#not as much was spoiled for me as I expected
One thing I always wonder in Neglected! Reader scenarios that I haven’t seen anyone explore is Married/Single Mom! Reader. It’s drama and angst potential.
Like Reader having a boyfriend and getting pregnant while still living in the Wayne manor, and everyone just takes a little too long to figure out. Maybe they do find out early with the morning sickness and whatnot but the thought of Bruce looking at Reader like 6 months pregnant and being like “Wait a minute… 🤨” and Reader wasn’t even trying to hide it that much.
And same scenario except Reader moved out either while pregnant or got pregnant after, Batfam forgets all about them and when fate does bring them together (like the Bruce/Selina wedding concept) she is literally about to pop or has a whole baby with her. Cue Bruce (and later everyone else) losing his shit because omg??? 😧 that’s his first grandchild and he had no idea!!
… And then if the Reader is married in this scenario, makes it all the more complicated (she didn’t invite anyone to her wedding? what do you mean Alfred attended when we had no idea?). Everyone is straight up hostile towards her spouse (Damian, Bruce and Jason are insufferable) and safe to say he won’t be around for long. Single mom Reader though, the amount of emotional manipulation about kids needing a family and father figures and you should move back in so everyone can help with the baby… Yeah.
OOOOO, I have something I was working on that I was having fun with that you might like!
Neglected!Reader with Older!Husband. (It's husband because it's based of that meme Your daughter calls me daddy, too. And, Reader is Female, because we're making a baby in here.)
This is SugarBaby!Reader.
You, sweet thing, do the typical thing and run off from home, once you turn the legal age. Checking in with Alfred on occasion, but just living your best life. Only, in typical fashion, all those years of neglect lead to severe daddy issues. And, a minor itty bitty attraction to older men.
You get lucky though because you manage to find a fine one that loves to spoil his baby girl with vacations and spa days. All the best for his baby. He loves taking you places and showing you a good time. So, it's no wonder he plans a Babymoon for you when you're expecting your first child. Anything for you.
Unfortunately, Daddy gets called into work right before the vacation. And, despite you insisting you stay, he makes you go and promises to join you as soon as possible.
(No, the man isn't cheating. He just gotta make the money for his baby.)
You have a good time, pregnant on the beach. Getting massages and spa treatments. Video calling your husband every time the baby kicks and flutters.
Unfortunetly, even though you haven't used the Wayne name since you've been married, some drug lords recognize you and decide to ransom you. Dragging you back to Gotham in your little sundress the just so hides your baby bump.
Gotham media runs with the story. Lost Wayne heiress held hostage. No one is ignoring that.
The bat's pull off a daring rescue, but you being stubborn, try to escape on your own. Fearing for your baby's life if they just happen to chose not to come. They never came when you were little, why would they come now.
You happen to injure yourself while escaping. But, manage to make it to an on scene ambulance while the Bats take care of the thugs. You happen to faint on the way to the hospital, leaving the doctor's discover you pregnancy.
Already the media is surrounding the hospital for the most drama filled story of the year. Thankfully, the paramedics have some compassion in hide the bump when rolling you into the ER.
With the media's attention, your husband flies into Gotham and makes it to the hospital just in time to ask the nurse where you are in front of Bruce.
Bruce, of course, bristles when a man his age burst in the hospital demanding to see you, but is using the wrong last name. The nurse saying only family can see you.
"That's my daughter," Bruce will say. Assuming this man is trying to claim you as his. But, he already did.
Making Bruce, the family, the nurses, the patients, and the reporter who managed to sneak in freeze when he says, "That's my wife."
Imagine the doctor that just finished checking on you and your baby walking in right after announcing that you were both okay. The look on Bruce's face when he realizes that this man, his age, not only married you, but had the audacity to put a baby in you.
Even better, the smug way your husband looks at Bruce when he brushes past him to follow the nurse to your room because husband beats father and you demanded to see him.
The drama that follows is going to be legendary.
A/N: I had this idea jotted down and fluffed it up just for this. I'm not sure you wanna know who I had in mind for Reader's husband. (Dude is from another franchise.) But, the thought of him interacting with Bruce as the guy who married Bruce's daughter and knocked her up, delights me in such a visceral way.
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loudclan-clangen · 2 days
The song “Beautiful Little Fool” for Fiercestripe? Because I am not getting over her death. Listened to it and she was the first character to pop into my head.
You’re so right!
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YES! Please do, I would love to see it!
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The boring answer is that I've been drawing cats for a VERY long time. I think since I was 8 they have been the majority of what I drew. The less boring answer is you know the movie Spirit? It changed my life. It had a bonus video where one of the artists taught you how to draw Spirit himself and it was the singular thing that inspired me to start drawing (more likely possessed me). I think I must have been about two the first time I saw it because I cannot remember a time before I had that video memorized. I would spend hours sitting in front of that video (which was only like 10-15 minutes long) with a stack of papers just fully focused on perfectly following his instructions. I still think about that video to this day. Every time I draw legs the voice of James Baxter echoes through my mind. I don't know if that translates to why my cats are so beefy, I own a cat who is quite chonky, so that might contruibute to it, but now you have a fun fact about me regardless!
