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cas-couture · 2 days ago
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cas couture.
cas couture is an upcoming community-based sim magazine focused on fashion. what sets cas couture apart is that we will not allow permanently paywalled cc to be featured in the magazine and aim to highlight the numerous, talented cc creators in the community :)
we are looking for simblrs who would like their stories/cc/creations/sims/pretty-much-anything ADVERTISED (for free, this is not a cash grab) in the APRIL 2025 ISSUE!
as cas couture is community driven, we need YOUR participation!
( more info under the cut !!! )
we want to put the spotlight back on this community and appreciate active simblrs. we want to encourage blog interaction and actually make the community ~feel like a community!
what will advertising look like?
sponsoring might look different across different spreads, it might be an ad for a movie/ tv series (i.e., this would advertise a sim story), an ad for a product/ designer (i.e., this would advertise a CC creator) and so on.
we're pretty much open to advertising anything! :) if you have any ideas for how you would like your creation advertised, let us know!
what are the requirements to sponsor?
you must be 18+ to apply
this is for fun!!!! pls remember that :) and also pls don’t be zionists or trumpies or homophobes or racist or anything else awful because :( and that’ll be another reason why we can’t have nice things :(
submit this sponsorship form (set aside 10 mins to fill this out, if your sponsorship is accepted, have some pictures/content ready that you would like us to use!)
reblog this post so i know ur for real about wanting to advertise!!
you would reblog and boost and interact with the April issue when it releases on April 11 :) (this would run on an honor system because I'm not a weirdo, but........ like if not enough people do it, it probably won't be worth the effort of making all the ads if no one's going to read the first issue/ interact with it? the point of cas couture IS blog interaction!!!!)
deadline to submit a sponsorship form is April 1. if you are making your own advertisement, it is April 10.
i'm an editor for the magazine already, can I apply to sponsor?
yes, you totally can! we would just request you still fill out the form and once we confirm your sponsorship, we would just ask you to make your own advertisement, as it would probably be the quickest method :)
can I make my own advertisement as a sponsor?
yes, you totally can! once you're accepted as a sponsor, we will send you more information on the canvas size and other regulations <3
how many advertisements are you accepting?
there is no set number, it's more like... how many advertisements we can crank out in time for April 11 :) if you are willing to create your own advertisement and submit it by April 10th, the chances are 99.999% that we would accept :)
why is reblogging this post a requirement in order to apply for sponsorship?
because it'll show that you're truly willing to ruin your impeccable feed with simblr community content! if you're not willing to do it now, you probably won't want to later :( cas couture can only fuel itself on my hopes and dreams for so long until it burns out :( the aim is for blog interaction, making (age-appropriate) friends and having a good time!!!!
thank you for supporting cas couture! you're helping fund the nepo babies'-- i mean, interns'-- matcha addictions-- i mean, education!
asking da community for some support <3
as this is totally a community project, i'm going to tag some community members who really helped the last post reach the masses (I'm sorry, I'm annoying for tagging!!!) and current editors (I'm going off the top of my head, I'm sorry if I miss anyone!!!) on the team for the April issue!!!! if you don't like to be tagged, I'm sorry!!!!! <3333
@householdbinary @jokiyo @simafrassx @olivetelfie @my-kwy @southernfriedsims-blog @ratwoman161 @harvestsims @mmonetsims @kdplayssss @liyahssims @fairytailtow @crazy-hazy-sims @aliengirl @strangegrapefruit @thebramblewood @thefoxburyinstitute @missatan
psst, we're still accepting editors for the April issue!!! learn more about the roles available here!
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yandereunsolved · 2 days ago
Platonic Yandere Eli (Liquid Snake) and Tretij (Psycho Mantis) w/ parental soldier darling
Tretij keeps putting them in my mind.
gender neutral darling. (Eli refers to darling as 'mother/momma/mommy' because of his daddy issues.) I am a it/they/he Psycho Mantis truther. I also hc Liquid uses any pronouns. I just write her mostly using he/him for clarity.
tag: @plslovemeforeverandever (more platonic yan Eli w/ Tretij as a plus)
Tretij just floats around parental darling, soaking in their pain as well as that of their comrades. They aren't sure why they're enamored with you. All they know is that something about your mind soothes them. Your thoughts are... welcomed. They make him smile.
