#not a developed concept but i feel like there's something here there's something here šŸ¤”
malaierba Ā· 3 months
Thinking about a Laishuro + Farcille dynamic where Falin and Toshiro relate to each other much like how Laios does to Marcille.
I see some parallels between them that I'm pretty sure are accidental, but, still fun to think of. Having a close relationship with your brother's partner, introverts vs extroverts, magic user and fighter, etc.
There're also some unique challenges that Laishuro would face with each other, that I think only their girl besties would help them sort out, but uniquely from the "I know you, you're one of my best friends, your personality is a lot like mine and your partner is like mine, so believe me when I tell you that you're currently messing up Like This."
Something something. Toshiro approaching Falin because he's having trouble with something Laios is doing, only for Falin to casually point out he's not communicating very effectively. Or Laios going on and on about something he's excited to show to Toshiro, only for Marcille (expert in speaking and dealing with Laios) to go "are you absolutely sure he's happy about it? He may have trouble speaking over your excitement, you know?" which is something that's happened to her with Fall.
Is this anything jk this is everything
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okanra Ā· 7 months
So Iā€™m migrating some of the (public version of) pre-production stuff I did in 2021-2023 for THE UNSPOKEN webcomic (back when it still had the old name ā€œTrunks and Goten in High School AUā€) here, since X/Twitter apparently annihilated the old Moment feature for real. These are mostly research stuff, some warm up doodles and inspiring sountrack playlists I did before a chapter or a story got made. I usually do a lot of research offline before working on any creative project, thatā€™s why sometimes it feels like thereā€™s so many information gets jammed into one chapter: it was mostly to make do for all the time that I didnā€™t get to, or wouldnā€™t be able to work on the comics.
Will add in the chapters along side the information paper for clearer understanding āœŒļø
1. The warm-up expression practice sheet (or doodles, in my case) of Son Goten and Trunks in my webcomic series (late 2022 or early 2023):
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Since the idea in mind for these two in the webcomic was to be more ā€œmature, human-likeā€ than the original manga version to fit with the narrative I want to tell and aim at the older demographic, practices are needed :p
2. The Martial Arts techniques research information papers - Chapter 2 and 3 aka ā€œThe Sparā€ 1 & ā€œThe Sparā€ 2 (2021-2022):
A. Gotenā€™s techniques:
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B. Trunksā€™s techniques:
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This research about martial arts techniques was actually very fun to do due to martial arts and cultural aspects are being two of the things I enjoy the most in life. Thatā€™s probably parts of the reasons why I went back to Dragon Ball in 2020: motorbikes, martial arts and mixed races culture.
Back then I did plan on sharing my research to everyone in the form of little fun art lessons, so there were interesting tweets like this or this. Later I decided to share this somewhere else more private (like my Patreon community) since I realized pre-production researches (or something akin to visual developments) are not that well-liked for most online viewers even though itā€™s a very much needed process in a creative project šŸ¤”
This martial art concept is one of the actual main themes throughout the whole webcomic series, not really the (super duper gay) b-romance relationship between Son Goten and Trunks, yes Iā€™m very sorryyyyyyy I like them too but I like worldbuilding more lmaoooo :p
3. The brief character design sheet and Chinese-influenced culture research information papers - Chapter 4: ā€œThe Iron Womanā€ and Chapter 5: ā€œHer Resolution, His Originā€ (mid-2022 until now and will be continued):
A. Character Design brief sheet:
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B. Culture research stuff:
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The hilarious thing about researching for these chapters are: Back when ā€œThe Iron Womanā€ was being made, the research limited at reading articles and some books about Chinese cultures, and watching documentaries on Youtube. But when ā€œHer Resolution, His Originā€ was being made, the research tuned into a real life trip to China, to take real life reference photos and listening to real legends and stories.
This research for ā€œHer Resolution, His Originā€ will be posted to Patreon later, of course āœŒļø
4. The Original Comic introduction and comeback announcements in mid-2022:
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I must have eaten some edibles while drawing this because the boys look so good here. Goten looks so good, I even made him the profile picture for my Patreon account lmao.
5. Soundtrack playlists for inspirations (2021 - now): always the cherry on top. I listen to these playlists everytime I work on the series.
A. Duo playlist for chapters featuring both main characters: link
B. Character playlist for chapters focusing on single character, or anything related to that character: link
All in all, posts like this are for people who like to see whatā€™s beneath the surface when working on a creative project. I completely guarantee you, what youā€™ve seen on this blog are just the tips of the ice berg šŸ¤«
Def not a PR, but my Patreon has lots of this lmao. Half joking half serious, thereā€™s even a ā€œnon-postedā€ comic up there too and many other things. Iā€™m just stating facts.
That aside, Iā€™m just really happy to be able to work on this webcomic. THE UNSPOKEN webcomic series has always been a long-term indie project, not a daily content so I hope the readers who like and follow this series would stay tuned for more āœŒļø
For easier reading, you can either follow the links that are included above, or just read this Tapas updated version.
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skykashi Ā· 2 years
I dreamt of Kakashi tonight šŸ˜
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It was Hokage Kakashi, he was developing a Jutsu that had the same concept as the body flicker Jutsu but instead of teleporting to a near place like the body flicker he expanded it to teleport to anywhere he thinks about as long as he has a picture in his head of the place he wanted to go, like he had to have seen the place before to be able to teleport to it (might have been a little influenced by the movie "Jumper" here šŸ˜‚) and it doesn't need a special Kunai either like Minato's but it needs an insanely good chakra control or it can kill the user by draining all of their chakra but Kakashi has the insanely good chakra control and so he was able to do it with so little chakra that he didn't even feel it but he was still working on it so he didn't perfect it 100% yet when someone attacked the village, the attackers especially picked that time because Naruto and Sasuke weren't in the village, underestimating Kakashi and the others thinking that it would be easy now that they aren't there to protect it, there was a huge blast that threatened to destroy a huge portion of the village and kill a lot of people but Kakashi jumped in front of it and was barley holding it back with his bare hands like he did with Kakuzu and Hidan's attack here
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But this is 100x bigger so he can't absorb it like he did with Kakuzu and Hidan's attack, he has to redirect it somewhere else, he can't think of any way except his new Jutsu, but he was still working on it, it's not ready yet and he's not sure what the results would be on something this huge but he has no other choice, he has to think of somewhere far away from the village and from anyone to take the blast to asap. just when he decided and thought about the place he's going to take the blast to and picture it in his head, his mind wondered off to Minato sensei and how he would have had no issue at all teleporting this somewhere else and sooooo thinking about Minato at the last second like that teleported him to just the place he had in mind which was outside of the village but in the past (definitely influenced by all the time travel fanfictions I keep reading šŸ˜‚)... When Minato was his sensei (he had no idea the Jutsu could even do that) and that's when Team Minato who were returning from a mission heard a huge explosion coming from somewhere behind them, they ran to it and found a silver haired man who looks suspiciously similar to their Kakashi, injured and unconscious in the middle of nowhere, they were all gaping at him when Obito broke the silence by saying "umm, Bakashi, is this your dad?!" Because the poor child doesn't know that Kakashi's dad died years ago
Kakashi sent him a murderous look, Rin gasped and Minato said "Obito!" In warning.
Obito said in confusion "what?! What did I do?!" And ofc no one explained to him anything but instead, Minato said "he does look a lot like Kakashi tho! šŸ¤”" Then Rin added "maybe he's from the Hatake clan?" But Kakashi quickly answered "as far as I know, I'm the last Hatake" then Obito said nonchalantly while picking his nose "what do you mean you're the last Hatake, idiot?! What about your dad?!!"
