiyero smiled at my response.
“Y/n. I hope to see you tonight.”
I opened the door and was about to walk in, but I turned around instead.
“I know you like to put on the facade that you are this Winkie prince who doesn’t have a care in the world, but you’re also human. Yes you might be self-absorbed and shallow, but that’s not all of you and you have thoughts that should be shared. If you take away your crowd of admirers you’ll be left with the real you. If you want to continue with this role in front of everyone then that’s fine…,but you don’t have to be that way with me.”
Fiyero’s expression was unreadable, but I could have sworn I saw flickers of fear and appreciation.
“Y/n…I don’t know what to say.”
His hands fell to his sides and I realized that he still had my book. I slowly inched towards his hand and pulled the book from his grasp. But before I pulled away I took his hand in mine and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“You don’t have to say anything.” I said with a smile.
He nodded and with one last squeeze I pulled away and slowly closed the door shut.
I laid in my bed, for what seemed like hours, contemplating whether I should go to the Ozdust ballroom or not. I turned to my night stand to see that it’s only been a half hour. I groaned in frustration and covered my face with my pillow. Then I heard a knock at the door. I rose from my bed and opened it to see my brother Ezra.
“You. Me. Ozdust. Tonight.” He said as he entered my room.
“You know about that too?” I said as I shut the door.
“How do you know about it?” He asked curiously.
“I was invited.” I said as I plopped onto my bed. Ezra raised an eyebrow at my words and joined me.
“You were invited?! I wasn’t even invited! Who invited you?”
“So how do you know about it?” I asked avoiding what he asked me.
“I overheard some students talking about it, but don’t avoid the question. Who invited you?”
Ezra’s eyebrows shot up to the ceiling.
“Fiyero Tigelaar of Winkie country? But you hate him.”
“I don’t hate him! Where did you get that impression.”
“When Galinda introduced us to him you didn’t seem to be too pleased with him.”
I thought back to the first impression I had of Fiyero when I first met him.
When he first stood in front of me I took a good look at him and he was exactly what I expected from a Winkie prince. He was dressed to the nines from head to toe. You could tell his blue jacket and pants were made to perfection and the gold accents were sewn with precision. His black polished boots were so shiny that you could even see your own reflection in them. And that was just his clothes.
Fiyero had an aura about him. It was as if he believed he always had to be the center of attention. Reminds me of someone that I know, but I know that Galinda has a heart. It was too soon to tell if he genuinely cares, but by the way he acted and the way the students nearby looked at him, I could already tell that his way of life to everyone else was fake.
Then he approached me later on in the day and I got to know him a little more. I soon realized that he wasn’t all so bad by himself. It was only when he was around everyone else where his walls come up and he acts out his facade.
“I guess I had a change of heart.” I finally answered.
“Uh huh. And how did Fiyero even get the chance to talk to you. The only way that can happen is if you two hung out alone.” Ezra said teasingly as he wiggled his eyebrows. I laughed at his antics.
“Fiyero might have interrupted my peaceful reading time earlier today and I got to know him a little more.”
“And before you say anything else there was nothing else to it. He offered to walk me back to my room and that’s when he invited me to the Ozdust ballroom. On our walk back I got to know him a little better and he’s not so bad by himself.”
“Hmm hmm.”
“Nothing else happened!”
“Hey I said nothing!” Ezra said as he lifted his hands to the sides of his face in defense. “But this means that you’re coming!”
“I didn’t say yes.”
“But I didn’t say no either. I’m still thinking about my answer.”
Ezra looped his arm with mine.
“Now I’m forcing you to come because I’m coming and I’m not going to have you sit pathetically in your room.”
“I’m not going to—“
“Ah uh. I won’t take no for an answer. And don’t say you don’t have anything to wear. Your wardrobe is almost as grand and big as Galinda’s.”
Ezra did have a point. I worried about my appearance and wardrobe just as much as Galinda, but I didn’t flaunt it as much as my cousin did.
“Come on.” Ezra grabbed my hands and pulled me up from my bed. He led me to one of my luggage’s that turned into a closet with the push of a button. Ezra pushed the button and pushed me towards my array of dresses.
“Well go on.” He prompted.
I stumbled upon the rack and begin to flip through my choices until I came across a dress that brought a smile to my face.
Ezra and I missed the boat that Galinda and Fiyero went on, so we arrived at the Ozdust ballroom a little later. I peeked over the corner and was in awe with what I saw.
The entrance of the ballroom had a ginormous staircase which led to the dance floor. At the end of the room was where a band of animals were playing the music. On the ceiling schools of fish were dancing in formation to the beat of the music. That’s when I realized that this ballroom was underwater. That was something I’ve never seen before.
Ezra and I began to walk down the staircase and I began to notice a lot of familiar faces from school.
“Do people come here often?” I asked Ezra. He first attended Shiz last year, so he had a whole year of experience before I came along.
“I would say so. It’s where most people go over the weekend, but this is the first time I’ve ever gone.”
I looked at him shocked. “Really?!”
“Yeah. I’ve never been invited and I’ve always wanted to go, but I never knew how to get here until I overheard those two girls talking today.”
“Well today’s your lucky day!” I said with a smile.
“Indeed it is.” He said with a chuckle. “Oh I see some of my friends I invited over there. Will you be okay on your own?”
“Yeah I will. Galinda should be around here somehere.”
“And Fiyero.” Ezra said with a glint of mischievousness.
“Yeah him too.”
Ezra laughed before he walked over to his two friends. Now I was left alone to fend for myself. I noticed a drink table on the side of the dance floor, so I made my way over there.
I had no idea what was in the glass, but it tasted quite good. I sipped quietly off to the side when I noticed a familiar figure approach me.
“Well if it isn’t Miss Upland.”
“Please don’t call me that.”
“Alright then. Princess.”
“Y/n.” I corrected him
“Princess Y/n.”
I figured it would be pointless so I gave up trying to correct him.
“I was almost starting to think you weren’t going to show up. What made you change your mind? Me?”
“Don’t be so full of yourself Fiyero. My brother forced me to come.”
“Aww so I can’t go around telling people that you’re my date tonight?”
I nearly choked on my drink, but I managed to regain my composure.
“Not a chance.”
“What a shame and to think I was going to ask you to dance.”
“I didn’t say no to that.” I said with a teasing smile. Fiyero looked shocked and glad that I was finally playing his game.
“Since you say so, I’ll just take this.”
Fiyero grabbed the drink from my hand and downed the rest of it before setting it on the table.
“Shall we?” He extended out his hand for me to take. I didn’t say anything, but I accepted his hand and he led me to the dance floor.
He began to twirl and whirl me around to the beat of the music and I found a couple laughs slip from my mouth. I haven’t had this much fun in a long time and I couldn’t believe that Fiyero of all people was making that happen.
One by one Galinda, Ezra, and his friends joined us as well. It was great to not care about the trivial things in life and simply dance through life as Fiyero likes to put it.
At one point the band slowed down the tempo of the music to a slower one and Fiyero gave me a knowing look. I looked back at Ezra and he winked at me before walking off the dance floor with his friends. I turned back to Fiyero and grabbed his hand. He gave me a beaming smiling, put his hands on my hips and began to move me across the ballroom floor.
“You know I’ve been thinking about what you said earlier today.” He said.
“About?” But I had an inkling about what he was talking about.
“About me pretending in front of everyone else.” I simply nodded and waited for him to continue.
“I guess I started doing it in order to hide my true depth of character. It was a way for me navigate the superficial social circles and get the chance to meet powerful people. I’ve done it for so long that I forgot what it’s like to just be me, but you were the first person to ever see through that.”
I took a moment to take in his words. It must have been exhausting to keep up that facade for so long. I felt bad for Fiyero. The fact that he felt the need to live like that.
“Well like I said you don’t have to pretend with me. I want to know the real Fiyero Tigelaar. Do you think you can manage to do that?”
“I can for you.”
Under normal circumstances I would have collapsed right then and there there, but that would do either of us no good. Fiyero had just finished telling me something he’s never spoken out loud before and I have to be the support he needs.
He twirled me around once more before pulling me right back into his arms. Then he brought his mouth up to my ear and whispered changing the subject.
“You look beautiful princess. I couldn’t take my eyes off of you tonight. I must say that blue is definitely your color. You are hands down the most beautiful one here.”
“I don’t think so.” I said as I looked down at the floor bashfully.
Fiyero grabbed my chin with his finger and brought my face up to look up at him.
“I beg to differ.” He grabbed a strand of my hair and pulled it back behind my ear. I felt his breath against my ear and shivers traveled down my spine. No boy has ever gave me as much attention as Fiyero has and I was at a loss with what to do. But in a strange way I knew exactly what to do, which is why I was bold enough to try something.
“Can I tell you a secret?” I whispered in his ear.
Fiyero looked confused, but he nodded anyway. I stood up on my tiptoes and went up to his ear, but at the very last second I grabbed his face and connected his lips with mine.
At first he didn’t responded, and I got so scared I got the message wrong, so I almost pulled away. However, he soon reciprocated the kiss and placed one hand firmly on my waist and the other framing my face. The kiss started simple, but then it became more intense. I would have kept on going, but then I remembered where we were.
I pulled away and looked around to see my brother looking at me with a knowing look as if he was saying I told you so. He mouthed, “And you said there was nothing else to it.”
“Shut up.” I mouthed back.
“Do you want to take this somewhere else? Away from the public eye.” Fiyero asked.
I looked up at his blue eyes and thought about being alone with Fiyero. Being able to hold him and kiss him to my hearts desire. I nodded with a smile.
Fiyero smiled back and interlocked our hands. Together the both of us walked out of the Ozdust ballroom without a care in the world and we simply danced through life.
#wicked#fiyero tigelaar#fiyero tigelaar x reader#galinda upland#wicked galinda#wicked fiyero#wicked film#winkie prince#ozdust ballroom#dancing through life
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• Fiyero Tigelaar x Reader
• check this fic out on ao3 too pls: my account
— After going to Ozdust together, Fiyero Tigelaar suggests a night of skinny dipping 。𖦹°‧
Exhilaration rushed through your veins, the pumping of your heart thumping so loud you could barely hear his voice over it.
Throughout Shiz you were known as popular, so it wasn’t a complete surprise when Fiyero had asked you to Ozdust. The night had gone well, dancing and chatting. Learning a little more about the Winkie Prince.
Your eyes darted out to the sparkling sea as he draped your dress over a nearby rock, careful not to get it wet or wrinkled. A frigid chill shot up your spine as a light breeze sifted through the air. The wind caused you to hug yourself, covering the majority of your exposed chest.