You have a floating ginger accompanying you everywhere. It definitely attracts unwanted attention, which sparks Eli's jealousy. He already has to share with momma with Tretij. Now you keep getting weird looks and more interactions with other soldiers because of the both of them! It isn't fair.
Eli will stick close to you. He may go as far as hanging off of your pant leg, huffing when you politely ask him to get off. He is always carrying some type of weapon to stab a bitch if they take up too much of your time.
He's also constantly trying to take your attention away from Tretij. He looks up and can tell it knows he's jealous. It loves making him jealous. It will go as far as to manipulate your mind so you forget Eli is near you.
You have to try and have conversations about boundaries with Eli and Tretij. It doesn't go well. Eli ends up choking out Tretij while it giggles.
If Eli tells Tretij to stop being mean then he'll probably listen. They respect Eli, enough. But ultimately your word outweighs Eli's.
If you work under evil polycule then it'll be... messy.
You are torn between listening to Big Boss and taking care of your newfound children.
Evil polycule wants Tretij banned from Mother Base. It has been seen working with the enemy and compromises their defenses heavily. Then again, considering you can 'control' it, they reluctantly let him stay. No one really likes them though. Tretij is more than okay with this. You still try to get them to build relationships with people other than Eli and yourself. This leads to it hugging you tightly and crying through their mask.
Eli is just, Eli about it. He is violent towards Big Boss and most everyone else at the base. You have to pull him to the side and parent him. He usually doesn't listen to you. However, he does take it into consideration! Baby steps.
It's hard to get them to sit down and do activities that pertain to their age range.
Eli hates reading and can never sit still long enough for you to read out loud. Tretij is more interested in violent horror and thriller books. Those aren't exactly appropriate for the two of them.
Recreational sports never end well. Eli gets too competitive and Tretij likes keeping the equipment out of his reach.
Card games and board games may go okay. That is until Eli rage quits because Tretij is reading his mind and anticipating his moves.
They both like arts n' crafts, oddly enough. Just keep the scissors away from either of them.
Tretij likes making jewelery for the three of you. He makes a bunch of bracelets and necklaces for you (and he expects you to wear them at all times unless it is absolutely necessary that you don't). He likes making earrings, paper crowns, and anklets for Eli. He makes keychains that he can hang off his clothes.
Eli likes drawing. It's mostly him drawing himself killing his father in various situations. You've had to remove the color red from all of the art supplies because he uses it so much. He definitely had a fit about that. He also draws his family: you, him, and Tretij. Thankfully in those ones nobody is killing anyone. Sometimes. At least you aren't ever being the one killed!
And when Tretij and Eli draw together... it's disturbing.
"Eli, why are you drawing Big Boss getting eaten by a shark while Kaz and Ocelot drown in a pit of fire? Tretij... is that... the person who flirted with me also getting eaten by another bigger shark?"
You have your hands full with these two.
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coazysdaydream · 2 days ago
Although it's been a while since I've read any TDJ fanfic, I do remember one fic that stuck with me.
In it, there is one scene in particular; where post canon, Gaon goes to Soohyun's grave after putting it off for so long and breaks down crying. He says something along the lines of, "I don't have the luxury of getting to regret my choices. "
Which was so heartbreaking to me. Going from having little to no agency or choice in what happens to you in your own life, to having to make decisions that could make or break the efforts to rebuild a country's justice system must be absolutely terrifying.
And I like how you pointed out the female struggle written into Gaon's character in the tags.
Gaon takes one look at the life the Kangs are living– barely behaving like an actual family , and decides to take it upon himself to make them one. By his own choice.
And so we see him take on a more 'maternal' or 'nurturing' role in the family (I'm referring to a traditional Asian famy here) .
We see him cook for the Kangs and make them have family dinners. We see Gaon make them spend family time together. We see him fall asleep while waiting with Elijah for Yohan to return from wherever it is that he's gone. Gaon essentially brought light back into the haunted mansion that the Kangs called home. He takes the shattered pieces of that family and tries to put them back together, and he succeeds.