Minato and Rin: šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
Kakashi jumps on Obito trying to bite his head off but Minato interferes in time using his best sensei voice saying "okay, that's enough you two!..." Rin cuts him off saying "maybe we can figure out who he is later but we need to take him to the hospital now, he's wearing Konoha's headband so he has to be from Konoha, I'll try to heal him as much as I can but his injuries look too serious for just a quick field healing, he will have to go to the hospital"....
And then my cat woke me up because he wanted to eat šŸ˜¶ side note: all of my dreams are like this, they are always like mini movies, my subconscious is very entertaining XD
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steamberrystudio Ā· 1 year
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Halloo~oo everyone! Just popping in for a quick tumblr update on GS (trying to be more consistent over on this site! šŸ¤” ).
In my last update, here, I was incredibly close to finishing the rough draft for Yuu's route. that is complete now. And I've been working on editing. I got sick mid-way through this week (feeling better now) so that slowed me down.
But I am about halfway through with the edit. A little less. Like...45% done editing. Yuu's route is coming in at 115,000 words uncoded at the moment. We'll see where it ends up when the revision is done.
Unlike some other routes I don't think Yuu is going to need to really heavy revision passes. I think it'll need one heavy revision, then a mild line edit and proofreading.
Most of my editing so far has been really focused on continuity and smoothing out character development. I haven't had to do any major shifting around of events.
I have sketched out one CG and have started compiling references for sprite variations (new outfits/hairstyles for Morgan and Yuu). So yeah, that's about where the route is currently. Drafting complete, revising underway! When the revision and proofreading is done, I'll start coding the route in and move to art!
A quick WSC update:
At my last update, I had finished up with Daaz's content for the shared part of the route and was getting ready to move into his exclusive chapters. I'd had a new idea and was considering if it was possible and how it would work.
I did a lot of brainstorming for this idea and have decided to move forward with it. It's added in some new (and cool, imo) lore elements that I'm excited to explore.
Something else I did for this project was start solidifying revision concepts.
For anyone who has not followed me or been with me for my previous projects, my revision process tends to be pretty extensive. I rewrite huge portions, delete massive sections, and inject large amounts of new content. (I don't think this is abnormal but for people not familiar with the development process of a VN it might seem weird to focus so much on revisions.)
I have been essentially plotting out some necessary changes (some of which are substantial) for that part of the process. I have a whole new timeline of edits and everything.
So yeah, that's kind of where WSC is at the moment. Now that I've done a lot of prep work for the end of Daaz's route I'll draft that and move on to finishing up Noel's content!
Anyway, that's all for now. I'm hoping that by my next post here I'll be in the middle of coding Yuu's route!
That's all for this update. See you in a couple of weeks!
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alvoskia Ā· 2 months
I want to know why were the Infran powers that were chosen? (Life, Death, Water, the Moon, Fire, Knowledge, Time, and Blood) Also I think itā€™s cool that some contrast each other like life & death and fire & water. But some donā€™t like thereā€™s moon but no sun? šŸ¤” Also why are there 8 Infran but only 7 protagonists?
There were a few different reasons that went into selecting the ones I wanted! I can't go into all of them because some would be spoilers for much later on in uh, the Series, but I'll tell you what I can and what I remember from when I was picking 'em (everything was like solidified by 2016 so it's been a while, as you can imagine)
I knew I didn't want something that was just elemental, hence moving away from more than just Water / Fire and like. I was also drawn to wanting to build concepts for unique power sets; I feel like so often 'nature' powers is just "person A can control plants and that's about it," so building the Infran of Life's powers off the idea of Connection was a lot more freeing to me, allowing for some cool stuff you maybe wouldn't necessarily expect to be on the table.
I also kind of developed stuff in the ideas of contrarian pairs to a degree (Life vs Death, Time erodes Knowledge, Moon vs Fire/Sun, Water vs Blood in terms of family dynamics, etc).
For example, I knew my main two characters -- Ally and Jamie, otherwise known as the twins -- were going to be Life and Death respectively, reflecting the way they're both very different and very similar simultaneously, but often have an argumentative and difficult time with each other in spite of how much they love each other.
Your question about Moon with no Sun is actually a long-ranging debate in-universe, as Infrans have had different names (I imagine there's been some Infrans of the Sun > Fire for example) in different periods in time / cultures / and languages. I'd imagine one of my northern peoples would call the Infran of Death the Infran of Mercy, for example, instead
And the Infran we're 'missing' from the main cast is the Infran of Blood. I won't say too much more (though his character tag is kicking around here for admittedly minimal perusal) but here's our first real mention of him from the story! (This is 14 pages in so it's not too spoilery, y'know?). He's currently a lot older than the rest of his Infran generation by close to 20 years, but we get into why later
ā€œSince George and I just have dreams,ā€ Rayan continued, scanning the next page. ā€œThat meansā€”ā€ ā€œAbout four of us should have counsel for an even split?ā€ Counsel was coveted, more sought after than dream memories because it was more direct. You could actually talk to your past lives rather than just deciphering cryptic clues from glimpses of eras gone by.Ā  Rayan nodded. ā€œThree of us,ā€ he corrected. Because they were seven out of eight. Right.Ā  Nobody knew what Glothic of Kilvoskia had; heā€™d left before the Order could Claim or train him. Maybe he was so twisted his past lives were ghosts, his dreams nightmares he revelled in. It was horrible, but she couldnā€™t quite tamp down the pang of envy that wellā€”he had something. Anything.
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sam-glade Ā· 6 months
Happy STS! Today I have a riddle: what comes first? The title or the story? šŸ¤­ To expand, I'd love to hear the creation order of one (or several) of your stories. Did you think of characters first? Plot? World? What was the final piece?
Happy STS, TorišŸ’œ
That's a very good questionšŸ¤”
I think it's usually the story, but more specifically a key element of a concept of it, which in my mind starts acting as a shorthand for 'that WIP', and more often than not evolves into the title. But even before that, the very first thing I come up with are a few locations that I really want to explore, so I start coming up with events that will take me to all the intriguing nooks and crannies. Since 4 out of 5 of my novel-sized projects are set in the same world, it's more about exploring an aspect of it than the world as a whole. For Days of Dusk, that's the countryside, then the city where the Army's Command is located, then the manors and palaces of the aristocracy.
As for particular stories, here's the list:
Gifts of Fate (DoD book 1) - the sequel to it was written first, and included mentions of the backstory, which was supposed to be a typical YA fantasy, but as I kept including more details, it grew more unique, until it didn't fit in the background, and stole the spotlight. So, the world and the characters were already very much developed. The title was the very last thing - I had the manuscript ready for beta readers, and only then I started brainstorming the title.
The Prince's Shadow (DoD book 2) - this story has lived in my head for 12+ years, so the beginnings are a bit fuzzy in my memory. The key thing is that it was previously titled Aftermath, because it was about the consequences of being a hero. I can't tell anymore what came first; it feels like the title and the concept were so intertwined. However, after I've written out the prequel (Gifts of Fate), I realised that the concept no longer works, so it was back to the drawing board with respect to the title.
Prodigal Children (DoD book 3) - I've written it a year or two after the first complete draft of Aftermath, as a continuation, still riding the momentum of the previous instalment, and I remember the title being there from the very beginning, and almost shoehorning the story to fit it. It also started as two independent short stories that were left as very rough drafts; the first of which became the first act (after some expanding), and the second the climax. Initially, the stories were meant to take place 50 or so years apart (bear in mind nigh-immortality in this setting), but as I started stitching them together, it became clear that if these two events are about a year apart, it puts so much delightful pressure on the characters.
The Truth Teller - it started with the concept of someone who's nigh-omniscient and simultaneously unable to lie, as in, the metaphysics won't let her say something objectively false, so the title followed very quickly. And of course to get the protagonist in trouble, I came up with the dystopian setting (DoD setting a few millennia later). The government would very much like to have access to a power like this, while the protag would go quite far to resist. I admit, this came up around the time I read Mistborn for the first time.