You felt more comfortable this way. A small barrier of privacy that discreetly hid yourself away from his flirty gaze. The feel of his warm hands on your bare waist caused you to tense again, shoulders hiked up just a smidge more. ‘Relax,’ His voice took on a deep, quieter tone. His hands skimmed lightly up and down your sides, dancing over your vulnerable skin with tender strokes. ‘This is supposed to be fun.’
Your shoulders slowly lowered into a lazy posture, eyes closing as you felt his warmth behind you. Holding you. Skinny dipping was not typically your idea of fun, (especially not after something like Ozdust) but because of circumstances and the fear of not seeming exciting enough to Fiyero, you decided you’d give it a try.
You took a few steps forward, night air running gently through your hair. He let his hands drop back to his side, moving one to undo the pretty buttons on his cuffed sleeve. You busied yourself with a toe slightly dipped into the frigid water. ‘How is this fun again?’ You asked absentmindedly, recoiling from the electric shock that ran up your back at the feeling of cold water.
‘Well,’ He sighed from somewhere in the distance behind you. You didn’t bother looking back, instead watching the rhythmic waves brush against the shore. Slowly, you familiarized yourself with the ice cold liquid, letting it lap at your ankles as you stood facing the humming waters. ‘You’re nervous?’ He asked, a nonchalant shrug hunching his shoulders.
A slight hum left you. Of course you were, why wouldn’t you be nervous about something like this. You kept silent for a second more though, until a small; ‘Yes.’ left your parted lips. You could practically see the smirk on his handsome lips even though you stood with your back turned to him.
‘That’s what makes it fun for you. Nerve wracking, hm? Overwhelming. Arousing even.’ He murmured in your ears, presence suddenly surrounding your form once again. His breath was hot on your neck as he continued. ‘Makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up. Very fun.’ The insistence left him smoothly, voice rasped with mischief.
His large hands tightened on your waist, lifting your weight with flexing biceps. You immediately protested as he carried you farther into the water. Halfheartedly pushing against his broad, bare shoulders. When your feet suddenly couldn’t find firm ground to stand on anymore, your pushing turned into clinging. Willing, if not insisting, to be held up by the cocky prince.
‘Trying to leave your mark?’ He commented. It was only then that you stopped your initial subconscious clawing into his back. You shifted to hold onto him with your palms as to not scratch at his skin anymore, but you wouldn’t have been surprised if he had liked the feeling.
Your eyes darted to watch his side profile, the crescent moon shining a beautiful white cast of light glimmering in his dark eyes and sheering luster upon his glossy lips. Hesitantly you loosened your grip, floating against him within the lulling water. ‘Sorry, didn’t mean to.’ Your finger traced the small scares you had made on his effortless skin, a small attempt at comfort, or maybe it was another excuse to touch him. You weren’t sure.
The smirk never left his face, nor did his hands ever fully leave your waist. ‘You’re not nervous.’ You observed, jumping onto the previous words. You could imagine the prince doing many things, but ‘being nervous’ was not one of them.
‘Nervous, no.’ He shook his head gently. ‘Should I be?’ You watched the small indent on his left cheek pop out as another smile grazed his lips. The water lapped up at the bare skin of your lower back, chilling your bones further. A trivial blow of breeze only made your teeth chatter.
‘Well, you said being nervous is what makes this fun. If you’re not overwhelmed, how is this fun for you?’ You quivered out as he continued moving farther out into the murky water.
His head tilted slightly to the side, like a confused canine, eyes looking you up and down subtly. ‘Are you cold?’ He changed the subject at the sound of your clacking teeth. His dark brow raised teasingly. The stars continued to twinkle up in the cloud hazed sky.
‘Aw, you noticed.’ You snarked, now it was your turn to smirk. ‘It’s hard not to when you’re shivering against me like that.’ He snarked back. His face leaned in a little closer, nose bumping gently against the slope of your neck. ‘I can warm you up.’
‘You wouldn’t need to if you hadn’t dragged us out here to do this in the freezing cold.’ Your body eased in the water. Though you could barely feel your toes, you could at least stop your teeth from their chatters.
This peace between you and the water was short lasting. ‘You wouldn’t be cold if you hadn’t agreed.’ He splashed some water up on you. It was only a little, but it was enough to make you shriek and clamp onto him tighter, nails wedged into his skin once again.
The frigid ice-like water stung sharply at your slick skin, goosebumps running up and down your arms. Eyes squeezed shut. ‘You are a bastard.’ You growled, only to earn an amused laugh from him.
‘If I’m a bastard, why did you agree to do this with me? Better yet, why’d you go to the ball with me in the first place?’ He grinned, eyes glancing down into yours.
‘Well, if this isn’t thrilling and fun for you—why did you suggest we come here?’ You tilted your head matter of factly, lashes batting comically. He quieted with a nod of his head as if to say; touché.
‘Y’know, that’s a good question.’ He jabbered teasingly under murmured breath. ‘I know it’s a good question, that’s why I want you to answer it.’ You mimicked his tone.
‘Maybe it’s an excuse to have a pretty thing like you in my arms with less than enough clothing on. Ever think of that?’ He proposed easily.
The answer shouldn’t have surprised you, but the words did leave you slightly gobsmacked. Embarrassed, admired, flattered even. ‘Hm. You could’ve accomplished that in more comfortable, less freezing ways, you know.’
‘Yeah? Let’s go try that then.’
— this is my first Wicked fanfic so pls give tips on how to write better and such! Thx for reading <3 。𖦹°‧
#wicked#jonathan bailey#cynthia erivo#ariana grande#elphaba thropp#fiyero tigelaar#wicked fiyero#prince fiyero#fiyero tigelaar x reader#wicked fanfiction#wicked fanart#wicked fandom#glinda upland#glinda the good witch#glinda x elphaba#wicked elphaba#wicked glinda#dancing through life#fiyero x reader
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Would anyone like to see a Fiyero x reader where he says the famous Anthony Bridgerton line “you are the bane of my existence and the object of my desires” orrrrr just me 👀

Lmk cause I’m getting the writing itch BADDDD
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Fiyero: "Want my advice?"
Y/N: "No. Not really."
Fiyero: "My advice is to sleep with as many people as possible."
Y/N: "That would make me a slut, which I'm not."
Fiyero: "Y/N, all guys do it; it's just that nobody talks about it."
#x male reader#male reader insert#male x male#fiyero tigelaar#wicked fiyero#wicked#jonathan bailey#Fiyero Tigelaar x male reader#winkie prince
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Hiii can I request dating/relationship headcanons for Fiyero x female!reader? Thank you!!!🩷🩷🩷
You got it!!
Masterlist 12
I love this himbo so much and can’t wait for Wicked 2 this year!!
Dating Fiyero would include…
A total sweetheart!!
If you share the same personality, it’s a match made in Oz
OR…as the old saying goes “opposites attract”
He’s a sweet boyfriend who makes time for you, listen to what you have to say, and learns about whatever hobbies or interests you have
Prone to serenading you with swooning ballads 💕
Absolutely loves the body worship and adores all of you, especially during makeouts 😉
Time of the month? Doesn’t phase him
Self care, sweets and drinks? He’s already there
Very loyal and highly protective! Always has your back
#wicked#wicked 2024#fiyero x reader#Fiyero#fiyero tigelaar#wicked fiyero#fiyero x you#fiyero tiggular#prince fiyero#my writing#fiyero x y/n#headcanons#writeblr#wicked 2025#wicked for good
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Fiyero request! Something like childhood friends reunited or friends to lovers. Thanks!
strawberry tarts (fiyero. t)
synopsis ➾ gn! reader, purple butterflies and strawberry tarts; the memories of him who turned bittersweet with growing up. He replaced them with lovers and careless days, you replaced the memories with studying, never thinking your new worlds would ever collide again. [w.c 3.3k]
warnings ➾ angst, miscommunication, fiyero being too adorable for this world, his parents being questionable.
fiyero masterlist
main masterlist






read part 1 first - purple butterflies
You didn’t know why you had agreed. A peculiar feeling really. One that went against your wishes of keeping a distance. And as Fiyero grabbed your hand, brushing his fingers with yours, you knew the distance was going to be harder and harder to keep.
That's how you found yourself amidst the dance floor of the Oz Dust, his hand against your back as you swayed to the rhythm of the band.
You were stiff, to say the least. Feet tumbling over one another at each careful step, eyes darting away from his. Uneasiness resting in your irises as he attempted to make you turn to the beat of the song.
You awkwardly stumbled back into him, his hand resting a new time against the small of your back. You felt as though his presence was made of fire, surely his fingers would burn through the violet fabric adorning your back.
"That bad?" He smirked, one of his easygoing smirks that made you want to hit the back of his head. Your eyes darted to meet his. "You look tense," he noticed.
"Oh," you cleared your throat. "Sorry." You awkwardly swallowed, mouth dry as you tried to make sense of the swirling feelings fluttering in your mind. You knew you were tense, you did not need him bringing it up.
He kept the butterfly bracelet. He gave you the most gracious, genuine smiles. He had asked you to dance.
Great Oz, you were losing your grip on reality.
"It's alright," he offered yet a new princely smile, the ones that came so easily to him. You bathed in awkwardness as you looked back at him. Owl eyes trying to decipher every micro-expression lodged on his features. You were doing your best attempts at trying to slither through your feelings, grasping at any dot to connect in the myriad of unanswered things Fiyero threw your way.
You don't know how long you sat in that awkwardness.
"I can't believe you kept it," he broke your swirling thoughts, hand gently squeezing yours.
"Your bracelet."
You blinked, confusion seeping through you yet again. You were powerless under his blue eyes, incapable of offering anything else but a weak, "of course I did."
Your mouth suddenly went dry again, or maybe it hadn't stopped being dry in the last ten minutes. You felt shy under his gaze, you wanted to curl like a little animal who only wished for the comfort of its warren. Sink into your pillows and forget this had ever happened.
But you didn't leave his side. You looked at him, eyes softening as a mix of pain and sadness picked at your stomach, fizzling right up to your gaze. Your eyes were becoming glazed and you almost caught a slight change in his own eyes. Did he notice?
"I'm surprised you kept it," you managed to pull out, hand squeezing his.
"Why would I have removed it?" His voice was gentle, laced with a tone you couldn't decipher; utter confusion, honesty, mixed with...disappointment? Was he also being condescending? It was a puzzle your mind struggled to put in place and all you found yourself stammering and stuttering.
"I- I don't know- you-"
"I'm the one who is surprised you kept it," he awkwardly chuckled, and yet another wave of confusion washed over you.
