#goddess freyja
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moonlight1237 · 4 months ago
Elder ᚠᚱᛖᛁᛃᚨ Younger ᚠᚱᛁᛁᛁᛅ
Freyja/Frøya (The Lady)
Epithets, Titles, and Kennings
Gullveig (gold-greed)
Vanadís (lady of the Vanir)
Gefn (giver)
Horn (flax)
Mardoll (root word Marr meaning sea. Sea bright)
Syr (sow)
Valfreyja (Lady of the Slain)
Lady of Fire
Heid (Völva from Voluspa)
Lady of the Disir
Prong (throng of the people?)
Skialf (This could be associated with a hall as most halls' names ended in this word, but also the name is associated with a wife who hung her husband a king)
Queen of Folkvangr
Chief of The Vanir
Queen of The Valkyrie
Possessor of The Fallen
Daughter of Njord (Dottur Njardur)
Sister of Frey (Syster Freys)
Wife of Od (Konu Od)
Mother of Hnoss (Modur Hnossar)
Processor of the fallen slain and of sessrumnir and tom-cats (eigandi vaffalls ok sessruimni ok fressa)
Of Brisingamen (Brisingamens)
Van-deity (Vana god)
Gondul ( a queen who makes two kings fight)
Astagud (deity of love)
Blotggdja (sacrificial goddess)
Of the Vanir’s consort (Brudr Vana)
Of Odr’s bedmate (bedvina Ods)
The god who’s weeping is beautiful
Folkvangr is her realm and Sessrumnir is her hall.
(and is sometimes said to be where she takes her half of the dead but this is disputed)
Njord is her father originally hailing from the Vanir but was exchanged as a hostage to the Æsir with his children (Freyr and Freyja). He is a god of ships and wind, commonly associated with wealth. Her mother is never mentioned but is speculated to be Skadi or Njords sister, an unnamed Vanir goddess, a final theory being Nerthus. A Germanic goddess from the time of Tacitus, during his accounting supposedly a goddess was worshiped all over Gaul. Her idol was brought around in a cart and kept in a sacred grove.
Her twin is Frey(r), and he rules over Alfheim. They make up a commonly seen idea of the worship and presence in mythology around the world of twin gods. Their names, which we commonly know translate to “Lord” (Freyr) and “Lady” (Freyja), are speculated to account for a fertility cult surrounding the Vanir possibly. During the Lokasenna, Loki accuses the two siblings of incest during his slander.
“Loki spake:
32. "Be silent, Freyja! | thou foulest witch,
And steeped full sore in sin;
In the arms of thy brother | the bright gods caught thee
When Freyja her wind set free." (The Poetic Edda, Translation by Henry Adam Bellows)
We have no other evidence to support this idea apart from the belief that the Vanir practiced incest in marriage and that Njord possibly was married to a sister at one point in time but still no evidence upholds these claims. Both Freyja and Freyr share a vast association with fertility and the land they also both are depicted to ride a boar and at a point, they each are mentioned riding a boar named “Gullinbursti” (“Golden-Bristles”).
She has 2 daughters Hnoss and Gersemi both of which translate to "treasure" though only mentioned in Christian sources and Gersemi is only mentioned once. In the Eddas, it says she has a husband named Oðr which is one of Odin's names, and gets into the Frigga and Freyja debate.
Getting into the debate on Freyja and Frigga it’s a tough battle between the texts, history, and linguistics. In the myths it’s very evident that they are separate goddesses with different personalities and attributes, Loki in the Lokasenna insults them both separately. From their names as we know them now Freyja only translates to “Lady” and Frigga means “to love” and we see that repetition across old Norse and Proto-Germanic with her name, we also see that Frigga's name is the closest associated to the word “Friday” with the days of the week transferring from the Romans to the germanic tribes we see how simply they took the names of the Romans gods and swapped them for associated Scandinavian gods, going from the romance language meaning “Venus day” to “Frigs day” as her germanic translations were so closely associated with love, which is another cross between her and Freyja, Frigga commonly is seen as a more domestic goddess and a wife, we see Freyja as this love goddess and in the text especially by Snorri Freyja is sexualized and made to be a promiscuous goddess, which could easily be that we are seeing what was once one goddess split into two versions or faucets of what they were before. One other confusing part for many people is Freyja’s husband Odr who is known to be the god Odinn. Freyja is also known heavily for her weeping when off searching for her husband, during Baldur's death Frigga's exaggerated focus is her weeping, which could easily be nothing important. But modernly the generally acceptable answer is that they are two different goddesses both important in their own right and status.