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All of the heirs are chosen based on birth order! Whoever is born first gets to be heir. I personally find that making strict rules about stuff makes playing the game a lot easier for me, I find it stressful to try to pick a "good heir" when I don't know what's going to happen later in the game so to limit that I just let it be completely out of my hands. 2. The game rolled for Songpaw to become a medicine cat! I would have changed it if he was an only kit or probably if I had known that Dashpaw was gonna die, cause I was really stressed about losing my run at that point, but I do my best to write a story that makes the game make sense rather than change what the game gives me when possible. I think it helps me to not have much of a story in mind while I play, just noting down events and thoughts and then going back and piecing it all together afterwards. That way nothing can "go wrong". 3. "Heir-hood" only applies to the leaders. There is no expectation that Cavepaw will become a healer. When Weed dies that position will be open until someone wishes to volunteer for it. 4. Honestly I don't really know. This might spoil a little bit, of tension, but I truly never had that happen. I was SUPER worried about it and did a lot to make sure it wouldn't, but after a couple of generations you get to a point where almost everyone is descended from a leader at somepoint. (And also everyone is second cousins with each other but you know what there are some problems that you just have to live with.) I image the clan would look for an omen and just pick a new leader based off of that and start the process all over again. In my experience worst comes to worst just make sure you have a very accurate family tree and trace it back a couple of generations.
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Thank you so much! I don't play with any mods for Loudclan, I'm too scared to lose saves to less than stable code. My favorite mod currently is Kori's Awoogen though! I just like to look at the beautiful art mostly. I use mass extinction as population control, so I turn it on and off based on how many cats I have. Two full pages is the upper limit of what I'm willing to deal with, so once a third page opens I turn mass extinction on and after an extinction happens I turn it back off. (also if I dip below 1 full page I turn unknown parents on until I'm back to two pages again). I've found after a couple of generations you can mostly stop worrying about it because the bloodlines have spread so far there's always someone who's a 6th great great cousin or something.
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The game generated him Dashpelt! I probably would have picked Dashfoot to stick with the generated them of a boring suffix but to make more sense overall.
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259 notes · View notes
How do u think Solomon would react if MC randomly kiss attack his face?? Lets mixing it up with in front of the other characters
I feel like it could go multiple ways but I wanna know how u would think it could go
(love ur works by the way!! 💛💛🐙)
Sorry I was a little slow getting to this, but thank you, I'm glad you enjoy my writing! 💜
Okay, let's do two scenarios - one where you kiss attack him when you're alone, and one where you do it in front of the others.
In the first scenario, Solomon has you over at his dorm room for the usual lesson. Even though he always takes his time to thoroughly lesson plan beforehand, he's currently flipping through a spell book he thought he had tabbed and is growing frustrated at himself for his lack of preparedness. After all, he strives to be the pinnacle of responsibility so that you don't lose faith in him as your teacher.
You can see the the irritation in the way he aggressively turns the pages, and hear it in the mumbles of curses and sighs as he still can't find the correct spell he wanted to you to work on today. To him, this is an annoyance, and quite frankly, embarrassing. To you, it's slightly amusing and oddly endearing. You know he works hard to provide you with an education that suits your needs and learning abilities. You've watched him switch up techniques in the blink of an eye to accommodate you when the previous way doesn't work, you've heard countless praise and reassurance (even when you fail to perfect a spell), and you've never missed the twinkle of pride in his eyes as he guides you through each lesson - privileged to see you learn from your mistakes and succeed in the end.
Solomon shows you so much patience and understanding, so you decide to take the initiative and return the same. You reach out to gently grab his face, turning him from his hurried search to start furiously kissing him. With each kiss around his face, you feel the furrowed and stressed muscles loosen beneath your lips until you feel the fat of his cheeks swell and warm with laughter. It's a successful distraction from his previous frustration, and serves as a reminder that you care about him beyond his capabilities. You care about him, flaws and all.
When you finally stop and let go of his face, he gives you the most lovesick expression. He doesn't even look as he closes the now abandoned book on his desk and leans in closer to you.
"I always appreciate your kisses. How about we reschedule our lesson for tomorrow? I don't think I can focus now that I've felt your love and am in desperate need of more..."
In scenario two, Solomon's coming over to pick you up for an outing to a nearby cafe that recently opened. Your waiting by the door unfortunately catches the attention of the brothers who begin bombarding you with questions. You feel like you're being interrogated by the government.
"Sneaking off, are you?"
"Yeah! Where do ya think you're goin' without me?!"
"Of course you wouldn't tell me you had plans today..."
"I don't think they're sneaking off. It looks like they're waiting for someone..."
"Ooh! A lovely suitor perhaps? Who is it?"
"Isth it smone we know?"
"Beel, chew your food before speaking. ...Is it?"
You grin cheekily as you check the time. "I don't tell you guys everything."