The Fulcrum - oh boy. That was definitely inspired by the Vivec city in The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. I had this image of a city inhabited by a cult that believes itself to be the centre of the universe and is obsessed with order and control, not to upset the balance of the world, while in reality it's just one of the many larger than life locations. I also visited Korea around that time, and went to all the museums, which indirectly sparked my interest in pre-Medieval cultures. Then I wanted to write a travelogue to organise all of this worldbuilding. So, setting first, then probably the title - the holy city is called Lornai, which translates to 'fulcrum' or 'pivot', and in my mind I started using 'Lornai' and 'fulcrum' interchangeably to think of this setting/story. The story came later.
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autumnsvoice87 Ā· 8 months
Freya's message.
I have been trying to work on writing a book about my life story and how my faith has helped heal some of my past traumas. The problem is I can't seem to start talking about early childhood.
I look back, and I've realized I've lived with violence my whole life and trying to write out that pain that I've been wanting to forget about is rather difficult. Who would want to read about all that?
Who would really want to know about how cruel life could be in a society that is in the business of victim blaming, shaming, and toxic positivity?
I was intending to write this book to get it published like my friend did. Thinking maybe I could help others. However, I've barely begun to be healed.
However, the parts of me I have healed I feel is important for continued healing. My recent epiphany is when I did an oracle card reading asking guidance from Freya. I've been getting a lot of mixed messages lately, and I discovered something.
It was a lesson in empowerment. I thought she wanted me to make a brisigner, (sorry if it's misspelled, will edit later), for her dedicated jewelry piece. Which she may still be wanting me to do. However, I realized something. I have a brisigner inside me. I am not sure how to explain this concept. šŸ¤”
It's about building up personal power. In my viking oracle deck, there was a quote that hit me to my core. One of the cards I pulled was the rune uruz.
"Building personal power, developing self trust, self esteem, self care and self knowledge will go along way to securing a strong grounded and authentic sense of self. Our true selves never go away"
In norse mythology, Freya, the goddess, acquired a golden necklace made of Amber and gold. It was made by 4 dwarves and to get it, she slept with all 4 dwarves. She wanted it so bad that she'd do anything for it.
To clarify, I don't think she wants me to sleep around to find my personal power. Tried doing that in my 20's. It didn't work out so great.
I feel like the lesson here is to build up my sense of self power. The necklace she wants me to make is for me to find the courage to trust myself and that I know when enough is enough. Oddly enough, the color of her necklace aligns with the solar plexus. The energy center of personal power.
The necklace she wants me to make is a reminder to myself that my personal power is always there. Brisinger is inside me, for I feel the reason why she wanted the necklace so bad is to remind herself of the power she already had.
In another norse mythology story, when her husband went missing, she cried tears of Amber while she searched for him. That is how Amber came to exist. She made Amber by crying.
To want a beautiful golden amber necklace made from her tears, I feel like it's saying "strength is through learning from your past and knowing that you're powerful and beautiful just the way you are"
I know more than ever that I do need to write this book. Even if it's never published, I feel it is part of my overall healing journey. To tell my story and learn from it as I relive my most painful memories.
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vodid Ā· 2 years
How many words do you currently have on your next chapter of Vulnerability? If youā€™ve started it, of course, life can get rough sometime ā€¢~ā€¢
What inspired you to make your Vulnerability and The Obsidian King fanfictions? Personal experiences or seeing some other people doing some romantic stuff or maybe another fanfiction?
Whatā€™s the best part of writing these two stories? Developing the world, the actual characters, the romance?
What are your current favorite scenes in The Obsidian King fanfiction? Mine is when Prowl requests Jazz at that festival thing to welcome Prowl as king to play a piece that Jazz wrote himself. OH and when Prowl and Jazz stole sweets, that was really cute and adorable and omg I love them so much
Was there anything like really really big that you had to research for your two books that took awhile and maybe frustrated you a bit trying to figure out how to write that one scene or chapter?
Will you ever have a full cover design for your two fanfictions? I find it really interesting and cool when fanfiction writers put a cover at the beginning of their fanfiction as if itā€™s a real book! Of course if youā€™re never going to do that, itā€™s cool, I love all your fanart of them anyways and will just fan over it!
Where do you like to write? Like, in your bedroom, library, coffee shop? I personally like to write in my bedroom, all snuggled up and cozy. Except when I end up getting distracted by something in my room that takes me away from my story for a good 20 minutes or so -~-
LAST QUESTION I have so many, but a few of these are pretty big questions to answer so Iā€™ll just send some more some other time ^-^
How does it feel knowing that people all around the world are reading your fanfictions and connecting with your story? Like, Vulnerability has 316 kudos and 4340 hits, and your Obsidian King fanfiction has 151 kudos and 1959 hits. Like- thatā€™s a lot of people man, so how does that feel knowing you are pretty popular in terms of fanart and fanfiction writing?
WAH HELLO HSDGFHSDFS anon coming in clutch with these questions ok ok oh boy here we go. long ask, long answer \o/
currently, i'm at about 1.4k words. a big portion of that is the beginning/setup of the chapter and the rest is lots of dialogue. the average word count for the chapters seems to land above 6.5k words (ch2 was over 8k!) and since this chapter is probably going to be the most important of the entire fic, it may come out to be way more šŸ¤” we shall see
the obsidian king was purely because ppl kept getting curious if there was a fic, which made me think about it and it got me writing <3 it's not my proudest piece but i've had fun making it! it's an expansive universe and i'm afraid i may have bitten off more than i could chew and without the right prep, so i've lost a lot of confidence for it unfortunately
vulnerability on the other hand came after i binged the biggest blitzbee fics (such as roe, omtop, showstoppers). i told myself i probably wouldn't end up writing a fic for them but a good scene eventually occurred to me and i went with it. the more i fleshed out the setting, the more i realized how much i wanted to explore the raw concept of their ship that appears in many of their longfics. i wanted to dig into and challenge the typical "enemies in a life-or-death situation they must help each other get out of and end up in a secret relationship until blitzwing leaves the decepticons" ā€” not because i didn't like that dynamic (are you kidding me i ADORE it) but because ā€” copying and pasting an ao3 reply of mine ā€” i wanted to take that and put my own huge spin to it. i wanted their growth to happen willingly and not out of necessity. a test to see, can this ship happen without a dire situation they're stuck in while staying true to their core characterizations? basically, is there a pattern to this ship for a reason or can it realistically work outside of that? it's been very fun :)
favorite thing about writing obkau is just all the idiots in love scenes. had me kicking my feet and smiling like a goof writing all that. the romance may be quick in that fic (speedrun!) but its for the shits n giggles n blushes ā€” and on that note, my favorite scene also has to be the kitchen raid or perhaps the first time they were in the crystal gardens together :)
a lot of the research that's gone into obkau was more so for the au rather than the fic itself. things about crystals and their healing properties, names for ocs, city-states, lore doors to the lore mansion that needed a lore key to unlock, only obtainable through giant rants with my buddy mag until something clicks.
now, vulnerability is The Fic where the past 3 years of practice have been coming together and finally paying off. a lot of that practice was put into jazzprowl fics that unfortunately never made it out of my wips just yet, but they caused the many hours and days i spent studying plots, characterizations, natural and unique character dialogue, hidden details that circle back around... and that brings me to the next question: research! oh man...
