Am I Interrupting?
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They/Them | Requests: Open | SFW & NSFW Content | Anti-AI writing, use my work for AI, I will come for you | Feel free to send me asks!
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
am-i-interrupting · 3 days ago
hi hi!!!! don’t have a request YET.
BUT!!!! just wanted to say hi and that i hope you’re doing ok, that you’re business is booming, and that everything’s been ok on your end!
Business is. . . . slow but it’s business. Hopefully it’ll pick up soon. My partner found a job but unless his dad also finds one they still might lose the house. I’m currently hyper focused on BG3 but Arcane and the like are still in the background swimming so I might write something soon, that’s not a promise though.
I’m alive, just tired and a bit stressed. Thank you for checking in. I hope you’re doing well! 🖤
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am-i-interrupting · 7 days ago
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@moldy-bread-slice and whoever wants to join, I don’t know who to tag.
picrew chain
make this picrew and put your name in the incorrect quote generator!
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tags: @wintry-whimsy @renalyxx @renalyxx @rainandsugarcane2000 @devotedlyuniquewizard @cabbagewhites @eggedagain @fall1ngawayfromm3 @jasperr6969 @the-sonni-guy and open tags !
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am-i-interrupting · 7 days ago
At Your Fingertips (Silco x reader)
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Warnings: canon typical violence, violence in a relationship (fleeting), alcoholism, grief, reader is not in a good headspace for part of this
This is my first Arcane fic, Silco might be a little ooc
Arcane Masterlist
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The punch connected, sending you reeling backwards in a disoriented stumble. Damn it.
You hissed through your teeth, feeling a trickle of blood falling from your nose - it burned across the bridge where you were certain it had fractured. Bouncing on the balls of your feet, you focused in on your target.
The big hulking mountain of a chirean snarled at you, baring pointed teeth you knew her not above using should she start to lose. Lucky for you, you hadn't made her want to use them yet. You didn't know this woman's name, nor did you care what it was - she'd pissed you off. Or rather, you'd pissed her off somehow and she was beating your ass for it.
All you'd wanted was a quiet stroll along the old bridge. Not to be clocked in the face by some bitch having a bad day.
But here you were. Bringing your fists up in front of your face, you readied yourself to get back into the scrap. The chirean woman smiled, getting some sick sadistic pleasure out of all of this. Whatever.
With a rallying cry, you dove for her - catching the woman around the middle and knocking her back a few steps. She retaliated immediately, bringing her fists down into your back over and over again as she stumbled back. You waited for her leg to come up to land you in the side before diving for that next, catching her knee before it made contact with your diaphragm. She faltered as she lost her balance, letting go of you instinctively to hold her arms out in an attempt to regain it. With a grunt of effort, you shoved her leg back towards her to further de-stabilize the woman. She fell backwards, arm flailing to catch herself. She landed hard on her ass, causing you to let go of her leg before she took you down with her.
You allowed yourself to sigh, feeling the exertion gnawing your remaining strength. You couldn't keep this up much longer. The chirean was way stronger than you and you would not survive another round against her. With her on the ground, this would be the perfect moment to run. So, you did, turned tail and set off at a dead sprint back the way you'd come from. You could feel the alcohol still buzzing behind your eyes, mixing with your remaining adrenaline to grant you a much needed drunken speedboost.
Or so you thought. You'd not cleared more than a meter before you were lifted into the air by the back of your shirt. The neck line dug into you just below your larynx, choking you as you were raised off the ground. But just as quickly as you'd allowed a choked gasp to escape you, you were being slammed down, chin-first into the concrete. Your teeth bit down onto your tongue, filling your mouth with the taste of blood. Pain blossomed up your jaw, ricocheting up your scull until it felt like your whole head had been electrocuted. You tried to get your feet under you but the chirean still had a hold on you and just as easily as she'd picked you up initially, she began to drag you away. You dug your hands into the concrete, trying to gain any purchase but the skin on the tips of your fingers began to scrape away, sending a new type of pain throughout your fingers. But you didn't stop fighting. Not until the chirean picked you up one last time and flung you, back first, over the side of the bridge you'd been trying to cross when this all started.
You caught a glimpse of the chirean's smirking face as you went over the edge.
Now in free-fall, you had to resist the urge to vomit. It felt like your stomach was in your throat. Thinking fast, you flipped over to face the rapidly approaching water below you. You knew to land in it would be a death sentence. Thankfully, there was a ferry passing below the bridge that you hoped you could aim for. There was a chance you would die on impact with it but you'd take that over drowning in the noxious much the ferry floated on. Quickly, you angled your body towards the ferry - unsure if you'd even hit your target. It was coming up fast - too fast. You had just barely lined your body up with the metal roof of the ferry when you landed. The wind was immediately knocked out of you as you scrambled for purchase on the sloping roof of the ferry, your legs dangled below directly over the deck. As you gasped for breath, tears blurred your vision, and the blood from your scraped fingers made the metal slick beneath your grip. Gravity tugged at your legs, making it harder and harder to stay atop the ferry. Eventually, your grip gave out and you fell towards the deck, landing on your back in the mouth of an open crate.
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You awoke to a ringing in your ear followed shortly by pain originating from...everywhere. "Fuck me," you sighed, grimacing at the sting in your ribs. How the hell were you alive?
"Morning to you too." A gruff voice chuckled from your left. You lolled your head in the direction of it, the motion causing your jaw to ache.
"Sevika..." you greeted flatly, squinting at the woman through a swollen eye. She grunted, crossing her arms over her chest - the gold of her metal arm glinting at you from beneath the half-cloak over her shoulder. "Good to see you." You smiled, lifting the hand closest to her in greeting before letting it flop back down to dangle over the edge of the crate. "'That new?" you pointed at her metal arm. When she didn't say anything, you took the time to size the woman up - eyes traveling from her face down her body before landing on a shock of blue hair poking out from behind her. "Powder?" You asked, good eye widening as you struggled to sit up in the crate.
The young girl peered around the woman's crossed arms to look at you. She looked tired - her skin grayer than the last time you'd seen her. "Shit," you hissed in disbelief, "how are you, kid?"
"I'm...fine," she answered in a tiny voice, blue eyes staring into your soul.
"I heard what happened..." you started, glancing up at Sevika to see if the woman was going to stop you, "I'm sorry about your sister, Powder."
Powder's face tightened, her lips pursing to the side and her eyes growing darker. "I-it's Jinx now."
You blinked, stunned at the revelation, but chose not to argue. "Oh, my bad," you amended, "I hadn't heard."
"What are you doing here?" Sevika interrupted, gesturing with her regular arm to your crumpled form.
"Thought I'd take up sky-diving." You joked, kicking your legs a little as they hung out of the crate. When Sevika didn't laugh, you rolled your non-blackened eye. "I got thrown off the bridge." You spat, letting your head fall back against the edge of the crate. The bridge still loomed within sight, telling you you hadn't been out for very long.
"What are you doing here?" You threw back at her, sitting up again. "Last I'd heard you started working for Silco. You still his errand-girl?" You poked, trying to illicit a reaction. She didn't give you much but you saw her wrinkle her lip.
"Are you drunk?" She spat, slamming her hands on the edge of your crate. Powder...Jinx followed close behind, fidgeting with the end of her shirt.
You blew a raspberry in her direction, catching the small huff of a laugh it pulled from Jinx. "Not anymore," you shrugged, looking up at the woman.
Sevika held your gaze, her gray eyes hard and angry, but you didn't falter. You couldn't. With a sigh, she closed her eyes and hung her head. "You got kicked out of the Last Drop again." It wasn't a question.
You didn't answer her.
At length, she raised to her full height and swept a hand over her hair. "I'm taking you to Silco." Sevika stated at length, leaving no room for argument as she offered her hand to pull you up.
"I have," you took the offered hand, "nothing," you grunted as she pulled you out of the box, "to say to him," and dusted yourself off when your feet were firmly under you, pretending not to feel the ache in your torso or the sting of the fabric against your raw fingertips.
"It's not optional." Sevika spat over her shoulder as she turned away from you. "Jinx, keep an eye on her." The young girl saluted with a strangely sardonic smile you found unnatural on her. When she looked at you, you could only sigh and roll your eyes.
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"Drunken brawling? I expected better of you," Silco's voice was low but held a trace of humor you wished he didn't feel. You hummed noncommittally, examining the wall like your life depended on it. You sat on the bench in front of Silco's desk, one leg cross over the other and your hands linked around the propped up knee. "Will you not even look at me?" He almost sounded sad but you didn't break from your staring contest with the other end of the room. Beside Silco you knew Sevika loomed with her arms crossed and her gaze trained on you. They were both disappointed. Not that they had a right to feel that way towards you.
Jinx had run off when the three of you had gotten here, leaving you to fare against Silco and Sevika's imposing presences alone.
"Leave us," Silco sighed under his breath, quiet enough that you had to strain to hear him, but it wasn't meant for you anyways. Without a word, Sevika departed - taking with her some of the tension but creating a whole new vacuum for your tumultuous mind to fill. "You need to stop drinking." Silco muttered in a clear attempt to get a rise out of you.
And you hated that it worked. "You need to shut the fuck up." You spat, snapping your attention to the man. His eyes widened in the slightest betrayal of his surprise. His eyes darted ever so slightly as he examined your face, taking in the bruises and cuts you knew besmirched your image. He lingered on your swollen eye the longest and you realized that you probably resembled his reflection in some bizarre way. "What?" you spat, "No sorry? No excuse? No lie to make me feel better?" you pressed, choking on the words when your throat started to close and your eyes began to sting. You swallowed hard to stuff it all down. "He was my brother, Silco." You spat out his name like it was poison, "the least you could do is tell me you're sorry."
"It's hard to apologize when you won't speak to me." Silco pointed out with a tilt of his head, tenting his slender fingers beneath his chin.
"Fuck you," you grit out, shaking your head in utter disbelief, "just...fuck you, Silco."
You looked at him expectantly but he never raised an objection. You exhaled, breathing out the last remnants of anger. Despondency began to sneak back in, returning your gaze to the wall. The warmth of your fury left you cold and tired. You just wanted to sleep. "I don't know what to do. I can't take care of Ekko on my own."
Silco's chair squeaked when he stood up, the taps of his boots telling you of his approach as he rounded his desk. Tap, tap, tap, until he stood behind you. You waited for him to do something - stab you, slap you, shove you to the ground - but he didn't. He wouldn't. His hands landed on your shoulders and you tensed, expecting a hit but slowly, Silco began to work at the tension in your shoulders. You relaxed under his touch, bit by bit, until finally letting the dam break. Tears brimmed along your lash lines to fall quietly down your battered face. You leaned back, your head tapping against his abdomen.
And let out a ragged sigh.
"Oh, my love," Silco whispered, brushing a hand over your hair, "don't cry." His other hand snaked around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him. Weakly, you brought your hands up to hold him there. Everything hurt. "I didn't want to kill him."
"But you did," you mumbled miserably, throwing your head back hard against him. Silco huffed but didn't let go of you, "you wanted him to die."
"He was in my way." Silco argued softly, tilting your chin back. You blinked through your tears and met Silco's imploring upside-down gaze. His single good eye was soft, morose even, where the other was fixed in a harsh glare. "Benzo would never help me so long as Vander told him not to."
"Don't," you gripped his arm tighter, digging your nails into his sking, "say his name," you dug till it hurt to - until it hurt him - a small grunt left Silco as he tried to pull his arm away, "you don't get to."
"My love," he tried through gritted teeth, "let go."
Flashes of violence blazed behind your eyes, images of biting and tearing into the exposed flesh you held captive to your collarbone. You wanted him to hurt - to know the pain he had caused you. You wanted blood.
Blood for blood blood for blood blood for blood
When Ekko had found you, he'd been sobbing so hysterically he could not speak. He could only lead you to where Benzo lay dead in front of his shop - torn apart like an old rag. You didn't know what to do. There was a reason Benzo had taken in Ekko after the battle of the bridge. You weren't cut out to be a parent. But now with him didn't know what to do. But you still wanted retribution. You looked away.
"I can help you." Silco whispered as if he knew the vengeful mantra in your head. "We can help each other." His free hand was holding your shoulder tightly, you could feel the curl of his breath against your cheek - “We can build the dream together," he kissed your temple, slowly, his lips lingering until your grip relaxed, "the Nation of Zaun is at our fingertips." You let go but he kept his arm to your chest, holding you to him, "Vander and...your brother had too much to lose, it made them stagnant. You and I have lost everything," his hand fell away as he moved to sit beside you, "we have the chance to build the life we always wanted." He took your hands in his, there were obvious crescent marks bruising the pale skin of one of his forearm. "Bring Ekko here, he can join Jinx."