"Why?" You unintentionally squeezed his hand tighter, subconsciously preparing for the answer. You didn't know how much your hands could take the stress-squeezing coming from both sides.
"Well..." He looked away, averting your gaze before finally speaking in a shy voice. "You never replied to my letters..." His thumb caressed your wrist, and you didn't know if it was the gesture or his words that suddenly lit your body on fire and led your heart to almost stop.
"Your letters?" Your steps became twisted and you stumbled back into someone, nearly slipping if not for Fiyero catching you; and of course, he had to catch you as if you were in a fairytale novel, as if he had purposefully dipped you as part of the dance.
You were caged in his presence, and if you thought there would be no escaping him before, now you were truly trapped. Your entire weight was leaning against his grip on your back, your hands tangled behind his neck, fully dipped like one of those pretty princesses and princes you read about.
He was looking down at you, eyes asking for nothing but compassion and answers; maybe reflecting your own gaze as you peered up at him. You were so close your breaths were mangling into one and the jasmine, roses, and leather felt like your own.
"You wrote me letters?" You whispered, and the frown that adorned his face was so honest you didn't know how to react.
"Yes," he slowly lifted you up, and your knees would have buckled if not for the way he was holding you. "Hundreds of letters I sent you in the course of those, I don't know many years."
No. It couldn't be. He hadn't. Because if he had it meant he would have received your own hundreds of letters. Letters you had stopped bothering with years ago because they had been unanswered.
He was toying with you, and you weren't going to have it. No amount of charm could erase the pain and heartbreak you spent so many years mending.
"No," you scoffed, almost tapping your foot on the marble of the club. "I'm the one who sent you letters you never replied to-"
"You're the one who never answered mine," you pointed to him, index finger digging in the blue of his coat adorning his chest before you took a step back, shedding his hands from your body.
He said your name, a dry chuckle falling from his lips, "no." He looked at you with something new in his gaze. "You never sent me letters."
"I did Fiyero! Almost every day for months and months, but you never replied," your eyes were stinging, why were they stinging?
This had to be a joke. This was a joke, right? Or a horrid nightmare you will wake up from tomorrow. Yes, a nightmare. That's what you would settle on.
You'll wake up tomorrow morning, in your dorm room, safely tucked in your sheets, and remember this was all a dream. Fiyero never came to Shiz, you never sneaked out to the Oz dust.
You were safe. Tucked away in your corner of the world.
But it wasn't a dream. It was cold, harsh reality.
"Neither did you reply to mine!"
"I never got your letters Fiyero!" You took a step back, gripping the edges of your outfit in an attempt to grasp at something. You looked up at the ocean above you, madly blinking; you would not cry in front of Fiyero.
Suddenly you heard a gasp from him, and you tore your gaze away from the swirling of colored fishes.
Color had drained from his face, and you were almost worried.
"I know what happened," he sighed, almost desperately. "Dammit, I didn't know they had done it this early, or to even you-"
"What are you-"
"My parents spelled my letters so I wouldn't receive or send anything from anyone but them, or royal business... I just didn't think they had blocked your letters."
"Fiyero this isn't a joke," you turned away, you couldn't take this, not right now.
"Hey, no" He shuffled to follow you. "I promise you, this isn't a joke. They thought that would discipline me or something. Focus on my studies, no outside distractions-" He grabbed your wrist.
You let him.
You blinked at him. You didn't know what to believe.
You searched his gaze for an answer. Much to your disbelief you found nothing but honesty.
You wanted to cry, but instead, you whispered.
"You sent me letters..."
"I did," his fingers gripped your wrist a little more, thumb grazing the back of your hand soothingly.
You looked down. How? It felt impossible. Fiyero sending you letters all these years.
"You never got mine..."
You felt hot, cold and everything else all at once. You wanted to leave, you wanted to hug him, kiss him. Anything to quiet your mind and the swirling thoughts that were circling you, caging you in their embrace. The tears were starting to pick at your eyes, and you knew you needed to make a choice.
You knew he would see you crumble in front of him, and you refused to do so.
"Hey," he attempted, feet moving to get closer.
"I have to go," you muttered, ripping your hand from his.
"Ranger, please," he was almost begging, sad eyes peering down at you.
You would not cave. Not even when he used the nickname he had made for you years ago.
"I'm sorry."
"You should stop sulking."
"Get out of bed for me at least?"
Elphaba crossed the room to you, sitting on the edge of your bed. She removed her bag from her shoulder and started shuffling through it.
"Fine, but I'm only giving you this afternoon to be sad, and tonight we're stealing ice cream from the kitchens, and tomorrow were going to the poppy field to have a good cry and scream and then you'll be back to normal."
"No promises... Although midnight ice cream does sound tempting."
"It does doesn't it," she wrinkled her nose in mischief, before dipping her attention back to her bag. "Here," she grabbed a big textbook flipping through the page where she placed a sheet of paper. "These are the exercises from Mr. Dillamond," she placed it on your bedside table before fishing for something else. A small leather-bound notebook. "My notes from the day are all in here, make sure you copy them before Saturday, I'll need them."
"Thank you, Elphaba," you muttered against your pillow.
"Can you stop pouting?"
"No," you snuggled further into your covers.
"He asked me if you were okay, you know?"
You didn't answer.
"I don't think he believed me when I told him you caught a cold."
She waited before speaking again, looking at your awkward shape from under the covers.
She knew you were hurt. She had attempted to make you feel better at lunch break, bringing you your favorite dessert and trying to cheer you up with a pep talk.
Even attempting to cheer you up by telling you Fiyero had officially friendzoned Galinda.
But nothing was working, and you were left a mess, attempting to find the truth and fiction within your conversation with Fiyero the night before.
She sighed, a long sigh you caught even from your place a thousand leagues under your covers.
"I could... Try to locate the letter? See if he's telling the truth."
You popped your face out of your covers, raising an eyebrow, "you could do that?"
"I mean... I can try?"
You sat up on your bed.
"I mean, you want answers right? Closure?"
"Ok," she gave you one of her small determined smiles. "No promises."
You watched her; removing the bag from her lap before cracking her knuckles. She gave you an encouraging smile, sitting more comfortably on your bed before closing her eyes.
She sighed through her nose before speaking in her clear voice, "could you tell me what you wrote in one of those letters?"
"If you don't mind-"
"No, it's fine," you cleared your throat. "They never started with Dear Fiyero, it was always-"
"Wait I think I see them," you watched her frown, one of her hands gripping your sheets. "They’re locked in magic boxes. He wasn’t lying." Your breath caught in your throat. "There are two boxes. I think one is for the ones he sent, other is received."
Your eyes were stinging. You were about to thank her, about to mutter something when she stopped you yet again.
"I think I can bring them."
"Here?" Your eyes widened, and you watched as her frown deepened. "Elphaba?"
No reply. You watched her, mouth agape as she was muttering something under her breath.
Suddenly, with a flick of her fingers, a loud thud rang across the room.
You squealed, she screamed. You both jumped off the bed, eyes darting from each other to the table in the middle of the room.
Indeed, two iron boxes rimmed with gold laid on the table.
"It worked," she muttered, disbelief written all across her face. "I can't believe it worked!"
"Elphaba you’re amazing!" You jumped to hug her before bouncing towards the chests.
They were gorgeous. Clearly built in Winkie country, with intricate golden loops and flower-like crests. You approached them, in awe. They were dusty; untouched and unopened for years.
You took the small lock in one of your hands. "They're locked"
"Let me do it," she approached you, and with yet another easy flick of her fingers, both chests opened by themselves, creating a big cloud of dust, floating above you like halos.
You coughed, before finally looking at the content.
"This one is to Fiyero," Elphaba muttered, "yours must be from," she noticed.
You grabbed the first letter atop the large pile, and indeed Fiyero Tigelaar was written in big where the sender's name should be. Fiyero had sent loads of letters, you thought. Both boxes were full, but this one had a significant amount more.
You flipped the letter.
Y/n L/n,
Shiz University
"This one's for me," you mumbled, frowning. "He wrote my address down as Shiz."
"Must be a recent letter."
"You think he sent me letters all the way til now?"
"Maybe you underestimated him..."
You raised an eyebrow, heart racing as you opened it.
My Dear Ranger,
I hope you are well.
Call me a fool for writing you, but I thought I would, at least today. I heard through the grapevine that you were at Shiz, I plan on transferring to Shiz next month. Maybe I will see you there.
You folded the letter, holding it against your beating chest, "he really did it. He really wrote me..."
"Well, here are some of your own letters. Unopened." Elphaba dropped a pile of ten letters she had scavenged from the box onto the table. And indeed, none of them had been opened or read. "There must be more at the bottom?"
"These are the last ones I sent, yes," you looked at them with a sad smile.
"You okay?" Elphaba placed a hand on your shoulder.
"I don't think so-" You were going to say more, try to express the feeling that felt like someone had just poured hot cement at the bottom of your stomach.
A knock rang across the room.
"It's opened," you shouted in a hoarse voice, staring at Elphaba with big eyes.
The golden handle of your door twisted, and when you thought the door would open to your roommate, you found Fiyero staring back at the both of you, bright blue eyes gone wide as they caught sight of the two boxes on the table, and the letters flowing out of them.
"I-" he stared at you like a fish, mouth agape. "I came to see if you are alright." He blinked, unsure of his next move. "Are these-?"
"It's on me. I used my magic to- um- bring them here."
Fiyero did not reply. Instead he walked across the room to you. He took a good look at the boxes, all too familiar with the design. His fingers traced the top of the box before his eyes landed on the opened letter in your hand.
"So you truly did not receive any of these..."
"I will leave now," Elphaba smiled, not leaving you time to respond before scurrying out.
Tension could be cut with a knife as he observed the letters with careful eyes. He looked at the opened one in your hand, a sad smile you had never seen on him before adorning his features.
You watched as his delicate hands fished inside the from Fiyero box; admiring all his never-answered letters. He silently looked at the dates, gently moved the ones he did not seem to care for to the side, right until he found the one he was looking for.
It could be differentiated from the others by its pastel blue envelope. He handed it to you without a word being shared, sparkling eyes pleading for you to take it.
You let go of a breath you did not know you were holding before your fingers reached the blue paper.
To 'Y/n L/n',
White Orchid Farm, Lilly Valley, Winky Country.
Your fingers traced the night sky blue ink.
"Any of yours you want me to read?" His voice was soft as he moved to the second box, fingers catching the one Elphaba had already placed on the table. It dated way before Fiyero's last letter to you, and his eyes seemed to scan the writing of his name on the back.