i've brought up that i used suna_scribble's writing advice for reference, so i'll skip that part. that research did take me about a full month to look through and apply to my fic's plot, and i continued to develop it as time went on but it didn't particularly frustrate me. it did get tedious at times having to get certain points and details to come together but it was more of a fun challenge if anything. so along with that, in between chapters, i'd spend a couple weeks (legit hours a day straight) researching bpd for blitzwing. mounds and mounds of research. i looked at clinical sites, personal blogs of those with bpd, reddit/quora for outside (albeit very stigmatized but still important) perspectives, and admittedly, i glanced at fanfics to see how it was portrayed there (while still remaining critical of any inaccuracies). it is difficult to write an experience i've never had so figuring out that aspect probably took the most amount of effort to get through ā€” and i'm still working on it! as the fic goes on, i hope for a better and more realistic portrayal of blitzwing's bpd, as it's pretty much become the driving force of the story and his character development
also i'm sure if anyone's been closely following my blog, they'd know i started learning german solely for the fact that i was trying to find a simple german phrase for blitzwing to say in my fic. and i now use my lil studies to sprinkle some more german into blitzwing's dialogue :)
i've thought about covers, mostly for one of the j/p wips i mentioned earlier, but not so much obkau or vulnerability. HOWEVER, i have thought of inserting illustrations into the obsidian king for certain scenes. like in between paragraphs or at the very end of a chapter. i never got around to exploring that more but with vulnerability, it could be a possibility too (i did make that comic but thats not something i'd insert in the fic itself)
i don't have many options for places to write but i've tried a good few spots. where i end up most is in the basement (basically our family room) with a bird video on for my cat. i've had a hard time writing in my bedroom and at places not my house (except back in high school, i would write ALL the time when i had the chance ā€” if i wasn't already busy reading fic) but i once sat outside with my phone when it was drizzling and wrote out a good portion of chapter 1 for vulnerability. never been able to replicate that tho besides once bringing my laptop out on a sunny day. few times, i've done some writing in bed, typically before sleep, but most of it was reading over what i had already written and making small edits since i prefer to use my laptop for writing (felt that about the distraction tho lol guess in a way, it's easier to get distracted on my phone than my laptop)
in all honesty, those numbers pale in comparison to what my art and my old old writing back on ffn (no i am NOT showing you.) garnered (as well as other tf fics), but regardless of that, those are pretty big numbers and it will always feel weird if i think too hard about it. weird in a good way. it's easy to think of kudos and hits as just numbers but those are, in fact, people. individual people who decided to give your work a shot and drop a lil heart on it. out of the millions of things they could have possibly chosen, they chose yours.
call me humble, call me oblivious, but i really am not fully aware of my influence in the fandom. i don't know how i impact others, how many truly know me and like my work, how many find me to be cool or famous in our little corner of the world, how most even perceive me, and i certainly don't know the effects of my writing. i'm just a guy making art of stupid little gays and y'all are hitching a ride
feel free to ask more :)
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literalite Ā· 1 year
Hii!!!šŸ’• Please šŸŽµšŸŽ­šŸ’„šŸ”„ for Sunny!
I hope I'm not as late as always, but wanted to send an ask for OC emoji asks thingy and say once again that I love your simblr with my whole heart and especially love the character development and depths of your original characters! The lore behind them is just so detailed, and I can't put my head around how it's possible. Also, your writing is beautiful, and I'd read hundreds of your OC asks replies, you're so good at telling things! ANYWAYS, I hope you're having a great time of the day, regardless of what time it is! I love you & your blog ā¤ļø
šŸŽµ MUSIC NOTE - what is their playlist like? their favourite artists? do you associate a particular song with them?
sunny's playlist is here šŸ˜ but again like nayefs its not really music he'd 100% listen to, just what summarises him as a character. in terms of personal taste he doesnt actually get to listen to a whole lot of music due to the incarceration and shit but if he could he'd like rap a lot i think šŸ¤” ive been listening to key glock a lot as of late and i think he'd like that
šŸŽ­ MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?
oh yeah for sure hes almost nothing but masks at this point- he basically works out what he wants from a person and presents the mask they'd be able to work with and thats who he is with them. it's not even something he'll do on purpose half the time, it's so ingrained into his psyche. the person that he is without it isn't one worth his or anyone else's attention as far as he's concerned- its small and damaged and ugly. no one wants to see that shit least of all him
šŸ’„ COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with?
"trouble dealing with" is a bit of a loose criteria- if its what he can pack away nice and tight so he can continue being his smug confident extroverted self, its everything. he does well with just leaving difficult emotions for when he'd by himself, but that doesn't mean it doesn't tear him up on the inside. as for what he truly struggles with, its guilt. he feels guilt for being born, for being alive, for every terrible thing he thinks he's done and not so much for the atrocities he actually has committed to be totally honest
šŸ”„ FIRE - do they have any self destructive tendencies? what habits do they have that hinder them from becoming their best self?
looook there is nothing wrong with casual sex as a concept. but that is his main and most destructive vice he will throw himself into frankly unsafe dynamics and situations and convince himself it's fine as a means to an end because he doesn't have any other outlet available to him. it degrades his already fucked sense of self and worth he's just a thing to be used convincing himself he's okay with being wanted or needed at least in this capacity
CRYYYYYING olya ur literally the kindest ever šŸ„ŗ ilysm... i worry that i ramble on too much im glad at least someone is enjoying my terminal brainrot about my own characters sgdjdgdksk thank you sm!! i am having a decent day its a lil unproductive but since im on uni break thats ok i think... mwah i hope u have a wonderful day too šŸ’ž
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multi-lefaiye Ā· 2 years
āš ļø If you had to select five tags for it, right now, what would they be?
šŸ¤” Have you had to rethink any aspect of it so far?
šŸ’” What inspired you to want to write it?
for 2 and 4! and also.... maybe....perhapbs..... sad people wip?
Yessss!!!! thank u Bat :3c
Bleeding Over Eden:
āš ļø If you had to select five tags for it, right now, what would they be?
Ooooh yess!!! Hmm.... Everyone Needs A Hug, Hurt/Comfort, Character Study, Found Family, Angst With a Happy Ending
šŸ¤” Have you had to rethink any aspect of it so far?
Oh yeah definitely!!!! Though it has stayed relatively close to its original concept, Arthur wasn't originally planned to come back. He was gonna stay dead and just be part of Ink's past. However, I realized how interesting it'd be to have him come back... Ink's past is quite literally haunting him!
šŸ’” What inspired you to want to write it?
Oh so much- I think I've mentioned before that there are a few points of inspiration for Bleeding Over Eden, but I wanted to write something really exploring ideas of grief, identity, and trauma, focused on the idea of how the choices we make affect ourselves and those around us. And this is what came from that <3
In Seeking Paradise:
āš ļø If you had to select five tags for it, right now, what would they be?
Found Family, Vampires, Murder Mystery, Cults, Hurt/Comfort
šŸ¤” Have you had to rethink any aspect of it so far?
Answered over here: [x]!
šŸ’” What inspired you to want to write it?
Answered over here: [x]!
Sad People WIP (oh my god Sad People WIP,,,)
āš ļø If you had to select five tags for it, right now, what would they be?
Angst With a Happy Ending, Dark Humor, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Found Family
šŸ¤” Have you had to rethink any aspect of it so far?
Honestly I'm rethinking a lot about it ASDFJK;L namely. I didn't really get that attached to the characters I listed and so none of them are developed, so I think I'm gonna revamp them from the ground up. Their base concepts will stay the same, but everything else is very likely to change. We'll see!
I'm also rethinking the setting, because while I want the relationships and mental health aspects to take center-stage, I also don't like writing pure contemporary fiction with no fantastical elements. I wanna go WILD and be SPICY. I had the thought earlier that it'd be wild if I set this in my post-apocalyptic fantasy world, but we'll see on that front.
šŸ’” What inspired you to want to write it?
So for those who don't know Sad People WIP, that's a WIP idea I had recently ("recently" as in a few months ago) centering around a group of people who meet when they all happen to go to the same rooftop with the intent to kill themselves. None of them really feels comfortable doing so with other people there, though, so they all back out. And they end up talking and becoming friends, making a pact that they would each help each other find reasons to keep going.