Solomon should be here any minute to sweep you away from the chaos that's going to ensue if you let slip he's the one you're going out with. Your secrecy is not out of embarrassment to be seeing him, it's just that the brothers can be overdramatic - especially where Solomon's involved. It's best to keep your lips sealed until you return as to not spoil the night before it even starts.
Just then, there's a gentle, but firm knock at the door indicating Solomon's arrival. You move to open the door, but Lucifer steps in front of you and opens it before you can.
Oh no...
Lucifer blinks a few times having expected anyone else but Solomon to be standing there before him. There's indifference on his face, yet his eyes tell a different story.
"Hardly a 'lovely suitor'."
"I'll say! The hell do you think you are, whisking MC away like this?!"
"Solomon? You're going out with Solomon?"
"Huh, fair enough I suppose."
"OMG! Why didn't you tell me?!"
"Loo, Belphie, isth Stholomon."
"Yes, Beel, I see..."
You face palm as you hear their tirade of questions, comments, and complaints. This is exactly what you wanted to avoid.
Quickly, to shut them all up and to make an obvious statement about your feelings for Solomon, you push past the brothers crowding the door to reach him. He smiles upon seeing you, but is taken by surprise when you suddenly grab his face and attack him with multiple kisses.
The brothers go silent as they watch in envy as that blasted sorcerer gets all those nice kisses. Solomon goes redder than anyone's ever seen before as he tries to get you to stop since you are in the presence of others. Though internally he really doesn't want you to as he loves the attention and revels in the fact that the brothers get to see how much you love him.
"Hey, hey, calm down. I'm happy to see you too! But maybe we should wait to do this when it's just us?"
You begrudgingly stop, but in return, get the privilege of seeing his flustered face cupped between your hands. For not just the brothers, but for Solomon as well, your message was received loud and clear - you love him and you're proudly going out with him.
So much for keeping your lips sealed.
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This discourse around if Sauron can feel love or lust is getting old. If Morgoth himself (the literal Devil and the ultimate evil in Tolkien lore) lusted after both Varda (he probably loved Varda, in the beginning, actually) and Lúthien, are you telling me his servant isn’t capable of the same emotions? Please. 
The fact Sauron is a demigod has literally nothing to do with it. Anyone who’s familiar with worldwide mythology knows that “Gods and demigods lusting or falling in love with humans, etc.” is “today's special” on the menu. 
This, again, comes from the obnoxious idea that Tolkien was (only) inspired by Christianism to create his lore, and conveniently ignore all of his other inspirations: Old Norse/Greek/Slavic mythology, Germanic legends (Beowulf, mainly), Arthurian Legends, medieval tales, etc. Yes, Tolkien was a catholic, but he wasn’t a catholic priest (like these people act like he was). His work isn’t a copy-paste from the Bible. 
And, of course, Charlie Vickers or the showrunners aren’t going to spoil the story in interviews or go around saying that Sauron is in love with Galadriel, or call it a “love story”. I mean, come on. Sauron is the main villain of "Rings of Power". Straight out admitting he’s in love with Galadriel, at this point, could give the idea he’s somehow redeemable or he’s on a redemption arc. I don’t expect them to come clean with this until much later. 
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taojjang · 1 day
₍ᐢ. .ᐢ₎ riize reactions - jealous of your teddy bear
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pairing: bf!riize x reader (no specified gender!), genre: fluff, warnings: tad jealousy, mentions of killing (figuratively ofc), insults like stupid and dumb
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♡⸝⸝ your clingy boyfriend gets jealous of the fluffy teddy that's been stealing your attention from him >:(
shotaro . . . was sweet enough to buy you a big teddy bear before he went on tour <3
shotaro knew you'd miss him, so he decided to gift you a fluffy companion to keep his place. but he didn't expect you to stay clinging to that stuffed bear when he got home. of course, you were overjoyed to finally see your sweet boyfriend after weeks of being apart, but taro didn't feel your excitement. he just wasn't satisfied with the lousy amount of cuddles he's been receiving (only two sessions a day ㅠㅠ).
so while you're clinging to your teddy and scrolling on your phone, taro sneaks onto the bed and wraps his arms around your waist. "honey~ look at me!" you look down at the clingy boy with a doting smile and you ruffle his hair. "hm? what, taro?" taro pouts and rests his head on your chest, whining, "you love that bear more than me now! how come you aren't cuddling me instead?!" you laugh and push the teddy away, replacing it with your sulky boyfriend. "of course not, taro. come here!" you pull him closer to you and leave a long kiss on his lips. it only took a little kiss to melt away his jealousy <3
eunseok . . . can't see why you love that stupid tiger plush so much.
as an apology for leaving your sleepover early to go to work, eunseok left you $100 to treat yourself. what he didn't expect was to come home to a toddler-sized tiger plush lying on his side of the bed. at first, it was cute seeing you carry it around the house like it was your own baby, but now it was taking up all of your attention. all of eunseok's attention. eunseok is normally apathetic and isn't the type to push for your affection, but the lack of acknowledgement was irking him.