He sticks with the Kangs because with them, he finally feels like he has a choice. He's doing what he wants to do without anyone nudging him into doing what they think he should be doing.
And then, Yohan gives him the Soohyun ultimatum: It's either me (Or more appropriately, us: the family you've been looking after and living with. The family you chose.) or her (The childhood friend, who's grown up alongside you, who's known you for your entire life, who was there with you when your parents died).
And by doing that Yohan— like everyone else— threatens Gaon's agency. Forces him into a decision and backs him into a corner.
And Gaon lashes out because of it.
And I've seen people bash Gaon for not sticking with the Kangs, for never making a good decision and it's just so frustrating to me. Gaon so desperately wanted to make the right decision; he wanted to keep everyone safe. But he was always being told what to do, what not to do and what he should want to do. He was always being pulled in so many different directions. And it's in the middle of all this that he goes through unimaginable trauma.
The constant judgement and lack of empathy from both the characters in the show and some of the audience towards Gaon and the characters constantly trying to rob Gaon of his agency truly does mirror what women go through throughout their lives.
And maybe, they all needed to go. Min Jung ho, Soohyun and even the Kangs for Gaon to finally be able to live on his own terms. To be able to make decisions on his own without being influenced by anyone other than himself. And I'm glad Yohan gave him that.
(And maybe the Kangs needed to leave too. To finish what Gaon started for them; to learn what it means to be family. To be there for each other without any threats looming over them. And maybe after things have settled in Korea, atleast to a point where Gaon does not need to be actively involved in everything, they can bring him home.)
Kim Gaon as a character is so important to me.
This poor boy, whose parents committed suicide when he was so young, ends up being manipulated by almost everyone in his life who think they know what's best for him.
His mentor, who he saw as a father ends up manipulating him to further his own agendas and goals all while giving him the illusion of choice. Ga On has never truly had a choice.
And Soohyun too. Yes, she only ever wanted to keep him safe, and that is a nice sentiment, but in acting the way she did towards him she caged him in.
Maybe it's the Gemini in me, but if someone tries to limit my freedom of choice or influence my judgement in any way, I start to get suffocated. No matter what the sentiment behind their actions are. She didn't deserve the end she got, and she genuinely cared about Gaon but at the same time she ended up trying to influence him because she thought she knew what was best for him.
And then comes Yohan. Yohan is complicated (as morally grey characters tend to be), because for a good while in the beginning, he too tries to use (or at least wants to use) Gaon for his own ends.
But also, after he sees who Gaon truly is: a kind and caring and a firecracker of a soul, he is the first in Gaon's life to offer him a choice. And not the Min Jungho type of choice where it's just an illusion; but an actual choice.
And Gaon. Gaon only ever tried to do what he thought was right even while being pulled in a thousand different directions by different people. He tried so hard to make the right choices. He finally found the family he lost when he was young in Yohan and Elijah and Ms Ji. Lord knows I wouldn't survive if I found out that the fucker who drove my parents to suicide was living alive and well somewhere else with nothing on his conscience, and that I had been lied to for so long. And then, Soohyun, the last person who he has left from his past tied to his parents, his best friend, dies.
And then he loses his found family as well.
Kim Gaon, at the end of the show has absolutely no one left from his past; the Kangs, Soohyun, his parents and Min Jung ho are all gone.
All he has left is himself and a herculean task of rebuilding the justice system.
And how miserable must that be?
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motheffigy · 2 years ago
actually that last reblog gives me a chance to actually talk about South Park because I find the idea of it having a modern Massive Internet Fandom with like stans of characters (pun not intended) to be EXTREMELY STRANGE AND PARADOXICAL TO WHAT THIS SHOW IS? South Park is absolutely the type of show that would make fun of modern South Park fans. I am not saying you can’t have your own version of enjoyment for South Park, like do your thing man. But like also the source material exists SOLELY TO BE raunchy, offensive and sometimes downright regressive and reactionary to the rights movements that you might very well support. I don’t know what’s in the intentions of the creators, but up until this very day the show has been, while it sometimes targets the right people, mostly targeting of people advocating for a better understanding of the experiences of minorities, and while it’s always super funny to see them bash Christians and Scientologists, you have to contextualize the occasional moments they pick their targets correctly around the times they VERY MUCH DO NOT DO THAT. If you’re going to be a South Park fan, you gotta AT LEAST take the time to understand that this cartoon isn’t a uwu omg look at he cartoon it’s fucking South Park it’s been a beacon of offensive shock black comedy since the fuckin ‘90s. And giving it a community like it’s not that is absolutely bonkers wild to me.