I actually don't quite remember what initially inspired this, but I did find out that there is a movie out there with this concept already ASDFJK;L so that's something. However I love exploring trauma and mental health in my work in general, so this is kind of a natural extension of that. Just with a lot of dark gallows humor thrown in ASDFJKL;
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away-ward Ā· 7 months
oh my! Your blogs are lively these day, we love to see them! Happy valentines day KO, hopefully you have a good week šŸ„°
You reply to latest anon "Let me know what it would take to make WinterMichael work (joking)." HAHAHAHAHAHA IM SO SORRY WHATTTTTT im not gonna lie, i just bust out laughing when i read that. They never even come across my mind, now, but i'm very šŸ¤ØšŸ«£ what have you done to me KO!! Damon Rika would end us!!
i love the damon-will-emory discussions that had been going on here too, so fun to see how people interpret characters and stories so similar yet so different than others! I can't lie, not until this week did i only notice about will being deceitful and cunning, maybe because it was never highlighted as much in other DN discussion & platforms? I only ever heard him being sunshine and suffering, but now that i took a step back and look at his personality... hmmm šŸ¤”šŸ«¢ maybe these anon readers are onto something! Thank you all for this enlightening, maybe i should read this series more critically, how could i miss this!!
KO, question for you, list any 3 aspects of DN that you like a lot, doesn't matter if it's about the style, plot, characters, writing, feeling, etc. I don't think you've talked about this before right? Or maybe you did, but i never saw it, because i'm new āœŒļøšŸ˜—
Hello new friend!
The frequency of asks definitely goes through phases. Itā€™ll be silent for weeks and then a flood, but I donā€™t mind.
Damon Rika would end us!!
Iā€™m still convinced that this is the reason PD made them siblings. Theyā€™re too easy to ship otherwise. But I also feel that they want to ship them, too, so they sort of shot themselves in the foot with that.
i love the damon-will-emory discussions that had been going on here too, so fun to see how people interpret characters and stories so similar yet so different than others!
Itā€™s a lot of fun to see how other people interpret the series! It can be frustrating too, at times, but itā€™s mostly so much fun because itā€™s not really that serious. And a lot of readers have really good thoughts and insights that I would never have thought of. As long as it stays fun and respectful, Iā€™ve loved getting asks of people just going off with their thoughts and interpretations.
Not until this week did I only notice about will being deceitful and cunning,
Seeing Will this way gives him so many layers, I highly recommend! I donā€™t want to toot my own horn, but if you havenā€™t read my 7k word Will analysis, you might find that interesting.
KO, question for you, list any 3 aspects of DN that you like a lot
Ooooo, okay! DN actually ticked a lot of boxes for me. Iā€™ve touched on it before but no harm in going over it again.
I think the main thing I enjoy in any piece of entertainment is layers.
I really enjoyed the dual timeline aspect.
This is one of my favorite tools of storytelling. I love when the story starts in the middle and then takes us back and forth to tell the story. We get to watch everything unfold in layers instead of a straight shot. Donā€™t tell it to me straight, make me piece it together.
Friendship groups
I love strong friendship groups/dynamics. Thereā€™s been a rise in the core ā€œ3-4 Boys Rule the schoolā€ trope, and those donā€™t always hit with me, so itā€™s not that.
How relationships between people in the group grow and develop at different rates, and how different types of people show love in different ways, and how people band together to cover anotherā€™s area of weakness.
Thereā€™s a few quotes from Devilā€™s Night that I feel really hit on why this is interesting to me, but I ran across one the other day from Fire Night. Talking about Damon (who else, really?) Kai says,
ā€œGod, I hated him. I mean, I definitely jump off a bridge for him, butā€¦ā€
It just drives me crazy wondering why? And I love that.
Iā€™m debating on what a third thing was. I think the other two things hooked me enough to keep me reading, butā€¦
The writing wasnā€™t terrible all the time. I loved Thunder Bay as a concept, and I think I was really hoping that the books would lean more into a crime/heist plot than they did. I remember in Conclave when Rika was like ā€œbut weā€™re not criminalsā€ I was really disappointed.
They are criminals, and I wanted them to own it and do something with it. In my head, thatā€™s were I would have taken the story. I donā€™t really care how they ended up in jail. They played with the law, they faced the consequences. The lesson they should have learned was be better criminals. Instead, we focused on how traumatizing that was for them, whichā€¦ okay I guess.
I mean, overall the story caught me. If it wasnā€™t for Willemmy high school, I probably wouldnā€™t still be around. But I loved them so much that I sort of built up what I did enjoy and wish had taken place over the pieces that I didnā€™t really care for. A lot of what I talk about is just headcanon, but thatā€™s okay. Thatā€™s what I use fandom for.
Thanks for the question, that was fun. Feel free to let me know what you enjoyed/why you're still here! It seems everyone loves to hate on the things that didn't work for them, which can be fun too. But there has to be a reason this series is occupying a space in our heads, right?
Looking forward to it
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writingonesdreams Ā· 2 years
You told me something interesting today.... Very interesting... If you don't mind, please tell me more about the Reversed Art in Tears of Iron.
Maybe I'm new to the party because I don't think I've heard of this yet O:
You also mentioned how it could negatively impact Zephyr.... This is good food.... Tell me more...
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Happy Storyteller Saturday @bloodlessheirbyjacques ! Thank you for stopping by (惻āˆ€ćƒ») now that you are all busy with your new library blog and won't have time for me šŸ˜‚
You haven't heard of this, because it's a) new b) a HUGE spoiler I don't know if should talk about or not :D. I'm glad it piqued your interest, but it does make this position difficult (ļ¾‰ā—•ćƒ®ā—•)ļ¾‰*.āœ§
I have never been one to have problems with spoilers, you can tell me any spoiler and it won't change the story for me. I'm of the weird sort to read the plot of movies before I watch them to check my interest and to be able to analyse and enjoy the execution on a different level.
So the ongoing writing blog debate of do I share/don't I share has never been a problem for me. The more people know and are interested, the more opinions and feedback, the more I train putting it into words, the more immediate external validation I'm getting...which are all very verlockend tempting things (why do some words that first come to mind sound more fitting? You can say there is a translation, but there is NEVER a perfect literal translation. The more I know of languages, the more senstive I'm to the shades and tones not being exact. I have to write a bilingual character someday to explore this more).
So Reversed Art is the sixt arc of originally five arcs long story that gives surprising meat and comfort to my fears there is too little happening for this to be a novel (I would go with a novella too no problem though).
It is not set in stone, because as much as I love me a well developed magic system, writing it out is different, fills it and shapes it into something more tangible and I'm looking forward to seeing how it comes across and if you can guess what's happening and why.
Tears of Iron has a lot of magic going on, from the wild consious magic of the Islands, the magic types, the Dragonknigths Art and now the Reversed Art. I don't think I have explained the Art itself yet either, for a similar purpose. I would like to know how it comes across and I'm working more with feelings and images here insead of nicely worded concepts. I'm trying out how it feels to have to write it to get a reaction and how it is with things I can't summarize, cause they have to be told through the story to be understood.
Another thing is that the sixth arc is the arc before the final (it's actually the fifth of the six arcs chronologically) so it's basically the whole story leading up to that point.
Thank you for your interest ā¤ļø I'm looking forward to what you guess & interpret from what is coming.šŸ’™šŸ§”šŸ’™
I do wonder how other writeblrs handle this.šŸ¤” Do you tell your writer friends more, for the behind the scenes feel? For help and idea development? Do you distinguish fans from competition from collegues of the art from friends from writer friends? How much do you tell to whom and why? How does it work for you, Jacques?
