#nordic god
tati-and-art · 2 years
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hammert-fitzerald · 1 year
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Buri is the Norse troll god son of Ymir, creator of the 7 amulets for future heroes and the next generation will be the trollhunters, each amulet created by Buri will seek a worthy bearer
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mostwantedpotato404 · 2 months
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My version of Loki, I love so much nordic mythology
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starleska · 5 months
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i am astonished that Tumblr hasn't immediately jumped on Nordic Bunny from Shred Force - look at his design!!!! the guitar-body-head, the lipstick, the cat eyes and tail, the tattered cape and platform boots...serving so much cunt that Disney couldn't even greenlight it 😭🤘
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hainfulcupid · 5 months
So…. we can all agree nordic bunny has altered our brain chemistry….right….?
some art i did of that beautiful boy because he was literally MADE for me ♥️♥️♥️
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ppssst…peak his string being broken to resemble a whisker
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olvaheiner · 9 days
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Twilight of the Gods (2024-)
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broomsick · 2 months
Depictions of norse myth & folklore you may not have seen before
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Dagr and Nótt (Day & Night, Peter Nicolai Arbo, 1874)
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Thor Drives the Dwarves out of Scandinavia (Richard Doyle, 1878)
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Håkon the Good (Peter Nicolai Arbo, 1860)
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The Völva's Prophecy (Knud Baade, 1843)
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Frigga's temple, flanked by runic stones in the holy grove of Uppsala (Scenery for the Opera Frigga by artist Louis-Jean Desprez, 1787)
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Urnes Stave Church in Sogn (Knud Baade, 1843)
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dancingwithfoxes · 10 months
10 little subtle ways and things you could be doing that are witchy!
(esp if you're still in the broom closet) ❤️🦊
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1. virtual and online altars
pinterest boards dedicated to your gods/goddesses; quotes and aesthetics.
tumblr dedication blogs.
social media page with your witchy alias.
discord server, a private place to organise channels and create categories for what you want, i.e., spellwork, candle magick, crystal associations, etc.
music playlists, for both manifesting and connecting with your deities, they love coming through music.
2. journal/book altars
similar to the idea of a book of shadows, this will be personal writings and thoughts for specific deities.
you can customise it and decorate it much like a physical altar! i.e., stickers, washi tapes, markers, sparkles.
custom spreads for whomever you work with, you can put prayers you've written for them, words you want to convey, and express.
3. the wooden box altar, also known as a travelling altar
a place to put all your trinkets and necessities.
if you're unable to have a physical space, having one that's portable will help you take your altar wherever you go.
you can carve/paint the box to be more personal for you, or to be ultra discreet about it you can just customise the inner part so it doesn't stick out to people you don't want knowing yet.
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4. origami shapes
for manifesting, write out what you would like and fold it into a star to carry out the manifestation.
use the idea of symbolism to embed your intentions, for luck, a four leaf clover. for allowing new opportunities to find you and let go, a butterfly, to succeed in something you could make a bird; "soaring to new heights."
you could also use this time to connect with your deities, just being with them in the moment.
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5. financial abundance
if you can't blow cinnamon on the first day of the new month, put a dash of it in your morning coffee or tea first thing.
use of coins in the soil of your plants welcomes in prosperity.
likewise with coins, frogs are symbolic of wealth.
a bay leaf where you keep your wallet/purse, the exchange of the money you give out you will receive back with a little extra.
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6. kitchen magick/green witchery
add spices/herbs to help achieve something you want i.e.,
pancakes with vanilla and honey to bring in loving and warm energy.
adding pepper/salt/basil/rosemary to encourage protection.
for clarity and insight, chamomile tea.
to have peaceful and calm resolve, lemonade with fresh mint leaves.
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7. clothing and jewellery
wearing items of clothing or jewellery in honour of your deities, i.e.
rings, bracelets, and necklaces that symbolise something of them for you.
shirts with quotes you feel resemble them; colour associations work plenty.
if you crochet or make your own items of clothing, knot magick or sewing in a symbol that means something for you can help you feel confident when wearing it.