Frøya has a necklace she always wears. Its name is Brisgamen is a torc/necklace made by the dwarves and frøya supposedly spent a night with each of them who made it to get Brisingamen. In other myths Thor wears it dressed as Frøya during the fake wedding to Thrym the giant who stole Thor's hammer, then when Loki stole it and gave it to Odin. Odin made her start a war to get it back.
She also had a Boar named Hildisvini "Battle-swine" which she turned her husband oðr into and rode in one of the myths.
In the Grimnismal translation, it says "then" Odin picks not "and" giving the idea Freyja picks first but it's never mentioned otherwise. But modernly we accept that she does have the first pick. Gullveig is believed to be another name for frøya, she was a sorceress who predicted the Æsir, Vanir war and was burned alive 3 times by the Æsir each time coming back to life and was struck by spears and still didn't die.
She, like Odin, was known to use many different names throughout the myths and in her travels. She's the one who taught Odin and the other Æsir gods how to do Seidr magic. After the Æsir, Vanir war they exchanged hostages, and Frøya, Njordh, and Frey went to live with the Æsir in Asgard.
The Dís or Disir are referenced very often, always female, some called them female ancestors or fate goddesses which would include them in the Norns but they're also mentioned as Valkyrie in a sense as the Valkyrie were the Helpers of Odin and Freyja, they choose the who will fall and who lives during battles, etc. But most translations of the word Dís translated in Old Norse to "Lady", which is one of the same translations of Freyja, as Freyr and Freyja are "Lord" and "Lady". But then you have the many names used for Freyja, one being Vanadis, which they say means Lady of the Vanir (Vanir is one of the tribes of gods), but also some believed it meant that she was "the great dís" or Lady of the Disir Vanir, but it is known that they would call Freyja "Queen of the Valkyrie" and by translations possibly leader of the Dís, which then leads to more questions on the connection between the 2 (dís and Valkyrie). It’s known that Odin had his group of Valkyrie but that he had a group of "women" called "Odins Dís". Then you have 2 celebrations throughout the year, Disablot and disthing (this one has different names) which seem to mark the coming and going of winter, but also were more secretive and mainly within the home, some believed to be drawing down the ancestors magic from the alfar (elves) which with Freyja association to being "mistress of the home" (gets into the debate on her a frigg) and the name of the celebration may not have been the elves but the Dís possibly either as female ancestors or believe in ancestral connections to minor gods as a societal whole. Considering it wasn't uncommon for nobility to claim ancestry of some of the more famed gods (Odin, Freyr, etc)
Of course, Freyja is now a major goddess, if she wasn't before or even if she and Frigg were once the same being. They are now spilt just as Freyja is now much more important, but seeing the translation of Vanadis possible as "The great Dís" and Freyja having a connection to Gullvieg being Freyja and the connection to Freyja having rulership over Seiðr, etc. Could connect her to have been simply a leader of the Dís and or Valkyrie, and maybe it wasn't even her actual name considering Freyja translates to Fraujō in proto-Germanic, which becomes Frau in modern German, Frau means "woman" leading to the idea Freyja meant "Mistress" or "Lady" which is a title, not a name, which is interesting anyways. But of course, taking into account Old Norse poetry all the gods had different names and kennings. Which could mean we lost her original name.
The myths never actually show her as a Vølva but her association with magic gives us the idea she is along with the repeated idea that she was a goddess of sacrifices and that she was a “priest” in some texts, with the further association to gullveig this leads to the association that she could be a volva.
She has been described as having a chariot pulled by cats but they’re most likely domestic house cats based on the translations in stories the words used to mean only “cats” and if they were lynx or larger cats many translators believe the word directly referred to those animals would’ve been used instead, many older stories passed down orally mainly referred to her cats to be larger but we have no further evidence for either side.