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padfootastic Ā· 2 years
1 and 44 bc i love listening to you rant about anything
*blushes, twirls hair* stahhhhp šŸ«£
1. How long ago did you start reading fanfiction? Writing fanfiction?
uhhh my earliest posted fanfiction is oct 13, 2016 (which. fuck. almost 6 years?) and i used to write on wattpad before that. reading was def way earlier than that, tho. i was reading rpf as far back as 2013-14 iirc (and i think everyoneā€™s had a ā€˜1D kidnapped me on tour šŸ˜±/Zayn Malik is my BROTHER?!?ā€™ phase lmao) but that died out pretty quick. iā€™ve been solely fanfiction territory for the past 6-7 years. different fandoms but i keep coming back to hp for some damned reason.
44. Rant about anything writing related.
oh my. weā€™re literally matched in heaven bc i also love a good rant lol but uhhh writing related letā€™s see šŸ¤”
idk if this fits, exactly, but i hate how seriously some people take writing fanfiction these days? like, i donā€™t mean it in a ā€˜donā€™t write deep stuff, u must only be frivolousā€™ (iā€™ve read some absolutely wonderful ff that tackle all these super intense issues) but more of likeā€”stop acting like fanfiction is a public service announcement or moral education ykno? like. itā€™s totally fair to want to write (and read!) stuff thatā€™s educational or healthy or raising awareness. but like,,thatā€™s not the only purpose of fiction and honestly, shouldnā€™t be either. if real life is policed and fiction is sanitised then where one even go? how are u supposed to explore?
(i was listening to this podcast which mentioned that abstract moral riddles like the trolley problem are thought experiments deliberately alienated from reality so that actions and attitudes and ethics can be judged/quantified w/o influence from other factors. i feel like fiction is something similar. it allows u to play around with concepts you otherwise would never touch, in a safe space) and im seeing so many people take that so seriously these days? that writing isnā€™t valid if it doesnā€™t come with 8739 disclaimers and caveats and justifications.
i also think this attitude has also started seeping into my own work? like i feel pressured to include all aspects of human psychosocial development, even if i just wanna write harry cuddling w sirius, because otherwise is it really valid? if iā€™m writing a headcanon or doing something meta-adjacent post/ask, i feel the need to caveat it with this and that. and thatā€™s,,,not fun. it doesnā€™t inspire joy or creativity or any sort of interest. doesnā€™t make me wanna continue creating stuff.
bouncing off thisā€”i genuinely think it has made writing, and by extension he fandom experience, much less fun. i used to be (and still am rly) a hardcore multishipper. i donā€™t care if my headcanons follow a linear chronology. it doesnā€™t matter if two of them are directly contradicting each other. but recently, iā€™ve been feeling like i should do that. ā€˜can i talk about emotionally vulnerable sirius after discussing at length how much i hate drama queen characterisations of him?ā€™ like my god pen itā€™s not that serious!!!! and yet.
just idk. i feel like writings become infinitely more complicated and weā€™re all scrambling to keep pace with these unspoken rules that keep cropping up out of nowhere. and like. thatā€™s not what iā€™m here for ykno? if i wanted to live in a place w this kind of pressure and punitive rules and implicit norms iā€™d just like,,,turn my phone off and go outside, right?
From this ask game
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odi-et-amo85 Ā· 3 years
edit: All of these are my personal viewing experiences. I tried my best to be polite about them, but please donā€™t be rude when my opinions arenā€™t the same as yours. šŸ™
I know that someone (might have been a mutual) tagged me in this, but the tag didnā€™t work. Yet I saw my url and thought by myself, ā€œI should remember this.ā€ šŸ˜¬ Yet a week has passed (of me postponing and not being sure whether I could fill out the whole thing), and now I have forgotten who the kind person was who selected me for this challenge. Whoever you are, kob khun ka. šŸ’š So, here we go:
1. Your all time favourite bl and why: This has to be A Tale of 1,000 Stars; I cannot explain exactly what it is that makes it so unforgettable for me. Perhaps itā€™s because it was my very first BL. But whatever it is, the entire atmosphere around it makes it my all time fave: the unconventional story, the characters, the underlying message, the location, the humour, the metaphors (hornbills my beloved šŸ„°). Whenever I feel gloomy I go back to AToTS, and I use the OST as my goodnight music. In short, this one has a special place in my heart.
2. That one bl that scarred you for life: That would have to be Until We Meet Again. No hate, because overall I like the show quite a lot. (Cute main couple, lovely second couple, I could see the structure of the script was pretty well constructed. What rubbed me the wrong way was the way UWMA handled KornInā€™s suicide. Suicide is already a very heavy subject, and the reason for it in UWMA is even more heartbreaking. On top of that the explicit manner in which the suicide scene was filmed. My criticism is not intended as a conservative stance against any ā€œtabooā€ or ā€œcontentiousā€ subject. (For heavenā€™s sake, ā‰ˆ 90% of my tv experience consists of lgbtqa+ content!) But I do think that as a show runner you should pay a lot of attention to how (segments of) your production may come across. Especially whenever you include events in your script that either show people affected by some kind of mental illness (and yes, I think feeling so despairing that you think taking your own life is the only option left for you qualifies) or the serious problems members from the lgbtqa+ community encounter (in this case parental homophobia so severe that it drives both sons to do the unthinkable). I think media should first and foremost be entertaining. Not the cause of many triggers and ripped open wounds. You may call me a nitpicker for this, but I think UWMA could have done better in this respect. Finally, what bothered me were the ā€œflashbackā€ scenes in which Dean and Pharm were confronted with vivid memories of a trauma that wasnā€™t even their own. Truly, I get the concept of Until We Meet Again. And I can certainly appreciate that idea. But I think the same effect could have been achieved with a less intense visualisation of something so psychologically taxing as suicide.
3. Is there any bl that made you feel very single: I am actually single šŸ˜‚, but if Iā€™m honest, I donā€™t mind it one bit. In fact, in this stage of my life, I like being on my own. So I canā€™t name a show here; for the simple reason that I donā€™t have any negative feelings about being single. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø
4. If you could change one thing from a bl, which one would it be? I would probably get rid of a couple of side-plots in Oxygen, so that Phu and Kao could get a proper development of their love story. I really liked their dynamics and I thought the idea of genuinely having to winning someoneā€™s trust ā€“rather than ā€œjustā€ winning someoneā€™s heartā€“ was a very original plot. Phu had serious issues with bonding with anyone, not just Kao, and the plot that we saw depicted revolved wholly around Phu trying to open up, and Kao attempting to win Phuā€™s trust. That was beautiful to see, but I would have loved to see them really get together at some point. Maybe this series just deserves a season 2 šŸ¤”, or they should have made PhuKaoā€™s subplot less complicated. Anyhow, this was just a waste of potential.
5. That one bl you detest (donā€™t hold back): Obviously I couldā€™ve gone for really problematic shows like TharnType. But that would be a choice of which I didnā€™t really expect a lot to begin with. So instead my answer would be thisā€¦ Please, please promise you wonā€™t all desert me for this. šŸ™€ Here we go: Make It Right. BAM, there you have it. And the reasonā€¦apart from the (ususal) cringe expressions and inappropriate sex jokes, itā€™s a pretty small segment of the entire show. But itā€™s the scene where Frame ā€œoverpowersā€ (sorry I donā€™t know how else to describe it than that) Book on the bed and tries to kiss him. Book clearly isnā€™t into it, and objects, but to no avail. A sort of intense house track starts playing and itā€™s clearly implied they take things to the next level. Curiously, ā€œthe day after,ā€ everything seems to be quite okay. But the whole scene leading up to this is just very very problematic and borderline assault to me. What frustrates me the most about this, is that in the remainder of MIR Book and Frame are an adorable couple. Itā€™s touching to see how patient Book is with Frame when the Frame gets depressed. But the aforementioned thing just ruins it all for me. As for the other couples, they were fine I guess but not very impressionable to me. I think the premise of this bl show was good, but the execution made it a disappointing experience for me.