"I'm not bringing him here, Silco." You spat, tightening your grip on him. "He'd never forgive me."
"He will learn to." Silco pointed out with a simple shrug.
You couldn't help but laugh, a weak and shallow sound more akin to a sob. "You know nothing about children." Slumping forward, you fell into his chest. "He will never forget this."
"Good," his voice rumbled against you, "it will make him stronger."
You bit back the thought that crossed your mind, that Ekko's strength would be something to be reckoned with. But Silco didn't need to know that. He probably already did. "I need a bath." You observed, despondently.
Silco chuckled lowly, his chest bouncing with the movement. "You certainly do." You punched him in the leg. "You said it first." He barked , affronted. With a shove, he forced you to sit up and stood from the bench, "Come," he said, brushing himself off, "You can sleep here tonight.”
As he walked away, you cast your gaze around his office space. To the manifestos on his desk, to the murky green world beyond the window. You’d spent so many hours here, tucked away, hiding from your brother. He’d told you to stay away from Silco - had since him and Vander had first started disagreeing. But you’d never took it to heart. You’d always believed Zaun was possible, that Silco and Vander could make it possible. Maybe it wasn’t. Not with them.
You rubbed your fingers together, the tips sticky with dried blood.
Zaun was at your fingertips.
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am-i-interrupting · 7 days ago
Little young Silco x trend picture wip
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My productivity never stops! I thought I had the photo saved on my phone, but I couldn’t find it—anyway, it’s a trend from Twitter/X.
The idea was to draw myself wearing my pink fur-lined coat because it was silly, but in the end, I think it’ll be more of a half close-up. I was also considering making the visible outfit the nurse uniform of the Emissary (the main character of my fanfiction).
Usual promo time! If you’d like to support me financially, I have both Ko-Fi (here) and INPRNT (here), where you can purchase my prints.
If you’d rather support me socially, you can follow me on X (@honey_tongued_), where I might do an art raffle soon cough cough, reblog and comment here, or check out my AO3 fanfiction, a GN reader x Silco story set in an alternative timeline (click here to read it!).
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am-i-interrupting · 10 days ago
This is so fucking niche but Silco x a Bhad Bhabie type reader.
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am-i-interrupting · 10 days ago
I am having unholy thoughts about the way they animate Silco smoking.
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am-i-interrupting · 11 days ago
Can I request dating headcanons for Vander, Jayce, Viktor, Silco, and Ekko with gender neutral s/o please?
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Arcane Headcanons - Dating
Characters: Vander, Jayce, Viktor, Silco, Ekko
TW: none
Have fun!! Request are still open btw🫶‼️
Veryyyy gentle lover
A very soft spoken partner, loves to call you pet names
Words of affirmation are probably his form of showing affection
He’s not super touchy in public. It’s not that he doesn’t like physical touch, the opposite actually, he finds it sacred. In public he’ll only grab your hand, maybe caress your arm
When it’s just the two of you however, he cannot keep his hands to himself. You are in the kitchen? He’s hanging around like a lost dog behind you. You are reading a book? He’ll make you cuddle with him while you read
Vander would be incredibly protective of you, always making sure you are safe and well taken care of, but he’d do so in a calm and gentle way
He’s tough, but he never wants to make you feel small or incapable
SUCHHHH an old school loverboy. He’d be the type to open doors for you or ensure you never walk on the outer side of the sidewalk
Vander would prefer spending quiet nights together rather than going out. Whether it’s cuddling by the fire, cooking together, or just talking
Love language is definitely physical touch, he cannot keep his hands off of you. From holding hands, cuddles, caresses, everything and anything that transmits his warmth to you
A terrible cook, not for lack of trying, but rather because he never has had the time to practice. Even so he tries to make you breakfast every chance he gets before he goes to the lab
His favourite way to unwind after work is to cuddle with you, his head on your lap or shoulder as you caress his hair as he rambles about his day
He loves to show you off at events. His hand never leaves your side, and if it ever for some reason happen his eyes would never leave your presence
As someone who values innovation and progress, Jayce would be incredibly supportive of his your ambitions, encouraging them to chase your dreams, no matter how big or small
He would prefer to separate his work like from his love life, opting to keep his lover away from the lab. He does however secretly enjoy whenever you pop in for a quick visit
Would try to make your life easier with the help of his inventions in any way he could. Known for loosing track of time? Jayce’s got it covered and will have an artifact to help you made in no time
Though he appears to be fairly stern and commanding, he’s the biggest sweetheart. He’s acts like a puppy in love when he’s with you, like the good boy he is
A very reserved lover
While not the most physically affectionate, he makes his love to you known through actions. Always making two coffees, always grabbing a sweet treat on his way home to share after work, always bringing your scarf along if it’s cold outside
He isn’t overly expressive with words, but his actions speak volumes. He might not shower you with grand romantic speeches, but his presence and the way he looks at you convey his deep feelings. His physical affection could be soft but sincere, like holding your hand or brushing your hair out of your face
Cherishes and enjoys the quite moments he gets to spend with his partner like reading together
Will only go to fancy events if his partner wants to go with him. If he were to go alone he’d drink enough to be sent back home within an hour of the event starting, on purpose of course
Will remember all of the ‘insignificant’ stuff you have ever said. You like calico cats? Noted. Your favourite hobby as a kid? oh yeah he remembers. The song playing when you two had your first date? Constantly plays in the back of his head whenever he needs to cool down at work
Viktor doesn’t have time for drama or playing games in relationships. What you see is what you get, and he values honesty and directness
Just like Jayce, Viktor would encourage his partner and their dreams, doing everything he cans to help them accomplish them
While he might get absorbed in his scientific pursuits, Viktor would also make sure to carve out time for you. However, he might get a bit distracted when talking about his work, so you’ll have to find ways to balance both his love for invention and his affection for you
The most jealous out of the bunch. He cherishes his partner as though they were something sacred. In his eyes no one could ever be worthy to be in your presence
Possessive, but (surprisingly) not in a toxic way. In public his hand would be glued to yours, or placed around your lower back. He needs to make it known that you are with him
Would give you the whole world if you’d ask him to. Once Silco is committed to you, his loyalty is unwavering. He doesn’t believe in half-measures or distractions, and his devotion to you would be total. You’d always have his trust and allegiance, no matter what
While Silco isn’t one to shower you with words of affection, when he does speak, it’s sincere and impactful. His "I love you" would come less often but carry more weight. He’d show his love through the way he holds you—firm, unyielding, and always with the promise of safety.
With that being said his favourite way to address his partner would be by calling you ‘my love’ . No matter if it’s in public or in the privacy of your home, he’d proudly call you my love any chance he got
In moments of intimacy, Silco would be raw and intense, showing you a side of him that's often hidden from everyone else. His passion would be undeniable, and it would come with a fire that burns deep and leaves you feeling wanted and cherished in ways that few could match
Silco would start his mornings by making you coffee or tea just the way you like it. You’d rather have something else? He’ll move hell and earth to get it to you. Even on the most hectic of days, he’d take the time to make sure your first sip of the day is perfect, and he’d enjoy sitting with you in comfortable silence while you both wake up together
While Silco can be intense, he'd also show a lighter side through playful teasing. He’d make subtle remarks that get you to laugh, his way of showing affection through humor. He’d love seeing you smile, and sometimes he’d tease you just to make you blush
Sometimes, Silco would take you out for a quiet night under the stars, away from the noise of the city. There, he’d just sit with you, enjoying the calm and silence of the night, maybe even offering a rare, soft conversation about things he never talks about with anyone else. It’s a peaceful intimacy between the two of you that he cherishes
The most emotionally vulnerable one. He’d go to great lengths to show you just how much he cares about you
Ekko might not be the smoothest with words, but he’d give you the sweetest, most sincere compliments. He’d tell you that you’re the most incredible person he knows, and he wouldn’t just say it to make you smile—he means it from the bottom of his heart
Love language would definitely be acts of service, doing his best at helping you out whenever he’s around
You’d be his favourite muse, always drawing you in his spare time and never forgetting all of the tiny details and stories that your skin has to share
When the world goes quiet, Ekko would enjoy staying up late with you, talking about everything and anything. From big dreams to small, funny moments, you’d get lost in conversations, and he’d listen with genuine interest, always making you feel like you matter
Whether it’s fixing up something around the house or building a project together, Ekko would love to get his hands dirty with you. He’d enjoy the teamwork aspect, and it’d be a bonding experience where you both get to learn and laugh together as you create something meaningful
Even when Ekko is busy with his own projects, he’d make sure you always feel like the most important person in the room. Whether it’s sending a quick message just to check in or looking up from his work to give you a smile, he’d make sure you know that you’re never far from his thoughts
Ekko would be the type to share his vulnerabilities with you late at night when everything’s calm. He might not be the most openly nostalgic, but with you, he feels safe enough to talk about his deepest fears, his past, and his dreams for the future. In these moments, he’d be incredibly honest, leaning on you for comfort as you listen intently, creating a quiet but powerful bond between you both
If you were ever feeling down, Ekko’s touch would be gentle but reassuring. He’d hold you close, running his fingers through your hair or gently cupping your face as he looks into your eyes. He wouldn’t need to say much; his soft presence and the way he holds you would be enough to make you feel safe and loved, as if you were the only person who matters in that moment
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am-i-interrupting · 11 days ago
Hii hope your doing ok I’ve been feeling like shit lately so i was wondering if i could get arcane characters with sick reader? 😊 like they can’t sleep they have a stoamch ache ghey feel nauseous etc….
sick days with arcane characters (fem!reader)
characters: viktor, jinx, vi, caitlyn, jayce, ekko, silco, sevika and ambessa.
writer's note: you’ve been asking for this one, and here it. also… MOTHER AMBESSA HAS ARRIVED. i couldn’t leave out this absolute powerhouse of a woman any longer. she’s got me WEAK, like… somebody catch me, i’m about to pass out. hope y’all enjoy this one! let me know which scenario had you kicking your feet and giggling the most. as you already know, requests are open ;)
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The illness arrived without warning, hitting you like an unstoppable wave. First, it was the slight discomfort, then the headache, the fever, the weakness that turned every movement into a monumental effort. By the time Viktor noticed, you were too exhausted to hide it anymore.
Now, you’re wrapped in blankets, your body burning, your throat scratchy, barely able to keep your eyes open. The room feels suffocating, and the fever distorts your perception of time. But there’s something that remains constant, unshakable: Viktor.
He’s sitting by your side, his brow slightly furrowed as he watches you. His elbows rest on his knees, hands clasped together, his cane leaning against the nightstand. His golden eyes, usually bright with the excitement of discovery, now reflect another emotion: worry.
"This is nothing," you try to say, but your voice comes out hoarse, barely a whisper.
Viktor lets out a sigh, a low, almost resigned sound.
"Always so stubborn," he mutters, shaking his head. "You could be on the brink of death and still insist you're fine."
You intend to retort, to tell him it’s not that bad, but before you can even open your mouth, Viktor is already moving. He leans forward, his cool hand brushing your forehead with a tenderness that surprises you. His fingers linger there for a moment, as if assessing the severity of the fever, then slowly descend down your cheek, brushing a lock of hair away from your sweaty skin.
His touch is so delicate, so careful, that a shiver runs down your spine.
"You’re burning up," he says, a note of annoyance in his voice, though you know it’s not with you, but with the situation. "You should’ve told me earlier."
You can’t help but smile a little. "I didn’t want to bother you."
Viktor lets out a brief, dry laugh, as if he can’t believe what you just said.
"Bother me," he repeats incredulously, settling back into his seat. "You think taking care of you is a bother?"
He doesn’t respond immediately, but the answer is clear on his face.
Without another word, he stands up, his body swaying slightly as he leans on his cane. His limp is more noticeable when he’s tired, and by the way he moves, you know he’s been here for a while, probably without taking a break.
"I’m going to make you something hot," he announces. "Stay still."
You watch him leave the room, his measured steps echoing in the hallway. It doesn’t take him long to return, holding a cup of tea in one hand and a jar of medicine in the other.
"Take this," he says, offering you the cup first.
The steaming liquid gives off a soft, comforting aroma. You sip it slowly, feeling the warmth spread through your body. Viktor watches you the whole time, with the same analytical intensity he uses when observing his experiments in the lab, as if trying to measure each of your reactions.
"It’s good, right?" he asks, a hint of pride in his voice.
"Better than I expected," you admit with a faint smile.
He raises an eyebrow, amused. "You expected it to be terrible?"
"Not that you’re exactly a chef, Viktor."
He lets out a soft laugh, the sound vibrating in his chest. "You’re right. But it’s not that hard to boil water and add honey."