Historical worship/practice
She had a fertility cult in the Viking age that stopped due to Christianity and a cult that lasted up until Snorri's age and time but that stopped soon after.
Hǫrg hann mér gerði, hlaðinn steinom,nú er griót þatat gleri orðit; rauð hann í nýionauta blóði, æ trúði Óttarrá ásynior (Hyndluljóð st. 10).
(He’s made a sanctuary for me, faced with stone, now that stone has turned to glass; he’s reddened it with fresh ox blood, Ottar has always trusted in the goddesses.)
This is one of the only examples of her worship or any goddess worship in the texts.
She and Frigga were called on during childbirth, and historically, our source came from a midwife.
In history, women of higher status would be named after Freyja in a sense being called “Fruvur” (ladies). Referring to the text before we see that many women who ruled over the household would be titled in her honor showing her ruling over the home at those times.
Magic (especially Seidr)
Days of the Week
Friday, “Frigs day”
Special days
9- Nine is a number found everywhere in Norse mythology, although nobody is sure why as it’s never explained anywhere.
Light Pink
Light Purple
Falcons/Birds of prey
Plants and Flowers
Common Valerian
Snow Blossoms
Essential oils/incense
Any sweet scents
Any baked good scents
Crystals and Metals
Rose quartz
Any moonstone
Black Tourmaline
Pink Tourmaline
River rock
Divinational associations (runes/tarot)
Fehu, Sowilo, Berkano, Queen of wands, Queen of swords, The empress, The high priestess, The lovers, The star (Wildwood deck The Seer, and The Woodward)
Offerings and Devotional acts
Any Meads
Flowers (pressed or fresh)
Anything handmade for her
Learning sword work
Things are respectfully taken from nature
Poetry (especially traditional Norse)
Hot chocolate
Any tea
Sweet drinks or spices like cinnamon
Any meats
Any Berries
Ethically gathered Bones, Cat claws, and cat whiskers (DO NOT HARM AN ANIMAL FOR THESE)
Spending time in nature
Learning runes
Learning distaff spinning
Any imagery associated with her
Learning magic or divination
Any baked goods (bread, muffins, honey cakes, etc)
Cat statues
Boar imagery
Fostering cats/kittens
Lighting candles every day in her honor
Burning incense for her (she likes things with flames or burning)
Flax bundles
A staff making a staff for your craft if you practice Seidr they are commonly used in it and you could make your devotional staff for that and have it by her altar.
Braiding your hair
Support women’s rights
Start a flower garden
Care for your significant other
Volunteer or support shelters
Honor your ancestors
Feed strays
Runic Chants/chanting the runes
Old Norse songs
(Both are commonly used in seidr)
Poem to Freyja-
Poetic Edda translated by Jackson Crawford
Tales of Norse Mythology by Helen A. Guerber
The Norse Gods and Goddesses (Intro.)
Frigg and Freyja
The Vanir
The Vǫlva (Norse Seeress) and Seiðr
Valkyries (Valkyrjur)
Fólkvangr (Folkvang)
THE NORSE GODS: FREYJA || General info, what working with Freyja is like and offerings
Freyja (Freya) Norse Goddess of Love, Warriors, and Cats
My Experiences with Deities: Freyja
Seiðr Magic and Gender
gods and myths of northern Europe
by h.r. ellis davidson
norse mythology - guide to the gods, heroes, rituals and beliefs
- john lindow
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tears-of-amber · 6 months ago
A Simple Prayer To Freyja That I Wrote Today:
The sea shines with pride,
And so do I,
Oh Goddess Freyja bold:
You are more beautiful than gold,
And I am blessed to have you near,
I ask my praise you’d hear!
Hail Freyja!