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8. self-care can be devotional
doing things that make you happy whilst doing it in honour of your deities allows them to be present in your simple joys.
writing, poetry, reading; feeling called to read something because it holds a message for you.
indulging a show or something you watched in your childhood years, deities take pleasure in watching something that means alot to you and will be grateful to share that moment.
treats and specific cravings, i.e., little upg, but loki loves sweet pastries.
taking a walk about in nature gives your deities more room to show you the beauty of the world. take them to your favourite bench, to your favourite coffee shop.
knot magick, if you crochet, make something in honour of your gods/goddesses. they will ensure it brings you comfort when you hold it.
painting your nails, you can charge your nail polish beneath the moon or mix in a little moon water to be energised and intuitively connected.
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9. cleansing and clearing of old energy
will help the bad flow out and let the good flow in.
showers/baths are good for self-cleansing.
holding a glass of water before drinking it and wish your intentions.
crying, allowing yourself to feel what it is you're trying to process in order for it to be released. can't release something you haven't finished going through yet.
moon water, I recommend this during a new moon as that's more symbolic to starting anew, planting seeds and encouragement toward growth.
sun water, can help with energising you and bringing in positive energy, also a confidence boost.
holding onto a crystal for a few moments, just breathing in and out.
crystals can be used for cleansing, smoky quartz, clear quartz. there is a crystal for all your needs.
plants! plants are great for protection and for taking in bad energy. they will listen to what you have to say, and will love you as much as you love them.
food, especially grown from the earth can help you feel refreshed and buzzing with energy.
burning, writing out your hardships, struggles, anger and burning them (safely please).
lighting a candle while you work on something, very therapeutic, and you can visualise the bad energy being burnt out and released.
incense, the smoke is a natural cleanser and will do wonders. you aren't restricted to using sage to cleanse; others you could use are myrrh, sandalwood, lavender, or cedar. it's completely up to what your preferences are.
breathing in and out during meditation, as you take in some air and release it, upon release visualise what you're letting go of.
bells, the frequency of dinging bells helps to disperse bad energy.
sound cleansing through soft music, and intentional frequencies. you'll find alot of these up on youtube.
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10. divination methods (aside from tarot/pendulums that i know of)
clouds, observing what you see and the shapes you recognise, what you need to know will be reflected in nature.
ceromancy, candle wax, burning a candle after asking for some clarity or an answer and having the wax form a shape for you to interpret.
numerology, angel numbers, and the significance of the numbers.
automatic writing, done in your personal journal, it's unconscious writing that can help channel messages you may need.
bibliomancy, randomly selecting a passage or words from a book.
capnomancy, the use of smoke from candles or incense, and reading the shapes and forms casted by the smoke
conchomancy, divination through seashells, shapes, and the type of shell.
casting a set of charms on a cloth and divinating the meaning of where they landed.
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illustratus · 6 months
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Wotan's farewell to Brunhilde by Ferdinand Leeke
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herteitr-runar · 5 months
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i've been quite exhausted recently because of work.
here's a little doodle of norway because i don't seem to express well enough just how much i dedicate my entire soul to this guy.
hope you like it (:
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starleska · 5 months
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i think a lot of people have latched onto Nordic Bunny because his design is so fantastic it defies belief. he's somehow wearing EVERYTHING and NOTHING!! dude's got a crown, cap, tie, shoulder-pads, underwear, and cuffs/misc accessories…plus the lined eyes, lipstick, and the guitar strings which sort of resemble a moustache 👀
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nocturnalhag · 2 years
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𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒚𝒋𝒂 ; 𝒈𝒐𝒅𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆, 𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒚, 𝒘𝒂𝒓, 𝒔𝒆𝒊ð𝒓⚔️💛
[please reblog or like if you saved]
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themodernwitchsguide · 2 months
altars for nordic gods
keep in mind that altars like these have very little historical backing, and this information is mostly for the use of the modern pagan. also pretty much every god can be honored with offerings of meat, mead, wine, and your own blood.