You finish the tea with his help, and he makes sure you take the right dose of medicine before settling you back into bed.
It’s then that you think he might leave. He’s done enough, he’s made sure you’re better. But instead of getting up, instead of retreating to his lab as usual, Viktor simply stays there.
He watches you for a moment, and then, with a careful movement, slides down to sit on the edge of the bed. He leans on his cane while stretching out his other hand, and with a tenderness you’ve never seen from him, places his fingers over yours.
"I’m staying here," he murmurs, almost like it’s a secret.
Your heart tightens in your chest. "You don’t have to."
"I know," he says simply, and then adds, with a small smile: "But I want to."
The silence that follows is warm, enveloping. The fever is still there, the discomfort persists, but somehow, with Viktor by your side, it doesn’t feel as unbearable.
He closes his eyes for a moment, and you can see the exhaustion in his face, in the way his shoulders drop slightly, in how his fingers cling to yours as if he’s afraid to let go.
Maybe you should tell him to rest, to not work so hard for you. But when he intertwines his hand with yours and stays there, unmoving, giving you his warmth, you decide that this time, you won’t argue.
This time, you simply accept his care.
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The world was spinning.
Or maybe it was just your head.
You woke up feeling like you’d been hit by a damn train. You had a fever, your body ached, and your throat was so dry that swallowing was nearly impossible. But that wasn’t the worst part.
The worst part was that you were on the floor.
And Jinx was on top of you.
“YOU’RE ALIVE!” she screamed right in your face.
You let out a pained groan. “Jinx… what the hell are you doing?”
She blinked a few times before grinning as if she weren’t literally sitting on your chest. “You fainted! Well, actually, you just fell off the bed, but that still counts, right? I thought you were dead. I was going to give you a Viking funeral, with explosions and everything, but I couldn’t find enough gunpowder.”
You rubbed your face with both hands, feeling too weak to process what she had just said. “God… babe, I feel horrible.”
The moment you said it, her smile faltered slightly.
“Horrible as in ‘throw up and die’ or horrible as in ‘I need love and attention’?”
Jinx jumped to her feet. “Then it's time for the world's best nurse to spring into action!”
A shiver ran down your spine. “That sounds terrifying.”
“Silence, patient! Leave it to me!”
What followed was a disaster. A senseless mess, as if a blue tornado had decided that its sole purpose in life was to take care of you… in its own way.
First, she tried to give you medicine. Tried.
“What is that?”
“Something I found in Silco’s drawer.”
“Babe, that’s shimmer.” You sighed, staring at the glowing drug in her pale hands.
“A-ha! Exactly! It can help wake you up! It helps me.”
“Give me the real medicine.”
She clicked her tongue and pulled out a bottle from who-knows-where. “You’re so boring.”
Then, she tried cooking for you.
The result was a kitchen filled with smoke, something charred in a pan, and a bowl of soup that, somehow, exploded.
“Jinx… how the hell did you make soup explode?”
“Eh… doesn’t matter. Eat this instead.”
She held up a cupcake that, mysteriously, had a fuse sticking out of it.
You stared at her with a mix of disbelief and fear. “I’m not eating that.”
Jinx shrugged and stuffed the whole thing into her mouth. Whole.
By the time she decided that cooking wasn’t her thing, she moved on to a safer method: hugging you until you felt better.
And, surprisingly, it worked.
After the initial madness, she curled up beside you, playing with strands of your hair while murmuring nonsense about explosions, schemes, and other things that made no sense. But her soft voice, her warmth, and her presence gradually eased your discomfort.
“Feeling better, sweet cheeks?” she asked quietly.
“Amazingly, yes.”
Jinx beamed with pride. “See? I’m the best nurse ever!”
“More like the most dangerous.”
She leaned in and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Call it what you want, but you’re still in one piece, aren’t you?”
You let out a weak laugh, hugging her tightly.
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The first thing you felt upon waking was heat. But not the comforting warmth of thick blankets or a gentle sunrise—it was a suffocating fire consuming you from the inside out. You stirred with a whimper, and as soon as you did, you felt a weight beside you. Strong, firm, yet protective arms kept you trapped in an embrace.
“Vi…” you murmured, your voice hoarse.
She grumbled something against your neck before pulling you even closer.
“Five more minutes…”
“No, Vi… everything hurts.”
Your complaint seemed to trigger an alarm in her head. She immediately propped herself up on one elbow, frowning as her eyes scanned you from head to toe. With a rough yet careful hand, she touched your forehead, and her expression changed completely.
“Shit, you’re burning up,” she muttered, sitting up straight. “How long have you felt like this?”
“It’s not a big deal…”
Vi scoffed, clearly not believing you. She got out of bed in a rush, searching for something, rummaging through drawers and bags with clumsy urgency. Her body language gave her away—she was worried. Really worried. But as soon as she noticed you watching her, she exhaled and forced herself to relax.
“Alright, it’s fine. Just a fever. I’ve got this under control.”
But she didn’t have it under control.
The moment you were out of her sight, Vi practically emptied her bag of the little money she had and ran to get medicine. It wasn’t easy. Between the sky-high prices and the scarcity in the Undercity, she had to bargain, threaten, and even ask Ekko for help. But when she returned, it was with empty pockets, hands full of medicine, and relief written all over her face.
“It’s alright now, babe. You’re gonna be okay.”
What followed was a sweet kind of chaos.
Vi took care of everything. She made you take the medicine like you were a little kid, promising kisses as a reward. She forced you to eat something despite your lack of appetite, holding a spoon in front of your mouth with a look that said don’t make me force you. And when you insisted you could bathe on your own, she simply crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow, waiting patiently for you to realize you could barely move.
You ended up in the bathtub together, with her washing your hair with a patience she rarely had for anyone else. Her hands moved through your scalp gently, massaging with slow, careful motions. Her breathing was steady, her gaze focused on you.
“You’re gonna kill me with how sweet you’re being,” you murmured with a weak smile.
Vi chuckled, leaning down to press a kiss to your temple.
“And you’re gonna kill me with worry if you don’t start taking better care of yourself.”
After the bath, when she carried you back to bed like a princess and tucked you in with meticulous care, you realized there was something more you needed to do. Vi sat beside you, watching you with an unusual softness in her blue eyes.
“What’s wrong?” you asked, half-asleep.
“I want you to rest, it’s late,” she said softly.
“But I’m not sleepy yet…”
“I’m not arguing about this. You’re going to sleep, end of discussion,” she interrupted gently.
She settled beside you, pulling you against her chest, letting her breathing sync with yours. Then, she started stroking your hair with slow, delicate movements. Her fingers tangled in your strands with her usual tenderness. And then, just when you thought she couldn’t get any sweeter, she started humming a soft, low melody.
You didn’t know where she had learned that song, but her raspy, almost trembling voice wrapped around you with a warmth no medicine could ever match.
You clung to her shirt and closed your eyes.
“I love you…”
She sighed, smiling against your hair.
“And I love you, gorgeous.”
Her voice was the last thing you heard before drifting off to sleep.
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By the time Caitlyn realizes you're sick, it's too late for you to try to deny it.
It's not that you didn’t try. You endured the discomfort, the fever, and the weakness for hours, smiling as if nothing were wrong. But Caitlyn Kiramman is a natural-born investigator. Nothing escapes her. And when her sharp gaze falls on you, you know there's no escaping it.
"Are you okay?" she asks, raising an eyebrow, her tone casual but with a subtle edge that suggests she already suspects the truth.
"Yeah, of course," you reply with feigned calm.
Mistake. Caitlyn crosses her arms, and her expression turns more intense. "Then explain to me why you've barely touched your food, why you've been quieter than usual, and why you look like you're about to faint at any moment."
"Don't exaggerate, I'm just a little tired," you try to say, but as soon as you finish the sentence, your cough betrays you.
In less than a second, Caitlyn is already by your side. With a speed that only someone with her training could have, she raises a hand and presses it to your forehead. Her skin is cold compared to the fire burning in yours. Her face, however, hardens with a cold seriousness.
"You have a fever," she declares, as if solving a murder case.
You try to pull away, but her grip on your wrist remains firm. "We're going home. Now."
"Cait, really, I—"
And with that voice, with that determination, you know arguing is useless.
"Stay still."
It's the third time in five minutes she's told you that. You're buried under a pile of blankets on the bed, and every time you make the slightest move, Caitlyn swoops in like a hawk to adjust them again.
"I'm going to suffocate," you protest weakly.
"You have chills," she replies without looking at you as she pours liquid into a glass. "If you're cold, you complain. If I cover you, you complain. There's no pleasing you."
You sigh, unable to find a good counter-argument.
When she returns to your side, she holds a spoon with medicine in one hand and the glass of water in the other. "Open."
"I don’t want to."
Caitlyn sighs as if dealing with a small child. "Do you want me to force it down your throat?"
Your defiant look meets hers, but it only lasts a few seconds before her blue eyes narrow dangerously. And that's when you remember that Caitlyn Kiramman always wins.
With resignation, you open your mouth, and she gives you the medicine with the same precision she uses to shoot her rifle.
"You're a disaster," she murmurs, setting the glass on the nightstand.
Caitlyn doesn't move. Her hand rests on your forehead for the second time, but this time, it's not just to measure your fever. It's a slower, softer touch, her fingers gliding over your skin with a tenderness you didn’t expect.
And when you look at her, you see something on her face that's not just worry. It's fear.
She looks away, but her hand stays on your cheek, as if needing to make sure you're still there.
"You look so fragile like this," she murmurs. Her tone doesn't have the usual confidence. "I don’t like it."
Your heart tightens.
"It’s nothing serious, just a fever," you try to reassure her.
Caitlyn closes her eyes for a second and exhales slowly. "I don’t care how serious it is. I don’t want to see you like this. I don’t want anything to hurt you."
Her sincerity leaves you speechless. Caitlyn has always been strong, unshakable, the person everyone can rely on. But in this moment, seeing her with a furrowed brow and pursed lips, you realize there's a part of her that fears losing you.
Without thinking, you raise a trembling hand and take hers.
"I’ll get better, love. With all the care you’ve given me, I’ll surely be fine tomorrow. Now, don't worry anymore, okay?" you whisper.
Caitlyn watches you for a long moment, and then, with a gentleness she rarely shows, she leans forward and places a light kiss on your forehead.
"Okay," she replies, in a whisper.
Still, she doesn’t leave you alone all night.
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From the moment you told Jayce you were feeling sick, you knew it was all going to turn into a complete disaster.
At first, he seemed to handle it well. His expression shifted from his usual carefree demeanor to a mix of alarm and determination in just a few seconds. "Don't worry, darling, I'll take care of everything," he assured you with a confidence that almost made you believe him.
But what came next... well, it was Jayce, after all.
To start with, he insisted on making you tea. It would have been a sweet gesture if he had any idea how to actually make it.
From the bed, you heard him opening and closing drawers in the kitchen, cursing under his breath.
"Why are there so many tea boxes? Which one is the right one? And why do they all smell the same?"
A dull thud echoed.
"...Shit. The sugar fell."
You shook your head, already imagining the disaster going on out there.
When he finally came back, he had a cup of tea... or at least, what seemed like tea. The liquid was a suspiciously dark color, and Jayce had a sugar stain on his shirt.
"Here you go," he sat down on the edge of the bed with a proud smile and handed you the cup. "It's chamomile. Or... maybe mint. I'm not sure. But it has honey, so it should be good."
You eyed him warily but took a sip anyway. Immediately, you grimaced.
"Jayce... how much honey did you put in this?"
"Uh... enough."
"This is basically liquid honey with a little bit of hot water."
Jayce pursed his lips. "It's good for your throat."
"I'm going to die from a sugar overdose before the fever kills me."
But his clumsiness didn’t stop there.
He tried to put a cold compress on your forehead, but in his rush to dampen the cloth, he made it too wet, and you ended up with water droplets sliding down your face.
Then, he tried to reposition you in the bed to make you more comfortable, but nearly knocked you onto the floor in the process.
And when he tried to give you the medicine, the spoonful ended up spilling on the blanket.
In the end, Jayce collapsed into the chair next to the bed with a frustrated sigh, running a hand through his hair.
"I’m a mess," he murmured.
"You’re not," you said, though it was hard to say it seriously after watching him struggle with a bag of ice ten minutes ago.
Jayce dropped his head into his hands and let out a deeper sigh. "I’m one of the most important scientists in Piltover. I’ve built machines that have revolutionized the city. I can rally entire armies with a speech." He turned to you with an expression that mixed sadness and exasperation. "And yet I can’t take care of you when you’re sick?"
There was a silence.