seok was lying right beside you, but you hadn't even glanced at him once. what the hell is up with this tiger? seok moved closer to you and turned on the tv. "hey, watch a movie with me." he beckoned. you hummed and shook your head. "my baby can't watch those violent movies you like." eunseok furrowed his eyebrows and sat up. "you don't want to make up for the sleepover that we lost? you're too focused on that tiger!" your eyes softened as you realized he's jealous. you scoff and pull eunseok down to lie with you. you poke his cheek and coo, "ahh, are you jealous? i only bought him because he looks like you!" eunseok's bitter demeanor softens and he scoots closer to you. "whatever, just watch squid game with me." "for the 5th time..?"
sungchan . . . wants to kill that stupid bear.
he regrets nothing more than buying you that huge, fluffy teddy bear for valentine's day. of course, he loves spoiling his sweet baby with whatever they want. but his considerate decision to buy you that teddy bear is the reason why he's staring at you with such a resentful glare right now.
now, he's spending a cold day shivering under the blanket while you're cuddled up with that huge teddy, watching your favorite show (that you've rewatched about a million and a half times). sungchan clears his throat a few times in a sad attempt to catch your attention, but you're still wrapped around that stuffy, patting it on the head. he sighs and blatantly moves just an inch beside you. somehow, your eyes are still glued to the tv and your arms are glued to that damn teddy bear. aaaand the angry bambi finally explodes! "y/n, that bear cannot be that comfortable. your boyfriend is freezing to death and you're worried about that ugly bear?!" you laugh at your big baby's whiny voice and pinch his cheek. "you could've just told me you wanted to cuddle, baby. and he's not ugly! you're the one who bought him for me!" sungchan pushed the teddy away and pulled you onto him, wrapping his arms around you and holding you like you're about to disappear. "i don't care, just hug me!"
wonbin . . . is on the verge of tears watching you give your cat plushy so much love.
his heart tears with every stroke and pat you give to the little black cat. although you two bought the plushy together while on a shopping date, he can't help but despise that evil thing. after all, it's stealing his precious y/n's attention from him.
wonbin slowly moves closer to you on the bed, waiting for you to look at him. once that endeavor fails, he moves even closer and tugs on the cat's ear. "it's not that soft," he complains. your head snaps to him, glaring at him with angry eyes. "it's a she." you correct him. wonbin sighs and lies down, resting his head on your lap. he doesn't speak, but you can tell by his actions (and his adorable pout) that he just wants some love. you smile and begin running your hands through his hair. "are you jealous of her? hm?" the sulky cat shakes his head and snuggles closer to you. "just keep going." you giggle at his demand knowing it won't be hard to follow.
seunghan . . . has been sitting and staring at you playing with your teddy bear for an hour now.
it was cute at first, but now he's growing impatient waiting for his turn. seunghan was happy that you enjoyed the teddy bear your brother had gifted you for your birthday (which he helped pick out because your brother is useless!), but he didn't like the amount of precious cuddle time it was stealing from him.
seunghan lied right beside you and rested his hand on your thigh, gently tugging you towards him. "angel... can i have my turn please?" you laugh and ruffle hani's hair as his head follows your hand like a cat. "are you jealous of the teddy bear or something?" you ask, your hand traveling to his cheek. a sly grin sneaks onto seunghan's face before he blurts, "no, it's jealous of me!" you're given no time to process what you'd just heard before your silly boyfriend pulls you down and traps you in his arms, peppering kisses all over your face. you laugh at the ticklish sensation stinging your skin. "ah, okay okay, i get it! i'll cuddle you instead!"
sohee . . . isn't typically the jealous type.
the two of you constantly hang out with your friend group, he doesn't even bat an eye when you're around other people. but this dumb looking duck stuffy is irritating the hell out of him. its stupidly gigantic eyes are staring into his soul, almost bragging about stealing his lover.
sohee stares in disgust as you dote over the small fluffy duck, patting it on the head and placing small kisses on its beak. he's bothered that you're gushing over this stupid duck as if it was any cuter than him. he finally had enough when you held the stuffy close and giggled, "what a cutie!" sohee sat up and sneered, "it's not even cute." you turn to him with a pout on your face. "what do you mean? you called him cute when you met him earlier :(" sohee looked away with a sightly sullen look on his face. "he was cute until you did all of that." you couldn't help but smile when you realized your quote-unquote nonchalant boyfriend is all pouty over a stuffed duck. sohee remained pouty until mwah! his eyes widened and he turned to you, who was looking up at him with innocent twinkling eyes. your kiss was soon replaced with the heat of his flustered cheeks as he tried to remain unfazed. sohee couldn't keep his cool when you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and hugged him with all your strength. "don't worry, baby, you're still the cutest!"
anton . . . normally loves when you play with his stuffed animals.
there's always a mountain of teddy bears sitting on his bed, so you usually cuddle with one here and there, especially when he's too busy doing work to cuddle with you. but for some reason, today is different. anton finished composing a tiny snippet of this new song he'd been working on, so he turned around to share the good news. his smile dripped off of his face when he saw you snuggled up with his dinosaur plushy.