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Colors: grey/silver for justice; deep blue, black for magic; red for war
Offerings: nine sacred herbs (chamomile, nettle, fennel, crab apple, mugwort, plantain, watercress, chervil, betony), runes, food for ravens, poetry
Crystals: sodalite, lapis lazuli, amethyst, lepidolite, obsidian, labradorite
Animals: his ravens (Huginn and Muninn), his wolves (Geri and Freki)
Colors: yellow, white, grey for thunderstorms; red for war; blue for the sky
Offerings: rainwater, hawthorn, oak, garlic, onion, hearty meals
Crystals: fulgarite, blue quartz/calcite, yellow jasper, sodalite, obsidian, hematite
Animals: goats
Colors: black, green for mischief; yellow/gold for wealth; red, orange when he is combined with Logi
Offerings: yellow rattle, birch, mistletoe, snake shed, cinnamon, dandelion, coins/money
Crystals: labradorite, jade, malachite, pyrite, citrine, bloodstone, gemstones, serpentine
Animals: birds, horses, snakes, foxes
Colors: dark blue, silver/grey for justice; red for war
Offerings: holly, mustard seed, bread, oak, ash, good deeds are especially emphasized with Tyr
Crystals: lapis lazuli, sapphire, red jasper, bloodstone, obsidian, hematite
Animals: wolf, dog, bear, eagle
Colors: gold/yellow, white for opulence; sky blue, pink for beauty
Offerings: chamomile, daisies, white blossoms, honey, juniper berries, laurel leaves, sunflower
Crystals: sunstone, celestite, selenite, pearl, rose quartz, pyrite, milky quartz
Animals: foal
Colors: blue, silver/grey, white for the moon; yellow/gold for opulence
Offerings: cardamom, allspice, sweet wines, milk, handspun fiber, feathers, moss
Crystals: moonstone, selenite, celestite, pyrite, milky quartz, rose quartz, agates
Animals: falcons, hawks, geese
Colors: red, orange, black for the underworld; white, grey for the dead
Offerings: white flowers, apples, willow, dark chocolate, coffee beans, mushrooms, clove--leave food until rotten
Crystals: bloodstone, jet, onyx, obsidian, black tourmaline, volcanic stone, red jasper, hematite
Animals: owl, raven, dog, wolf
Colors: red, pink, white for love; green, brown for nature; gold/yellow for her cape; purple, dark blue for magic
Offerings: jasmine, rose, verbena, collecting cat whiskers, honeycomb, fruit, fresh flowers, chocolate
Crystals: amber, petrified wood, agates, garnet/ruby, pyrite, lapis lazuli, rose quartz, emerald, jade, tiger's eye, cat's eye, amethyst
Animals: cats, pigs, horses, falcons
Colors: green, brown for nature; yellow/gold for sunshine
Offerings: grain, apples, bread, nuts/seeds, venison, anything phallic, antlers, birch, hawthorn, coins/money
Crystals: green aventurine, agates, petrified wood, jaspers, jade, citrine, zoisite, pyrite
Animals: deer/stag, boar, horse, bee
Colors: white, blues for the sea
Offerings: fish, sea salt, shells, beads, tobacco, fishing gear
Crystals: aquamarine, larimar, gemstones, pearls, malachite, sodalite, azurite, iolite
Animals: seabirds, sea mammals
Colors: white, light blue for winter; brown for the hunt
Offerings: raw meat, berries, nuts, clear liquors, pelts, antlers
Crystals: milky quartz, bloodstone, blue calcite, chalcedony, jaspers
Animals: arctic fox
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bolszaja-miedwedica · 2 months
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Hel among the dead
take care of our ancestors
take care of us
may death caress us gently and never be violent towards the ones who worship you
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hiddenhearthwitch · 7 months
Hail Frigg Prayer
Written to the feel and scheme of the Catholic Hail Mary. I grew up Catholic and often miss the flow of the Hail Mary in prayer so I altered it to fit All Mother.
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Hail Frigg, full of grace divine,
The All Mother, forever shine.
Blessed art thou in wisdom's light,
Guidance and comfort, day and night.
Holy Frigg, source of strength and might,
In your embrace, we find respite.
All-knowing Mother, hear our plea,
Guide us on life's vast, unknown sea.
Frigg, with love, your children bless,
In your wisdom, we find success.
Support us in each trial we face,
Grant us your mercy and embrace.
Patron | Instagram
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guavacat1347 · 27 days
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