Jayce rarely showed himself like this, so vulnerable. He was always the strong one, the leader, the one who had all the answers. But now, in front of you, he was just a man desperate to do something right for the person he cared about.
You took his hand with yours, gently intertwining your fingers. "Jayce... you don’t have to do it perfectly."
He exhaled a trembling sigh and squeezed your hand in return. "I just... I still get nervous around you."
You gave him a confused look. "Nervous?"
"Like the first time," he admitted softly. "Like when we first started dating, and everything in me wanted to impress you. But now it's different. Now..." His eyes met yours, warm and sincere. "Now I just want to take care of you. And I hate feeling like I’m not doing it right."
The tenderness that filled your chest was almost overwhelming.
You smiled weakly. "You’re doing fine."
Jayce huffed. "I spilled the medicine on the blanket."
He laughed, though his expression stayed soft. And then, without thinking too much about it, he leaned in and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
You closed your eyes at the contact, enjoying the warmth of his lips on your skin. But when he tried to kiss you on the lips, you pulled away with a grimace.
"Jayce, you're going to get sick too."
He smiled to the side. "You think I care?"
"You should care."
Jayce shrugged, with that playful confidence that always defined him. "If I get sick, then you’ll take care of me."
And before you could argue further, he leaned in and caught your lips in a slow, sweet kiss.
The next morning, you felt considerably better. Your fever had gone down, your throat didn’t hurt as much, and you could breathe more easily.
But as you turned in bed, you found Jayce beside you, his face buried in the pillow, his hair a mess, and his brow furrowed as if he was going through the worst experience of his life.
You let out a laugh.
"Told you so."
Jayce groaned.
"Oh, shut up."
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Ekko had always been fast. His mind, his hands, his movements… everything about him was in constant motion, always one step ahead. But when you got sick, all that speed turned into pure energy poorly managed.
Because Ekko didn’t just want to take care of you. He wanted to do it right.
The problem was that he had no idea how.
“Do you want some soup?” he asked, leaning over you with wide eyes.
You shook your head weakly.
You shook your head again.
Ekko frowned and crossed his arms. “Alright, then… how about some water? Or fruit juice? Or—?”
“Ekko…” you murmured in a hoarse voice, “I just need to sleep.”
There was a pause.
And then he suddenly stood up. “Right! Sleep. Yeah, good idea.”
You nodded, relieved that he finally understood. You snuggled further into the blankets and closed your eyes, ready to rest.
Until you felt the mattress sink when Ekko sat beside you.
You opened one eye.
He was there, staring at you.
“…What are you doing?” you asked in a tired voice.
“Watching you.”
You sighed. “Ekko.”
“I don’t need you to watch me while I sleep.”
He pursed his lips, clearly disagreeing. “But what if you stop breathing? Or if your fever gets too high? Or if you need something and can’t ask for it?”
You looked at him with a mix of tenderness and exasperation.
“Ekko, I have a cold. Not a deadly illness.”
He waved his hand as if that detail didn’t matter. “Still. I’m not taking any chances.”
Ekko tried to stay still. He tried.
But resting wasn’t natural for him.
After a few minutes, he started moving his leg, tapping it lightly against the floor. Then, his fingers began to drum against his thigh. Finally, he started fiddling with his stopwatch, spinning it between his fingers over and over again.
Click. Click. Click.
You groaned.
“If you keep making noise, I’m going to stop breathing. But from frustration.”
He let out a soft laugh. “Sorry, sorry.”
You sighed and turned over to bury yourself further in the blankets.
There was silence for a moment.
And then you felt something warm slide over your hand.
Ekko was holding it.
It was a light touch, almost shy, but his palm was warm against your cold skin.
You turned your face to look at him. He didn’t say anything, but he had that smile of his, the one he used when he tried to act casual but was actually worried.
You squeezed his hand softly in response.
“You don’t have to stay here all night, Ekko.”
He tilted his head. “What if I want to?”
“…You’re exaggerating.”
“Maybe.” He shrugged. “But I don’t like seeing you like this.”
Your heart tightened a little.
There was something in the way he said it, with so much sincerity and concern, that made all the discomfort in your body feel a little more bearable.
Ekko didn’t need to say that he loved you. He didn’t need grand declarations.
He showed it in every small action.
In how he insisted on taking care of you even if he didn’t know how. In how he never left your side even though you were sure he had a thousand more important things to do. In how, even when you tried to convince him everything was fine, he wouldn’t be convinced until he saw it with his own eyes.
After a while, you started to drift off to sleep.
But before sleep took you completely, you felt something else:
A brush against your forehead.
You weren’t sure if you had imagined it. Maybe it had just been a dream…
But you’d swear Ekko had given you a kiss.
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Several hours had passed in the lounge. You and Silco, as always, were caught in one of those endless conversations about business, Zaun’s future, and the little strategies he was constantly planning. Though you tried to stay focused, your body wasn’t responding as usual. The fever was consuming you, and exhaustion was starting to take its toll.
You tried to hide it, as always, but you knew your eyes were slowly closing, your eyelids heavy, your thoughts clouded. At some point, you couldn't even hear what he was saying anymore. The tones of his voice faded, and the last thing you remembered was a sudden dizziness before collapsing to the floor, unable to do anything.
Darkness consumed you.
When you woke up, the first thing you noticed was the softness of the sheets around you. You weren’t in the lounge, nor in your own bed. The scent of his cologne, something like leather and tobacco, lingered in the air, and the luxurious pillow beneath your head made you blink several times in confusion. The atmosphere was heavy, unmistakably private—his room.
And then, you saw him.
Silco was sitting near the bed, his chair tilted back slightly, a glass of whiskey in his hand. His gaze was fixed on you, silent, unmoving. For a moment, you thought he hadn’t noticed you waking up.
But then, after taking a sip of his drink, he finally broke the silence. “The doctor said you’ve been neglecting yourself. You haven’t been eating properly, you haven’t been resting as you should. You’re overworked.”
You pushed yourself up slightly, trying to process his words. You were in his bed. How had you gotten here? Before you could ask, he spoke again, his voice cold and commanding, as if addressing a subordinate who had made a grave mistake.
“This,” he gestured between the two of you, “is what happens when you don’t take your health seriously. You’re so caught up in your damned business that you don’t even realize what you’re doing to your body.”
Your mind was still hazy, but the look in Silco’s eyes told you this was not something he was going to overlook. His expression was harsh, his gaze sharp and piercing. You could tell he was holding back, that his frustration was close to boiling over. “This is the last time. The last time your life is put in danger because of your stubbornness.”
A slight pang tightened in your chest. Not just because of his words—but because of the intensity behind them, as if what hurt him most was seeing you in this state.
Silco let out a heavy sigh and leaned in slightly. The only thing that calmed you was the touch—softer than you expected—a light brush of his hand against your forehead. A gesture meant to show you that, despite his anger, he cared.
“I’m going to take care of you until you recover. I’m not leaving.”
You remained silent, watching as he took another sip of his whiskey. The room was so quiet you could hear the faint clink of his drink against the glass. Then, after a few moments of simply staring at you, his expression softened—just slightly—and his next words took you by surprise.
“I’m staying here with you all day, until you’re well again. And no, you don’t get to say no.”
You let out a weak laugh, though the fever still dulled your voice. “And where’s the downside in that?”
Silco didn’t answer immediately. He took another sip of his whiskey, and as he leaned in, he got so close that his breath brushed against your ear.
“When you recover,” he murmured, his voice low, dangerous, “I’m going to teach you a lesson.”
The heat of his proximity made your cheeks flush. You could feel the way your skin burned, not just from the fever, but from the moment itself. A shiver ran through you, leaving you unsure of what to say or do.
Silco pulled back slightly and noticed the glass of water he had left beside you was empty. Without a word, he stood up and left the room.
Once he was gone, you remained there, staring at the ceiling. The fever still clouded your mind, but you couldn’t stop thinking about him—his presence, the way he had leaned in, the way he had spoken.
Your hand brushed against your face, which was warm—not just from the fever, but from the situation itself.
What's up with him?
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You knew getting sick was never going to be simple with Sevika. She was the one in charge. And if she said you were staying in bed, then you were staying in bed.
Sure, you tried to argue. You tried to reason with her. But when Sevika crossed her arms and looked at you with that warning expression, you knew you were walking on thin ice.
“You’re going to stay here and rest.”
“You’re going to rest.”
You shook your head. “I can’t. I have work to do.”
Sevika squinted. “You can’t even stand up without wobbling.”
“You’re exaggerating.”
“Yeah, sure.” She rolled her eyes. “Don’t make me take drastic measures.”
That sounded suspicious. But you were too busy trying to muster the strength to get up, so you didn’t pay much attention.
Big mistake.
By the time you realized what was happening, you were already tightly bound to the bed.
“I can’t believe you actually did this,” you said, blinking in disbelief.
Sevika looked at you with an arched eyebrow as she finished securing the ropes. “I don’t know why you’re surprised.”
“Well, I’m not. But it’s still ridiculous.”
“The ridiculous part is that you’re sick and still want to go to work.”
You tried to struggle, but Sevika knew what she was doing. The ropes were tightened with the precision of someone who clearly had experience in immobilizing people.
Her eyes glinted with amusement as she watched you fight in vain.
“If you’d listened to me from the start, we wouldn’t have to do this.”
You huffed. “Are you going to let me go?”
Sevika put her hand on her chin, pretending to think about it. “Mmm… no.”
And that’s how you ended up in one of the most humiliating situations of your life: tied to the bed while Sevika fed you like you were a little kid.
She held the spoon in front of you with a satisfied smile. “Open.”
“Don’t make me force you.”
You glared at her. “This is abuse of power.”
“This is taking care of you.”
“This is unnecessary.”
“This is you opening your damn mouth.”
You sighed deeply, closing your eyes for a moment. Then, finally, you opened your mouth and let Sevika feed you the spoonful.
You couldn’t believe it. Sevika, Silco’s feared right-hand woman, was feeding you some kind of mashed potatoes.
And the worst part was, it didn’t taste that bad.
Sevika looked at you with amusement. “You like it, don’t you?”
“Tsk. Ungrateful.”
You rolled your eyes. “Am I really going to be tied up all day?”
“It depends. Are you going to stop fighting me?”
Sevika snorted. “That’s not an answer.”
Despite everything, there was a moment when things softened.
After making sure you’d eaten enough (and mocking you a little more in the process), Sevika leaned over the bed and looked at you in silence.
It was strange to see her like that, calm, without the usual teasing in her voice or the hardness in her expression.
Her hand gently slid across your forehead, brushing a strand of hair away.
“You make me worry too much, you know?” she murmured.
Her words carried a weight you hadn’t expected. Sevika wasn’t the type to express her emotions easily, and hearing her admit something like that surprised you more than you wanted to admit.
“I’ll be fine,” you whispered.
She huffed. “Yeah. Because I’m not letting you kill yourself with overwork.”
Her fingers caressed your cheek for a moment before pulling away.
It was such a tender gesture that you almost forgot you were still tied up.
Of course, you weren’t going to give up that easily.
You knew Sevika had one weak spot: you.
So you took a deep breath and set your final tactic in motion.
You put on your most adorable face, opening your eyes sweetly, slightly pursing your lips, and using the softest tone you could muster.
She looked at you with an arched eyebrow.
“Could you let me go? I’m already feeling much better…”
Sevika smiled. Not her usual mocking smile, but a soft one, as if she were almost buying your performance.
She leaned a little closer, her hands moving toward the ropes. You sighed in relief, thinking your plan had worked.
Until, instead of letting you go… she tightened the ropes even more.
Sevika looked at you with an expression of amusement and satisfaction.
“Don’t think I’m falling for your little lie.”
Your face went from pure innocence to sheer annoyance in seconds.
“You’re a dictator.”
“I love you too.”
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The air in the room felt heavy, almost suffocating. Maybe it was the fever, or maybe it was the imposing presence of Ambessa Medarda, who sat at the foot of the bed with her arms crossed, her gaze fixed on you.
She didn’t look happy.
“You’re a fool,” she said, her deep, authoritative voice cutting through the silence. “If you were one of my soldiers, I would have punished you for being so careless.”
You tried to sit up, but as soon as you did, the pressure in your head intensified, and a wave of dizziness forced you to lie back down.
Ambessa shook her head and let out a huff. “Look at you. You can’t even stand, and yet you dare to defy me.”
You knew it wasn’t real anger. Ambessa didn’t get angry easily; what she was feeling at that moment was frustration.
For you.
“I’m fine…” you murmured, though the hoarseness in your voice betrayed you.
Ambessa raised an eyebrow. “Right. And I am a helpless maiden.”