6. Your top 5: 1.) Not Me; 2.) My Engineer; 3.) Heā€™s Coming to Me; 4.) Ingredients; 5.) Dark Blue Kiss
7. That trashy bl that you lowkey like: 2 Moons 2 (I donā€™t whether this generally considered ā€œtrashyā€, but itā€™s my guilty pleasure šŸ¤­)
8. Your favourite Korean bl (itā€™s important we know): That has to be You Make Me Dance. ā˜ŗļø I have a huge weakness for dance combined with romance in tv series. Must be some kind of adolescent nostalgiaā€¦ šŸ„² Why that is, you can read here.
9. But also your top 3 for kbls: Honestly, YMMD is the only Korean BL I ever watched! šŸ™ˆ So, I am going to cheat and answer with a top 3 non-Thai BLs. šŸ¤« 1.) Utsukushii Kare šŸ‡ÆšŸ‡µ; 2.) Papa & Daddy šŸ‡¹šŸ‡¼; 3.) Mr. Cinderella šŸ‡»šŸ‡³
10. Season 2? Which One? Oh, definitely My Engineer (but Iā€™m pretty sure weā€™re not going to get it rip šŸ˜¢)
11. A bunch of dramas will air soon. Which ones are you most excited for? Between Us (donā€™t know whether this is a 2nd season or a parallel story) ā€“ Moonlight Chicken & Cupidā€™s Last Wish (bc EarthMix šŸ˜ø, but I feel more confident about the former one) ā€“ Never Let Me Go (I have a very strong feeling this one is either going to be legendary good or legendary trash šŸ‘€) ā€“ Check Out (I will be honest, this one is not necessarily about the plot šŸ™†ā€ā™€ļø)
12. Tag them! Please only do it if you want to, no pressure! Tbh, I think the vast majority of my bl mutuals has already done this. But if you havenā€™t, please consider yourself tagged! šŸ˜˜
@thequeenofsastiel (bc Iā€™d like to hear more of your opinions šŸ™‚)
@onstoryladders (so you have someone who tagged you <3)
@noxclara (so youā€™ll watch more bl šŸ˜Œ)
@ghosttotheparty (bc youā€™re awesome and I just wanted to tag you ^^ -> and perhaps a new interest of yours will emerge šŸ˜‰)
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kalee60 Ā· 3 years
can you write an imagine about dolph lundgren? pls some smut there is nowhere anything and i am starving
Why hello starving Nonnieā€¦ šŸ‘‹
So this ask landed in my box a couple of weeks ago and I donā€™t think I have ever been more delighted to see a prompt in my life, and I laughed way too much (and may have shown too many people who all egged me on and told me to WRITE it).
I mean, let's be honest my blog is mainly stucky with a few side ships thrown in - I specialise in super soldiers in love... So why was nonnie throwing this ask my way? But then it dawned - Dolph is literally a super soldier (of sorts) šŸ¤”
And I have no idea if you are serious nonnie - or if you've asked this of me for a laugh - but meh - who cares! So what follows is the most ridiculously put together head canon of one of my favourite Swedish action stars who I may have off-handedly mentioned once (ONCE) that I had a crush on for his height, smoulder and smarts from the 80s.
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I make no apologies for the following (well... some) - and please know that you, dear nonnie, inspired me to look up an 80s action movie playlist on Spotify that helped get me in the mood (it is suitably awful and also the best listing of songs at the same time)ā€¦ I may also be a closeted 80s action movie fanatic - so this is in my wheelhouse completely.
I am basing this in 1987 during the filming of Masters of the Universe - because - god - how can you not? Itā€™s one of the worst (read best) dodgy movies of the era.
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So followers, please try to not judge me for this craziness - this is all in a little bit of fun! And I know you're all here for stucky content - but I just couldn't not write this!
Warning - very, very slight mature content (not as much as Nonnie wanted I am sure) and also a warning for being so ridiculous I canā€™t even begin to explain where my head was for this... So... Well... Enjoy? šŸ˜‚
I see Dolph viewing his He-man costume for the first time with a mixture of disbelief, trepidation and a whole lot of ā€˜get me the fuck out of here - what have I signed up for?ā€™
The second time he sees it, itā€™s not much better than the concept drawings, but at least his ass would be covered up more than the initial outline - and he wondered if somehow he'd accidentally signed up for a soft-core BDSM film after all - it was more likely than not. (He was going to call his agent to confirm, just in case).
His ass was not covered to his liking.
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But Dolph was in no position to argue or negotiate, since this was his first starring role. After the success of Rocky IV (something he still couldn't wrap his head around) he wasnā€™t sure where Hollywood would take him - if anywhere; and had to remember that although he enjoyed acting, had given up his studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to pursue it - he was eternally thankful that he had his time in Australia at Sydney University to get his Chemical Engineering degree. He could always fall back on his studies if it didn't pan out - or he could do security at nightclubs againā€¦
He didnā€™t want to go backwards, so he sucked it up and slid into the leather harness that constituted a costume.
And he lookedā€¦ good, from what he could see in the mirror. Tight even.
They took photos, in so many different poses, his hair a floofy ball haloed around his head as he looked menacingly at Frank Langella (and why did Skeletor get a full costume? It was practically a Victorian nightgown compared to his). Once the photos came back from being developed at a one-hour photo booth down the road - he conceded that the ā€˜sex-swing inspired harnessā€™ was alright - especially when paired with the cape.
The cape (of course) was absent for most of the movie.
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Dolph didn't feel vulnerable being three quarters naked the whole shoot, why should he, as he worked hard on his physique? The onsite gym was usually busy and he found a kindred spirit in Courteney as they worked out next to each other, and although sheā€™d starred in a few TV shows previously, it was a big role for her too. They were giddy with possibilities of the future, as surely the movie would be a huge success - how could it not be?
He might have asked Courteney out if he hadnā€™t just started to see Paula, that and the fact Grace was still... - well, he would have made a move if the situation was different.
It wasn't unusual to cop a lot of grief at his insane gym schedule from the other actors and production staff - but he had his workout VHS shoot coming up as soon as filming on Masters finished and he wanted to be in peak form for it. No pain, no gain... Wasn't that what they said? Plus he wanted to out-muscle JCVD - the cocky bastard.
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Then - after one day on set, fighting with the broadsword (though not real - it was still heavy after a full day of wielding it) Dolph managed to strain his thigh muscle from tensing it, all in the name of making the veins bulge for the camera. He felt like a glorified plastic figurine at times.
The masseuse he was sent to was a young guy, Dolph having seen him a few times over the course of filming, but for some reason, the way he dug into the muscle without compunction, his slight frame belying the strength in his fingers - Dolph found himself a little turned on whilst laying face down on the table.
He wasn't the type of person to turn it into something more, had never really thought about guys in that way, though he was now thinking about it... But ignoring his base desire was easy, and he assumed after the massage his hardness would go down on itā€™s own volition.
It didnā€™t.
After three hours he was still wound up, too fidgety to sleep and jumped in the shower and slicked himself up.
It was only a matter of time until his hand slid down, teasing himself into full hardness again. He wondered how good his junk would look on the big screen in those tiny leather shortsā€¦ a five foot bulge in size at least. A very good size.
He didnā€™t think much as he played, wasnā€™t a fantasy kind of guy. He was driven, knew what he wanted and set out at a brutal pace, hand soaped up from the bar that smelt slightly of lavender. Hunched over, the showers needle-like spray hit his back, one hand pressed against the tiles as he just let himself enjoy the moment, the sensation, the calluses on his hands from the weapons training bumping over his sensitive skin and he knew he wouldnā€™t last long.
Dolph would never breathe a word to anyone at how quickly he came against the wall - it wasā€¦ not going in the record books - well not in the way he wanted anyway.
JCVD would definitely not get wind of it, on pain of death.