"Um, the one with the green flowers," you mumbled, watching as he nodded and dived his hands in the myriad of letters.
Your eyes went back to the one in your hand, you took a breath, filling your lungs with courage before starting to open the letter.
My dearest, Ranger,
I think it is time I admit to you, and maybe to myself in the process, that I do not know how to live without you. You are my guide, my through line to a life I keep wishing to escape, and I do not wish to deny it any further.
I love you.
I love you to the stars and back, actually not even the distance is enough to calculate my love for you.
Please come back to me,
Your Scarecrow.
"Fiyero-" You mumbled, eyes darting up to see him--still reading your own letter. You waited, watching as his eyes started to sparkle in comprehension.
He did not voice his feelings, but his movements portrayed a new color you were barely familiar with on him. He looked at you, like a lost puppy as his hands placed the letter back on the table.
You do not know how long you stood there, waiting to decipher something, anything from him.
You didn't have time to register as he took a step forward, hand finding the small of your back and holding you as delicately as the night before. His other hand found your cheek, he barely asked for permission with his gaze; he could see it in your eyes that you were desperate for the same thing.
Before you could say anything your lips collided. He tasted as sweet as you had remembered, and you felt your head spin at the contact. It was soft, delicate, hesitant, and everything you had ever hoped for.
And suddenly you were thirteen again, giggling in the forest as your lips clumsily collided with his for the first time.
But you weren't thirteen anymore, years had passed by, you were grown now, and as Fiyero's lips brushed yours again, the years of yearning burst back to the surface.
Your own hands found his hair, pushing you even closer to him, and turning the kiss hungrier.
You don't know how long your lips had glided over one another before you pulled away for breath, foreheads leaning against one another.
"Great Oz, I was starting to think I'd never to do that again," he mumbled with kiss-bitten lips, making you giggle.
You smiled as you watched his doe eyes, peering at you with admiration.
"Please never leave me again, Ranger."
"I missed you calling me that, I hadn't heard this nickname in years," you blushed under his gaze.
"I missed calling you that," he placed his hand gently under your chin before bringing your lips to his again, "I love you," he kissed you again, "Oz it feels great to say it," and then again his lips found yours, "I love you," another time, "i love you" and yet again, "I love you."
You giggled in his arms, "and I love you, my scarecrow," you smiled, before dipping your head to find his lips yet again.
Oz how you had missed him so.
#prince fiyero 🫧#fiyero tigelaar#fiyero tigelaar x reader#fiyero tigelaar x y/n#fiyero tigelaar imagine#fiyero tigelaar x you#fiyero tigelaar fan fiction#prince fiyero tigelaar#fiyero x reader#fiyero x you#fiyero x y/n
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Everything is gonna be on hold for the time being until I find out whether or not I have some kind of stomach tumor. My stomach is so big, I look pregnant (which is strange because contrary to my behavior, im a virgin; a long story so don’t ask) but I’ll be back when I fix whatever is wrong with me so see y’all later :)
Update- I’m cured(curing) it was an undigested tummy blockage <3
#the salesman x reader#squid game smut#squid game#gong yoo x reader#fiyero tigelaar x reader#fiyero x reader#clark kent x reader#coffee prince fanfic#smallville x reader
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Very very angsty Fiyero Tigelaar x Reader:
So basically, what if Fiyero and the reader had some kind of relationship going on during their shiz days—like everyone knew they were a couple. And they eventually get married sometime after Elphaba’s disappearance.
Anyways, in act two Fiyero goes looking for Elphaba much to the annoyance of reader (even though Elphaba is was her friend too). And Fiyero is turned into a scarecrow and can’t return home so he helps Dorothy on her way (along the yellow brick road) to the wizard.
All the while, the reader has a child (and she didn’t even know she was pregnant when Fiyero disappeared-) but anyways- Elphaba and Fiyero find eachother after the water incident and Elphaba tries to convince him to return to his family with the reader (and this is when he finds out he has a child) but refuses because he is scared the reader won’t accept him and your child will be afraid of him.
So he never returns to the reader (and your child) and lives out the rest of his days dancing through life with Elphaba! Besties for life!
#fiyero tigelaar#wicked fiyero#fiyero tiggular#prince fiyero#fiyero x elphaba#fiyero x reader#angst#wicked#wicked 2024#elphaba thropp#wicked movie
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Anthony Bridgerton x Reader!Wife (part two)
💟 very nsfw/slow oral sex + dirty lovemaking, part one here
The tongue is more quick and intense than the fingers, as well as feels like a small and intense heat inside or on the clit. The fingers can go firm and deep, but the tongue is warm and wet and full of expression on its own. Anthony curled and flexed his member inside his mouth. He moved your hands to his hair and moved closer towards you, until his nose made contact with your clit. He gripped your thighs and held you close with the length of his arms, thrusting his firm tongue down your pussy as his nose quickly slapped into your clit. Then, he pushed his arms away from himself and exited you. A cold breeze swept over your wetness before his strong tongue pressed its intense warmth against your walls inside again. The tongue-fuck from Anthony seemed to be enjoyable for him. He looked up at your breasts, your face, and his member was poking your back as he held you on his chest and slid you back and forth to keep his mouth-fucking as easy as possible. When you had gotten off from his curled-tongue-fuck, he removed the member from you and replaced it with two fingers. The two fingers were mostly stationary to give you a little girth to clamp down on as he sucked your clit and made love to your exterior womanhood. Anthony removed his fingers and slid you down himself, and stopped you before his waist. He grabbed his member with his hand and slapped it against your ass, and then let it go with his hand to lay up on his stomach again. He guided your hips down and your wet, slick womanhood grazed his belly button. You let your weight down further and let your warmth slide its way down Anthony’s belly until you made contact with his tip. You sat up and guided just the first part of him inside you, before you leaned back and let him pop outside of you. You took his tip to graze your clip and repeated this until you were throughly wet and introduced to his girth. You placed a knee at each side of Anthony and guided his tip to your entrance. You slowly lower yourself down and watch his eyes close, and mouth hang open. You sit down and clench your womanhood on his thickness. Anthony thrusts up and you feel him brush you somewhere deep inside. He is able to continue moving his hips up and down despite your clenches. Anthony moved too far away and his tip is pushed out from your throbbing pussy. You clench so he is not able to insert himself back in, yet keep your legs wide open and gaze up at him.
“Please, I will fuck you harder if you allow me back in,” he pleads.
He stares you up and down before settling on looking down, smirking at your glistening entrance, and moving his mouth towards your opening yet again. A thick, wet, warm stripe is licked from your opening to your clit, and your clit is sucked, before the action is repeated for a good few minutes. Anthony introduces his fingers, and moves his mouth back up to meet yours as he adjusts your hips to be under his. His fingers are replaced by his tip, then his member fully thrusts in you.
#bridgerton#bridgerton fanfiction#bridgerton fandom#anthony bridgerton#bridgerton anthony#bridgerton smut#bridgerton roleplay#prince fiyero#fiyero x reader#fiyero x y/n#wicked fiyero#fiyero fanart#fiyero x you
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Fiyero Tigelaar x f!reader; 18+ MDNI!

Synopsis: Fiyero‘s idea of helping you study for your upcoming exams is much more distracting than you thought …
c.w.: smut! (vaginal fingering, fem receiving oral, hints at praise kink); established relationship; Fiyero being a flirty tease; gratuitous use of Darling & love; fluff & bantering; Fiyero setting unrealistic boyfriend standards
w.c. 3.8k oops?? || masterlist
AN: this is for everyone craving some very much needed Fiyero smut!! I also couldn’t resist giving Fiyero reading glasses in this, if you’ve seen the clip of Jonathan Bailey practicing the Dancing Through Life choreo with his glasses on, you’ll know what I’m talking about 🤭
You’d been pouring over your textbooks for so long, your vision was starting to blur. Your concentration was starting to ebb away as well, seeing as you’d had to read through the paragraph concerning the use of moonflowers in several antidotes through four times, before you’d actually worked through the information conveyed in the paragraph.
Now, you sighed, reaching for your textbook and pen, because you needed to take more notes. Your hand was aching from how much you’d already written today. But it was no good, exams were starting next week and you really needed to ace your alchemy exam.
However, just as you were about to uncap your pen, a hand grasped yours, stopping you mid-motion.
„Darling, you should really take a break-„
Fiyero hadn’t even finished his sentence, when you were already shaking your hand, interrupting him. „I can‘t!“ Your voice quivered and seemed to border on the edge of hysterical, but you hardly noticed. „I can’t Fiyero, exams start on Monday and I need to-„
„What you need to do“, Fiyero said, stepping closer to you, until he was right behind your desk chair and able to rest his head in the crook of your neck, „is to take a break.“
You could feel his warm breath on your skin, could feel the bridge of his reading glasses dig into the soft skin of your neck and had to suppress a shiver.
Fiyero with his reading glasses was something else, truly. He was already extremely good-looking to begin with, but something about his reading glasses seemed to add to his natural good looks, almost like they were giving him an edge.
Or maybe you’d just been studying too much, causing your brain to turn to mush, you tried to reason with yourself.
Whatever it was - Fiyero had quickly found out the effect he had on you when he was wearing his reading glasses and was now using it shamelessly to his advantage. Not that he really needed that - his incredibly good looks and natural charms were enough to sweep you off your feet.
„I’m just worried about you, love“, Fiyero now said, drawing you out of your thoughts. His arms had snaked around your stomach and now you were trapped in his embrace, not that you really minded.
„You’ve been studying so much lately, I hardly ever get to see you.“
Though you couldn’t see the look on his face, you were pretty sure that he was pouting. That thought caused you to smile softly and, laying aside your pen, you reached for Fiyero’s hands, interlacing his fingers with yours.
„You do see me all the time, though“, you pointed out, squeezing his hands. „At classes and during meal times, in the library or when we’re studying here-“
Fiyero groaned. „Yes, but that’s just not the same. I want to spend some time with my girlfriend, love. And not just sitting next to each other, studying quietly-“
„Well, studying quietly is the usual thing to do“, you interrupted him.
He chuckled, his warm breath tickling your skin. You found yourself leaning back into him, enjoying his closeness. Now that you thought about it, he was right - though you saw each other all the time, you struggled to remember the last time you’d been together without the threat of upcoming exams looming over you.
„I know how important these exams are for you-“
„They’re important for you as well“, you pointed out, which Fiyero pointedly ignored, ploughing on.