You couldn’t help but laugh, though the movement sent a sharp pain through your throat.
Ambessa leaned forward, placing a large, strong hand on your forehead. Her touch was warm and surprisingly gentle. She frowned. “You’re burning up.”
Her sharp gaze swept across the room as if searching for something. Then, with the efficiency of someone accustomed to command, she stood up and began preparing everything necessary to take care of you.
Fresh water, a damp cloth for your forehead, a bowl of hot food that, to your surprise, she had prepared herself.
When you tried to take the spoon, Ambessa took it from your hands.
“Open your mouth.”
You looked at her in disbelief. “Seriously?”
“Have you ever seen me joke?”
You knew arguing with her was pointless, so you obeyed. Ambessa fed you with the same discipline with which she commanded an army. Not wasting a single movement, not allowing you to complain.
After the meal and a warm drink, she took a seat beside you, watching you with an intensity that made your skin heat up even more.
“Rest,” she ordered.
“I’m not tired,” you protested.
Ambessa leaned over you, her shadow covering your face. “Do you want me to put you to sleep myself?”
You swallowed hard. Knowing her, she meant it.
Surrendering, you closed your eyes and settled into the bed. You felt her hand in your hair, stroking it with a softness you never expected from someone like her.
“You’re too fragile for my taste,” she murmured.
Barely conscious, you gave a faint smile. “But you care anyway.”
There was silence. Then, you felt her lips press against your forehead in a brief but firm kiss.
“Don’t you dare get sick again,” she whispered. “I don’t like seeing my possessions in poor condition.”
Half-asleep, you smiled. Ambessa would never say “I love you,” but this… this was the closest thing to it.
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am-i-interrupting · 12 days ago
Thinking of sub Jinx with an equally submissive reader, and with a double ended dildo, and they both are completely overstimulated, whimpering and sobbing against eachother, but can't bring themselves to stop... ;)
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mdni. sub-bottom jinx. sub-bottom reader. sex toys. vaginal sex. short drabble.
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you thought it would be fun—the perfect compromise—buying a double-ended dildo so you and jinx could be fucked together, lost in the same pleasure. you’d tried fucking her before but you never had the drive, the dominance, to make her take it, to push her over the edge. and jinx was no better; she always got jealous when your hole was getting more attention than hers.
now, the lengthy, pink dildo is stuffed inside your cunt as far as it can manage, harshly stabbing into your cervix, but you find pleasure in the pain. and jinx is mewling all the while; making little desperate, frustrated noises, trying to fuck the dildo faster inside her own pussy, but it’s hard to manage—hard to find a steady rhythm, with the way you both pause to catch your breath at uncoordinated intervals.
”unghh, baby—need more,” you mewl, and you’re making small, weak sounds—burrowing into the crook of her neck, humping the toy further inside your cunt.
the way jinx clenches around the toy is barely perceptible, but you feel it—tiny, involuntary spasms as she tries to drive it deeper. you can feel the way her greedy cunt slightly pulls the toy from your hole, stuffing more inches inside her own.
jinx has never been good at sharing. neither has her pussy.
”faster, go faster—fuck!” she keens, nails digging crescents into your skin, and she’s whining high in her throat.
you try, rolling your hips with growing urgency, but your rhythm inevitably falters. the pleasure is too much, too raw, building and breaking apart in uneven waves. your pussy is so sensitive, even the slightest movement is too overwhelming for you. you need someone to hold you down and force you to take it, but jinx won’t do that; she needs to be made to take it too.
it’s a dilemma—both of you craving control and the loss of it, stuck in a push and pull cycle.
you start crying—thick, salty tears rolling down your cheeks and splashing onto jinx’s skin. it feels so good, but it’s nowhere near enough. your pussy is crying too, dribbling copious amounts of slick out of your little hole with nowhere to go.
”jeez, such a crybaby,” jinx says, frustrated and out of patience, brows creasing while she’s shifting, searching for the perfect spot, and then—
when she tilts her hips just right, sparks shoot through your core, and you’re desperate to chase that sensation—finally getting somewhere after edging each other for hours.
“oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,” you’re whimpering, gasping like a balloon losing air; squeaky and staccato.
ironically, jinx then sobs wetly, holding your hips still so she can just take, take, take. 
you’re pressed so close that the toy is entirely swallowed up by both your cunts. jinx is writhing against you like a fish on a hook, using your pussy to get off, while your pleasure is merely an afterthought to her. she’s humping against you—against the toy—with clumsy, desperate rolls of her hips, like a misbehaving puppy.
you’re so close, teetering on the edge, and you’re sure jinx is right there with you, if her whorish moans are anything to go by—until you adjust, just slightly, and then you lose the perfect spot; the one that had you both crying, finally scratching the itch that’s been under your skin for hours. 
jinx makes a sharp, frustrated snivel, her fingers tightening against your skin as she tries to guide you back. but it’s too late. the moment has slipped through your fingers like sand, and now you’re both aching, desperate, while your orgasms die down again.
“god, mmphh, fuck—“ you gasp, thighs trembling, but every movement feels off, like you’re grasping at something just out of reach. jinx’s breath is ragged beneath you, panting like a dog, and it’s driving you insane.
“do something,” she pleads, raspy and needy. jinx doesn’t push, doesn’t take; she needs it just as bad as you do, but neither of you can force the other over the edge. you’re both trapped—too far gone to stop, yet nowhere near close enough to finish.
you press your foreheads together, panting, skin damp with sweat, and you move—slow, uncoordinated, but determined. so close together that your clits catch, the friction sending a shockwave through you. you can feel the large pink cock reaching deep inside your guts, can feel it in your throat.
“don’t stop,” she huffs.
you nod eagerly like a good little bitch—obedient and mindless—gripping onto her as if that’ll keep you grounded, as if it’ll bring you comfort against the overwhelming pleasure building in your pussy.
you push through the oversensitivity, the ache deep inside your cunt, the maddening need—and then, you find it again, finally. that perfect spot, that devastating friction. your bodies move in tandem—helpless, grinding, writhing—lost in the feeling of being stuffed full of cock, until it crashes over you both.
jinx comes first, back arching like a bow string drawn too tight, locking her legs around you, holding you there as she shatters. she’s mewling like a kitten the entire time, pathetic and whiny and relieved. her tongue lolls out dumbly, her eyes are hazy, and she looks like a picture of debauchery.
”hnghh—pussy feels so, ahh, good, baby,” you moan, and unsurprisingly, you’re coming against her cunt too, riding out your orgasm in helpless, messy rolls of your hips. 
jinx is flinching away from your pussy, flinching away from the cock being pressed deeper inside her stomach—but you can’t find it in yourself to care. you need to come too, after all.
just a little more, just a little longer, until your orgasm subsides. you collapse on top of jinx, panting into her skin, entirely fucked-out; a pile of two needy sluts.
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taglist; @marvelwomenarehot0 @marieeeluvsyou @mxchi-mxxn @el-amor-que-tu-quieres @jinxvex @teddybearbutch28 @stupendousbananasharkcop @nahcala @ellieslob @killerbait @idontwannabehereatm @rhian88 @kyur1jinx @absfemme @blackdykegirlblogger @thatgrlnany @imfckngfantastic @addison12459 @f3ralpuppyg1rl @prettyprincess19 @saphhvi @vixxxxxxxen @jinxedbambi @dreamyraincloud @just4jinx @caninecutiez @skizzrkit @urjnxedd
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am-i-interrupting · 13 days ago
hi! could you please do something with viktor x fem!reader who had ocd? i love your writing! thank you <3
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He can’t exactly say he understands. However, he does hold space.
He doesn’t have to understand. It’s not his mind. He just lets your mind be your own.
Any compulsive habits of yours, he quickly picks up on. To the point where even the first time you sleep together, if you’re awake with a feeling of something wrong, head first in the pillow his muffled voice will go over some of your compulsions, asking if you did them before you figure out what’s got you on edge.
He might even pick up on some of them as a subconscious way of trying to help you.
He’ll be in the lab, Jayce will enter behind him and he’ll have gotten so used to the sound of you juggling the door knob a certain amount of times, he’ll almost scold Jayce for not doing it.
If there’s anything you require him to do, he easily complies for your peace of mind.
Like if you have a hard rule on no day time clothes in bed, then there’s no day time clothes in bed anymore.
And when intrusive thoughts come? He’s still right there.
He holds a space for you to talk about them if you wish. No judgement.
For as calm and collected as Viktor can be, growing up in the Undercity does have its mark on people and this might be something he can share.
You had a thought about hurting yourself or someone else? Yeah, he’s had a very vivid fantasy about Jayson who was one of his fellow students and related to a council member who thought he was God’s all knowing for that and a pencil and Jayson’s eye.
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am-i-interrupting · 13 days ago
Could I request Neuvillette whimpering when his lover unlocks his praise kink? Man's was a soft Dom until she started softly praising his skills in bed.
I'm someone who thrives on praise too so I totally get wanting this. I would praise the hell out of Neuvillette.
Pairing: Neuvillette x Fem!Reader
Tags: nsfw, smut, doggie style, whimpering, praise kink, Neuvillette's powers
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A/N: Honestly though, tell me I'm doing a good job and I'm yours. For a limited amount of time it takes me register that praise. But for those few seconds I'm yours.
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Loves to fuck you from behind, not because he can be rough but because he really likes kissing across your back and your shoulders, where he then bites down with his teeth
Teases your clit a lot, and really a lot, to the point where you feel like you're gonna come if he so much as touches it
But then he stops suddenly because he can't let you finish before he's ready
He hasn't deemed it right for you to finish just yet, and what he says goes
Usually he holds onto you while you're having sex, one arm wrapped around you, or even his tail sneaking around your leg
More of a fan of praising you then degrading you
His movements are never sloppy when he's he's about to come, his composure perfect, his thrusts deep, his long cock never fully leaving your quivering pussy
But as soon as you tell him good good it feels that he's taking you from behind while also managing to be such a gentle lover you feel his tail coil tighter
He tells you thank you, his voice a little more higher pitched
As soon as he bottoms out and you moan his name while telling him how you want him to creampie you so he can use his tongue to eat it out afterwards he lets out another sound, a higher pitched whimper
Doesn't want you to hear him whimpering so he distracts you by reaching between your legs and rubbing your clit between his fingers
He needs you to make more noises than he is
That plan was doomed to fail the moment you heard that first whimper from him
Realizing that the normally stoic, well-composed, stern man fucking you can actually whimper like that wasn't something you were ready to let go of
Not easily
He knows he's in trouble when you look back at him, a grin on your face, a chuckle leaving your lips before you praise his talented fingers, praise the way he's constantly keeping your clit stimulated by quickly rubbing his index finger over it with its whole length
Or how he's making your cunt absolutely drool all over his cock, slick sticking to your thighs and his balls every time he pulls out
You're telling him how nice it feels when his huge cock bottoms out and you feel it twitch while still in your pussy
Neuvillette is a mess, and further spiraling with every word you tell him
At first you don't even notice that it began raining outside
Since it began raining faster and faster you guess that he's getting close, you don't even have to guess because at this point you know that when he wants to creampie you, it absolutely pours outside
The sound of rain does nothing to dampen the whimpers next to your ear
If you tell him you want his cum painting your pussy and he's done
But what happens in the bedroom has to stay in the bedroom, you can never tell a soul that he likes being praised to the degree he can't stop shaking and whimpering and clinging onto you because he can't stop coming inside of you
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am-i-interrupting · 13 days ago
Feeling the Heat
synop: Viktor has noticed odd behaviors from you, their roommate. Due to you being a vastaya, he has a feeling you might be going into heat. He and Jayce join forces to help you through your annual predicament.
words: 5.2K
includes: jayvikxfem!reader, vastaya reader, foxgirl reader, explicit sexual content, dirty talk, creampie, heat cycles
a/n: 18+ readers only!!! I'm taking so much creative liberties with vastaya lore. Literally the majority of this is my headcanons, I am not saying this is accurate to League canon whatsoever.
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There was an itching feeling crawling up your skin. A familiar one, but still irritating. It made your skin hot, not as if it was on fire, but you knew it would get there eventually. But you couldn’t worry about it too much, there was so much for you to do. Viktor and Jayce had sent you out to pick up much needed parts for them. As always, you gladly took up the task. After all, you owed them greatly. An impending heat was nothing compared to the kindness the men had offered you. 
As you made your way through the streets of Piltover, you did your best to shake off the growing irritation under your skin. Taking in your surroundings you allowed yourself to find some distraction to keep the growing warmth in your belly at bay. Despite the cool breeze, sweat prickled on your forehead. You wiped it off, pretending you didn’t notice it. 