-Velvet Rose
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freyasimp · 20 days ago
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"Goddess Freya" by Valentine Pasche on Bluesky https://bsky.app/profile/valpart.bsky.social/post/3lfumsso6oc2q
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marsprincess889 · 1 year ago
DISCLAIMER: This is based solely on my research and the patterns that I saw. I can't promise that I'm gonna be sure in all the coorelations, but I'm going to attribute each nakshatra a goddess that I think fits it the closest. If you're dissapointed, to make up for it, I'm going to list some other deities in the end that I think also fit the nakshatra. Don't come for me if you think I'm wrong, be respectful in the comments if you think so and have fun 🤍
For Bharani I chose a goddess that I love personally and while I definitely see her connection to Bharani, I still hesistated when putting her here. Not much research was needed while writing as I had already researched almost everything that I could find about her and knew tons. Without further ado, let's start.
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Pantheon: Norse
Name meaning: Lady, mistress
Associations: Love, sexuality, beauty, fate, death, war, magic, cats, gold and amber.
Symbols: Cats, swines, falcons, amber and gold, daisies, swords, romantic music, strawberries, aurora borealis(northern lights)
Freya is a strong, powerful Norse goddess of love, sex, war and death. She has a chariot pulled by gray cats, a loyal boar_ Hildisvíni, that she rides on when in battle, a cloak made of falcon feathers that allows her to shapeshift and the most beautiful piece of jewelry in the world: her necklace Brisingamen.
Her brother is Freyr (lord), god of fertility, agriculture and male virility. Her family comes from the tribe of gods called the Vanir. They're peaceful gods, connected to all civilised earthly matters. The other tribe- Aesir, are said to live in Asgard, away from them. A war broke out between the two tribes. Eventually, a peace negotiation was settled: Freya and Freyr would go to the Aesir as a gesture and would live with them. Despite being Vanir, Freya is debatably the highest standing Norse goddess, comparable in power only to Frigg- the queen of the gods. Some sources say that she taught the Aesir the magical art of seidr, the act of seeing and influencing the future.
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Unfortunately, there are not many sources available that would desctibe Freya in greater detail, and this is true for all norse gods. Despite this, some key details about her have been preserved, enough for me to coorelate her to Bharani.
Despite being a love goddess and having a husband, she's very independent, having an iron will and being particular about her preferences. Like the Greek Aphrodite and Roman Venus, her origins are associated with the sea, but in a different way. She's not born from sea, but her father is the god of the sea, oceans and commerce- Njord. Despite this venus associations, she's also a maiden goddess (not unlike Persephone) associated with death and war.
It is known that viking warriors who died in battle had the privillege of entering Valhalla- a kind of heaven presided over by Odin, the chief Norse god. While that's true for half of the warriors, the other half went with Freya in Fólkvangr, where lies her hall- Sessrúmnir. Moreover, it was Freya who had the first pick, Odin had to be content being second.
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Her husband, Odr, was frequently away. Missing him, she would cry tears that would turn gold when falling on the ground, and amber if they fell into the sea. She loved her husband, but also had untamed sexuality that was notorious. It was rare in those times as a woman to express yourself sexually and to do so with so much passion and courage, so, it's no wonder why this goddess survived as an important figure for many women.
There's a myth about Freya and her desire being so strong, it causing her pain. The desire was for a necklace made by the dwarves. It was of gold and amber and immidiately captivated her. She went to acquire it but the only price the dwarves would offer was her spending one night with each of them. Feeling like she had no choice, Freya agreed. When her husband found out about her betrayal, he left her and went to the sea. Freya cried and cried but he was nowhere to be seen. After some time, she learned he that he turned into a sea monster and went to him, still loving him unconditionally. Somebody saw the monster and killed Odr, not knowing it was him. Furious, Freya demanded a place for him with the Gods, so they could be together and she got her permit, so that they were reunited in the end.
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Freya's names and epithets: Gefn (the giver), Hörn (flaxen_reference to her hair), Mardöll (sea shaker), Sýr (sow), Valfreyja (lady of the slain).
If you read my post about Bharani, it should not be a surprise that I coorelated Freya to this nakshatra. She rules over love, sex and death, all things Bharani. When reading about Freya and Freyr being twins, Yama (Bharani's god) and his twin sister_ Yami came to mind, especially considering that Yami was said to be free and unrestrained, just like Freya. This is also true for real life Bharani natives, because Bharani is a natural place for females, women tend to find themselves comfortable in these energies while males act restrained.