"y/n, put my dinosaur back." you snapped out of your daze of comfort, looking at him with a tilted head. "why? it's comfy." anton got up from his desk and sat beside you, then pulled the dinosaur away before placing it back in its designated spot. "hey!" you whined, sitting up and glaring at him. anton stared back with an angry pout. "what? you like it more than me?" once your brain puts the pieces together, you break out into laughter. anton straightened his posture and tucked his lips. "answer me..!" he whined. you finally stopped laughing and pulled him down to you, holding his head against your chest. you left a small kiss on his forehead. "you're so dramatic sometimes, toni. are you done whining? i've been waiting to watch this new show with you." anton's frown curled into a cheeky grin and you earn a cute little kiss on the lips.
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celtrist · 2 days
I really want to see a more fucked up version of Charlie in canon. Like, okay, I am a die-hard for sweet bubbly girls in media. But I always see how some people make Charlie actually, oh I dunno... demonic? And it's so refreshing for her type of character. I could honestly see her having low empathy (and we kinda see this with how she handled Angel's situation or even Vaggie's nervousness about taking control on an activity). An exploration of that trait (if it was intended) would be interesting to see for a protagonist, especially when her main goal is about helping others. I would love to see her actually have a level of difficulty in understanding others' feelings from the other residents, sinners, and even her father.
But give her a fucked up side. Not a "she gets more power when she's angey uwu", but a "oh, she's a little fucked in the head". It would give so much to her character that she just doesn't have.
@/murmurmurena (don't wanna bother them so slash there we go) has some fun ideas with Charlie. I highly encourage people to check their stuff out! So many fun dark ideas with her character while also still keeping to her canon personality pretty well! Personally, I think Charlie being a bit more naive to her own messed up traits would work best but her also being aware of these traits can make for some interesting character for her.
THIS FIC, "A Game Between You and I". RIGHT HERE WITH THE FIRST CHAPTER. A bit of spoil for the fic here: but I love how they handled Charlie’s absolute ignorance as to why the idea of Russian roulette is horrifying to Angel Dust. It doesn't feel like her being intentionally malicious or aware that she's the odd man out here. This is also a pretty old fic going by only the pilot, but the point still stands that it was such a fun take for her character!
Charlie is one of my favorite characters in the show in part of the POTENTIAL she could have as being the most bubbly sweetheart character while also being the most messed up character in the show. I can't say I have strong confidence with the show's writing and fully expect them to stick with Charlie being the "nice girl but oh no, don't get her angry or she gets scarwy". Which isn't bad for a character mind you, there's just so much more potential to Charlie outside of that trope, especially when you get into the theories of her either being a doll, Roo's biological daughter, or what have you. And for the MAIN CHARACTER of the show, it would be not only interesting but also bring the spotlight back to her.
There's really no question that the side characters steal the show, particularly all the male characters. If I'm honest, Charlie does not feel like she gets a lot of love from the show itself when she's supposed to be the main character. She feels far more flat compared to the rest of the characters (again, the male cast in this "female-lead" show has more depth than most of the female cast currently. I wouldn't be pointing this tidbit concerning the genders of characters if it weren't for the fact Viv defended Helluva's lack of development with their female cast by saying "Hazbin is a female-lead show and Helluva is a male-lead" and Hazbin ended up with it not feeling female lead (to me) and the male cast just completely stealing the show. I don't normally care about gender stuff, especially since I do personally lean interest towards male characters. But using one show as a defense for poor development of the female characters, and then that show not really holding up with no very interesting well-developed feeling female characters irritates me. It's just very clear that these shows don't seem to care much about the female cast :/)
If you like how Charlie is written that's totally fine. PERSONALLY, I just think they're missing so much opportunity with her character by just making her the standard female character type. I honestly don't have a lot of faith they'll actually do something with Charlie's character though. She's a pretty static character in S1 being the same from start to end. Not changing or learning anything to create any development. What does the end of season Charlie do that start of season Charlie wouldn't do? Fight back? Because we see with the pilot (which is the “first episode”) that Charlie does fight people if pushed like with Katie Killjoy and even Valentino. Static characters can work in media depending on the show or their role. But Charlie is the MC of a show about “bettering one's self”. So to have her as a static with not a lot of strong dilemmas for herself (like we see with Angel Husk Al and even Vox) seems silly. Plus, considering Hazbin is telling a whole story and it's not a fun episodic thing, characters are expected to grow on some level. Or else, what was the point of their hero's journey?