You knew that your efforts were futile, but you persisted regardless. Continuing your way down the bustling streets. Stopping in various stores, checking off items on the list that the boys had sent you off with. By the early afternoon you had completed your tasks. While you did your best to ignore the growing need inside, you could feel it trying to claw its way out of you. All you had to do was bring the items to the lab, then hole yourself up in your room. Wait out the few days of your heat. Hopefully you could avoid the men before you made your way home. If you had to encounter them… well who knows how you would react?
It was just a few years ago that the men had found you. A shivering lonely woman scrounging for scraps in the lanes. One of the lucky ones that made it out. For you were a unique specimen. A vastaya. Complete with large fox ears and fluffy tail. Something that the brothels of Zaun would gladly house. Especially considering the type of yearly predicament you found yourself in. 
When Jayce realized what you were, he knew that he had to get you out of the undercity. Perhaps it was a selfish motive, but he knew that your kind had an attunement to magic others did not possess. So while it was a good deed, taking you in, there was still a pitiful part of him that knew his motives were less than squeaky clean. That desperate part of him so heavily fixated on magic that he would find a way to house a creature such as yourself to learn more. 
Viktor was hesitant to bring you into the fold, but you had quickly proved yourself to the men. Demonstrating your magical abilities with quite the finesse for a struggling being. Though it wasn’t surprising to you. Your mother had taught you how to harness your magical abilities long ago. But you were without her now, and it showed. 
For as long as possible you avoided the deepest pits Zaun had to offer. Managing to dodge shimmer and sex work, though just barely. Many a time you almost caved, desperate for the money. However, you persisted. Clawing your way out of this pit that the death of your family had thrown you in. 
Now, you needn’t worry about that. Your past was in the past. Neither Jayce nor Viktor ever questioned you on it. As long as you were able to prove your abilities, you proved your worth. 
That’s how it was at the beginning at least. As time passed, the men grew fond of you. Learning that you had quite the charm. Plus it helped to have a pretty face around the lab. Though they wouldn’t admit that out loud. The two grew accustomed to your swishing tail and the curious twitch of your ears.
 Jayce especially enjoyed your fox attributes. Finding those exotic parts of you quite fascinating, beautiful even. Viktor would often catch the other man staring at you as you helped organize their materials. Eyes wandering to your backside as your tail absentmindedly swayed from side to side. A motion that was almost hypnotic. Though it wasn’t just your tail he had often stared at. He did greatly enjoy the lovely curve of your ass, but the distraction of your tail was a good excuse as to why his eyes wandered. 
Somehow, you never noticed the way he looked at you. The longing that now accompanied his gaze. You were used to people staring, and with Jayce’s fascination with you, it was a normal occurrence. Oh how he wished you would notice, to have you share some of the affections that he now held for you. 
Viktor fared no better than the other man. While he had attempted to remain indifferent to your presence, it was difficult for him to ignore the pull that you had. Jayce was drawn to the unique parts of you. Viktor was fond of the intimate parts of you.
After living with them for a few months you had finally allowed yourself to be more vulnerable. During one of the rare times you were home alone with the man, Viktor had found you silently crying in the kitchen. A sight that he had never seen before. You had managed to keep up quite the strong persona, despite the state that the men had originally found you in. It was a moment that you had wished Viktor didn’t catch you in. Pity wasn’t something you wanted  from anyone, but it wasn’t pity that was written on the man’s face as he walked into the kitchen. Cane and feet softly making their way toward you. Stopping with a hand outstretched. A soft sadness in his eyes, a newfound camaraderie discovered between the two of you. It was unspoken, the shared history of a life spent in the undercity. A history that had you taking his hand, allowing him to pull you into an uncharacteristic embrace. Although you had just been in a somber mood, you found your tail wagging. A soft chuckle escaping the man that held you as he watched your tail swish with happiness. 
With your closeness, you wondered if it was wrong of you to hide your current condition. The men had studied vastayan history and culture as much as they could. It was difficult for them to find accurate texts, but they had been able to piece together what they could without prying too much into your life. 
Viktor had learned that some of your kind depending on their animal subspecies went through periods of heat. You had managed to hide your annual predicament from the men for the past few years. Though now, it seemed that your string of luck had run out. The last years you had pretended you were merely ill with terrible allergies, but you were certain with the scientists that they were, they would eventually notice the yearly pattern. It was unavoidable, so you hoped you could inconspicuously hole up in your room without them noticing. 
However, unbeknownst to you, Viktor had a sneaking suspicion that you were hiding something from them. With the research he had done, he pieced clues together that you were about to go into a heat. 
There were little things that had piqued his interest. The way that you had become clingier to the men. Often hugging them, rubbing your cheeks and neck against their chests and shoulders. Jayce found the actions endearing, but Viktor knew better than that. You had been unconsciously staking your claim on the men, scenting them to deter other potential mates. At least that’s what he had read. 
Then there was the way you had been stealing the men’s clothes. Snagging a used sweater off the back of Jayce’s chair when he took it off. Burying your face into the cloth with a smile. Brazenly snatching Viktor’s undershirt after he changed for bed. It was as if you didn’t even know you were doing it. The man had spotted you curled up in your bed, surrounded by various articles of the men's clothes. The sight had Viktor’s heart melting, but there was a nagging part of him concerned about your actions. Putting the pieces together, recognizing that you were showing the beginning signs of heading into a heat.
He was surprised that you had managed to hide your previous heats from them. Now with the signs so clear to him he wondered how they hadn’t ever noticed before. 
As the men waited for you in their lab, Viktor knew he had to inform Jayce of your impending heat. It was only a matter of time that the peak of your cycle would crest, and he needed to make sure that they could help you through it. From what he knew, heats were a painful and difficult time without a mate. Knowing that you had been going through that alone for so long now saddened Viktor. He knew that it would hurt Jayce too. 
“Jayce…” Viktor wondered how he was supposed to begin this talk. 
“Something going on, V?” Jayce spun around to face the other man. 
“Yes, it’s about y/n…” Jayce raised a questioning brow, wondering where this was going. 
“What about her?” 
“Have you noticed she’s been acting odd lately?” Maybe he could lead Jayce to the conclusion to spare himself the embarrassment of revealing your condition. 
“Um, not really? She seems like her normal self to me.” 
Ah, that’s right. Jayce was always so overly touchy, he probably wasn’t surprised at the way you were responding to him.
“I’m going to avoid beating around the bush. She is…” The opening of the lab door made Viktor pause. 
The two men turned to see you in the doorway, a large paper bag in hand likely holding the materials they had requested. Well that was inconvenient timing… Viktor needed to have this conversation with Jayce, but would have to table it for now. Instead he decided to observe you to see where you were at in the process of your heat. 
As you made your way over to the men, Viktor’s eyes widened. Oh, you were definitely reaching the height of your cycle. Naturally you had always smelt quite pleasant, but now, you smelled utterly delectable. Viktor felt his mouth watering as you brushed by to place the materials on their workbench. He knew that the scent of a heat could affect most mammals, but didn’t expect it to hit as hard as it did. Based on how Jayce was behaving, he could tell he was affected as well. 
Shit. You forgot that your heat wasn’t just to attract other vastaya. While they were the more preferable race to compliment your biology, you were easily able to procreate with other beings. Humans included, and your biological output was made to attract anything that could potentially get you pregnant. Which meant you had inadvertently seduced your roommates. 
“Well, here’s the stuff. I gotta head back home now, I’m not feeling too well.” You attempted to make a quick getaway, but was stopped by a strong hand grasping your forearm.
“You feeling sick?” Jayce asked, though his tone was lower than normal. 
Viktor thickly swallowed. He didn’t have enough time to speak with Jayce, and now your natural affects were getting to the man. At least with his knowledge Viktor was able to somewhat push away this animalistic side, but Jayce was another story entirely.
“Um, yeah. So you should let me go… so I don’t get you sick too.” You attempted to pull away, but Jayce’s grip remained firm. 
“Jayce…” Viktor placed a hand on the man’s shoulder. “You should let her go home.”
The hand made Jayce jolt out of whatever trance you had put him in. Pupils returned back to their normal size as his grip loosened and allowed you to walk away. Nodding a thanks at Viktor, you sped out of the lab and raced back to your shared apartment.
“Viktor, what just happened?” Jayce watched as you left, shivering as his adrenaline came down.
“That’s eh… what I wished to speak to you about.” Jayce turned back to Viktor. The questioning look returned to his face. 
“Go on…”
“Remember when we were doing research on vastaya? Well, I happened upon a section of a text that discussed sexual mature mammalian variants can sometimes go into an annual heat. Something to do with the animal aspects, though not much research has been done on it…” Viktor had begun to ramble. Something Jayce knew he did when attempting to avoid uncomfortable topics.
“So what you’re saying is she’s horny.” Viktor’s eyes widened at the man’s brazenness. 
“That is a bit of a crude way of putting it,” he huffed. “Though I suppose that would technically be accurate.”
“If this happens every year? Why haven’t we noticed it before?” 
Viktor shrugged.
“I suppose she did a good job at hiding it from us.” Viktor thought about the previous years.
Looking back, he realized that you had always become sick around this time of year. Keeping to yourself in your room, only coming out to get food and go to the restroom. Though when you did have to exit your space, you tried doing so when the men weren’t around. Now Viktor understood. It wasn’t that you didn’t wish for their aid while you were ill, you weren’t ill at all. 
He wasn’t offended by your avoidance. It was clearly a touchy subject, and understandably so. 
“What should we do?” Jayce asked, eyebrows furrowed with worry. 
Viktor bit his tongue in thought. From his research he knew there was only one way to make your heat go by faster, but he did not know if you would be willing to do so. Plus, he wasn’t sure you would be in the right state of mind to even consent. However, there was still a part of him that wished to explore the taboo option. 
“We could… eh… offer assistance?” Viktor studied Jayce’s response. 
“You mean…” He trailed, pointing between himself and Viktor, then behind himself to indicate your person.
“Based on my research, fornication is the best way to pass a heat. Though, I suppose that makes sense considering what heats are intended for.” 
“Do you have to make it sound so,” Jayce waved his hands around his face, “clinical?”
“How else would you prefer I phrase it, Jayce?” Viktor grumbled, he wasn’t one for crassness. 
“Sex? Fucking? Anything but ‘fornication’.” 
Viktor chuckled, looking up at his partner with fondness.
“So… should we offer our assistance?” He asked, a teasing glint in his eyes. 
Hot, hot, hot. It was all you could think about as you uncomfortably squirmed in your bed. You were only wearing one of Jayce’s long shirts, attempting to stop the itching heat and aching between your legs. You couldn’t recall your heats ever making you feel this bad. It was getting painful. Groaning, you pressed your face into your pillow, hoping the pressure would ease something within you. How that would work? You had no idea, but you needed something nonetheless. 
Knocking at your door had you jolting up. Quickly scanning your room you found some sleep shorts to slip on. Not realizing how it would look with you wearing Jayce’s shirt that you might have stolen from his dirty laundry. Your brain was too foggy to care. Before you opened the door you paused. You knew that Jayce or Viktor were behind it, and you didn’t know how you would react if you saw the men. 
Taking a deep breath you willed yourself to remain composed when you saw the men. Opening the door just a crack, you saw both Viktor and Jayce waiting expectantly. 
“Is everything okay?” You asked, voice shaky. Just the sight of the men had slick pooling between your thighs. 
“I have a feeling we should be asking you that question.” Jayce said. 
“I’m a bit sick.” You pretended to cough. “I don’t want you guys to catch whatever I got.” 
You watched as the men gave each other a look, then turned back to you with an eyebrow quirked. That itching heat flaring within you, making you softly whine.
“We know you’re not sick.” Viktor said, making your eyes widen.
“W-what do you mean?” You felt your body begin to tremble. Did they know? And if they did, why does the thought excite you?
“Can we come in?” Viktor asked softly. 
That had you gasping. You didn’t know if you could handle having the men in your room with you. Then you realized how embarrassing it would be if they came in. Turning around, you looked over the nest in your bed that had various articles of their clothing tucked within it. 
“I-I don’t think you should. I told you, I don’t want to get you sick.” It was clearly a lie as your voice cracked. 
Viktor looked at Jayce who nodded. The larger man gripping the door and softly pushing it open. You didn’t fight it, you honestly didn’t want to. However, you did step away from them. Trying your hardest to not let their presence get to you, it wasn’t working. Backing into your bed you fell onto your nest. 
Jayce’s eyes widened as he took in the state of your bed. Spotting various articles of clothing mixed with your blankets. He gave a soft chuckle.
“So this is where my sweaters have disappeared to.”
“I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to…” Mean to what? Use their clothes to help stave off the painful parts of your heat? How embarrassing.