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eydilily · 4 months ago
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would you bite the hand that feeds you?
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umblrspectrum · 3 months ago
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happy solvermas
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silvertherogue715 · 12 days ago
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Yippie more O' Medusa drawings!!
Probably one of my last big batches for a while :')
@naffeclipse, happy early birthday and i hope you enjoy your blorbos!
Previous art of these two: First - Second - Third - Bad end
EDIT: absolutely kicking my feet and giggling over every single comment/tag you guys leave THEY'RE SO SWEET THANK YOU SO MUCH
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mythalism · 1 month ago
genuinely curious how the writers and larger dragon age audience would treat thom rainier if instead of being appropriately* repentant and putting himself in prison he blew up a major orlesian government building to instigate a chevalier rebellion or tried to have someone do some necromantic blood magic ritual involving uncertain danger and possible sacrifices to bring the innocent children he ordered killed back to life
#*appropriately as in showing the expected amount of remorse in the appropriate way in a society founded on guilt and shame#i think blackwall actually tells us a lot about how dragon age's writers conceptualize justice and deservedness of punishment#im glad we get the option to forgive him but why do we get the option when anders is exiled at best?#and later characterized as a villain by dai#when solas is willfully imprisoned at best and trapped in a horrifying psychological torture chamber at worst?#blackwall gets a full redemption happy ending if inky so chooses#and im not saying he shouldnt#i forgive him every time#but its so interesting to me that narratively speaking#he seems to earn his happy ending through submission to punishment via imprisonment#as does solas but blackwall is portrayed far more sympathetically overall#there isnt the same meta-level narrative slander and clear agenda on behalf of the writing to make you feel a certain way about his crimes#as there is with anders and solas#why? whats the difference? what did he do to buy himself that narrative goodwill?#put himself in prison? why do the writers love carceral punishment so much lmfaooo#mine#if you wanna screenshot these tags and add them to the reblog feel free#im realizing i prob just shouldve put all of this in the post but its too late now#i think theres actually a strong argument that thom does not do nearly ENOUGH to right his wrongs#where is his effort to reform the orlesian military? where is his criticism of orlesian imperialism?#how does serving in the inquisition have a direct impact on the people he harmed? it doesnt#when you compare him to someone like roy mustang#yes im comparing him to roy mustang this is my blog and you are never going to escape roy mustang comparisons here#roy's political ambitions following his war crimes are directly related to those war crimes#and his goals directly benefit the same group of people he harmed#their ancestors and family members literally#meanwhile blackwall just kind of does vague “good” deeds and gets a full redemption#he really does not make much effort to repatriate the harm he did as a soldier#he just moves on#which again.... no shade to blackwall. my inky forgives him
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pommegrantaire · 3 months ago
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“The word escaped as a soft laugh. Not because anything was funny, but because of how unbecoming it was how easily this dragon could turn him into a bumbling mess with just a look.”
Some fanart for a sweet moment in BakedBlueBread’s absolutely incredible fic Vikings on the backs of dragons which I think about daily 🩵
(Mind the tags!)
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iamthemaestro · 2 months ago
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step 1: get yourself a man in uniform*
step 2: take it off him
*percy’s uniform is most inspired by the 1787 pattern british naval captain’s uniform but is ultimately a fantasy given that his story takes place in a world that is similar to, but not quite, ours. I make this disclaimer mostly for myself as someone obsessed with historical accuracy. anyway. it looks pretty and that’s the most important part after all
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artilite · 2 years ago
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this is the last time i tell myself to make a dump acc to post anything and then feel scared to do just that. breaking the cycle!!!