„But you need to take a break every now and then. Not just for indulging me, but for your own sake, darling. Elphie and Glinda are worried about you as well.“
You sighed, knowing that there was no point in arguing with him. Not just because Fiyero could be incredibly stubborn once he’d made up his mind about something, but also because, deep down, you knew that he was right. Lately, you’d been studying so much, it almost felt as if an ever-present headache, paired with blurry vision, and aching, cramping hands were your constant companions.
„You’re right … it’s just, these exams are so important, I can’t - I can’t fail them, you know?“
Fiyero sighed quietly, breaking the embrace, and stepping around your chair, kneeling down right in front of you and taking your hands in his. „I know, love. And though I know that you don’t like hearing me say it, but I’ve absolutely no doubt that you’re going to ace your exams.“
You rolled your eyes, smiling. By now, you knew Fiyero well enough to know that he wasn’t just humoring you with his words - he really did believe in you without a doubt.
However complicated Fiyero’s own relationship with education was - though knowing him as you did, and knowing the unattainable expectations his parents had always set for him, you could completely comprehend his disdain -, he knew how important a good diploma was for you. Really, you couldn’t have asked for a better, more understanding and supportive boyfriend, you thought, grinning down at him.
Fiyero caught your gaze, returning your smile, as he squeezed your hands. Though his smile was soft and loving, there was a hint of something else in his eyes, something darker, hungrier-
„How about I’ll help you study, love? And then, later we can take a break …“
„You really don’t have to-“
„I’ll ask you questions that might come up in your alchemy exam, and for every right answer, you’ll get a reward-“
„But - how?“, you interrupted him, your mouth suddenly feeling quite dry. Something about the intensity in his gaze made your heart flutter, and something in his knowing, confident smirk told you that he knew exactly what he was doing to you when he was talking about rewards. „Fiyero, how would you know the questions that might come up in my alchemy exam, you’re not even taking the class-“
„Your flashcards are really quite informative, you know?“, he said, smirk widening, when he saw your cheeks flushing.
„You - you - my flashcards - you memorized them?“, you stuttered, breathless and at a complete loss for words.
Fiyero just nodded, looking quite pleased with himself. „Darling, I know how important these exams are for you.“
You shook your head, completely baffled. The fact that he’d actually taken the time to read through your alchemy flashcards, memorizing them, when he wasn’t even taking the subject himself, just to help you study, left you feeling dizzy and overwhelmed.
Sweet Oz, he really was the best.
„Fiyero, I - you-“
„I’m incredible, I know, thank you, darling“, he said, smirking. Not giving you the chance to tell him how much you loved him - or to say anything else, for the matter -, he squeezed your hands once more, before running his hands through his hair, leaning back.
„Now, I’m sure you’ll remember the mass of red clover you need to use in an antidote for poisons bending the free will-“
He’d barely finished asking the question when you were already rattling off the answer, able to visualize the flashcard, covered in your neat, cramped handwriting, in your head.
Fiyero nodded, grinning. „Quite right, which means that the correct ratio for red clover and amaranth is?“
For a moment, you could only stare at him in surprise. Had he actually taken the time to memorize the entire content of your flashcards, including all the extra footnotes and notes in the margins, you’d scribbled in a particularly small, cramped font, when you’d been using the cards for revision a few days ago?
Fiyero’s knowing, self-satisfied smirk answered your question, and you could only shake your head at him in awe.
„You’re the best“, you said in a weak, awe-struck voice.
Fiyero just smirked. „I know, but that still doesn’t answer my question, love.“
He leaned in closer towards you again, reaching for your hands, which were still resting on your thighs. This time, he didn’t thread your fingers together, instead he started to gently rub your skin in soothing circles.
You let out a quiet, satisfied sigh - up until now you’d tried to ignore how stiff and aching your hands had been feeling lately, but Fiyero seemed to know exactly what he needed to do in order to gently soothe the pain in your stiff, aching joints.
„So?“, Fiyero asked, his chocolate brown eyes meeting yours.
The intensity in his eyes caught you off guard - though, at first glance, his gaze seemed soft and full of concern for you, but there seemed to be something darker and hungrier beneath the concern - and that, paired with how incredibly good he looked with his reading glasses, caused your cheeks to flush.
„I - what?“, you asked him, having completely forgotten about alchemy and the proper ratio for red clover and amaranth in antidotes for the moment.
Fiyero chuckled. „Already speechless …“
You rolled your eyes at his comment, casting about for a snappy remark, but just then, Fiyero gently squeezed both your hands once more, before both his hands settled on the insides of your thighs, dangerously close to the hem of the skirt of your Shiz uniform.
„The proper ratio for red clover and amaranth in antidotes for poisons that aim at bending the free will, I’m sure you remember that, love?“
His tone was entirely light and innocent, but the dark, hungry gleam in his eyes and his satisfied smirk told you that he knew exactly what he was doing to you, when his hands started to slide higher, and higher, underneath your skirt, until you felt his fingertips brushing against the soft, sensitive skin of the inside of your thigh.
Your breath hitched, you couldn’t help it.
Fiyero leaned even closer towards you then, his eyes finding yours again.
„The proper ratio, darling?“, he asked you again, just when his fingertips started to explore the skin of your thighs with teasing, soft touches.
„I - I“, you stuttered, trying your hardest the recall the notes you’d taken concerning the particular question, but to no avail. Your mind was focused entirely on just one thing: Fiyero.
The way he was looking up at you, now not even trying to conceal the hunger in his eyes, was making you feel dizzy, and his fingertips, wandering ever higher, now dangerously close to the seam of your underwear, kept you on edge, and you felt your heart start to beat faster.
Fiyero chuckled, just as his fingertips brushed innocently over your clothed mound.
You squirmed, your breath hitching, and your hands gripped at the arms of your desk chair, your grip so tight that your knuckles whitened.
„If you want, I could help you out, love“, he said, his dark eyes finding yours again. Normally, you’d have rolled your eyes at his blatant innuendo, but as it was, all you found yourself able to do was trying to lean into his touch, wanting - no, needing - to feel the delicious friction of his fingertips against your core again.
Fiyero held your gaze, all while his fingertips brushed over your clothed core again. You sighed, closing your eyes in relief, though the relief was only short-lived.
Heat was starting to build in your stomach, and again, you found yourself leaning into Fiyero’s touch, your hands leaving the desk chair, and reaching for Fiyero, settling on his shoulders.
„The proper ratio, love“, Fiyero said, his fingers now drawing teasing circles over the fabric of your underwear, „is very important to remember, because due to red clover’s strong effect on the mind, it could quickly act as neutralizing, instead of amplifying when used in too high dosages.“
Your eyes widened. Now that Fiyero explained it, you were able to recall the information yourself, even able to conjure up the image of the flashcard containing that particular information in your mind. What really had you staring at your boyfriend in awestruck fascination though, was the fact that he was able to recall such information at all, given his current circumstances.
If the roles had been reversed, you wouldn’t have been able to concentrate on anything but him, you thought, as your eyes found Fiyero’s again.
He smirked at you, watching as your cheeks flushed, as he increased the pressure of his fingertips on your core.
„Fiyero“, you said breathlessly, breath hitching when, suddenly, his hands settled on your waist with a strong grip, and he drew you in even closer towards him. When his grip on you relaxed, your legs fell open almost instinctually, effectively trapping Fiyero between your thighs.
He didn’t seem to mind in the slightest however, the dark glint in his eyes intensifying.
„Not quite the answer I was looking for“, he said, his tone casual, almost matter of-factly, which was in stark contrast to his knowing, satisfied smirk and his wandering fingertips, which brushed against your underwear again, until he finally, finally took mercy on you and slipped his fingers beneath the fabric.
„But I suppose it’ll do just as well“, he muttered, his eyes finding yours, as his fingers brushed over your core again, this time without the irksome barrier of your underwear in the way.
You whined, trying to lean into his touch, but Fiyero didn’t increase the pressure of his touch, continuing to draw teasing circles over your core.
„Fiyero“, you said, breath hitching, „please, I - I … I - just - please …“
It was torture, what he was doing to you, you thought. Complete torture. Kneeling between your thighs, his hair tousled just the way you liked it, looking up at you with a dark, hungry expression in his eyes behind his glasses, and yet he still wouldn’t touch you - not really, not in the way you really needed him to.
„Please, just - just touch me, please, I-“, the rest of your words was lost to the breathless, loud whine you let out, when suddenly, without warning, the pressure of his touch on your core increased, and he started rubbing your sensitive bundle of nerves in earnest, while he used his other hand to impatiently tug your underwear down your legs.
„The proper ratio is always double the amount of amaranth, due to red clover’s strong effectiveness“, Fiyero said, his own voice now sounding breathless. Having managed to successfully wrangle your underwear down your legs, his left hand settled on the inside of your thigh again.
Continuing to rub your bundle of nerves with his right hand, his left hand moved up your thigh, his fingertips edging ever closer towards your core, until he stopped his movements just when his fingertips had grazed against your core.
„Though I suppose you’ve answered the first part of my question, which means that you’re due a reward.“
When he finally pushed two fingers into you, you could have cried out in relief. Your grip on his shoulder blades tightened, but Fiyero didn’t seem to mind in the slightest.
The thought that you should probably feel embarrassed by how you’d already turned to putty in his hands, how wet you already were, briefly crossed your mind, but then Fiyero started to pump his fingers in and out of you in a torturously slow rhythm, and every other thought but how incredibly good he made you feel, seemed to fade from your mind.
„But maybe you do remember what the best time for picking red clover is? It was in another footnote on the flashcard, love“, Fiyero said, his own voice sounding increasingly breathless and strained as his eyes found yours again.
How he could recall any of the contents of your flashcards at all when he currently had two fingers buried deep inside of you, curling them just the way he knew drove you wild, repeatedly hitting your sweet spot, was entirely beyond you.
As it was, you barely managed to wheeze out „Mid-Midnight“, before moaning embarrassingly loud, when Fiyero added a third finger, stretching you open even wider.
„Good girl“, Fiyero groaned, his hand leaving your clit for a moment as he hitched your right leg up over his shoulder. The fingers of his other hand were still buried deep inside you and you felt yourself squeezing around him, your breath hitching, the new angle almost making you see stars in front of your eyes.
The aching heat in your belly was building and building with every stroke of Fiyero’s fingers and soon you found yourself moving your hips in time with his hands, meeting his thrusts and seeking out more and more and more of the delicious friction.
But then, just when you were chasing after your peak, feeling the aching, delicious heat in you building and building, Fiyero abruptly stopped his movements.
At this, you actually did let out a cry of frustration, not caring about anything but your denied peak and the fact that Fiyero’s fingers were still buried deep inside of you, yet he was refusing to move them, denying you what you so desperately wanted - no, needed.