Your hands flew up to your face as your cheeks heated up. Large warm hands grabbed your wrists and tugged them down, making you face Jayce. He was tenderly gazing at you with a soft smile on his lips. His proximity made you whimper. He smelled so good, you just wanted to roll over onto your stomach for him. Shaking your head, you attempted to remove the thoughts, but with how close he is…
“You look good in my clothes.” He said, looking at the shirt that engulfed your body. 
Heat rose to your cheeks again.
“I didn’t mean to offend you. I’ll give you the clothes back.” 
The man stopped your trail of apologies with a hand scritching behind your ears. The action eliciting a purr from you. Oh, it felt really good when he touched you.
“Don’t apologize, we’re here to help you.” He nodded back to Viktor who made his way over to you. 
He joined Jayce in petting your ears, making you melt into their touch.
“Help me?” 
“We know you’re in heat.” Viktor said matter of fact.
Again, the heat flooded to your cheeks.
“You know?” You asked weakly. 
The two of them nodded. Their gazes soft and loving. 
“Do you want us to help you?” Jayce asked. 
Of course you did. But if you accepted, everything would change. Mating during a heat was supposed to be one of the most intimate acts. A part of you would be connected to them in a way they would never be able to understand. Then again, they had done so much for you. Denying how you felt for the men would be useless. As much as they yearned for you, you had felt the same. 
You had made your decision. Nodding at their question.
“Yes, I want you to help me.” You bit your lip. “You know that means that you’ll have to stay with me for the next few days though, right?”
“We’re prepared. We just wanted to make sure this is what you wanted.” Jayce said, hand still scratching behind your ear. 
“And you want to help me?” You didn’t want this to be something they were doing out of pity. Oh to have the men you were pining for want you back. Well, that would be a dream come true. 
Jayce’s hand moved to the back of your head, pulling you forward. His lips pressing against yours in a desperate kiss. The sudden action made you gasp. Pulling away slightly, he responded.
“Yes. I’ve wanted you for so long.” 
His lips found yours once more, this time making you whine into his mouth. Tongues intertwining with the heated kiss. The man groaned as he got a taste of you. Something he didn’t realize he had been craving. Now, it was something he needed. 
When you pulled away, a different hand pulled you toward Viktor. The man taking his opportunity to slot his lips with yours. This kiss still desperate, but softer. You could feel the man’s longing as he took his time deepening the kiss. Tongue lapping at your bottom lip before meeting yours. He too enjoyed your taste. Even if it was just your pheromones making him feel this way. 
Whining as they pulled away, your fingers found the hem of the shirt you were wearing. Ripping it off, you found the men staring at you with their mouths agape. Along with the shirt you pulled off your shorts, sighing as your skin was exposed to cooler air. 
“That was unexpected…” Viktor said, entranced at the state of need you were in.
A frustrated groan left your lips as the men stared at you. Why weren’t they touching you? Couldn’t they see how much you needed them?
Before you could voice your frustrations, Jayce had kneeled at the edge of the bed. Strong hands reached for your thighs and pulled you to him. His pupils were blown out as he stared at your dripping heat. A thick finger slipping between your folds, making you cry out. Finally, they were touching you. 
Jayce began to kiss up your thighs till he reached your drenched pussy. He lapped up the slick that had coated your thighs with an animalistic groan. Delicious and so sweet. He needed more. Diving in, he made you cry out once again. His tongue wishing to taste as much of you as he could. With each swipe of his tongue you felt a knot in your stomach begin to tighten. Soft moans and gasps leaving you as the man ate you out with fervor. 
Viktor felt himself grow hard at the sight of Jayce lapping at your heat. He joined you on the bed. Long fingers trailed over your torso, deciding to play with your breasts. Tweaking a nipple had you moaning and writhing.
 Jayce locked your legs down with his forearms, forcing you to take his ministrations. His hot tongue made you shake as the knot grew tighter. Thighs clenched around Jayce’s head, making the man groan. He had one goal in mind, and boy was he gunning for it. A harsh suck on your clit had your body trembling even more. Another suck had the knot snapping, making you scream with pleasure. A hot spray of your release coating the man’s chin, but he didn’t stop lapping at you. Loving your taste. 
Viktor made the man stop as you began to whimper with overstimulation. Long fingers pulling at Jayce’s hair, making him moan. A fucked out look on his face as he rose with Viktor’s hand. The larger man climbed from between your legs and over your body. Kissing your hot skin sending shivers through you. His lips finding yours again, making you taste yourself. 
The men allowed you to take a breather as they undressed. You watched in awe as they stripped away to reveal their beautifully naked bodies. Jayce’s cock thick and long, slapping against his toned belly. Viktor’s cock springing up with a delicious looking curve. The thought of them inside you had more slick gush out of you as you whimpered. 
“Oh fuck.” Jayce looked at Viktor with wide eyes. “I didn’t know she did that.”
Viktor chuckled darkly, turning back to you. A hand grasping yours and lightly pulling you into a seated position. After softly kissing your hand he laid down on the bed. He beckoned for you to come to him. Obediently, you crawled over to the man. Straddling his waist, feeling his cock brush against your heat. It had you whining once more as you grinded against him. He groaned at the feeling of your slick coating his length.
Looking into his eyes he nodded. Immediately, you sheathed him within your warmth. Both of you moaning as you took him in. His cock pressing against parts of you you didn’t know existed. Slowly, you began to bounce on him. Moans and whines escaping your lips as you chased the pure pleasure. Hoping you would make him reach his release, the need to be bred taking over your brain. 
The man watched as you bounced on him, moaning with each slide up and down his cock. Your wet cunt so warm and inviting, just begging for him to cum in you. Tongue lolling out, you continued riding him at a fast pace. A tightening knot returning to your stomach making you chase your release. Oh how Viktor wished to see you fall apart on his cock. Your face already so fucked out as you took him in eagerly. 
Deft fingers reached for your clit, drawing a hard circle on the sensitive nub. The knot threatening to break at any moment. 
“Cum, please. I need to feel you cum on my cock.” Viktor choked out as you continued your brutal pace. He knew he wasn’t going to last much longer. 
The man’s words were your undoing. The knot snapping again, making you cry out in pure pleasure. The clamp of your soaking pussy forcing the man beneath you to climax. Hot ropes of cum shooting into you relieving that itch that you so desperately needed scratched. 
“Viktor…” You whined.
Sloppy kisses were placed all over the man’s face and neck. Occasionally you would bite a sensitive spot on his neck. His dick was still inside you as you left love bites on his upper body. He was too exhausted to try and stop you, not that he wanted to. He knew he would be admiring the bruises after your rendezvous.
The man shuddered as you grinded against his now softening dick. Overstimulation making him grip your hips, trying to hold you in place. The action making you whine. You needed more, desperately. 
Viktor took that as his cue to invite Jayce over. 
“Darling, why don’t you let Jayce take care of you?” Viktor’s suggestion had your ears perking up and tail swishing with excitement. 
Groaning, Viktor admired the way your slick mixed with his spend as you lifted off of him. 
As you crawled toward Jayce, Viktor cleared his throat to get both of your attentions. 
“Why don’t you present for him?” The command had you shuddering and nodding. 
On instinct you turned away from Jayce, ass up in the air. Tail swishing with anticipation as the man took in the sight before him. Your slick and Viktors cum dripping down your thighs made something feral in him snap. Rough hands pulled you to the end of the bed. A thick cock was easily shoved into your waiting hole. An obscene squelching noise filled the room. The sound spurring Jayce on. Hips snapping into you at a brutal pace. 
A cry left your lips as he grabbed your tail and lightly pulled. The man groaned as he felt you clench around him at the action. He continued to tug on your tail as he pressed you further into the bed. Your tongue lolling out of your mouth as you took everything the man was giving you. Needing so badly to be bred. 
Viktor had enough time to catch his breath and decided to play with you some more. A hand grabbing your hair, pulling your head back enough for him to kiss you. He swallowed all of your moans. 
“Look at you,” Viktor’s voice was low, “so perfect. Like you were made for us.” 
He tenderly petted your head as Jayce continued to pound into you. Once more making you feel the buildup of your climax begin. Legs trembling with each slide of his cock into your pussy. 
“I bet you want us to breed you, don’t you?” Viktor murmured, making you moan at the thought. 
Right now you would do anything to have the men breed you. Jayce seemed to be fond of the idea, groaning at the thought of being impregnated by them. 
“Want us to give you little kits?” You were sobbing at his words now. 
“Yes! Please! Yes! Breed me!” You cried.
“Well Jayce, do you think we can breed our little fox?” Viktor looked up at the man. 
Jayce’s chest was pressed up against your back as he shoved your body into the mattress. Fucking into you over and over again, making your climax grow nearer. Thick fingers reached around your body and traced circles over your clit. The man groaned as he felt your walls flutter around him.
“Gonna…” He huffed. “Gonna breed this sweet little pussy.” He groaned at the thought of filling you. Feeling his balls tighten as he neared his own end. 
“Please!” You whined, pressing your ass up against him to meet his thrusts. 
One last swipe on your clit had you screaming once more, clamping down on the man. The tightness forcing Jayce’s climax out of him, filling you up again. The heat of his cum satisfying that itch. 
Moaning, you felt the man pull out of you. His spend mixed with Viktor’s dripping out of your abused hole. Though you knew that they weren’t done with you. 
A newfound hunger took over the men. Over the next few days they continued to fuck into you. Spilling load after load inside your slick pussy. The feeling of them cumming in you becoming an addictive sensation. 
By the final day, the itch had pretty much dissipated. You took their last climaxes in a dazed fucked out state, staying high on the overstimulation. 
Both of the men took care of you as you came down from your heat. Peppering you in kisses and sweet nothings. Lightly caressing you as the sweltering heat had begun to subside. Feeling so loved and cared for by the men that had taken you in. 
As you laid between them, you wondered what would happen next. 
“Um…” You didn’t know how to begin.
“Is something the matter?” Viktor looked at you with adoration.
“I guess, I want you to know that this doesn’t have to go anywhere. But I am now tied to you. In a sense.” You bit your lip in nervousness.
“Tied to us?” Jayce asked, wrapping his strong arms around you.
“Yes. Mating during a heat creates a special bond, and I’ve never mated with anyone before.” 
Viktor and Jayce’s eyes widened at the information. Both of them pulled closer to you.
“Well, I do hope this ‘goes somewhere’, so to speak.” Viktor said, a soft smile on his face.
“Me too.” Jayce said, kissing your cheek.
The confession made your heart swell. Happy tears pricked at your eyes. Never before had you felt so loved and wanted. Your tail swished between Jayce’s legs, making the man chuckle. 
“I’ll take that as you wish for this to go somewhere?” He asked, nuzzling into you.
“Yes, of course.” You sighed with content. “It’s something I have wanted for a while.”
With that, the men embraced you. Leaving trails of light kisses as you drifted off into a blissful sleep. 
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am-i-interrupting · 14 days ago
dance with me - Silco x gn!reader
Notes: I am kind of back? It has been a while, and I am still working some things out irl, but I have been positively itching to write more for Silco again. I have barely been able to stop thinking about him. That you all for sticking around in the meantime!🥹 Warnings/Rating: flirting, a little angsty, self-depreciating Silco, reader is alluded to be a little shorter/same height as Silco | E for Everyone Wordcount: 1.7k Synopsis: Silco lets his guard down for a moment, but quickly realises why he usually keeps it up.
Masterlist | Ko-Fi
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“They want to call another assembly – tomorrow night.” 
Sevika’s voice just about broke through the sound of chatter and music reverberating around the bar. Silco’s hand paused as he twirled the uncut cigar between his fingers slowly, arms outstretched along the backs of the red velvet booth. Reluctantly, he pulled his gaze to her, lips pressed firmly into a line as he regarded her words for a second before humming, the sound short and derisive. 
His fingers started playing with the cigar again as he cast his eyes back out over the throngs of people. “Tell them they will hear from me when they hear from me. And that is final.”
Sevika stood for another moment, rolling her tongue in her cheek and huffing. She was quite frankly bored of having to try and appease what were essentially overgrown toddlers, all vying for a parents attention. 
Turning slightly, her eyes followed Silco’s out across the bar, fixing on the person sitting awkwardly at the edge of the bar, teetering on the stool as they tried to fend off drunks looking for a little more than a casual conversation. He had to bite back a smile when they noticed him watching, smiling softly at him and visibly relaxing. 
Sevika sighed again, shifting to pull her cloak a little more firmly over her arm as she turned back to her boss, brow raised, tongue between her teeth. 