#I honestly have a lot of problems with Hazbin's storytelling#That the limited time of doing plot doesn't even help it and shouldn't be used to shield the show from criticisms#Especially when you can find the same issues in Helluva Boss that has no excuse with the writing (though it's getting a bit better)#I love this show but goodness gracious it makes me have a tangent about it#Charlie's unimpactful character writing just being one of MANY issues#Hopefully the crew take all the criticisms into account for S3#S2 if possible would be nice but they probably had it all scripted by the time S1 was airing.#No shame on the female cast either they're fine. But when you compare them to the given depth of characters like Angel Husk Alastor and Vox#They're pretty lackluster. Vaggie's probably the closest to a female character with a lot of layers we've seen in the show#And she wasn't done very well with being essentially just “Charlie's GF” with not much identity outside of that explored much#Some of this may be more personal takes but it's frustrating. Again I don't normally care about gender stuff in media#It was just the excuse to Millie and Loona lacking development that bothers me#Like Hazbin is supposed to make up Helluva's poor writing of their main female leads#Loona got a bit of love with the Bee ep and Verosika and Octavia are pretty good. Particularly V with her relationship with Blitz#Whenever I start talking about aspects of Hazbin's writing I always end up ranting a bit (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄#Celtrist#cel rambles#hazbin hotel#hazbin hotel charlie#charlie morningstar#hazbin critique#hazbin criticism#hazbin critical#hazbin hotel critical#hazbin hotel criticism#hazbin hotel critique#hazbin hotel rant#You can really love something and still be critical with it#I do it out of love I swear#You're not in the Sonic fandom for like 22 yrs and don't learn to be critical of the media you enjoy lol
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Kinda curious on how you would rate the escapeability of yandere Alucard, Anderson, Enrico Maxwell and captain from hellsing
Hi Anon! I’m so sorry I just saw this but it’s a great ask!
The scale will go like this: 0= Inescapable 10= Complete Escape
Slight warning as ya know…yandere…
How escapable are they? PT.1
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Escapability Rating: 1/10
"Is this a new game, little lamb?"
Okay so he doesn’t get a zero and for the single reason that I feel there is a small chance that you could pull it off. How long you’d escape him? Not very, however it *is* possible! He holds the firm belief that only humans can beat him in anything or best him, and I believe that extends to this. Even if you managed to escape him, you have to realise that to keep their little lapdog he has to be happy, so Sir Integra will likely waste no effort helping this man find you if it means that Alu with behave. Best to just learn to love him I guess~
Father Anderson
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Escapability Rating: 0/10
"And where do you think you, are going?"
Father Alxander is nothing if not a man determined. There are too many of those vile creatures for you to be out and about without his protection, and since he is so busy keeping those monsters away from you and the orphanage you'll just have to stay put. Besides, the children love you there and he is always in a much more charitable mood when his darling is around to keep him satisfied. He's not above punishing you though, to think you could escape him is so silly of you. You belong to him.
Enrico Maxwell
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Escabaility Rating: 5/10
"My precious Angel, where could you be~?"
This one really had me stumped for a minute, but ultimately this depends on how he sees you. He's a deeply religous man after all, if he sees you as a god send them you aren't going anywhere. He will have you buy his side for every visit, every meal, even his prayers he will have you by his side. The only time you have to escape is the window where he is a deep prayer or in a meeting with his subordinate Father Anderson discussing the business of the Vatican's Iscariot Association. He has zero eyes on you during this time and expects you to be a good little angel and stay in his room until he is done. He has too much faith in you, but has his spoiling his little angel convinced you to stay?
The Captain
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Escabability Rating: 4/10
Hear me out okay? He is the only one who sees you more as a lover than just some pretty little thing to keep locked up. However, he's extremely protective of you and has your scent ingrained in his memory like his life depends on it. If you did escape, which would be pretty easy under the right circumstances, he'd be on the hunt for you Immediatley, and only the sharp order of his superiors would be able to sway him, that and the taste of his own blood. He would never stop searching for you and even when you are far away you can hear his howling, he's never far from finding his prescious mate and you'll end up in his arms again if you aren't careful. But is that really so bad?
A/N:Thank you so much for your ask and I'd love to get some more!
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shitpostingkats · 14 hours
(for the record. i love the aj trilogy. i'm not trying to dunk on anyone here. just calling it as i see it) one very funny thing about aa4 and aa5 and their active conversation with one another is aa4 is a game about defending criminals. all of whom are at least a little sympathetic but still. committed crimes (but it's still your job to defend them because they still deserve a fair trial and a shot at a better life). and its also a game that's like "hey evidence is cool and all. but like sometimes :) its not enough :) sometimes the law is wrong and sometimes you lie and you win and no one finds out you lied that's just for you to think about at night" (it wasn't even your choice. you didn't even know what you were doing). with that in mind. it's then really funny to play aa5 a game which is begging you PLEASE DO NOT DO BAD THINGS FOR THE SAKE OF A GREATER GOOD. PLEASE FOLLOW THE LAW FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. YOU CAN FLIP COPS BUT THAT IS IT. and with that in mind it's absolutely hilarious to me that one of these games was sponsored by the japanese government and it WASN'T aa5.
Oh definitely. I personally wasn't very grabbed by aa4 as much as I would have expected, partly because I was spoiled by playing the great ace attorney games first, and apollo justice brings a lot of things to the table that get further refined in that duology. (Everyone should go play tgaa if they haven't already- *I am dragged forcibly off the soapbox*)
But I find it interesting that in aa4, you are defending criminals, and that's a very good thing. You are Apollo Justice. All your clients are criminals, yes, and through investigation get found out and are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. (Aside from Phoenix, cough cough). The Kitaki's leave the mafia and become honest buisnessfolk. Vera's forgeries are discovered, preventing further pieces from being sold on the black market. Machi actually hands himself over to the Japanifornia courts because it is viewed as more benevolent and trustworthy than returning to his home country. They're all sympathetic criminals, and the court is sympathetic to them in turn. The judicial system is painted as something that reforms people and finds answers.