Freya's desire for her necklace and it causing her problems is also very Bharani, as explored in my Bharani post. The theme of her crying because of her love and ultimately love conquering everything is also closely connected to this nakshatra.
I also avoided choosing either Aphrodite or Persephone, because they're so polarized from each other. I do think Bharani is more Persephone, but I don't think that either of them represent Bharani completely. I see Bharani as having traits of both: Ruling over love/ sexuality but also being a maiden. Freya seemed perfect. I debated whether she was better suited for Purva Phalguni or not, but the death association made Bharani the better choice.
I'm well aware that some people think that she and Frigg are the same Goddess and they're definitely similar and there's a great possibility that they originated from the same goddess. I really don't think they're the same though. To me Freya is fire, Frigg is ice, Freya's the mistress, Frigg is the wife. Freya is the maiden, Frigg is the mother, and so on...
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Deities that I attribute to Bharani other than Freya:
Persephone- Greek goddess of vegetation, spring and the underworld, "Queen of the Dead"
Bhairavi- Indian goddess, "awe-inspiring" "formidable".
Hel- Norse goddess of the dead, who's half dead, half a beautiful young girl
Inanna- Sumerian goddess very similar to Freya. Also a love/sexuality goddess and also a maiden. "Queen of the Heaven", she also decended into the underworld.
Gwenhwyfar- Queen Guinevere, Welsh goddess of sovereignity and the Earth, representing the land itself. (This one I hesitated to put but the vibes are matching, to me at least).
EDIT: So, obviously, Hades, Pluto or whatever god of death any culture has is also coorelated to Bharani, ig I forgot about them cause Bharani is so female-centered lol.
So that's it! I hope fellow Bharanis and everyone else found this entertaining and insightful. You're welcome to research all these goddesses if you wish and let me know if u think I'm right. Being my moon nakshatra, Bharani was extra pressure, but what's done is done. LET ME KNOW YOUR THOUGHTS, PLEASE 🤍
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sugaryewscythe · 2 years ago
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blessed be freyja, seiðr goddess of faeries & death 🏹♡
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mairimccarter · 8 months ago
Happy solstice and Saint John's Eve! I've done Saint John's water and a Red Meal/Offerings Table with the goddess Freyja.
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freyja7ds · 3 months ago
Freyja Sama✨
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songs-of-fensalir · 2 years ago
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My new (and possibly dangerous 🫣) hobby making stone bracelets inspired by deities, myth and magical concepts for the design. This one is for Freyja and I’m obsessed with it. The stones are all red agate.
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gothicabazaar · 2 years ago
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Queen of the Vanir, fierce and bold,
Freya's touch turns iron to gold.
Protector of love, fierce as a storm,
For deep down, a mother, is her truest form.
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daughter-of-moonmaiden · 2 years ago
Mom 👑💕✨
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mypagancottage · 1 year ago
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moonlight1237 · 1 year ago
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A little devotional shuffle for Freyja!🩷
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tears-of-amber · 1 year ago
As A Devotee Of Freyja, This Is How I’ll Be Celebrating Friday The 13th Next Week!
🐈‍⬛Casting a spell with 13 ingredients that all correspond to the planet Venus and the goddess Freyja
🐈‍⬛Making a charm out of the cat whiskers I’ve collected over these past few years
🐈‍⬛Saying a prayer to Freyja 13 times
🐈‍⬛Making moon-water for my good luck spray bottle
🐈‍⬛Meditating with crystals like rose quartz, green calcite, and carnelian
🐈‍⬛Wearing my amber necklace
🐈‍⬛Light a candle that I’ve anointed with cinnamon oil for luck
🐈‍⬛Make art of goddess Freyja as a devotional act
🐈‍⬛Re-Ward my bedroom space
🐈‍⬛Spend times cuddling my cats
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freyasimp · 27 days ago
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"Freyja ready for battle" by Satanoy on deviantart https://www.deviantart.com/satanoy/art/Freyja-ready-for-battle-307642296
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liztheoceanfaerie · 1 year ago
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sugaryewscythe · 2 years ago
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collaged my own lil' journal to write my rune casts in ⚔️
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