But it did the trick, relaxing him and he was able to sleep soundly afterwards, knowing that he was on the rise to stardom, that this movie would make him a household name and be one of the greatest movies that would become a classic. It was a no brainer.
He also may have seen the masseuse a little more regularly after that...
Oh Nonnie - this was a hilarious and interesting ride to go on - pretty sure it's completely terrible but I had fun šŸ˜‚
But also - before I go - letā€™s not discount Silver Fox Dolphā€¦ I mean - he's still got it!
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Okay, enough of this frivolity - thanks for the few who stuck to the end (if you managed to even get here!)
Love you all - and especially my amazing Nonnies (who have sent me so many amazing Stucky prompts to answer) I swear I will get there when life settles down a little!!
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edith-moonshadow Ā· 3 years
Harringrove black mirror episode uss callister au. billy copies the minds of people who wrong him in the real world and make them do whatever he wants all while trapped in the world of his favorite 80s fantasy tv show.
Spoilers for Black Mirror: USS Callister (2017)
Hi, I really enjoyed this episode of Black Mirror, itā€™s dark but with a happy ending (well for most of the characters) and Iā€™m a huge Star Trek nerd (especially the original series Star Trek) so it was fun on many levels. I like the idea of a Billy who copies people who have wronged him in the real world and then he can do whatever he wants to them in his own little world. And with this concept, you can explore so much whether itā€™s Billy centric or Harringrove. Thinking about the episode I can imagine him treating it like his own personal therapy, and for fans of Billy too, I think everyone wants to see Neil punished in some way as in canon it feels like he got to walk away Scott free, almost like he was a footnote that the writers used for one scene to explain something then forgot about šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”
So Iā€™m just going to use Star Trek here but you can substitute it with any fantasy show you want for example Quantum Leap (1989-1994) fun for history buffs and Billy making people be a different person each time, maybe he could decide whether he wants to save them or he could force Steve to be Sam and Billy is Al. Making Billy the only real person Steve can interact with.
Or go a little crazy with something like Knightrider(1982-1986) I canā€™t help thinking that Billy would be Michael and heā€™d force Steve to be KITT, Beauty and the Beast (1987-1993) you could play this either way but maybe Billy as Vincent and Steve as Catherine (part therapy part romance), Manimal (1983) Billy turning into animals to help the police solve crimes or like a horror anthology series like Tales From The Crypt, Tales From The Darkside or Monsters where he forces his enemies to live through horrific stories where they get punished. This might be getting into crackfic territory but what was 1980ā€™s fantasy television if not a crackfic? The ā€˜80s was a weird time šŸ’šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ’šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ’šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø
Billy was obsessed with Star Trek when he was younger, he used to watch reruns with his parents every week before things got too bad between them but once his mom left he found it hard to watch. Filled with too many painful memories.
Then in the 80ā€™s it gets a reboot of sorts and he ends up watching it, even though he would never admit it to anyone and it feels familiar but different. He starts to dream about a utopian society where everything would have order and meaning, he would be a member of Starfleet going on adventures and discovering new worlds. Thus fantasy becomes even more important when his dad marries Susan and he's expected to fall in line so they can be a perfect family.
Billy loses himself in Star Trek but he also works hard in school so that one day he can finally escape his real-life nightmare.
He excels at computers and especially coding and finally develops the Enterprise, a revolutionary new VR game that will change everything, all he needs is the capital. Through connections at college, he's introduced to a bunch of rich kids who have no ideas of their own all they have is their inherited wealth and connections. Billy remains engrossed in his code but he canā€™t help being fascinated by Steve Harrington even though he is a stuck up rich kid who looks down on him and they go into business together and with Steveā€™s connections they become a great success.
Steve is the face of the business, he is charming and friendly to everyone but still mostly ignores Billy who he treats mostly like another employee. Billy wants so much more from their relationship, not just romantic but to also be treated like an equal as without him there would be no business. They spar regularly as Billy wants his code to be perfect and Steve is only interested in making money.
After a particularly explosive fight between them Billy canā€™t help feeling out of control, what if things were different and that their roles were reversed, if Steve had to recognise his contribution and treat him as an equal, he becomes fixated on the idea and in his spare time he develops code to create a world of his own, one where he would be in complete control. He also researches DNA and figures out how to replicate someone perfectly in his make-believe world.
Once these are both complete he waits for the perfect opportunity to steal Steveā€™s DNA, sneaking into his office to steal a coffee cup. He set up the programme to run and waited with bated breath for it to complete. It isnā€™t complete by that night and he goes into work with it weighing heavily on his mind. He canā€™t help paying extra attention to Steve that day, feeding his imagination, every time heā€™s ignored or he sees him spending time with other people in the way that he doesnā€™t with Billy, he thinks about when heā€™ll get home and have his own world.
When he gets home he is filled with excitement, almost sick with it as it churns in his stomach, he boots up the game, heā€™s modelled it after the enterprise but this version will be offline, a space for him only, he has designed his costume after that of a Starfleet captain and when he enters the bridge he finds a confused and angry Steve Harrington as his first officer. Billy is in complete control of everything, he is essentially God but Steve has retained his personality and memories and still treats him like heā€™s better than him. It takes a long time for Billy to subdue Steve but finally, he learns how to bend him to his will and it makes his experiences with the real Steve a little easier to bear. However, Steveā€™s attitude towards him has bled out to the other employees and soon heā€™s stealing other peopleā€™s DNA and putting them through the same thing.
Then something changes in the real world. Maybe a new person starts and they capture Steveā€™s eye or they have to work a little closer on a project together and Billy realises that his frustration towards Steve runs so deep because of how deeply heā€™s fallen for him but he knows that Steve will never reciprocate. Maybe after this time, he starts becoming more amorous towards the fake Steve, maybe plays out some old fantasy style tropes where Steve is in danger and the only one who can save him is Billy through his genius.
Could have Steve and Billy after this time grow closer, they spend more time together even after the project and Steve apologises, he was just trying to impress his dad with his great business skills and be more like him so that maybe heā€™d finally show him some respect but after successfully setting up this business with Billy he doesnā€™t want to be that way, itā€™s not who he is. He could finally acknowledge Billyā€™s contributions and promise to be better and to his shock he is and because of how much everyone loves Steve they start to treat Billy differently.
As he and Steve grow closer Billy becomes conflicted about the online world heā€™s created, there he has moulded Steve into what he wants but what if he could have it in real life, something real and tangible, can he let go of the fantasy for a slim chance at it being a reality? How would Steve react if he ever found out the truth?
You could also have something like Billy running it as a date like simulation for Steve. So heā€™s obsessed with him in reality but canā€™t get Steve to pay attention but he has a copy of Steve that he can date over and over until he figures out the best way to approach real Steve. Also side note Nanette Cole gave me strong Steve vibes, her hair, big does eyes, brave, loyal and willing to tell Daly where to go (plus Steve in her Starfleet uniform, no just me?) šŸ’šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ’šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļøšŸ’šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø
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You could also treat this as a story that works as a character exploration of Billy, so you could set it during canon for example and itā€™s not a big game available to anyone itā€™s just Billy who is a computer genius on his home computer (could stay in the 80ā€™s even though DNA technology wouldnā€™t be anywhere near proficient but itā€™s a story so you can do whatever you want, time and reality has no meaning), he has no control in his everyday life due to his dadā€™s abuse so anyone who wrongs him or who he just wants some control over he steals their DNA and places them in his own universe where he is essentially God, he can explore anything he wants, he can be mean or nice, he can kill and bring them back, it helps him feel that semblance of control missing in his life and the possibilities of how he is in this story are endless.
With that in mind, itā€™s a story that can be bittersweet, dark, a fun adventure type story (you could introduce elements from Star Trek, like the holodeck so really Billy and whoever heā€™s with can go on lots of mini-adventures within this one story), really you can do anything you like šŸ’œšŸ’œšŸ’œ
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