Meanwhile in aa5, the courts are a mess. There's a whole case dedicated to blatantly showing how legal professionals are being trained to disregard actual facts and the one person trying to root out corruption is murdered. Your client goes behind your back to indict themselves because they don't trust the system to not blame an unrelated innocent party. Multiple times. Aura kidnaps and threatens half a dozen people as a direct response to knowing her brother is going to be executed for a murder he didn't commit. There's multiple discussions of not just copaganda, but actual propaganda for the courts as well. It makes everything about the judical system come of as shady, dishonorable, and in desperate need of reform.
Aa4, the game sponsored by the japanese government, is the story of how guilty people come into contact with the court system and stop doing crime, while aa5 is the story of innocent people coming into contact with the court system and immediately doing so much more crime.
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one-strugling-bean · 3 days
I finished the 4th season (MAG #160)
......I'm unwell
(part 3 of my Magnus Archives experience)
Ahhhhh where do i even start???? Ok, ok I think I'll start with the lesser things
First off, right off the bat, RIP Tim. More than ever, now I know he didn't have to die and I am so so sad he did..... Flirty boi deserved so much better u^u
Martin collected many moments of badassery throughout the 3rd and 4th seasons. Im so proud of his growth. Not him burning statements and snipping back at Elias - ahhhhhh he was so coooool, I wish someone else was there so that they could tell him! And when he made Fairchild sit back down to finish answering Martin's questions, I swear I got chills!!
Anyway. I continue being a fierce Martin fan, nothing new there
What is new is my newfound adoration for Daisy. Seriously. She's my baby now. Idc what happens or who dies, she needs to end this story okay :'))))
No, im 200% serious, if Daisy doesn't survive to the end, im def going to cry. Because i can totally see her being the "sacrifice herself so that everyone else will have a chance" type.
I swear she was the only one holding the brain cell power this season –  and FINALLY, someone who's not Martin is not being a bitch to Jon!!!
I wasn’t even expecting Jon to be able to bring her back. Much less for them to become supportive avatar besties! I’m so glad the writer decided to take that turn with her. It’s really satisfying from a narrative standpoint to have Daisy of all people do a whole 180 on her standpoint with Jon.
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Idk, i just really liked her this season. She deserves all the hugs. So she gets a meme :)
Basira, on the other hand, fell a bit for me, but i think that was kind of the point. She was fierce and stony and nearly zero compassionate, – very Gertrude-ish of her –  but after everything that’s happened, i can't really blame her :/
Im just here praying to everything that the cop ladies can get a modicum of a happy ending
And just so I round up the gang, im scared for Melanie... She is now blind and also has (had?) a monster as a therapist. And Georgie doesn't feel fear which makes them even less likely to sense danger if it comes for them. I hope they're able to push through whatever season 5 throws at them
Okay. So only Jon is lef now. What can i say about him tho?? I mean, i can say he's been going through it.
Like, I spent my whole time hearing this podcast lowkey making fun of him for collecting beatdowns from pretty much every character - AND IT TURNS OUT IT WASN’T EXACTLY JOKING MATTER AND WAS ACTUALLY PLOT RELEVANT??
I just feel so bad for Jon. The guy did not deserve all of this. He really was a lamb to the slaughter—a poor wet cat, an eternal damsel in distress, the Antichrist…?
That last statement from Elias/Jonah is so good tho. Like, objectively. I love it. Not only does it take the listener in a nice little trip down memory lane - nostalgia is always fun - but its also just. So evil.
They really gave us such a sweet start – Martin and Jon bunking together in a cabin in Scotland(?) seemingly happy and it's all "uwu, they sho cute, yada yada- and then BAM!! APOCALYPSE HAS BEGUN!"
(i could literally be here for hours coming up with titles for Jon. he makes it too easy.)
Elias though...... I was spoiled that he was Jonah Magnus halfway through season 2 or so, so the reveal wasn't a big deal for me. I wonder how shattering it was for listeners when it first dropped though... At least he upped his villainy cred this season. Suits him better than the "unbothered neutral/evil stand-by" vibe he gave before.
And one last character thing, I fell in love with Peter so quickly. His lines were all gold and his delivery even more so. He just had that unflappable vibe to him. Like he didnt have a care in the world.
Oh, and him and Elias totally had ex-wives who spent the last 10 years fighting about who gets what in the divorce energy.
No, i will not elaborate.
Uhhhhh yeah. I grew to appreciate Helen more and more every time they showed up. Simon Fairchild was surprisingly fun for an old man, Gerry deserved the freaking world (thank you so much Jon for burning that page) and i think that’s kinda it on my favorite “creatures and associates”
Im super excited for this last stretch. i wonder if TMA will stick the landing. I sure hope it does, and honestly trust it will.
Anywayyyyyy, off i go for those last 40 episodes. Wish me luck!