„Fiyero, please-“
„One last question, darling“, he said, his voice sounding rough and strained, and his hand left your clit again and you watched him with wide eyes and flushed cheeks as he carelessly took of his glasses, tossing them to the side.
„From here on out, will you listen to me, Elphie and Glinda when we’re concerned about you?“
The question caught you off guard, and you found yourself leaning forwards, wanting to be closer to Fiyero, but the sudden movement only caused his fingers to slide deeper into you.
„I - what?“, you moaned, biting down hard on your lip.
Fiyero’s dark eyes found yours again, his gaze serious. „You’ll listen to me when I’ll tell you to take a break? Exams are important, but so is your health, darling.“
As if to punctuate his point, he curled his fingers again, hitting your sweet spot perfectly.
„Yes, Sweet Oz, yes“, you whined desperately, your hips rocking forward again, „yes, I - anything you want, Fiyero, just please-“
„Good girl.“
And without further warning, Fiyero lowered his head between your thighs, and you felt his lips right were you so desperately needed them. And instead of continuing to tease you and work you into a desperate, frenzy mess like he usually would with featherlight kisses against your core, he immediately licked a flat stripe over your slit with his tongue.
You nearly came undone right then and there. His tongue immediately delved into your folds, replacing his fingers, giving you exactly what you needed.
Your fingers found their way into Fiyero’s hair, tugging at his strands maybe a little too harshly, but if the low, satisfied groan that escaped him was any indication, he seemed to enjoy it, like he usually did.
Fiyero pressed his thumb to your clit again, applying just the right amount of pressure, as his tongue continued to slide in and out of you, perfectly hitting your sweet spot repeatedly.
Soon, you were a quivering, panting mess, desperately arching your back and bucking your hips up to meet the sure, confident strokes of Fiyero’s tongue. You found yourself clenching around him again, as the pleasurable heat in your core kept building, nearly at its breaking point.
A whiny, desperate moan escaped you, and you found your grip on Fiyero’s hair tightening even more.
„Fiyero, I - I - fuck!“, you panted, unable to string together a coherent sentence anymore.
Fiyero seemed to understand what you were trying to tell him, though, for he replaced his tongue with his fingers again, setting a brutal, unforgiving pace, as he swirled his tongue over your now swollen, incredibly sensitive bundle of nerves.
„I - Fiyero“, you panted.
You were so close, so incredibly close-
„Don’t hold back“, Fiyero now groaned, the hand that had been previously settled on your hip reaching up, and you immediately reached for it, „come for me, good girl.“
That did the trick.
The coil in your belly snapped, and overwhelming waves of pleasure crested over you.
You came, with a loud cry of Fiyero’s name on your lips, and squeezing his hand so tightly, your fingernails digging into his skin that you were sure they were going to leave crescent shaped marks on his skin.
Fiyero took everything you gave him, guiding you through your high, as he squeezed your hand back, his thumb rubbing gentle circles over your skin, greedily lapping up all your juices.
For a few, incredible moments there was nothing but Fiyero and the waves of pleasure claiming you.
Then, slowly, you started coming back down from your high. Fiyero was still kneeling between your legs, his tongue greedily lapping up the last of your juices and you squirmed from the overstimulation. Fiyero didn’t let you pull away from him, though.
Only after lapping up the last drop, and, looking at you with a knowing, challenging expression in his eyes as he pressed his lips right against your swollen, sensitive nub - which had you squirming, moaning unintelligible nothings, your grip on his hair tightening once more - did he pull away, gently sliding your leg back down from his shoulder, before gently scooping you up in his arms.
You felt like putty in his hands, nothing more than a tangle of limbs.
You were still breathing heavily as he sat down in your desk chair, gently positioning you in his lap. Fiyero tucked your head against his chest, softly stroking your hair as he whispered sweet nothings into your ear, while you continued to come back down from your high.
After a few moments, you found the strength to reach for Fiyero’s hand, threading your fingers together.
His eyes found yours again, and the love for you you saw in them, nearly took your breath away again.
„Sweet Oz, that was incredible, you’re - fuck, I love you so much, Fiyero“, you said, reaching up and pressing your lips to his.
Fiyero let out a soft noise at your words, kissing you back softly. The kiss was slow and sweet, and though you could feel how aroused he still was, you wanted to bask in this slower moment with him for a bit longer.
When Fiyero broke the kiss, he leaned his forehead against yours, cupping your cheek with his free hand. „By Oz, you’re incredible, darling. I love you so much.“
You smiled, pressing another soft kiss against his lips.
When Fiyero pulled back again, his eyes were still soft and full of love, but his lips slowly formed into a smirk. „Though, what was that bit about studying quietly being the usual thing to do?“
You rolled your eyes. „You’re unbelievable, you know that?“
He just smirked. „Maybe so, but you love it.“
Seeing as there was no point in his arguing this particular sentiment, you just pressed your lips to his again, though this time not nearly as softly and sweetly as before. Fiyero groaned, deepening the kiss.
You reached up, winding your arms around his neck.
You had a feeling that you were not going to leave your room for quite some time. Not that you minded, not even in the slightest.
Studying could wait a bit longer.
tagging: @foxherder @a-quick-request @deepkittymoon @hazbingirliexoxo @inejsknifes @miadollaasignn @delespresso @losttombgirlie @potato-painter
so sorry for the long wait!! the holidays stress was real this year around
#fiyero x reader#fiyero tigelaar x reader#fiyero x you#fiyero smut#fiyero tigelaar smut#fiyero x y/n#fiyero tigelaar x you#fiyero wicked#prince fiyero#fiyero tigelaar x y/n#fiyero imagine#wicked x reader#wicked fiyero#wicked movie#wicked 2024#wicked imagine
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Hey, can you do a Fiyero x reader where the reader doesn't trust people much and he likes her and helps her trust people?
No One Mourns The Wicked
Fiyero Tigelaar x Reader
A/n: I had to revise this several times because I was not happy with it, so I hope you like it! I took some inspiration from scream and to all the boys I loved before, so if you know you know. I also continued with the theme of having song titles because I’ve been listening to the soundtrack 24/7 :)
It wasn’t easy to trust people. Especially after what happened a year ago. Trusting people meant to let them in and let them see the real you. It was a beautiful thing. But trusting people also made it easier for people to take advantage of you and betray you.
Before the incident it was easy to let people in. You let people in quite often because you enjoyed the concept of meeting new people and getting to know them on a personal level. Now having your walls up has become second nature and it’s hard to go back to the way things used to be. So now you keep everyone at an arms distance and only interact when necessary.
Life was fine that way. You were still very close with your family and they respected your new choice of living. But no one outside of your family gets to discover the real you.
You were actually glad when you received the news, one early morning, that Prince Fiyero Tigelaar of Winkie Country had just arrived at Shiz. You knew that everyone would be too preoccupied with him to notice you, so it was the perfect way to avoid people.
If you saw him anywhere near, you would walk the in the opposite direction in order to avoid people. And it worked. But that didn’t mean you never thought about him.
He seemed like he was fun to be around. Carefree and oblivious to the tribulations of the world, but at the same time still being aware. He would be someone you would have been friends with before what happened.
Sometimes you wish you weren’t the way you were. You wish you could just walk up to him and strike up a conversation. Younger you definitely would have been able to. Now you just sit by and watch and only imagine what it would be like to interact with Fiyero Tigelaar.
What you didn’t know was that he was intrigued by you as well and he was determined to get to know you.
You were currently in the library writing an essay for literature. It was your best subject and you always received perfect scores, but your mind wasn’t there at the moment. You knew that you would get nowhere if you kept pushing yourself, so you set your essay aside and decided to read a book.
You left your belongings where you sat and went to a nearby bookshelf near the fantasy section. You found the title of the next book from the series you were currently reading. It was pretty high up so you had to stand up on your tip toes.
Your fingers grazed the spine of the book and then suddenly a hand came from behind and grabbed the book from the shelf. You turned around and it was the man himself. The one no one could stop talking about. Fiyero Tigelaar.
This was the first time you’ve ever been in such close proximity with him. You’ve never realized that his eyes were crystal blue until now. You being the person who never interacts with people waited for him to say something first.
“You’re Y/n right?”
You nodded.
“I’ve seen you around and never properly introduced myself. I’m Fiyero Tigelaar,” He paused for dramatic effect, “of Winkie country.”
“I know.”
You plucked the book from his hand and walked back to your chair. Fiyero ran after you and stopped you from getting back to your seat.
“How come I only see you in class and rarely around campus?” He asked.
You were taken aback by his words. You didn’t even know he knew you existed let alone kept tabs on you about where you were.
“I like to keep to myself.”
You walked past him and sat back in your seat. You opened up the book and began to read the first page. Suddenly, you heard the chair across from you scrape and somebody sat down it in. Very slowly the top of your book was pushed down by a finger and you looked up to see Fiyero.
He sat there, with the chair facing the opposite direction that it should be, looking dare you say, devilishly handsome. The corner of his lips pointed upward in an endearing smile.
Younger you would have come up with some witty remark to say, but you now drew a blank at what words to choose from. Feeling like a fish out of water when interacting with others.
“You don’t talk much do you?” He pointed out.
You shook your head.
“Why is that?”
His head tilted to the side like a puppy and you wanted to point it out, but you were too afraid to.
“Because I want to.” You said.
“Because you want to. No there has to be more to it.”
“There isn’t.”
Fiyero sat there for a moment before speaking again.
“I don’t really see you interacting with other people much. It’s as if you socially isolate yourself on purpose. Why are you so antisocial?”
This guy doesn’t try to allude to anything you thought. He just says whatever pops into his brain.
“I’m not antisocial.”
Fiyero gave you a skeptical look, but then suddenly you could see the gears turning in his head, while thinking about what you just said. He leaned forward in his chair and talked quieter.
“You don’t trust people do you.”
That sentence caught you off guard. No one has ever been so blatantly blunt with you until now. Even though you keep to yourself you actually are an open book, and anyone would get to the point Fiyero is right now if they cared enough.
Even though you never voluntarily interacted with others you secretly wished that someone cared enough to get to know you. But now that you finally got what you wished for, you didn’t know what to do.
You felt like a deer caught in headlights. You can hear the answer in your head as clear as day, but putting it into the words was the issue. The words were coherent, but they became jumbled as soon as you tried to speak.
So you did what you did best. You avoided people. In this case you avoided Fiyero. You stood up and began to grab your belongings.
Fiyero’s smile began to fall from his face.
“Did I do something wrong?”