“They are becoming a distraction,’ she warned quietly, ignoring the insolent glare he offered her in return. “Need I remind you what is at stake at the moment? Is it really the time to be–” 
“I advise that you stop talking.” He cut her off, stilling for a moment before leaning forward, slipping the ornate cigar box from the booth table and trimming the cigar between his fingers, pressing it to his lips as he fished for the lighter. 
A plume of smoke rose from his lips as he sat back again, sinking into the worn velvet cushions. “Now, I believe you have a message to deliver.” 
With a final huff, Sevika pushed away from the wall, disappearing off through the crowds of bodies. 
The smoke burned his throat as he took another drag, holding it in his lungs for a moment before reluctantly letting it slip from his lips, rolling the smoldering cigar between his fingertips as his gaze drifted instinctively back to them. Sevika was right, of course, they were a distraction. And it was driving him crazy. 
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“We’re all closed up, boss.” 
He had barely registered the music stopping, let alone the place emptying as he poured over his paperwork. A deep ache had set between his shoulder blades as he hunched over the proposals, most of them too idiotic to be worth the effort. 
He glanced up, somewhat startled at the sound of your voice, the sound much softer than he was accustomed too. 
“Oh, yes, thank you,” he hummed, holding your gaze for just a moment longer than he perhaps should have done. “How many times do I have to tell you you can call me Silco?”
You laughed softly, shaking your head, “Yes, Silco.” You hesitated for a moment, moving to step away only to step back again, held in place by the way he looked at you. “Is there anything else you need?” 
He mentally scolded himself, reaching for his nearly burnt out cigar from the tray to busy his hands. “No, thank you. You finish up.” 
His smile felt forced as you nodded, smiling softly back as you turned and headed back to the bar. His lips dropped as soon as you were out of sight, stubbing the remains of his cigar out roughly, ignoring how the embers singed the tips of his fingers a little with the force of it. 
He was nearly 50, for Janna’s sake. He had dedicated his life to the nation of Zaun. Why on earth was he now blushing over some 20-something? He rolled his shoulders to try and ease the tension, gathering up the stack of paperwork to take to his office instead. 
The sound of gentle humming stopped him, the stacked papers tapping against the table softly as he paused, shuffling them to listen more closely. The sound was soothing – somewhat out of place in the acrid glow of the neon lights. 
Stacking them on the table again, he pressed himself to stand up, the jukebox starting up as he rounded out of the booth and caught sight of you, swaying gently to the song you had chosen, as if you were in your own world entirely. 
“I didn’t know you liked to dance?” He called softly, leaning back against the wood of the table behind him to watch you, his fingertips brushed against the splintering wood. You jumped slightly, having forgotten he was still sitting there. Your hand pressed to your chest as he chuckled, holding his hands up in apology. 
“It makes the closing shift a little more fun,” you shrugged, feeling your skin heat up. The burning orange had never scared you, if anything you found it intriguing – and you had grown more than accustomed to the way it would follow you around the room on the rare night he came down to sit in the bar, rather than stay cooped up in his office. 
You waited for another beat before turning back to mopping, moving a little less fluidly as you felt his eyes watching you, a tingle creeping up your spine as you tried to focus on your work. 
You froze when a hand clasped the mop just above yours, slender fingers curling around the wood, forcing you to stop. 
“Leave it for opening. You have done enough tonight.” 
You looked up slowly, your breath hitching in your throat as you realized just how close he was. The space between you felt almost nonexistent, the warmth of his breath ghosting over your cheeks. 
You scoffed, but made no real effort to pull the handle from his grasp. “I really don’t mind—”
“Will you dance with me?”
The question caught you off guard, and you couldn’t help but laugh awkwardly, hoping he couldn't hear how your heart rushed behind your ribs. “You dance?”
A slow, rumbling chuckle escaped him, the sound sending a shiver down your spine. He pulled the mop from your grip, setting it aside, “Rarely,” he admitted, “but I have been known to.”
Before you could protest, he took your hand and closed the remaining distance between you, his chest nearly brushing yours. His arm wrapped around your waist, firm yet careful, his hand resting respectfully against your lower back.
The world around you seemed to fade as he took a few tentative steps, guiding you gently. It was slow at first, a gentle sway, then, with a soft tug of your hand, he guided you into a slow turn, his fingers pressing lightly against yours, his hold on your waist steady. 
“You’re not so bad,” you pondered lightly, hoping that breaking the tension between you would help slow your pulse. The way he laughed again, only making it worse. “Who taught you?” 
He hesitated for a moment, “My mother. A very long time ago, when I was a lot younger and a lot more spry,” he chuckled dryly.
Your fingers curled slightly against his shoulder, the worn fabric beneath your touch grounding you. The two of you swayed together, an unspoken rhythm settling between your bodies, as if you had done this a hundred times before.
“I wish I knew you when you were younger,” you murmured, the thought slipping out before you could second-guess it.
His grip on your waist faltered for a second, but you didn’t notice. You missed the way his throat bobbed as he swallowed thickly,  “Back when I was still good,” he laughed, but there was no real mirth in it. His voice was noticeably tense, his words sharp at the edges.He had never thought twice about the things he had done to get where he was today – until he met you.
The choices, the sacrifices, the bloodstained path he had carved through the years had always felt necessary, inevitable. Regret was a luxury he could not afford, a weakness he had long since discarded. But with you in his arms, some part of him felt young again. 
Your fingers tightened against his shoulder instinctively, your steps slowing. “You can still be good.” 
Silco’s breath hitched – so quiet, so brief, that you might have imagined it. He didn’t answer, not right away. Instead, he simply pulled you a fraction closer, as if testing whether you would pull away. Instead, your eyes searched his, flicking between the burning orange and the ice blue pupils. 
Before your mind could catch up with your body, you moved – leaning up, acting on instinct, your lips brushed against the unscarred side of his face, just shy of the corner of his mouth. It was the barest whisper of a touch, barely even a kiss, but it was enough.
Enough for his fingers to tense at your waist as he went completely still. Enough for you to feel the way his jaw tightened beneath your lips, as if he were holding something back.
When you finally pulled away, his face was unreadable, his expression carefully schooled into something neutral. But his eye betrayed him, burning with something unsaid, something dangerously close to longing. Instead, he exhaled slowly, his voice barely more than a murmur. 
“Careful,” he tutted gently, “You deserve better than me.” 
And just like that, he dipped you, his arm bracing you effortlessly. A gasp slipped past your lips, your fingers clutching at his shirt. He smirked softly down at you, something undeniably smug in his expression, before pulling you back upright in one fluid motion.
Your heart was racing. Your thoughts were a blur. 
“I don’t want anyone but you,” you muttered, voice little more than a breath.
He paused.
“I can’t think straight when I am around you,” he admitted, his voice low, rough at the edges. “And that’s too dangerous. For both of us.”
Then, barely giving himself another second to waver, he stepped away.
The warmth of his touch disappeared, leaving behind only the ghost of it, lingering on your skin. It was only then that you noticed the silence. The record had long since scratched to a halt. Silco adjusted the cuff of his sleeve, a distraction from the way his fingers twitched at his side, fighting the urge to meet your eyes again, knowing he would be sucked in – fighting the urge to reach for you again.
“I’ll see Sevika helps you home safely,” he swallowed, “Goodnight.” 
And then, he turned, walking away before you could say anything else.
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AN//: potential for a pt.2, perhaps? We shall see.
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am-i-interrupting · 14 days ago
Can I request “I thought I lost you” kisses: for Silco with gn s/o please?
of course! <3
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A grimace twisted your lips as you peeled your eyes open, vision wavering for a few moments before it eventually cleared. You felt like a giant bruise, every inch of your body sore and tender to the touch. 
There was something wrapped around your hand. You turned your head, wincing as the movement pulled at already strained muscles, and found yourself faced with a sleeping Silco, his wiry frame tucked into a rickety chair by your bedside and his face, always so severe, pinched in sleep that seemed far from restful. His fingers, thin and slightly cool to the touch, were wrapped tightly around yours.
Your heart climbed into your throat. The last thing you remembered before the world had gone black had been his face - piercing eyes grown wide and lips parted around your name before you had collapsed, Jinx’s arm around your shoulders the only thing keeping you from crashing to the floor. 
“Sil - “ your voice broke on the last syllable of his name, your throat dry from all the smoke you’d inhaled - a last ditch effort from Jinx to aid in your escape from the Firelights, the bright flashes of blue and pink clinging to the backs of your eyelids even now. 
Just the sound of your voice seemed enough to rouse him, however, lids parting to reveal pale blue and vivid orange. Your breath caught in your throat as those eyes swiveled towards yours, something like desperation sparking in their depths before Silco was leaning toward you, chair creaking beneath him and fingers tightening around yours.
“You’re awake.” His voice was barely more than a rasp. You wondered how long he had been sitting there holding vigil over your unconscious body. Judging by the stiffness in your limbs, you had been out for a while. 
Your fingers curled around his, clinging. “Jinx?” you croaked, a memory of the girl’s anxious pink eyes flashing through your mind.
“She’s fine,” Silco murmured, fingertips dragging along your knuckles. “Worried.”
Not fine then, you thought, grimacing. It hadn’t been her fault that you’d gotten hurt, just bad luck and worse timing with the Firelights showing up when they did. You would need to seek her out and put those worries of hers to rest.  
But first.
“Come here.” Your words stuck in your throat, spilling from your lips in a rough drag of syllables over your tongue, but they were enough to urge Silco out of his chair and onto your bed, his hands seeking out the curves of your cheeks and his mouth pushing against yours.
You clutched at his collar and ignored the way your ribs protested at the movement - sprained, probably, if not a few outright broken. The pain was an afterthought, insignificant in the wake of Silco’s mouth against yours, lips parting and tongues meeting, breaths clicking wetly in the back of your throat as you realized - as you both realized - just how close you had come to losing this. 
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am-i-interrupting · 15 days ago
I know this isn’t my normal content but how is somebody really gonna try and say with their whole chest that Bhad Bhabie didn’t write her songs? Bhad Bhabie?
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am-i-interrupting · 15 days ago
I am SO horny for arcane characters. May i request some kink hcs for as many characters as you feel comfortable🤲
He would so be into wax play.
Just watching it drip down you, bend into every curve, it does something to him.
Watching wax melt and gather into a drop fills him with anticipation.
He also loves to sketch you and draw you while your nude. He has a whole sketchbook. Some of it is things you’ve posed for, others is stuff he recalls from memory.
There may or may not be a very specific image in mind where you’re on your stomach, hands in the sheets, hair an absolute mess, blanket no where to be seen, and it send with a disembodied mouth licking cum off the curve of your butt. It is a very nice drawing.
This man has fully done standard aftercare, went “are you okay if I get my sketchbook” immediately after because he loves drawing you while you’re blissed out.
Can’t explain it but he’s into licking.
Also, switch.
Hey, wanna be a test subject for her sex toys? It’ll be torture in the best way.
She’s into overstimulation for both her partner and herself.
If she’s on top she’s such a tease.
If she’s on bottom, she’s such a brat.
Likes it when she’s manhandled.
Honestly, could see her being into cnc.
Heavy on being praised. Degradation can be such a touch and go it’s honestly best not to try with it. Sometimes she’ll be heavy into it and other times it’s an immediate pull the trigger red flag even if she thinks she wants it.
She’s probably just wanting to degrade you, honestly. Let her indulge in some of her intrusive thoughts.
He can be such a like firm soft dom sometimes.
If you’ve been teasing him all day, he’ll listen to you whine while softly tying you up and whispering things about how he knows it doesn’t seem fair but teases need their punishments, surely you understand.
He could be down for some edging. It’s just not going to be him though.
This man has a low sex drive and low energy for sex that has an all day build up on his own end. For you however?
He can be a ruthless tease. Hanging off of you with both your backs to Jayce in the lab, placing little kisses on your neck and nuzzling being all cute and shit from Jayce’s POV and then his hands are in your pants.
Would honestly be down for a threesome with Jayce and has no fear about being rejected in that capacity so he can get extremely handsy when Jayce is around.
You know those booths in the Last Drop? Yeah, you’ve had sex in those with Silco before.
He can vary from soft dom to really extreme. Just depends on the mood.
Knife play.
Also is into some soft strangulation. He’s not getting strangled though.
Temperature play.
Power play stuff in general.
He actually does sub sometimes though. Rarely. It took years for you to discover this due to this man’s trauma.
He also goes deep into subspace when he goes into it so like completely dependent, will do whatever you say so be careful.
Milk his prostate dry if he goes into subspace. Can’t really go wrong with that.
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am-i-interrupting · 15 days ago
Going into a coughing fit because of how fucking fine Silco. I’m so normal.
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