#jack alston
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infinite-mirrors · 1 year ago
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(They're definitely Up To Something)
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goatsandgangsters · 11 months ago
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made some memes
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ming85 · 1 year ago
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Book launch poster for A Power Unbound, book 3 of Freya Marske/@fahye's spectacular The Last Binding trilogy which has completely taken over my brain for the last few years. See the ones I did for book 1 and 2 here (they do look nice all lined up, if I say so myself!)
This book has so much cool action and twists and turns, and one of my favourite romances of all time (it's somehow the softest and the spiciest). Added all the other characters as well because I adore them, the most hyper competent yet chaotic protagonist group ever to run amok in 1909.
my The Last Binding tag, and my art tag
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espiricalesper · 7 months ago
the three couples in the marvellous light series
the most Autistic Man you have ever met (special interest: magical theory) and his ray of sunshine boyfriend who is built like a linebacker and canonically throws an objectively perfect punch
the stereotype of high society woman turned prostitute (horny level: 10) and sunshiny man’s canonically undislikeable younger sister (horny level: there are not digits enough to express its magnitude)
tsundere poor boy who is the country’s most famous writer of yaoi smut and just wants to be pinned against a wall and friendless rich guy (exes w Autistic Man) who lost his magic in a freak accident and is all too happy to oblige
@idiot-in-the-walls is this anything
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introverted-reads · 6 months ago
love that it’s canon that robin hands over edwin to jack like “babe hold my beer” before starting the bar fight of the century that results in the british magic system being completely reconstructed
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Character, book, and author names under the cut
Eric “Bitty” Bittle/Jack Zimmermann- Check, Please! by Ngozi Ukazu
Jack Alston/Alan Ross- A Power Unbound by Freya Marske
Kong Hongjun/Li Jinglong- Tianbao Fuyao Lu/Legend of Exorcism by Fei Tian Ye Xiang
Xuan Min/Xue Xian- Copper Coins/Tong Qian Kan Shi by Mu Su Li
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chaoticgaywitch · 1 year ago
alan ross in book two : fuck the bourgeoisie
alan ross in book three : fuck the bourgeoisie ;)
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daveyfvckingjacobs · 11 months ago
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this is funnier to me that just posting the screenshots w the names you’re welcome
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cityofdownwardspirals · 2 months ago
okay so i know that in canon we have alanzo speaking in italian when his feelings are just too big for him to express himself in english but i also cannot stop thinking of him adding italian curse words into his banter with jack. the italian language has a beautiful repertoire of curse words and insults that i think they both would have a lot of fun with
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lucidteaparty · 1 year ago
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Mmm Lord Hawthorne mmmmm
Why are parts of this book so damn funny
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prettygoododds · 2 months ago
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Thank you so much @rimeswithpurple @emeryhall @roomwithanopenfire @monbons @nausikaaa @artsyunderstudy and @martsonmars for the tags! You can definitely tell everyone is done digging themselves out of the holidays and countdown. I'm loving all the content I'm seeing.
I've particularly liked seeing some people's fandom's resolutions. It made me think of my own.
I spent a lot of last year trying to find a good balance between the things I'm obligated to do and the things I want to do. By the time the COC hit, I was in the mindset that the things I needed to do were too much and I had to skip COC this year. This made me incredibly angry and resentful. I hated that the thing I wanted to do was the thing I gave up. So, with spite fueling me forward, I did the COC and I'm so glad I did. But that did make me reflect on how I proceed.
I'm not going to overthink things. I'm going to do the things that make me happy. And what makes me happy is this fandom, the supportive people in it and writing. I need to lean on other folks for the things that are obligations. I don't have to do all the things, but I should at least do the things that bring me joy.
That being said, who wants to see a little of that joy?
Picket Fence blurb:
This happens again and again.  An almost blowie in his kitchen, a hot and heavy grind on his sofa that came to an abrupt halt when his aunt stopped by, and one unfortunate tumble in his garden that ended with both of us thorny and grumpy. And look, I’m all for edging, but not like this. Not spread out over days and days and with no actual end in sight.  I’m ready to explode. Literally.
A non-Carry On blurb (A Power Unbound Jack/Alan) :
“Apologies my lord,” Alan says back, breathing heavily into neck. “I wasn’t expecting you.” “Am I to understand you are always entertaining handsome men at your desk then?” “There was a handsome man at my desk?” Alan says cheekily. “I only saw you, my lord. Who could see anyone else once you’re in the room.” “You do not have to placate me,” Jack growls, frustrated by his own insecurities. “I know a younger, better man when I see one.” “You’ll have to point them out to me next time,” Alan says, catching Jack’s chin in his fingers and forcing him to look him in the eyes. “For I saw no one who could hold a candle to my stubborn aristocrat.” Jack has to close his eyes and absorb that last sentence.
I have something else that I'll be posting soon, but I don't want to spoil it so just know you'll see something soon-ish.
I've also got to start work shopping something for the COBB. If anyone has an idea I would not be opposed to a little jump start because I am stuck.
Ok, well, I feel this got wordy. Thanks if you stayed to the end. Here's some very non-pressure tags:
@ic3-que3n @dohrnaira @thewholelemon @facewithoutheart @imagineacoolusername
@shemakesmeforget @ivelovedhimthroughworse @wellbelesbian @aristocratic-otter @cutestkilla
@blackberrysummerblog @supercutedinosaurs @nightimedreamersworld @valeffelees @iamamythologicalcreature
@shrekgogurt @ileadacharmedlife @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @hushed-chorus @youarenevertooold
@noblecorgi @talentpiper11 @bookish-bogwitch
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infinite-mirrors · 8 months ago
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still thinking about them
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goatsandgangsters · 6 months ago
Robin meeting Jack and immediately monologuing about how Hot he is is so funny. like
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Robin’s busy ogling him and going on about fairytale knights. meanwhile what did that paragraph look like outside of Robin’s head?
is Jack standing there like "...hm. my ex showed up unannounced in my bedroom with a hunky beefcake of a man, and the beefcake is standing there unsubtly checking me out. this is a more forthright threesome offer than I'd expect from Edwin." truly what is a slut like jack alston supposed to think.
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“I wouldn't kiss him” yeah okay but you still clearly thought about it, Robin. “he’s a 10 but unfortunately a dick” still means you think he’s a 10
meanwhile a couple chapters ago Robin looked at Edwin and was like “who is this ugly man. why is his face so bad.”
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tartan-tardis · 1 year ago
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I’m reading A Power Unbound and had to draw these idiots.
I’ll probably redraw this later and neaten it up a bit ☺️
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maud-blyth-wannabe · 8 months ago
Thinking abt Jack and Edwin again.
Jack and Edwin who went from childhood friends to spiteful toxic lovers, to bitter exes, to acquaintances of convenience, to amicable friends, to… family. To hugging each other goodbye at the ends of weekends visiting the others home with their respective loves of their lives, to exchanging Christmas gifts and giggling over childhood inside jokes when they drink a little too much. To sharing their adoration for the girl they’ve both come to see as a sister, as endearingly exhausting as she is. To worrying about eachother health, reminding the others he’s getting to that age that his father started having trouble with his back. Edwin watching the ice over Jacks heart slowly melt away and reveal the young Jack Edwin once knew, seeing Jack cup Alan’s cheeks in his hand and beam down at him like he hung the stars. Jack watching Edwin become something much brighter, happier, more loved and more bold than he’d ever known him before with every day that passes, and he spends a little more time being so thoroughly loved and appreciated by his new family. Their growth is so special to me <3
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introverted-reads · 6 months ago
jack alston, lord hawthorn:
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