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sneakyboymerlin · 20 days ago
It’s 2025 and people are still putting posts that absolutely SHIT on rare pairs in favor of their popular ships in the rare pair tags. Keep that shit out of rare pair tags! We don’t care to see you talking about how your ship is better! 🥱
#why do i see people tagging posts that shit on merwaine when i’m actively haunting the merwaine tag…#like how many posts do i have to see that are like ‘well Gwaine could never REALLY be capable of love like that so merwaine could never make#sense! anyways time to erase Arthur’s wife from the narrative entirely’#blocked blocked and blocked#saying ‘merwaine could be something meaningless or FWB but never anything deep meanwhile we have to lie to ourselves that merthur IS’#just tag things appropriately LMAO#if you wanna make posts or write fics about how you see gwaine as a surface-level static character who can never live up to Arthur#then do that in the ARTHUR and MERTHUR tags not the MERWAINE tag#we don’t wanna see your endgame merthur shit. actually we’re going to kill you now#no but rlly the way ppl determine what they will ship based on the amount of screentime the characters get#as opposed to characterization dynamics themes development etc.#to the point that you create whole new personalities for the characters in order to fit the tropes you want to see them in#to the point that it is no longer that character…#and then act like people who don’t see that interpretation in canon are ‘watching w/ their eyes closed’ or whatever it is they always say#truly just go back to your own little world. I don’t need to see your fic about Gwaine using and abusing Merlin until the Real Love comes in#or your fic where he’s incapable of being loving or serious in any way (polar opposite of canon btw)#literally just don’t tag your subtle hate posts and fics with the gwaine tags… it’s not hard#at least merwaine is getting less rare these days. considering the. happenings in canon
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tillywunderwing · 1 year ago
psst. hey. do you ever worry that you’re writing characters ‘ooc’ in fanfiction? well guess what. you’re not. that’s just your au now.
“they would not say that” yes they would, my au version of this character would totally say that
“ummmm this character’s powers don’t work like that” but they do. in my au
“these characters would never canonically be dating” buddy oh boy i cannot wait to tell you what fanfiction writers have been doing since the advent of their craft!! anything goes in my au!!!
the medium is inherently transformative do whatever you want forever ok ly byye
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pokemonpo · 10 months ago
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super quick messy thing of the new (????) nyanya lolita and pmmm collab....... might do a cleaner one next time..
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itspileofgoodthings · 10 months ago
two sort of related teaching thoughts I’ve been having as we barrel towards the end of the school year:
1) an aspect of the job I feel I’m just growing into—well, not an aspect, really. More of a central tenet—is being able to see and remember that I teach KIDS. And that is so important to remember in all cases but especially with my high schoolers. They are so young and more than that so much has not happened to them yet. There is so much they don’t know. And the more I see it the more I can be compassionate and yet also removed? Distanced? Not under the illusion that I’m addressing people of equal maturity or experience to me—or even close—and so being at all times mindful of the incompleteness of pretty much everything about them and thus being gentle with them. And also at the same time remembering and rejoicing in their humanity and all their glorious funny raw potential. It’s amazingly hard to do, harder than I thought. But I do think I CAN do it. And it gets a little easier with age.
2) It is shocking how many teachers don’t see kids that way and are uninterested in trying. It’s almost an epidemic the way that teachers swing between appreciating kids as if they were other adults—gassing them up, frankly LYING about their depth or intelligence in ways that shock me on the daily (when people call a kid mature and act like that is a literal statement and don’t contextualize it, I have to laugh, literally none of them ARE mature, they’re all raw; also the smartest of them aren’t deep. They CAN’t be, they’re KIDS)—or on the other hand being disgusted with their immaturity as if, again, they’re dealing with adults. And expressing their scorn and disappointment as if some of that behavior isn’t par for the course. There’s a cruelty in either extreme; there’s a lack of common sense; there’s a rampant sentimentalism. And it makes me almost sick to my stomach sometimes.
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possiblynotpayingattention · 9 months ago
WARNING: The final boss fight for "Shadow of the Erdtree" just got leaked and the Wiki is filled with spoilers!
It's a MASSIVE spoiler for both gameplay and lore.
If you don't want the ending ruined before June 21st, avoid social media sites like Twitter, the Elden Ring Wiki pages and the sub-reddits for ER.
See you on the 21st! ⚔️
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