But you ignored him. You grabbed the rest of your belongings and began to speed walk towards the exit of the library, when you felt a hand grab your wrist.
You looked up at Fiyero and he had guilt written all over his face. It made you feel guilty for acting the way you did.
“If I said anything to offend you then I’m sorry. I only wanted to get to know you better. I’m sorry if my questions came off as rude. I was just nervous and I really wanted to make a first good impression and—“
You didn’t let him finish and you yanked your hand free from his hold. Without another word you walked out of the library and you didn’t look back.
You felt his eyes on your back and you could have sworn you felt his regret and disappointment all the way down the courtyard.
For the rest of the week Fiyero kept his distance from you and you were grateful for it. It’s like the way things were before, but now whenever you two came across each other he would either smile or nod at you. A way to still interact you, but not so direct and it gave you time to think about what you could possibly say to him.
You felt guilty about the way you treated him the other day and it’s been eating you alive that you caused him pain. You didn’t mean to be rude, but you just didn’t know how to explain to him why you are the way you are. It meant opening up to him. Trusting him. And that’s something that you haven’t done in a long time. You forgot how to trust anyone.
You tried to come up with different scenarios in your head on how you could confront him. But you knew deep down that you could plan on what to say, but you woundn’t know how to set your plan into motion. As of right now you had nothing
So you tried to write down your thoughts in a letter to say you’re sorry for the way you acted, but you could barely write two sentences before crumbling the paper up and throwing it in the trash. All of your drafts seemed too impersonal.
And when you weren’t trying to write an apology letter, you often thought about the last few words he said: “I was just nervous and I really wanted to make a first good impression and—“
What did he mean by that? From the outside he looked calm, cool and collected. He never gave off the impression he was nervous, so why would he be nervous with you? And why would he want to make a first good impression with you? It’s not like you are someone important.
But you tried not to dwell on it too much because you still had assignments, exams, and projects that needed to be completed and that was stressful enough.
One day after a stressful exam you decided to find solitude in your hiding place. There was a forest near campus you went to whenever you needed to clear your head or simply be alone.
Today you simply wanted to draw, something you did quite often, and you thought what would be better artistic inspiration than the forest you always go to.
You found a clearing with a pound and used a nearby rock as a seat. You began sketching the outline. You started with the lake and then moved on to make roughly shaped trees. You can get more detailed with everything once the layout is sketched out.
You found it quite peaceful to be alone and content with the only sounds being the ripples of the water and the animals and bugs in the forest. You were shading the edge of the flower you drew with a shading tool, to create a shadow, when you heard a twig snap. Your head snapped to look at the intruder and it was the last person you expected to see.
All the guilt you’ve been feeling came crashing down like a tidal wave. You didn’t think you would see Fiyero right now. You thought he didn’t know this place existed. You weren’t prepared and you had no idea what to say, so you just stared at him.
Fiyero said nothing either and he took a seat on the rock next to you. You continued to stare at him as he picked a flower from the ground and began to pluck the petals off. With every other petal he said.
“She’ll talk to me.
She won’t talk to me
She’ll talk to me
She won’t talk to me.”
Finally the last petal.
“She’ll talk to me.” Fiyero said with wink.
You looked away from Fiyero and down on the ground because you didn’t want him to see your blushing face. The grass looked very interesting all of a sudden. You began to pick out the spades of grass.
“You don’t have to say anything to me right now. We can just sit in silence if you would like. But over time I want to get to know you little by little. I know I have to gain your trust, and I’ll wait as long as it takes for you to trust me.”
You looked up at him and noticed his eyes softened. You tried to read them and they gave a sense of acceptance and comfort.
He accepted the fact that it would take a while to break down the walls you built around yourself, but he’ll wait. His presence alone felt like a warm blanket being wrapped around you.
Without realizing it, tears began to well up in your eyes. Although you gave off the impression of wanting to be alone, all you along you wanted someone to approach you and put in the effort to get to know you.
You haven’t had a basic human connection in so long and you’ve longed to feel that way again. To feel like a piece of you was missing, but when you were together with that special person you felt whole. That missing piece finding its rightful place in your heart. You haven’t felt that way in a long time.
Not until now.
You felt something soft land on your hand that was to the side. It was Fiyero’s hand. He flipped your hand so that your palm was facing upwards and he interlocked your hands together.
You looked back up at Fiyero and he was already looking at you with a warm smile. It made you feel dizzy and odd in the best way possible. You felt that leap in your heart that you never thought you would feel again. It caused a tear to finally slip from your pooling eyes.
Fiyero chuckled softly before using his other hand to wipe away the stray tear from your cheek ever so gently.
“No one has ever took the time to learn more about me.” You said with a small smile.
Fiyero brought your interlocked hands to his lips and kissed the top of your hand.
“Well then let me be the first one to do so.” He said with a gentle, comfortable smile. Fiyero turned to the sketchbook that was sitting on your lap.
“What are you drawing?” He asked.
You could tell he wanted to say something more. There was something left in the air that was left unsaid. You knew what he was doing and you were grateful for it. He wanted to get to know you, but he was starting with something small, which was your sketchbook. Nothing too personal, but big enough to create an opening for something more.
You looked up at the pond in front of you and pointed at it as a way to answer Fiyero’s question. He seemed to understand. He looked between the pond and your drawing and a smile spread across his face from ear to ear.
“You are very good!” He exclaimed, “your drawing looks like an image!”
“Thank you.” You said quietly.
“You’re welcome.” Fiyero was satisfied that he got you to start talking to him. Even if they were a few words at a time. He would wait.
And he did.
Over the next few weeks Fiyero did his best to intertwine himself into your life, but without stepping on your toes too much. He was usually the one to approach you, but now you didn’t shy away and you enjoyed his company.
Most of the time the two of you sat in silence and Fiyero didn’t mind it. It was a change from the noisy and boisterous life he was used to, but he enjoyed it.
Spending time with you was like escaping from his exciting life. He always felt like he had to put on a show for others, but with you he could just be himself. He could just be plain old Fiyero. And that made him very happy.
As time went on you began to open up to him little by little the more time you spent with together. He would often acompany you in the library or your dorm room whenever you were studying or he would be following you to the forest where you would draw.
Your simple nods become smiles, and your quick words became sentences. And the other day you laughed for the first time in front of Fiyero and it was music to his ears. Day by day Fiyero began to start seeing the real you piece by piece and he was longing to know more. (At your own pace of course).
As you started to open up to him more, you began to trust him. The first person you ever trusted ever since the incident and you couldn’t help, but feel proud of yourself. With the help of Fiyero’s constant presence you were able to let someone in and that’s an accomplishment in itself in your eyes.
One day, when Fiyero and you were siting on your bed, he cautiously asked you what has been on his mind for awhile. Why do you not trust people?
You answered with, “Cause the more people you let into your life, the more that can just walk out.”
Fiyero wanted you to elaborate, but he could sense your sadness, so he didn’t push any further. However, you trusted him enough to share with him about what happened to you. Why you became the way you are. So you did.
You explained how you were dating a guy named Charlie and shortly after, out of nowhere your grandma got sick with an illness. She died within a month.
Your grandmother was like a second mother to you. She helped your parents raise you and has been by your side for all your life. Loosing her was like losing a piece of yourself. A piece that you can never gain back.
At first Charlie was understanding about your grief, but then over time he grew bored with you. He felt like you were being a prude for not giving him what he desired from you and you tried to explain to him that that was the furthest thing from your mind (you were still grieving), but he didn’t listen.
So he turned to someone who would give him what he wanted. Your best friend.
To say you were heartbroken was an understatement. The one person you thought you could trust the most in the world betrayed you in the worst way possible with your best friend, another person you trusted. Your heart was broken in more ways than one and there was no way to heal the opened wound.
You could barely grieve for your grandmother when your heart was split in two from the cheating and the break up. You couldn’t bear to feel anymore pain, so you began to block people out.
It was easier to dull the pain when the people who caused it weren’t it, so to prevent it from ever happening again, you made sure no one else was in your life.
Fiyero listened whole heartedly to every word that left your lips and processed what was being said. He felt immense anger towards your ex-boyfriend and ex-best friend. How could they do that to you? To someone who was so gentle and pure of heart. If Fiyero ever crossed paths with either one of them they would wish they never met him.
But at the same time he felt immense pride and gratitude. He was proud of you for still standing strong after what happened to you and he was grateful that you trusted him enough to share your story. Trust that he wouldn’t take for granted.
Fiyero grabbed your hand that was sitting in your lap and pressed a kiss to the back of it.
“I’m glad you feel comfortable enough with me to share what you just told me. I know it took you a lot of strength to get where you are now and to relive it once again as you told me.” Fiyero cleared his throat. “There’s something that my mother always used to say to me. She would say, “Goodness knows the wicked’s lives are lonely. Goodness knows the wicked die alone. It just shows when your wicked your left only on your own.”
He gave you a moment to let the words sink in.
“No one mourns the wicked and you are not wicked. You are the opposite of that. You are the sunshine that creeps in from the clouds. You don’t deserve to be alone or feel lonely because then you’ll die alone. They are the ones who deserve that, so don’t let them win. You’re mourning everything that you had when you should be living in the present. If you continue to go down this path then they win.”
And ever since that day you’ve lived by his words. It didn’t happen overnight, but over time you became more open with others around you and you found yourself having a few acquaintances. They weren’t friends now, but you can see yourself becoming friends with them in the future.
Your trust in people wasn’t the only thing that evolved. A few weeks after you and Fiyero’s talk on your bed, he asked you out on a date and you said yes. Now you two are in a relationship and are still going strong.
Fiyero is the best boyfriend you can ever ask for and especially today. He knew how stressed you were lately with finals coming up, so he decided to surprise you with a shopping day out on the town. It was exactly what you needed after these stressful past couple of weeks.
You both were currently at a clothing store and you were looking at different dress options, while Fiyero went off to get something for his mother. You were feeling the fabric of a pink dress when you heard someone say.
“I love your shirt.”
You turned around and was face to face with a girl your age. You recognized her from Shiz. You shared a few classes with her and sometimes you would see her in the library when Fiyero was distracting you from studying.
Talking to people again was still new to you, so you couldn’t find the right words say. You pointed at your top to ask if she was talking about your shirt and she nodded.
“Yes your top! It’s really pretty! Where did you get it?!”
Then you managed to find the words that were swimming through your mind.
“I uh…I actually made it.” You said bashfully.
The girl looked stunned.
“Really?! How.”
“I crocheted it.”
“That’s really impressive. I wish I had the gentleness to do something like that. My hands are NOT meant for such tedious things.”