Finish testimony, or whatever
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blue-dream-rhapsody · 4 months
Me telling my mom what comes after we’re done with Bridge to the Turnabout went like this:
“It’s the end of the Phoenix Wright trilogy! Then we start on Apollo Justice!”
“What, so Phoenix isn’t in it anymore?”
(Well, about that…) “I mean, it’s called Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney! Apollo’s the main character.”
“But, Phoenix isn’t the defense attorney anymore?”
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baxtervalentine · 8 months
(spoiler warning for lisa frankenstein)
sobbing crying thinking about the creature doing everything he can to make lisa's return a happy and comfortable experience. he gets some of those little fridge poetry magnets so she can talk to him if she has trouble speaking after coming back like he did. he gets a record player and some of her favorite music. he gently re-wraps her bandages after she gets cleaned up. he knows what it's like to go through this- it's scary and weird to get used to being undead, but it's easier when you have someone to help you through it
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vynnyal · 5 months
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Turns out Sunlit Trail isn't quite done just yet, so after all that they just send you to a dead end 😂
#rain world#comic#rw chasing wind#sunlit Trail#Hunter#Art#Chasing wind spoilers#I can't imagine anyone filters that tag but just in case sksksks#ANYWAYS turns out mod is way better than I expected and it's super well made.#So far made the trip as hunter (first time) then riv and now working on arti.#For arti I realized that howling rifts led to sub and sub led to dar shore so I was like sweet! A shortcut!#Now imagine for a sec trying to get through a parkcore + miros bird gauntlet with a corpse and a worm within 5 cycles#before the scav ran out of karma and you were stuck inside forever. Yeah#Besides that tho I've been messing around and been very tenderly modding the game.#Turns out you can have a bit of fun with most sprites without too much effort by simply cloning the MSC mod in your files#Then changing the copy's mod info so it doesn't clash and simply swapping images out for whatever you want#As long as you have the sprite name you can do this. You can also change region names and decals and music all sorts of stuff.#In short I've been brewing a custom mod for a friend to make her suffer as much as possible <3#Thanks to a buddy on the rw server for showing me that trick btw lol. The best cesspool I've ever participated in#Oh before I forget- the symbol on CW's head is completely made up. They just looked so... Bald.#Tbh I wasn't expecting their personality to be so... bright? Most interpretations make them kinda solemn and gloomy#But nah this CW is what NSH should've been 100%. I like them. Not gonna spoil too much but their situation is somehow so... chill.#Still bad tho!#Other fun news! There's a scammer going around on discord that's basically like ''bad news I reported you for fraud''#And they're getting a lot of people. My buddy that owned my home server got hit and we lost everything. It's all OK tho nobody was hurt#I keep trying to ask them questions on my alts but they're ignoring me... I kinda wanna bait them into doing the scam with me#to see how far I get before they catch on 😜#Wasting a scammer's time is never a waste of time#Ah I had more to say but I reached my tag max. Till next time- hopefully my animation project will be done by then!
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pineappical · 2 years
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do you believe in miracles?
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caluupin · 6 months
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Finished TGAAC around 2 1/2 weeks ago but only finished the doodles today. but still, here ya go!
#caluuart#art#dgs spoilers#dgs2 spoilers#tgaa spoilers#tgaa2 spoilers#ace attorney#the great ace attorney#tgaa#dgs2#not tagging characters bc it's a lot#RAMBLE TIME. so ever since I finished dgs2 I have been listening to the soundtracks and MAN these bang so much#esp as a person who plays the piano and likes music. it's just. good. yeah. some of these do give me psychological dmg tho lmaoo#like kazuma's nocturne theme or his prosecutor theme. or the secret trial theme.... the partners - the game is afoot! theme.... I am normal#WHICH SPEAKING OF! man I love the sholmes + mikotoba partner twist so much even if i got a bit spoiled about it. i just think they're neat.#The partners of all time I think.#Also also the found family!?!?!? I am A SUCKER for found family. they fed me so well.#funny thing was the barok character development surprised me despite the fact that I also expected it since the first game lolol.#I do think he's an interesting character and probably one of the best character development in the game. And that I find his design cool.#oh yeah I didn't draw it but when I saw that albert mentioned that barok is “the darling of the van zieks family” I was genuinely like.#huh? wdym. like man at the time “van zieks” and “little darling” feels wrong in the same sentence. that was until I saw his pre-#-trauma pictures n well. albert isn't wrong. which was a slight surprise to me.#In conclusion: I liked it a lot. and now occupies parts of my brain along with my other brainrots.#They fight for priority in my brain whenever I try to sleep or disassociate lol. Well at least there's more material to think about.#off topic time: arlecchino animation. for the sake of the tag's length I'll just say a few things:#I am very very interested in her story and oh my god father.#My brain has stopped braining now; good night my fellows
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blitzbuckz · 6 days
I was in a mission to pick up my FIRST FANCY ASS FRIDGE
but... ended up with a Colossal Reindeer instead
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mayhasopinions · 9 months
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im kind of obsessed w/ this podcast
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