“It’s actually not that hard. Of course for a beginner it might be difficult, but once you get the hang of it it’s not so bad.” You replied.
You had no idea how you managed to gather the courage to continue talking to her, but somehow you were doing it. You two broke into a lovely conversation and you two were in your own little world.
Fiyero had just finished paying at the register, so he turned around to go look for you and he found you in the dress section talking to a girl!
You’ve been more open with people lately, but you always had the protection of Fiyero with you so you could feel a sense of support. This was the first time he saw you engaging with someone on your own and he felt proud of you. With a smile adorning his face he walked up to you and the girl.
“Hello ladies.”
“Hi Fiyero. I’m going to let you two be.” The girl said and she turned back to you. “It was so nice talking to you. Maybe we can hang out soon!”
“I would like that!” You said.
“Great!” The girl, which you found out was named Grace, gave you one last smile before walking out of the store.
“She seemed nice.” Fiyero said.
“Yeah she was.”
Fiyero slowly walked up to you and brought you into a hug. He rested his head on top of yours and quietly whispered in your ear, “I’m proud of you.”
You smiled and said I know. That caused Fiyero to chuckle and he pulled away, so he could look at your face.
“I got you something.” He said as he handed you a plastic bag.
“I thought you got something for your mom.”
“I might have lied.” Fiyero said with a smirk.
You playfully punched him in the arm and curiously grabbed what was in the bag. In your hand was a small velvet square box. You gave Fiyero an arched eyebrow, but he only prompted you to open the box.
You slowly opened it and inside was a necklace. It had a gold chain and at the center was a sun charm. It was shiny and it had different hues of orange and yellow. It was beautiful.
You instantly knew the meaning behind it. Lately he has been calling you sunshine because he believes that you are the sun that lights up his day. The first time he called you sunshine your cheeks turned into a tomato, so he’s been using that nickname any chance he could.
“Fiyero…” you didn’t know what to say. Fiyero grabbed the box from your hands and carefully took the necklace out of the box. He told you to turn around and you obliged. His arms went in front of you and he wrapped the necklace around your neck. Once it was clasped you turned around and Fiyero was looking at you like you held the sun in the sky.
“Now you can shine your light on everyone sunshine.” He said with a smile.
You instantly wrapped your arms around him and he reciprocated your actions. He placed a kiss on top of your head and smoothed out the knots in your hair.
“No more mourning.” Fiyero said.
You looked up at him.
“No more mourning.”
In that moment the old you disappeared.
“Now at last she’s dead and gone
Now at last there’s joy throughout the land.
No one mourns the wicked.”
#wicked film#wicked fiyero#fiyero tigelaar#fiyero tigelaar x reader#prince fiyero#fiyero x you#jonathan bailey
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Who want to request some fiyero fics?!
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• fiyero tigelaar x elphaba thropp
• check out this fic on ao3 too pls: my account
— The Winkie Prince invites himself into Elphaba’s shared dorm on a night where she would like to enjoy peaceful, serene silence. Alone. ☾⋆⁺₊
The rain pelted unevenly at the windows. The evening sky hazy with thick clouds that colored the heavens in pinkish-orange billows. The emerald girl sat in the silence of her shared room, reading thoroughly through the dense words of the leather spined book.
Silence was one of few things Elphaba seemed to enjoy recently. Away from other students, and above all, away her charismatic roommate. For the time being the dorm was desolate, spared of peers as they indulged in whatever up to date activity that was occurring at the moment.
A breath rolled through her, loosening and relaxing her shoulders and relieving her chest as it escaped her nostrils. With a slight itch to her brow, her eyes scanned the pages once again. Crisply, a few knocks on the door caused her to halfway turn into the direction of it.
“She’s not here right now.” The words were instinctual because…well why would anybody ever bother visiting Elphaba? Another knock followed her statement which pulled a quizzical expression onto her green features. With a furrowed brow she repeated. “I said; she’s not here right now.” This time a bit louder, for the person behind the oak to hear, before turning back to the small desk and searching for peace in her book.
Fingers twisted at the cold brass doorknob anyway, pulling the unlocked oak wood back and revealing the Winkie Prince in all his charming glory. “Who’s not here?” He let himself in, closing the door behind him with a small push.
“Glinda.” Her lips parted slightly, brows pinching together once more. “Is it a common occurrence for you to let yourself into women’s rooms without permission?” She turned her chair to face him and his lazy stature that somehow kept up the appearance of utmost appeal and unwavering ease.
“Not only women. But yes.” He leaned against the desk, looking down at the unusual beauty that sat before him. He watched the way her ebony hair moved as she turned back toward the literature. “What are you reading?” He interrupted her silence once more.
“A book.” was her dry reply, just barely glancing up at him momentarily before her attention was given back to the pages. His head lulled to the side with a small scoff of a laugh. Tongue running smoothly over his teeth before he bit his lip. The action made the small indents of dimples in his cheeks pop out charmingly.
The rejection of his conversation didn’t deter him in the slightest though. “Studying?” He raised his left brow, smile grazing over his lips once again. He crossed his ankles and kept his lax position against the desk.
“A woman of many words, aren’t you?” He quipped, leaning over her shoulder and on the back of her chair as he examining the book with a hum. He furthered his examinations onto the desk, cluttered with books and papers as he gingerly picked one up. His sea-colored eyes gazed the back view of her figure up and down. “And what are you studying for?” He pulled his eyes away and onto the stray paper he had caught.
“For an essay.” Her sage eyes stayed attached to her book, fighting off the distracting thoughts of the man’s cologne. Though after a moment it seemed his ever-running mouth had stopped it’s annoyifying questions as he examined the paper in his soft hand.
An essay, hm. “About what?” The silence shattered again. His chin coming to rest comfortably on Elphaba’s shoulder.
“W…” Her voice died at his unexpected touch. A perplexed tug hitching her brow up. “Wizardry.” She finished, clearing her throat. A slight shiver shot up her spine as his breath brushed against her smooth cheek. The stoicism of her face made no heed to the thoughts that spiralled her mind though. All the while, her expression had only been ticked by a small twitch of her lips.
“Wizardry.” Fiyero echoed, the word rolling off his tongue in a slow, pleasurable rumble. He tossed the paper back onto the desk. A dimpled smirk stretched upon his lips as he noticed the slight pause in her voice. He felt her dull, familiar eyes glance at him from the side. His loose grip on the back of her chair moved it around, spinning it until her desirable green figure faced him. This was enough to silence her, but his next moves certifiably brought her green brows shooting up to her hairline.
The prince forced her legs apart with little pressure, gently spreading them to take his place standing between them. His hands planted themselves on either side of her head at the edge of the chair’s back.
He loved the creases of her confusified face, her pretty brows furrowed in such a way that visibly ignited his desires. He moved a gentle hand to cup her chin, tilting it up until her emerald eyes met his diamond ones.
He gave her a look. The look. The one that always made everyone’s knees give out or back arch into his touch. The one that so easily always got him his way. His head tilted to the side, smirk turning into a glimmer of genuine desire for a moment too long. His eyes followed the way her head tilted as well. A slight breath hitched itself from his throat, mouth opening only for them to close again with a bite of his lip. His pupils dilated as they dropped to her lips. For a moment he was lost, the hint of a smile leaving as he found himself completely paralyzed with passion. The energy giving way to heavy chains of desire that wormed and latched their way into his beating heart.
He locked his eyes back onto hers as the line between playfulness and… more blurred into an invisible barrier. The shake and swallow of his throat made his adam’s apple bob. The ripple of unabashed feeling started to sprout within his gut when he felt her hand on his. “Perhaps…” Her soulful voice of grace and calm caused him to hang off her word.
He watched her green hand wrap around his, the gentleness of her touch only serving to send another shockwave through him. She moved it off her chin, his hand seeking out the feel of her skin rang through him immediately. Elphaba gracefully moved his hand to his visibly excited manhood. “You should take care of that.” She rolled her chair back around to face the desk softly.
He stared for a moment at where she had moved his hand, then back to where she had just been in front of him. He cleared his throat with a few blinks. The slight nod of his head tried to hide the way his mind had froze. “Yeah?” He took a few lazy steps backward, thumb running against the leather of his belt.
“Yes, yes I shall.” He breathed, eyes blinking a few times more before his tongue ran against his bottom lip. The room was silent again. Quiet and serene. A wonder to Elphaba. The feeling of peace without having to be alone.
“Goodbye, Elphaba.” Fiyero stole one last glance at the back of the green woman’s wondered figure and left, letting the door click softly behind him.
As the door closed the woman let herself smile, the prettiness of her green lips stressed into something more than an expression of simple desire. She allowed herself to enjoy the very very pleasant feel of a shiver down her spine.
#wicked elphaba#wicked fandom#wicked fanfiction#wicked fiyero#wicked glinda#wicked#fiyero tigelaar x reader#fiyero x you#fiyero x glinda#prince fiyero#fiyeraba#fiyero x reader#fiyero x elphaba#fiyerboq#glinda x elphaba#elphaba thropp#elphaba x reader#elphaba x glinda x fiyero#elphaba fanart#cynthia erivo elphaba#glinda upland#glinda the good witch#ariana grande glinda#glinda x reader#ariana grande#cynthia erivo#jonathan bailey#fanfiction#fanfic#writting
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Fiyero Tigelaar scanned the library at Shiz University with a smirk on his handsome face. There was a gleam in his blue eyes as something was about to happen. "I see that, once again, the responsibility to corrupt my fellow students falls to me." He announced, and of course, everyone listened.
The Winkie prince was the most sought after person in the whole university. Women wanted him, and even the men, those brave enough to admit it wanted him too. With his charming nature and carefree attitude, how could one not love Fiyero Tigelaar?
Y/N rolled his eyes at Fiyero's announcement, already feeling the effects of a headache starting to form inside his mind at the thought of hearing a well choreographed dance routine with singing. "Not a damn song. I wish someone would invent an anti-musical spell."
Fiyero began to sing. His voice was soft, but powerful as he was building up to a much bigger number.
The trouble with schools is
They always try to teach the wrong lesson
Believe me, I've been kicked out of enough of them to know
They want you to become less callow, less shallow
But I say, why invite stress in?
Stop studying strife
And learn to live "the unexamined life"
Y/N rolled his eyes and went back to his studies as Fiyero told the entire library that the secret to life is taking nothing seriously. How charming.
#x male reader#male reader insert#male x male#biseuxal#wicked#Wicked x male reader#fiyero tigelaar#Fiyero Tigelaar x male reader#jonathan bailey#lbgtq#bi#gay#Winkie Prince
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